918 thoughts on “Thursday 12 December: A lack of courteous debate has wearied voters in this important election

  1. I’ll take Russian democracy over ours. Rod Liddle. 14 December 2019

    Income tax? You’re wondering about income tax? Go on, have a guess. Top rate, 13 per cent. Even as a non-resident, it’s 30 per cent. And I’d be a resident. OK, there’s Vladimir Putin instead of Abbott and Gardiner. But I am beginning to warm to the Asian model of democracy, a velvet glove enclosing a claw hammer and perhaps a small phial of polonium-210. The Asian model of democracy vs European liberal democracy: the tyranny of the majority vs the tyranny of the elite. For me, it’s a very close call. And you can have a nice big house for a third of the price of a shared ownership studio flat in Tower Hamlets.

    There is a genuine outrage — beyond London, it has to be said — about a liberal overreach which is totalitarian in its implacable resistance to debate and, for many, patently absurd in its shibboleths. People who are appalled by the shrill debate over transgenderism, the benevolence we show to terrorists who want us all dead, the divisiveness of racial politics and the impositions, especially upon university campuses, on the right to express a divergent view. Many of those who share this sense of alienation from the elite may also be in favour of a more equitable economic system. And they are weary with our interfering and frankly murderous liberal evangelism abroad. Who, in this new parliament, represents these people?

    Morning everyone. I don’t believe that Rod has any intention of moving to Russia but he makes valid comparisons here. The UK is no longer a democracy in any meaningful sense whatsoever and if the frustration of the largest democratic vote in its history doesn’t convince you of that then the measures that the new government will bring in should cure you once and for all. There’s no doubt that Woke Britain with its Cultural Marxist Ideology, Thought Police and Media and Judicial Control resembles the old USSR far more than its modern offspring does. By some cruel twist of ironic fate we have become what we helped defeat. They, Modern Russia. are becoming what we were!


    1. Morning AS,
      You have complete agreement from me.
      IMO it was the keep in / keep out vote
      that has brought us to this pretty pass, & no real opposition.
      Party first wot didit.

  2. Morning Geoff.

    As soon as this cuppa’s down the hatch, I’ll be getting ready to jump in my legs for a walk to where I can plonk my cross.

  3. I’m still a bit undecided about my vote direction on today .

    I’ve obviously taken into consideration what I consider to be the following swaying points on the two main parties.

    On the one hand the Conservative Boris Johnson is a bit of a rascal with the ladies and can sometimes bend the truth a bit, he’s also a bit posh.

    And on the other hand..

    Labours Jeremy Corbyn Invited two IRA members to parliament two weeks after the Brighton bombing.
    Attended Bloody Sunday commemoration with bomber Brendan McKenna.
    Attended meeting with Provisional IRA member Raymond McCartney.
    Hosted IRA linked Mitchell McLaughlin in parliament.
    Spoke alongside IRA terrorist Martina Anderson.
    Attended Sinn Fein dinner with IRA bomber Gerry Kelly.
    Chaired Irish republican event with IRA bomber Brendan MacFarlane.
    Attended Bobby Sands commemoration honouring IRA terrorists.
    Stood in minute’s silence for IRA gunmen shot dead by the SAS.
    Refused to condemn the IRA in Sky News interview.
    Refused to condemn the IRA on Question Time.
    Refused to condemn IRA violence in BBC radio interview.
    Signed EDM after IRA Poppy massacre massacre blaming Britain for the deaths.
    Arrested while protesting in support of Brighton bomber’s co-defendants.
    Lobbied government to improve visiting conditions for IRA killers.
    Attended Irish republican event calling for armed conflict against Britain.
    Hired suspected IRA man Ronan Bennett as a parliamentary assistant.
    Hired another aide closely linked to several convicted IRA terrorists.
    Heavily involved with IRA sympathising newspaper London Labour Briefing.
    Put up £20,000 bail money for IRA terror suspect Roisin McAliskey.
    Didn’t support IRA ceasefire.
    Said Hamas and Hezbollah are his “friends“.
    Called for Hamas to be removed from terror banned list.
    Called Hamas “serious and hard-working“.
    Attended wreath-laying at grave of Munich massacre terrorist.
    Attended conference with Hamas and PFLP.
    Photographed smiling with Hezbollah flag.
    Attended rally with Hezbollah and Al-Muhajiroun.
    Repeatedly shared platforms with PFLP plane hijacker.
    Hired aide who praised Hamas’ “spirit of resistance“.
    Accepted £20,000 for state TV channel of terror-sponsoring Iranian regime.
    Opposed banning Britons from travelling to Syria to fight for ISIS.
    Defended rights of fighters returning from Syria.
    Said ISIS supporters should not be prosecuted.
    Compared fighters returning from Syria to Nelson Mandela.
    Said the death of Osama Bin Laden was a “tragedy“.
    Wouldn’t sanction drone strike to kill ISIS leader.
    Voted to allow ISIS fighters to return from Syria.
    Opposed shoot to kill.
    Attended event organised by terrorist sympathising IHRC.
    Signed letter defending Lockerbie bombing suspects.
    Wrote letter in support of conman accused of fundraising for ISIS.
    Spoke of “friendship” with Mo Kozbar, who called for destruction of Israel.
    Attended event with Abdullah Djaballah, who called for holy war against UK.
    Called drone strikes against terrorists “obscene”.
    Boasted about “opposing anti-terror legislation”.
    Said laws banning jihadis from returning to Britain are “strange”.
    Accepted £5,000 donation from terror supporter Ted Honderich.
    Accepted £2,800 trip to Gaza from banned Islamist organisation Interpal.
    Called Ibrahim Hewitt, extremist and chair of Interpal, a “very good friend”.
    Accepted two more trips from the pro-Hamas group PRC.
    Speaker at conference hosted by pro-Hamas group MEMO.
    Met Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh several times.
    Hosted meeting with Mousa Abu Maria of banned group Islamic Jihad.
    Patron of Palestine Solidarity Campaign – marches attended by Hezbollah.
    Compared Israel to ISIS, Hamas, Hezbollah and al-Qaeda.
    Said we should not make “value judgements” about Britons who fight for ISIS.
    Received endorsement from Hamas.
    Attended event with Islamic extremist Suliman Gani.
    Chaired Stop the War, who praised “internationalism and solidarity” of ISIS.
    Praised Raed Salah, who was jailed for inciting violence in Israel.
    Signed letter defending jihadist advocacy group Cage.
    Met Dyab Jahjah, who praised the killing of British soldiers.
    Shared platform with representative of extremist cleric Muqtada al-Sadr.
    Compared ISIS to US military in interview on Russia Today.
    Opposed proscription of Hizb ut-Tahrir.
    Attended conference which called on Iraqis to kill British soldiers.
    Attended Al-Quds Day demonstration in support of destruction of Israel.
    Supported Hamas and ISIS-linked Viva Palestina group.
    Attended protest with Islamic extremist Moazzam Begg.
    Made the “case for Iran” at event hosted by Khomeinist group.
    Photographed smiling with Azzam Tamimi, who backed suicide bombings.
    Photographed with Abdel Atwan, who sympathised with attacks on US troops.
    Said Hamas should “have tea with the Queen”.
    Attended ‘Meet the Resistance’ event with Hezbollah MP Hussein El Haj.
    Attended event with Haifa Zangana, who praised Palestinian “mujahideen”.
    Defended the infamous anti-Semitic Hamas supporter Stephen Sizer.
    Attended event with pro-Hamas and Hezbollah group Naturei Karta.
    Backed Holocaust denying anti-Zionist extremist Paul Eisen.
    Photographed with Abdul Raoof Al Shayeb, later jailed for terror offences.
    Mocked “anti-terror hysteria” while opposing powers for security services.
    Named on speakers list for conference with Hamas sympathiser Ismail Patel.
    Criticised drone strike that killed Jihadi John.
    Said the 7/7 bombers had been denied “hope and opportunity”.
    Said 9/11 was “manipulated” to make it look like bin Laden was responsible.
    Failed to unequivocally condemn the 9/11 attacks.
    Called Columbian terror group M-19 “comrades”.
    Blamed beheading of Alan Henning on Britain.
    Gave speech in support of Gaddafi regime.
    Signed EDM spinning for Slobodan Milosevic.
    Blamed Tunisia terror attack on “austerity”.
    Voted against banning support for the IRA.
    Voted against the Prevention of Terrorism Act three times during the Troubles.
    Voted against emergency counter-terror laws after 9/11.
    Voted against stricter punishments for being a member of a terror group.
    Voted against criminalising the encouragement of terrorism.
    Voted against banning al-Qaeda.
    Voted against outlawing the glorification of terror.
    Voted against control orders.
    Voted against increased funding for the security services to combat terrorism.

    So it’s a tricky one really 🤷‍♂

    1. Blimey, Jeremy’s done all that?????????

      Obviously a man of action. I’ll be changing my vote.

      Morning Harry.

    2. Morning HK,
      Both have played a major part in the daily decline of these Isles whichever
      way it is rhetorically dressed up.

      1. I have fears that if Corbyn wins, free meaningful elections will definitely become a thing of the past as the voting age is reduced and all and sundry are allowed to vote. Postal vote fraud would be organised to defeat any option that opposed the Labour Party’s hegemony. Eventually the UK would become a one party state as all other parties are declared illegal.
        If Johnson wins, and as expected sells us out to Brussels with his ‘oven ready treaty’, the UK will slip into serfdom and there will be little need for elections as the EU will have the reins of control over so much of our lives that Westminster will become what was Ken Clarkes’ wet dream, a mere parish council.
        Johnson, should he win, could become the hero of the moment by taking us out cleanly but is he both capable and willing to make that decision? Frightening times.

  4. According to LBC Prince Andrew’s accuser, Ms Roberts, has made a plea in which she states that she is fearful for her safety, is in no way suicidal and should something happen to her people should not let it go. Who could she be afraid of?

    1. Morning Peddy

      We have had torrential rain.. monsoon quality.. then is passed just as quickly… You should see the Frome and Piddle flood meadows.. full of water !

  5. Morning all

    Modern life in South Africa .. notification from my Cape Town sister who is staying with my other sister in Joburg area

    I’m in Jhb for a week and Fran will have no water all day and no electricity from 08.00-12.30 – what fun

    They don’t set their alarm, but when the power comes back on you hear them all over the place. The crooks are having a field day as they know which areas are out and can either break on or steal copper cables and other electric wires. My alarm’s OK as I have a battery back up. Lots of equipment burning out – I unplugged all my stuff – except the fridge. It’s a real pain, but thank goodness it’s not winter, but we also had outages then. And there are so many illegal connections and Soweto owes about 4 billion rand for power as they think it should be free – like everything else they demand!

    1. I think all modern alarms have battery backup. The problem is that people forget that the trickle charged batteries only work properly for 5 years or so and then need replacement!

  6. Statement from Mark Budden, Network Rail Anglia Route Director, and Jamie Burles, Greater Anglia Managing Director

    The problem seems pretty certain to b with the new trains as older stock is not affected. There was a near fatal collision as a result of a failure. What seems to be happening is the signalling is not properly detecting that a train is on the track. This result in a near fatal collision at a level crossing. A train was approaching the crossing and the gates were closed for road traffic but as the train got nearer the crossing the gates opened and case started to go across. The train missed a car by a split second. One possibility is one section of track had correctly detected a train was on it but the train then moved onto another section of track and it was not detected. Even this failure though should not have caused the gates to open it tends to indicate a poor design of the system it should have failed safe and the crossing gates should have remained closed. THe train should then have stopped and advice sort from the signalman.


  7. Rapes in NHS Hospitals

    There was a report on LBC that over 300 rapes had taken place in NHS hospitals and thousands of sexual attacks. Trying to see if there i a link to this story anywhere

  8. SIR – Whatever the merits of the American constitution, is it not odd that the case for impeaching a president (report, December 11), and the trial itself, are put in the hands of politicians whose objective judgment is likely to be clouded by their loyalty to their parties?

    Eldon Sandys

    Pyrford, Surrey

    1. When the laws/constitution were written I suspect partisanship did not overrule morality, judgement and honesty. The writers could not have foreseen how deep and foetid the swamp would become.

  9. SIR – On the subject of finger-biting letterboxes (Letters, December 10), while distributing political leaflets for an earlier election, I found the spring in one to be particularly stiff, only to discover that my fingers were in the mouth of a spaniel, which was on guard duty behind the door.

    My yelling brought the householder running and my bleeding fingers were released from the canine jaws.

    William Raymond

    Loughborough, Leicestershire

    1. Given the stealing of 17.4 million votes by all the main political parties, it is a pity that only a spaniel is allowed to bite folk pushing mendacious political leaflets through our letterboxes.

    2. When the replacement front door was fitted, I left the design & fitting of door furniture etc. to the DT and was bloody fuming when I realised she’d specified that the letterbox be placed right at the bottom.

