Thursday 23 January: How successive governments sacrificed Britain’s energy security

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

685 thoughts on “Thursday 23 January: How successive governments sacrificed Britain’s energy security

  1. Good morning.
    Just as a matter of interest, how many people know the job of the alleged Southport killer?

    maneco64 did a talk about the UK yesterday.
    tl;dr Liz Truss was planning to make the Bank of England accountable to Parliament, which I did not know before…also, they changed the way they calculate inflation in 2022, and applied it retrospectively…so it now looks as though the pound has lost less of its value since 1914 than it did before.

  2. Good morning, chums. And thank you, Geoff, for today's new NoTTLe site.

    Wordle 1,314 4/6


    1. Good morning Elsie
      Wordle 1,314 4/6


  3. I had the joy of participating in a delightful ceremony yesterday – wassailing an orchard on Castlemorton Common.

    Beacon Morris, who I dance with, was invited to do a display and join the procession.

    It was an initiative from Green councillors on the Town and District councils in Malvern, and a splendid example of what Greens can do when weaned away from woke preoccupations that have nothing to do with preserving the nation's natural heritage.

    Last year, a group of volunteers cleared brambles from an ancient orchard on the common, and the trees were then restoration pruned. The idea is to start cider and perry production on a very small, local scale, using the farmers's markets and niche organic shops in the neighbourhood. The brambles would be kept down by letting sheep on the land. Hopefully they won't eat the trees!

    We did discuss that in Much Marcle, little craft cider makers can co-exist well enough with the huge Westons operation. Symbiosis rather than the might-is-right and extinction of the little people of the Davos "growth" mentality. Not everyone with small aspirations has to be subject to hostile corporate takeover by order.

    The argument against is economic – most people cannot afford or are willing to pay the premium of ethical production when undercut by the brand leaders. How far should we level the playing field without affecting pockets of those that cannot afford the trendy bistro set?

    Yet Jack Hargreaves, in his delightful Southern TV show 'Out of Town' last made in the 1980s, pointed out that originally cider was cheaper than beer, and local people would turn up in the village with a load of apples that would otherwise go to waste and a barrel, and come out with a year's supply of cider for the cost of allowing the cidermaker a share of the crop. No money need change hands. Doesn't pay the Council Tax or fund social care for the cities levied on country folk.

    All sorts of neo-Pagan dressing up, with a Wassail King and Queen with staffs decorated with ivy, little bird feeders for tying to the trees and ritual pouring of cider around the roots as we sang around a bonfire of wood pruned from the trees.

    I love this expression of English tradition, even if a lot of it is in modern imagination, and contrast it with the spiritless homogenisaton of the global "anywheres" who want to makes us all like Americans, but not put first. They hate romantics like me and want us to be lumped in with the woke lunatics and the socialist workers.

    I say that this is more of an antidote to what we are becoming than a lot of folk realise. How can AI rule our lives, when we adopt rituals that corporate AI controllers and influencers simply cannot build algorithms for?

    1. 400418+ up ticks,

      Morning JM,

      Good post,

      What a diverse Country we now inhabit, spanning from deep rooted old English customs to imported islamic rapist / murderers.

    2. As far as the cider production goes, it is a question of quality. People are prepared to pay for better quality. CAMRA was formed in the 1970s to fight for the retention of real ale when the major brewers were converting to keg from cask in order to maximise their profits. Publicity is vital to get the message across that your product is far better then the mass-produced variety.

      1. Publicity leads to growth, but there is a limit to how much a small local artisan can grow without losing its primary selling proposition. A village is quite a different market to a global brand!

    3. How delightful that must have been. Many of our own traditions seem to have been abandoned for one reason or another. Keep it up.

  4. The prophetic text of David Starkey.. the dangers of the single purpose committees that override everything.

    "Blair deliberately removed as much power from parliament as possible. Parliament & ministers don’t set rates. Don’t control budgets thanks to OBR. We don’t control this gathering rush to Net Zero because we don’t control the Net-Zero committee."

    As Rachel from Accounts belatedly wakes up to the damage Ed the net zero fanatic is inflicting on the UK economy.

    1. Though President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev says leave Ed alone he's right.. at least to his face.

      1. Oh well, at least Mr. Aliyev can't be accused of anti-Semitism.
        So no dinner party invitations for him in Islington and Hampstead.

  5. The grooming-gangs scandal is far worse than you think. Spiked. 25 January 2025.

    The details of what grooming gangs did to young British girls are literally unbelievable. They are so grotesque that it is truly hard to believe that one human could do such things to another, never mind to young girls.

    That is why court transcripts are such valuable documents. Courts are one of the last places in the UK where you will hear the truth. In trials, there is generally little tolerance of ideology or cliché and claims must be backed up by hard evidence.

    No it really isn’t. The worst of what happened was carefully edited out of the public consciousness by a compliant MSM, with, one might remark, the full approval of the Political Elites. This simply to prevent their Multi-Cultural, Multi-racial policies coming under pressure. These girls were knowingly sacrificed. Most notably by the present Prime Minister in his role as Director of Public Prosecutions. This of course is the real reason for blocking any inquiry. They are not concerned with its verdict, which they will ensure before hand, but the exposure to the public gaze with unknowable results at the ballot box.

  6. The grooming-gangs scandal is far worse than you think. Spiked. 25 January 2025.

    The details of what grooming gangs did to young British girls are literally unbelievable. They are so grotesque that it is truly hard to believe that one human could do such things to another, never mind to young girls.

    That is why court transcripts are such valuable documents. Courts are one of the last places in the UK where you will hear the truth. In trials, there is generally little tolerance of ideology or cliché and claims must be backed up by hard evidence.

    No it really isn’t. The worst of what happened was carefully edited out of the public consciousness by a compliant MSM, with, one might remark, the full approval of the Political Elites. This simply to prevent their Multi-Cultural, Multi-racial policies coming under pressure. These girls were knowingly sacrificed. Most notably by the present Prime Minister in his role as Director of Public Prosecutions. This of course is the real reason for blocking any inquiry. They are not concerned with its verdict, which they will ensure before hand, but the exposure to the public gaze with unknowable results at the ballot box.

    1. In Plymouth, armed sieges of drug dealers' flats are a common occurrence that doesn't merit even a paragraph in the local paper. So yes, this is actually totally believable!
      There is Britain, and then there is Plymouth…

      1. My dental practice moved to Plymouth 4 years ago. A visit there yesterday felt like a trip to the zoo.

  7. Morning, all Y'all.
    Overcast, light snow, and points failure on the main line to Oslo causing more train delays.

  8. 'Morning All
    Nicked from Tortapani on FSB
    Just a Child: Britain's Biggest Child Abuse Scandal Exposed
    by Sammy Woodhouse (Author)

    Sammy Woodhouse was just 14 when she met Arshid Hussain.
    Ten years older, he promised to take care of her. Sammy thought
    she was in love, but in reality she was being groomed by a ringleader
    of Britain's most notorious child sex ring.

    Just A Child tells the heartbreaking story of how a young girl from
    Rotherham was abused by her drug-dealing 'boyfriend', eventually
    giving birth to his baby, right under the nose of the very authorities
    who were meant to protect her. When reality dawned and Sammy
    realised she was one of countless vulnerable child victims – many
    of whom were trafficked around the north of England – she took it
    upon herself to blow the whistle and save others from a similar fate.

    Thanks to Sammy's bravery, the gang was fully exposed, as well
    as the authorities that did little to help her. Her shocking account
    of how these events came to pass will enrage and sadden but,
    above all, it will offer hope and show why this must never happen again.

    1. 400418+ up ticks,

      Morning Rik
      Well posted,
      Should be a daily warning BIG SCREEN, bouncing ball, present at ALL morning school assemblies.


  9. 400418+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Thursday 23 January: How successive governments sacrificed Britain’s energy security

    Reality being,

    Thursday 23 January: How successive governments sacrificed Britain in the most odious of manipulative,
    treacherous, evil manner, using trusting people force via the voting stations.

    Initially it was trust via the polling stations but after being bitten once, iwise, thrice, trust morphed into criminal stupidity.

    Our present stance as a nation was brought about via the polling stations electing what the voters knew to be a proven ANTI BRITISH PARTY, in truth they may as well have cut out the middle man an given mass support to the islamic brotherhood

  10. David Davis MP asking a question of the Home Secretary re Starmer's "new occurrence". IIRC the word "threat" has also been used in the context of Southport.

    The question is: why is Starmer attempting to pin a new label on Southport? Is there a move afoot to use a "new occurrence" as a reason to make a case and bring in new rules/laws to censor/silence/imprison any opposition?

    Davis clearly showed that Southport wasn't a "new occurrence".

    1. Starmer was having difficulty in naming it a 'lone wolf incident' so needed a new meaningless slogan.

        1. I doubt that TT/FG/NH/19s Starmer ever had an idea of the plot – he's been an intellectual vacuum for ever!

  11. Sigh.. if only in UK.

    State Department has banned the flying of Rainbow, BLM & Palestinian flags on public buildings.

    Does the ban include Isis flags asks Sadiq.

    1. Denmark has banned the flying of any other flag than the Danish flag. Now I see their point.

  12. Sigh.. if only in UK.

    State Department has banned the flying of Rainbow, BLM & Palestinian flags on public buildings.

    Does the ban include Isis flags asks Sadiq.

  13. Good morning all.
    A bright start to the day after some overnight rain, a thin overcast with some blue patches to the South.
    Temperatures managing to stay above freezing with a minimum of 1.9°C for yesterday, a maximum of 6.1°C and it's currently 2.8°C.

    1. Apple ogies for the spelling mistake eye eye would have better than ey. My second cataract removal is early Feb. And I'll be able to buy some new reading glassessss.
      But the ashes have never been played for in Portugal Bob. 😂

  14. Leftie MSN busy updating their lexicon & phrases to project their disgust at Trump victory and normal people in general.

    Streamlining governance is a red flag and now qualifies as emperor-like behaviour
    Forget stabbings.. according to JOB kidz are being "Amazoned to death".

  15. Good morning, all. Late on parade – bad night – nuff said. Slightly less grey and cloudy – so far.

    1. Hope all’s good. I had the infected tooth out and it was still bleeding seven hours later so went to the hospital. No one will sanction not taking the blood thinners but they soaked a cotton wad in a chemical that helps with the blood clotting and that worked. I’m trying to eat some yuk tasting yoghurt, as the doctor said no chewing. How on earth did your OH cope with five?

        1. Yes, I have a bowl of soup for lunch. The yoghurt was for breakfast in place of my usual croissant.

      1. Hi Sue – I hope it’s stopped by now…… OH was pretty upset at having half his remaining teeth out and was extremely worried that they would take the anchors for his dentures – but those were spared. He was in hospital, so at least he had nursing help on hand.

        This morning’s visit was an initial one to talk about memory loss……… he will have some blood tests. He was ok with the counting backwards test.

  16. Why doesn't this surprise me? London is home to as many as 585,000 illegal migrants, equivalent to one in 12 of the city’s population, according to a previously confidential report.

    There is mounting concern over the failure to control Britain’s borders and the pressure that places on public services such as schools and the NHS. The use of illegal migrants in the black economy, working in roles such as food delivery drivers, is also a concern.

    Despite this, no official figures on the scale of the problem are provided by the Home Office.

  17. Morning all 🙂😊
    Grey 2degs rain later, once in a lifetime snow in New Orleans. Donny's stopped GBW in under four days.
    And yes,successive government's meaning our pointless and none useful political classes have effed something else up, our energy security, along with everything they have the same effect on.

  18. Up to one in 12 in London is an illegal migrant
    Government ‘must do more on deportations’ as new estimate suggests more than 1m people are illegally living in UK

    London is home to as many as 585,000 illegal migrants, equivalent to one in 12 of the city’s population, according to a previously confidential report.

    There is mounting concern over the failure to control Britain’s borders and the pressure that places on public services such as schools and the NHS. The use of illegal migrants in the black economy, working in roles such as food delivery drivers, is also a concern.

    Despite this, no official figures on the scale of the problem are provided by the Home Office.

    The new estimate has emerged in a study commissioned by Thames Water, obtained by The Telegraph under freedom of information-style laws for the environment.

    In total, there are estimated to be more than one million illegal migrants in the UK, with 60 per cent of those in the capital.

    The report suggests most illegal migrants arrived in the UK on work, study or visitor visas and then overstayed.

    Migration experts suggested that the figures could be an underestimate as some of the underlying data dates from 2017, before the surge in migrants crossing the Channel.

    On Tuesday, the Home Office confirmed 1,000 migrants had crossed so far this year, following 38,816 in 2024, the second highest total on record.

    Home Office fails to keep track
    The Home Office does not publish any comprehensive data estimating the number of illegal migrants in the UK. Only since 2018 has it produced figures on the number of illegal Channel migrants reaching the UK.

    Chris Lion
    3 min ago
    How the hell can the tories say anything on this? It’s all down to them dismantling border force under may.

    Never forgive

    Never forget edited

    Comment by Indi guise.


    Indi guise
    3 min ago
    A few short months ago, none of these comments would have made it through the censor. I pray it's a good sign that things are beginning to change.

    Comment by Sian Webster.


    Sian Webster
    3 min ago
    I am not surprised looking around – why is anyone surprised. It’s plain to see in London.

    Comment by Fred Scuttle.


    Fred Scuttle
    3 min ago
    Which part of this is a surprise?

    Comment by Dave Leighton.


    Dave Leighton
    3 min ago
    Mr Trump did more on his first day in office than Labour and the Tories did in 25 years.

    I don't agree with everything he's done but it can't be denied that he is making a difference.

    When did we last have a government that made a difference for the better?

    We just seem to oscillate between useless and pathetic governments every five years or so.

    The ginger bint believes we are obliged to keep on building ugly looking housing estates and blocks of flats for illegals ?

    1. Many happy returns, DR. Hope you are enjoying your garden too much to be taking refuge on the internet!

    2. I'll send her that by email – she said last week she no longer has a Discus account so wouldn't see it here.

    3. Grattis på födelsedagen, Ruth Rose. Hope you are having a wonderful day (as you know, I shall shortly be joining you on that very same number!).😊🍾👍🏻🎂😘🥂

  19. Today in FSB Jeremy Morefy warns of government getting too close too big business in Beware the Big Corporations and discusses the dangers of redefining terms like terrorism, a point directly related to the Establishment’s disgraceful cover up of the Southport terrorist attack as discussed two short articles , Cover Up Kier Crawls Under the Cover of an Inquiry, Still Evading the Truth , and, COVER-UP KEIR AT HIS FINES T . Please read and let us know what you think.

