Thursday 26 October: The Conservative Party has drifted far from its core values and beliefs

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

486 thoughts on “Thursday 26 October: The Conservative Party has drifted far from its core values and beliefs

  1. Todays Met Office weather warning for heavy rain has been removed. I wonder why.? yes thats right they are wrong again.

    1. Good morning, Johnny. As I said to Bill Thomas, try putting your postcode into BBC Weather. It’s updated on a virtually hourly basis and I find it quite reliable.

  2. The Conservative Party has drifted far from its core values and beliefs

    They appear to be purging the party of Brexiteers and those that speak up for their former voters at the moment.

  3. The West’s moral implosion in the face of Hamas’s evil makes me fear for our civilisation. Allister Heath. 25 October 2023.

    Nature abhors a vacuum, and we are paying the price for the growing moral emptiness at the heart of our society. What has happened to our humanism, our rationality, our commitment to equality and individual rights, to a multi-faith society where all can live in peace and freedom? Are we now so degenerate, so corrupt, so ignorant of history, theology and philosophy, so morally bankrupt that we can no longer tell good from evil? Is there even a way back for our civilisation?

    No, it’s completely screwed Allister courtesy of the Political Elites and their pals in the MSM!

    1. Allister Heath doesn’t seem to realise that a ‘multi-faith’ society is not the aim of the adherents of the Religion of Peace.

    2. What has happened to our humanism, our rationality, our commitment to equality and individual rights, to a multi-faith society where all can live in peace and freedom?

      Are we our politicians now so degenerate, so corrupt, so ignorant of history, theology and philosophy, so morally bankrupt that we they can no longer tell good from evil?

      The answer to the first question: a group of degenerate politicians thought it a good idea to import en masse one ‘faith’ too many and all the while knowing that this particular ‘faith’ was supremacist and violent in nature and therefore totally incompatible with all other faiths. The bulk of the remaining abject weaklings went along with the scheme.

      Answer to second question: Yes.

    3. We have lost faith in our own values, we have lost faith in our own history, we have lost our self-confidence – as Milton’s Satan said:


      But we have failed to address the simple question: Is it possible or wise to tolerate and show compassion to those who refuse to tolerate you and seek to destroy you?

      On the other hand, according to Gandhi

      “Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.”

      “Non-violence is the greatest force at the disposal of mankind. It is mightier than the mightiest weapon of destruction devised by the ingenuity of man.”

      “A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.”

      It occurs to me that Gandhi’s policy of non-aggression only worked on the British because finally the British were too decent and were incapable of going on slaughtering people indiscriminately.

      How well would Gandhi’s tactic have worked with Hamas and other bloodthirsty Islamic people? Hamas does not want to stop slaughtering Jews until the very last Jew is dead and Islam wants to suppress Christianity and other faiths until they are the sole rulers

  4. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story

    That’s How The Fight Started
    My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed.
    I turned to her and said, ‘Do you want to have Sex?’
    ‘No,’ she answered.
    I then said, ‘Is that your final answer?’
    … She didn’t even look at me this time, simply saying, ‘Yes..’
    So I said, “Then I’d like to phone a friend.”

    And that’s when the fight started…
    I took my wife to a restaurant.
    The waiter, for some reason, took my order first.
    “I’ll have the rump steak, rare, please.”
    He said, “Aren’t you worried about the mad cow?”
    “Nah, she can order for herself.”

    And that’s when the fight started.
    My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table.
    I asked her, “Do you know him?”
    “Yes”, she sighed, “He’s my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn’t been sober since.”
    “My God!” I said, “Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?”

    And then the fight started…
    When our lawn mower broke and wouldn’t run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed. but, somehow, I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer. Always something more important to me.
    Finally, she thought of a clever way to make her point.

    When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush.

    I said, “When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway.”
    The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.
    My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels.
    She asked, “What’s on TV?” I said, “Dust.”

    And then the fight started…
    Saturday morning, I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.

    I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife’s back; now with a different anticipation, and whispered, “The weather out there is terrible.”

    My loving wife of 5 years replied, “And, can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?”

    And that’s how the fight started…
    My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
    She said, “I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds.”
    I bought her a bathroom scale.
    And then the fight started……
    After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver’s License to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.
    The woman said, ‘Unbutton your shirt’.
    So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair.
    She said, ‘That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me’ and she processed my Social Security application.
    When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.
    She said, ‘You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability too.’

    And then the fight started…
    My wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
    She was not happy with what she saw and said to me,
    “I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you
    to pay me a compliment.’
    I replied, “Your eyesight’s damn near perfect.”

    And then the fight started……..
    I rear-ended a car this morning…the start of a REALLY bad day!
    The driver got out of the other car, and he was a DWARF!!
    He looked up at me and said ‘I am NOT Happy!’
    So I said, ‘Well, which one ARE you then?’

    That’s how the fight started

  5. Ukraine’s frontline troops say they’re surrounded by Putin’s forces – and ammo’s running out. 26 October 2023.

    While the eyes of the world have turned towards the dreadful scenes in Israel and Gaza, the fighting is fierce across multiple points on the hundreds of miles of front line between Ukrainian and Russian forces. Troops say they are facing Russia’s troops in multiple directions in some areas, while others have said they facing a shortage of ammunition.

    Truth? Fantasy? Who knows?

      1. Ukrainians have a terrible tendency to be white and Christian.
        So do their opponents.
        Choices, choices.

  6. Nigel on Nat West:

    “Soon after I made a Subject Access Request (SAR) to the Natwest banking group in July, seeking all information it held about me, I grew suspicious. I was told it would take three months, as opposed to the standard 30 days. They said my case was “complex”. Coming soon after the Coutts Files, which proved my account was closed because my views did not align with those of its parent company, Natwest, I was braced for further horrors. But still – three months?
    This week, I began to understand better why Natwest executives dragged their feet. My SAR was finally answered, and its 600 pages of internal messages and memos show that a dangerous political culture has taken root within the banking group – almost 40 per cent of which, let us not forget, is taxpayer-owned.
    Some of its most senior employees hold opinions that are nothing less than disgusting. Among the details confirmed by the SAR response are the false suggestions that I have been a Russian spy. Some staff advocated using violence against me. It is clear that, to some Natwest group staff, my debanking was a great big joke.
    All of this poses a serious problem for Dame Alison Rose, until recently the chief executive of the Natwest Group. She wrote to me on July 20 apologising for the “deeply inappropriate comments” made about me by the Wealth Committee, which sanctioned my debanking. In that letter, she stated: “I would like to make it clear that [these comments] do not reflect the view of the bank”. This new evidence gives lie to that statement.
    Rose was appointed Natwest’s chief executive in November 2019. She oversaw the woke agenda that now has this troubled banking giant in its grip. Under her tenure, its focus shifted away from customer and shareholder wishes to climate change, the LGBTQ lobby, and sustainable living.
    It is striking that those in positions of power who talk the most about “diversity” welcome it in every aspect of life apart from thought. Anybody who differs from their programme is by definition an awful human being who must be treated as such. This is the culture that apparently thrived under Rose. As the saying has it, a fish rots from the head down.
    Another deception that has been exposed this week concerns Rose’s claim – made in her apology to me in July – that while I would not be allowed to bank with Coutts, the Natwest bank would be happy to offer me an account. This was rubbish. In fact, no subsidiary of the Natwest banking group would take me as a client. Unbeknown to me until now, one senior figure wrote on April 4 2023: “I have confirmed Retail would have no appetite to on-board the customer if he were to apply to the Natwest, Royal Bank or Ulster Bank brands”. Rose’s “offer” of a Natwest bank account was only made after I went public.
    Other internal staff communications echo this theme. “No one will bank him now,” gloated one staffer. “We have driven him out of the country,” observed another. Rose’s employees acted in a highly political and prejudiced manner throughout.
    Of course, Rose herself briefed the BBC about me, breaching client confidentiality and data protection laws in the process.
    Tomorrow, Natwest’s board will meet. In front of them will be a so-called “independent” review of my case carried out by City law firm Travers Smith. I have little faith in its impartiality given its emeritus chair, Chris Hale, has previously referred to the referendum debate as a “disturbing mix of xenophobia, racism and nostalgia”. The board will discuss Rose’s potential leaving package, currently an astonishing £11.3million.
    In life, pay should be commensurate with success. Rose presided over a squalid workplace culture, dragged the bank’s name through the mud, and broke the Financial Conduct Authority code. Now we learn the ICO regulator has twice ruled in my favour against Natwest – and that Rose did indeed disclose confidential and misleading information about me to a BBC journalist. To reward these failings with a huge sum of money would be wrong and a slap in the face to taxpayers. I will be watching closely to see if the Natwest Group board agrees.”

