Thursday 18 March: At least keep the street lights switched on to make it safer for women

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

788 thoughts on “Thursday 18 March: At least keep the street lights switched on to make it safer for women

  1. Covid vaccines for England’s under-50s delayed due to shortage. 18 march 2021.

    People under the age of 50 may have to wait up to a month longer than planned for their Covid vaccination because of a major shortage of vaccines, NHS leaders have said.

    The unexpected delay was revealed in a letter to health service chiefs, who have been ordered to stop booking first-dose appointments for anyone under 50 for all of April.

    The letter from NHS England explained that the move was necessary because there would be a “significant reduction in weekly supply available from manufacturers beginning in the week commencing 29 March”.

    Morning everyone. I don’t know exactly what is going on here but judging by this article and the evasive gibberish on the BBC News last night it is something underhanded!

    1. Maybe the intention after all was what we all thought at the beginning, a Logan’s Run for all the over 50s.
      Just think it would solve all the West’s economic problems.

        1. When it is clear that there is evil at the heart of our rulers then nothing can be discounted.

          1. 330506+ up ticks,
            Morning B3,
            That could be extended to a multitude of
            supporter / voters also, voting for failure
            time & again & again is no unintentional
            action it is, in many respects, a morally criminal treacherous act.

          2. People will keep on believing what they want to believe, despite all evidence to the contrary.

          3. 330506+ up ticks,
            Morning BB2,
            That is the way to go starting on the 6th May,

            I have never seen such a seismic shift in public opinion in such a short period of time.

            Erase the family tree vote & weep in the human sheep, it is a proven Nation killer.

    2. 330506+ up ticks,
      Morning AS,
      One could almost believe that this tory group
      ( ino) partial to extensions are dragging this out, reason being maybe the 6th May & another not so subtle
      “or else” threat.
      Bearing in mind the nine month extension as a treachery action was brilliant.

    3. I think it was an Astra-Zenica plant in India which could only supply a small share of the vaccine intended for the UK [BBC Radio 4 News}
      This reduction will upset the foreign holiday plans for the healthy under 50s. This will be a welcome development for Hancock and SAGE,

  2. Covid vaccines for England’s under-50s delayed due to shortage. 18 march 2021.

    People under the age of 50 may have to wait up to a month longer than planned for their Covid vaccination because of a major shortage of vaccines, NHS leaders have said.

    The unexpected delay was revealed in a letter to health service chiefs, who have been ordered to stop booking first-dose appointments for anyone under 50 for all of April.

    The letter from NHS England explained that the move was necessary because there would be a “significant reduction in weekly supply available from manufacturers beginning in the week commencing 29 March”.

    Morning everyone. I don’t know exactly what is going on here but judging by this article and the evasive gibberish on the BBC News last night it is something underhanded!

  3. The Power of Prayer

    A bar called Drummond’s in Mt Vernon, Texas began construction on an expansion of their building, hoping to “grow” their business.

    In response, the local Southern Baptist Church started a campaign to block the bar from expanding – petitions, prayers, etc. About a week before the bar’s grand re-opening, a bolt of lightning struck the bar and burned it to the ground!

    Afterward, the church folks were rather smug – bragging about “the power of prayer”. The angry bar owner eventually sued the church on grounds that the church … “was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, through direct actions or indirect means.”

    Of course, the church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building’s demise.

    The judge read carefully through the plaintiff’s complaint and the defendant’s reply. He then opened the hearing by saying: “I don’t know how I’m going to decide this, but it appears from the paperwork that what we have here is a bar owner who now believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not.”

  4. The Power of Prayer

    A bar called Drummond’s in Mt Vernon, Texas began construction on an expansion of their building, hoping to “grow” their business.

    In response, the local Southern Baptist Church started a campaign to block the bar from expanding – petitions, prayers, etc. About a week before the bar’s grand re-opening, a bolt of lightning struck the bar and burned it to the ground!

    Afterward, the church folks were rather smug – bragging about “the power of prayer”. The angry bar owner eventually sued the church on grounds that the church … “was ultimately responsible for the demise of his building, through direct actions or indirect means.”

    Of course, the church vehemently denied all responsibility or any connection to the building’s demise.

    The judge read carefully through the plaintiff’s complaint and the defendant’s reply. He then opened the hearing by saying: “I don’t know how I’m going to decide this, but it appears from the paperwork that what we have here is a bar owner who now believes in the power of prayer, and an entire church congregation that does not.”

  5. Asylum seekers could be removed from Britain while their claims are processed. 18 March 2021.

    Foreigners who enter Britain illegally on boats and lorries before seeking asylum could be removed from the country to have their claims processed abroad under Home Office plans.

    If adopted it would mean that thousands of people who cross the English Channel illegally each year would be removed first from the UK before being allowed to seek asylum.

    Don’t get your hopes up everyone; the operative word here is could! Like most Government announcements about future measures this is simply chaff for the gullible.

    1. Removed to where? Why is this suddenly an idea? Since nobody has done anything noticeable about stopping it up to now, why should we believe them?

      1. Isle of Man, Gibraltar, Turkey mentioned,or to their home country or the safe country from whence they last came , France included.
        Very unlikely unless the Home Office and the Border Force do their job and find countries to accept the rejected asylum seekers and illegals.
        If the politicians were slow at adopting Lockdown the failure of a clap down on uncontrolled immigration goes back to the mid 60s when Enoch Powell blew the whistle and has been totally ignored by politicians in all three major parties.
        edited to change blue to blew before the sharp eyed readers notice

        1. 330506+ up ticks,
          Afternoon Cs,
          These three overseer groups are well supported every time so maybe they
          have got the impression on getting returned to power on a regular basis that this is satisfactory in regards to the peoples.
          The lab/lib/con are a mass uncontrolled immigration coalition and as such still active as in DOVER, and being overseen by the current political group.

    2. If they were serious, they would pull Britain out of the UN Invasion Pact. That isn’t even on the table, ergo this is yet more BS from the Home Office.

    3. The illegal immigrants “..would be removed first from the UK”.

      Where would they go?
      Edit: Oberstleutnant had already asked the same question.

      1. A place called “not Britain”. I looked at the map and was unable to locate it…

    4. The illegal immigrants “..would be removed first from the UK”.

      Where would they go?
      Edit: Oberstleutnant had already asked the same question.

    5. If 95% are returned to where they came from the flood of immigrants across the channel would become a trickle.
      £3,000 to end up back in Calais, Turkey or wherever would end matters.

      I watch TV and all you seem to see is immigrants from all over the world. I understand some may have rights as former parts of the Empire – BUT Brazil, Columbia, Senegal, Angola, Costa Rica

  6. Good morning, all. Grey and drizzly.

    Good to see the Home Office has “plans”.

    1. Preparing and announcing plans is the easy bit, having the ambition actually to implement those plans is another story. Patel is a disaster, she goes “missing” and then pops up with another statement about dealing with the illegals’ invasion. Only the foolish will believe her latest outpouring of tosh.

      1. As the weather improves and 1000 a day start arriving she will be saying the same thing. My estimate for 2021 is 30,000.

        1. Good morning Phizzee
          I wonder if that is why the lead story on the BBC news 2 nights ago was a very lengthy report about the situation in Syria ?

          1. Good morning, Belle.

            Many of the Syrian refugees are in fact from Africa.

            Between Border Force (ferry service) and the Home Office they accept without question what these people say. Including 30 year olds passing themselves off as school children.

        2. How many of these are Islamic State fighters, released under the Trump/Erdogan accord, and carefully seeded among the genuine refugees being sent from Turkey to Lesbos for distribution into sleeper cells throughout Europe?

          No doubt they are lying low for now, but BLM with the support of their champion in the Commons “human rights” barrister Sir Keir Starmer, is laying the ground for the neutralisation of the police, so the sleeper cells can then wake and go about their business untroubled by the law.

          How much is Government borrowing right now?

          1. None of those arriving here are genuine refugees. They stopped being such when they entered then left a safe country. These soldiers of islam passed through many safe countries to come here.

      2. For about 24 hours, when she was appointed, I had a bit of hope, with her “promise” to stop the cross Channel trade and expel all the illegals.

        Then I realised she was all mouth and shalwar Khameez. I spit on her.

    2. Good luck in finding a foreign country that will take these people. However, Norfolk might do, having a different language, being isolated and a long way from most of us.

  7. From BTL letters:
    “Nationalists would have us believe that the EU is wonderful, and being outside it is bad for Scots.” Otto Inglis (A modern Rabbie Burns?)


    Wake up, Wake up, for Scotland’s sake, Wake!
    Awake from your trance before it’s too late,
    Snap out of the fuddle that has you boss-eyed,
    So blind to the bull of your wee Piper Pied,
    As she carries on puffing and spouting her lies,
    On the riches she says will be spread amongst all,
    About how our wee nation‘s all set for blue skies,
    When she fills up her breeks with yon Ursula’s gold!!

    Wake up, wake up;the cat’s out the bag,
    That our “Nippy Sweety” is nothing but brag,
    And bullying bluff; she’s a posturing prancer,
    A cunning wee rogue, a dangerous chancer,
    For as each day goes by it’s clear to us all,
    She’s reckless and careless with our bonny Nation,
    As aye she just tackles the man not the ball,
    Dragging all down to hell and perdition!

    Is it me or you who scorns being British?
    Is it me or you who’s humpty and skittish?
    Aye taunting the English, aye shouting all down,
    And screaming abuse at all who’d dare frown,
    On a Scotland now shunned south of the border?
    Naw! It’s you Nationalist;and we ken on who’s order,
    The one with the snarls and all her screws loose,
    Yon Nico;a Sturgeon who thinks she’s the Bruce!

    For she and the Nats are such sliporous beasties,
    With nothing but ego and spite in their breasties,
    Their scheming is ne’er for Scotland’s salvation,
    It’s all just about their own coronation,
    So that they can squat on the grand Stane of Scone,
    And smirk at the English from the Bruce throne,
    While the rest of we serfs are all left to drown,
    In their swamp of rash promises ne’er to be known!!

      1. When did The Scotch become the Scotts.? Refered to as Scotch in my old books.

        1. ‘Morning, Johnny, today ‘Scotch’ is reserved for whisky and butterscotch. I do believe that you may still ‘Scotch’ a rumour, as you may also ‘Welsh’ on a bet.

          1. In the old days they were refered to as The Scotch.. When did it change and why, is what i am trying to research. was it an early version of PC. ?

          2. As we all well know, words so often change in meaning, and not always for the better. The one that troubles most is the misuse of the word ‘gay’. It is so far from its original meaning as to be obscene.

          3. Because, Johnny, that’s the way it is and – despite any protests to the contrary – you still have to put up with The Gay Gordons.

  8. From BTL letters:
    “Nationalists would have us believe that the EU is wonderful, and being outside it is bad for Scots.” Otto Inglis (A modern Rabbie Burns?)


    Wake up, Wake up, for Scotland’s sake, Wake!
    Awake from your trance before it’s too late,
    Snap out of the fuddle that has you boss-eyed,
    So blind to the bull of your wee Piper Pied,
    As she carries on puffing and spouting her lies,
    On the riches she says will be spread amongst all,
    About how our wee nation‘s all set for blue skies,
    When she fills up her breeks with yon Ursula’s gold!!

    Wake up, wake up;the cat’s out the bag,
    That our “Nippy Sweety” is nothing but brag,
    And bullying bluff; she’s a posturing prancer,
    A cunning wee rogue, a dangerous chancer,
    For as each day goes by it’s clear to us all,
    She’s reckless and careless with our bonny Nation,
    As aye she just tackles the man not the ball,
    Dragging all down to hell and perdition!

    Is it me or you who scorns being British?
    Is it me or you who’s humpty and skittish?
    Aye taunting the English, aye shouting all down,
    And screaming abuse at all who’d dare frown,
    On a Scotland now shunned south of the border?
    Naw! It’s you Nationalist;and we ken on who’s order,
    The one with the snarls and all her screws loose,
    Yon Nico;a Sturgeon who thinks she’s the Bruce!

    For she and the Nats are such sliporous beasties,
    With nothing but ego and spite in their breasties,
    Their scheming is ne’er for Scotland’s salvation,
    It’s all just about their own coronation,
    So that they can squat on the grand Stane of Scone,
    And smirk at the English from the Bruce throne,
    While the rest of we serfs are all left to drown,
    In their swamp of rash promises ne’er to be known!!

  9. Russia recalls US ambassador after Joe Biden labels Vladimir Putin a ‘killer’. 17 March 2021.

    Russia called its US ambassador back to Moscow for consultations on Wednesday after Joe Biden described Vladimir Putin as a “killer” who would “pay a price” for election meddling, prompting the first major diplomatic crisis for the new American president.

