Sunday 26 November: Britain needs a coherent plan for weaning itself off mass immigration

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

589 thoughts on “Sunday 26 November: Britain needs a coherent plan for weaning itself off mass immigration

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story

    The Nursing Home
    One evening a family brings their frail, elderly mother to a nursing home and leaves her, hoping she will be well cared for. The next morning, the nurses bathe her, feed her a tasty breakfast, and sit her in a chair at a window overlooking a lovely flower garden. She seems OK, but after a while she slowly starts to lean over sideways in her chair. Two attentive nurses immediately rush up to catch her and straighten her up. Again she seems OK, but after a while she starts to tilt to the other side. The nurses rush back and once more bring her back upright. This goes on all morning. Later the family arrives to see how the old woman is adjusting to her new home.
    “So Ma, how is it here? Are they treating you all right?”
    “It’s pretty nice,” she replies. “Except they won’t let me fart!”

  2. Good morning, chums. If you go to last night’s final posts you will see my proof that Covid does not exist! Anyhow, enjoy your day.

  3. Liz Kershaw. Here we go
    The #Dublin attacker from Algeria, was arrested earlier this year for possession of a knife but was not convicted by court due to mental health issues
    A source said there was a real possibility that these stabbings were related to a mental health episode

    1. I am repeating myself, but I say again, that he would NOT have had this “mental health episode” in Algeria. He would know perfectly well that if he stabbed a young woman and children, someone would track him down and deliver justice.

  4. Britain needs a coherent plan for weaning itself off mass immigration

    That makes it sound like we are addicted to mass immigration, how did that happen when the country has always voted for controls.

    1. It’s the govt, under instruction from WEF et al that is addicted to mass immigration.

      The sooner we get Reform in, the better.

    1. Even though I’ve spent time in both Sweden and Norway, never seen Aurora Borealis, Nor yet Aurora Australis when down under

      1. Younger daughter saw them last night, just a mile from here! We have too much light from the Glasgow road!

      2. Morning OB ,

        How do you stay warm outside ?

        We had a couple of chilly days last week , Moh has 2 layers of trousers when he is playing golf , and I bought him a pair of fleece lined trousers a couple of weeks ago .He hates the cold .

        I am a bit more robust , but when I stop to chat to people when I am out and about , the chill runs straight through hips and legs , and my face feels numb.

        1. It’s my body that gets cold, so I have a number of big, tight-knit pure wool jumpers – and put a windproof layer over that. Wool cat flap keeps the head warm, and that’s me. Jeans/trousers on the lower half, boots with swing-out spikes to prevent skidding.

        2. It’s my body that gets cold, so I have a number of big, tight-knit pure wool jumpers – and put a windproof layer over that. Wool cat flap keeps the head warm, and that’s me. Jeans/trousers on the lower half, boots with swing-out spikes to prevent skidding.

  5. I’m wrong, there is a frost
    I think yesterday’s frost was the first of the winter round my way

  6. Good morning, all. Grey and cold. Weather similar. Thank you for your kind comments about grand-daughter.

  7. Good morning all.
    A dry and cold start, -3°C with scattered cloud, but the sun is not visible yet.
    Don’t expect it to warm up much today, as we’re now in the period where the sun dips below the valley side very early in the afternoon.

  8. Good morning all,

    A tad frosty again at McPhee Towers but it’s clouding over. Rain later, Wind in the South,1℃ rising to 6℃.

    Church bells at 9am.

  9. 379060+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Sunday 26 November: Britain needs a coherent plan for weaning itself off mass immigration

    Sunday 26 November: Britain needs a coherent plan for weaning itself off mass immigration two things, recognising treacherous stupidity,& kicking into touch supporting / voting for the lab/lib/con coalition.

    The benefits in both mental & financial gains would be felt instantaneously via medication,education,incarceration, & accommodation they would revert to being almost manageable instead of adding more troubles, to a very troubled Nation.

        1. Probably not, but they are banking on a) our being stupid and bovine and b) that even if we do know what’s going on, we are just going to put up with it. I only hope they have another think coming.

          1. Civil unrest.
            As we have recently seen in Dublin the police and the government were caught napping and now in the media they are blaming each other. Guess who is coming to dinner.

  10. Failed by our own leaders: Fury as Irish police say
    there was a ‘clear lack of leadership’ in response to Dublin riot – but
    top commissioner insists mayhem was ‘unprecedented’.

    Several Nottlers have predicted this type of event to happen at some point but then we don’t live in ivory towers with ear plugs in and blindfolds on.

    1. Good Moaning, Harry and Dolly’s slave.
      Isn’t it nice to think that the Irish learnt something from their English oppressors?
      Even if it was how to install a governing class with no spine.

      1. Good morning.

        The black and white minstrel show is on pause at the moment. Snoring their heads off.

        1. I made Oscar come for a walk this morning (he’s been allowed to sleep in most of this week and neither of them got a walk yesterday due to my schedule). He’s been zonked ever since.

          1. When i open the back door in the morning Harry rushes out and Dolly gives me a look that can only be described as reproachful.

    2. A question that every politician in Britain should be forced to answer:

      If the current tensions erupt into a full civil war with the indigenous people against an army of immigrants then which side will you be on?

      1. The people rather than the the gimmegrunts .

        Slaughter the effin lot of them. Not needed here.

  11. Morning all 🙂😊
    Frosty again – 1but bright.
    I’m surprised our governments have taken this long, around thirty years, to understand the implications of mass and mainly illegal immigration.
    It underlines their ignorance in all matters that concern the British people.

      1. They are pretty good at understanding expenses, except when they claim them in error……

        Morning Ann and all.

        1. Absolutely right.
          Between them all they take home millions in ‘expenses’.
          I belive Our own mp claims for a property in London. When there is a direct 20 or so minute train journey into London from Harpenden.
          Many people have to do this every day of the week.
          Even though he has this facility, he’s missed several opportunities to cast votes on debates.
          No wonder they moved Elizabeth Filkin
          to the HoL.

      2. They don’t appear to understand anything at all. They all boast of their education at various universities etc.
        I’m further convinced they are mainly in Parliament for what they can get out of it on a personal level. No body in their right mind or direction would have let this happen to their country.

      3. They probably do, but consider them collateral damage in the pursuit of their goal and a price worth paying (because they think they won’t have to pay it).

    1. Good morning. They’re multiculturalists. That means they have no understanding of other cultures. Even when there’s a knife at their throats they’ll tell you it’s because the devil is hard done by.

      1. Yo Sue

        may I fiddle

        They’re multiculturalists. That means they have no understanding of other OUR culture

    2. Just because the politicians all described Enoch Powell as being a bigoted racist in 1968 – 55 years ago – doesn’t mean he wasn’t right!

      They did not listen, they’re not listening still
      Perhaps they never will.

      The mark of truly bigoted politicians is that they are incapable of admitting that they were wrong.

      1. Starry starry night. 🌟
        Absolutely spot on.
        I can’t understand why and how they are so bigoted against the British people. The same people they expect to vote for them.
        Early I briefly watched Laura Kuenssberg. She had Richard Tice on and two others, I didn’t catch the names of. The female sound as if she knows everything but didn’t mention the current problems our country have. Tice was the only one of three who actually addressed the issues they were discussing. It seems so many of them only brush the surface.
        And like Enoch did get down to the nitty gritty.

        1. Why they are so bigoted against the British (= English) people? Most of them are foreign or owe allegiance to a foreign power (the EU and/or the WEF).

