Thursday 5 October: The Prime Minister has given disgruntled Conservatives a little hope

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

507 thoughts on “Thursday 5 October: The Prime Minister has given disgruntled Conservatives a little hope

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s story

    Bullying Policy
    Our company does not discriminate on the basis of race, sex, age, or religion; unless the religions are bizarre and unpopular and can be considered cults (and so may be freely discriminated against), or if you are a short, fat, bald, ugly guy (and can be picked on without restraint), or if you are a nerd, smoker, or single person.

    Stupid people may now also be discriminated against due to the failure of their lobbying efforts.

  2. Good morning all.
    An dark and overcast dry start this morning with a tad over 8°C on the thermometer.

    One of today’s letters & a BTL Comment:-

    SIR – This was an excellent idea poorly executed, which proved that throwing billions on top of billions does not fix underlying problems such as management incompetence, structural inefficiency, poor contract control, wishful thinking, and the presence of sacred cows at the heart of national politics and government policy.

    In the end, very little of what the taxpayer was promised will be delivered – at huge cost to that very same taxpayer.
    And that’s just the NHS.

    Victor Launert
    Matlock Bath, Derbyshire

    Trevor Anderson
    1 HR AGO
    Victor Launert: “In the end, very little of what the taxpayer was promised will be delivered – at huge cost to that very same taxpayer.”
    Yet again, this was hype and false promises electioneering rhetoric personified. Why anyone would applaud this man is beyond me. He continues to lead the nation into penury and social destruction with open door immigration, a failed NHS, the ongoing HS2 white elephant; and Net Zero, the greatest negative, life changing, insane project which will bring ruination, still very much in place.
    And bringing in his wife was a sickly sweet ploy. Shameless and obvious.

    1. My reply:
      Stupid woman, doesn’t know the difference between Gender and Sex. Keeping her breasts could have made a sexy woman of her, but she cannot be bothered.”

    2. Where’s a locked ward when you need one?
      Nowadays we’d need three: male, female and dunno.

    1. Morning, Elsie.

      Are the bags of use to you? I was in waiting for you to call and ready to make a coffee. Then again, I know you are busy.

      1. I’ve just seen your post, Korky. The bags were wonderfully useful, thank you. I drove straight home, re-booked a trip to the local tip for 1.30 pm and got rid of the glass and bags as discussed. Then I drove on to the local car wash for a full “dust and polish” which ensured that every last shred of glass which might have been lodged in the boot was removed. Then I drove home and cancelled the previously booked slot at the local tip which had been for 9.15 am this morning. Then back to the jobs galore I had on my “To Do” list.

        I’m sorry to say that today I polished off the rest of the mince pies. From tomorrow I shall be back to Hot Cross Buns!

        Once again, my thanks for all your help with dealing with the broken glass.

    1. My reply:
      Plod Junior thinks he’s above the law. How DO they train them today?”

      1. This is a good question, but where in any training manual should it say – make sure you don’t litter from a police car? You’d think it was a given.
        It’s more about recruitment, in my opinion. They do need to recruit people without too much empathy because nicking people requires that you be detached, to some extent.
        The converse of that is that you end up with a lot of people with no great sense of public service.
        It is not easy to find a balance.

        1. These days, no plod knows what he/she’s doing nor do they care less. I have NO respect for them.

    2. Groan.
      Why put yourself at the mercy of people by being in the wrong?
      And now he’s on the world wide web.
      Good job.

    3. I had to play it twice i was laughing so much. I don’t expect his sergeant will be very pleased but it will be a whole lot worse when his mum sees it. :@)

    4. Did he go to Philip Morant or St. Benedicts?
      (Says grumpy granny sick of litter that miraculously appears the moments schools are back.)

    5. Quality!!

      A few days ago I saw a police car parked half on the pavement and on double yellows, with the uniformed occupants walking back from Tesco with their lunches. I was in a hurry but regret not asking them to explain themselves…

      1. Take a photo. Much depends on how long they were there as you can park for a short time to load and offload. Not sure lunch counts as loading.

    6. Excellent.
      We recently had builders parking out side of our house a private road. One of them dropped the crusts from his sandwiches out side the van door. When I noticed the bread I went out and pick up and put the bits under the wiper blade.

      1. It’s biodegradeable and birds will eat it, so not too worried about that. It’s the litter from fast food and drinks that bothers me – it’s always the same sort of person who drops it – the welfare addict chav.

        1. Yes of course its biodegradable Wibbers. But he deliberately dumped his waste out side our home. And rats also like biodegradable items. And will come back for more.

          1. Last time she visited, at Christmas a few years ago, we didn’t have snow but we did have frost. She threw an old loaf onto the lawn “for the birds”, and was hurt to be asked not to.
            In December, there are no birds.
            The bread (and everything else) freezes, then gets covered in snow and preserved in the grass until April, when it emerges as a soggy, mouldy mess to be eaten by rats. If they didn’t get it before it froze.

          2. We had a period of rat invasion I think caused by some of our near neighbours keeping chickens. And a compost bin too close to our boundary evidence evidence of them digging under.
            Some had climbed up the waste pipe ducting and vent and nested under the base our airing cupboard. The council came and sorted it out but one must have crept into some pipe ducting in our little upstairs back office and died. It stank for a few weeks. We’ve also had a few in our compost bins at the end of our garden, they bite holes in the plastic bins to gain access. Every time I put any vegetable food waste in I have a pointed piece of iron bar in my my hand to stab them. I’ve caught a few in the past with a rat trap they like peanut butter. I drown them in a water butt and put the bodies on the shed roof and the Red Kites take them. Handsome birds.

    7. I can’t work out if it’s sheer bloody mindedness, a complete lack of awareness of who is servant and who is master or simple immaturity of ‘I’m not doing as I’m told!’. The brow beating doesn’t help. ‘Could you put that in the bin, please?’ would get better results.

      The insolence from the officers was the worst bit – we’re going to get you attitude.

  3. Morning All

    It seems somethings are still done properly in the US:

    Nancy Pelosi and her long-time deputy Steny Hoyer have been ordered to leave their workspaces in the US Capitol by acting House Speaker Patrick McHenry.
    Both were told locks on their office doors will be “re-keyed” on Wednesday.
    The evictions come after Kevin McCarthy was removed from the chamber’s plum post on Tuesday and Mr McHenry was appointed in the interim.
    Mrs Pelosi, who is not currently in Washington, criticised the decision as “a sharp departure from tradition”.
    Republican Congressman Garret Graves announced on Wednesday that her office would be handed over to Mr McCarthy. He said it is supposed to belong to the “preceding speaker”.
    “Now that she and other Democrats have caused there to be an immediately preceding speaker, she has removed herself from that office… that was a decision that Democrats and Speaker Pelosi made in giving that office to McCarthy,” he said, according to Axios.
    Mrs Pelosi noted that “with all the important decisions that the new Republican leadership must address”, their first act was to evict her from her office.

    1. If it took McCarthy 14 attempts to land the job, the writing was surely on the wall as to his prospects for keeping it!

  4. Good morning, all. Overcast, dry and calm.

    Know thine enemy? Or are those depicted mere minions of more powerful people who will be beyond reach when the collapse comes?

    Wannabe PM of the UK and its people.

    Where’s a non-fictitious 007 when he’s needed?

    Clinton, Gates, Unknown Dude(?), Wannabe Pop Star who played the guitar badly, Pop Star, Another Unknown Dude(?)

    Courtesy of Cyborgigy, Tina and Danubuska respectively.

    1. Just like Spectre.
      And the best Bond and M were knocked off.
      Take the shot, take shot…….

    2. Scum, all lined up. Soon they’ll be climbing the scaffold wondering where it all went wrong. Swab might be disfigured from the beatings he’ll have taken.

  5. Sunak gets radical with ‘three huge decisions to change our country’. 5 October 2023.

    Mr Sunak chose to include an unusually high number of policy announcements in his conference speech, gambling that by being “bold” he can persuade voters frustrated with politicians and looking for a change after 13 years of Tory rule to back him.

    He said: “We will be bold. We will be radical. We will face resistance and we will meet it.

    “We will give the country what it so sorely needs, and yet too often has been denied: a government prepared to make long-term decisions so that we can build a brighter future – for everyone. Be in no doubt: it is time for a change.”

    If only the Tories had been in power for the last thirteen years we wouldn’t be in this fix!

    1. The problem we have with our politicians is, we can’t trust them or ever believe what they tell us.
      They been on and on about stopping the illegal invaders……
      They are completely useless.

