Thursday 3 June: Worst-case projections aren’t enough to justify extending restrictions

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

613 thoughts on “Thursday 3 June: Worst-case projections aren’t enough to justify extending restrictions

  1. Big Tech is turning into Big Brother. Rod Liddle. Spectator. 3 June 2021.

    This perpetual, shameless, censorship on purely political grounds by the likes of Facebook, Google, Twitter and Instagram worries me rather more than our pandemic does, because there seems to be no readily available vaccine for it. If you had thought that Twitter and Facebook’s deliberate suppression of stories regarding Hunter Biden’s lucrative dealings in Ukraine, along with a serving US president’s astonishing removal from all social media sites because they didn’t like what he was saying, was simply the consequence of a peculiarly fraught US election, think again. They are still at it now, even more so. Theories which they do not like because of their political consequences, or provenance, are banned under the heading ‘false news’. It is increasingly the case that ‘false news’ is simply news that liberals do not wish you to hear about. Nor do facts count for very much when these dweebs are deciding what you can and can’t say. Try advancing the strictly scientific point of view regarding the correct gender of a man who has transitioned into being a ‘woman’ — and see how long before you are banned too.

    Morning everyone. Rod is of course always worth reading but here he actually understates reality. It’s not just Censorship, which would be bad enough, but the whole of the information industry. The PTB have co-opted it all. Newspapers, TV channels, Social Media, whatever; these all now peddle a distorted version of Reality with Fake News, False Flags and Propaganda that serve only Globalist ambitions. You can believe nothing that you read, hear or see in any public medium. The only exception are Blogs like Nottl, and even these are under threat, since being the only source of independent thought they have an effect out of all proportion to their size. They are the Samizdat of the Cultural Marxist West and like their Soviet predecessors are Enemies of the State!

    1. Rod should understand that every single one of those companies is a private sector company and so they can accept or deny users as they see fit. They can also choose which news stories they want to link to and which they don’t.

      I see no mention of the Daily Fail in his list of ‘fake news’. We all know that’s one of the worst for it.

      1. Rod should understand that every single one of those companies is a private sector company and so they can accept or deny users as they see fit.

        They may be “Private Sector” but this does not render them immune from Political or Economic pressure. Who could doubt that Twitter’s banning of the sitting President of the United States was such?

        1. Political or economic pressure? He broke the rules of the service was given a short ban and told it would be permanent if he did it again, then he did it again. He got what he deserved.

      2. Tell that to Cake Bakers and B&B owners,private businesses all……….
        I suppose “That’s Different”??

        1. It is a matter of wording. Cake makers et al have a choice. The crucial thing is never to give a reason.
          “I refuse to make you a cake”
          “Please leave my shop now”.
          It is the only safe way to deal with these issues. That way you can exercise your right to refuse without contravening some law or other.

        2. Nope. Every private sector business is free to turn away any customers they don’t like or want as far as I’m concerned.

    2. Good morning Miss Minty. One of the reasons why Disqus closed down the 4K+ Channel network on August 31st 2019 was the preponderance of Right wing & Independent channels. Fortunately a fair number of those mostly US orientated former channels still exist today as blogs, including mine & 2 of the UK specific channels successfully made the transition to blog form ( NTTL & not the daily trollograph )

    1. Good morning, Billy.

      Sorry to inform you that May finished three days ago. It’s now June, which might possibly still drizzle.

  2. mng [again to those liaised with earlier] / gtgs to those who weren’t. Eyes down for a non full house from the Islington Wine Cellar: Ian Johnstone moniker might need to read the tea leaves of who is the real paymaster of Mr Symonds handing control to Billy boy over a year ago and Mr Symonds doing
    everything Billy boy wants on C-19, mass vaccination, Net Zero and Build Back Better.

    SIR – We were told that the intervals between each stage of easing the lockdown allowed for an analysis of the effects, and so far there have been no problems.

    The interval to the final stage – freedom from enforced restrictions – is surely long enough to gauge the impact of the Indian variant. By June 21, many more adults will have been immunised, and the vaccine is proving effective against the variant.

    The experts’ modelling so far has been mostly too pessimistic. Can they really justify their support for delaying freedom day, with all the deleterious effects involved?

    Dr C D E Morris
    Walsall, Staffordshire

    SIR – It is surprising that scientists are already urging ministers “to rethink June 21” (report, June 1), before the data has been fully assessed.

    It is even more surprising that Professor Ravi Gupta comments that: “If you look at the costs and benefits of getting it wrong, I think it is heavily in favour of delay.” It is unclear on what evidence he has based his conclusion, unless he is also privy to the economic analysis of the Treasury and the CBI.

    The most important decision the Prime Minister has to make in the next two weeks is whether he is to continue running the country – or hand the job over to the scientists.

    Norman Macfarlane
    Kingston upon Thames, Surrey

    SIR – It is unsurprising that the majority of scientists think lockdown should continue beyond June 21.

    Reputations are kept safe by taking the overcautious view. If, however, a scientist supports the lifting of lockdown and a third wave arrives, that’s a reputation shot to pieces.

    Sandy Pratt
    Storrington, West Sussex

    SIR – If it’s “data not dates”, we should bring forward and celebrate freedom day, not delay it.

    Dr Andrew McIver
    London SW3

    SIR – The new variants are more transmissible and will evolve until the disease is suppressed through vaccination. As long as a significant proportion of the population is unvaccinated, the disease will mutate, and existing vaccines may become ineffective.

    To minimise the need for a further full lockdown, the national vaccination programme should be accelerated and the existing restrictions not lifted until it is complete.

    Michael Robinson
    Onston, Cheshire

    SIR – Michael Heaton (Letters, June 1) says: “The Wuhan lab theory would make a plausible James Bond plot (which would be a first).”

    Clearly he has never watched On Her Majesty’s Secret Service, in which the arch-villain Ernst Stavro Blofeld plans to release a pandemic on an unsuspecting world. Foiled, of course, by 007.

    Harry Royle
    Colchester, Essex

    Allow the terminally ill to choose how to die

    SIR – Referring to the recent letters on assisted dying, including those from 
Dr Tim Howard and Michael Murray (Letters, May 31), I feel qualified to offer a view on the subject.

    In late 2020 I was diagnosed with a 4B stage high-grade B-cell lymphoma, for which there is no cure. I undertook 18 weeks of gruelling chemotherapy and radiotherapy in an attempt to prolong my life. When told that the treatment had not been successful and that I had only a few months to live, I decided to remain positive by having a project to keep me occupied.

    Since then, among other things, I have written a brief history of my family and have raised money for a local charity’s car, which is used to transport cancer patients to hospital for treatment. I believe that these activities prove that I am mentally able to consider objectively the complex ethical issues that are involved in assisted dying.

    I wish to die at home and with dignity before my illness becomes intolerable, to save my family the distress of having to see me suffering in the terminal stages of my life.

    Dr Hugh C B Reed
    Torrington, Devon

    SIR – We have been told that public sentiment is now behind changing the law on assisted dying (report, June 1), with a recent opinion poll finding that 84 per cent support legalisation. However, polls are sensitive to contextual information and are easily manipulated.

    In 2014 a ComRes/Care poll showed that, while 73 per cent of those asked agreed with the legalisation of assisted dying, 42 per cent of them changed their minds when arguments against assisted dying – such as people feeling pressured to end their lives so as not to be a burden on loved ones – were explained to them.

    In 2013, a Gallup survey found that support fell from 73 per cent to 51 per cent when terminology changed from “end the patient’s life by some painless means” to “assisting the patient to commit suicide”. Campaigning organisations now avoid using the word “suicide”.

    If we can conclude anything from public opinion polls, it is not the proportion of people who do or don’t support legislation, but how easily people’s views change when they are presented with new information. If we truly want to gauge public opinion, we need to explore and understand these issues, not gloss over them.

    Professor Katherine Sleeman
    Laing Galazka Chair in Palliative Care
    King’s College London

    A bottle deposit

    SIR – Whitehall is consulting on the design of a deposit return scheme for drinks containers. This will see shoppers pay a deposit when they buy a drinks container, which is subsequently redeemed when the container is returned.

    More than two million pieces of litter are dropped in Britain every day. Taxpayers pay more than £1 billion annually to clean up rubbish discarded on our streets. Particularly troublesome are plastic bottles, which are becoming increasingly prevalent on Britain’s once pristine beaches.

    Deposit return schemes in Denmark date back to 1922. Today, the Danish scheme sees consumers return 93 per cent of the drinks containers they buy to a collection point for recycling – one of the highest deposit redemption rates in the world.

    In Copenhagen, a shopper purchasing a small plastic bottle of cola pays a higher deposit than a consumer purchasing a small glass bottle of the same drink; for plastic bottles of one litre or over, the deposit value is three times higher. As a result, consumers are incentivised to avoid those single-use plastic containers most responsible for exacerbating the waste crisis.

    If the Government is serious about tackling the plastic crisis, it must urgently introduce legislation for a deposit return scheme for drinks in which the deposit varies based on the size and material of the container.

    Sir Desmond Swayne MP (Con)
    Caroline Lucas MP (Green)
    John McDonnell MP (Lab)
    Claudia Webbe MP (Independent)
    Kenny MacAskill MP (Alba)
    Lord Lupton (Con)
    Lord Strasburger (Lib Dem)
    Lord Swinfen (Con)
    Lord Wallace of Saltaire (Lib Dem)
    Lord Clement-Jones (Lib Dem)
    Lord Rana (Con)
    Lord Jones of Cheltenham (Lib Dem)
    Lord Knight of Weymouth (Lab)
    Lord Haworth (Lab)
    Baroness Lister of Burtersett (Lab)
    Baroness Harris of Richmond (Lib Dem)
    Baroness Scott of Needham Market (Lib Dem)
    Baroness Bakewell of Hardington Mandeville (Lib Dem)
    Lord Storey (Lib Dem)

    Dee Caffari

    Natalie Fee
    Founder & CEO, City to Sea

    Nadine Jenkins
    Project Manager, UK Green Building Council

    Professor Paul Ekins
    Professor of Resources and Environmental Policy, UCL Institute for Sustainable Resources

    Professor Ben Croxford
    Professor of Environmental Design and Engineering, UCL Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering

    Dr Mike Allen
    Associate Professor, University of Exeter

    Professor Tamara S Galloway
    College of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Exeter

    Professor Dr Raimund Bleischwitz
    Chair in Sustainable Global Resources, University College London

    Charity pay reform

    SIR – There is a simple way to regulate the salaries of charity chief executives (“High pay ‘can erode public trust’ in charities”, report, June 1).

    Salaries should be related to turnover, in the same way that those of local authority chief executives are linked to population, and salary scales should correspond with Civil Service grades 1-7, on the grounds that no charity chief executive is worth more than a permanent secretary.

    Such an arrangement would create a reasonable career structure for staff and would be understood by the public. Any organisation which failed to follow these rules would lose its charitable status.

    Philip Riden
    Chesterfield, Derbyshire

    SIR – It is not just in the matter of pay where charities must improve clarity and transparency.

    Business models and money flows should be made explicit: charity accounts don’t always make clear any joint working with commercial companies, for example.

    Charitable status is a “privilege”, as the chief executive of the Charity Commission reminds us (Comment, June 1). It is beholden on trustees to show why their organisation merits a registered charity number.

    Dr Alex May

    SIR – While of course charities need to justify senior executive pay, the benchmark of the Prime Minister’s pay is irrelevant.

    It is self-evident that the PM is underpaid relative to the huge responsibilities and accountabilities of the office. It is also the case that the rewards to being PM tend to accrue once the holder has left office.

    CEO pay is an important issue, but is debased by unhelpful comparisons.

    Ian Johnson
    Cirencester, Gloucestershire

    A new royal yacht

    SIR – I recall vividly, when I was managing director of a British engineering company, being invited to a reception with the Queen and Prince Philip on board HMS Britannia when she was alongside in Cardiff.

    I have never forgotten the comments of guests from Japan and New Zealand at the dinner afterwards. They complimented Britain on having such a wonderful tool for spreading our image and further business as the royal yacht. They both agreed that no one would refuse an invitation to a reception on such a prestigious vessel.

    I congratulate you on the success of your mission to build a new yacht (report, May 30).

    Ian Palmer
    Lagos, Algarve, Portugal

    The fine line between rewilding and neglect

    SIR – I have a conundrum: how do I convince my tidy neighbours that I am deliberately rewilding the patch of grass between my hedge and the road, and am not merely being indolent?

    David Miller
    Tunbridge Wells, Kent

    Sitting comfortably

    SIR – Mark Robbins (Letters, June 1) is justified in his praise of comfortable BR Mk 3 coaches, but in the age of the modern, curtain-free standard class carriage, a seat without a window is not necessarily a bad thing.

    When the sun is low in the sky, pillars between windows are effective in reducing the strobe effect from fast-moving shadows of trees, buildings or telegraph poles.

    I consider the practice of obtaining a pillar seat to be as essential as placing empty beer cans on the fold-down table. When coupled with a glazed expression, the cans prove remarkably effective at keeping the second seat free from boarding passengers, allowing the 6ft4in rail traveller to sit at an angle so as to enjoy a modicum of leg room.

    Andrew Graham

    And the bride wore …

    SIR – Carrie Johnson has been praised for economy in hiring her wedding dress (Features, June 1). My wife went one better in 1973. She made her dress, out of material purchased for £12 by her father. Shortly after the wedding it was sold to a friend for similar use, altered for size, for £15.

    Simon Lovell

    SIR – I hired my wedding gown in 1955 – but when the outfit arrived by post they had forgotten the shoes. Luckily I had white sandals which were hidden by the dress. We walked to Lyminge church across the village green.

