Sunday 8 October: Russia’s latest act of extreme brutality should be a wake-up call to the West

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

501 thoughts on “Sunday 8 October: Russia’s latest act of extreme brutality should be a wake-up call to the West

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s story, maybe an oldie.

    The Power of Assertiveness
    The speaker from England stood up and said, “At last year’s conference we spoke about being more assertive with our husbands. Well, after the conference I went home and told my husband that I would no longer cook for him and that he would have to do it himself. After the first day I saw nothing. After the second day I saw nothing. But after the third day I saw that he had cooked a wonderful roast lamb.”

    The crowd cheered.
    The second speaker from America stood and spoke, “After last year’s conference I went home and told my husband that I would no longer do his laundry and that he would have to do it himself. After the first day I saw nothing. After the second day I saw nothing. But after the third day I saw that he had done not only his own washing but my washing as well.”
    The crowd cheered again.

    The third speaker from Ireland narrated: “After last year’s conference I went home and told my husband that I would no longer do his shopping and that he would have to do it himself. After the first day I saw nothing. After the second day I saw nothing. But after the third day I could see a little bit out of my left eye!”

  2. 377447+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Do the peoples realise that these parties they continue to put in power are mass importing and giving 5* succour too are of the same stock as those that triggered these odious actions.

    Migrants in Europe celebrate Hamas assault on Israel
    Videos of a camp in Greece show Palestinians and other asylum seekers cheering on attacks from Gaza

    If the indigenous majority voter seeks suicide may one suggest they go to Switzerland en masse

    1. 377447+up ticks,

      May one suggest we check out our teachers,

      Betula Independent Alliance
      We are not born to hate, that is a lesson taught.

  3. The weather people keep saying its hot and it is warm. I have known weather like this at Christmas. its nothing special at all

    1. I have distinct memories of boiling as we charged up and down the hockey pitch in the end of Autumn term matches, which were held in December.
      But in the 1950s there was no money to be made from eco scams.

  4. Morning, all. Clear with a cloudless and warm day in the offing.

    In the light of the situation in Israel an American citizen and political strategist holds genuine concerns for his country.

    Perhaps now many more people in the UK should be concerned about the faux conservatives’ immigration strategy i.e. the importation of tens of thousands of unknown young African men?
    With the UK in, and IMO a deliberately organised, an economic mess the rationale for bringing these people here fails any serious test, especially a test beginning with the word, WHY?

    1. Apparently it is only a question of time before Labour welcomes Palestinian Refugees en mass. (Think of all those lovely extra votes)….

  5. Russia’s latest act of extreme brutality should be a wake-up call to the West. 8 October 2023.

    The missile strike by Russia on a café in the Ukrainian village of Groza, where villagers were having a wake, is beyond barbaric (report, October 5). That the attack was scheduled for such a time as to achieve maximum casualties – with more than 50 civilians, including children, killed, and others maimed – sends an especially dark message.

    This incident is so convenient to the propaganda narrative in a difficult time that one doubts its authenticity. Even were it a Russian strike it could do nothing for the war effort and to do it deliberately as the letter writer suggests, was not only counterproductive, but implies some form of second sight.

  6. Morning folks.

    Things must be really really bad:

    “Ukraine is not ready to join the EU due to its being “corrupt at all levels of society,” Jean-Claude Juncker, the former European Commission president, said in unusually blunt statements to Germany’s Augsburger Allgemeine newspaper this week.

    He also chastised current European officials for giving Ukrainians “false promises” over the future of their EU candidacy, saying that being admitted to the bloc would be “neither good for the EU nor for Ukraine.””

    1. Morning Stephen. One suspects that Juncker was put up to this by the present regime.

      1. Who knows? (Good morning, btw, Minty.) Who knows anything? About the only thing I trust these days are posters on this site.

    2. Lots of countries, including those thought to be civilised, are corrupt at all levels of society. Any pan-national organisation must work with what it’s got, which is usually below any reasonable standards of decency, hold their noses and come up with something workable.

      That said, there’s quite a bit to do before Ukraine is in a fit state to be admitted to the EU. First off, there is this little boundary dispute with its hostile neighbour to sort out. As I see it, Ukraine is claiming the sovereign borders agreed at the break-up of the USSR, whereas Russia is claiming that its sovereign borders must grant Russia Crimea and the Azov Sea at the very least, and as much former Ukrainian territory as it can seize by conquest under the rules of Realpolitik. The EU is primarily a trading organisation and relies on its member states not being in a state of war, regardless of the rights and wrongs of it. It is why Serbia has still not been admitted, for as long as there is lingering resentment there that could blow up into war, and why the Good Friday Agreement between the UK and Ireland was essential to maintaining membership there.

      Before the invasions of 2014 and 2022, Ukraine itself was divided between factions loyal to Russia and those wishing to follow Poland and Lithuania into the EU and NATO. The only way to keep these in peace with each other and avoid partitioning the country was a policy of strict neutrality, which ruled out any approach to join the EU or NATO. Today, however, both may be required, even with ethnic Russians in Ukraine (such as in Kharkiv and Odesa), in a spirit of self-preservation. Russia’s protection racket convinces nobody. The price for that however may be dictated by a large river providing a natural barrier, rather than anything artificial.

      1. “as much former Ukrainian territory as it can seize by conquest under the rules of Realpolitik”.

        There’s the little question of the wishes of the people who live in Donetsk and Luhansk. They speak Russian and prefer to identify with Russia.

        “The EU is primarily a trading organisation”.

        It’s the Fourth Reich, an element of the planned One World Government – way, way more than a trading organisation. Serbia has not been admitted because it is unapologetically nationalist and the EU does not want yet another Eastern European country lining up with the Visegrad Four.

        The whole thing is a mess made in Washington DC which, notwithsanding the long enmity borne by the City of London towards Russia, had a golden opportunity to open an new era of peace and co-operation with Russia following the collapse of communism. That wasn’t just passed up, it was actively spurned. Instead we are to have global communism (or global fascism – same thing) forced on us through the New World Order being built around us by the supra-national organisations ( UN, WEF, WHO, Bank of International Settlements, IMF etc ,etc.) dictating policy to their puppets in our national governments. Their tools are “climate change”, fake pandemics and the medical-pharmaceutical industrial complex.

        1. Well said! Had Trump won the last presidential election there would be no war in the Ukraine. He is the only US President in recent times who has not started or supported a war in another country.

    3. It was Drunken Juncker, Manuel Barrosa and our very own Dame Horse-Face Ashton who were enticing Ukraine with the benefits of joining the EU over a decade ago that started the tumble of dominoes, accelerated by the dodgy elections in 2014.

      It’s a bit late to spot the flaws in their own plans now.

      Just another butt covering exercise on behalf of the Brussels/Strasbourg gravy train.

      1. It seems a bit unfair that if we celebrate the facial beauty of women such as Sophia Loren, Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and the current Princess of Wales that we do not also celebrate the exceptional facial qualities of Miriam Margolyes and Baroness Ashton.

          1. I used to think that Anne Jones – the Wimbledon Ladies’ Champion many years ago – looked considerably more like a horse than most horses do.

          2. They spend their life with thoroughbreds, many of whom are more beautiful than the two named above!

    1. The whole premise that carbon dioxide is poisonous to the atmosphere and needs to be reduced is by no means certain.

  7. 377447+ up ticks,

    I do feel Is it really a waste of time trying to give well meant advice to the “party before Country “majority voter but, one must try.

    In place of electric cars, heat pumps and other such shite, and in view of the continuing unchanging voting pattern the tribal voting punter should invest in a safe room, from where you can really appreciate lock down your cast vote had a hand in bringing in initially

    1. Morning Oggy. This is one of those times where you wish you were living in the United States and could slip down to the local gun mart and get tooled up!

      1. 377447+up ticks,

        Morning AS,

        Agreed, but first what must be tried is using sanity in the polling booth.

        Tis party quality we seek, NOT quantity in place as a governing power.

        1. My fear Oggy is that it is too late for reason and justice. W are set on the path to destruction.

          1. 377447+ up ticks,

            I cannot fathom out the majority voters mindset, ALL our industries have, in the main gone to china inclusive of the fabric workers so why are our politico’s taking the piss
            BIG-TIME and why many a person not recognise that fact.

        2. Good morning , oggy

          Provide the right candidates and we shall be able to vote for them (Not me though as Blair robbed me of my vote!)

          1. 377447+UP ticks,

            Morning R,
            I would consider myself fortunate in so far as b liar robbed many others of far more, life spans for instance, and his (its) ilk is far from finished yet

  8. Times Radio presenter condemned for saying Hamas showed ‘bravery’. 8 October 2023.

    Times Radio presenter Chloe Tilley was condemned by listeners after she spoke of the “bravery,” the “intensity” and “incredible ability” of Hamas “to go for Israel in such a way that we have never seen before.”

    Churchill himself once gave an encomium to Rommel who was certainly a supporter of the Fuhrer; at least while he was winning. This did not lessen his hatred of Nazism. Whatever one thinks of Hamas or Islam the bravery of these men is undeniable. They are mostly going to their doom. There is no possibility that they will prevail against one of the most advanced and able militaries on the planet. Their defeat is inevitable. The attempt to deny them this virtue by their denigrators is rooted in the doubts of the justice of their own cause.

    PS. No comments allowed.

    1. It’s the “intersectionality” power structures myth that sees the primitive aggressor as always the victim even while handing unlimited power to the savage because if all are equal then civilisation can only be the product of exploitation. All bollocks of course.

    2. Would they be so brave if they hadn’t be indoctrinated since birth that to die for Allah was just a guaranteed transition from their miserable earthly existence to a place of plenty and 72 of their own beautiful and pliant virgins. I wonder if once deflowered the ex-virgin is replaced by a new one and if Allah in all his wisdom provides the jihadi with an inexhaustible libido or at least a good supply of viagra?

    3. There is no bravery involved in attacking and deliberately shooting unarmed civilians, women and children; such tactics are selfish and counter-productive.
      The puppets of Hamas and Iran have been brainwashed, like the Ukie cannon fodder.

