Tuesday 24 August: Tony Blair kept shaking the kaleidoscope of world order that has left Afghanistan in pieces

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

651 thoughts on “Tuesday 24 August: Tony Blair kept shaking the kaleidoscope of world order that has left Afghanistan in pieces

  1. Morning, all Y’all!
    Still looking at the daisies from the sunny side, so it’s a good day so far.

      1. ‘Morning Stormy and Oberst. Having packed off children and grandchildren for a 6.30am departure, after several very busy days, I sort of expected to seize that crown this morning. However, just grateful to be awake – as always – and looking forward to my belated birthday breakfast at a little caff on the seafront under blue sky and sunshine. It doesn’t get much better than that!

          1. ‘Morning AWK. None so far (that we know about) but with 800+ flooding the southeast coast on Saturday, and several Lifeboats/sea taxis running around in so-called rescues, it can only be a matter of time before we are the beneficiaries of some navigational errors, for which we should of course feel suitably enriched.

        1. Morning Huge,
          Happy belated birthday. When was it? I’ve been hors de combat for a few days so missed it.

          1. Thanks for your birthday wishes, it was on the 19th. Sorry to hear that your are not 100%, and trust things will improve asap.

          2. All’s good Dev. I went off to Welsh Wales for a few days last week but have been back at work since Monday. I also did a couple of ‘second job’ shifts on the weekend. Hoping for a good pay slip this month πŸ™‚

      2. I just happened to be here when Geoff put up the page.
        Morning, Stormy. All well, I hope.

        1. Yep. Me too. I had just got home from work and logged in on the off chance. Only Mondays page was showing but what seemed like seconds later, Geoff had posted Tuesday’s so you must have beaten me by a hair’s breadth.

  2. We stand with the Afghan people and support their aspiration for a better life. Dominic Raab 24 August 2021.

    In addition, the Home Secretary has announced the Afghan citizens’ resettlement scheme, under which we will welcome up to 5,000 vulnerable Afghans over the next year, and up to a total of 20,000 over four years. We will work with the UN to facilitate that process.

    The UK priority throughout has been to secure the airport and the case processing centre so that we can get as many people through and onto planes as possible. We have over 1,000 military personnel on the ground in Kabul, all supported by our crisis centre at the FCDO. They are working 24/7 to support those in need.

    We are pursuing these strategic priorities, using all the means at our disposal – to protect the gains of the last twenty years, and stand with the Afghan people, supporting their aspiration for a better life.

    Morning everyone. You will find no mention of the British People in this article. Raab and his accomplices have no democratic mandate for what they are doing! This is not some noble enterprise but a squalid betrayal of their office and the hopes and futures of the people. It is also the ending of a whole way of life; of a history and culture that has enlightened the World. All this is going!


    1. Do you ever get the feeling that with so many interpreters apparent in Afghanistan, they didnt actually need any, er, interpreters.

      1. There will be prove to more interpreters in Afghanistan than there were resistance fighters in post WWII France…

    2. I see that someone on our “no fly” list managed to get on a plane anyway and get here – seems he has now vanished [what, I hear you cry, no quarantine?]

  3. mng all. Woke overdrive re Charles Lynton virtual signalling. Plus wtf is Tashi Lhunpo Monastery UK Trust? :

    SIR – Tony Blair, the former prime minister, wishes to re-write history.

    At the George Bush Senior Presidential Library, on April 7 2002, he boasted of playing a successful role in ousting the Taliban and al-Qaeda from Afghanistan. He said: β€œI have been involved as British Prime Minister in three conflicts involving regime change.”

    He named them: Milosevic, Sierra Leone and the Taliban. The emphasis was on there being surgical, speedy and effective strikes. He cited these as credentials for applying the same swift panacea to Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.

    We are still living with the chaos in the Middle East and Africa caused by this intervention and the consequent immigration crises through Europe’s porous borders. It is a bit late, 20 years on, for him to be delivering sermons on how to clear up the mess which he was instrumental in creating.

