Sunday 28 November: Emmanuel Macron plays political games as the migrant crisis deepens

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

630 thoughts on “Sunday 28 November: Emmanuel Macron plays political games as the migrant crisis deepens

  1. Good morning all.

    -1C here, clear sky. Slept with the bedroom window wide open & for once I was under a duvet.

      1. It’s a bird – the sort that experts tell us is a native of the cliffs of Dover, along with children in rubber boats. It symbolises inane chatter with a limited attention span or public information.

          1. Yes, it’s the Blue-Breasted Utter Tit. A rare bird, but very common locally in the vicinity of Westminster. It lives on insects and berries fine wines, four-course lunches and expenses, and rarely leaves its home environment. The Henley subspecies was known in Oxfordshire dialect as a “Great Waffling Shag,” but is now extinct there, having apparently migrated to Middlesex.

    1. I know the Nottlers like puns. I must admit that this is a very weak one – but it is mine own. It is as original as sin.

      If he were a homosexual with a boyfriend called Daniel Eid Ram a Dan into him!

  2. Boris Johnson brings back mandatory masks. 27 November 2021.

    He attempted to offer reassurance by saying that even in this scenario the booster programme will mean the UK is better protected. But as Whitty also observed this week, there are doubts about how compliant the public will be when it comes to any new drastic measures.


    Honk if ya wanna go faster • 13 hours ago.

    Nah, I ain’t doing it. I’m done.

    I’m not going to keep doing the same thing expecting a different result.

    There’s a lot of that in the threads!

    1. Quite a few people tweeting that a ‘mandate’ is not Law. Harking back to the many examples where the CPS threw out police fines, the two young women in Derbyshire who met up for a walk comes to mind. Just what authority does Johnson have for ‘mandating’ anything? We need some really good legal advice on this matter.

    2. I’m beginning to understand why Cardinal Richelieu had such a problem dealing with the Masketeers!

      Morning Minty.

  3. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    SIR – As usual, Janet Daley’s analysis of the problems afflicting western democracies hits many nails on the head.

    However, I wish I could be so optimistic about the imminent demise of “cancel culture”. Far from being “too vindictive and too repugnant to survive for more than a few crazy minutes”, the lunatics – the majority of them on the Left – really have taken over the asylum and won’t be giving up control any time soon.

    Lynette Johnson
    Udny, Aberdeenshire

    You are right, Lynette; unfortunately the new Puritanism has some time yet to run, even though the whole concept is completely barking.

    1. Further to Lynette Johnson’s letter, this BTL comment:

      Peter Wareing
      4 HRS AGO
      And from yet another article about the illegals on which no comments are allowed:
      “We think of ‘wokes’ as weird people in academia but unfortunately woke influence extends even into Whitehall. The champions of the people have to push back against it.”
      EVEN into Whitehall??? The civil service is woke central – not to realise and admit this is one of the reasons this gutless excuse of a government always takes the coward’s way out of situations and fails the voters who put them into Parliament. Pray tell who are these “champions of the people” the Chair of the “Common Sense Group of Conservative MPs” speaks of? They are missing in action if they exist at all.

  4. What happens next if MPs bring babies to work
    SIR – Stella Creasy, the Labour MP, thinks it’s her right to take her baby into debates in the House of Commons.

    If this is permitted in future, other new mothers may feel that they should be afforded the same concession. Imagine being served in a shop or supermarket, treated in a beauty salon or at the hairdresser’s, or examined at the GP’s or the dentist’s, by a mother with her baby.

    Ms Creasy needs to ask herself whether she deserves special treatment. This is another case where a minority of MPs consider their needs to be more important than those of ordinary people.

    Joyce Bellingham
    Hassocks, West Sussex

    Very well said, Joyce Bellingham. Special pleading from an MP who is already well provided with childcare facilities by her employer, and at her place of work, now needs to decide which comes first – career or raising a family. If she can’t manage both then that is surely her fault?

    1. Not a lot of sympathy here:

      Angus Long
      5 HRS AGO

      Dim wit Labour MP Stella Creasy thinks it is OK to bring her baby to work in the HOP.

      Oh Dear, oh Dear, oh Dearie me!!!

      What next – will we see female coppers, firefighters, nurses, court QC’s and supermarket checkout staff etc on duty with said sprogs in a papoose?

      LOL – and, no doubt, the childless brigade will demand they bring their “Comfort Pets” to work too.

      Trust me, it won’t be long before offices and places of work will end up like the ,”House Party Petting Zoo” scene from the Mrs Doubtfire film.

      Yes, said in jest. But you know, only too well, how such things become reality in a few years – woke will be the end of us!!!!!!

      Ha Ha

      1. To be fair, taking part in HoC debates isn’t really work in the same way that police officers, firefighters, nurses or supermarket checkout staff work, is it. Maybe that is why the MPs don’t want the baby there – it shows up how little actual work is being done.

      2. To be honest she was a very good looking and pretty woman when she first entered parliament. How sad it is to see how her looks have faded.

        Of course some people become more attractive as they age!

        Brigitte Bardot and Catherine Deneuve illustrate my point. Poor old BB now has a flabby face while Catherin Deneuve remains an attractive woman. Down to high cheekbones.

    1. Good Lord, Moses has lost his powers to clear the way for his people. The cartoonist has made the rather huge assumption that Johnson knows which is the business end of a shovel and which is the handle.

  5. Now Whitehall’s woke ‘blob’ tries to ban Christmas: Ministers are warned using the word in festive jab drive will offend minorities
    Civil servants have blocked word ‘Christmas’ as it may offend minority religions

    Ministers planned use slogan for students: ‘Don’t take Covid home for Christmas’
    Saqib Bhatti, the Conservative MP for Meriden, branded the ban as ‘ridiculous’
    It comes as Boris Johnson revealed new rules to limit spread of Omicron variant

    Civil servants have blocked the word ‘Christmas’ from efforts to avert a winter Covid crisis, as they fear it would offend minority religions.

    The ban, detailed in emails leaked to The Mail on Sunday, was revealed as Boris Johnson announced tighter travel restrictions and new rules on masks in a bid to limit the spread of the new Omicron variant.

    Ministers had also planned a publicity blitz telling students to get tested before returning to their families using the slogan: ‘Don’t take Covid home for Christmas’ – but it was vetoed by Cabinet Office officials.

    The move sparked a row over ‘wokeism’ in the Civil Service – which has been disparagingly nicknamed ‘The Blob’ by critics – with one Muslim Tory MP branding the ban ‘ridiculous’.

    1. Morning Michael et al.

      It’s not just the ban that’s ridiculous, it’s the entire bloody edifice.

    2. Then they must also ban any reference to Diwali, Ramadam, Hannukah etc when their times come.

    3. If they are offended by the word ‘Christmas’ then I would suggest they are living in the wrong country and should move to somewhere they find less offensive.

      1. Most Muslims are not offended by the word Christmas. Some of them even join in the celebrations.

        It is just another thinly veiled attack on all things Christian.

    4. I left the civil service more than 10 years ago – but years before that the official circulars called ” Christmas leave” “religious festival leave” so as not to upset the many non-Christians already working in the organisation.

  6. Incoming! Is Boris Johnson being outflanked on his right?

    The PM’s embrace of the big-spending state risks a confrontation with the party’s right wing. Expect to see an exchange of fire over tax as the election approaches

    Tim Shipman – Chief Political Commentator
    Saturday November 27 2021, 6.00pm, The Sunday Times

    The grand ballroom of the Rosewood London hotel may not often evoke a hot summer’s day in postwar New York. But when the political class gathered there on Wednesday evening for the Spectator magazine’s Parliamentarian of the Year awards, a former cabinet minister surveyed the room and remarked: “This is like the wedding at the start of The Godfather: the most significant things are what is happening off stage.”

    On stage, explaining that Disruptor of the Year was awarded to the politician “who has done most to cause chaos for the government’’ (Angela Rayner), the host and Spectator editor Fraser Nelson felt compelled to joke: “We had to exclude the prime minister from consideration.” It would be unfair competition, he implied,

    1. If there is one thing that the totally useless Johnson has done, and done well, is the generation of wonderful cartoons lampooning him. He doesn’t have exclusive rights to the lampooning as sufficient members of his equally useless Cabinet are included to ensure people are aware that he is not working alone on his dangerous agenda to install a tyranny on the people.

