Thursday 10 November: Just Stop Oil won’t help the environment by alienating the public

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

706 thoughts on “Thursday 10 November: Just Stop Oil won’t help the environment by alienating the public

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. Today’s startling fact:

    I did not know this…

    When you drink vodka over ice, it can give you kidney failure.
    When you drink rum over ice, it can give you liver failure.
    When you drink whisky over ice, it can give you heart problems.
    When you drink gin over ice, it can give you brain problems.

    Apparently, ice is really bad for you.
    Warn all your friends.

      1. Did you know, Anne, that Moses had a motor-bike?

        It clearly says in the Bible, “The roar of Moses’ Triumph could be heard throughout the valley.

  2. Rishi Sunak rules out climate reparations amid ongoing Cop27 row. 10 November 2022.

    Rishi Sunak has ruled out paying billions in climate reparations to developing countries, as a row over money grows at the Cop27 summit.

    Speaking in the House of Commons on Wednesday, the Prime Minister said reparations were “not the right approach” and he would instead prioritise green investment that supports British jobs and businesses.

    Mr Sunak said the UK was “fulfilling our obligations”, putting the country on course for a row with developing states during the negotiations.

    Another quick U turn.

      1. Fishi must be getting dizzy with all these U turns – like Chas he is living down to my already low expectations!

  3. Just Stop Oil won’t help the environment by alienating the public

    Not having any Oil would kill the public

      1. Morning Janet. It’s pretty obvious that JSO is highly organised and well financed and yet nothing of this appears in the MSM. There is the suspicion like Antifa and BLM that it is a Globalist pressure group and is protected by the Government.

        1. I heard the Getty woman was paying £25000 a year to the organisers, no doubt to raise her revenue from the rising price of oil

    1. Not having any Oil would kill the public

      My initial thought was the obvious, “Don’t give the PTB ideas.” However, one nanosecond later I realised that the PTB & Co already know that, and had other schemes in place, to boot.

    1. 367483+ up ticks,


      WILLFUL BLINDNESS could very well be seen by many


    2. The state is still calling it ‘unknown sudden death’. I imagine such deaths will be consistently referred to as unknown and sudden for many years until it’s too late to prosecute those people responsible.

      1. 367485+ up ticks,

        Morning W,

        This can be countered by the herd with “known sudden enlightenment” & people power.
        Build on a party NOW with a mass membership drive and a prime aim would be to seek out those politico’s / phama’s hierarchy most responsible for the alledged deaths & injuries.

        IMO Lawrence Fox & reclaim party.

    1. To market, to market to buy a fat pig;

      Home again, home again, jiggety-jig.

      To market, to market, to buy a fat hog;

      Home again, home again, jiggety-jog.

      It’s interesting that two words (‘to market’) can trigger a brain process recalling a tune and nursery rhyme that I scarcely know.

  4. ‘Morning, Peeps.  A heady 12°C here, and just for once dry and sunny.  According to Mr Shuffleknackers we are about 8°C above the seasonal average.  Excellent.

    Two letters today about the spiv MP of South Staffs, although I note that neither are from his constituency.  I do wonder for how long they will want to keep him there, although a majority of 36,500 may not be easy to overturn.

    SIR – Rishi Sunak promoted Sir Gavin Williamson, who has resigned amid bullying allegations (report, November 9), knowing that a complaint had been made about him. Sir Gavin had also been sacked twice.

    It may be true that Sir Gavin was involved in the toppling of Liz Truss – and he got his reward.. However, voters will have their say on all this.

    Neville Dickinson
    Morpeth, Northumberland

    SIR – Sir Gavin is not fit to be a knight of the realm, or indeed to hold any kind of office. He was always incompetent, but it appears he is also an arrogant bully. He has been a blot on Rishi Sunak’s already tarnished premiership.

    Philip Thomas
    Arundel, West Sussex

    Hear, hear to both letters. 

    A pithy BTL response:

    Party Pauper1 HR AGO

    “ He has been a blot on Rishi Sunak’s already tarnished premiership.”

    Philip Thomas

    Would that be “tarnished” by having no democratic mandate, flip-flopping over COP27 or retaining Hunt as chancellor? By shafting us with an ever increasing tax burden, or just by not being a Conservative? We won’t even go into his shortcomings as chancellor!

    1. They managed to overturn Owen’s large majority here – unfortunately, we got a limp dim who is all mouth and no achievement.

    1. It was 18 degrees C here! I was sweltering with the Rayburn lit (but once it’s in, it stays in until next March). It didn’t help that when I stoked it, I forgot to close the bottom fire door and the temperature hit the end stop 🙁

  5. Whilst this daft bint makes an attempt to use the all-embracing phrase, “climate change”, to excuse the immigrant invasion, she offers no evidence to support her statement. Homo Sapiens spread across the globe, a globe with many very different climatic areas, and has evolved to survive in these very varied conditions.
    @MarkHiggie1 uses the Albanians as an example to ridicule her assertion: sadly one or two people e.g. @ITattum are too dim to see @MarkHiggie1’s point.

    1. ‘Climate migration’: we need to be more aware that young men are leaving Albania and paying people smugglers to take them to Britain to work in criminal gangs because of increased temperatures in Albania. They are climate refugees.

      Idiocy made flesh!

    2. That is a TREMENDOUS comfort to me. Foolishly I had thought they were illegal, greedy, grabbing bastards just after the sacks full of money we were handing out.

      1. Of course, why doesn’t the interviewer ask why the criminal filth haven’t gone north rather than west?

    3. Sadly, just looking at her, you can predict that virtue signalling pinko nonsense is about to follow. Here’s a neat comment on the tweet – “Is there a special agency that supplies ‘numpties’ for hire as TV experts for news channels?

    4. When you’ve an agenda, everything is about it. It doesn’t matter how insane, how stupid, how moronic, how backward. If you are a fanatic, you cannot change how you think.

  6. Letter totally missing the point and a BTL comment making that point:-

    SIR – I think David Cockerham (“Why is Britain buying American gas instead of using its own resources?”, Letters, November 9) is missing the point.

    Our purchase of American gas is a temporary stop-gap in advance of bringing in more wind generation – which can be delivered quicker and at much lower cost than fracking. It also has a lower environmental impact and is less politically sensitive.

    Why we didn’t start fracking years ago is a separate question. We have to live, and make decisions, in the here and now.

    Michael Gaine
    Saffron Walden, Essex

    Edwin Pugh
    2 HRS AGO
    Michael Gaine (letters) might like to factor in these facts to his thinking also –
    Wind turbines are non-plusultra in terms of cost and environmental destruction. Each windmill weighs 1,688 tonnes (the equivalent of the weight of 23 houses) and contains 1300 tonnes of concrete, 295 tonnes of steel, 48 tonnes of iron, 24 tonnes of fiberglass and the hard-to-win rare soils Neodym, Praseodym, and Dysprosium. Each of the three blades weighs 81,000 pounds and has a lifespan of 15 to 20 years, after which they must be replaced. We cannot recycle used rotor blades.
    To produce sufficient clean silicon, it must be treated with hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, fluoride, trichlorotane and acetone. In addition, gallium, arsenide, copper-indium-gallium diselenide and cadmium telluride are needed, which are also highly toxic. Silicone dust poses a danger to the workers and the tiles cannot be recycled.
    “Going Green” may sound like a utopian ideal, but if you look at the hidden and embedded costs in a realistic and impartial way, you’ll find that “Going Green” does more damage to earth’s environment than it seems.
    As Kermit said, “It’s not easy being green,”

    1. Lower environmental impact? Utter rot. Unreliables slaughter thousands of birds. Sinking 400 tons of concrete into the ground for a monument to folly.

      There is nothing green about a windmill.

  7. SIR – Sadly the numbers don’t add up for tidal power (Letters, November 7). It can make a significant contribution to our energy requirements but will never amount to more than a minority share. The big non-fossil energy hitters are offshore wind and nuclear power.

