Tuesday 22 November: Malfunctioning general practice is causing chaos throughout the NHS

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

783 thoughts on “Tuesday 22 November: Malfunctioning general practice is causing chaos throughout the NHS

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, awake at 05:00 so I’ve prepared today’s story:

    Disco Dancing

    Husband took the wife to a disco at the weekend.

    There was a guy on the dance floor giving it large – breakdancing, moonwalking, back flips, the works.

    The wife turned to husband and said: “See that guy? 25 years ago, he proposed to me and I turned him down.”

    Husband says: “Looks like he’s still celebrating!!!”

  2. Two letters today i thought worth highlighting.

    The first I don’t agree with at all:

    “ SIR – Well done to Alex Scott, the BBC presenter, who has displayed more guts than the FA and the England team and management combined by wearing the Onelove armband.”

      1. Let’s hope that Lineker, if he dares to go, gets a good caning, just for being such an inverted snob.

      1. ‘Morning Janet. Permit me to remove (if I could) the words ‘in’ and ‘Qatar’ for a more accurate comment on our wretched broadcaster.

      2. Noticeably less about women’s rights. If Harry Kane and Gareth Bale want to wear armbands, they should be in support of the 50% of the population that is abused, not a minority.

    1. I used to like Alex Scott; pity she’s turned out to be just another virtue signalling Lefty!

    2. Yes, she appears to be the only one with the courage of her convictions, but I hope that Qatar and FIFA also have the courage of their convictions and expel the BBC on the back of it.

    3. The subtle difference being that she wasn’t representing her country in a FIFA tournament. Virtue-signalling for the BBC isn’t brave, it’s merely a guarantee of a new contract.

  3. The second is longer and i would say that it is beyond doubt that the Bliar contract has caused the problems:

    “SIR- – General practice is widely seen to be malfunctioning. As a past principal GP – for some 40 years involved with both the Royal College of GPS and the British Medical Association – I have long wondered why.
    GPS worked for the NHS from 1948 without any specific contractual agreement about their clinical responsibilities. This became increasingly unsatisfactory, and the result was an agreement with the government that attempted to describe what had been missing.
    The GP contract of 2004 introduced two elements. One was the ability of doctors to relinquish responsibility for patient care outside office hours, and the other was the detachment of individual patients from a specific GP’S responsibility or list. Practices could (and almost all did) pay a nominal sum to have the NHS take responsibility for care out of hours, and responsibility for individual patient care was devolved to the practice group.
    Perhaps these changes led to the present situation, where GPS in many cases seem to have given up managing any form of acute medicine or continuity of care, resulting in swamped A&E facilities and difficulty getting GP appointments.
    Sometimes we don’t know what we have till it’s gone.“

  4. Michael Gove accuses social landlords of ‘complacency’ after child’s death. 22 November 2022.

    After a coroner’s verdict that mould had led to the death of Awaab in Rochdale, Gove told the MPs the social housing regulator should have additional powers to investigate and will have the power to levy unlimited fines under forthcoming legislation.

    In the wake of the scandal, Gove has written to six housing providers – Clarion, Southern Housing Group, Onward Homes, Catalyst Housing, PA Housing and Johnnie Johnson Housing – that have had recent findings of severe maladministration made against them by England’s housing ombudsman for varying problems related to cold, damp, mould, leaks and antisocial behaviour.

    Government and its practitioners; it is no exaggeration to say, have taken on the role of God. They see all, know all and have the power to set it to all to rights with the passing of some Law. We see here the Archangel Michael decreeing from Heaven (Westminster) how those less perfect and enlightened than himself should behave. The view down here without divine oversight; is of course, somewhat different. One would have thought that some reflection on previous attempts by the Supreme Deity of yesteryear; whose place they have usurped, would show the futility of omniscient legislation. The Ten Commandments have the Cardinal virtue of simplicity since He knew that it would be impossible to legislate against every folly and shortcoming of Mankind!


    1. In the list of Housing Providers, let’s not forget Serco – well known for incompetence in other (Gov’t funded) fields.

      1. Morning Tom and all.

        Permit me … “ well known for incompetence in other taxpayer funded fields. There. Fixed it for you.

      2. Not that incompetent – they are hiving £millions off the taxpayer.
        Wonder what WSC would think of his treacherous grandson?

    2. …mould had led to the death of Awaab in Rochdale, Gove told the MPs the social housing regulator should have additional powers to investigate and will have the power to levy unlimited fines under forthcoming legislation.
      Does that also include the sometimes appalling condition of soldiers married quarters? Will MOD get “unlimited fines” or just hide behind Crown Immunity?

      1. Unlimited fines which won’t be used to correct the problems, but will be wasted on administrators.

    3. Why couldn’t the tenants clean the mould? A bit of bleach on a sponge would do it in five mins.

      1. Tut. They are Somalis (WHY are they here?) and are unable to do anything for themselves; hence why they’ve rocked up in Blighty to bleed the taxpayer.

    4. Why couldn’t the tenants clean the mould? A bit of bleach on a sponge would do it in five mins.

    1. Lovely music and photographs but what is the “home” you think the person is looking for. Is it a better life or a silent lonely death? I hope it is the former.

      1. Perhaps the latter was what I was seeking on Saturday night, since it seems I cannot have the former.

        My apologies for being depressing, sometimes.

        1. No need to apologise. I am pleased to see you chirpy this morning.Your comment cheered me up considerably with the music and the scenery. Keep up the good work.

      1. For me Gregorian Chant is beautiful. Pop songs tend to shriek. I’ve never heard the one you mention.

  5. Britain’s Brimstone missiles primed to make Russian soldiers’ lives hell. 22 November 2022.

    The missiles, which each cost about £175,000, can hit targets by tracking a laser fired by troops, aircraft or vehicles, or select its own target from a pre-programmed list through the use of an extremely high-frequency millimetric wave radar.

    This system allows the weapon to scan the battlefield and select the most appropriate target, discounting civilian vehicles or less important military equipment.

    It’s nice to know as we huddle around our fires that we can afford such largesse!


    1. …and against a country, despite the propaganda, which has ideals similar to most thinking people in this country. The toppling of corrupt regimes – even if that includes our own Gov’t.

    2. IIRC, the lads retaking the Falklands found that a Milan antitank missile was damned effective at clearing Argie machine gun positions. Just at a cost of many hundreds of thousands of pounds a whoosh.
      Still, if it saved a Bootie from being fragged, it was well worth it.

      1. Our antitank platoon used to fire live once a year. The MILAN missiles at the time cost £10,000 each – each year someone would ask to forgo his opportunity and have the money instead 🙂

    3. Especially when ?unt is telling us that we are so broke that we need to be taxed even more! On a different issue – I doubt the Russians will forget the amount of high tech kit we have supplied and which is killing their soldiers!

  6. 368218+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Tuesday 22 November: Malfunctioning general practice is causing chaos throughout the NHS,

    One of the root causes is either way regarding mass uncontrolled immigration legal / morally illegal flooding the country the nations peoples are being attacked mentally / physically,

    Those with a death wish, only wanting company, are still supporting members of the lab/lib/con/ukip pro political overseers coalition.

    Another odious major factor is ID / didgy currency and unbelievablem still with a loud shout in that area is the park toilet attendant ex lab PM aka the bog man, the common denominator among the current political elites.

    There can surely only be two options left, a very English
    civil war or a General strike bringing out the remainder of the taxpaying workforce.

    Past mandatory political odious menu.


  7. ‘Morning, Peeps.  A calm, dry start to the day here, in stark contrast to yesterday’s lashing rain and boiling sea.  No doubt all that shingle ‘re-profiling’ recently carried out on this part of yer sarf coast will now need to be repeated.

    SIR – Michael Bentley (Letters, November 21), writing from Switzerland, does not understand the “British aversion” to ID cards.

    The answer is simple. We don’t trust the Government with our data. Given half a chance it will demand details at random, sell them for a profit, share them without consent and use them to control our lives. Freedom must take precedence over convenience.

    Tristram C Llewellyn Jones
    Church Stretton, Shropshire

    Well said, Tristram Double-Barrelled. You are hereby appointed to the Grand Order of the Nottlrs.

     SIR – Michael Bentley’s eloquent exposition of the benefits of Swiss ID cards overlooks one simple, glaring fact: in Switzerland, things work.

    How I’d love to be able to say the same for Britain.

    Lady Thomas
    London NW7

    You are not wrong, M’Lady – this shambles that passes for our public services shames us all.  Where are the great reformers when we need them?  Why is it proving so difficult to operate efficiently?  Where are the leaders to inspire and motivate?

    (Sorry, Peeps – for a moment there I suffered a momentary detachment from reality.  Such things are now alien to this poor and rapidly failing country.)

  8. The Tories don’t just risk a catastrophic defeat, but their permanent destruction. 22 November 2022.

    The Tories are struggling to engage in deep and courageous thinking on anything. They have no compelling thoughts on how to prevent individual freedom, personal responsibility and economic dynamism from being flattened by the steamrolling logic of an ever-expanding state. They have no idea how to fight back against the growing elite impulse for neat and utopian top-down solutions, divorced from the messy business of democratic scrutiny and cost-benefit trade-offs. The Tory centrist itch to surrender to the gravitational pull of social democratic stagnation is nihilism dressed up as pragmatism. Meanwhile, the party’s Right has retreated into Thatcherite cosplay as it finds itself adrift in a chaotic new world.