    2. Joe Stalin could have outflanked the current Conservative (sic) Party from the right.

    1. I was scammed badly on Friday by what I thought was Microsoft. I was over 2 hours on the phone. The start was a BT Broadband call questioning who was the lead person on my account. I sorted that out and I was transferred to a Microsoft agent who told me I needed to change my microsoft identity arrangements as Chinese were using it to distribute pornography worldwide. I thought that was strange and surprised when a photo of a group of naked coupling couples appeared on my screen. I asked “is this a scam”. The man got angry and said check the name Peter Robertson. He apparently was head of Microsoft but I was getting more suspicious. The biggest shock was when a shot of the film he was taking of me on the phones and the lap top
      I needed to use appeared on my screen. By then I was very suspicious. I should have stopped there but he was relentless. He then set about getting his £9. He needed my mobile phone number which I reluctantly gave him. It is an old phone and I couldn’t use the text buttons properly and we went to my BoS account. I had to get a phone number from B0S to allow the payment. When the automatic phone gave me the password number the amount being claimed. was in excess of £600. I cancelled it and returned to “Peter Robertson” who was angry. He said £600 + was the limit the Microsoft would expect and I should try again. After the third attempt I tried again and finally gave up leaving a very angry “Peter Robertson” telling me he would phone me the next day. I checked my accounts and found he had somehow got over £3000 pounds from one Natwest account into my current account I will need to check that it is not pending to go into his pocket.
      He phoned me several times yesterday with different phone numbers which I have saved. I didn’t reply to his calls. I expect he may try again.
      I must close now in case he can get onto this old laptop. I have taped off the camera lens. Both my cards are now cancelled.
      I have a few passwords I Need to change ASAP.

      1. What you describe is terrible. Another time log onto NOTTL for support while you’re talking on the phone, where everyone will be glad to tell you “It’s a scam!”
        Hope your bank accounts are now locked against online transactions. Maybe even get new accounts.

        I had one of these calls some years ago, purporting to be from the lottery. I sort of knew it was a scam, but the compulsion to go along with what they are saying is not to be underestimated. I emailed the lottery while I was talking to the scammer, and they responded immediately “Put the phone down immediately! It’s a scam!”

        1. I have checked both accounts and no cash has been taken. A Natwest savings account has had £3000 transferred into my current account but has not gone any further and there are no pending payments. My card has been cancelled and a new one requested. I informed the Fraud investigators at Natwest this morning. My BoS card was cancelled on Friday and that account has been untouched. I will get on to BoS this morning,
          I would like to get hold of “PeterRobertson” and wring his neck.
          I have passwords to change and my computer security to check.

          1. What can the fraudsters do with the information that they have harvested, eg the details they used to do the 3K transfer?
            Do you have any guarantee that they won’t come back next week and have another go? (What does the bank say about that?)
            Are internet transfers from your current account possible?

            If it were me, I would reinstall the operating system on my computer. I store nothing on the computer, everything is on data sticks, so I can reinstall the operating system from scratch whenever I want. Takes a couple of hours.

        1. Sadly no mola. It happened but I realised it was a probable scam from the start but events it made me aware that my computer was not safe.

  7. Good morning all from a dark, dismal Derbyshire.
    Frozen snow on the ground and -5°C in the air.

    1. Totally Confused.

      I, like most intelligent, well-informed, and independent-minded people, welcome the news that restrictions are being restored. At last. Even if it means losing another Christmas, it’s a very small price to pay to flatten the curve, and save the NHS. Let’s hope this is the last variant, otherwise we could still be here in 2525.

      Pompous Dickhead!

    2. Reports are doing the rounds that erstwhile journalists at Johnson’s appearance were demanding harsher measures as they did at many earlier appearances. I can’t help but believe these people are stooges paid by the government to make their case for harsh measures and therefore make the government appear less authoritarian when the harsher pleas are rejected. These people inhabit their own biblical Babylon.

  8. SIR – If the French are willing to allow unscrupulous operators to launch boats into the Channel, we should be prepared to rescue the passengers.
    We should be proud as a nation that these homeless people have an ambition to be here.
    In the meantime, in the Cotswolds (and other parts of Britain) we are short of people to milk cows and can offer warm, free temporary accommodation for those prepared to do it.
    Simon L Weaver

    You don’t mention the salary, Mr Weaver, or any suggestion of how long you mean by temporary, or where any takers would go next.

      1. Apparently, or so I was advised on Friday night in Hook Norton, the Chipping Norton area has one of the highest rates of cocaine use in the country.

        1. Does not surprise me in the least. Soho Farmhouse is in that area.
          We only go there to raid the charity shops for posh frocks.

        2. When I lived in Chippy (70s/80s) it was a proper little market town. Even at that time Moreton-in-Marsh and Stow-on-the-Wold were tourist towns with more shops selling ‘antiques’ than food. It even managed to return Labour councillors.

          I blame Call-me-Dave for ruining it…

          1. Then, William, there’s the other next door, Sodding Chipbury, a hotbed of wokeism that deserves fire-bombing.

            Similar to SloughJohn Betjeman

            Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
            It isn’t fit for humans now,
            There isn’t grass to graze a cow.
            Swarm over, Death!
            Come, bombs and blow to smithereens
            Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,
            Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,
            Tinned minds, tinned breath.

            Mess up the mess they call a town-
            A house for ninety-seven down
            And once a week a half a crown
            For twenty years.

            And get that man with double chin
            Who’ll always cheat and always win,
            Who washes his repulsive skin
            In women’s tears:

            And smash his desk of polished oak
            And smash his hands so used to stroke
            And stop his boring dirty joke
            And make him yell.

            But spare the bald young clerks who add
            The profits of the stinking cad;
            It’s not their fault that they are mad,
            They’ve tasted Hell.

            It’s not their fault they do not know
            The birdsong from the radio,
            It’s not their fault they often go
            To Maidenhead

            And talk of sport and makes of cars
            In various bogus-Tudor bars
            And daren’t look up and see the stars
            But belch instead.

            In labour-saving homes, with care
            Their wives frizz out peroxide hair
            And dry it in synthetic air
            And paint their nails.

            Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough
            To get it ready for the plough.
            The cabbages are coming now;
            The earth exhales.

          2. Then, William, there’s the other next door, Sodding Chipbury, a hotbed of wokeism that deserves fire-bombing.

            Similar to SloughJohn Betjeman

            Come friendly bombs and fall on Slough!
            It isn’t fit for humans now,
            There isn’t grass to graze a cow.
            Swarm over, Death!
            Come, bombs and blow to smithereens
            Those air -conditioned, bright canteens,
            Tinned fruit, tinned meat, tinned milk, tinned beans,
            Tinned minds, tinned breath.

            Mess up the mess they call a town-
            A house for ninety-seven down
            And once a week a half a crown
            For twenty years.

            And get that man with double chin
            Who’ll always cheat and always win,
            Who washes his repulsive skin
            In women’s tears:

            And smash his desk of polished oak
            And smash his hands so used to stroke
            And stop his boring dirty joke
            And make him yell.

            But spare the bald young clerks who add
            The profits of the stinking cad;
            It’s not their fault that they are mad,
            They’ve tasted Hell.

            It’s not their fault they do not know
            The birdsong from the radio,
            It’s not their fault they often go
            To Maidenhead

            And talk of sport and makes of cars
            In various bogus-Tudor bars
            And daren’t look up and see the stars
            But belch instead.

            In labour-saving homes, with care
            Their wives frizz out peroxide hair
            And dry it in synthetic air
            And paint their nails.

            Come, friendly bombs and fall on Slough
            To get it ready for the plough.
            The cabbages are coming now;
            The earth exhales.

        3. When I lived in Chippy (70s/80s) it was a proper little market town. Even at that time Moreton-in-Marsh and Stow-on-the-Wold were tourist towns with more shops selling ‘antiques’ than food. It even managed to return Labour councillors.

          I blame Call-me-Dave for ruining it…

    1. The Cotswolds is a rather exclusive area, perhaps filling it with sub-Saharan/Middle Eastern illegal immigrants would stir the locals into action. Not certain that this government could afford to ignore the irate Cotswold elites.

    2. What an idiot. Firstborn’s farmer neighbour has fully automatic milking – cow wanders in, snout in feed, udders washed, suction on, disengage, cow goes on out. Feed weight, cow weight, milk volume & quality measured and logged in statistics, alarm sent to farmer as needed.
      You don’t need people to milk cattle.
      And yes, the cow decides when to be milked.

      1. Yo Ol

        Is that how the saying ‘As useful as titts on a Bull’* came about

        (*it does describe Boros though)

    1. Good luck to them, but Blair’s packed Supreme Court was instituted for just such an eventuality…

    2. 342129+ up ticks,
      Morning KtK,
      What is one big obstacle is the party first & foremost brigade these peoples have a great deal to answer for, party rivalry betwixt lab / con with lib/dem political vultures on the sidelines …waiting.

      These party’s for decades are of the same ilk and NEVER have been of benefit to these Isles for these last near forty years.

      A bloody very dangerous coalition.

    3. ​I am not in the travel business, except as a potential customer, but I will gladly contribute to any mass legal fund to sue our government on their draconian actions!