          1. They never seem to stop moaning. Perhaps it’s because of some of psychological effect on their brains. They can’t forgive themselves for the failure of their ‘own houses’. So have become aggressive and are blaming everyone they can for their own inherent failures.
            As when they do come to live in a reasonably well ordered, organised, reasonably honest and legally run country. They attempted to reduce and return it back to the standards they are use to. In order to try and cope.
            But of course it’s every one else’s fault.

        1. I put the trays outside because it’s so cold and used an electric fan heater to defrost the freezer. Was done in an hour.
          Seems a bit daft to run a freezer in winter where you are.

      1. I now have a whizzo freezer that doesn’t need defrosting.
        However, the door fits so tightly that it requires serious muscle power to get the thing open.

    1. Just the day for a nice walk with the dogs 🙂 It was cold, crisp and dry for a change (the dryness, not the cold and crispness).

  12. Good morning all

    What a contrast in weather , nitheringly cold yesterday, but today , dull , drizzle , low cloud .

    No 1 son is running again today , 10k race in Bournemouth, he was away by7.30, will probably take him an hour+ to get there , roadworks galore .

    SIR – According to James Cleverly, the Home Secretary, the biggest drivers of immigration are students and health care workers (report, November 24). He says this is testament to our world-leading universities and skills prioritisation.

    Would the country not be better off getting British students into university to do useful degrees, and training home-grown health care workers?

    Where is the vision to set out paths of advancement for our existing population to replace the short-sighted and unsustainable reliance on immigration?

    Rob Mason
    Nailsea, Somerset

    I cannot imagine single young Muslim men of all nationalities from misogynist societies who have crossed recently on boats , tenderly caring for fragile elderlies , can you?

      1. We NoTTLers welcome all prodigal sons and daughters back in the fold. But it doesn’t diminish the sincerity of our beliefs..

          1. Judging by the videos of mob raids on electrical stores I’m surprised there is anything left over from blackfriday!

      1. ‘Money laundering’ is also a tad racialist, although enshrined in legislation.
        FYI it’s a term used to describe the process of transforming cash from the ‘black’ economy into ‘white’ money. (black = dirty, white = clean) Believed to originate with a laundrette in the USA which recorded substantial till receipts even when it was snowed in.

    1. All of this has been well practiced for many years.
      We all know who the guilty parties are via the press.
      But the whole process is a sham. They always get away with it.

  13. Gardening television
    sir – I’ve watched Gardeners’ World for many years (Features, November 14). However, I now view a recording rather than the live show. This lets me skip the increasing number of items that shouldn’t really qualify for inclusion. Much airtime is spent “visiting” gardens rather than dealing with practical, hands-on gardening.

    This is sad and symptomatic of the times we live in. For an example of a useful gardening programme, I thoroughly recommend Beechgrove.

    Phil Page
    London N21

    I must admit I enjoy Beechgrove , it is very hands on and informative .

    1. I guess as in most gardens at this time of year, work outside comes to a standstill.🎶It’s cold outside🎶. 🤗

      1. Cold (unless the ground is frozen) is less of a problem than wet when you can’t walk on the soil without damaging it.

      1. You mean he’s listing the extra layers one needs to don in order to cope with outdoor work? 🙂

        1. No he and a lady gardener had a large table with plants that need attention this time of the year. Move it or lose it.

    2. I’m no gardener, but I find Beechgrove interesting.
      Gardeners’ World spends its time wandering around ginormous foreign gardens or interviewing people with ‘mental issues’ in their weed filled patches.

  14. For those of you troubled by too many advertisements, I have just loaded an add-on to Chrome called “Ublock Origin”, that zaps them rather effectively, even on YouTube. I wouldn’t have looked for it except YouTube bombards now with almost unbroken advertisements, and that’s too much, so now they are all gone.
    Works with the newspapers, too.

    1. I use Firefox and Malwarebytes. I don’t have anything to do with Google because it’s so intrusive, wanting to know everythin.


    Many of the indigenous people in England are what I call CofE Christians. That is to say they believe in the Christian ethic but are not very religious yet they try to live their lives by that moral code which puts tolerance of others at its centre.

    Muslims unfortunately do not live by the same moral code and we are seeing today just how very difficult multiculturalism is. However tolerant we are it is becoming increasingly impossible to tolerate those who refuse to tolerate us and who refuse to integrate in our society.

      1. That’s assuming we still have a choir. The wreck’erette sacked ours (and they were cathedral quality).

    1. Christianity teaches us “Thou shalt not bear false witness”. Islam insists on taqiyya and kitman. The two are totally incompatible.

  16. Hi All, not posted on here for a long time, but with regard to overseas students, they pay significantly higher fees than ‘home’ students, so as the saying goes “follow the money”. Best wishes to all fellow nottlers

    1. On the way to the coast Friday afternoon, for what turned out to be a fruitless fishing foray, we discussed this. I commented that I’d like to see the demographics of all these students and as they get counted in are they then counted out. We also believe that they are allowed dependents to accompany them here

      1. The dependents often make it a condition – to be sure their precious daughter doesn’t become corrupted by the wicked Western ways.
        Plus, it’s nicer in the UK than shitholeistan.

    2. Politicians are grubbily more interested in money from foreigners than the good of the indigenous young Britons!

      Why do students expect their families to accompany them to Britain?

      My wife, Caroline, is Dutch, her parents lived in Spain and paid the university fees demanded in full for four years at Bath University. They were very loving parents but did not want to come and settle in Britain while she was studying any more that Caroline, a very loving daughter, wanted them to come.

      In my opinion one of the most important thing parents can do is to equip their children for the world and then set them free. We paid for our children’s education but from the day they graduated from university they were self-sufficient and not dependant on us financially any more.

      1. I’ve long held the belief that the two things you owe your child are an education and independence..

      2. Our two didn’t go to university but our daughter went to a college of higher education and achieved a HND in Business Studies with secretarial and language skills (French, German and Spanish).
        When they started work we ‘charged’ the board and lodgings to teach them nothing in life is free. We saved that money into separate accounts and when they got married and had saved to purchase their first homes we gave them back all their contributions in the form of a cheque. A wonderful surprised look on their faces,

        Edit changed She to We.

      3. Precisely how we operated.
        Tried to give our boys a good start in life and then let them strike out.
        But we are there in the background if things go t!ts up.
        (But that’s another story!)

    3. Secks workers earn higher fees than roadsweepers, but which would you prefer to see on the pavement outside your house?

  17. Well, that’s the Christmas tree selected and cut. For the first time, we’ve found one that fits the space at home, a tree with one flat side!
    Yaay! Now tied on top of the car ready for home. We’ll insstall it soon.

        1. I have indoor trees and outdoor trees (and never the twain shall mix) 🙂 I have a bit of a problem with lighting the large outdoor tree at the moment. Its current (ahem) lights have given up the ghost so I bought a new set – just what I wanted, I thought. It was only when I got them home that I realised they were mains operated and they won’t reach where the tree is situated at the moment. I don’t want to move it (it’s in a large pot) to somewhere I can’t see it.

          1. My little Christmas tree has grown over the years but is still small enough to lift and bring in should I decide to do so. I haven’t any outdoor lights but maybe they would be an answer – the indoor ones are very old and not suitable for outside. LED lights might be good.

      1. I will be getting a mini tree to put on the plant stand… the new pup, you see… i turned round yesterday to see him standing proudly grinning at me, in the middle of the dining room table, all four paws firmly planted. He is the most mischievous dog ever.

