Thursday 8 February: Like Rowan Atkinson, consumers can make up their own minds on EVs

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

526 thoughts on “Thursday 8 February: Like Rowan Atkinson, consumers can make up their own minds on EVs

  1. Good morrow, gentlefolk. Today’s (recycled) story


    A man goes to visit his 85-year old grandpa in the hospital.

    “How are you grandpa?” he asks.

    “Feeling fine,” says the old man.

    “What’s the food like?”

    “Terrific, wonderful menus.”

    “And the nursing?”

    “Just couldn’t be better. These young nurses really take care of you.”

    “What about sleeping? Do you sleep okay?”

    “No problem at all, nine hours solid every night. At 10 o’clock they bring me a cup of hot chocolate and a Viagra tablet and that’s it. I go out like a light.”

    The grandson is puzzled and a little alarmed by this, so he rushes off to question the nurse in charge.

    “What are you people doing,” he says. “I’m told you’re giving an 85-year-old, Viagra on a daily basis. Surely that can’t be true?”

    “Oh, yes,” replies the nurse. “Every night at 10 o’clock we give him a cup of chocolate and a Viagra tablet. It works wonderfully well. The chocolate makes him sleep, and the Viagra stops him from rolling out of bed.”

      1. I wonder if an ability to remember childishly rude playground doggerel is a sign of retarded development or just senility?

        Buffalo Billy had a two foot willy,
        He showed it to the girl next door
        She thought it was a snake
        And hit it with rake
        And now it’s only one foot four.

      2. I wonder if an ability to remember childishly rude playground doggerel is a sign of retarded development or just senility?

        Buffalo Billy had a two foot willy,
        He showed it to the girl next door
        She thought it was a snake
        And hit it with rake
        And now it’s only one foot four.

  2. Morning, all Y’all.
    -20C this morning, but we heard the first “squeaky wheelbarrow” bird, so it must be spring!

  3. Tucker Carlson to air Putin interview on Thursday. 8 February 2024.

    Tucker Carlson’s interview with Vladimir Putin will air on Thursday night, the right-wing US talk show host has announced.

    In a post on his Instagram account on Wednesday, Carlson said the sit-down interview, which has already been recorded, would be broadcast at 6pm Eastern time (11pm GMT) on his website.

    Quite a lot about this forthcoming interview in the MSM. Mostly negative of course. I imagine most of the critiques have already been written. I’ll save mine until after I’ve watched it!

        1. Ah, good. It needs to be seen very widely. I just noticed some of his most recent stuff is pay-walled so I assumed this would be too at first.

  4. Like Rowan Atkinson, consumers can make up their own minds on EVs

    Rowan’s in trouble for daring to tell the truth.
    Heard Quinton Willson on GB news yesterday, he’s morphed from a rather boring tv presenter into an expert green climate zealot telling people what car they can drive to save the planet

  5. New powers for police to arrest protesters wearing masks to hide their identity. 8 February 2024.

    Masks will be banned at protests under laws to be introduced in the wake of the pro-Palestinian demonstrations.

    Police will have new powers to arrest protesters who wear face coverings to hide their identity as part of a raft of measures announced today by James Cleverly, the Home Secretary.

    What use the powers if there is no will to use them?

    1. We appear to be living through a period where laws that have been made are no longer enforced so they have to make more laws that only really apply to the white native population.

    2. Maybe they’ll all claim they’ve “got covid”? And don’t want to spread it. Another harebrained idea. Although perhaps it will prevent us women having to wear a burka or whatever it’s called.

    3. I went on the huge anti-lockdown marches. Not a mask in sight, anywhere. Not on the adults or the many children and dogs.

    4. That’s the greatest double misnomer in the history of mankind.
      Home Secretary? ……Anybodies Secretary but our home country.
      And the second one is too obvious.

  6. A nice little birdie today, lipped out on an eagle

    Wordle 964 3/6


    1. You may not believe this, Bob3. But that is exactly what I achieved just now. I then posted my usual “Good Morning, chums” post and returned to today’s Wordle to post to the clipboard and instead of finding my completed three attempts success I found that I had to start all over again and couldn’t remember my third step, so it took me four attempts this time (see below). Aargh!!!

    2. You may not believe this, Bob3. But that is exactly what I achieved just now. I then posted my usual “Good Morning, chums” post and returned to today’s Wordle to post to the clipboard and instead of finding my completed three attempts success I found that I had to start all over again and couldn’t remember my third step, so it took me four attempts this time (see below). Aargh!!!

  7. Good morning, chums. Late on parade today. But I got the Wordle in four today:

    Wordle 964 4/6


  8. Oh what a miserable morning!
    Good morning all. -½°C with a steady rain.
    I don’t think I’ll be splitting many logs today.

    1. You must be all ready for ‘the siege’ by now Bob.
      I joined the new local Men’s Shed yesterday. Looks like we could be very busy. The old railway station platform is in serious disrepair.

    1. That word was used so that his “legal team” was alerted to preparing a good case for him to stay for ever.

    2. Suggestion. Instead of us Joe Public paying for him to stay here, catering to his every need/want/desires in jail, why not deport him NOW!

    3. How many more from that country (and other, similar, backward countries ruled by that uncivilised ideology) are abusing their positions in the Home Office and elsewhere to falsify documents and visas? What proportion of that background are acting illegally at our airports and border ‘control’ posts?
      The enemy within.

    4. How many more from that country (and other, similar, backward countries ruled by that uncivilised ideology) are abusing their positions in the Home Office and elsewhere to falsify documents and visas? What proportion of that background are acting illegally at our airports and border ‘control’ posts?
      The enemy within.

  9. Good morning all and squaddies of the 77th,

    Wet start at McPhee Towers but it should stop raining about 10.00, wind going from East to South, 4℃ rising to 11℃, rain again later.

    I suppose it’s a critical article but Heath fails to mention the real objections to the government’s EV policy.

    What about the child slave labour in cobalt mines?
    What about Chinese dominance of the lithium sources?
    What about there being not enough rare Earth metals in the world to replace every private car on the West’s roads?
    What about the dreadful second-hand value of an EV?
    What about the cost of replacing a damaged or life-expired battery?
    What about the spontaneous battery fires which cannot be extinguished?
    What about the rocketing insurance costs which we all have to bear whether we own an EV or not?
    What about the increased mv squared that an EV will take into collisions?
    What about the reckless risks being taken with the ‘exhilarating acceleration’ (I see them almost daily)?
    What about the brake that has been put on the further development of IC engines efficiency and cleanliness?

    Oh, he has thought about some of these things:

    Like Atkinson, I find EVs to be “wonderful mechanisms”, and I’m more optimistic than he is about the environmental benefits of the latest models and battery technology. I strongly suspect that the carbon footprint of construction and disposal will fall further over time. I like EVs’ modern interfaces, the lack of noise, the astonishing acceleration, the absence of stinky exhaust fumes, the decentralised charging and even the feeling of sitting in a giant iPhone.

    I don”t share your unfounded optimism, Allister. I hope you enjoy the feeling of sitting inside a giant iPhone as it tracks and records you on every inch of your journey.

    And finally:

    What about the obvious truth that government EV policy is designed to drive the serfs off the roads?

    A poor effort. More research needed. B- -.

  10. Good morning, all. Raining.

    The time is approaching when the ‘forces of law and order’ will have to choose sides: either side with the people – who vastly outnumber the forces – or side with the government which, by its actions, is clearly working for outside interests e.g. WEF, WHO etc. and not for the people.

    Are the ‘forces of law and order’ so stupid that they think that their rotten-to-the-core governments will not at some time turn on them? Mass immigration, especially of young men, is the enemy within.

    Time for the current government enforcers to have a short hard think!

      1. Just frying up some left over potatoes and sprouts to get them used up.
        Grilling some sausages to go with them and will probably chuck some leftover beans and tinned tomatoes into the mix!

  11. Looks like all the Met Office forecasts of armagedon snow for the Midlands is in fact rain. Their warnigs for snow are still in place and their online forecasts show rain. They need to get their act together.

          1. I’m unable to reply to your replies to mine yesterday evening, Phizzee – the blog seems to have closed earlier than usual. If you have good friends, good food and laughter (and of course dog(s)!) you have all you need in life. We don’t all manage that.

          2. Poppie used to do that too – she’d back off and look at me with a world of meaning there. One time in France – we lived in the fruit growing area of Languedoc – the rain was torrential, she gloweringly observed the rain through the sliding doors leading on to the deck. She put all four paws firmly down, turned and stalked off into the bedroom for the rest of the night. We reckoned she went 27 hours from one tiddle to the next.

    1. It’s dry and just above freezing (now) on the Costa Clyde. Although we played walking football in -5°C a couple of weeks ago, it seemed chillier this morning due to the biting wind. Thankfully, neither team had to play in skins, as coloured bibs were provided.