    4. The Daily Telegraph is supposedly the Conservative Party’s mouthpiece.

      But if the DT finds the views of its readers – most of whom are increasingly disillusioned Conservatives – are irrelevant then what chance has the Conservative Party got of grasping what voters do want?

      Sunak’s three carrots were: stopping young people smoking,; messing about with “A” levels; and cancelling a railway project. The rabbit would have to be completely famished to find these carrots even remotely interesting.

      Is Sunak unaware that he would have shown himself more in touch if he had abandoned Net Zero completely and instigated an immediate turn back of illegal immigrant boats in the Channel and made some immediate tax cuts.

    5. Whilst some condemn her for using seemingly positive adjectives to describe the assailants, the levels of indoctrination/brainwashing from the time they can walk and talk would provide intensity in anyone.

      As an aside, Times Radio has around half a million listeners per week. Meanwhile, the taxpayer-funded state monopoly broadcaster described the members of the proscribed terrorist group not as ‘terrorists’ but as the more benign ‘militants’. Much as they did for their chums in Norn Iron.

  9. Good morning all.
    9°C on a dull but at least dry morning.

    Still no comments allowed on the Letters Page. I wonder why? Has something happened?

      1. Maybe he was out celebrating a glorious victory by the English Rugby team last night? Or more likely he was drowning his sorrows that the England Rugby Team is incapable of playing well while Farrell is in the team.

        1. The RWC draw seems to have produced a situation where the four best teams are competing in two quarter finals.

          England could easily end up in the final as fifth or sixth best team in the competition.
          One high tackle away from winning the thing.

  10. Punish Iran for this despicable attack on Israeli civilians. Con Coughlin. 7 October 2023.

    Iran’s pernicious support for Hamas, which is part of its wider strategy to intimidate Israel from military bases it has established in Syria and southern Lebanon, must now serve as a wake-up call to those European governments, including the UK, that continue to talk to its leaders – and even send them money – while wavering when it comes to proscribing the Iranian Revolutionary Guards.

    Yes Con. Let’s have another war. It’s just what we need!

    1. Minty, some artists used to urgently paint pictures in exchange for alcoholic beverages, or funds to purchase said beverages. If one cannot paint, one could always play the fiddle, sing or dance or even prostiture yourself.

    2. The gung-ho clown might be taken more seriously if he put down his pen (and his glass) and grabbed a rifle. However, depending on the depth of his liquid lunch, he may prove more dangerous than the opposition.

  11. I’ve just been thinking about these 17 “Sustainable development goals” (SDGs) that “world leaders” signed up to in 2015.

    Which of us in the UK authorised our Government to sign us up to these? On what legal basis has our Government acted?

    What is the point of leaving the EU when all along we are all marching along this road?

    How do we revolt against this?

    1. We have to get involved at the grass roots. Parish Councils, Town Councils, District Councils, County Councils for that it where it is being implemented. Follow the example of Sandi Adams, the good women of Colchester and the folk of Thetford. Attend council meetings, speak and raise objections, stand for election and say NO. Kick out all things green. Kick out all things trans-gender. Kick out all things CRT. Demand a local enquiry into lockdowns and “vaccine” harms.

      1. I fail to see any connection between trans-gender, CRT, and artificial substitutes for an immune system, and anything “Green”, which I had always believed meant promoting and preserving all things wholesome and natural.

        1. The progenitors of them all are to be found in The Rockefeller organisations – The Rockefeller Foundation, The Rockefeller Brothers Fund, The UN, The Club of Rome, The Trilateral Commission and The World Economic Forum. There’s enough to research there to keep one occupied for a couple of years.

          1. Which suggests to me that far from being a product of the Left, these things have been created by the global Right to distract and discredit those who aspire to do some good in the world. The Left are idiots to be taken in.

          2. Yes. That’s been the trick, the wool pulled over the eyes of the peoples of the world for a hundred years. Communism has been financed from the start by Wall Street bankers because they believed that a totalitarian form of government would grant monopolies to their favourite industries which would lead to riches beyond the dreams of avarice – for them. They hated the restraints of democracy. They backed Hitler too.

          3. Yes. That’s been the trick, the wool pulled over the eyes of the peoples of the world for a hundred years. Communism has been financed from the start by Wall Street bankers because they believed that a totalitarian form of government would grant monopolies to their favourite industries which would lead to riches beyond the dreams of avarice – for them. They hated the restraints of democracy. They backed Hitler too.

        2. Just as some people take the name of God or Christ in vain so many zealots take the concept of Greenness in vain and use it to promote their own nefarious ends.

      2. That used to work right up until the late 1960s (approximate); then the Liberals injected party politics into local Council/Local Authority affairs. Gradually, the traditional cadre of locally based helpers, e.g. retired military personnel, gentry, semi retired businessmen and women, was eroded; the LA officers became much more powerful, backed by central government requirements; the UK Armed Forces were reduced (resulting in fewer retirees who were naturally conservative, & experienced in management and BS detection etc) and ex-public sector staff took up the role of supervising the … public sector. I should edit this comment, but time is limited. However, as an afterthought, a local LibDem candidate claimed that recent cracks in the road surface were caused by climate change/global warming. Politely I remonstrated that the asphalt support was Foambase ©, which yer actual highway workers regard as a pile of ordure.

        1. That’s what we need to get back to. The glimmerings of a movement are there as word is out and it’s spreading. Kick the parties out of local politics first, then national politics. Restore the true constitution.

      3. I’m doing my bit at parish council level, but a Limp Dim is now chairman – says it all. County is just not on this planet; they are in debt, will have to cut services, but maintain a “climate emergency” department!

    2. We have to get involved at the grass roots. Parish Councils, Town Councils, District Councils, County Councils for that it where it is being implemented. Follow the example of Sandi Adams, the good women of Colchester and the folk of Thetford. Attend council meetings, speak and raise objections, stand for election and say NO. Kick out all things green. Kick out all things trans-gender. Kick out all things CRT. Demand a local enquiry into lockdowns and “vaccine” harms.

    3. We have to get involved at the grass roots. Parish Councils, Town Councils, District Councils, County Councils for that it where it is being implemented. Follow the example of Sandi Adams, the good women of Colchester and the folk of Thetford. Attend council meetings, speak and raise objections, stand for election and say NO. Kick out all things green. Kick out all things trans-gender. Kick out all things CRT. Demand a local enquiry into lockdowns and “vaccine” harms.

  12. Good morning, chums.Slept like a log last night, hence my being late on parade today. Lovely sunny day ahead.

  13. G’morning all,

    A lovely day dawns again over McPhee Towers. Wind Sou’-West 14℃ rising to 22℃.

    Well all need some bread and circuses from time to time and I’m no exception. I sat down last night to savour what I thought would be a highly competitive and entertaining RWC match between Ireland, currently rated the top team in the world, and Scotland, rated fifth. It was over as a contest well before half-time (26-0 at the break). It’s not that Scotland were bad. They weren’t and at no time did they surrender. The fact that they ‘won the second half’ with two late converted tries in quick succession attests to that. The best Scottish team in a generation were simply blown away by a superb Ireland team who march on undefeated. Ireland, South Africa, France, New Zealand – neither England nor Wales will trouble any one of those. Unfortunately, because of the draw, one of Ireland and New Zealand is not going to get through to a semi-final. They meet next week.

    England must be rueing the day they let Andy Farrell slip through their fingers while his son Owen is giving them all sorts of headaches.

    All the same I do feel a little guilty that I enjoyed my bread and circuses while ‘Rich Men North of Richmond’ continue to push their evil agendas in Ukraine and now Israel and Palestine to provide impetus for another Exodus.

  14. Leftie loony Mayor of Paris…

    When cities are run by people like Hidalgo, the result isn’t some kind
    of pastoral planetary paradise for all, it is filth, ugliness,
    destruction, inconvenience, and ultimately desertion. To suit her
    eco-aims Hidalgo wants to make the City of Lights a City of Darkness,
    and is succeeding.

    How long before London gets its own infestation…It is going the same way after all…

  15. Thank you, Harriet Harperson – relict of the only man to win Labour candidacy in an all female line-up.
    And put your hands together for 13 years of spineless Conservative rule.

    “Women-only homeless shelter agrees to take in trans people who self-identify

    Glass Door has been criticised by campaigners after it said ‘any guest who identifies as a woman will be eligible for a space’

    Patrick Sawer, Senior News Reporter7 October 2023 • 5:56pm

    A women-only homeless shelter will allow biological males who identify as female into its single-sex facility.

    For the first time this winter, Glass Door will provide a women-only shelter in recognition of the “growing numbers of homeless women” in London, it said.

    The charity held its annual Sleep Out fundraiser in Duke of York Square in Chelsea on Friday and it hoped to raise £175,000 to finance its winter shelters.

    But it has now emerged the shelter would be open to transgender women.

    When asked by The Telegraph if trans women would be admitted, a Glass Door spokesman said: “In line with our Gender, Equality and Diversity policy any guest who identifies as a woman will be treated in line with their gender identity and will be eligible for a space in our women-only shelter dependent on availability.”

    Women’s campaigners have lambasted the “cruel” decision and demanded it be reversed.

    Helen Joyce, director of advocacy at Sex Matters, said: “A women’s shelter that accommodates men who identify as women ceases to be a women’s shelter.

    “For many years, the importance of keeping men out of women’s shelters has been such that any person who enters – including plumbers and electricians – must be female.”

    ‘It’s an absolute disgrace’

    She added: “Gaslighting vulnerable women in this way is among the cruellest examples of how organisations are prioritising the feelings of men over the fundamental safety and wellbeing of women.

    “Glass Door needs to scrap this policy and reassess why the shelter was set up in the first place.”

    It comes as the Government is set to tighten legislation protecting women-only spaces. In April it emerged that it had asked the equalities watchdog for advice on changing the wording of the Equality Act to specify that it protects “biological sex” rather than “sex”.

    The Equality and Human Rights Commission recommended that such a change would “bring legal clarity” in eight areas, including sports and single-sex areas.

    And on Wednesday at the Tory conference, Rishi Sunak pledged to stop individuals being “bullied into believing that people can be any sex they want to be”.

    The Prime Minister insisted it was “common sense” to say that “a man is a man and a woman is a woman”.