    David Dunbar
    Broadway, Worcestershire

    Oh dear, another fan of wind power.  What happens when the wind don’t blow?  Nuclear provides reliable base load, but having invented and then neglected that industry it will be 2-3 decades before we are anything like  up to speed.  And we still have to manage its hideous decommissioning costs and the waste management that will be with us for many generations to come.  I have had an idea, though – we are sitting on several hundred years of gas and coal…

    1. Hugh J, the fossil fuel reserves under our feet and the surrounding seas gives the UK a wonderful advantage, as you state, several centuries of energy and equally as important, the time to use the innovative skills of the British to come up with a long-term solution to energy production. Sadly, the majority of the current crop of politicians of all stripes have set their faces against fossil fuel use and even if their moribund thinking changed the chances that the time offered to develop alternatives would be used wisely is as close to zero as makes no difference. Long term thinking/planning to benefit the people is not something that fits the politicos’ agenda.
      The UK needs a revolution as the way out of the current mess. Whether the revolution will be via the ballot box or blood on the streets is up for debate.

      1. This is because they make money when they legislate against energy because we’re forced to pay more.

    1. Then how did you get to wear those clothes, that jewellery, who made that make up? Or did you share it in your gulag? Was your hair dresser in there with you?

      Tell you what, you have nothing – for real, now – and see how happy you are. I’ll happily take your couple of houses from you, and your salary.

    2. You have ten seconds to hand over that gold ring.
      Edit: having now checked on the web, I see that Ms Auken is also a Christian priest as well as a Danish MP, and that her infamous talk was a hypothetical scenario written as a presentation for the WEF. She was specifically referring to services rather than all personal goods.

      1. 367485 + up ticks,

        Morning T5,
        Could also be seen as political services
        rendered to the WEF in denying the herd
        personal goods.

  8. SIR – More than 10 years ago we invested in 16 solar panels, even though our roof layout faced east and west rather than the ideal north and south. Since then the feed-in tariff has been £500 per year, even with the measly payback of less than 24p per unit.

    If it were mandatory for all new-build houses – as well as offices and factories – to be fitted with panels, the power generated would be considerable.

    Our panels were made in China, as was common at the time, but we now have several manufacturers in this country, so the carbon footprint would be reduced – and British industry given a boost.

    Robin Voysey
    Dawlish, Devon

    Firstly, north is the least “ideal” orientation, Mr Voysey.

    Secondly, you failed to mention that the (now defunct) FIT scheme pays the owner for everything generated, whether or not it is used.

    Thirdly, the scheme was never “measly” (miserly?) until energy prices went into orbit.  On the contrary, it was generous.  So generous in fact that it was scrapped a few years ago because the take-up was far greater than expected, and gave the National Grid quite a headache as an inflexible distribution system tried to catch up.

    1. I have had over £600 a year every year for ten years – and another 15 to go. Panels long since paid for.

        1. Yes J very pleased with my return, more or less paid for now so profit soon. Even with the latest price increases the money flows my way and not to Ovo

    2. By ‘north and south’ I think Robin Voysey is referring to a typical sloping roof, one side of which will face north (not much sun on that side), with the other side facing south, which will capture the most amount of sun during the day.

        1. A tad breezy on the golf course; game abandoned as the wind was moving the ball as putts were being lined up.

  9. SIR – I wish to applaud your Leading Article (November 7) criticising the Royal College of Nursing’s strike plan, which members have now voted for.

    I am saddened that the RCN recommended its members to vote this way. I have been a member since October 1989, but my circumstances changed recently and, as a result, I was not allowed to vote. If I had, I would have voted against strike action. It will put patients’ lives at risk.

    Mary Moore
    London E2

    As a nurse our daughter is prevented from taking strike action (she wouldn’t anyway) and I do wonder, therefore, how many others are in the same position. Even if they are and choose to strike anyway, are we going to sack another few thousand, as we did with those carers who resisted the clotshot? Somehow I don’t think so.

    1. Sadly the same old story. A Government run, taxpayers funded, long standing institution, being run into the ground by a few idiots who believe they are smart and being clever.
      Or just following ze orrderrs.

  10. Does one bang a saucepan to support the striking “heroic angels”?

    Just asking – I like to know the form.

    1. Good point.
      Only in doors Bill.
      I fully understand why they would want to strike. But don’t think they should. Unlike many doctors and surgeons they can’t switch between NHS and private practice to bump up their income.

    2. Those confetti “nursing degrees” must have gone to their heads in the same manner as those given to police recruits have.

      Nursey Allan and I didn’t need degrees to do our jobs professionally. The time for a complete clearout at the top is well overdue.

      1. I didn’t need a degree either , we learnt our business on the wards and in the nursing school attached to the hospital .. 3 years of study and hands on .

        Unthinkable for a nurse to strike .

        Qualified nurses are being offered places in Australia for huge salaries .

        The NHS needs a proper shake up , huge salaries are being given to admin and the wastage of equipment is appalling .

        1. The police are prohibited from taking industrial action by virtue of the provisions of The Police Act, 1919. This was hastily enacted after the only occasion the police struck (earlier that same year) in order to gain a living wage. As the result of days of looting by the public in centres such as Liverpool and London, the police’s wages were increased but the Act provided for the imprisonment of police officers striking in future.

  11. Completely OT. The MR has been involved in examinations for an international board for 30 years. Throughout that time she has worked closely with an American lady, Hannah. Hannah was an English teacher of the old school. Rigorous in her approach, she demanded the highest standards from those she taught – and from those with whom she worked. Childless and a widow, she lived near San Antonio. At the end of October she became ill with pneumonia. On Monday, she sent an e-mail to the organisation to say that it was now time for her to give up. On Tuesday, she died. A close friend was with her – who said to Hannah, “Go in peace”. Hannah replied, “May it be so; the journey has come to an end, the rest is love “.

    I hope I can meet my end as well.

    1. Good morning Bill

      Hannah’s final words brought a gasp and tears from me as I clatter away on here.

      I suspect our late Queen ‘s life ended in similar circumstances .

      I have heard stories like that before , some people have deep insight re the mechanism of their inner bod clock .

    2. Yes, some people seem to retain that ability to switch off, found among other creatures such as donkeys.
      I knew of an artist’s elderly widow in her 90s who lived in London and whose son lived* in the USA. The son & family visited her and had one of those Mum it’s-time-to-go-into-a-home conversations. Sitting in an armchair she replied that it was obvious that the best thing she could do would be to die.

      The others ignored the old lady and carried on talking, and when they turned around she had gone.

      *Possibly still alive, no names no pack drill.

    3. Yes, some people seem to retain that ability to switch off, found among other creatures such as donkeys.
      I knew of an artist’s elderly widow in her 90s who lived in London and whose son lived* in the USA. The son & family visited her and had one of those Mum it’s-time-to-go-into-a-home conversations. Sitting in an armchair she replied that it was obvious that the best thing she could do would be to die.

      The others ignored the old lady and carried on talking, and when they turned around she had gone.

      *Possibly still alive, no names no pack drill.

    4. Remember the last line of Philip Larkin’s Arundel Tomb:

      What will survive of us is love.

  12. 367485+ up ticks,

    Surely the vets have ample ID material already to prove their being, from having served

    “ensure ex-servicemen have speedy access to health, housing and charity services”

    That is downright definitely IFFIE.

    Thin end of weggie stuff.

    Johnny Mercer’s mission to roll out veterans’ cards that will transform ex-troops’ lives
    Minister says the new identification will help ensure ex-servicemen have speedy access to health, housing and charity services

        1. Any squaddie can remember his number. I can still remember my ex’s number after over 50 years and we got divorced 30 years ago.

          1. My eldest brother was the only one in my family to do national service. Called up in 1952 when I was 6 but I can remember his service number. Strange isn’t it.

    1. You can sign up at your surgery as a veteran (it’s part of the Veterans’ Charter) here. No need for ID cards.

        1. But you what has happened Grizz.
          They’d also have to arrest whip or drag off the people who have been kneeling in public places such as our streets and blocking the roads and other public rights of way. That would cause riots.