    In an interview with ABC News, Mr Biden was asked about a US intelligence report that the Russian leader tried to harm his candidacy in the November 2020 election and promote that of Donald Trump.

    “He will pay a price,” the 78-year-old the president said. “You’ll see shortly.”

    In my view the “consultations” with the Ambassador will in effect consist of one query; “Does the United States want War?” This is not an unreasonable question in the circumstances since it is quite clear from the interview that precipitated the recall, that Stephanopolis was put up to it and Biden’s reply was a measured and deliberate insult. On its own it could simply be dismissed as the rantings of Senile Dementia but when placed against a background of the constant demonization of the President of Russia, the attempt to derail the Baltic Pipeline and the support for Navalny, it looks as though this is the intention. We shall not of course get to know the Ambassadors answer directly but will be able to guess from Russia’s response. A more assertive posture in Ukraine and Syria; increased defence spending, new weapons and quite possibly arming the Taliban with anti-tank munitions and in extremis anti-aircraft missiles. It is in this gradual escalation that the war the Americans want will become inevitable!

      1. Shocking fraud! And it’s in the DM today that William and Kate have appeared in a video alongside Biden, Trudeau and Ardern!
        I long for the days when royals kept out of politics.

        1. This is infiltration and subversion!

          Biden, Trudeau and Ardhern are all Soros.

          Are William and Kate Soros too ?

        2. Those three are creepy advocates of The Great Reset.

          As far as I understand, royalty isn’t included.

          What is HRH William playing at?

  10. Good morning from a dull but dry Derbyshire. A bit chilly out at a bare ½°C on the yard thermometer.

    Not going to be on for long, I’ll be Southampton bound with the van soon to bring a load of the late Mother in Law’s things up.

    An excellent blog that Kaypea posted last night deserves repeating:-

    1. I’m done with the duplicitous liars and twisters of truth in Parliament, who have destroyed policing in order to further their own careers. I’m done with those charlatans and snake oil salesmen and women who spread their bile, whose acid eats away at society and it’s values and future. I’m done with the utter lack of consequences for their corruption.

      Morning Bob. You can say these things but they haven’t done with us! Their poison has now permeated the whole of Society. A pretty dreadful ending is the prospect whichever way it cuts!

      1. 330506+ up ticks,
        Must one agree with the “dreadful ending” when entering the polling booth then in protecting the name of the overseers ?

      1. Morning Bob! Thanks for posting that. It’s not like the first one at all, in fact I found it to be a bit of a whinge. Not sure what the Bobby on the beat can do about it, but common sense is more important than being right.
        Drive safely!

        1. And, following the astounding success of Don’t Care In The Community, Mental Health Workers.

      1. Morning Bob, I use Mrs VVOF occasionally, she looks out the window and utters her wise words, eg “looks nice, feels cold” or “looks nice, feels hot”
        What more could anyone want.

  11. Ursula von der Leyen threatens to block Covid vaccine exports to UK. 17 March 2021

    Ursula von der Leyen was accused of acting like a dictator on Wednesday after she threatened to seize factories, waive patents and ban vaccine exports to the UK unless Boris Johnson surrendered British coronavirus jabs to the EU.

    “All options are on the table. We are in the crisis of the century and I’m not ruling out anything for now. We have to make sure Europeans are vaccinated as soon as possible,” Mrs von der Leyen said in the latest twist in her row with AstraZeneca over supply shortfalls.

    She is going to block the shipment of vaccines to the UK which she will not allow anyone in Europe to use anyway? It’s tempting to suggest some plot here but I think she is just a prime example of how Cultural Marxism has destroyed the mental faculties of the Elites! It has sent them all barmy! The end cannot be far off now!

    1. Presumably this is the reason for the break in supplies which was announced yesterday.

      1. Morning Ndovu. Yes something going on there! Possibly a fellow traveller in the UK Elites or even the Civil Service.

    2. If she is the Elite heaven help what the rest are like but we already know that.

    3. Raw materials used by Pfizer in their manufacturing process are made in Staffordshire.
      EU banning the export of vaccines, threatening retaliation with ban on raw materials for a week might just bring a touch of reality to Brussels

    4. I wonder what will happen to her when Mutti goes? Ides of March without all that messy stabby stuff so she can enjoy her pension.

  12. Morning all

    SIR – The Prime Minister’s support for more street lights is good. However, when local authorities such as ours turn off street lights at midnight (to save money), even though the last train arrives well after that timemidnight, installing extra lamp-posts will not help anyone see and be seen in the dark.

    Susan Finnis

    Hinchley Wood, Surrey

    SIR – The Government wants police in and around pubs and clubs. Yet (before Covid) on Friday and Saturday nights, town and city centres swarmed with police dealing with often drunken clubbers stumbling out of their dives.

    Simon Olley

    Kemsing, Kent

    SIR – David Burrows (Letters, March 13) suggests that a bobby on foot patrol was a deterrent to potential predators.

    I was a community constable on beat duties in Hampshire until 2017. I often heard residents complain that I was “wandering aimlessly around their streets” instead of doing something useful like catching criminals.


    Who is correct?

    Andrew Vaughan

    Ventnor, Isle of Wight

    SIR – In 1930, at the age of seven, I was banished from home in Dulwich to my grandparents in Sutton while my brother was ill with scarlet fever. For a whole month, I therefore commuted, all by myself, to school by train from Sutton Common to West Dulwich.

    Today, it would be inconceivable for a very small boy to make such a daily journey all alone. If we could rigorously analyse the reasons for that, we might understand how to make modern society safer.

    Professor Sir Bryan Thwaites

    Fishbourne, West Sussex

    SIR – Has the link been made between violence against women and the common use of pornography by males?

    It is sad that for many teenagers and young men the first knowledge of sex comes in the form of pornography. The scenes do not reflect sex within a loving relationship, and young men may think violent sex is the norm.

    It may also instillinstil a sense that they can take what they want from women.

    Carol Butcher

    Cobham, Surrey

    SIR – A letter from four peers (March 15) mentioned refuges as places of safety for women who found staying in the family home too dangerous.



    These refuges are now under threat. Rise, a women’s refuge in Brighton, recently lost its funding as it was not offering “inclusive” provision for gay, heterosexual and trans males.

    As the vast majority of domestic abuse victims are women, the loss of safe women-only refuges is worrying.

    Sue Pickard

    Epsom Downs, Surrey

    SIR – Government policy is over-influenced by vociferous pressure groups representing a tiny percentage of the population. It makes for bad law.

    Iris Clyde

    Kirkwall, Orkney

    1. I remember having to run with my suitcase to try to keep in front of the rapidly extinguishing street lights on a short cut footpath after I arrived by train after midnight. It wasn’t that I was afraid of being attacked, it was that otherwise I couldn’t have seen what I was stepping in!

    1. I have always liked Nigel Farage – he often displays a lot of common sense – but I would have more respect for him if he admitted his three grave errors: i) resigning from UKIP too soon after the referendum leaving the pathetic Cameron and the treacherous, mendacious and evil Mrs May to delay its result’s implementation for several years; ii) withdrawing his Brexit Party candidates in the general election in seats where the sitting Conservative was a remainer; and iii) in saying that Johnson’s shabby deal with the EU was acceptable before he saw what horrors were in it.

  13. Inventive inventories

    SIR – Two much-prized inventory items in the British Army married quarters in the Fifties (Letters, March 17) were “chair, head of family” and “chair, nursing, armless”.

    Paddy Shillington

    Louth, Lincolnshire

  14. Morning again

    SIR – Your Leading Article (March 14) calls for more young people to study science. The controversy over a new coal mine in Cumbria illustrates the lack of scientific or engineering knowledge at the top of British politics.

    Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader, said the Government should be looking to encourage “clean steel”. Does he not realise that coal (carbon) is an important ingredient in making steel, and not just a source of energy?

    Dr A E Hanwell

    Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

  15. 330506+ up ticks,
    May one say,
    I do believe that ALL other prizes dim in the light of the mentioned one.

    Aberdeen Students’ Union (AKA twats) disciplines a student for citing the phrase “Rule Britannia”. I wonder what they’d make of Cecil Rhodes’ comment “Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life”.

  16. SIR – David Burrows (Letters, March 13) suggests that a bobby on foot patrol was a deterrent to potential predators.

    I was a community constable on beat duties in Hampshire until 2017. I often heard residents complain that I was “wandering aimlessly around their streets” instead of doing something useful like catching criminals. Who is correct?

    Andrew Vaughan
    Ventnor, Isle of Wight

    As you have discovered, Andy, many of the public are gormless in their appreciation of the police and their duties. You will always get the odd gobshite who knows better — usually some huffer and puffer who whiles away the ‘working’ day sitting on their arse in a central-heated and air-conditioned office.

    Crime prevention is always better than detection — Sir Robert Peel believed so and so did most proper coppers in his wake. A visible police presence patrolling streets is an invaluable resource that has gone the same way as most other positive aspects of police work. While the cat’s away the mice will play is a maxim that gives succour to the miscreant.

    1. I read somewhere that the Chinese traditionally only paid their doctors when they were well, but withheld payment when they were sick. That way, it gave the incentive to the doctors to keep their patients well, and the money rolling in.

      Might the same be true for the police?

          1. No. I mean any job you may think of.

            Teaching, for example, would be a wonderful example. Get pupils passing very testing examinations and pay the teachers. Have millions of clueless thickoes leaving school and don’t pay the teachers.

            You could think of a similar case to fit any vocation.

          2. It is your attitude that could have put my B-i-L out of business

            He runs a company that teaches thoe who have left schoo; to read and write sufficiently to be Shelf stackers in suopermarkets etc

          3. You can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, Grizz, especially when you have no sanctions and no backing from parents. Far better to dock child benefits from those whose children truant and misbehave.

          4. I agree, Connors; however, my response was a reply to another poster’s recommendation of imposing a similar régime on the police. It seems that the police are still fair game, on this forum, for constant attacks, yet teachers (and other occupations) enjoy protected occupations.

      1. The first panda cars in my neck-of-the-woods were Moggie Thous (Morris Minor 1,000s).

    1. Deportation is a non-starter.It will only line the pockets of “uman rites” lawyers.
      As with bees,if there’s no pollen they move somewhere else where there is.
      Completely cut any form of benefits or assistance to illegals and watch the numbers dwindle.
      They will quickly find a new source of free hand-outs.

      1. I am not an enthusiast for raising taxes and imposing new ones but I have thought of one which should be called the Woke Tax.

        This tax should only be paid by those who support illegal immigration, those who believe in transgender surgery, racial laws and other woke matters. The woke tax should be hypothecated in that only the money raised by the tax should be used for these things and no other funds from the general taxpayer should be used.

      2. There was a recent report of a Pakistani woman who came here to visit relatives. She was encouraged by her relatives to claim benefits. Which she did. After a month she went back to Pakistan.

        She continued to be paid benefits for a full year before a random check flagged it up. Was she imprisoned? NO. Was she ordered to pay the money back? NO.

        1. Better yet, George, leave the ECHR and repeal the Human Rights Act. Nothing for the shyster lawyers to argue about.

          Oh, and no ‘Legal Aid’ or free NHS for foreigners.

    2. Good morning, Maggiebelle

      Have you ever heard a Conservative politician state unequivocally that illegal immigration must be stopped and it is not British responsibility to pay the vast expense of housing and feeding them and paying them benefits and allowing their families and fictitious families to join them? Have you ever heard a Conservative politician say unequivocally that the Brexit deal and the WA are both duds and that unless fishing, N.Ireland, the financial sector and vindictive controls at borders are sorted out immediately we shall withdraw from them?

      No I thought not – we do not have any politicians with the necessary intellectual and moral stamina and integrity to do say so and more important act so!

      1. Yo mr t

        When a christian becomes ‘Lord Mayor’ of Riyadh, or Mecca I wil consider letting the Islamic immigrants into UK

        1. I agree. I have long argued here that we should have the same number of mosques in Britain as there are churches in Saudi Arabia and Iran and that the Qu’ran should be banned as a hate speech product until The Bible is freely available in throughout the Middle East.

      2. 330506+ up ticks,
        Morning R,
        Not in the lab/lib/con coalition group, agreed,but the ones we had were given an odious coating of treachery.

    3. 330506+ up ticks,
      Morning TB,
      I belonged to a party that wanted just that, they were castigated by many of the electorate who were locked into
      supporting “their party” no matter of “their parties” odious actions.
      Many of the peoples USED the real UKIP in supporting the party designing / triggering Brexitexit then on victory
      returned to ABUSING the real UKIP .