    Kellie-Jay Keen, founder of Standing For Women, called Glass Door’s decision harmful, adding that the shelter had chosen “the validation of men over the safety of women”.

    She said: “The women’s sector has been parasitically invaded by this pernicious, woman-hating cult, and so it comes as no surprise to me that yet another service, supposed to be looking after the most vulnerable women, has turned their back on them.

    “The blood, sweat and tears of women, in decades gone by, who created the spaces has been thrown back in their faces. It’s an absolute disgrace. One could argue that they have no choice or that they are too imbecilic to understand the exceptions and exclusions provided by the Equality Act, but that’s just not good enough. Either this women’s shelter stands by vulnerable women and provides a space in which they may escape and recover or it allows men in.

    “This will with absolute certainty cause untold harm to women, and they will just self-exclude from this service. I feel nothing but contempt for women who betray women with the greatest needs.”

    ‘Such services are protected by law’

    Jess Phillips, the shadow domestic violence minister, has also insisted that single-sex spaces must be protected in an apparent challenge to Sir Keir Starmer. She said: “The status quo isn’t working.”

    Miriam Cates, the Conservative MP for Penistone and Stocksbridge, said: “It appears that Glass Door is yet another well-meaning organisation that does not understand the Equality Act.

    “Men who identify as women should not be denied access to services on the basis of their trans status but that doesn’t give them the legal right to be treated as if they were female.

    “Women need single-sex spaces like this shelter, and such services are protected by law.”

    In 2020, a report into homeless shelters revealed that a woman had been raped in a mixed-sex facility in Coventry, with several others being subject to alleged sexual harassment.

    The findings by Kairos Women Working Together, Homeless Link and Coventry Haven Women’s Aid aimed to highlight the dangers women face in such situations.

    London Authority’s CHAIN figures for 2022/23 have shown that the number of people sleeping rough is 21 per cent higher than the previous year, and London Councils found that 1 in 50 Londoners are now homeless.

    Glass Door did not respond to the criticism of its policy.”

    1. Let’s see how the Glass Door apologists try to spin the first rape/vicious assault. Lessons and all that…

    2. How does applying extreme and usually highly unjust prejudice against all men, even those in frocks, equate to “inclusivity”?

  16. Tellygraff readers must have been very, very naughty.
    No comments allowed under the letters.
    Maybe the mention of Triumph Heralds spooked the bots.

    1. Good morning A Allan and everyone.
      Yes, the proles may chitter and chatter except when it matters.

      1. And as it appears that the owner of GB News is interested in buying the Telegraph we should be worried.

        GB News’s cover has been blown apart – it is no longer any sort of champion of free speech. Look at how they got rid of Mark Steyn, Calvin Robinson, Laurence Fox and Dan Wootton.

        From today’s DT:

        The American billionaire Ken Griffin is in talks to help fund a transatlantic takeover bid for The Telegraph led by his fellow hedge fund manager Sir Paul Marshall.

        Sir Paul, co-founder of the hedge fund Marshall Wace and a joint-owner of GB News, has lined up financial firepower from Mr Griffin ahead of an auction expected to begin within weeks.

    2. Morning Anne. They have practically shut down the entire comments except for selected pieces that don’t contradict the official narrative.

  17. Just read the obituary, posted yesterday by Poppiesmum, that looks like its referring to Lady of the Lake, our Ann.
    Thats terribly sad, but at least she will be reunited with her Other Half, and one hopes the red medicine is good!

    1. It is not LotL, Paul. I apologise for the confusion caused. It was the donations to Battersea that went a good way to convincing me. She loved her Goldens.

  18. Aftenposten asks “Have we been fooled by Zelensky?” (No! Say it isn’t so!) and their big headline on Israel & Gaza is “Intelligence failure” – not the 300+ Israelis killed, not the hostages taken, and according to some sources, liquidated.

  19. Palestinians dancing in the street at Edgeware Road waving flags and cheering the death and destruction of innocents. They should all be arrested, rounded up and interned.
    Israel should launch all missiles and fighter jets and to turn Gaza into dust and rubble once and for all.
    Labour party members and terrorist sympathisers should also be rounded up and interned.
    Happy Sunday.

    1. When one looks at the pictures of the Hamas terrorists and compares those men with what is invading in dinghies , I have little doubt that the UK can look forward to major incidents.

      1. Here, Europe and the USA all being invaded by sundry unknowns with the governments being complicit is not a coincidence. Soon,
        here in the UK both the police forces and the military will be outnumbered by the strategically placed illegals.

    2. Gaza used to be Israeli territory. Israel should reclaim it and expel all the Palestinians. It is the only way that peace will be restored to that region. The Palestinians, so called, have a country, Jordan, send them there or send them to the PLO.

    3. Plod was very quick to charge the individual at a football match who was distastefully holding up a pic of a child who had died. Coverall charges, to do with causing distress and alarm or suchlike. Of course, its easy to get hold of a Brit who admitted his ‘crime’, not so easy when there is a small army of invaders rampaging in the street.

    1. It’s never going to happen because we are not organised. Power lies with organised minorities and we are a disorganised majority.

    2. Surely an adequate response to that would be that nobody can get proper medical treatment in the UK either?

  20. Just now reading reports on the Israeli situation and the reprisals the Israeli leaders and military are promising.

    One question: do the Israelis have tactical nuclear weapons? If so, would they use them to some effect, maybe not in Gaza, too close to home, but if Tehran is reachable…?

    The nutters would, if it is possible, be more enraged but such a reprisal would be a demonstration that messing with Israel has a cost that even the mullahs would find hard to justify.

    Sowing the wind against implacable enemies is a very dangerous step.

    1. God forbid that Israel should do such a thing; it would be all the excuse needed for Biden to supply Ukraine with tactical nukes and Russia would respond in kind.

      1. Yes, that would escalate into unknown and very dangerous territory. Don’t go there!

  21. Here is most of the letter from Nicholas Young in the DT:
    “The American War of Independence was predominantly financed by the French, Spanish and Dutch, who between them contributed some $10 million − a vast fortune at the time.
    The pivotal event of the war was the Battle of Yorktown in 1781, which saw British forces surrender after sustaining heavy losses. About half the troops commanded by George Washington were French, as was most of the artillery.
    In 1776 the Americans were persuaded to believe they were fighting tyranny. In the current war against true tyranny, Ukraine deserves all the American aid it can get.”

    He hints at certain things- Cornwallis was besieged by the French navy at Yorktown pinning him down- the Royal Navy which was faster, had assumed the French were going to take New York and overtook the French ships en route- unaware of the French intention. He mentions the Americans getting support from the French, Spanish and Dutch- the British had no allies in this war- which was basically, a civil war although King George III with his German titles could employ German soldiers to bolster the British and Loyalist forces.
    The defeat at Yorktown and the American war, had in effect become a sideshow- as the war had escalated to a war not confined to the American colonies but across the world and the biggest battle in the war- which nobody seems to know much about, was the Great Siege of Gibraltar- an epic 42 month battle which Britain won.
    The letter mentions that the “Americans were persuaded to believe they were fighting tyranny” while the Ukrainians are in a ” current war against true tyranny” which I will leave others to debate as I don’t want to write a lengthy screed. In truth, as nations piled in for their own selfish reasons to “support” the American colonies, the same appears to be the case with the war in Ukraine, and its questionable antecedents. One just wonders if the dynamic in the American colonies is repeated with this war in Ukraine- which will only end when one side is completely defeated may in the meantime lead to an escalation beyond Ukraine’s borders as in the American conflict.
    The war in America was financed by Britain at great cost but it bankrupted France- and created the dynamic that led to the 1789 French Revolution and the convulsions and war that created- which only came to an end in 1815 after catastrophic warfare for a generation. This is a distinct possibility with the war in Ukraine and gives plenty of food for thought for those with a real grasp of history.

    1. Lafayette came back to France and brought with him revolutionary ideas, experience and know-how.

  22. Spekkie article to … um … your day.

    “Has Soviet self-censorship come to Britain?

    8 October 2023, 6:15am

    When the Soviet system fell in my native Estonia I was 17 years old. I’d spent the entirety of those years mastering the main rule for surviving the USSR: you needed two separate identities. One was for home and those you trusted, the other for public places: we knew that in front of outsiders or certain relatives, you simply didn’t speak about some topics. If you followed the rules and kept the two identities apart, you could survive and even prosper. But if you mixed the two worlds up, woe betide you.

    My grandparents – who’d separated in the early 1950s – led lives that illustrated this. My grandfather had joined the party and never said a word against the regime. For this he was allowed to have a new flat, a summer house and a car – a Moskvitch! My grandmother, meanwhile, never hid what she thought of the Soviet occupation, and her life was correspondingly harder. She knitted at night to make ends meet and grew vegetables in her backyard.

    Superficially the USSR was supposed to be Paradise on Earth. Free education, free healthcare, a guaranteed job and housing. But what could you do with that education? You couldn’t scheme under communism – it goes without saying – to become a world famous rockstar or a multimillionaire entrepreneur. You couldn’t even dream of going travelling or visiting the countries whose languages you learned. As for that guaranteed job, it was often nominal, to save you from state-prosecution as a ‘parasite’, and the same applied to accommodation. Everything needed to be checked and ‘permitted, and whoever you were, you were expected to show up to May Day parades, wave the red flag and speak never less than glowingly of the Party.

    Of course we knew about the Free World – a colourful place full of hope, we believed, and we longed to join it. We watched overseas TV channels if we could tune into them and listened – if we could avoid the frequency-jamming – to channels like the BBC World Service: a message from that Free World we longed for. By the time the Soviet Union fell in 1991, we were ready for every kind of freedom: to think, speak, gather, travel, freedom to succeed and, sure, the freedom fail too. All the freedoms, here we come!

    I came to UK in 2011 after a decade in Asia, fully confident I was entering another free society. I could, within reason, say whatever I wanted to whomever I wanted. Holding different opinions, post-Soviet, from someone else hadn’t been a problem: we’d argue and end with compromise or simply agree to disagree.