    1. I see that and I think what scum we’ve had running the country for many years. Opposition too.

    1. They never stop moaning do they.
      They have almost completely taken over TV advertising, TV presenting, often one for one in TV game shows except University Challenge, Mastermind, competers in Only Connect, although I haven’t watched it recently.
      Now they want to take over the countryside.
      They’ll be moaning about something else then. Like dogs running free. Or just dogs in general.
      And it’s all okay for absolute racism to go in the opposite direction. White trainers and management in African football but no white players.

  12. I just read on Twitt that that big disgrace Justin Welby is in Ukraine, a country where churches have been closed and priests arrested…of course Welby is cosying up to the government that did the arresting.

      1. Good morning
        I will retract my criticism if the imprisoned priests later come out and say that Welby worked on their behalf behind the scenes, but to do so would be completely inconsistent with his treatment of the church of England.
        If we had anything better than a poodle press, they would call for the hypocrite’s resignation.

          1. If anyone deserves to be struck down, it’s that cabal of warmongers and money launderers in Washington and Kiev!

    1. A taste of the nightmare that is looming. The (non)cons are bad, but starmer and Liebour are utterly despicable and far worse.

      1. Most of us here agree – but are our politicians capable of purging us?

        A worrying question came up on GBNews yesterday. In some inner city areas Labour is worried that they will lose seats if a political party which caters exclusively for Muslim interests (i.e. Sharia Law, Subjugation of Women, Hamas, Palestine etc.) gets off the ground.

        Given the density of Muslims in inner cities it is something which should worry us all. What if there were 50 Muslim Party MPs in a few years time?

  13. Morning all – about 1″ of snow this morning and temp of -10° during the night. Got to travel to a gig at lunchtime

  14. This letter reflects the state of most of our beautiful Britain , our heathland , coastline , beaches , woodland , green spaces , New Forest , roadside verges , railway stations , playing fields , shopping carparks , streams , rivers , ponds , and just about everywhere .

    SIR – I live in the shadow of Snowdon and often walk on its slopes. During a recent ramble I found an abandoned tent, along with empty cans, bottles and other detritus (“Entitled litterers”, Letters, February 2).

    The perpetrators had come to the valley because it is beautiful; they had carried everything to their camping spot and then left it all there for others to clear away.

    It’s a mindset I cannot fathom.

    Philip Roberts

    1. Look on the bright side, the litter makes those Bames who visit from the cities feel more at home.

    2. Philip Roberts, the modern-day human mindset is quite easy to fathom. Humans are getting increasingly more stupid by the second. They are well on the way to self-oblivion.

      1. Good morning Grizzly

        The human race has lost it!

        The melancholy Jacques’ seventh age of man is a appropriate metaphor for the final age of mankind which is becoming extinct:

        Last scene of all,
        That ends this strange eventful history,
        Is second childishness and mere oblivion,
        Sans teeth, sans eyes, sans taste, sans everything.

        1. Good morning, Rastus.

          Homo sapiens is a species, not a ‘race’.

          I don’t know which clown first coined the idiotic phrase, “human race”, but he certainly hadn’t a clue about taxonomical nomenclature.

    3. The proletarianisation of the population has been deliberately achieved by drastically reducing the quality of education.

    4. As you know, Maggie, I walk the Springer in Hurn Forest every day. There are two holiday parks at opposite ends of the forest mainly full of people from London and the Midlands. There are bottles, cans, Starbucks coffee cups, food wrappers etc. all over the forest. During the summer season there is an increase in dog poo which is not picked up.
      What sort of homes do these people grow up in?

    5. It’s an ‘it’s not my problem’ attitude. They’ve taken what they wanted and then left. Until we remove this idiotic concept of rights and instil responsibility nothing will change.

  15. Refugee suspected to be Russian spy worked for MI6 and Foreign Office. 8 February 2024

    The step was taken as MI5 believed he had acted for the GRU, the Russian military intelligence agency, which was said to be behind the nerve agent attack in Salisbury a year earlier.

    I was interested in the construction of this paragraph. I’ve noticed quite recently on other articles that there is an aversion to using the name Skripal. This is almost certainly mandated to prevent any discussion. Both Father and Daughter have to all intents and purposes vanished. The inquiry into the death of Dawn Sturgess has also been postponed, probably permanently. The official version would simply not stand up against hostile questioning. One suspects that the Skripals themselves have been murdered to prevent any future embarrassing leaks.

    1. If I remember rightly, waste bins in Salisburyy town centre are emptied less than every 4 months.

    2. It is likely a third agency was involved. If it wasn’t us…wasn’t the Russians then it was Mossad. Gareth Williams and David Kelly to name but two.

  16. 383123+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Thursday 8 February: Like Rowan Atkinson, consumers can make up their own minds on EVs

    Mr Atkinson MUST do his bit and accept the blame in the spirit of RESET in regards to the govmental chosen vehicle for the masses.

    A political cartel spokthing said, “consumers can make up their own mind ” how absurd, the voting pattern shows quite clearly that peoples group think is pro cartel, and the road o RESET is the most popular dish of the day.

    1. Some people can, others follow the herd. Others want to be told what to accept. The state of course, wants to tell you what you will do.

  17. We must wake up from this nightmare of alien control

    John Hale – February 8, 2024 :

    The top BTL comment from ‘zookeeper’ is well worth reading. It is very long for a BTL comment but this should not deter you. Here is an extract.

    As national government process was suspended/surrendered during our time in the EU, like anything that is not used, we lost the capability to govern once we handed over the responsibility to another body. And now we’re no longer capable of responsible government. Governments look ahead no further than the next election. All planning, policy and propaganda is simply for holding onto office.

  18. In Rishi Sunak: Up Close – Tonight, an ITV1 documentary broadcasting tonight, the Prime Minister speaks about the racism he experienced as a child. “You are conscious of being different,” he said. Mr Sunak also reveals he never thought there would be an ethnic minority prime minister in his lifetime. “You didn’t have role models like that when I was a kid, in politics in quite the same way,” he said.

    Who did he get the ‘racism’ from? The Blacks? The Chinese? He couldn’t possibly get it from White people since Indians are Caucasian, just like they are. Or is he — erroneously — conflating cultural differences with race?

    1. Hey Beatnik, he’s a member of the new Diversitocracy, Dude. He’s singing from the new approved hymn sheet of victimhood, Bro and he’s “different” all right, Hombre as he’s filthy stinkin’ rich and a member of the New World Order, Man. Have greenbacks, will travel…

      1. Hey, Dean. If that’s the case, Hombre, this Bo’s happy to stay on my side of the tracks. He can’t take them greenbacks with him, Dude, when he rides that final Tuk Tuk to Svarga.

        1. Hey Beatnik, he’s living in Fat City, Dude. He don’t care about Willy & the Poor Boys, Son. He’s on Easy Street cruisin’ down the wise cracker line pretending, he’s a Man of the People, when he’s a Man of the Fat Cats, Bro.

    2. Better not mention the caste system in the fakir’s homeland, where people of the same skin colour are judged..

    3. Could be from India itself.
      Not just the caste system, but the huge gap between paler Indians in the north and darker ones in the south.

      1. Maybe the caste system has a lot to answer for; however, the racial stereotype of ALL Indians and Pakistanis is Caucasian.

        Racially they are simply nothing more than a slightly darker shade of thee and me. Culturally they are a world apart.

      2. Two different races, North is Aryans and in the south it’s Dravidians. The Aryans are invaders who brought proto-Hindu culture to India.

  19. 383123+ up ticks,

    May one ask,
    Can the burka be considered to be in the face covering category, if so will any action be taken.

  20. Morning all 🙂😊
    Pouring with rain again and snow forecast.
    Those forecasters love to rub it in don’t they.
    I’m not sure about Rowan Atkinson’s opinions on EVs, most people have reached their own conclusions after we have been pushed in to another corner by the Wastemonster and (Probably assisted with a few decent bungs)
    Whitehall idiots. Does Mr Atkinson still have his pants on his head and those pencils up his nose ?

      1. It doesn’t, but EV owners seek justification for their choices. As Harry Metcalfe of Harry’s Farm and Garage said (I paraphrase) , EV are great if you have a nice secure driveway and can charge at home and aren’t going very far. For other people without a driveway they’re a bit more challenging.

    1. I am not sure what to make of the police road block. On the one hand, it was obviously pointless, on the other, why were they deployed? Do the public not have a right to protest the stupidity of the EU or would the state prefer that to be silenced completely?

  21. Welcome to ‘Wrenbury-cum-pothole’: village of the damned crater

    ‘You used to be able to weave around them. You can’t even do that anymore because they are joined up’

    DISGRUNTLED residents have renamed their village“Wrenbury-cum-Pothole” amid complaints that their local authority has failed to fix no fewer than 174 on a single road.

    Wrenbury-cum-Frith’s welcome sign has been altered to reflect the unofficial renaming and a warning has been added that the potholes will “break your vehicles – and your soul”.

    The villagers say that the problems with Station Road began around five years ago and though Cheshire East Council promised to repair the road, residents believe they have been “fobbed off ”.

    Rob Cooper, 42, who owns the local garage RC Autos, said the number of motorists coming to him for repairs to damaged wheels and tyres had increased dramatically.