  10. Well the polls have shown a consistent narrowing of the Conservatives lead and there is quite a wide spread between the various polls. It is though quite normal for the incumbent parties lead to narrow during a campaign

    One thing the polls seem not to have factored in is the postal votes. Most will have gone in a week or two back before the Conservatives lead narrowed so the Conservatives lead might be a bit bigger than the polls are reflecting

  11. Glad tidings of Comfort and Joy, (especially for ye second oldest profession – morning Bill)

    “According to the WSJ, Harvey Weinstein, his former associates, insurers and accusers have all reached a nearly $47 million tentative settlement of virtually all the civil cases pending against him, about $25 million of which will compensate women who have accused the Hollywood producer of sexual misconduct.

    Under the terms of the agreement, Weinstein and his former associates won’t admit wrongdoing; the deal still needs to be approved by a bankruptcy judge and a judge overseeing a proposed class-action lawsuit. Even better for the “not guilty” Weinstein, the bulk of the settlement money will be paid not by him but by his insurance policies, including those held by his former studio.

    “It is shameful that $12 million of the settlement is going to the lawyers for the directors who we alleged enabled Harvey Weinstein.”

    1. …about $25 million of which will compensate women who have accused the Hollywood producer of sexual misconduct.

      They should be happy. They will have been paid well above the going rate for their profession!

    2. He’ll have voted, as early and as often as possible and will now be heading towards the chunnel and eventually home .

    3. They whored themselves out to get parts in films and knew they were doing so. Now there’s another heap of cash on the bedside table for them.

      1. Nasty morning outside, so I’ll not be in a rush to walk up to the village.
        I plan turning in before 22:00 this evening and do not want to know anything about the turnout, exit polls or other crap until I wake up tomorrow morning.
        In fact I might even try to avoid learning the result for as long as possible.

  12. Salisbury Novichok clean-up mission ‘couldn’t fail’. Jordan Davies. BBC News.

    “This one really hit home how important it was for the UK, it really was a mission that couldn’t fail.”

    Lol. It certainly couldn’t! There would have to have been some to find it!


    1. Another policy they are believed to be looking at introducing is to use tax payers money to fund Unions

  13. Well I’ve done my civic duty and voted this morning. I didn’t have a Brexit Party candidate but I did have UKIP. I’ve met the candidate (she’s been anti-EU since 1962 so I can’t doubt her bona fides!). She doesn’t have a hope in hell of getting in, but it’s preferable to spoiling my vote and at least it contributes to their share of the ‘popular vote.’

    Let’s hope a few Labour Leavers get us some Brexit Party MPs, to hold Johnson and the lying, globalist, PC, Europhile fake-Conservatives to account.

  14. Stories about children and their views of the world are always touching. Here’s one from Down Under.

    A father watched his young daughter playing in the garden. He smiled as
    he reflected on how sweet and pure his little girl was. Tears formed in his eyes
    as he thought about her seeing the wonders of nature through such innocent

    Suddenly she just stopped and stared at the ground. He went over to her to see what work of God
    had captured her attention. He noticed she was looking at two spiders mating.

    ‘Daddy, what are those two spiders doing?’ she asked.

    ‘They’re mating,’ her father replied.

    ‘What do you call the spider on top?’ she asked.

    ‘A Daddy Longlegs,’ her father answered.

    ‘So, the other one is a Mommy Longlegs?’ the little girl asked.

    As his heart soared with the joy of such a cute and innocent question.

    He replied, ‘No dear. Both of them are Daddy Longlegs.’

    The little girl, looking a little puzzled, thought for a moment, then lifted
    her foot and stomped them flat.

    ‘Well”, she said, “that may be OK in New Zealand,
    but we’re not having any of that shit in Australia.”

  15. We’re sorry, we haven’t a clue…

    A final constituency-by-constituency poll by YouGov last night predicted that the Tories’ lead over Labour had narrowed, with the Conservatives on course for a 28-seat majority.

    But the pollsters warned this was within the margin of error and a hung parliament or a greater Tory victory are still possible.

    So there you have it…

    1. These polls do not seem to be factoring in that a significant proportion of votes wen in weeks ago before the margin narrowed

  16. Our choice today is for democracy. Sadly, the WA will not deliver Brexit.

    If Marxism wins democracy will be as dead as the dodo and this could be our last democratic vote ever.
    I feel a migraine coming on….

      1. Apparently there are now enough charging points that you could drive an EV across Canada.

        How long it would take and how many doughnuts you would eat during the mandatory recharging stops have not been calculated.

      2. Even with buses battery power is only viable for short urban journeys and even then only just and it is very expensive

        At present as well the fuel for electric vehicles is hardly taxed at all ., Current fuels carry taxes of about 70% so clearly something will have to change. If battery powered cars were taxed at similar levels to petrol they become very expensive and tax changes will have to come. Fuel brings in to much tax revenue. It does leave the problem of how you can actually tax them as you can just plug an electric car into a 13A socket although it will be a very slow charge

        I suspect they will develop a system where you are charged by mileage which also means they can vary the charging by time of travel

        At present as well there is a lot of exaggeration over the mileage you can travel as well as understating the charging times

      3. We drive regularly from Brittany to Holland where Caroline’s sisters live and we drive regularly via Calais to England, where our two sons live. We shall not be at all happy if the politicians effectively stop us doing so because of their alarmist lies about CO2.

    1. Well you couldn’t get a much clearer signal than that. BJ is apparently spurning the moslem vote…..

      “Traditionally, dogs have been seen as impure, and the Islamic legal tradition has developed several injunctions that warn Muslims against most contact with dogs’.

      1. This is not altogether true.

        Dogs are very popular in SW Turkey where the population is almost entirely Muslim. We keep our boat in Marmaris and several people are devoted to their dogs. The chap who runs the shop in the marina has a lovely old copper-coloured cocker spaniel and he is as fond of his dog as his dog is fond of him

        Some dogs are not officially owned by anybody but they are well fed and well looked after by everyone. The one thing that is different is that any dog who shows signs of aggression towards people is taken away and shot. This obviously has a genetic influence as we have never seen a nasty, aggressive dog in the parts of Turkey we visit.

        1. The same can’t be said of their sheep-dogs, the Kangals.

          We were in the hills near Seki on a track passing some rural farm cottages when one of the beasts came charging out of a cottage and barked at the passenger window as we passed. I speeded up and left it behind, but as I left, it took hold of the rear wheel arch of our hire car and left a toothmark right through the plastic mudguard, along with other scratches. A couple of days later we were back in the hills near Korkuteli and we stopped to let a flock of sheep cross the road. A two-axled flat wagon coming the other way slowed down to about 15mph to pass and one of the two Kangals guarding the flock jumped up and started biting a mudguard as it went. This photo is of its companion, resting a few minutes later. Apparently they have the strongest bite force of any dog.

          Having said that, the many dogs we saw in our town were placid and friendly, although a minor earthquake at 6.15 one morning woke them up (as well as me) and they all started barking for a few minutes. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/2a02f2d1ef224c7d2be4f69ccdbcf2d23face91717e8f1794dbcdb15191982b7.jpg

          1. I was a keen cyclist when I was at Blundell’s and I regularly used to cycle past a farm where the sheep dog attacked my bicycle. I used to build up as much speed as possible and then speed past the farm with my legs as far up in the air as I could get them.

      2. The post boxes and their kith and kin have already voted by post often, so kissing his mutt is fine as it appeals to all the pet lovers out there.

          1. He is hoping he doesn’t get caught out. And not for the first time. It is a way of life for him.

  17. I tried to play one of my bookmarked you tube music videos. The damned thing was fronted by an unskippable Labour commercial. I suppose I shouldn’t mind too much if the unions and Soros waste money on that sort of thing though, wot wiv me being an Alphabet shareholder ‘n all.
    After that I successfully voted despite the lack of a polling card, the bulk mailing having no doubt been accidentally lost by a Momentum activist in the town hall…

        1. They should ask for proper ID. And the so-called “secret ballot” paper has your number on it.

  18. LBC’s O’Brien’s opening statement for his programme this morning:”Why does Greta Thunberg upset so many ignorant old men?”
    I didn’t think this disgusting specimen could reach any lower than his usual position at the bottom but he has succeeded and gets 10 out 10 for effort.

    1. Possibly because most of the old men aren’t as ignorant of the real science and facts as the Doomgoblin appears to be!?

      1. You have to look at the big pictures as well and focus totally on one fairly insignificant issue. In most cases they are causing more pollution and issues than they solve. Well CO2 is not in any case being reduced it is increasing mainly due to their attempts to reduce CO2

        1. look at the big pictures as well and focus totally on one fairly insignificant issue“???? Missing a negative?

    2. Good morning Dandy Front Pager

      Anyone who disagrees with O’Brien is ipso facto ignorant – just as anyone who has rumbled the fact that Johnson’s Brexit is not a proper Brexit is beneath contempt.

      1. That’s me in the doghouse, then. I couldn’t use cathouse, for reasons that I do not need to explain here.😎

    3. I wonder if the answer as to why he asked such a question leads to the massively expensive and massively well funded lobbying office on Millbank dedicated to getting what a certain multi billionaire wants from government and the media ? Green issues being one of his top favorites.

      1. You’re thinking too deeply, PP. He’s merely a nasty piece of work who believes that he’s always right and anyone who disagrees with his view of the World is ignorant. Brexiteers are especially ignorant in his eyes.

    1. Political correctness will ultimately make independent thought and communication literally impossible because Corbyn Free Broadband will withdraw the actions and words required to express such aberrations..

      Every concept and human interaction will be rigidly controlled with meanings precisely defined by Corbyn rules and all non approved alternatives extinguished and soon forgotten. The process will still be continuing long after the British have tried but failed to escape the EU behemoth.

      Every year fewer and fewer words and the range of consciousness always a little smaller.

      Even now, of course, according to senior Corbyn officials, there is no reason or excuse for having independent thoughts, it is merely a question of self-discipline, reality-control.

      But in the end there won’t be any need even for that, because through doublespeak and newthink, Corbyn authorities would enter our brains to prevent it and control us all..

  19. Met a bloke at the polling station this morning who said his granddaughter was born on referendum day and at age three could now say Brexit!

  20. I’m surprised two parties haven’t made more of their ability to offer time travel in their manifestos
    Labour……………Back to the 7th century
    Greens…………..Back to the Stone Age

  21. The mother of the murdered youth Jaden Moodie was on TV describing what a good boy he was. She used the phrase “kind to his grandmother”. She neglected to mention that when he was killed he was illegally driving a moped. Nor did she mention his previous arrests for possessing weapons and dealing drugs.
    Moodie was a gang member and a drug dealer. So we need not weep over his demise.
    What we might ask is why he was not in an “approved school”? He was known to the police and should have been put in an institution that would make it possible for him to be reformed. Had he been committed to a secure school for four years, learning woodwork, he would at least be off the streets and alive with some prospects.

    1. In my view the fundamental issue is lack of discipline in the home and in the schools. That is something that cannot be fixed quickly. An even bigger problem is most politicians and teachers etc want even less discipline in the homes and schools as they want to ban smacking . No one is suggesting beating a child. A smack is not intended to hurt a child and in fact it should not hurt a child. A further problem is single parent family’s where discipline is often total absent, Drug and Alcohol abuse also comes into it. The idea of politicians that youth clubs will solve the problem is simply not credible

    2. Compounded by the usual white handwring guiltridden liberals in the Guardian and the DT
      Where are all the Chinese and Indian immigrant yoof running drugs??
      Oh wait they’re in school busy working so they can become doctors or pharmacists
      The black community will not change until they take responsibility for their own lives and escape the “victim” mentality so ably promoted by the likes of Lammy and Abbott for the purpose of farming their votes

      1. When I used to correct the use of ‘moped’ for ‘scooter’, I was met with a barrage of comments to the effect that: “Well, that’s what they are called now”. I usually responded: “You DO know that ‘moped’ is a contraction of ‘motorised pedal’?”

      2. Is it different in England? I thought it depended on the sort of moped? In France children can ride mobilettes of under 50cc engine capacity from the age of 14.

        1. What the media call ‘mopeds’ aren’t actually mopeds. The rest of the world calls them motor-scooters.

        2. Yes. On my first visit to France in the 60s I was surprised to see boys and girls riding around on Mobylettes. My friend’s little brother had one. It was bit disconcerting. I’d been used to seeing bikes ridden by blokes in leathers a la Ace Cafe.

  22. We voted early. The voting paper had four names. The Tory and SNP candidates gave their names and their addresses. They both live in the constituency.
    Both seem decent enough, although the Tory is a Remainer (pro WA) and the SNP man is also a Remainer.
    The Labour candidate Gave “an address in Glasgow”. The Lib/Dem candidate gave “an address in Edinburgh”. So both live outside the constituency and have concealed their addresses.
    It seems to me that they are fake candidates. Their names are on the ballot paper only to distract votes from the other two. Shoddy work, but not a surprise.
    The old Liberal Party of Jo Grimond were straight. So were old Labour, even when controlled by the unions. I’d even say honest, both of those parties, then. Not now. Very far from it. Carmichael confirmed as a liar by a Scottish Court set a precedent for politicians to lie with impunity.

    1. The WA is leaving the EU. AS I understand it all Conservative candidate have signed up to leaving the EU. The exact meaning of the WA seems to be interpreted differently by different people. WE do heebd a WA of some sorts to leave though

    1. Dementia. She has muddled thinking, leading to her equally muddled speech, now it’s muddled, mis-matched shoes. All of us who have had elderly relatives know the signs and symptoms. It is the shoes that confirm the suspicions. She should be in a residential care home, not in the running for the Office of Home Secretary. Once upon a time this would have been a possible scenario from a sit com – now it’s real life.