    Energy watch 08.00. Demand: 39.463GW. Supply: Hydrocarbons 44.7%; Wind 20.4%; Imports 10.4%; Biomass 6.3% and Nuclear 10.2%. Solar: 0%.

    The wind has picked up a bit, luckily. If it hadn’t we would have blackouts, as of the 39.464GH of demand, UK production is only 33.25% and we are having to import power from seven countries and Northern Ireland, as well as drawing down pumped storage capacity built up expensively using gas. The whole thing is lunacy squared and results in us having the highest electricity prices in the world.

    1. It'll happen sometime this winter, Tom. No wind here as yet today – but forecast is for 'hurricane strength' winds later, when the wind turbines will have to be turned off otherwise the strong winds may damage them. What lunacy is this. There used to be five turbines near me, now reduced by strong wind damage to two. And that's to say nothing of the damage to wildlife, birds/bats. Now, I have a loony neighbour who thinks we'll flood our valley to have 'hydro power'…what the actual….anyhow, will swing by later, see you then, Kate x

  20. Today in FSB Jeremy Morefy warns of government getting too close too big business in Beware the Big Corporations and discusses the dangers of redefining terms like terrorism, a point directly related to the Establishment’s disgraceful cover up of the Southport terrorist attack as discussed two short articles , Cover Up Kier Crawls Under the Cover of an Inquiry, Still Evading the Truth , and, COVER-UP KEIR AT HIS FINES T . Please read and let us know what you think.

    Energy watch 08.00. Demand: 39.463GW. Supply: Hydrocarbons 44.7%; Wind 20.4%; Imports 10.4%; Biomass 6.3% and Nuclear 10.2%. Solar: 0%.

    The wind has picked up a bit, luckily. If it hadn’t we would have blackouts, as of the 39.464GH of demand, UK production is only 33.25% and we are having to import power from seven countries and Northern Ireland, as well as drawing down pumped storage capacity built up expensively using gas. The whole thing is lunacy squared and results in us having the highest electricity prices in the world.

    1. It is becoming harder and harder to believe that the repulsive actions of the Pakistani rape gangs were not known by and condoned by those at the very top of the government.

      1. Once again these are the pimps finally convicted NOT ONE SINGLE CUSTOMER they and the other pimps sold these little girls to have ever been arrested or charged

        1. In December 2024, the prisoner population of England and Wales stood at 85,618 while the operating capacity of prisons was 88,688.
          I strongly suspect that there will have been over 100,000 "customers".
          Even if every single current prisoner was freed, there wouldn't be sufficient capacity for all those degenerates.
          Does that answer your question?

      2. There you go, Rastus…been known in Northern towns for many years. Now known world-wide. Will anything change? Most of us doubt it.

      3. Since the North has been wrecked and deindustrialised , all governments had ignored the proper villages , hard working towns that produced wealth for the country , and of course produced some of the bravest fighting men who were the backbone of the army and RN.. and latterly every other fighting force .

        Men and women who worked in factories , on the land , in our shipyards , down the mines , on our steel industries , cotton mills , wool mills , fishing fleets , and everything that bound a community together with solid British backbone , loyalty and proud of their heritage and background ..

        Yet , now those region of Britain have now been poisoned by wogs , spicks , spades and every other clutter f####r and when the offspring of our Northern cousins protest and wave their arms in defiance , yet the disgusting soft , weak nonentities, Labour party MPs … shout and scream and insult everyone by calling them , and us Right wing thugs .

        Forgive my vituperative outburst .

        How can Islington soft fingered clumsy twerps understand what the real back bone of Britain consisted of , both sides of the Pennines .. MPs are clueless.

    2. You did the right thing, Rik. The depravity of these monsters is sickening and people of eagentle disposition will need a strong stomach. Neverthless, this needs to be spread.

      This is Possibly Dominic Frisby's best work. My daughter lived in a house share in Divinity Road off Cowley Road in Oxford 22-23 years ago. Cowley Road was going downhill then. It is a cess-pit nowadays.

      The film was produced by Ann McElhinney and Phelim McAleer of the Ann and Phelim Scoop for Here's a follow up video in which they talk to Dominic Frisby.
      Listen to Dominic talk about it from 20:00. You will need a strong constitution.

      If there is any justice under the Sun, this SHOULD finish the Labour Party NOW. It is their "philosophy" which led to the cover up.

    1. Allister Heath

      Britain is being systematically lied to by our delusional political elite

      This week Donald Trump has shown that another world is possible. Unshackling the economy can still turn us around
      President Donald Trump
      Credit: Alex Brandon/AP
      Allister Heath
      22 January 2025 7:19pm GMT
      Allister Heath

      Britain is cooked. Thirty years of malgovernment, ideological derangement and relentless self-sabotage have ruined us. We are careering towards quasi-bankruptcy, our international reputation shot, our society fractured, our citizens impoverished, unhealthy and demoralised, our public sphere strewn with litter, and our institutions discredited. Crime and disorder are at intolerable levels. Those who can are fleeing.

      Little of value is ever built, and certainly not enough homes or infrastructure. Our energy costs are the highest in the world, and blackouts loom. Goods, services, housing, transport and healthcare are rationed by government fiat, and congestion, over-regulation, bureaucracy and propaganda grind down anybody with any ambition, courage or creativity.

      We are craving a hard reset, but Keir Starmer, our worst prime minister in fifty years, is doubling down on the toxic mix of socialism, class warfare, uncontrolled and often low-grade migration, confiscatory taxation, net zero extremism, regulatory zealotry and woke nihilism that has brought Britain to its knees. He is the ultimate non-player character, unable to imagine a different way forward, convinced of his righteousness as Britain races towards fiscal armageddon.

      The scale of the catastrophe appears belatedly to be dawning on Rachel Reeves. The Chancellor is bigging up a trade deal with China, signalling her support for expanding Heathrow and seeking to speed up infrastructure projects. Such granular initiatives make sense, but don’t amount to a coherent plan, let alone a diagnosis of our pathologies: they are panic moves from a clueless administration whose tax raids and attacks on business have trashed the economy.

      We have been living beyond our means since the financial crisis, convinced that we can go on spending on the NHS, benefits and triple-locked pensions while embracing every policy guaranteed to deliver reduced growth. We have vilified capitalism, risk-taking, money-making, the rich and bankers, and embraced virtue-signalling and wokeism. Many of our fellow citizens believe that the state owes them a living. Yet the maths don’t add up. Zero growth in GDP – our new self-inflicted normal – combined with 2-3pc growth in public spending leads to IMF bailouts.

      Some hoped socialism could “work” if combined with a massive increase in the labour supply. Yet the desperate, anti-democratic experiment with extreme levels of migration has failed, in social as well as economic terms: it hasn’t boosted productivity, GDP per capita is falling and too many of the recent arrivals will end up taking out more from the welfare state that they will pay in tax.

      Barring a miracle, the UK is at most two years away from a 1970s-style fiscal implosion; we are facing what Ray Dallio calls a “debt death spiral” even before Donald Trump forces us to spend more on defence, or imposes tariffs on UK exports if we persist in waging tax and regulatory war on US companies.

      The great lie of British politics is that there is no alternative, that all parties should be the same, that the Labour-Lib Dem-Tory consensus of the past few decades is the only sensible or moral way forward.

      Trump 2.0 has exposed the idiocy of this approach. The President’s agenda for renewal is astonishingly radical, and may establish him as one of the most consequential Presidents. Britain’s only hope is to copy almost all of his reforms, minus the protectionism against friendly states or the attempts at grabbing new territory.

      Trump has signed hundreds of executive orders or other proclamations in his first few days. He has announced a massive expansion of every kind of energy production: he understands that growth since the industrial revolution has been driven by abundant cheap fuel, and low cost electricity is essential for AI, data centres and tech firms (Starmer’s hopes to boost AI in the UK are doomed for that very reason).

      Trump wants to mine and drill and exploit natural resources. He is pulling out of the Paris agreement – which is ignored by emerging economies – and terminating federal laws forcing the adoption of electric cars. He supports clean tech, but only in the context of choice and market competition, not top-down green central planning. He has imposed a moratorium on new regulations of all kinds, and wants to introduce a one in, ten out rule.

      Reeves’ recent China trade announcement amounted to $600 million over five years; Trump has already unveiled an AI private sector investment project worth $500 billion. The US under Trump is entering a new boom, led by machine learning, driverless cars, massive medical progress and the commercial exploitation of space. He is abandoning or reversing all of Biden’s anti-billionaire, anti-Silicon Valley measures; his strategy is to outgrow America’s own fiscal woes and unfounded liabilities, and he is determined to entrench a pro-growth tax system. He is pro-legal skilled migration, but is launching the greatest crackdown in history against illegal migrants and South American gangs. He wants to shrink the size of the US state, break the Blob and force civil servants to work for, rather than against, elected governments. He has banned working from home for federal employees.

      He aspires to turn the US workforce into a high-performance meritocracy again, a move that could unleash another tidal wave of productivity. That will require reembracing Martin Luther King’s dream of a colourblind society. In the most stunning move of his presidency to date, Trump rescinded Lyndon Johnson’s Executive Order 11246 – which led to the establishment of “affirmative action” and “positive discrimination” – and has immediately banned federal contractors and federally-funded universities from practicing race-based discrimination.

      He has suspended – prior to sacking – every single DEI HR federal employee. It’s an enormous shift, a true revolution. Trump also wants to rescue students from critical race theory, which has encouraged anti-Semitism and anti-Asian racism. One order instructs the federal government to investigate DEI at “institutions of higher education with endowments over $1 billion.” Another demands the expulsion from the US of anti-American extremists, including students. We can but imagine how strong the USA could become if its best and brightest ceased being indoctrinated in nihilistic ideas, and were encouraged instead to think freely.

      The ideological gulf, and difference in prospects, between the UK and the US has never been so great. Britain has a choice: we can double down on our mistakes, and race towards miserable irrelevance, or we can swallow our pride and learn from Trump. Which will it be?

      1. "We are craving a hard reset"

        Stop right there! Who is this 'we' of whom you speak? Having broken everything, just what kind of "reset" is being proposed here by the ruling class?

        Would that be the kind of "reset" where we hand over all our freedom in exchange for a promise that government will solve the problems it created?

      2. "We are craving a hard reset"

        Stop right there! Who is this 'we' of whom you speak? Having broken everything, just what kind of "reset" is being proposed here by the ruling class?

        Would that be the kind of "reset" where we hand over all our freedom in exchange for a promise that government will solve the problems it created?

    1. I have. She's there 'just for jest' as they say, Rastus – usually on Dewberry's programme I think?

        1. Only a few words from him are enough to convince us that Net Zero is a complete scam

    2. Agree Rastus. It's hard to believe she is a serious voice on the left. Intellectually shallow wallowing in sentiment, one might as well have an amoeba representing Labour. Oh! Hang on, never mind!

    1. See Ann Cryer, MP for Keighley circa 2002. She knew it. Charlie Peters, GBN, 2024/5 reported it after being tipped off still happening. Many people in N.England/Scotland knew it, but not reported on. Further, many now believe this country is a Third World basket case.

      1. 400418+ up ticks,

        Morning KJ,

        I am one of those believers, in my book ile lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled / government controlled invasion, paedophile umbrella coalition so far, have run a successful campaign in the take down of Great Britain over these past forty years.

        1. I agree..possibly even longer. I recall my dad going to Bradford for some work-related trip, took me along possibly school hols, this was around 70 years ago I think, would have been school age but not much older. Anyhow, mosque was just turning out – I mentioned numbers to dad, who just grunted and drove on with a grim face.

        2. Apols, ogga1…in my haste didn’t say ‘Morning’ to you too. In spite of all the crap, hope it’s otherwise a good one for you:-) Kate x

  21. A machete, books about genocide, war and mass murder and scientific equipment used to produce ricin were found when police searched Axel Rudakubana’s house. Rudakubana, 18 and of Banks in Lancashire, was due to go on trial this week accused of the murders of six-year-old Bebe King, seven-year-old Elsie Dot Stancombe and nine-year-old Alice da Silva Aguiar at a Taylor Swift-themed dance party.

    However, Rudakubana’s counsel Stanley Reiz KC told presiding judge Mr Justice Goose that the indictment would have to be put again and the teenager – who had refused to speak in court before now – changed his pleas to guilty. He also admitted 10 counts of attempted murder; possession of a bladed article in a public place; production of a biological toxin, namely ricin, and possession of information of a kind likely to be useful to a person committing or preparing an act of terrorism, namely a PDF file entitled "Military Studies in the Jihad Against the Tyrants: The Al-Qaeda Training Manual".

    Rudakubana was detained at the scene by police officers shortly after midday and was later charged with murder, attempted murder and possession of a bladed article. He was further charged with production of the deadly toxin ricin and possessing the military study of the Al-Qaeda training manual in October last year after police finished their searches of his house.

    The ECHO can now reveal the full list of items found in Rudakubana's house – a three bedroom newbuild property in a leafy cul-de-sac. The search for items began around an hour after Rudakubana was arrested but was halted the following day when a Tupperware tub containing an unknown substance was found under his bed.

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    After examination it was confirmed on August 2 to be ricin. The deadly toxin which can kill a person if inhaled or injected has no antidote – but it is understood the ricin was never used during the mass stabbing or at any other time.

    Officers searching the property also found a machete, a Cerbera knife – identical to the one used to carry out the stabbing and arrows. An empty bag from Premier Seeds Direct, said to contain 150 seeds was also found, along with a receipt that showed the castor beans – from which the ricin was extracted – were ordered on January 19 2022 under the name “Al Rud”.

    In a cardboard box under the floorboards was a pair of goggles, two white funnels, a conical flask with brown residue in it, as well as a pestle and mortar containing pulp. All the items had been purchased from Amazon in 2022.

    In the family’s living room, where it appeared Rudakubana had been sleeping, was a duvet with the Cerbera knife inside it. Officers also recovered two Lenovo tablets and an HP laptop. The browsing history had been deleted from the devices but police were able to recover some of the information in it.

