Thursday 12 October: Mounting anti-Semitism means London’s Jews live in fear for their safety

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

554 thoughts on “Thursday 12 October: Mounting anti-Semitism means London’s Jews live in fear for their safety

  1. Mounting anti-Semitism means London’s Jews live in fear for their safety

    Wasn’t this always going to happen when Blair decided to rub the Rights noses in diversity.
    Talk about Karma

        1. The Delingpod with James Delingpole talking to Miriam Elia was quite enlightening on that subject. I had noticed these things that didn’t seem to make sense, but I didn’t know about the different strands of judaism, and any questions are usually howled down with cries of “anti-semitism.”
          Here’s more incomprehensible skulduggery against the Israeli people. They have had a rough few years, being covid jab guinea pigs, and now this terrible massacre.

          1. Admittedly, I’m just reading the headlines; will listen in full later.
            But I was surprised that Israeli intelligence hadn’t clocked the likelihood of the Hamas action – particularly given the significant anniversary. I gather even Egypt warned the Israeli government.
            I was also surprised that Israel had seemingly developed a strain of ‘welbyism’.
            I assume this will explain these conundrums.

          2. It was the reason the Israeli Right murdered Yitzhak Rabin and bombed out Arafat, just at the point he was sticking his neck out with his own people by coming to terms with the State of Israel.

        2. Watching Josh Howie on Headliners over the last few days has been sad. He’s a Labour lovey. But it’s “Progressive” policies that have got us where we are.

        3. Watching Josh Howie on Headliners over the last few days has been sad. He’s a Labour lovey. But it’s “Progressive” policies that have got us where we are.

    1. Wait until they start to bring hate crime laws against muslim. The state won’t have a clue what to do. It designed such law to favour muslim and demonise everyone else. Finding the very legislation they use to hammer others used against them will have many Lefty lawyers tied in knots.

  2. Good morning, chums. Rain all through the night (which will continue now until around 3 pm) is giving the garden a much needed watering. Enjoy your day.

  3. The mainstream media appear to be caught up in deciding if Hamas is a terrorist organisation or not or if babies were beheaded or just murdered.

    Interesting how they try to make it all divisive over our interpretation.

    Instead of trying to find out what the long term strategy was for carrying the atrocity out.

    If it was to kick off animosity and trouble around the world then it is working.

    1. Talking about angels dancing on a pin head. The babies are dead – murdered – regardless of the means used to achieve their deaths.

      1. Yes, true, but it adds to the awfulness of the situation and stokes the rage really rather effectively.

  4. Morning all,

    Has anyone with a diesel has had to do a static or parked diesel particulate filter regeneration?

    My car dealer claimed to have serviced my eleven year old diesel using the car’s inbuilt DPF regeneration program to extinguish the DPF light but it didn’t take many miles before it came back on.

    After two AA callouts following dealer services for the same problem I discovered that dealers were unlikely to undertake the full DPF automated service cleaning program because it meant having to leave the diesel engine running at half throttle for an extended period in a remote location whilst the particulate burnt off at 500 degC. The car needed a full tank of diesel before undertaking this procedure.

    Some diesels do this automatically on the road so may end up in an airport car park with their exhaust system glowing red hot.

    1. I’ve yet to experience the problem but I do know that the small VAG specialist I used to service my car invested over £40,000 for a piece of kit specifically designed to clean a car’s DPF filter. I daresay the process involves running the engine for a while! (Unless of course the DPF filter is detached from the car and inserted into the piece of kit!)

        1. My Noddy car is too basic to worry about such things.
          Even the dustman at the tip was impressed by the fact that I still have to wind down the windows. But, as we agreed, they work and are easy to fix.
          Slightly off topic, our son is having to trade in the car used by the grandchildren for a smaller, less powerful model, as the insurance premium for including a 17 year old newbie is the same as the car’s value (£4,500).

          1. A Nissan Juke; I think it’s 1600 ccs.
            What is needed is a ‘student car’; basic, held together with sellotape and only 1200 ccs max.
            In fairness to the insurance companies, a 17 year old boy driving on his own is bad vibes.
            I would offer the Noddy car (12 years old), but I like her and she and I are growing old together. But that type of car is the way to go; freedom, but affordable freedom.

          2. The French have something called “voiture sans permis”, which I believe can be driven from the age of 14. They are essentially two seater glorified lawnmowers and can only do about 25 mph max.
            Given the state of Britain’s towns the limit wouldn’t be an issue.


          3. A couple of days ago, given some twonk – or rather, the police – decided to grind Colchester to a halt for 6 hours because said twonk threatened to jump off a bridge over the A12, the 25 mile per hour lawnmower would never have reached its purported speed limit.

          4. 1) Top up insurance (e.g. Marmelade) until they pass their test – c £300
            2) Tesco Black Box thereafter – c. £1000 going down to £600 after a year (with no claims)

        2. I once had a 1976 CZ 175 motorcycle, which did indeed have the procedure.

          Using the supplied toolkit, every so often one would unscrew the baffle from within the exhaust pipe, pour petrol on it and set on fire. 1970s Iron Curtain mechanics were somewhat crude and lacked health & safety awareness, but it seemed to work well, and if done in the confines of your home would hardly threaten Luton Airport.

          1. Motorcycle, Scooter and Three-wheeler Mechanics had someone who recommend securing a removed a two-stroke exhaust in a vice, heating the innards up with an oxy/gas torch and then turning the gas off.
            The flow of oxygen would then continue to burn the carbon along the length of the silencer with a red-hot ring progressing down the pipe!

      1. The DPF removal option is standard in HGVs but there are risks involved in detaching DPFs from passenger cars – pressure and temperature sensors may get damaged when removed from the DPF exhaust assembly for chemical cleaning.

    2. Why… if the vehicle is parked – would the car start a sort of self cleaning cycle?

      I know they’re far too clever these days but surely such has to be initiated deliberately because of the risk?

      1. A parked DPF regeneration on my diesel had to be started with an OBDII command specific to the vehicle. I had the kit to do it but MOH did not want the driveway heated to 500 degC. Neither did she want the drive contaminated with cleaning products that would spray out the exhaust following a chemical DPF clean.

    3. ‘Morning, AO. In my experience the regeneration process stops when the ignition is turned off.

      As has been said by Stephen, there is a specialist chemical-based process to burn off the debris (apart from a thrash up the motorway) which is said to work quite well. However, DPFs don’t last forever and at 11 years it may not be successful. Are the majority of your journeys short? If so that is probably the cause of your problem.

      1. Having traded in my diesel for an EV a year ago I had got to the point where any DPF cleaning solution alon the lines you suggest was just not worth the investment considering the short joirneys zI was doijg.

        Just driving out of the garage showed a noticeable increase in exhaust back pressure monitored on my OBDII diagnostic meter.
        This morning I took the EV out of my garage took a mioe trip in the rain using all vehicle

          1. I accidently posted comment and could’t restore edit.
            What I was going to say is that taking the EV out of garage taking it for a spin round the block with wipers, lights and A/C on and putting it back in didn’t reduce the original estimated range and still recorded 70% traction battery charge.

    4. ‘Morning, AO. In my experience the regeneration process stops when the ignition is turned off.

      As has been said by Stephen, there is a specialist chemical-based process to burn off the debris (apart from a thrash up the motorway) which is said to work quite well. However, DPFs don’t last forever and at 11 years it may not be successful. Are the majority of your journeys short? If so that is probably the cause of your problem.

    1. The US elections are weird. The – ahem – trumped up charges ina. desperate bid to erase Trump smacks of a banana republic, a terrified Democrat party that knows it is going to lose and is using every weapon in the statist arsenal to destroy their enemy.

      I don’t know why I’m that surprised. The scum in westminster did it twice to get the imposter stooge and illegitimate unelected Sunak installed. Even after wasting 400bn people still didn’t want the rodent.

    1. Was it really a diesel hybrid? Ah, yes there are. The press will, of course, lie. The state is desperate to spin the narrative – if they hadn’t, people would simply demand higher safety standards!

      Rather than film it, why didn’t the person act? Oh, hang on. This wasn’t another of those climate change events? You know, when a Lefty maniac decides to destroy other people’s property for their own ideology and ends up starting a huge fire then calling climate change? Or simply an arsonist wanting to watch the world burn?

      1. Economical with the actualitie.

        (Sorry, can’t find the diacritics on the newish laptop)

      2. It appears that some diesel hybrid RRs are subject to recall, due to a potential fire risk. The fire doesn’t start in the lithium traction battery, but a failed water pump can lead to an engine bay fire. Unfortunately, if the fire affects the 12V electrics, you can’t open the bonnet to put the fire out. So it spreads to said battery. Wouldn’t like to have shares in JLR just now…

  5. Zelensky says US has assured him of continued military support for Ukraine. 12 October 2023.

    Volodymyr Zelensky said he had received assurances from Washington that military aid to Ukraine will remain “constant and uninterrupted” after his first visit to Nato’s headquarters.

    Following a meeting in Brussels with Lloyd Austin, the US defence secretary, the Ukrainian president said: “It was made clear that America will continue to provide Ukraine with the constant and uninterrupted support necessary for its defence.”

    Well that’s it then! You are toast!

    PS. No Comments allowed. Lol! There was a point a couple of weeks ago on the Telegraph comments where posters opinion on Ukraine turned. This has left the paper unable to allow comments. Even the one on the False Flag operation in the Baltic had to be pulled last night. There seems to have been a slowly dawning realisation of the truth. The Nudge Unit trolls also appear to have had instructions to peddle a more active line, initiating, instead of simply breaking up the narratives of dissenters.

    1. Yes.
      There is an odious troll on TCW calls himself Pounce. An ex-soldier and the biggest cheerleader for the killing of Ukrainian and Russian soldiers by each other. Even he is now silent on that.

  6. 377594+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Thursday 12 October: Mounting anti-Semitism means London’s Jews live in fear for their safety

    Many of us have come through unscathed, for nigh on three years many of us did not make it and many inherited a lifelong
    malady via a manufactured virus & vaccine.

    Consequently an untested vaccine with no safety pedigree was used and the peoples abused, courtesy of the
    politic / pharmaceutical hierarchy via the westminster palace of fabrication manipulation,terror, lies & deceit department.

    Many should consider before planting a kiss X on a lab/lib/con candidate tis NOT ONLY London Jews living in fear, but ALL residing under the lab/lib/con coalition / WEF umbrella.