      We are now suffering fallout from the hands of fools &
      treacherous political overseers, and are still tied to the eu via,
      ” The deal”

    4. But, they will Lock Up/Fine folks who do not pay the Compulsory Media Propaganda Tax

  17. SIR — Microwaves are often thrown away, yet the most common fault is nothing more than a blown fuse.

    However, to get at it, you have to remove the whole cover, and only the most adventurous DIYers are willing to do that. An easily removable panel on top of the device would solve the problem. But manufacturers would rather sell microwaves than fuses.

    Richard Holroyd

    ‘Microwaves’ are often thrown away, are they, Dick? How on earth do you manage to physically take hold of an invisible piece of radiation in order to chuck it in a bin?

    I’ve heard of people disposing of microwave ovens, but never just the microwaves they emit! Moreover, how does a dealer sell you a ‘microwave’? Do they have special bags that contain them, stop them dissipating, and perhaps colour them to make them more visible?

      1. I’ve never understood how they work, so was never inclined to buy one. I mean, if all those electron thingies are dancing around to get hot, where does the sweat go?

  18. The longest three weeks in history…

    Circa a year ago we entered into a three week lockdown to combat covid19 and here we are still locked down.

    We don’t need the conspiracy theories anymore as Johnson himself has repeatedly told us of the great reset to combat the climate emergency and the need to reduce air travel and car ownership. By and large we have survived without travelling to work or to the high street where all non essential shops are still closed. Many have learned how to cut their own hair and some have enjoyed the relative peace and quiet listening to the bird songs while preparing the garden for the coming summer.

    Is one year of lockdown enough? If it ended soon would people return to life before the lockdowns began or would it require another year or two to make the rivers to cross back over too wide?

    Have enough cars been taken off the road and aircraft scrapped? Have enough roads been converted to cycle lanes? If we can figure out how long it will take to cross the point of no return then we might establish how long the lockdown will realistically last?

      1. Just look what’s happening on the Mexico/Texas border…

        Even the BBC is finding it hard to find a positive note on the chaos.

  19. SIR — Your Leading Article (March 14) calls for more young people to study science. The controversy over a new coal mine in Cumbria illustrates the lack of scientific or engineering knowledge at the top of British politics.

    Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader, said the Government should be looking to encourage “clean steel”. Does he not realise that coal (carbon) is an important ingredient in making steel, and not just a source of energy?

    Dr AE Hanwell
    Cheltenham, Gloucestershire

    No, Dr Hanwell, of course Miliband — and countless other vacuous cretins like him — don’t understand that. They are too fucking thick to comprehend common sense or the basic laws of physics. They take up politics because they would fail in any other sphere of human endeavour.

      1. No. Steel (clean or mucky) is a compound of iron and carbon. There is no such ‘stone’ as steel ore.

        1. I keep telling people she isn’t potty-trained. So science would be a foreign word for her.

          1. I get it, the problem is you’re being absolutely literal ( or littoral in the case of a pebble beach ) and we’re used to your sometimes more tangental references in these parts

        2. You’re missing the point.

          In the brave new green world, steel won’t exist.

          It will be replaced by stone, but called clean steel.

          Get with the program !

  20. At least keep the street lights switched on to make it safer for women

    Has the Government ever carried out a survey/investigation to examine if
    the increase in the number of attacks on women, is anyway way related
    to the increase of legal and illegal immigrantion, from countries that
    do not have the same religious ethics, values and way of life as UK
    Just asking

    1. We cannot and must not do that. That would be racist profiling. As you know we cannot do that in order to prevent terrorists boarding planes where 300 people might be at risk, so we certainly cannot do it to prevent a possible attack on one woman.

  21. The BBC last night highlighted the utter chaos on the southern border of the US…

    Children as young as 2 years old are being dumped at the border crossing. Known serious criminals have been identified by border control. Women and kids have been sexually assaulted en-route.

    And whatever goes in the States is replicated in the UK with a constant stream of illegals rolling up on our shores. When will our government say enough is enough or is it too late to prevent chaos of huge magnitude ensuing?

    1. The reality is that no UK government in the Lib/Lab/Tory mould is ever going to say that. This is not some new brash state with brutal ex convicts running it (like Australia) but a sophisticated Old World country with modern liberal open-minded and open border principles.

      1. Yet, Horace, Australia dealt with it effectively by putting all the ‘Boat People’ on Christmas Island, until they sorted out who was who and what, and then deported any and all undesirables.

        Why can’t we take a leaf out of their book?

        1. There is no will to do it.
          While some of the Overseas Territories, such as the Falklands, might reasonably object to having tens of thousands of illiterate savages dumped on them there is another solution.
          There are lots of cruise ships. Many are nearing the end of their useful lives and it is likely that the cruise business will not revive to previous levels. These ships are therefore pretty cheap -scrap value – and can accommodate up to 3000 each.
          They can be loaded at Dover and then sailed away to be parked in the Bristol Channel, or even to the South Orkneys where simple huts could be provided. We are under no obligation to provide 3 star hotels.

        2. There is no will to do it. Even if a proper Tory government wanted to do it they would not. They would not be prepared to withstand the outcry. Moreover it would be a hard slog laying the groundwork. Many laws out need to be repealed especially those involved in “human rights”, our connections to the UN would need to be cut, as well as those to international courts.

    2. Yes, far too late.

      Nobody wanted to know or understand what billionaire globalist infiltration and subversion was all about.

      Many still don’t. They think it’s a conspiracy theory.

      It isn’t.

      1. I said it was too late ten years ago…

        They said the same a generation ago…that if we didn’t alter our direction of travel then chaos would ensue.

        That generation gap has now expired so it won’t be long now I fear.

    3. “When will our government say enough is enough …..”

      I have a horrible feeling that it is already too late and I cannot see anyone in the present government with either the character, strength or integrity to try to reverse the inevitable apocalypse.

      1. That word “apocalypse” is being uttered quite often these days…

        Johnson will know what’s going on in the States and still won’t prevent similar happening here. He can’t hide behind international law as national security always takes precedence over all else.

        There’s a limit to how stupid a PM can be without it becoming obvious that he’s an out and out traitor.

  22. I see that Araminta Smade has, quite rightly, already pointed out one of the numerous incredible headlines from the US today, namely, Russia Recalls Ambassador After Joe Biden Threatens Vladimir Putin and Calls Him a ‘Killer with No Soul’

    Here are a few more:

    North Korea rejects Biden outreach, cites hostility (because Biden has consistently called him a thug, which I don’t doubt that he is, but it isn’t very diplomatic for POTUS to call someone a thug if he expects to do business with him – as with Russia)!

    Joe Biden on Wednesday kicked off his bilateral meeting with H.E. Micheál Martin, Taoiseach (Prime Minister) of Ireland by talking about racism against Asian-Americans.
    This is blamed on President Trump for his racism, saying “Wuhan virus, China virus”.

    – Biden’s Press Secretary, Jen Psaki Announces Any 10-Year-Old in the World Who Makes It Across the US Southern Border Will Be Allowed to Stay Here
    – Biden Administration Places ‘Gag Order’ on Border Patrol Personnel as Crisis Grows
    – Ford Announces Plans to Move Plant to Mexico 2 Months After Biden Enters Office
    – 75% of Voters Support Voter ID Laws — Something Democrats Are Determined to Eliminate
    – Colorado Gov. Jared Polis wanted residents to go a day without eating meat, but instead he spurred a stampede to the steakhouses.

    MAGA? Make America Grovel Again!

      1. I think Biden’s haystack is in his head and he still hasn’t found the needle with which to sew his memory together.

    1. Are the Americans so full of crassness that they will never see that they made a fatal mistake by colluding with the fraud that put Biden in office?

      And how long before the MSM in Britain as well as in the US has the integrity to assess the differences between Trump and Biden truthfully, fairly and objectively?

    1. This is precisely the sort of crackpot who ought to be an inmate of Rampton psychiatric hospital.

        1. There must be plenty here in the UK. There are loads of people coming here to find them.

    1. Hello Maggie. We have a blackbird sitting on three eggs in an ornamental conifer and and a bluetit nesting in one of our two nest boxes.

    1. He is the wazzock who will replace Dick Head of the Yard when she is finally sacked.

    2. Here’s a suggestion.Use Basu and his family as the first human (yeah yeah I know) trialists for all new vaccines.

    3. Why?…

      If the conspiracy theories are simply ridiculous then what’s the problem?

    4. 330506+ up ticks,
      Morning Rik,
      A top down thoroughly good truncheon thrashing, beat them into submission should work and that would be a vote winner according to many.

      The peoples MUST be brought to heel if we are serious about gaining traction in regards to reset.

    5. I look forward to the day when Fred Smith

      becomes Saudi Arabia’s top counter terrorism oficer

    6. Ooooh ….. more laws. Suggested by the very possible successor to Cressida Richard.
      Of the same stripe as Scotland’s begetter of the bill criminalising dinner party conversations.

    7. That arsehole should concentrate on policing our laws, not suggesting new ones based on his ignorance of the subject. Quite how such a bigoted ignoramus has achieved such a high rank must be of concern to us all.

    8. He has reached high rank because he is black just as Dick was promoted above her abilities because she is a woman.

    1. Would these poor people not have been happier living in officially Muslim countries rather than a country like England, with an established church and which has history, social structures and is based upon Christian values which are alien to them?

      Are we not being cruel in encouraging these benighted people to come to a country which they will soon come to despise?

      1. I suppose if the UK stopped bombing Syria and stopped giving support to terrorists there it would mean there would be no Syrian refugees.
        Similarly in Yemen..they sell the missiles used to flatten the place and then crow about how much humanitarian aid they are sending !!

        1. The Syrian refugees are a creation of the West’s support for the Jihadists!

        2. Islamic State jihadists were trying to take over Syria. The Syrians were fleeing Islamic State.

          If, instead of trying to create yet another Arab Spring, the West had supported the Syrian Government it would have been sorted out in months. Assad may be as bad as I have little doubt you think, but he’s a damned sight better than what would have replaced him.

      2. My Daughter-in-law has a 40 year old Syrian in her office.
        He was an accountant who fled Damascus to Turkey with his wife & 2 kids .
        His English was limited to a few hundred words – 2 years on he has a command of English – as good as / better than most in the office. Although “not qualified here” he is a hard worker and seems to manage his workload well.

        On the other hand I appreciate that many in the UK have just sat back on benefits.
        Germany has some 80% unemployed out of the 2 million that Germany took in. Sweden has a crimewave due to single young male immigrants apparently

      3. Their intention is that they WILL be living in a muslim country, Rastus. Hijra is the invasion.

    2. Stop encouraging them and repatriate those who are not Engineers, Doctors or Physicists.

          1. But, the furriners are cheaper, which is why the rich stay rich and we have so many unempoyed locals

    1. I am surprised only that it is not manufactured in China! Everything else is.
      Good morning, Belle.

    2. It’s the curry-powder that gives you a pain in the a…?

      …arm (that was the word I was searching for.

        1. I’ll have to read slower. You gave me hope when I thought it said Turmeric was good at controlling immigration.

    3. What seems a little odd to me is that I thought I had read recently that India is successfully using an alternative non-vaccine approach to Covid, so it would appear unlikely that they would be holding them back for their own use.
      Has someone else (EU?) offered more money.

  23. NO, Daily Telegraph, there are no Grizzly Bears Ursus arctos horribilis in Russia! Grizzlies are a subspecies of the brown bear that is only found in the New World.

    The chances are that the bears in the report are the Eurasian brown bear U a arctos, the subspecies that is endemic to that part of Russia.

    1. We have them here in Finland in the eastern part of the country.
      In a bad Winter they will forage near villages but usually run away if approached.
      Bear attacks are very rare.

      1. We have them here, in the northern part of Sweden, but none in the south where I live.

        1. Some hunter was taken by a bear in the night in Sweden some years ago, IIRC.

          1. Absolutely. I spent Christmas up there two years ago. A beautiful part of the world but after a few days of 21-hour darkness I was screaming for some daylight!

            I’d love to go back in the summer.

          2. Absolutely. I spent Christmas up there two years ago. A beautiful part of the world but after a few days of 21-hour darkness I was screaming for some daylight!

            I’d love to go back in the summer.

    2. That commuter must have embarrassed to discover he had a bare behind. (I may have misunderstood the story).

    3. We have dark hued non-native species in our streets from whom it’s advisable to run away.
      They tend not to be covered in fur.

    4. Well she did say it’s not native to that area. and it was kept in a cage, poor thing.

      1. It’s not native to that part of the vast country of Russia; but there are at least two endemic subspecies of brown bear that live in Russia, and not too far away from her location.

