Tuesday 16 March: Let’s remember the others who have been murdered in such places as Clapham Common

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

816 thoughts on “Tuesday 16 March: Let’s remember the others who have been murdered in such places as Clapham Common

  1. Morning, all Y’all.
    Didn’t need to switch the lights on this morning to make breakfast! Yaay, spring is nearly upon us!

    1. Enjoy it whilst you can, Herr Oberst. In less than two weeks, putting your clocks forward one hour will mean you are back to switching your lights on to make breakfast!

        1. Eh? I have spent many hours in my garden over most days during the past four weeks constructing some raised flower and veg beds with my neighbour’s help on my own. And although it will rain all day today I shall spend a lot of time in the garage decluttering all the junk. I suspect that staying indoors with Gus and Pickles are turning you into a Great Big Softy – man up, Uncle Bill!


  2. What drivel…
    SIR – For the 200th anniversary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte, France is asking how it should commemorate the despot who made most of the world drive left-handed.
    I don’t suppose they would be able to revert to controlling steering and speed with the right hand and managing the engine with the left, driving on the left side of the road, but it would make a big difference to road safety.
    Sue Doughty
    Reading, Berkshire

    So, how is it safer to drive on one side as opposed to the other? As long as it’s not the same piece of road, of course…

    1. If Sue Doughty controls her speed with her right hand then I hope I never encounter her on a road in Britain; I personally (along with virtually everyone else) use my right foot to control my speed. Does she use a telescope to maintain her view of the road each time she bends down to speed up of slow down?

    2. A better suggestion would be to get the French to drive on the side of the road instead of up the middle.

          1. I was. At first my foot was a block of ice. Now feeling is coming back so is pain. CT scan on Friday will show up the extent of the problem.

            I’m hobbling around the house at the moment in pain. Any distance has to be by wheelchair.

    3. In Syria, lorries – without lights – drove on the wrong side (the on-coming side) of the dual carriageway between Damascus and Aleppo. Scary!!!

      1. I’ve also seen that on the dual carriageway from Port Said to the gas terminals to the West. The driver of the company minibus seemed to be unconcerned.

        1. Hiring a car in Syria was one of the bravest/maddest things I have done. It made driving in Tunisia seems a doddle!!

    4. Most people are right eye dominant. This is handy if you drive on the left, but a disadvantage if you drive on the right, apparently.

  3. We can cope with the rise of China, but it will take a unique approach. 16 March 2021.

    In all western capitals, governments are pulled simultaneously in two opposite directions by the most remarkable and defining development of our lifetimes: a nation of 1.3 billion people has lifted itself from poverty to the brink of being the world’s largest economy, but has reaffirmed its determination to be a totalitarian state.

    We cannot deny in the West that we are disorientated as a result. It is not too hard to accept that one of the world’s oldest and most ingenious civilisations has reclaimed a position of great strength in only forty years, remarkable though that may be. Yet the fact that in the last few years it has coupled that achievement with disdaining all our beliefs in political democracy and using every form of new technology to tighten the grip of a centralised state is something we find difficult to compute. Xi Jinping’s adoption of one-man rule to the greatest extent since Mao, while leading an economy literally a hundred times bigger than when that great dictator died, has wrought confusion in the western world.

    We cannot deny either, that China has been raised to its present level by the policies of the West’s political and financial elites. They have provided the means for its rise! I don’t like anything about the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), its history, policies or actions but to be told now that it is a danger smacks of hypocrisy. China’s real sin is not that it is totalitarian but that it has not signed up to the Globalist Agenda! No ordinary person should think that any of this will benefit them or contribute to their security in any way. The truth is that we have grown as close to them as they have to us. Censorship, control and surveillance are common to both, Freedom extinguished. The West is, unlike during the Cold War, no longer Democracies facing up to Marxist tyranny but like facing like!


    1. There is one thing i like about the Chinese. They don’t like Muslims.

      Good morning.

      1. Morning Phil. One might get the impression they don’t like anyone….(and at times their own….)

      2. Morning Phizzee. They are not very keen on anyone who is not Chinese! Racism comes naturally to them! Lol!

      3. Morning Phizzee. They are not very keen on anyone who is not Chinese! Racism comes naturally to them! Lol!

        1. The only way an agricultural economy can change to a technological one in 40 years is with outside help.

          Proving this statement to be true.

          “We cannot deny either, that China has been raised to its present level
          by the policies of the West’s political and financial elites.”

          Other than that, they are known for stealing every piece of tech they can get their hands on then reproducing it and calling it their own.

    1. Always in a small flock and always on the move. I get them frequently but they don’t hang about very long.

  4. Shock: Danes refuse DaneGeld:

    “Denmark joins a growing list of European countries — including Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland — which have taken varying degrees of action to prevent foreign governments from financing the construction and upkeep of mosques on their territories.

    In recent years, Algeria, Kuwait, Libya, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, among others, have distributed hundreds of millions of euros to finance the spread of Islam in Europe.

    On March 9, the Danish Parliament voted 79 to 7 to approve Act 81, “Proposal for a Law Prohibiting the Receipt of Donations from Certain Natural and Legal Persons.” The law, which does not mention Islam or Islamism by name, states:

    “The purpose of the Act is to prevent natural and legal persons, including foreign state authorities and state-run organisations and companies, from working against or undermining democracy and fundamental freedoms and human rights by making donations.”

    (I think the volume of ME Arms sales will prevent the uK from following suit).

    1. “Denmark joins a growing list of European countries — including Austria,
      Belgium, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Switzerland”.

      These will be the countries that have seen the negative impact of importing many young Muslim men and the atrocities they implement.

      Britain isn’t on the list because nothing like that has happened here. Nope. Not at all.

      At least they are waking up to the fact that it is the Crusades in reverse.

      Personally i think it is too late. We have too many indigenous people who also wish to destroy democracy.

  5. A statement by President Trump:

    The Washington Post just issued a correction as to the contents of the incorrectly reported phone call I had with respect to voter fraud in the Great State of Georgia. While I appreciate the Washington Post’s correction, which immediately makes the Georgia Witch Hunt a non- story, the original story was a Hoax, right from the very beginning. I would further appreciate a strong investigation into Fulton County, Georgia, and the Stacey Abrams political machine which, I believe, would totally change the course of the presidential election in Georgia.

    Fulton County has not been properly audited for vote or signature verification. They only looked at areas of the State where there most likely would be few problems, and even there they found large numbers of mistakes. We are seeking to find and reveal the large-scale election fraud which took place in Georgia. Many residents agree, and their anger caused them not to turn out and vote for two Republican Senators in the January election.

    The Consent Decree signed between Raffensperger and Stacey Abrams was not approved by the Georgia State Legislature, and therefore should be deemed invalid, and the election result changed. Why the Governor and Raffensperger ever approved this Consent Decree is one of the great questions? We look forward to an answer.

    You will notice that establishment media errors, omissions, mistakes, and outright lies always slant one way—against me and against Republicans. Meanwhile, stories that hurt Democrats or undermine their narratives are buried, ignored, or delayed until they can do the least harm— for example, after an election is over.
    Look no further than the negative coverage of the vaccine that preceded the election and the overdue celebration of the vaccine once the election had concluded. A strong democracy requires a fair and honest press. This latest media travesty underscores that legacy media outlets should be regarded as political entities — not journalistic enterprises. In any event, I thank the Washington Post for the correction. -Donald J. Trump

    Democrats cited the fake “find the fraud” quote in their impeachment brief.

  6. ‘Morning, all.

    Seems the vigil for Sarah Everard had been called-off by the organisers due to an argument over who makes the sandwiches for a feminist demonstration.

    Nonetheless, a protest went ahead and arrests were made for breaking the lockdown laws.

    Here’s a little gem that made me smile.This exchange was reported by DT journalist, Kat Brown, on her twitter feed but after receiving a somewhat negative response, she deleted her tweet. Too late! Somebody had taken a screenshot and Carl Benjamin (Sargon of Akkad) broadcast it on his daily podcast.

    As she was being arrested, one woman screamed at the police, “You should have arrested the murderer!”
    “We did.” said a policeman.
    “Yeah, after he murdered somebody.” came the reply.

    Shouldn’t really laugh though. How long before the Government introduces psychological profiling to assess whether or not a person might commit some crime in the future and the Law sanctions the suspect accordingly? Couldn’t happen? I’m not so sure. Twelve months ago, who could have predicted that we would spend the best part of a year under house arrest? Who in Scotland thought that free speech in your own home would ever be criminalised if the “wrong” opinions were voiced? In Wales, who could have imagined their First Minister refusing to rule out a 6.00pm curfew for men so women could feel “safe”?

    The “Great Reset” fascist control-freaks are mad enough to try anything to advance their agenda and now they know they can get away with it.

    1. Morning Duncan. We are entering an age that will make the old Soviet Union and Mao’s China look like holiday camps!

        1. Morning Stephen. Yes! They will usher you to approved activities, police your thoughts and opinions and set your children to watch you!

    2. It might not have been quite as stupid a comment as it first appears.
      It seems that the suspect had been reported for “flashing” in a takeaway premises/restaurant, three days before.

      If he had been suspended, and given psychiatric assessment, who can tell what might have happened. Probably another poor woman.

      1. Odd people often can be seen to be odd. However one does have the workplace camaraderie, solidarity and collusion of policemen generally.

    3. 330398+ up ticks,
      Morning DM,
      Black comedy regarding the womans rhetoric,may one ask, “how long before the Government introduces psychological profiling” do you mean we are going to stick around to find out ?

      Because we did that regarding the last election after
      seeing quite clearly the course the overseers were taking in regards to the welfare of the peoples / Isles.

      Fair play, the peoples have been forewarned concerning reset / resettlement yet fodder is still fed in the shape of support / votes.

      An in your face example is the DOVER campaign the only political thing that is running smoothly in these beleaguered Isles.
      VOTE & WEEP seems to suit many & there lies the problem.

    4. I have to make my usual tedious complaint here . . .

      They are not fascist control freaks. They are control freaks inspired by the same anti-white, anti-western animus that drove communism.

      1. Given that Fascism and Marxism are the opposite cheeks of the same shitty Socialist arsehole, it is very easy for the Agitprop mob to flip between the two.

  7. Border agents admit that under Biden migration have ‘gone from a trickle to a TORRENT. 16 March 2021.


    It began with the flicker of a flashlight, muffled voices and the gentle splash of paddles carrying softly across the stillness of the Rio Grande Valley.

    As the silhouette drew closer to the shore we could suddenly see the bow of a small boat and the faces of women and children peering back at us though the gloom.

    Moments later the raft reached the riverbank and the dozen or so occupants began clambering on to U.S. soil with dreams of starting a new life in Joe Biden’s America.

    No one who reads this or looks at the photograph, or its UK equivalents, should be in any doubt that it presages the end of Euoropean civilisation as certainly as did the arrival of Cortez to the Aztecs or the Pilgrim Fathers to the Indians. The only difference is that neither of these had agents within themselves to aid the invasion. It is the greatest act of betrayal in history!