    Yet increasingly, Britain has started to remind me of the system I thought I’d left behind forever. Of course, it isn’t called communism this time, but various names like ‘Diversity’, ‘Equality’, ‘Inclusion’, ‘Multiculturalism’. Just like communism, it takes the ideals of the brotherhood of man but then adds on others from western individualist tradition – LGBTQ rights, open borders, MeToo (a full pantheon is getting ever more complex, potentially wrong-footing you at every turn). Like communism, it presents many ideals which, on the face of it, are hard to disagree with: equality of the sexes and of different races, for example – and then constructs a kind of secular religion out of them.

    It’s one of the central ideas of Christianity that humans are inherently flawed and sinful – and the new religion too seems to be drawing on this. Anyone failing to abide by this religion’s tenets must repent at once – or rather, in Newspeak, ‘Educate Yourself’ and ‘Do Better’. This doesn’t involve the physical re-education camps of the USSR (not yet), but compulsory (re)training sessions in anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-ableism already abound.

    If you’re ostracised, you have two choices, as you did under communism: either apologise profusely and publicly and grovel to the current orthodoxy, becoming, if not a good little member of Komsomol, then a vocal and obedient ally to BLM or LGBTQIA+ (or whatever the currently favoured minority is) – or never be seen or heard of again. As in both systems, the Evil needs to be rooted out and the witches burned. Just as saboteurs and dissenters had to be removed from Soviet society, the perceived racists, bigots, transphobes, misogynists, and toxic males etc. must vanish before the Western Paradise on Earth can be achieved. Of course, the categories are constantly ramifying as are the varieties of ideological crime. One of the main features of an institutionalised religion is that it has answers to all questions – and the ones it doesn’t have answers for, you’re not allowed to ask.

    Just as in the USSR, there is the issue with language and the reality it hides. ‘Democracy’ in the USSR was often the obligation to vote for one single candidate chosen for you by the Party. ‘Rule of the Proletariat’ meant rule by a small group of high-ranking Party workers. Likewise, in the Newspeak of the West, ‘inclusivity’ means making sure anyone who disagrees is not included. ‘Diversity’ spells a deadening uniformity of thought. And ‘equality’ frequently means shamelessly privileging one group over another. As to that equality, while the old communists were obsessed with the economic kind, the new communists are fixated on culture and history. The current rewriting of Britain’s past, with many dubious claims, to give minority-cultures an equal historical standing here is merely the same old taking from the ‘rich’ and giving to the ‘poor’ – except in cultural form.

    This doublespeak is developing at an alarming pace, and if you don’t self-censor, you risk punishment. In the Soviet Union this came from the Party and its adherents, but in modern Britain the sources of correction are more scattered and omnipresent – it’s a multi-headed dragon, seemingly everywhere and nowhere, making it even more scary. Your neighbour may be with you on some topics, but could have signed up to their own pet cause – Refugees Welcome, Climate Change, Trans-allies – you simply don’t know. So to avoid social cancellation it’s easier simply to avoid certain issues – especially the important ones – altogether. And, you can’t help wondering, is that neighbour a true believer, or someone simply as scared to express a wrong thought as you are? It’s all increasingly familiar.

    The recent debanking of Nigel Farage was a prime example of a step into new territory. After long denials from the bank it soon became clear the reason was simply disagreement with his politics. All wrapped in the elaborate justifications of the Newspeak – ‘his views did not align with our values’ or were ‘at odds with our position as an inclusive organisation.’ It was the closest thing one had seen to the Soviet jailing of dissidents, and you couldn’t help wondering what new level of punishment, to keep the masses in line, was going to come next. ‘If this can happen to me it can happen to you,’ Farage said. And as someone brought up in the ex-Soviet system, I can tell you he’s right.

    So I find myself facing a dilemma: whether to pack up all of our belongings and move, perhaps back to Eastern Europe – to the Free East, where I don’t have to sing to the red rainbow flags. Or correct my speech to avoid being detected by the KGB Trans Allies. Or get labelled a dissident Alt-Right.

    Or perhaps I should simply stay in the UK after all and enjoy the feeling of being back home. Back home to keeping my mouth shut.”

    1. If you’re ostracised, you have two choices, as you did under communism: either apologise profusely and publicly and grovel to the current orthodoxy, becoming, if not a good little member of Komsomol, then a vocal and obedient ally to BLM or LGBTQIA+ (or whatever the currently favoured minority is) – or never be seen or heard of again.

      Three. You could join Nottl or an equivalent. (For now anyway)

      1. For years I have been tip-toeing round the sensibilities of the Californian bots used by British websites.
        The exercise has certainly improved my knowledge of synonyms.
        “Rooster enjoys a cigarette beside the glowing woodburner.”

          1. Think large mediaeval fires.
            And, if Mr. Rooster is not a veggie, he could also enjoy a meal of English meat balls.

          2. No. That’s a hardboiled egg surrounded by sausagemeat – crumbs! Not the same at all. Use your Brains!

      2. The ‘Online Harm Bill’, which recently passed through Parliament, under the fog of Russell Brand’s ancient and much publicised antics, may have some bearing on the time frame to censorship.

    2. I’ve said for some time that I feel as though I’m back in the sixties USSR. I am careful to whom I speak my mind. I look round to see if I can be overheard before I do so. As for “democracy”, well, we found out how “democratic” the UK is once we voted to leave the EU.

  23. Good morning all .

    October the 8th 2023.. the sun is shining , 15c so far , Moh playing in a golf competition, wearing his shorts , we had the top bedroom window open as we usually do , but we also opened the side windows last night . Hedgehogs are still active , snuffling for food in the dark, and yesterday evening I watered the garden and the pots because we haven’t had any rain for days.

    I feel so sorry for other parts of Britain suffering from floods and constant rain .

    Driving along the little lanes around here , the hedgerows are full of berries , hips, haws, hazelnuts, crab apples , holly trees are glistening with red berries and the old mans beard . Virginia creeper , vivid red for just a few days , looks beautiful .. the sunshine has lifted the colours amazingly.

    1. No rain for days… I was in the Glasgow area Thursday – Saturday. Travelling to Alexandria near Loch Lomond yesterday was a challenge with so much flooding. Last night when I got home there were videos on line of one railway station where there was a ‘river’ running down the tracks only a few inches below platform level. Reports of 8 landslips on the A83 alone.

    2. My happiest moments are walking the fields alongside our beautiful rural hedgerows in the autumnal sunshine and back home along the woodland path with a little dog scampering fore and aft. It is my favourite time of the year, nature basking in its glory displayed for all to see, sitting back and taking a rest, her year’s work done – before hunkering down for the winter months.

      1. That was so poetic pm, lovely.. I feel the same .

        On your doggy walks, have you noticed the lack of rabbits, where on earth have they gone to ?

        No Myxomatosis here , so where are they?

        We used to see baby rabbits on the edges of all verges, and they used to scuttle into blackberry bushes …

        1. We used to see rabbits on the common here but not for many years.
          We have plenty of berries in the hedgerows here this year as well.

        2. Our local vets say that the complete loss of rabbits around here is caused by VHD.

          Comment from the internet:

          There are two strains of rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) – or viral haemorrhagic disease (VHD) – and both of them are highly contagious, have few to no symptoms and are fatal in most cases. The second, and most recent, strain of the disease, RHD2, is affecting more and more pet rabbits in the UK, and Blue Cross recommends vaccination against it urgently.

        3. No rabbits at all, except for one baby rabbit on the grassy field verge alongside a hedgerow with woodland behind, we thought the poor little thing was dead but it was still alive, poppiesdad picked it up a and stroked it, it squeaked – he found a nearby rabbit hole and laid it alongside. The next day it had gone. We have seen rabbit droppings but not all that many. Neither are there as many squirrels, there was a glut of them this time last year – but I suppose that is nature for you, one year too many and the next year scarcely any.

      2. I, too, like the autumn. What I don’t like is to see yards of hedgerow grubbed out and mature trees chopped down to provide hundreds of houses.

        1. It is truly soul destroying, what they are allowing to happen to our beautiful, water-colour countryside. That in itself is a cause for civil war, and yet we let it happen.

          1. I did speak out against it, but the town council only saw the revenue and ignored everything that was said. County, of course, is gung ho for as many tacky little boxes they can squeeze into any free space, particularly if it’s green fields.

    3. It was 18.5 degrees C here most of the day! All the leaves have now dropped from my bronze-leaved sycamore, but the Virginia creeper is vividly red and the sumachs are starting to turn red.

  24. Unnatural England
    SIR – Marian Spain, chief executive of Natural England, says “let me be clear: Natural England’s job is to recover nature” (Letters, October 1). How about protecting what we have?

    We are now in a grotesque situation where planning applications can be approved on land that already has a high biodiversity value – destroying the habitats forever.

    The reasoning that this can be “mitigated” and compensated for by “purchasing credits” in environmental schemes elsewhere is bizarre: the birds, animals, insects and plants in the new areas are unlikely to be the same as those in the destroyed habitat, and in any case, these creatures can’t move house and will be eliminated as part of the development process.

    Let me be clear: Natural England’s job should be to protect, conserve and enhance nature first, recover second.

    Simon Warde
    Bognor Regis, West Sussex

    Our chalk rivers are nearly ruined .

    1. North Shropshire abounds in SSSIs of wetlands called “Mosses”. A while ago they had a “consultation” how best to “mitigate” the effects of building near these fragile environments. Apparently, “don’t do it!” was not an acceptable answer.

    1. Parallel Mike’s also done a couple of really good podcasts on these sneaky changes in the law. He talked to the ex fund manager who published the book too.

      Yesterday on Twitter it was reported that a collateral squeeze is building, as people stop trusting Italian bonds, which causes Europe-wide collateral problems.

        1. “Italian bonds aren’t just any bonds; they are a linchpin of European collateral, making them essential for European Banks. When Italian bonds are no longer seen as ‘core’ collateral, trouble brews. And guess what? That’s what’s happening now.” (see Twitt link below)

          A collateral crunch could be extremely bad news for all of us if the new laws highlighted by David Rogers Webb are activated, turning all our investments, bank balances and mortgages into collateral to fill the holes.
          It takes a bit of getting one’s head around, that the laws have been silently changed so that all money and property that’s within the financial system can legally be stolen from us.