        As for caging it, I would gleefully shoot those responsible.

    1. What other country would be stupid enough to take illegal immigrants whom we don’t want?

      1. Pay a benighted ‘poor’ country – you know those that after 60 years of independence still don’t have proper water or sewerage provision – to house all these illegals in accommodation that would make them feel at home; even the food would be familiar. The payments could be called ‘Foreign Aid’.
        Thank you; don’t mention it. I often come up with these way out ideas.

        1. Good, sound, solid sense. No “foreign aid” required just a small bounty to the head of state concerned. After, all these asylum seekers are highly motivated and qualified people, they are the surgeons, engineers, teachers and scientists who are so badly needed.

    2. Turkey,………….are you sure she didn’t say Torquay ?
      I once had an Irish work colleague who told me he was going to Turkey for his holiday, i asked him which airport he was flying from he told me he was driving driving.

        1. I remember going to Paignton a few times when i was a kid. Getting sunburnt and catching mackerel and crabs from the pier.

        1. I chickened out and went for the Torquay with Basil, couldn’t fault it.
          I can’t wait to see Sybil.

    3. PP is giving all those in Calais ( and their UK based same culture lawyers ) plenty of warning so there can be a massive rush to get here before anything starts.

    1. Get some proper journalists,
      I hear what yoiu say
      The cheque,,,,,,,
      Of course I will resp…

    2. The first two words could be replaced by “decent people”.
      There was a time when ducking of witches was traditional. Catching migrating birds the size of sparrows for food is a beastly anachronism when there are chicken farms churning out protein.

    3. They won’t comply, any more than they do in Malta or Cyprus. The trapping of songbirds in this way has been illegal for years but they still do it.

    4. They won’t comply, any more than they do in Malta or Cyprus. The trapping of songbirds in this way has been illegal for years but they still do it.

  24. OK so a bit OTT…

    What if population control as stated by Johnson the other day was to happen? Suppose they carried out the threat to eliminate 95% of the population. How could they get away with it without mere mortals knowing?

    For a start, all those putting their anti-vax views are instantly removed from all media platforms and ridiculed. Doctors who smell a rat are silenced. Visiting my GP recently, I asked about covid and was ushered out of the door as if I was holding a live grenade. Why is it so difficult to see a GP face to face? Are they preventing people asking questions?

    Then there’s the human nature element to consider. If someone told you that you will be saved while many perish and you either keep quiet or join them…would you speak out? How could you speak out anyway? Nobody would believe you and you’d simply be labelled as a fool.

    The thing that throws most people are those in high places and the medical profession have conspired to make the virus seem very real even though it’s only the flu renamed. Being a realist, I’m of the mind that I will die of something so I’m happy to let nature take its course and let fate determine how my lights go out rather than have the jab.

    Surely the jab should be a variation on the annual flu vaccination which has always been voluntary until now. We are not asking enough questions at this critical time.

    1. The verbal garbage ( about Covid ) that the local breakfast show presenter was coming out with this morning was jaw-dropping. “Everyone on the planet MUST have the vaccine for us all to be safe” ??? – and that was one of the good ones.

      1. We are a nation of people trained to go with the flow and put our trust in government during times of crisis…

        How many here trust Johnson or his advisers with anything at all?

        Yet many trust him with the vaccine.

        Makes no sense.

    2. The jab is not compulsory – people can and do refuse it – including probably half our regular posters here.

      1. At the moment..

        Someone posted about a senior cop wanting to force everyone to have it. Then there is the threat of home imprisonment and the restriction of travel to consider. A friend working for the NHS has been told she must have it or maybe lose her job.

      2. Were it not for the threat of you never going on safari ever again would you have it?

        I expect I shall have it, against my better judgement, but I would like to see my children and grandchildren in the flesh and I am certain that without it I won’t be able to.

        1. My desire to travel is the only reason I’ve had the jab, against my better judgement. The government claim that they aren’t coercing people but that’s almost certainly another lie – they just pressure third parties to do their dirty work!

          1. i agree, HMG will not make the vaccine mandatory as that would leave them open to legal measures if/should widespread side affects inflict those jabbed.
            There will be tweaks/amendments to e.g. Public Liability Insurance for all transport, hospitality, sports/music companies, which will in effect mandate the jab on users.
            Leaving the infestation at Westminster/Holyrood/Cardiff to carry on with a clear conscience and a stuffed brown envelope or two.

        2. Probably not. I didn’t bother with a flu one till last October, when the propaganda probably got to me. But I’ve had all the necessary travel ones.

          I think it will be mandatory for travel to resume anywhere near normal.

      1. Hello Janet.

        These vids are coming thick and fast now…I was halfway through one when your link arrived. Pharma companies making £billions is nothing new and you have just proved that point.

        However…just for now forget about any video you have seen and I’ll tell you where I’m at. I studied A21 and the NWO some 12 years ago which was long after many conspiracies were written. I first crossed referenced what happened since the conspiracies were written with what really happened until 12 years ago. Everything linked up which is why I continued and still do today. Had I debunked them I would not be commenting today. Then I watched how events unfolded during the past 12 years and those events were as I expected them to be. I did not expect a pandemic to play its part until covid struck and soon it all fitted together. How else were they going to bring in the NWO..great reset etc without it?

        During my journey I learned that the people who planned the NWO also claimed that the ideal world population would be 500 million people. The question is…is the pandemic to make pharma companies rich like the ones before or to create a lockdown for the transition into the new world or both? Even at 7 billion, the world population is causing severe problems so what will happen when it reaches 11 billion in 2050…the original year Agenda 21 was to be completed before it was brought forward 20 years to 2030?

        A full blown nuclear war would do it but would impact on the elite. A serious pandemic would do it but would also impact on the elite. A natural disaster could do it but would also be unreliable and maybe also impact on the elite. What’s left apart from a vaccine and a needle?

        Over to you.

  25. Hurrah; something positive. My butcher rang me this morning to warn that not the whole order I’d placed for today had arrived and that she’d have it all ready for collection tomorrow. She was most concerned that I didn’t make a fruitless journey. Let’s hear it for local businesses.
    Good Moaning, BTW.

        1. Absolutely no reason why a woman shouldn’t be a butcher. Just unusual. Anyone can acquire the skills needed.

          My butcher is a stereotype. Big chunky guy. Huge hands and a great big schnozz.

          We also have an award winning sausage shop nearby. He’s the same. All the previous attributes plus a big red face.

          1. I used to work with a fellow police constable who had been a butcher in his former occupation, and he looked the part. He was not only handy to have around in a ruck, but he spent his rest days helping out at his uncle’s butchery shop. He would sell us all manner of excellent meat and pies for a fraction of their real cost.

      1. It’s a family business run by dad and daughter. Daughter does most of the actually selling.

  26. COVID Vaccines
    EU clearly needs a shot in the arm.
    Plenty of pricks 💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉💉 but not enough takers.

  27. The week it became hard to preach about free speech.

    “The public will still be free to hold a demo … it’s just that they’ll have to do it politely.” [Michael Deacon, DT, 18/03/21]

    I hope no one from the Government reads this column. I’m worried it might annoy them. And as annoying them may soon be against the law, I’m not sure I fancy my chances. Still, I’ll try to make my point as gently as I can. On Tuesday, the Commons voted in favour of a Bill that will curtail the public’s right to protest. Police will be empowered to break up non‑violent demonstrations on the grounds that they’re too noisy, or might cause “serious annoyance”. What exactly constitutes “serious annoyance”, I don’t know. But it could, potentially, get you up to 10 years in jail.

    Of course, the public will still be free to hold protests.

    It’s just that they’ll have to do it quietly and politely. Tiptoe down Whitehall clutching placards that read “We Appreciate That Our Politicians Have a Difficult Job to Do and Recognise That They Can’t Please Everyone; We Merely Wish to Register Our Disagreement With a Particular Decision They Have Made, in the Hope That They Reconsider”. While – very softly and melodically – chanting: “What do we want? To encourage ministers to review the implementation of a policy that we believe detrimental to the public interest. When do we want it? At the Government’s earliest convenience, if possible, but no worries if not.”

    I do understand why some people might support this Bill. After all, protests can indeed be rowdy, and disruptive, and annoying.

    The trouble is, though – that’s rather the point of them. If they were nice and quiet and polite, governments could much more easily ignore them. News bulletins, meanwhile, would be less likely to report on them, which would mean viewers would be less likely to take notice of whatever the protesters were protesting about – and therefore less likely to think about it. Even if viewers do take notice, they might assume that what the protesters are protesting about isn’t all that big a deal. After all, the protesters don’t seem to be making much of a fuss about it.

    Perhaps I shouldn’t worry. For one thing, these new laws won’t affect me, will they? I’ve never been on a protest. I’m not that sort of person. Surely people who go on protests are all unwashed student Lefties: Extinction Rebellion, Momentum and all those idiots. Whereas I’m a respectable 40‑year‑old man who has a mortgage and wears a suit to the office. Or would, if I were still allowed to go to the office. And could still fit into the suit.

    Unimaginable as it may seem right now, however, it’s at least theoretically possible that, one day, a Left‑wing government will get in. Those of us who don’t consider ourselves the protesting type might suddenly discover that we’ve got things we want to protest about after all – only to find ourselves banged up for 10 years, because fans of this new government would rather we piped down.

    I’m remembering the protests by the Countryside Alliance, back in 2002. An incredible 400,000 people marched against the Labour government of the day. Imagine if they’d been prevented, on the grounds that their support for foxhunting might annoy Blairites.

    Some of them were clearly annoyed at the time. Here’s what Rod Liddle wrote in the Guardian, the day after. “You may,” he wrote, “have forgotten why you voted Labour in 1997. But then you catch a glimpse of the forces supporting the Countryside Alliance: the public schools that laid on coaches; the fusty, belch‑filled dining rooms of the London clubs that opened their doors, for the first time, to the protesters; the Prince of Wales and, of course, Camilla… and suddenly, rather gloriously, it might be that you remember once again.”

    In those innocent days, however, there were no laws against annoying people who’d voted for the governing party. So they just had to put up with being annoyed.

    Soon, though, that will probably change. Maybe the public will object and hold a noisy protest in support of noisy protests. But maybe not. Maybe a year of lockdowns has left us unconcerned about the loss of liberties and the increase of government powers. We’ve grown so used to it, we just accept it, without complaint.

    There is a difference here, though. It’s one thing for ministers to curtail our liberties temporarily, in a desperate bid to save lives. But it’s quite another for them to curtail our liberties permanently. So we should take this threat seriously – at least if we believe in freedom of speech. Because believing in freedom of speech means believing in it for everyone – including those we consider a pain in the neck.

    Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, says the right to protest “is the cornerstone of democracy”. In which case, she should stop trying to weaken it. If she doesn’t like protests that are noisy or annoying, she should simply exercise her democratic right to hold a protest against them.

    I can hear her chanting already. “What do we want? All these blasted ingrates to count themselves lucky they get to vote every five years! When do we want it? Before we call the police!”

    1. The public will still be free to hold a demo … it’s just that they’ll have to do it politely.”

      The term Public obviously does not include
      Extinction Rebellion
      Pro Maskers
      The left
      and others of that ilk

      1. Dont forget OLT – – And those arriving by dinghy who, dismayed at their barracks accommodation, with roof, heating, food, water, toilets etc decide to set fire to the place to show how decent they are.

    2. But the Countryside Alliance March wasn’t tolerated. There are many instances of the Police inflicting gratuitous violence on its peaceful protestors.

      1. Blame those responsible for recruiting and training those who have replaced the UK’s police force in recent years.

    3. Surely what is just as disturbing is a Conservative government proposing this law. They seem just as “leftie” as a labour government would be.

      1. Sad but true. There is nothing much to choose between any of the political parties these days. Politicians will wave any flag to achieve power, for power is all they crave.

    1. That is the opposite of “freedom” – it’s electronic tagging like they do to criminals.

    2. That is the opposite of “freedom” – it’s electronic tagging like they do to criminals.

  28. A pondering thought

    Has anyone carried out an ethnicity examination, going back to the end of WWII, of the families of
    ‘people in power’ in UK, starting with the government of course

    Boros is Turkish

    now check the others

    the outcome would prove we are a multi ciultii nation and should silence all clams
    of UK being Racist, made by the BLMers

    Even our Archbishop of Canterbury is a Closet Moslem, allegedly

    1. BUT – there are still some whitey left – and we MUST be removed for the NWO plan to work.

    2. I’m hardly a ‘ person in power’ but I can tell you I’m not a mongrel. I’m English (with a smattering of Welsh).

    3. Look at the Scots. Their influence an the U.K. and it’s majority English population has been out of all proportion to their numbers, and still is with their MPs voting on England-only matters, but still they whine. It says a lot that they make Sinn Fein, who don’t vote on England-only matters, if only by default, seem models of democratic behaviour.