    Andy RoadKing.

    The present conservatives are not a government, they are a fifth column.
    Their destruction should be welcomed.

    Amen to that brother!


    1. Mounting evidence indicates that they must be destroyed before their policies destroy both the UK and its people. Placing Labour at the helm will merely be a continuation of the status quo.

    1. Dolly and Harry every morning and afternoon. When they get fed up with fighting they stampede from room to room. What have i done !!!

        1. Oh hell.
          Harry still managed to pull over the kitchen bin and spread the contents all around the kitchen.
          His answer to everything is a wagging tail.

          1. She is. At 10 weeks she is asking to go out and can identify some of her toys. She seems to be ahead of our three previous Labs in her development.

          2. Dolly is completely clueless. She didn’t even understand ‘Fetch’. Harry on the other hand recognised his name in under a week and is now teaching Dolly how to be a proper doggie.

    1. Nurses get money handed to them for their Christmas parties too. Don’t hear much about that from the NMC or Unite.

    2. I thought when I borrowed from Orwell yesterday I had coined the phrase: some of us are more in it than others! But one must continue to strive and not to yield to clichés.

  9. I didn’t vote for you Gates so you can Foxtrot Oscar and as for ‘Unt with the messianic gleam in his eyes words fail me..


    Another stroke of genius by our government


    Here we go,slavery built in


    1. Gates, as a great producer of offshore wind in these lands, how do I get this message through to him and Mr ‘Chase The Bitch’ (think about many crude names there are for this game, not least ‘Hunt the Rhyming slang) about Climate Change:

      Climate Change and You

      The climate ‘science’ is wrong. CO2 being 0.04% of the atmosphere is a cause for good, as it is essential for plant life.

      The atmosphere is 78% Nitrogen and 21% Oxygen. The remaining 1% are various trace elements of which CO2 is but a small part.

      The greatest cause of any change in the Earth’s climate, is due to the cyclical nature of the Sun’s phases, which may lead to vast differences between ice ages and continual heatwaves.

    2. The fundamental problem with FTX is that it wasn’t controlled by blockchain. Any digital currency these fools create wil equally not be linked to blockchain because that removes their ability to fiddle it.

      1. Hi Wibbling, the other problem was that because he supported all the right causes for all the Lefties, (especially the Dem Party in the USA), they did not do any due diligence.
        It shows how blinded supposedly educated politicians/elites can be, especially when they get ‘free’ money out of it. You would think, that as a similar thing happened with a Canadian crypto exchange in 2019, someone would have looked a bit more closely.


  10. Good morning all.
    After yesterday’s non-stop rain, it’s a dry but rather dull morning with 3°C on the yard thermometer.

    1. And in the top video, I asked on tw@tter:

      “…and today, how many are NOT at work because the vaccine KILLED them?”

        1. If we’re getting rid of people then let’s start with the string pullers in swab, then get the next lot in Blair and so on until the cretin Sunak doesn’t know who to look to for his orders.

    2. Does the australian fellow realise he sounds just like every other demented fascist there has ever been?

      The ends justify the means, everyone must obey for us to be free, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength (no, hang on, that’s diversity), war is peace.

    1. These are not potential ‘workers’ they are just sponging gimmegrunts who want us to pay them, to practise their third-world ideology on young white girls, introduce a Caliphate backed by Sharia Law, with all the vileness and bestiality that goes with it – decapitations, floggings and mutilations – to name but a few.

      And the PTB know all this – they and their families will be the first to go under the Caliphate. I hope that they’re all afraid, very afraid.

      It might just encourage them to do something positive to STOP it, dead in its tracks.

        1. Their names will be known and, since the Caliphate will be Europe/World-wide, where are they going to escape to?

          Antarctica MIGHT be the continent of choice, as they believe in Climate Change as well to save them.

    2. As you say we are not losing – we have already lost.

      PM : not white
      Foreign Secretary : Not white
      Home Secretary : Not white
      Chancellor : married to not white

      And if anyone tries to champion white Britons then he or she is a racist.

      1. And entirely welfare dependent as well, creaming the system and abusing office into the bargain. They never change, no matter how high they rise.

  11. Morning, all. Dry, quite bright but very chilly this morning in N Essex.

    Just watched ‘Died Suddenly’ over on the Stew Peters’ site. Definitely not for the squeamish and faint-hearted; a very disturbing documentary film. No doubt that something extremely nefarious is going on.

    Died Suddenly

    1. Every unexplained death should be subject to an autopsy. As matters stand the embalming associations are the only people noticing the clotting and strands of white fibrous material in veins and arteries.

      The administering of mRNA ‘vaccines’ should cease immediately.

  12. Just dealt with two spongeoid ginger cats. Instead of making use of the warm, dry porch – they were out in the rain – most of which they brought in on their fur…..

    Ate a huge meal – did some damp “biffing” – then went out again …

    1. I’ll swap you for something 10 times a big, with twenty times the hair. I’m convinced he does it just after a visit to the scrubbers just to annoy me.

  13. My heart was warmed by the news that Englerland’s latest wendyball hero is a bame. As I don’t know anything about it, are there any non bames playing foopball for Engerland?

    1. Funny there’s no calls for quotas for race selection in the England football team or the GB athletics squad.

      1. The paper reports a “stunning” victory for Engerland. Surely conceding two goals is sloppy?

        1. Possibly, one was a superbly struck shot through a crowd of players and the other was a slightly dubious penalty, England had almost exactly the same situation turned down.

          They played well and the passing was of a much higher standard than I have seen from them for ages.

          1. Almost invariably, when England were in possession, the player on the ball had two or more alternatives to pass to. A real positive from my perspective was how well the substitutes fitted in.

            Doubtless it will all change, but at the moment they are looking good.

    2. The only ‘heroes’ in the stadium were the Iranian team who chose not to sing the National Anthem which has been imposed on them and the Iranian supporters who booed the same anthem.

      Hopefully, the players will survive contact with the authorities when they return home. Maybe they should stowaway on he Engerland team bus?

  14. 368218+ up ticks,

    This chap epitomises the complete treacherous @rsehole the other 649 are still in training.


    UK must wean itself off migrant labour, says Keir Starmer
    Opposition leader to tell business chiefs the days of low pay and dependence on foreign workers are over,

    Read as,

    UK must wean itself off white indigenous labour, allegedly says Keir Starmer
    Opposition leader to tell business chiefs the days of low pay and dependence on foreign workers are over and above the need to pay a British worker a fair wage, and are here to stay.

    Your continuing support & vote counts.

    1. This from a Labout party that spent 12 miserable years importing as many dross – who now sit on welfare, as Labour knew they would – as possible, all to create a voting block and stuff the locals, call them bigots?

      1. 368218+ up ticks,

        Morning W,
        The very same, they are also role models to the current tory (ino) party and held in great esteem.

    1. What happened to the convention that any politician caught lying to the House resigned? Or was sacked.

      1. 3685218+up ticks,

        Morning VW,
        I believe they did, some years ago, find a George Washington type that had NEVER told a lie he was gone same hour, Tommy Robinsoned, feet never touching the deck.

    2. We started taking Vitamin D and zinc 18 months ago. When we got Covid 6 months ago we were hardly ill at all. Whether the fact that we were hardly ill at all was due to Vitamin D or the fact that we had not been vaccinated given gene therapy I cannot say.

      But the trouble with Vitamin D, as far as politicians concerned, is that it is cheap even though it is effective and no money or backhanders flow from it.. Unproven vaccines on the other hand may not be effective – indeed they could well be downright dangerous – but they have the great advantage of giving billions to the pharma companies which will pay millions in bribbes to the politicians.

      1. 368218+ up ticks,

        Afternoon R,
        We have been on Vit D for quite some time back, two year ago got some sort of IMO man made plague, left it to body defences plus vit D.

        Vit D wears the white hat,

        Gene therapy/ politico’s / pharma / current LLCU party members ALL blackhatters.

  15. A list five again. I always guess the wrong option when there are two or three words the same but for one letter.
    Wordle 521 5/6


  16. 368218+ up ticks,

    Gerard Batten
    These people are fanatics like the religious zealots of centuries past.

    In past ages when natural disasters came along (like the Black Death) people thought God was punishing them for their sins. It produced waves of fantacism & puritanism.

    In the modern day the atheistic fanatics believe that nature is punishing us for the sins of wanting to stay warm in winter, drive cars, fly away on foreign holidays, & generally enjoy life as past generations never could.

    In the early 1490s the Italian Domenican Monk Savonarola whipped up the Florentines into a frenzy of guilt with the idea the World would end in 1500.

    He held a ‘Bonfire of the Vanities’ in which priceless works of art were burned in the city square….more


  17. Don’t let charities fool you into being a ‘sucker’ 22 November 2022.

    We’re told that this small sum can provide lifesaving medicine for a child or provide food for a week. Some charities will be satisfied with your donation, but in many cases this £2 or £3 or £5 a month will hardly pay for the charity’s expensively produced TV ad. The real aim of the texted donations is not to raise money but to harvest donors’ phone numbers to add to the charities’ ‘suckers list’. These phone numbers will be passed on to a telephone fundraising agency who will call the texter.