          1. Indeed, but then I am always surprised that our European neighbours see the euro as stable…

            Have you read The Great Taking? It’s so big that it’s hard to understand the potential depth of theft that could occur (will not necessarily).

    2. Parallel Mike’s also done a couple of really good podcasts on these sneaky changes in the law. He talked to the ex fund manager who published the book too.

      Yesterday on Twitter it was reported that a collateral squeeze is building, as people stop trusting Italian bonds, which causes Europe-wide collateral problems.

  25. Am I the only one who’s questioning the attack on Israel a bit?
    We have peace breaking out all over the Middle East, conflicts stopping, agreements being reached…and then this. What’s really going on?
    I don’t put it past the elites to cynically start another fight, especially if they thought Ukraine was running out of steam.

      1. I’m not saying these countries are good, however, they are agreeing among themselves more than previously.

      1. Various new agreements between countries that hated each other before. Saudi/Yemen? Israel and another country, I forget which. Saudi/Iran. It’s been quietly happening this year.

    1. A distraction would be useful right now BB. It is possible I suppose but I feel unlikely.

    2. The Israelis seem to have been woefully unprepared for this – normally their defences are so good. There seems to have been a lack of intellingence about the planned activities by Hamas.

      1. Israel had a huge political problem in that peace overtures, for example to/from Saudi would be derailed instantly if the type of pre-emptive strike needed were to be carried out.

        I suspect they knew something was afoot, just not the scale of it.
        The reaction will be long and bloody.

  26. Is Britain heading for another Black Monday? 8 October 2023.

    The crisis is most often measured in yields – the rate of return offered by a bond, which moves inversely to price.

    Yields have spiked to levels that even seasoned market professionals can barely remember. The yield on a 10-year US Treasury Bill, the key instrument that determines prices across the world, was closed to 4.9pc on Friday, a level not seen since 2007. In Britain, the government is now paying above 4.5pc on a 10-year gilt, significantly more than when Liz Truss supposedly “crashed” the economy a year ago.

    The Italian government is paying close to 5pc, the highest level since 2011 when the eurozone came close to falling apart. Germany, which has had negative yields for most of the last decade, meaning investors were effectively charged a fee for lending money to the government, is now paying close to 3pc. In every major market, the cost of money is rising rapidly.

    Read this if you truly want to be depressed!

  27. Regarding one of the letters in today’s paper. Roman Catholics now outnumber Protestants in Northern Ireland, and will soon be the majority of voters. But Gerry Adams and his murderous mates should not count their chickens. The Roman Catholics of Northern Ireland are, on average, poorer than the Protestants, and are fully aware that, from their point of view, the UK’s health and welfare systems are better than the Republic’s.

    1. Sinn Fein only use a united Ireland as an excuse for creating trouble. What they don’t say is “… with us in charge!” They are just another bunch of fascist murdering bastards who will cause untold misery just to be rulers. Scum all.

    1. I think Britain is at the point of no return.
      WE are importing radical Arabs and other Muslim cultures .

      The don’t like us , they are parasites feeding of us all .. they are not culturally compatible .

      The women and children who were abused and kidnapped and probably eventually murdered, have the hall marks of Isis and others who are trampling through Europe right now .

      STOP the bloody boats , we must have courage to do what needs to be done .. and put trouble makers into internment camps .

      1. The longer the problem is left unsolved, the worse it will be when a solution is unavoidable.

    2. I think Britain is at the point of no return.
      WE are importing radical Arabs and other Muslim cultures .

      The don’t like us , they are parasites feeding of us all .. they are not culturally compatible .

      The women and children who were abused and kidnapped and probably eventually murdered, have the hall marks of Isis and others who are trampling through Europe right now .

      STOP the bloody boats , we must have courage to do what needs to be done .. and put trouble makers into internment camps .

    3. Jews celebrate life and adore their children. Not so sure about Muslims.

      And with all due respect, it is wrong to blame the rubber boat people; look closely at the actions of elected politicians and the UK civil service, NGOs etc. France has a system of Identity Documents and contributory benefits; the UK has chaos.

      1. I wasn’t actually blaming them but they are mostly Muslims just as the people bombed and killed by Hamas are Jews.

  28. Rachel Riley witnesses people ‘celebrating’ in London after Hamas attack on Israel. 8 October 2023.

    Humza Yousaf, the SNP First Minister, said on Twitter: “My wife Nadia and I spent this morning on the phone to her family in Gaza. Many others in Scotland will be deeply worried about their families in Israel and Palestine.

    Kept that quiet!

  29. And now for something completely different !

    A number of holdalls containing hundreds of kilos of what is thought to be cocaine has been discovered close to popular tourist destinations on the south coast – sparking a major police probe.

    Further packages have been found by litter pickers on the Isle of Wight in what detectives describe as a ‘major hit’ for criminal gangs.

    Thought to originate from South America, the huge mass of powder was discovered off St Aldhelm’s Point and Durdle Door in Dorset.

    The roads were chaotic in this area yesterday , I expect every coke sniffer in the country descended on us down here .

  30. Have the Caliph of Londonistan and the Slammer King of Scotland put out messages condemning the Hamas terrorism?

    Just asking…

    1. I bet they haven’t, but why should they? Why do we have to plunge into middle east conflict like Pavlov’s dogs? Someone at the top pressed the button that led to these vile attacks; we don’t have to fall for it and get involved.

    1. I don’t think that’s in response to this week’s events. The leaves on the trees suggest springtime.

      1. Dated 8th October 2023. And the leaves are still on my trees. Apple, Magnolia and Cherry. Plus the hawthorn.

        1. The date of the Tweet is irrelevant – the video could have been recorded earlier.

          The leaves are the bright acid green of spring.

          1. It’s a common trick on Twitter to take an old speech or quote and link it to current events.

          2. We’ve probably all been taken in at one time or another.

            Caroline is not as easily fooled as I am – when I quote some article or figures claiming to prove something or other she always asks me: “Is this correct, where did you get it, what is the date of it, what is your source?”

            Scientific research commissioned and paid for by commercial interests should be treated with the greatest of suspicion.

    2. It isn’t only her that is the problem. There are four million others in the UK who support their fellow religionists. The armed forces of the UK numbers 112,000. Half of them are support or desk-wallahs. What happens when the dam breaks here in the UK?

      1. We get conscripted into a new Dad’s Army. Those who have served in the Armed Forces get drafted first….

        1. Yo Stephen

          I only did 40+ years working for the Queen

          28 in RN,
          12+ as a civvy, for the RAF

          I am now going ex-directory

        2. I was medically unfit (I may still have the paper to prove it) and my kidneys haven’t got any better.

    3. Typical attitude of her co-religionists. Muslims first, last and always. British? Never.

    1. Almost make you want to cry. Is there anywhere left in the world even vaguely like that simple life?

      1. We have to make it for ourselves as best we can. Every time we spread joy with the simple, honest pleasures of life, somewhere a green-voting, blue-haired, multi-pierced qwerty soup activist dies.

      2. I read it and had the same reaction, too. I remember it all. Even the ‘no bath’. We did have a bathroom but I had to stay with friends of my parents in the country whilst my mother was in hospital for several months – they had a tin bath that was dragged out once a week. There is this. Sophie afloat. Her fiancé was killed by the jab and she found she no longer wanted to live in their cottage. She does beautiful canal photography.

    1. I feel sorry for the ordinary people on both sides, who are being played by big interests, and sometimes exploited and killed.

  31. 377447+ up ticks,

    28.808 excess deaths seemingly government / pharmaceutical sponsored.

    Bridgen has the chamber floor on the 20/10/2023 will we witness it being an ECHO CHAMBER.

      1. 377447+ up ticks,

        Afternoon N,
        One turn it looked like handcock was being lined up to take the fall, but , whatever, one is NOT going to shoulder the blame, when one goes a
        multitude will follow.

  32. Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.
    My most favourite thing, apart from being a racist obvz, about being Far Right is the fact I can enjoy a beautiful Indian Summer day without wringing my hands and wailing about Climate Change.

  33. If you haven’t already it’s worth listening to Professor Dalgliesh talking to Dr John Campbell. It’s a long interview and I only managed half of it this morning so I’m now going back for the rest of it. He knows what he’s talking about. His opinions of Chris Whitty and Anthony Fauci are classic!

    1. It’s on my list of items to watch. So many these days to both read and watch, I can’t keep up. Thank you for reminding me, I’ll look later this afternoon.

    2. Just listened to it. Something along the lines of Fauci is not as clever as he thinks he is and Whitty and Vallance should have resigned. That the mRNA vaccines failed on mice and the boosters further harm the natural auto immune response.

      Nuremberg territory is mentioned, SAGE is comprised of dimwits and Imperial College London is incapable of modelling. Also that the Nobel Committee had been nobbled giving the awards to mRNA scientists.

      Vitamin D3 and Turmeric are necessary anti-inflammatories and higher levels help to prevent colds.

  34. Afternoon all 🙂😊
    What a wonderful evening at Edgbaston cricket ground in the huge second floor dinning area. Complete with stage and dance floor.
    Around 400 guests to celebrate two recent family weddings, a 60th birthday and our youngest sons engagement to one other of the five daughters.
    We stayed at the Edgbaston Park Hotel, very good as well , if you’re in the area.
    Speeches, Indian music dancing and even some songs from the family and friends. Lovely tasty food and cocktails, wine, beer and spirits as much as you wanted.
    Those Sikh’s now how to celebrate. I beilive few of their fundamental beliefs might have been set aside at the event or even broken, but they don’t live in the home country anymore.
    Home in just under 2 hours. Now for a relaxing afternoon.

    1. Terrible isn’t it, you can take one out of the jungle……
      Mugabe murdered a whole tribe because he knew that they would never vote for him.
      And our stupid government supported him as well.

  35. How about this latest massacre by the frikin Arabs on Israeli people.
    They stink, Hamas are a disgrace to humanity.
    Retaliation is the only solution to this continuing outrageous behaviour.

      1. It took 10 minutes for the sod to stay still long enough. I began to think it was a windup merchant.

    1. One of my favourite places for dog walking, sadly too many people now compared to over forty years ago..

      I had a pair of Aigle boots nicked and a nice jacket from car years ago, warm day like today, so no need for wearing heavy stuff.