      1. Thoroughly disgruntled. They went out at 7 came in for breakfast and are now thundering round the house chasing one another. I opened the front door for them door and they simply said, “You must be joking…”

      2. The old joke needs updating even if the answer is the same.

        Q. What’s the difference between a snowman and a trans-snowman?
        A. Snowballs.

    1. Good morning, Dandy Front Pager

      Just like the EU – when the EU fails they say that the answer is more EU.

      Who will be the first politician to say: “Let’s face it the vaccination policy has proved futile, dangerous and tyrannical. We must now stop this great fraud, defy Big Pharma and start treating Covid 19 with well tested drugs such as ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine.

        1. Good luck to him. It would help if he joined forces with the other ‘alternative’, so-called right-wing parties and got the moral support of Nigel Farage. However Nigel Farage’s great failing is that he cannot work with others – he has to be the leader.

      1. Good morning, Rastus, from a sunny but cold N Essex.
        Sadly, all politicians appear to see the “vaccine” programme as a success. They praised the speed with which the UK had it up and running and the fact that we were ahead of the EU, it has become something of a sacred cow. Rather childish jingoism in my opinion. The first MP to criticise this particular sacred cow will be howled down and vilified beyond measure.

        All of them must be aware of the “vaccine’s” grave shortcomings, even Johnson openly criticised its efficacy a few weeks ago. I cannot comprehend the fact that they appear undisturbed by the adverse reactions and deaths, they are doing their constituents a great disservice by their silence. Where will they hide their faces and their shame when the truth is exposed? Their constituencies could become no-go areas for them, I hope.

        1. Johnson would have us believe that he has suffered covid, been jabbed on three separate occasions and that we are all unaware of the 30,000 plus unmasked, unchecked visitors who flew in from all parts of the globe for cop26 recently.

  9. Will the EU condemn the Rotterdam police shootings? 28 november 2021.

    Last month on Coffee House I drew attention to the inconsistency in how Europe responded to the migrant crises in Belarus and France. Alexander Lukashenko, the president of Belarus, was accused of ‘weaponising’ Middle Eastern migrants seeking to enter Europe at his country’s border with Poland, but no government dared criticise France for the chaos in Calais.

    The EU is an odd organisation. It becomes apoplectic if one of its members fails to fall into line on LGBT ideology yet it is apathetic when one shoots its own citizens. One can’t help wondering what the reaction would have been in Brussels if it had been Hungarian police gunning down protesters.

    It seems strange that a grown man versed in the political history and intricacies of Europe should have failed to notice that the EU is not a legitimate organisation. None of its leaders have been elected by any of the citizens that it purports to represent! The origin of its policies are a mystery. It is quite simply an arm of the Globalists!

  10. Morning all!

    Well, second morning in my caravan, and everything is covered in snow! I, and it, have survived the storm (it was a bit hairy yesterday!); I shall update you at some point, but for now I need to get the rest of my things from the car and find homes for them, tie up.loose ends from the house, finish a massive translation, catch up with emails, and first and foremost get out for a long, long walk in the snow.


    1. Winter in a caravan can be chilly. My first winter (1990) in Aberdeen was like that, on a site in Maryculter. Jayzuz, but it was cold! Then some bastard stole my gas cylinder…

      1. 🎶🎶Who let the ducks out?
        Wakk wakk wakk wakk wakk🎶
        I’ll get me coat (and scarf).

  11. I owe all NoTTLers a profuse apology. On Friday I wondered what had happened to Witless and Unbalanced as neither had been seen for weeks (nor the Vietnamese One who thinks he is amusing).

    Their staff must follow NoTTL – because, within 24 hours, the bastards were doing their Project Fear double act all mover the screens and press.

    I grovel.

    1. O’Looney, the clairvoyant undertaker from Milton Keynes, knew very well that a new virus would arrive when needed shortly before Christmas giving the PTB enough time to impose complete misery on everyone.

        1. He is on Oramorf, IV antibiotics and steroids and just heard he has a nasogastric tube now to get some nutrition into him. Terrible time for us all.

          1. Add mine, vw, and you, Alf and the boy, just KBO – it seems to be the only way.

            Your/our sustenance only seems to come from your/our peers and think alikes.

  12. Given the state of Johnson’s mind, this may be apt:

    Mad Cow Disease Is Still About

    Two cows in a field. One says to the other, “What do you make of this mad cow disease?”

    The other says “Doesn’t affect me, mate.”

    “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

    “I’m a helicopter!”

    1. Two cows in a field. One says to the other, “What do you make of this Covid Pandemic?”

      The other says “Doesn’t affect me, mate.”

      “Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”

      “I’m Saved Javed !”/spoiler>

  13. It is snowing hard but not settling. It is a bit windy but thank goodness, the gales have dropped.

  14. “Ministers are advised t avoid the use of the word “Christmas” when referring to covid regulations as it may offend minorities.”


    Prize is a ham sandwich.

      1. It’s 34F here in West Sussex. But at least the sun is out and there isn’t a need to keep the lights on all day.

    1. What about those who find the words Ramadan and Eid offensive? At least with Christmas is not a moveable feast so we know when it is coming whereas Ramadan and Eid change their dates each year like Easter and Trinity.

      1. There is an exam for foreigners who wish to obtain British citizenship. Apart from obscure stuff about British history, some of the questions are about mossie factoids, eg what is Eid, who was Ibrahim etc.

  15. ‘Toxic masculinity’ is a term that helps precisely no one
    Benedict Cumberbatch has called on men to “fix their behaviour”, but this kind of preaching is just counterproductive
    Zoë Strimpel:

    I agree with this BTL comment:

    Let’s face it – Dominic Cumberbatch is hardly a ‘man’s man’ – he is not the swashbucking, virile, masculine, dashing type: he is more sensitive and feminine.

    1. Descended from slave traders. Doesn’t surprise me. No backbone, bends with the wind, goes with the fashionable tyranny of the day.

          1. Good morning, Bill

            Have you never heard of surrogate fatherhood where you get a stand in to do the deed for you!

      1. ‘Effin, wimp – quite the opposite to what he claims.

        But I do understand, it’s cummerbund in excelsis.

  16. 342129+ up ticks,

    These politico / elite bastards have the party followers down on one knee so now the crawl position does not surprise me in the least,what next to show allegiance to the “party elite” snorkelling in the sh!te pools
    on your nearest sewage works.


    New Covid variant called omicron not Xi to avoid offending Chinese ruler

  17. Morning all, just back from a run to the local recycling centre, it was pretty empty of people. Perhaps it is too cold for them or perhaps they are rehearsing their Christmas lockdown which the buffoon and his clowns are desperate to impose.
    Is there any Nottlers who would vote for him again?
    I would rather vote for the virus, it only goes on public transport and shops, not pubs or any other form of hospitality. It displays more signs of intelligence than the buffoon I think.

    1. Yo vvof

      just back from a run to the local recycling centre,

      Green and energy saving, well done old fella person

    2. I certainly won’t be voting Conservative next time. But since I live in a district where even the cows & chickens vote Conservative I suppose I will simply not vote, unless others have a creative suggestion about what to do at the voting booth?

        1. You will need to use a felt tip, I once heard they rub those out and make certain alterations.

      1. I would vote for any of the minor, conservative parties that are standing. Your vote will be wasted, but if enough people do it, the Cons might get a little bit worried.
        FPTP does make voting seem pointless most of the time.

        1. That is what I would do but in this district minor parties don’t bother. The only one I ever saw apart from Liblabcon, was UKIP.

          1. It boosts them more if people encourage them by voting for them, and voting for another party is more of a poke in the eye than not voting at all. FPTP makes resistance feel a bit futile, I agree.

      2. We used to have a Lib Dem MP who had the distinction of being sacked by Clegg from his front bench team because he berated his leader and though he should honour his promises.
        He was a good local MP who done a lot of good for his constituents, enough even for me to miss him when he retired.
        Now we have a Tory yes man who even backed May and her Chequers pig of a deal.

    3. The only time I have not voted Conservative was when the hapless Major was PM. I was one of many who was reeled in by Blair’s lies. But in hind sight I have long suspected this was a bit of set up by Heseltine and Clarke etc, who are not really conservatives and wanting change. Out of frustration I did however once vote for an independent who doubled his previous score. I would have voted UKIP but we have never had a local candidate.

      1. That seems to be the crux of the problem, Eddy.

        These little parties, For Britain, Reclaim and/or Reform seem more interested in their own survival, rather than providing, together, a viable vote for the electorate who have seen through Lib/Lab/Con and their vacuous promises.

        Wake up, you little shits and give us a fighting chance. The Bumbling Johnson is going to call a General Election before you get organised, in order to solidify his tyrannical hold on the UK.

          1. Question though, Eddy, how do we get to them, convince them of the need and let them know it’s the only way to garner votes?