    4. Well the next Archbishop of Canterbury to be appointed may be Emmerson Mnangagwa.. A good multicultural choice.

      1. Either of John Sentamu or Nazir Ali would have made a much better AoC than any of the recent wazzocks.

        1. John Sentamu supports the ideals of BLM. He got a kicking on Twitter.

          Archbishops should stay out of politics and focus on their core job.

          1. Twitter isn’t an arbiter I trust.

            Any real Christian probably would support the ideals of BLM but not the methods being used. The underlying concept has been hijacked by the Marxists.

          2. A friend wrote (politely) to Welby suggesting that he should stay out of politics and concentrate on the C of E.

            He received a reply in which Welby said that he has every right to engage in politics because he is a member of the House of Lords.

            I have a suggestion regarding the membership of the H of L…..

          3. Yes, but he sits on the Bishop’s Benches, which are there to comment or amend matters Spiritual, rather than Temporal. May someone explain this to him?

  29. The End of the Piers Show….

    Piers Morgan’s comments about the Duchess of Sussex’s interview with Oprah Winfrey have led to the highest number of complaints in the TV regulator’s history.

    The episodes of ITV’s Good Morning Britain on March 8 and 9 sparked 57,121 complaints to Ofcom.

    1. Only 57k? That’s a poor result for the co-ordinated campaign on Facebook et al from the people that cheered him when he was attacking Boris and the government.

    2. I wonder how many of the 57k actually watched the episode in question, and how amny are Twiterati SJWs who’s sole purpose is to go after anyone who doesn’t agree with their world view, such that it is.

  30. For all those woo ave bin snuggering at mi tpyos, we have an apoinmunt at the eyewright tommow.

    The furst in too yeirs

  31. For all those woo ave bin snuggering at mi tpyos, we have an apoinmunt at the eyewright tommow.

    The furst in too yeirs

  32. Vaccine supply crisis…

    A tried and tested sales ploy is to advertise a product as a mouth watering must have before making it hard to find or in short supply. That way people will try much harder to track it down and grab it even at an inflated price.

    The EU handling of the vaccine is deemed to be totally incompetent but is it? Scared people will travel miles and even cheat the system to get the jab and others won’t want to miss out when it does become available for fear of supplies drying up again.

    Nothing today is being done through incompetence.

    1. I’m a bit dubious about “jailed for a total of more than eight years” – does that not suggest that the 8 years is shared between them? If so, surely they will be out a lot faster than in 4 years? Nice little earner!!

    2. Were they born here or are they diversity and multiculti bringers? If the latter – DEPORT them. In the clothes they stand up in.

      1. 330506+ up ticks,
        Morning W,
        Plus ALL family members & close associates as an anti revenge action.
        Only three things stopping that going forward that is the lab/lib/con coalition group.

      2. It’d cost more to get rid of these wasters in legal fees – because the state is incompetent – than it would to just lock them up.

        However, the intent of prison these days is seemingly a token gesture rather than actual punishment.

      1. As claims were made in a rush the details weren’t checked closely and chancers like this had a go.

        Due to the unprecedented nature of the pandemic and the
        economic consequences on the UK economy, the loan scheme was set up to
        ensure that applicants were looked upon favourably, and that their
        application was processed quickly, resulting in limited security checks
        being undertaken.

        The court heard how Olasemo exploited the
        weaknesses in the application system and realised that she, with
        assistance of others, could create fake businesses – using the
        identities of real people – to apply for the loans.

        1. No doubt this is racist but it does seem that Johnny furriners commit fraud out of all proportion to the general population.

      2. How did an American hustler manage to marry a British Prince?
        Answer – in both cases: fear of accusations of Waycism.

    3. And of course, welfare for life.

      But! No doubt they are doctors, nurses, teachers as all gimmigrants are. Not freeloading foreigners.

      1. I laugh with all the talk of the Army going Green with electric vehicles and the like. I thought their uniforms and equipment were green already, as shown in the image.

  33. Swapping cars for trains…

    Following on from the Agenda 21 rollout to get more cars off the roads and passenger planes out of the sky I predict that many of the local rail lines across the country will soon be reopened as an alternative for commuters.

    1. I used to admire people with PhDs.

      That was until someone gained a PhD by presenting the most useless thesis ever written: The Labour Party and Political Change in Scotland 1918–29

      Dr. Gordon Brown, no less!

  34. BBC Radio 4 Women’s Hour think they have found the answer to the problem of men attacking lone women. Encourage all the young boys to become homosexuals, to cry and not be ashamed of showing their emotions. It is pent-up fear of derision from their fellow men that turns them into rapists and killers. This recommendation was from a gay ‘man’. Can’t the poor women solve the problem themselves without resorting to help from a potential (male-sort of) aggressor?

    1. But isn’t rape of men, both inside and outside of prisons, becoming an increasing problem? Arguably the USA has more male than female rapes due to prison culture.

          1. I manipulated you to say that and I wasn’t let down.

            Also because you can’t drop it (to bend down and pick it up).

          2. Yes, of course you did.

            You’re so clever.
            I can well understand why Tier5inmate is such a fan.

      1. Yes – a male prisoner who said he was a woman went into Bronzefield and raped an inmate.

        Clearly, this nonsense over men pretending to be women and vice versa is idiotic. A 6’3 man has a clear and obvious advantage over a woman in any athletic sport. The mentally ill should be treated, not indulged.

    2. They’ve never heard of testosterone then. Survival requires some aggression. If our society weren’t so corrupt and degenerate, that wouldn’t be a problem.

    3. 330506+ up ticks,
      Afternoon P,
      To those of the unenlightened brigade, the islamic ideology followers vote being pursued by the lab/lib/con coalition & lets make no mistake they are a coalition, will create a level playing field on many issues, sex, council tax etc,etc,when the imams have the shout.

      I do believe that signs are already prepared stating
      ” beware of falling poof types”

  35. How to be nasty but say it nicely…

    Putin responds to Biden’s insinuation that’s he a ‘killer’: says US President is likely projecting, but ‘I wish him good health‘

  36. Success! No letters and only one article buried away in the online edition on the pair of unscrupulous and vacuous narcissists. I did hear though that Meagain will be writing a modern fairytale based on her life, where the woman kisses a prince and he turns into a frog.

  37. Our local Conservative council has announced the council tax rise. 1p a day extra.

    We have had a Conservative council for the last 20 years. Our council tax rate is one of the lowest in the country. They even had a £2 million contingency fund for the pandemic.

    At one time we didn’t have a rise in tax over a seven year period.

    Suella Braverman is our MP.

    In contrast the neighbouring borough run by Lib/labour their council tax on average is £500 a year more expensive. And the place is a dump.

    1. Bet the salaries claimed by the councillors are plenty high though.

      Same here Our services decline every year, and every year the only thing that improves are the council ‘executives’ salaries. It’s time any rise in taxation went to a public referendum with refusal requiring the executive board be heavily penalised.

      1. 3%
        Council tax for general spending requires a referendum if it rises by 3% or more, alongside a maximum 2% ‘social care precept’.18 Jan 2021

  38. More student madness…

    Student banned for discrimination after saying ‘Rule, Britannia’

    University union suspends 19-year-old, who claims she has been disciplined for the ‘crime of being patriotic’

    By Ewan Somerville • 17 March 2021 • 9:12pm

    A student has been banned from a university union for making the quip “Rule, Britannia” during a debate about the British Army’s presence on campuses.

    Elizabeth Heverin was disciplined by officials at Aberdeen University Students’ Association (AUSA) for using “discriminatory or racist language”, after a fellow student complained.

    The 19-year-old cited the song in a virtual hustings on whether to renew a union policy on the “demilitarised campus”, where the Armed Forces are barred from recruiting students or visiting AUSA buildings and events. Officials subsequently banned her from all students’ union buildings, debates and services for two weeks.

    “It feels like I’ve been prosecuted for the crime of being patriotic,” she told The Telegraph. “It’s scary to think where freedom of speech at the university will go from here.”

    The Free Speech Union said the ban “beggars belief” and called on the students’ union to rescind the punishment and apologise.

    International students raised concerns during the online meeting in December that the presence of military personnel on campus would make them feel uncomfortable, due to links with colonialism and the British Empire.

    International students raised concerns that the presence of military personnel on campus would make them feel uncomfortable

    It prompted Ms Heverin, a first-year history and politics student who sits on the union’s council, to ask in an accompanying webchat: “If the British military makes them feel uncomfortable why did they come to a British uni?” In a post several minutes later, she wrote: “Rule, Britannia.”

    An attendee filed a formal complaint to students’ union authorities, and a disciplinary investigation was launched. Reporting their findings last month, union officials told Ms Heverin “the language used by you, in particular the use of the phrase ‘Rule Britannia’, could be construed as potentially discriminatory”.

    However, they were unable to determine whether there was “deliberate racist intent” in her utterance of it. They found she had breached three parts of a bylaw, including failing to “conduct [herself] in a manner that shall not offend others and shall not use foul and abusive language, either orally, in writing or by expression or by engaging in any form of discriminatory or anti-social behaviour”.

    The anthem Rule, Britannia! is associated with the Royal Navy and originated from a poem by James Thomson. It has been a key feature of the Last Night of the Proms, prompting a major row last year over plans to drop the song amid Black Lives Matter protests. Critics have taken issue with its nationalistic message, and the line “Britons never, never, never shall be slaves”.

    Ms Heverin said she had experienced an “anti-British atmosphere” in the students’ union and attempts of “trying to shame people from being proud to be British”. She raised concern that new laws to protect free speech at universities unveiled by Gavin Williamson, the Education Secretary, to combat “rising intolerance” on campuses would not extend to Scotland.

    Toby Young, general secretary of the Free Speech Union, said: “This is a misguided attempt to silence someone based on ignorant guesswork about their political values. Trying to silence people you suspect of harbouring unfashionable views through bans or by no-platforming them should have no place at a university.”

    The AUSA meeting eventually resolved to overturn the policy banning military organisations and personnel, including the Aberdeen University Officer Training Corps, from AUSA buildings or events.

    Aberdeen University Students’ Association was approached for comment.

    1. So those who are against the army being there would refuse to be protected by them in the event of an invasion?

      1. The King and Country Debate was a debate on 9 February 1933 at The Oxford Union Society. The motion presented, “This House will under no circumstances fight for its King and country,” passed at 275 votes for the motion and 153 against it.

    2. The kid who complained should be the one sanctioned. If they can’t accept history then they’ve no business being at unversity.

    3. Students’ Unions have always been a joke; the laziest, dumbest students used them as a way of gaining a bit of power.
      If it wasn’t for the SU bars’ booze being cheaper, nobody else would touch the associations with a bargepole.

    1. Why is it that women pushed for it important? It should be irrelevant who said it. There are two genders. Male and female.

  39. SKY News reporting that M Hancock has said 1.7 million Covid doses need their stability re-checked and 5 million doses from India have been delayed.

    1. 1.7 million Covid dosees need their sanity checked and 5 million dossers from Pakistan have been delayed?

  40. “Australia: Sex consent app proposal sparks backlash”.

    Blimey … masochism as well.

  41. I wonder if the agitators at the recent ‘vigil’ were the same ones blocking the deportation of foreign rapists?

  42. Postcard from Davos……

    ”Loving how everyday you turn against each ozzer according to ze plan. Going so vell now that ve can just spend our days counting ze money and performing the UK’s last rites. Our billionaire masters is so happy with us.

    Thank you all for your continued unquestioning, expendable obedience. Looking forward to seeing Boros and Matty soon

    Matty, please return your Davos Gold Mastercard for a new one soon.

    Love, Klaus”.

  43. I learned a new description this week – that I can’t wait to share with you.

    “Staff toilets” are now “Colleagues’ Facilities”.

    1. I would have had the syringe flying in a loop, her falling off and the needle landing, jabbing her backside.

  44. Hair today…gone tomorrow…

    Because of lockdown my greying golden locks were beginning to look like Johnson’s thatch, especially first thing in the morning. Faced with the prospect of waiting until April for the barbers to reopen and even if they did, I’d no doubt have to join a long queue, so I just did it myself.

    I first clipped the locks off with scissors and then set the clippers to number three. Mucked that up so went to number 2 and gave myself two sizable bald patches. So I went down to zero and shaved the bloody lot off.

    Now I’m an aged skinhead!

      1. Hollowpoints are available everywhere that allows handguns. Don’t use them in my 9mm, ‘cos they cost a bit more, but 22LR I do use.

