558 thoughts on “Thursday 21 November: In the TV debate Boris Johnson should have pressed Jeremy Corbyn on security and defence

    1. Hmm, ‘Morning, Bob, Just black outside, so I cannot see the weather state. Cold enough inside to put the heating on.

  1. Get ready for the Great Lammy Firewall. Rod Liddle. 23 November 2019

    ‘It will be just like China!’ I’ve heard perfectly decent libertarians lament, but they forget that for McDonnell and co this comparison is deeply pleasing. Mao may have murdered 30 million of his own people, but at least he was a Socialist who ran a tight ship — and John still carries his idiotic Little Red Book around with him. A book which, if memory serves me right, is a bit short on jokes.

    I don’t know for sure that Lammy will be put in charge of the firewall, of the policing of us online, but it will surely be some doctrinaire halfwit with the IQ of a bowl of Khmer labour camp rice porridge. Rebecca Wrong Daily, maybe, or that -Pidcock woman. The wonder of the internet, its beautiful empowerment, its breadth and majesty, soon to be corralled by people with the imagination of a bag of kale — kale infused with right-on spite.

    Morning everyone. While I appreciate Rod’s wonderful skill with words, particularly his ability to encapsulate something of his subject’s true character by invidious comparison the truth is that we are already very like China. A stray word on line and the Thought Police will be round to intimidate you. Hate Crime requires no actual crime; indeed no actual hate. To be accused is to be guilty. The Ministry of Propaganda formerly the BBC wages relentless propaganda war against doctrinal enemies and latent revisionist threats like the Military. The rest of the MSM are pathetic creatures; servile adherents of the System. This was never so in the past. The UK never bore any resemblance whatsoever to China during the Cold War. Now we are becoming ever closer in word and deed to our former adversary.


    1. I see Liddle is dated 23rd November – as the Goon Show would have had it, “Forging Ahead.”

  2. Actual writings in Rockingham Hospital Records

    1. Examination of genitalia reveals that he is circus sized.

    2. The patient has no previous history of suicides.

    3. Patient has left white blood cells at another hospital.

    4. Patient’s medical history has been remarkably insignificant with only 11kgs weight gain in the past three days.

    5. She has no rigors or shaking chills, but her husband states she was very hot in bed last night.

    6. Patient has chest pain if she lies on her left side for over a year.

    7. On the second day the knee was better, and on the third day it disappeared.

    8. The patient is tearful and crying constantly. She also appears to be depressed.

    9. The patient has been depressed since she began seeing me in 1993….

    10. Discharge status: Alive but without my permission.

    11. Healthy appearing decrepit 69-year old male, mentally alert but forgetful.

    12. Patient had waffles for breakfast and anorexia for lunch

    13. She is numb from her toes down.

    14. While in ER, she was examined, x-rated and sent home.

    15. The skin was moist and dry.

    16. Occasional, constant infrequent headaches.

    17. Patient was alert and unresponsive.

    18. Rectal examination revealed a normal size thyroid.

    19. She stated that she had been constipated for most of her life, until she got a divorce

    20. I saw your patient today, who is still under our car for physical therapy.

    21. Both breasts are equal and reactive to light and accommodation.

    22. The patient refused autopsy.

    23. The lab test indicated abnormal lover function.

    24. Skin: somewhat pale but present.

    25. Large brown stool ambulating in the hall.

    26. Patient has two teenage children, but no other abnormalities

    1. Truthful sentence in student nurse’s essay on occupational therapy for mental patients packing woodwork items for DIY stores.
      “The patients love screwing.”

  3. Centuries of Christian anti-Semitism led to Holocaust, landmark Church of England report concludes. 21 NOVEMBER 2019.

    Centuries of Christian anti-Semitism led to the Holocaust, a landmark Church of England report has concluded. In a foreword to the report, published today, the Archbishop of Canterbury said that Christians cannot challenge and reflect on the past honestly, “until we have felt the cruelty of our history”.

    The new “tool for teaching” on Christian-Jewish relations acknowledges that Christian theology played a part in the “stereotyping and persecution fo (sic) Jewish people which ultimately led to the Holocaust”.

    Ah! More mea culpa from Welby. One wonders how he manages to stand up under all that White Man’s Guilt! We bear no responsibility for the Holocaust. That was a creation of H!tler and his acolytes none of whom that I seem to recall were members of the Church of England.


    1. “until we have felt the cruelty of our history”. – and what about the falsely-accused Bishop George Bell, whose reputation was trashed, and Welby refuses to apologise over?
      Planks and eyes, Brother Welby. Planks and eyes.

    2. What a crock of sh1t – the Church of England needs to sort itself out and stand up for Christians rather than trying to take on all the guilt, real or imagined, in the world!

    3. Thirteen up-votes ? Where else did the anti-Jewish sentiment come from ? Centuries of the stuff. All over Europe. Pograms and expulsions.
      And if you want to read another book, it’s alive and kicking in the Koran. Watch this space.
      I do think Welby is an idiot, He has just jumped on the current Holocaust band-wagon.I do not believe he is sincere in what he says,

      1. “To my knowledge there has been no persecution since 1290.” Comrade Steptoe and his Momentum thugs are doing their best to change that…

        ‘Morning, Nanners.

      1. I note that there is no one claiming to be jewish, probably something to do with the surgical requirements. Lol!

      2. I note that there is no one claiming to be jewish, probably something to do with the surgical requirements. Lol!

          1. Our family is not Jewish yet my Father had my older brother circumcised while I was not. Apparently it is something to do with the eldest son only.

  4. Morning all

    SIR – The prospect of Jeremy Corbyn as prime minister is a concern to voters across the political spectrum, so I am not clear why Boris Johnson did not highlight that in Tuesday’s debate.

    He missed an opportunity to remind the audience of his opponent’s lack of experience in senior office, his sympathy for terrorist causes and his opposition to all military deterrents that are in place to protect citizens.

    Roger Gentry

    Sutton-at-Hone, Kent

    SIR – There was no discussion of either defence and national security or of immigration – pivotal areas of policy that are Mr Corbyn’s weakest suits.

    The first subject is the primary duty of any government (with the possible exception of preserving the planetary environment), and the second a key electoral issue. Surely there were submissions on these matters, yet apparently all were filtered out before the debate took place.

    Derrick Gillingham

    London SW1

    SIR – The election debates between leaders have become trivialised to the point of being meaningless. Mr Corbyn and Mr Johnson’s 30-second soundbite answers on major issues could never be considered an actual debate.

    Keith Punshon

    Thirsk, North Yorkshire

    SIR – I found Julie Etchingham irritating – arms waving and interrupting. The questions didn’t invite “Yes” or “No” answers – we expected an explanation without interruptions.

    It is also a mystery quite why the subject of the Duke of York was brought up – it had nothing to do with the forthcoming election.

    Nigel Strofton

    Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire

    1. Keith Punshon

      “The election debates between leaders have become trivialised to the point of being meaningless.”

      Not just between leaders but right across the political spectrum, often prompted by ‘sound-bite’ interviewers more intent on promoting themselves than getting proper answers to serious issues.

      Roll on Christmas.

      Morning Epi.

  5. SIR – The YouGov poll following the debate was 51 to 49 in favour of the Prime Minister.

    So close we need another debate.

    Elayne M Benjamin

    London NW4

  6. Prince Andrew departs from public life as he prepares to give evidence to Epstein investigation in US. 20 NOVEMBER 2019.

    The Duke of York is preparing to give formal evidence to a US criminal investigation into the disgraced paedophile Jeffrey Epstein, The Telegraph can disclose.

    He cannot do this without incriminating himself and being charged with statutory rape so my guess is he will be offered immunity from prosecution if he dobs everyone else in! This of course will be a fix behind the scenes!!


    1. You have got to feel sorry for him, it will be years before he gets his state pension and bus pass.

      Best put him on suicide watch, just until he can get on the No 10 bus Windsor to Heathrow T5.

      Sarc/Meter Off

    2. Minty, from what little I’ve read on the matter, having tried to ignore it up till a couple of days ago, it is alleged that he had sex with one 17yo girl, who may have been a prostitute under the control of Epstein, in the UK in 2001.

      Under UK law at the time what he did, though morally repugnant and reprehensible, was legal. Prostitution under the age of 18 only became illegal 2y later when the Sexual Offenjces Act of 2003 changed the definition of “a child” from “a person under the age of 16” to “…under the age of 18”.

      Now, if other instances of him “dipping his wick” with Epstein controlled girls come to light, then obviously each case will have to be judged on it’s merits, or rather lack of them!

        1. ‘Morning, Anne and just childish enough to vote Labour – or that’s what the bearded weirdie wants and hopes for.

  7. LBC reporting on the Labour Party manifesto: promise threat of a council and house-building revolution. How green is my valley, my flood plain, my arable field, my garden? More detail to follow.😫

      1. Of course they do but one revolution and they’re back to where they were, so nothing changes. However, Jeremy’s in charge this time and things will be different…

        1. Morning KtK,
          Why is this odious voting pattern continued, especially since the mid 70s all new born’s have been placed in daily ever increasing danger, and that is brought about via the ballot booth,party before the
          welfare of children / Country is very,very evident.

  8. SIR – There is a simple answer to Fraser Nelson’s question (Comment, November 15): if a well-behaved (but illegal) migrant has been in Britain for several years, why should he or she not be offered citizenship?

    If that were to happen, illegal entry would never stop.

    The woeful level of prevention, the inability to detect and apprehend those already here illegally, and now the Conservative Party holding out the prospect of citizenship to those who enter the country clandestinely, all give encouragement to traffickers.

    Steve Haynes

    Chichester, West Sussex

    1. Morning E,
      Has Mr Haynes considered the potential voting numbers & if one of the toxic trio are prepared to take this route then their partners in the coalition must follow suit.
      Damage to the Countries infrastructure
      & the indigenous population does not enter the equation.

    2. Fraser Nelson is a Scot; I suppose that he is looking at his own situation should the SNP win the next referendum.

        1. Quite a lot of the ‘illegal’ fishing is carried out by eastern Europeans who fish for the pot. It’s rare to see ethnic minorities fishing, with or without a licence.

    3. Not sure that it’s an inability to detect and deport illegal immigrants, Mr Haynes. More a lack of will. Recent governments have striven to increase the numbers while at the same time attempting to deny the fact: whether legal or not, as long as the numbers stack up everything is going to plan.

      1. We can be sure that the Orwellian facial recognition CCTV will have a memory failure when it comes illegal immigrants.

  9. Morning again

    SIR – Trevor Bedeman’s claim (Letters, November 16) that “Stalin took the catastrophic decision to ally with Hitler only after the Munich debacle”, together with his suggestion that the Soviet Union might otherwise have intervened to prevent Hitler’s occupation of the Sudetenland, is inconsistent with the historical record.

    Stalin’s first approach to Hitler seeking some sort of accommodation between the two powers was in 1934. It and subsequent approaches failed because Hitler at that stage saw no advantage in the proposal. In 1936 the Soviet military chief Marshal Tukhachevsky told the US ambassador William Bullitt that “at the present moment the Soviet Union would be unable to bring any military aid to Czechoslovakia in case of German attack”.