        1. They do bring joy though. My neighbour remarked when i first got Dolly that i seemed a lot happier than i was before.

          1. Very definitely. I am lost without a dog around. However the puppy stage is not yet over yet…. it’s like having a demented toddler running around! He’s resting at the moment with his head on my slipper, the slipper(s) that he absolutely hates 😬 for half an hour every evening 🤣

          2. Barney is a poodle cross – delightful, but definitely not feeling his age. Mind you, my brother used to breed poodles and I’ve never come across a sane one (including my aunt’s and the one another neighbour had).

          3. When they finally stop racing around and Dolly retires to her bed Harry takes up residence on my feet. I find it easier to just buy new socks rather than wrestle them back.

          4. I gave him a pair of my old slippers and he didn’t want those, he wants mine! They are the boot sort, nothing fancy just made from furry fabric. He gets his teeth around the top and won’t let go – so I end up walking around with a dog attached to my foot, growling (the dog, not me!) all the while – a little like those videos one sees in China with the panda keepers walking around with a panda cub hanging on to their ankle whilst they are trying to get their tasks done. I don’t know how to stop this because a no! – or not engaging with him just makes him more determined.

  18. From the DT:

    “Alongside this baked-in constitutional impotence is the other great albatross: the obvious economic incentives. It stands to reason that to anyone from a poor country, the prospect of living in a far richer one with an expansive welfare state will be attractive. Given migration lobby rhetoric about the supposed economic boon of immigration, you’d expect to see a low take-up rate of social housing and other forms of welfare amongst migrants. Yet the opposite is true. Foreign nationals now hold almost half of London’s social housing tenancies. Certain ethnic minorities are massively over-represented; 40 per cent of Sub-Saharan African migrants in London live in social housing.

    Sometimes the native-born population is sidelined to almost comical levels. For many young urban professionals, their twenties and thirties resemble a Hunger Games-style ordeal; spending half your income on rent (and much of the rest in tax) only to wind up in a gloomy flatshare with little chance to save for the future. Rather than increase overall supply, the state adds insult to injury, using tax money to subsidise migrants’ social housing. Sadiq Khan’s new “Council Homes Acquisitions Programme” aims to buy out 10,000 homes over the next decade, bringing them into council ownership – thus making private rental competition even worse. Many urge “build more houses”, which is obviously crucial, but with net migration breaching 700,000 a year, recent arrivals will quickly absorb even the most ambitious targets. And sadly, building anything in Britain is fraught with problems.

    They understand this in Denmark, whose more muscular model addresses voters’ concerns. Though economically and socially left-wing, Danish lawmakers insist on integration and harshly punish wrong-doers; for instance, migrants who commit serious crimes can lose their social housing.

    1. No, it is NOT “obviously crucial” to build more houses; just get rid of the foreign criminals and those permanently on welfare plus their families. That would free up houses for the indigenous. We do not have a “housing crisis” we have an “expanded population through immigration (and breeding by foreign mothers) crisis”.

  19. Perhaps Geoff could issue an invite to Jan , she sounds like an ideal companion for the Nottler family.

    Jan Leeming
    Forget it. Over a year ago was cancelled lost a job because of a couple of tweets expressing opinion. Not hate speech only what many others also supported. I could have gone to the papers – didn’t want to incur more unpleasantness. Free speech is dead, buried and decaying😡😡😡

        1. Sounds like my marital history. Married and divorced 4 times to two different women. I’ll leave you to ponder!

          1. My advice to men is to wait until you are 40 before selecting a bride and for women to wait until they are 24 before choosing the man who has waited until he was 40!

  20. Perhaps Geoff could issue an invite to Jan , she sounds like an ideal companion for the Nottler family.

    Jan Leeming
    Forget it. Over a year ago was cancelled lost a job because of a couple of tweets expressing opinion. Not hate speech only what many others also supported. I could have gone to the papers – didn’t want to incur more unpleasantness. Free speech is dead, buried and decaying😡😡😡

    1. Next – how to dispose of a bucket full of live rats…

      Answers on a large postcard, please.

          1. Fill the bucket with water and put a brick on the lid for half an hour.
            Then put the bodies in a local field, it’s all about back to nature. Foxes and red kites buzzards etc will soon tidy up..

          2. I know, I wouldn’t dream of it.
            Letting them go somewhere other than where they originated is also illegal.

          3. Stiffkey, that’s a placename I haven’t heard for years. We used to go on holiday there in the early ’70s – happy memories.

    2. If they were any thing like the rats we had in our garden compost bin they would have chewed their way out through the plastic.

    3. In the USA there is a metal version, on sale as the Uhlik Repeater.. Important to understand that rats are intelligent; for them you have to bait a trap in safe mode for several days or weeks before a rat will fall. Even then, King Rat is likely to stay free.

      1. Winter’s not got started properly yet.
        Some years, the snow reaches nearly to the windowledges.
        Skis kept in hallway in case of need… (army skis, made for loose snow)

    1. Just bough a new tree on Friday. Rooted of course for planting out later.

      The old one did for 3y but then lost it’s centre spike last summer, so it got retired and planted up the hill a year or two early.

      1. Home-made cider, from 18 months ago.
        Ingredients: Apple, yeast.
        Clean, dry, tasty. Religion from a barrel!

        1. Looks good Obs, I was going to make some but I didn’t get around to it.
          I’ll check Tesco they sell pure apple juice. It takes out al the extra work of chopping and pressing.

          1. When in the UK, we try to take onboard a year’s worth of Thatchers cider, Aspalls being an excellent alternative.

          2. Brittany is very much a cider region and our local producer is Val de Rance which is made in Pleudihen where Christo went to primary school. The children made tours of the factory and they received apple juice to encourage them to develop a taste for apple-based drinks! Both our boys found Brittany cider far better than the English stuff and used to take crates of it back to England when they were students and their friends developed the taste for it too.

          3. Brittany is very much a cider region and our local producer is Val de Rance which is made in Pleudihen where Christo went to primary school. The children made tours of the factory and they received apple juice to encourage them to develop a taste for apple-based drinks! Both our boys found Brittany cider far better than the English stuff and used to take crates of it back to England when they were students and their friends developed the taste for it too.

          4. In Cornwall this year we went to the cider farm and factory Healeys.
            It was very interesting to see the museum from how they started and the process now. Three huge bins full of apples as they came to the production line.
            Out of all I tasted the 6.8 % scrumpy came out on top.

          5. I use the theory that I drove half way around Australia and back. All over North Island NZ
            Many miles for holidays in France. Spain, Portugal. Tuscany. Around New England a and all over the UK. I’ve still got a bit in the bank.

        2. We could never get our fermented apple juice to stop fermenting zt a reasonable strength. It always tasted good but was closer to calvados than slurping cider.

          1. I bought a bottle of Calvados in France at a Carrefour. It was next to the Sherry so i just put in in my trolley. At the till is showed up as 75 francs. I thought what the hell and bought it anyway.

            It was in the back of the cupboard for more than 30 years before i invited my RN neighbours in for New Years. Gone but not forgotten !
            I had contacted the Estate where it was made via Facebook and they valued it at 300 euro. It was a numbered bottle and dated 1976.

  21. Dialogue* with a moron [sorry: “Yank”] on a YouTube channel.

    Me: “Can I get?” You tell me! How the hell would I know what your capabilities are?

    Moron: May I go to the bathroom teacher, or should I shit myself in the classroom because you’re prioritizing your dialect over mutual understanding?

    Me: “Mutual understanding”? “Dialect”? No, I’m talking about the difference between standard English, an effective worldwide means of clear and unambiguous communication … and the appalling increase in the use of vapid Americanese slang, a form of grunting best suited to those imbeciles who consider it to be “English” which, of course, it is not. By the way, civilised people do not shit in a “bathroom”, they bathe in one. They shit in a lavatory.