    The Taliban were not toppled by Tony Blair. His legacy has come back to haunt him and the world. He may wish us to forget his Labour Party speech in October 2001, a month after the destruction of the World Trade Centre: β€œThe kaleidoscope has been shaken. The pieces are in flux. Soon they will settle. Before they do, let us re-order this world around us.” We are still waiting, Mr Blair.

    Derek Harris
    Sharrington, Norfolk

    SIR – Where has the current rash of national self-loathing come from? We blame ourselves for the fact that a well-armed Afghan army deserted in days when faced by a disorganised militia, that a workaholic Foreign Secretary had the nerve to be on holiday when it did so, and that he failed to telephone an Afghan official who had already left his post.

    Our Nato allies are caught in a similar bind, but they don’t beat themselves up about it. Nor should we.

    Tony Jones
    London SW7

    SIR – President Joe Biden sought to justify his calamitous Afghanistan pullout as β€œending America’s longest war” of 20 years. In that he is wrong.

    For 45 years, America led the democratic world in an armed confrontation with communism. This was against a force that did not just threaten wealth or territory but was an ideological challenge to our way of life.

    The Cold War featured violent skulduggery and proxy conflicts, and it required a massive marshalling of military might to overcome.

    American determination ensured we eventually prevailed over a moral and philosophical threat. But with the pull-out from Afghanistan, Mr Biden has signalled America’s surrender to the dogma of Islamism.

    Robert Frazer
    Salford, Lancashire

    SIR – This terrible situation in Afghanistan has confirmed what many people already knew: that President Biden is not fit for office.

    He is an old man who seems neither physically nor mentally able to deal with the pressures of his position.

    It beggars belief that he is virtually abandoning many thousands of Afghan men, women and children who have been helping the Nato forces for the last 20 years, at their own great peril. All this is to enable him to tell the American public that he got out of Afghanistan by the anniversary of September 11 2001. He and, it appears, a number of his most senior advisers have shown an absence of forethought on the outcome of their decisions.

    John Horton
    Tadcaster, North Yorkshire

    SIR – In Afghanistan a proper plan is desperately needed to rescue those still in the country who have the right to come to Britain or go to the United States.

    Better brains than mine will produce one, but for a start we need to bring the Taliban on side by the promise of substantial financial aid which their country will need to recover from recent events. This may stick in the craw but we now need pragmatism, not idealism.

    Major Colin Robins
    Bowdon, Cheshire

    SIR – The sacrifice made by our soldiers in Afghanistan is not wasted. A whole generation of Afghans has caught a glimpse of freedom and a host of young women, in particular, have been given inspiration for their dreams.

    Heather Blackwell
    Garstang, Lancashire

    SIR – On the subject of Afghan refugees, a Foreign Office junior minister, James Cleverly, said on Sunday night: β€œObviously the more time we’ve got, the more people we can evacuate.”

    He should have added: and the more potential jihadists we will allow to enter Britain. On past form, vetting refugees from predominantly Muslim countries has been badly flawed.

    Peter Brown
    Ulverston, Cumbria

    SIR – Pakistan may, as the High Commissioner of Pakistan says (Letters, August 23), be host to millions of Afghan refugees. This is not surprising considering the common border.

    Let us not forget, though, that Abbottabad – the site of the Pakistan Military Academy no less – was also the host to Osama bin Laden. Supposedly the Pakistan government knew nothing about it.

    Eddie Lodge
    Plymouth, Devon

    Sacking care staff

    SIR – I am chair of trustees of a private care home. In March 2020 we were given no option but to accept some residents with Covid back from hospital.

    Despite all precautions, the disease rampaged through residents and staff. Many older people died, with only our loyal and loving carers at their side. Of staff, 90 per cent caught the disease. They recovered and returned. We have been clear of Covid for over 15 months.

    Now I am told I must sack staff who do not wish to be vaccinated. Their loyalty, skill and competence are not in question. How can I in all conscience sack someone who has done nothing wrong? This draconian rule only applies to care homes in England. Where is the justice in that?

    I have been vaccinated and support vaccination but how is it reasonable to take people’s jobs because they do not wish to endure this invasive procedure? They cannot be made redundant because the job is still open.