    A year later this predicament deteriorated further with Stalin’s purge of 75 per cent of the Red Army higher command, including the execution of Tukhachevsky himself.

    Fitzroy Maclean at the Moscow embassy, who witnessed the purges, observed: “During the Czech crisis the Soviet government had remained absolutely silent and were terrified of being drawn in.”

    A year later Stalin delightedly accepted Hitler’s offer of military and political alliance – an alliance whose ending he piteously regretted.

    Nikolai Tolstoy

    Southmoor, Berkshire

  10. The police must rethink its Orwellian obsession with ‘transphobia’. 21 NOVEMBER 2019.

    If there is an event that captures the lunacies of modern life, it is a hearing currently taking place in the High Court in London. The case concerns a complaint about allegedly “transphobic” remarks and the police response. Harry Miller, himself a former police officer, tweeted comments about gender that a member of the public reported to Humberside constabulary.


    Jerry Markham 21 Nov 2019 7:28AM.

    The way our Police have morphed from an organisation that actually tackled REAL crime into an Orwellian Thought Police is an utter disgrace.

    This has happened by the promotion of Politically Correct and Common Purpose officers to the highest ranks.

    The current Met Commissioner, with the name that gets moderated, was the lead officer in the “murder” of Jean Charles de Mendez. A thoroughly stuffed up operation that can only be described as a panic ending in the death of an innocent man.

    Yet even though she had been shown to be UNABLE to keep a level head in a stressful situation this adherent to the Common Purpose doctrine gets the most senior police position in the UK. For the love of Pete, How?

    The brainwashing of recruits at the Police College is further evidence that our Police have lost the plot.

    She was only ever promoted for her Common Purpose and Feminist credentials. De Menezes is probably the least of her offences. Under her leadership the police have become a tool of State repression.


  11. .
    Labour’s Dawn Butler apologises after getting figures hopelessly wrong
    Politicians have a habit of just making figures up
    A Labour candidate has been forced to issue an apology after claiming there are 3,000 people sleeping rough in her constituency – when the real number is just 248..

    1. Good morning all and a dull grey one it is in Derbyshire!
      There’s a video of her car-crash interview on Youtube with a comment:-


      1 second ago
      “Rough Sleeping” is not a housing problem, but a mental health problem that has been exacerbated by the closure of the County Asylums.
      For all the faults of the system, the Asylums did what it said on the tin, it provided a place of refuge for those who could not cope.

      1. “Rough Sleeping” is not a housing problem, but a mental health problem that has been exacerbated by the closure of the County Asylums.
        For all the faults of the system, the Asylums did what it said on the tin, it provided a place of refuge for those who could not cope.”

        A million upticks.
        I am particularly thinking of a very sad woman (filthy dirty and with some form of skin condition) who spends her days plodding up and down an arterial Colchester road. Even if she has refused help, at one time, she would have been in the local asylum for her own sake. The difference between authoritarianism and common sense has been blurred to the extent that inhumanity now holds sway.
        (But at least the local social workers and pen pushers can pride themselves on their libertarian attitudes. They have ’empowered’ this sad, deluded creature into making her own decisions.)

        1. Morning Anne
          A million upticks for your comment and in particular your last sentence .

          One witnesses them huddling in seaside promenade shelters , chuntering on , smelling of drink , their meagre possessions bagged up and squabbling loudly.. The police get complaints from residents re noise and bad behaviour .. re them peeing everywhere

          During the New Year I had to attend a small walk in minor injury A+E.. the staff were deeply troubled by a homeless distracted man who stank the department out .. poor old sod had the odour of a landfill site.. The nursing staff insisted we smeared a special strong smelling jel in our nostrils to stop us vomiting .. They said that was how they coped with rotten smells .. and the poor poor police were on guard watching for violent outbursts .. We , and other patients wondered how life in modern Britain could have reached such terrible levels .. as you say .. Libertarian values have undone so much!

        2. Caroline, Christo and I went to see Ralph McTell’s 70th Birthday Concert at the Theatre Royal in Drury Lane in 2014. RMcT’s 70th birthday was the same day as our Christo’s 21st birthday, 3rd December. The proceeds were given to charities for the homeless. Here is a song that Ralph performed at the concert accompanied by John Williams.


  12. Lib Dems suffer their second “car crash” LBC interview in a day
    This was the moment when a second Lib Dem candidate in a matter of hours endured a car crash interview on LBC.
    After Sam Gyimah struggled to answer questions about the cost of a flagship Lib Dem education policy when he joined Eddie Mair to take calls, Alistair Carmichael was asked if he could provide some more clarity.


    Watch the clip above to find out what happened when he spoke to Tom Swarbrick – while you can watch Sam Gyimah’s LBC interview below.

  13. The Prince and the Paupers…..

    Interesting BTL Comment from the DT:

    Karl Rainer 21 Nov 2019 8:23AM
    UK media continue to ignore the bigger story… Former Israeli military intelligence senior exec, Ari Ben Menashe going on the record in September saying both Epstein and Maxwell were working for Israeli Intel services running a blackmail operation against US politicians for political favours… As featured in Mint Press News..


    They say a second US Intel source has confirmed it… Americas closest ally blackmailing their politicians..

      1. There’s no difference. Like bribery you buy both sides, that way you get to claim the allegiance of both and the support of the winner!

    1. Hmm, curious that Emily Maitlis didn’t ask HRH about Ms Maxwell. You don’t suppose that she might also be involved in the operation?

      (Tongue in cheek, not anti semitism)

    2. Americas closest ally blackmailing their politicians.

      That’s quite normal. They buy them here!

    3. Hmm, curious that Emily Maitlis didn’t ask HRH about Ms Maxwell. You don’t suppose that she might also be involved in the operation?

      (Tongue in cheek, not anti semitism)

  14. Jolly little piece in my local paper this week:


    During the Blair era, the NHS hit on the brilliant wheeze that spending on national infrastructure was a good thing, as was much-needed spending on the NHS. Worcester’s hospital was split between the Victorian Royal Infirmary sitting on a valuable site in the city, and a 1940s Utility Block sitting on a large expanse of land, ripe for redevelopment, What better than to convert the modest 1960s Mental Health unit into a county hospital, and sell off the other sites to those who can make some bonus out of them? It needn’t even cost the taxpayer anything, since a deal was struck with venture capitalists called PFI, which gave them a 15% return each year on their investment (when the rate for pleb savers was 0.5%), name-your-price blank cheque maintenance contracts, and the whole thing was ringfenced for thirty years to safeguard from any change of Government. What’s not to like about it?

    The site was cleared and the buildings went up. First problem came when the nurses’ home was knocked down and they were told to drive in to work from their digs in town. No problem – charge them to park in the hospital car park and send out an instruction that they were only allowed to park three times a week; they could share a ride with a colleague in heir off days. The important thing was the executives were allocated their own free spaces. So that’s all right then.

    Next problem was the annoying patients and their visitors arriving in their cars, rather than waiting for the buses from the city which fight their way through the traffic and get there eventually, and requiring patients to change a couple of times unless they live on the approved bus route. Again, no problem – just paint double yellow lines on every residential street within walking distance of the hospital. That would teach them to use the hospital car park, Then slap on huge charges and an efficient team of enforcers and barriers to make sure nobody except the executives get out of paying.

    So we have the situation today – gridlock at the barriers whilst patients and visitors haggle over expired tickets, caused because of a tailback of traffic waiting for each case to be considered before the barrier can be opened. The staff manning the barriers are understandably fed up of the constant abuse. The executives have their free parking, so what’s the issue?

    This is why I am a little sceptical about those in this election promising more spending on “infrastructure”.

    1. The new Sick Kids hospital in Edinburgh, recently built, and “completed” on the already overcrowded New Royal Infirmary Little France site in Edinburgh, is not yet open. Disastrous and dangerous shortcomings have been found in the building.
      The new big Queen Elizabeth University Hospital in Glasgow has had wards closed because of internal infections. Patients died after contracting infections from pigeon droppings. Children have died in the new Sick Kids in Glasgow (on the same site) as a result of infections caught from the water supply while in wards.
      The attempted cover up has not been successful.
      And, of course, all comments about dreadful access and no parking apply, in both Edinburgh and Glasgow. Also some folks made a fortune from the huge old Infirmary site in Central Edinburgh.

        1. That would be the Scottish Government, essentially a long-running clique of SNP politicians. The Area NHS Boards, e.g. NHS Borders, are mostly free to do things, badly.

    2. This is why I am a little sceptical about those in this election promising more spending on “infrastructure”

      A “little sceptical” Jeremy? I’m surprised that you believe anything. I certainly don’t!

  15. I see that “Coldplay will not take latest album on global tour due to environmental concerns”

    I also heard a dickie bird that they were rebranding as ‘Not so Coldplay’ due to global warming.

    1. They will be ahead of the game if the forecast Modern Minimum bites in the next year or two…..

      1. BTL@DTletters

        Party Pauper 21 Nov 2019 8:40AM
        To cheer you all up, one commenter on the Allison Person article, described Jo Swinson as “the secret love child of Shrek and Dolly Parton”. I just tried to find it again to give the writer full credit but couldn’t, Anyway, it made me chuckle so I thought I would share it.

        John Birkett 21 Nov 2019 8:54AM
        @Party Pauper

        But it’s comments like that which bring politics into disrepute – and it’s a gross insult to the always-delightful Dolly Parton!

        1. Is there any quick way of getting back to a post one has made under a DT article? From time to time I post a comment under an article and would like to get back to it to see if it has attracted any comments.

          1. The only method I can find is to ensure you’ve loaded all the comments on the particular page you want and then do a search (CTRL F) on your screen name.

          2. Morning Richard, I click on my profile and you can scroll down all your comments and under each one you can select ‘view in discussion’
            or am I mis-interpreting you wishes? or am I mis-interpreting your wishes?

          3. Morning Richard, I click on my profile and you can scroll down all your comments and under each one you can select ‘view in discussion’
            or am I mis-interpreting you wishes? or am I mis-interpreting your wishes?

          4. That works on disqus – does it also on the DT? I don’t comment there as I’m not registered.

        2. Yesterday, she was described as ‘The Boden Mother Who Always Wins The Parents’ Race’.
          But I can’t remember who came up with that little gem.

  16. Iran’s crisis deepens. Spiked. 21 November 2019.

    On Friday, without prior debate or warning, the Iranian government of President Hassan Rouhani announced a petrol price hike of 50 per cent for the first 60 litres bought each month. Above 60 litres, Iranians were expected to pay even more. Rouhani said the money raised would be used to help Iran’s neediest citizens.

    Sounds like one of Corbyn’s relatives!


    1. So, they must have some form of ration card for gasoline, otherwise how would they know about the 60 litres bit?

    2. Will it apply to those living ilegally in UK, or will the money raised be used to ‘ship’ even more of them into the EU and UK?