          1. Water cannons, tear gas and baton rounds will deal with the rioters (in a sensible country), Eddy.

          2. It’s not alone, Eddy. I can’t think of another country that is not in the same parlous state.

          3. Good morning RE

            I cannot get on to Nottl because everytime I try to click on the new page , I get a red banner saying the site is dangerous and not supported .

            What do I do?

            I am fine doing it this way by clicking on my Avatar and looking at the replies to me .

          4. I’d start by clearing your cookies of disqus and nttl. Try a different browser if you can – do you get the same error?

          5. Don’t ask me Belle I’m not very good with technology.
            I could pass your request on to the main page. Give me about 30 minutes.

          6. Good morning Truebie!
            I had a similar message when I switched internet providers; NTTL is categorised as containing racist far right content, so I had to dive deep into the settings to make an exception. Incidentally, the new internet provider is a tiny bit less slow but more unreliable and much cheaper than BT.

          7. Yet…. the state is implementing their every policy. They’re not protestors for government action, they’re just what big government wants to do to us all.

            Why can people not see this?

        1. I haven’t followed much of this.
          I really get more than a bit fed up with the ‘news’.
          But it seems that he basically told someone in the snivel service to get stuffed and stop their interference.
          There’s always Get Me out of here. In Oz. 😉🙃

          1. Same old story Ellie everything politicians come into contact with they eff it up and big time.
            I’m not blaming him directly. The whole system of government has gone down hill over the past 30 years. And it’s not the fault of the public. Who are still forced to pay for all this nonsense.

    1. What dirt did he have on Boris Johnson? This must be the only explanation for his knighthood.

      I have asked this question before but still haven’t yet had an answer.

  13. Fellow Cestrefeldian, Alison, is perspicacious in her reckoning of the North/Midlands divide and I have always agreed with this. Matlock Bath is on a similar latitude to The People’s Republic of Clay Cross (Dennis and David Skinner Country), a distinct boundary which is due south of Chesterfield.

    Crossing that invisible boundary takes you from the dialect and customs that are redolent of The North into the weird and fanciful accents and habits that are common to East Midlanders. For example, strange guttural offerings such as, “Dunna”, “Munna” and “Wunna” [Don’t, Mustn’t and Won’t] run alongside such arcane rituals as standing no further from a dartboard than six feet (“Derby distance, youth!”).

    Yes, to a Northerner they are, indeed, a strange breed them East Midlanders.

  14. Arts cuts threaten London’s cultural capital

    SIR – The hand of history tells us exactly why the Arts Council is wrong to cut English National Opera’s funding (report, November 9).

    Since the early 18th century, London has been the epicentre of progressive public performances of what is now called classical music. Handel came from Germany to stage his operas in the early 1700s; in 1791 Haydn came from Austria at the invitation of Johann Peter Salomon to write and perform his last 12 symphonies; and the first public concert society was founded in 1813 as the Royal Philharmonic Society.

    In 1904 the German commentator Oscar Schmitz remarked that Britain was “Das Land ohne Musik” (“the land without music”) – presumably as we were short of homegrown Bachs, Beethovens and Brahms). But by the 1950s London was home to five internationally acclaimed symphony orchestras, more than any other capital city in the world.

    Today, London remains a cultural centre for classical music all year round, without the summer break enjoyed by other European cities, and including the Proms, which is the largest musical festival in the world.

    Not even Vienna or Berlin have the rich classical musical scene that London can boast, making it a major international draw. To put at risk one of London’s two opera houses is not just a blow for its artistic team – it is a badly thought through policy which will be detrimental to the capital and to the arts in general.

    Paul Bendit
    Arlington, East Sussex

    I’ll tell you what’s “…detrimental to the capital…” Mr Bendit – KHAN!

    The letter-writing campaign from frightened luvvies gathers pace.  It must be terrifying to be hauled off the public teat!

    Well, that’s me done for now.  We are off shortly to pick up the latest edition to the family…an 8-week old Lab pup.  She will be our fourth, and quite possibly our last.  We have tried living without since our last was put down in April, but it’s no good and we have given in.  We did try the rescue route first, but only one of the organisations we contacted ever responded – and surprisingly they didn’t have anything suitable. 

    Let the fun and games of puppy training commence!  Slayders.

        1. Oh Hugh! She’s glorious! What a wonderful time you’re going to have! I still remember the paddling pools I’d find on the dining room floor when I let the two of ours out in the mornings! Then the chewing of the dresser legs and the grandfather clock! Ah yes! I really envy you! Keep posting the pics please!😘🦮

          1. Will do, Sue. She’s very good-natured, eats like a horse, sleeps for England and seems very ready to adapt to her new surroundings. And if she misses any of her nine siblings she isn’t showing it. She is our fourth Lab and seems a lot less inclined to chew anything other than her (many) toys. We are going to have a lot of fun!

          2. Yes, Poppy. We asked the grandchildren for some suggestions, and this was one of them. It seemed appropriate, too, bearing in mind that we picked her up on the 10th November- just one day out.

    1. There’s problems with big events in the city. Firstly, if you don’t live there, you’ve got to travel there, which is hideously expensive. Then you’re likely on the tube and late at night that’s not going to happen. Then you’ve likely got an overnight stay – surely you need to dress and ‘undress’ for the return journey.

      That means for most, seeing a show is a 2 day marathon of great expense and cost – most of it tax.

      1. When I used to attend the Battle of Britain service in Westminster Abbey, I used to go down the night before and stay in the campervan at a convenient campsite, then take the safari bus to Westminster.

    2. Ah, but tuneful Opera is so white, male and stale and not vibrant and diverse. None of those composers is a blek rapper, innit?

  15. Just Stop Oil are promoting state policy, If folk think having someone climb a gantry is bad, why are they not rioting over the government’s intention to stop them driving altogether?

    1. The fact that they drive cars tells you they are hypocrites and should be used as target practice for irate motorists

      1. Plastic helmets, high viz jackets, thick coats, leather shoes, jeans, some have glasses, the camera they carry around.. they’re hypocrites, but it’s alright when they do it.

  16. Good morning all
    We’ve just seen possibly 1,000+ birds flying southeast. Difficult to tell the size but think pigeon sized. What do they know that we don’t.
    Any thoughts on what they might have been.

    1. A flock of winter thrushes (fieldfares and redwings) is my best guess at this time of year, Alf. I have such flocks here too.

      1. Too big to be redwings or fieldfares I think. They looked black but didn’t fly like starlings. They stretched over about half a mile I estimate.

        1. Fieldfares are larger than starlings. Jackdaws congregate in large flocks (as do rooks). I have a sky full of both every day here.

      2. Just before I turned in last night I let doggo out for a wee. Stood at the top of our garden steps and heard an owl hooting. Something I haven’t heard for a long time. Probably due to all ‘the must have’ outside lights our new neighbours can’t seem to live without. But now fortunately turned off.
        I might get hold of an owl box from an old friend, who (‘scus the pun)
        Was the CEO of the owl Trust.
        Our next-door neighbours have a medium size oak tree at the bottom end of their garden. That’ll do nicely.

    2. Jackdaws? A village a few miles away has a roost of hundreds of these birds and I witnessed them in August flying to roost at sunset. I was in the local pub’s garden with friends at the time. Fortunately, the birds’ course to the wood where they roosted was mostly a little way from the garden so we avoided being messed upon.

      1. That makes sense. We had large numbers of them in the garden a couple of years ago and nesting in one of our chimneys.
        Thanks Korky.

    1. They needn’t be here at all. None should be. They should be deported without any effort whatsoever. Oh, are we hamstrung by the migration pact? Repeal it. By the ECHR? Leave it. HR Act? Repeal it. Equalities act? Repeal it.

      It’s not complicated. Get rid of the vermin. All of them.