    Our reception was in the sitting room above the family grocer’s shop, and then we went to our rented cottage home in Oxfordshire by train. In August we celebrate our 66th anniversary.

    Audrey Davidson
    Ulverston, Cumbria

    1. Congratulations to my Auntie Elsie on having the most amusing letter published in today’s DT.

      1. Yes, young Grizzly, but this is a clear case of an amusing comment stolen from my own comments on this site a couple of days ago and passed off as his own by some chump from my neck of the woods. (See my earlier post further up the page.) I am livid with rage and immensely offended. I am thinking of reporting him to the local police.

        PS – Regarding my first sentence in this post, I can only say: “Oh, goody, Elsie. I just love a piece of Stollen cake”.

          1. The picture’s lip-smackingly good, Mahatma, but where is the recipe?

            OOPS! Just spotted the link above the photo. Apologies Hatman.

    2. The beer can tactic made me laugh!

      Reminds me of a trip back home along the Rhine a few years ago. Normally a dark and sleepy journey, but this time the carriage was suddenly full of riotously noisy football supporters. I shuddered at first, but then they handed me a can and I thought, well if you can’t beat them, join them. We had a great time.

      1. Good morning, ATD.

        That reminds me of a train journey back from St Pancras in the hot summer of 1976. Three friends and I had attended the old Empire Pool to watch a rock concert. The only closed compartment able to accommodate all four of us for our journey back to Chesterfield already had two young chaps in it. These slightly-built blokes looked quite alarmed when four well-built men entered their compartment. They soon warmed to us, however, when they realised we were quite benign. They told us that they were backing musicians on a stage musical (starring a young Helen Mirren). Since they were celebrating the last night of the production they had a very large carafe of wine with them (and a supply of paper cups), which they insisted on sharing with us. It turned out to be a very pleasant journey home for all of us.

        1. You are clearly a man of taste, young Grizzly, fancy you drinking wine instead of beer!


    3. “If it’s “data not dates”, we should bring forward and celebrate freedom day, not delay it.

      Dr Andrew McIver ”
      If it’s data not dates then we can conclude all politicians are liars or useless ( probably both ). “We are going to cut immigration” has been said now for over a decade – and the numbers have continually gone up.

    4. There’s more than an uncomfortable grain of truth in what Sandy Pratt says.

    5. Sandy Pratt says,”If, however, a scientist supports the lifting of lockdown and a third wave arrives, that’s a reputation shot to pieces.”

      On the other hand if a ‘scientist’ forecasts millions of deaths in order to justify his flawed computer model and is proved disastrously wrong, he is promoted to dictate to the nation.

      It’s about time these decisions were left to the Good Sense of the population. I say Good Sense rather than Common Sense, ‘cos it ain’t that common.

    6. Philip Riden points out that, “Salaries should be related to turnover, in the same way that those of local authority chief executives are linked to population…

      Small wonder then, that local planning is being over-ridden in order to build great swathes of houses in order to house all the local gimmegrunts, swell the head count and subsequently, the Chief Executive’s remuneration

    7. Dearie me! “Whitehall is consulting on the design of a deposit return scheme for drinks containers.”
      I’d be mildly astonished if everyone on this site did not know precisely how deposit schemes worked. From collecting jam jars to pay for the Saturday Morning Club at the cinema, to updating computer pricing of beer bottle deposits, I am fairly familiar with the operation.
      However, businesses have now become adjusted to making one way trips. The logistics are not set up to collect and process returns. The factories are not geared to washing and sterilising bottles.
      A high proportion of this is a result of long distance deliveries, rather than local production, packaging and delivery. What seems like a simple idea requires a radical revision of how we manage businesses. It would be “green” to go back to local lemonade factories, local breweries and dairies. New local businesses would be required for the processing of returned glass for reuse rather than melting down. Plastic bottles traversing the country could be replaced by local bottlers taking deliveries of liquid in tankers and bottling in glass bottles locally.
      It would be “green”, it would boost employment, and it will never happen.

      1. Scheme here works well. Deposit paid on purchase. Return of bottles & cans to any shop, via a machine, results in a ticket printed that can be redeemed at the cashdesk.
        Plastic & aluminium are shredded into a bin.
        Glass is automatically sorted into a crate.
        As you are going to the shop to buy new wares, then all you need to do is take the empty ones with you – not necessarily to the same shop you bought it from.

        1. No use to our government, as the instructions are likely in Norwegian?

    8. SIR, I have for years been puzzled about where my late aunt’s most bad taste in curtains had ended up & recently discovered that they did not go to make a large tent for African refugees but became an item of apparel for the head of a UK based charity Camila Batmanghelidjh CBE & wondered if CBE stood for Curtain Based Exploitation ?

      1. You can see where she did her robbin’ for the headgear but where did she get her jelly?

      2. more importantly – taxpayers now face footing the legal bill for at least £8m as a result of the official
        receiver’s disastrous attempt in failing to ban her and 7 fellow trustees from holding further “senior jobs”

    9. “In Copenhagen, a shopper purchasing a small plastic bottle of cola pays a higher deposit than a consumer purchasing a small glass bottle of the same drink; for plastic bottles of one litre or over, the deposit value is three times higher. As a result, consumers are incentivised to avoid those single-use plastic containers most responsible for exacerbating the waste crisis.”
      Not really, they are just motivated to reclaim the deposit by not throwing the bottle into a hedge, but recycling and recovering the deposit.

    10. Well, done, Elsie! It always used to be the practice that glass bottles had a deposit on them. If people discarded them, there was an incentive to pick them up and redeem the deposit. Plus ça change ….

  3. The babies paying the price of cultural tradition: It’s estimated that more than half of Pakistani-heritage couples in Britain are in cousin marriages. Now community leaders are confronting the troubling medical risks. 3 June 2021.

    At her tidy semi-detached home in the North of England, Tahira Naqvi still grieves for her first baby, who she lost as a newlywed bride of 21.

    Her son was stillborn midway through her pregnancy. ‘I can never forget him,’ she says with sadness. ‘A hospital pre-birth scan had showed he had a club foot, but doctors didn’t warn me that he might die a few weeks later.’

    One of the main Pakistani aims in getting into the UK is to get treatment for their genetically damaged children! The process, of what are in effect incestuous relationships has left them with a multiplicity of degenerative conditions that will require attention for many years. This needless to say carries with it long term dangers to the UK Gene Pool and directly contradicts the supposed advantages of Diversity!

    1. I once saw about a dozen of these kids – all severely disabled, strapped in wheelchairs. ALL wheelchairs being pushed by people who were clearly NOT their parents. The problems of their cultural tradition being paid for by the UK taxpayer.

      1. Morning Walter. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this social policy contributes significantly to the Pakistani male’s interest in Young White Girls!

        1. Morning Araminta – true – But if the Pakistani male manages to con a white girl into sex or even marriage, what if he is carrying a mutated gene – any resultant kids could turn out disabled too.

        2. They can be bought with a glass of Tequila and a snort of cocaine, and are partial to “tall, dark handsome strangers” over the inadequate natives. Also it is not haram to shag subhuman females.

      2. Morning Walter. It is difficult to avoid the conclusion that this social policy contributes significantly to the Pakistani male’s interest in Young White Girls!

    2. The Bradford children’s hospital was kept busy with them when we lived there 40 years ago, I sure it will be even worse now, in terms of numbers.

    3. Good morning Minty

      I read that article as well, nothing is new, interbreeding in villlages here in the UK and remote corners of these fair isles decades ago resulted in many shock horror cases described as village idiot status !

      The trouble is these days , one is seeing more and more poor little children with terrible problems , and modern science has improved so much that I suspect that the NHS will be broken if the situation doesn’t change.

      1. Not so common now amongst normal UK families but these people in Bradford have had generations of close cousin marriage. It’s costing the taxpayers a fortune.

        1. Good morning

          I always enjoyed her rhyming pneumonia with phone ya in her song about never falling in love again.

    4. There are very many deformed children in Turkey so much so that nobody is now allowed to marry without a blood or DNA test. Some friends of ours on a boat in the Marmaris marina, both of them in the 60’s, decided to get married and they were delighted when the authorities decided to waive the tests!

  4. The babies paying the price of cultural tradition: It’s estimated that more than half of Pakistani-heritage couples in Britain are in cousin marriages. Now community leaders are confronting the troubling medical risks. 3 June 2021.

    At her tidy semi-detached home in the North of England, Tahira Naqvi still grieves for her first baby, who she lost as a newlywed bride of 21.

    Her son was stillborn midway through her pregnancy. ‘I can never forget him,’ she says with sadness. ‘A hospital pre-birth scan had showed he had a club foot, but doctors didn’t warn me that he might die a few weeks later.’

    One of the main Pakistani aims in getting into the UK is to get treatment for their genetically damaged children! The process, of what are in effect incestuous relationships has left them with a multiplicity of degenerative conditions that will require attention for many years. This needless to say carries with it long term dangers to the UK Gene Pool and directly contradicts the supposed advantages or Diversity!

  5. WARNING . . . I have already had two calls on my mobile this morning, just after 7am. The number shown up as 01386 768600 I didn’tanswer as it also showed up as from Evesham, of which I know NOBODY from there. Checked on comp and appears to be scammer. DO NOT ANSWER OR CALL BACK – one report on the site said they threaten about false bills etc and if you call, you get a bill on YOUR phone. They probably have several other numbers too. Be careful Nottlers.

    1. I never answer calls on my mobile and I block obvious scammers. Call guardian on the landline weeds out most callers.

      1. Good morning J
        The same here. Call guardian has saved us and blocked all the nuisance calls which sometimes amounted to 20 aday.

    2. I answer these calls when I am bored 😈. Had one recently from a ‘constable’ from the national crime agency. Apparently, my car had been found somewhere with traces of blood and drugs. I said that I was delighted as I wondered where it had gone from its usual spot and could he have it returned. Call terminated.

    3. Don’t bother with the number. It’s spoofed and the fraudsters change them all the time. Just treat every call or email as a fraud, scam or con and, if you ever do anything, look up information independently (ignore links, numbers or any other sources they give you) and use the contacts you found from a different device.

      If you want to have fun, for Indian-accented scammers use the name Ben Chode (it sounds out ‘sisterfu**er’) or ask them what their mother thinks of them for their dishonourable job.

      YouTube has a lot of entertaining videos of anti-scammers, particularly those involving the scams trying to take over your computer. Eg the fun starts at 11:20

  6. Ex-Austrian minister who danced with Putin at wedding lands Russian oil job.

    A former Austrian foreign minister who danced with Vladimir Putin at her wedding has been given a seat on the board of directors of the Russian state-controlled oil industry giant Rosneft, the company has announced.

    Karin Kneissl shot to infamy after she invited Putin to her wedding. Images of her dancing with the Russian leader in Gamlitz in the south-eastern state of Styria near the Slovenian border, went around the world in August 2018.

    “Shot to infamy” Lol! Better Vlad at the wedding than Biden groping the bridesmaids! I doubt however that this invitation was sufficient to get her on the Rosneft Board and it ill becomes a UK newspaper to point out, what is along with “Lecture Tours”, a standard practice to reward political favours granted when in office!

  7. Good morning from a slightly dull Derbyshire with 12°C in the yard!

  8. 333766+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,

    China will have destroyed proof of Wuhan coronavirus leak, says former MI6 chief
    Speaking to The Telegraph’s Planet Normal podcast, Sir Richard Dearlove said vital pandemic clues would be ‘made to disappear’

    Then err on the side of caution, do these Isles a favour,cut dependency
    on China to zero, return manufacturing everything to these Isles, but erase the mass manufactured lies & deceit of the political overseeing

    At this moment in time the nation is being led by a (ino) party depending on a supply of many counterfeit (ino) products to satisfy
    people’s needs to continue sitting on their arses instead of helping
    build a Nation they rhetorically crave, ie the vote & whinge brigade.

    People power, DIY to benefit the Country NOT vote for the close shop coalition to complete it’s destruction.

    1. mng ogga, aside the poor woke attempt to airbrush “clues disappearing”, what about the evidential fact of Gain in Function Research / funding which most people know about via FOIA?

    1. Reinforcements for anti-British forces in the current Latent Civil war.

      1. 333766+ up ticks,
        Morning Bob,
        As with the mafia soldiers, protectors of the political overseers via the polling booth & street.

  9. The DT’s at it again. One moment there’s a lot of comments on Allister Heath’s article on anti-semitism then “Poof”, they’re all gone.

    1. Tricky subject Dale! Comments have to conform to Cultural Marxist Norms!

  10. Speeding

    A senior citizen out in West Texas drove his brand-new Corvette convertible out of the dealership.

    Taking off down the road, he floored it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little gray hair he had left. “Amazing,” he thought as he flew down I-40, pushing the pedal even more.

    Looking in his rear-view mirror, he saw a state trooper behind him, lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I’m too old for this,” and pulled over to await the trooper’s arrival.

    Pulling in behind him, the trooper walked up to the Corvette, looked at his watch, and said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a reason for speeding that I’ve never heard before, I’ll let you go.”

    The old gentleman paused. Then he said, “Years ago, my wife ran off with a State trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”

    “Have a good day” the trooper replied.

    1. The story was that a flashy American Cadillac in the 1950’s had an automatic device fitted so that as soon as the car hit 100 mph a voice from the loudspeaker in the dashboard said: “This is St Christopher calling. St Christopher calling: You’re on your own now!”

    2. The story was that a flashy American Cadillac in the 1950’s had an automatic device fitted so that as soon as the car hit 100 mph a voice from the loudspeaker in the dashboard said: “This is St Christopher calling. St Christopher calling: You’re on your own now!”