    1. Not one party has any interest in doing anything to stem the tide of massive uncontrolled criminal invasion. Labour will normalise it to disguise the numbers and bring more vermin in – no hotels for them, straight into a new free house.

      1. 377594+ up ticks,

        Morning W,
        In supporting the lab/lib/con coalition
        when casting a vote the indigenous electorate have suffered the lies ,deceit & treachery time,time & time again post GE, so knowing what to expect vote with eyes wide open.

        Consent given.

    1. William Blake’s question was rhetorical: ‘And was Jerusalem builded here amongst those dark Satanic Mills”?
      The Satanic Mills being the Churches preaching Hellfire and damnation to their congregations……

      Today it seems the MSM has taken over the role of dark Satanic Mills….

      1. I think you are getting confused with Psalm 122, which Hubert Parry also set, and is sung at every British coronation since that of Edward VII.

        Blake’s “dark Satanic mills” might well be referring to the Black Country in the English Midlands, which J.R.R.Tolkein also based his kingdom of Mordor on. At that time, that place may have been sooty and grim, but it was also industrious.

        1. Agree with your observation re the Psalm -thank you. However, I think my reading of Blake is the right one.

      2. It may be rhetorical but considering Blakes mysticism and by own propensity to that way of thinking, I always thought it was to be taken literally. We once had the power to make this country the New Jerusalem but squandered that opportunity by our own foolishness. A lack of regard for who we were in the world and a lack of regard for our potential. Instead we squandered our wealth but physical and spiritual and chose to do nothing to fight that decline. On the contrary we have hastened it and, the worm in the apple, has been the Anglican Church and Western Christianity in general, which instead of being the custodian of our gifts has betrayed them for materialism, decadence, and nihilism in freely giving this country up to hostile forces. You all know what and who I am referring to. That force will snuff us out and we will be just a memory and, most likely, a memory vilified and distorted caricatured as a demon. As a friend of mine said: “We fight against Principalities and Powers,”Ephesians 6:12”. What goes on in the material plane is merely a shadow of that truth and not where the fight needs to be conducted. The material plane is just fighting illusions.

  7. Off out to lunch today at:

    Never been there before even though I worked for two years in the council offices just a short walk away.

    One of my regular Thursday watering holes along with ex-BT chums. Fine range of real ales, especially from the Colchester Brewery.

    Who’s a naughty boy? 😎 Even my emoji of choice has black glasses

      1. Around Colchester. At the moment.
        The Huntsman pub has changed its name to the anodyne Berechurch Arms.

        1. Well we do have quite a few Mozzies. My neighbour is a sensible chap who marvels at the sheep-like behaviour of his own community when it came to CoViD.
          We wouldn’t want our sons and daughters marrying each other, but we get on very well.

    1. There use to be one of those not far from St Albans. I believe that the name was changed a few years ago.
      I don’t think it helped the continual moaning in anyway what so ever.
      I just checked it and the pub is still open in Brickett Wood with its original name. Good.
      I expect that would annoy the professional bbc moaner David Olusoga.

    2. Apparently the battle is still going on over the renaming by Greene King of the Black Bitch in Linlithgow.

      Is it now the Black Hound? Or is it the Willow Tree? The local spray-painters have shown what they think anyway.

      Either way, the locals are still incensed because of the connection of the original name to a piece of local history. The Linlithgow community magazine is even called the Black Bitch.

      Quite what a brewery in Bury St. Edmunds is doing owning a pub in Linlithgow, West Lothian escapes me.

      1. Greene King has bought into the reparations scam and it changing the names of any of it’s pubs that may have the slightest chance of being associated with RACISM!!!
        Hence names like The Black Boy, named after local chimney sweeps being renamed.

        1. Until a few years ago there was the Black Pig pub in Hawkhurst. A trickle of silly complaints eventually wore down the owners, who then renamed it the Smugglers Ale House.* It was then sold for conversion into a house.

          *Frequented by the infamous Hawkhurst smuggling gang.

  8. Good Moaning.
    I will probably upset all cavalier NOTTLers, but it was Old Noll who brought the Jews back to England.
    A wise decision that has benefitted this country ever since. Well, until our political establishment bowed down to the bloody Foreign Office mandarins and let millions of mediaeval peasants settle in what had been a fairly settled and happy country.

      1. Or about which Islamic states, or better still other bleeding heart countries who welcome refugees can we send Palestinians to, we don’t want them here, but we do want their ability to disrupt and destabilise.

        1. With temporary residency for more than one million people, running water air conditioning toilet facilities etc. Suadi Arabia with its huge facilities at Mecca. Have never taken one displaced muslim immigrant. Not a single person.

  9. Good morning all.
    A bright but cooler, 4°C, start to the day with earlier clouds clearing to a largely blue sky and forecast to stay dry after yesterday’s soaking.

  10. USA supporting the investigation into the pipeline damage – so they can control it to find the “right” answer, maybe?

        1. Well it would be that close to Finland, and for any doubters may I point out that GreenPeace and others have photographic evidence of Polar Bears swimming in open water miles and miles and miles from any land or ice come to that…

  11. Morning all 🙂😊
    At least the rain has eased off.
    Sunny weekend in store. Which will be pleasant.
    It’s high time someone in charge with a serious mind set told muslims if you don’t like Europe leave. Jewish people have never to my knowledge caused any physical, social or cultural harm to anyone in the UK.
    Unlike Islamic. The Israelis are only protecting them selves from islamic terrorism.

  12. Good morning all,

    Having trouble getting onto the site today with my ‘Mac’ so I’ve resorted to using my iPad. For about a week ‘Safari’ has been unable to get me onto the DT website so I have to use ‘Firefox’. Trouble with the VPN? Who knows. Anyway, dull, misty, foggy and drizzly here in N W Hampshire, wind Northerly, 12 C going to 16C.

    Yesterday’s UK Column News majored on Israel and I’m not going to go there in this post as it will be well dealt with by others. Instead, I think the most interesting, and worrying, snippet was the ‘and finally’ bit: One word which tells you Starmer is being controlled, puppeteered, by Blair: Davos. Kneeler prefers Davos to Westminster, we know that because he said so. A big mistake, that, Kneeler, wasn’t it. Words put into his mouth by Blair in one of his many ‘consultations’ with Kneeler?

    Our country seems to be poised on the brink of the same governmental arrangment as the USA – Biden puppeteered by Obama; Kneeler puppeteered by Blair.

    The word is that Blair is now a front runner to succeed Klaus Schwab as head of the World Economic Forum. I think we should all be more than a little concerned.

    1. 377594+ up ticks,

      Morning FM,

      “The word is that Blair is now a front runner to succeed Klaus Schwab as head of the World Economic Forum. I think we should all be more than a little concerned.”

      Especially those who use public park toilets.

    2. The upside to net zero is that when there are blackouts the Left wing press and such globalists won’t be able to get their miserable nonsense across.

  13. ‘Morning, Peeps. A nice drop of rain during the night, supposedly clearing away east now so further greenhouse construction is on the cards. Warm, too – 17°C when I looked an hour ago.

    Allister Heath has written a very good article today:

    The BBC and Black Lives Matter have exposed the virtue-signalling class’s moral depravity

    Anyone who cannot see that Hamas committed an act of genocide has lost all sense of right and wrong

    11 October 2023 • 7:06pm

    For once, I’m not blaming the politicians. Rishi Sunak, Keir Starmer, Suella Braverman, even Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden: all have behaved impeccably these past few days. It’s the footballers, the pop stars, the middle-class virtue-signallers, the knee-takers and emoji posters, the HR activists, the academics, charity workers and “human rights” advocates who are missing in action, days after the worst anti-Semitic massacre in 78 years. Silence does not ordinarily imply complicity. But what if you are one of those people who jumps on every bandwagon and keeps adding flags, logos and messages of support to your Facebook or TikTok page, but had nothing to say about a genocidal attack on Jews, no unequivocal support to proffer to Israel, no interest in properly condemning Hamas? What if you posted Slava Ukraini on your profile, put up a poster for BLM in your front window, and keep spamming your WhatsApp neighbourhood group with political messaging, but cannot conceive of tweeting Am Yisrael Chai?
    Are you scared of retribution, and if so what does that tell us about extremism in Britain, the failure of integration and the police’s lack of commitment to upholding the same law for all? Or do you think that Israel got what it deserved, and does that not make you an anti-Semite? Or is it because you believe the world’s only Jewish state to be so powerful as to not need support, and you have therefore, inadvertently, internalised another anti-Semitic trope? Do you think that 7.2 million Jews, far fewer than London’s population, surrounded by fanatics armed with 150,000 missiles, threatened by a quasi-nuclear Iran that swears to destroy them, don’t deserve sympathy?
    Genocide is the act of deliberately killing large numbers of people from a nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying it. Hamas has committed an act of genocide, a crime against humanity, against the Jewish people and Israel: anybody who cannot see this has lost all sense of right and wrong.
    If anything, describing Hamas as “terrorist” is too soft: they are war criminals, more akin to Islamic State and the Khmer Rouge than al-Qaeda or the IRA. They massacred over 1,000 men, women, children and babies, shooting them and burning them alive, injuring thousands of others, raping dozens and kidnapping scores. They would have killed far more had they not belatedly been neutralised.

    Almost uniquely, comparisons with the Nazis are the most appropriate historic parallel. Hamas are Nazis, with the same aim: they want to ethnically cleanse the region of Jews from the Jordan river to the Mediterranean sea. Hamas’s 1988 Charter calls for the total eradication of Israel, its replacement by an Islamist state and cites approvingly The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, a gross anti-Semitic forgery also endorsed in Mein Kampf.
    The Third Reich’s Einsatzgruppen were SS death squads that inflicted mass murder. They played a central role in the implementation of the Final Solution, and some of their leaders were condemned to death at Nuremberg. The Hamas barbarians who entered Israel from Gaza, an independent territory from which Israel had entirely withdrawn in 2005, were jihadi Einsatzgruppen, a depraved Islamist take on the original Nazi monstrosity.
    The SS rode cars and motorbikes; Hamas also operated paragliders and bulldozers. Hitler’s men often hid what they did. The Hamas war criminals live-streamed their inhumanity, and some supporters across the West were openly celebrating within hours of the attacks (I witnessed a firework display and a flag-waving crowd dancing with joy in Edgware Road, London, late on Saturday night).
    One of the premises of the state of Israel, reconstituted in 1948 on a tiny slither of land, was “never again.” No more Holocaust, no more pogroms, no more ethnic cleansing, no more expulsions, forced conversions, mass rapes or wholesale slavery. Yet it has happened again: 7/10 was the greatest one-day massacre of Jews since the Holocaust, the deadliest bestial atrocity conducted in land controlled and defended by a Jewish army since the genocide that followed the Bar Kokhba revolt in 132. It was far deadlier than the 1905 Odessa pogrom, or Iraq’s Farhud in 1941, or the annihilation of York’s Jewish population in 1190. Throughout history, Jews have been persecuted by every dominant group – Egyptians or Romans, Christians or Muslims, Communists or Nazis – but 7/10 will go down in infamy.