      1. We would all be vastly improved by a small nuclear device taking out the House of Commons, Lords and Whitehall.

          1. I usually have killer gas, but even I would have difficulty with that scope of work.

    2. Yes, the country needs long term decisions. A vastly simpler, lower tax code and level. Business freedom. Individual independence. Less regulation. Lower taxes. A small, efficient public sector that serves under the bootheel of their paymaster.

      You’ve had 13 years to unravel Blair’s malice and you have done nothing. Not A Thing. A brighter future? Bog off, you rodent.

    3. It’s pisspreik – loosely translates to bullshit, but is better translated as “piss-speak”.

    1. Gah, I wish twitter had threads so you could see the original post. That way you can identify the Lefty who complained about how awful it was they couldn’t overturn democracy.

  6. 48 years ago to this very day I was feeling very rough, I had what is clinically known as ‘man flu’. Later in the day we got married……

    1. Many congratulations to your wife for catching you and the ‘flu on the same day AND getting rid of the ‘flu, not you.

    2. I bet it was early-onset covid!

      Congratulations. Particularly to your long-suffering wife.

    3. Congratulations to you both. We’ve recently passed 49.
      I met my mates in the pub opposite the church for a swift one before the ceremony. And re-met two of them and thier good ladies, a week ago in Somerset on our way to Cornwall.

        1. My bride only live half a mile away from the church, but i was at the Altar on time with my best man.
          We did have a bit of an accident my elder B i L was using his movie camera to film us all after out side, he backed into a low wall and disappeared.
          Not injured, just shaken but not stirred.

  7. 377365+ up ticks,

    Thursday 5 October: The Prime Minister has given disgruntled Conservatives a little hope

    ” Disgruntled Conservatives” a little hope my @rse they are on
    £80K plus a year plus exes, plus a % of the current scam.

    More gleaming shite in the shape ef polished up promises,pledges etc etc to satisfy the already well addicted “Party before Country” punters.

    What with the top two rankers in the country being WEF followers, and having seemingly got shot of HS2, we now have to contend with being seriously railroaded via repress,replace,RESET.

    NO radical changes will be put into action, we as a nation are heading for, via the polling stations, the RESET depot with the turn-around table and the return trip to the stone age.

    1. The great hope is that as soon as the lights really start going out people will notice properly and start to say ‘no’.

      If they don’t and we’re hammered back to the Dark Ages then every politician is fair game. Who will Hunt call when the phones don’t work? What use are Gummer’s stolen millions when he can’t call the police? When he’s a swinging Pinata and I’ve the axe handle what can he do? No one can answer his screams because he’s destroyed the power networks that power *everything*.

      Then, one at a time we will get our revenge and restore the nation. The big problem is far too few people – especially politicians really know how things work. That’s why rebuilding the country is going to be so difficult and why the new elite need to be engineers and scientists, not wasters, lawyers, tossers and fools like Shunk.

      1. I knew my power was due to go off (I had two phone calls about it and a chap in high-viz came round to tell me personally), but the first I knew it had actually gone off was when the telephone went dead in the middle of a call from my friend. No leccy, no call.

  8. Mr Khan must be licking his lips….

    “The cost of a certificate to own a large family car in Singapore has jumped to a fresh record high of S$146,002 ($106,619; £87,684).
    The city-state introduced the 10-year certificate of entitlement (COE) system in 1990 as an anti-congestion measure.”

    1. There seem to be a lot of wealthy people in Singapore. And the transport system is very good. Train
      Drivers don’t go on strike, because they’re aren’t any. Nor guards and the trains run on time.

        1. Including drug traffickers.
          And have enforcement street patrols not just a stab in the dark.
          Oh and all cab drivers are born and bred locals.

          1. When we went there on a singular ill fated trip – supposedly at the beginning of winter, when it was only 180% humidity and 90’c rather than 500 I made the effort to learn some Mandarin – yes, no, please, thank you (the Warqueen speaks it fluently – along with Japanese, Welsh, Italian, German and French). I found that drivers would be incredibly humble at my dreadful efforts – folk just appreciate your trying, even if it’s horrible.

          2. Enjoy and don’t work too hard.
            On our way to Oz, this is about this time 8 years ago when we were last there. Have a drink for me at Clark quay.

          3. I used to work there for anything up to six weeks at a time – One of my favourite places but that was in the 1980s

    2. Does a mayor of London, or anywhere in the UK for that matter, have the authority to enable such draconian measures as COEs? I know that the mayor of London has signed up the C40 cities programme that plans to control what and how much people eat, how many clothing items they can purchase annually etc. But, does he have the actual authority to impose these measures?
      If the government can’t/won’t rein in power crazed authoritarian mayors then the people will have to.

    3. Yes, but this ignores that Singapore’s public transport network is both efficient, abundant, cheap and available. it doesn’t cost £9000 to go from city to city, but about a tenth of that – and one ticket goes everywhere, on every vehicle type. Buses run nigh continually and stop near trams and train stations. It is also safe, with no black stabbers on it because of a ruthlessly rational immigration policy.

      Why own a car when the transport system is that good? Equally of course, Singapore has vastly lower taxes, so the chances are our own road tax and fuel duty cost far more over the lifetime of the vehicle – taxes Singapore doesn’t have.

  9. 10 days ago, the “Today 100 Years Ago” was about a pitfall in Glasgow and 42 trapped miners. Today we have an update on the situation:
    On the morning of the tenth day since the flooding of Redding Pit, at Falkirk, five of the forty-two entombed miners have been rescued. The people of the stricken district, whose mood last night was sullen and impatient, following upon unpleasant scenes at the pit-head, were overjoyed by the great news which was made known shortly after three o’clock this morning. Late this afternoon another development was rumoured, and the excitement was renewed. This was a statement to the effect that three men were believed to be alive in No. 2 section, upon which the rescue brigades were concentrating their attention. The officials are reported to be optimistic, and have got a new boring machine in operation, capable of cutting at the rate of six feet of coal per minute. Developments are expected, but it is pointed out that some time may elapse before the men can be reached. In view of the condition of the five men rescued to-day, it is believed to be possible that other men may yet manage to exist for a few days longer…”

    1. From a BBC article on the tragedy:-

      Trapped underground
      A huge rescue operation began, involving teams from the Falkirk district and across Scotland.

      The first 21 survivors were brought out after about five hours, but another five men spent 10 days trapped underground.

      Most of the 40 men who died are thought to have drowned in the initial flood, but 11 survived for up to a fortnight in a remote, dry section of the pit that the rescuers did not reach in time.

      1. Tragic but reasonably common in those days (hardship). Contrast our useless whingers.

    2. Those 5 were the last brought out alive. Unbelievably the pit reopened the following January even though the rescue operation only finished in the December.

  10. King Charles to appear on Australian dollar coins before Christmas. 5 October 2023.

    “Since 1953, every Australian coin has borne a Queen. That’s been true since decimal currency came into effect in 1966. So this really is a historic occasion.

    “For most Australians, this will be the first time they have held in their hands a coin with a King.

    “As is traditional, the new effigy will switch direction. Queen Elizabeth II faced to the right. King Charles III will face to the left.

    How appropriate.

  11. Morning all 🙂😊
    Not a sign the sun, perhaps it’s gone on strike of Kahnt has banned it.
    Our political system needs a very strong and strict alternative. Most of the people in the UK are sick promises and bold talk that turns to dust soon after an election. If unelected Richie can put a stop to a major project with a wave of his hand, where could it end ?

    1. It’s horribly mebarrassing to have a man in a dress – someone mentally unstable – poncing around on an aircraft. If they’re mentally ill then the last place they should be is on a plane.

    2. Ffs. If i were on a BA plane with that crew, i would want to get off. It’s deeply inappropriate.

  12. Conservative Stop Smoking Divisions (Cons SS) are to be stationed in all areas of the UK – It’s for your own good!

    I don’t smoke but I see this as the equivalent of burning books that don’t conform with the politics of the controlling forces. The Red Battalions and their leaders are in full agreement with Herr Sunak. This is just the first step – mark my words.

    1. New Zealand passes world-first tobacco law to ban smoking for next generation

      The country is believed to be the first to implement an annually rising legal smoking age.

      [From the Guardian 9 months ago]

      Almost all of us at the Nottlers must have noticed that since Covid New Zealand has become determinedly tyrannical and against the freedom of the individual.

      The fact that Sunak should be looking to New Zealand for policy ideas is deeply worrying.

    2. Smoking generates loadsa tax (good) and kills people early (good?)
      What’s not to like?

  13. Good Moaning.
    Today I really MUST psych myself up and sort through boxes of books.
    Trouble is, every job inevitably leads to another job, which then leads to yet another job ……
    And then I inevitably drop something on my toes or cut a finger which bleeds buckets , and then I can’t find the plas ……..
    Bu88er it – third coffee needed.