    This law hasn’t been thought through. It would have been better if we had been allowed to keep the staff we have and not employ any new unvaccinated staff. I am in despair about this injustice.

    Barbara Korzeniowska
    London W13

    Diligent DVLA

    SIR – Strange that the DVLA is in a pickle and failing to provide renewed licences (Letters, August 23). Even stranger that it can supply my vehicle registration number to private parking companies in a matter of hours.

    John Waller
    Berkhamsted, Hertfordshire

    Unmasked on the bus

    SIR – On my local bus there is a notice asking passengers to wear a face covering but pleading for tolerance towards those who do not.

    It explains that there are many valid reasons, not always obvious, why a person may not be wearing one, including health, age or equality. What on earth does this mean?

    Edward Jenkins
    Coventry, Warwickshire

    The future of rail

    SIR – A rail industry report has said that 60 per cent of commuters, estimated to be 52 per cent of rail passengers, are expected back.

    The rest of the market is made up of business passengers and the leisure market: day trips, visiting friends and relatives, short breaks, music and sporting events, and so on. The latter market comprised around 30 per cent of travellers and the report expected that this sector would bounce back to a higher figure: fewer commuters but more opportunity for leisure.

    The peak commuting time is traditionally from mid-September to the end of November. We should know by Christmas, barring any further virus waves, who has gone back to work and who is using rail or not.

    Rail freight has been running at nearly 100 per cent for most of the pandemic and the West Coast Main Line especially will still be hard-pressed to accept much more until HS2 opens and releases capacity.

    John Brandon
    Tonbridge, Kent

    Police priorities

    SIR – We are told that Devon and Cornwall constabulary does not have the resources or manpower to scrutinise fully gun licence applications.

    In neighbouring Dorset, we are told (report, August 21) that there are sufficient resources to send undercover officers to nightclubs to make certain that there is no bottom-pinching. Priorities differ.

    Nigel Beale
    Poole, Dorset

    Watch their language

    SIR – My wife is German and we watch a lot of German television programmes.

    We have noticed that the Germans now use the English F-word regularly in many of their crime series.

    In the past they would use the word Scheisse, but now we hear the F-word in German language programmes virtually every day. It is sad.

    Keith Hall
    Ascot, Berkshire

    Chinese efforts to eliminate Tibetan culture

    SIR – You report (August 20) the chilling Chinese aim that Tibetans in Tibet should β€œspeak standard spoken and written Chinese and share the β€˜cultural symbols and images of the Chinese nation’ ”.

    What future now for Tibetans who are intensely proud of the richness of Tibetan culture, their own written and spoken language, Buddhist iconography, medical practice and folk tradition? Seventy years of Chinese occupation have not so far managed to destroy completely this unique culture.

    Perhaps China’s β€œall-round efforts” are designed finally to eliminate any cultural individuality. How incredibly sad.

    Jane Rasch
    Tashi Lhunpo Monastery UK Trust
    Salisbury, Wiltshire

    GPs are right not to see every patient in person

    SIR – The idea that the public should be able to see a GP in person if they wish is a recipe for the waste of GPs’ time.

    Covid has taught GPs that there are better ways of managing their business by ensuring that they only see patients that need their level of expertise. This has been achieved by triaging, which focuses GPs’ skills where they are most effective, to the considerable benefit of the public.

    GPs are attempting to implement the valuable lessons learnt during Covid and resisting pressure to return to the wasteful procedures of the past, particularly from the older generation, who find change very difficult.

    Brian Whittingham

    SIR – As a GP of over 40 years’ experience, I wholly endorse your criticism of the current dangerous and unethical circumstances whereby GPs are consulting primarily by telephone or email and refusing to see patients in person, without first forcing them through a near-impassable series of defensive barriers.

    I’m deeply ashamed to see the majority of my fellow professionals apparently support this disaster, which is the direct consequence of a highly inefficient, bureaucratic and self-serving nationalised industry (the NHS), propped up by the ideology of a Left-wing trade union (the British Medical Association).