  11. Good morning, my friends

    An interesting article in today’s DT :

    Malala’s right: virtue-signalling’s become more important than doing anything
    I’m so bored of the hypocrisy of people my age

    Pravina Rudra :

    A very good BTL comment from a chap called Tony Moore which poses questions the wokists never even consider let alone answer. Why on earth are so many people taken in by the fact that BLM is a movement designed to damage the lives of black people and to stir up inter-racial hatred?

    Q. Do people “your age” understand that around 150k black people are murdered around the world each year – often at alarming rates much higher than global averages: do they understand 99% of them are taken by other black assailants. (Meanwhile 9m are enslaved in Africa and 5m African children under 5 were lost to war from 1995-2015 – where the assailants are also, generally, black)?

    Q. If they do know that, why don’t they take a more balanced position and recognise that, while our nation and white people have flaws, and racism does exist in pockets, then the disproportionate events that are harming black lives are intra community and intra-national. Therefore, any “black lives matter” campaign worth its salt would focus on family structure, community strength, gang culture and violence – as well as seeking help and tolerance external to those communities?

    Q. If they don’t know that, why not? (Of course, I wouldn’t expect them to know precise numbers – but these are global, macro, and completely dominant trends, so its reasonable to expect awareness).

    Q. And what do people your age think to the finding in research a few years ago, whereby over half of Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal and homosexual teachers should be stopped from teaching?

    Given their avowed allegiance to the cause of “equality”, I am truly curious.

    1. Q. And what do people your age think to the finding in research a few years ago, whereby over half of Muslims think homosexuality should be illegal and homosexual teachers should be stopped from teaching? And the other half hurled of high-rise buildings, to their deaths?

  12. 333766+ up ticks,
    This tory (ino) political mob initially stuck the gutting knife into the United Kingdom trawlermen, now they add the twist,

    Britain and EU sign fishing deal – but it ‘won’t please everyone’
    Backlash expected from UK fishermen after Whitehall and Brussels reach agreement over sharing stocks

    Little wonder the REAL UKIP was treacherously assassinated calling for No deal, total severance, controlled immigration, the truth in all things political etc,etc, to rich for many, lies & deceit were a more comfortable route to take.

    1. Total betrayal by Johnson’s despicable government.

      I keep asking the question and I keep getting no coherent answer as to why Gove and Johnson capitulated to the EU and stuffed Britain in Northern Ireland and British fishing waters simply to get the shoddiest of shoddy ‘deals.’

      1. 333733+ up ticks,
        Morning R,
        Loyal attachment, the “deal” is the continuation link to be
        enlarged in the future, work in progress.
        REAL UKIP = Total severance.

  13. What lockdown , and what is the 21st of June all about?

    Here in these Dorsetty parts we are traffic jammed up with holiday makers .
    Moh and I had a very quick supermarket shop in our very very small Sainsbury store in Wareham . I was very surprised to see empty shelves of certain items .

    The woman on the checkout chatted to me and queried the mythical June 21st get out clause, because she said the Bank holiday shoppers had stripped the store dry, just similar to last year when everyone panic buyed. She said that families were meeting up on campsites with their motor homes and caravans tents erc, and BULK BUYING food and drink .

    The locals in Swanage were also under pressure , they also have 2 very small supermarkets , a Budgens and Coop, and it seems that shelves were also empty . The congestion on the roads is unbelievable , but many were coming further afield to shop , and guess what , empty shelves.

    The blues and twos have had a busy time , and I pity anyone who needed to be blue lighted to hospital , Oh , and I forgot to mention , the wisdom of road works , still filling in pot holes and loads of go slow traffic lights , with no men working on the roads.

    So can any one on here clarify what 21st June means , because lockdown never really happened since February!

    1. There are still some restrictions on size of gathering, face masks on public transport etc. For me the main ones are the lack of the things we used to do – the local events & talks for the Hedgehog Hospital for instance; we used to go to concerts, theatre, visit family; travel; we had a thriving table tennis league. All those things we haven’t done for more than a year and it will be very difficult to get them going again.

    2. Morning, Maggie.
      Until all the face masks, distancing, bossy notices, tannoyed messages, covid marshals, constant cat and mouse rule changing etc.. disappear, we still have coercive totalitarian control.
      Bring allowed to wander round a park does not represent freedom.

      1. I lost respect for our ruling class with Blair and his dodgy dossier but I accepted the need for a government and I’ve tried to be law-abiding.. However it’s now getting to the point where my personal worm is about to turn. I’ve had enough of the bullsh!t, the patronising condescension, the hypocrisy and the tinpot tyranny of the misanthropes who like to lord it over us.

        1. I’m disgusted with many of my fellow Britons.
          Never again dare this country sneer at 1930s Germany.
          The Beeb had a point when they zapped ‘Rule Britannia’ at the Proms. The words are a sick joke.
          Ditto ‘Land of Hope and Glory’.

    3. Good morning, Maggiebelle

      I think it is about Boris Johnson and his ‘fiend-like’ trouble and strife wanting to remind us that they can call the shots even if the shots seem to be nominal.

    4. It’s the Summer Solstice when the population will be enlightened to the scam that has been perpetuated upon them for the past 18 months..
      Well, that’s what should happen but I think the fear game will be notched up another gear and most will accept it and do what they’re told.

          1. The one on the left has identified, by the dots down her face, the line upon which to cut.

          2. These two items of detritus should be educated. They need to be told that male domestic fowl are called COCKS (or COCKERELS) in the UK.

            Only Yanks call them “roosters”.

      1. I presume that is a parody account and she’s extracting the urine!

        1. I’m thinking the same BoB. This might be coincidence but . . . Name Amaya ( Am I a ?) – @address amalaswoo ( am a lass who ? )

  14. A subject for debate.

    “Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products ‘made in China’, so they don’t show from which country it is made.
    However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits is 690-695 then it is Made in China.”

    But, as anyone with 2 braincells would suspect, it is not that straightforward.

    1. Happy Thursday Anne, I still have & use daily an aluminum comb made by ADDIS marked as ” hand finished, made in Hong Kong ” I bought the comb in London in the mid 60’s so its at least 55 years old. At the time I had very long hair ( as I do now ) and I remember that I went through a number of 6d cheap plastic combs, which tended to break easily & needed constant replacement, but this one which cost just a shilling more has lasted for so long!

      1. I think I too have one of those aluminium combs but I’ve no idea where or when I bought it.

        1. I checked on Shmoogle, they no longer make combs, just running shoes. As far as I recall I bought it in shop in South London , possibly in Camberwell Green, that sold ‘Cheap & Cheerful’ items, a sort of of Aladdin’s cave place that pre-dated Poundland & sold lots of bankrupt stock often of branded names as a discount.

          1. In the 60s, Hat, I was dating and getting really close to my 1st wife who lived in Peckham so where you bought yours might be where I bought mine. After all, Peckham is only a gnat’s cock away fro Camberwell Green.

          2. My mum used to have a friend who lived in Peckham Rye with children of my age & we used to visit her a lot and would go shopping with them in the area. There was a good & reasonably priced English & Continental restaurant I think on Peckham High St. either called the Kings or Queens restaurant. The owners were Anglo-Italian & apart from traditional English & Italian dishes they had curries & Chinese style food but they too were forced out of business as Peckham became increasingly “multi-racial” and Black gangs targeted White owned businesses with protection money demands.

          3. Today, Hat, Peckham is the classical model for all that is wrong with Londonistan under Sad Dick Khant’s regime.

            I not only avoid Peckham but avoid London like the plague that has struck it – again.

          4. I have no living relatives remaining in Londonistan, without exception all made the “Great Trek” out into the safety of the still largely peaceful English countryside decades ago & as far as I know none of their offspring were born in Londonistan . I personally have not been to the UK for almost 5 years & I have but twice visited Londonistan in the last 15 years & on both occasions whilst staying with relatives in Essex we went by train up to Londonistan to do a bit of Oxford St. shopping, a good meal in Soho & to see West End shows ( they booked tickets well in advance ) . As my cousins say London is a foreign country & when the UK left the EU they should have left London as an EU state & moved the capital elsewhere !

  15. A subject for debate.

    “Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that consumers do not prefer products ‘made in China’, so they don’t show from which country it is made.
    However, you may now refer to the barcode, remember if the first 3 digits is 690-695 then it is Made in China.”

    But, as anyone with 2 braincells would suspect, it is not that straightforward.

  16. Has everyone forgotten about Sasha Johnson? Spiked 3 June 2021.

    Does anyone else think it’s a bit weird that we seem to have forgotten about Sasha Johnson? The 27-year-old Black Lives Matter activist remains in critical condition in hospital after being shot in the head on 23 May. An 18-year-old has appeared in court charged with conspiracy to murder. Five men have been arrested in total.

    No! It pretty much is the Norm. The people who shot her we can be pretty sure were not White Lives Matter Activists! Johnson was almost certainly just posing as a Black Lives Matter Activist and was in reality pursuing more lucrative activities for which it would provide cover and accusations of Racism were she arrested. This has passed along the Grapevine and she is not being martyred because it would lead to embarrassing exposures when the case comes to court!

    1. Yes so strange, because if whitey was involved we certainly would have heard about it..

      Why can’t the press print the truth , and I am just wondering whether the gang members had form and history , hence the embarrassing silence.

    2. “…the issue of the gun and knife crime that is afflicting communities across Britain.”

      A qualifying adjective is missing from this sentence.

    3. My life was fine before I ever heard of SJ, and will be better once I never hear of, or from, her again.

  17. 333766+ up ticks,
    The latest treacherous move regarding the United Kingdom from the
    tory (ino) party, is there any truth in that they have , in a act of appeasement “Given” Grimsby to brussels.

      1. One the most godawful programmes on a 1950s Sunday afternoon. Twinned with The Clitheroe Kid.

        1. Russ Conway playing bloody ‘Sidesaddle’ and Alan Breeze murdering every song he tried. Oh and Mrs Mills with her bingo wings.

        2. I’ll add Sing Something Simple to the litany of Sunday radio crimes. It was, though, more effective than nagging to get children to take their Sunday bath before school the next day.

    1. Wakey wake?!?!?!? That doesn’t sound like Billy Cotton at all, Plum.


    1. Ah yes. Akansascide. A well documented effect of investigating the Clintons being depressed.

  18. 333766+ up ticks,
    neil starmer says,
    History shows it is far to late in the day to show such fakery for any of these political overseers and their supporter / voters.


    1. 333766+ up ticks,
      If murder, GBH, paedophilic rape & abuse were asset issues to any political party then tha lab/lib/con coalition would be country miles ahead of any within the political field, fodder to ponder.

    2. Haaaa ha ha ha haaaaaa hhaaaaaa …… (pause for breath) hhhaaaaaaa hahahahahaha ….. tbc ……………….

  19. TCW,yes,yes we bloody know!!

    “The media class are now an extension of the political elite.

    Uselessness and utter ineffectuality is common to both, and their

    incuriosity is outweighed only by their deceit. In cahoots with the

    narcissists of the political world, the media report in tones of

    untrammelled ecstasy the predictable daily manoeuvrings and machinations

    of mediocrities in SW1, but ignore the largest stories in the world

    until they are given the green light by others. They are two parts of

    the same diabolical machine.

    When the biggest stories in the world are lying at your feet and it

    takes you as a journalist nearly a year-and-a-half to talk about them

    instead of holding your nose and saying the magic words of ‘fake news

    conspiracy theory’, you need to ask yourself what precisely the point of

    you is.

    It’s certainly not ‘news’ or ‘investigative reporting’.

    It’s propaganda; nothing more, nothing less.”

    Rest here

    1. When reading a DT article, glance to your right. There are constant bossy NHS adverts. Yes, you are subsiding the media through your taxes; no editor will bite the hand that feeds him.

      1. I don’t get them, Anne, maybe the adblocker is effective on the DT. I get screams from the Daily Fail and rarely pause it unless the story might be worth reading – it often isn’t.

        1. I used to have to pause adblock on the DM or press the reload button but now I don’t need to – but if I read any of their stuff on my phone it’s full of intrusive rubbish. I thought I had adblock on my phone as well – but it doesn’t seem to work.

        1. I could string along with this thread but I think I’ll bow out. 🙂

      1. I thought the meme was identifying the ability and sagacity of ginger moggies but if you think they’re not clever enough, then…

        I’ll risk a downvote as well.

    1. Comment from a passer-by, “It’s just the neegas getting uppity again.”

    2. In the DM today

      Night of CARNAGE in the capital: Machete thugs hack each other in
      Greenwich, mob attacks police in Brixton where man is SHOT while men are
      stabbed in Shepherd’s Bush and Norwood over eight blood-drenched hours
      in London

    1. Its money she was owed for services rendered when she was HS then PM.
      This way,it can’t be traced.

    2. The traitorous bitch gets paid even when there is no one there to listen. It’s called pay back for services rendered.

      1. Similar scam to the “book” deals with vast payments upfront. These are the new ‘brown envelopes’ of popular infamy.

  20. Morning all…Anyone else have a similar problem with Royal Mail as I’m putting together an article on how they operate?

    An 80 year old friend has collected lighters for many a year and asked me to sell some online. One was a very rare Swiss made lighter from the 1930’s which I sold for £100. Because of its rarity, I sent it special delivery at a cost of over £7. Royal Mail decided to send it by plane (withinn the UK) and the package was scanned and the lighter was sent to the dangerous goods office in Northern Ireland…remember it was deemed potentially dangerous to fly to the buyer…and I got a letter saying that it had been disposed of.

    The dangerous goods brochure I picked up at the post office said lighters with inflamable fuel or gas can’t be sent which is fair enough. However, this particular lighter had been in storage for more than 30 years and had no fuel or even residue inside. The dangerous goods people still deemed this expensive (why else would it be sent special delivery) lighter to be dangerous and with no discussion at all, they simply destroyed an historic item and refuse to pay compensation. Speaking to various customer services within Royal Mail shows that the dangerous goods team are untouchable and if they simply say something is dangerous then nobody can question them.