    Although he has seen some increase in business as a result, Mr Cooper also said that regular customers had been put off coming to see him as they were reluctant to drive on the crater-filled road.

    He said: “I’m doing no end of blowouts and tyres that have been pinched by potholes. It’s just endless. I would normally do three or four tyres every couple of weeks. “At the minute, I’m doing three or four tyres a day. It’s massive, it’s crazy, really.” He added: “I’m actually losing a few customers because they are not coming here over that road. “It’s quite unfair, really, because I’m only a small business, I need that repeat business to come in… everybody in the village is sick of it.”

    Lauren Ridgway, a mother in her 40s, said it was “diabolical” that the road in the village, which she has called home for 12 years, was barely “car-worthy”.
    She said: “It’s absolutely horrendous. It ’s been going on for years. What started off as a couple of potholes here and there is just a massive stretch now.”
    She added: “You used to be able to weave around them. You can’t even do that anymore because the potholes are joined up, and they are quite deep.”

    Another resident wrote on social media that they had counted 174 potholes on the road in question. Another added: “I travelled into Burma in 2005 and the roads there were better than this one. “Went to meet someone at t he Dusty Miller pub and honestly thought they’d been testing IEDS on the road.”

    Councillor Craig Browne, chair of Cheshire East Council’s highways and transport committee, said the council would carry out repairs in April. He said: “Naturally, we are fully aware of the condition of Station Road in Wrenbury and agree that it requires resurfacing. There will be a £600,000 scheme starting in April, which will significantly improve drainage to this location. “The only alternative to waiting until April would be to resurface now at an additional cost of £65,000 only to have to do this again after the completion of the primary works.

    He added: “All works need to be agreed in partnership with the Environment Agency and Network Rail.” “We apologise to residents and road users and assure them we are prioritising this work being carried out as safely and in as timely a way as possible.”

    The reluctance of councils to repair roads (and drain ditches) is all part of a bigger plan to control lives more and more. Impassable roads and flooded cities, towns and villages are all part of the WEF’s plan to subjugate.

      1. The reason why Roman roads are still in existence is because tarmac had not been invented and they had to use stone!

      1. And no point in repairing potholes if the plan is for the vast majority not to be driving in a few years….

  22. Good Moaning.
    Nice one for ducks and pathetic people who wish to sort “stuff” in a freshly boarded out attic.

    1. Oh I don’t know. Sorting things out on a rainy day is pretty good use of the time. Just make sure to have a telephone to hand in case of emergencies.

  23. Amber snow alert threatens power cuts

    Amber weather warnings for snow have been issued for parts of northern England and North Wales today. Up to 10 inches of snow is forecast across the Peak District and the southern Pennines, with a warning in force from noon until 6pm. A separate warning for snow and ice is in place between 8am and 3pm across North Wales and Shropshire.

    The Met Office said an amber warning means delays on roads; public transport vehicles and cars could be stranded; power cuts are possible; rail and air travel delays are likely and rural communities stand a “good chance” of being cut off temporarily. In the area covered by the snow and i ce warning, the Met Office said untreated pavements and cycle paths could be impassable.

    Yellow warnings are also in place from 6am today to 6pm tomorrow for potentially disruptive snow across northern Wales, northern England and the Midlands, as well as in Northern Ireland from 10am today until 6pm tomorrow, although disruption here is expected to be more localised.

    Jason Kelly, Met Office chief meteorologist, said: “Cold across most areas away from the south of the UK will be met by moisture-laden air spreading from the south. “As the milder air from the south gradually pushes northwards the focus for wintry hazards also shifts northward with warnings issued for Scotland.” He said areas on higher ground should also expect strong to gale force easterly winds. Drivers are being warned to prepare for potentially difficult journeys.

    Chris Wood, from the AA, said: “If you need to travel, reduce your speed and leave plenty of space behind other vehicles, and try to use main roads where possible as these are more likely to have been gritted. Allow extra time, as it ’s likely your journey will take longer than usual.”

    Don’t eat amber snow!

  24. Morning all

    Rod Liddle
    Do asylum-seekers really want to convert to Christianity?

    Slightly bored last Thursday afternoon, I converted to Islam to see what it was like. All I had to do was intone the Shahada – ‘La ilaha illa Allah, Muhammadun Rasul Allah’ – and then have a nice shower with some Head and Shoulders to wash away the deluded Christian filth that had hitherto cloaked my physical being, the musty detritus of a decadent creed. I have to say, once converted, it didn’t feel terribly different inside but on the plus side I was immediately offered several senior posts with the BBC and the Arts Council which I may or may not take up.

    Bored again on Friday, I decided to renounce Islam, which I did by reciting the Shahada backwards: ‘hallA lusaR nudammahuM, hallA alli ahali aL’ and having another shower – at which point a small shaitan with glowing red depthless eyes materialised by the sideboard and told me to ‘Stop taking the piss, sunshine.’ Theoretically I am dead meat, as Sharia law insists that the punishment for apostasy should be execution, which fact the shaitan kindly explained to me. It is not the most easily forgiving of religions, which is perhaps its greatest strength. When, on that Thursday, I renounced Christianity all that happened was a kind of hologram of Justin Welby briefly flickered in front of me and said: ‘Ah well, no use crying over spilt milk. Jesus won’t mind, so long as you still carry out your waste recycling diligently and don’t mis-gender anyone. Have a nice day.’

    Meanwhile, on the good ship Bibby Stockholm, the Muslim asylum-seekers are queuing up to convert to Christianity. At least 40 migrants have made the metaphysical journey from Muhammed (pbuh) to Jesus Christ (and him, too, although not as much, obvs, if you are a Muslim), the consequence perhaps of having watched Welby talking on TV and understandably having been smitten by the power of his word, the intellect, the consistency of thought and so on. Or maybe the process was more epiphanous and their bodies really were somehow suddenly suffused with the spirit of our Lord and saviour, as well as his offer of regular welfare benefits, child support and a council flat. You may have heard a church elder, David Rees, boasting about the conversion rate in an interview with an almost dumbstruck Ed Stourton on the BBC Sunday programme. Dave said there was absolutely no doubt in his mind that these young men were entirely genuine in their wish to be accepted into the body of the church and heaven forfend anyone saying otherwise. He added: ‘Obviously, we need to make sure that they believe in the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit and repent of their sins and also they want to start a new life in the church. So those are the sort of questions that we ask them, and they have to give a public testimony, at their baptism, which they did in their native language, and it was translated into English. There were no qualms at all about the content of that testimony, which was clear and conclusive about their faith in Jesus Christ.’

    Dave was convinced because he had a translator who had been to Iran, he said. This left me open to ponder several possible explanations for this remarkable exhibition of credulousness. There are three possible scenarios. The first is that Dave really is thicker than a large slab of Osmium, a man deprived of almost all the normal human critical faculties. The second is that Dave is basically doing the same gig as the aluminium siding salesman in Barry Levinson’s rather lovely film Tin Men and that he does not really care if his clients actually buy into the whole Holy Trinity shebang, because he’s basically just working on commission.

    The third is that Dave and the rest of these idiots, including the one who decided that the Afghan asylum-seeker Abdul Shokoor Ezedi would make a model Christian, is motivated by a fashionable loathing of the Conservative party and indeed anybody else who thinks that immigration, legal or illegal, needs to be controlled. Let everyone in, it’s what Jesus, as well as Jeremy Corbyn, would have wanted. Having met quite a few people from the evangelical Alpha course – members of which carried out these ‘conversions’ – I am reasonably convinced that the answer is scenario number one. But maybe scenario number one with a certain whiff of scenario number three in there as well.

    The reason these migrants are lining up to embrace the Church of England and thus in the future – theoretically, at least – spending every Sunday listening to some mithering halfwit spewing out hand-wringing tendentious progressive bollocks with no relevance to the Bible whatsoever – is that they have been told by the real enemies within, the ‘refugee’ NGOs, that this will greatly improve their chances of securing asylum. The people in these NGOs are the same people who are perfectly content to see more and more migrants lose their lives in fantastically dangerous cross-Channel journeys in an inner tube, because at least some will make it to Dover and that will cause trouble for the Tories. The people who think that borders should be entirely open, being not possessed of the intellectual capacity to understand what would happen if they really were.

    Much like the lawyers and the same NGOs who oppose sending illegal asylum-seekers to Rwanda – or, let’s be clear, anywhere else – for processing and thus contribute towards the deaths of more migrants as they mass to cross the Channel. These people are entirely devoid of moral or rational agency – and yet we allow them to thwart, quite brazenly, the government’s attempts to solve this crisis. Me? I would remove the charitable status from any NGO which was found to have encouraged migrants to claim asylum. But maybe that’s just the vestigial tail of a more resolute religion still wagging in my brain.


    There Wolf
    3 hours ago
    “Sharia law insists that the punishment for apostasy should be execution”
    In which case the preferred shampoo would be Behead & Shoulders.

    3 hours ago edited
    Perhaps, we could start with ‘Care4Calais’ that was run by the woman who seemed to be entirely motivated by the opportunities the charity opened up for her to shag athletic ‘refugees.’