  17. Lib-Dems Free Child Care

    Trying to pin them down on this is difficult but a figure being quoted is £15B a year as the cost. I suspect that does not include all costs but is just the da to day cost of providing it add on the cost of setting up more facilities and it will be even high. WE have about 28M people in work so that pledge alone works out at about £600 a year for every working person

  18. I am Lewis Duckworth and, after “years of austerity”,this rings a bell:

    November 20, 2019 at 9:12 am

    The BBC repeating their mantra “after years of austerity…” over and over the past few days, no doubt trying to pin this on the conservatives tenure in office.

    In fact everyone apparently in rags and starving.

    When I take a casual look around I see high-level employment, roads stuffed with late reg shiny cars, people wearing designer trinkets and carrying state of the art devices and high-price coffees, TV chiefs, staff and performers sucking higher then ever salaries from the broadcasters, footballers on eye-watering payouts. Local Authority mandarins earning ore than the PM. NHS staff on highest ever pay rates. GP surgeries like Hotel Receptions. Airports rammed with high-spending holidaymakers jetting off to the sun, cruise ships like taxis leaving ports all over the UK, student housing like hotel accommodation (unlike the rat infested digs I enjoyed at at college). Supermarkets with zillions of flavours of coloured water at eye-watering prices. etc. etc. etc.

    I say why not take a quick look back at the situation at the end of the last devastating Labour administration before bandying this lying slur about?

    I think I can answer my own question there.


    PS – Why aren’t the Conservatives reminding us constantly of Liam Byrne’s (Labour Treasury Chief Sec.) message that “THERE’S NO MONEY LEFT”. Corbyn will have us on the “there’s no food left” road.

    Vote 66 likes

    1. They’ve already got away with it. Once she’d said her piece that was in the public eye and therefore ‘truth’.

      The new information will be seen by less than 1% of those who saw the programme. Of that one percent, half will think it’s a job well done.

    2. Lovely looking ladies. Lucky Mr Corbyn.
      y the way, if the BBC are selecting people for the audience in an unbiased and broadly spread way, how is it that the two young ladies were both selected and were able to sit together? Does the BBC issue invitations on a “plus1” basis?

      1. I was watching Question Time, either last week or the week before and the camera view pulled back to show the audience as well as the panel.

        Fiona Bruce was asking for a comment from an audience member. Many of the audience had their hands up. Fiona glanced around the audience as if looking for someone to choose and pointed with her pen towards the left hand side of the audience, near the back, saying something like ‘the man in the blue shirt’.

        Nothing wrong with that you might think, she was just selecting someone at random, but the wide angle camera view showed that the long boom mic held by a sound engineer or whatever was already hovering over Blue-shirt’s head before she pointed. Random? I don’t think so.


      2. I was watching Question Time, either last week or the week before and the camera view pulled back to show the audience as well as the panel.

        Fiona Bruce was asking for a comment from an audience member. Many of the audience had their hands up. Fiona glanced around the audience as if looking for someone to choose and pointed with her pen towards the left hand side of the audience, near the back, saying something like ‘the man in the blue shirt’.

        Nothing wrong with that you might think, she was just selecting someone at random, but the wide angle camera view showed that the long boom mic held by a sound engineer or whatever was already hovering over Blue-shirt’s head before she pointed. Random? I don’t think so.


  19. Government borrowing in October highest since 2014

    Government borrowing in October rose to its highest level in five years, official data shows.
    The Office for National Statistics (ONS) said borrowing last month hit £11.2bn, £2.3bn more than last year.
    That brings total borrowing this financial year, which runs from April, to £46.3bn, more than 10% higher than the same time in 2018.
    In October, central government borrowed £7.6bn and local governments added £1bn to the total.
    The Bank of England, meanwhile, borrowed £2.5bn.

    1. As is know on here, there never has been any austerity in recent years. If there is a lack of resources in a particular area, the reason will be incorrect allocation of those resources.

  20. Report from wife’s trip to The Holy Land with group of predominantly female pilgrims:

    1. Hotel in Israel

    No problems. Beautiful countryside in northern Israel. Safe to walk around …. no rudeness encountered

    2. Hotel in Bethleham/Arab Area

    Unsafe. All males on pavements (doing lots of unpleasant leering) and lots of cars filled with young men blasting music and lots of shouting “Free Sex” at the elderly women. Mainly they stay in the hotel. My wife seems to have returned with an impression that Arabs are crooks …

  21. So-called progressives don’t care about Hong Kong and are turning a blind eye to anti-Semitism

    What is wrong with our modern,

    holier-than thou establishment? Why is it so hypocritical, so

    superficial and yet so self-satisfied? It considers itself to be the

    most caring, moral and progressive generation ever, committed to

    combating injustice, stamping out racism and saving the planet, and yet

    it is unwilling to fight the truly difficult battles.


    1. 21/11/2019
      Question Time

      Fiona Bruce presents Question Time from Bolton. Panellists include secretary of state for housing, communities and local government Robert Jenrick, shadow secretary of state for justice and shadow lord chancellor Richard Burgon, Liberal Democrat and spokesperson on foreign affairs Chuka Umunna, the SNP’s health spokesperson at Westminster Phillipa Whitford and assistant comment editor at the Daily Telegraph Sherelle Jacobs.

      1. Yo Lacoste

        secretary of state for housing, communities and local government

        shadow secretary of state for justice and shadow lord chancellor

        Streeeeeetched Oxymorons

    2. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2019/11/21/unable-stem-remainer-exodus-lib-dems-verge-crashing-burning/

      “Unable to stem its Remainer exodus, the Lib Dems are on the verge of crashing and burning

      After failing to surge in the polls, the third party’s confidence trick is unravelling

      Desperation to survive overrides the Lib Dems’ commitment to stopping Brexit Credit: Blower

      What exactly is the point of the Liberal Democrats? Until a few days ago, the Stop Brexit Party seemed to have buried this enduring question under the bloated hubris of its pro-EU positioning. But as the Lib Dems’ surge starts to sag like a political facelift of questionable quality, the awkward question Jo Swinson doesn’t want us to ask is coughing its way back to centre stage.

      For all her pugnacious ambition, Ms Swinson is already panicking a little too publicly. You can see it in her haste to launch the Lib Dems’ mellow-yellow manifesto the day after her ITV debate snub. She may be hoping to seduce Remainers with the tripping romanticism of a Brave New Cosmopolitanland – complete with loadsamoney for schools, whizzing electric trains and legal cannabis for everyone.

      But even her metropolitan sympathists are now suffering from Lib-Dem noseblindness. The party has kicked up such a stink against Brexit that nothing it says or does between now and polling day can be considered impactful or striking. In contrast, the Tories’ warnings of Steptoe-cackling collapse have started to prey on this group’s vibrant memories of 83 per cent tax rates and six-month waiting lists for phone lines.

      The Lib Dems are being squeezed, as the country realises that this is a two-horse between Labour and the Tories. But if our smaller parties struggle to defy the laws of electoral gravity, they should know by now that politics is an optical illusion too; Ms Swinson’s desperation is only making the Lib Dems look smaller.

      The party’s complaint to the High Court that its exclusion from the ITV debate was unlawful came across as stroppy. Its decision to run a presidential-style campaign with a leader nobody has heard of – confirmed by focus groups – is also bizarre. (Which makes it all the more intriguing that Ms Swinson wears bright colours in public as if she is the queen, helping photographers make her out in the crowd.)

      Here is the thing about the Liberal Democrats: their claim to represent a peppy new political alternative is a conceit. They are a clapped-out old rocker of a political movement. The Liberals have not come up with a genuinely new domestic policy since Beveridge’s trail-blazing social reformism. Their vision of the future – which mixes bureaucratic despotism and moth-eaten retro-socialism – is Fleetwood Mac riffing off North Korea.

      On paper, as a third party, they make no sense, given that the most compelling gap in the political market exists across the country’s rust belt – the Midlands, North and Wales. But, imprisoned by their own snobbery, the Lib Dems have opted to scrap for airtime in the most overcrowded space – Remainia – where centrist Tories and Labour’s dominant wing vie for favour.

      The Lib Dems have proved rather good at concealing their true role in this election, which oscillates between wanton destructiveness and shrivelling irrelevance. It says something about media bias that Nigel Farage should be so remorselessly pilloried for failing to give way to the Tories, but Ms Swinson’s even more self-defeating strategy has almost completely evaded scrutiny. It is a gift to the PM that the Lib Dems are standing in several Labour seats like High Peak and Canterbury; unlikely to make gains, they could help the Tories by splitting the Remain vote.

      Come to think of it, the Lib Dems have practically handed a free trade Brexit on a plate to the country. Lest we forget that, back in November, the Ms Swinson was the first national party to break ranks and champion a election, leaving Labour with no choice but to agree. They knew full well it would most likely lead to a Tory majority. Happily though, failing to stop Brexit comes with the convenient consolation of more Lib Dem seats.

      But does the drip-drip of poll points from the Lib Dems reflect Remainers’ growing realisation that the movement they have emotionally invested in is a dud? Desperation to survive overrides the Lib Dems’ aversion to Brexit. From its “dead parrot” years under Thatcher to its meteoric rise and then its existential crisis after Clegg, the party has for decades been one bad election night from extinction.

      It could, once again, be heading for a disappointment on polling day – having fallen into the typical third-party trap of talking big rather than thinking big. Instead of obsessing over the limelight, the Lib Dems should be throwing all their resources at a tight number of winnable seats in order to be a kingmaker. Instead of policies that sound like something written on the back of a coaster in a Richmond co-working cafe (“skills wallets”? Really?), they should be putting the two big beasts to shame by coming up with genuinely radical liberal ideas. After the Second World War, with just five MPs in Parliament, the Liberals still managed to drive the agenda, from Keynesianism to central planning.

      How far they have fallen. Rather than fizzing with the freshness of a reinvigorated party, the Lib Dems reek of vacuous, washed-out celebrity. This could cost them. As Cleggmania proved, when the country’s future is at stake, voters are far more fickle than fans. Politics is harsher than showbusiness, after all.”

      1. My wish is that the Libdems come out of he election with fewer seats than they went in and that every turncoat MP who joined them fails to be elected.

      2. …they should be putting the two big beasts to shame by coming up with genuinely radical liberal ideas.

        Why would the LibDums bother with radical ideas? They are the party of the EU and their earnest desire is that the UK succumbs to that body’s control. The LibDums would be happy to sit in Ken Clarke’s parish council chamber.

    3. Unable to stem their Remainer exodus, the Lib Dems are on the verge of crashing and burning

      Sherelle Jacobs Daily Telegraph Columnist

      After failing to surge in the polls, the third party’s confidence trick is unravelling

      What exactly is the point of the Liberal Democrats? Until a few days ago, the Stop Brexit Party seemed to have buried this enduring question under the bloated hubris of its pro-EU positioning. But as the Lib Dems’ surge starts to sag like a political facelift of questionable quality, the awkward question Jo Swinson doesn’t want us to ask is coughing its way back to centre stage.