  7. Iran is now flirting with its own destruction. Con Coughlin. 26 October 2023.

    But Tehran’s reticence about claiming the credit for organising the worst terrorist attack the Jewish state has suffered in its history certainly does not apply to its other activities in the region. They appear to be a deliberate attempt to provoke a broader escalation in the conflict.

    I don’t have any doubts that it is the West, namely the United States that is seeking to escalate the war. The vast influx of American weapons systems into the area and the direct military support of Israel; something that all Biden’s predecessors assiduously avoided, is evidence of it. All this cannot be for Gaza. The Israelis alone could crush them without effort. The question here is: is everyone else, Russia, China, India, all the other Arab States going to stand idly by while this happens? I think not!

    1. How does the retaliatory terror strike by Israel against Gaza’s civilians compare with the attack by Hamas on Netanyahu’s political opponents in Israel? Yet one gets unequivocal support and the other is considered flirting with its own destruction. I see precious little difference, except perhaps in scale.

  8. Thursday 26th, 2023

    Reposted from late last night

    Jonathan Rackham

    (Congratulations of Three Quarters of a Century)

    and very many Happy Returns

    With best wishes,

    Caroline and Rastus

    Keep searching and you will find your ancestor’s treasure that Hergé’s Tintin and Captain Haddock were looking for!

    1. Red Rackham turned out to be Captain Haddocks relative, and Haddock discovered he was heir to Marlinspike Hall.
      Good story, that.

  9. 378108+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,
    Thursday 26 October: The Conservative Party has drifted far from its core values and beliefs

    The anchor chain was intentionally severed nigh on forty years ago with the peoples / voting for a party name regardless of content.

    The current lab party in its current form and to my way of thinking, has the Muslim brotherhood encapsulated within
    a lab Crombie, awaiting.

    The same applies to what passes for the tory party, the current stupidity of the coalition political overseers supporter / voters knows no bounds, borders.

    The only good thing I can see on the near horizon is, as the numbers grow daily via Dover, prayer mats will drop in price.

    1. If there is a global recession it won’t be because of the price of oil which incidentally has been much higher in the past. It will be the large banks and financial institutions manipulating the markets.

      Those same markets that supposedly panicked at Liz Truss’s tax cutting.
      Those same markets that are about to engulf us in enormous debt for the second time.

      The FTSE reacts to shocks by bouncing up and down until things reach a natural equilibrium. The Bond/Gilt markets are a different matter.
      These are controlled by the big players. The ones who manipulate governments. The usual suspects.

      1. Those same tax payer supported banks that give a useless, gobby CEO an £11 million payoff.

        1. They claim it’s their money to do with what they will. They ignore the fact that, to pay for it, charges, fees and prices must rise. In the end, it’s our money.

          Last Sunday, we had the ‘rend unto Caesar what is Caesar’s…’ response to a question to Jesus about paying taxes. I reflected that these manipulations are defiling the King’s mother, whose effigy is on every coin in my pocket. She was my Queen as much as theirs, more so in most cases.

          Incidentally, talking of the pound in my pocket, how heavy would £11 million of them be?

  10. Good morning all.
    A dull, damp 4½°C start this morning.
    Off to Stoke with eldest daughter to try and see Stepson. If he is in, then I plan leaving ED there and head back home with ED returning via the train.
    Still can’t call Stepson as his phone is still diverting to voicemail.

      1. As far as she can, Anne.
        I’m afraid she has her own problems as she was diagnosed with autism when little.

        1. Good morning Bob and everyone.

          If your ED has watsap, she could send her brother a message to see if he opens it (ticks change colour).
          Or, at a civilised hour you could send him a modest takeaway and he might open the door or communicate in some way with the delivery person.

          As a character offstage on this forum your stepson somehow reminds me of Maris Crane!

        2. Good morning Bob and everyone.

          If your ED has watsap, she could send her brother a message to see if he opens it (ticks change colour).
          Or, at a civilised hour you could send him a modest takeaway and he might open the door or communicate in some way with the delivery person.

          As a character offstage on this forum your stepson somehow reminds me of Maris Crane!

  11. 378108+ up ticks,

    The road to penury
    There is no realistic plan to contain the growth in debt


    The road to penury morphs into the RESET SUPER HIGHWAY
    There is no realistic plan to contain the growth in debt

  12. Good Moaning.
    Definitely a catch up with indoor jobs day.
    Joe Cool appears to have slept off his traumatic meeting with two hyper-active chihuahuas.

      1. Spartie.
        Normally he is pretty relaxed – especially with other dogs.
        Yesterday – by his own request – he met with a couple of genuine chihuahuas while we out on a walk.
        They were hyperactive and had v. shrill voices. I thought they were a hoot, but Spartie thought otherwise. After a few minutes, he was begging me to take him away.

        1. Just took Harry to the Vet for his annual. She was absolutely smitten with him. She said because of his white bib he looks like he is dressed for dinner.
          Harry and Dolly are very relaxed. They only bark at the door bell.

        2. The Vets was offering Adaptil diffuser to calm dogs because of the bangs from fireworks. They were selling them for £40 plus £20 for a collar.
          Amazon selling them for a fraction of the price.

          1. We’ve never had a dog that worried about fireworks.
            I wouldn’t take one out for a walk during the celebrations, but they always seem cosy and chilled out snuggling down with us.

          2. Don’t know about Harry yet but Dolly gets the shakes. Music helps but some inconsiderate bastards let them off at 2 or 3 in the early hours.

    1. Oscar positively refused to come for a walk this morning. How dare I try to entice him away from his fleecy bed before noon? As I had a funeral to go to, he didn’t get a walk but Kadi (who is the archetypal “me, sir! me sir!” canine) came with me instead.

  13. Good morning, all. Heavy rain earlier now easing off.

    Child trafficking is a big problem in the USA and the illegals crossing the southern border provide a regular supply. Sen Josh Hawley goes after the Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. It would appear that Incompetence is de rigueur for being placed in senior postings, not only here but in the USA.

    1. It’s all Trump’s fault…

      The Biden administration

      promised to crack down on child labor after the Times report, while

      also blaming the Trump administration for “exacerbating” the problem.

      However, some of the Republicans on the subcommittee blamed the

      problem on the Biden administration’s loose immigration policies, which

      they argued are encouraging more children to come across the border.

      “It’s particularly aggravating to see all these kids coming across the
      border and have the press not covering what’s going on when these kids
      may never see their parents again,” he said. “And just a few years ago,
      we had the press screaming about broken families.”

      1. The Left far prefer to keep their incompetence hidden while blaming other people. If illegal immigration were properly controlled this wouldn’t be happening. It’s as simple as that.

    2. 378108+ up ticks,

      Morning KtK,

      Sorry KtK I posted then scrolled, as you point out he was well worth a hearing.

    3. I don’t have the foggiest where this comes from or what the background is. But sadly it sounds like Lefties being Left. Incompetent, arrogant and pointless.

  14. Morning, all Y’all.
    Nearly sunny. Nearly 12 hours zeds, too, so time to get up ‘n doing stuff.

  15. Politics latest news: Oliver Dowden warns elections could be at risk from AI

    I always find it frustrating when I am incapable of overcoming my irrational prejudices. The trouble is so many of one’s first superficial judgements turn out to be correct!


    I know it is completely irrational: I know very little at all about Oliver Dowden but instinctively I find him very unattractive! I am sure that many people must find me unattractive and bigoted but sometimes one’s gut feelings make more reliable judgements than one’s reasoned assessments.

    1. Politicians are terrified of AI. Imagine a system that could simply make them utterly redundant overnight, do a vastly better job running the ruddy planet on the basis of logic, reason and common sense with actual data rather than cushy non-jobs, greed, corruption and fraud?

  16. Good morning all,

    Dull and drizzley start at Casa McPhee today but it’s beginning to clear up so the sun should be out ‘ere long. Wind in the Sou’-West and a bit warmer than yesterday, 10℃ rising to 14℃. The garden calls – hedges, leaf-raking, bedding plants etc.

    In the absence of anything specific to get worked up about apart from the on-going confected ‘crises’ of climate change, Convid and the proxy-butchery in Ukraine and Israel/Gaza I’ll just offer the opinion that the headline above the letters today is inadequate. The Conservative Party has not drifted far from its core values and beliefs. It has been steered deliberately far from those so-called core values and beliefs. None of what we see happening is an accident.

    May I echo the call made in yesterday’s UK Column News concerning the disgusting absence of MPs in the Chamber during Andrew Bridgen’s speech last Friday. Write to your MPs, complain to the BBC and complain to Ofcom (direct to the head-honchos, not the minions) about the egregious partiality of the BBC’s on-screen banners during the televising of Andrew Bridgen’s speech. Pull no punches. Make it clear to them that we see them. UK Column offers ideas and templates for letters/emails in Yesterday’s news and on the website.