    The telefundraiser staff have a sales script which is designed to get the texter to set up a bank direct debit to the charity. The telefundraiser will use the fact that a person is already donating via their phone and is therefore interested in supporting the charity’s work. As one recruitment ad for telefundraisers explained: ‘The role involves calling individuals who have already expressed an interest in the campaign you are working on, and securing additional funds in a warm, friendly and persuasive manner.’

    Some telefundraisers may work for the charity they claim to represent. But often they will work for profit-making telefundraising companies. Charities pay between £80 to £120 to the telefundraising companies for each direct debit recruited. So, depending on how much you agree to give through your direct debit, little to none of your first year’s donations will get anywhere near the charity.

    I no longer donate to charities of any description and I imagine that I am not alone. This of course is hard on those who have genuine concerns and lend their time free to some worthy cause but it is the inevitable result (as so much else) of their politicisation. Charities have become Political Pressure groups and they are openly funded by Government out of our taxes. One has only to think of Greenpeace or Stonewall as two examples that have corrupted the Political Process for their own ends.


    1. I only contribute to individual causes showcased at my local restaurant, the local hospice and http://www.helpahedgehog.org/ who happen to do spiffing Christmas cards !
      Charities like Oxfam and Save the children can go to hell in a hand cart.

    2. We as a nation already donate 13 billions a year to overseas aid.
      That’s an awful lot of money seemingly being used for other purposes. Perhaps one of our ‘on the ball’ politicians could sort that out……if we had such creatures.

      1. Billions of pounds have gone overseas for decades. What has it been spent on?* Nothing has changed.

        *Apart from swimming pools and Rolls Royces for the politicians.

        1. Not a lot, there are just more people in those overseas countries. A helluva lot more! For instance, Africa should be awash with water we’ve sent so much money to water aid!

          1. …and they still seem not to have to learnt to boil foul water but maybe, they’ve yet to discover fire.

          2. Somebody did some research recently and discovered that there are 604 charities in Britain collecting money ” to sink

            wells in Africa”.

            makes one wonder why Africa isn’t like a colander?

          3. Every time we rock up and do it for them, we prevent them providing the ifnrastructure for themselves.

            When we send a civil engineer we consign on of theirs to a menial job. We stop roads getting built, we stop industrial investment. We don’t help them at all with ‘aid’.

          4. Sounds like the NHS, Wibbles, not prepared to help themselves out of their Slough of Despond.

          1. One of my cousins in Zimbabwe says that Foreign Aid is called Mercedes money – i.e. money with which the politicians can buy their new Mercedes limousines.

        2. It stinks doesn’t it. People might think our political idiots might have realised this by now.

          1. Our political idiots probably can’t be bothered to think about our overseas aid. If they aren’t somehow benefitting themselves, that is. Plus of course it is good for personal grandstanding, which is all most of our poiticians care about.

    3. I donate to Dogs Trust – our local branch only by way of food and blankets every couple of months. I don’t begrudge their staff getting paid along with inflation, but the usual top heavy salary structure is already growing and it’s annoying.

      1. We donate to the local wild life rescue centre. Only the manager and her assistant are paid, and all others are unpaid volunteers.

        Interesting that Johnny Depp visited, and was so impressed that he made a generous donation.

    4. Totally agree. I haven’t supported any charities for years, except a local one for a village in Burkina Faso. The top dog is a lady who runs a charity shop and who used to live in this village with her parents, who also adopted a little girl. Once a year, this lady flies (economy class) to Burkina Faso and spends the money she has collected in for the village through her shop: bicycles for children so they can go to the secondary school in the next village; a roof for the local primary school; sewing machines for a group of women who set up a little business… She has also had wells dug for clean drinking water. All properly accounted for every year.

      A couple of years ago, when the roof went onto the school, the local politicians wanted to come round and see what she was doing. She said that they would be welcome to visit, but that they should not expect champagne and canapés. Nobody came.

  18. Morning all 😊
    What a wonderful sunny start. 🌞
    With reference to today’s headline, I’ve just had a pre-arranged phone call from my cardiologist. He was discussing the options he gave at the face to face appointment I had with him much earlier this year.
    And for some strange and unknown to me, reason. He had no idea that I had a cardioversion in August. It seems as someone at a previous appointment mentioned the ‘paperwork kings’ are not keeping up with the action’s. I’ll bet someone will be getting a few questions asked right at this moment in time.
    It’s all a bit of a mess and rather worrying.

      1. It’s all rather worrying Bill.
        I had a letter to cancel an appointment I think it was March time. I went to the local department first thing Monday and the receptionist read it went to her pc and printed off a letter she gave it to me and said this is the letter you should have been sent. There was no mention of a cancellation. Just confirming the procedures.
        She told me that all the administration seemed to be up the creek.

          1. There was a receptionist to the Acute medial ward who refused point blank to allow a very distressed woman to see her husband. People were coming and going but if you asked her the answer was no.It was a locked ward but it was easy enough to tailgate someone. Which is what i did.

          2. Same thing happened when our daughter in law, who has MS. Was driven the almost 30 miles, to a London hospital for the first time by her father, for a hospital app. They had no record of her previous problems at treatment centres and would not listen or let him in with her. The poor woman broke down and became very distressed because of their overbearing officious behavior and they even failed to help her make it to the loo in time. She was absolutely distraught. And of course, later her poor old dad (no spring chicken) had to drive her the 30 miles back home to Hertfordshire.
            The second time he took her, he laid down the law and she was treated properly. It was so upsetting for them both.

          3. That’s terrible. I know there are angels in the NHS but there are sadists too.

            My GP sent me for a blood test and the nurse quite rudely told me that it was no longer a walk in clinic because of covid. I said in the same evil tone that seeing as there was no one in the waiting room that they should just go ahead and do it. She did but with bad grace. I didn’t bother to thank her.

        1. The admin teams are at breaking point due to being unable to fill vacancies.
          Our Directorate, for example, which consists of five specialties, has eleven secretarial and eighteen receptionist vacancies out of a team of sixty and sixty five respectively.
          We used to get about twenty applications for every post we advertised. I have advertised one of our secretary vacancies three times – we have finally had one applicant this week.

          Our receptionist team is exhausted with having to deal with abusive ‘phone calls on a daily basis and working overtime every week to just keep up with workload, let alone do any training or the extra little jobs that make work more enjoyable.

          1. Advertise at the local gym or sports centre.
            I know an NHS administrator who identifies as suffering from a respiratory condition; when the pandemic started, she went home, ditto her husband who works with paramedics. More than a year at home, without an NHS computer, and when the bosses finally forced her back she wanted several months off for holiday leave.

          2. That was going to be a rule eighteen months ago – one of our team was going to have to be dismissed but they withdrew the ruling at the eleventh hour.

          3. Our lovely neighbour works as a doctor’s receptionist and tells me a few horror stories.

            Possibly a lot of the admin team members have moved over to the private sector ?
            I get the impression that’s why patients have to wait months for a routine appointment now. Ley t alone much needed operations.
            In comparison I’ve had to ring the NHS several times and not had a reply before the line goes dead. Or been told I’m 10th in the queue.
            I had rang a local private clinic and the call was answered within 4 rings.

          4. Perhaps prospective applicants think they might be better off on benefits? With all the bells and whistles on benefits now, they end up with quite a lot, compared to someone on a low-ish wage.

      2. Why do doctors ask your medical history? Why do they not have this available to them, regardles of hospital you went to or when?

        It’s idiotic. It is so completely lacking in joined up thinking. A database is not complicated to design. Start small, expand it gradually, getting it right, in a local area with a small hospital and surgeries.

        1. It’s because the Unions fight against systems like ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning). With my experience as a consultant, installing this software and teaching users how to benefit from it, I would have a field day in the NHS and reduce administration at a stroke.

        1. Which reminds me, you still owe me for those Farley’s Rusks I supplied when you were two. Early settlement would be appreciated.

          1. Yes Bill, they are! Also available in sugar free version! Of course, they don’t taste the same as they used to!

          2. I mentioned that to vw a couple of days ago. I used to have that for breakfast. Probably used up stale bread.

          3. Nowadays, I’m saving it in the freezer fro bread pudding, when I can find some mixed peel and glacé cherries.

          4. I used to make it with, predominantly, sultans and raisins as I’ve never been a lover of mixed peel.
            Always added black treacle and plenty of mixed spice.

          5. I don’t have Black treacle but demera sugar serves as well. I also use mixed spices. Full recipe here:

            Bread Pudding.