          2. The best way to deal with it is to cut the pay of the opposition in half that might make them be more attuned to public opinion.

      1. Nor I, there was no independent candidate here to vote for, I was left with a choice of the usual 3 so for the first time ever I did not vote.
        I can see the same choice made by me again if there is no viable alternative.

    1. I have been helping with the canvassing in Old Bexley and Sidcup so I have met Tice several times now.
      He is a decent, intelligent man and independently wealthy so not beholden to outside interests, unlike the craven scoundrels currrently trying to coral us into further coercive measures from which we should be grateful to be later released.
      A true patriot with a sense of service.
      I hope to God that he gets a foot in the door, but vested interests are ensconced and ruthless.

      1. The problem is if UKIP or any independent’s are ever successful in changing the political scene in the UK, they will have the police judiciary and the civil service to contend with. They might need more than a barrels of dynamite.

    2. This is what Dr Angelique Coetzee the first doctor to become aware of the new strain of Covid has to say about it. “Dr Angelique Coetzee said she was first alerted to the possibility of a new variant when patients in her busy private practice in the capital Pretoria started to come in earlier this month with Covid-19 symptoms that did not make immediate sense.

      They included young people of different backgrounds and ethnicities with intense fatigue and a six-year-old child with a very high pulse rate, she said. None suffered from a loss of taste or smell.

      “Their symptoms were so different and so mild from those I had treated before,” said Dr Coetzee, a GP for 33 years who chairs the South African Medical Association alongside running her practice.”

      In short, much ado about nothing.

      1. Prepare for a campaign aimed at young, darker-skinned people, and emphasising long term fatigue, for which of course, there will be no known cure until big Pharma saves the day with a new, experimental and very expensive drug.

        Still, even that is preferable to the elites launching the next “crisis” on us.

        1. Excluding the Jewish people, many Bames are traditionally cautious, nay sceptical, about whitey´s medicine.

          (I did not invent the label ´Bame´, and I use it ironically to describe anyone who is not anglosaxon)

          1. Indian doctors seem to be pretty proactive about treatments though. I think it’s a positive thing for the world that India is finally going through its own industrial revolution.

          2. Yes BB2, I realised that as I carelessly clicked the ‘Post’ button. There are plenty of excellent Indian (& Indian origin) Doctors and Consultants, and also it is wonderful that India is industrialising and progressing like China and much of South and SE Asia; great for her citizens and also a bulwark against the perceived ambitions of the CCP. However, I baulk at the never-ending medicalisation of humanity.

      2. Young children can have amazingly high heart rates when ill; IIRC the red flag is when a child has a fever but paracetamol (etc) fails to lower or maintain the temperature.

    3. As stated below.
      According to the medics in the area of southern Africa. The newly invented ‘variant’ is about as infectious and dangerous as a common cold. It;s just more arrse covering because the vaccines don’t and never have worked.

      In reality have people with colds now been banned from traveling ?

    1. Morning Belle! I have no objection to calling them “people” that is self evident, but they are defined as people who are illegal immigrants and thus not welcome. So what useful purpose does Priti Patel’s suggestion achieve?

      1. For years the MSM (and the beeboids, of course) have called every single one of the illegals “refugees”.

  18. My daughter-in-law and grand-daughter are both recovering after four days of feeling quite poorly. I expect it was a touch of seasonal ‘flu.

    It was a wrench not to see them yesterday – but, to be honest, with the shyte weather and the Tube on strike, I was quite glad to be at home!

      1. I thought it interesting Rastus, that he is still working, hasn’t been fired, and that apparently he feels safe enough to put up a video discussing Hydroxychloroquine. Is this an indicator, a prelude to the medical profession saying it has had enough and it is time to bring Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin in from the cold? One can but hope.

        1. Some doctors in France who are convinced that the vaccine gene-therapy is evil and dangerous are advising the unvaccinated un-gene-therapied to delay having it for as long as possible in the pretty forlorn hope that the whole thing will be called off and they will escape unharmed.

      2. As and old septic, I have to wonder HTF did this virus become so wide spread in a just few days in the vast and often very isolated areas of southern Africa. I dread to think what might be going on.

          1. I think this is what we already have here Richard. There is a lot of common sense spouted each day on here i’m sure the government or it’s spies have already tapped into it. Perhaps they might start to take some notice of the ‘old septic’s’ and act accordingly.
            I was speaking to my old fried in Victoria on Saturday and I told him that I so often wish we had never decided to return to the UK, I am beginning to hate what this country has now turned into. Some where south of Perth near the coast would be very nice indeed. This time 6 years ago we were staying in a large house in the woods south of Denmark (WA) with a view of the southern ocean.

    1. I sincerely hope that Alf and vw have seen this and are lobbying the hospital with regard to their son – insisting that he is treated this way and not the current SAGE method.

      Good luck with that!

      1. I have seen this clip and would love to lobby the hospital. However, our d-i-l is vehemently against Alf’s and my stance re covid. She has rheumatoid arthritis (not that that’s relevant) but works for care homes and she’s had the jabs, booster yesterday and says why on earth didn’t our son have the jabs. (She was very upset when she said that as you can imagine). We didn’t know he hadn’t had it until recently, never liked to ask. The topic has been verboten when with them. It’s very difficult. In our very brief FaceTime with him he’s urging us to get the jabs.

    1. Unless our government starts to stand up to this islamic uprising the whole of Europe will be down graded and the culture will be destroyed the social structure is already being seriously undermined. It appears that not only Christians are being targeted any one who is white is in the wrong. The last islamic take over of Europe managed to get as far as Spain, now it’s already in the UK and spread across the continent. When a nation such as Poland makes a stand they are denigrated by the Dopey Wokey’s.
      Let’s try and get this escalating problem sorted out, it’s perfectly obvious the government is scared stiff as they are trying to ignore it.

    2. Query – given all the current hatred of Christians, why are some of these still in the Commonwealth?

      Your Majesty, may I ask as a concerned follower of Christian beliefs, why are these countries still welcomed in the Commonwealth?

      Commonwealth countries:
      Hong Kong


    3. Query – given all the current hatred of Christians, why are some of these still in the Commonwealth?

      Your Majesty, may I ask as a concerned follower of Christian beliefs, why are these countries still welcomed in the Commonwealth?

      Commonwealth countries:
      Hong Kong


  19. Morning all, not a cloud in the sky in Mid Herts. But more than a bit nippy out side.
    I might have caught the pesky rat, the trap is closed.I can see it with my Binoculars from the upstairs window, but I’ve only been out to put the used teabags and coffee grouts in the kitchen waste bin so far.
    Interesting that the GP who saw the infected in SA has stated categorically that the people she saw had only very mild symptoms with sore throats and slight coughs. Isn’t covid related to the common cold virus ?
    And the panic has set in in Westminster the experts are all out spouting their B Shite again.
    How many more illegal migrants today ?

  20. How is Alf the Great’s son doing, does anyone know? He has been on my mind this morning and last night.

    1. He is on Oramorf, IV antibiotics and steroids and just heard he has a nasogastric tube now to get some nutrition into him. Terrible time for us all.

        1. Yes and we’re able to correspond on WhatsApp but talking is difficult as he has to remover his oxygen mask and he gets tired extremely quickly. That will be more so now he has a feeding tube.

          1. Well, I would say that is excellent, he may feel like the proverbial but that he is awake and communicating is great. He will be fine, I’m sure of it.

      1. That sounds better already, VW. I suspect it’ll be a long haul back to health, though.

    2. Good morning Jonathan
      vw has replied and we thank you for your concern.
      Very grateful for the support at this dreadful time.

      1. I missed most of the comments yesterday sorry to hear of the Covid problem Alf, I hope he gets well quickly.

          1. ‘ Afternoon, Mum,

            After repeating the Paternoster, I think about, and talk to the ‘Big Man’ about all those I care for, including those who’ve gone before.

            Yet, I’m an agnostic!

  21. What’s Nigel Farage up to. He is not on GBNews this morning and Mark Steyn is standing in for him tomorrow evening?

    1. Probably just taking a break or discussing with his supporters going back into politics. But I’m happy to have more of Mark Steyn, he’s clever and far more entertaining than Farage.

  22. ‘Britain is heading for a national crisis’: Nigel Farage warns number of Channel migrants will rise, NHS ‘can’t cope’ and government borrowing will lead to £100bn deficit next year as he eyes return to frontline politics
    Nigel Farage predicts Channel crossings will reach crisis point by summer 2022
    Leave and Tory voters may boycott Boris over migration issue, Farage says
    Farage blasts ‘Remainer blob’ in civil service for stifling Brexit Britain’s potential
    Meanwhile, as inflation and NHS pressures bite, Farage sees dark times ahead
    The GB News presenter is ‘thinking about’ a comeback to frontline politics

    Mark Tovey : Mail on line:


    Nigel Farage is an excellent journalist as his performance on GBNews illustrates. However as a politician he is too autocratic: he must always be the leader and he finds it difficult to work with others. Could he unite Lawrence Fox and Ricard Tice and work in a team with them? I am not sure that he could.