    One of the tablets had been in use since 2021 and had various VPNs on it, used for encrypted communication and to mask his IP address when he bought the castor beans. Cached images were also found relating to wars and international conflicts including in Ukraine, Gaza and Korea.

    His parents? What on earth were they doing , were they involved.. they must have known .. did they encourage him?

    1. This was a terrorist attack.
      We know it.
      Starmer and Cooper know it.
      Starmer and Cooper know we know they know it

      and yet they continue to lie.

      It is now impossible ever to believe a word either of them says.

      1. Not only that, Rastus…they already knew it, had apparently done so for some time, but we didn't know it. Further, what we don't know is ..'how many others are there, and where are they'. And I'm not sure Starmer/Cooper know that either.

      2. 400418+up ticks,

        Morning R,
        Yet come cruntch time the devious. treacherous trio, will still have a multitude of followers.

    2. I'd be interested in his medical history, had he been diagnosed as schizo, was he prescribed medication which he didn't take. Not in any way making excuses for him – the people around him must have seen his behaviour, why were they afraid to report it to authorities…oh wait, I think they did? But were ignored?

      1. He seems to be a seriously screwed up individual. Apparently amongst his other delights, he wanted to massacre all the children in his school. Has a history of violence. He looks deranged too. And yes, his parents had asked for help apparently. He must be detained at his majesties pleasure. That way he will never get out. My guess is that he is a psychopath. The sort that hurts animals as a young child. If that's the case parents are rather helpless. Takes a lot more than being a good parent to deal with that sort of person.

        1. I think he should have been reported many years ago, and put/kept on meds – although he would have likely stopped taking them if living alone. His parents should have reported him to authorities, I wonder if they did, eg to local mosque. How many more similar there are. Northern England – a different country, do things differently.

          1. If his parents had reported him to the local mosque they would have egged him on. His parents, however, are Christians.

          2. I get the impression they were out of their depth with him and didn't know how to handle the situation. He had tried, once before to go to a school and murder people. But his father pleaded with the driver of a taxi driver his son had ordered not to take him. But then father didn't' take it any further. So father obviously aware but didn't know how to follow up well enough to deal with his son properly. I'm sure the poor man was in turmoil. People in those sort of situations often learn a sort of helplessness much like battered wives. I would not be surprised to learn that the evil little F@@k frequently terrorized his parents.

          3. Thx johnathanr…I think fellow pupils/teachers will likely have noticed he was an oddball. Nothing unusual there, we’ve all met them at school, at work, at play. Something possibly tipped him over the edge…online, ‘Dark Web’. I understand that’s not policed in a similar way to the online version we all know. Perhaps it will be now, if that comes from anywhere it will be from Musk/Trump.

        2. So quite a number of people including his own parents had realised the dangers he posed, and reported it…yet nothing was done. Again, I wonder how many others are similar, and if they are being monitored & medicated, or not. Very alarming to think of the ease of buying weapons online, to say nothing of bomb making equipment once you have the knowledge.

    3. Just read the article. I really didn't need to be coy yesterday about how to make Ricin. The paper, unwisely, spells it out. There is censorship and discretion. In this case the newspaper should really not be spreading this sort of information around. It's irresponsible, nothing is gained by it.

    4. The parents. I’ve been wondering about them all along. They must have known. The items were ordered in 2022 when he was, what, 15/16,presumably he was at school then, so who took delivery of the packages? Anyway, hardly matters now. He’d been planning it for quite a while.

      Wonder how he’s been managed to change his pleas? I’m sure it’s to cover up yet again some very murky info.

    5. When Rwanda returned to being a safe country, why did the family not return?
      Surely they would feel more comfortable amongst their own kith and kin?
      Wouldn't they?

    1. Forget it. You are at the equivalent of the Biden 2021 juncture.. buckle up for more jailing, censorship, election cancellations & MSN bollx.. and of course migrant shipments & stabbys.

      Eventually 2029 will come around.. however, I still don't see a UK Trump equivalent just a fragmented right and a solid Left/Islam alliance.

    2. To my mind by concealing the truth he caused the riots. He's the one that should be in jail.

    1. I have no doubt the real reaction of the passengers was to laugh. Good Morning Pip! 😊

    2. And nobody not from the US would even have noticed anything if the race industry didn't keep shoving it down our throats.

  22. Diana would be ‘proud’ of Prince Harry after NGN settlement, says Earl Spencer
    Duke of Sussex’s uncle says it is “wonderful” his nephew ‘fought for – and gained – an apology to his mother’ in court case


    Earl Spencer's treatment of women – and especially the unfortunate ones who were gullible enough to marry him – means that he can hardly be taken to be a good judge of what is and what is not morally acceptable.

    Having said that there must be limits placed upon the MSM's intrusions into people's private lives.

  23. 400418+ up ticks,

    Angela Rayner under pressure to apologise for suggesting Southport attacks were not terror-related

    Some WILL agree, but one thing for certain, her and her political governing kapos, without a shadow of doubt,most certainly are.

  24. In an article for the Mail, Sir Keir said that a 'small minority should not be able to abuse our legal system to hold the country to ransom'.

    This is about NIMBY's, but surely it applies equally to supporting deportation appeals that have no real merit. Rapists, killers, drug barons etc?

    1. Didn't he just abuse the legal system by releasing rapists and child molesters so he could jail people writing hurty words on Facebook?

  25. Morning all. Another dark and gloomy day.
    Discovered something useful this morning. Was just billed the usual £24.99 for the Telegraph. Decided I had had enough because it wasn't worth paying that for a paper that censors peoples comments, acts as a propaganda rag for nonsense like climate change and gags people who want to tell the truth about Islam. As I said to operator: "What idiot wants to pay £25.00 a month to be censored?" Upshot. I now pay £9.99 per month. Now I think that's a worth while amount for the rag.
    So, all those who want to pay less for it, you know what to do. Get on the phone and rant what a crummy deal it is to pay £25.00 a month to be censored.

    1. Our annual sub for the DT this year was £29.

      The best way to get a good deal is to cancel your sub and they will then get in touch and give you a better offer.

        1. Bad luck! Last year we paid about £48 – indeed I don't think we have ever accepted the first renewal amount they asked for and we have been subscribers for many years.

    2. You're still being ripped off Jonathan when I go to the DT I get an offer for £39 for a years sub
      Go back and howl some more!!

  26. Ugh!
    The patches of blue sky referred to earlier have gone to be replaced by a denser overcast and it's raining.
    I doubt if I'll be doing much outside today.

  27. 'There are people pouring in with tattoos all over their face': Trump's migrant crackdown begins as he tells Fox News's Sean Hannity the violent gangsters streaming across border are 'typically not bank managers'


    Here's an idea for Rachel from Accounts.

    Why not tax tattoos at a rate of £1,000 per cm² for those which can be concealed under clothing, £2,000 per cm² on arms, hands, legs and feet, and £5,000 per cm² for those on the neck, face and scalp.

    1. Dig that crazy PM.

      Apologies to Millennials who would not understand that hip 1950s jargon.

    1. Well I guess the bearded one looks like a man – I doubt that it's a functioning one though.

    1. Starmer should visit Colchester and its environs re his mistaken claim of lack of building homes. We've been swamped with more to come on the eastern side of the town in conjunction with the neighbouring district council, Tendring and alongside the A12 corridor from the villages of Copford, Eigth Ash Green, Mile End through to Great Horkesley.

      Up to 600 homes have been built on two new estates in my area in recent years and in-fill continues on any spare bits of land.

      1. Same here in Dorset Korky .
        Weymouth, hundreds of new homes , Sherborne , Gillingham, Blandford , Shaftesbury , Wimborne , hundreds on our greenfields everywhere .. and almost 250 more in our village in the past 20 years .

        Starmer has no idea how Britain is operating , what the hell were they playing at when they had 14 years to examine the UK and look at our infrastructure .

        This new housebuilding thing they are on about doesn’t quite fit , we have a reduced English birthrate .. I guess they need homes for the multiple births that we are witnessing .. The Mohamed factor!

        1. Every small town in Gloucestershire has a new layer of modern housing all around. Most of these for "white flight" I guess as they are for the people escaping the cities.

      2. Same old in Canada. Our little town with a population of 2,000 has seen massive growth in the past few years with several thousand more new homes approved for development.
        The only thing missing is employment, there were almost no jobs to start with and apart from builders, there are no new jobs coming our way.

      3. It's similar here in villages and towns. Hundreds of homes and no infrastructure; no capacity in dentist or doctor's surgeries, no police station, no banks, no jobs …

    2. We wouldn't 'need' that infrastructure if you and your party hadn't imported millions, Starmer.

      1. It's not just starmer it was the tories who should have and could have and should have stopped the boats. They are all as bad as each other on illegal invaders.

  28. There's a new infection doing the rounds within the wide-awake population. It's known as déjà vu: the hope is that it will rapidly spread and create a strong immune reaction to the propaganda being spread by the combined WHO/Gates/et al. consortium.

    Two contagions for your diary, H5N1, that's been touted around for some time without gaining much traction – remember Monkey-pox? – and the new kid on the block, SEERS. Fictional table-top exercise, reminiscent of CV-19, has been held to explore the threat of the latter.

    Should we be worried? Of course we should, when you see who is involved and the the stripe of politicians who are in power it would be foolish not to be. Remember, Starmer was critical of Johnson's reaction, especially lockdowns, to the CV-19 scam.

    Keir Starmer accuses Boris Johnson of always being slow …

    The i Paper
    13 Jan 2021 — Sir Keir Starmer has demanded tougher coronavirus lockdown measures as he accused Prime Minister Boris Johnson of always being too slow to act.

  29. G'day,

    Heavy rain at Fiscal's Folly, wind South-West, 6-7℃.

    A bit late today due to domestic duties and then bell-ringing for a funeral. Here's some fun we can have. The petulant children running this country will refuse to recognise the Gulf of America so whenever we dissidents see the former name, we should correct it.

    1. Yet we seem to be very quick to adopt changed names of other countries' cities etc. e.g. Mumbai, Kolkata, Beijing. Also countries' names themselves e.g. Zimbabwe, Myanmar.

      1. Civil Serpents quietly updating world maps showing; Islas Malvinas & the new Twelve Dash Line which includes Chinese Martinique and PRC Chagos Archipelago.

      2. The difference is that the Gulf is a shared body of water. We are not obliged to simply accept Trump's rebranding.

        Norway rebrands the North sea as the Norwegian Sea. Go along with it or refuse to recognise the change?

        The French name for the English Channel is La Manche. We still call it the English Channel.

        1. So we can call the former Gulf of Mexico what we like? I don't think calling the North Sea the Norwegian Sea would be very controversial considering the influence the Vikings had on these isles. Though the Danes might object.

        2. They can call it what they like – The English Channel, La Manche – it's all the same to me.

        3. Names are important.
          There was an old bit of useless empty desert for thousands of years called Judea.. then some clever bod started irrigating the sand.. then suddenly 2 million hairy carpet kissers turned up claiming it was theirs. Lefties agree though most of them can't locate it on something called a map.

          Then there was island owned by a big Scottish land owner of Patagonia called John Hamilton.. who had a daughter called Penelope Alvarez who along with her Argentine heirs saw his properties as a foothold into the Falklands as a land grab.
          They are still at it with Eduardo Elsztain's Dolphin Fund, owned by one of Argentina’s richest men, masterminding a takeover of FIH Group, the linchpin of the economy of the Falklands. Lefties strongly disagree and call these islands.. Islas Malvinas though most of them can't locate it on something called a map.

        4. I think it’s daft of Trump to attempt to change the name, but my comment was aimed at the fact that the UK (according to a ‘source’ ???) has apparently refused to refer to the Gulf of Mexico as the Gulf of America. Why the need to make any statement at all? It could just be a fluff story by the DT.

      3. We can still call them Bombay, Calcutta, Peking, Southern Rhodesia and Burma, can we not? When I was a whippersnapper my father had a posting to Ceylon. I never say I lived in Sri-Lanka for a while when I was a boy, it's always Ceylon. And it's still Ceylon B.O.P. in the teashops.

      4. I have a very old atlas from the mid 1960s. So many countries and cities no longer have their names from those times. In many cases new names were adopted when European countries pulled out, but these have since changed depending on the whim of whichever despots subsequently took over.

      5. That's because they were dictated to us by Empire hating lefty turds and promulgated by the Bash Britain Clowns.

    2. Let's see how they take renaming Lake Erie to some obnoxious Indian name that has relevance to just a few old benefit scroungers and a million Canadian lefties on a woke charge.

    1. So we can expect a sneaky agreement under another name (in an attempt to fool us) sooner rather than later….

    1. Interesting that our canadian ex finance minister / deputy PM has edited her profile on Wikipedia to remove any reference to the WEF. Just a few months ago her executive role with the group was front and centre with her professed excellence.
      This time round she didn't even go to the meeting, I also believe that none of the cabinet ministers went either even though they normally sent a bus load.

      1. As soon as the election of new leader is over, or general election, these traitors will suddenly be back in with the wef and flying off in their private jets, other planes filled with their hundreds of 'admin' (or whatever they are) to the next davos world-domination-fest

      1. 400418+ up ticks,

        Afternoon MIB,

        WE allowed it and even supported it, via the polling stations, with full knowledge of their political pedigree.

    1. Very Lowry. I once worked with a chap whose cleaner was also Lowry's cleaner, who couldn't afford to pay her so he gave her paintings, which she either gave away, shoved under the bed, lit the fire with. Sigh…

      1. My first steady boyfriend from student days gave me a Lowry print for my birthday. I referred to it as a poster – he was not amused. To me, it just seemed miserable and depressing.

        1. Yes, because he painted what he saw – dark satanic mills, people as midgets with little or no say, no other way to earn a living. As Andrew Wyeth (you may prefer him?) said ‘I paint my life’…

          1. Very welcome, Paul x I love Wyeth. And Japanese woodblock prints – Christmas present if I’ve been good 😀

          2. I realise that, but it was not appropriate for a birthday gift to a girl he was so keen on.

      1. Fred Wedlock plagiarised this tune and rewrote the lyrics as a tribute to Donald McGill:

        TITS BUMS : Fred Wedlock
        (To the tune: Matchstalk Men and Matchstalk Cats and Dogs.)