    1. If their fellow barge dwelling Islamists thought for a moment that these supposed converts were genuine, there would be swift retribution.

      Why do open borders people waffle on about the integrity of the Ukranian border which is not even a natural border. It’s a purely political line drawn arbitrarily on a map.

      1. How would the Archpillock of Canterbury react if all the people on the barge in Portland followed the teaching of the Koran and slaughtered all those who said they would become apostates, renounce Islam and become Christians?

        It would not be the River Tiber, nor the River Jordan that was coloured red with blood but Portland Harbour that was incarnadined.

    2. Are there any attempts by the government to solve the crisis to thwart? I thought they were positively encouraging the invasions.

  25. Damp and dreary at t’market. Rain dripping off the awnings as one queues.. Still home now. A tip to rose growers. Of all unlikely places, Toolstation has the the best price for Top Rose! Bought 4 boxes of 4 kg for a tenner each.

  26. Lats night watched the Beeboid prog about Putin. Apart from the smug, useless and ill-informed talking heads (esp the UN “boss”) what stood out was the mass of headless chicken “leaders!!!” from the West an elsewhere who demonstrated very clearly that they have not the slightest idea how to cope with Russia or what to do about Putin.

    Mega depressing.

    1. Putin was a WEF “Young Global Leader” and appeared to go along with the agenda but then he turned around and said nyet, not playing, not going to trash Russia. He laughed openly at their Great Reset plans.

      1. Well you would join a club if all the other influential leaders were joining, you would need to know what was going on, no need to have enemies until you absolutely have to. He no doubt gained invaluable insights. So far Putin is my hero.

        Edit: The term ‘young global leader’ makes me cringe in its implicit élitism.

  27. Last night’s Moral Maze on Radio 4 was about immigration. The panellists were Giles Fraser, Ash Sarker, Sonia Sodha and Tim Stanley. In their introductions, Fraser was uncritical (no surprise there), Sarker slightly so, Sodha more so. This was Stanley:
    “My aunt was so angry about immigration to Britain that she moved to Spain. Personally, I’m not just sceptical about immigration, I’m sceptical about migration, in or out, because I’m uncomfortable about people moving around. I value attachment, loyalty and home. I understand people might move out of necessity but I don’t think that’s an inherently moral thing to do and it can have some bad consequences for where they’ve come from and where they’re going.”

    Last night’s BBC East Midlands Today had a feature on rough sleeping in Nottingham. Most of the cases featured in the report were white British, typically minor criminals released from prison or drug addicts. However, one of them was a young black African woman whose asylum claim had been approved, at which point she was ejected from her migrant hostel and thrown out onto the street…

    1. Immigration is solely and economic argument. If you’ve skills and values that align and can pay your own way, you’re welcome. If you don’t, you’re not.

      It’s as simple as that.

        1. And about the willingness to conform to and embrace local customs rather than live in a migrant ghetto, ignoring local ways.

          1. Marxism seeks to explain everything in terms of economics. Much the same as free-market head-bangers do.

      1. I have to disagree. Unless you see the world purely in terms of money. What of culture, history, a sense of community? I don’t like those who move to countries purely for personal financial gain. They may well obey laws and probably most customs, too, but they have no inherent loyalty. As soon as hard times come, they’ll all go, and it’ll be left to those who have more than a monetary anchor to a country to pick up the pieces. On they’ll go to the next place, to do exactly the same. Never giving, only taking.


      I’ll go and have a lie down.

        1. I remember them being like that. And the boys made long, long slides on the frozen school playgrounds in Yorkshire that seemed to last for weeks. No Safety Elves around in those days. People skated on frozen fenland Lincolnshire and Cambridgeshire washes.

        2. I cannot imagine being happier and more settled in any other country. I’m more than content to remain in England, more precisely where I am now, until I die.

          1. I couldn’t … until I moved.

            I shall still visit, occasionally, especially for the real ale and fish-and-chips, but I’ll never move back.

  28. Morning all. Gloomy, drizzly day. which suits my mood having just had an altercation with Chichester Council. Mood not improved by articles like this that actually have the nerve to complain about us, the indigenous people as if we were a blight in our own land because of our own culture.

    British countryside is a ‘racist and colonial’ white space, wildlife charities claim
    People from ethnic minorities face ‘structural, experiential and cultural’ barriers to accessing green spaces, report argues

    The British countryside is a “racist colonial” white space, wildlife charities have claimed.

    Wildlife and Countryside Link, a charity umbrella group whose members include the RSPCA, WWF and National Trust, made the claim in evidence provided to Parliament on racism and its influence on the natural world.

    MPs in an all-party parliamentary group (APPG) were informed that the British countryside has been influenced by “racist colonial legacies” which have created an environment some fear is “dominated by white people”.

    The country’s green spaces are governed by “white British cultural values”, the report argues, and the perception that the countryside is a “white space” prevents people from other ethnic backgrounds from enjoying the outdoors.

    The Wildlife and Countryside Link report was submitted to MPs on the APPG for Race and Community, which had called for evidence on the links between “systemic racism” and climate change.
    The call for evidence comes in the wake of academic “hate studies” experts launching a 2023 investigation into “rural racism” in the British countryside.

    ‘Cultural barriers’
    One section of the new Link report seen by The Telegraph argues that there are “structural, experiential, and cultural” barriers preventing ethnic minorities accessing the countryside.

    It states: “Cultural barriers reflect that in the UK, it is White British cultural values that have been embedded into the design and management of green spaces, and into society’s expectations of how people should be engaging with them.”

    It adds that “racist colonial legacies continue to frame nature in the UK as a ‘white space’”, and claims that “the perception that green spaces are dominated by white people can prevent people from ethnic minority backgrounds from using green spaces”.

    The report suggests that there should be a “rights-based approach” accessing green spaces, suggesting that the Government create a “legally binding target for access to nature”, possibly by ensuring everyone has a green space within a 15-minute walk from their home.

    It also makes broader claims about Britain and climate change, stating: “The UK’s role in the European colonial project has also driven the current climate and nature crises.”

    Several charities support report
    Link is headed by Richard Benwell, the chief executive and a former Liberal Democrat prospective parliamentary candidate, who worked as a policy adviser to the secretary of state for environment, food and rural affairs in 2018.

    Link operates as an umbrella organisation for its influential members charities, including the RSPB, the Woodland Trust, and Friends of the Earth.

    Several have directly supported the new report, including the League Against Cruel Sports, and The Countryside Charity, formerly known as the Council for the Preservation of Rural England.

    Froglife, an amphibian conservation body, and the Bat Conservation Trust have also supported the report, submitted to the APPG for Race and Community, chaired by Labour MP Clive Lewis.

    The APPG last year called for evidence on the links between “systemic racism and the climate crisis”, focused on the idea that ethnic minorities are disproportionately affected by climate change.

    Using evidence from environmental experts like those at Link, MPs will issue a report and recommendations on the subject in spring 2024.

    Sections of the Link report cover the environmental cost of the British Empire, claiming: “The UK’s role in the European colonial project has also driven the current climate and nature crises.”

    It adds: “Colonialism has driven the exploitation and erasure of the rights and knowledge of indigenous people, and the assertion of white, Western values and knowledge at the expense of other values and knowledges.”

    Claims about the UK’s contribution to climate change and the British countryside “colonial” influence come after the “Hate Studies Unit” at the University of Leicester launched an investigation into “rural racism” in the British countryside.

    This in turn followed claims by groups such as Muslim Hikers, which seeks to encourage Muslims to enjoy the countryside, that rural areas were perceived as unwelcoming and off-limits to minority communities.

    Mr Benwell said: “Nature should be for everyone to enjoy and to benefit from. Sadly however, the evidence shows that people of colour in the UK are more likely to live in areas with less green space and that are more heavily polluted, and at the same time are significantly less likely to visit natural spaces.

    “There are multiple complex reasons behind this, as well as contemporary well-documented experiences of racism that people are still encountering. Access for all and addressing the barriers people are facing should be one of the guiding lights for all nature sites.”

    1. Misogynistic as well- you don’t see many male cows being milked!

      Damn, this keyboard has a sense of humour, it kept changing see many to semen!

    2. It’s typical Lefty pandering and posturing. As it is, the diversity don’t go into the countryside because it’s not theirs and they’ve no right to it. They prefer cities where they congregate.

      Of course, at the other end there’s my best friend who’s selling his Georgian terrace to work in a little hospital in the Midlands in a tiny village where they’ll be the only two black folk.

      His wife, who has a strong Creole accent is taking elocution lessons and spending more time up there decorating and being seen about. And yes, folk do look at her funny but she’s 4’10 with 2’6 of hair. .

    3. Funny – there are no signs anywhere round here saying that non-whites should keep out.

      1. Non-whites have been bussed into here. I wish they had been kept out. They are rude and think themselves entitled.

    4. These ‘charidees’ and the House of Lords are effin idiots. The countryside and parks are all open to everybody whatever their colour. Those who produced this effin disgusting report need their heads examined. Unbelievable morons the lot of them.