  8. Our PM’s Defence policy includes increasing the number of our nuclear warheads. The areas which he will concentrate on are Japan, Australia and China .
    Our PM seems to be in a belligerent mood.

      1. Probably to offer protection to Australia and, I hope, New Zealand in the event of a military threat. Of course if Boris uses nuclear weapons the UK would suffer retaliation.

  9. Good morning dear Nottlers

    What do you think of this ?

    Sarah Everard vigil ‘was hijacked’: Police Federation chief claims protestors from Extinction Rebellion, Antifa and Black Lives Matter infiltrated Clapham event and officers were spat at, punched and abused
    Officers were spat at, punched, abused at Clapham vigil, federation chief says
    Ken Marsh said the peaceful event was infiltrated by Antifa, BLM and XR
    He said: ‘This is… what happens with things like this. They get hijacked’
    Police faced criticism and Met Commissioner Dame Cressida Dick was under pressure to resign after officers were seen man-handling women at the event


    Ken Marsh said the peaceful event was infiltrated by Antifa, BLM and XR
    He said: ‘This is… what happens with things like this. They get hijacked’

    Whose fault is it that groups like that exist , they have been let off the hook and the police have bent their knees for them!

      1. The question still remain unanswered. Why did the Met allow the BLM and XR events to go ahead – with no effective intervention? They knelt to the blacks and danced with the XR loonies.

    1. Their action of “taking the knee” at past gatherings only encourages such hijacking of today’s gatherings.
      I understand the police watchdog condemned the police for “taking the knee” and has stated it must not happen again.
      Will the mindset of those in charge of our police farces change, I suspect not.
      We know who to blame for the lack of real policing don’t we.

        1. Whilst I share concerns of this Government and its actions and lack of reasoned debate concerning their Covid regulations during the past year, the tweet just highlights how her and her fellow MPs priorities are very selective.
          That said however, this bill is fraught with concerns.

          1. The Bill would seem to be one of those baggy, portmanteau efforts produced in a panic.
            After seeing 50 years of such knee-jerk legislation – often duplicating laws that are unused but already in place – I have grave doubts about it.

    2. “Whose fault is it that groups like that exist?”

      It is the fault of all of us, for tolerating them, and I will brook no alternative view!

    3. We won’t need to worry much longer Belle. They are introducing a new law so that any protests/demonstrations will have to be silent in future. So not worth demonstrating at all.

  10. And a 2nd Good Morning from a dull & overcast Derbyshire. A balmy 5½°C and at least it’s not raining.

    1. Well that certainly put the mockers on the weather. It started raining within ½ an hour of me typing that!

  11. Morning all, not so sunny today. I hear the garden beckon me for some attention, let’s hope it warms up and stays dry.

      1. Raining in Norf Zummerzet now and the gardening will have to be postponed until a later day in the week.
        It is my own fault, yesterday I got the ladder out and cleaned the windows in the front of the house. Tempting fate obviously.

        1. Thank goodness you didn’t clean the car. You’d have been washed into the river by now.

          1. I cleaned it in January, no need to clean it again until BST arrives. We hardly go anywhere these days anyway.

    1. On the assumption covid is a significant concern – regardless of the death rate – a vaccine is no guarantee of protection. It never was. Nor is a mask. Distancing is simply pointless considering that an environment with air circulation of any sort – radiators, for example – virai are carried everywhere.

      Are masks to protect others from you? Maybe. However when was I made responsible for everyone else?

      1. 330398+ up ticks,
        Afternoon W,
        Methinks many consume to much of the governance groups fear fodder, a malady, origin unknown, replacing flu and working as a fear agent in controlling / manipulating people’s a treat.

  12. Morning all

    SIR – A male colleague of mine was murdered walking across Clapham Common. Where was the public outcry about him? This is not just an issue for women.

    Clare Gardner

    Sheffield, South Yorkshire

    SIR – The Metropolitan Police is in danger of giving the impression that it believes Black Lives Matter but women’s lives do not.

    Caroline McCabe

    London SW1

    SIR – Sarah Everard’s murder was a dreadful crime. However, I disagree with the outrage of armchair critics against police who were doing their job in an impossible situation on Saturday on Clapham Common.

    Especially in the time of Covid, I want the police to uphold the law on illegal gatherings without fear or favour. Without that impartiality and consistency, we become the Wild West, and more unsafe.

    Women have fought for decades to be viewed as full human beings. We are not fragile flowers who cannot be handcuffed if our actions demand it.


    Dame Cressida Dick was right to stand up for her officers, and if this balanced leader, the first woman to battle her way to the top of a male-dominated profession, is forced to stand down, that would be a crime too.

    Caroline Gartell

    Winchester, Hampshire

    SIR – Cressida Dick should have resigned for lack of judgment early in Operation Midland. Knowing the infamous words “credible and true” were wrong, she did not correct them.

    For two years as commissioner she did nothing to put in place the recommendations of Sir Richard Henriques in his devastating critique of the Metropolitan Police. She has put public relations before public duty and leadership of the Met police.

    K Harvey Proctor

    Grantham, Lincolnshire

    SIR – The mass tribute to Sarah Everard on Clapham Common, though commendable, was illegal. The police were doing their job, imposing the law.

    To demand the removal of Cressida Dick from office is ludicrous. What next, disband the police?

    If people wanted to make a tribute, why not do it in a civilised manner like the Duchess of Cambridge?


    Michael J Collins

    Cowbeech, East Sussex

    SIR – I have sympathy for the police. They must enforce the law, but if they ask someone to move along they are often met with non-compliance or worse. If they try to move the person they are accused of being heavy-handed. They deal daily with some of the most obnoxious people in society and for their efforts receive bad press.

    NHS workers are “heroes”. Nurses are “angels”. The police are “pigs”. It’s easy to see how an us-and-them attitude develops. We should value them more.

    Yvonne Bembridge

    Ashton-on-Ribble, Lancashire

    SIR – Sir Ed Davey, the Lib Dem leader and my MP, voted for laws that severely restricted the number of people who can attend a funeral (or mourn together by the grave).

    However, he suggests in his letter to the Home Secretary that a vigil by a large number of people, however real and justified their anger, should have been permitted, despite being illegal under the law he helped to implement.

    He should have insisted the law allowed properly organised demonstrations and protests.


    David Pelham

    Surbiton, Surrey

    SIR – Would it be possible, while reclaiming the streets for women, to reclaim them for children too?

    In London, the risk to children of being mugged, threatened or attacked is extraordinary, even in “safe” areas. It is disgraceful that children grow up in such an environment, yet it’s barely mentioned.

    Paul Greenwood

    London N10

    1. Caroline, you poor, cretinous moron. Dick was practically installed into the role precisely because she is a woman. You don’t think she earned that post at any level, do you? My God! You do?! I’ve a bridge to sell you.

  13. Morning again

    Cumbria coal mine

    SIR – It is disappointing that ministers and not Cumbria council will decide the future of the proposed Whitehaven coal mine (report, March 12).

    Britain needs steel for infrastructure and special grades of steel for ships and submarines that cannot all come from melting scrap in an electric furnace.

    It is illogical to ship the coal required for making this steel many thousands of miles when we sit on several centuries’ worth of it, and large amounts of clean natural gas.

    Environmental objectors are simply making someone else, somewhere else, emit carbon for us. I trust that ministers will approve this vital mine.

    Bryan Lack

    Banbury, Oxfordshire

    1. “I trust that ministers will approve this vital mine”

      And give up on the chance of getting filthy rich by doing deals with foreigners who will then supply a substandard product? I doubt it.

    2. Oh my sweet summer child. If government had an iota of common sense it wouldn’t be government. The dedication to enforcing an idiotic agenda that will make absolutely no difference to the world whatsoever is paramount, over and above reason, sense and normalcy.

      One day, when there’s effluent in the water at number 10 they’ll turn around and say ‘it was worth it.’ and proceed to open a bottle of water. Water so expensive to clean it’ll cost ten times more than petrol. Of course, we’ll have to drink the poisoned stuff. They’ll slap their damage on expenses.

  14. Earning your stripes

    SIR – When I visited the Army’s barrack stores in Germany in the mid-Fifties, I learnt that the crockery for personnel (Letters, March 12) was patterned according to rank.

    For married personnel, it was white; for junior officers up to the rank of captain, it had one blue stripe on the rim. Majors had two blue stripes, while lieutenant colonels had two blue and one gold. All items could be exchanged on promotion.

    Duncan Reeves

    Lindfield, West Sussex

    1. When I started work in a brewery office in the 60s most of the directors were ex military. The quality of the furniture in each office was determined by the status of the occupants.

  15. Earning your stripes

    SIR – When I visited the Army’s barrack stores in Germany in the mid-Fifties, I learnt that the crockery for personnel (Letters, March 12) was patterned according to rank.

    For married personnel, it was white; for junior officers up to the rank of captain, it had one blue stripe on the rim. Majors had two blue stripes, while lieutenant colonels had two blue and one gold. All items could be exchanged on promotion.

    Duncan Reeves

    Lindfield, West Sussex

  16. Come on Bill……

    Loofah culture

    SIR – My husband successfully grew loofahs in the greenhouse this year (report, March 15) and our daughter is cutting them up for pot-scourers.

    Doris Grimsley

    London SE2

    1. That photo of life in Rio de Janeiro in the 1940s/50s vividly brings back happy memories to me of life in Argentina as a child in the 1950s.

        1. No, young Grizzly, I was just a child. If you look carefully at the photo you will see that it is of a city street (like the one in Argentina where I lived) and not a photo of the Pampas! :-))

          PS – A female gaucho is a gaucha.

          1. But of course – how else would I catch me an ostrich (avestruz) for lunch?


    2. 330398+ up ticks,
      Morning Rik,
      We really have achieved reaching the apex of the pits
      via the polling booth.

    3. You can only find that lost world in photos, and in films made on location at the time . It is heart-breaking. We were there, but our grandchildren will never know such a place.

  17. FBI facing allegation that its 2018 background check of Brett Kavanaugh was ‘fake. 16 March 2021.

    The FBI is facing new scrutiny for its 2018 background check of Brett Kavanaugh, the supreme court justice, after a lawmaker suggested that the investigation may have been “fake”.

    Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democratic senator and former prosecutor who serves on the judiciary committee, is calling on the newly-confirmed attorney general, Merrick Garland, to help facilitate “proper oversight” by the Senate into questions about how thoroughly the FBI investigated Kavanaugh during his confirmation hearing.

    The supreme court justice was accused of sexual assault by Christine Blasey Ford and faced several other allegations of misconduct following Ford’s harrowing testimony of an alleged assault when she and Kavanaugh were in high school.