    *Yes, dialogue not “dialog”! I await another gormless retort from said moron [sorry: “Yank”].

    1. Sympathies, Grizz, but we must reluctantly accept that the world speaks and writes American English. It all started when they took up the white man’s burden.

    2. Yes – “In America, they haven’t spoken it [proper English] for years” (Henry Higgins). And “two nations divided by a common language” (Shaw, Wilde etc.) Americanese is lazy, mindless drawling.

      1. The report I saw stated he was 80.

        The tributes from players he managed/coached suggest he was both innovative and encouraging.

    1. I was just thinking about him out of the blue a few weeks back. No reason at all, he just popped into my head. It’s not the first time I’ve thought of someone well-known just before they’ve passed away. Spooky!

      1. One wonders what triggers such thoughts.
        Probably coincidence of something ones sees or reads that stimulates the subconscious.

        1. Probably. I’m not given to flights of fancy. I’m very rational, but it’s happened so many times now that it’s beginning to move beyond pure coincidence.

          1. Do they have anything in common, sport or entertainment or the like?

            If one is an avid reader of newspapers or listens to or watches certain programmes the seeds might be sown.
            Usually there is a perfectly rational explanation if one tracks back through the previous days’ activities.

            If it really works for you, is there any chance you could think about a number of international politicians and ex-politicians? I’ve got a little list damned long list.

          2. Ha-ha! I can’t do demise on request, sadly. I don’t think it’s triggered by reading about them beforehand. Usually it’s people who have long since disappeared from the public eye and I haven’t seen or read or heard about them in years. I find it intriguing.

  22. I like this quote about convid…

    “If you have to be persuaded , reminded , pressured , lied to ,
    incentivised , bullied , socially shamed , guilt-tripped , threatened ,
    punished & criminalised – if all of this is considered necessary to
    gain your compliance , you can be absolutely certain that whatever is
    being promoted , is not in your best interest” – Prof Ian Watson

  23. I need advice from NOTTL ‘pooter experts.
    What ink jet printer would you advise for good and rather faster card and photo printing than my Epson XP – 8600 printer?

    1. I am currently looking for a printer, but don’t want one that only works if you download their app and sign away your first born to pay for a lifetime’s supply of ink.
      Haven’t found a suitable one yet 🙁

      1. That leaves out Canon, their printers are able to detect third party ink cartridges and refuse to work with cheap(er) refills.

    2. Prolly not relevant, Annie, but I ditched inkjet printers several years ago. Their ink is considerably more expensive than “unobtanium”. Admittedly, I’m churning out arund 20,000 sides of A4 per annum for the parish, but the most recent, full sized Ricoh colour laser copier / printer cost less than £200, 4 years ago, on eBay. It’s our fourth in 18 years. Compared to the B&W HP laser that the parish had when I arrived, running costs are negligible. Toner cartridges are good for 10,000 copies, also available cheaply on eBay. End-of-lease machines have generally been fully maintained. In 4 years, ours hasn’t needed an engineer, and it’s only just starting to play up. It still has the drums it came with. Colour prints now come out with a yellow background, and I haven’t found a fix on YouTube or Copytechnet. It still prints perfectly in black and white. The fault may be easily remedied, or involve expensive parts, in addition to a call out fee. Besides, the engineer I have used in the past has transmorified into a carpet showroom.

      So – I’m not planning on spending more than we paid for it on repairs. It owes us nothing, and deserves to be retired. I’m looking out for the next one.

      Now, you may not have room for a full size freestanding office-type machine. Mine is crammed into a walk-in cupboard in a humble retirement bungalow.

      But if you do have the room, used on a domestic basis, the chances are that it would save you a fortune on ink cartridges, and – how can I put this tactfully? – prolly outlive you… 😟

  24. Trump did admit that he wasn’t taking bleach to ward off the COVID virus but he was advised that an anti malarial drug hydroxychloroquine that he was taking could cause heart arrythymias induced by elongation of his heart’s Qt interval:

    Well, here in a nutshell is the lowdown on Qt and its corrected measure to normalise it to a heart rate of 60 beats per minute:

    I asked BingAI if hydroxychloroquine was in fact that dangerous in causing

    So it could be fatal on rare occaisons.

    Looking back at a heart monitor I used in 2016 it showed that I had an abnormal heart rhythym as well as a prolonged Qt interval that I attrubited to a number of repurposed drugs that were supposed to reduce my blood pressure:

    In reviewing my historic record I noticed in the second heart trace that there was evidence of a malformed p-wave indicative of a premature atrial contraction (PAC) and a possible precursor to the fatal heart rhythym called Torsades de Pointes.

    Fortunately it only resulted in the diagnosis of SupraVentricular Tachycardia in A&E soon afterwards which was sorted with ongoing Bisoprolol.

    Trump was in fact only repurposing a drug that he believed in and which was routinely precscribed for conditions other than COVID yet the FDA warned against using it. That was exactly what my GP had been doing when prescribing a variety of repurposed drugs for lowering my blood pressure but the dangers of fatal arrythymias were convenviently brushed aside when I reported an adverse reaction to the MHRA.

    I think the requirement for the need to test all new drugs for the risk of causing arrythymias has been conveniently forgotten by the pharmaceutical industry in favour of repurposing historic well known treatments – except for COVID of course.

    1. The impact of acquired long QT syndrome during the use of presciption drugs is rarely discussed in Patient Information Leaflets or brought to the attention of doctors.

      I’ve put this excellent video here which is oriented to medics but is understandable by those taking a variety of drugs (including POTUS) to evaluate the risk of possible fatal risks that they can present:

    1. As I left church this pm I saw crowds of happy smiley white people with kiddies and carrying Union Jacks and the Star of David. In sharp contrast to the pro-Hamas crowd, there were no threatening chants or menacing masks. Must be the bad people.

        1. One wonders if plod knows about the unfavourable, fascist light under which they are seen, on a daily basis,

          Small wonder I do not trust them.

          1. If plod knows, plod doesn’t care. Actually, there are many (not all by any means, but enough) in plod who are little bullies whose uniform legitimises their bullying.

    2. So Suella Braverman was absolutely correct – the Met do have a two tier approach to policing protests! But we knew that.

        1. Rev Marcus Walker – Rector of St Barts, Smithfield One of the few remaining normal CofE priests.

      1. I was always on Julius Caesar’s side rather than the side of Brutus and that over pensive chap, Cassius, with his lean and hungry look.

        Julius Caesar wanted men about him who were adipose, sleek headed and sound sleepers. He’d have liked me.

      1. No, I was serving this morning so I left church at twenty to one and was hungry! I hadn’t realised they were marching in the City not the West End but the number of people I saw gathering at Farringdon suggested that was the case.

  25. Funny the Muslipolitan Perlice say they have no power/authority to ban slammer hate marches – but can prevent one white working-class chap from doing so

    1. Previously in London slammer marches displaying Behead and other hate placards the pathetic pleece have escorted the terror prone offenders.

        1. If 1 million people rock up to London and 10 separate one policeman each then it doesn’t matter how many there are. Plod work because of communications and interaction. If they’re stopped from doing that then they’re powerless.

          It’s time they were reminded whom they serve. At the moment they’re just thugs for the Left wing state.

  26. M.V. Indra.

    39 (0 dead and 39 survivors).
    2,820 tons of chrome ore.