    2. I really – and seriously – think DA has some form of neurological disorder. I don’t know whether it is physical or mental.
      Anyone sentient would feel immediately that something was wrong with their feet when they put on two shoes for the same side.

    1. It was hammering down with rain when I voted 90 minutes ago, now there is bright sunshine. We are predicted to have constant heavy rain again though from 17:00 – 22:00 (90% chance) so that might stop a few who were going to vote after work. Not that it matters down here as this seat switches between Liberal and Conservative so Labour won’t get a look in.

  23. Well I’ve been down to my local polling station where I found I had the choice of one of four candidates: The Green Party, The Liberal”Democratic” (sans irony) Party, The Labour Party (paying close attention to the future demographics) and The Conservative Party whose candidate honestly ‘wants Brexit’ (despite voting for the May WA).

    As I said before my vote along with the votes of 17.4 million were stolen following the 2016 Referendum. My vote and those of the 17.4 million were stolen again by the main parties with their false manifesto promises in 2017

    Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. Fool me a third time not bloody likely. I came away without voting

    1. Mine had what I suspect was a ringer Stephen designed to leech off some of the leaver vote from the Conservative candidate.

      1. Mine had a Conservative who apparently wants Brexit and supports Boris’s awful document. He is not an MP so I can’t look up his voting record.As I understand that all standing candidates have been told to sign up to Boris’s ” oven-ready deal”, that is hardly surprising. I can’t find anything much more about the candidate online.

        The only independent candidate has done nothing – I mean absolutely nothing, to bring himself to anyone’s attention.

        The LibDems are popular here on a local councillor basis, but in Parliament? No

        Labour is not worth writing anything about.

    2. S,
      The few have been fooling the many
      for decades, & in the keep in / keep out
      mode of voting, the peoples input.

    3. Well, I’m pleased to see that you won’t be complaining in the future, whoever gets in. You had your chance/

      1. I still have an opportunity to vote until 10:00pm…..However, the candidates available to me are from parties that have demonstrated conclusively that they do not believe in democracy. So what chance do I have exactly?

        1. The chance to be a valid complainant when the election is finished and the new government does things you don’t like.

          1. Well whilst I still have the legitimacy (as you see it) to make a valid complaint let me say here and now that based on the manifesto promises of the four parties standing in my constituency, whether its a single party or a combination of the parties that forms the next government, I hereby declare that I’m complaining!

          2. To whom will you complain? To whoever the victor is, or any party who jeopardised democracy (that would be all of them then).

          3. This country is crying out for a party that will actually take us out of the EU with a no-deal Brexit. We had one, but they are not standing in Conservative seats, which I think was a mistake as they would have taken this one with our Liberal wuss that we have as a Conservative MP. But who knows what Nigel was promised in those “secret talks” that was not followed though on.

            At the next election when they are called the Reform party (I think) then I hope they don’t make that mistake again. By then people should have a much clearer idea of the threat of the EU to us all and won’t want to be endlessly blackmailed over a deal that hobbles this country that we don’t need anyway before we leave.

            The EU have more “closer union” plans just waiting to be set in motion. The very thing that we voted to get away from.

            (I expect to get the “well vote UKIP – they have been there for 25 years” spiel, but they are in ruins now. It would take another 25 years for them to rise again and we do not have that kind of time.)

  24. Matthew Biddlecombe 12 Dec 2019 8:05AM
    As election day dawns, I wonder how bad can the next one get with regards to the campaigning? I thought 2017 was bad enough, but somehow this year’s one has managed to hit new lows. This has been aided, in part, by some of the most outrageously biased reporting by Sky, Ch. 4 and the BBC. I can just about take it from Sky and Ch. 4 as I don’t have to pay an annual fee to watch them. However coming from the BBC, who I have to pay for the “privilege” of watching not just them but any television at all, this just simply isn’t good enough. Their charter, which states quite clearly that they remain impartial, has become a joke. There are two instances with Boris Johnson that prove this.

    Firstly, the baby on the floor incident. Within hours of the story breaking it was proved that, as many of us thought initially, this had been set up by the parents; a set-up that the left in the Labour party seized upon like vultures feasting on a dead carcass. Even when the facts were known, the BBC were still broadcasting the story as factual; indeed, I have still yet to hear the BBC state that the parents were guilty of subterfuge, much in the same way they were reluctant to report that the train carriage where Jeremy Corbyn was photographed sitting on the floor (due to an alleged lack of seating) was also a set-up photo opportunity.

    Secondly, the “non-appearance” of Johnson on interview programmes. The BBC have not been backward in coming forward in condemning him for this, with even the (usually) excellent Andrew Neil going public on this. Also many critics here on these threads have levelled the same accusations, usually with the adjective “coward” attached to his name. Yesterday the BBC let it slip that Johnson has, in fact, done more TV and radio interviews than any of the other leaders; it is also well known among those of us who listen to Nick Ferrari, on LBC, that Corbyn refuses to appear on his programme; a programme that Johnson has appeared on many times. So tell me; who is the coward here?

    The worst part in all this is that the BBC still try to tell us that they’re impartial. This despite the fact that time and time again Labour and LibDem politicians are allowed to answer questions with far fewer interruptions than their Conservative counterparts, and Question Time, in almost every edition, features only one Brexiteer on a panel of five people. My worry is that their influence in all of this will lead to yet another hung parliament or, worse still, a minority Labour government held aloft by the LibDems and SNP.

    Today, I fear, is going to be a very, very long one indeed.

    1. The comment above is almost completely agreeable apart from one quibble. It does not matter how many interviews Boris had with interviewers who were only going to be “pretend tough.” Andrew Neil would have asked some of the questions that many Leavers wanted to hear and that were actually relevant to our future in the EU, and trust in Boris himself to deliver what he has promised. Such as Boris saying “Talks finished in 1 year and we leave,” compared to Barnier saying it will be 3 years at least.

      Those behind Boris calculated that if he were asked these questions then his responses would be more damaging to the Conservative vote than avoiding the interview altogether. If honest answers to those questions would have driven Conservative Leave voters into the arms of The Brexit Party, then that does call into question, just how bad is this Withdrawal Agreement going to be for us?

      But it is done now. They say that many committed voters cast their ballots in the morning, so most of us have already voted by now. 🙂

      The pollsters are panicking because all of their fake polls over the past 6 weeks have barely shifted the real voting intentions that have not changed since the beginning. YouGov pretended that all Brexit Party voters were now Conservatives, so that they could drop TBP from any meaningful poll data. But there was one paper reviewer last night who said that the latest poll put The Brexit Party winning 16 seats now. The more the merrier to help us really Leave the EU after all.

      12 hours from now the engines will be revving up for the results, and our salvation with a hung Parliament. If God / Fate / King Arthur are smiling on our island once again. We will have really dodged a bullet this time.

  25. Would it be really bad of me to email all four candidates in my constituency to tell them that I’m going to vote for them and then email them again tomorrow morning to tell them, that after taking a leaf out of their manifesto promises, I changed my mind and decided to withhold my vote for them?

    1. When I worked in benefits there was a ruling about deliberately making yourself unemployable. Now I suppose it’s seen as unfair discrimination.

    2. Aside from the reality that these people have made themselves unemployable, and should be allowed to go hungry until they start wearing masks to cover up, they are massively lacking in any style or taste. What they have done to themselves looks cheap and ugly. Large scale work can be impressive, and this guy was an actor and it was temporary so he could take it off afterwards:


  26. That’s my vote in.
    Walk to Cromford for the paper, bus to Bonsall and off at the Fountain.
    Into Village Hall, cast vote and catch bus again on its return run.

    Had it been nicerless foul weather, I’d have probably walked up Chapel Hill after picking the paper up and gone round the back of Ball Eye before dropping down to the Fountain to vote.

    Interesting one though, the bus driver, a Sheffield lad, didn’t realise it was polling day and, even though he is a Labour supporter, will not be voting for Corbyn.

    1. Due to staff shortages a number of polling stations in Conservative voting area wil only be able to open for limited hours (ok its a joke)

        1. That could cost votes as many may well go to where it was last time and find it is not there and go back home

  27. SIR – I was heartened to read the letter headed “Bullying broadcasters” by Lord Grade of Yarmouth (December 10). We are fortunate to have a free press in this country, but when courtesy is jettisoned by broadcasters, then respect for them from the public is hugely diminished.

    The danger is that, with the overdose of interviews and badly chaired debates which have served no purpose, the electorate becomes so weary with the political scene that they decide not to use their right to vote in a very important election.

    The so-called “forensic” style used by presenters on radio and television, their aggressive stance and constant interruptions bordering on interrogation, not conversation, have not contributed to intelligent discourse. In fact, aggression emanating from high-profile figures in broadcasting contaminates public opinion. It provokes unpleasant quick-response tweeting that has vilified MPs and other public figures.

    A political interview, in these days of constant news, is very often a poisoned chalice.

    Jane Shilling (Comment, December 9) talks about a “miasma of unmannerliness making a shameful conquest of our realm”.

    The actor Wendell Pierce was interviewed last week on the BBC News’s HardTalk; his message was to respect humanity. Only that way can we, the public, perhaps make a more informed opinion when we have to use our precious vote.

    Deborah Young
    Winterbourne Bassett, Wiltshire

    Poisoned against anyone to the right of the opinions of the Masters of the broadcast MSM. Let us enjoy a day free of their rubbish.

    1. SIR – No one is compelled to pay a subscription to a newspaper whose political views are at odds with their own.

      That being the case, why should anyone be forced to subscribe to a television channel whose political views and culture they find objectionable?

      Robert Ferguson
      Shenstone, Staffordshire

    2. Simples, Ms Young.

      Decide who you’re going to vote for when the election is called.
      Unplug your telly.
      Get on with your life.
      Vote when the day comes.

      Morning zx.

    3. SIR – It is understandable that the Conservatives are fed up with the BBC and its bias against the party, but the implications of abolishing the licence fee (report, December 10) will be far- reaching for the cultural output of the corporation.

      The outstanding BBC orchestras are the backbone of our musical life in Britain, which is reflected in educational outreach work and – the jewel in the crown – the BBC Proms.

      These are dangerous times, not made better by biased broadcasters. However, we may be in danger of throwing away years of our cultural heritage if this idea is allowed to succeed.

      Let’s hope that, after the election, we get a minister for the arts who knows their subject and can fly the flag for the standard of excellence to which we have grown accustomed in this country.

      Avril Wright
      Snettisham, Norfolk

      And just how much of the BBC’s £5,000,000,000 income goes to the orchestras? I’d be happy to pay my fair share.

      1. As for the Proms being the jewel in the crown – it’s become as politicised & ‘woke’ as everything else on the BBC.

      2. Keeping the BBC because of its bands is about as sensible as voting to stay in the EU to make the passport queues a little shorter at holiday time.

        These dopes have the vote.

    4. SIR – Jersey does not vote in this general election. Not to be outdone, however, the parish of St Lawrence (population: 5,400) has chosen today for the election of roads inspectors, an ancient honorary role requiring those elected to attend the Royal Court to be sworn in and then to report to the parish constable on the condition of the roads in their vingtaine.

      Disappointingly, the media have shown no interest in the event so far.

      Hugh Gill
      St Lawrence, Jersey

    5. SIR – My biggest hope for the election is that when I put my cross in a box it’s treated with respect. Democracy is not to be taken lightly.

      The dither and play-acting of the last three years have got to end. We need a strong government that will deliver the will of the people, and govern our country responsibly and with respect. I sincerely hope that will be the result.

      Ken Alder

      Hildenborough, Kent

      SIR – Stocktaking before my Christmas alcohol shopping, I rediscovered an opened bottle of House of Commons malt whisky.

      For election night, the electorate will decide whether I have a wee dram and retire to bed soon and relaxed, or whether I keep it by my side for top-ups as the pressure of the night builds.

      Ian Todd

      Isleworth, Middlesex

    1. It’s a start. On one side of the scale we have half a dozen good guys. On the other side 325, 673 jihadis. Not yet balanced…

    2. “Undocumented” = another PC euphemism (with the vast contortions/distortions that nearly always implies).

  28. New NHS Hospitals

    Boris did not do a good job with this. He for a start did not state it is for England only. It is up to Scotland, Wales & NI what they do there

    If we regard England as 9 Regions thats about 5 new hospitals per region. In reality it is funding and is down to the local NHS trusts etc to decide how to expand their facilities. Do they extend existing facilities or do they build a new hospital

    If they build a new hospital that also raises the contentious issue of re-configuring existing facilitates ire it might mean the A^E closing or maternity services being moved etc

    The other big issue which never got any real mention is staffing these hospitals. There i time though as most o these new facilities will be several years away. but the NHS has not been that successful with staffing in the past

  29. I was showing my neighbour the video of the little deaf girl which her father took as she was having her aid switched on in the morning and he was telling me of a friend of theirs who’d had an operation to implant a device into his skull to improve his hearing.

    We then reflected on all the NHS treatment he and our other elderly neighbours had received in the recent past – serious money, believe me.