    So why is it being said, increasingly loudly already, that there is some sort of moral equivalence between the deaths caused by genocidal murderers, and those caused in the act of seeking to prevent further attacks and to remove an evil regime? Countries must minimise civilian casualties, all of which are deplorable, but, as Israel marches into Gaza, some will be just as inevitable as they were when the Allies fought the Nazis all the way to the heart of Germany. Hamas caused this war, and places its army in civilian locations: it is a criminal regime and bears ultimate responsibility for every life lost.
    The BBC’s moral void is heartbreaking. It is our country’s supposed conscience, and yet it won’t even describe Hamas as terrorists, despite it being their official designation by the British state. Would today’s BBC have described the original Nazis as “militants”? Would it have described the Waffen SS as “fighters”? Did the BBC remain “impartial” after the horrible murder of George Floyd?
    Why, but why, is a massacre of Israeli Jews at the hands of anti-Semitic jihadists so different? By disgracefully refusing to describe Hamas as terrorists, the BBC’s pseudo-“impartiality” makes it in fact scandalously biased against Israel: it downplays Hamas’s crimes, creates a fake equivalence between the two sides, and taints the Israeli response.
    We also now know what many proponents of woke Critical Race Theory truly believe. UK Black Lives Matter retweeted approvingly a picture of the terrorist bulldozer smashing down the Israeli fence, an attack on the Balfour declaration and messages blaming Israel. It rejected David Lammy’s condemnation of Hamas, and retweeted “‘Black lives matter’ and ‘I stand with Israel’ are two things that can’t coexist.” Chicago BLM tweeted an image of the terrorists entering Israel on a paraglider.
    History repeats itself. Nobody ever learns. Optimism is cowardice. Brace for long, dark weeks ahead.

    Hear, hear! And with four senior lawyers complaing to OFCOM about the BBC’s ludicrous ‘militants’ nonsense the pressure on them to think again is mounting nicely!

    1. The BBC is institutionally Left wing. It thinks it is a government department in all but name due to funding and output (high and appalling). Thus it decides it can and will do whatever it likes.

      1. Quite so. And yet another example of a wasted 80-seat majority!

        NB Now less than 80, and probably about to disappear altogether next year.

        1. I think the Tories thought people were voting for them rather than to end the political machination over Brexit. Boris went in with a mantra – get Brexit done (he didn’t tell us he would do it in, but hey). We had voted one way. People were sick of the political class fighting democratic will.

          That zeitgeist provided the majority – for democracy, not for the government.

    2. And on the same theme:

      SIR – The BBC’s linguistic manoeuvres are astonishing and shameful (“John Simpson says BBC would be ‘taking sides’ if it described Hamas as terrorists”, report,, October 11)

      Sir Keir Starmer, who sat alongside the Hamas-friendly Jeremy Corbyn for years, has condemned these unspeakable crimes against Israel as terrorism – yet the BBC resists.

      The ruthless killers of women and children have been referred to by the BBC as “fighters”. This confers on them a military legitimacy absolutely at odds with their crimes against humanity.

      The BBC’s very own George Orwell was familiar with this strategy of equivocation – Newspeak – and treated it with the contempt it deserves.

      William Varley
      Newcastle upon Tyne

  14. I found this snippet of a BTL comment on Daily Sceptics both interesting and worrying.

    Comment from:

    3 hours ago

    However, forecasting has a major problem. It is the ‘prediction horizon’. For time sensitive forecasts – which are most of the ones we are interested in – the forecast becomes in effect exponentially unreliable with time.

    The typical example is a weather forecast. We can only look so far ahead before forecasts become so unreliable as to be useless.

    And there is worse to come.

    Professor Philip Tetlock’s 20 years of research proves that expert forecasts are less reliable than forecasts based on the outcomes achieved by dart throwing chimpanzees.

    So we cannot rely on experts for their opinions about what is going to happen. As Professor Daniel Kahnemann demonstrated, we a lulled into a false sense of security by experts because the media wheel them out to explain why events which have already happened did happen. The explanations are so convincing we are led to think the experts can then tell us what is going to happen when they are proven to be the worst people to ask.

    Daily Sceptic – UKHSA Evidence for Covid Restrictions a Complete Mess

    1. Oh no! We can’t rely on experts! Whatever shall we do?

      In the light of the above finding, may I suggest that the remuneration currently paid to Neil Ferguson should be re-directed towards the purchase of darts for the Chimpanzee House at London Zoo?

    1. Morning Belle. These movies are depressing things to me.They are a reminder of a land that has now gone.

      1. I can remember London in a pleasant way. Lots of lovely memories . Friends used to come down to London for the Smithfield show , ( young farmers ) then we would to to the theatre , have a meal , and stay at the Lancaster Gate hotel and generally have fun .. I am talking about the 1960’s , then visit Ronnie Scotts jazz club .. all before I met Moh of course .

    2. Our idiot politicians have wrecked our country. They show no remorse or regret whatsoever.

  15. SIR – My daughter, who lives in Rehovot, south-east of Tel Aviv,
    spent three hours on Saturday with her husband and seven-month-old baby
    cowering in an air-raid shelter.

    I have a cousin who suffers from
    dementia who lives in a small community a few miles east of the Gaza
    border. Her daughter lives with her family in a community even closer to
    the border.

    We only heard on Monday that, thank God, they are
    all safe. I have other, more distant cousins who live on a kibbutz
    between Tequma and Gaza. As I am not in touch with them, I have no idea
    of their fate.

    On Sunday night, “Free Palestine” was daubed on two
    bridges in Golders Green and mobs were allowed to maraud through the
    streets of London spewing anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hatred.

    2021 a convoy of people drove through London’s most densely populated
    Jewish suburbs chanting obscene, anti-Semitic slurs through loud
    hailers. But the Crown Prosecution Service found it impossible to bring
    any of them to court.

    My grandchildren in London cannot go to
    school unless they are protected at all times by security guards, and
    the community finds it necessary to arrange near-permanent security for
    all Jewish institutions. The Chief Rabbi cannot walk outside his front
    door without an escort of armed policemen.

    In all probability,
    within a year we will have a Labour government. Yet Labour is still the
    home of supporters of Jeremy Corbyn – despite Sir Keir Starmer’s efforts
    to change his party.

    I was born in the UK, have lived my entire
    66 years here and raised my family here. Yet, even with the obvious
    risks, would I be better making Aliyah and living out my days in Israel?
    Is it time for me to leave?

    Brian Gedalla
    London N3

    Yes. As soon as you can. The Islamic population is outbreeding every other demographic in the UK.

    1. Only because welfare is poured all over them. End child benefit, end housing benefit and muslim would up sticks and leave.

      1. They are now in control of local councils and are in many places in the civil service. It is already too late.

          1. Good morning. Yes, somewhat better. Doc thinks in i had a viral infection. Ultrasound next week and more blood tests just to be sure.

          2. Good news , but I hope the are listening properly .

            If you want to while your time away, Moh is feeling very grotty , cold , sniffles sneezing and sadly being VERY ratty .. BUT he is watching a web cam . WEB CAM GAZA.. all very quiet , hasn’t been a bomb for 5 minutes he says .

            I cannot bear the drone sounds etc , so I am off out soon , dry spell to take Pip out for a run .

            He had his anal glands emptied b the Vet yesterday afternoon and some bloods taken and tested for his liver etc .. the bill was painful , so I hope his insurance pays out .

          3. I missed the bit about the dog and read:

            “Moh is feeling very grotty , cold , sniffles sneezing and sadly being VERY ratty ..He had his anal glands emptied by the Vet yesterday afternoon and some bloods taken and tested for his liver etc .. the bill was painful , so I hope his insurance pays out”

          4. I read your post too quickly……….I missed the line about taking Pip for a run and thought in the last paragraph you were still talking about Moh. Wondered what was wrong with his anal glands.

          5. I read your post too quickly……….I missed the line about taking Pip for a run and thought in the last paragraph you were still talking about Moh. Wondered what was wrong with his anal glands.

          6. Thanks but no thanks re webcam.
            I know when i had health Insurance it was usual to give them a call before treatment to check what was covered. Is it not the same with pooches? Saves having a big shock !

      1. 377594+ up ticks,

        Morning TB,

        “We all know”
        Yet the majority voter gives their consent via supporting mass uncontrolled immigration parties,
        why is this ?

        1. Because the candidates for election are selected so that the outcome is the same whether the people vote for the Lab Globalist, the Lib Globalist or the Con Globalist and the electoral system is rigged to prevent their stranglehold being broken. Accept it, ogga, we do not have democracy.

          1. 377594+ up ticks,

            Morning SE,
            I really have been posting on the lack of democracy platform for years.

            I do believe that the majority of voters NOW knowingly vote for these governing parties and are accepting the parties actions, due mainly to the party name, ie tory (ino) lab (ino).

            Tribal,family tree voting, without it we would never be where we are today as a nation.

    2. During covid, we had the answer to “would you have sent people to the concentration camps?”
      Now, we’re getting the answer to “why didn’t they leave earlier?”

      1. They would be safer in Israel than Golders Green Israeli military and police would do their best to defend them. Not so much here. It would be our loss though.

    3. “I was born in the UK, have lived my entire
      66 years here and raised my family here. Yet, even with the obvious
      risks, would I be better making Aliyah and living out my days in Israel?
      Is it time for me to leave?”

      That’s one of the saddest letters I have read in a long time. Governments should be deeply ashamed that thet allow these conditions to develop, and that they do nothing about it.

      1. At least Mr Gedalla can claim somewhere to go. The ancestral British (the older ones at least) are condemned to living with the rising tide of hatred.

  16. Terrorist murder and mayhem is an everyday occurrence in parts of Africa .
    South African white farmers are tortured and mutilated , yet the media dare not condemn black murderers and terrorists .

    Everything has gone silent on the state of the Sudan and Northern Nigeria and Mali. No news .