    Has anybody had similar experiences as I’m forwarding as much info as possible to Trading Standards who have opened a case for this?

      1. I didn’t ask for it to be sent via airmail and when they scanned it and deemed it potentially dangerous to fly…all they needed to do was divert it overland but instead flew it to Northern Island (or sent it on a ferry full of people) having deemed it potentially dangerous.

          1. Nope…they destroyed it…so they say!. Now an 80 year old pensioner is totally distraught having lost the rare lighter he’d had in storage for over 30 years…I’m £107 out of pocket…and a piece of history has been trashed.

    1. You can probably pick it up at an auction.

      Find out the nearest auction house to the dangerous goods office

      1. That’s what I said to Royal Mail….”Will I see it for sale on Ebay in the future and then sent via Royal Mail to whoever buys it”.

    2. The mail system is collapsing throughout the world. Letters from England sent at the premium rate are taking up to four weeks to arrive in France and first class letters from within France often take a week to reach us.

      Contrast this with the postal service in 1984 – 85 when I took a sabbatical year to sail to the Caribbean via Spain Portugal, Madeira, and the Canaries and, after cruising around the Windward, Leeward and Virgin Islands returned via Bermuda and the Azores. I sent a postcard to my mother each week and at every new port of call and every single card reached her. I also picked up letters at poste restante addresses and again not one went astray.

      Grizzly is right – the human race is walking backwards towards oblivion.

      We haven’t been able to do any sailing since 2019 because of Covid restrictions and Mianda is sitting sadly on the marina hard at Marmaris. But here is a picture of Raua, the boat in which I made the Caribbean trip, approaching the finish line at Fowey regatta in 1983.

    3. Must be the team that developed their computer cash tracking system.

    4. Special delivery comes with insurance doesn’t it? It certainly used to that’s why we posted PC systems special delivery.

      1. It does which is why I used special delivery. However, because some faceless wonder decided the lighter was dangerous when I know for sure that it wasn’t…they won’t pay compensation or refund the £7 + postage I paid.

      1. I sent the item to an UK address and it was Royal Mail who decided to fly it. All they needed to do was re-route it overland but instead sent it to Northern Ireland (by plane or passenger ferry even though it was deemed dangerous to send to the recipient).

      1. You know that won’t happen – everything to the greedy “We want everything for free GIMMEGRUNTS” – – So much for they only want safety. – -Sunak will be shoving them millions – and ALL future illegals will be expecting straight into the new houses on the new estates – or else a claim. Then they will want a car on the drive as well etc etc.

          1. Talking of little girls……. the DM says Gary Glitter may be released from prison soon……… cue shock, horror – what about all those “asian” perps in our towns all over the country who get released back into the community?

          2. They come here in inflatables why can’t they be satisfied with inflatables.

    1. I personally think that barracks are too good for them. I bet our homeless veterans would jump at the chance of being housed there.

      On the other hand, the best one for the gimmegrunts would be Saxa Vord (decommissioned if still in use) on the Shetlands, provided we made it escape proof and erected a sign over the gate in the Arabic version of ‘Arbeit Macht Frei‘ Google translate tells me that that is العمل يحررك. Arabic scholars may correct.

    2. This defies belief. What sort of court makes such a decision? And how does filth like Mitchell ever get elected to parliament?

      They should be put on a ship anchored some miles off the coast and then the law-breaking migrants taken back back to France without delay.

      What sort of court makes such a decision?

      And now that odious liar, Andrew Mitchell, who called a policeman a pleb and got sacked for it, is organising a revolt in Parliament against reducing foreign aid and there will be a vote on it during the meeting of world leaders bleeders known as the Cornish Fiasco.

      Government faces Commons defeat if it fails to back down on foreign aid cut, senior Tories warn
      Rishi Sunak, the Chancellor, used his Comprehensive Spending Review to cut the overseas aid budget by one third last month
      (December DT)

      1. Why does it defy belief?

        Ministers knew in 2013 the barracks weren’t fit for habitation and as it was unused they let it rot further.

    3. They were good enough for our soldiers. That tells you something about this country.

        1. Why did they come through ?? many countries – all NOT at war – to get to the UK? They came to get as much as possible – for FREE. . . .If 40 million arrive then do we have to have 40 million new houses for them – for US to pay for? Do we have to house and fund Africaa and half of Asia? – – HERE in the UK?

          1. Yes I know, but it doesn’t matter how they got here or why, the fact is we took responsibility for them and then put them in a dangerous building. That’s just not on.

          2. They decided to set off across the Channel – their decision. Crossing Europe was no threat. They should NOT have been allowed in. Now they expect what? 5 star hotels and everything for free?
            If I decide to walk across a motorway and get hit by a vehicle – Do I complain I wasn’t took to a private very expensive hospital? NO.

          3. I agree it was their decision to make a perilous journey, but having made it instead of simply sending them right back where they came from we took them on, and had a responsibility to keep them safe. Putting them in unsafe accommodation which was deemed unsafe eight years ago and hasn’t billeted soldiers in thirty years, so has had no repairs for thirty years was an act of abject stupidity by Pritti Useless.

          4. Any building that is inflammable may be considered dangerous. They deliberately set fire to it.

            We did not take responsibility for them, they arrived uninvited. They were at perfect liberty to look at what was on offer and if the accommodation wasn’t to their liking they should have returned to France.

          5. It was deemed uninhabitable eight years ago and hasn’t been repaired because the land is being sold off for housing so it’ll all be flattened.
            Priti Useless housed them there deliberately, knowing it was a condemned building. She deserves all she gets.
            I’m not saying they should have been put up in the lap of luxury, but it should have been safe.

          6. If these people were genuine, Napier Barracks will in all probability have been an improvement on what they left. Had they managed to avoid border farce they would have vanished into their “communities” and quite probably have ended up in even worse conditions.

            With few genuine exceptions they are invaders on the take and should not be in the UK at all.

            The majority of them will have paid significant sums to get here so they weren’t destitute. To Hell with them, if they don’t like what is offered they can go back.

          7. If they were ‘genuine’ they wouldn’t have come to an island. Of course they weren’t genuine, but instead of sticking them on a boat back to France we temporarily housed them taking responsibility for their safety. Housing people in a condemned building just isn’t safe. Now they are likely to make claims against the UK government which I don’t see how they could lose. That will cost more than sticking them somewhere safe in the first place.

          8. If they are awarded compensation they should be told it is all being used for their upkeep.

            What on Earth makes you think France would accept them back? France is delighted to be shot of them.

          9. Then deport them back to their origin state. Personally I don’t care where we deported them to, but having kept them we had a duty to do our best to keep them safe until we can deport them.
            They were not genuine asylum seekers. We’re an island. We shouldn’t get any asylum seekers unless we’ve invited them in because a friendly state asked us to and we agreed.
            As they are not genuine asylum seekers we could quite legitimately send them back to the middle-east or wherever they came from.

          10. Agreed, but they destroy their papers.

            I suggest we bribe the President of Namibia or somewhere similar to take any that are sent.

            Better still, let’s get a consortium of European states to colonise a suitable bit of Africa, say the Skeleton Coast, and then ship them all there to make a living.

    1. Begun by the previous Landlord.
      There was a saying “Going to Ible for the hen races” a local variant of “mind your own business” and he brought the Ible Hen Races to Bonsall.

  21. Woke hypocrites are fuelling a terrifying rise in anti-Semitism

    An obsessive, singular demonisation of Israel is at the heart of a new wave of anti-Jewish hatred


    J’accuse: anti-Semitism, that oldest of hatreds, the othering of Jews, is making a terrifying comeback across the West, fuelled by a toxic confluence of the intelligentsia’s embrace of woke ideology, a resurgence of Islamist extremism and the sewer that is social media.

    Boris Johnson, Priti Patel, Robert Jenrick: I know you care, but now is the time for action, a genuine crackdown, a policy of zero tolerance to ensure that Britain is free of this despicable poison once again. Mere words are not enough.

    Everywhere one looks, in Britain, Europe and America, anti-Jewish hatred is surging. The UK’s Community Security Trust recorded its highest ever number of anti-Semitic incidents in May. A rabbi was assaulted. There have been inflammatory anti-Semitic slogans on marches purporting to support Palestinians. A Jewish hospital nurse was told by strangers in a lift: “I want to kill all your people”. One Jewish teacher in North London explains that pupils tried to stick “Free Palestine” stickers in her hair. Teachers and actors have been forced to resign from their unions, and anti-Semitic tweets and posts have proliferated.

    All forms of racism are evil and must be fought, including the endemic hatred of Muslims that is rife in many European countries. I make no apology for focusing on just anti-Semitism for this column, however. Why? Virtually all intelligent people are rightly committed to eradicating all other forms of racism, but some who should know better are inadvertently fuelling or turning a blind eye to anti-Jewish racism, an ominous development.

    The old anti-Semitism – the fascist, far-Right variety, the middle class “golf club” prejudices, the ancient tropes about banking, the lies about who killed Christ, the deranged Blood Libel, invented in Norwich in 1144, all remain socially unacceptable. But anti-Semitism keeps on reinventing itself to suit the ages, inevitably finding useful idiots to promulgate it.

    The new, toxic, more acceptable variety is an obsessive, singular hatred of Israel, demonised as the prototype oppressor, racist, “apartheid” state, the only country that doesn’t deserve to exist, an approach pushed relentlessly by the radical woke storm-troopers who have captured Western academic, cultural and commercial institutions. Even seemingly moderate people now parrot extreme, one-sided, ignorant claims on the subject, believing that they are signalling their virtue.

    This is going hand-in-hand with Jews being pressurised across the West to disavow Israel, something that no other group would ever be asked to do in relation to any other country. All of this has made it easier for a resurgent Islamist movement that the British state has done too little to control since David Cameron left office to propagate its own propaganda. Here, traditional anti-Semitism butresses the anti-Zionist narrative: Israel, we are told, engages in conspiracies and controls the media.

    Such implacable hatred mustn’t be confused with legitimate disagreements with, or robust criticism of, Israeli policy or politicians – the Israelis themselves specialise in this – or a desire to help Palestinians (and Jews) trapped in a never-ending cycle of pain. A two-state solution with a sustainable regional deal to allow Jews and Arabs to live in peace is surely the only answer to end this barbaric conflict. But any analysis of a fiendishly complex, long-lasting and nuanced situation must be rational, fact-based, historically and theologically informed, contextualised and non-utopian. It shouldn’t be based on lies or deliberate distortions aimed at triggering more hate.

    Those distortions are everywhere. When was the last time Left-wing celebrities tweeted in support of a peace deal for the Tigray war involving Eritrea, Ethiopia and Sudan, which has cost thousands of lives this year? Or the 13,000 Muslim deaths in Afghanistan this year? Or the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, which claimed 7,687 lives last year? Or the insurgency in the Maghreb and the 7,000 lives lost there? Where are the protests, the demos, the flags in football stadiums? The usual “activists” are only concerned by wars that involve Israel. Is that not just a little suspicious?

    One argument is that Israel is a democracy, so should be held to a higher standard. But so is Turkey, and I can’t recall the tweets defending the Kurds or speaking out against Erdogan. Context matters: Israel is the only democracy under constant attack by neighbours that keep threatening to annihilate it.

    The relentless attacks on Zionism, the movement dedicated to creating and maintaining a Jewish state, is in practice equally anti-Semitic. Virtually all Jews – and most other religious minorities – have been ethnically cleansed from the Middle East in recent decades. Jews have nowhere else to go but Israel; the Zionist project is their only chance. Anti-Zionism – or fashionable calls for a one-state solution that would turn Israeli Jews into a minority again, now amplified by some media outlets – is irresponsible.

    A central claim of woke critical theorists and social justice warriors is that “white supremacy,” oppression and colonialism explain the world’s problems; but while they are obsessed with identity politics, one minority, namely Jews, doesn’t count, as David Baddiel has put it. The wokerati are especially exercised by Israel, a proud nation-state which has no time for self-hatred. Yet it is absurd to describe Israelis as “white” colonialists: it negates the unbroken connection between the diaspora (the clue is in the name) and the land of Israel. The majority of Israelis are refugees, or the children of refugees, from North Africa and the Middle East. Some 2-3 per cent of Israeli Jews are black Africans, primarily Ethiopians.

    The woke concept of white supremacy is catastrophically flawed. It cannot comprehend the most monstrous crime, the Holocaust, which saw one group of white people – the Nazis – exterminate another – European Jews. “White privilege” didn’t stop the gas chambers.

    This madness must end. We need a sensible debate on Middle East peace, not anti-Israeli hysteria that is fuelling anti-Semitism. We need the Government to win its war on woke. We need a new strategy to root out Islamist extremism in Britain. Who are the people inciting hatred, and why are they being allowed to ply their trade? The Government must act before it is too late.

    1. I gather there were lots of comments on the DT, all now vapourised……… free speech lives!

      1. No, the comments are still there, although reading them will spoil your day.

        1. I don’t go to the DT these days – I rely on you posting the interesting bits.

        2. They disappeared for half an hour then reappeared (on my iPhone , my iPad & my friends phone, so definitely disappeared).

    2. “…fascist, far-Right variety…”
      Fascism is of the Left. No such thing as Far Right fascism – like saying an extreme right wing Communist.