    1. Drifted? Veered? It’s practically done a 180, crashed the entire boat into the rocks, bashed through everything in the way and the captain is shouting for more power just to get into the high street to plough through the rest of the town.

    2. I made a similar point about the use of “drifted” when I signed in (I read newest first).

  17. Woke doing what woke does. Why are companies tying themselves in knots to accommodate the idea that minority groups require to be promoted over the majority? Balance is required but the need for balance is clearly being ignored.

    On a personal note: I stopped shopping at ASDA when they decided halal was the way to go.

    Representative of ASDA’s client base?

    David Lloyd’s organisation appears to be confused on the issue of men wanting to be seen as women.

    1. It is always weirdo men wanting to be around children, isn’t it?

      That is a bloke. Whatever David Lloyd says, that’s a bloke. A bloke who wanted to get into a girl’s changing room.

    2. It is always weirdo men wanting to be around children, isn’t it?

      That is a bloke. Whatever David Lloyd says, that’s a bloke. A bloke who wanted to get into a girl’s changing room.

    3. “assigned male at birth”. No. No. No.

      “We seek to balance the needs and concerns of individual members at a club level in order to make everyone feel welcome.”

      I wonder where their lines are. Who would they not want to feel welcome? Would they welcome a gun-wielding terrorist? An actual convicted rapist? Would they go out of their way to make, for example, Nigel welcome?

      I would really, really like all DL members to resign in disgust. Unfortunately they won’t and so this nonsense will perpetuate.

    4. “assigned male at birth”. No. No. No.

      “We seek to balance the needs and concerns of individual members at a club level in order to make everyone feel welcome.”

      I wonder where their lines are. Who would they not want to feel welcome? Would they welcome a gun-wielding terrorist? An actual convicted rapist? Would they go out of their way to make, for example, Nigel welcome?

      I would really, really like all DL members to resign in disgust. Unfortunately they won’t and so this nonsense will perpetuate.

    5. “assigned male at birth”. No. No. No.

      “We seek to balance the needs and concerns of individual members at a club level in order to make everyone feel welcome.”

      I wonder where their lines are. Who would they not want to feel welcome? Would they welcome a gun-wielding terrorist? An actual convicted rapist? Would they go out of their way to make, for example, Nigel welcome?

      I would really, really like all DL members to resign in disgust. Unfortunately they won’t and so this nonsense will perpetuate.


    An interesting article that ignores the fundamentals behind it. Big fat state *wants* the IMF to intervene. It wants economic collapse. The IMF will then say you must join the euro or some such twaddle and the statist scum will sigh and say ‘oh well, better do as we’re told’ while smirking that they’ve got their own way.

    Every single problem we have could be avoided, no, not avoided, radically altered to have never sodding well happened.

    Here, for example ‘applying VAT to everything would solve the problem.’ It’s never to ‘remove VAT’, always to add taxes.

    And again:

    The rigging of the electricity market, to force every supplier to sell at the highest cost is obscene. If wind cannot compete in an open market without the state fixing the price, then it cannot compete and should be abandoned. That’s the point of markets – to get rid of the weak and inefficient.

    Then there’s this total [insert expletive of choice]

    He’s blithering on about what the government is spending money on – and it is everything government has made expensive. It is slapping crushing taxes on one end and giving it away with the other rather than doing the obvious thing of just cutting the damned costs in the first place for everyone.

    The state is addicted to socialism because it gets them votes. The exact same attitude is destroying the economy. Either there is deliberate malice in this moronic attitude to destroy the country or the officials are fools, lacking the simplest of intelligence – as a lobotomised table could understand the problems and the solutions.

    Every single thing this government – because it’s the same bunch of socialist morons – has done for the last 25 miserable years has been the precise opposite of what it should have. Every single thing. They should be taken outside and shot in non-life threatening but painful places and told to get back inside and reverse every piece of their stupid, spiteful legislation.

    1. Two bricks for Blair and Brown would be appropriate. Not so much for those who followed because they haven’t got anything to hurt there.

    1. Two appropriate words not really suitable for public display ‘king Scum.
      If they don’t like it here leave.

      1. Oh they like it all right: benefits, being allowed to say and do what they like. They wouldn’t get that in any other country – including slammerlands.

        1. And what is really further annoying is, people like our sons and daughters who are paying mortgages holding down jobs and looking after their children paying taxes. Are supporting all this scum garbage that have taken advantage of the stupidity and absolute ignorance of our useless politicians.

    2. Two appropriate words not really suitable for public display ‘king Scum.
      If they don’t like it here leave.

    3. A case for hanging, frankly. We are no longer a free society. The state pretends we are, but it’s hogwash. The endless laws to protect scum like this must be used against them and these vermin removed. I care not how. A vat of sodium hydroxide would suit. Feet first, please.

  19. Morning all 🙂😊
    Grey and damp. Not unusual.
    And nearly all the tories have had their joint heads where the sun don’t shine, for far too long. They didn’t even notice they were involved in the destruction of our long established culture and social structure. Only interested in their own business and other interests. And have screwed the public with tax rises to pay for all their vacuous stupidity.
    Now having wreck everything they have come into contact with, they’ll be asking people to vote for them. I think they’ll probably have a bit of a shock.

  20. Asda and Morrisons are pioneering supermarket sales of halal turkeys.
    The birds, slaughtered to meet religious criteria, will be in stores
    where demand is highest. Frozen food brand Humza is behind the move.

  21. re The crypto currency con man Sam Bankman-Fried. I certainly concur with his last statement:

    I will not deny that I hope SBF gets the book thrown at him, but I doubt that he will. His values and his cynicism about what really matters in life are what I loathe. I see him as representing modern American capitalism, as opposed to the Henry Fords and Andrew Carnegies of old. Silly old me, times have passed me by.

    1. I’d be careful about who I hold up as paragons of virtue. Ford and Carnegie were in cahoots with Rockefeller.

      1. I’ve always wondered why Rockefeller is quite so demonised. His foundation has certainly been taken over by the likes of Gates, but initially his money was being spent for good causes.
        There are many others I would send to Hell before him.

        1. How about he helped to finance both the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Adolf Hitler?

          1. I doubt he was involved himself, companies he founded may have been.
            I would be interested to see chapter and verse on your claims.

      2. Carnegie was an interesting man. He gave Pittsburgh all of its public libraries but his detractors claim that he had striking steel workers shot. Whether he was directly responsible for that doesn’t seem clear as the deed was done by hired security personnel.

  22. First female head of Britain’s oldest school: We’re operating in a vacuum full of polarised trans guidance
    Jude Lowson, the new head at King’s Canterbury, on her vision for the school, Labour’s VAT plans and the lack of guidance on trans issues

    My old school, Blundell’s, had a female head who, according to reports, did relatively well and was liked by the pupils. She then moved to become the Head of Cheltenham College.

    The difference between her and Jude Lowson of King’s Canterbury is that she has a husband rather than a wife!

    My view is that if schools like King’s Canterbury, Epsom College and Eton go on with their current woke recruitment policy with regards to the heads they appoint then the public schools will not need much help from Starmer to go out of business.

    1. I posted this BTL under the DT article:

      “That’s the route the assassins of Thomas Becket took,” Jude Lowson says, pointing through the windows of her study to where Henry II’s henchman fled in 1170 after murdering the Archbishop of Canterbury.

      One of the four knights to rid Henry of that turbulent priest was my ancestor Sir William de Tracy.
      It seems there is still some work to do.

    2. It might be expected that the head of a prestigious school would be able to form her own policies. Waiting for others to provide guidance indicates a moral weakness and someone who does not provide leadership in role.

          1. I’m going to make some soon with Tesco pure apple juice it will save a lot of hard work.
            I’ve only had cookers available from our neighbours previously and because I have to add quite a lot of sugar, the alcohol content goes up to that of wine. Hic hic.

  23. And in other news:

    Three years ago today, at 12 noon, Gus and Pickles first set paw in this house. It really doesn’t seem that long ago – and, boy, what a difference they have made to our life.

    As I write – they sleep. After breakfast Pickles began on a kitchen chair, Gus in the dining room; when we returned from the market, Gus was on the same kitchen chair and Pickles was in one of the baskets in the sitting room. I don’t want you to get the idea that they are spoilt in any way….

    1. MB and I did’t last 2 months without a small – preferably bolshie – dog in the house.

      1. Thank you Sos! I did expect to live into my 90s but that was before Emphysema. I still hope I can make it to around there.

          1. On my biological fathers side of the family they live a very long while. One aunt was 102 and thought she was young. She referred to people in their 70s and up as ‘the old people’ and most decidedly excluded herself from that group.

          2. My father’s cousin is still alive at 97. I found her in 2006 through family history research. All my own first cousins died at 60, 61 and 57. I’m still well and reasonably active.