    1. I know that feeling. I think the best approach is to do the one thing and queue up the others.

  14. G’morning all,

    A grey day at the McPhee’s, wind in the Sou’-West, sunny spells later, 11℃ risng to 16-17℃.

    The letters page has this pithy missive:

    SIR – If Radio 4 were still fit for purpose, GB News would not need to exist.

    Charles Agg

    Charles is a bit behind the times. GB News has shown it’s true colours with its sacking of both Laurence Fox and Calvin Robinson, particularly Calvin whose only “crime” was to support Fox. Dan Wooton is so far merely suspended. This started with its removal of the excellent Mark Steyn for his spot-lighting of Muslim rape gangs and “vaccine” deaths and injuries. Only Neil Oliver and perhaps Andrew Doyle to go and they will have narrowed the Overton window enough to make them acceptable to join the mainstream which is what they want. That’s why they sent Farage to cover the Tory conference precipitating the speculation about him rejoining the Tories and all those Tory MPs with platforms on GB News. This has to be seen against the background of one of the GB news backers, so far unidentified, being in the running to buy the DT. Calvin Robinson reveals all:

    GB News’ days as a free speech channel are over.

    1. That’s the problem though, isn’t it? The intent was never to allow freedom of speech. To never permit an independent channel, saying whatever it wanted. If they couldn’t destroy them outright the Left set about ruining from within. Now they’re just following the playbook and using the machinery of state to destroy their enemies.

      The machine cannot tolerate dissent. Lefties never have. What they can’t control they destroy.

      Sadly, Lawrence Fox gave them plenty of ammunition.

    2. My favourite description of Radio 4, so far, is that it is “a festering syphilitic carbuncle on the anal orifice of hard left indoctrination”. The only criticism I have is that it is far too sympathetic – Radio 4 is much more loathsome than that. Can anyone do better?

  15. Disgruntled Conservatives a little hope? Are you joking? All the snake has proved is he isn’t prepared to confront the difficult issues, that he won’t do what needs to be done, that he is a big state, high tax waster utterly refusing to confront the big issues, preferring the destructive, Left wing globalist agenda of punishment and misery for the little people he, and his cabal of fools are isolated from.

  16. Did you hear corduroy pillows are in the news. They are making headlines.

    No ! you get your coat !

  17. Looking at the pictures of the BA crew’s new uniforms, I can’t help wondering what the typical, as opposed to the slimmer, crewmembers are going to look like. Grotesque would be my guess.
    I can’t imagine that the “plus size” women are going to be pleased by outfits that will be singularly unflattering. The male equivalents will merely look similar if tubbier.

    1. Travelling to and from Greece with Aegean, we saw the slimmest, smartest air crew (all female) I’ve seen for a very long time. Compared to the rather slovenly bunch we had with TUI (male? and female) we had in June, they were a real joy!

      1. The last BA flight I took had staff who could hardly waddle down the aisles ,they had to go down slightly crablike.

        I recognise that the aisles are narrow, to cram in as many paying customers as possible, and that even slimmer people cannot walk two abreast, but in an emergency those staff, combined with the great number of very, very fat passengers would be a recipe for disaster; as the slightest slip could inextricably block the exits in a crush.

        I wonder how many fat-influencers demanding even more space could pass an emergency drill.

        1. I applied to BCal many years ago! and despite being a slim size 12 at the time, was rejected as ‘outsize’! Today I’d probably be considered anorexic judging by the tubby brigade!

      2. The girls of Singapore Airlines were very petite and elegant. I did wonder how practical their sarongs and sandals would be in the event of a crash.

    2. There was a morris man at the Upton Folk Festival who fancied himself as a belly dancer, as you do if you want to keep in with the authorities. He had a fine beer belly, which he enhanced by drawing on a smiley face, which changed expression as he danced.

      Now this is surely the way forward for the UK’s most prestigious airline.

        1. F*t tw*ts are now being told to be proud of their obesity. Never mind, politicians are already proud of being stinking, egocentric liars.

    3. As an aside, the Virgin advert referred to in the article has been seen on our telescreen several times. It is thoroughly puke-making and has made me determined never to fly with Virgin.

      1. When Virgin Atlantic launched they used to offer a fully bookable economy class ticket if one flew business.
        Eventually it became standby and then disappeared.
        At one time I had sufficient “free” tickets to take all five of us to NY for a family holiday, as well as being able to take individuals away for the weekend several times when I was working over there.

  18. An article in TCW with which many Nottlers will agree which shows that Net Zero is a total scam designed to destroy our economy and ruin our lives for absolutely no benefit to Britain.


    Come on, Mr Sunak, you must realise Net Zero is a scam
    Jeremy Wraith

    October 5, 2023

    This is a Freedom of Information request to the Prime Minister.

    Dear Prime Minister

    ‘Climate Change’ is being blamed on human production of CO2, or Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW). This is obviously an outrageous and dangerous lie as shown below.

    CO2 facts

    · CO2 is essential for life on earth.

    · The earth produces CO2 naturally. 140 million years ago the CO2 level in the earth’s atmosphere was 2,500 ppm (parts/million).

    · If the CO2 level falls below about 150 ppm plant life cannot exist. Hence, all animal and human life will expire with it.

    · More CO2 means more and greener vegetation. Commercial growers increase CO2 levels in their greenhouses to increase plant growth.

    · Global CO2 level in 1850, beginning of the industrial revolution, was 280 ppm.

    · Global CO2 level in 2021 was 410 ppm.

    · Hence, total increase of CO2 over that period, natural and manmade, was 130 ppm.

    · 130 ppm increase over 171 years gives an average annual increase of 0.76 ppm.

    · Mankind is responsible for about 3 per cent of that annual increase, or approx. 0.02 ppm.

    · There are about 200 countries in the world. This gives an average of 0.0001 ppm/country/annum! This gives some idea of the small quantities of CO2 involved, even on a global scale.

    Hence, based on these average numbers it will take each country 10,000 years to add just 1 ppm/year to the global total.

    · However, some countries produce far more CO2 than the average. 70 per cent of annual global CO2 emissions are produced by China, the US, the EU, India, Russia and Japan combined.

    · The UK produces only 1 per cent of total manmade annual CO2 or 0.0002 ppm.

    Hence, based on these average numbers it will take the UK 5,000 years to add just 1 ppm CO2 to the global total.

    · However, the CO2 level was possibly rising faster more recently than the average, perhaps about 2.13 ppm between 2021 and 2022.

    · The manmade element of that would be 3 per cent or 0.064 ppm of which the UK’s contribution to that at 1 per cent would be 0.00064 ppm.

    So, even taking one extreme result for CO2 increase, it will still take the UK 1,560 years to add just 1 ppm CO2 to the global total.

    To avoid adding 1 ppm to the world’s CO2 level over the next 1,560 years the UK’s Conservative government (supported by the Labour, Lib Dem and Green parties) is:

    1 Banning the use of our diesel and petrol cars by 2035.

    2 Making us buy EVs at a much higher cost and which are liable to burst into flames if their batteries get wet or damaged (EV cars have numerous other disadvantages).

    3 De-carbonising the National Grid at an estimated cost of £3trillion by 2035 – an average cost of around £120,000 per household – to which must be added the cost for industry, transport and agriculture.

    4 Banning the use of our efficient gas boilers and making us buy inefficient heat pumps at great expense.

    5 Making our homes unusable and un-sellable by insisting on unreasonably high and extremely expensive insulation properties.

    6 Decimating our power supplies by abolishing coal-fired power stations.

    7 Relying for our electricity supply on unreliable and costly wind and solar farms which require substantial subsidies to be paid by UK consumers. All fossil-fuelled and nuclear stations will have been decommissioned by 2035 and the National Grid will be unable to meet the additional load of millions of EV chargers and heat pumps. By then the Grid will be almost totally dependent on solar and wind power – when on some days the output from those sources is less than 1GW, ie 2 per cent of grid maximum demand – a demand which is expected to reach around 90GW by 2035.

    8 Making householders install smart gas and electricity meters so that they can be switched off when electricity supplies are overloaded. It will also enable the supply companies to charge exorbitant prices during periods of high demand.

    NB The use of these meters on householder’s health, (due to high energy pulses they emit) is highly suspect and has not been adequately investigated and proved safe by the authorities.

    9 Threatening to fine objectors £15,000 with a possible 12-month jail sentence if they refuse entry, and legalising the use of brute force by fitters and the police to instal smart meters.