    3. Nobody should be surprised by the fact that the resurgence of anti-Semitic attacks in western countries is being lead by Muslims, the Muslim Brotherhood, the dominant force behind all the Muslim groups & factions worldwide – from terror groups, to political & cultural groups, to NGO’s & charities – was the first foreign political group to establish links with Adolf’s Hitlers newly established National Socialist party in the early 1930’s & this progressed to outright support of the aims of Hitler’s Germany during WW2 in exterminating the Jews of Europe & supporting Rommel’s attempt to seize Egypt & the Suez Canal during WW2 with the aim of establishing an Arab puppet government in Mandatory Palestine which would implement the “Final Solution” for all the Jews in the mid-East & north Africa under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhoods neo-Nazi war criminal the Grand Mufti Mohammed Amin al-Husseini who spent the war years as Hitler’s personal guest in Berlin & raised 3 Muslim SS Divisions to serve in the Balkans & as SS concentration camp guards

    4. Nobody should be surprised by the fact that the resurgence of anti-Semitic attacks in western countries is being lead by Muslims, the Muslim Brotherhood, the dominant force behind all the Muslim groups & factions worldwide – from terror groups, to political & cultural groups, to NGO’s & charities – was the first foreign political group to establish links with Adolf’s Hitlers newly established National Socialist party in the early 1930’s & this progressed to outright support of the aims of Hitler’s Germany during WW2 in exterminating the Jews of Europe & supporting Rommel’s attempt to seize Egypt & the Suez Canal during WW2 with the aim of establishing an Arab puppet government in Mandatory Palestine which would implement the “Final Solution” for all the Jews in the mid-East & north Africa under the leadership of the Muslim Brotherhoods neo-Nazi war criminal the Grand Mufti Mohammed Amin al-Husseini who spent the war years as Hitler’s personal guest in Berlin & raised 3 Muslim SS Divisions to serve in the Balkans & as SS concentration camp guards

    5. Some years ago I made a feeble joke about the French novelist, Emile Zola, inventing a bath that squirted water at you from different angles. At least some people understood enough to give a groan.

    1. Anyone interested in coming on a residential Sixth Formers’ French course in Brittany this summer?

      1. Problem is if you allow barbarism in just once, it preads. The lack of discipline creates a society without boundaries or borders.

        Children- especially the adult variety – need those limitations on their actions or you don’t have society, you have anarchy.

    1. We went to Greenwich for the tall ships event, not long after Lee Rigby was murdered nearby. We felt extremely uneasy walking around. It reminded us of Djibouti. 1976.

  22. I’m sitting waiting for a call back from 111 I tried to ring my local hospital and they cut me off twice after two rings I tried to ring 111 and they are extremely busy…..
    I went on line and filled in a laborious form and a survey questionnaire. I was told that some one will ring me back in half an hour nearly 55 minutes ago. But everything is okay (sarc) when I rang my GP surgery last (1st) Tuesday morning, I had a message later saying my GP will ring me Friday after noon.
    It’s just Another dusty delta day….and I read that due to another West Wales out break delta is the new variant do you think they are taking the piss……….. once again ??
    While I have time, I may be wrong but i have every reason to believe that these two recent episode of Afib are linked to the AZ Jabs i had. About 4 weeks after the first Jab in January I had problems early March and eventually went A&E (12th April) and was referred to cardiology (I had tests but have heard nothing). Second jab beginning of May and this bout started about two weeks ago. I try to speak to some one in cardiology last Tuesday morning told a nurse what was wrong, she said the Doctor would ring back still waiting !!

      1. But i’m feeling rather smug because last year I simply refused to stand out side our front door and clap in general, for the NHS.
        But there is no doubt at all in my mind that it’s clapped out.

    1. Morning Eddy

      Ringing 111 would be better, they answer your call and are sensible , and they assess the situation you are in .. and will chivvy things along quicker .

      When I had my severe headache post second jab 3 weeks ago which went on for 3 days , and when a Nottler told me to seek help via 111 , which was very succesful,and an emergency appt was made for me to see a GP in an assessment clinic at local hospital where upon I was then sent straight along to A+E because my B/P was incredibly high .

      Please ring 111 now, you NEED to be seen asap.

      1. I tried it TB they are too busy to speak to any one who’ll be at the rear of the queue, i suspect as we live in a much more populated area it’s the norm. I filled in the form well over an hour ago and they told me that they’d ring back within half an hour. I’m okay if i sit around and don’t try to do anything strenuous. The heart beat slows considerably when I sit doing nothing…… long as i avoid TV politics and the news😉 🤗

        1. I contacted them on line , and after a few hours when no call materialised , I actually rang 111, i was in no fit state to ring , but I did, the back of my head radiating to my left ear felt terrible, and I was flushed and my heart was racing . Moh couldn’t understand what was wrong with me .

          I had a CT scan of my head , looking for clots etc , and ECG, and was monitored hourly, my temp was slightly raised , the medics told me that I had reacted to AZ jab, and reactions were not that common , people still had them!!

          Politics and the news are a bad trigger, as is my car which was repaired last week which has now been borrowed by my son, because his VW Passat turbo blew !
          Please try to relax .

          1. I have had a reply Tb a very nice guy who looked at my records and understood all i had to say he is going to speak to my GP practice and some one will phone me back this afternoon. He said only GPs can book appointments with specialists but as i am registered with the cardio’s at Lister. They might invite me in to give me the needed examination either tomorrow or early next week. Part of the work was already done three weeks ago. I told him of my suspicions that the Jab set this off and i could tell he wasn’t going to commit on that which can be taken either way.

      2. I also had severe head aches right at the back of my neck and a badly bloodshot left eye. One of my nephews who lives in County Durham had the same problems head aches and a bloody eye.

    2. Isn’t the Delta Covid variant the Indian one, re-named. Read somewhere that India didn’t want to get blamed for it so . . . .

      1. I think they are making it up as they go along. As it’s the Welsh variant, “It’s not unusual” is it ? There’s luvvley.

        1. How many more “variants” will they come up with? How many more countries are left? This will be never-ending.

          1. Another 190+ to go.
            Then there are counties, states, departments and a zillion other ways of defining regions.
            Next, cities, towns, villages …..

    3. Still waiting an hour and a half later. Good job I didn’t hold my breath.

    4. Sorry to hear that.

      I have had need to contact the Vascular department at my local and all i am getting is an answerphone.

    5. It could be worth investing in Kardia Mobile ECG device which is clinically approved for use in the NHS:

      AliveCor’s Kardia Mobile Electrocardiogram (ECG) device is a mobile heart monitor that allows
      individuals to detect, monitor, and manage heart arrhythmias with automatic analysis. AliveCor’s
      Kardia captures ECG recordings of the heart using FDA-cleared machine algorithms in just 30
      seconds, anytime and anywhere, providing instant feedback.
      From a strip that can be optionally attached to the back of most Apple and Android devices, the
      device captures an ECG recording and detects atrial fibrillation simply by pressing two fingers from
      each hand on the device. The app-based service also allows its user to share the data with their
      doctor for analysis and diagnosis. The rhythm strip is produced as a PDF for diagnosis, sharing and
      storage into the electronic health record. The European Society of Cardiology, August 2016 AF
      guidelines state that a rhythm strip is sufficient to diagnose AF1
      In addition to ECG recordings, the device can be used to capture shortness of breath, heart
      palpitations, dietary habits, sleep and exercise patterns.
      Based on the number of published, peer-reviewed clinical studies using Kardia Mobile, Kardia is the
      most clinically-validated mobile ECG available.
      Selected for the NIA in July 2015, it is currently being used in over 38 NHS organisations including GP
      practices and acute trusts across all 15 Academic Health Science Networks, enabling the recording of
      two million ECGs across the UK. This includes a trial within Care City NHS Test Bed in north east
      London, where the device is being used within community pharmacies to screen people over 65
      years old.
      The AliveCor Heart Monitor and AliveECG app (application) were CE-marked to AliveCor as a Class IIa
      medical device in January 2015 (NICE Medtech innovation briefing [MIB35]).

      Here’s the latest offering:

  23. Good letter in The Grimes today – I have always assumed that the eye-watering “test” fees were a scam:

    “Sir, your article on pre-travel coronavirus testing (“Testing system ‘carnage’ could keep foreign holidays on hold”, news, Jun 2) outlines the costs associated with this government-mandated income stream for private pathology laboratories and associated middlemen. To put the prices of up to £399 in context, the cost of chemicals, leased equipment and staff for these automated tests is about£10-£15 per test. This is why Greek laboratories can provide the same service profitably for €40. Profiteering during the world wars was severely punished under criminal law, in the present global battle it is being positively encouraged by our own government.

    Dr Richard Cunningham, consultant microbiologist,
    Yelverton, Devon”

    1. Does Dr Richard have a Cunningham plan to profit from being a middleman?

    1. My reply has vanished ?? I think i had better go and hide in the woods 🤔

      1. Be thankful only your reply has vanished – – – wait until you get a knock on the door at 3am . .. . . .

  24. To brighten your day – apparently Black Fungus is the next “variant” of the plague – which will justify shutting down the UK completely for ever.

        1. I am a jolly farmer, I live life to the full, if I feel like some excitement I go out an milk the Bull !
          A little ditty that was sung by us rowdy kids in my school back in London!

    1. I thought that was a fortnight ago in India.
      Or was it last week?
      I’ve completely lost rack. Today we had coffee with fellow human beings (family doesn’t count).
      If I stop posting, you’ll know the Allan Towers front door has been forcibly removed by passing plods.

  25. 333733+ up ticks,
    Illegal Boat Migrants Threaten ‘Mob Unrest’ If Taxpayer-Funded Housing Demands Not Met

    Can one blame them it is surely noŧ them at fault as much as the indigenous supporter / voters of the mass uncontrolled immigration parties who encourage these unfortunate, (escaping from a free country is stressful) to come here where they can find stress relief via a house and a welfare check.

    The governance party supporter / voters really must try harder after
    putting their names & giving the party their consent over the decades, they must surely fulfill their commitments.

    1. Just shoot the feckers. I’m tired of this nonsense.

      They are here illegally. They have no status whatsoever. No one to miss them, it can’t be murder as they’ve no names – they’re not evevn in the penal system.

      1. Tired of this nonsense – not quite the words I’d use – but we know how you feel – and don’t want a ban.

      2. 333766+ up tcks,
        Afternoon W,
        OK, that has taken care of the politico’s now how about these
        immigrants escaping from these free countries ?

        They’re not even in the penal system, YET but they sure are in the welfare system.

    2. The BBC News reporting at lunchtime that another invaders court case has gone against the Home Office. The claim apparently was confinement in too small a space, Covid cases and now the possibility of compensation claims for illegal imprisonment. All this at taxpayers expense. Who are these solicitors who are taking on these cases?
      This government is not fit for purpose.

      1. 333766+ up ticks,
        Afternoon Cs,
        “This government is not fit for purpose” this has been the case plainly seen for the last three decades, the governance politico’s run inhouse ersatz opposition purely to satisfy their membership and others of a gullible nature, all the time the governance moves forward with it’s own agenda.

        The political killers and treacherous minions regarding the
        taking down of the REAL UKIP have a great deal to answer for.

        333766+ up ticks,

        333766+ ticks,
        Afternoon Cs,

        333733+ up tick

      2. 6 residents raised the complaint and Judge Linden judged that the Home Office had acted illegally by the use of the Napier Barracks in Kent.
        The possible compensation is thought to be modest. No comments allowed on the recently posted article on the subject.

  26. Police officers attacked in Brixton at scene of suspected shooting and stabbing. 3 June 2021.

    Responding to what the Met described as a “serious incident” on Wednesday night, officers were attacked by a large group of men while attending the scene.

    Dozens of riot police descended on the area after the attack, during which a large group of people were reportedly throwing objects such as rocks and bottles at the officers and their vehicles.

    There are no close ups but the video confirms any unworthy suspicions you might have!

    1. Nothing changes in Brixton jewel of the Caribbean ! When I was a lad in the 1960’s I had a neighbour who was one of the many White stallholders forced out of the Granville Arcade in Brixton by Black gangsters who firebombed shops & beat up owners who refused to pay protection money to them. At first the police in Brixton did attempt to catch the thugs but after the unarmed plods were attacked by the Black community with all manner of weapons every time they tried to make arrests they gave up & left the area unpatrolled & so White flight began in earnest from Brixton & with it the establishment of the UK’s first ever No Go area with the accompanying spike in murder, drug dealing, rapes & crime in general that turned South London into the Jungle!

      1. Despite the crime rates in and against blacks, it’s clear there is a problem in the black community. Not all of them are violent thugs, but you respond to reflect your environment.

        The rise in crime needs to be dealt with – not as an issue of racce, but looking at the root cause of that environment, culture and society.

        1. The problem has no long term solution & no amount of reverse discrimination ( a completely immoral practice ) will change anything because even with free education including university education you cannot change the fact that African people are in general genetically Low IQ & will always be so & with Low IQ ( Sub 80 ) comes violence & criminality. Refusing to recognize this fact is why the West is in decline & this has come about as the result of Marxist-Socialism & its devastating economic & social policies taking root in the West under the guise of Social democracy & so called liberal values !

          1. That’s simply not true. Being black is simply a difference of melanin.

            The reality is there are deep rooted sociological issues in – let’s take inner London.

            There’s a massive prevalence of single parent families, crime is high. It needs to be understood why that is. Is it welfare? Is it the jobs people get? is it inherent in culture? If so, then it needs to be unwound and exposed. The solution isn’t throwing money at the problem. It’s ignoring the skin colour – difficult for the Left – and accepting the real issues at hand.

          2. Sorry but it is all down to genetic IQ levels & that is why it will never change. The solution is separation – in this case repatriation, by force if needs be & until there is a another civil war in the West the situation will continue as it suits politicians to get the votes of the terminally stupid!

          3. Isn’t this all to do with the Yardie influence.. Jamaicans, who caused absolute havoc years ago, and still do, bit like bad blood .