          3. An 82 year old friend of mine who helped out in a care home referred to the place as ‘The Muppet House’.

          4. On my biological fathers side of the family they live a very long while. One aunt was 102 and thought she was young. She referred to people in their 70s and up as ‘the old people’ and most decidedly excluded herself from that group.

          5. One of my grandfathers was quite keen on the “threescore years and ten” quote but oddly enough he gave up on it at the age of about 69!

          6. I think the Bible actually has it that three score and ten is the expectation for active life, rather than the total lifespan and in that it’s fairly accurate?

    1. Oooph; that really hits home.
      I utterly LOATHE people looking ‘sympathetically’ at me.
      If I’m not all right, you will soon bloody well know it!

      1. Excellent verb, to sprawl. The fact that they’re doing it means they’ve settled in (and are taking over…). Wonderful!

        1. They are very chilled – and desperate to start exploring outside. I’ll let them come out with me later on I think. Now OH is going outside and he can keep an eye on them.

        2. They’ve both checked out the garden now – and came back in with no trouble. Jessie has found our bed – with OH in it having a rest after his exertions outside.

  24. OT – Funny thing. Yesterday in The Grimes online, there was a story about beeboids weeping all over Broadcasting House and the TV Centre – esp in lavatories – because of all the howwid things happening in poor dear Palestine. And the pictures…

    BTL I commented: “Gosh – I wonder how they would have coped between 1939 and 1945. Blamed Britain for starting the war, I imagine.”

    Fairly innocuous, I’d have thought.

    Within half an hour, I had garnered 310 thumbs.

    Then my post was deleted because, “It contravened our policy”.

    I assume that some tear-stained beeboid had complained. Odd that it was OK for The Grimes until they realised that lots of normal readers thought like me.

    1. Strictly, Britain did start the war – declared war on Germany.
      “I em speaking to yew from the kebbinet room…”

          1. Germans generally are sensible people but they do have an odd sense of humour. Like “Dinner for one” shown every year at Christmas. I remember sitting through some interminable ‘comedy’ show with our good friends one time.

          2. Benny Hill and Mr Bean are liked on the Continong – never found either remotely funny.

          3. Quite simple slapstick/banana-skin type of humour. British humour is somewhat more linguistic.

          4. When we lived in Bavaria our “landlords” were amazed to find that we had never heard of “Dinner for One” – we always watch it at Christmas now!!

      1. Indeed – and we grownups know why.

        But children are TAUGHT these days that evil, imperialist (slaving owning) England attacked poor, defensive, harmless Germany.

    2. It isn’t all bad news for the Beeb. The floods in Portland place will be blamed on global warming – reinforcing the wet/green ideology and the sale of male make-up and false eyelashes will boom . . . more profit for the gay-boy stalls situated in the foyer and toilet areas.

    3. What happens to BTL comments in the DT is that they remove the upvotes if the comment is not to the DT’s liking.

      A few weeks ago I made a comment which was immediately popular and within three minutes it had already accumulated about 30 upvotes.

      I went back to see how my post was getting on a few hours later expecting it to be the leading comment with hundreds of upvotes. But the upvotes had shrunk to about 20 and so it was well down in the order of the “best” comments so that it would remain unobserved and unupvoted!

  25. Leo Varadkar considers tougher rules as Ireland reaches limit of support for migrants. 26 October 2023.

    Ireland is at the limit of support that it can offer migrants, Leo Varadkar, the country’s prime minister, has warned, as Dublin considers tougher rules for refugees, including Ukrainians.

    Really? I would have thought there was room for another few million! The UK is flying in a couple of planeloads of Afghans from Pakistan today. The madness of all this, is of course, beyond measure!

  26. Leo Varadkar considers tougher rules as Ireland reaches limit of support for migrants. 26 October 2023.

    Ireland is at the limit of support that it can offer migrants, Leo Varadkar, the country’s prime minister, has warned, as Dublin considers tougher rules for refugees, including Ukrainians.

    Really? I would have thought there was room for another few million! The UK is flying in a couple of planeloads of Afghans from Pakistan today. The madness of all this, is of course, beyond measure!

  27. Putin warns Israel-Hamas conflict could spread beyond Middle East, condemns Gaza bombing. 26 October 2023.

    “Our task today, our main task, is to stop the bloodshed and violence,” said Putin, according to a Kremlin transcript of the meeting.

    “Otherwise, further escalation of the crisis is fraught with grave and extremely dangerous and destructive consequences. And not only for the Middle East region. It could spill over far beyond the borders of the Middle East.”

    In remarks that criticised the West, he said that certain unnamed forces were seeking to provoke further escalation and to draw as many other countries and peoples into the conflict as possible.

    Never did I think that the day would arise where I thought that a Russian leader would eclipse everyone in the West!

      1. Afternoon Phizzee. I don’t think that he does but he sees the dangers of this thing going beyond simple revenge.

      2. Because the US/European sanctions have made Russia reliant on China and the third world to keep her afloat financially. He’s not into “managed decline”. The problem is that it leads to pretending that the Iranian regime is defensible and it’s possible to reach a negotiated settlement with Islamists. It isn’t but “The West” has pushed him into a corner.

  28. Putin warns Israel-Hamas conflict could spread beyond Middle East, condemns Gaza bombing. 26 October 2023.

    “Our task today, our main task, is to stop the bloodshed and violence,” said Putin, according to a Kremlin transcript of the meeting.

    “Otherwise, further escalation of the crisis is fraught with grave and extremely dangerous and destructive consequences. And not only for the Middle East region. It could spill over far beyond the borders of the Middle East.”

    In remarks that criticised the West, he said that certain unnamed forces were seeking to provoke further escalation and to draw as many other countries and peoples into the conflict as possible.

    Never did I think that the day would arise where I thought that a Russian leader would eclipse everyone in the West!

    1. You must want him to be yours, Ped, if you keep feeding it and it comes back! Go on, you know you do.
      Edit: Ped, not Phizzee.

    2. It has marked you out as its next home. Next door’s cat did that to us, but our dog had other ideas 🙂

    1. The arch hypocrites Meghan and Harry come to mind. We care about climate change so much we fly by private jet many times a year…to spread the message.

        1. They seem to burn through friends pretty quickly. Soon there won’t be anyone left who will touch them with a barge pole.

          1. There will always be some twit who wants to rub shoulders with a pathetic has-been Royal, or shag an over made-up tart.

    1. Yuval Harari lining up more indefensible excuses for genocide. As always, if the useless eaters are to eliminated, let’s start with him and his WEF buddies.

      1. I always think why doesn’t he set an example and commit suicide? But not before killing his family and friends, of course.

    2. Mac Wood
      Keir Starmer us in trouble with the muslim hierarchy for saying something they didn’t like.
      Are muslims now dictating #Labour policy?
      How long before they are dictating policy for the whole UK, I wonder.

      1. 378108+ up ticks,

        Afternoon TB,
        Shortly, when lab takes off its crombie all will be revealed.
        The tories the same, that is how a coalition works.
        First councillors, then mayors, then dictating policy been building for at least five General Elections.

  29. Yikes alive ..

    A miracle , I have been unable to access Nottler , despite reloading , waiting and giving up in anger , for days.

    My laptop is nearly eight years old , An EP Pavilion .. cracked screen now , and faded keys. Victim of being dropped on floor when dogs got entangled with leads , months ago, home insurance excess would be horrendous , time for a new one or a reconditioned laptop would be preferable because every penny counts.

    Pip spaniel has a tooth problem , broken incisor, he is a ball fiend , and finds and carries huge lumps of wood / logs etc whilst on a walk, so vet op next Wednesday.

    We have had some lovely mild weather , so I have been doing more lengthy walking with Pip, trying for 10,000 steps a day, but achieving average of 8,000 a day, my hip and knee ache like hell, but today has been really slow .

    The news is depressing .. and feel sick in my stomach that we seem to have courted a fifth political party, the Muslims are taking hold .

    What on earth is going on and I see that Pakistan are kicking Afghans out of their country.. 12 plane loads are heading for the UK!!

    May the Dear Lord preserve us and save us (tongue in cheek)

    1. My laptop is over 10 years old – lots of websites won’t work any more on here – but fortunately Nottl does!

      We don’t need any more slammers here. Luckily very few in this area.

          1. Helle Belle,

            Yes, and each one of those wives is eligible for benefits and state pension. Plus their children, and those children’s children. Paid for by monogamous ol’ us. I deeply resent having to pay for their excessive breeding and polygamy.

          2. Along with all the rest it’s probably another industry we exported to China on the back of the Net Zero scam.

        1. HL – did you hear anything more from Ann? The silence from her has been long now. Do you know any more than we do?

        2. Is there a statistician amongst the Nottlers who can give us a good prediction of when the majority of people in the UK will be Muslim?