    10 Proposing ‘15-minute’ cities and severely restricting residents’ and visitors’ rights to move around their cities.

    11 Banning practically all air travel.

    12 Severely taxing air travel to put people off from taking holidays abroad.

    13 Scrapping good farmland to ‘re-wild’ it.

    14 Suggesting taxing meat to encourage people to eat bugs.

    15 Somehow increasing the key materials needed to meet Net Zero, including copper, aluminium, nickel, silicon and lithium.

    16 Paying billions of UK taxpayers’ money to UN carbon funds and paying ‘reparations’ to other countries for ‘polluting’ the earth with CO2 from the industrial revolution onwards – a lie as adding CO2 from 1800 to the present day has had a negligible effect on global warming.

    NB In fact, of the total 130 ppm increase in CO2 between 1850 and 2021 the 3 per cent manmade element was only 3.9 ppm. Of that the UK contribution of approximately 1 per cent was 0.039 ppm over 171 years. Yet you, Mr Sunak, have already donated $2billion of our, taxpayers’ money to the UK climate change fund. Was that penance payment really just for adding 0.039 ppm to the global total over 171 years?

    All that and more to prevent the UK adding 1 ppm CO2 to the world’s current total of 400 ppm over the next 1,560 years, when doubling the CO2 level from 400 to 800 ppm makes a negligible change to global warming.

    The graph below, based on calculations by van Wijngaarden and Happer, clearly defines the effect on global warming due to increasing levels of CO2. The most significant points are the warming effect of CO2 at the pre-industrial level of 300ppm to the warming effect at today’s level of about 400ppm is practically indiscernible. This proves beyond any doubt that increasing CO2 by 100ppm has an imperceptible effect on increasing earth’s temperature.

    I ask you to justify each point listed above and explain why you still insist on applying Net Zero when it is so obviously an unattainable and horrendously expensive scam.

    Yours faithfully

    J G Wraith

    1. My niece was asking me about Agenda 2030 yesterday so I sent her some links. It is actually quite scary.

      “ Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development”. Who can object to “Sustainability”? It’s a conservative concept.

      “People, Planet, Peace, Prosperity, Partnership.” Again, who could object?

      Here are the 17 high-level goals. Again, who could object? The devil, of course, is in the detail and the execution,

      “ Sustainable Development Goals

      Goal 1. End poverty in all its forms everywhere
      Goal 2. End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
      Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
      Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
      Goal 5. Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
      Goal 6. Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
      Goal 7. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
      Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
      Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
      Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
      Goal 11. Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
      Goal 12. Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
      Goal 13. Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts*
      Goal 14. Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development
      Goal 15. Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss
      Goal 16. Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
      Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development.”

          1. Reminds me of Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG doing rehearsals for Top of the Pops. The KCSG is a knighthood bestowed by the Holy See – even the Pope gave him one. OBE stands for One Bugg*rs Everyone. (Especially the kiddywinks).

          2. It sounds a bit like Boney M singing the Rivers of Babylon – I’m afraid I don’t like either.

          3. Then there is the Order of St Michael and St George with three ranks:

            Companion (CMG). Known colloquially as (Call me God – CMG)

            Knight Commander (KCMG) or Dame Commander (DCMG) Known colloquially as (Kindly Call Me God – KCMG)

            Knight Grand Cross or Dame Grand Cross (GCMG) Known colloquially as (God Calls Me God – GCMG)

          4. Reminds me of Sir James Wilson Vincent Savile OBE KCSG doing rehearsals for Top of the Pops. The KCSG is a knighthood bestowed by the Holy See – even the Pope gave him one. OBE stands for One Bugg*rs Everyone. (Especially the kiddywinks).

          5. Sydney Carter wrote the song. I saw him perform it unaccompanied apart from a drum which he beat as he sang.

            Sydney was a great friend of Jeremy Taylor’s and they made an LP together when Jeremy was teaching at Eton.

      1. Goal 18. Reduce the human population by several billion by sustainably culling the sick and the elderly.

          1. In which case: cull whites, cull invention and eventually all human life., or take it back to something resembling Africa. The self-styled elite think they can keep just enough whites alive (of the right kind, of course) to keep their own privileged world going.

            If it carries on, eventually they have a shock coming – I won’t be here to see it, but it will be thoroughly deserved.

          2. I’m not sure that their plan to eliminate white people by mixing them with Africans is going to work either – I think it will backfire. They are not going to end up with quite the obedient little drones that they are hoping for.

          3. Indeed – nor have they taken Islam and some of its brain-dead followers into account. Respect for life means nothing to them – especially for others. Given the ethnicity of many of the people at the top, there may be trouble ahead…

          4. Sobvious, innit. They wish to eliminate the white races, predominantly the well-educated middling types, because it is from among such as those that people will arise to challenge the businesses and social positions of the übermensch.

          5. Yes, but one day those übermensch (funny that so many words like that are German) will need people with brains. And those people will have been killed off.

            Unless they want to import some from China, of course.

      2. I’ll hunt for it when I get home, but a statistics institute here in Norway as gone off-message and shown that CO2 is not a cause of global anything, except greening, as it promotes plant growth.

      3. Catherine Austin Fitts has some documents from the early 90s that apparently openly refer to the 2020s as the “killing phase.”

    2. Fascinating ‘In Our Time’ just now about plankton, and their capacity to regulate the oxygen / carbon dioxide balance on this planet, as well as providing the foundation for the food chain. What was interesting was the effect of iron depletion on plankton populations, and the simple act of tossing iron filings into the sea could have a dramatic effect, when conditions are otherwise right for plankton production. Get it wrong though, and you get blue-green algal blooms that kill everything back to the geological stone age.

      Ecology only became a recognised science in my lifetime. Hitherto, it was all about domination and survival of the fittest and the brutality of nature in the raw, each determined to push the other out of the way in a drive for supremacy, with the human being being the paramount life form of all. Ecology, whilst acknowledging that nature is very often brutal, cruel and domineering, that is less important than the capacity of life to live symbiotically as companions, giving rise to a great wealth of variety, each pushing each others’ niches to mutual benefit, and that humanity is very much part of this process if it chooses to be.

      We may well find that if we do right for the plankton and the forests, there is no reason then to have to give up our own lifestyle aspirations, and could safely set aside much of Net Zero’s deprivations imposed on us by the politicians.

  19. Did anyone see JRM interviewing Nigel Farage on GB News last night?

    JRM pleaded with Farage to join the Conservative Party. Indeed he said that it was Nigel Farage’s Patriotic Duty” to do so!

    But is it not the patriotic duty of JRM to leave the Conservative Party and join Reform because the Conservative Party is over, finished, dead – and we need a new party right of centre to replace it?

    Not everybody likes Mr Farage in fact – to borrow a new cliché – he is marmite – you love him or loathe him. I think he was extremely foolish to cave in to Johnson in the 2019 general election and stand down Brexit Party candidates in seats held by sitting Conservatives many or whom were and still are ardent remainers. Farage could have had Johnson by the short and curlies but he threw away his advantage.

    So Farage’s judgement is not infallible. But he has something that Sunak, Starmer, Davey and Tice lack – he knows how to communicate very clearly and forcefully and he has charisma. If he took over from Tice in the Reform Party it would be likely to get more votes than the Conservatives and even if he did not win this would bring about the destruction of the Conservative Party which deserves the death penalty.

    1. The Cons don’t really want Farage in the House of Commons! They would do a quick deal and shove him up into the Lords. Somehow, that is losing its appeal these days.

  20. Did anyone see JRM interviewing Nigel Farage on GB News last night?

    JRM pleaded with Farage to join the Conservative Party. Indeed he said that it was Nigel Farage’s Patriotic Duty” to do so!

    But is it not the patriotic duty of JRM to leave the Conservative Party and join Reform because the Conservative Party is over, finished, dead – and we need a new party right of centre to replace it?

    Not everybody likes Mr Farage in fact – to borrow a new cliché – he is marmite – you love him or loathe him. I think he was extremely foolish to cave in to Johnson in the 2019 general election and stand down Brexit Party candidates in seats held by sitting Conservatives many or whom were and still are ardent remainers. Farage could have had Johnson by the short and curlies but he threw away his advantage.

    So Farage’s judgement is not infallible. But he has something that Sunak, Starmer, Davey and Tice lack – he knows how to communicate very clearly and forcefully and he has charisma. If he took over from Tice in the Reform Party it would be likely to get more votes than the Conservatives and even if he did not win this would bring about the destruction of the Conservative Party which deserves the death penalty.

  21. Following on from my post yesterday about the absurd cost of ‘Biodiversity Mitigation’ in a planning application…

    Britain’s bureaucracy

    SIR – Madeline Grant (Comment, October 4) is correct – the bureaucracy in this country is totally insane.