    Doesn’t it therefore stink when a politician wanting to occupy No. 10 holds up a tabloid newspaper showing a young boy on a hospital floor? Whether it’s a true story or not, how does it reflect all the good and very expensive things the NHS does?

    1. I have a couple of friends who have had cochlea implants to improve their hearing – it’s made a lot of difference to their lives.

      1. Apparently, the chap my neighbour mentioned plays the organ, so obviously it’s made a big difference to his life.

  30. Morning all

    SIR – I note that there is to be a full moon this evening. I wonder who will be howling later tonight.

    Neville Byford

    Weybridge, Surrey

    1. Ah the Lib-Dems will be calling fort a re run of the election claiming it is no fair because it is raining

      1. You are lying. Normal rain doesn’t stop anyone voting.

        It might be the wrong sort of rain though…

  31. Young boy in critical condition after nativity costume caught fire as ‘hero’ headteacher praised for coming to his aid

    What an earth was this costume made of? . As far as I know UK regulation were changed and now require children costumes that are sold to be fire resistant
    It sounds as if the material was possibly nylon that burns very easily

    I guess it could have been a home made costume though , Was it sensible to have young children carrying lit candles. You can get LED candles which dont cost much and are safe


  32. Look on the bright side we have a politics free day from the Media as they are barred from reporting anything until 10pm tonight what will James O’Brian do ?

  33. Adolf Hitler 1938
    Joseph Stalin 1939
    Joseph Stalin (again) 1942
    Ayatollah Khomeini 1979
    Greta Thunberg 2019

    Time Magazine people of the year,
    Jeremy Corbyn 2020

  34. Should decisions on the number of MP’s we have and our voting system and reform of the Lords be taken away from the politicians ?

    1. All decisions should be taken away from Westminster. We need a Swiss style referendum system!

      1. I would say the Electoral commissions should take the lead on it and they come up with a few options that the electorate vote on

        1. Who chooses the issues which we would vote? If today is an example here in Scotland, it was about Indyref2.

    2. Certainly. They have no incentive to reduce their own numbers. I also think thir expenses should be capped. The whole UK political system needs to be overhauled. A practical group of people should be detailed to decide the issues in the public interest. They should have a time limit and the MPs and the Lords should have no Veto

      1. I’ve sometimes thought that the “Lords” should contain people from social societies, such as the Women’s Rural, Yacht Clubs, Pub darts leagues, jigsaw collectors, and so on. Real people, not political tarts. Drawn by lot.

        1. I still think we ought to kick out the Life Peer Political Placemen and go back to the Hereditaries.

          1. Yes. As an anarchist and republican and teenager, I wished the aristos away. Later it dawned on me that landowners are tied to the land. What is good for the land is good for the country.
            (An oversimplification but broadly correct, I think.)

      1. Wrong religion, Eoin – think again.

        How many Christians are caged at the borders or trying to get in illegally?

        1. Presumably a reference to the US, where probably most hispanics from S./Central America would be Christian.

  35. Service Disruption Across Rural Routes

    Basically the new train they introduced are not working correctly with the signalling system so the service are being cut back and or are using old rolling stock where it is available. On some lines the new trains are being used but the service is being cut back to every 2 hours meaning there is only one train on the track so the signalling problem is then not an issue

    Latest Update

    Due to major signalling problems across the rural routes affecting train services between Ipswich and Lowestoft/Felixstowe/Peterborough also between Norwich/Cambridge and Sheringham, train services are being severely disrupted. Passengers are advised to check our website before they travel and allow extra time for their journey. Disruption is expected until further notice.

    Please scroll down the page for information on different routes.

    Train services between Cambridge and Norwich via Ely and Thetford have been revised.
    Customer Advice
    Please be advised that all Norwich to Cambridge services will be altered to terminate and start at Ely, apart from the following services which will run as normal;

    The 06:02 Cambridge to Norwich service.
    The 22:40 Norwich to Cambridge service.

    Alternative routes from Ely:
    Ticket acceptance is in place with Great Northern services to convey passengers to Cambridge.

    Train services between Ipswich and Felixstowe have been revised.
    Customer Advice
    Train services between Ipswich and Felixstowe will be reduced to a 2 hourly service from 06:04 Ipswich to Felixstowe departure.
    A Rail Replacement Bus service will also be operating between Ipswich and Felixstowe all day, operated by Ipswich Buses.
    Passengers at Westerfield advised to use the help point.

    Train services between Ipswich and Lowestoft via Saxmundham and Beccles will be revised.
    Customer Advice
    Between Ipswich and Lowestoft we will be operating an altered service, where by trains will be departing every two hours.
    Greater Anglia tickets will be accepted on First buses between Lowestoft and Beccles.
    x2,x21 & x22

    Please visit the app/journey check for updates on specific services.

    Train services between Ipswich and Peterborough via Ely will be suspended.
    Customer Advice
    The Ipswich to Peterborough services will be suspended until further notice due to a shortage of trains as a result of the signalling fault.

    Alternative routes available:

    Customers are advised to travel to Norwich and travel on a train to Ely where their tickets will be accepted on East Midlands Railways services to Peterborough.

    Customers can also travel on Ipswich to Cambridge services and then change at Cambridge for a Great Northern service to Ely and change at Ely for an East Midlands service to Peterborough.

    There are minibuses operated by Blue Fox and St Edmunds Travel running between Ely-Peterborough, serving Manea, March and Whittlesea.

    Train services between Norwich and Sheringham via Cromer will be delayed by up to 20 minutes or revised.
    Customer Advice

    Norwich to Sheringham services will run at a reduced speed causing severe delays. As a result train services from Norwich will terminate and start from Cromer.

    After 09:45 these services will run every 2 hours.
    A Rail Replacement Bus services will operate between Cromer (from 05:55) operated by Completely Coaches and PTS Coaches and Sheringham (from 06:30) operated by Sanders Coaches.

    The last service 22:45 Norwich to Sheringham/23:47 Sheringham to Norwich will run as scheduled.
    Greater Anglia tickets will be accepted on Sanders buses 44,44a, x44 x40

    1. Sounds like a track circuit problem, possibly caused by leaf residue building up on the wheels of the train involved.
      However, I’ve no doubt that the RAIB will find out what the problem was.

      1. Leaves have been eliminated. Thee train I think are 4 car units so it would have been unlikely but what seem to totally eliminated it is the old non bi-mode trains are not affected

        Track circuiting is in my view a poor system. It relys on some very basic insulation between track section which given the harsh environment you have can often fail

  36. “LIVE: General election 2019 live: Result ‘too close to call’ as polls open – latest news”

    Don’t worry, Conservatives will pull ahead this evening when the people who work all day go to vote

  37. “LIVE: General election 2019 live: Result ‘too close to call’ as polls open – latest news”

    Don’t worry, Conservatives will pull ahead this evening when the people who work all day go to vote

  38. Passenger on top deck of bus which hit bridge describes shocking moment of impact

    Either the bus was not on the official route or it should have been a single deck bus but the driver should have been paying attention and was clearly not

    This incidents are becoming so frequent it needs proper safety measures in place. In the past with some low bridges they put a string of bells across the road. There are much better solutions now but they dont implement them



    1. Eight people have been seriously injured after a double-decker bus hit a railway bridge in Swansea.

      The bus hit a railway bridge off Neath Road in Hafod near Landore Social Club at around 9.40am on Thursday.
      Seven people have been taken to Morriston Hospital – one of whom has serious injuries.

      Another person was airlifted by air ambulance to the University Hospital of Wales in Cardiff with life-threatening injuries.

      A 63-year-old man has been arrested in connection with the incident.

      Hafod Road remains closed and police have urged people to avoid the area.

      Network Rail said no trains are currently travelling in or out of Swansea but replacement buses have been organised.
      The double-decker bus is owned by First Cymru and was supposed to be travelling between Swansea University Campus and Swansea Bay University Campus at the time of the incident.

      South Wales Police said the service was not travelling on its normal route at the time and officers are investigating the circumstances surrounding the crash.

  39. I don’t think many people are interested in Sudan, or for that matter could find it on a map (It’s that place in Africa under Egypt that doesn’t have any pyramids).

    There is a long article in the Guardian today – basically America has Sudan on its Sponsors of Terrorism list so it can’t borrow any money, and despite Saudi just getting a two trillion dollars valuation for Aramco today, the Arab States have turned off the tap.

    Point being, this is yet another Guardian article with the objective of not educating or informing us, but purely an anti-American blurb.

    The greater point is that there must be many people. known as ” Guardian Readers ” who follow the paper’s bias with the same enthusiam as some of us followed the Sun Page Three girls when we were…younger …


    1. Actually Sudan has a metric fuckton of pyramids. It just doesn’t have the infrastructure to get tourists to them.

  40. ‘Biggest queue I’ve EVER seen at my polling station’: 12 December 2019


    Voters were stuck in the biggest queues seen at polling stations for years today as millions took part in Britain’s most important election for a generation with their decision expected to make-or-break Brexit.



    1. Interesting stuff. Perhaps Caroline Lucas forgot to mention to her son that voters many not wear rosettes at Polling Stations?

    2. Word has got out that if you go to a local grotto called a Polling Station and tick the right box on a wish list called a Voting Card then there’s a chance of getting an early Christmas handout from a bloke with a white beard and clothed in red.

  41. Duty done,a vote for UKIP,he has no chance of course but it might help save his deposit and at least I feel clean about my vote

    1. At least you had one to vote for. They didn’t stand down here and I had a choice of 3 pro-EU Lemons, a Cornish Nationalist and someone whose position on the EU I could not work out, despite checking their website.

    2. Lucky you, having a real alternative to vote for. We had just 4 candidates, Green, Tory, Lib Dem, Labour. That was it. Nobody else. 😟

    1. Starting off on the wrong foot! Labour’s Diane Abbott is so keen to cast her vote she appears to have rushed out wearing MISMATCHING shoes
      Ms Abbott appeared to be wearing two left shoes from separate pairs of loafers
      She turned out to support Labour colleague Meg Hillier in Hackney South
      But Twitter users quickly spotted something was up in snap posted online


    2. “They say that whenever I open my mouth, I put my foot in it. Well, I certainly didn’t do that this morning – so there! (Has anyone seen my other pair of shoes?)”

    3. I’ve a memory that our resident psych nurse emeritus said not long ago that DA seems to have symptoms of some sort neurological malfunction. Personally I think she’s barking by default.

    4. The really scary thing is that that creature could hold one of the “great” offices of State this time tomorrow.

  42. Tomorrow we will hear the squeaking of chairs as our politicians turn away from facing the electorate and face towards the EU for the next five years

  43. Currently for most large commercial vehicles enforcing electric power is the only viable option to quickly halt civilization. There are no alternatives.

    No wonder no borders globalists love it.

  44. Long queues of mainly younger peeps at polling stations this morning ?

    No surprises…. lots of luvely Christmas parties to go to this evening !

    1. That is not what I have seen its all older people. I have never seen so many people voting. I normally walk in vote and walk out. today there were so many people I had to join a Q for over 10 mins to vote.

      1. Good afternoon, Johnny.

        I agree with you. I live in the constituency where
        Peter Bone is the MP [ he has always been very
        sure of his belief that we will do better out than in,]
        and he has a very large majority; yet it seems that
        no-one is taking anything for granted, the village Hall
        has been inundated with voters of all ages since 07.00.


  45. Spent most of the early morning visiting a consultant at a very well regarded Dorset hospital .. We voted before we set off on our journey .

    When we got there , the place was buzzzing … staff seemed very happy and helpful , and the modern equipment was something else .. as was the blood letting , xrays and everything else .. OUR precious NHS .. how lucky we are .. front line especially .. and how nice and happy people seemed to be .. not a front , a face ..a strong confident team of people … We went for a cup of tea afterwards and the food looked delicious in the hospital restaurant .. and all the tables were set up for a staff Christmas lunch … The ambiance continued ..

    We passed queues of people voting on route .. well I am sure they must have been voting .. old days of queues at post offices are long gone ..

    The tides are high at the moment , lots of flooded roads , squalls of very heavy rain moving through , traffic slow .. and wow , the water that lorries disperse is something else .

    It was great listening to ordinary stuff on the car radio, and not the strident voices of BBC political wallahs , that will come later tonight I guess.

    Am I boring you all and off topic?

    ‘spect so really . Cup of tea time now .. Time to put the kettle on .

    1. Dear Belle,

      You certainly are not boring me!

      We sometimes forget how fortunate we are but it does appear
      that our erstwhile ‘privileges’, which we, our families and
      communities have paid for, not only in monies, are being eroded.

      1. Hello Garlands

        I do agree , really do .. and when we look back and see what is happening now , it is so hard to believe we are having another election … 3rd in five years.. The cost must be horrendous .

        Still raining here , how about where you are ?

        1. It is very, very wet.
          I live on the border of Northants with Beds. and
          Bucks, between the valleys of the Nene and the
          Ouse……..we have beautiful views of flooded
          valleys and so far……..no house flooding, just
          the usual road floodings, we are much blessed!!

          1. I live at the top of a small hill. One of the many reasons i bought the bungalow. My neighbours at the bottom of the Grove are not so lucky. Fools.