    At 15.01 hours on 25th November 1942 the unescorted Indra (Master Thomas Nøkling) was spotted by U-159 (Witte), which was en route to meet UD-3 to receive new torpedoes after all had been used in her patrol area off South Africa. Witte reported the ship because she was heading towards the other U-boat and kept contact for the next 24 hours without being spotted. At 17.35 hours on 26th November, UD-3 (Hermann Rigele) fired two G7e torpedoes at the Indra, hitting her with one in the port bow. She settled by the head and the master, 33 crew members and five gunners (the ship was armed with one 3in, one 20mm and four machine guns) abandoned ship in two lifeboats. Only the radio operator remained behind and unsuccessfully tried to send distress signals for eight minutes. A first coup de grâce fired from her starboard side became a surface runner and missed at 17.50 hours. Rigele then waited for 50 minutes, but as the ship remained afloat fired a second coup de grâce that missed due to an unknown reason. At 18.48 hours, the third coup de grâce struck on port side amidships and caused the ship to sink by the bow within 30 seconds.
    UD-3 then surfaced nearby to question the survivors, while U-159 surfaced in some distance. They soon left the area together to transfer the torpedoes. The two lifeboats set sail for the Brazilian coast and were spotted and evaded by U-172 (Emmermann) on 27th November. On 30th November, the survivors were picked up with their boats by the British motor merchant Eurybates after sailing about 320 miles and landed at Port of Spain, Trinidad on 9th December.

    UD-3 was launched 1st May 1940 as the Dutch submarine O 25, taken over by the German Navy on 14th May 1940 at the shipyard in Schiedam. Built under German command ready and commissioned on 8th June 1941.

    Taken out of service on 13th October, 1944. Scuttled at Kiel on 3rd May, 1945. Wreck broken up.

  27. Tommy Robinson is led away by more than a dozen police from Campaign Against Antisemitism March ……
    Tommy Robinson has been arrested today as he joined thousands of protesters who gathered in London to protest against antisemitism across the UK.


    (and don’t forget that just as Elton John’s real name is Reginal Dwight, Cliff Richard’s is Harry Webb so Tommy Robinson’s is Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon. And on no account must you forget that ten years ago, in 2013, he left the English Defence League he founded the English Defence League.)

          1. In T R’s case, the crime is to be right and expressing views held by a lot of the ordinary public.

      1. It has nothing to do with being English. It has everything to do with globalist puppets in our governments, media, etc. etc.

    1. 379060+ up ticks,

      Afternoon R,
      Also he was used as a lefty tool to fool the gullible and assist in bringing down another patriot, one Gerard Batten.

    2. And how many more Islamic stabbings, beheadings and genocidal calls to exterminate all Jews shall we have to have before the PTB must admit that the phobia in “Islamophobia ” is a totally rational fear and not an imaginary one?

      1. We will always be told that muslim is great and we must be nice to them – while they bomb,behead, assault, and terrorise this country while sponging off our money.

        1. All part an parcel of living as dhimmis in the caliphate. As Khan would say, get used to it (I personally won’t).

      2. About time we started to shew our hatred of the Muslims – leave them in no doubt of our strength of feeling.

        Beheading is too good for them. How about crucifixion?

      1. Yes but. I think Rishi Sunak ought to stay away from the House of Commons because he fills me with disgust and contempt! (And come to that so do those reptilian pieces of nastiness Michael Gove and Chris Bryant)

        And what a state we have got to when they do not want the chap there because our bigoted and biased police will swoop down on him and arrest him – not because of anything he has done but just because of who he is.

      2. I’d have been more worried about allowing Boris Johnson to attend a rally in my defence than TR.

    3. Being visciously man-handled by the bully-boys, so I see. They can certainly turn on the thuggery when it’s a single white bloke, can’t they?

    1. Apparently they’ve changed Davros from being in his life support machine. Apparently it shows a disabled person as evil.

      Thus the suggestion is that all disabled people are now perfecct, and a league apart from everyone else – reinforcing their difference. For goodness sake.

        1. That they’re all perfect? I just find the double standard disgusting. I don’t look at my best man/best friend and think ‘god, he’s black’, I think he’s a decent man who has a very dangerous wife (they’ve saved £45K this year as he’s been made to get the bus to work, selling his flash car). They’re moving to a 5 bedroom place closer to his hospital. Canny woman, that.

          I didn’t look at Kenny my deaf colleague and think ‘mu god! He’s deaf! It’s his only defining attribute!’ I saw a bloke with a wicked sense of humour.

          I didn’t think any less of my colleague in a wheel chair because he was an amazing programmer, with a razor for a mind, a quick wit and good humour. Yes, he needed accommodations but that wasn’t what defined him. Hell, I didn’t *know* he used a wheelchair until a year in he nipped off to answer the door and had us watch as he went round the corner on one wheel.

          Difference is NOT definition. I am continually sickened by the Left wing bigotry, spite and arrogance in their labelling as it being the only determining factor.

    1. I like the woman but I think she jolly well ought to keep rather better company than this.

      1. Agreed – quite a few virtue signalling plonkers like Boris there today, including dogendtwat!

  28. 379060+ up ticks,


    After Shock Migration Figures, Over Half of Britons Support Five Year Pause on All New Arrival.

    Will the WEF be supporting this then?

    1. Is over half 90%, or is it counting the gimmigrants voting for more of themselves? Heck, at the current rate half the population is native!

  29. I do not care one bit for Mr Robinson.

    I note, too, that the Jewish organisers of today’s peaceful manifestation asked him to stay away – because they feared his presence would attract trouble makers.

    Seems fair enough to me.

    1. One does not have to care for him to find it quite repellent that the bigoted and biased police pick on him not because of what he has done or might do but because of who he is.

        1. I agree re the organisers’ request, but do you really think that if the organisers asked Hamas supporting Muslims to stay away the police would ensure that they did so, and that they did so as mob-handedly as they did with Robinson?

          1. I think TR should have been courteous and have followed the organisers’ request. Not to do so suggests that he had an alternative motive. And calling himself a “journalist” is just a larf.

          2. Again I agree.
            But where does one draw the line?
            The PTB dislike TR enormously, but having silenced him, who do they go for next?
            It’s trickling down to the point that only approved protesters can protest and that sounds rather like a dictatorship.

        2. But they asked him stay way because they knew the police would make a scene no master how TR behaved.

          This means that the police and the PTB can always apply moral blackmail in this way. This runs counter to all my notions of fairness and natural justice.

          The PTB and the police score far more highly on the scum index than TR does!

  30. Just watching HIGNFY and It appears as the job of foreign Sec Lord Slippery of Tripoli gets a mansion in SW 1 and Chevening in Kent.

    Oh…the poor dear. He will have to give up his shepherd hut.

          1. Definitely plucky. Though i believe my charm can work on most ladies there is no fooling her. I still bought the wine and John bought the food but some people still insist on sobriety. Can’t imagine why.

    1. All credit to her – that’s a LONG way! When I used to run half marathons. I occasionally met [at the start!!] a much fitter runner who worked with my wife. On the last meeting as I staggered towards the finish, I passed him heading away from the event in his car – medal collected, hot shower completed but stuck in traffic! When I eventually crossed the line there was no traffic as most people had left but on the debit side all the hot water had long since been used!!

          1. I was chatting to our postie last week, nearly all of his age and older colleagues at have some sort of arthritis. Especially knees and hips. Keeping fit was one of the causes of my own problems.
            It didn’t really pay off.

          2. Brother has the same problem. Too many stairs at work, followed by lots of running to keep fit. Needs 2 new knees.

          3. Part of it, but I use to play football twice a week run and play a lot of squash. I weighed 11 stone at 35. Probably 14 now.