    It has taken my wife and me 15 months to gain planning consent to demolish an existing property and replace it with a new house, even though Stratford-upon-Avon planning department asked us to do this and said it would support the project.

    We were required to pay consultants to satisfy bat preservation conditions (one bat was seen flying away from the existing house in May 2022), and arboreal consultants because there were three trees in a half-acre plot, which we were not going to remove anyway. We had to pay for archaeological surveys (half a London brick was dug up and photographed) and flood report consultants – even though the Environment Agency said that the risk was minimal). The expense was eye-watering.

    It is, therefore, no wonder that too few new houses are built or that large-scale projects like HS2 overrun their estimated costs.

    Stephen K Crisp-Jones
    Wellesbourne, Warwickshire

    1. What bothers most is that those individuals are already paid from taxation. Their services should be free, not ‘at cost’.

    2. HS2 was exempted from all these preservation surveys, which only apply to little people.

      Its estimated costs completely disregarded the cost of any collateral damage done on the route in order to mislead Parliament.

      1. They did do the archaeological ones, and dug up nothing particularly interesting, that all the locals knew perfectly well was there!

    3. Interesting letter. What that does of course is to deter people from building their own houses. It’s far more cost-effective if you’re a developer building thirty houses on the site – especially if you’re on good terms with the relevant people in the Council.

  22. Re Ukriane: If the many independent sources are to be believed, as collated by UK Column, the total Ukrainian military dead are now on a par with the UK losses during WW2 – 383,700.

    In 20 months.

    May they rest in peace for the survivors won’t if the criminal Biden administration has anything to do with it.

    1. Killed off by an over-optimistic publicity department and a press that loved to run BR down at every level.
      The P Suffix in APT-P stood for “Prototype” and the intention was to run it in service to identify problems with the systems so they could be fixed in the production series.

      1. The poster isn’t really about APT, though. Read the script below the picture!

    1. Looks like Rishi Sunak and Kier Starmer delivering another barrel of UK taxpayer’s money to Volodymyr Oleksandrovych Zelenskyy on the most up-to-date UK/EU transport system.

  23. Back from market – quite chilly this morning. I almost regretted by shorts. But knowing that global boiling is expected this weekend, kept them on.

    Will the odious Fishi create a force of Tobacco Wardens to stop and search children?

        1. Seeing how many trans are winning women’s contests he would be a shoo-in for the glamorous granny competition.

    1. When those 14 year old children are 35, they’ll still need to show proof of age…………

  24. Quiz time !

    Which incompetent deranged paedo criminal said this…

    “I got hairy legs, that turned, that that that that that that turned, um
    um um, blond in the sun. And the kids used to come up and reach in the
    pool and rub my leg down, so it was straight, then watch the hair come
    back up again. They’d look at it. So I learned about roaches, I learned
    about kids jumping on my lap. And I’ve loved kids jumping on my lap.” –
    Sniffer in Chief

  25. Lionel Shriver in the Spekkie:

    “British governance has become only more controlling and punitive, creating a social vibe that’s oppressive. With every new law comes another raft of fines and threats of incarceration. Covid revealed this country’s ugly authoritarian underbelly. Depressingly, too, British institutions have almost universally imported America’s vile race-and-gender mania. If you Brits were going to convert to a self-destructive ideology, you might at least have contrived your own.”

    1. What has the US of A ever exported to this country that has been good? In fact, what has the US of A ever created/produced that is good – I mean that we couldn’t live just as happily, if not more so, without.

      Whatever anyone might come up with, it will be far outweighed by the bad/crap that has been created in that country. The Vikings and Columbus could have done the world a favour and never “discovered” the place, for the malcontents and greedy people of Europe to inhabit.

      1. Nylons, chocolate, Winston Churchill’s mother and some rather good ideas about freedom that lasted until 1913.

        1. US chocolate is awful, like its cheese. Nylons were a curse for many, and rather restricting for women’s emancipation (something to make your legs look “sexier” is hardly a world-beating invention). Winston Churchill’s mother was not, I would argue, a great American export, merely an individual. And ideas of freedom actually originated here, not in the USA.

          Anything else?

          1. Mars was founded by an American. Nylons were infinitely preferable to lyle, according to my mother!
            Churchill was the benefit from Churchill’s mother of course!

            The US constitution is still one of the greatest documents that’s ever been produced in the world – although the country has since been sabotaged by bankers and organised crime, it was actually a republic for more than a hundred years, which is quite an achievement.
            Even today, the right to bear arms, which was put in specifically to protect Americans from their own government should it become corrupt, might save them.

            Let us hope that nobody judges us by our government…I like many Americans that I have me, although there appears to be very little integrity left in their governing class.

          2. Chocolate itself wasn’t created in the US. Cadbury’s wasn’t founded by an American, and that family did quite a lot for its workers, unlike Mars. So did Fry’s – Quaker families. Further in Europe, I don’t think Lindt and Suchard got much from the US either.

            As for nylons – both those and lisle were hardly earth-shattering inventions that the human race is the better for.

            The US constitution was based on the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights – both English. Where did the sabotaging bankers and organised crime in the degree that grew in the US originate? In the US (well some originated in Germany, but as I first wrote, the US attracted the misfits and the greedy Europeans)..

      1. I haven’t been able to take the White House seriously since the blatantly rigged election and the patient, I mean President, taking office.

    1. Now that would be interesting. I think Trump is a great self-aggrandizer but he has the interests of his fellow Americans at heart. More so than the idiots running the Demo Party.

        1. Only by being a bordering county – Hertfordshire. There are just places close by that I don’t go to any more.

          Their loss, I say!

          1. Just before we arrived at the St Albans junction of the M25 last Friday there is a huge sign displaying his downright audacity.
            He was only supposed to be mayor of London. Not everything inside the M25.

  26. 377365+ up ticks

    No doubting it, they are the best at talking a good fight.

    A bold reassertion of Conservative values
    Manchester 2023 marked the moment where Mr Sunak dropped caution and came out fighting as a bold and radical leader

    Should read

    As a cold and cynical bleeder, he is, through & through a WEF activist.

    1. I can see that it’s spelling out words – but what words I don’t know! 😳

      1. Hi Sue. Narrow your eyes to look at the picture. It says – ‘Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself’

          1. Yes, I hadn’t tried that, it works well doesn’t it?. Narrowing your eyes and squinting at an obscured picture is something I learned a few years ago. Good for getting an idea of what someone looks like when a TV programme has pixellated someone’s face.

          2. Yes, it’s what I normally do, but I suspect that age may be playing a (bit) part! 🤓

  27. To Putin’s relish, Ukraine’s support is crumbling. Con Coughlin. 5 October 2023.

    Western leaders are losing the will to fight on, even if Kyiv’s commanders remain as steadfast as ever.

    We can only hope so and bring this pointless butchery to an end. A negotiated peace should have been the goal from the beginning. Only American intransigence and ambition prevented it.

    PS. No comments allowed.

    1. Putin’s intention from the start was a negotiated settlement, it was Washinton, and Johnson, who turned down Putin’s request to negotiate.

    1. I would imagine this nice chap Teodoro ‘Teddy’ Obiang buys his cars using Foreign aid from the UK.

    1. You’ve got to larrf eh, it’s virtually the exact opposite of the Eagles song Lying Eyes. And so true.

  28. Hello all, from Buenos Aires! I made it in one piece despite various last-minute embuggerments; heartfelt thanks to Hertslass for her unwavering support!

    Amazingly, I appear to be the right way up, timewise. This feels good! Orf to explore my new neighbourhood. 😎

    1. Oh, how wonderful, Ashes! The best of luck and good wishes to you for your future!

          1. There – it wasn’t as bad as that, was it? Ashes will be back sometime, for a visit and she’ll be here on NoTTL.

          2. I know !
            It is just complicated to arrange groupings that work.
            Just seen your email. Does that include fresh flowers in my room and breakfast in bed? :@)

          3. They are not totally gone just not within bottom pinching distance. :@)
            And they did like to pinch my bottom so……..

          1. If your dog requires a larger bed or for that matter a larger plate of food than you………………….

    2. …..hello? can anyone hear me? I’m in Ashes suitcase at Heathrow waiting to board. Don’t tell me she’s gone already. It’s dark in here too.

    3. Best wishes for your future.
      I’m more than slightly envious. I’ve had enough of this country now.

    4. If I should fly, think only this of me:
      That there’s some corner of a foreign field
      That is for ever England. There shall be
      In that Buenos Aires Air a richer bust concealed;
      A bust whom England bore, shaped, made aware,
      Gave, once, her flowers to love, her ways to roam,
      A body of England’s, breathing English air,
      Washed by the rivers, blest by suns of home.