        This is the tale of Sidney Brown, a postcard artist of renown,
        He had a little stall on Blackpool pier.
        He painted ladies in the raw – doing things the Butler never saw,
        And the men he drew were randy, daft, or queer.

        CHORUS: And he painted Tits and Bums and Scouts with knobbly knees
        He painted red nosed drunks and dogs all covered in flees.
        He painted mothers-in-law, but he preferred to draw,
        All the Tits and Bums and Scouts with knobbly knees.

        A man of simple pleasures he, drank metal polish with his tea.
        Sydney could be spotted any day,
        Prowling round them Blackpool streets with his long grey mac and a bag of sweets,
        Looking for little boys who'd gone astray. CHORUS

        Now word soon got to London Town about the work of Sydney Brown.
        They said, "Come on Sydney, do your bit."
        "Tell us all about Blackpool Pier, is Cyril Smith daft or queer,
        Or is he just a typical Northern twit?" CHORUS

        Now Sydney Brown's a right old drag, on 'Parkinson ' or 'Melvyn Bragg',
        He's even done 'The Terry Wogan Show.'
        His dirty postcards are the rage, they've been adapted for the stage
        By Andy Weber – and he ought to know. CHORUS

  30. The truth about Southport
    Rod Liddle

    When I first saw the headline I was highly optimistic. Sir Keir Starmer had identified the threat to society posed by ‘young men in their bedrooms’. What would follow, surely, must be a polemic in the style of Robert Baden-Powell or John Harvey Kellogg on the dangers of masturbation.

    It’s about time this was politicised, I reckoned – the terrible sapping of a young man’s strength and soul by the indiscriminate spillage of his precious bodily fluids. Perhaps Sir Keir would demand that parents order their wayward teenage offspring to put down the Kleenex, open the bedroom door, come downstairs and either eat a bowl of nutritious cornflakes or join the Boy Scouts. This is the sort of policy which might get a little bit of cut-through and I could hear, in my head, Sir Keir addressing next year’s party conference: ‘Let me be very clear. We, as a government, will not tolerate monkey-spanking. No More Monkey-Spanking!’

    But I read on and sadly this was not what he meant. He was not trying to stop ‘young men’ from grilling the tiger – he wanted to stop them murdering people in terrorist attacks and he had identified the fact that what the perpetrators had in common was that they were often alone, isolated in their bedrooms. So are bedrooms implicated in these barbaric outrages? That was the thing Sir Keir homed in on.

    Perhaps he is right. There has been a trend in the past 20 years for bedrooms to be painted, rather than decorated with wallpaper. I have always held that wallpaper inculcates a calming, civilising temperament. Perhaps that is why Fusilier Lee Rigby was hacked to death in 2013, and why 22 young people were killed at the Manchester Arena in 2017, and why those three little girls – Elsie Dot Stancombe, Alice da Silva Aguiar and Bebe King – were knifed to death by Axel Rudakubana in Southport last year. An absence of a pleasing William Morris motif on the walls of each killer’s bedroom.

    Is that the one thing which unites these acts of savagery – or could something else be implicated? I wondered about this for a while and, looking back through the countless examples of terrorist attacks in the UK, discovered a most strange fact. Did you know that almost all of the attacks were carried out by Islamists, or jihadis? And isn’t it this, rather than isolated young men in their bedrooms, that provides what we might call a common link between pretty much all of these atrocities?

    Words matter. How we articulate problems facing society matters. It helps, for example, if we tell the truth, even if in doing so we compromise our own idiotic ideologies, or worry that some people might get a little bit angry. Sir Keir is still in a state of denial, either out of stupidity or because he is lying to himself and the nation, or perhaps both.

    In a sensible society it would be inconceivable, when talking about the murder of those three tiny girls in Southport, not to address the issue of radical Islam, given that radical Islam was the motive for so many previous and similar acts of barbarity. But we do not live in a sensible society, nor a truthful one. We live in a society where we are lied to on a fairly regular basis and where some of our leading politicians (and commentators) deliberately obscure the motives for violent attacks because to admit what the motive was would be to undermine their ideology.

    The truth is very simple. We have invited into this country millions and millions of people, far more than the country is able to sustain. Also, a smallish proportion of those incomers want us dead and will continue to try to kill us until we open our eyes a little bit. They do this because they are Islamists. Further, a large proportion of people coming into the country are Muslim.

    The millions of incomers undoubtedly include some good people and immigration in the past has brought benefits along with the deficits. However, the mass immigration of the past 20 years has been hugely injurious to the country socially and economically, even if each new wave does provide a brief boost to the Treasury. And it has imported violence, bloodshed and rape.

    I am at a loss with Starmer. He failed to even mention Islamism when dealing with terrorist attacks in this country. It simply was not on his radar. It did not matter, it was a coincidence. All those murders down the years – coincidences. We were far more honest when dealing with the savagery of the IRA: they were identified each time as being Irish nationalists who wished the UK to get out of Northern Ireland.

    Not so now. In a quite astonishing reply when he was being asked about whether or not we should have a full public inquiry into the almost exclusively Muslim rape gangs, Starmer said that those who clamoured for an inquiry were climbing on a ‘far-right bandwagon’.

    How can he not comprehend that this blanket dismissal of those who wish to hold our authorities to account betrays exactly the same attitude which allowed those crimes to go uninvestigated for so long? How can he not grasp that? The police, the social services, the politicians disdained to take any action because they didn’t want to be seen as being ‘right-wing’ or ‘racist’. And the consequence was that the crimes went on and on and are still happening today – because people like Starmer (and Jess Phillips, for that matter) will not tell the truth, the whole truth.

    I assume that this article is ‘racist’ because I do make the link between Islamism and terrorism. But as I’ve said, I would argue with some conviction that those who do not regard these outrages as springing from the same source are deluded. They are basically sitting in their bedrooms with the sheets pulled over their heads, spanking the monkey like billy-o.

    1. Veritas numquam perit
      6 hours ago edited
      The Islamists, the predominantly black stabbing culture, the Albanian gangs, the Turkish heroine trade all have one thing in common, they are not British. All these horrors have been imported, all are connected firmly with the countries they originated from, most are Muslim related. Each is empowered first with an eye watering amount of stupidity, primarily the asylum policy, secondly the obnoxious Hate Crime Act (they are victims always), white privilege (we are guilty always) and lastly the woke civil service (which would rather see our children abused than the guilty deported or arrested). The Southport murderers family, like so many others should never have been here, there is no reason, like so many other's.

      Konrad Wallerstein
      5 hours ago
      The mass rapes of tens of thousands of young girls by thousands of muslim men across hundreds of towns and cities in England over more than a decade are probably still going on. After all how many of these men have been prosecuted and inprisoned? Is there a single head of a police force in England that has spoken on th eissue to his men and made it a priority? Three police forces spent over a year investigating a white journalist because of a complaint on social media by someone overseas claiming he was hurt. Think of the resources spent. But when tes of thousands of girls are being raped, injected with drugs, and murdered the chief constables say nthing and do less. Either the heads of all English police forces are totally incompetent or they knew what was happening and know it is still happening but refuse to do anything about it in which case they are complicit. But our governments, past and preset, refuse to be transparent; they refuse to hold these people to account because they too kept quiet and were complicit. We do not need an enquiry – we need a national prosecution; these senior policeme should be named, shamed, have all their promotions reversed, any honours withdrawn, lose their pensions and be put in the same prison as the rapists they protected.

      Fanny Craddock
      5 hours ago
      Still the latest atrocity has conveniently stopped discussion of the rape gangs. And we must remember none of these imported criminals can ever be deported because of their ‘human rights’ not ours of course.

    2. The truth is very simple. We have invited into this country millions and millions of people, far more than the country is able to sustain. Also, a smallish proportion of those incomers want us dead and will continue to try to kill us until we open our eyes a little bit. They do this because they are Islamists. Further, a large proportion of people coming into the country are Muslim.

      That's telling it like it is.

    3. BUT
      Islam is not a "race".
      Once you get that into your thick head racism ceases to be the issue.
      It is Islam that drives it, not the colour of their skin.

      1. ALL religions are nothing more than a system of mind-control. It just so happens that the Mohammedans are much more skilled at it than everyone else.

          1. Islam isn't a religion, it's an ideology. It uses the protections of religion to promote its cause, which is to make the world submit.

          1. This ‘diet fanatic’ has never had cancer, a heart attack, a stroke, or any one of countless modern disease all directly caused by chomping on vegetation and other assorted crap.

            Some people would prefer to eat their species-appropriate food and remain healthy. Others think they know better, and suffer terribly for it, but continue to criticise those with far more common sense.

            They never learn. The evidence is clear and irrebuttable: eat vegetables, carbohydrates and sugar and become exponentially more stupid as well as increasingly infirm.

          2. And here you are again, proselytising like a born again Christian or such like, telling the world how marvellous your way is, yet hypocritically preparing and serving up foods to your friends that you know are bad.

          3. Re-read the thread, I know your diet makes you a bit dogmatic, but you were the one making claims about ALL religions, and mind control, I merely observed that diet fanatics could be the same.

    4. Many Labour MPs rely on the muslim vote to get them over the line.
      Labour would not have their huge, but shallow, majority without the carefully garnered votes of the peaceful people.

      1. Not a single one of that lot should be allowed to stand for election to a government of a country these despise. Their first loyalty is to their murderous cult.

    5. It isn't "islamism". Ron. Stop drinking the Koolade; it's islam tout court. Tell it as it is.

      1. Trouble is that our system is broken. Unless there is a non confidence vote in the house (not possible with parliament prorogued), the only person that can call an election is Trudeau.

        It appears that the liberals are using Trump as a wedge issue and the worse sanctions get, the better the liberals will look as our only savior. God help us if they select Mark Carney as PM, that WEF carbon tax acolyte looks mighty strong at the moment.

    1. Seems like a good guy, think he's going to be elected, and Trudeau and crazy finance female aren't.

    2. Good for him. Any deranged individual can pretend to be whatever they like, but for every single official situation they are either male or female.

  31. Beyond a knife ban
    SIR – Does anyone really believe that it would have made the slightest difference if the Southport killer bought his knife at the age of 18, rather than 17? Or indeed if his knife, like some others, had been “banned” (“Buying knives online will require two forms of ID in wake of Southport”, , January 22)?

    If we genuinely could ban knives (and presumably eat with plastic forks and spoons), what about screwdrivers, or hammers? What is nowadays described as “knife crime”, like so-called gun crime, is a fiction: it is simply crime. Blaming objects for the misdeeds of men simply affords politicians a quick, cheap means of appearing to do something, instead of addressing the real problems of a broken society.

    Those of pensionable age in Britain today grew up in a country where children regularly took knives into school. Scouts, and Cubs at primary school, were proud of their sheath knives. Misused, they could of course have been weapons as deadly as that used in Southport, but it did not happen because we had a more cohesive society.

    Unless we re-establish that, we will eventually run out of potential weapons to blame: soon, events like the terrible slaughter when an SUV was driven into the crowd at the Christmas market in Magdeburg, Germany, could be labelled “car crime”.

    Richard Munday
    Much Hadham, Hertfordshire

    I like that letter .

    Moh and I always used to carry a multi use penknife in our outdoor jacket/coat pockets when out for a walk

    When I used to take Moh up to Heathrow in the days when he was off shore .. for 16 years… I had a nice pruning knife and a torch in the car tray under the seat for years .. he used to say it was for my own protection and especially so for slicing a seat belt if necessary and anything else that needed to be ripped , if you know what I mean .

    I always used to have a pepper spray in my handbag .. but car keys can be useful so I have been told ..

    1. I think I mentioned the other day that only a few years ago Morrisons had a token offer – for a few tokens you could exchange them for some knives – I got a nice French cook's knife and a pair of steak knives with mine. No problem – no id needed.

    2. Knives, especially sheath knives, are on open display for sale everywhere here in Sweden, even to young teenagers. Workmen routinely walk around with at least one such knife, openly displayed and affixed to their belts … and no one bats an eyelid.

      The difference is that no one, here, has an urge to go around routinely stabbing people.

        1. Maybe you do, but that does not affect my statement one iota.

          There will always be the odd incident, in every country, but 99·999999% of people, here, do not stab anyone.

          1. No. Apparently London is home to more than a million illegal immigrants – 1 in 12 of the population. They are not British. It is no longer a British city.

        2. I note that the incident was kept quiet to avoid contaminating witness evidence that might be presented during a trial. But in the UK it was precisely that which fuelled speculation about the perpretator of the Southport murders leading subsequently to the Southport uprising.

        3. I note that the incident was kept quiet to avoid contaminating witness evidence that might be presented during a trial. But in the UK it was precisely that which fuelled speculation about the perpretator of the Southport murders leading subsequently to the Southport uprising.

        4. I note that the incident was kept quiet to avoid contaminating witness evidence that might be presented during a trial. But in the UK it was precisely that which fuelled speculation about the perpretator of the Southport murders leading subsequently to the Southport uprising.

    3. I found out that the car key embedded in my car's electronic fob should be extracted in event of one needing to use it to trip the car's rear hatch lock when making an emergency exit from an unresponsive electronically locked vehicle.

    4. Much Hadham, a lovely village.

      We have a collection of old kitchen knives wrapped up in a lot of news paper in a our garage, but i'm not sure what to do with them.
      I suppose i could bury them in the back garden.

    5. Ownership of pistols in the UK is forbidden, yet there are shootings at least every weekend, if not every day.
      "If guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!" – so that went well, didn't it?
      The same thing will happen if knives are outlawed – and cooking will be less easy, too.

      1. Before it all goes too far Obs, a decent hand saw is as dangerous as a knife but not quite so easy to conceal.
        Lets face the fact's, it's no the weapons that are dangerous it's the people they have let into our country who have hold of the weapons.

  32. Nigel Farage is now demanding an apology from Angela Raynor and Keir Starmer for saying that he was spreading fake news when it was the Labour government which was spreading completely fake information about the Southport terrorist. He has also demanded an apology from Kemi Badenough for saying his party's membership figures were fake. If Farage now demands an apology from Ed Davey he can have a complete set of unmet demands for apologies from the other parties' leaderships.

    I am reminded of Muhammad Ali who used to go about under the name of Cassius Clay. Before he met Sonny Liston for their first encounter he said:

    "If he even dreams that he can beat me I want him to wake up and apologise!"

    Liston did not apologise. Clay won!