      There are people who break into cars , and it is so difficult to spot suspicious rogues these days.

    2. There used to be a rather posh girls school at Cranborne Chase. One of my girlfriends when I was a student at UEA went there.

    1. The immediate statements in reaction to the Israeli attacks from western governments were identical as though in lockstep. It reminded me of the Covid responses and push for vaccines.

      There is no possibility that the attacks were other than rehearsed and known about by security services around the world. It is highly probable that the Biden regime funded Hamas via Iran with military equipment used likely stolen by corrupt Ukraine officials.

      The whole affair stinks with the whiff of Biden incontinence and Hillary’s scent of boiled cabbage.

      1. That’s my feeling too cori.
        At the top, they all work together.
        Somehow, this is meant to get the masses riled up enough to plunge into WW3.
        I’m not buying it, though I feel desparately sorry for the people caught up in the violence, including the young people who only wanted to attend a music festival in peace.

  36. Washington Post announces that Israel has formally declared war with combined death toll now over 900.

    1. Quoted from DM live updates:

      Israel is ‘at war’, security cabinet confirms
      Israel is officially ‘at war’ after the security cabinet voted to make it the country’s position last night.

      This comes after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the country was at war following an attack by Hamas terrorists on Saturday.

      But Israel cannot officially go to war until a government decision has been made, so following the vote by the high-level security cabinet, the declaration now has legal standing.

    2. Afternoon Jill. One would have thought that you could only declare war on a Nation State!

      1. Likely a legal nicety to allow for full mobilisation, release money for that, and protect the Israeli soldiers from charges of murder.

        1. Vlad was very careful (it was his birthday yesterday. I sent him a card) to avoid doing any such thing.

    3. Ordinary Israelis sacrificed for the second time in only a few years.

      Parallel Systems Broadcast w/ Parallel Mike
      The same thing every time.

      Masses have their emotions roused.
      Narrative is quickly embedded.
      Pre-packaged solution quickly follows.
      Emotionally driven unthinking masses support it.
      Did They learn nothing from Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Libya or Covid. Nope!

      1. and

        Gareth Icke
        Israel, with the most sophisticated intelligence services in the world, and back door computer tech infiltrating everyone, doesn’t get taken by surprise.
        And on the 50th anniversary of the “surprise attack” by Egypt that kicked off the Yom Kippur war, too.
        Add that to reports from Israelis that the army and police aren’t coming to help them, and it stinks.
        It’s a catalyst for an attack on Iran, and all the worldwide carnage that will come with that.

        1. It is frightening.

          Sorry to go on a bit about Suez 1956, I was a child out there and was evacuated with Mum and sister , the expat men , Dad included were rounded up 24 hours later , hoods over heads , butted and kicked onto coaches , and interned for a few months in Cairo .

          Egyptians were generally pleasant to the English , and then they turned , and spat , and threatened and yelled .. their friendliness is only skin deep ..

          I saw and heard things that still scare me , which then continued in my young life when my parents continued their working lives overseas , in Muslim countries and still scares me now .. mobs , crowds , and crowded places .

          The idiots in the Labour conference HAVE no idea .. Labour are a spring board for those who wish this country ill.

          1. A friend of mine was one of the Italian community evacuated at that time from Alexandria. Several families settled in Stroud, including hers.

    4. Yo jill

      Perhaps, the Wishington post could list all the wars/skirmishes/troubles etc that his predecessor as POTUS, MISTER Trump, got US involved in

    5. As a former north west London resident I have never disliked Jewish people.
      They have never indulged themselves in the destruction of other people’s existence, who more than outwardly force their own religious beliefs on others. They have never spoken or even suggested that others who don’t support the beliefs of a medieval mindset should be beheaded, or run people over on our streets or blown up members of the general public or abused young girls. Or murdered them. As has recently happened in Woking.

    1. Labour are disgusting all they are doing is trawling for votes.
      That awful deputy leader has been talking about building 15 thousand new council and social housing homes on green belt land. Because in their nasty twisted mindset they are keen to further destroy our established culture and social structure. They stink.

  37. Germany, Ukraine, Italy and Britain support Israel’s right to defend itself
    Leaders of Germany, Ukraine, Italy and Britain, have all expressed support of Israel’s right to defend itself ‘as much as it takes’.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday spoke with the leaders of the four countries in light of the surprise attack from Hamas, his office said in a statement.

    Ukraine? What’s that about; perhaps Fiscal McPhee’s new Jewish homeland in Ukraine conspiracy theory is correct.

    Or is Zelensky hoping for support from Israel?

  38. An interesting analysis from the Guardian
    From towards the end of the piece:

    One of the oldest saws of Middle East reporting and analysis is the perceived gulf between elite attitudes in governance circles in Arab states and the views of the wider population in the countries in the region.
    It is a divide that Israeli-Palestinian conflicts have exposed in the past and that has forced Arab countries – even those that have made little secret of their frustration with the Palestinian leadership under Abbas – to walk a tightrope of public statements and actions. Indeed, the language of Hamas’s military commander Mohammed Deif in announcing the assault was instructive. “Today the people are regaining their revolution,” Deif said in a recorded message, as he called on Palestinians from East Jerusalem to northern Israel to join the fight, suggesting Hamas views the attack as an attempt to reclaim control over the Palestinian narrative.
    And while the appeal over Al-Aqsa is a popular one, underlined by mounting tensions around the site, the gravity of Hamas’s assault seems deliberately designed to prompt a very significant Israeli assault against Gaza, with all the inevitable civilian casualties that would involve. Deif’s wider appeal to the “Islamic resistance in Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen” was also aimed specifically at countries who have militant movements supported by Iran, not least Hezbollah in Lebanon.
    What is clear is that the conflict has beneficiaries outside of Hamas.

    While small-scale infiltrations from Gaza have occurred before, the scale of this assault has punctured an idea that Israelis, with billions spent on security, were safe and secure inside their own borders. That is a state of affairs that will not have been missed by Hezbollah in Lebanon and militant groups in Syria.

  39. We have taken the Z3 out today. Now we have to pay £12.50 each time it leaves the drive, we are going to spend 2 Sundays a month driving it around London “to get our money’s worth”. Ain’t ULEZ great?

    #saving the planet

    1. Saving the planet ?
      Kahnt wouldn’t have a clue.
      He’s obsessed with himself.
      And using the money to make the lives of his similar London residents more satisfying, for doing absolutely nothing to assist current important trends.
      I didn’t realise there was a similar scheme in Birmingham. Fortunately our current car is not included in this terrible UK rip-off scheme.

        1. I do but i used to live on Brum and still have a lot of friends there. And yes they do have a similar scheme and it’s frustrating as if you don’t realise and go to visit, you are suddenly worried you are going to be caught out. It’s all adding to the daily anxiety that *they* heap on us.

          Just back from our nice drive out to Sheppperton. Not a place I know at all well, but we had a nice lime and soda at a riverside pub. Altogether we’ve done about 60 miles today, tootling about here and there. Thank you, Khunt – we’d not be doing it if it weren’t for you!

          1. So if you drive from London to Birmingham on the same day, you get clobbered twice, presumably?

            May these stinking little commies rot in hell.

          2. That’s a good clarification! It’s anxiety-inducing enough to just drive anywhere thee days, without the added worry of being charged.

            Glad you had a nice day out today – but did you enjoy the opera the other evening?

        2. Yes of course but now even inside the M25 boundary people are being forced into the current kahnt rip off.

    1. That diversity boy the racists police stopped with the huge ‘bladed item’. They should do to him what they did to Gaddafi.
      But that would mightily upset upset Die Anne Ablot.

  40. S.S Clan Mactavish.

    128 (61 dead and 67 survivors).
    4,597 tons of copper, 1,180 tons of extract, 280 tons of general cargo and 1,877 bags of POW mail.

    At 09.07 hours on 8th October 1942 the unescorted Clan Mactavish (Master Ernest Edwin Arthur) was hit on the port side in #2 hold by one torpedo from U-159 (Helmut Friedrich Witte) about 100 miles west-southwest of Cape Town. The U-boat had spotted the ship steaming at full speed of 9.5 knots towards Cape Town shortly after she picked up 35 survivors of Boringia, which had been sunk by the same U-boat only a few hours earlier and then missed her with a first torpedo at 09.05 hours. The vessel settled rapidly by the head and sank by the bow within two minutes, leaving the crew no time to launch the three lifeboats and they rescued themselves on rafts that floated free or clung to wreckage and upturned boats. The master, 51 crew members, two gunners (the ship was armed with one 4.7in, one 12pdr and four machine guns) and seven of the survivors were lost. Two of the capsized lifeboats were later righted and picked up the men swimming in the water. At 09.45 hours, U-159 surfaced to question the survivors but had to dive again when an aircraft approached shortly thereafter. The U-boat was not spotted, but the presence of the aircraft prevented it to get into an attack position on the British steam merchant Matheran, which was directed to the lifeboats by the aircraft and picked up 36 crew members, three gunners and 28 survivors at 13.20 hours and landed them at Cape Town on 9th October.

    Type IXC U-Boat U-159 was sunk on 28th July 1943 in the Caribbean Sea, south-east of Haiti by depth charges from a US Mariner aircraft (VP-32 USN/P-1). 53 dead (all hands lost).

    1. There was a working party here yesterday afternoon to clear the path down to the village (or at least, widen it a bit by chopping back the brambles and clearing the path). I will inspect the work tomorrow when I walk down to the post van, but from the photos it looks as though they did a good job. Next door neighbour’s OH was going to help but he didn’t – because he was ill after having his flu and covid booster jabs!!

      Why do people think they need SEVEN jabs for a cold virus?? And then can’t put two and two together??

      1. As Caroline and I never stop saying: God bless and thank our lovely Doctor Françoise.

    2. And GPs have no problem working in a private practice. Despite being paid by the NHS for the all the people they don’t seem to have the time for.

      1. Eddy – I thought you might like to know……… remember I said OH got a letter with a cardiology appointment for the end of July next year…..? Yesterday he had two more – a copy of one from the GP to the Cardiologist, and one from the man himself, to say that he was planning a cardioversion for OH, hopefully within the next three months. So things are beginning to move. I hope it will work, as I seem to remember yours did but not for very long.