            450g (1 lb) Stale Bread
            220g (8oz) Currants, Raisins or Sultanas
            100g (4oz) Mixed Peel or glacé cherries (Optional)
            100g (4oz) Brown Sugar
            100g (4oz) Butter
            1 tsp Mixed Spices
            2 Eggs – large
            Milk – as required – see 6 below


            1. Break the bread into small pieces; soak in cold water for at least 1 hour.

            2. Pre-heat the oven to 170°C: 325°F: Gas 3.

            3. Strain the soaked bread and squeeze it out as dry as possible.

            4. Place the wet bread into a basin and mash it with a fork.

            5. Add the dried fruit, sugar, mixed peel, cherries and mixed spice, mixing well.

            6. Melt the butter and add it, together with the egg and enough milk to enable the mixture to drop easily from a spoon.

            7. Place it all into a large greased baking tin – 10.5” x 8.5” or 26 x 21cm works well.

            8. Bake for about an hour or until slightly firm to the touch.

            9. When done, turn it out on to a hot dish or allow it to cool – or cut in the tin.

            10. If serving hot, dredge with sugar and serve with custard,

          6. Thanks for the reminder Tom.
            Our son still waxes lyrical about bread pudding but I haven’t made one for years. Used to be delicious cold as well.

          7. Agreed, 100%. George (Grizzly) thinks it’s the Devil’s food, but to me, mushy peas, no matter where they’re made, are the Devi’s food.

          8. Sultanas and lashings of nutmeg for me. Lord; now I fancy bread pudding, and I don’t eat bread… 🤣

    1. Keir Starmer to tell big business the era of “cheap labour” & “immigration dependency” in Britain must end & make way for more investment in British workers.

      This is of course a blatant lie for the sole purpose of re-election!

      1. People in social housing and on benefits will not be able to afford to pay for their keep on the minimum wage. They’d be better off in cheap hotels……..oh hang on a mo.
        Queir he doesn’t realise that.

      2. Well, Cur Ikea Slammer will regard the millions of illegal arrivals as “British”, won’t he? Sorted…

    2. You don’t make way for investment in british workers. You just remove welfare. However, with 70% of the ethnics unemployable, with no useful skills, let alone literacy getting that group in to work – by far the biggest – is pointless.

      The only solution is deportation.

      1. Yes, you are right. The trouble is that being right doesn’t seem to make a blind bit if difference.

        1. You wouldn’t have room for all the armed security they have with them, everywhere they go.

    1. All they need is metal arm and leg restraints and a series of electrical wires to each chair.

  19. Doesn’t human life mean anything now? 22 November 2022.

    Euthanasia and assisted suicide became legal in Canada in 2016 after the country’s highest court decided that a ban was unconstitutional because it deprived people of their dignity and autonomy. The law had robust ‘safeguards’. Access was limited to mentally-competent adults with serious and advanced diseases, who were enduring ‘unbearable physical or mental suffering that cannot be relieved under conditions that patients consider acceptable’, and whose deaths were ‘reasonably foreseeable’.

    However access was quickly expanded to encompass more categories of people, while rights to object on grounds of conscience were removed. Medical insurers have grown reluctant to pay for palliative or nursing care but will cover ‘medical assistance in dying’, known as MAiD; a lethal injection or a deadly cocktail is the cheaper alternative. Initially there was an implicit assurance that it was meant for the few, but last year 10,000 died at the hands of medics.

    It is now ridiculously easy to get a lethal jab in Canada where euthanasia is offered for non-terminal cases, such as disabled people, elderly people who claim their frailty is unbearable, and anyone who says they are mentally ill. Soon it is expected that children can qualify too.

    I hadn’t realised that the Canadians had fallen so far. We are soon to join them one imagines!


    1. Extend it to Trudeau’s party and they could get rid of their entire political class – all for the good of the people.

    2. In the Netherlands, children over 12 can request euthanasia themselves. Earlier this year, the legal road was opened to extend euthanasia to children between 1 and 12 – both parents would need to agree, but the child will be deemed to be incapable of making this decision and will therefore not be consulted.


      1. God help us, one and all.

        As far as I know, suicide, by whatever method, is considered a mortal sin. In other words, you’re hell bound for doing it

        My belief in re-incarnation has stopped me on several occasions, as you just have to come back and learn the same lesson, over again, that to me is the Hell.

        Bless you, Caroline, a true child of God.

      2. God help us, one and all.

        As far as I know, suicide, by whatever method, is considered a mortal sin. In other words, you’re hell bound for doing it

        My belief in re-incarnation has stopped me on several occasions, as you just have to come back and learn the same lesson, over again, that to me is the Hell.

        Bless you, Caroline, a true child of God.

    3. Doctors in Quebec are now told to recommend assisted death to “deserving” cases.

      Starting next year mental illness also qualifies for the assisted chop. In a completely unrelated move, some of those suposed experts are saying that anti vaxxers are mentally ill.

  20. “The Reform is Essential” booklet” can be listened to. It is very detailed but mainly follows the wishes of Nottlers. I think it will be the best of the 3 new parties.
    Worth a reading/ listen.

      1. Unless well respected Conservatives with large majorities can be persuaded to resign from the party to stand.
        Tactically they should do their announcements collectively at the last possible minute for nominations at the time of the elections, so that Conservative Central Office is stymied and they then get maximum publicity.

          1. Too difficult, but those who held a reasonably consistent pro-brexit line would be a reasonable starting point.

        1. You are right and I have been saying this for some time.

          I have posted the same idea in a post above.

          1. One problem is that such Conservatives know that their seats are safe as Tories, even if the Tories are almost wiped out; whereas there is just a possibility that they might lose as Reform/UKIP candidates, so they look to their bank balance not to the Country.

      2. In the 2017 general election UKIP gained more votes than both the Lib/Dems and the SNP combined but won only one parliamentary seat to the Lib/Dems’ and SNP’s combined total of 164.

        But we are where we are and we don’t have PR – we still have First Past the Post which neither the Cons or Labour want to change.

        But I believe that the Conservatives are now very much more unpopular than they were even when the evil witch May was PM. I sincerely hope that now is the the time when a new right of centre party can emerge. If we think we are already beaten then we are.

    1. 368+ up ticks,

      Morning C,

      Only if one can close ones eyes to their trial run as the brexit party, to me they are tory (ino) party MK 2.

      Their (brexit party ) leader the farage chap is a top class political
      turnagain type more suited in the climate change group as a weather vane.

      The brexit party came under the spotlight as highly pro tory (ino) / johnson in 2019.

      Why the name change
      brexit to reform ?.

    1. Because Qatar is a brutal ethno state! You start posturing over there and they get rid of you. This is why the green kids throwing paint everywhere and blocking roads don’t go to those nations actually providing us with the energy (that they use to make their paint, clothes and so on) . They’d be removed, slung in a cell and forgotten about!

  21. Pausing – the MR and I are going to visit a neighbour (whom we don’t know well) whose wife died very suddenly a few months ago. He is bereft. I am useless in these situations; the MR is brilliant. So we’ll see…

    Back son.

    1. Might he appreciate an educated companion – I could live in N Norfolk being a dumpling myself?

    2. Same here – I feel awkward on such occasions but Caroline seems to have a natural empathy with those who are suffering – perhaps it has something to do with her devout Christian faith. She is a true Christian and she does not preach, lecture or patronise and is not priggish or puritan but she stands up firmly for the things in which she believes.

      1. Good for her, I’m Agnostic but still believe that there is someone/something bigger than us, which is why I say my prayers and then talk to it/him/her as man to man.

  22. I am also pausing as Virgin are on their way to replace the Sky broadband! I may be some time!

        1. You know better, Hertslass, but Virgin on the Ridiculous is a well-known antidote to Gov’t restriction.

      1. Trouble is, Wibbles, as I understand it, all providers have to use BT landlines and servers so, no choice.

  23. The Tories don’t just risk a catastrophic defeat, but their permanent destruction
    If the Government refuses to change course, it may be that the centre-Right finds a new vehicle for power

    Sherelle Jacobs : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/11/21/tories-dont-just-risk-catastrophic-defeat-permanent-destruction/

    If you have a cancer it must be cut out or you will die.

    Matthew 5:29-30 : King James Version

    And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    Sunak, Hunt, Gove and many other members of the government are cancers in the Conservative Party and if they are not cut out then the Conservative Party will die.


    Are there any true Conservatives left in the Conservative Party? If so, then how many of them are there?

    If there are fewer than 100 then the Conservative Party deserves to die and die it will. But if there are 100 or more true Conservatives in the Parliamentary Party then there is an outside chance that A Conservative Party (rather than The Conservative Party) will survive – but immediate action is needed now or it will be too late.

    Existing real Conservative MPs must resign their seats now. They should then declare that they would stand again in by elections under the colours of a party such as The Reform Party or set up an entirely new Conservative Party. This would lead to a general election but the resigning MPs would have to have already come out into the open and sworn not to represent the existing Conservative Party again.

      1. That brings us back to Atlas Shrugged. The productive class inevitably dwindles. Why labour to have the fruits of your efforts stolen from you to enrich the corrupt and reward the waster. Yet to some degree still, our self respect drives us onward and prevents us throwing in the towel.

        1. “Why labour to have the fruits of your efforts stolen from you to enrich the corrupt and reward the waster” – for corrupt and/or waster read “Capitalists/owners of the means of production” and you have the mantra that Marx used to sell his theories.

          IMO it is more than just self-respect that drives us onwards, it is our Judeo/Christian background that directs us towards that expression of self-respect. The same background that upholds charity as a virtue.

          But capitalism, instead of being an economic system that leaves room to be benign, has morphed largely through technology into a totalitarian means for large, rich conglomerates and their owners to enslave the Western world. With no Christian distractions.