          Not in my lifetime – but my boys, Henry and Christo, are aged 28 and 29 respectively at the moment so it is likely to be in theirs.

      1. Lady Londongirl 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧
        ‘White privilege’ does NOT exist.
        We are oppressed, discriminated against, and treated with blatant inequality by every system and authority in our own country.
        We are not even protected by or treated fairly and equally by the police or the legal system in general.
        How the hell have we allowed this to happen?
        Why have our governments done this to us?
        Scratch beneath the surface, and it becomes clear.
        WAKEY WAKEY native Brits, stop being the Cucks they want you to be.
        1:42 AM · Oct 26, 2023

        1. I totally agree but what I’ve been able to understand is why are they doing what gain can it be for them ?
          The tories are going to get it in the neck at the next election.
          But if scumbag labour gets in, whitey will.get in the neck even more so.
          Our parents and grandparents would be very angry and rightly so after the efforts in two wars.

        2. vw and I were talking about that a few minutes ago.
          Back when we were children the first black people appeared on our local streets. They were a fascination and I used to spit for luck when I saw a black man. Generally there didn’t appear to be any more trouble with them than the indigenous people.
          Then out of the blue, or was it red, a whole lot of race relations laws were introduced to solve a problem that didn’t exist. The result is a whole race relations industry creating racism where, previously, the was none. It continues to grow apace but only ever applicable to white people.
          As you say how did this all happen and are Nottlers the only ones who realise what’s happened.

    2. Nice to ‘see’ you TB.
      I had a photo and a message from my nephew ‘oop narth’ who told me the ‘sister’ of our lovely old lab Lottie who was put to sleep in April. Flossy had now died peacefully yesterday. Lottie was black like father and Flossy was light coloured. The mother Wendy was black as well. I’m not sure how that works.

    3. It isn’t especially high spec or super clever and I wouldn’t expect high performance from it, but we have about 5 of these sat around the house for anyone to use:

      Just note these aren’t our ‘daily driver’ machines – I mostly use a Macbook, the Warqueen a very flash Zenbook thing but Junior goes through boxes in weeks as they bash about in his rucksack so he get the ‘cheap’ stuff.

    4. I suggest you stop listening to the Bbc, Maggie! It will do wonders for your blood pressure and anxiety levels!

    1. More power to your elbow, Belle -or, at least your keyboard fingers!
      Good to see from you.

      1. This reminds me of a record by the great Jimmy Durante in which he says that at last he has found the renowned Lost Chord. He then seems to lose it again, so in his frustration he sits down on the piano keys and – lo and behold! – he finds he has once again found the Lost Chord. “Strange” he says, “I usually play by ear”. Lol.

    2. Yes, that stupid policewoman behind the perpetrator does nothing. Don’t they teach the females martial arts?

        1. That Afghan hero used a StarTrek Spock death hold on that piece of tripe , and saved the policemen alot of trouble .

          Why aren’t the police taught martial arts , and why aren’t they recruiting toughies instead of Uni social services swots?

          That Afghan store keeper should be awarded a medal .

          1. They are, but a decent hold could easily break an arm. Of course, the proper restraint is to kneel on someone’s back but if the police do that to a career criminal they’re the ones arrested – especially if the criminal is black (as they usually are).

          1. Well as he achieved more than the police had done – though for different reasons – he deserves a medal.

    3. I left Birmingham in 1966, a year after getting married, and up to then, Lozells was always considered a “no-go” area. So I cannot imagine what the city is like now.

      1. I’m from Small Heath and live not too far away. The Coventry Road looks like the Khyber Pass.

    4. Three cheers for the Afghan, although the old bill ignore his help in subduing someone more determined than them.

  30. 378108+ up ticks,

    These muslim chaps really are super pratts at being dangerous beings, have you got a muslim wife beating local mp yet or maybe a mayor

    Liza Rosen
    Oct 23
    Palestinian doctor at Islamic University Of Gaza warns Palestinian husbands not to seriously injure, break wives’ bones or damage vital organs. He says men have a right & must beat their wives but: ״Wife-Beating Should Be Therapeutic, Not Vindictive״.

    1. All fine to thrash your goods and chattels (otherwise known as your wives) provided the stick is no thicker than your thumb.

  31. Cider-fuelled discussion yesterday came up with this: if you suspect somebody of placing a bomb somewhere, such as a street rubbish bin, then superglue their hands to the bin, retire to a safe distance and wait. As their agitation increases, you have a clue to detonation time, but it would be too dangerous to go over there and unpeel their hands…

  32. OT – apropos the comment I posted on Tuesday about my cousin’s father – the RAF navigator – who was killed when his plane crashed in 1943.

    I was reminded that the poor chap was on the 30th and last sortie of his second tour. Had he not died, he would almost certainly have been grounded for a long period – and would have known his daughter and the course of the history of that small part of my family would have been quite different.

    Heigh ho.

    1. Man, how sad.
      Respect to the man for never quitting. We need more like him now.
      Your story a few days ago prompted a tear or two: “una furtiva lagrima”, in fact.

    2. Good afternoon Bill

      Just remembering the second part of the Suez mess, 67 years ago, today I believe .

      My father on the right hand side ..

      Shortly after Mum , sister and I and many other families were evacuated, and the men were rounded up and taken prisoner by the Egyptians and released at Christmas .

        1. Some good, many bad .

          Dad and others interned for a few months in Cairo, and losing our inherited dachshund , called Whiskey and alsation called Flash , which my parents adopted after most of the British Army left in 1955. We all move into officers bungalows on the perimeter of the airfield outside Moascar, where we knew trouble was looming by the sound of aircraft activity .

          We have no idea what happened to the dogs or our belongings .. My sister and I were allowed to take one cuddly toy with us . One suitcase , and left by flying boat from the Bitter Lakes ,to where , dunno , perhaps Cyprus or Malta, I was onl y 9 years old .

          When your parents were living there when you were a boy, did you see Meteor jets ?

          1. Yes. We were there 1949-April 1951. RAF Abu Sueir from Feb 1950 till we left.

            I used to roam around the base – MT Yard, Squadron maintenance sections – and sat in a Meteor 8 while it was towed around the airfield!

            Also learned to drive on a 10 ton Crossley lorry progressing to Bedford “Queen Mary” aircraft transporting articulated lorries. First the 45 ft one – then the 60 ft one. Believe it or not (and now that have difficulty backing car into the garage If ind it difficult to believe!!) I was taught to reverse) the 60 ft QM between goalposts. And made to kep at it until I did it several times.

  33. Afternoon all.

    “No conservative should trust NatWest ever again” says Iain DuncanSmith.

    He meant No conservative should trust the Conservative Party ever again.

    1. Before becoming leader of the Conservative Party IDS was an outspoken critic of the EU. However, when he became leader he was far less vocal on the matter and only returned to his euro-scepticism when he was no longer the leader.

      The journalist/former EU MP, David (now Lord) Hannan, said that his Hannan’s Law stated that the nearer politicians got to power the less euro sceptic they became. Hannan is all mouth and trousers and is unreliable and not the person to be with you in a crisis.

    2. I have a NatWest credit card. They’ve just informed me the interest rates are going up. I don’t have anything on credit (and if I do, I pay it off before interest is due), so that’s an incentive not to use it.

      1. Absolutely. Although there is an illegal immigrant problem in the USA, most crossing the southern border have relatives or friends already here to help, who have some kind of legal status. The government does not give hotel accommodations or money, they are expected to find work.

    1. I have just been told that the UK were paying the accommodation costs of those Afghans waiting in Pakistan. 3000 on their way here now, I’m sure they are looking forward to their all inclusive life courtesy of the taxpayer.

      1. The fierce Afghans should be recruited as police to patrol bad Paki areas , pay back time . and also use their Spock death holds on useless violent black youths .

    2. Our politicians are so stupid if that amount of money was taken from their expenses pot they’d have to stop wasting money our taxpayers are forced to submit. These scroungers will never ever pay a penny back.

  34. A colossal Israel-Iran war is much closer than anyone imagines. 26 October 2023.

    Although there is no definite indication of their complicity in the attack of 7 October, it would come as no surprise. For Hamas to have launched such a complex and audacious operation by sea, air and land simultaneously and hoodwinking the formidable Israeli intelligence capability in the process marks such a step change in Hamas’s capability as to suggest instead careful planning and training organised with the assistance of others.

    There is a much simpler explanation. That Israeli intelligence deliberately ignored the signs of an imminent attack. This is by no means as difficult as it sounds. It is not the gathering of information but its analysis and the judgements made at the very top that count. This is not the only oddity about this business. The willingness of the United States, not simply to support Israel, but to actively take its part is contrary to all the experience of the last seventy years. I was here during the Six Day War where Israel faced the combined might of all the Arab countries and the US did nothing. In fact it was during the fighting that the Israeli’s attacked the Liberty, a US intelligence gathering ship, because they deemed it hostile.