        1. A cardioversion takes on minutes I sincerely hope that your OH hangs on to the change it can make to your lives.
          NHS administration is a bloody nightmare.
          Mine lasted from 22 August lat year to 27th November. But of course everyone is different. I originally had afib nearly 7 years ago.
          It lasted until the first covid jab then locked in completely for over two years.
          And now its been proven as first thought it was the cause of problem.
          I’m pulling my hair out now, because Addenbrooks hospital are insisting our young grandson with leukemia has a covid jab.

          1. That poor little boy has enough trouble without having a toxic jab. I hope his parents are able to refuse. Even though he’s clearly a vulnerable child, a cold is unlikely to be a threat to him.

            My husband didn’t have Afib (or flutter) until after he had the triple bypass last December. Though of course the aortic stenosis may have been building up for some time but only became apparent last autumn. Who’s to say the three Pfizer jabs didn’t cause the damage? We’ll never know.

            So was your first bout of Afib succesfully treated before the first covid jab? Not sure I understood you there. But glad they seem to have done a successful treatment this time.

          2. Yes I first had AFib 8 years ago in late December. They fixed it at Hammersmith hospital inside of 8 months.
            The afib came back after the first AZ covid jab. It went away until after the second AZ jab worsend when I had my flu jab.
            I’m hoping our son and DiL will challenge the covid jab for our lovely grandson. I can hardly believe the hospital are insisting on him having it.
            I’ll have to have another word with them.
            One of my nephew’s had his MMR jab more than 50 years ago. The poor little fella was never the same again.
            He became more orless

          3. Did they do MMR jabs 50 years ago? Mine both had separate measles jabs but nothing against mumps (which they had at the same time I did) and rubella. Kids these days have far more jabs than I did in the 50s or my children did in the 70s.

          4. Sorry my phone has gone up the creek.
            What I intended to finish with…….
            More or less autistic since he was ‘vaccinate’ over 40 years ago.
            They don’t take any responsibility for their actions when this sort of unfortunate mistake happens.

      2. Eddy – I thought you might like to know……… remember I said OH got a letter with a cardiology appointment for the end of July next year…..? Yesterday he had two more – a copy of one from the GP to the Cardiologist, and one from the man himself, to say that he was planning a cardioversion for OH, hopefully within the next three months. So things are beginning to move. I hope it will work, as I seem to remember yours did but not for very long.

  41. Lovely day out there! Been clearing up bits and bushes outside…….. we got the stepladder out so I could trim the Virginia creeper around the downstairs window – it does tend to overhang and make it dark in there. Ladders are really not my thing but now that I’m the only able-bodied one here, it had to be me. At least he held it steady for me.

  42. A BTL comment on a DT article about the England Rugby team for the coming match against Fiji

    Remember David Beckham?

    Remember the foul against Argentina and the petulance which led to him being sent off and England being eliminated from the round ball competition?

    Could Farrell do yet another high tackle and be sent off against Fiji?

    But wait a moment! In England’s first match a 14 man England Team with Ford at fly half and Farrell not in the side won against a 15 man Argentina – a side which will also be in the quarter finals.

    Perhaps the lesson to be learnt is that an England team with 14 players without Farrell in it is much better than an England team with with fifteen players in it – one of whom is Farrell!

    1. I only saw the highlights of the Samoa match. Looks like they were VERY unlucky to lose.

      1. Farrell is the kiss of death for the England Rugby team.

        I think he has found the great success of his father with the Irish Team very unsettling.

        Quite often arrogance and an inferiority complex can go hand-in-hand,

      1. Because he is a petulant thug, possibly.

        Stephen Jones in the Sunday Grimes adores him. Probably for the reason stated above!!

          1. Great minds! A bit of a long shot your idea that Engerland could get to the final. I’d rate Fiji to beat them in the quarters.

          2. Fiji have a similar head-hunter problem.

            However, I hope that if they do beat England they do it comprehensively, and with open attacking and counterattacking play.
            The sooner the wham bam, kick, bam wham kick, kick, kick bam era of the Eddie Jones legacy is finally killed off, the better.

          3. So do the WRU….in fact they’ll make sure it is! That reffing of the Scotland game yesterday was more than a bit suspect….

          1. There’s a fine line between legitimate rugby and thugby.
            Farrell is on the wrong side, more often than not.

    2. The draw means England could well end up in the final and be one high tackle away from winning it.

      If they did it would be a total injustice and all down to the vagaries of the initial pool make-ups.

      1. Especially if if a French there was against Australia in Sydney.
        But they might be in the final as well..

  43. That’s me for today. A nice, mild one. Dug the rest of the potatoes. The grass we sowed two weeks ago is thriving – thanks to global boiling, I imagine…

    Have a jolly evening By the by – the new Michael Caine film looks good.

    A demain.

        1. What have you decided about the cataract operation?
          My left eye has now deteriorated and I’ll get in touch with the eye clinic on our return from holiday.

          1. He thinks the blind leading the blind is the blindingly obvious way for any lawyer to go….

  44. The only thing now to complete the winterisation of our and Firstborn’s places is to get the winter tyres on the cars. Plants that need a bit of warmth are indoors, insulation applied in Firstborn’s barn, heaters set (so as not to allow the water pump to freeze), and more. AS it’s adrk, this is all a bit gloomy, too.

      1. Been beautiful here, too. Lovely & sunny, now carried over to darkness, and rapidly getting cold.
        Lemon & lime trees are now in (they live in pots), as they don’t tolerate cold

    1. The CIA were involved. The same agency that deposes elected leaders around the world, crashes planes like Lockerbie and most of the Polish government, fakes 9/11, removes any threats to the Bush, Obama, Clinton Biden crime families. The same agency that assassinated the the Kennedy’s for not playing ball. You know…those people. So some conspiracy nut said once.

  45. Good evening.
    A 3 today on Wordle.

    Wordle 841 3/6


    1. Well done. Par four for me.

      Wordle 841 4/6


    2. Par here
      Wordle 841 4/6


      1. Now there is a very unpleasant little man, who appears to think anyone outside his bailiwick gives a stuff what he thinks! What a t*sser!

    1. Suicide pods have already been developed. Dignitas is in the final stages of approval. Just as with abortion, the laws are being loosened. Soon you will see these kiosks as common as post boxes used to be. Unlike first class stamps i expect these to be free to use.

  46. I picked the last of the green tomatoes this afternoon – they’ve done well, but the plants have all now finished and died off quite suddenly. Will have to clear up the remains tomorrow and tidy up.

    1. I tried to reply to the other post but you’d deleted it………..

      I wouldn’t put it past them. They tried to mandate the jabs………..

      1. I deleted it because I somehow copied in the wrong tweet. Likely a senior moment!

    2. Experts predict that experts will predict things, and I know this ‘coz I’m an expert???

      1. It’s already bloody parky here. Down to 1ºC last night and again for the next two nights.

        1. That should slow the rapists down in Malmo. Though if they set fire to a few more cars they can party.

  47. Good heavens, another F1 it wasn’t the car weekend has been won by Max.

    Even the understudy can occupy second place.

          1. Sorry i took so long to answer. I had to drag myself up from the floor to reach the keyboard after nodding off.

  48. Failure to harness fracking is a scandal of epic proportions. Britain could still reap rewards of shale energy – if it wanted to


    I am afraid that the fact that the Idiot King is completely unaffected by the prospect of shivering this winter is extremely off-pissing.
    He can afford to heat his many houses and palaces and he can afford the electricity bills which ordinary people cannot afford.

    I think he should show some solidarity with his subjects and agree to spend the whole winter in an unheated tent in the grounds of Balmoral!

    As King Lear said in Shakespeare’s play, a monarch such as Charles should ‘expose himself to feel what wretches feel and show the heavens more just.’ And if he is not prepared to do so he will show that he is a hypocrite and all his global warming nonsense is just that – nonsense.

    1. I think we should just chop his head off and boil it for stew. Then feed it to his organic pigs.

      1. Charlie boy can’t wear Ermine anymore. He can’t wear synthetic versions. He will just have to wear sack cloth and ashes like the rest of us. The deluded fucking idiot.

  49. My Twitter feed is now full of people posting gruesome photos and videos from Israel saying things like “if you think there are two sides to this, you must be stupid/inhumane/anti-semitic etc”

    It seems pretty clear that these horrible crimes are the pretext under which we are being nudged into support for war.
    Yes, I loathe these murderers from the bottom of my soul. No, I do not want to rush into supporting war. Will try to stop posting about this now, but am very upset. Time to switch off Twitter, I think!

    1. Agreed, BB2. Got to the stage of tearing-up earlier, now it’s over to the towelheads.

    2. Twitter is full of nasty bitter Lefties who hate everything Jewish. Their relentless support for muslim is hilarious only because it’s not about supporting muslim but weaponising it against those they hate. That’s why they are completely blind to muslim terrorism.

      That said, most Lefties are angry they lost the last war and have been fighting it ever since to conquer Europe after their hero failed.

    3. While I have a Twitter account, I generally don’t go there. Life is too short. I’m supportive of Israel (despite it being our creation). This Gentile hopes that Israel will prevail.

  50. My letter to the PM. I expect it to be deleted without consideration.

    Sir, our road is unable to get gas. We has asked numerous times if we band together would SGN bring mains in. They rightly say no, we would just have to divide the 100,000 cost between ourselves.

    Electricity is ruinously expensive. We need hot water for our families. We cannot heat our homes adequately. Many of us have mold on their exterior walls and due to our homes’ construction we cannot insulate any more.

    You must permanently repeal all climate change legislation, begin a programme of building coal, gas – from fracking- and nuclear reactors, starting with the 1 year build SMR devices. The alternative is my constant terror of a £400 bill. Our family has one income. The fear of winter is terrifying. I know you probably don’t care and will argue it’s good for the planet but scientifically that’s hogwash.

    We, normal, working people need cheap, abundant energy. Do the right thing and give us something worth voting for.

    Kind regards,

    I restrained myself from telling him what I think of him, my general attitude to his back stabbing, loathesome attitude and that I’d be happier if they all burned in nuclear fire.