    5. “White British cultural values”? In a European (and thus white) country with a long and proud history? Why on earth not? I think I’ll look at the Masai Mara and complain that it’s too black and infested with black African cultural values.

  29. Someone needs to throw a custard pie at Verhoftwat…

    EU Politicians Threaten to Sanction Tucker Carlson for Interviewing Vladimir Putin×480.jpg

    European Union lawmakers have called for Brussels to impose sanctions on American journalist Tucker Carlson for interviewing Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    Despite the longstanding tradition of American journalists interviewing dictators of all stripes, including a leader of the Soviet Union during the height of the Cold War, top Eurocrat Guy Verhofstadt has called for Tucker Carlson to face EU sanctions for sitting down with the Russian strongman.

    The former Belgian Prime Minister and strong Brexit opponent, who currently serves in the European Parliament, told Newsweek: “As Putin is a war criminal and the EU sanctions all who assist him in that effort, it seems logical that the External Action Service examine his case as well.”

      1. In an ideal world there would be a referendum on Bexit and the Belgians would vote to leave the EU!

        1. In the actual world the Belgians would approve of the country’s EU membership by a comfortable margin.

          1. Yes – this is not an ideal world.

            In both France and the Netherlands the EU is terrified that if they held a referendum on continued membership both countries would leave.

            Indeed both countries voted against the European Constitutional Treaty in referendums. The Dutch over 60% against it; the French 55% against it. Both results were ignored and the Treaty was renamed the Lisbon Treaty and no referendums were allowed. The Irish also voted against it but were blackmailed into having a second referendum with the clear threat that if they voted the wrong way again EU funds would be removed from Ireland. Of course the Irish are a very principled people unless money is involved!

            Ursie Fonda Lyin has had to give into Macron’s pleas for the farmers because she knows that once Marine Le Pen is president France could very well leave the EU and French farmers are a very significant factor.

      2. At the Lib Dem conference before the 2019 election, he said in his speech, “The USA is an empire – Russia, China are empires. The EU must become an empire”. (Paraphrased). We know where his ambitions lie.

    1. The anti-democratic elements both in the USA and Europe are really afraid of this interview. With a viewership in the millions they know Tucker Carlson can upend their game. More power to him to defeat the warmongering evil hypocrites.

      1. Imagine if he talks about… heaven forfend…. the facts, that the Crimean region is ethnically Russian and that Putin has no interest in going any further. It would completely derail the state line and reveal that, in fact there are just nasty, messy shades of grey, not the simple black and white so beloved as marketing.

        1. Indeed wibbling. All the areas that Russia has annexed are traditionally Russian areas and all are majority speaking Russian. I would be very surprised if Putin doesn’t bring that up because it is, obviously, a very important, if not essential, thing to know.

    2. They hate it because….
      As Colonel (Jack Nicholson) Jessop said in the film A Few Good Men.
      “You (they) can’t handle the truth”

      1. The EU has always hated the truth. Why? Because they’re socialists and haven’t opened their eyes yet.

    3. “As Putin is a war criminal…”

      I must have missed the trial and conviction. What was the sentence?

    4. In what way is Tucker Carlson “assising Putin in his war effort”?

      The EU think they own everyone’s livelihood. Guy V should shut up and just go away.


    She’s right. I sent this to a chum who has only ever worked for councils and he didn’t understand it. I suggested he go freelance and have to face the market, charging appropriately. He said ‘that sounds terribly complicated.’

    And I thought.. yep, that’s the problem!

    1. Er – shouldn’t she stick to “acting” and being the wife of a slightly suspect multi-millionaire?

      1. Maybe, but the same could be said of anyone – politicians especially. She was interviewed because she’s recognisable and, let’s be honest, photogenic.

        1. I fear you are mistaking me for someone else. I have never heard any of this woman’s songs. All I have observed is that she appears to perform in her underwear.

          1. Taylor Swift has become so influential that if she said vote Trump her followers would do just that. Millions of them.

      2. Not at all. She speaks common sense. I hope she converts a good deal more young gormless Lefties towards common sense.

    2. “If you’re under 30 and not a liberal, you don’t have a heart, but if you are over 30 and not conservative, you don’t have a brain”. Winston Churchill (allegedly).

  31. 383123+ up ticks,


    The new EU navy is an embarrassing, dangerous farce
    Far from becoming a major defence player, its latest initiative to project power only shows its deficiencies

    I do believe that RUM,BUM,& BACCY tax exempt is being used as a recruitment magnet , & ALL the top rankers will come under the leadership of one
    VICE admiral fondly known as ( the kazie ghoul)
    t. b liar.

  32. From today’s DT

    Dropping £28bn green pledge is ‘Labour’s most stupid decision’, says ex-Blair adviser
    Sir Keir Starmer dropping his flagship £28 billion a year green investment pledge is the “most stupid decision the Labour Party has made”, a former senior adviser to Sir Tony Blair said.

    John McTernan, who was Sir Tony’s political secretary in No 10, said the move was “very disappointing” and asked: “What is the change Labour now offers?”

    It is not just intelligent people like the Nottlers who have rumbled that fact that man-made global warming is a myth, that carbon is both beneficial and necessary and that Net Zero is a complete scam! Now the lumpen proletariat has rumbled it too and so Keir Starmer’s policy to drop his commitment to his £28 billion pledge is a shrewd political move.

    1. I hesitate to comment because there is now a bill before the Canadian Parliament that would make any positive comments about fossil fuels illegal.

        1. This reminds me of one of the introductory verses in Hilaire Belloc’s Cautionary Tales.

          “Upon being asked by a Reader whether the verses contained in this book were true. ”

          And is it True? It is not True.
          And if it were it wouldn’t do,
          For people such as me and you
          Who pretty nearly all day long
          Are doing something rather wrong.
          Because if things were really so,
          You would have perished long ago,
          And I would not have lived to write
          The noble lines that meet your sight,
          Nor B. T. B. survived to draw
          The nicest things you ever saw.

        2. Nope and it’s not even April Fools Day.

          The fossil fuel advertising bill would make positive comments about fossil fuels illegal. Up to $500,000 fine for an individual saying something as obvious as using gas for heating is better than burning coal .

          P.S. April 1st is reserved for an increase in the carbon tax and a 0ay raise for MPs.

    2. When McTernan doesn’t like it it’s a good thing. It comes down to a simple rule. If a statist wants it, do the opposite.

    1. But how can we when we are never, ever given he choice? The council in my home town was offered a bung of money from Brum. Money that went straight into councillor pockets. The town is now overrun with the diversity. Murder, once in a generation is now common place, as is mugging, assault, rape. All because tens of thousands of foreigners were dumped on a small town without enough jobs, housing or industry.

      1. In Wat Tyler’s day. In Robert Kett’s day. In George Loveless’s day. In Robert of Locksley’s day. In Robert Catesby’s day. In King Edward I’s day. In Sir Francis Drake’s Day. In Winston Churchill’s day …

        The resolute, meat-eating public would have taken up arms to immediately repel boarders.

        In Rishi Sunak’s day … An enfeebled, emasculated public just sits and whinges on social media before scoffing another plateful of global-corporation produced, highly-processed, sugar-laden carbohydrate crap.

        1. On the subject of meat, the Peasants’ Revolt of 1381 ending violently at Smithfield. The only consolation is that after his treachery, Richard II was himself destinied to die a nasty death in Pontefract Castle.

          1. Only what we have left of this winter and the 1st half of next.
            Though if you look at my last picture above, you will see that there is a lot of ash behind the house, most of which is dying off with Die Back.

    1. We had just rain all morning (still raining now) and a dark and miserable one it was too with no power so not even a cup of something hot.

    2. What racist snow. How dare it be white. I suppose that’s a rural environment too. Doubly racist.

  33. Still just a light dusting of icing sugar.

    How many motor vehicles have skidded out of control and become write-offs due to the crass idiocy of driving in winter on summer tyres? It happened year after year when I lived in the UK and the motoring population (and successive governments) were far too stupid to learn.

    1. Just said to the DT, “On days like these, I wonder how many motorists open their boots, get out their snow chains and realise they haven’t the foggiest idea how to put them on?”
      I’ve a set in one of the containers which I bought years ago and, when I had a practice run to try to work out how to fit them, bloody well gave up in disgust!!

      1. My daughter used them when she lived half way up a mountain in Austria. Her boyfriend showed her how to put them on.

      2. That’s not enough snow for chains. All you need is a decent set of winter tyres that help give you more grip in the cold weather, treads that can handle snow would help.

      1. That is a feeble excuse.

        If you properly prepare for inclement weather then you will not suffer uncontrollable skids, leading to smashing up your (and others’) vehicles, and killing yourself and others.

        There are countless fatal collisions each year in the UK as a direct result of this weak mindset. There are very few fatal collisions in Sweden in comparison.

    2. As one of the motoring population for many decades, I have learned:
      1. A set of any tyres is very expensive, particularly if fitted to a second set of wheels.
      2. Tyres become time-expired after about 5 years.
      3. It costs in time, if not money, to swap a set of tyres.
      4. Repeated exchanges of tyres can dangerously weaken sidewalls.
      5. A set of tyres is a heavy, bulky and dirty load to find a storage place for.
      6. Many modern cars have an option to select traction control explicitly for snow.
      7. Most folk live in areas which experience serious snow on only a few days per year.
      8. Many drivers stay at home during snowy conditions.