    1. As possession alone is punishable by 14 years in prison, one is once again baffled by the leniency of sentences that seem to be randomly imposed.

  45. Joe Biden won’t run for a second term, and everyone knows it. 18 March 2021.

    It’s Day 57 in the Joe Biden White House…and he still hasn’t held a press conference.

    Why the reluctance, unprecedented in the modern era? Well, because he’s going to get roasted. Some of Mr Biden’s recent public appearances, at which he often refers to prompt cards, have not inspired confidence.

    By the next election he will be in diapers, a strait waistcoat and bib!

    1. It is of course possible that much of the World would like him to be wearing a wooden overcoat…..

  46. Safely arrived after pause at Ashbourne and a detour to Hook Norton Brewery.
    Bought a couple of pies for the DT & me to have this evening together with some Rutland Red cheese, a version of Red Leicester & some Stinking Bishop from Ashbourne followed by 8 Bottles of ale, 1 bottle of English single Malt & a couple items of clothing at the brewery.

      1. Steak & Stilton.
        I don’t get to Ashbourne that often so thought as I was passing through a visit to the cheese shop was in order.

        1. I’ll wait for Grizzly’s verdict. Sounds good to me.

          ETA: The food on NoTTL is one of it’s main attractions.

    1. She’s horrible but the BBC obviously love her because she likes winding people up, as often as she thinks fit.
      She needs to lighten up a bit….


        BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty and Charlie Stayt are accused of breaking BBC impartiality rules by mocking Robert Jenrick about the size of his Union flag and portrait of the Queen
        Charlie Stayt launched bizarre monologue saying it was ‘not up to standard size’
        Naga Munchetty sniggered and commented on Mr Jenrick’s photo of the Queen
        The pair were blasted online as social media users asked: ‘What’s wrong with it’

        1. “BBC Breakfast’s Naga Munchetty and Charlie Stayt …”

          When you could have LBC’s Ferrari or TalkRadio’s Hartley-Brewer? You’re a lost cause T_B.

        2. Her hubby is an actor called James Haggar but I’ve never heard of him, strange that, perhaps he’s not allowed out of the house by Mrs Naga Hagger. There home is in Hertfordshire. I’m quite happy that it’s a large county.

        1. There might be a few members of her golf club who have a good aim and are decent hitters 😉

      1. Hi Phizzee,
        I support Shamima’s return; if the CPS fails to prosecute the silly girl, it creates a precedent whereby any female with a basic knowledge of the Holy Quran can enter or leave the UK without a valid identity document. We can see the consequences of this covert policy almost every day in the Dover area.
        The offence that Ms Begum allegedly committed is covered by the Identity Documents Act, which came into force on 21 January 2011 and which repealed sections 25 and 26 of the Identity Cards Act 2006.

        1. Hi Tim. Sorry to be crude but I don’t support the murderous bitch returning. If she manages to get back in regardless of what happens with the case we will never get rid of her.

          She will infect the minds of other young girls just like she did when she was out there.

          Her wrong doings are well documented. Some of it from her own lips.

          She, like all the other illegals arriving on our shores wish to milk an over-generous benefits system while undermining our culture.

          Educated folk of the tinted persuasion are a bonus for us and do not behave like the enemy and i welcome them.

    1. Do you think we should wait for the outcome of the official inquiry first before condemning people like this?

      Or is this another example of ‘give ’em a fair trial then take ’em outside and string ’em up’?

      1. Since the vaccines and gene therapies advocated by these people, supposedly on clinical advice, are experimental, they should at least adhere to the Nuremberg Code 1947.

        By the fact that measures contained in the Nuremberg Code have largely been ignored they are already guilty of crimes against humanity.

      2. How independent do you think the official inquiry will be?
        Not very in my opinion.

    2. I saw something earlier on TV about the worrying amount of people who had in the last year or so, been admitted to hospital and had DNR over their beds, with out any discussion or consideration for their immediate families. Ironically some of the people were being interviewed.

    3. All of these cretins were put in place by far darker authority. They are merely place-men, compromised by big tech and the owners of big Pharma, tasked with implementing a globalist agenda.

      We talk about Gates and Soros but need to include Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg in this cartel.

      Not only is our government compromised but so too our security services and law enforcement agencies.

      Amazon in particular have something on everyone in power globally and have done since Lockerbie, 9-11 and probably before. It is about satellite surveillance and cloud services.

      You have only to look at D Notices of 75 years on the death of Dr Kelly and 100 years in the case of the Dunblane shootings to know that something is very wrong.

      I am guessing from his facial features that Johnson not only spills wine but drinks a lot of it.

    4. Not a single journalist on the DT dares to talk about Ivermectin. One, to his eternal discredit said he had never heard of it. This coterie of cruel self interested scientifically illiterate or downright malicious men should face trial for criminal negligence.

  47. Just a thought…

    A fit and healthy friend of mine tested positive for covid a couple of weeks ago…self isolated and no symptoms and is now clear.

    Why would he need a vaccine when his natural immune system worked perfectly well?

    If it ain’t broke…?

  48. European Medicines Agency on the BBC just now…

    Blood clots on the brain are rare and people will receive a warning so they can recognise the symptoms following the jab.

    1. Trudeau, my despised leader has announced that AZ is perfectly safe and we should get the shot if offered.

      If Trudeau says it is OK, that vaccine is not for me.

  49. Over on Breitbart’s “asylum seeker” relocation thread, maybe it’s just me…

    “Jack S • an hour ago
    Rockall would be fine. Deliver them on-site in the style of the Dambusters. Maybe paint a giant wicket on the side of the rock.

    1. If I were to paint that wicket for the Dambusters, what shade of brown would you recommend?

      1. A brown wicket? New one to me.
        I was thinking two teams, Lancaster’s v Halifax on pay-per-view TV. I’d pay to watch it.

      1. Brian May CBE (born 19 July 1947) is an English musician, singer, songwriter, record producer, and astrophysicist. He is the lead guitarist of the rock band Queen.

  50. America’s Cup News
    Guardian, 17 March 2021:

    Ineos Team UK could be a single challenger against Team New Zealand on the Solent and in races around the Isle of Wight at the next America’s Cup. According to reports in Auckland, talks have taken place on the plan.

    For the first time since the inaugural America’s Cup race around the Isle of Wight in 1851, the oldest competition in international sport would return to its roots, though in the super-fast AC75 class, as early as next summer.”

    On the occasion of the original AC Race in 1851, Queen Victoria enquired about progress of the race; she was advised:

    “The America is first Ma’am; there is no second …”

    She was not amused …

  51. Is the Prime Minister really going to hide behind EU law to justify busting up our Union?

    Boris Johnson would be making a grave mistake if he ignored a British court ruling against the legitimacy of the Northern Ireland protocol


    Last Friday a journalist asked the Prime Minister about the judicial review brought against the Government by a coalition of pro-Unionists regarding the legitimacy of the Northern Ireland Protocol. In response, Mr Johnson said “Can a [British] court strike down an international treaty, and I’m not certain that they can.” In effect, the Prime Minister was suggesting that, if a British court were to find against the legitimacy of the Protocol, its judgement could be ignored in favour of the Withdrawal Agreement and EU law.

    This is the Prime Minister that six months ago threatened to use British law to trump the very international treaty he seems now to be hiding behind. In September, Mr Johnson wrote in this paper that the Internal Market Bill was necessary to unpick the worst aspects of the Protocol, which he correctly identified as threatening the fabric of the Union. At the time the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland confirmed the Government intended to break international law in a specific and limited way. He has seemingly moved from threatening to use British law to break international law, to the exact opposite.

    The litigation brought against the Government is about the Act of Union 1800 and Northern Ireland’s right to be treated equally with the British family of nations. It is also about the breaching of the Belfast Agreement since the Protocol overrides a key component of it, namely cross-community consent to significant changes. Does the Prime Minister have any idea about the gravity of these charges? The accusation is that his Government has undermined the constitution of the United Kingdom. Is he really going to hide behind international law, and EU law at that, to justify busting up our Union?

    This is all happening as UK food manufacturers are set to endure millions of pounds of additional costs when the EU introduces new layers of bureaucracy on food imports from next month, with huge implications for Northern Ireland.

    Meanwhile, the EU has begun its own legal action against the UK over the Protocol after the British Government’s decision unilaterally to extend grace periods to allow businesses in Northern Ireland and Great Britain more time to adapt post-Brexit trade rules. The Government is facing legal action domestically and internationally over the Protocol. It is facing these actions because the Protocol is a bad agreement – on all fronts. There is nowhere for the Prime Minister to hide. He needs to cease advocating for the Protocol and remind himself of what he said of it last September. Yet he labours on with the narrative that the Protocol is necessary to avoid a border on the island of Ireland, which he claims is prohibited by the Belfast Agreement.

    In fact, that agreement envisages a border between Northern Ireland and Ireland, and makes multiple references to it. The only thing it requires is the removal of military installations. No one in their right mind advocates a return to a militarised border. Even the EU has admitted a customs border can be placed on the island. It did so when it invoked Article 16 of the Protocol back in January to prevent vaccines from entering the UK. That it reversed this action a few hours later matters not. Its invocation revealed the truth of the matter.

    The hypocrisy is clear, especially as it is now criticising the British Government for acting unilaterally. Mr Johnson stood on a Brexit platform, won on a Brexit platform and will be judged on a Brexit platform. At the heart of his Brexit promises was a commitment to deliver the country out of the EU as one United Kingdom. The Protocol stands in the way of delivering that central promise.

    Even if people have yet fully to appreciate it, the UK is in the midst of a constitutional crisis over Northern Ireland. The legal actions being taken are merely one aspect of the crisis. But make no mistake, if the British judicial system should find a British Prime Minister to have undermined the union of the United Kingdom, no foreign treaty or law will save him.

    1. Johnson cannot and must not be trusted. He is a fraud and a confidence trickster and he must be removed as soon as possible.

      Neither the WA nor the “deal” were remotely in Britain’s best interests and they should both be abandoned without further delay.

        1. Not much – but since I am resident in France there is not much I can do. What do you suggest?

          Mind you, that is not an excuse as family historical records show that The Tasteys came over to England from Normandy with William The Conqueror in 1066 but kept their powder dry – or rather then knives sharp and clean until 1170 when William showed that he was a man of action.

    2. Demographics. Catholics tend to have larger families, we always knew that.
      It was only a matter of time before Catholics were the majority. We may have arrived at that point.
      The EU referendum/2019 General Election suggests we have.

      1. What do demographics have to do with the subject discussed? Do you think before you post?

        1. I must have misread all those Northern Ireland’s in your comment.
          Forgot where I was for a moment.

          1. Why would I do that?
            Demographics changed our capital city. Would you deny that?
            The same was always going to happen in the North. It was just a matter of when?

          2. Back when the British Army were called in to protect the Catholics from Paisley’s mob?
            Glad I wasn’t around back then.

          3. Unlike Ian Paisley Jnr. Too busy fiddling his expenses
            His constituents only just failed to sack him at his recall.

          4. Same with MPs. Lady Hermon dropped us right in it when she finally stood down in 2019.
            Even DUP would have been better than these Alliance Party twots.

          5. We North Down folk tend to be a bit contrary.
            Only Protestants to never elect a DUP MP.

          6. Kippers are the only things spring to mind. We’re further north, opposite Carrickfergus Castle.

          7. Why would I do that?

            So that you might understand the mess that occurs when national law meets ‘international law’.

          8. “International Law” that the pie-in-the-sky law that everyone ignores these days?

          9. Most of us are more concerned with bread & butter issues WS.
            The rest of it is for when/if we have more time to research it.

    3. You’ve got a wrong’un there,but you already knew that.
      A lot of N Ireland industry is going to wither and die…maybe that was the plan all along.
      Time for N Ireland to look after number one and,much as it pains me,advocate for a border poll.
      They(especially the farmers) might be better off in the EU…a united Ireland.

      1. Last I heard, the Republic doesn’t really want that. Too expensive, too difficult. But, things might have changed.

        1. Now that would be fun.
          “Sorry,we can’t afford a United Ireland at the moment”

        2. Maybe they don’t want Loyalists bombing Dublin replacing Republicans bombing Belfast.

  52. That’s me for this miserable, wet, cold day. Went out for half an hour to do some wood trimming – took cats with me. All three of us gave up.

    It is said to be brighter tomorrow – like the future of vaccine…. We’ll see.

    A demain.

    1. ANYONE who promulgates classes on masturbation for primary school children, hormone blockers for pre-pubescent children, lowering the age of consent, etc. etc. et bluddy cet. should be investigated and if anything such as child pornography is found in their records they should be put on trial and if found guilty put in prison and throw away the key.