          4. I used to play a lot of squash as a student and carried on just after I graduated. I was also 11st at 36. More like 13 now.

          5. I can’t blame anything on time at sea (I never spent any, being born about as far from the coast as one can get). Nor did I spend any time IN a barrel 🙂

      1. She ran with a girl friend she trains with. She sent a photo that sees them crossing the line together.

    2. All credit to her – that’s a LONG way! When I used to run half marathons. I occasionally met [at the start!!] a much fitter runner who worked with my wife. On the last meeting as I staggered towards the finish, I passed him heading away from the event in his car – medal collected, hot shower completed but stuck in traffic! When I eventually crossed the line there was no traffic as most people had left but on the debit side all the hot water had long since been used!!


    I posted this late yesterday evening.

    “I have people I love, among them Christians, Jews, Muslims and others besides – or, if you prefer, Westerners, Israelis and Arabs. They’re my friends. I won’t hate on command.”

    A fine sentiment, Mr. O, but there’s the individual and there’s the tribe, the latter the basis of all human societies since the species climbed down from the trees. How do you square that?

    By which I meant that when society finally fractures on racial and cultural lines, many relationships, whether familial, personal or professional, will be put under great strain.

    Grizz had a grumble in response:

    Only six upticks? SHAME on all those who disagree with — or are too cowardly and curmudgeonly to agree with — Neil’s infallible and irrebuttable logic.

    You all deserve the dystopian world that he is clearly stating will soon be with us, caused by an increasingly stupid populace remaining in a trance-like stupor, with our thumbs up our arses, while those wielding the power continue to shit on us all.

  32. I just went into the garden to let the dogs out. It was very cold earlier but now it is raining. I sat down at my desk and a few minutes later noticed i was bleeding. I thought i must have knocked myself somehow. When i cleaned up the three blood trails from my arms they were mossie bites.

          1. You know i just hate it when you invite someone for a drink and they just say..’ill have a lemonade. I’m only suggesting we have a drink. Not a rohyp cocktail !

  33. For all those that gave up on have i got news for you this weeks had me guffawing. Stephen Mangan and Paul were a brilliant double act.

          1. I still subscribe because my wife reads parts of it. She finds the royal stuff amusing, Heir of Sorrows etc., as was.

            I find the constant anti-Trump emphasis very irritating.

        1. He went to Ardingly. I knew of a retired teacher who had taught Mr Hislop as a small boy, and she said that he was the same when he was a youngster.

      1. He gave up being funny when he lost so many court cases. Friday night episode was the funniest i have seen in a long time.


    I read the article hoping for some insight into AI but instead it’s the tiresome ‘humans over machines’ argument. It’s very simple. The UK is a high tech economy. We need very few people to do high skilled jobs. That means that the lowest skilled can get lower – but not poverty – wages as long as the population is not utterly distorted.

    However. For 25 years of uncontrolled gimmigration has destroyed that natural process as big government has cheated GDP with actual growth and wealth. Uncontrolled gimmigration has created a massive unskilled labour pool. It has utterly distorted our economy. It has upset our services – high skill, low numbers – industry.

    Now, with the state making energy unaffordable we have similar issues with machinery. The technology that kept our economy efficient is now too expensive to run – fertiliser plants, for example. High grade steel for another. Low volume vehicle manufacturing. Salad growing.

    At the root problem is government. It has forced over 35 million additional people – many who contribute, but vastly more who do not and simply add to wage competition. It has compounded this by making energy unaffordable for industry. Lucy Frazer is clearly an idiot if she cannot – or more likely will not – see the problem staring her in the face. Our industry cannot replace machines with people. People are too inefficient, too expensive and too unreliable (thanks to government). Now it cannot power the machinery it needs because energy is too expensive.

    Yet the state pours ever more useless mouths into this country and fiddles about with expensing the very thing we cannot use because it’s too expensive. Why? Was it malice? Spite? A desperate desire to destroy the country by the state? Hell, it continually goes for the family. What is wrong with Whitehall? With Westminster that they continually, repeatedly, deliberately do the exact opposite of what needs to be done?

    1. (IMHO) AI has been developing swiftly this year.

      95% of screen-based jobs are now vulnerable.

      The next step is AGI, could be five years or fifty.

      Humanity needs to be planning for the singularity.
      So, Mr Sunak, who is the Minister for AI? Which department will be resposible for AI and how do they plan to cull tens of thousands of employees?

      How many public sector managers have an AI strategy? Which University and Further Education courses are designed to cope with the impact of AI?
      Why would anyone put themselves into debt to train as a professional person when the jobs are melting away?
      Curiously, I know a financial manager who is involved with such matters, but of course it is impossible for him to talk about his work.

      Whoever dominates AI will control the world.



    I believe that Carbon Dioxide is both beneficial and necessary. I do not believe in man-made climate change and I think that Net Zero is an enormous scam. Consequently I would be betraying myself and being a total hypocrite if I bought an EV.

    1. I see nothng wrong with the electic vehicle. They’re just a different technology.

      What bothers me is being told that I must buy one, at incredible cost, at government dictat when the real intent is not to move to electric cars but to stop people driving by making energy unaffordable.

      If we all bought an electric car and a heat pump tomorrow our energy generating output would need to increase threefold, maybe 4. The state is determined to shut down our generating capacity solely to force down demand. How can it pretend to promote electricity dependent tech and be hell bent on forcing down demand through higher prices?

      It is a contradiction – but it isn’t really. The intent is to make people colder and remove personal mobility. There’s simply no other explanation.

      1. The intent is to make people colder and remove personal mobility” Frigid or frozen stiff you mean?

    2. If the electric car suffers from inertia, that’s because its battery is flat and the handbrake has locked on.

  36. Funny to think that the little maid born so unexpectedly yesterday should live to see the 22nd century….

    All being well, of course, and that the slammers haven’t finished us all off.

    1. Also known as a cryptic pregnancy. According to an American clinic, the odds are 1 in 2500. I once read of a woman in her forties who gave birth after months of ‘indigestion’, and I remember a teenager who was extremely surprised when she went into labour after falling off her pony. The dear child might well have been hoping that she was only a little bit pregnant. (Parents were displeased but happy.)

  37. Afternoon, all. Britain (i e the people of Britain) has a very coherent plan for getting off mass immigration; it’s the government that has no intention of dealing with it.

    Nearly back to normal now. Another couple of hours and I can hit the bottle 🙂 I haven’t been anywhere today (other than for a walk with Oscar and Kadi) because I still am not allowed to drive. Will be able to do that at the same time as I can have some alcohol – but obviously it won’t be a case of drinking and driving.

  38. Looking at the crowds, and looking at the headline figures, I can’t help thinking that if it was a BLM march or a pro Palestinian march they would be stating/claiming much, much higher numbers.

    More than 100,000 march through London ‘in largest protest against anti-Semitism since 1936’: Huge crowds waving Israeli flags and placards descend on capital and are joined by Boris Johnson, Rachel Riley, Eddie Marsan and Vanessa Feltz

    1. Our elder son was there. His comments should be interesting.
      I intended to go but – blast it – bu88ered my back last week and could not stand for long enough.

  39. That’s me for this cold, dreary (and not wet) day. Rain due all day tomorrow.

    Have a spiffing evening.

    A demain. DV.