          4. Belle I truly believe that the average IQ of those of African descent is significantly lower than that of the average European & that the many studies into IQ over the years consistently show no significant increase in IQ level of the generations of people of ethnic African peoples born & educated in the West than those born and educated in post-colonial independent African states.

          5. One theory is that we all originated in Africa.
            Maybe all those with get up and go – got up and went. (Thank you, Saki.)

          6. I remember a TV program when Alice Roberts told the audience they had found a skull in a cave in the south west of England and made a black model of the alleged previous owner. I couldn’t imagine how this single person managed to get to Somerset during the ice age from Africa. He must have left home aged around two. Or alternatively i’m not sure when the northern hemisphere was ever as hot as Africa to cause such widespread suntan as to leave a significant mark. Only one person mind you. Take a look, do any of you believe this ?


          7. Without a doubt the more intelligent humanoid species left Africa & as a result gained vast knowledge & great experience of other environments & invented new things unlike those that remained & became more & more inbred .

          8. Assuming that you are not having a stab at satire, that is one of the most repugnant comments that I have ever read on this forum.

          9. Hi Tim, you can bury your head in the proverbial sand as much as you wish, but the reality is that Black & White mixing does not equate to either equality or racial harmony.

          10. IMO one of the best posts I’ve ever read from you.

            The cuts were the real problem. Many of these people live in the lowest two income deciles in the most expensive town in the country. They lost thousands due to austerity. So crime took off as I said it would at the time ‘Call me Dave the Dickhead’ got elected.

      2. As i said earlier re Woolwich, it reminded us of Djibouti.
        The SS Australis docked after traveling through the sewage canal. It was hot as we walked the plank to the dock side. The French were still in charge at the time and armed police were on the streets. The taxi driver tried to charge four of us twice were were told it would cost. So we levt the ships crews instructed amount on the seat. We walk around in absolute squalor there was a body in a bag on the street a skip in the market place you couldn’t see across the top of because of swarms of flies. Old won men sitting on the ground with unrecognisable pieces of of meat in old tin cans trying to sell it. So we found a bar and ordered 4 drinks two beers and two cokes, the barman came out and rubbed the prices out on the Menu board and increased the cost by about 100%. When we had finished Dave who was a wily ex-merchant seaman, said i’m going to leave the amount of the original costs and a small tip on the table and we are going, …now ! It all kicked off, if you can imagine a scene from Indiana Jones the locals tried to grab our ladies bag’s and Dave an I had to tip dozens of chairs over as we ran out to stop the bastards from robbing us. We got away and there were still some gendarmes around, but we didn’t make a fuss, and we went back to the ship. And later it set sail for Freemantle Perth. Which is were i wished we lived right now.

    1. I could of told the members of my English classes the difference between of and off, lose and loose and practice and practise but I would’ve had to have been careful when explaining the apostrophised form of could have!

    1. I have never pretended to be a competent engineer or even a competent mechanic but I remember when I was an ‘arts’ student taking the cylinder head off the engine of my MGA and using a stick with as suction pad at each end and some graphite paste and rotating the stick quickly back and forth between my palms until I got a good airtight seal between the valve and the cylinder head. I also changed the clutch on my old Triumph Roadster and sent the engine block of the MG to an engineering workshop where the 1489 cc engine was bored out to 1588 cc. and I fitted new pistons and piston rings.
      In the days when I was still snapping whippers most moderately intelligent people could, with the help of a workshop manual, undertake most jobs on their cars. Nowadays the amateur mechanic doesn’t have a chance.

      1. Financial engine, you are asking too much.

        Try asking some youngster to change an electric plug or even a fuse.

      2. Blimey Rastus, grinding valves with graphite paste must have taken a while! I used carborundum paste on my dad’s car’s valves, when at the age of 16 during the summer holidays, armed with nothing more than a Haynes manual, bags of enthusiasm and a great deal of over-confidence, I decided to strip down his engine and overhaul it!

        Makes me shudder thinking about it today. Goodness only knows what he must have thought, but he didn’t object to me trying, and the exercise was successful (eventually). He had to take the bus to work for about a month!

  27. Ecomentalism gave us the flammable insulation disaster that was Grenfell and thousands of unsaleable flats……….

    Heat pumps say “Hold My Beer” as the chemicals involved poison our very drinking water……..

    “Due to the extremely high persistence and mobility of TFA and

    trifluoroacetate, the increasing use of halogenated substitutes with low

    global warming potentials leads to growing pollution of the groundwater

    and drinking water resources. Since persistent substances remain in the

    environment for a long time and neither effective natural mechanisms

    nor acceptable technical processes for removing TFA from drinking water

    resources are known, potential harm to the environment and humans can

    only be prevented by minimizing the input of TFA and its precursors.

    Even if the deposition of TFA and its pre-cursors were to cease

    immediately, an extremely long-lived substance such as TFA or

    trifluoroacetate would remain in the environment for at least several

    decades.” (p. 47)”

    In light of the serious health risks of heat pumps revealed by the

    German Environment Agency, the government should halt its plans and

    undertake an environmental impact assessment of current heat pumps

    before rushing knowingly into a public health fiasco.

    The rollout

    of heat pumps is a classic case of over-hasty activism with unintended

    consequences. Refrigerants adopted because of concerns about ozone layer

    damage and global warning potential turn out to have serious public

    health risks because of dangerous effects on drinking water.”
    Signal that Green Virtue,Damn the consequences!!!!

    1. Just another way to reduce the population in favour of the Caliphate. Poison the water except in Slammer territory.

    1. I’m surprised he managed to get a seat I thought Phoney Bliar was still in there.

      1. But this cannot be a true representation of the unhappy couple as the car is tilting to the left instead of to the right with all the excess weight of Fatso Johnson!

  28. Migrants film Channel dash on TIKTOK! Asylum seeker gives V for Victory sign in social media clip as his boat hurtles towards Kent coast – while Border Force detain arrival in £175 jacket after nearly 1,000 land in six days
    4,016 migrants crossed Channel so far this year, including 857 in six days between last Friday and yesterday
    157 people arrived yesterday, but 2021 total doesn’t include at least 58 migrants brought ashore this morning
    Dover’s Tory MP Natalie Elphicke urges France to take back asylum seekers caught crossing in small boats
    People smuggling gangs taking advantage of calm seas to send over hundreds of would-be asylum seekers

    he video emerged as the number of migrants who have crossed the English Channel so far this year hit 4,016 – with nearly a quarter of them, 857, completing the journey on calm seas in just the past six days.

    MPs have urged France to take back asylum seekers caught crossing in small boats as people smuggling gangs take advantage of the warm and settled weather to send hundreds of would-be asylum seekers to Britain.

    At least 13 migrants were brought ashore to Dover Marina in Kent on the first boat this morning, including one wearing an expensive ‘Anti-Social Social Club’ jacket who was pictured being led away by a Border Force official.

    The man’s jacket, officially called a ‘2016 Anti Social Social Club ‘No Expectations’ black button flannel’, is by the Los Angeles brand and is available online for between £92 and £175, but cannot be bought new from the retailer.

    A second group of migrants were then photographed arriving at Dover later in the morning today, with at least 36 seen on the Border Force boat Hunter – including two young children, helped to shore by officials. Separately, a group of 19 migrants including a toddler and a baby landed on the beach alone the Kent coast at Dymchurch.

    So far in 2021, the total number of migrants to reach the UK stands at well over double the running total at the same point last year, of 1,737. The 2021 total includes 157 people arriving yesterday, but not today’s arrivals.

    Last month saw 1,619 migrants make the perilous journey – up 118 per cent on the 741 who arrived in May last year. This figure included 336 migrants reaching Britain aboard 19 boats last Friday – the busiest day of the year so far.

    The Home Office confirmed a further 132 people reached the UK aboard small boats on Tuesday. Eyewitnesses had reported another 50 arrivals yesterday morning, before the total for yesterday was later confirmed as 157.

    A flurry of late crossings yesterday saw a lifeboat called out to help deal with at least two boats. Families and many young children were rescued, and some were seen waving as they were brought into Dover Marina for processing

    1. MPs have urged France to take back asylum seekers caught crossing in small boats as people smuggling gangs take advantage of the warm and settled weather to send hundreds of would-be asylum seekers to Britain.

      “No answer came the deafening reply.”

      Demand our £28,000,000 back plus a white flag – or we’ll bomb Paris.

      1. If you go to the White cliffs at night and listen – you can hear them laughing as they set off. So much for PP and sidekick O’Mahoney.

    1. Shorts and tee shirts here.
      Just had a conversation with my GP he’s going to get the ball rolling at last. And there ‘could be a link’ with the jab.

      1. Tee shirts and shorts here too in a very warm (26ºC) and sunny southern Sweden.

    2. I did some pottering with the plants, and then sat outside reading for a while……… came inside when it got somewhat chillier.

      1. Son was going to work on Tuesday and his turbo on his Passat blew . He was five miles away so turned back brought his car home , and used mine to get to work .. So I am with out a car again ! Moh needs his for golf!!!!

        Son has removed bits from his car and has just about accessed the turbo , to remove it , and hopefully will find another one .. it has taken courage to do it I guess.

        I am wearing a fleece at the moment , we had a trickle of rain earlier , not very much , so plants will need the hose again. Runner beans are doing well , hedgehog must be feeding on the slugs!

        1. I hope he doesn’t eat too many – they carry lungworm which makes hedgehogs very ill, and can be fatal.

          Hope you get your car back soon – it’s frustrating isn’t it – wait till everyone has to share an electric one or rely on the (non-existent) bus service.

      2. I finally got the shuttering for next stage of the wall started and then did a bit of hand weeding on the bit of garden the DT is supposed to be looking after when she’s not running down to Bursledon & back to clear her mum’s place.
        If I get the shuttering finished tomorrow I might get the concrete mixed & laid over the weekend.
        I’ll need some more concrete blocks as I’ve only a dozen left and will probably need a ¼yard of building sand for the mortar.

  29. Now Man City fans on Ryanair flights are ordered to self-isolate after THREE planeloads of Chelsea supporters coming back from Porto were ordered into quarantine after testing positive – as country is axed from UK’s Green list
    Three planes full of Chelsea fans returning from Champions League final in Portugal told to self-isolate
    Speculation the country faces being moved from the UK’s travel ‘green list’ to the ‘amber list’ in review today
    If it is moved to tougher category, travellers will have to self-isolate for 10 days and take a coronavirus test
    Move would be another bitter blow to holidaymakers wanting to go abroad this summer and travel industry
    Greece and Spain look set to remain on the amber list this month with Malta the only possible addition

    1. Why would anyone book a foreign holiday this year and run the risk of it being cancelled or being forced into quarantine?

    1. It’s odds on that it will be extended by at least 2 weeks. The possibility is already being drip-fed into the msm to soften the blow when the announcement is made. Allegedly, mainland Europe is at risk from a Nepalese variant.
      So much for this being the last lockdown – what they didn’t make clear at the time was that the end date would be indefinitely extended again and again.

  30. Is anyone out there able to answer a couple of simple questions from a simple chap?

    Why do we maintain expensive armed forces in the UK when we are actively assisting — and welcoming — the worst enemies imaginable, directly into the country, in order for them to wage their despicable warfare on us from within?

    Prime minister, will you please explain the logic behind this bewildering policy? Please use simple words so that I may comprehend and understand.

    1. Under the Blair-Brown plan for Army reforms ( ie. budgetary cuts & eventual elimination of the UK’s armed forces by illegal wars ) the end goal was to have the Salvation Army as the only remaining uniformed service in the UK by 2050 !

    2. May signed agreement to help them come.
      UN Globalcompact on Migration.
      Means the whole world can settle in UK is they want.

    3. They have bought into the idea of a world government. It took billions upon billions in bribes but now the globalists are being repaid through the biggest scam in history.

      The importation of uneducated third world scum and of course the murderous religion of rapists is required to destabilise sovereign countries.

      Thus giving governments the excuse to introduce draconian new laws which take away our ancient and hard won rights.


    4. Have you seen the High Court has ruled that putting the freeloaders into the Barracks, wasn’t lawful? . . .As this clearly reached the High Court then who paid for the lawyers etc etc? Clearly us. Now plainly obvious that these “people” did NOT come here for asylum/safety as they claim ( ater getting through ?? European countries .) . .but have now no shame in screwing this country for as much as possible. Get ready for massive compen payouts for them ( on the taxpayer of course ).
      With threats of “mob unrest” if they don’t instantly get accommodation ( I assume that will be followed by instant access to fully furnished 5/6 bedroom houses for the family arriving very quickly after then the only way of stopping future claims will be to have enough new houses sat ready for any that arrive. With 700 arriving in 5 days then I assume that they’ll complain if the colour scheme and decor of their brand new housing isn’t to their taste. Now they know the courts are on THEIR side they really will come in droves. As the song goes “You ain’t seen nothing yet”.
      I assume you remember the Avenue coking plant just South of your old place of Chesterfield? – – now all gone – and about 2000 houses going up there, with only 2 outlets onto the A61 ( chaos at rush hour). Another half mile further South – another pile of new houses on the right- outlet onto A61 too. It saddens me every time I go along that road.

      1. I’ve photographs taken from passing trains of that place during the ’70s going to 7 from home on leave.
        Passing there fairly frequently on the test trains, I saw the work that had to be put in to “decontaminate” the land.
        I don’t think I’ll be wanting to buy a property there.

      2. I remember the Avenue coking plant at Wingerworth very well (and the Coalite plant at Bolsover too). There was a pub (the Hunloke Arms) opposite the Avenue plant, directly on the A61, that did wonderful pie and pea suppers with a pint.

        Each time I revisit Chesterfield it appears less and less like the town I grew up in.