    We are living amongst potential terror as thousands of unknown single men float ashore , with no id , no nothing .

    How do we know what they plan to do, we know deep down they mean mischief .

    1. The criminal horde are here for money. When that runs out, they’ll kick off until they get more.

    2. I’m not sure what Mrs Parkes is against. Any accommodation anywhere, or just in Portland, or the just the barge?

      1. Morning Maggie, at the moment the sun is trying to break through but rain is forecast which because of the cold will probably be snow on the hills

  17. Cambridge student welfare officer celebrated Hamas terror attacks online

    University suffers backlash from Jewish students after Harvey Brown lent support to social media posts endorsing terrorist group

    By Ewan Somerville, Jacob Freedland and Louisa Clarence-Smith, EDUCATION EDITOR • 11 October 2023 • 8:05pm
    Harvey Brown is the Cambridge SU’s elected student welfare officer

    The Cambridge Students’ Union welfare officer has been labelled a “disgrace” for liking tweets in support of Hamas’s attack on Israel.

    Harvey Brown, who is responsible for improving the welfare of University of Cambridge students, “liked” a series of Twitter posts that support the assault, including one heralding “a day of celebration” as “Hamas fighters cross into their colonisers’ territory”.

    It has sparked outrage from Jewish students at the university who said they felt “unsafe”, while Gillian Keegan, the Education Secretary, has written to university bosses demanding that they do more following multiple incidents of pro-Hamas sentiment being expressed by Left-wing students on campuses in recent days.

    The fresh row comes as Cambridge is facing a revolt from students and some lecturers over its “silence” on the atrocities in Israel, with its vice-chancellor Prof Deborah Prentice told she is “minimis[ing] the extent of the tragedy” by failing to condemn Hamas.

    Hamas is a proscribed terror organisation in the UK, with Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, telling police chiefs this week to use the “full force of the law” against any shows of support for them.

    But Mr Brown lent his support to a since-deleted Twitter post that said: “Today should be a day of celebration for supporters of democracy and human rights worldwide, as Gazans break out of their open-air prison and Hamas fighters cross into their colonisers’ territory. The struggle for freedom is rarely bloodless and we shouldn’t apologise for it.”

    The English graduate and self-described socialist also liked another post by the same Twitter account, belonging to Rivkah Brown, an editor at the far-Left website Novara Media, asking of the current Gaza power cut: “Tell me how this is any different to Palestinians murdering Israeli civilians.”

    Rivkah Brown later apologised for the now-deleted tweet:
    [Ash Sarkar is down there as well…]

    The Union of Jewish Students, which wrote to 100 students’ unions demanding a zero-tolerance approach on Tuesday, told The Telegraph: “It is a disgrace that an elected student representative would support any celebration of the brutal murder of innocent men, women and children by a proscribed terrorist group. The horrific violence perpetrated by Hamas should never be defended. The welfare of Jewish and Israeli students does not seem to matter for this welfare officer.”

    It comes after Left-wing Palestine societies at several leading British universities supported the attacks and Hanin Barghouti, the women’s officer at Sussex University’s student union, hailed them as “a victory”.

    Robert Halfon, the minister for higher education, told The Telegraph: “We should not be equivocal when discussing the massacre of innocent people and I urge universities to crack down on inflammatory, politically-motivated displays of support for a proscribed organisation and demonstrations which make Jewish staff and students unsafe. The Education Secretary and I have written to university leaders today demanding that they do more.”

    Cambridge bosses are in crisis over their response to the attacks, which has consisted of an email to students on Monday from Prof Bhaskar Vira, the pro-vice chancellor for education, saying his “thoughts are with everyone affected by recent events in Israel, Gaza and the Middle East” and referring people to counselling services.

    This has sparked a backlash from students, as it failed to mention Hamas.

    Einav Grushka, 22, an Israeli student at Cambridge who co-organised an open letter from 110 staff and students, told The Telegraph: “All of us have put our university work on hold in order to fight the university on this and they need to realise how important it is for us.”

    The letter, with signatories including a college’s director of studies, professors and research associates, tells the vice-chancellor that “we implore you to openly denounce and condemn these inhumane crimes”, accusing her of “silence” and saying that the email “seemed to minimise the extent of tragedy for both Israeli and Palestinian citizens”.

    Anouska Blanga, a part-Israeli Cambridge graduate, has written a separate open letter pointing out that Cambridge publicly released a 500 word explicit condemnation of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine last year, but this time “fails to take a clear stance against terrorism [which] is abysmal”.

    University College Union, the union for academics, is also facing a backlash after it released a statement saying that “the events of recent days are part of a continuing cycle of violence that has been the result of decades of brutal occupation”.

    Mr Halfon said he was “extremely disturbed to see the trade union which represents their lecturers and support staff coming out with this sort of rhetoric”.

    A University of Cambridge spokesman said: “The Cambridge Students’ Union is separate from the University. Alongside other universities, we have contacted our staff and students to express our support and to set out practical help for those affected by these appalling and barbaric attacks. Professor Bhaskar Vira, pro-vice-chancellor for education, has reached out to groups of students who are likely to have been more directly affected and asked our security teams to be vigilant for any instances of anti-Semitism. We will continue to provide support and care at this incredibly difficult and upsetting time.”

    Cambridge SU and Mr Brown did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

    A UCU spokesman said that Mr Halfon’s criticism referred to “two sentences from a balanced UCU statement which clearly condemned all forms of violence and oppression, as well as anti-Semitism.”

    He said: “The UCU statement also called for an immediate end to the conflict. The UK Government should be spending every waking moment attempting to support an immediate ceasefire and peaceful end to this desperate situation.”

    Timothy Thorp
    The sad, and really frightening thing is that, in some cases their idiot parents probably agree with them. That Long March seems to be producing results. This isn’t just the usual student leftism. This is morally bankrupt, nihilistic drivel dressed up as “progress”. We are in a lot of trouble. And great danger.

    Paul Carlin
    “Jewish students at the university who said they felt ‘unsafe’.”

    I suspect they understand what ‘unsafe’ really means, unlike the morons at that university who blither the word when they’re ‘misgendered’ by a pronoun.

    1. He should be punished not for anti-semitism, but simply for being a disgraceful human being, celebrating the murder of innocents.
      Nobody knows right and wrong any more, they only know buzzwords that they have been indoctrinated with.

    2. Rivkah Brown didn’t really apologize. Her second tweet was basically “sorry for saying the right thing”

    3. This is one instance when i can understand the use of the word “unsafe” in the context of people saying they feel “unsafe”.

      Normally i am very dismissive of it, as in when the Alphabet people hyperbolise and say they feel “unsafe” when someone points out that men aren’t women.
      Edit. I am with the BTL poster here (which I hadn’t fully read when i posted exactly the same thing).

  18. I feel like this is a real ‘sheep and goats’ moment. Those signalling their support for Hamas are as eternally reprehensible as the cruelest SS officer, since both groups see Jews crying for mercy and then being slaughtered with the same pitiless “they deserved it” attitude. I just wish the likes of Celtic’s ‘Green Brigade’ would put their money where their mouth is and actually go and fight for Hamas, never to return.

  19. Rishi Sunak urged to ban disposable vapes amid fears his plans won’t go far enough. 12 October 2023.

    Rishi Sunak is being urged to ban disposable vapes amid fears restrictions to protect children will not go far enough.

    Children’s Commissioner Dame Rachel de Souza on Wednesday night called on the Prime Minister to “be decisive” as he launched a consultation on measures to tackle youth vaping.

    I don’t “vape” and I stopped smoking fifty years ago. Despite the demonization of the latter I am always careful not to betray any disapproval of anyone so indulging. This is not because I secretly approve, but because I think that we are entitled to go to a hell of our own choosing. Once you accept the principle here of Government knowing best you have opened the way to pettifogging tyranny (which we have) of the worst kind, The next thing will be booze.

          1. Morning Alec. I once stole one of my Father’s Capstan Full Strength and was sick for week!

    1. Of all the things that this government could be doing this strikes me as a petty and pointless waste of time and resources. It is almost like the government is jeering at the population who want this government to do real things such as population control, chuck out the illegal, get a grip on energy. But no vaping is a priority!

      1. And yet, Sunak, being a suntanned incomer, is best placed of all to put a halt to the tide of sewage washing up on the Kent beaches!

        1. He, and the entire state machine *want* this invasion. The ability to stop it completely is within their grasp and they adamantly refuse to adopt it.

    2. I agree. Sunak is onto a loser here. But it’s probably all that his handlers would let him loose on!

    3. Then chocolate, then sweets, then fizzy drinks, then sugar of any kind, then meat.

      “Once you know the nature of the thing, you know what it’s capable of.”

  20. Al Jazeera…

    What is happening in Lampedusa Italy?

    lack of food and police violence plague the people who fled to Italy
    praying for a better life. Lampedusa, Italy – More than 2,000 people
    and 289 children have died in 2023 trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea
    in search of safety and a future in Europe.28 Sept 2023

    Why go there then?

    1. Morning Phizzee. They have heard (on their mobile phones) of this land of Milk and Honey where the streets are paved with Gold!

      1. As you well know, they’re not capable of making anything. They want to take and destroy what others have made.

    1. It’s bad enough the imagery conjured up by the Ben Shapiro interview above. I’m afraid I’m not strong enough for this one, too.

      1. It is not essential viewing Ober. I merely posted it to illustrate the contrast between someone telling the truth and the disingenuous conduct of the BBC.

  21. This, I thought an excellent interview of Ben Shapiro by, unfortunately, Pierce Morgan. But well worth listening to because Ben explains eloquently why negotiating with Hamas is a waste of time. It is, I think, the best explanation in media concerning the futility of communication with these animals. I urge all to listen carefully to what Shapiro has to say.
    Ben Shapiro denounces Hamas’ ‘whole new level of evil’

        1. It had crossed my mind. Can you imagine if the BBC had conducted itself in this manner when referring to the NAZI’s.

      1. The BBC’s sense of right and wrong is distorted by it’s agenda. If it goes against their agenda, it is wrong. If it doesn’t, it is right.

        This is the fundamental problem the Left have. Reality cannot get through the distortion field of their ideology.

        1. Three of my gt grandparents were born in London, the other in Bristol. My ancestors were English (with some Welsh).

  22. So I learn from the DT this morning that Ford has been dropped to the bench so that Farrell can play at No 10. Is Borthwick mad or is he is the pay of Fiji?

    In my view Farrell’s best place is on the bus, train or plane back to England before the next match.