          Part of that enslavement involves the forced work by some, essentially to pay for the destruction of their own beliefs, their countries and their homogeneity as peoples. We cannot all go on benefits even if we wanted to, which thankfully we don’t. It is predominantly foreigners, often illegal, who are allowed to skive. In fact, they are paid to skive in rather nice accommodation, bills paid, food, health, schools for their multiple offspring. Until they are given council accommodation – while some of our veterans sleep on the streets.

          Our governments and ptb generally are stupid, sick, corrupt or bought, or all of these. The word “evil” has higher metaphysical and religious connotations, but is also appropriate.

          Hopefully an increasing number of those in this country who have not been dumbed-down through successive decades, are opening their eyes. It is the fact that there are some, that gives us hope.

        2. “Why labour to have the fruits of your efforts stolen from you to enrich the corrupt and reward the waster” – for corrupt and/or waster read “Capitalists/owners of the means of production” and you have the mantra that Marx used to sell his theories.

          IMO it is more than just self-respect that drives us onwards, it is our Judeo/Christian background that directs us towards that expression of self-respect. The same background that upholds charity as a virtue.

          But capitalism, instead of being an economic system that leaves room to be benign, has morphed largely through technology into a totalitarian means for large, rich conglomerates and their owners to enslave the Western world. With no Christian distractions.

          Part of that enslavement involves the forced work by some, essentially to pay for the destruction of their own beliefs, their countries and their homogeneity as peoples. We cannot all go on benefits even if we wanted to, which thankfully we don’t. It is predominantly foreigners, often illegal, who are allowed to skive. In fact, they are paid to skive in rather nice accommodation, bills paid, food, health, schools for their multiple offspring. Until they are given council accommodation – while some of our veterans sleep on the streets.

          Our governments and ptb generally are stupid, sick, corrupt or bought, or all of these. The word “evil” has higher metaphysical and religious connotations, but is also appropriate.

          Hopefully an increasing number of those in this country who have not been dumbed-down through successive decades, are opening their eyes. It is the fact that there are some, that gives us hope.

        3. Thank God for another Ayn Rand fan, Sue.

          With that book and The Fountainhead, she taught me in the early 50s, when I would have been 11 – 13, of the dangers of socialism.

          1. I might yet order both in paperback rather than Kindle.

            Strong, well written and quite to the point, “Who is John Galt?”

    1. True Conservatism perished when Mrs Thatcher — who was responsible for re-invigorating the country financially and morally after the deplorable “Winter of Discontent” years of Labour — was unceremoniously defenestrated by lesser mortals.

      The Iron lady had laid waste to the Left, at the same time castrating their financial backers — the Trade Unions. The Left were a ragged shambles but were astute enough to realise that to beat Thatcher’s policies they needed to regroup and formulate a long-term plan to resurrect their fortunes.

      Their strategy was insanely brilliant. They would train up agents to quietly infiltrate every single bastion of the establishment. Nothing would be overlooked. The news media (including the press, radio and television) were an early target that already had a weak underbelly. Education quickly followed and this was succeeded, in turn, by the judiciary, the police, the NHS and finally the Crown Jewel: the Conservative Party itself.

      Constituencies were infiltrated by agents of the Left, purporting to be bona fide Tories. They made all the right noises (they were well schooled) and eventually became selected to fight for seats at local, general and by-elections. The scheme was not only highly successful, but was brilliant in its sheer audacity. And all the while this was happening, the Tory grandees remained sitting, smugly and complacently, with their thumbs up their arses thinking all was well with the world.

      Once established within the party, as a virus is within the body’s cells, they started to move. More and more willing foot-soldiers of the Left were recruited and they replaced all the old guard. The Conservative and Unionist party of Great Britain and the United Kingdom was now awash with (and controlled by) the enemy.

      To anyone still thinking that this modern ‘Tory Party’ continues to stand for: capitalism; the generation of wealth; fighting injustices; freedom and liberty; security of the nation; a free market economy; a free nation state; freedom to trade with other free nation states; self-sufficiency; individualism; innovation; entrepreneurialism; a hard work ethic; personal rights; small government; low taxation; human responsibilities over human rights; personal responsibilities; and the rights of the individual over that of The State … then think again.

          1. Indeed. There are many factions that exist under different pseudonyms yet all have the same malign purpose. Cultural Relativism; Critical Theory; Social Mobility; Social Chapter; Hope not Hate; Black Lives matter; Group Think; the list goes on.

      1. I take it this is/was and still is ‘Common Purpose’. Time for it to be killed, stone dead.

      2. The Long March Through the Institutions has been going on for decades before Mrs. T entered No.10.

        1. That may indeed be the case; however, I am only discussing from the last time when true Conservatism held sway.

  24. The Tories don’t just risk a catastrophic defeat, but their permanent destruction
    If the Government refuses to change course, it may be that the centre-Right finds a new vehicle for power

    Sherelle Jacobs : https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2022/11/21/tories-dont-just-risk-catastrophic-defeat-permanent-destruction/

    If you have a cancer it must be cut out or you will die.

    Matthew 5:29-30 : King James Version

    And if thy right eye offend thee, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.

    Sunak, Hunt, Gove and many other members of the government are cancers in the Conservative Party and if they are not cut out then the Conservative Party will die.


    Are there any true Conservatives left in the Conservative Party? If so, then how many of them are there?

    If there are fewer than 100 then the Conservative Party deserves to die and die it will. But if there are 100 or more true Conservatives in the Parliamentary Party then there is an outside chance that A Conservative Party (rather than The Conservative Party) will survive – but immediate action is needed now or it will be too late.

    Existing real Conservative MPs must resign their seats now. They should then declare that they would stand again in by elections under the colours of a party such as The Reform Party or set up an entirely new Conservative Party. This would lead to a general election but the resigning MPs would have to have already come out into the open and sworn not to represent the existing Conservative Party again.

  25. 368218+ up ticks,

    Genuine UKIP NOT the current pretender was the only party wanting NO immigration for five years then tightly controlled immigration, Ogga1.

    Gerard Batten
    Starmer knows what buttons to press – even if the button isn’t connected to anything.

    The Tories totally betrayed their 2019 voters. All they had to do was properly implement Brexit, control immigration, & keep the economy ticking over.

    They will deservedly get slaughtered at the next election. Labour won’t do any of those things either, & since both parties are Globalist puppets nothing will improve; but at least we will have the pleasure of seeing the Tories annihilated.


    1. It’s strange ogga, that neither of the two parties wish to carry out the wishes of the electorate.

      What reward are the MPs hoping to get, and from whom?

      1. 368218+ up ticks,

        Afternoon FA,
        What many are crying out for today we had in 2018, building successfully into a very credible party, to successful for many a persons liking.

  26. Good afternoon, everyone. Once again, I couldn’t sleep last night so I got up at 2.30 am and watched EUROPA ’51, a 1952 film with Ingrid Bergman in Italian with Portuguese sub-titles. Only trouble was that the sub-titles came up around 4 or 5 minutes before they were spoken in Italian by the actors and actresses. So when there was no dialogue, just music, I read the Portuguese sub-titles which – being similar to Spanish – I could roughly translate in my head, then waited for the actual (Italian) dialogue to confirm my understanding. It was bizarre, reading about future events (e.g. “Your son has died”) in advance of the event. So by 7 am I was exhausted and returned to my bed, where I slept like a baby without using an alarm clock. I suspect this might make me unable to sleep tonight. Aaargh!

    1. I’ve been watching each episode of Foyle’s War on You-Tube. Well acted and entertaining viewing.

      I wonder what next series I might watch. Any suggestions folks?

      1. I have the boxed set – great viewing. I’m currently watching Cadfael – very entertaining. I’d also recommend the Inspector Lyndley Mysteries.

        1. Elizabeth George who wrote the Inspector Lyndley novels came to Allhallows when Caroline and I were teaching there. She was doing some research for a book, ‘Well Schooled In Murder‘, which was going to be set in an English public school and she also wanted to visit Lyme Regis because of the Jane Austen and John Fowles connections. We looked after her, showed her round the school, I got her to take one of my classes and talk to the Upper Sixth about writing detective fiction and we walked along the cliff path from the school to Lyme Regis where we had a pub lunch. I think we were mentioned in the credits when the book was first published.

      2. They are good, aren’t they, Tom. Different twist on a detective story, and how often are authority the devious ones?

      3. Perhaps the Inspector Morse trilogy: MORSE, LEWIS and ENDEAVOUR, Tom. For laughs (laughter is the best medicine) try SGT BILKO (the Phil Silvers show) and its spin-off CAR 54, WHERE ARE YOU? The latter two comedies are on YouTube.

  27. It appears that Manston has been cleared of asylum seekers gimmegrants.

    I wonder where they have all been placed and what diseases have been spread far and wide.

    1. The appalling thing is that the ‘government’ are running scared of lawyers accusing Manston of being overcrowded. And still nothing has been done to remove these ‘human rights’ laws.

      1. Why would they?
        It would take work to get rid of those laws and to deal with the woke cries of nasty Tories. Far better to just do nothin!