        1. 342129 + up ticks,
          I certainly hope not, as they are now
          very pro tory (ino) probably suit the hard core tory (ino) clingons but that is all.

      1. I just hope more of the electorate get the choice and chance to vote UKIP. We have never had a candidate.

        1. 342129+ up ticks,
          Afternoon RE,
          Steady ready Eddy, uKiP currently has the same treacherous nec that took down Gerard Batten & emptied the party of patriotic members.

          1. Before I kick the bucket Ogga it would be most satisfactory to be able to vote for any one I know who might even be just able to to change the circumstances most of have to suffer from our useless and rather pointless political classes.

      2. 342129+ up ticks,
        Morning P,
        Very sad to hear, two out of three have supported pro tory (ino) actions.

        For me Anne Marie Waters.

        1. ogga1, I have more chance of becoming Pope, mind you being an atheist might help, than Anne Marie Waters and her followers have of winning sufficient support to hold a balance of power in Parliament. Pragmatism has to be the way.

          Churchill’s support for the Soviet Union is a classic example of supporting something that isn’t what you might agree with but was a necessary step in defeating an even greater threat, in Churchill’s case, Hitler’s Naziism. We are in that situation now, all hands to the pump to defeat the around 600 MPs that would do us harm. Sort out the baggage afterwards.Stick to your narrow view and lose, everything.Time to put on the big boy’s pants.

          1. 342129+ up ticks,
            Evening KtK,
            I did reply to your “big boys pants” comment which considering I was, up until the treacherous take down of Batten via the party nec / farage input a long term member of UKIP, the “big boys pants” I do consider to be below the braces line.

            The odious threesome should be hit via the polling booth with a fringe party MASS vote, the referendum proved that.

            The likes of me post referendum was calling on build up of UKIP as a safeguard, all in my history but NO, back to supporting / voting lab/lib/con still fresh from being a pro eu rubber stamping coalition and that turned out to be a roaring success, the torys (ino) thought all their eids had come at once.

    1. I agree, he is far to much of a monumental ego. It was his spite on being side lined that induced him to destroy UKIP. If I cant have it, no one can. Not a nice trait by any means.

      1. To do the right thing for the wrong reasons

        The motivation of our actions is very much the central issue in T.S.Eliot’s play about Thomas à Becket in Murder in the Cathedral.

        There is little doubt in my mind that Boris Johnson pragmatically jumped on the Brexit bandwagon for his own political advancement and cared little about whether Britain was in or was not in the EU.

        Nigel Farage was, I think, more sincere in wanting Britain out of the EU but he is also tainted by what John Milton described as that last infirmity of noble mind: the desire for fame and personal aggrandisement which acted as his spur.

        1. Farage suffers from not doing detail. Bors suffers from not having the guts to confront the really big issues of the day.

          Neither are suitable for office. The entire state edifice needs to be smashed – we could lose half the quangos and no one would notice. State spending could be reduced by 30% to no consequence.

          1. Who is suitable for office?

            Every time I think somebody might be (e.g.s Rees-Mogg, Steve Baker) I find that he or she has feet of clay and is good for nothing.

      1. Would those be British skinheads? Big rough men, such as those we love to have defending us when needed?
        “O it’s Tommy this, an’ Tommy that, an’ “Tommy, go away”;
        But it’s “Thank you, Mister Robinson”, when the band begins to play,”

        After Kipling.

  23. ‘Britain is heading for a national crisis’: Nigel Farage warns number of Channel migrants will rise, NHS ‘can’t cope’ and government borrowing will lead to £100bn deficit next year as he eyes return to frontline politics
    Nigel Farage predicts Channel crossings will reach crisis point by summer 2022
    Leave and Tory voters may boycott Boris over migration issue, Farage says
    Farage blasts ‘Remainer blob’ in civil service for stifling Brexit Britain’s potential
    Meanwhile, as inflation and NHS pressures bite, Farage sees dark times ahead
    The GB News presenter is ‘thinking about’ a comeback to frontline politics

    Mark Tovey : Mail on line:


    Nigel Farage is an excellent journalist as his performance on GBNews illustrates. However as a politician he is too autocratic: he must always be the leader and he finds it difficult to work with others. Could he unite Lawrence Fox and Ricard Tice and work in a team with them? I am not sure that he could.

  24. 342129+ up ticks,

    Live Covid latest news: UK ‘nowhere near’ further restrictions in face of omicron variant, insists Health Secretary,

    read as,

    Covid latest news: UK ‘nowhere near’ further restrictions in face of omicron variant, insists Health Secretary Gollom of westminster this is a trailor for more odious features coming shortly, work in progress.

    1. Have the cabal, including Whitty, Valance and the equally odious Van Tam, been apprised of the backlash across social media? Has Johnson, for the moment, lost his bottle as he foresees massive demonstrations like those in Europe? Perhaps he needs a call from his old chum Bill to stiffen his resolve.

        1. poppiesmum, I have a link to another enlightening talk by Dr Peter McCullough. This man is a beacon of light in these dark times. I’ll put it up if you would like me to.

          1. Thank you! I will watch it later today. I read so much and watch so much that not a lot gets done these days. I have seen a young man with a back-to-front hat before, by himself, he was very good.
            Appearance does not put me off the truth of the matter, I am not hattist!

          2. I have encountered Anna de Buisseret before when serving notices to police officers at ‘vaccine’ centres, she was very good and in complete control. The police didn’t know quite what to make of her. I believe she has a Forces background. I will watch later.

            I see not much time was wasted in including heart problems in the list of symptoms in the new ‘omicron’ variant on a list I saw last night. The perfect cover of course, and to cause a stampede of people to the vaccine centres. We had lunch with some friends from France on Thursday and they hadn’t heard of the sportsmen collapsing all over the world on the field. They could scarcely believe it. “But it’s not in the news!” they said. They had of course just had their third jab, the ‘booster’. I find it so difficult to come to terms with the fact that probably 80% of the country has no idea of what is going on, and that is probably representative over the years of all that has led to the predicament in which we now find ourselves. Comfortable lives for far too long.

            All this is going to go on forever, although I get a sense that it is crumbling now, and ‘they’ are losing control. The Indian Bar Association has filed a prosecution for vaccine murder on Bill Gates at the Indian High Court, I don’t know how legally significant this is.

          3. I’ve just replied to Rastus with a question: with no reported respiratory problems what will the cabal declare is the problem with this new “variant”. I gave three examples, including cardiac and of course that will be the perfect cover for the current “vaccine’s ” failing in that area.
            Here’s Dr John Campbell discussing this issue. Hope you don’t mind me loading your ‘to watch’ list.


  25. 342129+ up ticks,
    Lest we forget (conveniently in many cases) farage was one of the pro johnsons more active generals specialising in hill climbing for the benefit of the tory (ino) party.

    Boris ‘Hasn’t Got a Clue’! Farage Slams Tories For ‘Rudderless’ Response to Migrant Crisis

    1. Farage’s great mistake was withdrawing his Brexit Party candidates from contesting seats held by remainer MPs without getting any quid pro quos from Johnson who gobbled this incredible break up voraciously.

      The chips were down and for all his boasting Farage lost his nerve just at the moment when he needed to hold it.

      The Brexit Party with just a few seats could have kept Johnson up to the mark on Brexit if the Conservatives had, say a majority of only 20 or so..

      1. 342129+ up ticks,
        A “patriotic papillon” of such calibre is no good watching the Country’s six,

  26. I have just fired off an email to Dr Ellie Cannon @The MailonSunday.

    Describing my condition and the non-treatment i have received.

    Though i have been prescribed medicine which has been of some help my situation is not improving.

    Her article today covered feeling cold even with the heating on.

    I have critical limb ishaemia which is the more dangerous form of peripheral arterial disease.

    Online medical sites say if it is left untreated ie not operated on the chance of a stroke or heart attack is high.

    The Vascular department at my local general hospital remains uncontactable.

    It seems that many more of us and on Nottle are getting serious conditions which are not being treated properly.

    Don’t get ill.

        1. Thanks Phil he was, apparently, totally disorientated when he awoke this morning having had morphine and sleeping tablets.

      1. I am doubtful. It is just a column. It’s not pro-active.

        Shedding light on what the NHS is actually (not) doing is important though.

        1. Plenty, old troop, coupled with ischaemic heart disease, COPD and a faulty bypass in my right leg.

          Cramps and much sleeplessness. I just feel bolloxed.

          1. How do you get about? I’m having to buy a mobility even though my condition isn’t anywhere near as serious as yours.

            KBO chum.