          2. Yes Garlands , grateful for small mercies .
            There has been no mention on the news how those flooded Lincolnshire and Yorkshire villages are coping?

      2. Very true, but there’s no “seems” about it. Our privileges are definitely, and deliberately being eroded.

    2. You are not boring me Belle. I like to read your posts. I have enough darkness for both of us!

  46. General election voters ‘turned away from polling stations despite being registered’

    If you do not get confirmation back then you need to contact them the forms state that. It sound fake though as he claims he was asked for photo ID a and you do not need photo ID to register. and no ID trials are taking place at this election neither

    It seems a lot of people cannot fill in a form or forgot they registered for a postal vote

    Ellis told the Liverpool Echo: “I turned up today ready to vote but when I gave my name they said I wasn’t on the list.
    “They put me on to someone at the council who said I wasn’t the first person to complain about this – I definitely registered weeks ago.”
    Ellis’s polling card never arrived after he registered, but he just assumed this was a postal error.

    He added: “When I registered they asked me for photo ID and everything and I gave it – I can’t see any reason why I wouldn’t be registered.
    “I am fuming, this election is the biggest issue facing the country and we need young people to get out and vote.”

    Meanwhile Andrew Brown on Twitter recalled an incident at his polling station in Cardiff.
    He wrote: “In front of us was a young woman who was turned away. My partner overheard them say to her that she needed to register to vote.
    “She told them that she thought she had registered. Their response was that she should register for next time. The woman left without voting.”


    1. The “A” on the electoral roll indicates an Absent voter meaning you cannot vote in person as you have registered for a postal vote

      It seems to e mainly happening in places such as London and Liverpool. It could be attempted voting fraud. They may have registered for a postal vote and are trying to vote in person as well

  47. Royal protection squad members were said to be distressed when prince
    Philip suggested that Megan markle be given the phonetic call sign
    Yankee Zulu.

    1. He’d better not leave his Sleigh unattended. A neighbour told me a couple of days that I had an intruder in my back garden. Bolt now fitted to side gate.

      On a more cheerful note, the Choir and me will be singing this on Saturday alongside the Soprano Soloist Naomi Harvey (She’s sung with Welsh National Opera):


        1. Thank you I enjoy singing but I wouldn’t say my voice (2nd bass) is that great.

          I wrote this a while back to try to encourage other chaps to join the choir:

          Getting to second bass

          “No, not here, not in front of all these people” I thought desperately trying to find that screwed up courage that I had plucked up earlier to enter the hall.
          But Janet wasn’t going to have any of that. She looked me straight in the eye and pressed firmly down with both hands and played a chord on the piano. Her raised eyebrows indicated she expected me to make a similar sound.
          “No, not here, not in front of all these people” I said to myself as a miserable sound issued forth.

          She said: “What do you normally sing?” I said, “I dunno”.
          “Well what did you used to sing?” “Treble” I replied lamely – “but that was fifty years ago……”

          Janet persevered. She shifted position and her hands once again pressed down firmly on the keyboard. I tried really hard to imitate the sound. She tried once more. This time I must have come within a crochet of being close because she simply said “Bass”. And that was it. All that angst was for nothing I was officially a bass. What’s more my status had been confirmed by one of Britain’s top voice coaches. Although I had no idea at the time; it was only subsequently that I’ve learned that Janet has coached some of the World’s most pre-eminent singers including Dame Kiri Te Kanawa.

          They say that behind every successful man there stands an astonished Mother-in-Law. Much to my Mother-in-Law’s astonishment I had finally, finally, after a couple of decades, taken her advice: “You ought to do something with your voice and join a choir”.

          Right so having thought to myself OK, and being fed up with La la laaing to songs which I ought to know the words to, I finally screwed up the courage picked up the mouse pointed it at Google and typed in local choirs.

          The following Monday evening I found myself outside the Church at the bottom / top (depending on which end you live) of the high street. I went in. It was an eye opener watching the choir for the first time rehearsing concert pieces for their forthcoming Easter Concert. If you are familiar with the music of Classic fm then you know the sort of choral music involved. This year for example we’ve just finished Faure’s beautiful Requiem.

          But don’t let me mislead you. The choir sings a fantastic variety of works:

          Can you complete the following:?
          “Some talk of Alexander and some of Hercules,
          of Hector and Lysander and such great names of these;
          but of all the world’s………

          At this point I anticipate readers may divide into two distinct camps – those with the word “diseases” on their lips – lets call them Rugby aficionados and those who remember…:

          ……great heroes
          there’s none that can compare
          to the tow, row, row, row, row, row
          of the British Grenadiers”

          Like most chaps, I knew the tune and some of the words (to both versions) but until last year shortly after joining the choir I’d never before had the opportunity to sing the song through in its entirety. And the fascinating thing is the song takes you into the realms of military prowess, technology and engineering:

          “Our leaders march with fuses and we with hand-grenades
          we throw them from the glacis…..

          Glacis – never heard of it before. Here’s what Wikipedia defines it as:
          glacis (/ˈɡleɪ.sɪs/; French: [ɡlasi]) in military engineering is an artificial slope as part of a medieval castle or in early modern fortresses.

          I can see why the British Grenadiers were considered brave – marching, exposed up the slope to a fortification and then having to wait whilst their leaders who “march with fuses”, light the grenades before they can be hurled “about the enemies ears”.

          Like most of our choir members we tend to look on you tube or iTunes for previously recorded versions of the songs we are rehearsing. However, it’s a really strange fact, that the only version of the British Grenadiers, we rehearsed as a choir, was recorded by the Hannover Harmonists. Listening to The British Grenadiers being sung wif und ever zo slight German acczent was a bit of a surreal experience. But don’t let that put you off – whether you can belt out the lusty rugby version or would just enjoy singing the traditional version then I reckon you would be right at home in the choir.”

          1. If you are as excited as i am about the new Christmas album by Paul McCartney then you are not excited at all.

          2. That is a lovely story , and how incredible you were in the right place at the right time
            Well, me being a girl , I can still sing Rolling down to Rio , and The Raggle Taggle Gypsies oh. and of course Clementina , in Latin and many others, but I do not have a voice … anymore !

          3. I seem to recall a video a while back lambasting authority for the failure to provide public conveniences. Sounded to me like you had a voice!

      1. Beautiful.

        My elder son is much in demand because he has a beautiful bass voice. He sang in the School Choir at Gresham’s and has continued to sing in choirs in Hertordshire, Derbyshire and Buckinghamshire ever since .

        Here is another sublime rendition of O Holy Night by a lovely Irish girl trio backed by a choir which another Nottler posted a couple of years ago:


  48. I was wrong. I was wrong. I thought there would be a low turnout. Especially here where it is rock solid labour from constituency distribution.
    The polling station was very busy. In a downpour of mucky rain and mud on the road. Thin men and plump housewives clutching poll cards with determined looks on their faces. They all have something to say, even though they know the same Labour guy will get in again….
    Results will be interesting. Never done a spoiled vote before. They don’t need me.

    1. Where are you Tony ..

      Up in Yorkshire/ Midlands , where ?

      Everyone has something to say .. This part of Dorset has been Labour before .. Tory now .. but loads of lab/ lib posters!!!!

        1. None here but 1 Labour, don’t know how they the guts to put that up, and several Limp Dumbs proving there are total idiots in all walks of life.

  49. The Assumption of Superiority

    It’s five days since the London Bridge attack – which is to say the
    second London Bridge attack – and the latest scores are in. So far,
    we’ve had 257 softball MSM interviews with David Merrit versus… let’s see.. none whatsoever with literally any other relative of anyone killed in jihadist attacks.

    I wonder what it is about the Corbynista Tory hater that attracts our unbiased broadcasters?

    At least the Tories haven’t cucked though (for once). Like I keep
    saying, the whole debate about the rehab industry is the perfect example
    of how the left pushes its agenda. Take the left’s own attack line: if
    you think there’s something gone badly wrong with our justice system,
    you’re politicising the issue, you evil scumbag!

    And if you think the system’s just fine the way it is? Nope, that’s not
    politicising things at all, that’s just something all the smart people
    agree on.

    Consider the sheer smug entitlement of that position. They don’t want to
    win the debate, they want to ban it and then call everyone else names.

    And that leads to the wider issue. A week ago all the smart people were telling us that Usman Khan was totes reformed,
    you guys. Anyone who wondered if it was really that simple was labelled
    a moron and a bigot. And then, as if by magic, the jihadist did some
    jihading, and now the left are insisting we can’t talk about it.

    Just last week believing that Usman Khan was now a pillar of the
    community was proof of the Very Special Genius of these guys. Now it
    turns out their theories were total garbage, but they still think they
    can run your life better than you can.

    What a brilliant post !!

  50. DT General election 2019 live: Result ‘too close to call’ as polls open – latest news

    I am convinced that Boris Johnson never had any intention of leaving the EU properly. His recent displays of cowardice were the final touch – he knew that floating voters would be totally disgusted by his craven displays of funkish cold feet and his refusal to allow proper media scrutiny of his WA.

    Hats off to Johnson’s team. He was up against the worst and the most disastrous Labour leader in history so they had quite a challenge to see if he could turn certain victory into near defeat as May did. Maybe, they still hope, Johnson will go one better than May and win a resounding defeat and we shall be trapped in the EU for ever.

    In professional sport it is a very grave offence deliberately to ‘throw a match. It looks to me as if Boris Johnson has done his very best to throw this election and the likely punishment will be the extinction of the Conservative Party.

    1. One always knows that one has made a telling point when the down voters, incapable of giving a reasonable and reasoned response, just give a down vote instead!

    2. Afternoon R,
      I ask once again, what reason would a politico directly involved with brexit have for exiting the eu ?
      Many do not give a sh!te about the party / country, the party / country being stepping stones en route to the golden trough.

    3. I don’t think you’re looking at the whole picture. There is so much hidden behind the scenes and what might be desirable is impossible due to what probably happened long ago.

      I think keeping Labour out is the priority this election, the battle for Brexit can continue afterwards.

        1. If he had done we would be about to have a strong government and a proper Brexit.

          Yes, Johnson is a less horrible option than Corbyn.

          But let us be honest about the fact that Johnson’s personal morality is disgusting, he is clearly a nasty, unprincipled, unreliable, duplicitous man with no firmly held convictions. As well as being a buffoon who seems to lack both integrity and judgement his attitude and behaviour towards his wives and paramours should make him totally despised by feminists and non-feminists alike.

          1. I’ve little respect for Johnson but it’s Hobson’s choice.

            As for the feminists they shot themselves in the foot, equality only when it suits them.

        2. Afternoon PT,
          By the same token if
          nige had no so urgently
          wanted his life back nearly four
          years ago…………..

      1. I agree that it is essential to keep Corbyn out. That is what you want, That is what I want, That is what virtually all the Nottlers want.

        However the problem is that it seems that Boris Johnson and his team don’t actually want to win the election.

        1. Boris seems to be taking a tough line but who knows. HE has to be the better option than Labour , If the Brexit party do gain seats and I am far from certain they will they will be in a position to influence things at Westminster. The WA is pretty set but could be changed but the trade deal has not started so a lot of influence cound be applied there

  51. Mail to Sir R…………………..

    ”I have said all I wish to say about this election”.

    Why don’t you ”wish” to say anything about the huge elephant in the room ?

    You know… that guy who apparently spends an absolute fortune to influence government and media policy from his massively expensive office on Millbank, who has also spent countless millions of dollars trying to keep Britain in the EU and to influence the election.

    I thought Brexit was your big subject !

    But not one word about the multi billionaire guy who has been spending so much and doing so much to stop it.

    Not ”wishing” to say a word about him, and silencing anyone who does, looks very surprising indeed… to say the very least !


    1. Like many others, that, other than abstaining or spoiling my ballot, is the only option I have.

      1. With FPTP in most cases it is the choice between bad & even worse.

        My suggestion is if you are in a seat with the Conservative candidate having a real chance of wining vote Conservative. If it is a seat where the Conservatives have no chance and a Brexit Party candidate is standing vote for the Brexit Party. If you are in a seat where the Conservatives have no chance and there is No Brexit Party candidate you have a very tough decision in that case it may come to not voting or spoiling your paper

      2. When the votes are counted, Lib and Con can share the spoils ( I suspect there will be quite a lot of them ).

  52. “Primary school in South London erects 10ft fence to stop crime wave” .

    It may stop it during school hours, but once they let the little
    bastards out at four o’clock, the vandalism, shoplifting and mugging
    start all over again.

    1. What happened? I mean really? We were pretty nice then.
      The equivalent generation today are nuts, and vicious with it.

      1. I’m still nice sometimes….sometimes I can be very nice.

        A generation of kids who have everything and know the value of nothing..

      2. Of course the people who come on our courses – who are aged between 17 and 18 years of age – do come from fairly affluent backgrounds but we have been running these courses for 30 years. In our experience today’s young people are just as pleasant – if not more pleasant – than those who came to us 30 years ago. http://www.tracey-frenchcourses.com/

        1. Good Point. Our children’s friends all seem to be very fine young people.
          But the snowflakes…?

  53. Spiked

    We should remind ourselves that the election itself is a direct product

    of the profound democratic deficit in Brexit Britain. We are voting

    today because the political class is unwilling and / or incapable of

    acting on the 17.4million votes cast for Brexit in 2016. It was the

    establishment’s flat-out failure to respect, never mind institute, the

    people’s cry to leave the EU that has made this election necessary.