      For all her pugnacious ambition, Ms Swinson is already panicking a little too publicly. You can see it in her haste to launch the Lib Dems’ mellow-yellow manifesto the day after her ITV debate snub. She may be hoping to seduce Remainers with the tripping romanticism of a Brave New Cosmopolitanland – complete with loadsamoney for schools, whizzing electric trains and legal cannabis for everyone.

      But even her metropolitan sympathists are now suffering from Lib-Dem noseblindness. The party has kicked up such a stink against Brexit that nothing it says or does between now and polling day can be considered impactful or striking. In contrast, the Tories’ warnings of Steptoe-cackling collapse have started to prey on this group’s vibrant memories of 83 per cent tax rates and six-month waiting lists for phone lines.

      The Lib Dems are being squeezed, as the country realises that this is a two-horse between Labour and the Tories. But if our smaller parties struggle to defy the laws of electoral gravity, they should know by now that politics is an optical illusion too; Ms Swinson’s desperation is only making the Lib Dems look smaller.

      The party’s complaint to the High Court that its exclusion from the ITV debate was unlawful came across as stroppy. Its decision to run a presidential-style campaign with a leader nobody has heard of – confirmed by focus groups – is also bizarre. (Which makes it all the more intriguing that Ms Swinson wears bright colours in public as if she is the queen, helping photographers make her out in the crowd.)

      Here is the thing about the Liberal Democrats: their claim to represent a peppy new political alternative is a conceit. They are a clapped-out old rocker of a political movement. The Liberals have not come up with a genuinely new domestic policy since Beveridge’s trail-blazing social reformism. Their vision of the future – which mixes bureaucratic despotism and moth-eaten retro-socialism – is Fleetwood Mac riffing off North Korea.

      On paper, as a third party, they make no sense, given that the most compelling gap in the political market exists across the country’s rust belt – the Midlands, North and Wales. But, imprisoned by their own snobbery, the Lib Dems have opted to scrap for airtime in the most overcrowded space – Remainia – where centrist Tories and Labour’s dominant wing vie for favour.

      The Lib Dems have proved rather good at concealing their true role in this election, which oscillates between wanton destructiveness and shrivelling irrelevance. It says something about media bias that Nigel Farage should be so remorselessly pilloried for failing to give way to the Tories, but Ms Swinson’s even more self-defeating strategy has almost completely evaded scrutiny. It is a gift to the PM that the Lib Dems are standing in several Labour seats like High Peak and Canterbury; unlikely to make gains, they could help the Tories by splitting the Remain vote.

      Come to think of it, the Lib Dems have practically handed a free trade Brexit on a plate to the country. Lest we forget that, back in November, the Ms Swinson was the first national party to break ranks and champion a election, leaving Labour with no choice but to agree. They knew full well it would most likely lead to a Tory majority. Happily though, failing to stop Brexit comes with the convenient consolation of more Lib Dem seats.

      But does the drip-drip of poll points from the Lib Dems reflect Remainers’ growing realisation that the movement they have emotionally invested in is a dud? Desperation to survive overrides the Lib Dems’ aversion to Brexit. From its “dead parrot” years under Thatcher to its meteoric rise and then its existential crisis after Clegg, the party has for decades been one bad election night from extinction.

      It could, once again, be heading for a disappointment on polling day – having fallen into the typical third-party trap of talking big rather than thinking big. Instead of obsessing over the limelight, the Lib Dems should be throwing all their resources at a tight number of winnable seats in order to be a kingmaker. Instead of policies that sound like something written on the back of a coaster in a Richmond co-working cafe (“skills wallets”? Really?), they should be putting the two big beasts to shame by coming up with genuinely radical liberal ideas. After the Second World War, with just five MPs in Parliament, the Liberals still managed to drive the agenda, from Keynesianism to central planning.

      How far they have fallen. Rather than fizzing with the freshness of a reinvigorated party, the Lib Dems reek of vacuous, washed-out celebrity. This could cost them. As Cleggmania proved, when the country’s future is at stake, voters are far more fickle than fans. Politics is harsher than showbusiness, after all.

    1. If only Kate Hoey and Nigel Farage had worked together we might have escaped becoming a vassal state which is now almost certain to happen.

      Ironically it seems that even Jo Swinson has more integrity that the Bonking Buffoon. However much we may disagree with Swinson at least, since becoming leader of her party, she has never pretended to be anything other than an EU fanatic. On the other hand Johnson managed to win the party leadership by convincing the rank and file members that he was a sincere ‘leaver’ who was prepared – and determined if necessary – to leave the EU with no deal with the EU. Indeed when he called for a general election there was still hope that we could get round the parliamentary obstacles Letwin and Benn had placed in the way.

      And now he is exposed as a hypocrite who is more than keen to sell his country into servitude. Not only has he refused to cooperate with Nigel Farage to work for a proper Brexit but the treacherous fumbling fornicator has managed to sell his rehash of May’s supine surrender deal to a gullible populace claiming it is a ‘brilliant’ new deal.

      Is that it? Are we lumbered with him with no way of getting rid of him? How I would love something so foul and sordid about him to emerge in the MSM as to necessitate his immediate resignation as prime minister: something that would make Prince Andrew look like an innocent choirboy by comparison.

      1. R,
        Check my back post for years
        maintaining the lib / dems being
        the most honest of the political
        Plus ALL the blame cannot be placed upon the politico’s they take backup to tango and the backup comes via the polling booth again,again,& again.
        Nothing new, think heath, major, b liar, brown, may.

      2. Rastus, the problem is that if Johnson bonked off this mortal coil tomorrow his place would be taken by another like him. The fact is that all three of the main parties have been infiltrated by EU agents.
        It will probably take the disaster that Johnson is promoting to finally drive home the fact that the EU is nothing less than a nascent Fourth Reich, ably supported by a Vichy French political class. Little wonder that the apparatchiks were so happy when the idiot May accepted their ‘deal’ and then Johnson followed suit after he was thrown a few crumbs.
        I still have doubts that May really understood the full implications of what she agreed to and nothing that Johnson has said makes me feel that he does, quite the opposite in fact. As for the Parliamentary Tory Party, it appears to me that after the disastrous May they have all coalesced around Johnson to ensure that the Party survives, even at the cost of the UK. In the final analysis the likes of Baker, Francois et al. are Party first Tories and not patriots.

        1. Yes, but we are still more interested in what happens here, to what happens in the US, that you have conveniently moved yourself off to.

          1. Yes. You know Donald has Scottish ancestry. Check out Mary. She was amazing, from the Hebrides, so Donald cares.

          2. I think we all know that Trump’s mother was Scottish. Many of us also know that Trump was recorded in Scotland saying how good it was that Leave had won the referendum – obviously not knowing that Scotland voted to remain. He cares.

          3. I’m not negative about Trump – I agree he is probably our only chance – but I don’t see him being “caring”.

          4. What, putting tariffs on everything from the EU, including us, because of mostly French and German tinkering on airbus? Slam the French and Krauts by all means, but let our whisky etc. go…

  22. The lab party unveils it’s festering manifesto inclusive of
    100,000 new social houses but this is on par with granny
    pi$$ing in the Atlantic to make a difference.
    Get abbot to do the sums as in how many a week is needed to be built to catch up with guest’s already here
    those on the way here, and those planning to come here.
    Excluding the indigenous already on the social housing waiting list they have not been recognised since the first immigrant was housed,

  23. Delaying Crossrail opening ‘until 2021’ may cost capital £2billion

    The delayed opening of Crossrail could cost London £2 billion, it can be revealed today.
    Transport for London says the latest delay — the line will not open next year as hoped — will cost it £500 million to £750 million in lost fares. This is in addition to the £600 million it already expected to lose as a result of the failure to open last December.
    TfL is also in talks with the Government about how to find a further £400 million to £650 million to cover the extra construction costs of completing the line. The project is now estimated to cost £18.25 billion.

    The scale of the financial hit to TfL was revealed to Mayor Sadiq Khan and the TfL board yesterday. A statement was also issued to the London Stock Exchange. TfL is expecting to post a £300 million loss this financial year.

      1. Someone is making a lot of money somewhere, and guaranteeing ongoing payments for services, by making this project go on and on.

  24. Triple Awkward

    “To put this lack of social housing and being blamed on the Tories by
    labour let’s put this myth in prospective. Meanwhile Maggie while
    rebuilding council housing created the largest batch of new home owners
    that previously could never have afforded their own homes

    Tom Copley, Labour’s housing spokesman in the capital, said that Margaret
    Thatcher’s government had built more council flats and houses in a
    single year than New Labour’s managed in its entire period in office.

    From fact-check site…..

    This is correct. The official data shows that the Blair and Brown
    governments built 7,870 council houses (local authority tenure) over the
    course of 13 years. (If we don’t include 2010 – the year when David
    Cameron became PM – this number drops to 6,510.) Mr Copley has
    contrasted this figure with the record of Mrs Thatcher’s government,
    which never built fewer than 17,710 homes in a year”
    Now SadDick about all those “low cost social housing” in London………………………..

  25. Just listened to that arsehole Jezzbollah Corbyn speaking on the wireless, lamenting the plight of our homeless veterans, blaming it all on the Conservative government and saying that Liebour has the solution.

    I bet they do – .the gruesome twosome, Corbyn and McDonnell, have a plan to take our homeless vets off the streets by imprisoning them all for ‘war crimes’.

    1. Rings a bell that it was Bomber Blair who caused a lot of those old soldiers to be wrecked ‘veterans’.

      He might not have been a red to the bone socialist, but he sure as hell never campaigned under the banner of ‘Conservative’

  26. EEEHHHH! That was a fun 10 minutes.
    Phone call from a young lady in New Deli telling me that Google Security had logged my computer as having problems.
    I managed to waste 10 minutes of her time before she hung up!

    1. Get the subject round to your health and expound on

      Your supturating pile
      Bad breath
      DyerEar, but I cannot spell it


      It is fun

      1. Ask how the weather is now, as you have a holiday coming up and need to know what clothes to take.

    2. The latest wheeze is Raj from the ‘telephone preference service’ offering to upgrade your package to stop annoying calls. He just wants to confirm your card details. Its amazing how quick they can enter the 16 random digits provided and discover it false.

    3. I remember those days of allowing a call centre salesperson attempt to tell you what was wrong with your own computer security setup. They clearly had a “response sheet” if you asked basic questions of them, that was designed to sound impressive to those who have limited experience. They must be able to trap some poor souls.

      These days if the phone rings I say nothing and wait for the other person to speak. The computer-dialled sales calls ring off when met with silence. My friends say “Hello?” followed by “Will you stop doing that!” and then the conversation begins. 🙂

  27. “So Jeremy,Billionaires are the sort of people that would find it easy to just up sticks and leave aren’t they??”
    ” Well obviously we would have to prevent that”
    Socialism,twas ever thus,the system that needs barbed wire and machine guns to keep people in,not out

      1. The rich are well protected already with the webs of blind trusts and offshore companies
        The likes of Russell Brand who “rents” his house from a Cayman Trust spring to mind,he gets very upset if anyone asks about that trust..
        On a grander scale see Branson for more details………..
        As always it will be the BPI in the middle who get it in the neck

      2. Yo Ol

        capital flight

        Led ages ago by the likes of Richard Branson.