          2. Best Beloved does the driving, uses the blue badge and I sit in the car and wait, with the lanyard and exemption around my neck.

        2. Plenty, old troop, coupled with ischaemic heart disease, COPD and a faulty bypass in my right leg.

          Cramps and much sleeplessness. I just feel bolloxed.

          1. Too kind…
            Was accused of looking like a poor man’s Buster Merryfield recently.
            I hope it was a compliment!

      1. I have had private healthcare before and i will still use a private GP @£120 a time if necessary.

        But i am supposedly under a Consultant who i suspect is treating private patients. If it turned out that my private appointment was with him when i can’t contact him in his supposed place of work i would probably punch him.

  27. 34212( + up ticks,

    ‘SpiDex’ – the drug cocktail that could defeat the new Covid variant

    Cut to the quick, by pass the political / elites sh!te.

    Insist STRONGLY that ALL political overseers & elites have a jab of
    Sodium Thiopental that does wonders for truth seeking sufferers, this drug WILL WORK.

  28. The migrant issue, like BLM, is one divide and rule strategy of the media and in this case on both sides of the channel. You will not read in the Telegraph today that ONS figures show that in England the under 60’s who are vaccinated are TWICE as likely to die as the unvaccinated. But that is the stark truth. While we are invited to squabble over Johnny Foreigner our people are been killed in large numbers, and that will not stop until the vaccines are stopped and those who peddle them are behind bars.

    Of course the bonus for globalists of destroying our culture and economy may be part of their twisted thinking, but the killing is there it is an over-riding concern, it is proved and it must be stopped by us by whatever means is necessary.

    1. Are they twice as likely because there are twice as many of them? Forgive me, but stats can mean anything if presented properly. If we have 90% vaccinated amongst the over 60s then inevitable, in numerical terms (not adjusting for the proportions) then more will have died. It is simple numbers.

      I’m very happy to be wrong though.

      1. Don’t forget the German doctor in his fifties who took his own life a couple of weeks ago because he would not continue to be part of the deliberate decimation of the people by intravenous injection.

        1. What intravenous injection issue would that be? If you mean the vaccination programme, the injections are intramuscular.

          1. I get why the actual mRNA-spikey stuff has to be injected into muscle and that if injected directly into a vein, the victim would drop dead on the spot but would the saline placebos also do dire harm if injected directly?

          2. No, to inject the amount of normal saline contained in a syringe directly into a vein is harmless. Inject the same amount of pure water into a vein & you’ve got problems.

          3. Good afternoon, Peter

            I yield to your superior knowledge about veins and shall not try to muscle in – or even mussel in – on your territory. But aren’t the jabs more akin to vein therapy than to vaccination?

          4. Some of the reported side effects seem to be more to do with the arteries & arterioles rather than the veins. That would include the myopathy which afflicted 3 of your 17 yo students.
            The needles used for the vax are inserted into the middle of a muscle, usually the deltoid, not into a vein.

          5. Is it really so easy to “train” medically unqualified people to carry out these injections? It seems to me that any old bod could “volunteer” to give these jabs. I’m not at all comfortable with that.

          6. In theory, yes. But it takes the right attitude to develop a good chairside manner, which some qualified people never achieve. That includes kindness with injections.

          7. Good afternoon, Peter

            I yield to your superior knowledge about veins and shall not try to muscle in – or even mussel in – on your territory. But aren’t the jabs more akin to vein therapy than to vaccination?

    1. I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re supplying the boats and paying the gimmigrants to go.

      Heck, these Somalians, Eritreans and other such types defecate on the street. They’re savages.

      1. £54m of British money buys quite a lot of rubber dinghies.

        Maybe that’s the reason Macron thinks Johnson gave him all this money. France doesn’t want the migrants but the British government does.

          1. Bearing in mind that Johnson is so stupid, doesn’t he see that the Caliphate, when it comes with a majority vote, will put him out of office and all his chummy so-called Conservatives.

            I can hear the tumbrils rumbling through the streets already.

      2. Not too long ago there was a flood of public disgust about immigrants gobbing the remains of chewed green Kaht onto the pavements of Enfield and MK.

        1. And was anything done about it, such as the council tax of all non natives hiked 100% to pay for this?

          1. And was anything done about it, such as the council tax of all nonnatives hiked 100% to pay for this?
            I think this us more likely.

    2. For a long time now I have been suggesting it could be the french government that have been behind this smuggling , it’s the sort of thing that little creep macron would do.
      None of this would have happened with out some sort of planning and organisation.

  29. You do not have to start wearing masks ’till Tuesday in shops and public transport but you don’t need to wear masks at all in restaurants and tea and coffee shops. Who thinks this all up. They are not ftr to govern.Johnson has totaly lost it.

      1. Eight O’Clock. You’ll know the time ‘cause Eccles has a piece of paper wot the man rote it on and Bluebottle agrees.

    1. Why Tuesday, why not from yesterday evening? This is a pandemic, for heaven’s sake. However, I shall just carry on as normal and let the zombied sheep get on with it.

      1. I will carry on wearing a mask when I am shopping in a store .

        The public are in my opinion , a filthy lot .. as we all know, coughs and sneezes spread diseases, trap your germs in a handkerchief.

        So I will continue to avoid super snotty spreaders by wearing me wearing a face mask …

        I obect to globules of snot and cough spreading in my direction from careless badmannered bods.

        If you look at a window with the sun shining through , and see amongst the rays a light dusty prism , you will be surprised at the distance a sneeze can spread .

        I also have first hand knowledge off the disaster that happened in January this year when 16 adults died in one month when a cross infected patient was returned from hospital to the nursing home . Moh’s mother died there 5 years ago , after being a resident for over three years. We knew most of the staff.

        The home closed straight away , staff lost their jobs , and the stress they suffered was unbearable .

        Not every one who develops dementia is elderly, there are many fit younger people in their late forties and fifties who develop the disease, and many of those succumbed to the Covid 19 as well, yes families grieved .

        Losing anyone with a blood disease or heart or kidney or breathing problems is horrendous , so I will continue to wear a mask when necessary and especially so when I visit vulnerable friends .

        1. I remember one child’s sneeze, as an experiment on tv, enveloping the whole classroom… I have seen people in the supermarket lower their mask in order to cough and sneeze. I don’t wear one because I don’t want to up the fear levels, masks are a reminder to the public to be fearful. I shop when it is quiet, I keep away in the busy times. If I am ill I won’t be going at all.

  30. Here’s an extract from a tweet from Tulio de Oliveira (@Tuliodna
    Director of CERI: Centre for Epidemic Response & innovation, South Africa) of three days ago that renewed COVID panicking amongst scientists worldwide.

    This graph shows how quickly Omicron (the Blue variant on the graph) has supplanted earlier established COVID variants in South Africa . The good news is that Omicron is easily detectable by a PCR test. The bad news is that because it is both so transmissible and detectable it’ll be found everywhere around the world probably by the end of this week.

    The not so bad news from South African doctor tweets is that healthy youngsters diagnosed with an Omicron infection present as being just ‘very tired’ and likely to have a headache.

    1. The small flaw in that theory of course is that PCR may detect infection but can’t identify the cause and it remains true that if you run PCR at 35+ cycles, it doesn’t show anything meaningful at all.

      1. I seem to recall that the American medical profession got into hot water because they were using 20 cycles for vaccinated patients and 35 for unvaccinated ones, presumably to deliberately skew the figures.

      2. The best I’ve seen so far as to the cause of an infection being due to having been exposed to the COVID-19 virus is a diagnosis of secondary thrombotic microangiopathy> as I put in my comment yesterday.

        This has a unique symptomatic profile in the spectrum of haemolytic disorders which has hitherto evaded conventional treatment pathways.

  31. The new variant comes from abroad, is a bloody nuisance and gives people a headache, so perhaps it could be labelled the O´macron variant.

  32. Russia mourns more than 50 dead in Siberia coal mine tragedy. 28 November 2021.

    A Siberian mining region has begun three days of mourning after more than 50 people died in a coal mine accident and a rescue effort that ended in tragedy.

    After initially reporting that six rescuers had died during attempts to reach miners, officials said on Friday that one had been found alive and taken to hospital for treatment.

    My Grandfather was a coal miner and so was his son; my father; one of his brothers, my uncle, was one too and one of his sons and his son-in-law. I’m pretty sure that even this list could be equalled or even exceeded by other families. It was a dangerous job; even now I can remember when my father sustained an injury to his eye and the fear in his voice for his sight when he sent me for the doctor one late afternoon, the medical man admonishing me at seven years old for standing on the step and not having the wit to enter the waiting room. Like all communities that are bound together by threat it was very close, it had its own traditions and humour, not a little of it black by virtue of its dangers. They used to know the realities of incidents like this that were not reported in the newspapers. These very tough men screaming on the wards as their lungs had been seared by the flashback from the gas; the drugs inadequate to their task! It is all gone now of course, and many would say all the better for it, but it carried with it Pride and Dignity and a sense of Worth and Purpose. That has gone as well!