    This election is a direct product of the current chasm-sized mismatch

    between the public and the political elite – between a popular will

    calling for a radical shake-up of the political system, and an

    exhausted, cautious establishment unwilling to deliver on that call.

    We’re voting because they do not respect our votes – this is the deep

    contradictory element at play today.

    Ain’t THAT the truth!!

    1. “Owen spotted my tee-shirt and asked me to perform; but nobody had a magnifying glass for me to find it”

    2. Good God. Why on earth would anyone in their right mind put on a T-shirt like that and actually be seen in public wearing it ? Let alone have it photographed? Truly there are some weird people around.

        1. Excuse me, Phizzee……
          Surely you are aware that ‘girlies’
          do not wear knickers on Thursdays!!

  54. Tonight Schedule

    10pm Exit Poll. These have quite a good record for accuracy and will be the first indication of what way it is going. They are intending g to give out data
    by constituency this time

    11pm: Early results

    The race between Sunderland and Newcastle to get the first declaration out nationally has been going on for years. Newcastle City Council believe they will get their first result at 11pm. Sunderland are playing it safer this year, estimating a time of up to 1.30am for some seats in the area because of potential wintery conditions, but in reality they have never returned a result that late for years. In 2017 Houghton and Sunderland South declared first. The national record is 10.43pm for the declaration for former seat Sunderland South, which was set in 2001.

    1am – 2am: Tory target seats

    The Northern Labour-held seats of Darlington, Workington, Wigan have been important targets for the Tories – if they fall, they could provide a very tentative indicator of a coming Tory majority. If Labour hold on, Jeremy Corbyn’s Downing Street dream will still be alive. “Workington man” was the construct developed by Tory think-tank Onward for the type of voter they must win over to be elected back into Government – a white, leave supporting, older male, typically living in a rugby league supporting town. Two YouGov polls have given conflicting answers about whether the constituency will go red or blue – it is on a knife-edge.

    2am: Brexit Party, Portillo moment? … and Putney

    The Brexit Party’s moment of truthThe test of success for Nigel Farage’s Brexit Party campaign will be revealed with the Hartlepool result. He installed his most senior candidate, party chair Richard Tice (pictured), in the hope they could win over a leave-supporting Labour heartland. If the Brexit party struggles in Hartlepool, they are likely to struggle in the rest of the 273 seats where they decided to stand.

    Laura Pidcock

    has served as Labour MP for North West Durham since the 2017 general election. The shadow secretary of State for Employment Rights is regarded as Labour’s biggest name at risk of a Tory takeover from candidate Richard Holden. Pidcock’s majority over the Conservatives in 2017 was almost 9,000 votes but the seat is now considered marginal.

    Marginal Putney could be one of the first major Labour gains of the night and could be a sign of a party that is gaining ground. The seat was Tory then independent when former education secretary Justine Greening lost the whip over Brexit. She holds it with a 1554 majority.

    Assault on the ‘red wall’By now, it should be clear whether Labour has held on to its traditional heartland seats or not – with eyes on Ashfield, Bishop Auckland, Bolsover and Great Grimsby around that time to name a few. The Tories will be hoping to make inroads into the so-called “red wall” of leave-voting seats that have voted Labour for the best part of a century. But this strategy did not yield results for Theresa May in 2017, as loyalty to Labour won out over temptation to vote for a more pro-Brexit party. The difference this time is that the Tories are promising an immediate Brexit, while Labour has shifted position towards a second referendum.

      1. Yes I have a good track record. Mind you the odds are 50/50 so not to tough. The only other party that could theoretically win is the Lib Dem’s but that would need a major miracle

        1. Please excuse me!

          What the fuck are you on about?

          I apologise to anyone who may, mistakenly,
          read this thread!!!

          1. Your language is not strong enough, Garlands. Kindly ask BJ what the Silly Sausage is he on about!


    1. Alternatively:

      1 pm: Polls close and Elsie goes to bed.

      7 am: Alarm clock goes off, Elsie turns over and has a bit of a lie-in.

      8 am: Elsie gets up and eats breakfast (after feeding Lucky, the neighbourhood cat).

      9 am: Elsie logs into NoTTL and sees what has actually happened.

      10 am: Elsie opens a bottle and either celebrates or drowns her sorrows.

      Good night all!

      1. I’m going to try & ignore the news until I pick up the paper en route to my 11:00 Dr’s appointment.

  55. Should the New Zealand government give in to the bereaved relatives’ demands to “rescue ” the bodies fom the dangerously volcanic island. I personally think no persons should risk their lives in such a dangerous attempt.

    1. Their PM, who likes to hug everyone while putting on both a sad face and a hijab, should show the way and be the first one to go to the island on a rescue mission.

      1. Glad to see that you didn’t mention their PM by name, Aeneas, thus giving her unwarranted publicity!


    2. No.

      What’s the rush? The bodies are prollyl covered with ash, so should be well preserved.

    3. Do these grieving relatives want to have some more people despatched at their whim, so that these people can risk becoming corpses themselves?

      Too much to ask.

  56. With respect, I believe the lack of courteous debate has little if anything to do with the perceived weariness detected in the electorate. The cynicism I see and read or hear is the result of what are now several years of insulting voters by elected Members of Parliament who collectively, across the political divide (sic) have in full view mocked either directly or obliquely the very people who they courted with lies to achieve a public position. When an individual breaks a promise the effects can vary depending on character; very few decent people do so without guilt or some regret. We, those of us who voted – and won! – a free and fair election have instead been treated to an exhibition of vanity fuelled arrogance over laid with undisguised and frequently elaborated contempt. It has been re-paid not with weariness, but anger that has found few outlets except in social media and forums such as this. There are no other legal channels now.

    When the likes of Mr Hilary Benn and Mr John Bercow flaunted their mediocrity on the national stage, disenfranchising a government elected by millions as if they were setting aside a muddled Tombola draw at their local church Fete, in Bercow’s case taking to himself powers of a hereditary monarch that Parliament fought a war to remove from the last one to claim such absolute powers, then the response of said electorate was not in my sight weariness. It was cynicism.

    We no longer live in a democracy. Even a flawed one we had for most of the 20th century. Like crowds at football matches today, we the electorate are just there to lend the proceedings an effect. The real business is television. The ease with which this country has been slid into a ‘banana’ republic has been remarkable and less commented on than VAR at a Premier League game. Outside a tiny uncaring elite whose purposes these events have served, this has not gone unnoticed among the Great Unwashed. Though few can articulate what we have seen performed in front of out faces, lots can understand they have been diddled, short changed and played for a mug.

    The crucial aspect here is the insouciance of the politico-media-arts elite who are as oblivious as they are insulated from what has transpired since the voters voted the wrong way in 2016; a smug coup d’etat. A people denied the vote are not a people at all but a potential mob. It won’t be with weariness that this clique are finally dealt with. I shall hopefully live to see it, with or without courtesy.

    1. Jess Philips on HIGNIFY said she was the funniest woman in the House of Commons. I laughed.

      Perhaps she will accomplish as much for Yardley as Clare Short didn’t for the Ladywood slums.

    2. That Jess Phillips is a truly nasty piece of work. I do hope she loses her seat.

      There is nothing worse than a loud mouthed lank-haired socialist harridan spouting rubbish and invoking the ghost of Jo Cox at every opportunity. That Angela Rayner runs her a close second.

      Where is Dianne Abbott? She is keeping a low profile for a possible Foreign Secretary; and what of ‘Sir’ Keir Starmer, tongue cut-out or what?

      I reckon Labour are disintegrating before our eyes, at least I bloody well hope so!

        1. Yup. Abbott is a mentally retarded individual but we always suspected that. It is simply that the more obvious symptoms were latent and only now apparent for all to witness.

          Edit: auto correct corrected.

      1. I’m troubled by the “Esq” in her Twatter handle. Apparently, Esq is used by lawyers in the US, regardless of gender. Here in Blighty, I’m not so sure. But – hey, what do I know. I’ve only a recently appointed High Court Judge and a Deputy Lieutenant in my church choir…

    3. I refuse to believe there is a genuine need for food banks.

      I think people are lazy and don’t know how to prepare simple meals. I’m sure some families have been out of work for some time and need a job and want to work. The system is, quite obviously failing them.

      Yet there are others for whom it’s just a scam for freebies – much like welfare itself.

    1. It really is disgusting what the Tories have done to the NHS. GP services especially!

      A brown paper bag goes to his doctor feeling unwell. The doctor takes all
      sorts of samples and asks the bag to come back next week. Next week the
      bag returns and the doctor says, ‘I’m afraid I have bad news. We
      discovered from your blood tests that you have haemophilia.’
      ‘Haemophilia?’ says the bag. ‘How can that be? I’m a brown paper bag.’
      ‘Yes,’ replies the doctor, ‘but it seems your mother was a carrier.’

  57. HAPPY HOUR –
    This morning I was accosted by small group of EU supporters who pressured me about Brexit.
    I asked why would I want to be part of a United States of Europe or join the Euro a failing currency or support a EU Army.

    A spotted youth retorted the EU had kept the peace in Europe and with the threat of climate change we would achieve more
    working together. I replied our sovereignty, democracy and freedom which my father fought for in 1939 were more important and if he loved his blessed EUSSR so much why the fuk didn’t he go and live there.

    Not sure I won the argument but I felt a lot better.


        1. Not taught any history these days, or at least not taught history without the spin and bias we know exists.

          1. Nor geography.
            I watched the celebrity jungle mush the other day and there were two young female contestants who, when being tasked to identify Australia on a map, pointed to Canada, and when asked to identify out the USA, pointed to somewhere in Central Africa.

    1. Had the local LibDum councillor around yesterday and she tried the ‘Peace in Europe’ trope on me. I was polite but my laugh and reply told her exactly where I stood on that.
      Around 12:15 today I arrived at the polling station and was approached by the only teller there, a LibDum, who wanted my polling number. I didn’t have my card but she knew I would have the number after I had spoiled my ballot. As I left I told her politely that her local councillor had visited me yesterday, that the councillor knew I wasn’t voting for her party and therefore my number would be of no use whatsoever to her committee room. We parted after exchanging pleasantries.

      1. I was fixing the gate the other week.
        As i did so the Tory guy turned up just as I was screwing the panel back. I did my helpless female act and he
        offered to do it for me.

        Of course he got my vote!

      2. A LibDumb was sitting outside the voting area hoping for our card numbers. We never take them and always decline to give the numbers. GG said he certainly wouldn’t be voting for an illiberal Undemocrat. I think she got the message!

    2. No doubt each held a personal computer from which they could have educated themselves about things like Germany’s early recognition and arming of Croatia and the subsequent Balkan bloodbath or the EU contribution to the Ukranian civil war
      But hey that requires thinking,dogma and wilful ignorance is so much easier

    1. They’ve also had a postal vote logged, to be sure, to be sure. They’re MENA Oirish, of course.😎

      1. These sacks, black, about 5′ 6″ high with the postal slit at the front and about 9″ from the top?

    2. I didn’t know there was grass growing in Tower Hamlets, I thought it was a jungle of the concrete variety.

  58. Thinking of elections past, I reckom the biggest shocks were 1992 (a Tory victory – but of only 20odd seats on a 7% vote advantage over Labour); 1970 (another surprise Tory victory which brought in the hapless traitor Heath); 2017 – the extent of Corbyn’s success after May’s inept campaign, and 1997 – the extent of the Blair landslide, 2015 was a bit of a shock both to Cameron and Milliband.. Non-shocks were 1974, 1974, 1979, 1983m 1987, 2001, 2005, 2010.

    1. Don’t worry, I’ve already lodged an appeal for a recount in case the wrong bloke (gurl) gets in.

        1. That really is a problem though, we think we know what we’re voting for, then the bastards don’t deliver. Spoilt mine but Sheryll Murray’s 18,000 majority will Shirley see her returned. No Brexit/Ukip candidate available.

          1. No Brexit/Ukip candidate available here.

            Hobson’s choice, The Buffoon the Marxist or Alice in Wonderland….

      1. “What day is it?” asked Pooh.

        “It’s today,” squeaked Piglet.

        “My favorite day,” said Pooh.”

  59. Moh is frantic … really worried .. exceptionally concerned Theresa May’s mistake is going to be repeated .. Corbyn the swine may get into No10

    1. I don’t think the Exit poll will be accurate this time as there are too many variables. We will have to wait until well into the early morning to get some sense of the likely result. I didn’t real;ise the BP was standing in over 300 seats. That must damage the Conservative vote as 2 party leaders refused to agree a pact. Be careful your Moh doesn’t have a heart attack.

      1. I think we both might , it is all too much ..

        It is a pity Corby and co haven’t dropped with tension… Corbyn has been so relaxed , one wonders whether he has been spliffing or snorting?