    And yes, I do worry about a £400 bill. We could pay it, but it means something else can’t be done, such as overpayments.

    And equally yes, I am now thinking we’ve bought a problem but it suited both of us for work travel, it was within our budget and Junior’s school catchment. Heck, we’re already thinking of moving again when the mortgage term expires.

    1. If the Warqueen can’t make the right decisions for the family who can? Try Venezuela. What hope for the rest of us !

      1. She liked it. We both like it! We’re just now thinking how on earth do we manage the heating. Well, not heating. The hot water.

        1. Not attempting to teach you to suck eggs…

          Do you have space for a wood / oil burner, as you can get them with back boilers to provide hot water?

          In your shoes I would have individual electric showers (that only heat water when one showers). If funds permit install a Quooker Kitchen tap which has a 3 litre near boiling hot water reserve, very useful for getting veggies boiling quickly and for washing up. I understand induction hobs use less electricity than conventional electric hobs.

          Slim line electric storage radiators useful for background heating especially as they make use of off peak electricity.

          Good luck.

          1. Not sure what your point is, I brought my induction hob here from the last place. The new tenant there isn’t remotely bothered by the cheapo replacement hob I left behind. The Housing Society maintenance subcontractors, happily moved the base units, and replaced the worktop. which was previously designed for a 50cm free standing gas cooker, and cut the hole for the induction hob..

          2. They are reasonably priced at £120 – £149. I installed a Logik hob on the boat in 2014 it works well (although to be fair it is only used in the summer months).

          3. I’ve got an Electrolux hob very similar to that one. It was already in the house when I bought it and it is still going well. The only problem is seeing the touch controls on it (they seem to be camouflaged!).

            Also when you switch any of the four heating areas on to use, you must adjust the heat level by pressing the – touch control and never the + touch control. If you press the + control, it immediately switches to A (automatic mode) which is invariably level 9. If you press the – control, it remains on whatever heat level you set it at. This took ages to work out and many a panful of food boiled over or burnt until I got the hang of it.

          4. My ‘umble retirement bungalow has a state of the art Combi condensing boiler. It takes several minutes for vaguely hot water to reach the kitchen sink. Maybe slightly less time at the Wet Room basin. The shower is electric. Can’t justify a Quooker, personally.

            My current EPC rating of “D” is based on an assessor who is clearly a bloody eejit. He assumed no cavity wall insulation, nor loft insulation. I’ve not been in the loft, since my prostheses and ladders don’t work together. The filled holes in the brickwork prove the cavity wall insulation exists. It was ignored.

            Frost can happily freeze the pipes betwixt the Kitchen and Wet Room, which rather confirms that there’s lots of insulation in the loft, but inferior pipe lagging…

            But, after decades in the industry, what do i know about construction?

          5. Current building regs now require a hot water circulating pump to taps – I guess to save water (at the cost of more electricity use!). They also require all pipework below floors to be lagged……

    2. If you are lucky Thank you your letter is important to us..

      If they read it, maybe Tough, gas is bad for the environment so freeze baby, freeze

    3. 25 months ago. Octopus kindly advised me what my energy bills were about to be. So I looked for an alternative. The only fixed tariff was with British Gas, which I hate with a passion. Fast forward two years. BG offer two options: variable or fixed. The annual difference is negligible. There’s nothing cheaper out there; I’ve done the research. But the cost is increased by 75%.

      So my combined energy bill has increased by 75%. In real terms, my monthly payment has gone from £60-odd to £100-odd.

      While this isn’t exactly good news., fixing my tariffs two years ago has clearly saved me quite a few quid.

    1. How wonderful. Was Taylor Swift there or Meghan Markle? We apparently need to know these things.

  51. We have heard from a few Canadians (?) in Israel and Palestiine that the Embassy is unable to help them get home until Tuesday at the earliest. After all, it is Thanksgiving Holiday so everything shuts down.

    There’s a bloody war starting and instead of reacting, our diplomats are sat around a table somewhere stuffing themselves with taxpayer funded turkey.

    1. What ever made you think a diplomatic mission was there to help their citizens ? You do remember who the last people being evacuated from embassies were don’t you ! I hear rotor blades for some reason.

    2. Don’t forget how the Biden Administration left there own soldiers to negotiate or die in Afghan. Let alone all those locals that translated and helped them. A lot of those…lets call them collaborators to the puppet U.S government are still being murdered and some of them and their families are hiding in holes in the ground. On top of that the puppeted cunt that so disappointed Biden didn’t have helicopters at his disposal to carry all the cash out. May they all burn in hell.

    3. One of our congregation is in Jerusalem at the moment. She can’t go anywhere or do anything and can hear bangs (rockets, presumably) according to people who’ve heard from her. She can’t get home at the moment, either.

      1. The lady needs to take cover. The authorities may or may not be able to help. I expect communications to fail soon.

      1. Don’t tempt them! If Labour come to power at the next General Election they will be Gloat Fiickers!

        1. Can’t see Carol Voldermort lasting long. She can only manage to shag 5 men at a time now. Just wait til there is a queue of 5 thousand. Actually forget that…those types don’t queue. Hope her plastic pneumatics can cope. For a day at least. Fucking slut.

          1. I must get out more. I was under the impression that Dear Carol was as white as the driven snow – a veritable Snow White…..

  52. Evening, all. Went to a confirmation service this afternoon (no morning service). Afterwards we had tea and cake (lots of cake!). We discussed previous confirmations we’d attended. I said I thought I’d only ever been to one and that was my own when I was 16. It was nothing like this one; the girls all had to wear white dresses and veils for a start! Bride of Christ being the reasoning. There were a lot of “mature” people being confirmed today, too. We were all teenagers at mine. I don’t recall being sprinkled with holy water and anointed with chrism, either (although I got sprinkled today!). I think I would have remembered that.

        1. Being aPresbyterian Scot, I’m not sure what the different Anglicans are. My wife calls herself ‘low church’.

          1. This is the extreme opposite. We call it “High Church” – it’s Catholic in all but allegience to the Bishop of Rome 🙂

          2. That’s what I thought it might be. When we moved to our current location in West Yorkshire in a former industrial town we found all the Anglican churches were high church, so she joined me at the local URC.

          3. I should add that we allow women priests and bishops. Our current female priest is addressed as “Mother”, just as the visiting male priest is addressed as “Father”.

    1. ‘It was nothing like this one; the girls all had to wear white dresses and veils for a start! ‘

      Was Jimmy Savile there? Oh sorry. He’s dead. Was anyone else from the BBC sent in his place?

      1. I wonder what the ex and serving servicemen and women in the Victory Services Club just off the Edgeware road are thinking at this moment.

      2. I don’t understand why there aren’t any rainbow flags in that march…Where are all the queers and trannies?

      3. That fucker is close to death but his rabid son is likely to prove yet more Satanic.

        There is yet hope. Pfizer are being exposed in the US courts over their fraudulent vaccines, this also exposes Fauci and the other supposed health agencies in the US.

        The great lawyer Robert Barnes says that the Mexican drug cartels’ profits are dwarfed by Pfizer and the other commercial drug cartels such as Moderna and Bayer.

        I am so glad to announce that Fishy Rishy’s investments in Moderna might yet prove to be a crock of shit. Amen to that development and hopefully the skinny sparrow ankled freak will find himself behind bars.

      4. That fucker is close to death but his rabid son is likely to prove yet more Satanic.

        There is yet hope. Pfizer are being exposed in the US courts over their fraudulent vaccines, this also exposes Fauci and the other supposed health agencies in the US.

        The great lawyer Robert Barnes says that the Mexican drug cartels’ profits are dwarfed by Pfizer and the other commercial drug cartels such as Moderna and Bayer.

        I am so glad to announce that Fishy Rishy’s investments in Moderna might yet prove to be a crock of shit. Amen to that development and hopefully the skinny sparrow ankled freak will find himself behind bars.

  53. It’s been a good and relaxing weekend for me, chums, including lots of enjoyable gardening. Tomorrow the rat-race begins again. So I’ll wish you all a very Good Night as I climb the steps to Bedford. Sleep well, and I’ll see you all tomorrow.

  54. 377447+ up ticks,

    We really have been set up,

    As Israel begins its counteroffensive operations, there are likely going to be retaliatory attacks around the world by Hamas sympathizers in countries that support Israel

    This means America will likely be hit, especially since Hamas operatives could’ve already crossed through our porous southern border amidst the millions of illegal aliens

    I hope you all stay more alert to your surroundings and *always* carry a gun whenever you go out

    All the United kingdom can muster in any great number are semi automatic catapults and a quantity of serious itching powder.

    1. The risk and problem for the west is that Netanyahu obliterates Gaza City. Hamas relies for its existence on funding from sympathisers in other Arab (Muslim) states. Every provocation by Hamas and massive reaction with reprisals from Israel merely assists the funding of Hamas.

      Without funding from outside of Gaza there would be no Hamas.

      Of those Arab nations supporting Hamas the worst happens to be Qatar. They cleverly implicate the Saudis and Turkey, neither entirely innocent I might add, that fuels Hamas.

      1. Morning Corim. Don’t you find it ironic that an Islamic organisation has a pork product in its name?

    2. If I had an L1A1 wrapped in preservation and hidden in the loft I’d be very close to removing the preservation.

    1. Donald Trump did try to warn us. Those coming across the southern border were concealing terrorists and child traffickers. Much like we are seeing on our southern borders.
      Anyone might think this was all co-ordinated.

    1. Bernstein’s speechifying bitch at it again. As for the EU flags this is a BBC event so expect nothing less. Elgar would turn in his grave at what these bastards have done to English music.

      The EU is a busted flush and no amount of flag waving can save the rotten institution. The rats are already jumping ship, at least all those with any sense of self preservation have already jumped.

    1. Don’t worry o1, in a couple of years when the 5 year trends are ‘reported’ the ‘excess deaths’ will no longer be excess deaths compared to the 5 year trend but the new normal — phew!

  55. If you read the headlines in many papers, the fault lies with Israeli intelligence. Nothing to do with the religion of murder, oppression and war at all.

    1. It’s all of them, but most of all the oligarchs at the top who play evil war games with people’s lives.

Comments are closed.