    May these Russian miners rest in Peace.

  33. Good news of our son. Inflammatory markers much better, no signs of clots or anything in CT scan and heart is all good except some fibrosis in the heart but this resolves itself over a long period of time. His liver and kidneys had been struggling but things are definitions in the right direction.

    Thank and bless you all for your good wishes and prayers.

    1. A few years ago I had bilateral Pulmonary embolisms and pneumonia. Eight or so years previously I had DVT from a suspected PE.

      This time I avoided West Suffolk and after a week in Addenbrookes I recovered but was prescribed Warfarin for life. The consultant doing his rounds discussed available treatments with his junior doctors. Thankfully ‘just this once’ (in his words) they decided to give me the expensive shots.

      Edit: I am glad to hear your more positive news. Take care and try not to worry. Our NHS clinicians are great, the many tiers of clipboard holders, accountants and superfluous management let them down.

    1. I find it creepy. Is the connection deliberate?

      REVELATION 22:13 KJV “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.”

        1. Apparently there used to be 5 horseman but Kaos left after artistic differences emerged – he now delivers milk using the name Ronnie Soak!

      1. My first and surname initials are A and O- maiden name. I was very badly behaved at primary school and my poor old dad was heard to exclaim that I was the beginning and the bleedin’ end!
        However, I am very well behaved now;-))

  34. Britain facing relentless storms this December as coldest winter for 10 years hits. 28 November. 2021.

    BATTERED Britain faces an unrelenting blitz of Arctic storms in the run up to Christmas. Storm Arwen was the first in a conveyor belt of violent assaults set to smash the nation through December.

    Breaking News!!!! Daily Express forecasts Winter Storms! Cold Weather expected! The horror!

    1. Hope there are plenty of power cuts to drive home some reality for electric car owners! No, it’s not being mean, it’s for the greater good!

  35. Around 120,000 customers of electrical supply companies do not have electricity, and have not had any since Storm Arwen passed over. That’s maybe 300,000 people with no electricity. If they were in modern all-electric houses that would mean no cooking , no heating, no lights, no communications and no internet. Emergency measures are being taken in respect of care homes and medical facilities. Diesel generators are being used.
    This is the direction in which the government is taking the entire country. Not only will there be a greater demand than now for electricity (as it would be replacing gas) but there would be more failures in supply as power stations are closed without replacement and the network would be stressed.
    No gas, no coal fires, no oil fired central heating, no wood stoves. Our lives would be gambled on electricity alone. The electricity suppliers are private businesses not state-owned enterprises as they were previously. Safety margins and “making sure “have been replaced by “achieve minimum costs and maximise profit”.
    (Bye the bye, there are plans to close the telephone landline network which is powered by batteries in exchanges and so is independent of domestic supply.)
    Am I alone in thinking that all of this is madness?

    PS One of the reasons that our industry survived the war is that we used steam powered trains that ran independently, not electric railways powered from central power stations?

      1. Hopefully, not for us, Mola, as we have oil-fired CH boiler, a wood-burner fire and Calor gas to the Oven hob.

    1. You are not alone Horace. It is total madness. Can we do anything about it? Writing to MPs is pretty useless. Although I think there may be ructions when they start trying to remove our gas boilers!

  36. Well that was a wasted day.Its now 6PM here and 7PM in Moscow but still no attack on Ukraine.
    Ah well…maybe tomorrow.

  37. BBC Radio 3 is broadcasting Choral Evensong for Advent Day from St John’s Cambridge.. The words of the service use (mainly) 1662 Prayer Book. However, the eight Lessons are from the Janet and John “Bible”. GRRRRRRR.

    1. I switched it off. Our service this evening at Barts was much better – the singing and KJV readings. One of the readers needs to project more but that’s minor.

    2. We had an Advent Carol Service (but oddly enough, without any carols!). Same here – modern readings. Still, there were nearly 30 in the choir; magnificent!

    1. What about the big cloud of cooties that jumps out round the side of the mask every time you cough behind it??

        1. US non-specific, non-scientific term for “germs”. Any virus will fly out and join the merrily circulating cloud in the enclosed space where you’re standing. Water evaporates quickly, leaving them diffusing through the air.

          1. The kind of tiny droplets that come out when people breathe evaporate quickly in a supermarket type environment, or an office for example. The mask myth relies on the idea that the virus is contained within larger droplets that fall to the ground.

      1. Just wondering whether your surgeon felt the same , DB or any of the other operating theatre attendants?

        All theatre staff wear masks, don’t they.. ?

        1. Yes but as well as the masks being properly fitting and a different quality, surgeons wear masks so that they don’t spit in an open wound or get splashed with blood from the patient. Also, they wear it for as short a time as possible, wear a new one for every patient and all in an environment as close to sterile as possible. Very different to the bits of rag people keep in their pocket?

  38. Mosque leader, 53, who lost two sons to the war in Syria denies telling congregation that ‘Jihad is compulsory’
    Abubakr Deghayes, of Saltdean in Brighton, today denied encouraging terrorism
    The 53-year-old mosque leader allegedly told congregation ‘Jihad is compulsory’
    He allegedly made stabbing motions and said violence was ‘religious obligation’
    Two of his sons died in the Syrian Civil War, a third was stabbed to death in 2019

    1. Is he denying this from an interrogation room at Belmarsh? Ah no, he has been released on bail. Presumably this gives him the chance to put his money where his mouth is? Jihad here we come!

    2. Taqiyya. Otherwise known as lying. In court, Perjury. None of that bothers the followers of the RoP.

  39. HAPPY HOUR – Crimbo Cancelled…..!

    Well, that will solve the mother-in-law problem…. it’s not all bad!

    The panic-makers long for another shutdown… but it won’t do any good.
    You can almost hear the BBC presenters drooling at the prospect of yet another of the shutdowns they long for and enjoy so much.
    Reports of a new variant of Covid, combined with the frenzy of medical repression on the Continent, have filled them with hope that England can once again be closed down for Christmas.

      1. With every shutdown we also reduce our acquired immunity to many bugs due to not mixing with people normally.

    1. You can just sense the desperation in the dribbles from the meeja, that this one will be the BIG One. Millions dead, grannies and newborns particularly. Ohmygawd.

  40. Nestlé unveils the Kit-Kat Chocolatory.

    So you thought a Kit-Kat with your afternoon cuppa was a chocolate wafer biscuit…think on.

    There are about 40 different flavors of Kit-Kat. Some unique flavors or limited releases may also feature exclusive designs and other premium ingredients, such as dehydrated fruit, higher-quality chocolate, and mocha.
    The Japanese love for Kit-Kat Bars produces 300 flavors including strawberry,
    rum raisin and strawberry cheesecake.
    I can recommend Caramelised toffee Kit-Kat with a cuppa or Honeycomb a recent addition to the Kit-Kat range.

    1. The origin of the name “Kit-Cat Club” is unclear. In 1705 Thomas Hearne wrote: “The Kit Cat Club got its name from Christopher Catling. [Note, a Pudding Pye man.]” Other sources give his surname as Catt (or some variant such as Cat or Katt): John Timbs (“Club Life of London”), Ophelia Field (“The Kit-Kat Club”), John Macky (“A Journey Through England”).

      A nickname for Christopher is “Kit”. Christopher Catt was the keeper of a pie-house in Shire Lane, by Temple Bar, where the club originally met. His famous mutton pies (“Kit-Kats”) were named after him, and formed a standing dish at meetings of the club; the pie is thus itself sometimes regarded (e.g., by Addison in the Spectator) as the origin of the club’s name.

    2. All made with palm oil because it is cheap and very suitable. Palm oil production has destroyed huge areas of rain forest, wiped out wild life, damaged or destroyed the indigenous peoples, reduced diversity and damaged the resilience and health of our planet. This was done so that confectionery companies could make better profits.
      (I liked Kit-Kats!)

    1. It is so beautiful, the colours resonate with vibrancy and life. I expect your wife is good with Lego as well…!

      1. She is disgustingly well qualified. Professional Building Society management qualification. City & Guilds Tailoring qualification & City & Guilds Soft Furnishings qualification, oh and a Jig Saw puzzle aficionado….

  41. That’s me gone for this chilly day. However, still not put on the CH. Yet.

    Have a lovely Greek alphabet inspired evening.

    A demain.

      1. Since you mentioned it Bath Abbey is now running on its very own htpocaustum utilising the nearby thermal springs and very efficient it is too. Yesterday evening 0 degrees outside and despite the cavernous space, comfortable temperature inside with just shirt and suit….