      Unless you live in, for example, Cumbria or the Highlands, opting not to use winter tyres is not stupid but common sense.

      1. As one of the motoring population for well over half a century I shall answer the points you raise, one by one:

        1. True, but so is motoring in general.
        2. Of course they do.
        3. Negligible on both counts.
        4. Sidewalls are never weakened since they remain, permanently, on a spare set of rims and are not removed from them.
        5. Can be, if you are not innovative. I store mine in a farmer friend’s barn.
        6. Traction control will not improve the grip of a standard tyre’s tread.
        7. Lucky for them; however, many of them do travel to more snowy areas.
        8. Many drivers do not have that option.

        The fact remains that, during my police career, I attended a good number of serious, often fatal, accidents caused, primarily, by clueless drivers driving on snow with tyres having no or much reduced skidding ability. I have watched innumerable hapless drivers skidding and sliding all over the road while trying to drive their vehicles in a straight line. Those attempting to drive up even small gradients have to give up. Wheel-spin digging the tyres into an ever deepening hole. Articulated lorried jack-knifing across a road (and frequently into buildings). Not to mention the massive number of mobile cretins who drive at speed, with no headlamps on, in fog! No, if you are quite willing — in fact more than willing — to risk your life, the lives of your passengers, the lives of other motorists, and your vehicle by driving on snow with summer tyres, then no amount of sane, sensible advice will prevent you from doing so.

        is simply no cure for stupidity. Putting your life — and car — at risk, for the want of spending a bit extra each year, is nothing more than crass stupidity.

        In 12 years of living in southern Sweden, where the weather patterns are similar to the north of England, I have never witnessed a single incident of a car skidding on snow, crashing out of control, nor any incidence of a lorry jack-knifing. Winter tyres (and their rims) are required by law on all vehicles between December 1 and April 15. Daylight-running lights are also required on all vehicles being driven at any time of day, every day of the year. Swedish drivers do not whinge and make excuses: they simply get on with driving safely.

      1. Grizz never eats vegetables. He believes that even a teaspoonful of lettuce would kill him.

        1. Eat meat: remain an apex-predator animal. Eat vegetation: become a vegetable.

          We are what we eat.

          1. I like meat but i also like things like crisp Romaine lettuce with home made Caesar dressing. I enjoy Greek salad with lots of oregano, feta and kalamata olives. I like grated carrot and sultana vinaigrette. There are just too many things that are not meat that i enjoy eating. Steak and eggs can get boring after a while.

          2. Snap ,me too.. and marinated mackrel and anchovies with tomato and cucumber , olives delicious as well. I will eat feta , and some types of cheeses.

          3. I pass on the cheeses but I do like some veg or salad with my meat. I don’t care for anything pickled as I dislike vinegar. I guess we all have our likes and dislikes.

          4. I love cheese but I can’t stand disgusting foetid feta!

            I’d rather eat the smegma scraped from under the foreskin of a Greek fisherman which, come to think of it, is what feta really is!

      1. I find that most people who say they don’t like something have usually had a poor version of whatever it is. I’m willing to bet my pie would convert any disbeliever.

        I count myself among such people. There are a few items of food I did not like … until I had a good quality version of it.

    1. As a proper Yorkshire woman (in exile in the Cambridgeshire flatlands) I just love pork pie. It looks delicious.

    2. We had sausages and mash and greens last night , and I added some Yorkshire puds instead of making toad in the hole .

      The sausages came from a local pukka butcher , yes a farm shop , where they rear their own beasts .

      The pork sausages were encased in thick chewy skins , and were very salty .. with coarsely minced filling, and the beef sausages were just as bad .. 6 pork and 3 beef cost me nearly £8 .. what an idiot I am .. they were large long meaty sausages .. but I paid too much and should have questioned why?

      I had one of each with my meal , and because Pip sat near me begging , he had a few samples which he gulped down .

      The only sausages I like were ones my aunt used to bring down here from Lewis and Cooper in Northallerton or when I visited I would stop off in Thirsk and buy as much as I could to bring down south with me .

      1. Make your own: they are simplicity itself, and you don’t need to put them in skins. Just weigh some good quality fatty pork mince; add 2% of its weight in salt, 0.2% of its weight in pepper (black or white) and 0.2% of its weight in sage (dried or fresh). For 1,000g (1kg) of pork mince, add 100g dried breadcrumbs and 200g ice-cold water. Mix it all together with your hands in a large bowl until a sausage meat results. Cover it in clingfilm and leave it in the fridge for a day or two. Remove it from the fridge and take out reasonable sausage-sized pieces of it to suit your needs. Either flatten them out into patties or roll them into a sausage shape. Fry them gently in lard or butter, or roast them in the over for 25mins at 200ºC. You won’t taste better.

        PS Do NOT cook them in oil!

  34. Everything they come into contact with………

    Home Office drops plan to remove housing protections from asylum seekers in England and Wales
    Story by Diane Taylor • 18h

    Under the changes, landlords of asylum seekers would no longer have to register with local authorities. Photograph: Gary Calton/The Observer
    Under the changes, landlords of asylum seekers would no longer have to register with local authorities. Photograph: Gary Calton/The Observer
    © Photograph: Gary Calton/The Observer
    A controversial policy to remove basic housing protections from asylum seekers has been withdrawn by the government.

    The policy, first disclosed by the Guardian, outlined a removal of Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) regulations for landlords accommodating asylum seekers in their properties. Non-asylum seekers are still entitled to access these safeguards.

    The government argued that by removing the requirement for landlords to abide by HMO regulations, officials could increase the pool of housing available to accommodate asylum seekers.

    Under the changes, which have now been withdrawn, landlords of asylum seekers in England and Wales would no longer have to register with local authorities. The rules would allow landlords to house asylum seekers for two years without obtaining an HMO licence, a standard requirement for any landlord renting to more than one household in a single property.
    However, eight asylum seekers challenged the draft regulations and hours before a high court hearing on Wednesday the government withdrew the policy. It will now revert to the previous position that everyone living in an HMO has the same rights to protection.

    Related: Asylum seekers in England and Wales to lose basic protections in move to cut hotel use

    Related video: UK Home Office: 0ver 33,000 unable to claim asylum due to illegal migration act (WION)
    United Kingdom has witnessed a record number of migrants in
    Current Time 1:27
    Duration 1:56
    UK Home Office: 0ver 33,000 unable to claim asylum due to illegal migration act

    UK Migrant Crisis: Over 33,000 unable to claim asylum due to illegal migration act
    UK Migrant Crisis: Over 33,000 unable to claim asylum due to illegal migration act
    Migrants seeking asylum pleading for dignified housing
    FOX 13 Seattle/FOX 13 Seattle
    Migrants seeking asylum pleading for dignified housing
    Home Office ‘mistake’ outlined by human rights lawyer – ‘There is no debate!’
    GB News/GB News
    Home Office ‘mistake’ outlined by human rights lawyer – ‘There is no debate!’
    The regulations were laid before parliament in March 2023 and have remained in draft form. They are expected to be withdrawn from parliament on Thursday.

    The plans were put forward by Suella Braverman, the former home secretary, and Michael Gove, the housing secretary.

    However, documents disclosed in the course of the case show that Gove expressed opposition to the plans in a letter he sent to the prime minister dated 10 November 2022.

    He wrote: “Finally, I understand Home Office and No 10 are interested in removing the need for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) to get licenses when providing accommodation for asylum seekers. [words redacted].

    “Landlords of larger HMOs – and in some areas, smaller HMOs – must be licensed and properties must meet standards. This is for safety reasons, for example there is a significantly higher risk of fire in HMOs.

    “Home Office officials have suggested that this licensing system may be a barrier to housing asylum seekers and have requested exempting HMOs from licensing requirements.

    “I have seen no evidence on how licensing is a barrier, and this move [words redacted] risks incentivising lower quality housing. [words redacted].”

    The eight asylum seekers argued that the government had acted unlawfully in adopting the policy and that Gove had no power to make the draft regulations, which frustrated the purpose of the licensing scheme.

    Jeremy Bloom, of Duncan Lewis solicitors, representing the asylum seekers, said: “The government’s last-minute withdrawal of regulations that would have reduced protections for asylum seekers housed by the Home Office is a spectacular U-turn.

    “The asylum seekers now have the enduring protection that they will not be placed in accommodation which does not meet licensing standards, which are so vital to fire safety and to prevent overcrowding.”

    A government spokesperson said: “Our success maximising the use of existing sites and delivering alternative accommodation means it is no longer necessary to pursue the removal of licensing requirements for Houses in Multiple Occupation.

    “We are making significant progress moving asylum seekers out of hotels, which cost UK taxpayers £8.2m a day. We have already returned the first 50 to their communities and we will exit more in the coming months.