    As I said in a post a couple of days ago. England with 14 players without Farrell is far better than England with 15 players with Farrell in the side. Perhaps Farrell should imitate Tom Curry in the match against Argentina and be sent off with a red card for a high tackle in the first minute and for Ford to come on as soon as possible to replace another player’

  23. Just had pea and ham soup for lunch, liberally sprinkled with tabasco sauce – and the after-effects have started already. 🙁

      1. Home-made, by SWMBO. Nowt but protein, taste, oligosaccharides, and water. And farts, of course, that’s the O’saccharides.

  24. I wonder what the MSM’s reaction would be if a group of Extreme Right Wing Terrorists launched a Hamas like attack on Broadcasting House and all the other BBC offices and treated the BBC’s staff and their families in the way Jewish people in Israel have been treated by Hamas?

    Who would condemn and who would be “impartial”?

    1. Black Broadcasting Corporation is an absolute con , extracting a licence fee from older innocents like us , by pouring their propaganda into British homes .

      1. I haven’t paid for 12 years , Maggie. Got lots of threatening letters and even had a visit from a pleasant chap. We had a chat about rugby and he left.
        If everyone stopped paying, what could they do?

    1. It’s important to remember this is the same police force that ignored the mechanistic rape of children by pakistani muslim paedophiles.

      When Mark Steyn raised it, the same police force went after the victims to silence them.

      Apologies, I am having a bad tremor day!

      1. Hope you get some rellief, Wibbers.
        Not too good here meself. 5 passings-out this last four days, getting very tiring. Taking longer each time to recover, too.

          1. Yes, saw her yesterday.
            Signed off work to de-stress for the next month.
            Sort of soring itself out – step-by-step.

  25. Give the man his due, he is bringing into the open what radical Islam is really all about. World domination through holy war.
    my emphasis

    Former Hamas leader calls for day of jihad on Friday, and tells Muslims to ‘take to the streets’ in protest against Israel
    Khaled Meshaal, who led Hamas from 2004 to 2017 and now lives in Qatar, has declared that Friday be a worldwide ‘Day of Jihad’ and urged Muslims to rise up
    To all scholars who teach jihad… to all who teach and learn, this is a moment for the application (of theories),’ Meshaal declared from his office in Qatar

      1. A high proportion of muslims here don’t work – why should they? The state pays them jizya (the tax dhimmis pay to live in a muslim country) via benefits.

  26. How is this rape? It seems to me that she is a disturbed but willing partner. And why is she going to be given an abortion? She should be sterilized. Why is it OK for girls/women to be indulged in this way while men are ruined by the mere whiff of an allegation? She will do it again, that is obvious.

    Pregnant 11-year-old girl twice raped by teenage boys should have abortion, High Court judge rules
    A pregnant 11-year-old girl who has twice been raped by teenage boys should have a termination, a High Court judge has ruled.

    Mrs Justice Arbuthnot was told how the girl became pregnant earlier this year, after being raped by a 14-year-old boy she “met on the internet”, when aged 10.

    She was raped by another 14-year-old boy, a few weeks later, when she was 11, the judge heard.
    The judge has made decisions about what moves are in the girl’s best interests after considering the case at a recent private hearing in the Family Division of the High Court in London.

    She also ruled that the placenta should be used for the “purposes of forensic testing in a criminal investigation”.

    Mrs Justice Arbuthnot has outlined details of the case in a written ruling made available on Wednesday.

    Health authority bosses had asked the judge to rule that a termination of pregnancy was in the girl’s best interests and that taking tissue from the placenta for forensic testing was in her best interests.
    The judge has ruled that the children involved cannot be identified and has not named the “health board” which began litigation.

    Mrs Justice Arbuthnot said the girl lived at home with her parents.

    She said council social workers had “safeguarding concerns” about the care she was receiving at home from her mother and father. The judge said the girl was now 11.
    Mrs Justice Arbuthnot said: “She became pregnant after being raped by a 14-year-old she met on the internet when she was aged 10, on the 18th or 21st of May 2023.

    “She was raped by another 14-year-old boy on the 11th of June 2023, but he did not make her pregnant.”

    The judge said a health board had applied for “declarations that a termination of pregnancy would be in her best interests” and that it would be “in her best interests for tissue taken from the placenta to be
    used for the purposes of forensic testing in a criminal investigation”.

    She concluded that both moves were in the girl’s best interests.

    Mrs Justice Arbuthnot heard from specialists and professionals involved in the girl’s care.

    She heard that the girl had been “self-harming” following a family bereavement and had a history of “neglecting herself”.

    The judge was also told that the girl had been “watching pornography since the age of eight”.

    She was also told of “signs” that the girl had been putting herself into “sexually exploitable positions”.

    Mrs Justice Arbuthnot said she had considered the provision of the abortion legislation.

    Specialist evidence showed that the girl lacked the “intellectual development and capacity” to “process the complexity of the decisions that had to be made”, said the judge.

    Doctors had told the judge that “physical health risks” were “over and above the normal risks of pregnancy”.

    They said there were “no studies on pregnancy in children as young as 11”.

          1. What about the mother who allowed her 9 year old daughter to vape while the girl was suffering from asthma until her lungs collapsed and had to be put in a coma. I know who i think is responsible.

          2. Again, it’s a different issue.

            Are you saying that it was OK for that 10 year old girl TEN YEAR OLD girl to be fucked by two 14 year old boys. That she should not be given an abortion for her own sake, and that she should be sterilised?

            Yes the parents are almost certainly appalling parents but that does not change the overlying issue.

          3. Unable to comment on that part because as usual we don’t know all the facts. Was she Downs Syndrome for instance.

          4. I agree regarding not knowing all the facts but it doesn’t matter what she is, it cannot be right for two 14 year old boys to be taking advantage of her, nor to have her sterilised just because of what happened, let alone preventing a termination, doubly so if she hasn’t a clue what is happening to her.

          5. Reading the article, she had, apparently, been exposed to porn at 8yo so probably did know what she was doing.

          6. Sorry BoB but that is victim blaming of the worst order.

            Are you seriously suggesting that an 8 year old, exposed to porn, KNEW what she was doing?

            If so, it’s small wonder that the drag queen perverts and tranny converting of children is having such success.

    1. It’s “rape” because she doesn’t have the capacity to give consent because she is a child.

      1. Very true – however, the same surely applies to a boy who is too young to make an informed decision?
        It seems wrong to equate the crimes of a 14 year old boy with the crimes of an adult.
        Perhaps A. Lawyer would set us straight on that?

          1. The girl was also doing wrong. It’s also a sin to harm oneself. She was in no way fit to have a baby. This is why as a society we need rules, not endless tolerance and understanding.

          2. It sounds as though her very irresponsible parents had set no boundaries, given her no guidance, allowed her to watch porn. They should be prosecuted.

    2. I imagine if you find the parents of this girl you’ll find absolute welfare dependency, tattoos, smoking and drinking cheap lager. There will be no father present.

    1. We don’t. It’s a crime. I imagine most folk had no idea either. Once they’re here, no one watches them.

    1. Sadly, the police are part of the problem.
      Possibly not the level where they are stabbed, but their high heid yins subscribe to all the feely touchy wokery.
      Saves having to take responsibility for any decision.

  27. Fox news reporter on the spot confirms IDF statement that babies were decapitated in their cots. I won’t post any pictures.

      1. There’s a lot of noise on Twitt about recurring baby-murder stories being used as propaganda through the years.
        I think it is valid to question such stories in an attempt to determine the truth, but there is also now footage of witness being interviewed and it does seem that it did happen. God rest their souls 🙁

        1. Frankly why anybody should question it when the koran says “behead the kuffar” is surprising.

  28. This isn’t looking good….
    From the DT:

    Israel has launched air attacks on Damascus and Aleppo airports, according to Syrian media.

    It is thought that the strikes were targeting Iranian-funded arms and supplies being sent to Hizbollah fighters in Syria and southern Lebanon.

    Local media in Syria reported earlier that air defences were used at the airports against the attacks.

    1. Couldn’t finish the Mark Steyn article. How can you disturb the peace of a crowd that’s shouting “gas the jews”? What peace?

      1. A wonderful day away from the artillery ranges at Larkhill. Golden sands, lovely weather. I enjoyed the artillery work but the 4 a.m. reveilles and 8p.m. returns to barracks were a bit wearing.

      2. A wonderful day away from the artillery ranges at Larkhill. Golden sands, lovely weather. I enjoyed the artillery work but the 4 a.m. reveilles and 8p.m. returns to barracks were a bit wearing.

      3. A wonderful day away from the artillery ranges at Larkhill. Golden sands, lovely weather. I enjoyed the artillery work but the 4 a.m. reveilles and 8p.m. returns to barracks were a bit wearing.

    1. I arrived there in ’77 and by then all those old barracks had gone to be replaced by modern crap!

  29. Carma?

    Bernie Ecclestone, the former boss of Formula One, has been given a suspended sentence after pleading guilty to fraud.
    The 92-year-old did not declare more than £400m held in a trust in Singapore when asked by tax authorities in 2015.
    Ecclestone has agreed in a civil settlement to repay almost £653m to HM Revenues and Customs, a court heard.
    He was sentenced to 17 months in prison, suspended for two years.
    The billionaire had originally been due to stand trial next month after initially pleading not guilty.

  30. Don’t bank on it…

    Barclays’ former boss has been banned from holding senior positions in the UK after he mischaracterised his relationship with convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein.
    Jes Staley has also been fined £1.8m, said the Financial Conduct Authority.
    The regulator said Mr Staley had claimed not to be close to Epstein when, in reality, emails suggested he viewed him as a “cherished” friend.
    Mr Staley intends to appeal the FCA’s decision.
    Additionally, Barclays said on Thursday that Mr Staley should forego bonuses and long-term share incentives totalling £17.8m following the FCA’s findings

  31. Kindly Pay Me Generously….

    Auditing giant KPMG has been handed a record fine over “exceptional” failures in its accounting work for Carillion, the construction giant which collapsed in 2018.
    The Financial Reporting Council, which regulates accountants, said the £21m fine was due to the “number, range and seriousness” of issues in KPMG’s work.
    The failure of Carillion cost thousands of jobs and 450 building projects.
    KPMG’s UK chief executive said the FRC’s findings were “damning”.
    Jon Holt said: “I am very sorry that these failings happened in our firm. It is clear to me that our audit work on Carillion was very bad, over an extended period.
    “In many areas, some of our former partners and employees simply didn’t do their job properly.”