        1. The Hunloke Arms is still there – should do well when the estate is finished.

          1. It’s a while since I visited there. Must have undergone a few changes in the meantime. My favourite Chesterfield pub was The Derby Tup on Sheffield Road, Whittington Moor. It served no fewer than 12 excellent cask-conditioned ales and I was a regular there until I left the area.

      3. I don’t understand why you complain about only two exits.

        Do you think that the “asylum seekers” housed there intend to seek work?

  31. Russia’s sovereign wealth fund will take a punt on gold and slash $40 billion of US currency entirely out of its investment portfolio amid growing tensions with Washington, the country’s finance minister announced on Thursday.
    Anton Siluanov said that the National Wealth Fund would reduce its share of dollars to zero within the next month. Speaking as part of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, he said that the process would be “fast enough” and would mirror a similar move by the country’s central bank to reduce assets held in American currency.

    Under the plans, the proportion of dollars in the fund will fall from 35% to zero, while assets held in euro and the Chinese yuan will increase to 40% and 30%, respectively. The share of the British pound will halve, from 10% to 5%, while the investment vehicle will buy into gold for the first time, with 20% of its assets to be hedged on the precious metal.

    1. I suspect that the Russians are not as stupid as Gordon Brown.
      And if they were going to do that, they will already have done so.

      I would also expect they will have put in place some useful derivative contracts to take advantage of the anticipated price movements arising from their announcement, to make lots of money.

      1. I am looking forward to Russia developing the Crypto Rouble. I will be buying £100 worth.

        Now the United States is run by a load of Left wing idiots i expect the Dollar to crash.

  32. Steerpike
    Tory MPs attack Gareth Southgate over ‘taking the knee’
    3 June 2021, 2:56pm

    After last night’s insipid 1-0 win over Austria, England manager Gareth Southgate had plenty to say – and not just about the football itself. Responding to fans who booed when the Three Lions’ players ‘took the knee’ before the game, Southgate told journalists that ‘we have got a situation where some people seem to think it’s a political stand that they don’t agree with’ adding that ‘some people aren’t quite understanding the message.’

    It seems the former Crystal Palace captain’s words have not found favour with right-wing Tory MPs whose Common Sense anti-woke manifesto was published last month. New boy Brendan Clarke-Smith has today written a lengthy Facebook statement criticising the ‘ridiculous empty gesture’ of ‘taking a knee’ and taking aim at the ‘misguided’ football authorities for failing to realise that Black Lives Matter is a political movement which ‘promotes some quite eccentric and extreme policies, such as abolishing the nuclear family and defunding the police.’ He adds:

    “To suggest that fans ‘aren’t quite understanding the message’, as Gareth Southgate has done, is an insult to their intelligence. Fans understand perfectly well – they are just sick and tired of being preached and spoken down to. They are there to watch a football match, not to be lectured on morality.
    Similar messages have been posted by fellow 2019 intake members. Lee Anderson, a tough-talking former miner, warns that ‘the FA, Premier League and footballers now run the risk of becoming like the Labour Party in ‘having nothing in common with their traditional supporters.’ He added that for the first time in his life he will not be watching his ‘beloved’ England team this summer while they remain committed to ‘supporting a political movement whose core principles aim to undermine our very way of life.’

    Ipswich MP Tom Hunt meanwhile contrasted England’s footballers with their cricketing counterparts at yesterday’s test against New Zealand at Lord’s where an alternative anti-racism message was used, writing: ‘shame the football players couldn’t have taken this on board.’

    Mr S wonders what fireworks the footballing authorities can expect if any of one of this trio find themselves on the culture, media and sport select committee in future.


    Mark • 36 minutes ago
    Aeroplane flies over football ground towing banner reading ‘White Lives Matter….Burnley FC.’

    Leads to condemnation of pilot and organisers as ‘Racists’ and Burnley FC propose life bans for any supporter found to have been involved.

    The phrase ‘All Lives Matter’ is also frequently condemned as ‘Racist’.

    Sasha Johnson of BLM paraded with uniformed Black men in Brixton last summer, yet the FA is at ease with the stated agenda of BLM to defund and abolish the Police and to promote other extremist positions.

    Can Gareth Southgate help me to ‘understand’ what message I am missing?

    1. Footballers are famously thicko’s. Quite funny to watch them sometimes. Similar to viewing the inmates of asylums in days gone by.



    It’s a little-known fact that long before Meghan Markle rose to the Presidency she had once been married to an obscure member of the British Royal Family. Prince Harry is the younger brother of King William V, and currently 27th in line to the throne, just behind Princess Charlotte’s daughter, Lady Cuddles, her child with the son of Lord Sheeran of Framlingham.

    This fun fact might be worth mentioning in your exam essay: it will
    demonstrate to the examiner that you have a wide grasp of even the most
    obscure details.


        1. As well as being a great gambler, he did an awful lot for charity. He was also a big mate of Frankie Dettori.

  34. That’s me gone (early) – another Zoom lecture from Rome in a quarter of an hour.

    Apropos my grand-daughter’s entry to the Royal Academy Youth Exhibition – the RA tell me that 32,000 entries were received from which 400 were selected. This is the stage GD has reached. These will be shown online. 200 will be selected for actual exhibition at Burlington House. The Thomas family’s breath is bated!

    Funny old day – hot and humid – some sunshine followed by spells where rain seemed imminent. Hot tomorrow, they say.

    A demain.

    1. I assume the general public won’t get the chance to vote. They certainly won’t want another John Sergeant moment or a Boaty MacBoatface.

      No sense of humour some people.

      1. The concept is not that far from people buying digital rights to all sorts of things. It doesn’t exist !

        Just like my Crypto currency investments. Just so long as enough people believe it has any value i will make real money.

    1. My house is filled with invisible statues. I have to be careful when I move around and not bump into them.

    2. A fool and his money…
      I will be amused when the artist publishes a paper saying that the sculpture has self-destructed as part of the art.

      At which point, no doubt, another congenital bloody idiot with more money than brain will buy it for even more..

  35. Afternoon, all. There isn’t really any justification for extending restrictions – after all, a majority of people have had the jab and that’s supposed to protect them, right? There has been some progress on the dog search front; I’ve been contacted (that’s the first time I’ve got that far) and arranged a “virtual” home visit. We couldn’t make Face Time or Whatsapp work, so they gave me a list of photos they required and they were then sent by Messenger. If all goes well and I pass this test, I get to meet my prospective canine companion on Saturday afternoon. Please keep everything firmly crossed that that goes well, that they don’t object to MOH having dementia and that I can make it through to the final round, the adoption meeting. Will tell you more about Oscar if he’s definitely going to be mine. After the disappointment of Timmy, I shan’t feel secure until he’s actually home with me.

      1. Thanks. It’s been a long and frustrating journey even to have got this far.

      1. Number on the front gate (unfortunate, since we don’t have a number!), hall and front door (porch if you have one, which we do), dining room, kitchen and sitting room, garden, hedges/fences and back gate (particularly the bottom to make sure he couldn’t wiggle through).

          1. It has become horrendous. When I go to see him (assuming I get that far), I have to take ID with name and address. The last time I had a dog from a rescue centre was in 1987. We turned up, looked round, chose one, paid a small (£10) donation and took him home! Autres temps, autres moeurs.

        1. Isn’t that rather a lot of useful information for burglars that they are asking you to send into the ether?

    1. What I feel so confused about is that rescue centres are full to the brim with dogs requiring homes , and the saddest stories we hear are owners who have died of Covid, and there is no one to look after a dog or dogs , cats parrots etc and of course little budgies.

      1. They are getting so many requests to rehome dogs that they are very picky, it seems. The dog I’m applying for is nearly 12 and they had 15 applications for him – probably the only reason I’m in with even the slightest of chances.

    2. Fingers, Arms, Legs, toes. all crossed for you and, hopefully, your new canine chum.

      Good luck.

    3. Very best of good luck.

      If you are forced to talk about your wife’s situation can you tell them that a dog is vital for her well-being and that she has deteriorated since your loss and always perks up when she sees a dog and that dogs sense that and react favourably?

    4. Reading through your replies below, it strikes me that the whole process is geared towards first time dog owners, rather than experienced people.

      Madness, and unless you think it would harm your case, I would be inclined to point that out to them very forcefully.

      1. Criticism won’t help, they can’t do anything about the process, and likely think it’s wonderful, the way it’s designed to ensure that no dog actually gets homed, the standards being so high…

        1. The whole point of a spleen is to vent it.

          It’s one of those areas where mockery of the process might have some effect.

          Find the head honcho and camp on his/her/its doorstep and howl.

      2. I think a lot of it, certainly with the terrier oriented rescues, is to do with arse-covering. No letting them off their leads in public, ever, 6ft high fencing minimum, not letting them get through the front door, not letting them get near a postman …

        1. So my parents house would definitely fail on that, because it doesn’t have 6ft fencing round the three acre garden.

          1. My fencing at the back was only about 3ft 6in (now it’s over 6ft!). Never mind that it very successfully kept four different dogs in, two of whom were terriers.

    5. Along with everyone here, wishing you good luck with meeting your prospective four legged friend on Saturday.

      1. Thank you, Jill, but before I can get there, I have to pass the virtual home visit – ie the photos sent off have to get the seal of approval.

      1. They claim to be matching the dog to the family. I suppose with a lot of people wanting a dog without giving it any thought, they want to make sure the dog will be okay. You would have thought, though, that since I’ve had a dog since 1984 and different breeds of dog, all rescues, most of whom, except the pedigree, lived to double figures, that I would have been high on the list of desirables, especially since there’s someone home virtually all of the time.

      1. Thank you, John. I can hardly bear to hope after everything that’s happened.

    1. What positive public benefit does “Mermaids” offer – other than subverting children’s rights to grow up as children? Children are either male or female and they do not have the capacity to make any decision to change that until they are adult

      1. Mermaids should only be given any credence when they are riding unicorns.
        Until they can do that in real life they should be ignored.

      2. They don’t have the capacity to change that even when they are adult. all they can do is pretend to be the opposite sex to the one they were born.

        1. It’s all a delusion, that we’re all expected to go along with. Why are all normal people expected to pander to people with mental health issues?

          1. Exactly.
            If a man wishes to live as a woman or a woman as a man, then fair enough, let them get on with it.
            But please, NEVER, EVER expect me to subscribe to the delusion that they really have become the Opposite Sex.

    2. Of course, ‘mermaids’ isn’t a charity. It’s a quango, funded by government.

      If it were actually funded by donations that would be different, but it’s just a lobby group.

      Frankly, the trans nonsense needs to end. They’re mentally ill. Wearing a wig makes no difference to that.


    Guido is delighted to inform co-conspirators that the Express’s Crusader is saved, after the takeover of the Daily Express by Reach – the rebranded Mirror Group – tried holding a “brand review” of the Express conducted by a consulting company. There was a genuine fear that the new owners would cancel the problematic-for-wokesters Crusader logo of the paper. Apparently, after a panicky management received hundreds of emails from Express readers alerted by Guido’s stories, they swiftly reverse-ferreted on the whole plan. The righteous Christian warrior fights on…

    1. I find I am reading less and less of anything published in the DE.
      The standards have dropped like a stone over the last couple of years, but that can be said for most if not all of our MSM.
      I find myself skimming through only to note which articles to immediately dismiss as false news, which is a fair few of them.

      1. We have stopped buying papers now , standards are hopeless, and more like gossip columns , the DE is terrible and the online layout is very messy .

        1. You don’t need to now you have no parrot – no cage to line……… We still have the DT on Saturdays – still free from Waitrose with £10 of shopping.

        2. Hi TB, sky news Australia which I found on YouTube is worth a go I think.

  37. Fans returning from Portugal have been told to quarantine after at least 5 plane loads of fans had a number of fans testing positive to Covid. Not surprising.

      1. I suspect that there are fewer Negroes in the whole of China than there are in London alone.

      2. 333766+ up ticks,
        Evening TB,
        I do not believe that would solve the problem
        on account they would send over the triads,
        ridding themselves by giving us their problem.

    1. Have you thought that maybe SIR BERNARD INGHAM is talking bull***t?
      Just a thought.

  38. It’s not the Conservative party


    As the number of rebels ahead of Monday’s vote on cutting foreign aid rises, a senior Tory source has slammed the group of wets as “old timers” who are “more interested in patronising and preaching than representing.”

    Around 30 Tory MPs have now signed up to vote for an amendment by Andrew Mitchell, tabled for next Monday’s debate, with only 10 or so more required to overturn the Tory majority. Backers include a number of old hand Rt. Hons., including Theresa May, Sir Peter Bottomley, Damian Green, Sir Edward Leigh, Tobias Ellwood, Jeremy Hunt, Sir Roger Gale and Sir Desmond Swayne. As Guido’s rottweiler Tory source points out, the sort of MPs with massive majorities and who represent “largely well off constituencies”…

    Tobias Ellwood won’t have won over any waverers with his ultra-patronising performance on the Today Programme this morning. When pointed out by Mishal Husain that the majority of the public support the government’s move, he said he hoped the amendment’s vote “will actually help educate the nation”.

    Guido’s top Tory source blasted the rebels:

    “We are still spending £10 billion this year on aid, but it’s just never enough for these people who seem totally out of touch with public opinion. Cutting the overseas aid budget is overwhelmingly popular, especially in those newly won red wall seats.”

    Monday looks like it’s heading for an increasingly rare parliamentary fireworks display…

    3 June 2021 @ 14:25

    1. Not the same Desmond Swayne who was a heroic Covid rebel?

      I’m unsurprised to see the Stick Insect in there. What a hopeless, mixed-up case she is.

    2. 333733+up ticks,
      Evening C
      Nothing comes out of the scheme & treacherously plot westminster factory beneficial to the
      peoples / Isles.
      The firework displays are orchestrated as are the tours run by moggy “going to the wire” ALL to placate the herd who might, just might, break into a stumble.