  40. Hamas certainly know how to play the Western Press.

    In all, nine children ages 17 and younger were on the list, according to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office.
    Separately, Hamas said it had released one of the Russian hostages it was holding, “in response to the efforts of Russian President Vladimir Putin” and as a show of appreciation for Moscow’s position on the war. Israeli army radio had reported that it was an Israeli-Russian dual national.

    1. I’d like to remind the ungrateful ?!%* that the British left Africa in a far better state than Africans have reduced it to since we left them to their own devices.

    2. Here’s how the other governments in Asia, Africa etc can help to make a difference:
      Stamp out corruption and stop turning your countries into shitholes that people want to leave.

    3. Someone should give her an atlas so that she can distinguish between the Old World and the New.

    4. Wadda loada (of) absolute ‘king bolero. She’s as ridiculous as the horrible gobby woman on get me out of here, I’m a zedlebrity.
      She’s obviously never heard of the billions we have handed over in forgien aid. A lot of it stolen by monsters like mugabe.

        1. They still made a greater success of it than the indigent (and indolent) bleks coming the other way are making of this country.

    5. She (?) was Priest-in-Charge at St Mary at Hill, where my former protegé was – and remains – Director of Music. Compared to the average CofE gig, where one priest may be expected to cover twelve churches, SMaH doesn’t even have Sunday services…

      1. Some of them are in two minds about it. Others who were asked said, “Not tonight, Josephine.”

      2. I wonder whether there was any difference between the quality of the treatment she was giving out and the quality of the treatment given by the highly qualified…

    1. It was reported that St Albans hospital recently had caught someone out, who was ripping off thousands from their budget. Mr Hasan A…. a hospital manager had stolen over 600,000 pounds and has been jailed for 11 years.

    2. They don’t care. All that matters is that are employing non-native, “black and brown” people. It makes them deliriously drunk on their virtue signalling.

      1. They are in denial about the propensities for non-indigenous to lie, cheat and scam a Christian nation. Not that the indigenous are above acting in a similar manner, but it wasn’t ingrained in them that this was how they should behave.

  41. The UK is bracing for a continuation of the cold autumn weather that has produced wintry scenes across the UK this weekend, with temperatures remaining low in many areas over the coming week.

    The Met Office has warned of a “potential snow event” by the end of this week, as people prepare to begin their Christmas shopping in earnest.

    Temperatures dropped below freezing in parts of the UK once again overnight, creating frosty scenes across the UK, as the autumn cold snap continued. In parts of Scotland it fell to -5C (23F) in the early hours of Sunday morning, and in many areas of northern England and Wales overnight temperatures were at or close to zero.

    On Saturday a “lunar halo” – caused by the refraction of moonlight from ice crystals in the upper atmosphere – was spotted in the night skies in Staffordshire, the West Midlands, Surrey, Berkshire, Dorset, Yorkshire and the Isle of Wight.

    According to the Met Office, the halo can suggest rainfall may be approaching.

    Greg Dewhurst, a Met Office meteorologist, said it would be slightly warmer in southern areas on Sunday, while temperatures in northern and eastern parts of England would remain in mid-single figures.

    “We are likely to see widespread overnight frosts, with foggy mornings a possibility,” he said. “It is going to be on the cold side for many areas.”

    Rain on Sunday in Northern Ireland and south-west England will gradually spread to the southern half of the UK as Sunday progresses.

    Snow, particularly in hills, was possible in the next few days, he added, as a colder weather front hits in the middle of the week, with Friday 1 December marking the start of the meteorological winter.

    Looking forward to the end of the week, Dan Harris, a Met Office deputy chief meteorologist, said: “At present, the most likely outcome beyond midweek is that rain from the west slowly moves east, with snow possible over higher ground, and a continued risk of showers over eastern parts.

    “However, there is a chance that a more active weather system arrives from the south-west, which would bring more widespread rain, stronger winds, and the potential for more significant snowfall should the air over the UK become sufficiently cold ahead of it.”

    A “continuation of colder than average conditions seems most likely”, he added.

      1. The chill factor hinit. That’s why the ‘THEY’ changed their chosen phrase glow-ball warming, to Climate change.

      2. The Daily Mail said it would be -3C in my area. It is in fact +10c ..How can the behave like this.?i

      1. Not just the media, Aeneas, the average Brit too enjoys moaning whatever the temperature is. (Same with “wet” and “dry”.)

        1. It’s hot when you breathe in, and the rush of air scorches the rim of your nostrils. About 36C and upwards
          It’s cold when you breathe in, and you can feel ice forming in your nostrils. About -15C and lower.
          Between those two, it’s comfortable.

        2. We Brits like a good moan, but we usually say “mustn’t grumble”. But the media, influenced by “climate change”, take every natural change of weather as proof of impending doom.

          1. I’ve just finished a book by one of the people who were caretakers at Felbrigg Hall. It was quite interesting (it now belongs to the National Distrust and I was going to see it when I was in Norfolk, but the woman at Blickling Hall annoyed me so much I gave Felbrigg a miss), but towards the end the author went off on a climate change rant. I fear for my grandchildren, she wailed. My reaction was, “I’d be far more worried about islam for your grandchildren, dear”.

    1. Certain turns of phrase or ways of speaking can reveal that someone learnt English as a second language. Similarly, the expression “potential snow event” suggests an artificial intelligence. Nobody I know would ever speak of the possibility of snow in such a strange manner. If you were anticipating bright sunshine in a day or two, would you speak of a “potential sun event”?

  42. In case you newshounds haven’t hit the Varadkar button, the Taoiseach has been criticised for celebrating the release by Hamass of an Irish child hostage; clearly his words were inspired by the hymn Amazing Grace. Clever of the Israelis to round on a Hindu who governs a Catholic country. (Emily, a child who was lost has now been found)

      1. 379082+ up ticks,

        Morning BB2,
        I have thought the same of late, let
        these problems fester until retaliation
        then “new broom” RESET takes the stage.

          1. 379072+ up ticks,

            Morning BB2,

            No worries, tis a much younger age group that needs worry as to just what their parents are setting up for them via the polling stations.

          2. 379072+ up ticks,

            Morning BB2,

            No ( Deagel) but, it would not take much to
            de-populate the world, have we witnessed a trial vaccine run, a couple of nuclear war tools etc in the hands of political gangsters.

            Have we cause to worry, to bloody true, BIG TIME.

          3. The UK is very unstable because it produces so little food and is so overpopulated, especially with young, rootless men.
            As Lynette Zang says, Food, Water, Shelter, Community, Security, Barterability, Wealth Preservation.

          4. 5 minutes ago
            379072+ up ticks,

            Morning BB2,

            No ( Deagel) but, it would not take much to
            de-populate the world, have we witnessed a trial vaccine run, a couple of nuclear war tools etc in the hands of political gangsters.

            Have we cause to worry, to bloody true, BIG TIME.

  43. Just came across this little poem, and thought it charming:

    By Unknown Author

    I will lend to you for a while a puppy, God said,
    For you to love him while he lives
    and to mourn for him when he is gone.
    Maybe for 12 or 14 years, or maybe for 2 or 3
    But will you, till I call him back,
    take care of him for me?

    He’ll bring his charms to gladden you and
    (should his stay be brief)
    you’ll always have his memories
    as solace for your grief.
    I cannot promise that he will stay
    since all from Earth return,
    But there are lessons taught below
    I want this pup to learn.

    I’ve looked the whole world over
    in search of teachers true,
    And from the fold that crowd life’s land
    I have chosen you.
    Now will you give him all your love
    Nor think the labour vain,
    nor hate me when I come to take
    my pup back again?