      1. They are not ‘vermin’, they are ordinary people looking for a better life.
        What’s that? Oh! Sorry, I didn’t realise that you were referring to Members of Parliament.

        1. The third definition of vermin in my dictionary lists “Pestilent human beings; the predatory and criminal classes of society”. Seems to describe them to a T.

      1. Pfiizer and the others have made a fortune at our expense. They should be payng some of it back as fines, reparations, call it what you will.

        1. Yet they won’t, because any costs will be passed on. What we need to do is get rid of the government’s ability to pay.

  17. Bloody hell! The John Lewis Christmas advert has a white family in it! Even more, there’s a white father figure showing how to BE a Dad!

  18. Bloody hell! The John Lewis Christmas advert has a white family in it! Even more, there’s a white father figure showing how to BE a Dad!

  19. ‘This is an attempt to prevent abortion at any cost’: the US anti-abortion extremists targeting Britain
    An American group which is staging ‘vigils’ outside UK abortion clinics has been accused of harassment, intimidation and misinformation


    Life begins at conception.

    Abort if you must – but you must come to terms with the fact that you have terminated a human life.

    Too little attention is given to the fact that many women who have had abortions are riddled with guilt, remorse and regret for the rest of their lives.

      1. In some cases it’s either a method of contraception or a means of choosing the sex of the baby.

  20. I do not care much if King* Charles and Rishi Sunak want to pay billions in reparations for slavery and climate change as long as they do it from their own private assets and do not steal it from the British tax payer.

    * I have had to update his rank

  21. 367485+ up ticks,

    May one say,

    Time for serious thought is tomorrow 11/11/11 and just who has earned the right either physically or morally to attend the remembrance ceremony
    at the Cenotaph.

    I’m asking because I see it as the war dead RIP have been slapped in the kisser to many times, lets NOT forget that.

    1. 367485+ up ticks,


      If it was a uniform parade to reflect ones true character then a great % of the United Kingdoms political fraternity
      would be treading the tarmac in jackboots.

      Best we NOT forget that.

    2. Good morning Ogga

      Isn’t it appalling to think the great oompah of ceremonial remembrance is in the centre of a multicultural cesspit , and all members of the the political parties should be banned from laying wreaths ..

      Ceremonies in small villages and market towns have more meaning .

      This country laid down the lives of the many who endured the perils of war to stop our country being invaded .. and who fought abroad to stop other greater worldly misery .

      The looming dark shadow of another culture is leaving huge footprints in Great Britain .

      1. We lived close to the memorial in both Horsham and Newport Pagnell.
        The ceremonies were taken very seriously, with the police stopping the traffic, wreaths, prayers, and no speeches.
        Very solemn and moving – lust to look at the lists of names, many families seemed to have lost all their young men.

    3. I suggest we will once again see people trying to belittle the millions who died tying to make this country a better place to live.
      Sadly on Sunday we will see the people at Whitehall lining up in fake remorse.
      Probably six of them. Who between them have inflicted more damage on this nation than the original nazis.

    4. I’ll be going to our local war memorial (out in the sticks) for a Remembrance Day ceremony tomorrow at 10.45 (for 11.00). Then on Sunday I’ll be laying a wreath at the town cenotaph. I’m wondering what the rectorette (in the village) and the vicarette (in the town) can manage to do to ruin the service.

  22. Any techies out there, can you get in touch with True Belle, she’s having problems signing in to Nottlers main page.
    I’m not skilled in this sort of thing.
    I can sort out your dihedral angle on the ends of yer purlins 😉

    1. Belle says she is getting a red line saying that the page is dangerous.
      Well we know that 😄🤗🤔

        1. Present company excepted ?
          I remember seeing Scottish singer Maggie Belle I think with either The Steam Packet, or Blues-ology.
          Rod Stewart also sang in both bands. And imagination suggests a popular song.

          1. Absolutely brilliant 👏 and the sax solo. I came over all emotional and burst into tears 😢.
            I couldn’t believe it.
            Many Years ago I was in a pub in Highgate with three mates. Rod came in, we all said hello we had seen him on stage with The Steam Packet and he bought us all a pint.

        2. Good morning, Rastaman. This is the second time you have added that photograph of a very plastic-looking, bland and vacuous (clearly photoshopped) blonde.

          I’m afraid she is not appealing in the least.

          1. Loads more still glamour photographs available during the song!
            Pleased to say that Eva Cassidy appears as my next ‘play’ option.

          2. There is a parade of girls on this video illustrating the song. Opinions as well as recollections may vary!

            But I agree – my wife is considerably more pretty than any of those.

            Randy Edelman is a very competent musician who writes film music. I remember being completely bowled over when I heard Uptown Uptempo Woman for the first time. I went to see him perform at the Poole Arts Centre about 50 years ago which was when I fist heard him do Pretty Girls.

      1. That’s usually about “internet security” settings. I can change them myself on my phone and on the work laptop I have to be logged in to “Zscaler Client Connector”. When Zscaler loses its connection, Google tells me that Nottl is unsafe. There are doubtless many such systems available?

        1. All these cyber attacks are getting worse each day. I had around 100 emails on my PC over night, all from the same source. I ran scans with Norton.
          No actual damage done thankfully.
          I should have shut it down.

      2. I kept having my security program stopping me from accessing certain sites (including nottl, although only after I’d been posting for a while!) because of the security certificate having problems. I restarted the computer and all was miraculously sorted.

        1. This morning I had around 100 emails over night. I didn’t open any of them they were all from the same source. I deleted all of them and used my Norton to sort it out. And a restart. All done thankfully.

        1. When I was in the NNUH two years ago – all the nurses in Intensive Care and the Cardiac Unit were thin as rakes…. Fatness spread as one got into the “unimportant” wards.

          How’s yer cold??

          1. There is something in that. A bit chicken and egg; are they fat because they are on those wards (which includes outpatients from my observations) or are they on those wards because they are fat?
            Don’t ache as much as yesterday, but a bit lacking in vim. I feel ajaxed banjaxed.

          2. I think the thin ones were thin because – in those two wards – the worked their arses off. The ones on general wards just shuffled about doing very little. The only time two became animated was when a patient died. They drew the curtain round the bed, pinned it shut and left it for three hours until the night shift came on…..

          3. I sat for two hours yesterday morning in a hospital corridor watching unhealthy-looking people shuffling by. And that was just the staff……..

    1. I thought that said “forced to eat patients to survive” – the one on the left doesn’t look to be starving!

    2. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha deep breath 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 yer avin a larf!

    1. Although…these electric cars aren’t really very “green” despite all the hype…

    2. Anyone spotting these loons should follow them to their homes and then gather groups who can simultaneously glue up all the locks on their cars and generally make life extremely difficult for them.

      Also attend courts so one may discover where those who are charged live and do similarly.

  23. My wife has been missing for over a week, and this morning the police said I should prepare myself for the worst…
    So, I’m heading to the charity shop to get her clothes back!

  24. Good moaning all. Please make sure you are sitting down.

    I have some stupendous news … on Monday I applied online to renew my driving licence. IT HAS JUST ARRIVED! I cannot believe it. Efficiency from a government agency.

    Well done DVLA. Congratulations.

    1. If you have no extra categories they are very quick. Mine came by return of post last year. but if you have disabilities, HGV categories etc they are a nightmare.

      1. Yep. When I wanted to keep my C1, D1 entitlement, it took six months and a word from my then MP, Owen Paterson, to get my licence. This time I lost the will to live (as well as my entitlement) and applied on line so the licence came by return of post.

    2. Ditto. I applied last Saturday. It arrived yesterday.

      Now for the passport………………………………

      1. Ditto the driving licence and the passport last summer took 18 days start to finish.
        They do say the devil looks after his own!

    3. Was that an online renewal, vw? If no paper is involved then that sounds about the norm. The fun starts if there is. A friend of mine who, like me, needed to retain his D1 category, has just got his back in just under 3 months.