    Dr Anthony Fincham
    Ashford, Kent

    1. Barbara Korzeniowska – don’t sack the staff. Fuck the government. Time for pushback.

      1. My thoughts entirely; is it actually a law or a heavy-handed guideline? Any employee who finds themselves in this position should get an legal agreement written up for their employers to sign taking full liability for any health issues arising from any such ‘forced’ vaccination. That may help to clarify a matters.

    2. Barbara Korzeniowska – don’t sack the staff. Fuck the government. Time for pushback.

    3. Keep drinking the vintage port, Major Robins. The qualification,…”those who have the right to come to Britain…” does not apply. Anyone in Afghanistan may come to the UK without let or hindrance. Anyone without papers of any kind may come to the UK and receive free bed and board for their entire lives.
      There are, of course, exceptions. These include American Christian preachers, Australian teachers, and others of the white persuasion. They are banned.

    1. GM AWK he can then follow up ‘Sandal in the Wind’ with ‘Sandals on the Ground’ after his beloved Rapeugees throw him & his Husband from the roof!

    2. Of course Mother Theresa died at about the same time as the Princess of Wails and Elton’s song was entitled:

      Sandals in the Bin

      And Reginald Dwight is now wondering to whom he should dedicate “This is Your Thong” when she dies!

      Top of the list is Madonna.

    3. Of course Mother Theresa died at about the same time as the Princess of Wails and Elton’s song was entitled:

      Sandals in the Bin

      And Reginald Dwight is wondering to whom he should dedicate “This is Your Thong” when she dies!

  4. Latest Breaking Pandemic News, SAGE scientists have made a breakthrough discovery to cure covid and the pandemic – Let the Taliban invade and it all melts away

  5. ‘Morning, Peeps,

    Police priorities
    SIR – We are told that Devon and Cornwall constabulary does not have the resources or manpower to scrutinise fully gun licence applications.

    In neighbouring Dorset, we are told (report, August 21) that there are sufficient resources to send undercover officers to nightclubs to make certain that there is no bottom-pinching. Priorities differ.

    Nigel Beale
    Poole, Dorset

    I have news for you, Mr Beale: here in yer East Sussex the practice of openly supporting LGBTQWERTY++ types has been in full swing for some years now, with ‘repainted’ emergency vehicles being promoted by none other than our impartial (obviously) Police and Crime Commisioner, who never fails to turn up at every ‘Pride’ event for the usual photo-op and, at the same time, to watch officers from ‘her’ police farce indulging in uniformed cavorting instead of undertaking the serious and essential duties for which we pay them. However, we can at least take comfort from this activity that there is obviously no so-called funding crisis in these organisations and therefore we can look forward to a freeze in the precept…

      1. When a culture that has multiple wives and multiple kids by each, is waved in then the cost to us is tremendious, financially and culturally. One male dinghy arrival could end up getting his whole family here. 3 wives, four kids each. – – so 3 x 5bed houses. all paid for by us. Unsustainable – and that is why it is being continued. Meanwhile, local beeb radio has the hard hitting topic of “What food you couldn’t do without”.

  6. 337081+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,

    Tuesday 24 August: Tony Blair kept shaking the kaleidoscope of world order that has left Afghanistan in pieces

    “the common denominator in these politico’s is the awareness of the importance of quality” & the plain honest fact is they are totally lacking
    on ALL fronts, Afghanistan, DOVER,etc.

    Another plain honest fact is these three parties have proved,
    are continuing to prove to endanger indigenous peoples welfare, with in the main, GAY abandon, ( the POOF patrol).

    These parties are given succour on a regular basis and kept operating via
    council elections, General Elections,under the Country crippling excuse
    “there were no other options”

    YOU build OTHER OPTIONS they are NOT gifted, it involves dedication &

  7. Girl, 17, is attacked by two men and raped as she walks her dog in nature reserve. 24 August 2021.

    She had left her home at around 7pm, and was walking her dog when she was ambushed by two men. One of the men took the dog from her, while the other pushed her to the ground and raped her, police said.