    Hmmm? Looks like the beginning of a manoeuvre to ease Kavanaugh (who was psychologically destroyed by the selection process) out and substitute a Democrat. Interviewing Ford, who could neither remember, when, where, why, how or what happened would have revealed her to be a fraud and perjurer so it wouldn’t do to question that too closely!


    1. Morning OLT

      I wonder how much rubbish was left behind after the vigil..

      On another note , is there some significance to which side of the nostril women wear their nose rings ?

      1. I can never remember whether wearing an earring on the left side or the right side is a sign of being homosexual. But to be honest very few of my male friends wear earrings and none of them have tattoos – at least if they do they would be on bits of their bodies which I don’t want to see!

    1. Stop asking awkward questions. If you wanted common sense and rational answers then you really are in the wrong country.

  18. Undercover police to be stationed around bars to protect women. 16 February 2021.

    Police officers in plain clothes will be stationed undercover outside bars and clubs across the country in the coming months in a new scheme to keep women safe on the streets.

    New government funding amounting to £25 million has also been announced to improve lighting and put up CCTV cameras in neighborhoods that could see women at risk of attack.

    The measures were announced by Boris Johnson on Monday as he said it was time to “drive out violence against women and girls” after the killing of Sarah Everard.

    So we are going to have one set of lurkers looking for another set of lurkers? Just how many cops would be required for this plan? Is it one on one or one on three? I would think that it would freak out anyone normal who was there, and just tell me how you identify someone for any particular criminal trait by appearance? Is it stamped on their foreheads? Is it the way they walk, speak, smile, or do you need telepathy? Grizz is right. They are going stupid!


    1. Demonisation of entertainment continues. Yet another excuse to clamp down on any sort of fun or human interaction. What’s the betting that pubs, restaurants and bars will be made to pay for this ‘protection’?
      Sarah Everard was not returning from a bar (all of which are closed, anyway).

      1. It could be called a “tart tax”. Stay at home and “Save a Tart”. ( This joke does not make sense. I know that. It surely doesn’t have to? Nothing else makes sense any more.)

    2. Morning Minty

      One of my sons was stalked by a grown woman when he was 12 years old , things got very difficult .

      My younger son was a good tennis player and swimmer , he was stalked by the mother of a boy in his class .

      He was a shy good looking blond lad , but still a child and unworldly.

      We threatened to call the police , but we also felt embarrassed by the thought of contacting the school. This happened in the early 1980s.

      There are many predatory women , who get very nasty and spiteful .

      We suggested to our lad that to avoid all contact with her that he gave the sports centre a rest for a while re his swimming and tennis .

      He did so for 6 months , and to our relief the situation died a death, but the sick b..ch then focussed on another family , I hope they realised and dealt sufficiently with her .

    3. Are they going to station a plain clothed Policeman out kebab shops and taxi ranks in Rotherham? (many other towns and cities are available).

      1. Silly idea! That would be both racial profiling and offending a specific “community group”, as well as upsetting social coherence.

    4. Here’s a novel idea: foot patrols by properly trained policemen and women. They could get some training from countries that still employ this method of crime reduction still or they could get some retired officers who were used to this method to pass on their wisdom.

    5. Man outide bar, a young lady walks out

      “hello, deary, I am an undercover cop Let me take you home ,” He says smilingly
      Her Well. I am not sure”
      Him “We have a snout who says there are naughty men about tonight”
      Her “In that case alright”
      Six weeks later another bandstand is full of flowers

      It will be a charter for more assaults

      1. Woman goes into police station and says she’s been raped.
        Policeman says “Can you describe your attacker?”
        Woman “He was a police sergeant”
        Policeman ” Was he in uniform?”
        Woman ” No ”
        Policeman “Well how do you know he was a police sergeant?”
        Woman “He stank of booze, was very drunk and he made me do all the work”

    6. But it must be reassuring for those unaware of the propensity for undercover police, using false names, to seduce women. As we discovered in various court cases regarding police infiltrating activist movements the police tend to imagine themselves as secret agents a la Fleming’s wonderful creation. Too bad life is not a novel where responsibility ends at the last page.
      As for the new government funding to increase surveillance of the population at large it amounts to nearly 0.07% of the money wasted on “track and trace” which does not suggest that it is being taken seriously.
      These actions rather suggest that the government is just stupid. Especially as last night the police once again involved themselves in arresting demonstrators on this subject.
      The police decided some time ago to pick and choose their targets, to act against some wrongdoers and to ignore or even encourage others. These chickens have come home to roost as the police are now seen to be on the side of bad people and not on the side of ordinary citizens. Ordinary citizens may be knocked about with complete impunity as suggested by AC Ball’s statement a couple of days ago, and as seen in film and photo of the many recent anti-lockdown demonstrations which were held in support of ancient common law rights which have been cancelled by recent new “laws’.

    7. I guess most of the £25 million will be claims for drinks necessary to the execution of their duties

    8. Er wasn’t it a Plain Clothes Policeman who has been arrested and charged with Murder? I’m sure this move will make Women feel safer …..by encouraging to stay at home….

          1. After racking my brains I can see clearly now that she’d be good at overseeing a purge….

    9. Sooooo . . . more surveillance, eh? CCTV everywhere, and undercover state operatives in every place people might congregate? And I’m the one who is mad, thinking that we are en route to an irreversibly authoritarian state.

  19. Undercover police to be stationed around bars to protect women. 16 February 2021.

    Police officers in plain clothes will be stationed undercover outside bars and clubs across the country in the coming months in a new scheme to keep women safe on the streets.

    New government funding amounting to £25 million has also been announced to improve lighting and put up CCTV cameras in neighborhoods that could see women at risk of attack.

    The measures were announced by Boris Johnson on Monday as he said it was time to “drive out violence against women and girls” after the killing of Sarah Everard.

    So we are going to have one set of lurkers looking for another set of lurkers? Just how many cops would be required for this plan? Is it one on one or one on three? I would think that it would freak out anyone normal who was there, and just tell me how you identify someone for any particular criminal trait by appearance? Is it stamped on their foreheads? Is it the way they walk, speak, smile, or do you need telepathy? Grizz is right. They are going stupid!


  20. 330398+ up ticks,
    Surely we should be reclaiming the streets for NOT just one type human
    but ALL types, ( current mindset is there are many) if it has the same
    success as reclaiming OUR country then a well balanced, decent future
    is far,far over the horizon.

    These political overseers have proved themselves, beyond doubt to be top notch treacherous, deceitful, self interest, mercenaries.

    The master con is surely inclusive in the name con servative a pretendee Conservative party in name only, has this been recognised by the human ovis, or is the three monkey mode a more comforting road to take.

    Whatever the reason radical change MUST be the order of the day because continuing to support / vote lab/lib/con you will assuredly receive a daily dose of sh!te in return.

  21. Russian opposition leader Navalny speaks of his prison ordeal. 16 March 2021.

    Mr Navalny was sentenced last month to two and a half years in prison in what was widely regarded as a politically motivated trial after he returned to Russia from Germany, where he was recovering after being poisoned with a Soviet-era nerve agent. He was jailed for failing to meet with his parole officer while he was out of the country.

    “I have to admit that Russia’s prison system still amazes me: I had no idea that you can set up a genuine concentration camp 100 kilometres away from Moscow,” Mr Navalny wrote in a letter from the IK2 prison colony in the town of Pokrov.

    Ordeal my ass! The conditions are “superior” to those in the UK and bear no comparison whatsoever to those in the United States. As for his presence there; it is essentially voluntary. He deliberately over ran his parole with the intention of being gaoled as a martyr and is certainly being paid very generously by the West’s Intelligence Agencies for doing so.


  22. When so many women, empowered by their friends in high places, set out to make themselves hateful, how can it be a crime then to hate them?

  23. May I remind Veronica Whitty (OH no surely not?) that if India can afford a space program they can afford to sort out their own education, healthcare, water and sanitation and not take money from countries who have to borrow money in order to dole out foreign aid

    1. The purpose of foreign aid is to brown envelope the cash we are forced to send to the EU.

      India has no interest in resolving those things. Why would it?

  24. 330398+ up ticks.
    Maybe some sort of introductory course should be employed with no pandering, as in, this course is compulsory.
    Hello feet, these boots are made for walking and that’s just what they’ll do……

    Peoples reset, retrain police personnel in the use of feet on the beat.

  25. I wonder if others were as amused as I was when I read this paragraph in the letters page:

    “Dame Cressida Dick was right to stand up for her officers, and if this balanced leader, the first woman to battle her way to the top of a male-dominated profession, is forced to stand down, that would be a crime too.”

    It would be a crime! Not half as much a crime as promoting a serial incompetent to a position way above her capabilities for what appears to be one reason alone which has nothing to do with policing competence and success in operations.

    1. Dick gained a BA in Agriculture & Forest Sciences in 1979.

      Exactly the type parachuted in to managerial level where they could do the most damage.

  26. Will a 6pm curfew for men accelerate the alcoholism rate in women ..

    The media shows scantily clad groups of women at the races, boat races, festivals , pub nights , hen nights staggering around , vomiting in the streets , yes these women are inebriated and incapable of conducting themselves decently ?

    How will they get home ?

    1. But would they go out if there were no menfolk for them to dally with? You can see where this is going…. indirect lockdown.

    2. Like the Irish pig they will end up in the gutter?

      Twas an evening in November
      As I very well remember
      I was strolling down the road in drunken pride
      And my thoughts were all a’flutter
      So I ended in the gutter
      And a pig came by and lay down by my side.
      Yes I lay there in the gutter thinking thoughts I could not utter
      When a coleen passing by these words did say:
      “You can tell a man as boozes
      By the company he chooses.”
      With that the pig got up and walked away.

    3. Imagine in the future, bars, restaurants, hotels, bus stations, taxi ranks, supermarkets, police stations, the HoC etc all free of men after 6pm, for all males customers or employed at such places would have to be home and off the streets by 6pm. You can’t, neither can I but I would love to see the resultant chaos for a month or two.

    1. Both are 100% perfectly safe?
      I hate to be the one to break this to you Ryan, but you’re full of Crap per auld chap

      1. He obviously doesn’t understand the concept of ‘100%’ neither does he comprehend the meaning of ‘perfectly safe’.

        As much as I would like to believe the eu is concerned regarding the health of its citizens, one look at the Pfizer statistics give the lie to that.

        1. To quote Douglas Adam’s Arthur Dent :- “Ah, this is obviously some strange use of the word safe that I wasn’t previously aware of.”

    2. Yes, I think so. People I’ve spoken to in Europe all seem to be convinced that it’s instant death.

  27. More countries suspend vaccine rollout….

    I’ve been watching regular commenters on sites like Breitbart and I must say some are bordering on panic and bewilderment to say the least.

    Whatever is going on there is no doubt that fear is a driving factor. Fear has ruled since the virus struck and they’ve kept that going for as long as they could and until more people wise up. Now more countries are suspending the vaccine roll out which increases the fear factor for both those who have had the irreversible jab and those yet to have one.