    3. Absolutely fine. They are fully entitled to demand more money be given to the EU – which is where the majority of our aid goes.

      They will also be paying for it. After all, they want to, I don’t.

      I’d bet that would change their minds pretty sharpish.

    4. We are being invaded via Dover, and are in the middle of a coup by technocrats, and the only rebellion worth mentioning is a bunch of very rich, out of touch people saying that hard up Britons should be giving more to the third world.
      And people keep voting for more of it!

    1. Swedish hamburgers are disgusting (as are their pizza parlours). They insist on covering everything with ready-made ‘béarnaise’ sauce (from a jar) and the ubiquitous dill!

      That’s one reason I always make my own food.

      1. I thought the sauce came from a giant squeezy bottle… tastes that way, anyhow.

        1. I am interested in what people consider to be a favourite food but the Scandi countries seem weird to me and i’m a foodie !

          Whoever thought rotten stinking fish was a good idea? A side order of moss and twigs garnished with weeds is not FOOD !

        1. I love freshly-made Béarnaise sauce, but the stuff in jars is revolting. Dill is OK in some applications but to have it everywhere gets tedious. They even put it in boiled new spuds instead of mint, the heathens!

    2. I remember a 2 week course in Kristiansund and having to eat out every evening. Ghastly experience, even the Chinese restaurant was dodgy.

      1. Sjøstjerna restaurant was my favourite in Kristiansund – fantastic fish! Followed by a few pints in Onkel’s bar.

        1. And, way back in 2001, they had the cheapest Guinness in Norway – only £5 a pint.

          1. I don’t remember that place. I was probably there in late October 2005ish. I guess all things are relative.

    3. Fastest growing chain in Sweden backed by Clearwater International.

      Does bastard mean something else in Sweden?

      I can understand the term ‘Dirty Burger’. Normally means half raw with every topping available but bastard?

      1. There’s a chain of something like Nauti-Buoys shops for boats in France.

  39. 333766+ up ticks,
    Health Sec Won’t Rule out Continuation of Mask Mandate After June 21st

    Then rule out the health sec & his gang.

    1. Come on, ogga1, give the guy a break, Hancock’s following the science of the bought and paid for political shyster. Peer review to Hancock puts Cromer ahead of Blackpool’s Southern entrant.

      1. 333733+ up ticks,
        Evening KtK,
        There is a great many would agree to giving “the guy a break” much of the breaking was carried out at Pentonville.

      2. Hope he gets a massive break – after being attacked by one of the “enriching” imported replacements. I wouldn’t feel an ounce of sympathy for him.

    1. Justice would be when all of these bastards go down with a “gain of function version” and die.

    1. They aren’t ignoring it – -Patel’s doing all she can to increase it. As for sidekick “Do Nowt Dan” – haven’t seen hide not hair of him.
      Plus this lot now demanding “instant accommodation ” and presumably a 5/6 bed house for when the family arrives the week after. house fully furnished, tv installed ( license free of course ) satellite tuned to Foreign channels. School places for their kids, after whitey’s kids kicked out of their schools. Bank accounts set up for them – and benefits paid – not a bad reward for committing a crime is it? No wonder they don’t bother stopping anywhere else in Europe.

  40. Is there a sea change happening? Went to the Colchester Recycling Centre, aka the Dump, twice today, and only ONE mask. A full face transparent thingy sported by a bearded bedwetter. Some time ago at least 50% of the people dumping rubbish were masked. Let’s hope that people are waking up to what Johnson is really up to, and it doesn’t concern the health of the nation.

    1. I have been to two restaurants, a pharmacy and a supermarket in the last two weeks. I glared at the ODD persons wearing masks.

      Doing my bit !

    2. Dumping…. is not shopping

      The same as the supermarket carpark etc

      We walked through Skegness yesterday 70+% of people in the street wer not masked

  41. Remainers can pay to project their name across the Brussels sky for Brexit five year anniversary
    Organisers called it a ‘message of hope’

    Remainers can pay to project their name and a “message of hope” onto the Brussels night sky to mark the fifth anniversary of the Brexit vote.

    The Best for Britain group – set up in 2017 to tackle what it describes as the Brexit “emergency” – hopes to stump up donations with the stunt on June 23.

    Founded by Gina Miller, who waged two high-profile court battles against the Government over Brexit, the campaign is struggling to stay relevant after a doomed pursuit of a second referendum.

    Supporters of their pro-Remain cause are invited to submit their name and a message which will be beamed onto buildings in Brussels between 10pm and 11pm.

    The stunt is being promoted along with a dazzling artist’s impression of what the light show may look like later this month.

    Lights in the sky? More like pie in the sky.

    1. ““So please consider helping us cover the costs of this message of hope by making a donation when you add your name below.”
      I’m contributing 2 Reichsmarks and a French franc.

    1. I too am all alone tonight because I live alone, but I do not look up as I walk along because I don’t want to walk into a lamp post. :-))

    2. I too am all alone tonight because I live alone, but I do not look up as I walk along because I don’t want to walk into a lamp post. :-))

  42. On Radio 4 this evening, ‘Inside Science’ was discussing the origins of Covid. Jonathan Ball, Professor of Virology at the University of Nottingham, said:

    “…it just doesn’t seem logical for a government to create an infectious virus and then release it on their [sic] own people…”

    Johnny, old fella, this is China we’re talking about. Its government dictators have no regard for their own people.

    The next subject was obesity and the ‘eating gene’ recently identified. Professor Stephen O’Rahilly:

    “…there’s a lot of resistance to the idea that genetics can influence human behaviour.”

    This is one very specific example but the link between behaviour and evolution – sociobiology – has been discredited in recent years for obvious reasons. Look up the case of Noah Carl to find out why. Bill Hamilton and Dickie Dawkins were authorities on the subject.

    1. If the virus is just 2% lethal. it will make UK s*hit bricks
      China will take it as population control

      1. The vaccines are more like 0.4% effective. The Pharma crooks have, as ever, cooked the books. The risks of current Covid 19 vaccinations are likely to be very severe. Adverse reactions are off the scale and far worse is to come.


    2. British governments have never cared much for their foot soldiers. Hundreds of thousands lost unnecessarily in WWI and many more sacrificed in WWII. Then we have the Iraq and Afghanistan ventures where our politicians sacrificed thousands of our finest for no realistic profit or political gain.

      British governments still care very little for the populace. The bastards such as Johnson, Raab, Sunak and Patel are sick individuals with no care whatever for the society over which they rule.

      Most if not all of these fools have been bought by Bezos, Gates and others. They have, via dirty dealings, enriched themselves and subjected the rest of us to inhuman policies of ‘lock downs’, repulsive unhygienic masks, non-sensical and damaging social distancing and useless and ineffective but potentially damaging vaccinations comprising dangerous toxins.

      Were our population more educated these government measures will have been rejected outright. Unfortunately about half of our population are simply stupid and unable to synthesise the available information. We have become a nation of Epsilon semi-morons, incapable of independent thought and reliant on supposed experts to tell them how to live their lives.

      Masks and social distancing are utterly discredited by current science yet those bastards persist with this nonsense. The social distancing and masks were initiated under the pretext that healthy people could spread the virus. This is complete nonsense as asymptomatic people (healthy folk with no symptoms) cannot ever infect others. This was the big lie used to trap us all into compliance with silly mandates.

      It has been bollocks from start to finish. The buggers should be made to pay.

      1. 333766+ up ticks,
        Evening OLT,
        Try in the form of a polite greeting,
        “Hale mighty whale”.

    1. Does anyone remember ‘Style Challenge’, a BBC makeover show from the 1990s? They would take someone naturally beautiful and transform them into someone more socially acceptable and stylish.

      The “afters” looked like this.

    1. Would I Be a TAS (thick as sh1t) person, if I asked what happens to all thes boats

      I have the feeling we load them into trucks and Chunnel them back to France

      The second Question,
      What happens to the crew

  43. Night all, early to bed as we’ve blood tests at some ungodly hour tomorrow morning. Jokes will probably be v late.

  44. This chap, Ollie Robinson, was born on December 1st 1993 two days before my son Christo was born.

    Ollie’s first two days in the England cricket XI were very successful and he was England’s top wicket taker. He is now 27 years old. Christo is a design engineer working for an international aviation company.

    Apparently in 2012 when he was 18 Ollie made an ‘offensive racist’ tweet which some zealous nerd has obviously done some muck raking to find so, nine years after his tweet as a teenager, the ECB has decided to drop him.

    DT Story: Ollie Robinson to be dropped by England for second Test in wake of racist tweets bombshell
    Bowler ended day two with 4-75, but the ECB is understood to be determined to make an example of him as it tries to root out discrimination

    I wonder what I said when I was 18? When Christo was 16 he ran as the UKIP candidate in his school’s mock general election – will this be held against him? This was the election when the odious Cameron needed the support of the fornicator Clegg, who boasted about having bedded 30 women, to form a government. Clegg is now paid £500,000 and Cameron is steeped in mire but they will probably escape punishment.

    I have already stopped supporting England’s rugby XV because of its kneeling to honour a violent black American criminal. I shall now no longer take any interest in England’s cricket team either.

    1. The England XI was/were photographed wearing black t-shirts printed with slogans. RIP Mr Mosley.

      Incidentally, as far as racialism goes, the chinese hate the africans who hate the indians who hate the chinese, and everyone dislikes the french.

      1. I once worked for a social housing organisation dedicated to resettle ex-offenders. One of my colleagues was an extraordinarily camp gentleman called Dominic or Benedict who liked to paint his nails and speak like Julian Clary. The really hard cases really didn’t know what to make of him and regarded him as a bit of a mascot. They never treated him badly.

        One worker said that in prison there is a ‘triangle of virtue” among the cons. The murderers hate the druggies but tolerate the sex offenders. The druggies hate the sex offenders but tolerate the murderers. The sex offenders hate the murderers but tolerate the druggies.

    2. Complete nonsense as ever. I reckon some chap making supposedly racist comments 10 or more years ago is utterly irrelevant.

      I blush to think of my socialistic views back in 1970 when I was a student member of the Socialist Worker Party. Thankfully I was bright and recognised my mistake after a few meetings where the speakers were from South America.
      The phrase, uttered by some American advocate of Castro “defend the word Socialism” still grates with me 50 years on.

    3. I remember very well arguing as a teenager that Enoch was right. While that did not make me a racist as an adult, the antics of BLM and their supporters in the institutions is certainly making me one now.

      1. I don’t know what I am , but I am certainly kicking back on the nonsense being forced on us .
        Our tolerance is being tested to the core . This BLM business is in our face as well as everything else .

        Doesn’t anyone care about the quality of British life that our parents worked hard for , post war.

        Living standards were improving , people had work, cities were being tidied up, there was energy and innovation.

        And now … a religious minority appears to be dictating policy , and we have to grin and bear it, be nice to Muslins and Blacks or else they say ..When all we are witnessing are blood on the streets, drugs, long knives, raped young women, and tight communties that have become no go areas for the sensible!

    4. Letter & BTL Comment:-

      Casting the first stone
      SIR – While no one will condone the reported words of the England cricketer, Ollie Robinson, they were written nine years ago when he was still a teenager. He appears “ashamed and embarrassed”.

      Is there no possibility that someone could change? Are we all to be judged by our words and actions when we were much younger and more foolish? How many of those condemning him today have never committed an indiscretion?

      Forgiveness is a quality that occurs only in human beings. Let’s have an end to any witch hunt, accept his 
apology, and move on.

      Rev Alan Wright
      Barton upon Humber, Lincolnshire

      Helen Andrews
      4 Jun 2021 2:14AM
      Thank you, Reverend Wright, for supporting a young lad who has worked extremely hard to put previous difficulties and bad behaviour behind him to reach his debut for his country, only to have the best day of his life ruined by someone who has nothing better to offer than trawling through ancient tweets to cause trouble.

      As the Reverend says, “ Are we all to be judged by our words and actions when we were much younger and more foolish? How many of those condemning him today have never committed an indiscretion?”

      Our ‘gotcha’ culture really isn’t doing us any favours and the ECB need to think about this when constantly politicising the game.

    5. The ECB aren’t really concerned about rooting out racism. They are concerned about not being seen to do so.

      Arse covering.

  45. The USA do not even have a Biden government but an Obama government by stealth. Biden is but a broken reed, evil as evil comes, and now a total embarrassment.

    It is now very obvious.

  46. Britain’s 9/11 moment? and BTL comments before regular updates:

    Peter LR

    We need a courageous inquiry unafraid to tackle the demigods of NHS
    inadequacy, science corruption and Chinese economic hegemony. The NHS which was designed for the 20th century (and which no other
    country has copied) is unsuitably designed for the 21st century. The rigours of discourse in science which lead to the best conclusions
    have been corrupted by ad hominem attacks on scientists whose views are
    not sanctioned by politicians. Chinese financial clout is intimidating the world from challenging its responsibilities for the pandemic catastrophe. The greatest calamity would be a cover up of these matters.

    Frank Nixson

    NHS wasn’t suited to the 20th Century either. This isn’t a new problem. It is an old one revealed

    Victor Newman

    The problem is rule by oligarchies (self-electing, self-selecting,
    generators of policy outside statute, always more expensive, led by a
    priestly caste) who see themselves as outside the state, yet of the
    state. Hence the attempts by the media (another oligarchy) to suggest
    that it’s Boris’s fault. The reality is (as DC said earlier) that when
    Boris won the election, stabilised May’s sabotage, encountered the
    pandemic: he discovered that of the 6 levers of government, only one
    (the Armed Forces) actually worked and could get things done. Everyone
    else was busy explaining why nothing could be done and demanding more

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