      Have a smashing time!

  29. Ah that’s better, 45 minutes walking in the silence of the woods and field’s.
    Apple and a banana for lunch. Trying to lose the extra pounds I have put on, during my two year wait for the op.

      1. The pub is too far to walk but it won’t be for much longer. I do miss our lovely Labrador as a walking companion.

  30. Re the odious Fishi’s ban on smoking.

    I suppose in future, the grubby people ,loitering just outside the playground will be offering “20 Players” rather than other drugs.

    1. He’s totally incapable of stopping the continuing illegal invasion.
      How’s he going to stop people puffin’ a fag or two.

          1. Another problem is that there are even more people in this country who choose to believe any BS they are fed.

          2. 377365+up ticks,

            Afternoon HL,

            Although I totally agree
            the majority of voters wouldn’t, again,again, again, & again.

          3. They have obviously, and very stupidly forgotten the ‘lost’ years of the Convid scam. The lockdowns, the stealing of liberties, and the shameful lies which accompanied the whole dreadful contrived scenario. I won’t forget, and I’m pretty sure most of us here won’t either.

      1. That’s much easier. Armed police patrols. Borstal full of young smokers. Simple.

        Illegals – just look the other way.

      2. Not true – he is perfectly capable of stopping the criminal invasion. It means leaving a range of international treaty and ending the HRA. He *won’t* do that. He has no intent whatsoever of ever defending our borders and is happy to see the nation ruined because it will never affect him.

        1. When I suggest he’s incapable of stopping the invasion, I’m being facetious. He is incapable because he’s obeying orders.

    2. And only this week the Home Sec said Fentanyl will be on our streets very soon and there is nothing we can do.
      Yes Home Sec..shake your head and wash your hands of it before it even happens. Well done…Not !

    1. I suppose a small amount of rape will not be a cause to change this policy (c. Michael Crick).

  31. I must have some Irish in me as I’ve just spent 2 hours in the pouring rain fixing guttering to my wood store – and yes, it works

    1. If you’re interested in Languedoc, Bill, and it’s history, try reading this Trilogy :
      Labyrinth 2005
      Sepulchre 2007
      Citadel 2012

      By Kate Mosse – fascinating reading, based on Carcasonne. I’ve visited and it’s a lovely little place.

    1. This is precisely why the NHS is buggered and costs a quarter of a trillion pounds a year.

      1. Shunk say they can’t possibly cut taxes – yet there’s a really good way to do so. Sack this waster.

    2. Dribbling word salad. It’s also DIE. Not dei, edi, ide – it’s damned well DIE. As the whole nonsense, blithering idiocy should.

    3. Sharing pronouns? I’ve heard that Bill Gates is working on a “vaccine” for that but meanwhile Boots have a useful ointment if anyone is troubled.

      1. Today, the usual lass was not manning the greengrocery section at Colemans (you may remember Maureen at Whitnells in Crouch Street).
        She was off ill because she’d had Convid and flu jabs and been completely banjaxed.

  32. Stop press. Fly news. They are still around but fewer as the global boiling kicks in. The chicken unit will be emptied next week – and Banhams have committed to replacing all the fans and making other improvements AND to testing the whole shithouse in the presence o the protesters committee BEFORE they restock to measure the noise.

    The MR told them that the village deserved compensation. Banhams agreed – and asked what sort of figure. The MR said (and I am still reeling!!): Church Quota – £7,000; Village Hall sound system – £12,000; Completion of new windows for Village Hall – £5,000.

    Done – they said. Seems a lot (and will be very useful) but a drop in the ocean compared to the likely fine of £300,000.

    She’s a fighter, my old girl!!

    1. Well done. Except if they were prepared to give that much the MR should have demanded 10 times as much.

    1. Cortez is an utter moron who knows nothing about anything. She’s a gobby, stupid moron who is a representation of everything wrong with politics. An inexperienced, arrogant, spoiled stupid Lefty.

  33. Why is an NHS trust offering slavery reparations? 5 October 2023.

    So the decision by NHS Lothian to spend £40 million of taxpayers’ cash on “a programme of reparations” to Jamaica and Africa will raise more than a few eyebrows, especially among Edinburgh residents enduring painful delays for a knee or hip operation.

    Why must today’s hard-pressed taxpayers foot the bill for this blatant act of virtue signalling? Hundreds of years ago a surgeon who owned a slave plantation in the Caribbean made a bequest to the Royal infirmary of Edinburgh. Accountants, presumably contracted at great cost, have since been spending a lot of time and effort on calculating how much that bequest is now worth. And we are all to believe, unwaveringly, that the £39.1 million figure they came up with is entirely accurate.

    That money will now be used to redress the hospital’s part in “crimes against humanity” which will include making a formal apology, commissioning artwork dedicated to victims of slavery and signing an agreement aimed at improving healthcare in modern day Jamaica. The board’s aim is also to “eliminate systemic discrimination and racism in Scotland”. They do not, however, explain what “systemic” means in this context; much like the popular practice of placing “institutional” in front of “racism”, it is usually used to denote quantity or intensity, rather than a literal reference to formal rules that require reform.

    Most of this cash will vanish into the private bank accounts of the “oppressed” complainants!

    1. Surely to goodness- even in benighted Scotland – there must be some way of getting a court to stop this.,

      1. That depends on the judicial system and the judiciary – I wouldn’t hold out much hope on the courts. More on the political damage it could cause.

        1. Particularly when the so-called judiciary on Scotland were bought and paid for years ago! Dorothy Bain, anyone?

  34. Putin will bankrupt Russia before he admits defeat in Ukraine. 5 October 2023.

    Putin, meanwhile, has shown that he is quite happy to shatter his country – devastating its population, its armed forces, and bankrupting its economy – in pursuit of a victory that will not come. He must know that at some point, the population will turn on him.

    Really? It’s quite interesting that No Comments are allowed on any of the main articles about Russia and Putin today. Does the Telegraph know something that we do not or is it that they see that public opinion is turning ?

    1. What berk writes that sort of waffle? The only nations being bankrupted are European ones, by paying disasterous costs for Russian fuels – as they were warned and ignored.

      Russia is fine. It’s we who are suffering because of the mendacity of overpaid, ineffectual whelps.

  35. And another thing (rant).

    In her ‘ickle girlie voice yesterday, Mrs Fishi said that her husband had no idea what she was going to say.


    A control freak like Fishi would not allow her to open her mouth at the conference unless he had read, vetted and edited every single word she uttered.

    1. Neither his nor her speeches were written by them. They’ve been through endless edits, re-writes, think tanks, consultants – at great expense to the tax payer. It’s a shame they were so utterly vaccuous and devoid of content.

      He could simply have stood up, danced a jig and sat down for all the value his waffle had.

    2. She was reading from the teleprompter so she didn’t even know what she was about to say.

  36. Where America leads, down into any available cess pit, we follow.

    The good news is, Republicans are finally willing to criticize immigration! The bad news is, it’s only to say they are against Americans dying from fentanyl. So proud of you, GOP!
    In one of her debate questions, she said: “Fifty-seven percent of the smugglers are U.S. citizens. How would you stop fentanyl brought into the country” — AND IN CASE YOU DIDN’T HEAR ME THE FIRST TIME — “mostly by U.S. citizens?”
    Yes, “U.S. citizens,” meaning: “anchor babies and their progeny.”

    In addition AC wrote:
    I looked up the most recent DEA report on major fentanyl busts. Below are the names of those arrested in just the last few weeks. No names have been excluded, so I’m not cherry-picking. See if you notice anything:

    Felix Herrera Garcia
    Grei Mendez
    Carliston Acevedo Brito
    Renny Parra Paredes, aka “El Gallo”
    Jose Cruz Ivan Aispuro
    Adrian Montalvo
    Jose Lora
    Ray Urena
    Ruben Davila Cardenas

    “U.S. citizens” all!

  37. 377365+ up ticks,

    Now that would solve a great many problems, would Ivan have a recruitment office in London ? that would not infringe on any English turf would it ?

    EU Nations Are the Next ‘Targets’ For Russia if Ukraine Defeated, Zelensky Tells European Leaders at Summit

    1. EU Nations Are the Next ‘Targets’ For Russia if Ukraine Defeated, Zelensky Tells European Leaders at Summit.

      Afternoon Oggy. This is an old canard. If the war with Ukraine illustrates anything it is that outside Nuclear War Russia has no chance against NATO!

      1. 377365= up ticks,

        Afternoon AS ,
        Post GE, after say five months of the overseers odious coalition the mindset will be ” my enemies enemy
        ( the uk coalition) is my friend”

      2. I don’t believe NATO, under Biden would act. The Left love war, but they prefer the enemy to be their own citizens and the US isn’t conquered yet.