    The media claim there are many conspiracy theories out there but don’t promulgate them knowing full well that people can simply use Google to find them thus increasing the fear factor even more. At best they are controlling people’s minds and as we all know…the mind is a very powerful thing.

    I’m very sure that the lockdown will have to continue until foreign travel for the masses becomes a thing of the past as will car ownership. Even if the vaccine is not a threat to health they are certainly using it as a weapon to confuse the cr@p out of everybody.

  28. Hang In There

    Her husband has been slipping in and out of a coma for several months yet she stayed by his bedside every single day.

    When he came to, he motioned her to come nearer.

    As she sat by him, he said, “You know what? You have been with me all through the bad times.

    When I was fired, you were there to support me.

    When my business fell, you were there.

    When I was shot, you were by my side.

    When we lost the house, you gave me support.

    When my health started failing, you were still by my side.

    When I think about it now, I think you bring me bad luck!”

    1. I find Skelly’s relentless enthusiasm a bit much at times; however it is infinitely preferable to the gushing, didactic, know-all Mann person. She is like the equally unappealing – equally loquacious Scottish woman “composer” who is everywhere like a rash on R3 and whose dreary voice reminds one of Mrs Murrell.

      Yet more reasons to abandon R3. Right now, I am listening to CatMusic from Barcelona. https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/catalunya-musica/

      1. Georgia Mann studied at Cambridge (Spy school for lefties) and studied Journalism in the US.

        The sort of journalism we now see in the NYTimes and the Washington Post.

        No surprises there that the BBC pushed out an ordinary white bloke.

        1. I feel like such a failure. During my time at Cambridge I was never approached once by the security services. Even though my studies included Russian.

      2. I hardly listen these days to R3 as it’s only in the car I have it on, and i haven’t been anywhere for a year, except short trips to get the weekly shopping.

    2. I find Skelly’s relentless enthusiasm a bit much at times; however it is infinitely preferable to the gushing, didactic, know-all Mann person. She is like the equally unappealing – equally loquacious Scottish woman “composer” who is everywhere like a rash on R3 and whose dreary voice reminds one of Mrs Murrell.

      Yet more reasons to abandon R3. Right now, I am listening to CatMusic from Barcelona. https://www.ccma.cat/catradio/catalunya-musica/

  29. I have just received a text message telling me i need to have a cardiovascular screening and to click the link.

    I do not have a Smart phone.

    I typed the link out in google and it took me to a tech site which offers a platform to GP’s to drum up business.

    This is the second time it has happened and i don’t believe it is related to my pre-existing condition.

    I now have to contact the practice. Go through all their hurdles to get a response from the GP.

    It’s put my Blood pressure up. No wonder they have notices everywhere saying rudeness will not be tolerated because i feel like damn well swearing at them.

    1. I’ve been bombarded (two letters and a text) to get me to have a covid test for the Imperial College React survey. I don’t want to.
      I know I haven’t got the damned virus – I haven’t been anywhere to catch it or seen anyone to catch it from. And how did they get my mobile number?

        1. It could only have been them, couldn’t it? OH took part in their “random survey ” in January. Not very random to choose two “random” people from one two-person household is it?

          1. A curious phone fact is that my BT landline treats many incoming mobile phone calls as “unrecognised”. The GP can’t phone – because he uses a mobile (for some odd reason). And someone from HMRC tried to call the MR and was blocked. Yet lots of unwanted, nuisance calls on mobiles get through.


          2. Our phone screens out all unknown callers and anyone not in our list comes as an “announced call”. I usually just press both buttons to override the announcement. The GP gets through alright though. We don’t get any nuisance calls.

          3. If the spam calls are from abroad they are allowed through. Apparently they can’t be blocked by our Telephone Preference Service. I’ve had 3 this week. One from “Amazon” thanking me for my order and I had been charged three ?? – that is when the phone went down as I had never been on, nor ardered anything from, Amazon. Other two were plain scams – phone went straight down. Their number could be from abroad or entirely false. One thing that seems to give a false mobile number on your Caller Display is that it shows up as 12 not 11 numbers.

          4. Thank you. I don’t have a “caller display” – the phone is years old. I just use the BT 1572 service to bar calls.

            Very 1960s, “steam” here…

      1. As Bill says. It is the Practice. They are selling or giving away your personal data because though they are first port of call when we are ill they are also a business.

        I had lots of text messages from ‘ambulance chasers’ after an operation at the Spire (private hospital).

        I wrote them a very stern letter about it and they phoned me and told me it could only have come from my local Practice as they didn’t have my phone number to pass on.

        1. OH had his shoulder repair at the Spire in 2019 – he doesn’t have a mobile so at least he was spared those.

      2. I will tell you a cautionary tale, Mrs VVOF was due an operation last Friday and as is normal these days had to have a Covid test 3 days prior.
        The test result came back positive and her operation is postponed.
        As she had Covid over Christmas which she described as a typical winter cold/bug, it seems any subsequent Covid test could return a positive result for 90 days. My granddaughter to confirm this fact has told me that if she or a fellow pupil returns a positive test result, they are not tested again for 90 days.
        This 90 business was again confirmed in a telephone call received from her consultant, hence the new date for her operation is towards the end of April.
        She nor I have NONE, NADA, ZERO symptoms and feel perfectly fine, but of course we are enduring another 10 days of isolation to enable a box to be ticked.
        I seem to be in a country run by f***kwits, unable to confirm if she is contagious or not and whether a delay in her operation puts her at more risk than going ahead with it.

          1. One air circulation system for the whole hospital. Design and build on the cheap so more profit for PFI sellers.

        1. OH is due an op tomorrow so we had to go to a drive-through covid testing station on Sunday. It’s raising both our blood pressures………though his is rather low normally.

          1. Wish him good luck from me, Julien, please – and look after him; he is just a man after all.

          2. He’s in – we had to get up at 5.30am today – my car’s had it’s longest run for months. Hoping he’ll be ok to fetch home this afternoon.

          3. Wish him good luck from me, Julien, please – and look after him; he is just a man after all.

      3. Did you go to the hairdresser for instance when lockdown ended and have to leave your contact details? I think at the end of the week all the signatories were sent off to the track and trace people, each week. I thought that they would destroy them, silly me, there’s too much valuable data there. I think that is where they got my phone number to trace me for a vaccine appt.

        You could put the covid test spillikin things under the tap and send them back. I am not playing this government charade in any shape or form. No mask, no test and no vaccine.

        1. I went to the hairdresser in December – the same one I’ve always been to for over 30 years – the difference (for him) is he no longer owns the salon as he sold up a couple of years ago and stayed on as manager – a good move for him!

          I didn’t realise Track & Trace had all our details from hairdressers though. This really is a police state, isn’t it?

          I’ve had the AZ vaccine because I have a trip to Kenya booked for October ( postponed from this month) but I’m not taking part in any “random” testing thankyou.

    2. It seems to be the ‘new norm’ now Phizz.
      I expect like many others in latter parts of their lives when things start to go wrong, i’m quite sure i have paid in enough since i first started work to cover my treatment the first time i went into hospital was 12 years ago for a Hip Op.
      I have taken to typing letters to my GP and dropping them into the surgery letter box.
      Only the NHS would try and get people with severe arthritis in a knee joint, to follow an exercise regime. I am the third person i know of who has been sent down this strange pathway ! I do hope I have corrected him on this and I can now move on to the next stage of treatment, which i have previously requested an MRI scan. But he told me he’s no longer (NHS management orders) allowed to request Scans for needy patients. …..scuz the pun they just pop out.

      1. I understand that when we reach certain ages we enter higher risk groups but i have had 10 visits to hospital in the last two months. One of the courses of treatment under the cardio vascular surgeon.

        1. It was suddenly discovered I had Afib just over 5 years ago, it was then dealt with very rapidly and ablation took place in less than 12 months. But a month after that I had a TIA. I was told that surgery now is medium risk.
          But if it’s going to make a change to my problem it’s worth the risk.

      2. I had an MRI yesterday as I have a Warfin’s benign tumour on my neck. It may need removing but the consultant wants a better look at it. I was only referred last Monday but had a phone call Sunday morning to ask if I could attend yesterday. They had a cancellation.

        1. I had a reply from my GP on messenger this morning he’s going to ring me in the morning. I might need an interpreter !!

      3. I had an MRI yesterday as I have a Warfin’s benign tumour on my neck. It may need removing but the consultant wants a better look at it. I was only referred last Monday but had a phone call Sunday morning to ask if I could attend yesterday. They had a cancellation.

  30. Downing Street denies security risks after Russian-owned firm chosen to work on new briefing room. 16 March 2021.

    Boris Johnson’s press secretary, Allegra Stratton, said officials had taken “the necessary measures to ensure the highest standards of security” after it was reported that Megahertz, a Russian-owned company, had supplied equipment for the studio.

    Megahertz was brought in by the Government’s own facilities management contractor, Interserve, late last year for work that lasted around four months, the website HuffPost said.

    The company is part-owned by two Russian shareholders, who are also the CEO and commercial director of OKNO-TV, a Russian company that has previously carried out technical work for Channel One and Russia Today, two Kremlin-affiliated broadcasters.

    Vlad was the Foreman!


    1. Angular Murkel showed her naivety when it was discovered that US Intelligence was listening in to her phone.

      If any Embassy isn’t bugged then friends and enemies will both be trying to rectify that position. No reason why the Russians should be any different.

  31. Michelle Obama ‘not surprised’ by Duchess of Sussex’s claims of racism in Royal Family
    Former president Barak Obama and his wife are said to have a close relationship with the Duke and Duchess of Sussex


    What a lovely pair the Obamas must be!

    I wonder if, when Harry is out of earshot, Migraine and the Obamas have a giggle behind his back and call him ‘white trash‘ and ‘filthy honky‘. In fact they probably hold him in such contempt that they say the same things to his face when he can hear.

    1. It must have been when on their state visit her Majesty said ‘You are supposed to use the tradesman’s entrance’.

        1. Her Majesty didn’t seem to mind (or notice). Normally HM would draw the line at being cuddled by a strange man.

    2. Just another pair of Soros Puppets.
      Did she complain when on her visit to Buck house the seats in the loos were racist white ?

    1. Obviously far too many children there for the police to send in the heavy mob. Wouldn’t look good on the front page of all the newspapers showing them roughing up kiddies having a singsong.

      Perhaps legitimate protesters should bear this fact in mind.

    2. New Training regimes for night clubs bars and other places of enjoyment ?
      Fings aint wot they use to be eh.

        1. They ain’t gonna be blending in, in their Hi Viz, goggles, hard hats, safety boots and Kevlar gloves.

  32. 330398+ up ticks,



    So could a multitude of ailments resulting in being encapsulated in
    death via lab/lib/con coalition.

    1. Not that i begrudge him anything but if it had been a mere mortal the Doctors would not have treated someone that age but sent them to a hospice.