        A good left wing socialist Billy/Milly on aire who has already left for his private island in the Windies

  28. Was this really 1968?

    “Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen


    1. Good afternoon, ‘Belle!

      Yup. I’ve just read Raheem Kassam’s book, “Enoch Was Right”, which contains all the key speeches reproduced in their entirety and puts them in context. Well worth revisiting.

      1. Hello Sue

        To tell you the truth , I was just browsing and thought I would be brave enough to quote that paragraph.. I will look that book up .. thanks Sue.

        Why on earth should any of us feel guilty by acknowledging the truth of the matter.. I have had enough of libertarian untruths .. and years of burying national guilt under the sand .

        1. TB,
          Many cannot say that any party outside of the toxic close shop is & has been right for years
          for the simple reason it means they have been wrong for years.
          What I find very hard to believe is anyone supporting / voting for a mass uncontrolled immigration party
          after witnessing & being shown the paedophilia
          issues & cover up of said issues for the good of the party.
          Taking petrol to a fire makes more sense.

    2. Afternoon TB,
      But the multitude’s are trying to
      convince me that tis I, who suffers from the madness malady, I do truly believe that the electorate is not wearing a stitch of clothing betwixt them.
      They are in the main voting to slay
      democracy although taking the three monkey route they convince themselves otherwise.
      No need for me to wear gloves through the summer months as concealment.

    3. It does show the level of disinformation and brainwashing that are evident in some parts of the education system now. Being 50 years old, I may have left school more recently than some here. When I did, the only thought that I associated with the name Enoch Powell was “disgusting racist” and knew nothing else about him.

      As you get older you question the things that you have been taught as real life shines it’s light upon you. When you discover that left-wing politicians such as Tony Benn were his friend and have said “He does not have a racist bone in his body” then that leads to a revision of opinion. It is now clear that Mr Powell was simply telling the truth and that is why he was vilified by everyone who was trying to engineer the situation that we find ourselves in now.

      Although, in their wildest dreams, I doubt that the globalists back then could have imagined that they could get immigration up to 250,000 – 400,000 a year before people noticed that something was very wrong.

      1. It’s worrying. One finds onesself agreeing more & more with Tony Benn as one gets older. And I’m 58 (bodily) and 18(brain). The brain age goes backwards as the body ages. :-((

        1. One can respect people with whom one disagrees just as one can feel contempt for some people who share one’s opinions on some things.

          One of the miseries of Brexit is that people are expected to be sworn enemies of those with a different view to their own.

      2. Good afternoon, Meredith

        I was at a trendy new university (University of East Anglia 1966 – 69) at the time when Enoch Powell was being vilified by the Left and feeble Conservatives such as Traitor Heath lacked both the guts and the integrity to stand up for him.

        However Powell had many supporters among young people in universities who could see how the MSM tried to crucify those with incorrect opinions.

      3. MM,
        Mr Gerard Batten is also a truth
        teller of renown but also vilified & castigated by a great many on the grounds that the truth hurts.

  29. I see that Labour is to pledge a windfall tax on oil companies as part of a plan to “transform the UK into a low carbon, green economy.”

    Wind power is currently providing 31% of our electricity and nuclear 20%. Even so, electricity is NOT keeping most of us warm nor getting our food to the shelves nor powering our cars, buses and lorries, etc., etc., etc.

    My question to the green loonies is this – where is our future energy to come from, especially with an expanding population?

      1. I searched all over for that one – thank you Angie and Good Morning.

        It’s heading for Ar5ebook.

    1. General election 2019: Labour to pledge windfall tax on oil companies.

      So, what you are saying, if there is a drop off of wind velocity (windfall), the oil companies will be fined.

      The simple way to avoid it, is to mount wind turbines horizontaly in the roof of the Houses of Slime (Eastminster if Corbyn is involved) so the hot air generated by the slimeballs (and his wife) will supply power.

      Almost Perpetual Motion

  30. General election 2019: Labour launches ‘radical’ manifesto

    Great news Corbyn will abolish poverty. Under Labours plans Everything will be Free and even better news anyone in the world will be able to come to the UK and be able to make full use of all the freebies

    Wo is going to pay for this, Who knows don’t ask difficult questions a few pence on corporation ta should do it

    1. Why are we listening to that F######## little Marxist.. his little Paki friend hasn’t done anything for London, he promised homes .. Khan has encouraged an overcrowded dangerous TFL..

      Lying scumbag .. I despise Corbyn and his cohorts.. even Callaghan and Wilson will be turning in their graves..

      The very shadow of the DEVIL has now cast a long shadow over Britain .. The Protestant ethic has been TRASHED .. I feel so angry .. choked up!

      1. For Heaven’s sake, Belle, can’t you really tell us what you think?
        All this pussy footing ….

  31. This won’t go down well….

    SIR – Laura Donnelly (report, November 14) presents convincing evidence that the increase in Type 2 diabetes is caused by the obesity crisis.

    A vigorous and direct public health campaign needs to be undertaken. This should emphasise that, although eating healthy food and exercise are important, it is eating too much that is the primary cause of obesity, and therefore of Type 2 diabetes.

    Sir Terence English FRCS


  32. Non-Brexit/Election article…

    As we have appeared to have reached the afternoon lull i will now post my pics from last night.

    James Bond themed Charity Dinner for the https://www.rainbowcentre.org/
    Helping people with neurological problems.

    We raised via Roulette/Blackjack tables £540. Not bad as there were only 22 of us.



    1. Given your skill at the poker table I take it that they roped you in as the croupier, rather than allow you to be a player.


      Great effort and for a truly worthwhile cause.

      1. Thanks Sos. One of the people being helped by (this not funded by the government) Charity is a three month old baby that had a stroke as it was being born.

        They brought in a Volunteer from the charity to do the Roulette and the restaurant wine merchant to do the Black Jack. He benefitted from having his wines showcased with every course.

        After my little windfall this was to share something with five of my friends and the Charity also got something out of it. Wins all round.

        Three bottles of sparkling local wine and four bottles of wine to accompany the courses. I bought their chips for them as well. :o)

          1. The representative told us that a woman giving birth can also suffer stroke. I hadn’t heard of either cases like that before.

          2. Also, Though they met their target last month and quite probably this month they have a shortfall of £105,000 this year. They will have to begin cutting services. I have changed my Will from the RNLI getting everything to these and other local good causes that don’t receive government funding.

    2. If you are not careful, I will post pictures of the great “gym class-a-thon” that I have been persuaded to take part in tomorrow. Twentyfive demented souls attempting a four hour cardio class as a fundraiser.

      On second thoughts, we will not be as elegantly dressed!

      1. We would like to see them. Post the name who you are collecting for also. I have done similar here in the past and one or two Nottlers did make contributions. Every little helps.

      1. Roasted cauliflower soup with grilled scallops.
        Game Terrine with Calvados and preserved apple.
        Grilled red Mullet with orange and fennel salad.

        Intermission…..Gaming tables for 1 hour. The person holding the most chips at the end wins 25% of the chips sold @£1.00 each.
        The winner asked if he wished to donate the winnings to the Charity (of course he did). That amount matched by Larry. He did
        get a bottle of Sparkling and a lot of Kudos.

        Roast rump of lamb marinated in yoghurt, oregano and rosemary with a honey and apricot sauce.
        Roasted pears in a buttery caramel sauce.
        Lemon sorbet.

        Hugs laughs and kisses….TAXI…

  33. The police must rethink its Orwellian obsession with ‘transphobia’. 21 NOVEMBER 2019.

    If there is an event that captures the lunacies of modern life, it is a hearing currently taking place in the High Court in London. The case concerns a complaint about allegedly “transphobic” remarks and the police response. Harry Miller, himself a former police officer, tweeted comments about gender that a member of the public reported to Humberside constabulary.


    Jerry Markham 21 Nov 2019 7:28AM.

    The way our Police have morphed from an organisation that actually tackled REAL crime into an Orwellian Thought Police is an utter disgrace.

    This has happened by the promotion of Politically Correct and Common Purpose officers to the highest ranks.

    The current Met Commissioner, with the name that gets moderated, was the lead officer in the “murder” of Jean Charles de Mendez. A thoroughly stuffed up operation that can only be described as a panic ending in the death of an innocent man.

    Yet even though she had been shown to be UNABLE to keep a level head in a stressful situation this adherent to the Common Purpose doctrine gets the most senior police position in the UK. For the love of Pete, How?

    The brainwashing of recruits at the Police College is further evidence that our Police have lost the plot.

    She was only ever promoted for her Common Purpose and Feminist credentials. De Menezes is probably the least of her offences. Under her leadership the police have become a tool of State repression.


    1. Chief Superintendent Novlett Robyn Williams of the Met has been convicted of possessing a pornographic image of a child. This has taken 8 months to come to trial apparently, as it first popped up in February.
      But that is only one issue. What should surprise me, but does not, is that she has risen to a senior rank in a career of only eleven years.
      Williams remains on “restricted duties” according to the BBC. (The BBC seem to have buried an earlier article.)


    1. With the way they are rapidly importing third world savages it wont be long before the rest of Paris looks like Notre Dame.

    1. Morning VVOF,
      It must be getting near the point where
      the indigenous will no longer be encouraged to vote, maybe a good thing on seeing the results of the past four decades.
      The indigenous vote is coming to an end as with their usefulness in the ballot booth.
      The guest’s they have over the years invited in must now lead us in the way forward, mindset of a lab/lib/con politico & a multitude of fools.

    2. The indigenous white British population has been reproducing itself at under the replacement level (c. 2 children per couple) for over 50 years so how can there possibly be a housing shortage?

      Any government with any sense would only allow new immigrants to come when there was enough infrastructure – housing, health care & hospitals, schooling, electricity. gas, water, food supply, roads, public transport etc. etc. to cope with the existing requirement of those already in Britain before inviting any more people in?

      1. Morning Richard .

        Social housing these days are nothing more than farrowing pens for many dysfunctional families! Children who have no idea who their antecedents are.

        Prince Harry and his modom are modern examples .. and no doubt that trend will continue .. he is up to his neck in problems now.

        1. I’m afraid to say GOOD if Prince Harry and Prince Andrew are up to their necks. They are spoiled brats who do not deserve to be financed by the taxpayer, to any extent.

          They have enough money already – let them b^gger off and live somewhere else – without any payment by us.

      2. Morning R,
        Replacement electorate the current one has had it’s day as in after decades of being in three monkey mode the electorate are awakening.
        A awoke thinking electorate is NOT to be tolerated.

    1. “Reality has no place in the Labour Party”- Superb! (Same applies to Lib Dems and others)

    1. Abbott’s map reading for Lammy who’s driving. Could be the last sighting of the Shadow Cabinet.

    2. “In our new system of government, anyone who finds a red card wins. Yea! Everybody wins!” Apart from those outside of the bus.