    “We continue to keep all policies under review as we work with local authorities to identify alternative accommodation options which are more suitable for local communities.”

    The Guardian

  35. 383123+ up ticks,

    Afternoon W,
    The state no longer wants to, they are doing just that
    and finding success via support from many a criminal idiot.

  36. As Labour drops its pledge to invest an extra £28m a year on green initiatives and BBC’s Justin Rowlatt can’t really admit that global warming has already breached 1.5 degC, Geoff Buys Cars looks at the Government’s principal Net Zero flagship initiative to save the planet by explaining the benefits of buying an EV – particularly if you are non-white and don’t live in the countryside:

      1. Oh I like them.

        To think that I am the same age as Charlie and both of us receiving money from the state. The only difference is that I stopped working whilst he was waiting to finish his apprenticeship.

  37. Armed police raid Newcastle kebab shop in search for Clapham chemical attack suspect. 8 February 2024.

    Police investigating the Clapham alkali attack have raided two addresses in Tyne and Wear associated with the suspect Abdul Ezedi, the Metropolitan Police have said.

    Armed officers executed two warrants at addresses associated with Ezedi in the early hours of Thursday morning. One of the addresses is understood to be a kebab shop where he had previously worked.

    Kebab shop! Lol! This guy is on his way to Pakistan!

  38. Sadiq Khan and Transport for London misled Londoners over benefits of Ulez, advertising watchdog rules

    TfL will have to ensure that any future Ulez adverts explain the

    source of data used to justify claims about the clean air zone’s

    effectiveness. It insisted the claims in the adverts were scientifically

    robust but admitted it should have included an explanation that the

    calculations were based on computer modelling.

    ASA found a claim

    that the first Ulez zone, which launched in April 2019, had reduced NO2

    by almost a half in central London was “likely to mislead”. This was

    because TfL’s calculations were based on hypothetical predictions of what would have happened had the Ulez not been introduced, rather than on actual readings from roadside air monitoring devices.

    The claim that “most air pollution related deaths actually occur in Outer London areas” was also “likely to mislead”.

    This was because the number of pollution-related deaths attributed to outer

    London – 2,896 at the lowest estimate, and 3,321 at the highest – was “based on modelled estimates” rather than actual deaths.

    Mislead seems to be the preferred word for ‘lied.” Modelling you say GIGO I say see Ferguson for more details

    1. Of course, logically you can’t prove a negative. As we know, this works like the convid lies. Announce that ten million people will die if they don’t take the injections then when the injections kill three million, claim that they’ve saved seven million lives!

  39. Phew!! I’m back having finally got my new (ish) laptop going again after a power cut this morning which lasted several hours. According to one of our neighbours on the WhatsApp group, there were 11 chaps involved fixing it – one up a pole and 10 watching! I saw three or four National Grid vans go by during the morning.

    At least it forced me to do other things like start packing my bag for next week!

    Still haven’t got my phone connected to the internet yet!

    1. At this point it’s simply cruel to keep him in office. The entire establishment, including Trump should support Biden’s stepping down gracefully, thanking him for his lifetime of graft and grift and allowing him to retire gracefully.

      Compare that fellow with this cameo not long ago:

    2. A couple of gaffes by Ronald Regan and Spiting Image runs with “The President’s Brain Is Missing”. With Biden, complete silence.

      1. If you have a few millions down the back of the sofa there’s one come up for action shortly in pristine condition….

      1. An article in the motorcycle press some decades ago described how someone had slotted a Wartburg engine into a Norton frame to create a “Warton” and then closed the article with a quip that, had he used a Harley-Davidson frame, he’d have a “Warthog”.

        1. Technically, I think Pinin Farina or whoever bodied it actually made it. I can’t recall if Ferrari bodied in-house by that point. I don’t think that they did.

        2. Technically, I think Pinin Farina or whoever bodied it actually made it. I can’t recall if Ferrari bodied in-house by that point. I don’t think that they did.

    1. “20-30% Of deaths possibly are with these white fibrous clots that have not been previous referenced in Pathology text books”!

    1. It’s all a bit odd.

      If Carlson asks difficult questions, he could disappear. If he doesn’t, he’s wasting his time. I imagine Putin has said what he will talk about with a pre-supplied list of acceptable responses. The man’s not an idiot.

      1. One assumes, too, that -despite what Carlson loudly claimed in his trailer – the tape WILL have been edited.

  40. Has anyone watched the Carlson-Putin interview? How long does it last? Any startling revelations?

    1. It’s due to be on line at 11:00 pm (GMT) tonight. I suspect the internet will crash (or possibly be crashed) as over 70 million people are aware it is going to be available…..

    2. It’s due to be on line at 11:00 pm (GMT) tonight. I suspect the internet will crash (or possibly be crashed) as over 70 million people are aware it is going to be available…..

    3. We are eagerly anticipating the Tucker Carlson Putin interview. The interview will be aired on Twitter X at midnight CET (European Time) so 11.00pm tonight.

  41. 383123+ up ticks,

    The manufacturing of the first total zombie

    Four American students were asked yesterday what were 4 x 15, two couldn’t answer,1 fainted & one ran off, we are if anything bordering on being worse.


    UK weather latest: Labour-run Wales council shuts schools despite no snow

    1. I saw one video which asked students ‘what is Barack Obama’s last name? Most said they didn’t know after a lot of squirming and one said ‘Care’.

    1. Five for me. Too many words ending with the same three letters but I noticed that three out of the five remaining possibles also shared another letter so that gave me a good clue.

      Wordle 964 5/6


    2. Nasty 5 here.

      Wordle 964 5/6


    1. Mine still has over two years left. Hopefully it won’t be rejected when I arrive in Nairobi next week.

      1. That should be fine. Then, in 2 years, you’ll get a dark blue passport. Escape the cold and wet for some warmth, and enjoy your trip!

          1. We’re all at, or rapidly approaching, that age.

            I’m very aware that I need to seriously declutter while I am able to, as I don’t want my sons to be faced with the nightmare mess that we had to deal with at MiL’s house a 3years ago, especially as one is in Canada and both sons will still be far off retirement age.
            At least we, and myBiL, were retired so had the time. The first few months were during 2020 lockdowns, so it was a good excuse to drive an hour from home. 😂 and nearly 3 hours for BiL.

            Cheerful soul, aren’t I? 🙂

          2. I don’t have any children so that won’t be an issue. I will probably leave my worldly possessions to the daughter of two dear friends who left this life far to early.
            She can have all the fun of searching through the detritus of my life looking for the buried treasure.

            I will leave her a map to make it more fun. :@)

            60th birthday coming up and i have lunch booked with friends on Saturday and i believe i have just started running a temperature. Such is life.

            If someone says ‘let’s do this’. Look for ways to make it happen rather than looking for reasons why you can’t.

          3. My friends/neighbours are cool heads. We can reschedule if need be.
            Thanks anyway.

            And i just had my hair done especial !

          4. I may have………Not for a lunch though. Too showy. I thought i would go in head to toe goat skin leather. I’m feeling rather beige.

          5. 80th Birthday coming up in May – if we’re spared.

            Time marcheth. Goodnight and God bless, Gentlefolk.

          6. It’s hard to declutter when you’re a hoarder…… my mother used to say “If we kept everything you wanted to keep, we’d never get into the place” but after I left home, she was worse than I was. I couldn’t fault the way my ex husband dealt with things when she died – he got rid of the real rubbish and brought home the stuff he thought I should look over – photos, papers, etc.
            I ended up keeping most of it, especially all her books. We have most of her stuff here now, and I really will have to tackle things one day. Her furniture didn’t have the same grip on me, so some of that did go, apart from a few things we did make use of. Come to think of it, nearly all the furniture we have here now was inherited from one or other of the parents.

          7. Same here with Mother. We have certificates, papers and photos in huge volumes. The rest was sold or burned.

          8. Ah, inherited furniture, unlike Michael Heseltine who is reputed to have had to buy his…very infra-dig.

  42. That’s me gone for this cold, wet day. Nothing to larf at at all. Still, I do have the satisfaction of knowing that we spent three days doing useful and productive gardening.

    Have a spiffing evening – waiting for more rain tomorrow – though milder. Allegedly.

    A demain.

    1. So you’re seeking for further amusement why not follow the Ramsbottoms’ advice and pay to go in t’zoo and mix it with some bigger cats than your gingers?

  43. Biden and Cameron are falling into Hamas’s trap
    The terrorists are effectively asking Israel to end the war and leave what remains of the organisation to fight another day

    Sunak bringing in Cameron is as strange and sinister as Truss bringing in Hunt was.

    It seems very unlikely that either would have remotely considered doing what he or she did – so why did each one do it and who was the puppeteer pulling the strings and ordering them to behave so bizarrely?

    The stink of rotting fish cannot be ignored.

  44. And Justin Rowlatt wheels out his dodgy graphs to tell us that the temperature is up by 1.5 degrees and it’s all our fault – even though he also mentions El Nino which is a completely natural event.

    He has the gall to spew out this propaganda while standing in front of a snowy hillside………….