      1. He’ll have gone as a private patient….they’ll treat anyone for anything as long as they’re paid

          1. Well my hair is nearly as long now as it was in the mid 70s ……….oh just a mo >>>

          2. Well my hair is nearly as long now as it was in the mid 70s ……….oh just a mo >>>

      1. “Homo natus de muliere brevi vivens tempore repletus multis miseriis quasi flos egreditur et conteritur et fugit velut umbra et numquam in eodem statu permanet”
        Job 14:1-2

    1. Nahh, not freedom – *their* freedom.

      Suddenly after years of trying desperately to remove the rights of others to behave as they want to, they find that the same laws they lauded apply to them and don’t like it.

      You see, they though they’d be the rulers, never the subjects. Odd how Lefties always think that.

    2. I saw that livestream yesterday. The first two sections (also on YT, BitChute and odysee) were equally excellent. Labour doing a 180 on the freedom to protest is yet another opportunist flip-flop, given they were only last week in favour of more draconian laws/rules to stop protests during lockdown. Ironically they are also now against longer sentences for violent offenders, etc.

      Sadly rather typical under Captian Hindsight’s so-called ‘leadership’. His shine has certainly worn off – even many former supporters on the Labour benches are now beginning to get peed off with the guy, who’s the worst of all worlds – a combo of Tony Bliar and Corbyn.

      To anyone who thinks Labour are now on the ordinary person’s side – think again. This is a short term political stunt. I guarantee if there are ANY anti-lockdown protests over the enxt week or two, Labour will either stay silent or go after them. Even if that includes Corbyn’s brother. Like the Dems in the US, they want MORE and harsher lockdowns, schools and businesses closed, us in our cages, reliant on government. The Client State in action.

    3. I saw that livestream yesterday. The first two sections (also on YT, BitChute and odysee) were equally excellent. Labour doing a 180 on the freedom to protest is yet another opportunist flip-flop, given they were only last week in favour of more draconian laws/rules to stop protests during lockdown. Ironically they are also now against longer sentences for violent offenders, etc.

      Sadly rather typical under Captian Hindsight’s so-called ‘leadership’. His shine has certainly worn off – even many former supporters on the Labour benches are now beginning to get peed off with the guy, who’s the worst of all worlds – a combo of Tony Bliar and Corbyn.

      To anyone who thinks Labour are now on the ordinary person’s side – think again. This is a short term political stunt. I guarantee if there are ANY anti-lockdown protests over the enxt week or two, Labour will either stay silent or go after them. Even if that includes Corbyn’s brother. Like the Dems in the US, they want MORE and harsher lockdowns, schools and businesses closed, us in our cages, reliant on government. The Client State in action.

      1. If they are Irish, they are EU citizens. We should now treat all Irish as EU citizens and stop their right of abode etc. This pair can be deported…

        1. I can remember when i was building extensions etc they use to turn up in their Irish reg vans and try to steal anything they thought they could get their hands on.
          One of their favourite ploys is to book a few tables in a restaurant and when the bill lands on the table, start a fight, spill it on to the street and all clear off. Before plod decides to turn up.

    1. I’m surprised Boris hasn’t already crashed through the trap door the fat bastard.

  33. Its the 7th anniversary of the 2014 All-Crimean Referendum and the Day of Crimea’s Reunification with Russia.

  34. Don’t sigh and say “No, not another video!”

    Stick with this one – from about 14:30 it becomes a satire, with Jess Phillips taking the lead role.

    Here’s one of the articles featured:

    Britain is Showing the World How Nationalism Implodes Into Fascism
    The Classic Pattern of Nationalism Becoming Fascism Seems Unstoppable In an Imploding Britain



    1. I’ve read the “article” by Umair Haque and it is nothing more than a rant against Britain. He is a “London based consultant”. Why he stays here I cannot imagine. He is a raving idiot.
      Edit: Umair Haque

  35. Conservative think tank ”Bright Blue” published their ”Legal Net Zero” report on May 25, 2018 which was the basis of Theresa May’s Legal Net Zero legislation……..


    Here are the ”partners” of ”Bright Blue”………..


    Among others, the ”partners” of ”Bright Blue” for the year 2018/2019 included………

    EDF Energy
    The Energy Efficiency Infrastructure Group
    Energy Networks Association
    Environmental Services Association
    European Climate Foundation
    FCC Environment
    Global Dialogue
    Green Alliance
    Offshore Wind Industry Council
    Open Society Foundation
    Renewable UK

    Please note in particular the Offshore Wind Association, Renewable UK, Green Alliance and billion dollar green investor Open Society !

    So is it really a surprise ”Bright Blue” thought ”Legal Net Zero” was a good idea with ”partners” such as those?

    1. How many of those are private companies and how many are sat on the tax payer? As the latter are just going to demand more money for nothing.

    2. How many of those are private companies and how many are sat on the tax payer? As the latter are just going to demand more money for nothing.

    3. Michael Gove is a leading light of Bright Blue if I remember correctly. No surprises there then.

    4. Michael Gove is a leading light of Bright Blue if I remember correctly. No surprises there then.

    1. Is there any legal use for machetes in the UK? It’s not like we are swamped with bamboo or tropical rain forest.

      1. I’d imagine they’d be useful for hacking through brambles when clearing a long neglected garden.

        1. We used hand held scythes or a long handled version for that. For the most part they were not used as weapons.

          1. I’ve a rather nice Brade’s Long handled billhook that is useful for an assortment of job and is very similar to the tools wielded to great effect by the English foot-soldiers against the Scots at Flodden.

          2. Keep hold of it – we might still need to keep Nicola and co in good order.

          3. I’ve a rather nice Brade’s Long handled billhook that is useful for an assortment of job and is very similar to the tools wielded to great effect by the English foot-soldiers against the Scots at Flodden.

      2. I’d imagine they’d be useful for hacking through brambles when clearing a long neglected garden.

  36. Partying lifestyle, dodgy business dealings, family drama! It’s all about ‘My Son Hunter,’ a ‘biopic’ from controversial conservative filmmakers focusing on the president’s son that is set to start filming this summer. 16 March 2021.


    Conservative Irish filmmakers and married couple Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney will start filming this summer for ‘My Son Hunter,’ DailyMail.com can now reveal – a movie chronicling Hunter Biden’s ‘elitist party lifestyle, dodgy business dealings, family drama, and corruption.’

    The biopic will detail the controversy and corruption surrounding the president’s son – especially when it came to distracting from Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

    Wow! I can’t see that making it to the set never mind the cinema.


    1. I wondered what on earth possessed his parents to call him Hunter but it appears that he’s Robert Hunter Biden and his mother is Neilia Hunter Biden.

    2. Perhaps something for The Daily Wire’s film making section to pick up? I agree that it would at best only go to indie cinemas or streaming, given how much clout the (mostly left wing) film industry generally has with the cinema chains.

  37. Partying lifestyle, dodgy business dealings, family drama! It’s all about ‘My Son Hunter,’ a ‘biopic’ from controversial conservative filmmakers focusing on the president’s son that is set to start filming this summer. 16 March 2021.


    Conservative Irish filmmakers and married couple Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney will start filming this summer for ‘My Son Hunter,’ DailyMail.com can now reveal – a movie chronicling Hunter Biden’s ‘elitist party lifestyle, dodgy business dealings, family drama, and corruption.’

    The biopic will detail the controversy and corruption surrounding the president’s son – especially when it came to distracting from Joe Biden’s 2020 presidential campaign.

    Wow! I can’t see that making it to the set never mind the cinema.


  38. If you want to watch something different , you might enjoy this .

    Moh and I watched a mini series by Netflix for a couple of nights . .Called the Queen’s Gambit ,
    Orphaned at the tender age of nine, prodigious introvert Beth Harmon discovers and masters the game of chess in 1960s USA. But child stardom comes at a price.

    We thoroughly enjoyed it .. and if you enjoy a game of chess , some of you might enjoy it also .


    1. We watched and enjoyed it, Mags – though I thought it was a least two hours too long!

        1. Phizzee enjoyed it too as he has commented a week or two ago but apart from a promising first episode, I found the whole thing rather repetitive and predictable.

          1. I liked it – however it would have been nice to keep the move combination variations the same to track them.

            The fall from grace, as it were, only to go back to her roots and climb up was nice though.

        2. Phizzee enjoyed it too as he has commented a week or two ago but apart from a promising first episode, I found the whole thing rather repetitive and predictable.

  39. Need to do some research but…

    A commenter on Breitbart who watched Sky news told that the reason the Continentals are pausing the vaccinations is specific blood clots rather than common blood clots.

    These relate to blood clots on the brain which at any time are quite rare. BBC yet to stray from blood clots in general.

    1. I don’t think anyone has argued any vaccine is completely safe, human physiology is complex, I can eat a packet of peanuts quite happily yet a few crumbs from my packet could kill someone.

      The decision comes down to how many will die without the vaccine versus how many suffer side effects.

      Right now north of 120 thousand people in the UK have died from COVID.

      1. A snippet from the link below….

        Germany’s health minister, Jens Spahn, said Monday that the decision to pause the AstraZeneca vaccine came from the Paul Ehrlich Institute, the country’s vaccine regulator, and that it was based on new reports of blood clots in connection with the vaccine in Germany and elsewhere in Europe. The institute recommended further study of seven cases of thrombosis, or blood clots, in the brain that were detected in people who were vaccinated. In Germany, 1.6 million people have received the AstraZeneca vaccine.


          1. They have said that clots on the brain are very rare but have suddenly appeared after vaccination. 7 might be a lot in 80 million in normal times.

          2. Corvid is no more dangerous that flu. Its a con so they can control people like you with fear.

          3. I can tell you from personal experience COVID is far more dangerous than flu.

            Now you can believe the Earth is flat if you want to – just don’t expect much engagement from me.

          4. I can tell you from personal experience COVID is far more dangerous than flu.

            Now you can believe the Earth is flat if you want to – just don’t expect much engagement from me.

      2. I completely disagree.

        120,000 people have died with Covid.

        Look at the ages and existing health problems of the vast majority of those people and examine the 28 days of dying after a positive test, no matter what the circumstances or actual cause, not from it

        By the same token any one who dies within 28 days of being vaccinated died from the vaccine. I suspect you would disagree with my statement so why on earth do you accept your own?

          1. Indeed.

            Now, having neatly sidestepped the issue, tell us why you are so certain that:

            “north of 120 thousand people in the UK have died from COVID.” when clearly they haven’t.

            It’s this type of nonsense that is keeping the world in a state of fear and destroying the world’s economies.

          2. I wonder why random people come on to media platforms, make sweeping comments and then fail to even attempt to justify them.

          3. When a death certificate must include Covid if the deceased has had a positive test (which might well have been a false positive) within 28 days, even if they have died of a heart attack or a RTA or cancer or even suicide, it makes me believe that the figures cannot be trusted.

            Yes they might say 125,690 (and I would look again at what you wrote I think you meant cumulative).