    1. Well I am shocked, shocked I tell you that all those diversity hires from top universities didn’t do their jobs properly…

    1. I considered what he was saying about being stirred up to be at each others’ throats.
      I certainly see it in myself.
      Over the last few years I have become less and less tolerant of so many different groups, from BLM to Muslims, from LGQT+ to “remainers”, the list grows by the year. And all the while I see people in positions of power getting away with blue murder while the underlings suffer the consequences.

      And always I rationalise my new prejudices by looking at the harm these people are doing, but that is in accordance with in my own world view.

      1. But notice that all those groups demand your obedience. You must cow to them. There is no middle ground. No shared tolerance. It is all one way – their way.

    2. “…black , white and brown, Christian, Muslim, Jewish…we are set at one another’s throats…everywhere you look, some group is being baited to hate another group…it’s got a terrifying regularity to it…”

      I think he misunderstands how we got here, at least in the UK. In their post-WW2 trauma, those who allowed the country subsequently to be overrun by foreigners really believed that the innate tribalism of the human species that had given the world thousands of years of wars and had culminated in the horrors of WW2 could be eliminated by mixing peoples together. It was a deadly mixture of ignorance (in the proper sense of the word) and conceit. We humans have no difficulty in setting ourselves against others. It’s in our DNA.

      1. Yet it needn’t have been. Lots of folk integrate very well, adopting our customs, norms and behaviours, learning our language and integrating and more, contributing while keeping to themselves.

        Where it went wrong was the state deliberately importing unsustainable numbers of dangerous, culturally distinct unwilling to integrate aliens then protecting them from critique, disguising åtheir crimes, covering up their abuses and blaming us for it.

        1. There was absolutely no incentive to integrate. No need to speak English, follow British customs or wear Western dress. Point the finger at Blair and his cursed “multiculturalism” and subsequent legislation to curb free speech.

      2. Yet it needn’t have been. Lots of folk integrate very well, adopting our customs, norms and behaviours, learning our language and integrating and more, contributing while keeping to themselves.

        Where it went wrong was the state deliberately importing unsustainable numbers of dangerous, culturally distinct unwilling to integrate aliens then protecting them from critique, disguising åtheir crimes, covering up their abuses and blaming us for it.

    3. I had an email from a friend this morning. It allegedly from a man who owns a large hotel in the Southern area of England. In a disguised voice he tell the listeners about the amount of young men who have been sent for accommodation to his building.
      And how crates of what he later discovered were AK47s and ammunition.
      I’m hoping my friend can send me the link. As I couldn’t retract it from the page whether it’s true or realistic I don’t know. But as he suggested, it’s the reason our government hasn’t ever made any sort of effort to stop the boats.
      If it’s true, WTF is about to happen?

        1. I missed that Ellie. Well done. I found it difficult to make up my mind if it was true or not. But it wouldn’t surprise me. If it was true.

        2. He doesn’t sound to me as if he is someone hwo owns accommodation capable of housing 250. I think it is fake.

          1. I do hope so. Having said that, I think we all feel that these men are here to cause trouble in some way, that they have come for a purpose. If govt does not do something about allowing these landings on our beaches, then govt wants these men here. Govt needs sufficient incomers for an uprising to take more (or all) of our freedoms from us. Govt showed with covid that it can move overnight, within the hour, if it chooses, and it does not. It continues to allow these illegal entries into our land.

          2. Of couse they’re here for a purpose; it’s hijrah (invasion to further the cause of islam) and jihad (to fight to establish islam).

          3. …..Islam being a theocracy intent on world domination and conquest. And it is very nearly there, aided and abetted by a weakened, oh-so-tolerant-loving West.

    4. Yet… it really isn’t. I doubt most people hate anything. There are, however, sub sections of society that do, unthinkingly hate everything that disagrees with them. These people are irrational. They’re the sort who start wars, who deny democracy, who seek to create giant organisations away from accountability and responsibility.

  32. 377594+ up ticks,

    Gerard Batten
    Now why might this be?

    Starmer is a member of the Trilateral Commission that works for centralised world govnt under the control of financial & technocratic elites.

    The Corbynite wing of Labour are out & out Marxist-Leninists, the political wolves in democratic sheeps’ clothing.

    Starmer has to manage these two things while still trying to fool the voters long enough to achieve power.

    The only ‘vision’ he can sell to the voters is based on lies, & no wonder its not convincing. But the treacherous Tories have done his job for him. Now he only has not to lose & snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

      1. He always did, especially with respect to islam. That’s why everybody was so keen to get him.

  33. I have finished reading “The Great Taking” by David Webb.
    You can download it for free at
    Webb is a genuine expert, and it’s worth reading what he has to say. A lot of it applies to the US, but I do not think Britain will be any better.
    Particularly interesting are the first section where he describes his own background, and the part where he relates how the financial establishment carried out mass daylight robbery on US citizens in the 30s.
    He also describes certain changes in the law that have been stealthily put in place all over the west. If you have shares, bonds, pensions, life assurances, a mortgage, a bank account etc you might want to read the short book and assess your own exposure to risk.


      The ‘Digital Dollar’ is now a reality.

      On November 15th, 2022, the Federal Reserve announced they are now testing the ‘digital dollar’. They’ll be joined by major banks like Citigroup, HSBC, Mastercard, and Wells Fargo.

      And you should be scared!

      The ‘digital dollar’ puts all your money in the hands of the government.

      They’ll be able to….

      Know what’s in your accounts and what you buy

      Limit what you purchase and the causes you support

      Take everything away with the click of a button

    1. The bits re the new organisation “Our country our choice” apply equally to the UK. approx. 11.30 on.

  34. Good news, OVO have emailed me to say they are reducing my monthly direct debit for my electricity from £44 to £35

    1. My shower offered to repay £500 of my credit in return for doubling the monthly DD….

  35. “Israeli terror-fliegers bomb innocent, homeless Palestinian freedom flighters.”

    (How the Broken Broadcasting Corpse might put it….

  36. Damp afternoon. Trying to pluck up courage to go into the garden. Just sent half an hour replaced a loo seat. SUCH fun…NOT.

    1. Just walked down the hill – path down to halfway cleared at the weekend by the neighbours’ working party – they did a good job. Brambles strimmed, path uncovered at the sides, and the stream now flows under the path, not over it. Back home, I scattered some “seedballs” of wild flower mix on the sloping part of the “not lawn” and will see if anything comes up there – apart from the bluebells and buttercups that have taken over.

  37. 377594+ up ticks,

    There you have it, the criminally insane mindset,

    Politics latest news: Undecided voters prefer Sunak to ‘weak’ Starmer – but still set to vote Labour

    In the near future they will try repenting via five time a day mandatory prayers, far,far,far to late.

  38. RWC

    Well said Warren Gatland

    Warren Gatland says the controversial World Cup draw is not Wales’ fault and any teams feeling a sense of injustice should have performed better at the last tournament.
    The top four sides in the world face each other in the quarter-finals, with Ireland taking on New Zealand and France playing South Africa.
    In the other half of the draw, Wales play Argentina while England face Fiji.
    “It’s not our fault this happened,” said Gatland.
    “I’d just say to the other teams they should have done better in the last World Cup, that’s where the draw came from.”

  39. I’m having a nightmare with my PC it’s spent 45 minutes reloading and another 20 minutes clearing unused data.
    Now I can’t login. I was going to try and post a possibile link for the item I mentioned earlier.
    The guy is called whistle blower
    There is a code attached it’s

    Goodluck I’ll try and get back on later.

    1. Was his sister who helped to trim the sail lost overboard along with the mast, the sails and the rigging. And did he find peace and comfort on the other side of the Jordan with Mr Peterson?

    1. It reminds we of when my old mate John and I first arrived in Johannesburg. We were put in a cheap B&B hotel. Both of us suffered from bites by bed bugs. We moved out after about a week. After I had launched my mattress out of the window. Two floors up.

  40. Rafi Farber, contrarian Israeli financial youtuber, theologian and covid non-conformer, was posting some really aggressive anti-Hamas stuff after the attack.
    Today, he has contained his understandable fury, and come round to the same point of view as many of us:

  41. I love being a carnivore, me. Just had my first meal in two days, a decent fry-up. Home-cured bacon, home-made pork-and-tomato sausages, black pudding, mushrooms (not really a plant) and two fried eggs! Mmmmm! I shall eat my next meal on Saturday and not feel a single hunger pang between now and then.

    Yes, there are two whole fried eggs, but with four extra yolks. I used the whisked whites of four eggs, mixed with some mozzarella cheese, to make some Keto flatbreads. I didn’t wish to waste the four yolks so I added them to the two whole eggs.

    1. Hi Grizz

      I have a fitness watch, Moh gave me his .. so far today I have done nearly 7,000 steps , it measures heart rate /02 levels etc B/P, calories burnt off , sadly only used up 400 calories . The watch resets every morning .

      I admire your fasting diet , I tried that , drank Bovril etc , but I felt terrible , now eat loads of different vegetables cooked in the Wok, fish / chicken etc, and limited bread , Ryvita instead .

      1. I cut down on bread, potatoes and pastry things some months ago but still have carbs for breakfast -muesli type cereals – we have vegetables, fruit, salads, eggs, fish, meat, milk, cream, olive oil, etc, but not much ready-made stuff. I lost a bit of weight without even trying, and I feel better for it. I don’t really get hungry but have to cook for OH. He likes puddings, cakes, jam etc. He makes puddings because I don’t.

        I couldn’t eat such a restricted diet as Grizzly, but each to his own, I think. I have a fasting gap from about eight in the evening till about 10am, but I wouldn’t want to go two days without food.

        1. The reason I can go two days without food is down to me reverting to the natural carnivore diet of the species. Being a carnivore keeps me sated and never hungry. Also my blood sugar levels do not spike, as they do when eating vegetation, grains and sugar. When your blood sugar levels spike it drives hunger.

          1. I appreciate that but I couldn’t eat such as enormous plateful at once like you do. Besides, I like vegetation and a varied diet.

          2. Me too. A varied but mixed diet daily offered by Cook. Always at least one plate of salad a day.

          3. Once I’ve achieved my ideal weight I shall revert to eating one small meal, of various meats and a few veg, daily. I might have the occasional (very occasional) pud every now and then.

          4. What’s your ideal weight? I don’t know what I weigh, just know I’ve lost a bit as my trousers are looser round the waist.