    I fancied that I heard them say,
    “Dear Lord, They Will Be Done,”
    For all the joys this pup will bring
    the risk of grief you’ll run.
    Will you shelter him with tenderness,
    Will you love him while you may?
    And for the happiness you’ll know
    forever grateful stay?

    But should I call him back
    much sooner than you’ve planned,
    please brave the bitter grief that comes
    and try to understand.
    If, by your love, you’ve managed
    my wishes to achieve,
    In memory of him that you’ve loved,
    cherish every moment with your faithful bundle,
    and know he loved you too.

    1. I still miss my Charlie dreadfully even though I’ve now got two dogs and he died getting on for three years ago. Not that I don’t love the pair, I do. It seems Fox Terriers suffer from Small Dog Syndrome (they can be unpleasant, snappy and aggressive); I think when I got Oscar he had it, but he seems to have got over it now, except for very occasionally forgetting when he first wakes up.

        1. Some pets are just special. I loved all my dogs, but the one I miss most was my last one, possibly because we had him for nearly 17 years. It’s like losing part of your family.

          1. This is just me anthro thinging but i don’t think your cats appreciate their pics taken so much. From my experience their faces look more like tolerance rather than Hi i’m Meghan Markle !

      1. You seem to have achieved wonders with Oscar since you first got him, Conners. Well done!

        1. Thank you, Elsie. I only recently (during research for the question of Wire Fox Terrier vs Wire Haired Fox Terrier) found out about Small Dog Syndrome, but the symptoms fitted Oscar’s behaviour perfectly when I first got him. Maybe if I’d known about it, I’d have shrugged and thought, “he’ll always be like that”, but in this case, ignorance was bliss 🙂

      2. Yes, the same here regarding your first sentence. And I am hoping Rico gets over his occasional but daily aggressiveness with my feet and slippers, usually in the evening. I am hoping he will calm down when he has his little operation in January.

    2. Plaisir d’amour ne dure qu’un moment,:
      Chagrin d’amour dure toute la vie

      it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have lost at all.

      [Samuel Butler]

      “it’s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all ”

      [Alfred Lord Tennyson]

  44. Appropriate, these days:

    When the Nazis came for the communists,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    Friedrich Gustav Emil Martin Niemöller
    (14 January 1892 – 6 March 1984) was a Protestant pastor and social activist.

  45. A pleasant 3 today on the Wordle world.

    Wordle 890 3/6


  46. Apologies if this has been posted before, today, but I’ve just heard that El Tel (Terry Venables) has died, aged 80.

    1. He struck me as a likeable man. I had the sense that he would be entertaining in a social setting with, perhaps, a cheeky irreverance. Various news sources have said that he suffered a “long illness”, which immediately hints at a form of dementia. Indeed, the Sun says he may have had Alzheimers, not uncommon in former footballers. His long absence from television or any form of football punditry also suggests a slow and long decline.

      There was something “forever young” about him. His death and at the age of 80 come as something of a jolt. I’m now 67. I don’t know what that is supposed to be like but sometimes it feels as if it’s someone else, not me. I’m midway between 54 and 80 yet I think of myself as much closer to the younger me than the one yet to come.

      When the Queen died last year, although she was an ever present figure in my life, her passing felt like part of the natural order of the passage of time. Terry Venables, a man I’ve only ever known through television, radio and newspapers, is suddenly a dead 80-year-old. The bare fact of that is nothing out of the ordinary yet it doesn’t feel real. My own mortality no longer seems very far away.

      1. In a way, Stig, you are echoing many of my thoughts. I started to think more seriously about mortality when my younger brother (younger by 2½ years) died 4½ years ago as a result of a lifetime of smoking, drinking, eating rubbish and no exercise. I have, to date, lived for seven years more than he did and I have made my lifestyle much healthier in every respect. My intention (hopefully) is to live for much longer in better health.

        Venables had an avuncular manner and was a very good and well-respected manager. The way he was forced from the England job, after allegations about his life that had nothing to do with his job, speaks much about a mindset among those in charge who would prefer no scandal to having a successful national team.

  47. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story, a trifle late, I fear.

    Good luck Mr. Gorsky!
    When Apollo Mission Astronaut Neil Armstrong first walked on the moon, he not only gave his famous “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind!” statement but followed it by several remarks — usual com traffic — between him, the other astronauts and Mission Control.
    Just before he re-entered the lander, however, he made the enigmatic remark “Good luck Mr. Gorsky!”
    Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the “Good luck Mr. Gorsky!” statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled.
    Just last year (on July 5, 1995 in Tampa Bay, FL) while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26 year old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had finally died, and so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.
    When he was a kid, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in the front of his neighbour’s bedroom window. His neighbours were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky.
    “Oral sex! You want oral sex?! You’ll get oral sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!”

    1. I quite like the way senior police officers continue to deflect and defend the impossible. A bit like De Menezes jumping the barriers and being shot in the head half a dozen times. They really do need better PR. Perhaps 77 brigade could help them out or even the man on the Clapham omnibus. Not the one blown to pieces by muslim terrorists …obviously.

    1. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard writes similar guff but far more frequently. I’m a little surprised that JW has fallen for it. Perhaps he just likes the fee.

    2. “The UK tends to resist change”
      Jeremy…who calls their son that seems to think resistance to change is a weakness.

      Taking a long hard look at what is new and is promoted in a way to suggest you will be contributing or helping others by buying that particular product is the spiel that a second hand car salesman would give you when he already knew the car had previously been stitched back together after write off.
      I bet his Nissan Leaf hasn’t depreciated faster than his morality.

      1. Resisting change?
        Or, perhaps, before jumping on the latest passing craze or bandwagon, we tend to look at the change, evaluate it and then decide whether to adopt it or not?

    1. Our own political classes seem to be following the same route.
      A bit of a row developing.
      Minorities in Australia are very loud.

          1. There’s an unfortunate air of “Get out of my way, old hag!” but clearly the court saw it differently.

          2. The court was probably fed up with the same trouble makers they see on a regular basis. This week hunt sab next week just stop oil then pro palestine…yawns.

          3. It’s hardly a criminal offence to say “get out of my way, you old hag!” to someone who has been obstructive (and, being a sab, probably unpleasant with it).

          4. I had a vision of someone behaving rather like a character played by Rupert Vansittart…

    1. To me it seems that he jumped over the gate to avoid her, but she moved (accidentally) into his path, so in a sense the accident was caused by her. It reminds me of a time a cat lay down in front of my open patio door and lay on her back hoping for a stroke/tickle of her tummy. I carefully put my foot out to enter the garden and miss her, but at the last minute she wriggled over to one side and I ended up putting my whole weight on the poor animal. She shot off like a rocket and was fearful of me for months afterwards.

  48. We are rightly concerned about the boatloads of fighting age men arriving on our shores in the hundreds of thousands. It should not be overlooked that similar numbers of foreigners sponsored by Muslim countries are allowed into our universities posing as bona fide students.

    Those sponsored by Muslim countries are admitted because the fees charged by the universities are three times or more the fees obtainable from the indigenous people. The Vice Chancellors value the overseas students greatly and are thus able to obtain such large and indecent salaries and pension benefits.

    We are being attacked in more ways than most believe. Much of the harm is home grown and initiated by greedy people.

    Much the same disturbance applies to the recruitment of supposed carers, nurses and doctors from overseas. Thus we have an NHS doctor identified as organising on behalf of Hamas, a truly evil terrorist organisation.

    1. As bad as that is i am reminded of the fact that people who live in nice places like Cornwall or rural Wales complain bitterly about second home owners. Who but a local sold them the property in the first place?

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