  33. A tale of woe from the DM.
    At the end is the following tag:

    Budget Gluten Free, by Becky Excell, is out on February 13 (£20, Quadrille).

    Will you tell her or shall I?

    "When you take a close look at me, I think you'd agree that I'd make a pretty good friend.

    I'm caring, loyal and honest – not brash or boastful. I'm quick to compliment people on a new outfit or hairstyle and I always remember birthdays and anniversaries.

    I'm interested in people and lead an interesting life: I've worked in a variety of jobs, all around the country, from PR to digital marketing, before I launched my own gluten-free food blog, which led to a successful career as an award-winning writer of specialist cookbooks.

    All in all, I'd say women could do a lot worse than me if they are looking for a special confidante or shoulder to cry on.

    But the fact is, I don't have any friends. Not one. Oh, I have acquaintances, hundreds of them, people I chat to at work events. My phone contacts list is enormous, and I have more than 400,000 followers on Instagram."

  34. Britain is losing friends – and making enemies
    Douglas Murray 'Very well, alone' by David Low, 1940 Alamy

    Whatever way you voted in 2016, I suspect that many of us have the same image of post-Brexit Britain. It is easier to capture in a cartoon than in prose but it looks something like this. A chap tries to make a leap across a canyon, falls ever so slightly short and as a result gets wedged in a crevice. And there he is – stuck. Neither on one side or the other and gaining the benefits of neither ledge.

    The Conservative party obviously carries a large amount of responsibility for this – not least for the fact that European law still dictates our insane migration policy. But the current government must also take its share of responsibility. If we were run by competent men and women of vision then getting out of the spot we are in could be possible. Instead it appears that Labour policy is to actually push us further down the crevice.

    Because of the Labour party’s obvious attraction to the EU, they will not take this country an inch further away from it. Keir Starmer and his party have already signalled that if a trade war were to erupt between the US and the EU, then the UK would side with the EU. But at the same time, Britain has never been more unlike our European friends. Right-wing politics dominates the continent and is only rising. And it’s not just ‘right-wing politics’ as it might be defined by any remaining producer at Newsnight, but proper right-wing stuff of a kind that even causes me to make a whistling noise at times.

    Geert Wilders is now the head of the largest party in the Dutch parliament. This is a man who was idiotically refused entry into the UK by a Labour home secretary (the hopeless Jacqui Smith) because of his ‘divisive’ and ‘extreme’ views. Not so long ago Giorgia Meloni was endlessly described as ‘fascist’ and ‘far-right’. Today, as Italian Prime Minister, she is recognised as one of the more moderate leaders in the EU bloc.

    And here is where our current government has managed to play an absolute political blinder. Because while we’ve never been further away from the Europeans, the geniuses in charge seem to have decided to make sure that the American government doesn’t like us either.

    You don’t have to resort to the extreme case of Sadiq Khan, but let’s. This is a man who chose to spend his time over inauguration weekend warning, originally enough, that Donald Trump’s return to the White House spells the return of ‘fascism’. On inauguration day he posted a picture on X of himself standing in front of a billboard in Piccadilly Circus that boasted the slogan ‘London is, and will always be, a place for everyone ♥’.

    This message was obviously meant to stand in stark contrast to the terrible extremism that has broken out in the US. Although if Khan were capable of looking locally, rather than attempting to cast his gaze abroad, he might see that London being ‘for everyone’ is a large part of its problem. Many Londoners feel that London ought not to be a place for machete gangs and knife murderers, phone-robbers and bicycle stealers, rape gangs and anti-British lunatics. But that’s a matter of personal preference, I suppose.

    On almost every major issue Britain is now a country that is failing to tack itself to anyone on the world stage while also lacking a viable long-term view on almost anything. This week, Mayor Khan also announced that he intends to launch a legal challenge if the Prime Minister backs a third runway for Heathrow airport. This is the sort of thing that signals a country in a serious stalemate, not to mention decline. After all, you can either decide to grow outside investment or you can decide to throw your lot in with people like Ed Miliband, who never saw an investment opportunity they didn’t wish to demolish.

    Which brings me to another matter: the idiotic decision of successive post-2016 governments to get everything wrong in new ways. One of the reasons Boris Johnson’s government wasted what little time it had was that it sucked so hard on the net-zero bong and presumed to ‘lead by example’. This Labour government is likewise full of people who think that Britain should immiserate its economy and energy policy by ‘leading the world’ into anti-fossil fuel ultimatums. The fact that the Chinese Communist party is busily building coal-fired power stations and nuclear power plants might suggest to you – as it does to me – that the CCP is not much looking to Miliband. If they ever do think of him I imagine they think him rather silly and presumptuous.

    Johnson’s only excuse for mainlining this nonsense was that he wanted to demonstrate to Joe Biden that he wasn’t Trump. But now Johnson and Biden could not be further from power and we have a US President who has promised in his first speech in office to ‘drill, baby, drill’. Once again the energy policies of Johnson and Miliband look more like the debunked ideas of yesterday’s men than a case of leading by example.

    On issue after issue Britain is in this same netherworld. Our government has no idea how to grow the economy, is trying to tax its way to growth, is busy chasing out the rich and making the ambitious scram. Having one side of Britain stuck against the European side of the cliff, we have a government with no apparent desire to clamber out of the ravine on to the booming American side. Instead our politicians preen and fall back on student slogans and banalities so past their sell-by date that they would shame the discount shelf at the Co-op.

    There was a time when one of the great slogans in our country’s history was ‘Very well, alone’. Whether on immigration, crime, the economy, energy or foreign policy, we are now in that strange position again. But not in a good way. Not in a good way at all.

  35. Afternoon all. Grey rainy day although the sun did pop its head out for a few minutes about an hour ago.

    Some advice. Never ever take out insurance with Allianz. We’ve exchanged contracts on a bungalow aand Alf has been trying to insure the new property. We didn’t realise when we went with them it was only an online company, as in any queries you may have there is no one you can actually talk to. He’s been back and forth with queries and they never answer the query properly. Nightmare.

    1. Oh dear……..I had travel insurance a few years ago with Alliance for one trip and they were very helpful on the phone – the trip had to be postponed three times (covid rules) and they changed the dates with no problems.

      I can't remember at the moment which is our house insurer.

      1. Oh yes, probably about half a mile from the Deli, just on the other side of the village. Didn’t want to move away.

    2. All insurance companies are like that. They go to great lengths to hide their telephone numbers, pushing pointless chatbots who are useless and when you do get through after a 40 minute enforced wait, they refuse to do what you'd imagine you're insured for.

      A pointless waste of time. Little better than thieves.

        1. I am with Scottish Power. Their website is useless. I downloaded the app, thinking that might be better, but it was just as bad. You had to choose from their list that their chatbot was programmed for and which, of course, didn't cover what I wanted to contact them about. In the end I found an email address and sent them an email. Reply was that they aim to get back to me within 48 hours.

  36. Britain is being systematically lied to by our delusional political elite. 22 January 2025.

    Britain is cooked. Thirty years of malgovernment, ideological derangement and relentless self-sabotage have ruined us. We are careering towards quasi-bankruptcy, our international reputation shot, our society fractured, our citizens impoverished, unhealthy and demoralised, our public sphere strewn with litter, and our institutions discredited. Crime and disorder are at intolerable levels. Those who can are fleeing.

    Little of value is ever built, and certainly not enough homes or infrastructure. Our energy costs are the highest in the world, and blackouts loom. Goods, services, housing, transport and healthcare are rationed by government fiat, and congestion, over-regulation, bureaucracy and propaganda grind down anybody with any ambition, courage or creativity.

    I suppose that we should be flattered that someone in the MSM has finally woken up. It is far too late. We are truly stuffed.

    1. "Britain is cooked" A misprint?
      On a QUERTY keyboard, the letter 'c' is diagonally below the letter 'f'.

    1. Yet there were more children slaughtered by muslims recently. It's putrid. They've got to go. Every last one of them.

      1. If you do make it i wouldn't follow the stage where it says to deep fry the beef. It will ruin the fat in the fryer. I did it in two stages in the wok. Fry to seal then remove. Fry everything else then return the beef to the wok.

      1. No. And on Saturday Kitchen Andrew Wong did say peanut oil. I use lard for deep frying and ground nut oil for everything else. Sometimes olive oil. Depends what i am cooking.

        This was on the BBC so of course there is an agenda there.

  37. Best to avoid reading the details. Allison Pearson hinted that the injuries were beyond horrific.
    Forgive me, but there is a 3 word phrase used in the late 1960s by a well known politician who warned the British people.

    1. The tree appears to be leaning away from him, so if he keeps his balance and hacking away as he is, then PROBABLY not a great deal.
      However, if it does go tits up, he's got no where to go.

        1. Looks to be trying to cut down a large sapling cos it's spoiling his view, possibly even on someone else's land…felony…

      1. Mark Steyn raised this on GBN, decades ago. He was sacked because of it. Left for France, had four heart attacks quick succession, his hair turned white for a while, having no previously known health problems. He still writes his blog

      2. I'd imagine it goes higher than that. I'd be fairly sure there were people in central government who were aware and deliberately endorsed the abuse of children by pakistani muslim child rapists.

        This farce must stop. It'll destroy Labour, but that's a good thing. It'll expose the entire muslim demographic to public ire and again, that's a good thing. A few black eyes and broken bones would remind them it is our country and they're not welcome but more, it would utterly eviscerate the state. I imagine more than a third would be sacked or charged if a full open inquiry with criminal outcomes were held.

        That's why Starmer is fighting it.

        1. Spot on. I read he defended some 50 or so perps when he was DPP, but someone else said that wasn't so. Eventually the actual will be out there.

          1. Not even the occasional brown envelope or AlliPalli Gift Voucher for some Only Men brand clothing?

  38. 'I'm glad they're dead'..
    Please Axel, this kind of talk isn't helping our diversity project.. is it? pleads the Progressive.

    'I'm ill'
    That's more like it.

  39. Another scum tax by Labour. This time stealing from soldiers.

    ‘We’re sitting ducks for their stupidity’: Rachel Reeves torn apart by ex-SAS Phil Campion over ‘despicable’ tax raid on veterans

    SAS veteran Phil Campion has launched a blistering attack on Labour's plans to impose inheritance tax on military death-in-service payments, calling the move "despicable" and bordering on "cowardice".

    Speaking on GB News, Campion said armed forces personnel were "sitting ducks for their stupidity" because they lack union representation and cannot strike.

    "It's another easy target for them – armed forces, we don't have unions," the former special forces soldier said.

    "We can't go on strike. They couldn't put us further back in the queue when it comes to absolutely everything that they do."

    Labour MPs have voted to impose inheritance tax on death-in-service payments for military families from April 2027.

    The changes mean children or partners of unmarried servicemen and women will face death duties on the lump sum payments.

    Death-in-service payments, which typically amount to four times the late individual's salary, are currently tax-free.

    Under the new rules, military personnel who die while off duty – such as from sudden illness or accident – will see their payments subject to inheritance tax of up to 40 percent.

    The payments will go into probate if not left to a spouse or civil partner, and cannot be protected through trusts as they are part of the Armed Forces pension scheme.

    In a passionate statement, Campion highlighted the constant demands placed on military personnel.

    "When you sign that dotted line, you don't just sign it to go to war, you're on duty 24/7. You're on call 24/7. You can be plucked out of the sky any time they choose," he said.

    The veteran referenced his recent work with Scotty's Little Soldiers, a charity supporting bereaved military children.

    "Members from the charity are absolutely appalled that they would start taking from people like that. It's ridiculous," Campion added.

    "It's just an absolute shock across everybody's bowels. It's despicable and borders on cowardice."

    Major General Neil Marshall, chief executive of the Forces Pension Society, has written to HMRC urging them to reverse the decision.

    In his letter, he warned the policy "poses a serious threat to morale, team cohesion and ultimately operational effectiveness" given the high-risk nature of military service.

    A Treasury spokesman responded: "We value the immense sacrifice made by our brave Armed Forces."

    The spokesman confirmed existing inheritance tax exemptions will continue to apply "if a member of the Armed Forces dies from a wound inflicted, accident occurring or disease contracted on active service."

    Any pension funds left to a spouse or civil partner in such cases will also remain exempt.

    1. We discovered earlier this year, having been 'living in sin' (ooh la la) for best part of 40 years that if we didn't marry the surviving partner could/would be liable for IHT @ 40%. Worth checking with an IFA to find out if this applies, especially as bricks & mortar increased in value over a number of years. Anyhow, was a fab day on my 75th.

      1. We got married twice!

        Once in the Roman Catholic Church in Lyme Regis in 1988 and again in the notaire's office in Pleudihen in Brittany five years ago.

        In the second marriage all our worldly possessions were amalgamated so that everything I own belongs to Caroline and everything she owns belongs to me. This means that when either of us dies there will be no transfer of goods and no tax to pay.

        1. We're joint owners of our main asset – the house – but we each have our own bank accounts and savings. We also have a joint account for bills.

          1. Edited for clarity.

            If your PPF passes in accordance with provisions made under your Will then it may well(under current law) form part of your estate for inheritance tax purposes. You might want to check that in fact your PPFs will be treated in accordance with a discretionary trust, under which you can say who you would like any money to go to, by a Letter (or Expression) of Wish . It's a technicality, and no doubt your PPF provider will have made sure that it does not pass through your estate, but it can be important and is just worth checking.

            What Reeves will do to that is frightening, but for the current time.

        2. Good advice, Rastus – well done and congratulations:-) Ours is now similar. Locally we have a handsome stone built village church, with a vicar in attendance one week in three, mostly weddings & funerals.

        3. I'm not sure, but that may only work if you are treated by the tax authorities here, as being domiciled in France when you die. If the authorities here decide you are domiciled in England and Wales, you may still be liable for Inheritance Tax (obviously depending on all the circumstances). Just be aware that your domicile of origin is very hard to shake off, even if you have lived for years in another country and have no assets here.

          You also just need to check that being married might, even under French law, only mean that "community of property" applies. If you are subject to French inheritance law, it could mean that even if the survivor may keep your jointly owned property, your children (and possibly their children if they don't survive) may have a proprietary interest.

        4. I'm not sure, but that may only work if you are treated by the tax authorities here, as being domiciled in France when you die. If the authorities here decide you are domiciled in England and Wales, you may still be liable for Inheritance Tax (obviously depending on all the circumstances). Just be aware that your domicile of origin is very hard to shake off, even if you have lived for years in another country and have no assets here.