    If you think it unlikely that such a conspiracy could be hatched then you have learned nothing. This present US administration deliberately destroyed the Baltic Pipeline even though it would have dire effects on the German Economy. There is also the point that the two main protagonists, Biden and Netanyahu both need a boost to their political fortunes.

  35. Douglas Murray once again cooking on gas.
    (Before anyone jumps on the date, the Spekkie magazine dates are always the Saturday.)

    Does the Met know what jihad means?

    28 October 2023

    Ever since the atrocities in Israel more than two weeks ago, I have had one main thought. Yes, Israel has its problems. But we also have ours. Subsequent weeks have borne that instinct out. For years I have noticed that in all the wars and exchanges involving Israel – no matter the actual size or scale of the conflict – the reaction at home grows worse each time, not least in our institutions.

    Last weekend there were massive demonstrations against Israel in London, as in cities across the West. And I say ‘against Israel’ with care. These protests have not been dedicated to finding a compromise between the Israelis and the Palestinians. Few acknowledged Hamas’s massacre. Still the crowds just turn up, as they are expected to again this Saturday.

    The odd deluded fellow-traveller can be relied upon to turn up too. Among them last Saturday was the current frontrunner for ‘fast learner of the year’: someone briefly hoisted a Pride banner in the sea of Palestinian and Hamas flags, only to have it torn from their hands and smashed to the ground. But that’s because, as they/them may have noticed, not all love is reciprocated.

    Still, even for someone who has expected the worst for years, last Saturday was sobering. In Belgravia a rally organised by the extremists of Hizb ut-Tahrir called for ‘Muslim armies’ to ‘liberate Palestine’. Other protestors in London called for an Islamic state, for ‘Allah’s curses’ on the ‘infidels’ and ‘the Jews’ – and for ‘jihad’.

    Thank goodness we have a police force. Or do we? For their part, the Metropolitan Police spent the day in a variety of ways. These included threatening to arrest a couple of lads who appeared with the English flag. The police warned them that if they said anything even ‘borderline racist’ they would be arrested. At the same time, Met officers stood idly by as the streets rang with calls for jihad.

    At least their colleagues in the rapid linguistics response unit were hard at work. The Met’s Twitter account announced: ‘The word jihad has a number of meanings. We have specialist counterterrorism officers here in the operations room who have particular knowledge in this area.’ Likewise, a former detective superintendent at the Met, Shabnam Chaudhri, explained to the media that ‘jihad means a lot of different things to many different people’. Which may be so, but when an angry bearded maniac shrieks about jihad on London’s streets you can generally take it as read that he’s not threatening to have an intense inner theological struggle.

    Elsewhere at the demonstration, a young man climbed up some scaffolding and set off flares. The Met’s numpties stood at the bottom, patiently waiting for him to come down, only to then hand him his flag back and send him merrily on his way. Not an English flag of course – because that would be provocative – but a Palestinian one. This is Britain in 2023.

    I cannot help but compare this with the treatment of certain other protests in our country in recent years. For instance, some readers may recall the murder of Sarah Everard by a member of the Metropolitan Police. Since a number of women across the country – including the now Princess of Wales – felt the murder of Ms Everard especially keenly, there were flower-layings in her memory, and a vigil on Clapham Common. But the vigil took place in a time of Covid lockdown and so the Met went in like the cavalry, arresting several of them. To give them their due, the Met proved to be a crack squad when it came to breaking up candlelit vigils of quiet women.

    Earlier this year police in Birmingham moved in when they found Isabel Vaughan-Spruce in the neighbourhood of an abortion clinic in Kings Norton. Vaughan-Spruce may be a Christian campaigner, but she isn’t exactly the Westboro Baptist Church. She wasn’t standing outside abortion clinics telling everyone that all aborted babies are fags or the like. All she was doing was silently praying within a certain distance of an abortion clinic. Not even mouthing it – she was praying in her head. But officers from West Midlands police told her that ‘engaging in prayer’ was an ‘offence’. Looking back at it, Vaughan-Spruce should have evaded arrest by shouting ‘Jihad! Slay the Infidel’ and so on. Had she done so, the police would have doubtless stepped back, apologised and bade her a pleasant rest of the day.

    I wish the police were the only force in this country to have such a problem. But unfortunately the rot appears to be everywhere. Last weekend a Tube driver in central London was videoed leading passengers in pro-Palestinian chants, and saying over the Tannoy system how much he would have liked to have joined the passengers at the march. Lots of people whooped with joy on the train. I’m glad I wasn’t a Jew in the carriage that day.

    A certain amount of stink was made online after the video emerged. Transport for London (TfL) responded that they had no way of identifying the driver. How could it possibly know who its employees are and when they clock on, after all? That was until the Sun and other media outlets made such a fuss that TfL discovered they do actually keep records of their employees, and had suddenly found and planned to investigate the driver in question.

    Once again, it is worth keeping in mind some of the things that TfL forbids on its trains. These include (though are not limited to) the advertising of junk food or gambling and any posters which advertise being ‘beach body ready’. Staring at other passengers is banned. You are also, of course, not allowed to drink alcohol on the Tube. Which would suit some of the travellers to Saturday’s protests very well. After all we can’t have antisocial behaviour in modern, diverse Britain, can we?

    1. But the magazine arrives on Friday – so it is nice to read it before it is quoted.

      Just saying.

      (Bit like revealing the score in a match that someone is looking to see having recorded it….)

      1. Depends on the post.
        Last week it did arrive on the Friday, but I’ve often had it land on Monday or Tuesday.

        1. Hmm. I still prefer to read it in the mag. which usually arrives on Friday, once in a while Saturday – twice a year later.

          By all means copy and paste on a Saturday….

          It’s the principle of the thing, you understand.

          And DON’T look at me like that!

    2. Re the English flag being provocative; Shrewsbury has ordered a cabbie to remove his flag of St George sticker because it contravenes their regulations. I would have put good money on their having said nothing if it had been an islamic flag calling for jihad.

  36. It is extremely worrying that this maniac is still on the loose.

    EXCLUSIVE: Army reservist Robert Card, who shot 18 people dead in Maine bowling alley and bar, may have made getaway on jet ski, as search moves to Massachusetts where investigators believe he made off in a blue Chevy Suburban

    It makes one realise how vulnerable Europe and the UK are to similar weapons being smuggled in and issued to jihadists now living here.

      1. It’s the scale of the things and the randomness of many of them, often killing young children on the mass killings.
        The places like Chicago tend to be black on black and often in the course of robberies so it’s whitey’s fault; for stopping them getting their high paying jobs and houses and respect.


    You have to wonder what the bloody helll these scum are thinking. This isn’t a meme: it IS Orwellian. Of course, if the state wants to put decryption software everywhere to remove privacy then it’ll go on theri devices as well. Government is incompetent. As soon as it’s abusers are exposed it is as simple as getting rid of them.

    The lot need to go. Every single one.

  38. ‘Prominent’ Conservative MP reportedly arrested on suspicion of rape

    The parliamentarian was also said to have been arrested for possession of controlled substances

    1. I suspect that these complaints have been held back for years, waiting for the opportunity to cause the maximum damage.
      Strange how they are all appearing now?

  39. I would call them animals, but they are actually worse than the defecation of animals.

    Groundbreaking FGM conviction of Amina Noor, 39, for aiding female genital mutilation of a three-year-old British girl on a trip to Kenya ‘should ‘encourage survivors to come forward’

    Giving evidence throughout her trial, Noor claimed she was threatened with being ‘cursed’ and ‘disowned’ from her community if she did not take part.

    The only other successful prosecution under the FGM Act of 2003 was in 2019 when a Ugandan woman from Walthamstow, east London, was jailed for 11 years for cutting a three-year-old girl.
    The 37-year-old woman, who cannot be named, had arranged for the little girl to be pinned down and mutilated in a filthy flat in east London in August 2017. She was jailed for 13 years at the Old Bailey.

      1. Tip of an iceberg.

        More than 3,000 new FGM cases a year in UK, stats suggest
        Figures produced by the NHS in 2022 suggested there may be more than 3,000 newly identified victims of FGM in the UK each year.
        NHS Digital produced stats of cases which were spotted by nurses or doctors around the country.
        It is thought the majority of cases involved mutilation abroad.
        The up-to-date figures, which were supposed to be released on December 1, were delayed for more than two weeks until December 20 due to ‘operational issues’.
        In the three quarters of data collection this year up until September, 2,320 new cases of FGM were identified by nurses and doctors in the NHS.