      1. Its posts like your’s that reaffirm by belief that Russia are right and The West are lost.

    2. Drag Queens are not necessarily paedophiles just as gay men aren’t. Having said that, it gives paedophiles an ‘in’. All they have to do is wear a disguise and political correctness will support them.

      1. As I used to drink occasionally at Madame JoJo’s back in the day I have nothing agin Drag Queens,allowing people with kiddie porn on their computer to retain access to adopted children…………..not so much

        1. I query why its tolerated for a man to drag up as a woman…there’s be zero tolerance for a white person to black up

  53. Putin’s taking the piss now…

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has challenged his American counterpart, Joe Biden, to a livestreamed online discussion, without a delay, and suggested they debate bilateral relations and issues of importance to the wider world.
    The president named the fight against the pandemic, regional conflict resolution, and strategic stability issues as possible topics, noting that he would be ready to talk to Biden on Friday or Monday in an “open” chat.

    “I would like to suggest to President Biden that we continue our discussion, but on the condition that we actually do it live, without any delays, directly in an open, live discussion,” Putin told the Russia 24 TV channel on Thursday. “I think it would be interesting for the people of Russia and the people of the United States and many other countries,” he added.

    1. Wicked sense of humour from Vlad.

      Biden he well knows is a demented globalist glove puppet and the ventriloquist cannot master his drawl.

      1. Well,Putin gave Trump a chance to smoke out The Deep State.
        Maybe he’ll have to do it himself.

    2. I have heard, on the grapevine, that Madame Tussauds has the contract to keep
      Biden in the White house til 2025 (well it i only 2007 Now)

    3. I have heard, on the grapevine, that Madame Tussauds has the contract to keep
      Biden in the White house til 2025 (well it i only 2007 Now)

      1. Hi Still Bleau! How did the vaccine go? I was fine yesterday but today feel a bit wobbly and have a temperature!

        1. Hello Sue,
          I have a temperature every day and when tested it’s usually 36.6 C.

          1. Hi, John. Just a quickie. Could you post your parsley stuffing recipe again, please?

          2. Good morning John

            Forcemeat stuffing for turkey, chicken and veal

            Melt 2oz butter/margarine and add 4oz white breadcrumbs (from a stale loaf) and mix both in a basin with 1 level teaspoon chopped parsley, 1/2 level teaspoon mixed herbs and the finely grated rind of 1 lemon.
            Season well with salt and pepper.
            Stir in enough beaten egg and milk to bind the mixture together.
            2-3 ozs chopped ham or lean bacon can be added for a richer stuffing with a little grated nutmeg and/or powdered mace.

            We tend to use more mixed herbs than parsley but that’s down to personal taste. We cook it separately and use any left overs in other recipes or eat as a snack.

            Hope you enjoy it.

        2. A few fairly mild side effects yesterday; arm felt cold after the jab, and I got some odd tingling in my nose and mouth but that soon passed – hopefully that’s all!! My wife had her jab too – nothing yesterday but a slight headache this morning. We were lucky enough to actually see an actual doctor who gave us a good briefing and seemed to ask all the right questions – in particular mine about allergic reactions.

  54. Jeez wept: Pending on Breitbart.

    “Jack S cleo48 18 minutes ago
    George Floyd/BLM, Portland, Biden in the White House and you still think things aren’t so bad over there? You pussies really are fecked.”

    Now removed. Seems NoTTLer’s are more liberal than Breitbart.

    1. Liberal has connotations of wokeism. Perhaps more tolerant would be a better definition except when it comes to crass politicians, dim celebs, the woke, Antifa, and non law abiding individuals….

    2. Disqus’ default banned words filter includes the following:

      5h1t, 5hit, a55, anal, anus, ar5e, arrse, arse, ass, asses, assfukka, asshole.*, b!tch, b00bs, b17ch, b1tch, ballsack, bastard, beastial.*, bestial.*, bi+ch, biatch, bitch.*, blow job, blowjob, blowjobs, bollock, bollok, boner, bukkake, buceta, butthole, buttmunch, buttplug, c0ck, c0cksucker, carpet muncher, chink, cl1t, clit, cock, cock-sucker, cockface, cockhead, cockmunch.*, cocks, cocksuck.*, cocksuka, cocksukka, cok, cokmuncher, coksucka, coon, cox, cum, cummer, cumming, cums, cumshot, cunilingus, cunillingus, cunnilingus, cunt, cuntlick.*, cunts, cyalis, cyberfuc, d1ck, dick, dickhead, dirsa, dlck, donkeypunch.*, doosh, duche, dyke, ejaculat.*, ejakulate, f u c k, f u c k e r, fag, fagging, faggitt, faggot, faggs, fagot, fagots, fags, fatass, fcuker, fcuking, feck, fecker, felch.*, fellate, fellatio, flange, fleshflute, fook, fooker, .*fuck.*, fudge packer, fudgepacker, fuk, fuker, fukker, fukkin, fuks, fukwhit, fukwit, fux, fux0r, f_u_c_k, gangbang.*, gaylord, gaysex, goatse, hardcoresex, heshe, hoar, hoare, homo, horniest, horny, hotsex, jack-off, jackoff, jap, jerk-off, jizz, kike, knob, knobead, knobed, knobend, knobhead, knobjocky, kondum, kondums, kum, kummer, kumming, kums, kunilingus, m0f0, m0fo, m45terbate, ma5terb8, ma5terbate, masochist, master-bate, masterb8, masterbat.*, mo-fo, mof0, mofo, muff, mutha, muthafecker, nazi, nigga, niggah, niggas, niggaz, nigger, niggers, nob, nob jokey, nobhead, nobjocky, nobjokey, numbnuts, nutsack, orgasim, orgasims, orgasm, orgasms, p0rn, phonesex, phuck, phuk, phuked, phuking, phukked, phukking, phuks, phuq, pimpis, poop, porn, porno, pornography, pornos, prick, pricks, pube, pusse, pussi, pussies, pussy, pussys, rectum, retard, rimjaw, rimming, sadist, schlong, screwing, scroat, scrote, scrotum, semen, sex, sh!+, sh!t, sh1t, shemale, shi+, shit, shitdick, shite, shithead, shiting, shitings, shits, shitted, shitter.*, shitting.*, shitty, skank.*, slut, sluts, smegma, smut, snatch, son-of-a-bitch, spic, spunk, s_h_i_t, t1tt1e5, t1tties, tit, tits, titt, tittie5, titties, tittywank, titwank, tosser, tw4t, twat, twathead, twatty, twunt.*, v14gra, viagra, wank.*, whoar, .*whore.*, willies, xrated, xxx

        1. Thank you. Many years ago I had to email one S Cocks… with predictable results…

          1. An offshore pipeline project I worked for some years ago had documents with the text -CUM- in the document number.
            You try emailing that!
            (The U stood for “Undersea”, BTW!)

      1. My mistake GG. I thought “feck/fecker” would be safe. Not on Breitbart apparently.

          1. Thing is, most of us seem to be struggling to find a forum which doesn’t set the default filter so low 🙁
            We’ll keep looking.

      2. I invented the word “scrobnofulent” to describe Tony Blair. It rolls off the tongue, sounds nearly as foul as is he, and never gets moderated, even though people recognise the sentiments.

      3. Yet they permit: Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron, May and Johnson. All six words are far more offensive (and dangerous) than any on their banned list.

      4. What the fuck am i going to do now ! if i want a tit wank?

        Yes, I know this isn’t a dating site but one lives in hope… :@(

      5. “Jack S Vandyman63 • 5 hours ago
        Americans are just having another of their bad POTUS days.
        Thank feck there’s an ocean between us 🙂
        1•Edit•Reply•Share ›”

        This one’s still showing on Breitbart

        Now I really am confused.

    1. Translated:

      The EU’s flag is deepest blue,
      Its already seen off a martyred few,
      And ere their GDP’s grow stiff and cold,
      Their life blood dried in ev’ry fold.

      Then raise the bluest standard high.
      Within its shade we live or die,
      The cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
      They’ll keep the blue flag flying here.

      Look ’round, the Frenchman loves its blaze,
      The sturdy German chants its praise,
      Blair swells the surging throng,
      (Moscow’s Putin says the EU’s wrong).

      Then raise the bluest standard high.
      Within its shade we live or die,
      The cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
      They’ll keep the blue flag flying here.

      It waves above our fading might,
      When all ahead is dark as night;
      And witnessed dodgy deeds, they vow,
      “We must not change its colour now”.

      Then raise the bluest standard high.
      Within its shade we live or die,
      The cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
      They’ll keep the blue flag flying here.

      It well recalls the triumphs past,
      It gives the lie to peace at last;
      The stars bright, the symbol plain,
      Reducing rights and human pain.

      Then raise the bluest standard high.
      Within its shade we live or die,
      The cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
      They’ll keep the blue flag flying here.

      The Suits abuse the weak, they’re base,
      Their minds are fixed on Self and place,
      Davos – before the rich men’s frowns,
      N’er haul the sacred emblem down.

      Then raise the bluest standard high.
      Within its shade we live or die,
      The cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
      They’ll keep the blue flag flying here.

      With heads uncovered swear we all
      To bear it onward till we fall;
      Come warnings stark and TTIP grim,
      This song shall be our parting hymn.

      Then raise the bluest standard high.
      Within its shade we live or die,
      The cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
      They’ll keep the blue flag flying here.

      1. Rule Britannia is a god-awful dirge. Only you English would have inflicted it on the rest of us.
        We could have had “Land of Hope & Glory.”

        1. Or something more stirring:

          And did those MPs in 2-0-1-9,
          Sell out England’s mountains’ green?
          And was outspoken Brexit Nige
          On England’s pleasant pastures seen!

          And will Brexit, pure Devine
          Shine forth upon our clouded hills?
          And will Freedom be granted here,
          From those dark Satanic EU Shills?

          Bring me my Bow of burning gold;
          Bring me my Arrows of desire:
          Bring me my Spear: O clouds unfold!
          Bring me my Chariot of ire!

          I will not cease from Mental Fight,
          Nor shall my Sword sleep in my hand:
          Till we have won Brexit here,
          In England’s green and pleasant Land

          1. Not at all, Paul.

            If the Taffs can have “Land Of My Fathers”, why can’t we have “Land Of Hope And Glory”?

          2. No problems from my side, Grizz, but it’s always played downbeat, in a rather depressed tone. You can imagine the voice of Marvin, the Paranoid Android, coming in at the end of each line with a word or three about the weather, or traffic, or the price of stamps.

          3. Stephenroi below got it right. I’ve 3 versions of the Last Night Of The Proms Jerusalem.
            You English’s record, it was too much to hope for that as our National Anthem.

          4. Of course William Blake’s Poem is a protest song against the established religion: “And was Jerusalem builded here amongst those dark Satanic mills?”

    2. Sung like that it’s superb.

      We attend the armistice day here, and join in the singing of La Marseillaise (for the bits we can remember), but they never raise the same passion.

    3. As an additional comment: The thing about this anthem is that it’s about the citizens overthrowing the rulers, taking back their own country, not about conquering other nations.
      I guess that makes me a communard, if not a communist.


        1. I met Jimmy once. He was just getting on his push bike outside a London night club. I couldn’t resist mimicking that line. In a high pitched voice. He smiled and shouted ‘fuck off’.

          I didn’t get his autograph. :O(

          1. Not at that time. Richard was probably reading a book. They didn’t go out together much.

    4. Blimey. You must be the only other person i have met who knows who she is ! I blame that little birdie who sang her heart out for French colabs and Germans.

      Everyone needs a job i suppose.

        1. At least she had no need of a beret !

          I watched a performance at Southampton University where a jazz singer did a convincing monologue of Marlene Dietrich.

          She then sang Mack the Knife which was written by George Davis for Lotte Lenya. Lotte was Colonel Klebb in ‘From Russia with love’. Who before her film career was a lounge singer in Germany.

          Small world !

    1. Good job we white heterosexual males don’t spend our days searching for this stuff.
      We leave that to those with a lot of time to fill. ‘Takes all sorts.’

      1. Yep, people like you spend too much time looking up their own rectums to bother with the outside world.

    2. Odd that no one is pointing out that the offender was a police officer. That the sam police force was spending a lot of time bashing those women (I’ll refrain from calling them ‘rentamob’) to the ground for protesting about a woman being killed by a police officer.

      1. Did you actually read the article? My bold on the quotes

        Three immediate points of interest. Firstly, similar incidents are
        vanishingly rare. Secondly, the suspect—now in custody—is a serving
        police officer,
        primarily responsible for security at some of London’s
        many international embassies. Thirdly, Officer Wayne Couzens is white.