    2. True_Belle – You have been listening to too many pro-EU polls that have been pretending that Labour ever had a cat in Hells chance. 🙂

      Remember how desperate Labour were to try and avoid any election at all? They were bounced into it by the 6th Form Prefect who escaped to run the Lib Dems. Labour new that they would be toast, and they have had disaster after disaster. They were predicted to lose 30+ seats in one of the last polls. I would say it is impossible that they could ever win.

      The best result we can hope for in my opinion, is a hung Parliament with the Conservatives needing the DUP and any Brexit Party MP’s that are elected to form a government. The last poll that I witnessed last night had come some ways back to reality and said TBP could win 16 seats. That would be good for the country, even more would be better.

      The one thing that we do not want is a large Conservative majority, as that would allow the Withdrawal Agreement to pass and put the EU in charge of our country. Then we would be in trouble. A Lab/LibDem/SNP coalition would be a tea party compared to the damage that the EU would do to us. Corbyn/Swinson/Sturgeon would be bad but Merkel/Macron/Barnier/Tusk would be much worse.

      But Labour winning on their own – there is no chance of that happening. 🙂

    3. If he gets in, he *cannot* carry out any of his nationalisation plans. The EU forbids state aid. If he wants to do it he’ll find himself needing the harshest Brexit going which his party won’t allow.

      Money will leave the country. The economy will carry on until he applies offensive taxes. The public sector will explode with debt, the NHS will continue to burn money and still be appalling.

      Not much will really change apart from earlier economic collapse and IMF begging bowl.

  60. This is one of a series of letters I sent to my MP last year and earlier this year. With no patriotic party emerging, the Brexit Party withdrew, I had two options, not vote or make a statement, no matter how insignificant, by spoiling my ballot. I chose the latter.
    I think I put this letter up earlier this year but it expresses how I feel about the potential betrayal of our Country and the behaviour of my MP and why I couldn’t support him in this GE or any further election.

    Dear Mr Quince

    To say that I was disappointed when I found out that you had voted for the PM’s/EU’s plan to trap my country in the EU’s progressively federalist and belligerent organisation, would be an understatement. More especially when you wrote in your reply to me on the 8th of February 2019, that you wanted the Prime Minister to secure the following to have your future support for the agreement she brought back from the EU.

    ” A unilateral exit mechanism so that we could not be trapped inside the Backstop.
    A time limit to the Backstop, so that we could not be trapped inside the Backstop.”

    “…I would have liked to support the Prime Minister’s deal, provided that this small amendment could be made to the Withdrawal Agreement.”

    Despite the Prime Minister’s assertion that she had obtained legally binding changes to the Withdrawal Agreement’s Backstop, in fact, she hadn’t. Geoffrey Cox MP, the Attorney General, in an honest appraisal destroyed the Prime Minister’s claim: Cox’s assessment was backed up by the eight members of the so-called Star Chamber convened by the ERG. Rightly the vote was lost and the UK, for the time being, remains outside of the EU’s trap laden Withdrawal Agreement.
    Suffice to say that if you continue to support what I consider to be nothing short of a document of capitulation to a foreign power then I will not support you or your party in any further elections. Currently I am disenfranchised unless and until a credible, honest and truly patriotic party is formed.

    In closing may I say that I am grateful for your prompt and detailed replies to my recent communications with you in what must be very busy and testing times.


  61. I live in Stone, Bill Cash’s constituency. In previous elections, and the 2016 referendum, it was like a ghost town at the polling station, tumbleweed blowing across the car park.

    Today, and I visited twice because there was nowhere to park on my first visit, it was like the first day of the January sales. I make no judgment about this, other than that the contrast was startling.

    1. Ditto here in s. Cambs, a little village of 1000 souls. Although no waiting, there was a steady stream of locals.

    1. It makes one think that we’re in a third world country.
      We can’t even get polling stations worthy of the importance of what is being voted on. It’s a sick joke.

      Very sad.

    2. Not sure about the favourite pub reference.

      In the seventies I would lunch at the Queens Elm on Fulham Road in South Kensington. The landlord Shaun Tracey and Laurie Lee were always propping up the bar. Occasionally they would be joined by Eduardo Paolozzi and other Chelsea sculptors such as Elizabeth Frink.

      Later I worked with Paolozzi on Glasgow and London projects and found him to be the very greatest of artists. I remember thinking his thumbs had the same girth as my wrists at the time. Yet he was the most sensitive of men.

      Edit: Queens Elm.

  62. I’m thinking that a Corbyn government wouldn’t be the end of the world, the youth of today need to learn their lesson and it will lead to the restoration of proper right wing conservative government in the end, all these slobbish liberal lefty elites with their progressive tosh will bite the dust

      1. Sadly, it was under Blair and Cameron that major changes were brought in that have resulted in the irreversible changing of society. Some may feel, for the good. I do not. The LBG+ bunch have influence far beyond what is normal and muslims already dominate areas of British life with their customs and culture. Economic damage can usually be reversed. But once Social and political changes are introduced, such as voting from age 16 and anyone living here, the effects will be devastating. You will be able to see the effects of kids at the ballot box in Wales at the next WA elections.

      1. Just look at the Eastern European former communist countries, they’ve been through it and have a far more sensible attitude to how they are governed, they don’t go in for all this lefty self harm nonsense.

    1. There was a comment on the Speccie site yesterday along those lines…

      zanzamander • 5 hours ago
      I know what you’re saying and even agree with you. But these are the same scare mongering put forward bt the Remoaners – that leaving EU will kill us.

      I had someone at my house the other day, a young, black (although I don’t think that matters) man came to do some electrical work. We, he, got talking about the election, I diplomatically said that I am not decided yet, to which he told me that he had already postal voted for Labour. I asked him if he knew anything about what Britain was like under the nationalised industries, the strikes and the Winter of Discontent? He started at me blankly and said he wasn’t even born then and only came to this country ten years ago.

      So all his politics is based on his experience of this country after the recession, the so called austerity and the Brexit debacle. And to boot, he admitted he gets all his news from the BBC.

      So this is where we are folks. People voting for Socialism never having experienced of ever having lived under it, or clamouring for nationalisation when not ever having waited for a single telephone line for over six months.

      Because of this, I want Corbyn to win. I want these young generation, the celebrity pop singers, the metro elites and the like, to feel the pain of Socialism and nationalisation until their eyes pop. I want them to suffer so much that they never utter a word of socialism ever again.

      I confess, I was tempted…

      1. The failure of a Corbyn McDonnell government will be blamed on the evil international capitalists. You all know who I mean…

        1. Of course it will. The Left will go to rob the well off, who’ll hide their cash away.

          The blame is then put on the victim, not the attacker – and the stupid fools keep believing it!

      2. Why did he use a postal vote? Obviously he wasn’t disabled, so what’s the problem with him going to a polling station like everyone else?

        1. Good question. I applied for a postal vote, since (for the second time in a year) Guildford failed miserably to find a venue for a polling station. The Village Hall was fully booked for the pre-school group. Since the polling station was a four mile round walk, I bunged in an application. I possibly offended the Electoral Services department, since in my covering email, I pointed out that – as I was typing – I was looking at a large public building which was under-utilised, except on Sundays. The postal vote never arrived. Thankfully, I had a lift to the next village, and cast my vote. No queue. No disabled access, either, but such is life…

      1. and then blames the one before.

        And watches as it makes the same mistakes they did, tries to advise them, is ignored and…

        This is why there must be a test to vote, compulsary photo identification and a test before you can vote.

    2. It will be too bloody late…..
      Labour will go on a wrecking spree and make sure we never have the chance to vote again. John McDonnell
      will make sure of that,

        1. The 16 year olds who vote for Corbyn today will grow into (pauperised) 40 year olds and make sure that no-one under 25 ever votes again.


          1. I tried the alternative, it didn’t do me any good. Look for the best, do what you can to defeat the worst.

          2. Probably got bored. Attention span of a gnat. Oh well, time to get cranked for the entertainment that awaits. I must have a bottle of something somewhere….

      1. It would be a lesson for those at the start of their working lives, but as ever, it would probably end up with a Conservative Gov having to sort it out and being blamed for the terrribbble austerity. Rinse and repeat…

        1. …and tired of austerity we vote the b*ggers in again.

          ‘there’s no money left’…. Liam Byrne.

  63. This morning my elderly neighbour was in a dreadful state.
    She told me she had no idea who to vote for as they were all crap.
    I phoned her earlier to see if she was ok and asked if she had voted

    Yes, she told me…she voted for that nice Mr. Trump.

    1. Drat and double-drat, Plum, you beat me to it. I planned to post tomorrow that my idiot son Olaf Junior had just phoned me to ask if it was Donald or Hillary who had won! Anyhow, off to bed now. Good night to all NoTTLers.

  64. Rude joke time…

    Sky news reporter interviews Ķirk Douglas for his 103rd birthday.
    “So Kirk what is your secret?”
    Kirk said “I once let Burt Lancaster suck me off on a movie set in the 40s”
    The reporter said “I meant your secret to longevity… reaching 103!!”
    Kirk “Oh that… fruit n vegetables and the odd tot of whiskey”.

          1. Prince philip on the phone to prince harry,
            “I said you could fly an apache, not marry one”

        1. Good afternoon, Dear One.

          Today I am wearing a pair of ‘Nordic style’
          navy blue/red/white leggings with an equally
          colourful jumper. I have not worn my ‘blingy’
          Christmas brooch….less is more, sometimes!!
          My elderly friends, who have now caught the
          ‘dreaded lurgy’ told me I look like a twenty-two
          year old…….from the neck down!! 🙂

  65. I learned a little earlier from a friend that they had cast their vote for the LD Candidate. As that party is full on EUphillia, a short while ago I reluctantly put on my coat and for the second time today went to my local polling station this time to cast a vote. (If nothing else it will negate my friends vote). I’ve also written to the constituency’s former MP who is standing for re-election:

    “Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton” (with a certain amount of help from the PBI).
    I do hope very much that Britain will not be lost in the Playground of Westminster.

    Assuming your party is in a position to form the next Government, would you please do all in your power to impress on your colleagues that we need a clean and complete Brexit from the EU?

  66. Apparently Boris might be in trouble in UxbridgeAndSouthRuislip… and Raab in Esher and Walton.

      1. Not insoluble apparently. A newly elected MP in a safe seat gets promoted to HoL – By-election and after two or three goes BJ is PM again….

  67. Is anyone else missing all the slagging off and mud slinging between politicians and aggressive interviews ?
    I’ll be glad when it returns….shouldn’t be too long after tomorrow!

        1. I’m going to go and watch 1 episode of a science fiction series called “Stargate-SG1” for the humour and military honour, followed by 3 episodes of “The Blacklist” to get me in the frame of mind for corrupt politicians and globalists. Then I will start watching the TV coverage around 01:00am so that I can avoid 3 hours of waffle from people who want to stop us leaving the EU. 🙂

          1. I concur.

            Although I thought you’d be an Atlantis fellow?

            Odd, with so much on TV that’s supposedly amazing and getting rave reviews (like The Boys) I am watch Star Trek the original series.

    1. All I want for Christmas is a majority Conservative government, the Left smashed to oblivion, a strong, Right wing party that reverses all the damage Labour have done and gets us out of the EU under WTO.

      Then reinstates traitor as a capital crime and those chummy selfies look like incriminating evidence and we see the lot of them swinging.

      1. Yo, Bob. Was briefly involved with a ‘consolidation’ project at Edlingham Castle in the Eighties, with Laing Stonemasonry. The (then) PSA, in it’s infinite wisdom, decided that the Solar Tower could be stabilised with a bit of de-watering. Which they did, via a different contractor. Early the following Monday, I got a call from our masons on site, to say that part of the tower had collapsed over the weekend, and “they didn’t do it”. Last time I saw it, they had introduced some sort of wire restraints to keep the remainder standing…

    1. It all sounds like those horrific experiments on living people that were carried out by Dr Mengele and the Nazis, and the Japanese, to me.
      Those in the medical profession who approve of it must be very very sick, mentally.

      1. Jim Callaghan was just before my time when I was not really aware of politics. The first election result that I can remember was Margaret Thatcher winning. Which was a good omen for the rest of my political life. 🙂

          1. All relative.
            I knew a gentlemanly widower who regarded ladies in their late sixties as pretty desirable, but he was 90-ish.

  68. This election will be the first UK general election in December since 1923……

    as every bluddy news reader keeps telling us…….

  69. Exit poll says 368 Conservative seats, 191 Labour. Let’s see.

    I’ve got a tenner on the Brexit Party to get any seats at all. Here’s hoping!

  70. Radio4 keen to point out it was a joint BBC, ITV,& Sky Exit Poll (And only of 140 constituencies)…..

      1. It’s the first time in donkeys years I’ve switched on. I was genuine surprised how McNaughtie’s voice has aged!!!

  71. Exit polls are normally very accurate. One can never be certain but it looks odds on for a Conservative win

    It could also mean big changes with Labour and can Swinson survive as Lib-Dem Leader. I suspect it will not be a good night for the Brexit Party

        1. Evening S,
          Then “anyone” would be correct,in my book he is a coxswain on behalf of the ersatz tory party.

      1. It will be quite difficult to get an accurate forecast for them. I suspect 0 might be correct but it is possible they might pick up a couple of seats

    1. Let us hope that this is wrong and that TBP pick up a few seats.

      Early days still – but at least we shall be relieved if the Conservatives do win and we don’t get a Communist government. As I have said all along the ideal result from my point of view was a Conservative majority but dependent of TBP support – but this has been a forlorn hope.