  42. We’ve just been part of a miracle. Our son WhatsApped from his hospital bed with contraptions around his face and tubes for drips all over him. Difficult for him to speak and for us to hear at times but what a joy and surprise it was.
    All fingers and toes crossed for his continued progress.

    Thank you all for your continued support and messages. We told him all about you.

    1. Congratulations Alf. That is very good news and you and the rest of the family must be very relieved. Finally, you can all get a good nights sleep knowing he is on the mend.

    2. So delighted to hear this! We will continue with our vigil; our prayers, thoughts and vibes.

    3. So good to hear, John. Sounds like a corner turned. Let’s hope progress continues. Love to you all.

  43. Oh yeah?

    The Border Force can end this crisis, but only with new powers

    A new Le Touquet-style agreement is needed to crack down on Channel smugglers. Operationally, it can be done


    Illegal immigration from France is not a new phenomenon. There’s been a pressure to emigrate from mainland Europe to Britain for many years. I was in the Border Force (or Immigration Service as it was then) when we saw a large influx of asylum seekers in 2002. The vast majority were coming across on passenger ferries, without any documents, and claiming asylum.

    We couldn’t cope. They were camping on the beaches in Dover. The operation around it meant acquiring huge swathes of property across Kent to accommodate them as well as tripling the Home Office budget to process them. Most never went back, regardless of the merits of their claim.

    The situation only came under control when Britain and France concluded the Treaty of Le Touquet, which enabled our officers to check documents on the French side, and vice versa.

    Then they came on the trains – not just as passengers but also as stowaways. Some lost their lives falling off the underside of moving trains, so we put our officers in Lille, Paris and Brussels to stop them there. But still the smugglers persevered, fuelled by a growing supply of migrants who were able to enter the EU via it’s porous external border and move between countries within the borderless Schengen zone.

    We saw people breaking into the ports of Calais and Dunkirk to jump onto lorries in a desperate attempt to cross to Dover. We dealt with that firstly by agreeing with France that we could place UK search teams in those ports – and thereafter to invest heavily in port security in and around them to keep the migrants out.

    The problem is that in the face of growing enforcement measures to secure the UK Border, the human smugglers have resorted to ever more dangerous tactics.

    Today, the threat has moved into the Channel, with smugglers pushing migrants onto boats – and shooting those who don’t follow through – because they are desperate to maintain their income. In some ways it is a new phenomenon. The Channel was not a popular route for migrants in my day. But it is still just another loophole that needs to be bolted shut. If we take a similar approach to the Channel that we did with trains and ferries, this acute crisis can be in large part solved.

    Britain and France have a huge range of border security assets available to identify, intercept, arrest and detain people on either side of the border, and to return them safely and securely whence they came. We could simultaneously gather valuable intelligence from sharing information about those involved in the criminal gangs behind the smuggling.

    This would of course require a new political agreement and a dedicated line of effort on both sides. It would require changes in legislation, policy, and governance, and there will likely be a financial requirement.

    Such changes need to be made by politicians on both sides of the border, and not the operational agencies who have to work within the constraints of current legislation. But operationally, it can be done.

    The Border Force is ready to accept new powers and act swiftly. If our political leaders fail to act with determination, however, the numbers and deaths will only grow.

    Tony Smith CBE is a former Director of Ports and Borders in Canada and the UK, a former Head of UK Border Force and now an international border security consultant.

  44. Slightly off topic.
    We had lunch with friends. Six almost completely different takes on the various items in the news, as well as art galleries, museums, sport, literature and always flowing from the previous topics.
    It was a joy to participate in fierce, sometimes heated, debates and for everyone to listen until the speakers had finished and learn different aspects and then for anyone to be able to present counter arguments, different statistics, different perspectives and be listened to.

    1. BTL Comments

      2 hours ago

      “There goes a Mullah’s Date Night…”

      2 hours ago

      “Running into a large animal is no joke. I t-boned a bull moose about 8 years ago and was damn lucky to have walked away. Bullwinkle was not so lucky. He ended up going to freezer camp”.

    1. In 1976, I recall visiting a ‘high pub near Heckmondwike’; it was famous for its impossibly difficult ‘Ring The Bull’ game.

      Does any Nottler know it?

    2. I suppose that it will be blamed on climate emergencies.

      Getting stuck at the pub used to be a regular occurrence when we lived in the UK. The road from Macclesfield to Buxton would be blocked every year, allowing an extended stay at the Cat and Fiddle.

    1. Yo T_B

      The reverse is in progress.

      The Europe/Africa/Asia Landmass countries are sending all their CONVID sufferers to UK

    2. It seems to arrive some where just in time for a group of brand new experts to try to convince every body it is real and not just a cover up for another vaccine failure.

    3. Do we actually “import” variants? Or do they just arrive in the air? To my mind any virus can be blown anywhere any time.

    1. They’ve been pushing this ever since it happened, with “human stories” about the drowned people. Not impressing many readers though, as the stories tend to reveal people who merely wanted to bypass the tedium and cost of sticking to the rules.

      1. So do I , and we live in an area where so manybods need rescuing.. and of course the military base is near us , lots of air exercises as well .

        People are so ungrateful, they may possibly require the services of an air ambulance one day.

        1. Not sure whether being awoken at 4.00 am by Russian transport planes into Stansted could be described as comforting. I would describe the noise as regular and predictable.

    1. …and the NHS will only send an ambulance to your door during daylight hours on weekdays. Agreed?

  45. From the Beeb:

    “Pupils and staff at secondary schools in England are being “strongly advised” to ask to wear face coverings in communal areas from Monday.
    The education secretary said he wanted to make sure education settings are “as safe as possible” amid concerns at the spread of the Omicron Covid variant.
    All education establishments, including universities and childcare settings such as Early Years care, are covered.
    Unions welcomed the announcement but called for further support.
    It comes after the government announced that face masks would once again become mandatory in England in shops and on public transport from 04:00 GMT on Tuesday.
    The Department of Education (DfE) said its guidance was temporary and would be reviewed in three weeks. However, for most secondary state schools in England, there is only approximately three weeks left of the Christmas term.
    Early evidence suggests the new Omicron variant has a higher re-infection risk, while scientists said current vaccines could be less effective. (?than originally claimed!!)

  46. OMG it must be contagious!

    “US First Lady Jill Biden really taking in the festive season and sniffing a Christmas tree is a moment you may have missed this week.

    From th Beeb’s ‘Must See’ section!

  47. OMG it must be contagious!

    “US First Lady Jill Biden really taking in the festive season and sniffing a Christmas tree is a moment you may have missed this week.

    From th Beeb’s ‘Must See’ section!

  48. Good night all.

    The perfect pork chop with a little pulau rice*. a red Rioja.
    A custard tart with lotsa blueberries.
    Bitter chocolate.

    * Normally I advise against rice before bed as it is hard to digest.

  49. Evening, all. Macron is a politician, why should anyone be surprised that he’s playing political games? Been snowing quite heavily here, but it seems to have eased off now. I braved the elements to go to the Advent carol service – darkness into light. Feel better for a good sing!

  50. I am bloody sick of our authoritarian government, a motley crowd of assorted wankers and twats, attempting to control the rest of us with their petty mandates and unfathomably stupid restrictions.

    By now everyone but a moron should have worked out (reasoned even) that the criminal sociopath Fauci is in the thick of it and has been dictating international health policy for decades.

    Most of our recurring injuries from Lupus, various cancers, multiple sclerosis, to allergies such as Hayfever and Asthma resulted from vaccination programmes in the past.

    Fauci and his cohorts should be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and sentenced to death by the courts. Other conspirators such as Gates, Farrar, Whitty and Vallance should join them.

    As to the politicians, they should also be tried in court for malfeasance in public office. These bastards voted for the highly questionable measures enacted by our utterly hopeless and hapless government.

    1. 342129 + up ticks,
      Evening C,
      Tis what the peoples have wanted having worked at putting it in place for a least three plus decades.

    2. I agree with much of your comment but not all.
      The government in this country should be so ashamed of themselves.
      No wonder we went to the bloody pub!

          1. 342194+ up ticks,
            Morning LOTL,
            Well meant advice don’t get bad,sad, mad, GET EVEN
            at any given voting opportunity.


    Now Whitehall’s woke ‘blob’ tries to ban Christmas: Ministers are warned using the word in festive jab drive will offend minorities
    Civil servants have blocked word ‘Christmas’ as it may offend minority religions
    Ministers planned use slogan for students: ‘Don’t take Covid home for Christmas’
    Saqib Bhatti, the Conservative MP for Meriden, branded the ban as ‘ridiculous’
    It comes as Boris Johnson revealed new rules to limit spread of Omicron variant

    1. If this takes off watch Patel bring in a law to criminalise it: probably be rated as ‘Domestic Terrorism’ with tens years in gaol. They can act when it suits their purpose, otherwise the people can go to hell.

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