        1. With a rusty razor blade.
          As ever, not rinsed between operations; she’ll not be worrying about infection.

  40. 378109+ up ticks,

    May one ask,

    Could it be taken as a time to worry when after the damage done to these precious Isles by the lab/lib/con coalition party inclusive of members / voters, the loss of the islamic vote is cause for concern?

    1. Experts have long warned that will propel the disease into northern Europe“- so nothing to do with massive, illegal immigration then!? The fact that some of them come from an area where the disease is endemic is surely just a coincidence? /sarc

      1. Shhh! The state doesn’t like to be reminded of it’s abject, total, miserable spiteful failure.

    1. Coming to U.K. soon? Or are the diesel generators going to be used to power the wind turbines.

    2. The Left deliberately ignore allthe mining, fuels, materials, child labour that goes into getting cobalt and lithium. They’re not going to bother about a diesel generator.

      You see, the intent isn’t to get people into electric cars. That’s just a stop gap – there’s not enough power in the grid regardless. No, the intent is to stop, forever; personal transport. To absolutely and permanently prevent you going where you want, when you want. They intend the same with money.

      The authoritarian Left never, ever give up on their goal of complete and absolute control, at any cost – to you. This is why they’re so dangerous and will start a war which they will lose.

    3. Omargoud… s ‘king long way between towns in the ozzie countryside. They get away with it.

    4. Was talking to a chap at the races who has an EV. He said he had to plan his journey carefully so as to find plug in points. On the way home he had to stop at 01.00h to recharge on one journey! I told him he wasn’t green (and he agreed, but blamed his wife for the acquisition).

  41. A lucky 3 on Wordle today.

    Wordle 859 3/6


      1. Par for me.

        Wordle 859 4/6


  42. That’s me for this dank, dreary day. Rain mostly. EXCEPT when we were at t’market. The Wet Office promised heavy rain from 10 am, so I persuaded the MR to rise at 7 (in the dark..GRRR) and we were in town before 8 am. AND parked 20 yards from t’Market stalls.

    All done and dusted and home by 9.30. It didn’t rain until midday…..

    Have a jolly evening being glad you are not Cur Ikea Slammer. Apparently his missus is Jewish which must make entertaining Hamas loving Liebour MPs fun….

    A demain – one hopes.

    1. We had a sunny afternoon here – I walked down to the Post van and also spent an hour tidying up in the garden. The cats had their first look round outside too.

          1. No doubt as an addendum to the last thoughts, they’ll consider “we’ll soon get them trained” 🙂

    2. The news about Starmer is wonderful. Are they still on speaking terms. You have a choice of wife or strife.

        1. I think that’s still in the pending file.
          Wonder what his Mrs thinks of that. Wonder if she’s asked him if he thinks she’s a woman?

  43. Re Crispin Blunt.
    Does anyone else get a slight whiff of rat?

    In a statement, the Reigate MP said he had twice been interviewed by police “in connection with this incident”.
    He said he originally raised the incident with police three weeks ago over my concern about extortion”.
    He said he was cooperating with Surrey Police’s investigation and was confident he would not be charged.
    In a statement Mr Blunt, a former justice minister, said: “It has been reported that an MP was arrested yesterday [25 October] in connection with an allegation of rape. I am confirming that MP was me.

    1. Blue Labour can’t even be subtle about getting rid of those who favour Brexit.
      Slimy load of Pus bags.

      1. Good. Can you drum up more candidates I think UKIP could take a few seats from the other mobs, they are finished.

      2. Well done, the moment that the UK’s political elites felt the fear of a common sense party breathing down their scrawny necks.

  44. 378108+ up ticks,

    Mass support MP A Bridgen write that on the polling paper by the millions,

    wish you were here.
    We’ve got a problem. The Tories are toast, Reform are Tory lite and the hideous Starmer, and his party of halfwits, are even worse. Any suggestions? All I can think of is writing ‘I do not consent’ across the ballot paper.

  45. Thought for the day:

    If diversity really is our strength, why should people object to female genital mutilation when it is an intrinsic part of some diverse cultures?

      1. One has to wonder where such anthropologists, or should I say animalapologists, were trained.

      2. I read further than you and now wish I hadn’t. I didn’t know the half of it, and it is truly horrifying what woman can do to each other.

  46. Re earlier thread on FGM.

    The world would be a much better place if the FGM scissorfolk cut the balls off all African males at birth for the next 50 years.

  47. Guardian has hit new low with ‘unbelievably crass’ Holocaust headline, says Board of Deputies

    UK’s largest Jewish organisation says the newspaper showed an ‘astonishing lack of judgement’

    By James Warrington • 25 October 2023 • 7:52pm

    The Guardian has hit “a new low” after publishing an “unbelievably crass” opinion piece about the Holocaust, the Board of Deputies of British Jews has said.

    The newspaper published an article by Israeli-American historian Raz Segal late on Tuesday entitled: “Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust.”

    In the article, Mr Segal, an associate professor of the Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, argued against the “dangerous use of the Holocaust to justify Israeli mass violence against Palestinians”.

    He criticised comments by US President Joe Biden that drew comparisons between atrocities committed by Hamas in Israel earlier this month and the genocide of Jewish people during the Second World War.

    Mr Segal added that President Biden’s comments “constitute therefore a textbook use of the Holocaust not in order to stand with powerless people facing the prospect of genocidal violence, but to support and justify an extremely violent attack by a powerful state”.

    The article sparked a furious response from the Board of Deputies, which is the UK’s largest Jewish organisation. It said: “The Guardian’s decision to publish an opinion piece titled ‘Israel must stop weaponising the Holocaust’ was unbelievably crass. The article’s failure, for example, to acknowledge the decades-long comparison of Israel to the Nazis – including in Hamas’s genocidal founding charter – sums up the astonishing lack of judgement exhibited. Its publication marks a new low for the paper.”

    Hadley Freeman, a columnist who left the Guardian last year citing an “atmosphere of fear” surrounding the paper’s trans coverage, added: “I try to avoid criticising my former employer. I also support the freedom of opinion writers to write whatever they believe. But it is also my right to say: Wow, this is intellectually, historically and morally bankrupt.”

    In his piece, Mr Segal criticised the “Israeli settler state” and argued that “Israel perpetrators of war crimes” should stand trial alongside Palestinian leaders responsible for the Hamas attacks. However, he added: “This historical context in no way justifies or excuses the mass murder of 1,500 Israelis on 7 October, which constitutes a war crime and crimes against humanity.”

    A Guardian spokesman said: “Our opinion columns aim to provide a range of views on important and complex world events. The Guardian has consistently described the events of October 7 as an unjustified attack on Israeli civilians, as did this column, written by Raz Segal, an Israeli associate professor of Holocaust and genocide studies. We encourage our readers to review this column in full.”

    It is the latest controversy to engulf the Guardian since the outbreak of the Israel-Hamas conflict almost three weeks ago. Cartoonist Steve Bell was accused of anti-Semitism for a drawing of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that was interpreted by some as a reference to Shylock, the Jewish moneylender in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice.

    The Guardian has said it will not publish any more of Mr Bell’s cartoons, but it will continue to pay him until his contract expires in April.

    Earlier this year, Martin Rowson, another Guardian cartoonist, apologised after his drawing of former BBC chairman Richard Sharp was widely condemned as anti-Semitic.

    1. In the article, Mr Segal, an associate professor of the Holocaust and genocide studies at Stockton University, argued against the “dangerous use of the Holocaust to justify Israeli mass violence against Palestinians”.

      Mr Segal added that President Biden’s comments “constitute therefore a textbook use of the Holocaust not in order to stand with powerless people facing the prospect of genocidal violence, but to support and justify an extremely violent attack by a powerful state”.

      It might just be me, but does anyone else get the feeling that Mr Segal might actually be in his “chair” to undermine the Jewish experience of the Holocaust?

      1. If anybody is “facing the prospect of genocidal violence” I’d say it’s the Jews at the hands of Hamas.

  48. Oh well now i am in trouble🙂. On the train home. Woman on sear next to me starts playing video content (?) without headphones. I ask her to put headphones in as I don’t want to hear her stuff. She gives me the “it’s not loud” to which i reply “yes it is otherwise I wouldn’t be saying anything”. She then does her tutting and “Whatevs” routine and i tell her she’s ill-mannered. And now some do-gooder has followed me out of the station to tell me I shouldn’t tell people off like that.

    I roll my eyes. Whatevs.

    1. Anarchy rools OK.
      Where have all the manners gone? The ‘old fashioned’ don’t do unto others……….
      Pig ignorance.
      Well done Mir.

      1. Thank you. I reckon both the girls were late 20s/early 30s so half-ish my age. It’s just the lack of manners that get to one. But i wonder if these “youngsters” often don’t know that they are behaving badly. They could very well have parents who don’t have manners either.