          You also just need to check that being married might, even under French law, only mean that "community of property" applies. If you are subject to French inheritance law, it could mean that even if the survivor may keep your jointly owned property, your children (and possibly their children if they don't survive) may have a proprietary interest.

        5. I'm not sure, but that may only work if you are treated by the tax authorities here, as being domiciled in France when you die. If the authorities here decide you are domiciled in England and Wales, you may still be liable for Inheritance Tax (obviously depending on all the circumstances). Just be aware that your domicile of origin is very hard to shake off, even if you have lived for years in another country and have no assets here.

          You also just need to check that being married might, even under French law, only mean that "community of property" applies. If you are subject to French inheritance law, it could mean that even if the survivor may keep your jointly owned property, your children (and possibly their children if they don't survive) may have a proprietary interest.

      2. Cohabitees don't have the same rights as a married couple. Well done! When was the wedding? I was married on my birthday!

        1. 3rd June, my birthday too 🙂 Just possible I’ll remember it’s a) my birthday and b) wedding anniv. But more likely c) I’ll forget both…..nothing harder than numbers, for me anyway. Worth reading up on IHT rights and otherwise.

      3. Cohabitees don't have the same rights as a married couple. Well done! When was the wedding? I was married on my birthday!

    2. No, but you are the only branch of government that has tanks.

      Hint hint. Were you to roll through Westminster you'd have farmers, pensioners, normal folk… hmm.. every one apart form muslims and welfarists all beside you saying no to this government and demanding they reverse their stupid policies and do what they should have done from the outset and put the state machine through a blender.

      1. I learnt from my stepfather who was involved in such things, as a military officer. That the army is constantly making and reviving plans in order to act in case of civil collapse. In certain scenarios removing the government and the military taking temporary charge was, and I assume still is, a possibility.

    3. How low can you go….our civil service and politicians really hate the men and women who are ready to risk their lives for their country.

      1. IMO our politicians and civil service don't hate the people of this country. I simply don't think they give a jot – we're not worth the effort of hating.


    When I checked at the midpoint of the month we had used about 250KW/h. I'm expecting about 600kw for January, about the same (depending on if it's cooler or not) in Feb. It's barely come on today because it is warmer outside.

    We use, as a household, about 300kw/h a month just keeping things going. There are always devices on charge: there's 5 or six laptops alone, not to mention network kit, access points, Raspberry pi's let alone washing machines going almost every day, tumbler at least twice a week and so on. That means our heating is costing abut 150kw in the coldest months.

    It's not 'warm', certainly not as warm as the Warqueen would like but it is a damned sight _warm-er_ than last year and that cost me £180 just to heat the one room I was in.

    The biggest problem isn't that it's expensive, but that it's inflexible. If we want to – such as today – fling all the windows open, get some fresh air in and generally vent a bit, you can't, as the cost of re-heating is so expensive.

      1. Currently reported to be 6' 9" aged 18. He'll be 19 on 20th March. Enrolled at NYU Stern Business School.

        Hmmm…my eldest granddaughter is 6' 3" and was 18 on 31st December 2024. Currently doing 'A' levels at Rugby School. Her (loving but cynical) parents predict 'A' results of
        Applied Mathemetics D-
        Physics C-
        Biology C
        Social Life A**

        Might there be a match?

  41. 400418+ up ticks,

    Well meant advice, regain the once capital city known as london as the decent peoples RESET road and trigger point for the justified countrywide readjustment program, either that or purchase a prayer mat and take the road to mecca

    Up to one in 12 in London is an illegal migrant
    Government ‘must do more on deportations’ as new estimate suggests more than 1m people are illegally living in UK

  42. Trump is showing the world what needs to be done. The people have to vote for it for it to happen.

    1. They have to vote for the right person to make it happen; not just some self-serving ninny who promises it with no intention of delivering.

    1. Little known fact – the Germans invented the sun roof for cars so they could salute while driving

  43. Good for a laugh.
    Google knows Biden wasn't really running the show.

    Joe Biden was hit with one final insult after handing the White House to Donald Trump – Google left him off the list of US presidents.

    Social media users have pointed out that the Democrat was left out of the search engine's results when people searched for 'US presidents in order.'

    It showed Barack Obama and both of Trump's terms – but nothing for Biden, who served between 2021 and 2025.

          1. I still have a flowery cotton bikini which I bought in Woolworths in Stirling in 1981 for a holiday in Greece with my future husband! We went up to Sithonia with my sister, brother in law and my baby nephew. I also have a photo of me in said bikini, on a Bic windsurfer!

  44. And so it goes on ….. read this while MB is waiting for the sentencing of the Welsh choir boy.

    "Five people have been injured after reports of a stabbing outside a supermarket in south London.

    The incident happened close to an Asda supermarket in Beddington, Croydon, on Thursday morning.

    The attack reportedly occurred at the Argos and Sainsbury’s distribution centre near the Asda supermarket.

    A member of staff told the Metro newspaper that the attacker did not work at the centre and had arrived at the gates armed with a knife."

    DT: 1.04 pm 23/101/25.


      Knife Crime Data for England and Wales


      increase in Police-recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in the last 12 months (up to June 2024)


      Police-recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument (up to June 2024)


      increase in Police-recorded offences involving a knife or sharp instrument in the last 10 years (up to June 2024

      Aren't we enriched…

      1. Oh, we don't KNOW that it is the enrichers, because records aren't "officially" kept as to the identity re. race etc. of the perpetrators. Of course, going around stabbing, beheading and otherwise offending with knives is such a very ENGLISH type of crime, isn't it? Why would our wonderful diverse people do such things to a country that has taken them in and is keeping, feeding and educating them?

    2. Apparently that animal has been taken out of the court twice, claiming to be ill. He's ill all right, and he should have been made to stay in court and hear what was said, the way the poor parents would have had to suffer.

      1. He should be in a straight jacket with a Hannibal Lector mask with his feet nailed to the floor.

    1. All because of the so called green policies adopted by the Governor. No brush clearance. No logging. No fire breaks. No water.
      Anyone who lost their house should go and burn down his….With him in it.

      1. I wonder what %age of those who lost property voted Democrat, I'm not victim-blaming here, but I do wonder.

        1. LA is full of actors or wannabees. They vote Democrat.

          Now if the fires aren't bad enough they not only have Mr and Mrs Markle……..Kamala Harris has returned from Washington !

    1. Reminded me, Sue, of the sweet thing my mother used to make for me to take with me when playing out…a corner of a paper bag with cocoa and sugar mixed together, twisted round so it wouldn't escape. I'd be gone for hours, she was never concerned, never asked where I'd been. I'd be perhaps six years old.

        1. My dad would never allow me to play in the rec, where all the swings were. Many anguished wails from me, and angry outbursts from him, would never tell me why. Other kids allowed to go. Many years later found out the public loos there had been a paedophile haunt.

          1. It’s sometimes sad to learn why we got it wrong about someone. We couldn’t know, but still, it feels difficult.

          2. Thanks, Hertlass, yes it is. Can be even more difficult in these times of online use, and especially AI -seems quite unregulated.

      1. Ooh yes! A twist of newspaper with a bit of sugar in it, and a stick of raw rhubarb! And away up the field to build dens and play! What joy!

    2. Reminded me, Sue, of the sweet thing my mother used to make for me to take with me when playing out…a corner of a paper bag with cocoa and sugar mixed together, twisted round so it wouldn't escape. I'd be gone for hours, she was never concerned, never asked where I'd been. I'd be perhaps six years old.

  45. Germans no longer feel safe after these horrific crimes. 23 January 2025.

    In a knife attack in the Bavarian town of Aschaffenburg, a two-year-old boy and a 41-year-old man were killed in a park on Wednesday. Three more people were injured, among them two-year-old girl. A suspect has been arrested and identified as an Afghan national with a history of violence and psychiatric issues.

    The horrific details of the incident were released by police and the Bavarian Minister of the Interior Joachim Herrmann shortly after and caused widespread outrage. The 28-year-old suspect reportedly targeted a particular boy, who was in the park with other children from his kindergarten group. He walked up to him and stabbed him to death with a kitchen knife. A bystander intervened and was also killed.

    The suspect then stabbed a small girl in the neck three times before attacking another 72-year-old man. A kindergarten teacher broke her arm as she tried to flee. The injured victims were taken to hospital and don’t appear to be in critical condition. Other bystanders and police chased down the perpetrator. He was arrested and taken into custody.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised at the AfD gaining a majority in the next election. The Germans have had enough.

    1. Alice W/AfD going to win, imo, Araminta. She's a number worth watching/listening to. German blogger eugyppius mentions AfD/Weidel most times he blogs.

    2. Srebrenica anyone? It's coming.

      The usual suspects arrested the wrong side but how many rapes, stabbings and murders by muslim men are we prepared to accept.

    3. egyppius has written about it:
      "Omarzai was known to police for at least three prior criminal offences. In each case he was sent away for psychiatric treatment and later released back to his residence. On one occasion he attacked and wounded a Ukrainian woman in his Alzenau refugee centre with a knife. He also attempted to rape another Ukrainian refugee, and locals in Alzenau report that the police were called to the centre multiple times because of Omarzai’s behaviour, which included public urination and breaking into his fellow residents’ rooms. Fellow refugees describe him as unpredictable, psychologically disturbed and dangerous.

      In response to the attacks, an alliance of leftist organisations committed to “an active culture of welcoming” and calling themselves “Aschaffenburg is Colourful” will hold a silent commemoration at the crime scene in Schöntal park. They will light candles in the hopes of demonstrating “consideration, solidarity and cohesion” and combatting “hatred.” As we all know, the greatest danger is not violent Afghan refugees who stab innocent people in parks, but the evil conclusions racists might draw from this ceaseless parade of horror. The head mayor of Aschaffenburg, Jürgen Herzing, has also warned against the grave sin of “blaming the actions of an individual on an entire group” and “setting a spiral of violence and hatred in motion.” He did not, however, warn migrants not to stab people."

      It's the same problem – the criminals can't be thrown out because all migrants are tarred with the brush of saintliness by the stupid left. So Ukrainian and other refugees/migrants have to be attacked by this POS in places where they should be safe, because the authorities can't or won't deport him.

      1. Perhaps Omarzai could be armed with a couple of machetes and dropped off so that he can actively participate in the commemoration of his achievements.

    1. As he cannot be executed, it is a great pity that in such cases it should not be mandatory that the minimum sentence should only end when the last of his victims and their family living at the time of the attacks, have died.

      Then at least everyone directly affected would die knowing he was still in prison, or dead himself.

    2. 400418+ up ticks.

      Afternoon S,

      Relatives / friends deported no revenge actions given succour, no more children's lives lost due to
      misplaced DEI.

  46. The evil bast*rd, Rudakubana, should be skinned – but kept alive for a week or two then disembowelled and his innards burnt before his eyes.

    1. Sorry Per,No,not having it if a man needs killing (and he does) a simple bullet to the back of the head suffices we are simply better than that to inflict this sort of torture reduces us to the same level of bestiality he has displayed
      The desire for brutal revenge is understandable but trust me the effects on those taking that revenge ain't worth it

      1. I couldn't agree more. There is no reason for him to live. He quite clearly took pleasure in his own fucked up mind and needs to be erased.

        How many more?

  47. Wordle No. 1,314 3/6


    Wordle 23 Jan 2025

    An ambitious Birdie Three?

    1. Par for me. Silly error in my third guess.

      Wordle 1,314 4/6


    2. Almost twice The fun
      Wordle 1,314 5/6


      1. Yes indeed, Ndovu; the method of 'transfer' has changed.
        I have learned the new method recently!

  48. Wordle No. 1,314 3/6


    Wordle 23 Jan 2025

    An ambitious Birdie Three?

  49. My regular first two starter words (which I think are very similar to/same as yours) made this fairly straightforward.

    Whatever, a boidie's a boidie!!

    Wordle 1,314 3/6


  50. US Officials Mull Purchase of Chagos Islands if Starmer Pushes Through Surrender Deal

    It doesn’t look as though David Lammy’s last-minute diplomatic interventions with the new US administration have had much of an impact. President Trump has been receiving national security briefings since coming formally into office which will have included Labour’s Chagos surrender deal. Guido understands that Trump’s team is strongly opposed to the deal as currently formulated…

    US officials are apprised of the threat the deal poses to its nuclear capability in the region. There were suggestions in recent days that if Starmer pushed the deal through the new administration would respond by blocking Mandelson’s appointment as ambassador. The situation has since settled somewhat as Labour continues to claim they can persuade the US to go along with the deal. It’s not likely…

    From that a new idea is beginning to gain some traction – a separate deal between the US and Mauritius if the British government continues with its sell out. The US could purchase the British Indian Ocean Territory, or part of it, and place it under sovereign control. We know Trump isn’t averse to expanding US territory with the help of the chequebook…

    23 January 2025 @ 14:27

    1. Just think, if we had had businessmen, rather than morons, in charge we could have sold them to the USA and cut out the middlemen.

    2. Just imagine a fleet of American Aircraft Carriers surrounding the UK and the country put under embargo until we hand over the traitors.

      I know for a fact their personnel would be welcomed as they were in the liberation from the Nazis all across Europe by the people.

    3. UK must end 'unlawful' administration of Chagos Archipelago 'now,' says top UN lawyer Four-Finger-Woo.

      Rachel, Lammy, Starmer and every single Leftie nod heads in unison. It's the Law. No one is above Leftie Law.

    4. UK must end 'unlawful' administration of Chagos Archipelago 'now,' says top UN lawyer Four-Finger-Woo.

      Rachel, Lammy, Starmer and every single Leftie nod heads in unison. It's the Law. No one is above Leftie Law.

  51. In words

    ‘The funny thing, maybe the sad thing, is he [Biden] didn’t give himself a pardon. If you look at it, it all had to do with him [Biden]. I mean, the money went to him.’

    Donald Trump makes a reference to unsubstantiated allegations that Joe Biden profited from money earned from his name by family members during an interview with Fox News. He also suggested that his predecessor could face investigations similar to his own ‘four years of hell’.

  52. Argentina's President Javier Milei delivered a blockbuster speech at the World Economic Forum in Davos on Thursday, where he said that woke politics are a "cancer" on the world and must be eradicated to usher in a "new golden age" of freedom and prosperity.