    1. Morning PT,
      More like “has the electorate had it’s day” as a collective force they
      have / are endangering innocent lives

      1. Morning ogga,
        Our democracy has been trashed and we no longer live in a sovereign state.
        The Monarchy has to change, the next five years will be interesting!

        1. ‘Afternoon, P-T, I don’t think so, it’s worked well over a 1,000 years. Maybe the change you’re looking for is a return to the Divine Right of Kings (and Queens).

        2. PT,
          They have proved in the past to be of good standing over the decades within these Isles.

          Much, much more important, is the electorate
          going to change because without a shadow of doubt they have brought us all into a potential war zone.
          The death toll mounts daily, fact.

  34. Spiked

    “Is it against the law to protest against Anna Soubry? It looks like it is. A court has found a woman guilty

    of causing Ms Soubry to feel ‘alarm and distress’ by interrupting her

    public meetings and calling her a traitor during a live TV interview. In

    the words of the judge, the woman was ‘driven by anger at Ms Soubry’s

    political views on Brexit’ and that anger made Ms Soubry feel harassed.

    This is a deeply disturbing verdict. It should worry everyone who

    believes in the political right to challenge MPs and the broader elite.”


    Not only convicted but banned from campaigning in Broxstrowe where she is standing as a candidate………………..

    The icing on the cake??

    What’s worse, she was found guilty by a Magistrate – not a jury – and the
    magistrate was Lady Arbuthnot, the wife of former Tory MP and work
    colleague of Anna Soubry.

    The whole optics of this stink

    1. Vested interest, shirley.

      A stern telling off for using inflammatory language and at the same time telling Soubry if she wanted to be a politician to grow a thick skin ! Should have been enough.

      (Sounds a bit like a judgement of Solomon, i think i chose the wrong career).

      1. Inflammatory language in a political fight? Surely not? I always thought hustings were a reasonable excuse, for a stand up, knock down, rammy.
        Is that not how it used to be?

        1. May be so, but calling out a politician at THIS time as a traitor is going to get you a shitload of trouble seeing as so many of them are…

      1. She should file a formal appeal on the rounds that said Magistrate had ties to the complainant.

  35. MRD letter of the day:

    SIR – Tom Tugendhat’s claim (Comment, November 19) that China would use Huawei 5G equipment to “snoop” on Britain is unjustified.

    The latest generation of mobile technology does not change the basic principles of network design. Telecoms companies such as Vodafone, BT and Three will continue to own and operate Britain’s networks, and they use dozens of suppliers to ensure security and resilience. Huawei does not dominate the market today and will not do so in the future.

    The equipment we supply to Britain is the pipe down which the data travels. Encryption protects this data independently of the network, with security systems on individual mobile phones and connected equipment providing additional protection.

    In 30 years of selling Huawei technology globally, there has never been a serious cybersecurity incident.

    Victor Zhang
    Senior Vice President, Huawei Group
    Reading, Berkshire

  36. Labour’s real 2019 manifesto
    Lionel Shriver – 23 November 2019 – 9:00 AM

    In 2019, Labour’s strategy is about delivering a fairer, more prosperous society, in adherence to our motto: for the zany, not the shrewd.

    Because Labour voters have short attention spans (and therefore do not remember how deeply we got the nation in debt the last time our party was in power), we would like to frontload this manifesto with the vast piles of Free Stuff that will inundate British households if you award our party a majority. You will notice lower down on your ballot a space to tick ‘milk’ or ‘dark’ for your 750g M&S chocolate assortment. Do not forget to further customise your order by ticking ‘creams’, ‘caramels’ or ‘truffles’, and ‘yes’ or ‘no’ by ‘I have a nut allergy’.

    We apologise that delivery of your first free weekly Proletariat Pizza (thin crust or classic deep pan) will have to wait until after 12 December, because we were unable to fit the full list of optional toppings on to the ballot paper, and there were unresolved objections from some quarters to the inclusion of pineapple.

    When leaving the polling station, however, make sure to pick up your shiny red Labour goodie bag to the left (naturally) of the door. We don’t want to ruin all the surprises in store, but we can tip off voters that gifts include: a 100ml bottle of Aveda Botanical Kinetics moisturiser, a five-inch lavender-scented candle (bound to come in useful when we nationalise energy companies), a £50 John Lewis coupon redeemable for the lampshade of your choice (teal blue being, alas, out of stock), a deckle-edged collector’s edition of Mao’s Little Red Book, Bose Bluetooth headphones (as we’re not to be outdone by the New Yorker Festival), and a small electric car.

    Commonly, of course, goodie bags are filled by donations from supportive companies, but because we couldn’t find any companies that want Jeremy Corbyn to become prime minister, the cost to Labour of those headphones will be reimbursed by the taxpayer. That’s surely all right with you, because if you vote for Labour in 2019 we assume that you’re not a taxpayer.

    Advance announcement of our nationwide free broadband policy allowed the membership to point out that super-rich access to commercial streaming services is not only a form of cultural appropriation but a major contributor to inequality. So we will also be providing the British people with free subscriptions to Netflix, Sky Sports and Disney Plus.

    In the event that householders have needs and desires in excess of chocolate and moisturiser, never fear. In its first year, a Labour government will nationalise Amazon. Thus British citizens — and non-citizens, whose exclusion would be racist — will be able to have DIY materials, groceries from Amazon Fresh, gardening tools, Nike trainers and ineffective nutritional supplements shipped directly from 10 Downing Street, all without the bother of registering a credit card. We regret that owing to the organisational challenges of fitting this many goods into a rather small house off Whitehall, to begin with our returns policy may not be quite as efficient as the current online retailer’s.

    As for health care, free dental checkups are just the start. To ameliorate our oppressed countrymen’s damaging reputation for dingy smiles, we will offer the entire electorate free tooth whitening and/or veneers. Nitrous oxide will also be made available on a recreational basis.

    Given that the money we will pile each year into surgeries and hospitals will be equivalent to the Treasury’s entire annual budget, we are herewith proposing to rename the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ‘the National Health Service’. As any mention of this institution must already be delivered with quavering, misty-eyed reverence, it makes sense that ‘our NHS’ should refer to the country itself, thereby ensuring a degree of social cohesion with which mere ‘One Nation Conservatism’ cannot compete.

    The Labour party realises that inequality is not solely a material concern. Of course our confiscation of private schools will guarantee that no one in our fine country is permitted unjustly to excel, but we will go still further — bulldozing, grading and compacting the outlying properties of Eton and Harrow into perfectly level playing fields. The unjustly good-looking will be issued mandatory fat suits, the unjustly smart will wear compulsory VR headsets streaming synchronised patriotic dance numbers from North Korea, and the unjustly likeable will be targeted by vicious, defamatory Twitter pile-ons via #seeminglycharmingpersonsecretlyawanker.

    Detractors have claimed that, if we stick to our commitment to keep the taxes of 95 per cent of the population unchanged, our manifesto is unaffordable. On the contrary, the irresistible draw of so much fabulous fairness in one place is bound to attract investment from all over the world. Being graciously allowed to contribute to communal wellbeing on such a scale will act as an irresistible pull factor for the super-rich, especially when they learn that the civic-minded top 5 per cent will be issued complimentary hair shirts. Emblazoned with bright yellow pound signs, these sturdy waterproofs will provide welcome protection from the elements when CEOs, hedge-fund managers and any other members of the bourgeoisie who thieve more than £80,000 per annum are drafted into chain gangs to pick up roadside litter. (Apologies to the membership, but Jeremy has equivocated on expanding freedom of movement, as it was observed that such liberty might be misused to leave the country.)

    Besides, who is the tax evader par excellence? Who, the British people will be shocked to learn, has hitherto paid the Exchequer exactly 0 per cent, year upon year? Santa Claus. A notoriously wealthy, privileged capitalist who usurps the role of the state in determining who’s been naughty and who’s been nice. Closing up this loophole will alone finance our whole first term.

    Lastly, Jeremy has sorted climate change. We will nationalise the weather.

    1. Meanwhile, the Dutch Government is trying to block such returns https://nltimes.nl/2019/11/20/turkey-sending-isis-women-back-nl-disappointing-justice-min-says

      “Minister Ferdinand Grapperhaus of Justice and Security called it “very disappointing” that Turkey decided to deport two women suspected of participating in terrorist organization ISIS to the Netherlands. The women, with two children, arrived at Schiphol on Tuesday. The women were arrested and the children transferred to the Child Protection Board, the Public Prosecution Service said.

      Over the past days Grapperhaus tried everything in his power to change his Turkish colleague’s mind, but to no avail. “Very disappointing”, he said in parliament on Wednesday, NOS reports. “And then I express myself courteously, because that befits a Minister.”

      The women involved are Xaviera S. from Apeldoorn and Fatima H. from Tilburg, according to NOS. The two children, aged 3 and 4, are Fatima’s. Her Dutch nationality has been revoked and she is now only Moroccan. What that means for her children, is not clear. Fatima H. reported to the Dutch embassy in Ankara in October, Xaviera S.’s has been in custody in Turkey since January 2018.

      Turkey gave two reasons for deporting Fatima H. to the Netherlands, despite her no longer having Dutch nationality. Turkey does not have sufficient extradition agreements with Morocco, and it was the Netherlands’ own choice to revoke her nationality, the country said.”

      That’s the way to do it!

  37. My younger son mentioned all this austerity just yesterday.

    I told him there had been no austerity.

    “What about all the cuts?” was his response, to which I told him there had been no ‘cuts’, just reduced spending, and then only in carefully directed areas so as to preseve empires while hurting the public.

    “20,000 fewer police officers” he said. I told him that the moment someone had unwisely mentioned the word ‘Austerity’ all those years ago, it gave the green light to all those who would undermine the need to restrain unnecessary spending to bleat and scream that they were being treated badly. I told him to look around for evidence of these ‘cuts’ beyond essential front line services, such as the police and other areas where the public would notice they were being disadvantaged.

    I pointed out that there were still the same number of people esconced in the council offices. My council tax was still going up each year to keep them there while my bins get emptied once a fortnight. Front line services have been cut, but they still find the money to pay middle managers to take fit and able members of the public for discovery walks (or whatever they are called) along the beach over a period of six days during the summer season to cover the length of the AONB right up to Berwick at no cost to those dozen or half dozen people who take up the offer. It’s ‘Tourism’ you see and ‘it comes from a different budget’, so that’s OK, not ‘spending’, but ‘investment’. The little kingdoms in those offices remain unassailed while the chief executives are paid more than Boris Johnson.

    I then pointed out what Austerity really is. It’s not what we have had for these past 8 or 9 years or whatever.

    It was a few ounces of meat per adult per week.

    It was sweets and sugar on ration until 8 years after the end of the Second World War.

    It was darning socks when they developed a hole rather than slinging them out if you tired of the colour after a few wears.

    It was not being able to afford a car, even the most decrepit second or fifth hand rust heap, with only two car owners on our entire street of about twenty houses.

    It was knitting winter wear rather than splashing out on a nice light fleece.

    I don’t think I convinced him. They’ve been told we are in Austerity and they feel hard done by it.