    1. On the other hand, BBC reported today that the heat is still on in the Icelandic volcanic fissure as lava spews hundreds of feet in the air.
      Yet the report concluded that Icelanders will just have to adapt to their changing environment as nature dominates human activity.

      1. I suppose they can’t really blame volcanic eruptions on humans – they would if they could!

        1. Whilst visiting daughter and SIL in Basel, Switerland where they lived on the edge of a major volcanic fault, the Swiss were required to cease drilling holes through the earth’s crust as they were causing seismic movements.

          The movements were a bit alarming aa they sounded like an underground train going through the basement – evidemce that continental fault movements can be anthropogenic.

          1. My cousins were in the airport coffee shop when the Christchurch earthquake struck.
            They said it sounded like an express train roaring through.

      2. I suppose they can’t really blame volcanic eruptions on humans – they would if they could!

    2. On the other hand, BBC reported today that the heat is still on in the Icelandic volcanic fissure as lava spews hundreds of feet in the air.
      Yet the report concluded that Icelanders will just have to adapt to their changing environment as nature dominates human activity.

    3. A recent volcanic eruption in Iceland could cause a rise in temperature, but facts don’t seem to fit in with the glowball warmists adgenda.
      I was talking to Bruce SE of Melbourne today and they had an earthquake as we spoke. It frightened the life out of him. 4.5 when I checked later. Not good when you live at the bottom of a large hill.
      Talking of which bbc 4 right now.
      A climate change propaganda programme.

    4. I reckon warming is down to having ten billion people all breathing out all over the world.

      1. Ten billion people have displaced many billions of other creatures who would have been breathing in our stead had we not destroyed them and their habitats.

  45. On a cold and wet Thursday evening, an air of smugness hangs over the Dower House.
    Attic tidy complete with a pathway down the middle for easy access. Boxes labelled and stacked. Stuff found that we had either forgotten or vaguely remembered without being interested enough to look for it.
    Charity shop stuff in the Noddy car ready for the morning.
    Let’s hear it for February Fill-dyke.

    1. Well done! Can I please book you in to sort out our loft?
      After almost 30 years here, it is bursting at the seams. Amongst other useless rubbish, Him Indoors has stashed the box from every single desktop and laptop we and the boys have had over the years, never bothering to get rid even when each machine has, in turn, died.
      I have never been beyond the top of the ladder, and probably wouldn’t even manage these days to get off the top into the loft.

      1. All those electro gadgets have precious metals. Keep old phones too !
        Doesn’t Him in doors have a shed ?

        1. The devices have all been taken to the relevant skip at the tip, it’s just the boxes he hoards.
          No, the shed is mine – it’s a She-shed 🙂

          1. A she-shed….is that allowed? Must be some law against it somewhere !

            Though if it included some comfy chairs and a small fridge for Dry Martinis i would fight your corner !

          2. You wouldn’t fight her corner! 🤣🤣 You’d usurp it and drink all the martinis!

      2. We’ve got those as well! We had some cupboards built in upstairs and they are jammed up with stuff like that. I don’t go into the loft either.

        1. The more space/storage you have, the more you hang on to, in case it might come in handy.
          I think I got that from my parents wartime experiences.
          My large airing cupboard is stacked out with more towels than we will ever get through. I need to try off loading some to son up north.
          We also have a fairly large wardrobe full of household ‘stuff’ that older son and his now-wife left here when they went to live (she’s Canadian) 10 years ago, in case they ever came back to live here. It’s now 99.9% certain that will never happen. When he comes over this year, I should suggest he sorts it out.

        2. I’m a bit of a hoarder. My solution is to get my sister o er once a year to sort things out. Her house is the complete opposite, she throws everything away and is quite happy to do the same with my stuff!

          1. My friend is like that, but her house doesn’t feel like a home. She has gone to extremes, to the extent of having already replaced all the doors, some twice, in the 2 years they have been in their current home.

          2. I’m a hoarder, too. MOH used to be like your sister; I used to salvage things that had been thrown out because I knew they’d be needed – and they were!

    2. I am so envious…. I have yet to clear out the spare room with stuff we brought back from France. The problem is making those decisions about what to keep – I can guarantee a week after I have thrown an item out I will need it. Oh, decisions, decisions, my heart quails at the thought and once again I close the door on it all.

    1. Vile, dangerous savages hell bent on eliminating us from our own homeland. Though they might keep a few to breed to fulfil their sick urges.

      1. Same old story they seem to know everything in hindsight.
        What happens now has probably been happening for centuries.
        But people just got on with it all.
        Nature can be cruel. It probably hates us.

    1. Sadly given the State of the UK today I can’t see their present generations wanting to make the same sort of sacrifice….

  46. ‘Lamb National’ race faces chop after abuse by animal activists

    Popular carnival event cancelled, with volunteers ‘not prepared for the level of backlash that we were getting’


    Sand Man
    1 HR AGO
    Well, I’d feel pretty sheepish if I worked at PETA. Lots of woolly thinking going on there.

    Darren Ainsworth
    1 HR AGO
    Reply to Sand Man
    Shear lunacy.

    1. I wish i knew some animal activist/just stop oil/BLM’s etc. Then i would put shit through their benefits funded social housing letterboxes.

    2. Many had a little lamb
      Their fleece as white as snow
      And everywhere they tried to race
      PETA spoiled the show…..

    3. Things will brighten up just before ram the damned. As usual the lamb’s will be disappearing from the farmers fields.

    1. Harridan: “Did you just stare at my tits?”
      Me: “Indeed I did. I simply couldn’t believe how ugly they are, and why an airhead — like you— would contemplate filling them with silicon.”

    1. Abdul Ezedi: What we know about Clapham attack suspect’s movements” BBC

      Well, if he’s been hiding in Kebab and Pizza fast food places, a lot will depend on the strength of his bowels I imagine.

  47. Coroner’s concern after Nottinghamshire RAF nurse dies of tuberculosis

    This report is about Carianne Franks, an RAF nurse who died of TB in 2021. She spent nine weeks in hospital being tested and was misdiagnosed with Covid and then pneumonia. No one thought to look for TB.

    BBC East Midlands Today featured this story, including a brief history of the disease in the UK and how it was all but eliminated in the 1950s. From its commentary: “Globalisation and migration have seen cases rise in cities but hospitals outside cities may have less experience of the disease.”

    No mention of immigration in the website article, even though it is from the EM office.

  48. Evening, all, from a snowless Shropshire. Clearly the weather didn’t read the script. I’ve just had a load of bumf from County about the climate emergency and Shropshire’s intention to be net zero by 2030. I’ll be over 100 then so the lunacy hopefully wont’ affect me.

    1. Cold and wet all day here in Glawstershire – and we had a power cut for most of the morning.

      1. As I’ve pointed out before, I have a problem with numbers. Mind you, I may well not be around in 2030, which is the correct number for Shropshire lunacy. Some days I feel 94 🙁

  49. And that is me off to bed.
    Might have a trip to Belper for a bit of shopping tomorrow.

    G’night all.

    1. BTL Comments:

      I have this crazy idea that if someone was incompetent to stand trial for their crimes, that perhaps they are not competent to be commander-in-chief, and the 25th amendment comes into play.

      Of course, that crazy train of thought ends with Kamala Harris as president, so …

      – She’s certainly not the one behind the curtain, either.

      34 minutes ago
      -Unless it’s a shower curtain.
      -Ewww… why did I conjure up that image? Bad brain! Bad!

      1. It could well be the best thing to happen to America if Kamala Harris becomes President. Her A Team being made up of diverse chiefs of staff. At least the fall of empire would be quick.

    2. Trump is going to enjoy baiting Biden in the election proper. The only votes Biden will win from any debate are sympathy votes.

      1. I wonder how many American votes are winnable. Trump and Biden are so polarising that the course of any debates will make no difference to tens of millions of voters who deeply despise one and will vote for the other regardless of how much or little they admire him.

        1. If Trump doesn’t get to be President we will all need bomb shelters. In his term he was able to calm things down and had conversations with those dead against the Western world. Biden and the globalists have made the world worse than at the time of the Cuban missile crisis. IMO.

        1. Tucker…’So what do you say about the EU and NATO suggesting they need to get on a war footing to stop your invasion of the Western world?’
          Putin…’There is no need to respond to such a question. The EU and NATO have already been invaded’.
          Next question.
          ‘Where do you see yourself in 5 years time?’

        2. Watch in chunks. The timeline with subjects is listed under the picture. I jumped straight to Nordstream, as I was part of the project.

          1. Hi Paul. Actually, I worked out that one could play the video at 2x normal speed without losing much in the way of context.

            I don’t think we learned much that we didn’t know already.

            Interesting that Boris was singled out, though. Almost as if he wasn’t merely acting under instruction from across the pond…

    1. molamola, you have to Google the interview and then pay £72 for a year’s subscription to the Tucker Carlson site (reduced from around £108) and then log in, at which point you can watch the interview from its start. This is what I am doing now (I’m halfway through) and it’s fascinating.

  50. Watched 2/3rds Putin makes our politicians look like cretins
    rest tomorrow i’m knackered

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