      3. ‘EU Nations Are the Next ‘Targets’ For Russia if Ukraine Defeated, Zelensky Tells European Leaders at Summit’.
        I wonder if they actually think that to be true….If they did they would already have tried real peace talks given they would be radioactive dust otherwise.

      4. What does Zelensky have in common with Mandy Rice-D?

        Apart from the MRD award, perhaps one might think of a little tart (alternative words spring to mind).

    2. We’re already unable to fight Russia. The Left have made us dependent upon Russian gas by refusing to let us use our own.

      1. 377365+ up ticks,

        Evening W,

        To my mind left & right long ago gave it left/right/left/right down the road to the RESET construction site taking the majority voter with them.
        The state of play currently is there are THEM & US.

        Sadly the peoples are showing they are content with the status quo, no shale could mean MORE trannies if it is a hard winter, on account of bollocks dropping off BUT if it is the coalitions wish, so be it.

        Party before Country,

    3. I am at a loss here.

      Journalists/MSM continue to rubbish the Russian military and claim that the Ukraine forces have held, and in places, pushed the Russians back. If all of that bad commentary re Russia is true, then how does the rubbish Russian military pose a threat to the whole of the EU?
      Creating a nuclear wasteland right next door to Russia doesn’t seem a sensible alternative, does it?

      1. 377365+ up ticks,

        Evening KtK,
        We seemingly have political tosspots on all fronts and a nuclear action could so easily occur.

        In creating wastelands our coalition political talent would come out tops,
        having these last four decades constructed a multitude of no go areas nationwide.

    4. Is the Russian government criminalising smoking or demanding a licence for owning a pop gun?

  38. That’s me gone very early. We are going to a talk – which means leaving just after 5.30 and not getting home (in the dark GRRR) until after 8.30. Now is too early to eat – the return will be to late. What a dilemma – which I am sure the MR will solve.

    By the way – the BBC4 Hamlet (available on catch up) was exceedingly good.

    Have a spiffing evening.

    A demain.


    Many BTLiners are saying that the banks are trying to milk more money out of the gullible public by profiting as much as they can from the great Net Zero scam by trying to make them have to borrow more money from them to comply with the tyrannical rules. con.

    They are also well aware that Sunak has not retracted on his punitive net zero plans – he has just made a minuscule delay on a couple of points for electoral reasons.

    BTL (Percival Wrattstrangler)

    People are beginning to cotton on to the fact that carbon dioxide is necessary and benevolent. Yes, climate change has always happened but man made climate change is a myth.

    The PTB ruthlessly try to shoot down and cancel many wise, learned and eminent scientists who can see that Net Zero is a complete scam.

    Of course the truth will come out eventually – but how much meaningless damage will have been inflicted upon us all until it does?

    1. Folk don’t seem to understand. Sunak has just followed what the EU has permitted. He hasn’t done anything to stop, reverse or even slow the demented idiocy of green. He – because is masters tell him to – will continue down this gormless road regardless of the consequences or damage it does to the country.

      This is why the banks are continuing this charge – they’ve been told to. Nothing has changed in legislature whatsoever.

  40. Maybe it was done earlier which I didn’t see, but…

    Wordle 838 3/6


    a bit lucky perhaps.

    1. I had one of those days.

      Wordle 838 5/6


  41. I note that more Drag-o-Perv is due to be shown on TV.
    Why are the authorities pandering to these panderers?
    They, and those permitting and encouraging it, should be locked up for child molesting and conspiracy to commit sexual abuse with minors.
    gerund or present participle: pandering
    gratify or indulge (an immoral or distasteful desire or taste or a person with such a desire or taste).
    Edit for locked not looked

    1. “We will make the West so corrupt that it stinks” declared the Frankfurt Schoolers. It is still a work in progress. For as long as we let them.

  42. Today’s request for advice. Hubby is a gas engineer and went yesterday to do the landlord gas safety certificate on my old flat, which we rent out to a nice young family who are no trouble and look after it well.

    However, the flat now has a “smart” meter.

    The tenant explained that the gas supplier turned up about two weeks ago and fitted it.

    The rental agreement does not allow the tenant to change gas supplier without our permission but I think is silent about changing the meter. But is the gas supplier allowed to change the meter without the owner’s consent? Does anyone know?

    1. If they could just pitch up and change the meter, we would all have them and they wouldn’t spend vast resources trying to persuade us to change. So, the meter owner must have thought that they had permission from the property owner. What you can do now,I do not know!

    2. They use all sorts of tactics to get these meters installed. Rented properties are easy meat. One way to confound them is to change the company that supplies the gas. Tends to make the smart meter inoperative.
      Your tenant should not have allowed them to do anything without your express permission and are in breach of contract.

    3. During my last tour in Germany, I rented out my house near Catterick through an agent. When I moved back into the house prior to discharge, I was a but miffed to find out that a pre-payment electricity meter had been installed. The agent knew nothing about it and Northern Electric insisted that the owner had requested installation. I said I was the owner and that the tenant had no such right but he insisted I take it up with the previous tenant.
      The rental agreement said that the tenant was responsible for all utility bills, as expected, but never considered meters. The previous tenant (an elderly lady) had moved into council housing in the same village so I went to see her. She said that NE had insisted, as she was on income support. So it went round in circles. NE said they would charge me a substantial amount to change back. As I was selling the house, I decided that pursuing the issue was no worth the bother. There was also no paper trail. Most annoying.
      I suspect that the meter company in your case were trying it on by just turning up with a smart meter. I received that attached letter in 2012 insisting that they would turn up to fit a smart mater as “It’s the law”. A complete lie of course so I ignored it. I still refuse to have one. Circled at the bottom.

    1. An Arundel Tomb

      Side by side, their faces blurred,
      The earl and countess lie in stone,
      Their proper habits vaguely shown
      As jointed armour, stiffened pleat,
      And that faint hint of the absurd—
      The little dogs under their feet.

      Such plainness of the pre-baroque
      Hardly involves the eye, until
      It meets his left-hand gauntlet, still
      Clasped empty in the other; and
      One sees, with a sharp tender shock,
      His hand withdrawn, holding her hand.

      They would not think to lie so long.
      Such faithfulness in effigy
      Was just a detail friends would see:
      A sculptor’s sweet commissioned grace
      Thrown off in helping to prolong
      The Latin names around the base.

      They would not guess how early in
      Their supine stationary voyage
      The air would change to soundless damage,
      Turn the old tenantry away;
      How soon succeeding eyes begin
      To look, not read. Rigidly they

      Persisted, linked, through lengths and breadths
      Of time. Snow fell, undated. Light
      Each summer thronged the glass. A bright
      Litter of birdcalls strewed the same
      Bone-riddled ground. And up the paths
      The endless altered people came,

      Washing at their identity.
      Now, helpless in the hollow of
      An unarmorial age, a trough
      Of smoke in slow suspended skeins
      Above their scrap of history,
      Only an attitude remains:

      Time has transfigured them into
      Untruth. The stone fidelity
      They hardly meant has come to be
      Their final blazon, and to prove
      Our almost-instinct almost true:
      What will survive of us is love.

    1. I remember at nursery school when the boys were being over boisterous our teacher told us that there is a very great difference between being tough – which is admirable – and being rough – which is contemptible.

      Caroline tried to use the mantra Bigs Boys Are Gentle Boys when Christo was being a bit too rough with his younger brother.

  43. Average today

    Wordle 838 4/6


    1. Posted a couple of hours ago, a threefer.

      Wordle 838 3/6


    2. Wordle 838 5/6


    3. More average

      Wordle 838 4/6


  44. Just banged off this email to my MP:

    Dear Mr Malthouse,

    Many people are aware that that there are currently more deaths occurring from all causes across all age groups than would normally be expected from an examination of historical all-cause mortality. It has come to public notice that there is to be an adjournment debate on this subject in the House of Commons on 20th October, sponsored by Andrew Bridgen MP. This is a very important issue which affects every community, every constituency across the land and indeed most of the developed world. Since you are the representative in Parliament of my household I would like to ask that you attend the debate.

    Yours sincerely, etc

    Also just cast National Trust AGM votes for SWMBO and self in accordance with the recommendations of Restore Trust.

    It’s not much, I know, but it helps to keep the pressure on.

      1. The more people write to them the more they will begin to feel the heat. I had given up but I have recently revised my opinion and I’m going to follow the advice of Brian Gerrish at UKC – if you get a negative response write to the constituency chairman or maybe copy him or her in on the email anyway.