        1. Not at all, easy-peasy; leave the ECHR and ECJ and Repeal the Human Rights Act. All extremely easy Acts of Gov’t.

        2. Not at all, easy-peasy; leave the ECHR and ECJ and Repeal the Human Rights Act. All extremely easy Acts of Gov’t.

    1. I cannot believe that the little shi$ was only worth ten million in 2020, he had several years of corrupt power before that.

      We could blame the Chinese donations for his growth. In wealth but it probably comes down to kickbacks on covid supplies bought through liberal supporters.

  28. Putin touts Russia’s ‘Arctic power’ with launch of nuclear icebreakers. 22 November 2022.

    ST PETERSBURG, Russia, Nov 22 (Reuters) – President Vladimir Putin on Tuesday touted Russia’s Arctic power at a flag-raising ceremony and dock launch for two nuclear-powered icebreakers that will ensure year-round navigation in the Western Arctic.

    Vlad is obviously not a believer in Global Warming. Lol.


    1. When i used to listen to Farming Today, when it used to be about farming – so, about 15 years ago – they did an expose on how the Danes weren’t following the Regs for pigs especially with regard to farrows (?). I haven’t touched Danish bacon since and prefer to pay more for proper British bacon.

      Though the antics at Berrow Farm occasionally alarm me.

      1. “Danish Bacon”, the British brand, hasn’t existed anywhere for the past two decades. I visit Denmark frequently and I have asked about it in many butcher’s shops and no one has ever heard of it over there.

        It was evidently a UK company that imported pork from Denmark, cured it, then marketed it as “Danish Bacon”.

  29. Sir Beer Korma made another sleepfest speech to the CBI today, usual dribble on green growth.

    I’ll just take one point, home insulation as the new growth industry!

    Insulate 19M homes.

    What is that? loft insulation – if so, given Labour’s claims that it would save £400 a year and the average price is about £1200 for a 4 bed house (costed from gov website), then why not make the energy companies offer it with a £300 addition to bills for 4 years.

    Gets them insulated and saves people £100 a year for the first 4 years then £400 a year thereafter at no cost to government.

    IF its insulation to fix air source heat pumps, that’s a whole different game, the government climate change commission put the cost of that at 676bn three years ago, it would be closer to 800bn now

    And that’s WITHOUT the heat pump at £12,000 a pop adding 330bn.

    Where is the money for that coming from?

    Now, its all very well investing in the green crap, but if no one can afford to buy it, and there will be virtually none now who can, who’s going to pay?

    It simply doesn’t add up.

    AND, if as he claims energy will be NINE TIMES CHEAPER then the cost savings of insulation are NINE TIMES LESS at about £40 a year, meaning it would take you god knows how many lifetimes to get the money from the insulation back!

    Simply ludicrous

    1. Anyone who owns a four bed house would already have loft insulation. Or are the talking about the professional dolists that can’t stop breeding…

      1. Probably the latter, but if its insulation for heat pumps they estimated 3 years ago it would cost about 26K per house and another 12K for the heat pump system, that’s 38K

        How many households have 38K to splash on that? Not many

    2. They’ve been pushing loft insulation for 30 years and if people still don’t have it, it’s not the Government’s job, or the Utility providers’ job, to provide it. And it certainly isn’t my responsibility to pay for other people’s.

      1. I’d agree, but I suspect that isn’t what they are intending to do, they seem to think they can fit heat pumps but its unbelievably expensive.

        So if its loft insulation he’s on about then there’s an easy solution already and requires minimal government intervention.

        If its for air source heat pumps, he has to answer where the 800bn is coming from

    1. Except that ……writing about them (even if you say how horrible they are) is simply more oxygen to their self-publicity machine…

    2. I won’t read, following Bill the lawyer’s example.

      Starve the bastards of the oxygen of publicity.

    3. “Such towering individuals as Archbishop Desmond Tutu”. I saw him one Sunday moring in All Saints Fulham. Walter Makhulu, formerly Archbishop of Central Africa, retired to Fulham and was a friend of Tutu and ASF regular. Tutu sat in the pew flanked by big burly black bodyguards. Not impressed, sorry.

  30. Grrr…
    Wordle 521 6/6


    1. Those ones are buggers.
      Wordle 521 5/6


    2. Doh

      Wordle 521 5/6


  31. Well – neighbour was pleased to see us. Gave him a chance to talk for 1½ hours….!! He is trying hard to be positive. And will travel a lot – children in the US, NZ and Oz. And one, 10 miles away!

    As he owns a house in rural Spain – we had a lot of common experiences… I’ve told him to drop in any time – will wait to see whether he does. (I wouldn’t drop in on ME….!!)

    1. Tell him that one who sympathises, has lived in France, Spain, Australia and Germany, could provide him with educated companionship (no strings attached – I’m not queer) in his latter years. Just provide accommodation and I’ll help with extraneous expenditure. Think on.

    2. It was kind of you to offer even though you don’t much like entertaining.

      I will be visiting a Nottler in your area next Spring. I just might drop by. :@)

  32. “Don’t cry for me, Argentina! Saudi Arabia cause one of the biggest upsets in football history with incredible 2-1 victory over Lionel Messi’s star-studded World Cup favourites in Qatar”

    Is this what is known as a “fix”?

    Just asking

    1. I don’t know. I think it’s kiddieball related and I grew out of that after jumpers for goalposts.

      1. I grew out of it long before that. Probably because we were too poor to have jumpers. Just Jerseys.

      1. I think he means a superannuated one-time top footballer and a crew of nonentities.

        Even Sir Stanley Matthews once said, “I can still run down that right wing and dribble past eight defenders before putting in the perfect cross to my centre-forward”. He then added, “But that is just in my mind, not my body. I am 80, you know?”

        1. The two sports ‘legends’ a woman should never dream of marrying;

          Stanley Matthews who dribbled before shooting and Geoffrey Boycott because once you get him in you’ll never get him out.

        2. Similar to the apocryphal tale of when Sir Don Bradman was asked how many he thought he would have scored against a poor England attack he replied “Oh, only about 60”
          When asked why so few he said “I am over 80 now”

          1. Unimpeachable batsman, The Don, but a bit stand-offish as a bloke and as a cricket administrator. I have visited The Bradman Oval at Bowral, NSW (I was standing next to his statue as it was being erected); and I have visited The Bradman Museum at the location of his birthplace at Cootamundra in NSW.

          2. Batters please in this age of diversity and inclusivity. (Departs to hollow laugh – from himself). No strange pronouns here I yam wot I yam.

    2. Argentina will then win their next two matches, qualify for the knock out part of the competition and then go on to win the Cup.

      Saudi will lose their next two matches and that will be that.

      Don’t laugh at me Abu Dhabi. The truth is I never went there.

    1. The college is clearly politically motivated but are hospitals and doctors actually taking any notice?

    2. And will thus qualify for those same “physicians” to kill them under Canada’s euthanasia laws

    3. I am currently re-reading Child 44 by Tom Rob Smith. This paints a dazzlingly gory picture of what Soviet life was like under Stalin.

  33. – Just wondering if the government had brought in laws to make Islamophobia a hate crime then would wearing an armband promoting gay rights in Qatar be considered a hate crime?

      1. https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/63713257

        Netherlands captain Virgil van Dijk has hit back at criticism accusing European teams at the World Cup of having no “backbone” after they decided against wearing the OneLove armband.
        The captains of seven countries, including England and Wales, planned to wear the armband during matches to promote diversity and inclusion.
        But the plans were dropped because of Fifa’s threat of players being booked.
        The captains are instead wearing Fifa-approved ‘No Discrimination’ armbands.
        “I play in a position where a yellow card is not useful. I became a football player and I want to play these kind of tournaments,” Van Dijk told Dutch broadcaster NOS.
        Speaking after the Netherlands’ 2-0 win over Senegal on Monday, the Liverpool centre-back said: “There are people who say we don’t have a backbone, but that’s not how it works.
        “We just want to play football. I would have loved to play with that band, but not at the expense of a yellow card.”

        No mate, what it says is that you don’t really have the courage of your convictions. If you all genuinely cared you would all have defied FIFA and taken the consequences..
        THAT would have been a real statement of support.
        It was all about virtue signalling and somebody called your bluff.

          1. She wasn’t to happy. She’d been expecting much, much more, even though a lesbian by practice, she did love the double dildo,

        1. However, if he had kicked up a stink chances are the Qataris would have taken action. Muslims are not keen on being defied.

          1. Take them on as well. Educate them, as to how the rest of the world lives without a paedophile prophet, without the sense he might have been born with.

    1. Gareth Bale has been arrested in Qatar as the authorities are concerned
      he may be in a same-sex relationship with another gibbon.

  34. If you ever want to have your local dog walking area to yourself, just eat some cocktail sausages out of a dog poo bag….

  35. Breaking News: Lost footage found of football pundits actually
    discussing football at the World Cup and not the arrogant and
    sanctimonious attempt to impose Western values onto a Middle Eastern

  36. Nuclear Diamond Batteries

    Thanks to a British scientific discovery the technology to turn radioactive waste in graphite nuclear reactor cores into an almost endless supply of electricity can now be implemented using isotope-voltaic batteries called Nuclear Diamond Batteries.