          5. I would love to weigh in around the 12-stone mark (something I’ve not achieved since 1984). I’m currently in my workshop wearing a pair of bib-and-brace overalls that I bought three years ago. They are now a tad on the big side!

          6. I’m convinced that much of it is down to pure luck, or genes if you prefer.

            I’ve been around the 12 and half stone mark for many years now.
            My diet would horrify you, and apart from the swimming season I don’t really take exercise other than in the garden.

            When I was doing regular sport, fairly seriously, I was a touch under 14 stone with very little fat.
            It goes to show there’s no justice in the world

          7. Certainly so, and I find that lifting things now with both arms that I would have picked up with one hand is very dispiriting

          8. Too true, unfortunately.
            I console myself, when reading of the trials and tribulations of my fellow Nottlers, that I am extraordinarily fit and healthy for my age.

          9. It’s not that big, certainly not ‘enormous’. Don’t forget that on the days that I do eat it is only one meal per day; i.e. just four meals a week, when most people are eating between 21 and 28 meals every week.

      2. I bought an Apple iWatch two years ago and it does much the same as yours. I don’t worry about calories since most modern nutritionists who are switched on tell me that they are irrelevant.

        I never feel terrible on my diet, in fact I feel better, more alert, and much fitter, than I have for the past 50 years.

    2. Good for you!!! I could not eat that in one sitting, I am a believer of moderation in all the food (and wine) groups!

  42. I love being a carnivore, me. Just had my first meal in two days, a decent fry-up. Home-cured bacon, home-made pork-and-tomato sausages, black pudding, mushrooms (not really a plant) and two fried eggs! Mmmmm! I shall eat my next meal on Saturday and not feel a single hunger pang between now and then.

    Yes, there are two whole fried eggs, but with four extra yolks. I used the whisked whites of four eggs, mixed with some mozzarella cheese, to make some Keto flatbreads. I didn’t wish to waste the four yolks so I added them to the two whole eggs.

  43. I see we are sending two RN ships (actually RFA – slightly different) to Israel for Hamas to attack.

    Brilliant idea. Someone cleverly thought that up… (see what I did there?)

      1. Selon The Grimes just now:

        “Britain will send two Royal Navy ships to the Eastern Mediterranean and begin surveillance flights over Israel in a show of military support designed to reassure its ally, the Times understands.

        Two Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels, RFA Argus and RFA Lyme Bay, will be sent to the region as part of a littoral response group after the government announced it would begin laying on evacuation flights.”

        1. For the record – the RFA is NOT the Royal Navy. Apparently the Times Defence Correspondent doesn’t know that.

        2. They are there to pick up as many Palestinian refugees as they can and then transport them back to Britain.

          1. Border Force and the RNLI probably on their way as we speak.

            Why oh why do we have to jump in with both feet? Why couldn’t we have supplied some assassins instead? that’s what the Russians would have done!
            yes, yes I know – but we aren’t “Britainnia Rules the Waves” any more either!

          2. No Arab countries will admit the so called Palestinians. Egypt was glad to hand them on when it ruled the Gaza Strip, Lebanon does not want them nor Syria. They are quite simply trouble and have been since 1948.

            Gaza was a productive area when part of Israel. The Jews left Gaza knowing that the Arabs left there would soon turn nasty as their economy failed. It failed because the Palestinians were always led by grifters and concentrated instead on stoking hatred of and purchasing weapons to kill Jews.

          3. No Arab countries will admit the so called Palestinians. Egypt was glad to hand them on when it ruled the Gaza Strip, Lebanon does not want them nor Syria. They are quite simply trouble and have been since 1948.

            Gaza was a productive area when part of Israel. The Jews left Gaza knowing that the Arabs left there would soon turn nasty as their economy failed. It failed because the Palestinians were always led by grifters and concentrated instead on stoking hatred of and purchasing weapons to kill Jews.

  44. Fishi “pledges” £3 million to “protect Jewish schools”. Yet another effing kneejerk.

    £3 billion wouldn’t prevent slammers from attacking Jewish schools.

    1. If he deported 3 million of the slammer variety he’d do better. Cheaper and much more effective.

  45. The news is so depressing – the latest Israeli War – the unspeakable “English” supporters of the terrorists who slaughter children and take hostages.
    And sodding Farrell picked for England….

    So I am off. Have as jolly an evening as circs permit.

    A demain

  46. Off topic and one for Grizzly.
    I saw a very large corvid in the garden this evening and thought it must be a Raven.
    Not being an ornithologist I dismissed the thought as I assumed they tended towards bleaker higher areas.
    Surprisingly, it is a Raven as I discovered when I consulted this site.

    As I have noted before, I have observed an extraordinary number of visitors to the garden, well over a hundred, the site explains why that might be.
    I had no idea how many species there are in the vicinity.

    1. Loads here, lovely birds, you’re doing them an unkindness to say they like bleaker areas.

      1. I like them, they are magnificent creatures.
        I was just surprised that it really was a Raven, I’ve had lots of them here, but until this evening had never bothered to look up whether they were what I thought they were, because of my ignorance of their range. I had just assumed they must be large crows.

          1. I must admit that I missed it, but please don’t murder me because I thought it was a crow.

    2. Ravens have a diamond-shaped tail, quite unlike the wedge-shaped tail of a carrion crow or rook.

    1. Emily Thornberry was at Luton airport and Satan tried his luck…
      Their passionate embraces caused cars to burst into flames?

    1. More earth worship, less patriotism. Britain is defined purely in terms of its native flora and fauna – history and human achievement is nowhere to be seen.
      Also not much for the common man there, who will never have seen a dormouse, red squirrel, puffin, salmon or black grouse – these are luxuries for the likes of Charles.

      On the plus side, Charles surely won’t want to issue these coins only to have them disappear in short order. He is far too vain for that.

      At least it’s hopefully the end of those awful close up half-image designs from the Royal Mint!

          1. Pubs have rounded prices off to 10p and most to 50p now. When I do a supermarket shop I virtually have to pay by card because the cost is so huge. That’s about all the purchasing in person I do.

          2. I pull out all the cash I’m going to need at the start of the month and then use it everywhere, including at the garage for petrol or car servicing, supermarket, tech stuff, the lot. I routinely pay several hundred in cash – have used my card in a shop only once this year when I miscalculated! If you pay by card, you hand over so much personal information about your purchases, that can and will be used against you. Why make it easy for them, is my attitude.

      1. When I was posted to the Netherlands in 1988, I discovered that they had withdrawn all 1 and 2 cent coins. Goods were still priced in individual cents eg; 1.99 guilders but when the cost was totalled, they simply rounded up or down to the nearest 5 cents. They still do the same in euros. Ultimately, it balances out.

          1. It’s a spoof. He (Phillip Schofield) is a TV presenter who used to partner Holly Willoughby in the ITV daytime show. He was caught up in a gay scandal, and was forced to step down from his role.

          2. I thought it was probably a spoof. However, my reason for rejecting him/her/it is probably quite valid.

    1. It’s a sign of the times that people have to be told not to take their socks off at the dinner table! They’d have to walk round the house (outside) to take their shoes off at my front door. Like most people brought up in a farming community, our main entrance is at the back.

    1. I think the world is such a different place to the one where we grew up that we don’t understand what children think anymore. Access to viewing violence, pornography (I was all for it when I was 18) and a morally corrupt education system has warped what values parents try to instil in them. I’m sure lots of parents with young children are doing their best to bring up decent human beings, but they are being thwarted by our current society’s agenda.

      I shall now leave the pulpit.

    2. The little girl was complicit because she didn’t know any better, having been brought up to watch porn. She was robbed of her innocence years earlier. I would imagine that is how child porn videos are made.

      1. Perhaps you have selected the word. That’s like saying that somehow James Bulger was complicit because he had been brought up to play with older children.

        1. The little girl had been sexualised by her irresponsible parents or whoever showed her porn. She didn’t know any different. She was too young to give her consent to the boys.
          James Bulger was a trusting toddler who walked off with two boys not knowing what they would do.
          Children need guidance and care from responsible adults.

  47. Thought for the moment, if not necessarily the day:

    If the ME really kicks off and spreads, and we head to WW3 and Armageddon, would you encourage your grandchildren and children to sign up to protect the world as it is now?

      1. Saving the world is a worthwhile cause, but it is best done by not complying, not by signing up to their depopulation agenda. Vive la Resistance!

          1. Sssshhh. My wild bird feeding station – inevitably – attracted the little brown blighters, but I haven’t seen one for at least a couple of months. The bait boxes seem to have worked…

            Nor have I seen any rats.

          2. I don’t worry about them. Our old cat, Sam was a ratter, but I’m sure there are many

            about. We don’t use poison. I was walking home from the shop one cold afternoon a couple of years ago, and noticed a couple of brown creatures eating the fallen bird seed. They soon scarpered under the bushes as I approached.

          3. As long as they stay in the garden, I’m not particularly bothered. But they were quite brazen, as they joined in with the wood pigeons and the dunnocks, in clearing the fallen feed from the path. The feeding station has been quieter this week. Whereas a suet block could disappear in a few hours, there’s one still out there since Sunday. The goldfinch feeders are still gradually going down, but the starlings seem to have given up on the suet block – hence there are no crumbs on the ground for the others. I feel sorry for the solitary wood pigeon: the remains of its mate (feathers anyway) were left on the lawn. I suspect a bird of prey.

          4. One of our pair of pigeons was predated last year but the remaining one didn’t take long to find another mate. They especially like elderberries and strip the tree as soon as the berries turn. They were gone in no time.

          5. Sssshhh. My wild bird feeding station – inevitably – attracted the little brown blighters, but I haven’t seen one for at least a couple of months. The bait boxes seem to have worked…

            Nor have I seen any rats.

          6. But what do you suggest as a solution? Do those like you, thinking there are too many people in this world, think people should be killed and, if so, whom? And why them?

          7. Well, thanks for that vw. I was thinking more of a worldwide education system promoting fewer children being born.

          8. If the people across the would could accept the notion of two children per couple then simply by natural processes the World’s population would decline…

          9. So birth control available. I’m all for that. However the western world is already self limiting and TPTB seem to want to cull those populations rather than any other. And in any case why should the rest of the world do as we do and restrict their children? I think trying to convince TROTW they should use birth control is never going to work. And BTW what number of people do you suggest is preferable?

          10. 50% of present population would help, and that would take quire a long time. Africa is probably the worst culprit of outrageous population increase at the moment, and they’re coming to Europe to a place near you.