      The real winner looks as if it is Project Fear – Fear of Corbyn and fear of a real Brexit. I wonder if Project Bravery will ever have its day?

  72. It looks as though both Boris Johnson and Jeremy Corbyn will be delighted if the Exit Poll is correct.
    Boris because of the expected majority and Jeremy because he will finally be put out of his misery.

  73. “In Scotland if Exit poll is correct Jo Swinson out on her ear!”

    well you never could make a Silk Purse out of a Swinson’s ear…..

    1. BJ,
      What with your spelling at times I first
      read your post as “the red fool has fallen, then suffered a sexual attack.

    1. I think it was actually GS who caused the election. He threw a 🔧 into the works in parliament.

      Ironically, it’s George to whom Boris owes his massive projected majority.

  74. In anticipation of a thoroughly depressing exit poll and result I’ve put myself on the wrong side of a bottle of Aussy Shiraz prior to collapsing into a miserable heap in the conjugal container but suddenly I’m stone cold sober and daring to hope that my faith in the great British public may yet be restored. Time for another glass and booger the nanny state’s unit recommendations.

      1. ‘Evening you, I can find your emanations challenging but successful interpretation gives me the same warm feeling as cracking as particularly obscure telegraph crossword clue, in this instance I will admit defeat. 8^)

      1. My wealthy retired GP 2nd home owning £1.2 primary home 2 car etc vegetarian Waitrose shopping Labour supporting fanatic chum introduced me to Waitrose’s Italian Terre Di Faiano Primitivo organic wine @ £7:50 a bot, which proves there is a core of decency and taste in him.

        1. I can only dream of such things. YT Shiraz isn’t exactly fine wine, but I quite like it. Just had 12 bottles delivered, and – with a £6 coupon, they came to £50.50. Pity that the driver appeared 15 minutes before the requested slot, which means that the last choir practice before the Carol Service was interrupted, but… such is life…

      2. My wealthy retired GP 2nd home owning £1.2 primary home 2 car etc vegetarian Waitrose shopping Labour supporting fanatic chum introduced me to Waitrose’s Italian Terre Di Faiano Primitivo organic wine @ £7:50 a bot, which proves there is a core of decency and taste in him.

  75. Is everybody going to start saying Boris Johnson is brilliant, has conducted a fabulous campaign, and he will now get on with a quick Brexi with no oppposition, and get rid of that bloody dog and bring back the Downing Street Cat ?

      1. We’ll see where Boris truly stands during the next few weeks, if he gets a decent majority. I wish I trusted him, but I don’t.

        1. I still cling to the hope that he falls a few short (<10) and the BP wins enough to squeeze his nuts.

        2. Tonight will be a turning point if Johnson gets this forecast majority. He could throw the success away by turning on the people and tie us to the EU forever via the WA or use the mandate to get us out cleanly with a no political ties FTA. Sadly, I don’t trust him to do the right thing.

  76. The UK election was at the centre of talk in our gym this morning.

    All Boris extreme right wing, Corbyn cannot be that bad, lib dems good! I politely asked if they had looked at the Labour manifesto of promises which of course didn’t go down well.

    1. Well Canada beat you to it. Our conservative party leader has just resigned.
      Not content with losing the election, he has now been found to have been using party funds to pay for his childrens private school fees.

      Are all conservative parties totally blurry clueless? Our lot had the opportunity to outdo feminist Trudeau by electing a woman as leader, instead they elect a dull uninspiring man who could not clearly articulate conservative values.

      1. Across the world “political parties” are just a label now in many places. As long as you will follow orders they will slot you into party with a space in it, just to cover their bases. Lack of morality and malleability are far more important than ideological belief.

  77. It would make my year if Yvette Pixie-Balls is a casualty. Don’t know what the chances are, but I’d love to see her face when she gets a hiding.

        1. All of them, and many more. Perhaps I’ll be able to open my bottle of Brexit champagne to celebrate lost seats.

        2. The Left has been hoping beyond hope that BJ himself might be under threat. It also had IDS in its sights.

          1. Let’s see how the night plays out, doesn’t look like the Lefties will have much to celebrate in the morning!

  78. I wasn’t going to watch until 01:00am but couldn’t resist seeing the exit polls. If they are true then this is the worst possible outcome for the United Kingdom, as there will be nothing to stop Boris proceeding with his complete surrender to the EU. With an 80 majority, even with natural attrition, he can keep us where we are for the next 5 years.

    For a life-long Conservative it is the Twilight Zone to be disappointed with such a win for the party I loved. If we had a Margaret Thatcher as a leader then that would be an excellent result. But not someone who would not answer straight questions about the reality of his Withdrawal Agreement, and went out of his way to avoid them, this is not good news.

    But I am English and will not give up. After we see what happens next to our country, there should be far fewer people who will trust politicians just because of the colour of their rosette. Labour were slaughtered though, as many predicted. But that is small comfort with the EU calling the shots when this W/A gets passed.

    Chin up. Tomorrow is another day.

  79. Houghton and Sunderland South: Lab HOLD LAB: 40.7% (-18.8) CON: 32.9% (+3.2) BREX: 15.5% (+15.5) LDEM: 5.8% (+3.6) GRN: 2.8% (+1.1) Swing: -18.8

  80. The former Conservative chairwoman Lady Warsi has called for introspection on the part of the Tories:
    My party must start healing its relationship with British Muslims.
    Endorsements from Tommy Robinson and Katie Hopkins and colleagues
    retweeting both is deeply disturbing. Independent inquiry into
    Islamophobia is a must first step. The battle to root out racism must
    now intensify.

    1. I don’t think dear little Chubby Warsi actually understands why so many people don’t like Islam…

  81. Nigel Farage has done this by standing down where appropriate. Not sure I’m happy with his call, but I respect it and just hope Boris doesn’t turn into a Benedict Arnold.

    1. The Brexit Party would have taken this seat where I am, as our Conservative is a wet lettuce Liberal who wants a 2nd referendum. It was the 600+ corrupt Remainer MP’s that forced this election to happen when they would not let us leave the EU. I do not blame Nigel for their lies and 6 weeks of the media pretending that the TBP did not exist. Ahh well. Time for sleep. Have a good night everyone.

  82. Safety nets are being rigged around Broadcasting House.

    There is a worry that passing pedestrians may be injured by falling bodies.

    1. Love it!
      I’m currently watching Sky, and Bercow, without any skin in what’s happening, is talking a lot of sense. Perhaps he, like McDonnell, has had the wind taken out of his sails but he is not being obnoxious at all.

      1. Korky a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and family!
        I just watched a bit of it on Sky on the web , I think he probably is attempting to appear like a neutral observer instead of the piece of biased remainiac turd that he really is so as to position himself for a well paid frequent role as a political commentator on the networks

        1. Hi, Hatman. Season’s greetings to you and yours, too.
          You may be right but he is talking some sense and of course he has a good knowledge of the people involved this evening.

    1. I note the fire extinguisher just behind him, presumably in case he spontaneously combusts…

  83. Wait for the complaints that Remain parties have more votes therefore the result is invalid.

    1. An Independent did the damage in one of the Northern seats where TBP lost its deposit. Labour leaking votes everywhere, thank goodness.

  84. Anyone remember when we were chuffed when Corbyn was voted in as Labour leader, then we got a bit worried and now he’s dead and buried, TF.

  85. Recount at Wansbeck!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    That’s where I was brought up!


    The place is as red as blood.

      1. Call it Un-Lavery.

        He’s an arse, thick as mince, not widely liked locally because of his financial dealings, yet an ex-shop steward of the local NUM, which should be a big plus. He’s chairman of the Labour Party. He’s also a leaver.

        Strong Labour seat, gone to a recount.

        1. Lavery won by 800 after the recount.

          In real terms, that’s almost a massive defeat. Nailed on, pin a red rosette on a monkey territory since the last ice age.

    1. I’ve just watched the Blyth Valley count and Ian Levy’s acceptance speech. The word ‘seismic’ is overused today but it applies here, notwithstanding the decline of the industries that once made such constituencies nailed-on, red-flag territory. The Tories really must give us a proper Brexit and help these dying industrial areas without simply indulging them with state benefits as Corbyn’s Labour would have done.

    1. I have looked at several places to escape to. Hungary you need to speak the language. Poland you need to speak the language. Sweden you just need to be a rapist murderous Islamic twat with a beard. Can’t decide at the mo….decisions, decisions….

  86. Just heard that the voting at Peterborogh will be re-run. The Mullah of the Mosque has just found a parcel of about 5000 identical postal votes which unfortunately they forgot to post.

      1. Don’t jump the gun ……..Brexit won’t happen tomorrow ………you are two hours ahead of me but it’s still late here ……………….nite nite..yawn…….

  87. How did Heidi Allen ever get into the Conservative Party? She’s just been speaking like a Corbynite. Aaron Banks put her in her place with a casual dismissal of her sanctimonious nonsense.

  88. Nigel Farage has made the large majority for the Conservatives possible. Will he get any credit for it?

    1. Pattern there,Con vote often virtually unchanged Labour votes going to Brexit
      Farage influence huge MSM in denial

  89. Raab has done well to hold on against a concerted effort to get him out. Big swing to the Lib Dums.

  90. Swansong Swinson has lost by 144 votes hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahha

  91. The talk in the TV studios just shows how out of touch those in the Westminster bubble are.

    Peston claiming that it is because the LDs split the ‘Remain’ vote. Claims that now we risk a ‘hard’ Brexit by Boris etc.etc.

  92. Got the headphones on and a glass of something nice and a plate of cooked prawns by my side and it’s a joy to be listening to Julia Hartley-Brewer on TalkRadio on line as she basks in the misfortune of certain others.


  93. Blyth Valley: Con GAIN CON: 42.7% (+5.4) LAB: 40.9% (-15.0) BREX: 8.3% (+8.3) LDEM: 5.3% (+0.7) GRN: 2.8% (+0.6) Swing: Lab to Con (+10.2)

  94. Newcastle upon Tyne Central: Lab HOLD LAB: 57.6% (-7.3) CON: 24.8% (+0.2) LDEM: 7.2% (+2.3) BREX: 6.8% (+6.8) GRN: 3.6% (+2.0) Swing: -7.3 Turnout: 64.8%

  95. If this does turn out to be a trouncing for Labour with a big Tory majority, we must hope for some meaningful opposition (to the WA) from within the Tory ranks. Has the ERG been playing a long game? Can it now kick BJ’s door down and tell him what’s what?

  96. The agenda is remorseless

    “Dracula has never discerned between men and women in matters of his own gruesome taste.

    But a new BBC adaptation asks whether the cosmopolitan vampire desired more than the blood of both sexes.

    The series suggests that the Eatern European aristocrat may have sex

    with men in a nod to theorised gay undertones of the original Victorian


    Next it’ll be Tranncula,the switch hitting vampire

  97. Greetings all Nottlers ! Sorry for not posting on here of late, been busy with real life matters & most of my free time has been devoted to my own Blogs. I have my fingers crossed for a Tory victory ! I pray that Johnson will win big & get Brexit done -ASAP! As for the Marxist Traitor Corbyn – his slogan of ” For the Muzzie – Not for the Jew ” ( excuse my interpreting his slogan to reflect the truth! ) has come back to bite him, hopefully Labour will retain him as leader & so the party will split into 2, the EU loving Blairite faction and his Marxist Momentum faction which I hope will eventually self destruct !
    Wishing all on here a Happy Brexit, Merry Christma & seasons greeting, I will try and look in a bit more often. All the Brexit – Pud in Tel Aviv !


    1. Hello Mahatma!

      Way past my bedtime, so I’m half asleep. But lovely to see you, as always.

      Wishing you and your family the very best over Christmas and the New Year. May you all be happy!

  98. Good Morning everybody

    It’s wonderful to see the massive loss of popular vote for the so-called Labour party and the running mascara oozing from Huw & Laura’s eyes.

    Well done the GBP (= Great British Public) for lying to the pollsters about their voting intentions. It really buggered up the MSM’s reading of the runes.

    1. Oh the Umunnaty!
      “Mr Umunna, who joined the Liberal Democrats, lost his bid to become MP for the Cities of London and Westminster…..”

  99. After years of trying to pull the wool over our eyes, the remainers just totaly LOST. thank God.

  100. The carpenter, who was on standby to reinforce the seating in the Cabinet Office has been stood down, as the Abbotopotamus will not be using two of the chairs, in the near future

  101. 13 Dec 2019: I have just heard, that Jewemy is not happy with the General Election result and is going to demand another GE

    13 Jan 2020:I have just heard, that Jewemy is not happy with the rerun General Election result and is going to demand another GE

    14 Feb 2020: I have just heard, that MuckDonnel is not happy with the rerun rerun General Election result and is going to demand another GE

    sometime later

    14 Sep 2024: I have just heard, that MuckDonnel is not happy with the 456 rerun General Election result and is going to demand another GE

    All BBC political staff have been replaced by Telly Tubbies. The latter having more sense and impartiality than Twitcher Edwards and Laura

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