        Anyway I am now home, listening to the Diwali fireworks coming over the river from Hounslow. Thank goodness mu dog has gone to Cornwall for a few days. I am old-fashioned. I like one evening of communal fireworks round the bonfire on 5th November. Not an endless build up of fireworks for Diwali. Not a stream of individual kids wanting sweets over a fortnight in and around the end of October – if you must do Halloween, what’s wrong with 31st October? As BOris might have said: Humbug.

          1. There was a brief burst of fireworks in Wolverhampton before our race. I thought it was premature Halloween (there were kids wondering around in fancy dress – I later found out it was for a competition).

        1. I hope your dog had a safe journey to Cornwall. Did he (or she) drive him/herself or take the train? 🙂

          1. Ahh! He went with my husband in the car.

            He (the dog) is Battersea Dogs’ Home best, but getting a bit too old now. He doesn’t really like cars. He prefers going on jobs with my husband in the van as he can lie across the bench seat next to my husband. He’s a really loyal dog who just wants to be with his “family”.

          2. Ahh! He went with my husband in the car.

            He (the dog) is Battersea Dogs’ Home best, but getting a bit too old now. He doesn’t really like cars. He prefers going on jobs with my husband in the van as he can lie across the bench seat next to my husband. He’s a really loyal dog who just wants to be with his “family”.

    2. Well done, Mir! Hope you told the virtue-signalling, take-offence-on-others-behalf smarta*se to ‘do one!

      1. I surprised myself at how polite I was. But of course I can think of many witty/clever things to say now – after the event. Never at the time! Oh, to be quick-witted.

        1. I do occasionally let my wit off the lead, but more often than not feel horrible afterwards, as it tends to bite people to get the laughs, and I have no wish to hurt anyone. Swings and roundabouts!

  49. Well, that was a bit of a bugger today. Looks like the Van’s been written off!
    Heading up the Via Gellia (A5012) this morning en route to take eldest daughter to see her brother, about 0925, and my van got side-swiped by an empty low-loader trailer wiping off the wing mirror, driver’s door handle and body trim.
    The way it hit my van was as if the trailer was drifting over my side as we were passing.
    No idea who’s unit it was as they didn’t stop.
    I knew I should have bought that dashcam I’ve been interested in!
    I’ll put an insurance claim in tomorrow and am expecting it to be written off.
    Ironic really. It got written off a year and a bit ago after I was rammed at low speed in a traffic queue by a Transit, but as it was mainly cosmetic damage, I bought it back, had it re-MOTed and carried on running it. So I’ve already had one write-off cheque, minus the buy-back for it!
    So I’m now in the market for another Vivaro/Transit class van!

    1. Didn’t you get the reg No. ?
      New mirror and some filler?
      I’ve got a spare tin of T Cut

      1. No. I doubt if the driver was even aware.
        Trailer was unloaded and it appears to “crab” over to my side, presumably as the driver was lining up for the LH corner he was approaching.
        Needs a new door too and the door frame is likely to be twisted too.

        1. Understood Bob, I think up to a couple of years ago I’d have repaired it but not actually seeing it I shouldn’t be speculating.
          Yep, get yourself a dashcam – I’ve got one

      2. No. I doubt if the driver was even aware.
        Trailer was unloaded and it appears to “crab” over to my side, presumably as the driver was lining up for the LH corner he was approaching.
        Needs a new door too and the door frame is likely to be twisted too.

    2. Goodness me , what a terrible shock, and thank goodness you weren’t injured .

      People drive too fast these days, they just don’t care , not do they slow down for runners / cyclists or horse riders .

    3. Bad luck, Bob. I got whacked by a white van that didn’t stop, but fortunately it only cracked my wing mirror; easily replaced (and now I’ve put protective covers on them).

    4. ‘Tis but a scratch!
      Invest in a special offer MoT and then you can decide whether she is worth repairing.

    5. Ouch. Some years ago, I was side swiped by a Ford Ka, coming out of a side road. I had an elderly Scenic at the time. While the Ka was somewhat distorted, the only visible damage to the Scenic was a missing hub cap.

      I was happy to cary on regardless, but Direct Line (the other guy’s insurer, but also mine) insisted on assessing the car. “No thanks”, was my response. “You’ll write it off, despite there bein nothing wrong with it”. “No, we won’t do that, but we must assess it”. So they took it away. And wrote it off…

    6. Bad luck, Bob. Seems the worst damage is to the mirror. I suspect that would be a cheaper fix than when I inadvertently caught the drivers side mirror on a column in Frimley Park Horse Spittle car park. The internal frame broke. Mercedes quoted me £800 for a replacement. If the heated, auto-dimming glass had broken, it would have cost more than I paid for the car. Happily, I found a motorised frame on Ebay, for not a great deal…

    7. Oh bugger. Sorry.

      No vans to hand but I could do you a nice Volvo 940 at mates’ rates… 🤣🤣

    8. I have noticed quite a few drivers with trailers where the trailer is much wider than the vehicle pulling it. I had assumed this was illegal but even if so there is no deterrence.

      A few years ago on East Road in Cambridge I was alerted to the screams of a lady cyclist whose bicycle had been ensnared by a wide trailer being hauled by an effing mini.

      The poor lady was being dragged along the road with her bicycle and only the horns and flashing lights of a following vehicle alerted the moron in the mini to her distress. The moron stopped and offered to run the lady to Addenbrookes. She refused and said she simply wanted to phone her husband.

    9. I have noticed quite a few drivers with trailers where the trailer is much wider than the vehicle pulling it. I had assumed this was illegal but even if so there is no deterrence.

      A few years ago on East Road in Cambridge I was alerted to the screams of a lady cyclist whose bicycle had been ensnared by a wide trailer being hauled by an effing mini.

      The poor lady was being dragged along the road with her bicycle and only the horns and flashing lights of a following vehicle alerted the moron in the mini to her distress. The moron stopped and offered to run the lady to Addenbrookes. She refused and said she simply wanted to phone her husband.

    10. I have noticed quite a few drivers with trailers where the trailer is much wider than the vehicle pulling it. I had assumed this was illegal but even if so there is no deterrence.

      A few years ago on East Road in Cambridge I was alerted to the screams of a lady cyclist whose bicycle had been ensnared by a wide trailer being hauled by an effing mini.

      The poor lady was being dragged along the road with her bicycle and only the horns and flashing lights of a following vehicle alerted the moron in the mini to her distress. The moron stopped and offered to run the lady to Addenbrookes. She refused and said she simply wanted to phone her husband.

    11. My sympathies. I was once going over Putney Bridge on my Honda c90 in the outside lane parallel to a white van on the onside lane, which started to drift out. I was forced to similarly drift out into the opposite incoming lane (luckily no one coming) and in the manoeuvre managed to fall off my bike and bang my head. The bike was just rideable home but I scrapped it afterwards and i had a throbbing headache for a week. I don’t think the van driver had a clue what he had caused.

    1. Let’s look on the bright side, chums. If she has no time for anything other than working and sleeping, then her genes will die out because she has no time for breeding.

      1. I expect somehow she will manage to “fall” pregnant (and then wonder how she did it). Then she will REALLY know about having no time for herself!

    2. This is what comes of giving them no experience of real life while they are being indoctrinated educated.

    3. Given that my current Rector is a former Army chaplain, plus I once interviewed a then deputy Chaplain General for a potential post in Civvy Street, that seems a reasonable response. The latter presumably decided that chaplaincy was an easier route, and progressed to be Chaplain General. The correspondence from the Lord Chancellor’s Ecclesiastical Office always came in “10 Downing Street” envelopes, which must have kept the postman guessing…,

  50. Evening, all. Late because as I came off the M54 my road home was blocked. I ended up wandering all over the countryside, at night, with my satnav failing to show me a map. I did wonder if I was going to make it home this side of midnight, but fortunately I eventually arrived back on the road I needed and, despite the mist, I finally made it back. To say it was stressful is an understatement. Telford is a nightmare at the best of times, getting lost in the featureless streets is my worst case scenario. Still, the filly won in good style so it was worth it. The funeral also went off well (but as he was a Buddy Holly fan, I was left with an ear-worm for most of the day). As for the headline, “drifted” implies it was accidental being left without power as the currents took the party. I’d say it steered, full throttle, away from its core values.

  51. On the off chance she is reading this, I have it on good authority that the Arabs and Israelis have information that could lead to the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

  52. Check out Dr Naomi Wolf on the contaminants deliberately incorporated in the mRNA
    vaccines. These contaminants were actually deliberate and have led to the realisation of ‘turbo cancers’ in recipients of the Pfizer and Moderna ‘vaccines’.

    I remain shocked that e-coli appears to be one of the vehicles utilised in producing these killer jabs.

    1. 378157+ up ticks,

      Morning C,
      If this was even partially factual surely it would call for mass incarceration of both political / pharmaceutical persons immediately would it not?

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