            If the question regarding top 10 deaths along the years could be produced and compared, and at the moment we have limited numbers for 2019, 2020 and 2021, I think you will find that they have dropped in direct proportion to the Covid deaths.

            I am NOT suggesting that Covid isn’t serious for people with underlying conditions, but the recovery rates suggest that we have caused enormous damage to all parts of our lives from a false premise.

            Those in power have painted themselves into a corner and dare not lose face by admitting that they are as wrong about this as they were about Foot and Mouth. Hence the gross exaggerations over fatality.

          4. Indeed.

            Now, having neatly sidestepped the issue, tell us why you are so certain that:

            “north of 120 thousand people in the UK have died from COVID.” when clearly they haven’t.

            It’s this type of nonsense that is keeping the world in a state of fear and destroying the world’s economies.

          5. Given that GPs have been ‘incentivised’ (and not just financially) to put COVID on death certificates – even with no examination or after talking to care home staff or relatives who had seen the deceased the day before who said they had no (or new) symptoms (many accounts of this in the media), I suspect that the real number of deaths where COVID was a major or only factor in the death of the patient will be far lower than the numbers currently reported. It also appears that autopsies are being witheld under most circs, so we may never know, which is VERY convenient.

            And that’s if we believe the actual numbers at all – given what’s already gone on with SAGE & Co, can we really trust the authorities to actually report actual deaths and not just make up a lot, given we’ve never seen a big list of names and addresses to confirm anything?

          6. thats why they removed the requirement for two doctors to sign the DC now its only one. Stinks to high heaven.

        1. But remember sos, not a single person died of ‘flu this winter.

          Usually 24-28,000 die of ‘flu each winter, so the nation is in profit there.

          1. The evil elite produce a vaccine…

            Yet those who refuse it are themselves called evil.

            See how they turn things around and create more divide and conquer.

          2. The evil elite produce a vaccine…

            Yet those who refuse it are themselves called evil.

            See how they turn things around and create more divide and conquer.

          3. It would be interesting to see the year comparisons of the 10 biggest killers of “normal” years vs 2020 and 2021.

          4. 2018 influenza deaths UK 64 157. Total deaths in UK in 2018, all causes: 539 333

          5. This statistic is truly horrifying (from the same source as the chart above):
            “From 2001 to 2018, suicide and injury or poisoning of undetermined intent was the leading cause of death for both males and females aged 20 to 34 years in the UK, for all years observed, accounting for 27.1% of male deaths and 16.7% of female deaths for this age group.

          6. This statistic is truly horrifying (from the same source as the chart above):
            “From 2001 to 2018, suicide and injury or poisoning of undetermined intent was the leading cause of death for both males and females aged 20 to 34 years in the UK, for all years observed, accounting for 27.1% of male deaths and 16.7% of female deaths for this age group.

          7. This statistic is truly horrifying (from the same source as the chart above):
            “From 2001 to 2018, suicide and injury or poisoning of undetermined intent was the leading cause of death for both males and females aged 20 to 34 years in the UK, for all years observed, accounting for 27.1% of male deaths and 16.7% of female deaths for this age group.

        2. A nurse told me to my face that she was working, doing the paperwork for the doctor who was deciding “cause of death.” He said Covid. She actually knew the deceased and said so, stating that she knew he had died of a heart attack. The doctor threatened her with her job, repeated ” COVID “. and carried on. Even those who have died WITHOUT covid, are included in the figures. if the doc says so.

          1. I suspect that you may be correct but naturally the nay-sayers will say it’s only anecdotal evidence.

            My stance is that there appears to be so much anecdotal evidence that there must be a lot of truth in the claims.

          2. I suspect that you may be correct but naturally the nay-sayers will say it’s only anecdotal evidence.

            My stance is that there appears to be so much anecdotal evidence that there must be a lot of truth in the claims.

        3. on 9 March, the number with covid on the death certificate was listed as 143 259.

          1. Indeed, but my point is that I am convinced that at worst Covid was a contributory factor, not the cause of death in the vast majority of those cases.

            They might just as well put “ceased breathing” on the death certificates.

          2. Indeed, but my point is that I am convinced that at worst Covid was a contributory factor, not the cause of death in the vast majority of those cases.

            They might just as well put “ceased breathing” on the death certificates.

          3. Indeed, but my point is that I am convinced that at worst Covid was a contributory factor, not the cause of death in the vast majority of those cases.

            They might just as well put “ceased breathing” on the death certificates.

      3. Its all about control of the people and nothing more. The death figures are manipulated to give them what they want. The recoverty rate in 99% + that does not warrant what they have done with lock downs etc.

    1. I’d print them off and obscure all the content. Asking for such masses of detail is insulting.

      1. I didn’t mean me personally! There’s no way I’d allow them access to my bank account.

  40. FFS it’s a disease that has spread right through the country. Below is the last paragraph from my District Council leader, a Limp Dum although these days it could be any member of any party. She is trying to justify the 3.1% charge for the Council Tax for the District Council.

    As I write this, I am hopeful for a brighter 2021. There will continue to be challenges, but we are committed to helping our communities and businesses stay safe, recover andbuild back better.

    I eagerly await the written word justifying the 5.9% charge for our useless P.C.C.

    1. You’re lucky! Our PCC increase is 6.6% – I suppose someone has to pay for the drones over Curbar!?

    2. There’s an awful lot of people singing the Great Reset theme of buildbackbetter.

      We suspect that a number will be disappointed that despite feverishly singing the theme they are not chosen to be amongst the Elite.

    3. There’s an awful lot of people singing the Great Reset theme of buildbackbetter.

      We suspect that a number will be disappointed that despite feverishly singing the theme they are not chosen to be amongst the Elite.

    4. I suppose the retort is – are you taking a 3% pay cut, or are you just robbing me for your expenses?

    5. I suppose the retort is – are you taking a 3% pay cut, or are you just robbing me for your expenses?

    1. 330398+ up ticks,
      Afternoon WS,
      The house was packed with his “political friends” just prior to that statement.

    2. 330398+ up ticks,
      Afternoon WS,
      The house was packed with his “political friends” just prior to that statement.

  41. 330398+ up ticks,
    The proven political @rseholes by topping up the nuclear arsenals are now going into ALL OUT fear mode.

    Could this be johnson & co, take on global warming, world wide
    central heating, everyone gets a deep tan thereby eliminating
    “taking the knee”

    Keeping in mind that these three political groups lab/lib/con are a coalition and are, I’m sure criminally insane the only way a lab/lib/con vote can benefit one is by saving the price on a one way ticket to Switzerland.

    1. Perhaps he’s coming round to his brother’s point of view or maybe it’s just easier to SAY, when you no longer have the power to DO.

    2. The opposite of whoever is in government. Probably even against his own policies when he was Labour leader.

      1. 330398+ up ticks,
        Afternoon Atg,
        That is what I do find confusing they are surely shared policies that is how a coalition works and they ARE a coalition via being joined at the political hip by the ongoing uncontrolled immigration taking place.
        He is in point of fact having a pop at an honorable work colleague.

    3. The Tories are engaging in sustained and permanent attacks on our civil liberties and human rights.

      Why are they stealing our persinifesto?

      1. 330398+ up ticks,
        Afternoon OLT,
        They do not see it as stealing when being given consent via the polling booth, time after time after time, it does cause confusion
        them thinking the human sheep ( not to be confused with genuine sheep) are happy.

        I also,to be honest find it confusion.

    1. I think councils have been allowed to put it up by a maximum of 5% this year. Needless to say most will be doing so – because they have a nice big thing to blame (COVID).

        1. But that is to pay for all the new people – much welcomed by Sad Dick, Caliph of Londonistan. Just feel warm about it all, Our Susan.

          1. It’ll pay for the “Covid” street wardens and the bullying banners hanging from lampposts all over the borough. H&F council admitted to their “We Love the EU” banners costing £27k and they have had more than one set of “Stay Home…” etc banners so presumably it’s another £27k each time.

            (My calculation of the increase is based on my monthly payments, as I pay them in 10 installments – a leftover from when I had a mortgage and was broke. Can’t be bothered to change it now.)

          2. I share your pain , Sue .

            They will soon be taxing the air that we breathe!

            The Tax Poem
            Author Unknown


            Tax his land, tax his wage,
            Tax his bed in which he lays.
            Tax his tractor, tax his mule,
            Teach him taxes is the rule.

            Tax his cow, tax his goat,
            Tax his pants, tax his coat.
            Tax his ties, tax his shirts,
            Tax his work, tax his dirt.

            Tax his chew, tax his smoke,
            Teach him taxes are no joke.
            Tax his car, tax his grass,
            Tax the roads he must pass.

            Tax his food, tax his drink,
            Tax him if he tries to think.
            Tax his sodas, tax his beers,
            If he cries, tax his tears.

            Tax his bills, tax his gas,
            Tax his notes, tax his cash.
            Tax him good and let him know
            That after taxes, he has no dough.

            If he hollers, tax him more,
            Tax him until he’s good and sore.
            Tax his coffin, tax his grave,
            Tax the sod in which he lays.

            Put these words upon his tomb,
            “Taxes drove me to my doom!”
            And when he’s gone, we won’t relax,
            We’ll still be after the inheritance tax.

          3. We’ve always paid ours that way, Sue. We get February and March off before we have to start payin again in April.

          4. We’ve always paid ours that way, Sue. We get February and March off before we have to start payin again in April.

        2. But that is to pay for all the new people – much welcomed by Sad Dick, Caliph of Londonistan. Just feel warm about it all, Our Susan.

        3. Are you sure its the total bill, or the local (borough) council or county council only? They often hide bigger rises for one by rasing the other by less. I was under the impression that the law stated that they had to hold a referendum (locally) if they wanted to raise it by more th 2% (extended to 5% this year) overall.

          1. They claim to be increasing, “the Hammersmith & Fulham element of council tax by 1.99% for 2021/22” but I’m looking at how much extra I’m actually being charged per month.

          2. For my council tax bill, the total always is no more than that threashold, but things like the Police precept and town council (small amount) always goes up by more than the overall, which means the rest goes up by less.

          3. Not saying you made a mistake, but it should be noted that Council Tax is only paid for 10 months, so last year’s total would need to be divided by 10, not 12. They often have an ‘odd’ figure for either the first or last month as the total is rarely divisible by 10.

            But you do live in London, Citizen Khan’s back yard, so anything’s possible I suppose, given I presume you pay something towards TfL as well as The Met.

          4. Last year I paid £56 per month. This year I’ll pay £60 per month. (Yes, I’m only band A.) What percentage increase is that?

          5. If that’s the case, then you need to contact your council, as they aren’t allowed to put up the overall council tax bill by (this year only, normally 2%) more than 5% without a local referendum.

            Forgive me for saying, but £60pm is incredibly low, even with a single person (or similar discount) living in a Tory-controlled area. I’m paying (band B, still not that much different [I checked]) around £1150 a year or £115pm over 10 months, including my single person (25%) discount and living in a Tory-controlled council area.