  25. I note that the bloke who chucked eggs at Charlie Boy is an XR terrorist. Diversifying into anti-slavery.

    1. Micklegate Bar, where it happened because Charlie Boy was following a royal tradition that goes back some six centuries, was also once York’s answer to Traitors Gate. It had spikes for human heads. If I were a talented cartoonist I might feel tempted to draw it with some familiar heads on display.

  26. I noted that yet another University Challenge team had a cock in a frock. Seems to be mandatory.

    Incidentally, the level of questions for these “Uni” “students” “studying stuff” – Instead of University Undergraduates reading subjects…. – is now down to pub quiz…..

  27. Yesterday the pound fell to £1 = €1.13.

    This was the rate to which it fell when the financial world conspired against Truss in order to give the slimy and odious Sunak a vantage point from which to sharpen his back-stabbing dagger and stage his power grab.

    How I yearn for somebody to do to Sunak what he did to Truss!

    1. If only. Ideally Truss. And there’s no media outcry, no screaming from the Left, no market panic. Anyone would think it was staged.

  28. An alternative solution for dealing with the climate protesters.

    Imprison all the Stop oil and extinction rebellion loons and use their homes to house illegal immigrants awaiting deportation, once deported the relevant ER/JSO loon can return to their home.

    1. I have just written to Sainsbury’s about the price of their own brand soup , which was 55p last week and now it is 65p.

      I was shopping there a few days ago and caught a sad conversation between several people who were shocked by the 10p price increase..

    2. On Farming Today this morning a farmer said very clearly that although his overheads had gone up in leaps and bounds, the supermarket to whom he is contracted refused to give him any increase at all. Not unexpectedly, that same supermarket still raised its prices.

      That is exploititive and immoral. Unfortunately he didn’t (naturally) name the cowboy outfit concerned.

    1. I’m confused. I thought the definition of ‘trans man’ was a woman self-identifying as a man. The winner of the contest appears to be a man identifying as a woman i.e. ‘trans woman’. Unless she is really a woman who identifies as a man but prefers to wear women’s clothes.

      Now I’ve confused myself.

      1. The real woman won’t dare speak out because they know the trans “activists” will come after them

      1. I think it was in one of Richard Gordon’s Doctor books which was filmed and starred Dirk Bogarde as Dr Sparrow. In this film a jolly girl is examined by the doctor who said to her: “Big Breaths!” to which she replied, “Yeth, and I’m only sifthteen.”

          1. Slightly OT I’ve just had a tin of Newgate Scotch Broth which had a sell by date of 15.03.2008, 14 years old. It was perfect.

          2. That is good to know! I’ve got tins of stuff for the famine we are told we will have to endure.

        1. Oh I like to whine. That I can do.

          Both dogs – food wise – cost about that every couple of months. A whole chicken, minced beef, salmon (a whole fish), 2kilos of pasta, cauliflower florets, a carrot, broccoli bits last about a week for Mongo on his own, for both it’s about 70% again as he can eat less now and Ozzie eat more.

          Folk ask why I don’t just buy them dog food and be done with it. They have dry dog food but that’s rationed as it can cause bloating.

          And they’re both on strict, controlled diets.

          1. They are large dogs, too! My pair go through a tin of working dog meat (no VAT) every other day and a 15kg sack of working dog (ditto) complete meal about every six weeks. Oscar eats more than Kadi because he’s twice the size and they both get two meals a day because Oscar requires a dose of Loxicom in the afternoon and Kadi isn’t left out. It’s basically what they would get in one meal but split into two. They seem to be doing okay on it.

          2. I probably spoil them too much. I did ask the vet and the breeder if it was sensible or rational and Marion (breeder) just said it’s good food, they’ll be fine. Vet suggested adding more dry food in and said do a rib check every week or so.

            Mongo started to be a little rounder so he’s on 1.5kg a day and Ozzie is on 2, with 500g of both being the dry kibble. .

          3. What are dogs for if not to spoil a little? 🙂 Oscar has put on weight since I got him, but he’s much more relaxed now, so not fretting and pacing. In fact, he spends a lot of his time dozing (when he isn’t trying to eat Kadi’s food or chase him off Charlie’s mat which Oscar now considers to be for his own exclusive use).

      1. I have just now discovered your queries, Maggie and srb.

        I spoke to Plum on Tuesday; she is making progress health wise. She has also recovered her taste for sherry – and sounds a lot more cheerful!

        I would not expect her early return to the forum.

        1. So long as she’s getting better – it’s good news. I hope you told her we miss her and wish her well.

  29. Two batches of apples crushed and pressed, about 8 litres of juice extracted.
    I’m now ready for a bit of lunch. I think a ham & cheese salad with an apple and a mug of tea is in order.

    1. Tell me, Robert. How do you manage to make the juice stay clear? When I try it goes brown an looks like Army Medical!

  30. Afternoon, all. The headline should have ended after “environment”. Stop Oil idiots are doing nobody any good. Following the washing machine saga I shall investigate repair (yes, I know), but probably will have to buy a new one. C’est la vie. On a happier note, my horses came second and then won yesterday and seem to have come out of their races well. I am particularly impressed by the winner (so far unbeaten) who gave 6lbs to horses rated superior to him. Mind you, that has done his handicap mark no good at all 🙁

    1. Our machine went a few months ago. I thought valiantly that I’d repair it but when I started getting in there it became obvious that while one part might be new, the rest of it was much older.

        1. I have only ever owned one racehorse who actually made me a profit (he was trained by Martin Pipe), but I’ve had lots of fun. Cheaper, in my view, and a whole lot more exciting than a season ticket to a wendyball team.

          1. Martin Charles Pipe CBE (born 29 May 1945), is
            an English former racehorse trainer credited with professionalising the
            British racehorse training industry.

            What a guy !

          2. Certainly is. He used to cycle around the yard (he had had a bad car crash and cycling saved his legs). I asked him if he had had any problems with horses not wanting to swim (they had an equine pool); he said only the first one – they got the hang of it afterwards. His son, David, is a chip off the old block (but must have his head in the clouds as he’s over six foot!).

    2. Well done your horse.
      I won 30 quid on the National Lottery.😉
      Have you heard of a horse named Makingyourmindup ?

        1. The owner Roy D, lives in North London, Hendon.
          He use to live 4 doors away from him in Mill Hill. And we also played in the same football team.

  31. 367485+up ticks,

    You really are having a macabre laugh ain’t cha ?
    Your “life saving actions of those in peril at sea are, self inflicted, morally illegal ,immigrants, escaping from a free nation are in point of very true fact putting into proven peril the indigenous peoples of England.

    In helping to fill the trojan horse hotels you have managed to endanger every child within dick distance from hotel to victim.

    1. I wonder how the RNLI fund-raising is going this year? There must be many supporters who are questioning the charity’s involvement in the cross-channel ‘rescue’ of illegal immigrants from the English Channel. Will donations drop as a result?

      1. Invest your money in the cross-channel ferry companies instead of the RNLI.

        Not only will you continue to help those channel crosses, the company will pay you dividends ax well.

        To think that when I lived in the UK the RNLI was highly respected by everyone, how times change.

        1. Somehow the RNLI has become enmeshed with the government and coerced into assisting the government in flooding the UK with unknown undesirables. Any organisation that becomes involved with the murky business of this government does not deserve respect.

          1. To be fair, their service has been displaced by helicopters, and much of their potential client base was disrupted by Mr Heath and the EEC, so they need to diversify.

      2. I am a Shoreline member of the RNLI. I pay my annual sub and get the quarterly magazine.

        There are many stories of dramatic rescues in vicious gale and stories of heroic lifeboat men and lifeboat women but funnily enough there are no stories at all in the magazine about the activity which now takes up more of the RNLI’s time than any other activity – the ferrying of illegal immigrants – and no debates about whether or not RNLI members support this activity.

        I wonder why?