    1. For me, it was standing in the blistering cold for hours, as my mother queued for bread, meat, greengrocery etc….
      It was a living in a word that was brown, grey, grubby and cold.
      It was trailing round dank, disused factories with my parents while they foraged for firewood and working light bulbs.

      1. For me, it was living with my widowed mother in a chilly, damp maisonette. No car, no phone, no fridge, no telly. I walked to school each day along the (even then) busy A38. Mum worked full time so I waa a latch-key kid, though our neighbours were kind and I didn’t stay out of doors in the winter but went next door for a cup of tea and some telly.
        For holidays we stayed with relatives or they came to us. In 1959, my last year at primary school, my mum saved all her pennies and did lots of sewing of clothes – she took me out of school and we stayed in London – big adventure doing the sights and visiting rellies and friends in Essex.

        1. The strength of mothers J, they needed medals ..

          I think that was the norm for many young families in those days .. I can remember friends whose fathers had excruciating war injuries , those children whose mothers were saints of another higher order .

      2. Move forward to the Callaghan years of shortages, strikes , power outs, fuel hikes, interest rates re mortgages, and general misery!

        Move backwards to the Wilson years .. and that was when my father said enough was enough .. then cleared off to S Africa .

        Off course the year after my parents left the UK for good .. all hell broke loose with this memorable speech!

        “Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that the country will not be worth living in for his children. I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else. What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking – not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history. We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancées whom they have never seen


        1. Thank you, Mags, befor I finished reading I said to myself, “Enoch Powell.” perhaps the last, truly honest, MP.

          Would that we had more like him.

    1. We appear to be importing hundreds of thousands of men. This will not end well.

      The idiots giggling could have driven their vehicle so close so that the trailers doors couldn’t be opened – its only a question then of obstructing the driver so he couldn’t drive his lorry away until the police arrived.

      1. S,
        Many of the underage youth of rotherham plus will bare witness to that, remind me who were / are the importers ?

          1. T,
            I like a laugh but there are subjects, paedophilia being one, that have no humorous content regarding the bare, bear, victim.
            If you feel the need for such photo’s I assume that PIE would supply.

          2. Wasn’t that bad when doing an occasional spot of life modelling gave me a small amount of pin money!

          3. Sat with a couple of two bar electric fires to keep me warm one cold November evening in Middleton by Youlgrieve village hall when a late comer arrived and the rest of the class complained about the draught from the open door, to which I responded, “You think you’ve got problems? Try sitting here!” It got a laugh.

      2. The next thing they will be itching for , is free sex with a white girl!

        A personal assistant was pestered for sex and asked to organise orgies by diplomats at the Qatari embassy in London, an employment tribunal heard.

        Deanne Kingson, 58, was driven to the brink of suicide by a ‘spiteful and vindictive’ campaign of sexual and religious discrimination at the Gulf state’s headquarters in Mayfair.

        Mrs Kingson – who has now been awarded a £390,000 compensation payout – was targeted by senior staff because she was not a Muslim and was seen as being ‘liable or willing to engage in sexual conduct with male employees’, the London tribunal heard. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7708101/Mother-two-58-awarded-400-000-suffering-sexual-harassment-diplomats.html

        1. Which the Qatari Embassy will no doubt not pay – like the Yanks with employment issues here (and incidentally killing people because they haven’t realised that we drive on the left-hand side of the road) – and of course all the parking tickets by embassies (especially African and US).

        2. Being awarded the equivalent of working for 20 years plus on a 40 hour week on UK minimum wage, for what are essentially hurt feelings.

          The world has gone mad.

          By all means “send a message” to employers but give the majority of the award back to HMRC.

          The woman could have looked for alternative employment.

  38. Daily Brexit Betrayal

    Three weeks to go until we vote in

    ‘the most important election’ in our country evah exclamation mark!

    Most important for whom, I wonder. Given the various promises of ‘free

    stuff’ and ‘tax Teh Rich’ our establishment parties are dangling in

    front of our noses, it’s obvious that this election is just like all

    previous ones – those before ‘Brexit’ entered our language.

    I’ve had to dig down very deeply into this morning’s MSM offerings

    to find something, anything, about Brexit. Not even the reports on the

    LimpDumb’s manifesto launch mention that they’re the self-declared party

    for Remain. The Brexit policies of the establishment parties are now so

    much a ‘given’ that there’s no need to write about them. They’re just

    another label: Blue is for ‘the best deal ever’, Red is for ‘we’ll get a

    better deal and then give you a 2nd Referendum’ and Yellow is for

    ‘we’ll stop Brexit’. No need to ask what Turquoise stands for, so nobody

    does ask.

    The two interesting bits of Brexit news were well hidden.

    First let’s hear from Johnson, reported way down in an article in

    RemainCentral which was mainly about his announcement regarding NI

    contributions. He made some noteworthy remarks which clarify, for me at

    least, how this Brexit Betrayal will work, starting with ‘The Deal”:

    “While the offer of

    tax cuts will help the Tories appeal to former Labour voters, Mr Johnson

    has to defend the party’s own Remain-voting heartlands. Asked to say if

    there was any chance of a no-deal Brexit under his premiership, he

    said: “None whatever. We have a great deal.” (link, paywalled)

    Yay for ‘The Deal’ – it’s great, no need to ask

    any longer why, how, or what’s in it. Just take it for granted! M

    Barnier will be very happy that ‘No deal’ is again off the table. That

    makes it much easier to keep us ‘In’.

    After refuting claims that ‘Brexiteer Tories’ were given ‘plum seats’,

    Johnson claimed that every Tory PPC supports ‘The Deal’. What he said

    next is another little straw in the wind, indicating that no, we won’t

    actually ‘Leave’. Read carefully:

    “He won’t commit

    himself to having the deal passed by Christmas (although the manifesto

    implies that the legislation will be introduced as soon as a

    Conservative majority sits in the Commons) nor say who will lead the EU

    trade talks. After some resistance he gave two substantive answers on

    how he envisaged the trade talks to be conducted. He agreed that since

    the UK and EU start in total alignment on tariffs and standards, the

    main negotiation will be in agreeing the consequences for divergence.

    “What we will have is a standard arrangement to cope with that

    [divergence] as you would have in any really deep free-trade

    partnership.” (link, paywalled)

    Is Johnson suitably cautious, not showing his hand,

    in a ‘not counting chickens …’ attitude? Or is he simply trying not to

    let the cat out of the bag, that there’s no chance of us actually

    leaving by the end of next year?


    1. It’s a polite way of saying BRINO

      …which apparently impresses lots of British voters.

      Wasn’t it Barnier who said “Those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad”

    2. There is no doubt about it: Johnson is a traitor, a liar, a hypocrite and a cheat. Nobody with any judgement or integrity should touch this piece of excrement with a disinfected barge-pole.

  39. Apparently Unicorns, really, truly do exist:

    “Schwab To Buy TD Ameritrade For $26 Billion, Creating $5 Trillion Retail Brokerage Giant”……

  40. I would like to hear Corbyn’s response if companies stated:

    “Fair enough, we won’t do business in Britain, the rewards don’t cover the risks.”

    1. If successful British companies and individuals don’t have their own exit plan just in case Labour wins, they are not doing proper risk assessments.

      I would expect a massive flight of capital if a Labour win became inevitable. Followed later by an equally predictable talent exit. Why stay around for the inevitable tax grabs if you don’t have to.

    1. I could never understand why these people do not declare their find and leave it to archaeologists and the British Museum to excavate. After all it would be treasure trove and both they and the landowner would be handsomely rewarded in due course and we would have a far better understanding of certain gaps in our history.

      1. Because they think they can get more money that way. And you really think they care about the country’s history?

  41. The Daily Record lists the charges against Mr Salmond.
    Interestingly, a number of them would probably come under the definition of “making a pass” at someone, before the law was changed to prevent physical overtures. Fifty years ago such an unwanted, or even unwonted, approach would have been met with a slap, and that would have been the end of it.
    However, as Duncan Mac says below, their may be a concerted political attack as much as anything else. The time gap is such that even those directly involved may well have hazy memories.


    1. Who knows what the real truth is but I suspect it is more the media making a huge storm over it. HE has no doubt been silly associating with that man but I don’t think there is much more to it then that

      1. What on earth are you on about?

        These are pictures of animals being photographed.

        Have you just leapt on a likely looking comment and posted a pile of garbage?

    2. Apologies, my (ancient) school girl French is not up to this, so who is responsible for collecting all these wonderful photos? Many smiles for the day!!

      1. It’s an advertiser using the pictures to attract subscribers, but the blurb around the pictures is interesting and they certainly made me smile.

        If you get the chance, watch “The biggest little Farm”.
        A bit twee to start with, but it’s a real feel good film/documentary, and it shows how proper diversity works, it should be compulsory viewing for vegans, vegetarians and “Greens”

    3. I’ll suffer for my art, but there’s no way I’m going to get humped by a seal just for another photo.

      1. How strange.
        I was going to post that bassetedge was the photographer, next to that one!


  42. Latest IPSOS MORI Poll

    Whilst different polls give different percentages the trend has been consistent and that is the minor parties are losing ground to the Conservatives & Labour
    It is now only 3 weeks to the election. The polls are yet to show whether the Labour manifesto will make any difference. I suspect it will not as most voters no their policies are unaffordable and cannot be implemented. It is not clear as to when the poll was taken so may not account for the Lib-Dem manifesto

    Con 44% +3%
    Lab 28% +4%
    Lib 16% -4%
    SNP 5% -0%
    GRN 3% -0%
    BRX 3% -4%

  43. The Lib-Dem Spending plans torn to shreds when it was exposed they had no way to pay for them

    One budget they claimed would fund some of it was the mysterious Brexit bonus of £50B . This turn out to be pure fiction and was based on some economic forecasts that we would be £50B a year worse off if we left the EU. This figure was a worst case scenario so they are trying to claim they will have an extra £50B if we stay but that is economic nonsense

  44. Afternoon all. An absolutely blistering article from Alister Heath showing how the cowardly and hypocritical ‘woke’ are happy to pick on soft targets (mostly white, heterosexual men), but shie away from dealing with real injustice. They will whine on about ‘Islamophobia’ whilst ignoring that women in Iran are being imprisoned for daring to remove their hijabs. They will wax lyrical about their vegan lifestyles, but have nothing to say about how halal slaughter causes unneccesary suffering to animals. They will look to take offence at any ‘micro-aggression’ by a white man, but turned a blind eye to the industrial-scale abuse of young girls across the country.

    A pox on the lot of them!


      1. Same as halal, I would happily ban it. My family are reform jews, we never kept kosher. I don’t see why an animal should suffer pain or fear in its final moments because of antiquated religious beliefs.

        The only difference is that if I want to eat Kosher food I’d have to actively seek it out at a specialist butcher. So many schools, hospitals, supermarkets and fast-food chains provide halal by default that it is becoming increasingly hard to avoid it.