            My bill is made up of 5 components, and two of the items went up by 7% (Police) and 4.5% (town council) repectively. Because the main chunk of the bill is for the County Council, the overall increase was just over 4%.

            [update]: Here is H&S’s website on Council Tax.


            Forget the headline ‘we only put it up by 2%’ – that’s the same guff as my council, because it only accounts for the local council element, and not other precepts like social care, Police (my case only) and the GLA (your case). The overall Band A increase is about 3.8% for the raw figure £721.68 to £749.66.

            It may well be that other than (say) the 25% deduction for a single person, other ‘reductions’ given via benefits have been forzen, perhaps why yours is going up more. Worth checking with the council.

          6. Last year I paid £56 per month. This year I’ll pay £60 per month. (Yes, I’m only band A.) What percentage increase is that?

          7. They claim to be increasing, “the Hammersmith & Fulham element of council tax by 1.99% for 2021/22” but I’m looking at how much extra I’m actually being charged per month.

    2. Same here, increase overall of 4.5%, but as you say for what? More crap housing estates, more bureaucracy, less public transport, no increase in infrastructure, a diabolical out of touch planning process.

    3. Ours has gone up by 2.8% but the Police Commissar got 5.5% so that he could continue to claim over £700 for maintenance of his home alarm system. vw is awaiting a response from him on why he’s claiming this. Our new bill is £3,011 for the year..

      1. It says a lot when even the Police Commissioner can’t trust their own Police Farce to keep them safe.

        1. Brilliant. I’ll put that in the bank in case a further question to him is required.

        2. Brilliant. I’ll put that in the bank in case a further question to him is required.

        1. Woking council has debts if £1.5 billion. That won’t be paid off during our grandchildrens lives.

        2. Woking council has debts if £1.5 billion. That won’t be paid off during our grandchildrens lives.

    4. I think the official line is that it is required to help pay for increased demand on social care.

    5. I think the official line is that it is required to help pay for increased demand on social care.

    6. Wait until there are thousands of non-working, non-contibuting gimmigrants living in all these new estates. Someone will have to pay “their” Council Tax. The same people who will be paying for their rent, healthcare, schooling etc?

    7. Wait until there are thousands of non-working, non-contibuting gimmigrants living in all these new estates. Someone will have to pay “their” Council Tax. The same people who will be paying for their rent, healthcare, schooling etc?

    1. How? Compared to the destructive Brown, the utterly corrupt poison of Blair, the drifting weather vane of Cameron?

        1. If the truth be known, I very much doubt that he cares.

          His reputed lack of interest in details probably works well in the grim times he is inflicting on the people. When he was standing for the Tory leadership opponents claimed that, “good old Boris’s only interest was good old Boris (with a side order of young skirt, of course).” Appears that those people were correct. His tenure at No 10 is going to be the horror show of all horror shows.

          1. Nothing today, BT. However, I made some very light and fluffy soft dinner rolls the other day. Vast improvement on my first effort that I cooked in a heavy glazed dish instead of the steel pans I used this time around. Live and learn, that’s what it’s about.

          2. I am useless with rolls. I have a standard loaf – which varies between something from a real baker – and a brick!

          3. Both of my late sisters attended a secondary school where they had domestic science classes. My mother resented having to give them good ingredients for bread making, rock cakes and cheese straws.

            The cheese straws were barely edible, the rock cakes harder than granite and the bread loves were the weight of an equivalent lead ingot.

          4. My recipe is foolproof
            10g yeast
            350 strong white flour
            150g strong wholewheat flour
            10g salt
            10g sugar
            30g butter
            320g/mls water

            Put all ingredients in bread maker in the order described, taking care not to allow yeast and salt to come together initially.
            Set machine to ‘dough” setting (2h20m)
            Take out of bread maker and put into 500g bread tin.
            Leave for 2nd 20min rise while oven is getting up to temp (200C+)
            Slash top of risen dough
            Put 200g/ml water in tray in bottom of oven
            Put bread in middle of oven.
            Bake for 35 mins.

            Works every time..

            Of you’ve no bread maker, a Kenwood dough hook or old fashioned hands will do. Just give it a good 2hr plus 1st rise.

          5. My recipe is foolproof.

            It’s the method that sometimes goes awry. AGAs are wonderful – but the temperature is always uncertain.

            I stagger on – and the MR is usually complimentary – which is something!

          6. My recipe is foolproof
            10g yeast
            350 strong white flour
            150g strong wholewheat flour
            10g salt
            10g sugar
            30g butter
            320g/mls water

            Put all ingredients in bread maker in the order described, taking care not to allow yeast and salt to come together initially.
            Set machine to ‘dough” setting (2h20m)
            Take out of bread maker and put into 500g bread tin.
            Leave for 2nd 20min rise while oven is getting up to temp (200C+)
            Slash top of risen dough
            Put 200g/ml water in tray in bottom of oven
            Put bread in middle of oven.
            Bake for 35 mins.

            Works every time..

            Of you’ve no bread maker, a Kenwood dough hook or old fashioned hands will do. Just give it a good 2hr plus 1st rise.

          7. I’ve found there are a few things to get rolls looking like rolls. One is to not second prove and bake them on a tray, they tend to flatten out: second prove and bake them packed in a dish. Another is more difficult: that is to get them smooth and sealed. The professionals make it look easy but I haven’t mastered the technique as well as I’d like to. It’s all in the finger work.

          8. I am useless with rolls. I have a standard loaf – which varies between something from a real baker – and a brick!

          9. Nothing today, BT. However, I made some very light and fluffy soft dinner rolls the other day. Vast improvement on my first effort that I cooked in a heavy glazed dish instead of the steel pans I used this time around. Live and learn, that’s what it’s about.

          10. The best thing would be for Carrie to self-declare as a lesbian and kick him out.

        2. If the truth be known, I very much doubt that he cares.

          His reputed lack of interest in details probably works well in the grim times he is inflicting on the people. When he was standing for the Tory leadership opponents claimed that, “good old Boris’s only interest was good old Boris (with a side order of young skirt, of course).” Appears that those people were correct. His tenure at No 10 is going to be the horror show of all horror shows.

        3. Would you like to try deluded Nikeliar? She dribbled for an hour and a half and said precisely zero! I hate her so much…

        4. Would you like to try deluded Nikeliar? She dribbled for an hour and a half and said precisely zero! I hate her so much…

        5. He seems to be trying to reach incompetence and senility before Biden is sectioned.

        6. He seems to be trying to reach incompetence and senility before Biden is sectioned.

        7. He seems to be trying to reach incompetence and senility before Biden is sectioned.

        1. What’s so sad and infuriating that there’s so many others who are (far) worse than him. And in my lifetime. And within the past 30 years.

    2. He has certainly faced very steep competition from Heath, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May.

      We have not had a satisfactory prime minister now for over 30 years

      Johnson has reduced this country to a laughing stock and his boasts about Brexit are now revealed to be completely fraudulent. He is not only the scruffiest person ever to have held the position of prime minister he has the least moral fibre of any of his predecessors.

      The tragedy is that there are no obvious candidates to replace him.

  42. So, just received a letter from my local Conservative Party group, encouraging me to apply for a postal vote. They even thoughtfully included an application form.
    I thought this sort of banana republic activity was restricted to Labour constituencies in SE London.

    1. In with my latest council tax Bill received today was notification that the Government has cancelled elections to the county council which was due 6th May.
      What were you saying about a banana republic?
      At least it appears you can have your say.

    2. In with my latest council tax Bill received today was notification that the Government has cancelled elections to the county council which was due 6th May.
      What were you saying about a banana republic?
      At least it appears you can have your say.

    3. Iffy, we had a letter in a plain envelope about postal voting. Amazingly, when opened, a personally addressed letter from the bloody SNP complete with ghastly logo and Nikeliars signature! The electoral commission didn’t want to know when I phoned. Corrupt or what?

      1. Hi Sue. It’s beginning to look like we’ve lost. Perhaps we should start fighting back.

    4. Given that the Tories appear to be friendly with the US Dems as they are with their non-MAGA/Trumpian GOP colleagues, maybe they got some ideas from them after the shennanigans of the 202 Election.

      IMHO, political parties/candidates should have nothing to do with this sort of thing. It should be solely down to the council explaining to people who physically cannot make it to the polling station due to ill health/infirmity (plus a few other special cases) that they have an alternative. This sounds like ballot harvesting and not something I’d associate with the Tories. Labour and the Libe Dems, yes.

  43. I see that the Turdigraph and The Grimes have joined with the gutter press in publishing a photograph of Prince Philip leaving the hospital. A truly shocking intrusion into a very old man’s privacy.

      1. They are trying to keep him going until he reaches the 100 mark. They cannot have him slipping off at 99 years 10 months. And yes, he did look awful, near to death, poor man.

        1. Being in hospital always makes one look ill after release…(I speak from experience…)

    1. And still no British politicians dare criticise Muslims’ penchant for decapitating or raping children.

      1. But I read that Demark are banning finical assistance from arab/muslim countries in the building of more mosques.
        Unfortunately it cant stop the pumping out thousands of offspring in the combined efforts in Europe and western countries to destroy long established cultures and social structures.

      2. But I read that Demark are banning finical assistance from arab/muslim countries in the building of more mosques.
        Unfortunately it cant stop the pumping out thousands of offspring in the combined efforts in Europe and western countries to destroy long established cultures and social structures.

      3. The British politicians fear that their children or grandchildren would become victims. Then the politicians could only blame themselves. So they carry on waving in hundreds of thousands of the rapists/murderers.

      4. The British politicians fear that their children or grandchildren would become victims. Then the politicians could only blame themselves. So they carry on waving in hundreds of thousands of the rapists/murderers.

      5. 330398+ up ticks,
        Afternoon R.
        Look between the dispatch boxes where the instruction manual sits, then check out the halal canteen menu.

        The voting pattern assures us that at five times a day ALL adults will be approx. three foot high.

      6. 330398+ up ticks,
        Afternoon R.
        Look between the dispatch boxes where the instruction manual sits, then check out the halal canteen menu.

        The voting pattern assures us that at five times a day ALL adults will be approx. three foot high.

      7. There was a letter in my local rag from a bloke with a very English name about the need to get people back to work, rather than working from home. The picture illustrating it showed a muslim woman wearing a headscarf! What?

    1. I think he is auditioning for the next commercial for Harpic playing the role of the bog brush which goes clean round the bend!

    2. I think he is auditioning for the next commercial for Harpic playing the role of the bog brush which goes clean round the bend!

  44. Update

    Françoise, our lovely doctor whom Caroline and I visited this afternoon, gave us a good rant about the sheer incompetence of the French and EU politicians.

    The Pradaxa seems to be keeping my blood adequately thin and my BP is 10/6 which she says is fine if I don’t feel dizzy as it reduces the chance of another TIA.