      3. I think they’re feeling the pinch. I’ve never seen so many appeals for cash on the TV adverts. Strange how all the people they rescue are white …

    2. There’s a problem here. It’s that the RNLI doesn’t just have boats in operation in SE England. It would be good to here (hear even) from RLNI crews from other parts of the country.

      1. 367485+ up ticks,

        Evening M,
        You have made a good north, south,east, west interesting point there, and their comments could come via Nottlers v

      1. I once knew a university lecturer who used Brillo pads as sanitary towels.

        She was a bright c***!

    1. Well done, Sue!
      I got another Effing Five.

      Wordle 509 5/6

    2. Wow. I thought I was going to have a birdie or better, but it wasn’t to be.

      Wordle 509 5/6


  32. Yesterday, we were too ill to attend a friend’s funeral. To put it mildly, we were not happy about the decision forced on us by a bloody virus.
    It was far worse for our friend’s daughter; she lives in Kent and needed to get to Essex ….. yes, you know what happened; or, rather didn’t happen.

    1. I see OLT (who has been absent from here for months) has down-voted you for some reason on that post. Why?

      Sorry you felt too ill to get to the funeral. The daughter didn’t make it at all…….. So much for the idiot protesters.

  33. Antiques are an absolute lottery, more subject to fashionable whim than any politician.
    Among the items we sold were:

    1 Mid-Victorian sideboard – the sort of thing that would grace any C19 mansion’d dining room: £40
    1 Victorian style (i.e. a copy that I know was only 20 years old) Club Fender: £660

    Both large bits of kit; neither would fit into a modern house, so size didn’t enter the equation.

    1. Firewood is quite dear – ……

      We have stacks of real antiques that no one in the younger family is remotely interested in; and no auction house would even bother to take them.

    2. And there would have been ‘buyer’s fees’ on top so the purchaser probably paid in excess of £800 in total!

  34. 367485+ up ticks,

    Advice to go unheeded,

    Get some proper coppers at the top, trade the poof wagons in for some
    vehicles along the lines of the three M motors, lightweight plastic dozer blades on the front., & at least on combined harvester able to bag & stack
    ersatz protesters on the hard shoulder.

    Stop Debating Gender on Twitter’ and Solve Real Crimes, Braverman Tells Police Chiefs, in short, GET BLOODY REAL.

  35. Stop oil are nothing but anarchist domestic terrorists. They are made up of spoilt students and public sector workers. The police should stop being weak cowardly woke socialists and drag them away, placing them in cells.

    1. Well… no. Sorry. For us, the public they are, but for the state they’re simply promoting what the state intends to do anyway.

      It is us who should be rioting over the demented green agenda.

    1. Don’t house them, get rid of them. Stop giving them things. Deport them. Push them into the sea. Drop them from an aeroplane. Don’t care. Get. Rid. Of. Them.

      1. And the political hypocrites will be solemn as they lay their wreaths on Remembrance day.. to remember the dead who died protecting our country in 2 world wars , and those who also fought enemies of Britain and the world who meant to do us and the free world great harm .

    2. Don’t house them, get rid of them. Stop giving them things. Deport them. Push them into the sea. Drop them from an aeroplane. Don’t care. Get. Rid. Of. Them.

    1. With luck he’ll be banged up for a year. Like that equivalent tosser who swung from the Union Flag on the Cenotaph.

      1. I think such people should be encouraged to face reality and given an education. They are naive, ignorant and pathetically immature. Such shouldn’t be allowed to vote.

      1. I don’t regard him as pm of this country. Only as the leader of this seriously crooked useless tory party.

    1. On the one hand, the money is absurd. On the other, so his his being PM. However, she is a shareholder. Should someone take away my investment dividends because they don’t like them?

      What frustrates me most is that almost certainly she is using tax vehicles to minimise her tax payable. At that scale you do. That’s what’s disgusting. We’re taxed 4 days out of every 7 to pay for the state and she won’t be.

        1. Considering that the UK taxpayer is said to be funding their own destruction by paying her company to develop the CBDC stuff, that would just be us getting a bit of our own money back.

      1. My point is not about the tax, nor the amount, it’s the fact that the elites don’t have the remotest idea of what life is like for “normal” people, let alone the poor.

        1. How can you possibly say that? MrsFishi brought out a try of tea in £35 mugs for journalists when her bloke was running for PM (all those months ago). Fortunately, the filipino staff had actually MADE the tea, but still….

          1. They prolly, copyright a larcenous lawyer who fishily Rishily nicks other people’s puns, own the tea plantation too.

    2. No repect or interest whatsoever in all the problems caused by the current political classes.
      They are playing a game. They are horrible disrespectful

      1. So, a pathetic 8 months but even that was suspended? WTF is going in in our courts? [PS it’s “braking” not “breaking”]

    1. The motorist holding up the ambulance has demonstrated that he is temperamentally unsuited to be in control of a vehicle, so should be banned for life.

      1. He has been banned for three years. Will be interesting to see whether he observes the ban – or carries on driving.

      2. He has been banned for three years. Will be interesting to see whether he observes the ban – or carries on driving.

    1. Here’s another good one from that source.

      COP27: Is climate change going to make diseases more likely in future?

      COP27: Is climate change going to make diseases more likely in future?

      say climate change is making more than half of all infectious diseases
      worse; and the World Health Organisation says humanity needs to “get
      ready” to fight against this threat to global health security.

      the planet warms, new viruses are emerging and pandemics are becoming
      more likely as animals and disease-carrying mosquitoes move to parts of
      the world they have never been found before.

      1. BBC: What is climate change?’ Weather. Move on.

        And no, weather isn’t causing viruses. The carriers are – the encouraged movement of one group of vermin to another place is what causes disease – the cancers on this society that grow and kill the host.

      2. The WHO wants to be in control of world response to any “disease” that is “discovered”. They are laying the groundwork for world health decisions including redefining the meaning of “pandemic”. All about control.

      1. Not if you are an employee of the UN it isn’t!!!! Nice work for them that can get it!

  36. Surge of Albanian migrants expected to attempt to cross the Channel tomorrow as people smugglers use TikTok to promote ‘100,000% secure passage from Calais to Dover’
    Smugglers are advertising ‘100,000% secure’ crossings in TikTok promotions
    One, which shows Albanians on a boat, is advertising for a crossing tomorrow
    Number of migrants entering UK has dried up this month due to poor weather

    PUBLISHED: 11:17, 10 November 2022 | UPDATED: 15:58, 10 November 2022

      1. We should also scrap union activity during working hours. If the union wants to pay for it, fine, but the tax payer shouldn’t. It’s estimated that such costs the tax payer over 100m a year.

  37. “KFC has apologised after sending a promotional message to customers in Germany, urging them to commemorate Kristallnacht with cheesy chicken.
    The Nazi-led series of attacks in the country in 1938 left more than 90 people dead, and destroyed Jewish-owned businesses and places of worship.
    It is widely seen as the beginning of the Holocaust.
    The message, heavily criticised for its insensitivity, was later blamed on “an error in our system”.

    Seems to have gone down like a Storm. ….trooper!

  38. I see that London Transport is going to be on strike from 26 November until Christmas. And the Railways will join in, natch.

    Bastards. We have a trip to London planned – looks likely to be kiboshed.

      1. But but – it was to be our first three night stay away in London for THREE years. BM; Sotheby’s; Christie’s; Wallace Collection; and ABOVE ALL – see beloved grand-daughter in the flesh. The MR has done meticulous planning….

        1. Get your granddaughter to trek up to the frozen wastes of Norfolk; it will be enlightening for her. Visit the great houses of the county and view their magnificent collections. Educate her in our naval history about that great Norfolkian, Nelson.

    1. We two folk from Norfolk are;
      barring gits we traverse afar,
      field and fountain, Moorgate &Holborn,
      Wondering if we’ll get that far….

        1. It seems there are two Rs in barring and quite a few in the RMT.

          Edited accordingly – thanks.

  39. That’s me for this chilly day. No rain. No sun but a strong and bitter wind from the south. Hope it is less unwelcoming tomorrow.