    The commercial viabiity of this technology has already been noted by Elon Musk who can now see the potential of Nuclear Diamond Batteries of replacing his Lithium Ion technology and transforning the future of electrified transport.
    Not only that, but driving around in EVs could be a way of disposing of Carrbon 14 waste from nuclrar reactor cores:


    This could well make EV drivers’ eyes light up! ☢️😳

    1. 28,000 years? Just think how many owners of that one battery would it pass through if each one lived for six months after it had riddled them all with cancer.

      Maybe it is Billy Goats’ new secret weapon for mass annihilation.

    2. Hold on. That’s the very last thing our politicians want – unlimited, efficient sources of energy that make electrical cars a practical proposition. The whole point of electric cars is to make it impractical and too expensive for the plebs to travel on the roads. So soon the politicians will find ways to ban them.

      1. Or imagine one being used for a home> That’d scupper the state’s desperation to stop us using electricity entirely. How would we meet net zero if we keep using energy?

    3. A fascinating discovery that’s a great step forward. However…..Rastus has said what we’re all thinking.

      1. I seem to remember from when I used to take The Spectator that Taki referred to people who wore head-coverings like this as ‘towel heads’. Look more like drying up cloths, table cloths or napkins to me.

          1. They got quite shirty about being called ‘Rag heads” and explained that what they wear upon their heads are in fact ‘little sheets’.

            In future I shall try and remember to refer to them as little sheet heads to save their embarrassment.

          1. Toilet, powder room, comfort station, privy, pissoir, lavatory or bog? Many more words are available.

            Some friends of ours who live on a farm in Cornwall have a white lavatory door and they used to give their guests a felt tip pen with which to write up new words on the door for the place. The euphemism was one which was up there and ‘Yer ’tis was there along with other suggestions.

    1. I never realised how dark skinned the Saudis are, perhaps they are more diverse than I had appreciated.

      1. Dusky perhaps, but friendly people and some of the lasses happen to be good looking and highly intelligent, in my limited experience.

          1. Chief Engineer of Saudi Aramco whom I met a few years ago was a) a woman, b) very good at the job, and c) not clad in a binbag. Not very tanned at all, either.

      1. Like my MCI on 22/02/02 complete with straight-line Vf and the battery charger that brought me back. Now 20 years of extra life. I sometimes wonder if I’m grateful???

    1. And later this evening 22:11.22 on 22.11.22

      Such things are far more common than one might imagine at first sight.

  37. I was chatting with a mate last week and we a a few laughs naming sir names that had relationships with the countryside. Such as Hedges, Field, Banks, Mount, Brooks, we came up with quite a few more. Before we had to ditch it.
    Any additions Nottlers.

          1. Or, perhaps, the lack of decoration in his shed. I notice that no further photographs have been posted showing the interior after the lining was put on….

          2. There is nothing fascinating about hardboard. The Good news is I installed the gutter and downpipe today. Just need to acquire a water butt and the job will be finished!

          3. You’d be surprised. With weather like we are having – a nice shot of well-painted (if not stained and grained) hardboard would go down a treat.

          4. Forgive me butting in – again – but wear a hoodie and wander round the neighbourhood. You’ll soon find a butt just asking to be removed….

          1. shaw (n.)
            “strip of wood forming the border of a field,” 1570s, a respelling of Middle English shau, shaue “wood, forest, grove, thicket,” from Old English sceaga “copse,” cognate with North Frisian skage “farthest edge of cultivated land,” Old Norse skage “promontory,” and perhaps with Old English sceaga “rough matted hair” (see shag (n.)). The Old English word also is the source of the surname Shaw.

        1. Say this aloud as quickly as you can:

          She sells sea shells, shaving soap and sherry on the sea shore.

    1. One of our esteemed posters has a surname which means skilled in the making and repairing of wagons.

    2. Fielding, Rivers, Waters, McAlpine, Waters, Lane, Ash, Pine, Mcleoud, Copperfield, Parks, Parkinson, Lane, Woods, Forest, Forester, McLoughlin, Shore, Strand …

    3. A couple, name Hill, who were friends of my mother named their daughter Teresa Honour.

      Teresa Honour Hill!

    4. My surname is the Viking for: “a place where berries grow”.

      Bar or bär [pron: ‘bear’] = berries. Stow = a countryside location.

      Cherries are called körsbär [pron: ‘shers-bear’] in Sweden.

      1. I remember watching a Scandram TV series a few years ago and the word kunde or kunda (spl) was mentioned.
        It sounded familiar, so I looked it up and it translated as customer/receiver. Quite a lot of English words have Scandinavian origins 🤭

    1. Imagine the differences in technology and society as a whole between what they would have known had they been born then and what exists now and feel sorry for them that the world is almost certainly a worse place than it was then and will probably get worse in future.

  38. “The King of Saudi Arabia, Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, has declared Wednesday a public holiday in the country following Saudi Arabia’s 2-1 win against Argentina at the 2022 Qatar World Cup.

    The announcement was made on Twitter by Saudi Gazzette, on Tuesday evening.

    The match which held on Tuesday afternoon saw the Arabian side shockingly defeat World Cup favourites Argentina in Group C after an unbelievable performance.

    Although, Argentina were tipped to win, plus they had arguably the best player in the world at the moment, seven-time Ballon d’Or winner, Lionel Messi, they struggled to have a foothold in the game loosing all three points to a resilient Saudi Arabia.”

    1. If the team lose, I shudder to think of their fate. I see that they are using Swords for beheading now, just hope they are sharp and the executioner is on target for the penalty. Apparently, in Holland, it is the place to get drunk, have sex and get stoned. Same in Saudi, I am told.

    2. I think we are getting a reminder of how easy it is, with the correct frame of mind, to kick a ball around on an immaculate turf.
      But the fake injury claims, diving and play acting is pathetic.

  39. Time for me to go and open a bottle of medicine.

    Have a jolly evening. More effing rain forecast tomorrow, dagnabbit.

    A demain

    1. Prosit, Bill. It’s been dry here; I managed to hang some washing out to drip dry (it was covered in jam so needed a wash – I’ve been out and bought a new washing machine today).

  40. Meghan Markle hits back at slut-shaming of sexual women and says they face being ‘vilified’ for the ‘exploration of their sexuality’ while men who are ‘players’ are ‘heralded’ for their exploits
    Meghan spoke to Sex and the City author and trans actress Michaela Jae Rodriguez about ‘labels we’re given’
    Says that women are mocked for their sexual behaviour while growing up while men are seen as ‘just players’


    I wonder if these remarks are meant to prepare us for some extraordinarily lurid accounts of her wildly promiscuous sexual adventures before she managed to home in on Harry?

    As she has no shame and no modesty I wonder if she will soon be telling us all just how competent or incompetent Harry is between the sheets compared with some of her other conquests. Harry, of course, will not be allowed to give his judgement on her performance.

    1. I don’t know but you can buy Harriy’s book half price in Smiths – it will be a lot less than that when it’s in the remaindered bin.

  41. Getting interesting.
    England were ‘BLACKMAILED’ by FIFA into dropping OneLove armband at World Cup and threatened with ‘massive sporting sanctions’ – which prompted other nations to follow suit – German FA reveals
    England and other teams set to wear armband faced ‘sanctions’, German FA said
    DFB’s media director Steffen Simon revealed the ‘blackmail’ on German radio
    ‘The tournament director threatened with massive sporting sanctions,’ he said
    German FA is now planning legal action against FIFA for implementing ban
    DFB president called FIFA stance ‘an unprecedented event’ and ‘a show of force’
    The ‘OneLove’ armbands had been viewed as a symbolic protest against laws in World Cup host Qatar, where homosexuality is illegal
    My bold

    1. Any idea when the football starts? Oh – it already has? You could have fooled me – all the talk is about effing armbands.

    1. My son’s name is on the boys’ list and my daughter in law is on the girls’.
      My Teddy is of course there.

  42. Completely OT but are you fellow Nottlers aware that the content of this site is not considered suitable for children? I tried to log in after our broadband has been changed to Virgin, and the server was not secure/not recognised. I’ve had to check my settings and tell them that my iPad is mine and not used by children! How will I explain that to the twins!

    1. Of course it isn’t an “acceptable” site, adults are allowed to express their opinions and argue their viewpoint, without grace, favour or wokery censoriousness..

    2. It’s certainly fortified the idea of Virgin on the Ridiculous.

      The idea that we are not suitable for children, must stem from the idea that here, we don’t tell lies. We tell it as it is. Long may that be the basic tenet.

      Do you realise, Sue that Virgin has to use BT landlines and BT servers?

      Who would you be better off with?

      1. We’ve tried BT, Telewest, Sky and Virgin over the years and they really are all much of a muchness. Because we have the alarm, the heating, security lights, car, phone and 8 computing devices linked to the system it’s a bit of a pain but here we have Virgin fibre. Sky coverage can actually be knackered by a tree in a neighbours garden!

  43. Just who the Hell do FIFA think they are?
    One might disagree with Qatar’s laws but, to do a Thunberg:
    How very dare they dictate to a sovereign state what they should and should not do within their own country?