        1. And all prisons, and military establishments. Punish Christians, and deter them from joining the services.

        2. Reform Jews are a watery kind of Jew, mostly ones who have married out of the faith, and follow very few of traditional customs.
          Folllowing tradition is a strong defence against those who want to eliminate you.
          I do not know the answer about kosher or halal slaughter – I would like to witness both before I commit myself.
          But what is ethical about eating lamb or beef or (ugh) pork ?Or anything animal or bird or fish. They are living creatures, like we are.

      2. We have a good Moslem friend in Turkey who loves his wine, whisky and his pork. Indeed he sails regularly over to Greek islands such as Symi and Rhodes to restock his drinks cabinet and buy bacon and pork roasts. His father was the Turkish ambassador in Paris many years ago.

        I have a good Jewish friend with whom I used to share his house in Fulham when I was in my early 20’s – he not only loved his bacon and pork but he also loved shellfish – especially crab and lobster.

        In fact my experience would suggest that strict observance of these religions’ dietary imperatives is not closely adhered to by educated people.

        1. We used to provide a bacon roll in the meeting at mid morning. They were very very good. One regular chap at the meetings asked me would it be possible for him to have 2 rolls. He offered to pay, of which I refused. He was jewish of course. boy did he enjoy them.

          1. Perhaps that was the only chance he had from one week’s end to another to get his hands on a bacon roll.

        2. I have always wondered why non-Jews get so much satisfaction out of pointing to a Jew who eats bacon. I just cannot work out what they are trying to prove.

          Breaking the dietary laws is just like adultery. Some do, some don’t.

    1. Rugby supporters shouting “Scrum!” at him. Hopefully they’ll give him a good mauling and kick him into touch.

    1. It’s a pretty regular occurrence at election time in most countries I think. In the US the equivalent is “everyone will see a tax cut”.

    1. Yo Oggie

      There were only 23 Narsties in WWII

      All the other Germans were patriotic soldiers, (loyal to the Kaiser), fighting the Demon Russian Red Hordes on the Eastern Front, trying to stop them invading the Fatherland.

      1. Evening OLT,
        My dad nailed them 23 very politely i thought
        with his request, move along the bayonet please room for one more.

    2. ogga1 2 ogga1,
      you there?
      PC / Appeasement are racking up the numbers in lethal department and will in time, with no political change, put all others in the shade.

      1. Evening Jtl,
        As I posted PC / Appeasement are racking up the numbers via the three monkey mode of many of the electorate.
        The islamic ideology will show adolf / stalin & mao the way home in the final tally.

      1. It’s a strange thing as far as I’m concerned.

        Corbyn might be 1001 things that I hate, but I’ve never thought of him as corrupt, except in the very old fashioned sense of being corrupted.

    1. There’s a comment over at the Speccie which is worth sharing:

      Hugh Bryant • 2 hours ago
      Surprised to hear she has time to read a manifesto – what with taking care of all the refugees that she houses in her various mansions …

  45. Jeremy Corbyn confirms a Labour government will conduct a formal inquiry into the impact of ‘Britain’s colonial legacy’ if he wins the general election on December 12
    Jeremy Corbyn today launched the Labour Party’s general election manifesto
    Blueprint contains plan to ‘conduct an audit’ of the impact of the British Empire
    Will seek to assess UK’s ‘contribution to the dynamics of violence and insecurity’


    1. If these congenital bloody idiots did a comparative study of every empire that ever existed and “compared and contrasted” as old exam questions used to ask, I doubt the Britsih empire would be much worse than any of them and a lot better than most of them.

      1. An enquiry into the impact that the EU Angela Merkel has had on all 27 European states re migration and jobsworth rules would be more beneficial .. the effect of socialism and strikes and Marxist influence and the trashing of the Protestant work ethic .. and also maybe The stance taken by the Labour government and their cohorts against Jews ..

        1. I can think of many studies that might be better spent!

          The most basic being an honest evealuation of the qualities brought by every subset, from the Jews to the Huguenots, from the “Windrush” to the Ugandan Asians, from the Hindus to the Muslims; etc etc

          There are many I would take, more that I would reject.

  46. Looks like at this election that most people have decided to do the same thing again and expect a different outcome

  47. Got my postal voting forms today in this safe conservative constituency. No Brexit Party standing. Choice between Independent ,Conservative, Lib/Dem, Yorkshire Party and the Green Party. I usually send my Postal Vote by return post but I haven’t made up my mind as to which party to vote for. I might even abstain. The only literature so far is from the Green Party – a tissue of lies, half truths and nonsense. I shall bide my time.

  48. Corbyn’s latest mantra re the Labour Party manifesto, “It will transform Britain.” If enacted it certainly would but not in the manner he’s trying to con the gullible into believing. Broken financially, industrially, culturally, over-run with the detritus of the Third World who would be invited to arrive and be looked after at the taxpayers’ expense. Nightmare time.

      1. The only polls that the companies produce that are accurate are for by-elections, because they normally change nothing. Then they can say “See! We do get it right sometimes!” As they falsify the next poll results for an election that matters.

        There are two humorous, almost certainly unintended, observations from that poll.

        1: Sky and the BBC are shown to be lying through their teeth when they pretend that Labour voters are switching to the Conservative party and not The Brexit Party, where they have a choice.

        2: 17% of Labour party voters put their country first and voted for freedom. If 17% of the Conservative voters did the same then we would have a Brexit Party MP elected and be one step closer to Leaving the EU. Time for some of the Conservative voters in that district to pull their tights up and get behind the United Kingdom in this election.

        (Before anyone points out that the voting shifts and numbers could overlap, this is meant to be light-hearted. I have done my share of statistical analysis in my time. This was to raise spirits. 🙂

    1. As a check I took a look at Electorial Calculas

      Con 37.5%
      Lab 33.5%
      Brexit 20%
      Lib 6.6%
      Green 2%

  49. Obviously the election period is a great time to sneak this through

    “The UK government is to repatriate

    the first British citizens from the area of north-eastern Syria formerly

    under the control of the Islamic State (IS) group, the BBC has learned.

    For security reasons, the BBC cannot provide further details of the repatriation.

    The individuals being brought out of the region will be returned to the UK in the coming days”

    Back to the land of milk and honey,free housing,NHS and bennies,well paid to hate us and spread their poison in their enclaves to their adoring followers
    Trials for offences??
    Aye Right…………..
    I’m spitting mad,yet another bunch of Tory “We’re Tough” lies
    Vote Tory,get more of this
    Vote anything else get LOTS more of this

    1. Trials for offences?
      No, the justice system is too busy looking for British servicemen to prosecute.

      1. Unlikely to be many witnesses with a head to talk from. But we will no doubt have to endure Shemima Begum grinning under her burqa. Another few £m on the benefits bill to look after these traitors.

    2. Rik,
      Is there the slightest chance of repatriating true Brits from Manchester, Birmingham, Blackburn, Burnley, etc,etc.

    3. The reason for the security is because they will probably hide the remaining White Helmets among them!

    1. That should send the low-intellect nazi thugs in Momentum into a frothing meltdown. They won’t be able to focus on their keyboards through their tears of righteous outrage. So it must be a good advert.

  50. I see the band Cold Play have announced they will no be travelling to foreign venues, but will instead live-stream their performances to fans world-wide. I wonder how the CO2 saved by their selfless act compare with the CO2 used in powering all their fans’ PCs? Oh, and the band member was interviewed by a Bbc reporter in the Middle East.

    1. They should maybe go acoustic to reduce their carbon footprint even further.

      These airhead celebs are always so keen on telling the world how not travelling on an aircraft that will still be heading for the same destination whether or not they are on board will save the planet, while totally ignoring all the electricity they use in producing and distributing their tunes in the first place.

      If they really want to be green, all they have to do is stop performing and get a proper job.

    2. That’s a bit dangerous, subjecting their remaining fans to their music while they are alone in their rooms.

      At least at a concert there are other people around them to try and bring them out of the music-induced coma.

    1. A friend offered to take me away for the week end to New York shopping , Virgin flight , for £200 . Some one said no.

      I also had a chance to fly from B’mouth for one of the last Concorde flights.. again no.

      I could have , should have has been the one regret in my life!

    2. Being too loyal to my employers when approached by a headhunter shortly after I had joined them.

      I don’t know how the other job might have worked out, but my then employers eventually sh@t on me right royally.

        1. You must have very strange tastes.

          A friend of my wife in the same student digs had one and if it was wet the rest of the students refused entry to the flat.

    3. As a science graduate, a post-grad student and an accomplished horseback rider, I turned down an offer of a commission in the Royal Horse Artillery … for a career in business …

        1. Indeed, Maggie!

          “Regrets, I’ve had a few
          But then again, too few to mention
          I did what I had to do
          And saw it through without exemption

          I planned each charted course
          Each careful step along the byway
          And more, much more than this
          I did it my way …”

    4. A few I suppose, but frankly I’m fairly content with my lot, I’m not poor nor rich, my small family is weird but not excessively so, My dog loves me and I get out to the pub with good company, I would love to fish more but weather and tides often often combine to frustrate me, but that just makes the fishing I do all the more enjoyable. Enjoying a crisp dry white at present.
      Flying up tomorrow for my sister’s funeral in Cardross, but even that has a bright side, as she’s been in the depths of severe dementia for the last few years. Always look on the bright side, seriously.

      1. Condolences on the loss of your sister, Mola. That’s sad, even considering the dementia.

      2. My Mother suffered in the last years of her life to dementia. It was really sad to see a vibrant strong woman turn into what was just a shadow of her former self.
        When I saw her on the last day of her life, she did not know me but recognised Mrs VVOF.
        There are occasions when the words “a happy release” has true meaning, as you say look on the bright side, grab happiness where and when you can.

        1. We had similar with an elderly relative.

          Often, she didn’t recognise her husband but she recognised me and HG.
          We took it in turns to read to her, and she went from “mad” to lucidity during those sessions. There may have been something about the cadence of our voices and beauty of the short stories that “brought her back”.
          A very strange experience.

    1. Any chance of a transcript ? I can’t make out a thing because of that bloody cloth in front of her face.

    2. What is truly offensive about her bleating (barely intelligible as it is) is the comparison between Labour’s anti-Jewishness and Tory ‘Islamophobia’. Unless the political classes have the courage to stand up and make the distinction over the ages between the treatment of Jews and the actions of Muslims, this debate will become very nasty indeed.

      1. WS,
        How about the electorate having some bollocks and standing up and saying I am not voting for the mass uncontrolled immigration / paedophilia umbrella / Appeasement / PC / lab/lib/con coalition party any more.

    3. She couldn’t half talk.

      Nowt to do with the subject of the question asked, but by, she did go on.

      At least it got her face on television.

        1. John Simpson once got into Afghanistan dressed like that, so nobody could ever suspect he was a BBC reporter.

    4. Why is somebody allowed to be a teacher dressed like that in a British school? Given how important facial expressions are in communication (never mind the need for some people to use some degree of lip-reading) it is totally unacceptable.

      1. I thought it was enlightening when she said that she was an English teacher, then a little later went on to say how she taught her pupils ‘politics’ as part of their lessons.

        1. I wonder if she ‘teaches’ in a proper school or one of the slammer indoctrination establishments. (I don’t watch QT)

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