    Have a jolly evening. I do ope the other clowns on that Ozzie Sleb show give Halfcock a really hard time. If there were any intelligent participants, they could take his “handling” of the plague apart…..

    A demain.

  40. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan talking to Times Radio on the state of the city:

    “I’ve lived in London my entire life; including the 80s during Thatcher’s reign and the recession. I’ve never known it so bad.”

    He’s absolutely right.

    The last couple of years have been a disaster for all law abiding citizens in London.

    I wonder why it has degenerated so quickly?

    1. Democracy has been sidelined, key decisions – and key appointments – are being imposed by WEF …

    2. Is Khan honestly unaware it’s down to massive uncontrolled gimmigrants, Lefty ism, a lack of discipline, high taxes, welfare dependence and crime – all his fault? Surely he just denies reality because the cognitive dissonance would cause his brain to explode.

    3. Another useless political twerp, who’s sense of self importance is blocking the prospect of plain and simple common sense.

  41. It appears that Trump has blown away the Republicans.
    I supported Trump in 2016 because I wished for anyone but Clinton, ditto 2020 with anyone but Biden.
    Now that the Republicans have a genuine contender in DeSantis, anyone for the GOP but Trump.

    1. Trump is yesterday’s man. He would be 78 if he were to win the next Presidential election, 82 by the time his second term finishes. The Republicans should look elsewhere for their next candidate.

      1. DeSantis’s clear run in the media, and also at the ballot box is a bit worrying. It’s true that the right shouldn’t repeat the Democrats’ mistake of the old crowd grimly hanging onto power for far too long, but I do wonder whether DeSantis is just a shill.

    2. I care little about who is in charge of the USA. JUST that it ought NOT to be someone who is senile – but in their 50s.

    3. I’m hoping Trump will gracefully endorse DeSantis and stand down. Any struggle will do the Republicans no good at all.

  42. OT
    In the unlikely event you can still watch it, I recommend Zen Motoring on BBC 3 this evening about electric scooters.

  43. Last week we watched a RR Griffon engine being bolted onto a restored Spitfire in 4More Warplane Workshop TV Series at Sywell Aviation Museum

    Here’s a YouTube video of a Griffon powered Spitfire in action:

    Tonight is episode 2 on 4More:

    Warplane Workshop
    10 Nov 2022 – 9:00pm – 10:00pm

    1. Can someone explain, very simply, how the RR ‘Griffon’ differs from the mighty RR ‘Merlin’ of Spitfire and Lancaster fame?

      1. The Griffon was 10 litres bigger (27 v. 37) and, by the end of of its development in the 50s, twice as powerful (1,200 hp v. 2,400). Spitfires fitted with it needed longer and wider noses.

      2. The Griffon was 10 litres bigger (27 v. 37) and, by the end of of its development in the 50s, twice as powerful (1,200 hp v. 2,400). Spitfires fitted with it needed longer and wider noses.

      3. The Griffon is mightier than the Merlin and produces so much torque that it is inclined to rollover on rakeoff!

  44. So if mortality rates go up when nurses go on strike.

    Will the powers that be use the nurses strike as a cover for all the excess covid jab deaths?

  45. Had quite a busy day so, Popping orff.
    Thank you for Linda one of our neighbours for the lovely collection of ladybird books. Our youngest grandchildren will love them.

  46. Lady of The Mercians
    Stop Oil are nothing but anarchist domestic terrorists. They are made up of spoilt students and public sector workers. The police should stop being weak cowardly woke socialists and drag them away, placing them in cells.

    Will the environmental extremists of Just Stop Oil slowly morph into terrorists?

    The radicalisation of the West German 1960s far Left led to the terrorism of the Baader Meinhof gang. Today’s greens may be on the same road

    ROSS CLARK • 9 November 2022 • 4:46pm

    Is the hydra of extremist environmental organisations evolving into a terrorist movement? When Extinction Rebellion first began blocking roads four years ago it was possible to treat them in a light-hearted way thanks to their pacifism. They might annoy us, but they weren’t going to cause us harm. They might be a little daft, but they were so terribly English and polite that we didn’t have to worry too much about them.

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain this position. This morning, a police officer was injured when two lorries collided in a holdup on the M25 caused by the antics of Just Stop Oil. A spokesman for the group described the accident as an “awful situation”, but far from apologising then excused the group’s behaviour by saying “in normal circumstances this wouldn’t be acceptable”. In other words, we regret this event but it isn’t our fault – it is the fault of the people who reject our demands.

    Sooner or later someone is going to be killed as a result of green activists sitting down in front of traffic and climbing onto gantries and bridges. The activists involved must know this. They must surely understand the dangers of interfering with motorway traffic. But it seems they just don’t care. It was the same when they were blocking roads in Central London and refusing even to let ambulances through. Some of these protesters are reaching the critical stage where they believe their cause to be more important than other people’s lives. And once you reach that stage it is a short step to contemplating full-on violence.

    A few years ago the then German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer described his own journey from left-wing activist to street fighter – after footage emerged of him attacking a police officer at a protest in 1973. He had started off as a peaceful protester, he said, but it reached the stage when he and his fellows got fed up with being dragged away by police officers and started to fight back. While it didn’t set out with the intention of violence, the radical German left evolved by degrees into the terrorist Baader Meinhof gang.

    Just Stop Oil might not be throwing bombs, but their members have clearly been through the kind of radicalisation process common in terror groups. They started with a cause with which many people sympathised, but their language has grown ever more extreme with time, to the point that they are accusing ‘our murderous government’ of causing the deaths of ‘millions’ of people around the world – actually, the number of people around the world being killed globally in floods and other natural disasters has tumbled over the past century, from an average of over 500,000 a year in the 1920s to 45,000 in the 2010s. The activists spouting from the gantries on the M25 have reached the dangerous stage at which they believe their cause to be so important that it justifies almost anything. As revealed last week, recruits are being made to sign contracts in which they agree to get themselves arrested ‘at least once’.

    Whatever you think on climate change, these are people who have been through a radicalisation process. Worse, they are being encouraged by being granted all kinds of publicity which is not granted to other radicalised groups. The BBC doesn’t, for example, tend to invite racists or extremist Islamist preachers into the Newsnight studio, yet Just Stop Oil seem to have a chair reserved for them.

    It may not be long before we are forced to reassess extremist green activists. Their activities are beginning to take a dark turn.

    David Cooper
    Sections 1 and 2 of the Terrorism Act 2000 cover the use or threat of action designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause. The “action” is caught if it involves serious violence against a person or serious damage to property; endangers a person’s life, other than the perpetrator’s; creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

    Note the word “intimidate”. This covers what we ordinarily understand by fear and its wrongful infliction. We do not have “fearism” or “fearists” because the terminology would be artificial and jarring.

    Two conclusions: (1) plainly these individuals are terrorists – they are wrongfully causing people to fear that they will miss vital appointments or connections, be late for work, or otherwise be put out, and the acute mental stress and anxiety may be taken as read; (2) the Act could simply be amended to include at the end “or seriously to interfere with the right of the public or a section of the public to pass freely along the King’s Highway.”

    How about it, Suella? If you proposed this, would anyone in Cabinet stand in your way and be prepared to justify doing so?

  47. Lady of The Mercians
    Stop Oil are nothing but anarchist domestic terrorists. They are made up of spoilt students and public sector workers. The police should stop being weak cowardly woke socialists and drag them away, placing them in cells.

    Will the environmental extremists of Just Stop Oil slowly morph into terrorists?

    The radicalisation of the West German 1960s far Left led to the terrorism of the Baader Meinhof gang. Today’s greens may be on the same road

    ROSS CLARK • 9 November 2022 • 4:46pm

    Is the hydra of extremist environmental organisations evolving into a terrorist movement? When Extinction Rebellion first began blocking roads four years ago it was possible to treat them in a light-hearted way thanks to their pacifism. They might annoy us, but they weren’t going to cause us harm. They might be a little daft, but they were so terribly English and polite that we didn’t have to worry too much about them.