        1. Your quite right most of them live in cloud cuckoo land and can’t possibly have a clue what the public think. Or realistically they might not be wrecking our country.

        2. I did something similar with my MP Suella Braverman regarding GP’s. The lady did shake them up somewhat but it is too much for one person to fight against the tide. i did get a very nice headed letter and envelope with the House of Commons Crest though…That must be worth something…sort of.

      2. The more people write to them the more they will begin to feel the heat. I had given up but I have recently revised my opinion and I’m going to follow the advice of Brian Gerrish at UKC – if you get a negative response write to the constituency chairman or maybe copy him or her in on the email anyway.

  45. My word keeping fit walking makes one awfully tired. Only another hour to go before lights out.

          1. Swap it for a static bike…
            With a dynamo.
            Better yet, a dynamite-a-Moh, more explosive power!

    1. My lights went out at 18.00 – my electricity company was doing work cutting trees near the power lines.

  46. Last Wednesday (27th Sept), I wrote this:

    The granting of oil and gas licences in the North Sea has brought a predictable response, the best of which has come from Packham: “An act of war against life on Earth.”

    Radio 4’s PM followed the headline with a report on the withdrawal of companies from new windfarms in the North and Irish Seas. I’ll listen to it later.

    [Actually, not the Irish Sea – read on.]

    I finally got around to listening.

    The ‘withdrawals’ were but one – Swedish power company Vattenfall pulled out of a North Sea scheme in the summer. The other setbacks for the scammers were (i) the latest auction for green energy contracts (i.e. subsidised packages) attracted no bidders, (ii) a land-based scheme in Dumfries & Galloway was put on hold; the company wants the UK government to exempt the development from soon to be imposed windfall taxes on new renewables.

    Evan Davies spoke to Rod Wood, MD of the Scottish developer, Community Windpower. He told us how the cost of everything had gone up, especially money and how bad this was because “green electricity is the backbone…the foundation for new industry: data centres, AI, blockchain, pharma…” A special form of electricity, eh, Rod?

    In response to the government granting North Sea oil and gas licences: “I looked at their press release. They say they will be looking at Net Zero in a pragmatic, proportionate and realistic way. I don’t know what that means. I don’t think the climate will be looking at the UK in that way as sea levels rise and cities like London start to submerge.”

    Evan Davies then asked him if had talked to the Labour Party to see if it would be more friendly. No, he hadn’t but he hoped to meet with all the other parties. He then blethered on about opportunity, modern thinking, powering new green industries etc. before Davies let him blow himself out and moved on to the next story.

    There’s definitely something in the air!

    PS Would you buy a wind turbine from a man dressed like this?

    Oh, and I almost forgot the top-of-the show soundbite from Zac Goldsmith on the granting of oil licences: “…it just trashes the UK’s reputation as a reliable, grown-up member of the global community…it’s done us immeasurable harm…”.

    1. We need more mental asylums to house these people.

      Oh, sorry, they’ve been in charge of the asylums for quite a long time now.

    2. “Sea levels rise and cities like London start to submerge”. Al Gore said London would be submerged by 2016. Still waiting.

      1. Cities like New York are in danger of being submerged because they were built on low lying land. Not to mention the billions of tons of concrete added to a small area of the earth’s crust.

  47. Well today was interesting. Dog walk – pup got nipped for being too joyously friendly towards another dog. Then a good old roll in some fox poo, pup well coated. Poppie never did this, she was a good girl, pheasant poo was her perfume of choice, a little touch behind the ears and on the shoulders. New pup went about it in the manner of a dog trying to get it into every single follicle. Then, walking back down the long field pup espied someone with two dogs walking in the opposite direction on the other side of the hedgerow, which divides two large fields and open at either end. Pup shot through the undergrowth of the hedge and happily announced his presence to the startled dog walker and her two dogs. She carried on walking with pup in hot pursuit. It was miles either way to either end of the hedgerow, I could just see Rico running up and down excitedly, a sandy blur – there was nothing for it but for me to get down on my stomach and worm my way through the undergrowth and under the hedgerow. Rico came to look at me briefly as I poked my head over the halfway mark and off he went bouncing happily after his new found friends. He shot through the hedge further along – fortunately poppiesdad was still on the other side but much further along, he was ahead of me. He grabbed the little tyke (still well covered in fox poo despite his forward efforts through the hedge) and he remained sulkily on the lead thereafter. I discovered I was liberally coated in little, hard, burr-like seeds – hair and everywhere – and a spiky thorn had punctured and wedged itself within my scalp. Exhausted we returned home and showered down the little tyke. After recovering from his afternoon nap the pup wandered into the kitchen, ate his meal, and had a look in the bathroom where he had spent the latter part of the morning and helped himself to, and demolished a toilet roll. Paper all over the place.

      1. It is, we wouldn’t be without him – fortunately not every day is quite like today and we know he will settle down in… er… a few years’ time!

        1. We’ve got daughters 8 month old Lab for her holidays, and she’s awfully keen on hedgehog poo!

          1. Thank you! I did think it probably was a finger problem…. I have been known to suffer from the same myself from time to time.

          2. I downvoted someone by mistake recently when Disqus did that thing of suddenly changing the page just as you click down, and it landed on the downvote button!

          3. It is rare on this blog for a regular to downvote someone. It is normally as you say a page shift. Then again i do keep trying to downvote Bill Thomas but he just laughs at me. :@)

      1. I just need to leave the bathroom door, which has a click closure, slightly open and then my living room looks like world cup final celebration in the morning. I don’t even think Harry likes football !

    1. Dog covered in fox poo means lead attached to the back bumper as i drive through the car wash !

        1. That is a really good idea! Fortunately all of our walks do not involve a car, we are lucky enough to step out onto the village green and then into the fields and wonderful copse beyond.

  48. I doubt very much that Rishi went to Spain to tell the EU where they can shove their illegals.

    1. I’m sure he explained to them that the UK’s illegal quotas would benefit from larger RIBs being used in the crossings as that would also mean lower carbon emissions during the journey per illegal.

      1. We can see it happening can’t we…Behind closed doors and deals being done. Just like Diego Garcia and then the Falklands.

        1. Ship every single gimmegrant from the UK and the EU to the Falklands and then give the Falklands to Argentina.
          Two birds, one stone.
          I’m reasonably sure that most “old European” countries have similar “possessions” that can be used similarly.
          Take it in turns.

    1. Almost certainly bullshit.

      I’m sure he has a bolthole, but there is small chance he’s now a billionaire.
      Even the Biden’s would balk at that.

      1. I was sceptical, but apparently he does own a home in Florida, and several more around the world. It would not surprise me if he was now a billionaire, considering the many billions that have been washed through Ukraine.

    1. Democracy has become what the pressure groups want, irrespective of the fact that the majority do not want what the pressure groups are forcing on them.
      Rule by X, Twitter, TikToc, and other social media.

      1. You want control?

        A new Canadian regulation demands that all social media companies register with the government. Thudeaus mob have talked about imposing quotas for Canadian and special interest content, just as happens now with TV.
        No doubt we will soon be restricted to Twitter posts featuring lgbtq aboriginal demands forreconciliation money.

        Even porn sites are subject to the rules so no doubt stars will need a Maple leaf tattoo on any exposed anatomy.

        1. We have that in the UK and EU too under different names.
          I read that Trudeau now wants to get podcasts to apply for licences too. Authoritarian.

      2. Only the pressure groups that are funded by the usual suspects. A tiny, international elite has subverted what little democracy we had.

  49. Beeb news on since the Rugby finished……… Justin Rowlatt screaming about the Hottest September Ever, and now Fergus Walsh ranting on about covid jabs and record numbers of patients in hospital. Thank god OH has just turned it off and is on his way to bed. Then earlier, there was the nutter who tried to kill the Queen with a crossbow…….. it’s all fearmongering tonight.

  50. Evening, all. If the Con supporters are as disgruntled as I am they’ll think it was a cynical exercise and there’ll be a U turn once the votes are counted. Incidentally, 70% of those responding to a poll in my local rag said sunak hadn’t done enough to get them to vote Conservative.

  51. Good night, chums. Feeling rather tired today, but managed to spend an hour and a half in the garden weeding and sprinkling the weed-free borders with little blue anti-slugs-and-snails pellets. Sleep well, and I’ll see you all tomorrow.

    1. Those little pellets are highly toxic to hedgehogs and birds – why not try something a bit more friendly like nematodes that will kill the slugs and snails below ground level. You just buy them in a packet and water them in.

      1. Thanks for the advice, but I don’t ever see hedgehogs in my garden. And I credit the birds with a little more intelligence.

    2. Sink an empty yoghurt pot (or similar) into the ground and fill it with cheap beer.

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