          11. Muslim countries actually.
            There seem to have been quite a few covert depopulation attempts over the last half century or so.
            Yet, with our record population, until covid we had record LOW numbers of people in extreme poverty.
            Makes you think.

          12. Thanks mm, for the clarification. Because there are influential thinkers out there who are determined to reduce* the current population.

            *I would use the term ‘decimate’, but that is merely reducing by one in ten. The elites would prefer nine in ten. I don’t know a word for that.

          13. Understood. I just look at the world as a goldfish bowl. It’s not large enough for a dozen fish.

          14. Read ssomewhere (The Economist?) in the 1990s that the trick was to educate women, sspecifically, as there was a direct correlation between the level of female educatio and the fewer babies they had, on average.
            So, send girls to school.

        1. There’s obviously not enough good men and women doing something then. I like the look of this new Independent Alliance
          (non-party) thing. I’m going to give them a bit of cash to help the cause.

    1. I’m increasingly grateful not to have progeny, sos. Selfish, I know. I have close friends who worrygreatly about their kids and grandkids, and I sympathise enormously. Alarmingly, it seems I have much in common with most of the Davos crowd, who expect to lie forever, and are unencumbered by offspring.

    1. Not me. Sounds like a future Tory MP. Good, if a little pompous on free speech, but understands very little.

    1. There’s a loaf due to come out of my breadmaker around then. Is there something I should be aware of?

      Ah – I’ll avoid Woking. Too many pyjama-clad beardies on a Friday. As it happens, we’re doing an Alpha course in our leafy Surrey backwater (where we once hosted a talk by a couple of local Ahamadiyya Muzzies, peace be upon them). Alpha, only because the Diocese of Guildford demands it of every parish. The indoctrination isn’t my style at all. Nicky Gumbel (we’re viewing his videos) terrifies me. The zeal of the convert to the power of infinity, personified. But there’s a free lunch, so – whatever…

  48. Haven’t seen any Wordlers, so…

    Wordle 845 4/6


    1. Also par four today.

      Wordle 845 4/6


    2. Same here. The answer reminds me of the image which could – against all odds – give the Tories an unprecedented further term. Would they deserve it?
      Wordle 845 4/6


    3. Late
      Wordle 845 4/6


  49. In a slightly lighter mood:

    A woman has been spotted carrying a M16 assault rifle while doing her shopping in Israel, days after Hamas launched its barbaric attack against civilians.
    The young woman – who wore a baggy grey T-shirt, dark blue shorts and flip-flops – was seen carrying a plastic bag to her car with the rifle slung over her back.

    Bloody disgraceful, fancy driving in flip flops; that’s very dangerous…

    1. When I was in Israel for Easter 1994, I saw people out for a stroll on a spring evening, casually dressed and carrying big guns.

  50. Evening, all. It’s been dry today (although not particularly warm), but I didn’t manage to get any gardening done because I had phone calls that kept me inside and then, when I did get out I needed to go into town to buy a ticket to support the Twinning fund-raiser, only to find that the venue was closed (presumably it opens later) but had no contact details or opening times displayed. Frustrating to waste the time and effort. If you import anti-semites what you’ll get is anti-semitism. I don’t know why anybody involved in facilitating the invasion should be even remotely surprised (and if they express surprise they’re lying). We could do away with most of the anti-semitism by deporting ALL the illegals and declaring islam an ideology non grata.

  51. That’s the brambles cleared from round the russet apple tree and some matting laid over part of the area I’ve cleared.
    Also had a walk to Cromford for a bit of shopping, then not a lot else!

    Got a bloke coming to do a diagnostic check on the Van’s DPF tomorrow. Can’t find anywhere close where I can drive up for a check, which is a bit annoying, not to mention expensive.

    And that’s me off to bed.
    G’night all.

    1. I am upset that Blinken is expressing horror at the events in Israel having funded the proxy war in Ukraine. Of course nothing describing the horrors of the Ukraine war are broadcast, there is virtually no coverage and no images of the utter destruction of fighters in particular the Ukrainians forced to fight a far superior force.

      Blinken is a warmongering neo-con and complete hypocrite. He is an Obama retread along with Victoria Nuland and Jake Sullivan.

      The only good thing to emerge from the events in Israel is that the US will no longer put funding of Ukraine at the top of its political agenda.

      Nobody should ever advocate proxy wars and expect to reel away when it all goes wrong and simply ignore the mess created in favour of contributing to yet another disaster someplace else. In this case viz. Israel, risking yet another escalation and drawing in other countries to promote further bloodshed and conflagration.

      Trump has brains and would have applied common sense to these conflicts, seeking accommodation and peace. The Obama Biden regime seeks the complete opposite.

    2. I am upset that Blinken is expressing horror at the events in Israel having funded the proxy war in Ukraine. Of course nothing describing the horrors of the Ukraine war are broadcast, there is virtually no coverage and no images of the utter destruction of fighters in particular the Ukrainians forced to fight a far superior force.

      Blinken is a warmongering neo-con and complete hypocrite. He is an Obama retread along with Victoria Nuland and Jake Sullivan.

      The only good thing to emerge from the events in Israel is that the US will no longer put funding of Ukraine at the top of its political agenda.

      Nobody should ever advocate proxy wars and expect to reel away when it all goes wrong and simply ignore the mess created in favour of contributing to yet another disaster someplace else. In this case viz. Israel, risking yet another escalation and drawing in other countries to promote further bloodshed and conflagration.

      Trump has brains and would have applied common sense to these conflicts, seeking accommodation and peace. The Obama Biden regime seeks the complete opposite.

    3. I don’t believe anything that comes out of Netanyahu’s mouth now. It’s already enough that they were murdered.

    4. How can anyone on this planet support Hamas ?
      But obviously large organisations do.
      Those who supplied them with their weapons.

  52. From the archives – Daily Telegraph leader, Tuesday 24th January 2006:

    “The reconstruction of the Conservative majority presents a philosophical challenge before a branding one. It is necessary to change people’s attitudes to the state before they can be persuaded to change attitudes to the Conservatives – assuming that the party is to be something other than a brighter, newer Labour Party.”

    Call-me-Dave hadn’t long been leader and had already dropped proposals for tax reform, patient passports, school vouchers and grammar schools. Even the idea of capitalism itself seemed under threat as the Conservatives appeared to be offering not much more than a slightly reduced rise in public spending, even before Fat Gordy’s banking crash. They were as good as their word with their ‘austerity’ programme four years later, which neither cut spending enough nor stimulated the economy and simply made poor people even poorer.

    Dave was a bigger disaster than anyone imagined he might be.

    1. ” It is necessary to change people’s attitudes”

      Vote Conservative. The party of psychological manipulation.

  53. Britain can learn from Poland’s rejection of illegal migration and globalisation

    After the Belarusian border crisis, Poles are more alert than ever to the perils of unchecked multiculturalism

    STEVEN EDGINTON • 12 October 2023 • 4:41pm

    Poland is at a political crossroads: on Sunday voters will decide on both the future of the conservative Law and Justice Party government and whether to accept migrant quotas from the European Union.

    The latter vote will be held in the form of a referendum, where Poles are asked: “Do you support the admission of thousands of illegal immigrants from the Middle East and Africa under the forced relocation mechanism imposed by European bureaucracy?”. The question may be biased – many in the opposition parties have pledged to boycott the vote. But it will serve as a weather vane for Polish attitudes both on Brussels and migration.

    In a film for The Telegraph, I went to the Polish-Belarusian border to find out how locals plan to vote in the upcoming referendum. Everyone I spoke to in the border town was firmly against illegal migration; one woman even said she felt unsafe when migrants came through her property during the border crisis in 2021. After the Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko threatened to flood Europe with migrants in 2021 thousands of people from the Middle East attempted to enter Poland via Belarus. Since then the government has built a fence with accompanying drones and high-tech cameras to monitor the border, which has been largely successful at preventing crossings.

    The Belarusian affair alerted Poles to an issue those in European border states have had to contend with for years. The vote will likely represent a firm rejection of the liberal immigration policies that have led to conflict and division across the continent.

    Poland’s experience has historically been emigration, not immigration, though as the nation grows richer, Warsaw will likely become as much a magnet for economic migrants as Paris and London have been for decades. So far Poland has largely been a transit country for those searching for work and generous welfare in Germany and France. However, Law and Justice has faced criticism from its Right-wing rival, the Confederation, for handing out thousands of work visas to non-European migrants from Asia and Africa in the last eight years. The cries against legal mass migration are already being sounded, though if the centre-Left opposition win on Sunday, Poland may join western Europe in dabbling with the multicultural experiment.

    After the horrific attacks on Jewish civilians over the weekend, the Israeli embassies in Britain and Poland witnessed contrasting scenes: in London the building was blocked off over security concerns, whilst pro-Palestinian protests raged around Kensington; in Warsaw the embassy was open, quiet and peaceful. If Britain has experienced benefits from diversity and multiculturalism, which are greatly lauded over by politicians of all stripes, then Poland can surely boast that their largely homogenous society has some advantages too. One feels completely safe walking the streets of even the roughest parts of Warsaw; the same cannot be said of London.

    The campaign has also seen Law and Justice ramp up its rhetoric against Brussels and Berlin. The party claims Europe’s Western leaders are attempting to impose unwanted liberalism on the socially conservative nation. The general election has thus become a vote on Poland’s future in Europe: do Poles wish to maintain their sovereignty and homogeneity, or will they follow their Western neighbours down the paths of globalisation and multiculturalism? Some are tempted by the West’s relative prosperity, and argue that to replicate their economic success Poland must adopt these latter ideological approaches.

    But Law and Justice have proved that an alternative is surely available. The party can boast of strong economic growth, relatively little immigration compared with Western Europe, and maintaining an independent voice within the European Union. There are problems, increases in inflation and debt being two, and young Poles, in particular women, are increasingly tempted by socially liberal attitudes.

    It was surprising, and quite encouraging, to speak with so many young Poles who support the right-wing Confederation. Though some in the conservative group are undoubtedly cranks, most are economically liberal and socially conservative. They demand lower and simpler taxes, lower migration and are sceptical of Brussels. If opinion polls are to be believed, Law and Justice are on track to continue governing Poland, and voters will reject the migrant quotas from Brussels. Despite mistakes, after eight years in power Law and Justice have proved it is possible to govern from a conservative perspective and be rewarded by voters. Meanwhile the Tories, who are nearly indistinguishable from their Labour counterparts, face electoral oblivion next year. Perhaps their next leader can learn a thing or two from the Poles.

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