        As politicians say nowadays, the optics were not good. Images of burly
        British policemen wrestling peaceful, candle-holding women to the ground
        and arresting them
        in a way they signally failed to do last year at the
        ruinous BLM riots went global. But this was no PR gaffe. This was a
        very specific message to white people, women included. You saw what we
        did—or didn’t do—at the BLM riots last year

    3. I had to laugh that the solution to women’s being murdered by plain clothed policemen on empty streets was . . . . . . Loads of plain clothed police on streets empty of men. Do these people think before they open their mouths?

  55. Scottish Labour leader Anas Sarwar will make a bold attempt to oust SNP leader Nicola Sturgeon from her constituency seat at the upcoming Holyrood election.

    The newly-elected leader has decided to run against Scotland’s first minister in her Glasgow Southside stronghold ahead of May’s Scottish parliament vote.

    “It may well be her constituency, but it’s my home,” said Mr Sarwar. “I was brought up on the south side of Glasgow, I live here and it’s where I bring up my children. I’m not doing this because I think it’s brave, I’m doing it because I believe in it.”

    It marks the first time two major party leaders anywhere in Britain have contested the same seat at any election.


    1. Glasgow suburbs now mirror Parisian suburbs. Same as London. Welcome to a foreign country. They have no intention of integrating. Only taking over.

    2. If he loses the direct competition for the Glasgow Southside seat he will still be elected to the Scottish Parliament as he will be at the top of the list for election via the list system. There are direct elections to every constituency seat. In addition there are regional seats. Voters vote for their preferred party and the regional seats are allocated to the most popular parties. The parties prepare the list of their nominees for each region. The more votes a party gets in a region the more members of their list get places in parliament.
      What this means is that this is no more than “grandstanding” by Sarwar, as he is certain of a list place as he makes up the Labour list. Nice publicity though. But no bravery involved.

  56. Sturgeon ‘misled parliament’ over role in Salmond investigation, committee finds

    James Matthews – Scotland correspondent Thursday 18 March 2021 19:42, UK

    Nicola Sturgeon gave evidence to a parliamentary committee over the Scottish government’s botched investigation into Alex Salmond.

    A Scottish parliamentary committee has concluded that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon misled parliament.

    Sky News understands that Holyrood’s harassment committee has reached the conclusion by a majority vote ahead of the publication of its final report.

    Members have decided that Ms Sturgeon misled the committee itself and, as such, misled parliament and potentially breached the ministerial code of conduct.

    It will significantly increase pressure on Ms Sturgeon to step down. Her opponents have repeatedly levelled the accusation that, in misleading parliament, she breached the ministerial code of conduct.

    It dictates that any minister found to knowingly be in breach should offer their resignation.

    Sky News understands that the word “knowingly” was not included in the text agreed by the committee.

    Its members decided by a majority that it was misled by evidence submitted to them by the first minister.

    1. Jimmy Krankie is a lying little Arris Ole

      She should be sacked, then prosecuted

  57. I regret to report that all the following are classified as ‘men’:

    Von Hayek
    1 hour ago
    Instead of masks, consider this list of pedophiles that became unsealed:

    💥Democratic Illinois State Representative, Keith Farnham, has resigned and was charged with possession of child *********** and has been accused of bragging at an online site about sexually molesting a 6-year-old girl.

    💥Democratic spokesperson for the Arkansas Democratic Party, Harold Moody, Jr, was charged with distribution and possession of child ***********.

    💥Democratic Radnor Township Board of Commissioners member, Philip Ahr, resigned from his position after being charged with possession of child *********** and abusing children between 2 and 6 years-old.

    💥Democratic activist and BLM organizer, Charles Wade, was arrested and charged with human trafficking and underage prostitution.

    💥Democratic Texas attorney and activist, Mark Benavides, was charged with having sex with a minor, inducing a child under 18 to have sex and compelling prostitution of at least nine legal clients and possession of child ***********. He was found guilty on six counts of sex trafficking.

    💥Democratic Virginia Delegate, Joe Morrissey, was indicted on charges connected to his relationship with a 17-year-old girl and was charged with supervisory indecent liberties with a minor, electronic solicitation of a minor, possession of child *********** and distribution of child ***********.

    💥Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Stillwater, New York, Rick Nelson was plead guilty to five counts of possession of child *********** of children less than 16 years of age.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Clayton, New York, Dale Kenyon, was indicted for sexual acts against a teenager.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Hubbard, Ohio, Richard Keenan, was given a life sentence in jail for raping a 4-year-old girl.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Winston, Oregeon, Kenneth Barrett, was arrested for setting up a meeting to have sex with a 14-year-old girl who turned out to be a police officer.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Randolph, Nebraska, Dwayne L. Schutt, was arrested and charged with four counts of felony third-degree sexual assault of a child and one count of intentional child abuse.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Dawson, Georgia, Christopher Wright, was indicted on the charges of aggravated child molestation, aggravated sodomy, rape, child molestation and statutory rape of an 11-year-old boy and a 12-year-old girl.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Stockton, California, Anthony Silva, was charged with providing alcohol to young adults during a game of strip poker that included a 16-year-old boy at a camp for underprivileged children run by the mayor.

    💥Democratic Former Mayor of Millbrook, New York, Donald Briggs, was arrested and charged with inappropriate sexual contact with a person younger than 17.

    💥Democratic party leader for Victoria County, Texas, Stephen Jabbour, plead guilty to possession and receiving over half a million child pornographic images.

    💥Democratic activist and fundraiser,
    Terrence Bean, was arrested on charges of sodomy and sex abuse in a case involving a 15-year-old boy and when the alleged victim declined to testify, and the judge dismissed the case.

    💥Democratic Party Chairman for Davidson County, Tennessee, Rodney Mullin, resigned amid child *********** allegations.

    💥Democratic activist, Andrew Douglas Reed, pleaded guilty to a multiple counts of 2nd-degree sexual exploitation of a minor for producing child ***********.

    💥Democratic official from Terre Haute, Indiana, David Roberts was sentenced to federal prison for producing and possessing child *********** including placing hidden cameras in the bedrooms and bathrooms at a home he shared with two minor female victims.

    1. Seems our leftist ‘chums’ from the US have been up to no good in quite a lot of circles – see my other post from a few moments ago.

    2. Very strange. The scandals we heard in the past were all about Republicans having homosexual liassons while pretending to be happily married. …..and now it’s Democrats wanking over pictures of children being sexually abused.

      I knew i had a valid reason for not voting..

    3. I watched a few of those Hunger Games films and all I could see in the ruling elites were Democrat freaks. It was as though real life was following fiction.

      I knew this would happen years ago when the family booked a room for Christmas Dinner in a hotel in Cambridge. (Nobody wished to take responsibility for preparing Christmas dinner).

      The waiter did a passable impression of Manuel and the waitress was a ringer for Polly complete with the Hiawatha headband and exotic feather.

  58. If you think you’ve been disgusted by some stories being reported recently, then get ready for some more. Whilst this is about the US, apparently this sort of ‘themed event’ has been sadly gaining traction in much of the wokest sections of the MSM, and thus education depts across the Western world, including here in the UK.

    I’d love to know how leftists and their media friends think that these people should be anywhere near children or schools, as opposed to behind bars. I wonder how many UK mainstream media outlets will be covering this story and as it should be?

    Night all. Stomach rumbling for the past hour, so it’s time for me tea.

    1. “BBC under fire after failed Scots UKIP candidate makes FOURTH appearance on Question Time
      Flute band member Billy Mitchell beat the odds after yet again being chosen to ask a question on flagship politics show.”

      Just saying.

          1. Richard Braine. Newly elected/appointed UKIP leader.
            Likewise Richard Tice etc.

            ETA: Your turn Alf.

          2. Only a half-wit would imagine that the BBC had any right-wing bias. Mitchell’s presence proves nothing.

          3. His featuring in 4 editions of QT must prove something.
            BBC failings of audience vetting procedures maybe, rather than political bias.

          4. At a bit of a stretch it could be argued that it demonstrated their left-wing, pro-EU bias: allowing a UKIP member in the audience to ask a question (four times in seven years I think, so hardly frequent) to show how ‘balanced’ they are while hoping he made a tit of himself (which he apparently did at least once).

            The make-up of the panel is much better indicator.

          5. Kippers were always good at scoring own goals.
            Fortunately the rest of us gave up on them back in 2016.
            We’ve ignored them ever since.

          6. At a bit of a stretch it could be argued that it demonstrated their left-wing, pro-EU bias: allowing a UKIP member in the audience to ask a question (four times in seven years I think, so hardly frequent) to show how ‘balanced’ they are while hoping he made a tit of himself (which he apparently did at least once).

            The make-up of the panel is much better indicator.

    2. Question Time tonight 18th March

      Presenter Fiona Bruce
      Panellist Victoria Atkins
      Panellist Jess Phillips
      Panellist Kirsten Oswald
      Panellist Mark Carney
      Panellist Ian Hislop

      1. Mark Carney seems to hang around like a bad smell. Spose the UK is a fertile land for globalist ideas.

  59. What do you think of this ?

    CPRE, the countryside charity, has signed an open letter to the Home Secretary and Secretary of State for Justice expressing ‘profound concern and alarm’ about the contents of the new Police, Crime, Sentencing and Courts Bill.

    CPRE, the countryside charity, has stood alongside almost 250 organisations raising concerns about the controversial Policing Bill. The Bill includes new trespass and protest offences, risking putting a ‘do not enter’ sign across the country and further limiting access to the very green spaces that enrich all of our lives.

    Countryside for all: a core CPRE principle
    It’s no surprise that our chief executive has added his name to this important letter to the government. CPRE has a long history of calling for the countryside to be open to, and enjoyed by, all.

    As early as 1932, CPRE, or The Council for the Protection of Rural England, as we were then, was commissioning research on the topic. This included a detailed report by the climber and photographer Philip Barnes about access to the Peak District. This was an area that Barnes was passionate about – and the site of the Kinder Scout mass trespass of 1932.

    This event, now part of countryside lore, saw hundreds of ramblers trespass in the Peak District in an act of civil disobedience to assert their right to roam. Barnes was by then an expert on the subject, having spent a large part of 1932 getting to know the reasons behind what he called ‘the agitation for greater freedom of access’ to the wild areas of the Peaks and producing detailed maps of all the disputed footpaths and trespass routes.

    ‘We at CPRE believe that the countryside is for all of us.’

    1. My wife snd I have subscribed to Suffolk Preservation Society for years.

      They are Part of CPRE and have done much to encourage farmers and landowners to open up the countryside to enable proper access to the countryside for others. This has been largely successful but there is inevitably a price to be paid.

      Landowners always require compensation of sorts. They have been feeding off the EU subsidy teat for so long that they believe the rest of us should reward them for affording limited access on pain of being shot if you trespass from some narrow overgrown path.

      The Enclosure Acts enabled these bastards to erect fences and proclaim themselves masters of land which previously had been common land and accessible to all.

      Perhaps we should re-visit the Enclosure Acts and reverse them, thus reclaiming our rights to access to our countryside.

      Okay, then I woke up with a headache.

      1. …and now, Corri, more footpaths and fields will be fenced off to protect 3 Solar ‘Farms’ that are under planning consideration between the villages of Somersham, Flowton, Burstall and Bramford, Suffolk.

        Red is ENSO, Orange is EDF and Purple is Greybarn. Yellow is the existing Bramford Sub-station to which they all want to connect and the yellow lines are existing connections.

        This the extent of current planning covering 500+ acres of good, arable, food-producing farmland:

        There is a Facebook page for CARE Suffolk

    1. I read that she was abducted from the South Circular, hardly a dark back alley. The whole case seems pretty odd, the abduction of someone apparently unknown, murder and the body being found miles away in Kent.

      1. Incidentally, the young lady looked curiously similar to the wife of the alleged killer.

        I hope that I am completely wrong, and Bill Thomas has repeatedly warned Nottlers that we should refrain from making any comments, but there is a lot of stuff that does not make sense. Just have to wait for 7 months.

    1. Not sure what the cartoonist is saying there, Belle. Strong/nasty Priti Patel/poor/NHS/engineer/teacher immigrants being screwed.

  60. Streetlights ….? What streetlights?
    I use Full Beam on my estate, since the lights were downgraded to EU micky mouse LEDs …
    Up on the main drag to lights are turned off 24:00 until 06:00
    The Council Einsteins don’t seem to know that some folk leave the house before 06:00 …
    Posties, Bus drivers, or COUNCIL Snow Plough drivers, etc., Ahem.

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