    If I was the Qatari ruler I would be sorely tempted to tell FIFA and the countries competing to put and shut up or leave.
    And if they won’t shut up, expel them.


  44. Research conducted prior to the current cost of living crisis estimated that, on average, 9,700 deaths could be attributed to living in a cold home.


    How many times have you seen an image of a hand turning down the temperature on a radiator to save energy?

    Well now we know that such a drop in room temperature will lead to an increase in the death rate of nearly 10,000 per year.
    There should be a Government warning that getting cold could damage your health so turn up your radiator settings and ask your GP for a prescription (on the other hand there may a prescription charge for each rad! 😞)

      1. Is anything ever definite anymore?

        9,700 lives could be saved because climate change might result in global warming of 1.5C!

      1. Put a stop to wood pellets, invest in coal-mining and start gas fracking that’s what we CAN do!

    1. Apparently, it puts a strain on the heart, so it’s the aftermath of being cold that is the killer (I read that somewhere). Combine that with the clotshot and there could well be a tsumani of deaths this winter.

      1. So all deaths this winter will be heart failure with hypothermia being a contributory factor.

        Roll on global warming as we leave <1.5 degC in the history books, keep digging coal and class methane aa a sustainable fuel.
        Burping cows to get a reprieve, meat back on the table and gas central heating and cooking back in vogue!

        1. Not to forgetting that Drax Power station, driven by wood pellets from thousands of miles away, is sitting on 300 years of coal – costing £thousand less than wood pellets and could power millions more homes than any windmills or solar ‘farms’.

          Energy madness by the PTB.

        2. Not to forgetting that Drax Power station, driven by wood pellets from thousands of miles away, is sitting on 300 years of coal – costing £thousand less than wood pellets and could power millions more homes than any windmills or solar ‘farms’.

          Energy madness by the PTB.

  45. Looks like the pandemic is over in the care homes – I’ve got 7 gigs so far in December

    1. You’ll be playing the Hallelujah Chorus, Spikey! I was thinking about you and your Christmas gigs earlier on! 🥳

    2. Lots of carols and old folk songs. I love folk songs. We must crank up our keyboard here and have a few singsongs….and then wait for the complaints from the neighbours.

        1. Can’t remember….it’s a smaller keyboard than a standard piano but has various instrument settings. I am a poor pianist but I can sing.

          1. 🎼🎵 Well it’s nine o’clock on a Saturday, the regular crowd shuffles in…….🎶

      1. You wouldn’t have complaints from me – you’d be the ones complaining when I started joining in singing!

  46. As I sit in my extra pullover, wondering whether to burn more wood in the stove or succumb to putting on the oil fired central heating, I wondered what the carbon footprint per head of those there in Qatar for the World Cup might be.
    Planes, air-conditioning, transport, swimming pools etc etc etc…

    Probably more than I could use in a decade.

      1. Silly me, you’re correct of course, how could I be so selfish to even think of depriving them of their pleasures!

    1. You are referring to the ‘Greenest World Cup’ ever. Apparently the massive consumption in raw materials, steel, concrete, plastics etc., is to be ‘offset’ by some compensatory measures such as planting a trillion trees or paying billions in bribes to Al Gore and his fraudulent associates to keep quiet.

          1. or, as my German friend would have it, “When you shit your trousers, it doesn’t matter vich leg it runs down.”

  47. Evening, all. I thought general practice was functioning beautifully as far as GPs were concerned; they were paid for the numbers on their books and their receptionists were keeping those pesky patients away. I found more jam residue this morning (I thought I’d cleaned it all up last night, but obviously not), including on Oscar’s nose and forehead! The jam tastes okay; I had scones for tea and used some of the new batch.

      1. Thankfully, no. He seems determined to commit suicide, though! I dropped a piece of scone with a sultana in it at tea-time – it barely hit the floor before it was hoovered up.

    1. Maybe you could sell your jam with the name of “Oscar’s Jam.” With a photo on the label;-)

      1. I don’t have a commercially approved kitchen. I’ll be giving it away to my neighbours instead 🙂

  48. After months of cynical ‘leadership games’, the Tory party is in free fall to extinction.

    The unelected rich kids – Sunak and Hunt – have declared a downward path.
    Commonsense dictates that “When you’re in a hole, you should stop digging.”

    Government in Britain has broken down; I fear that there is no peaceful option for a return to democracy.

    Eventually, kids will have fight for their smart phone lifestyle et al …

    1. The intent is to stabilse the debt, not to create growth. The plan is to ram us back into the EU. Every policy – every single one, from banning fracking, to the obsession with net zero, to state waste – is designed solely to ensure we do not deviate one iota from the hated EU.

      1. It’s interesting that one of the Chancellor’s stated aims is to get the deficit down to 3% of GDP.

        Cynics will note that to rejoin the EU our budget deficit must be 3% or less.

        What a coincidence !!

    2. When will the rats on the Conservative back benches wake up to the fact that it is now time to desert the sinking ship or they will be drowned?

    1. Sell the vaccine at ANY price. I wish I could say I am suprised. When it all started and when I found out early on that the government had lifted the imdemnity on the drug companies it made my mind up to have non of it. When I explained to people I knew at the time, they said the government would not let us take it if it was not right. I just could not believe just how stupid so many people are. Why did they not investigate for themselves.

    2. Sell the vaccine at ANY price. I wish I could say I am suprised. When it all started and when I found out early on that the government had lifted the imdemnity on the drug companies it made my mind up to have non of it. When I explained to people I knew at the time, they said the government would not let us take it if it was not right. I just could not believe just how stupid so many people are. Why did they not investigate for themselves.

    3. I just watched the whole thing. Not sure what I was expecting – Stew Peters is very intelligent, but he does produce tabloid style TV, albeit strongly fact-based.
      I got the impression the film has two goals: to persuade people that the deaths are part of a deliberate depopulation attempt, but also to scare the living daylights out of people who took the vaxx only because they were scared by all the covid fear pron on the TV and mainstream media.
      Everything in the documentary is true though – and the “side-effects are very rare” narrative is collapsing rather.

      1. Thank God – and thank Françoise, my lovely struck off doctor – that Caroline and I have not been jabbed and are continuing to take Vitamin Dand zinc every day.

        But in spite of all the evidence about the dangers of the gene therapy the evil fanatics have still not abandoned their murderous intentions.

      2. Today the BBC told its viewers that the programme is clearly an Extreme Right Wing collection of unsubstantiated scaremongering “False News”. Aaaargh!

        1. Do they think that the clots are faked then? And do they expect their viewers to believe that too? Scoundrels.

    4. I’ve just watched this in full, BoB. Thank you so much for putting it up. Can you tell me how to “save” it to send to other people to watch?

  49. That’s me off to bed.
    Got the afternoon in Derby tomorrow, hopefully with landlord’s contractor getting stepson’s flat ready for him to move back into for early next week.
    Though apparently it is not certain whether he WILL move back in or not.
    I am on the verge of telling THEM, i.e. Salvation Army Housing Association, Community Psychiatric Nurse, Maintenance contractors and the charity running the rehab place he is in, plus Social Services. to poke the bloody place up their arses!

    1. How could I not give her an up vote?

      What a lovely voice. What lovely guitar playing. What a tragedy she died so young

  50. Cranked up the keyboard and played and sang some songs….very poorly. I did notice the neighbours to our left turned up their TV. Mind you, they are both somewhat deaf. It must have been awful in here!

    1. He may even have lost the very large TRUMP-LOSE pot he had earmarked for the next two years,

    2. Not only a massive ponzi scheme but also a massive money laundering exercise. I wonder how many centuries Bankman-Fraud will receive in sentencing.

      1. I think the “thousands lost all their savings” narrative is a red herring actually. It was a crypto exchange, and you could get cheaper fees if you bought $100 worth of their FTX tokens.
        That’s actually not a bad deal if you were planning to use the exchange regularly – people expected to be able to sell the tokens again to get a bit of money back too. So while they had a lot of people buying the tokens, probably most of them only had the hundred dollars’ worth.
        My belief is that the whole thing was set up and financed with one motive, money laundering from the US public funds to various individuals. They just needed a pair of greedy, camera-friendly fools to be the fall guys.

  51. “Menopausal women in NHS allowed to work from home”. So will you have to pitch up at their place for a blood test? There are One million women in the workforce of 1.3m. I expect they will get in some of those expensive agency nurses to use up the extra £3.3bn thats been allocated. Some of what’s left of the workforce will be those who think they are women and will, of course, be entitled to home working.

  52. For others like me who sometimes have trouble sleeping…..

    There are some nights
    When sleep plays coy,
    Aloof and disdainful.
    And all the wiles
    That I employ to win
    Its service to my side
    Are useless as wounded pride
    And much more painful.

    Insomniac Maya Angelou

    1. You don’t need to tell me about insomnia – my curse.

      Would Maya Angelou share my bed and we can talk about it – among other things?

      1. Sorry Tom, she died in 2014. An African American poet who wrote some good poems and some not so good stuff. I like some of her writings.

  53. Good night, everyone. I’ve slept so much today (even after a very late rising) that I doubt if I will be able to sleep tonight. So I will stay up and read a book until my eyes grow weary. I hope you all have a good night’s sleep and awake rested and refreshed tomorrow.

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