    She advised me not to have the vaccine for the time being but to wait until July when I shall be 75 and then reassess the situation.

  45. Europe is playing politics with people’s lives. Spiked 16 March 2021.

    Italy’s most senior medical official has confirmed that Italy’s decision to suspend the use of Oxford / AstraZeneca jabs was ‘political’

    Nicola Magrini told La Repubblica today that Italy came under pressure to stop using the vaccine after Germany and France did.

    He said: ‘We got to the point of a suspension because several European countries, including Germany and France, preferred to interrupt vaccinations… to put them on hold in order to carry out checks. The choice is a political one.’

    This is no surprise. Fourteen European countries have now suspended the use of the jab, citing concerns about links to blood clotting. But there is no proof whatsoever that these blood clots are a result of the vaccine. The accusation is merely the latest in a sustained EU smear campaign against the UK-developed jab. As Brexit Britain’s vaccine rollout steams ahead of the EU’s, European leaders keep finding new faults with the vaccine to distract from their own failures.

    Not for the first time in the pandemic, European governments are playing political games with people’s lives.

    There is probably some Anglophobia behind this but we mustn’t discount the plain lust for power on the part of its executives or just the evil of their natures. The EU was specifically designed as an antidote to Democracy and has fulfilled its specifications admirably over the years. A few hundred thousand dead Europeans is not going to worry them particularly!


    1. But what if they are right?
      The Speccie is playing the British nationalism card here, I don’t think it is the right issue to be doing it on.

      1. You are saying that they are right for the wrong reasons Bob? Hardly an endorsement of their good intentions!

        1. I’m saying we are being offered an experimental drug that hasn’t gone through the normal process for testing, they say it’s because of the urgency, nobody actually knows for certain what is going to happen in the future, the Europeans could well be right to be more cautious in the long run.
          What benefit is it for them to delay their vaccination program even if they have made a faux pas over obtaining supplies.
          The Europeans were not keen on having the vaccination, of any type, neither am I, even before the latest scare stories about it.
          If the Europeans wont take the vaxx then it might just stop this mad scheme for making us all have vaccine passports, it might put an end to it all if people stop complying and do us all a favour.

        2. I’m saying we are being offered an experimental drug that hasn’t gone through the normal process for testing, they say it’s because of the urgency, nobody actually knows for certain what is going to happen in the future, the Europeans could well be right to be more cautious in the long run.
          What benefit is it for them to delay their vaccination program even if they have made a faux pas over obtaining supplies.
          The Europeans were not keen on having the vaccination, of any type, neither am I, even before the latest scare stories about it.
          If the Europeans wont take the vaxx then it might just stop this mad scheme for making us all have vaccine passports, it might put an end to it all if people stop complying and do us all a favour.

    2. But what if they are right?
      The Speccie is playing the British nationalism card here, I don’t think it is the right issue to be doing it on.

      1. Yo Bill

        They certainly Rule Over You and MR.

        Just remember before you deny, that catseyes are everywhere

      2. Yo Bill

        They certainly Rule Over You and MR.

        Just remember before you deny, that catseyes are everywhere

    1. Someone told me there was a big anti-lockdown protest in Vienna last weekend. In the middle of the protest, it was declared illegal as too big – half the people were in another street and didn’t hear, so they kept on walking – they were kettled by the police and all charged with attending an illegal demonstration.
      Should have carried BLM banners, clearly.

    2. Someone told me there was a big anti-lockdown protest in Vienna last weekend. In the middle of the protest, it was declared illegal as too big – half the people were in another street and didn’t hear, so they kept on walking – they were kettled by the police and all charged with attending an illegal demonstration.
      Should have carried BLM banners, clearly.

  46. HAPPY HOUR _ Wot a load of b*ll*cks…

    Sex Toys! Over to you NoTTlers…

    Sir Antony Gormley sculptures – called Penis, Peg, Oval and Snowman – were left lying down instead of upright. When an art dealer set up four sculptures on a Suffolk beach some locals said the cast-iron creations looked like a collection of sex toys.


    1. A couple of padded bras and some wooden spoons. Must be a fave for the Turner Prize.

    2. A couple of padded bras and some wooden spoons. Must be a fave for the Turner Prize.

    3. Those are sculptures? If I’d been in a public-spirited mood, I would have picked them up and put them in the bin.

  47. That’s me gone for today. Rain and rain with about 10 minutes of sun – plus endless gale. Not nice. Enter March with wintry wind – would thou wert no so unkind.

    A demain.

  48. That’s me gone for today. Rain and rain with about 10 minutes of sun – plus endless gale. Not nice. Enter March with wintry wind – would thou wert no so unkind.

    A demain.

  49. 4 people in the carriage of a train – an Englishman, a pretty young blonde girl, an ugly old woman and a Frenchman.

    It all goes dark when the train goes through a tunnel. In the dark there’s the sound of an almighty slap, and when the train emerges from the tunnel the Frenchman is rubbing his face, and there’s a huge red mark on his cheek.

    The old lady thinks: “I bet that Frenchman fondled the blonde in the dark and she slapped him.”

    The pretty young blonde thinks: “I bet the Frenchman tried to fondle me in the dark, got the old lady by mistake, and she hit him.”

    The Frenchman thinks: “I bet that Englishman fondled the blonde in the dark, but the blonde thought it was me and hit me.”

    The Englishman thinks: “I hope there’s another tunnel coming up soon so I can slap that French twat again.

  50. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9367033/Weekly-Covid-deaths-England-Wales-nearly-HALVED-fortnight-2-000.html

    However, statisticians claimed their estimates, which could mark the
    first time England and Wales have suffered no ‘excess deaths’ since
    before the second wave spiralled out of control, should be treated with

    Would these be the same statisticians who were telling us how Covid was the first Horseman of the Apocalypse and we should trust the science?

    The same people who immediately jumped on the Covid hearse-wagon?

    The same people who informed us millions would die in the UK and hundreds of millions worldwide?

    1. Beware of any analyses of excess deaths. A little statistics can be a very dangerous thing. They must be investigated by age as different factors can cancel each other out and give a misleading picture; for example analysing them by age shows that excess deaths for people of working age are higher than deaths with Covid and older people the reverse, showing a clear pattern of younger people dying from other causes, probably due to either not seeking treatment or not getting it, and older people having non-Covid deaths listed as Covid deaths whereas the total figures suggest the excess deaths are solely due to Covid.

    2. Beware of any analyses of excess deaths. A little statistics can be a very dangerous thing. They must be investigated by age as different factors can cancel each other out and give a misleading picture; for example analysing them by age shows that excess deaths for people of working age are higher than deaths with Covid and older people the reverse, showing a clear pattern of younger people dying from other causes, probably due to either not seeking treatment or not getting it, and older people having non-Covid deaths listed as Covid deaths whereas the total figures suggest the excess deaths are solely due to Covid.

  51. No comments on the article where a ‘friend of Meghan’ gives details of private conversations and says MeMeMeghan thinks the Palace is leaking stories. The hypocrisy and narcissism are breathtaking. I just wish the U.K. media would stop giving theses self-obsessed non-entities the attention and publicity they crave.

    1. Good evening, back from the dead.

      Last post five years ago, welcome.

      Spot on regarding your observation.

    2. Good evening, back from the dead.

      Last post five years ago, welcome.

      Spot on regarding your observation.

  52. No comments on the article where a ‘friend of Meghan’ gives details of private conversations and says MeMeMeghan thinks the Palace is leaking stories. The hypocrisy and narcissism are breathtaking. I just wish the U.K. media would stop giving theses self-obsessed non-entities the attention and publicity they crave.

  53. Good evening CheshireLad. Always good to see you watching.

    If Dale can post, you could appear and say “Hello” as a first toe in the water.

    I’m certain I’m not alone in hoping that one day you’ll join us as a poster, as opposed to a spirit in the sky!

    1. Thanks for posting…I miss Matt my fave cartoonist.

      Any NoTTler interested in posting a regular Matt Spot….?

    1. There is an impartial vid on utube by 2 lawyers talking about the points mentioned here. The knee on the neck was indeed in the manual and an accepted technique in the police dept. More importantly, the PM confirmed that it was not the cause of death. However, I’m sure Chauvin will be found guilty by mob desire. $27m is quite a payoff, Floyd must have been a good villain to claim all that for loss of earnings.

          1. But the consequences would be bad for the city, so I’m betting he’s well screwed. Unfortunately.

      1. Family Floyd would do better suing the police dept & city for giving dangerous training and instructions. There’s more money in it.

      2. Family Floyd would do better suing the police dept & city for giving dangerous training and instructions. There’s more money in it.

    2. The $27m payoff will perceived as an argumentum innocentiae; the mob will never accept the jury’s verdict.

      It will be a Long, Hot Summer …

    3. The $27m payoff will perceived as an argumentum innocentiae; the mob will never accept the jury’s verdict.

      It will be a Long, Hot Summer …

    4. The $27m payoff will perceived as an argumentum innocentiae; the mob will never accept the jury’s verdict.

      It will be a Long, Hot Summer …

    5. I think we all know what the answer to that is. From my considerable experience of US court rooms gained from countless Law & Order and offshoot episodes, I can’t see how any non-biased jury could find them guilty beyond reasonable doubt, so I suspect we will have that confirmed in due course.

    6. I think we all know what the answer to that is. From my considerable experience of US court rooms gained from countless Law & Order and offshoot episodes, I can’t see how any non-biased jury could find them guilty beyond reasonable doubt, so I suspect we will have that confirmed in due course.

  54. Very off topic, but why is it that when actors take tablets in films they always jerk their head back as they act swallowing the tablet.
    Does anyone do that IRL?

    1. Not only that. Anyone on TV or in a film, these days, seeing anything even slightly upsetting immediately vomits, and very graphically. This does not happen in real life.

      1. And what about the maid discovering a body, screams and drops the tray of food.

    2. I don’t know about jerking my head back, but I do lean my head back to get the pills as near the back of my throat as possible before swallowing them.

          1. Where’s the mind bleach to remove the unbidden image of him rearing his ugly head….?

      1. 330398+ up ticks
        Evening Olt,
        It surely is, and i’ve a bad feeling it will continue to be a big white balls up.

  55. Evening, all. Just watched an Irish greenwash at Cheltenham, which is depressing. It’s no wonder they had so many winners, they had getting on for half the field in most of the races and in some they had virtually ALL the runners 🙁 The pillock Chapman said they’d had “British, Irish and Scottish winners”. Sorry, mate, but until Nicola declares UDI, Scotland (and it was only the jockey, not the trainer, who was Harvey Smith’s missus, Sue) is still “British”. It’s things like that which put me off watching the racing live; at least I can wind through the idiocy if I record it.

    1. I thought it was fun that Rachael Blackmore rode the winner of the Champion Hurdle, Conway …

      1. The mare (receiving 7lbs) was an odds on shot. The wonder would have been if she’d been turned over.

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