    "What once seemed like a global hegemony of the ‘woke’ left in politics, educational institutions, in the media, in supranational organizations or even in forums like Davos, has begun to crumble," said Milei, who took office in 2023.

    The Argentinian politician says he's been forming alliances with other conservative figures and leaders.

    "Over the course of this year, I have found allies in this fight for the cause of freedom in every corner of the world, from the amazing [tech billionaire] Elon Musk to that fierce Italian lady [Prime Minister] Giorgia Meloni, from [President Nayib] Bukele in El Salvador to Viktor Orban in Hungary," he said, adding "Slowly, an international alliance has been forming among all those nations who want to be free and believe in the ideas of liberty."

    Winning support for Las Malvinas perhaps?

  53. BT hasn't posted since the single "bad night" one this morning, I hope he's OK, he's been having a number of problems recently.

    1. Thanks. I am a bit below par – these things occur every six weeks or so. Will be better tomorrow, I hope.

  54. That's me gone for another wet, cold, cheerless day. Tomorrow will be wet and cheerless, too, but a touch milder (or less cold).

    Have a jolly evening

    A demain – prolly.

  55. Well I read the harrowing statements made by the families of the little girls in Southport.
    I gather the perp will spend 52 years in jail.
    I hope the other inmates finish him off long before then. He doesn't deserve to live. And we don't deserve the cost of keeping him locked up.

    1. I'm not sure I'm strong enough to find out more. It's bad enough with the little I do know already.

    2. The absolute terror and pain those poor innocent children must have felt, is unimaginable. The little girls who were murdered, those who were injured (seriously and otherwise) and those who witnessed the mad violence and attacks on their fellow dancers. None of the survivors will ever fully recover from such trauma.
      That this savage stabbed some of the children multiple times, it beggars belief.
      Why was he allowed to hide his face behind a mask? Those present in court should have been able to see his disgusting, evil face.
      He should be placed on a secure prison wing with the most violent criminals, who will be given unsupervised access to him. They can make him suffer pain and long-drawn-out justice. No repercussions for them. He should be in absolute fear every single moment, 24/7,
      and never have visits from anyone, ever.

      1. I would pin him down in a large shipping container with South American red ants that sting and bite .. for starters also throw a few scorpion in for good measure … of course , a snake or two like a mamba, a rattlesnake would suffice .. just little things like that and he will suffer the effects of hell .. and watch him scream .

        1. I would put him in the prison showers with the nastiest criminals they have and see what they will do to him.

        2. Add sharp nails to the base and sides. And a prisoner with a smuggled-in mobile phone could record it.

      2. Apparently it won't leave its cell.
        Just treat it like free range hens. Leave the door open and leave the decision to those inside.

    1. I wonder how many of the windmills currently generating power will still be there this time next week?

        1. …and Government compensation will have to be provided to suppliers that are unable to deliver electricity to the grid from wind farms that are unable to safely operate in high winds.

  56. Meanwhile the CCP pushes aside local fishing vessels and calmly wanders onto Philippine territory, Scarborough Shoal Island in the South China.. then plonks a flag on it.
    No David.. it wasn't the Pride Flag.

    Deadly silence from Rachel & Lammy.

      1. Non-citizens should never be allowed to vote either, including in local elections. No votes until a person has been a law-abiding citizen for, say, 10 years.

        1. My German friend who has lived here since 1960 can only vote in local elections, not national ones.

          1. I'm sure your German friend is a normal, decent person. It is the same for my two German friends who have been here for over 30 years.
            Non-citizen voters in local and mayoral elections in Londonistan (and in many other big towns and cities) is a major cause of the damage there. They voted Khan in, as well as numerous co-death-cultists onto local councils.

          2. These elected mayors are a major cause of the damage. The English way for for town mayors to be Primus inter pares with their colleagues, and chosen by their colleagues, not the electorate. There was no reason for cities to have another layer of bureaucracy with the likes of Khan being installed. Livingstone was bad enough, Boris did some good things but Khan is truly the pits.

          3. Lincolnshire, a very large county, is also to have a mayor imposed. Much of Lincolnshire is rural and traditionally Conservative (now also with a significant element of Reform) voting. The more industrial/urban areas (probably a small/medium majority of the population) of north Lincs and Grantham lean more to liebour; coincidence?

          4. There is talk of restructuring councils in Gloucestershire. Unnecessary upheaval which won’t benefit the population. At the moment we have the County council and district councils. They want to split the county in two – the rich side and the poor side.

          5. If only they split Lincolnshire that way.
            Just like the police commissioners, these mayors will simply add an extra layer of bureaucracy and unnecessary expense to everyone (except the illegals and scroungers)

    1. What? He knew that Axel Rudakubana was a Muslim and the incident was terror related?
      Then allowed Wayne O'Rourke to be put away for three years because he wrote on FB that Axel Rudakubana was a Muslim and the incident was terror related?

  57. Larf time.

    Controversial Birmingham lawyer and would-be MP Akhmed Yakoob was detained by police near Calais last night under the Terrorism Act.
    Who he?

      1. It is quite clear who the enemy is. I wonder if our new shiny socialist government understands the danger. Jess Philips at her local election couldn't even bring herself to say what the problem was.

        Bye Jess.

  58. Evening, all. Apologies in advance for typos and stupid sentences that don't make sense; I've been to the opticians and am still feeling the effects of the drops they put in. My vision is still blurry.

    The cult, or should that be curse?, of Net Zero has a lot to answer for.

      1. They take photos of the back of my eyes (optic nerve, macula, etc) and my pupils are really small. Without the dilating drops they'd never see a thing.

        1. I had the photos of my retina etc taken last week. No problems. They used to use the dilation drops years ago but not for 30 years or so.

          1. Clearly a different optician. I also have to have photos taken of the lenses of my eyes because I wear Ortho-K contact lenses. These show that the lenses are properly centred and making a circular, flattened ring to correct my vision.

          2. I wore contacts for many years but gave up on them in 2010 as my eyes were getting dry. I married my optician – but he retired in 2004……. then I went to my next door neighbour……. but after the way he treated his wife over their divorce I went to Specsavers. They seem to do the biz. I take my OH with me to ask the intelligent questions.

          3. I used to wear monthlies, but had to give up because of dry eye. Ortho-K are the next best thing to having perfect sight.

          4. I wore hard ones for 20 years, then monthly ones, then one day disposable ones….. finally gave up and went back to specs.

          5. I wore a hard lens (only the right eye, the left one has only peripheral vision) then rigid gas permeable but could never manage a soft lens. Couldn’t tell when it had flipped inside out. Then my eyes became dry and the right one needs a varifocal lens, which works much better with glasses.

          6. A friend was saying today that she has to go to the Eye Dept at Addenbrooke's in Cambridge and will have to have drops in her eyes which she hates because it makes everything blurry, I guess they still use them for some purposes. She has blood clots at the back of both of her eyes which she has been told are caused by the AZ jab, she could eventually lose her sight.

          7. Oh no – that sounds bad. The photos I had taken last week showed nothing to worry about. An incipient cataract that hasn’t developed in several years; otherwise all good. I had two AZ jabs but so far, no ill effects. Won’t be having any more jabs.

  59. So now that the Southport trial and the Inauguration are done and dusted, I expect that the mainstream media will be concentrating and reporting on the big decisions being made at Davos this week

  60. Concerned for its welfare? What about the welfare of the innocent children it terrorised and murdered, and their families?
    Will the mental health card be played to give it softer prison conditions? It needs chaining to the wall, and the cell door left unlocked.
    If it hasn't eaten or drunk for some time, then stop wasting food and drinks on it.

    1. They should leave the barrister alone, he has virtually no choice in whether he gets the case, the killer will be legal aid and barristers generally work on a "taxi-rank" appointment.

      1. Yes true. But then we have Hermer and all the other cunts that were appointed to cover up atrocities.

    2. The horrific details about the Southport attack is now coming out.
      A 7 year old girl was killed after being stabbed 85 times.
      A 6 year old girl was killed after being stabbed 122 times.
      A little girl was stabbed 32 times, she was running out of the building when the attacker pulled her back inside. She survived.
      A 9 year old girl died after multiple stab wounds and injuries to her skull and ribs.
      The attacker also continued to stab children after they had collapsed on the floor.
      I have no words to describe such evil.
      And there has been a big cover up about this attack.

      1. Total savagery – those traumatised children and adults who survived will be maimed for life.

      2. Unimaginable savagery. If these details hadn't finally come out, nobody could have imagined the sheer scale of the situation.
        Similarly, some of the reports now beginning to be exposed from brave victims of the moslum gang rapes and torture are so depraved and violent.

      3. I really wish I'd not read that. Took a while to be able to see properly for the tears.

    3. It is important that we care for the welfare of prisoners. To hear he finds it difficult to eat or drink should be of concern to us all.

          1. Do i have to educate every Northerner on this site about taste!!!

            🎵A twist is still a kiss🎵.

          2. Putting 'educate' (verb) and 'Northerner' (noun) juxtaposed into a sentence is grammatically incorrect. But precisely what you would expect from a Southerner.

            It is the Northerners who educate the Southerners and — by extension — the world. Never forget those wise words, little Southern chappie.

  61. I just received an email from Damask Rose, and she allowed me to paste it below:
    Dear Paul

    Thankyou & all nottlers who remember me for your kind birthday wishes.

    I am no longer registered with Disqus…I became frightened at the idea of social media surveillance!

    I am a little bit down…probably 90% due to the appalling weather!
    However I’m also grateful for many things, – peace, & being settled.
    I’m experiencing a slight come down, too, after President Trump’s inauguration…as I remember with a jolt that I actually live here under this sad apology for a government…& not in Florida!
    Very very shocked to hear from the released Jan6-ers…& apprehensive to realise our country still has (at least) 4 years to go on ‘the Biden path’….will we survive?

    Just having an ordinary day, & remembering with nostalgia 40 years ago…when I was 34, & spending my birthday in sunny sheltered Bath….

    Thanks again to all who remembered me & love to all

    Damask Rose

    1. The possibility of surveillance worries me as well.
      But with all the nightmare dangers being exposed daily is so depressing that it is comforting to know there are plenty of like-minded people out there (Especially here!)

    2. DR is right about Disqus surveillance. Probably everything we type here will be automatically analysed by AI and the results added to a database about us.
      AI can deduce mood, health and other things as well as the more obvious.
      We all probably give away more than we realise.

  62. Thought for the day:

    Sick as it is, there is a good chance that the Southport Devil will end up in a prison where he will be revered by his fellow Muslim prisoners.

    1. The jails have been taken over by the prisoners because of woke think.
      Drones drop in drugs and phones many times a day.
      There is an answer to this but our government is much more concerned about the RIGHT of the perpretator of the crime than the victim.

      They see the criminal in a very different way to one who has suffered their depradations.

      I am a recipient of that mentality as i walked to work and was assaulted by a group of shit heads as i was going to work.

      Then the BBC made a documentary about how my assailants living in Sommerstown on full benefits needed to be understood.

      That was in 1983.

      What gladdens my mind is all those cunts went nowhere and i am still a survivor. And wealthier than they

      1. I hope the older Muslims realise the murderer is just a lad , a virgin .. a smooth faced small individual… and I hope they rape him, every orifice ..

        I hope the Muslim beasts feast on the young beast , and cause him pain .. I hope there is a Hutu or a Tutsi Rwandan amongst them who will torture him for the ills his father committed whilst in Africa .. Let the devils do their work on him .

      1. Apologies Belle, but 'are poured' might be more accurate. The state forces them on us. It is a form of abuse.

    2. There will be non-muslims who are not impressed.
      A catering size baked bean tin lid can be a lethal weapon.
      Especially when warders become temporarily blind and deaf.

    3. Our justice system is inadequate to the muslim atrocity. His punishment should be far, far more brutal and primitive to send a message that we're sick of them.

  63. My God ,

    I am shocked .. how old were you, you must have been terrified ..

    Look , a few of us have witnessed or seen or been threatened , but you suffered badly because of it …

    No words will do .

    1. I was working at Bistro Montparnasse in Southsea. I was 17. I wasn't terrified. I knew Portsmouth was rough. Just walked along Palmerston to work and then met three guys blocking my way and the one from the BBC doc punched me in the stomach.

      I still worked that night.

      1. Just to add to that…If i hadn't worked that night i wouldn't have been paid. Rent to pay and that…

        1. Brave you, and yes Palmerston road was rough , sailors used to done in by real civvy thugs , and end up back with us at RNH Haslar , next thing ENT(Ear nose and throat ) and evidence of a real hammering .

  64. Listening today of Judge Goose's summary sentence I found that it appeared that the judge excused himself from an independent court judgement.

    1. We saw a seriously unimpressed judge.
      I dread to think how many jobsworth excuses and blame shuffling he's had to plough through.
      He made it clear that his hands were tied, but he did well in the circumstances.
      Any appeals have been given warning that they will fight on their hands.

  65. Have you personally ever been in a situation where your legal rep drawn from the pool felt anything like representing your position? I doubt it.

    1. Yes.
      But it wasn't a barrister.
      And they didn't.

      Unfortunately I didn't discover they had been fired for incompetence by the law firm until it was too late.
      There was no way I could afford to sue the law firm.

      It cost me roughly what I guess is your net worth, in damages. Assuming I had won the case in question, of course.

  66. I certainly hope he gets what he deserves, Maggie. Don't work yourself up with hate though, it's not good for you.

    1. I don't hate , but this is a cumulation of fright , fear , anxiety and distrust , Mola .

      But I know I have said some distasteful things , and sorry to have upset anyone who has read my outburst .. but you know , as well as I do , Muslim countries know how to punish .

      1. …and we really do not want to be like them, to absorb their values. I am not in tune with those on here and elsewhere that wish to inflict ghastly punishment upon this demonic individual – not for his sake, but for ours.

        1. I think that is partly down to people's horror, and feelings of fear and hopelessness in the face of a never-ending series of these atrocities. Many of these violent devils are well-known to the authorities, and repeated warnings are seemingly ignored, until murder and maiming happen.
          If warnings were heeded and acted upon, with non-citizens posing any danger or who commit any crime deported, we would all feel more secure and not feel the need to express such notions.
          When these demons are jailed, they seem to be 'protected' from fellow inmates, while those 'political prisoners' (for that is what they are) jailed for 'hurty words' are in hell.