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to maintain this position. This morning, a police officer was injured when two lorries collided in a holdup on the M25 caused by the antics of Just Stop Oil. A spokesman for the group described the accident as an “awful situation”, but far from apologising then excused the group’s behaviour by saying “in normal circumstances this wouldn’t be acceptable”. In other words, we regret this event but it isn’t our fault – it is the fault of the people who reject our demands.

    Sooner or later someone is going to be killed as a result of green activists sitting down in front of traffic and climbing onto gantries and bridges. The activists involved must know this. They must surely understand the dangers of interfering with motorway traffic. But it seems they just don’t care. It was the same when they were blocking roads in Central London and refusing even to let ambulances through. Some of these protesters are reaching the critical stage where they believe their cause to be more important than other people’s lives. And once you reach that stage it is a short step to contemplating full-on violence.

    A few years ago the then German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer described his own journey from left-wing activist to street fighter – after footage emerged of him attacking a police officer at a protest in 1973. He had started off as a peaceful protester, he said, but it reached the stage when he and his fellows got fed up with being dragged away by police officers and started to fight back. While it didn’t set out with the intention of violence, the radical German left evolved by degrees into the terrorist Baader Meinhof gang.

    Just Stop Oil might not be throwing bombs, but their members have clearly been through the kind of radicalisation process common in terror groups. They started with a cause with which many people sympathised, but their language has grown ever more extreme with time, to the point that they are accusing ‘our murderous government’ of causing the deaths of ‘millions’ of people around the world – actually, the number of people around the world being killed globally in floods and other natural disasters has tumbled over the past century, from an average of over 500,000 a year in the 1920s to 45,000 in the 2010s. The activists spouting from the gantries on the M25 have reached the dangerous stage at which they believe their cause to be so important that it justifies almost anything. As revealed last week, recruits are being made to sign contracts in which they agree to get themselves arrested ‘at least once’.

    Whatever you think on climate change, these are people who have been through a radicalisation process. Worse, they are being encouraged by being granted all kinds of publicity which is not granted to other radicalised groups. The BBC doesn’t, for example, tend to invite racists or extremist Islamist preachers into the Newsnight studio, yet Just Stop Oil seem to have a chair reserved for them.

    It may not be long before we are forced to reassess extremist green activists. Their activities are beginning to take a dark turn.

    David Cooper
    Sections 1 and 2 of the Terrorism Act 2000 cover the use or threat of action designed to influence the government or to intimidate the public or a section of the public, for the purpose of advancing a political, religious, racial or ideological cause. The “action” is caught if it involves serious violence against a person or serious damage to property; endangers a person’s life, other than the perpetrator’s; creates a serious risk to the health or safety of the public or a section of the public, or is designed seriously to interfere with or seriously to disrupt an electronic system.

    Note the word “intimidate”. This covers what we ordinarily understand by fear and its wrongful infliction. We do not have “fearism” or “fearists” because the terminology would be artificial and jarring.

    Two conclusions: (1) plainly these individuals are terrorists – they are wrongfully causing people to fear that they will miss vital appointments or connections, be late for work, or otherwise be put out, and the acute mental stress and anxiety may be taken as read; (2) the Act could simply be amended to include at the end “or seriously to interfere with the right of the public or a section of the public to pass freely along the King’s Highway.”

    How about it, Suella? If you proposed this, would anyone in Cabinet stand in your way and be prepared to justify doing so?

  48. 367485+ up ticks,

    The tenth portion are in most cases the politico’s mothers,

    London / Europe
    Migrant Crisis: Nearly 9 in 10 Britons Believe Govt is ’Performing Badly’
    CALAIS, FRANCE – NOVEMBER 04: A teenage migrant uses a blanket to try and keep warm at a camp in an industrial zone on November 04, 2022 in Calais, France. Around 2,000 migrants are reportedly living in northern France, many sleeping rough scattered around the Calais and Dunkirk area, as …
    The British public overwhelmingly believe that the government is performing badly in handling immigration and asylum amid the migrant crisis.

  49. Heavens, they are talking about reintroducing mask mandates in Canada. The despised top doctor is blaming a mix of flu and covid. Er. – feck of!

      1. Why are you still wearing them? In Stroud hospital last week I refused to put one on. Yesterday in Gloucester, it appeared they are optional – about 60/40 on or not, patients and staff. I did see two women wearing the blue ones with the blue layer on the inside…….:0))

          1. Nobody seemed to be wearing one at our surgery, apart from Dr Hussein, whom we saw a couple of weeks ago. I had a job to understand what she was saying. No hijab though.

          2. I was surprised at the dentist’s surgery today, that no-one was wearing a mask, none being handed out…. everything back to normal.

          3. That’s how it was when I went in August, though the dentist and hygenist were masked up. We’ll see how it is next month, when i have an appointment with the torturer (hygenist).

          4. You should say you’re exempt. I printed off exemption cards from the gov. website when I’d got so sick of wearing them I wasn’t going to comply any more.

          5. Maggie, just don’t wear one, even at the doc’s or hospital. They aren’t allowed to challenge you. No one will say a word.

      1. So far I’ve only got to his attempts to secure Richard’s inheritance (which was by no means certain; Arthur of Brittany had a good claim and the French king, Phillipe Augustus, was initially on his side against John – he wanted the Vexin). John, after all, may have been King of the English, but he was only Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine and Count of Anjou and Poitou, hence he owed allegiance to the French king.

    1. In my Family Tree as generation 24. I’m generation 50 starting in 530 with Egil, King in Sweden, Uppsala.

        1. Yes, but his son, Henry III was produced by his wife, Isabella of Angouléme and my line continues all the way through to Edward III (Plantagenet) and onwards.

  50. Blimey, I have been banned from Twitter commenting etc for 6 days for suggesting the crowd who are messing around with stopping the traffic on the motorways .. I said they should be tarred and feathered ..

    What on earth is wrong with saying something like that ?

    1. I had 7 day ban not so long ago Belle, I can’t remember what for now but it obviously offended the children that patrol Twitter.

      1. By me suggesting that they should be tarred and feathered is no different to the idiots glueing themselves to the road or art works . I suspect you are correct , a cry baby protestor didn’t like what I suggested .

        How is Poppy doing ?
        Jack is a little more feeble , but coping ..

        1. Hi Belle, Poppie is at the moment doing all right to all intents and purposes. She plays with her toys in the evening for 5-10 minutes, she snoozes a lot of the time but is still interested in food, our food that is. She is disdainful of dog food ever since she collapsed a month ago, even the much vaunted Lily’s Kitchen, she likes human food (we don’t give her our cakes/ biscuits/processed food, just meat and veg) especially the shin beef casserole which we had last night, so I mixed it with some of her food. Sometimes I hide pieces of chicken in it. Today we set off down Back Lane which runs the one third of the length of the village, got halfway down and she indicated she wanted to go back. So we turned round, went back; she only wanted to go through the kissing gate, up the field and through the wood….. so we did. The vet phoned yesterday with the results of her lymphoma – a B-cell Stage 1. Not as aggressive as a D-cell. I am weepy today, until the phone call I felt, irrationally, that we had had a reprieve, strange because it didn’t change anything.

          I am sorry you are going through this too, poor Jack. It is so hard seeing our much loved furry companions growing weaker, watching on and knowing it can only go one way. Love and a hug to you xx🤗

    2. I’ve had 3 day bans from FB for the same reason and you can’t get any dialogue with the faceless moderators

    3. Unfortunately there are those who will latch on to comments like that and report you for encouraging violence.

  51. Johnson’s parting insult to democracy – making Carrie’s 30-year-old chum a Lord

    OF the 20 or so people nominated by Boris Johnson to become members of the House of Lords, one name in particular caught my eye: Ross Kempsell.

    He is 30 years old and, if accepted by the Lords appointments commission, would be one of the youngest people ever to receive a life peerage.

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