          1. I acknowledge and agree with all that, MiB, in spades. I just find myself very uneasy, and not in agreement, with some of the punishments being put forward by people on here for whom I do have serious respect. Maybe they are being suggested in jest, and I am being very po-faced, but I am not so sure and if disturbs me.

          2. I think not in jest – but in horror at what has been done to our country and those little children by an inhuman fiend.

          3. It disturbs me too, eye for an eye punishments always do. Neither do I think the death penalty is the answer, quick though it would be, simply because I feel no-one should have to administer it, it would be bad for their soul and psyche. Perhaps he should be locked away for all time, no hope of release, fed and watered, no social mixing with other prisoners, no tv nor all the other comforts we read about. Eating in his own cell. Solitary confinement for the rest of his life.

      2. You’ve not upset me, Maggie. Your feelings are shared by all, on nttl at least, I’m sure.

  67. Years ago my old church invited some baroness or other, who at the time had the power to influence the treatment of prisoners, to give a presentation about her work and her twisted logic was that she was showing concern for the victims by improving conditions for the perpetrators because that would make them less likely to reoffend. Cuckoo!

    1. Just not. I do believe in attempts for rehab and such but as we have seen with Prevent……

      1. What sticks in my craw is that each of these agencies were stuck in their own mental silo.
        AR was not pushing some political agenda, so Prevent washed their hands of him. Did nobody have the empathy or imagination to contact a relevant organisation?
        And so on, and so on, and so forth …………
        3 little girls were slaughtered. Numerous other girls and their teachers were mentally and physically maimed because of these bloody jobsworths.

      2. Prevent – three times they had the chance to do something to stop that violent offender. If they'd done their job properly those little girls would be alive.

        1. I don’t believe ‘Prevent’ was set up in any hope of altering offenders behaviour. I believe it was set up to make it look as if the government was doing something. Look at the two young people murdered in the Narwhale event on the bridge. How could they have possibly had any qualification for dealing with these types other than being ‘well meaning’.

    2. We hear of the horrors of foreign jails and are supposed to be shocked at the treatment of prisoners. At the same time we give ours menu options and TV.

  68. I think I've reach the end of my tether with the NHS admin they seem to be suggesting that the fact that it hasn't been able to deal with my knee problem for over 6 years seems somehow to be my fault. I'm not sure how they have reached that conclusion but they have advised me to get in touch with the hospital again. Which is what I did around 12 months ago and they told me to get in touch with admin.
    Snore zzzzzzz Time for a wee dram i think. 🥃
    Good night all sooner than later. 😴

    1. The state went for him because he embarrassed them. The truth of what he said is irrelevant. Big fat state did what it does: it crushed dissent. That's the result of fascism.

    1. That's practically the Warqueen before an hour of preening.

      We have a rule: no talking before ten. If you get a grunt you're doing well. It's not animosity, it's just that none of us are morning people and all of us do better in our own worlds before our first 20 coffees.

      1. Sounds reasonable to me. Sans coffee in my case.

        A cup of tea brewing while i feed the doggies. Interrupt at one's peril. Likely response otherwise is shouty sweary words and slamming of doors. Also the reason i don't like people calling me on the phone.

  69. I am sure it wasn’t . Sailors used to set on by rough nasty civvies if they were wearing their uniforms , yes the RN uniform was a target .. poor lads would get a fistful and loose a few teeth .. usually those areas were patrolled .

  70. Going to sign off early tonight and curl up in bed with a good book and some hot water bottles. 'Night, all.

  71. Matt Goodwin writes:
    "I want to know why Axel Rudakubana's father did not stop him. I want to know who these people are and what they believe. I want to know why his father did not march his son to a police station, not least after he found him preparing a school massacre. I want to know how a boy can turn up at school TEN times with a knife and not be sectioned. I want to know why Prevent is not preventing horrific attacks like this one and is clearly no longer fit for purpose. I want to know why the school, social services, the local council, and others did not stop this psychopath despite countless warnings. I want to know why Prevent and the state appear utterly obsessed with the right-wing when 70% of terrorist attacks in this country since 2018 have been Islamist and three-quarters of MI5's caseload is Islamist. I want to know why Westminster and legacy media fell over themselves to share details of other terrorist attacks but went silent over this one. I want to know why Keir Starmer has previously tweeted about attacks on the actual day they occurred calling them "terrorism" but refused to do so in this case. I want to know why the state keeps letting people who murder our children, from Axel Rudakubana to Manchester bomber Salman Abedi, fall through the cracks. I want to know why the media gaslit us by presenting this boy as a nice Dr Who choirboy from the Welsh valleys when they knew he had a long history of violence, had been referred to Prevent, and had ricin. I want to know why Keir Starmer casually branded many people in this country "far right" before they even went to court but now is suddenly obsessed with contempt of court procedure. I want to know why Deputy Prime Minister Angela Rayner derided people for spreading "fake news" and "conspiracy theories" when they suggested this was linked to terrorism when we now know that SHE knew this guy had been referred to counter-terrorism authorities three times. I want to know why much of the political, media, and cultural class in this country piled in on Nigel Farage, even trying to describe the unrest as the "Farage Riots", when everything he was saying about the truth being withheld was right. I want to know why, even today, they are not apologising. I want to know why Keir Starmer is now trying to convince us there is a 'new' form of lone-wolf terrorism when, from David Copeland in 1999 onwards, this has been obvious to everybody for decades. I want to know why if this had been a white British boy who stabbed three black girls to death and injured many more, who was then later found with far-right literature and ricin, we all know the response from Starmer, Cooper, Rayner and much of the media would have been entirely different. I want to know why Keir Starmer talks about "protecting our children" while *literally* not being able to tell us who is coming into our country through our broken borders and why. I want to know why, as with the rape gangs, nobody in positions of power, in these state authorities, is on primetime news apologising to the country. And I want to know why we are now having this utterly ridiculous debate about Amazon, 'buying knives online' and social media when, in reality, what this is about is how our leaders continue to let masses of people into our country from high conflict, highly violent societies who do not think like us, do not act like us, do not share our values or respect our laws, and do not care about us. Yesterday, Keir Starmer said he is "drawing a line in the sand". He should start by apologising to the people of this country for how he and his government have handled Southport as well as the rape gangs, both of which will now go down in history as powerful symbols of the total incompetence and inability of the state to keep us safe. And then he should announce he is ending the extreme policy of mass uncontrolled immigration which is destabilising our communities and nation, will do whatever necessary to fix our broken borders, will completely overhaul Prevent, will actually develop an integration strategy for this country (we do not have one!) and will start treating hardworking, taxpaying British people with the respect and decency they deserve by authorising major inquiries into not only Southport but the rape gangs. That would be a start.
    We want to know the truth. And we want to change the direction of our country."

    Questions which we all would like answered, but it will all be covered up.

    1. You know what , it is us who are being groomed by these despicable politicians .. We cannot criticise lest we are locked up , we have no rights .. The UK is our nest , our home our living memory , our DNA , our history .

      We don't want fuzziewuzzies or anyone else scaring us rigid .

    2. Why? No one really seems to know the root cause. I assume it is plain revenge for Brexit. The state likes to expand, so ever more problems in society fuel that. Mor epolice, more social services, more welfare, more cost, more pandering, more waste, more debt.

      Andrew Neather and Blair simply wanted to 'rub the Rights nose in diversity'. They didn't care about the consequences. For them it was pure spite. Much of the Left think this way. They keep repeating lies because it suits them. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and all that tosh. Basically I think Lefties wanting massive uncontrolled gimmigration are just utter bastards who hate everything good, decent and British.

      The Amazon/Twitter farce is pure deflection and they know it. Anything to gaslight. It is what psychopaths do.

      1. I bought three rather nice boning knives as Christmas presents for friends from Amazon. They were left in my porch.

    3. It just jumps off the paper that didn't pass the PM's desk that we won't knoow the answers to these questions unless no stone is left unturned.

    4. I am wondering how long 'they' can keep getting away with it now Elon and The Donald have shone a bright light on their WEF game plan.

  72. It’s not the first time this has happened. I had a nightmare with the cardiology department at another local hospital. Not long after they blamed me for not being seen when I needed to be seen.
    The cardiologist and his nasty male secretary vacated their positions.
    But I’m not blaming the front line it’s the admin that are at fault. They seem to be using the FOAD adgenda.

    1. Try contacting the Daily Mail (I know)…if they publish your story the NHS will suddenly realise they have been remiss………………….

      1. I might try that but I’m emailing the people who have worked so hard to blame me first.

  73. It’s not the first time this has happened. I had a nightmare with the cardiology department at another local hospital. Not long after they blamed me for not being seen when I needed to be seen.
    The cardiologist and his nasty male secretary vacated their positions.
    But I’m not blaming the front line it’s the admin that are at fault. They seem to be using the FOAD adgenda.

    1. Woah there. 'Neoliberalism' or, as we could simply call it, market capital economics was not the cause of the fiancial crash. Brown was. Crushingly high taxes, a heavily regulated economy and a lack of elasticity was – and is – the problem.

      In a highly elastic market capital economy companies have lots of cash and spend it how they want. Taxes are low, regulation not onerous. Jobs are created quickly and people hired easily. Equally, they fail fast and losses are high – but, crucially, they are private.

      Labour implemented corporatism and allowed failure to be backed by big fat state. It still does with investment banks borrowing from their high street arms and treating private wealth as their own – which, Brown legislated, it is. To prevent the utter collapse of trust he invented the insurance scheme where savings were protected. He didn't do the right thing and simply cut one off from the other and allow markets to work because the banks told him they'd leave if he did, and he was addicted to their taxes.

      At each step, government regulates, oppresses and then comes to rely upon that money forcing it to demand tax payer investment (in one form or another) to keep it's failure going. Unreliables are a prime example that will break Labour just as the financial crash did.

      Covid was a panicked reaction that became political. They got used to the power. politicians are egotistical sewage and revelled in the popularity the epidemic brought them. It only became an economic issue when, as usual government threw trillions at faliure without cause or consideration because the economy was utterly illiquid

      1. wibbling, are you really inclined to assign the woes of the nation to Mr Brown, and do you really separate them from what has happened globally? It’s a POV that may have a good deal to do with the success, until recently, of people who you don’t seem to have on your radar at all. It is good men – and I know you are one such, – who have been so massively betrayed.

    1. Night Bob, us lot too. Odd that as I get older I find I want to go to bed early, not, as my child self did, stay up late.

    2. I hope the storm doesn't cause any problems for you .

      Quiet as a mouse here at the moment . I doubt we will be affected.. did I really say that, the weather red levels are alarming .. take care.

      1. The high winds will give Bob more trees to chop up ! Silver lining and all that…………….

  74. Mongo hasn't shifted from Junior's bed for over an hour. Oscar is upstairs laying on the Warqueen's side. Lucy is dopey and floppy on my lap. The Warqueen has been dozing for the last hour. I'm only awake because I crashed at 5.

    The dishwasher's set, the lights off at front of house and so, folk people, we are for bedfordshire. Good night all.

  75. M J A Church
    13 HRS AGO
    Interesting to note that Rachel Reeves was not given a speaking spot at Davos, and just seen that Mel B of the former Spice Girls was a speaker this year.
    When you've sunk below a Spice Girl, you really have to wonder.

  76. Well, chums, it's now my bedtime, so I will wish you all a Good Night. Sleep well and I hope to see you all tomorrow.

  77. Our first grand-daughter was born today, at 9.05 am, by C-section. She weighed in at 9 lbs 8 oz. The first girl in our family since 1947 (me, in fact). Both parents are in their forties, their third child. Mother and baby doing well, baby already de-creasing from earlier (only several hours) photographs and looking beautiful. Trailing clouds of glory.

    Night night, everyone.

    1. Congratulations pm,
      A baby grand-daughter , what a lovely present , and wow what a big baby .
      I hope your knee is feeling better , and that you are painfree .

      A baby , you lucky girl .. Was it your daughters or sons , silly question , but whatever , a joyous occasion x


      1. Well Maggie, if it was the first girl in her family since poppiesmum, I guess the little grand-daughter must have been the product of her sons (and their respective wives/partners).

        1. "Logical, Captain."

          A couple of small gins already this early evening while in the kitchen, but it reminds me of those logic puzzles that were all about X'ing out impossible combinations.

          "Bob has a green car, but it doesn't have 4 doors."

      2. Well Maggie, if it was the first girl in her family since poppiesmum, I guess the little grand-daughter must have been the product of her sons (and their respective wives/partners).

      3. Thank you, Belle – it was our son’s and our D-in-L’s third. It is lovely to have a girl after two sons and two grandsons, not that I would change them for the world. It feels very strange saying ‘she’ and ‘her’ about someone in the family. We have not been told the new arrival’s name as yet.

        1. After two sons, whose cuddly toys were always 'he,' it took a while to get used to referring to our granddaughters' cuddly toys (stuffies in Canada) as 'she.'
          Now we have a grandson here, we will no doubt have to revert to 'he' in a year or so.
          All part of the fun of being a grandparent.

        1. —and I’m intensely jealous! Would have liked a daughter as well as the boys, but that was not to be, so hoping now for a grand-daughter. Neither of t’lads is hooked up, so not holding my breath.

          1. I understand – and I would have liked a daughter too, and though it may sound odd I was jealous of our younger son for having succeeded where I had not! Also, poppiesdad, being the middle one of three, felt strongly that he didn’t want our younger son to be ‘the middle one’ so there were to be no more. I am an only.

    2. Congratulations! You must be feeling so excited, especially as she is the first girl since you!
      Hope it's not too long before you get to meet your new baby!

      1. It was going to be today, but mum’s bp is low so she is being kept in overnight. We don’t know the baby’s name yet, she has been named ‘little pickle’ (chosen by our elder grandson) whilst in utero but our son has assured me that that will be banished once her name is announced. I did say to him that I wondered if ‘pickle’ were going to be her middle name! I somehow feel that ‘little pickle’ is going to follow her around for some time yet!

        1. Our then almost-4 year old named his new baby brother 'Brake Pads Leap Frog' …….. He had recently 'helped' his daddy to change brake pads on our car, but 'leap frog'??? 'Little Pickle' is actually rather sweet, and would have been quite an appropriate nickname for our 2nd son.
          Hope the bp recovers by tomorrow.

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