    The two men are described as; a black male with braided hair, around 5ft 8″ aged between 20 and 30 with an African accent, wearing a dark coloured puffer jacket with royal blue sleeves, dark jeans with a belt and dark trainers with bubbles in the sole.

    A bald white male, aged between 20 and 30, with a short beard and a Manchester accent, wearing a white long sleeved t-shirt with a v-neck, dark coloured jeans with white trainers.

    Keep your eyes open for more of this! Much more!


  8. Good morning all. Before I head off to release golf balls back into the wild, here’s something a little OT. As Princess Nut Nuts and Mr Symonds delve ever deeper into the watermelon patch, it appears the movement of the Overton window is not a recent phenomenon.

    An article in ‘The Stretchford Chronicles: 25 Years of peter Simple’ from 1974 (typos my own);

    Central Issue
    “What the country needs.” says some Liberal politician or other, “is a ‘revolt of the Centre.'” Is it? What we must first do, before any revolting begins, is to define this so-called ‘Centre.'”
    The fact is that during the last 20 years or so a semantic shift has occurred by which what was formerly the moderate Left has come to be called the “Centre,” while what was formerly the Centre, patriotic, firm for law and order, moral standards and so on, has come to be called the “Right” or the “Lunatic Fringe.”
    What is now called the “Centre,” whether it is nominally Liberal, Conservative or Labour, is simply the liberal consensus, liberal with a small “l.”
    It is the body of opinion which favours “power-sharing”, multiracialism and the anti-discrimination industry in general, sanctions against Rhodesia, moderate “permissiveness”, selective disapproval for certain foreign governments, internationalism and so on and so forth. It feeds on cliches and meaningless formulae of goodwill and fairness, which it greatly prefers to taking a straight look at what the enemies of this country, internal and external, are really up to, and acting accordingly.
    This “Centre” is supposed to represent the opinion of all “ordinary, sensible people.” But, as anyone who has talked to any number of real people, as opposed to abstractions, will know, it does not represent them at all. Far from it.
    What need has this fallacious, cosy and essentially fraudulent “Centre” for revolt? It is in all the seats of power now. What the country needs is a revolt against it, which will put back the genuine Centre there instead.

    1. 337081+ up ticks,
      Morning Ftc,
      Agree totally, trouble being that the lab/lib/con coalition
      current member / voters would disagree, totally.

      The way I see it now is as right / left being reset & replaced by RIGHT / WRONG.

    1. World population in 1950: 2,550,000,000
      World population in 2021: 7,888,355,000

      More than tripled in a just a fraction under my lifetime.

      1. And we know what happens when the population becomes too great for the food & space available.
        Morning, Grizz.

      2. Morning Grizzly,

        Alarming isn’t .

        I regret not having the pleasure of being a grandmother , but my two sons have the same observations as you .. both now in late forties and early fifties …

        Sons are too involved in their hobbies and other interests .. They are not really keen on the idea of offspring .

  9. Sun gone. Drizzle. Gus is off his food. Under observation. Sick in the night. He prefers to sleep. A bit of a worry.

  10. Vladimir Putin orders nuclear submarines to boost navy forces – but Kremlin vows not to interfere in Afghanistan crisis. 24 August 2021.

    Vladimir Putin wants to arm Russia with “state-of-the-art weapons” to boost the “potential” of his country’s navy. However, the Kremlin has insisted it will not be interfering in the ongoing crisis in Afghanistan following the Taliban’s takeover.

    Why would Vlad want to β€œinterfere” in the Afghanistan Crisis? He can sit there and watch the West destroying itself! As to the submarines they will not become relevant for the five or six years that it will take to build them!


      1. Please pass on my regards. I met Wester on a visit to Achiltibuie a few years ago.

    1. Any word on what she thought when indigenous population murdered / maimed by asylum seekers in the UK?

    2. What is the correct empathic response to an immigrant terrorist who has blown up a member of your family with a bomb or beheaded him or her with an axe or a dagger?

    3. Its very unfortunate, but maybe if the UK didn’t have an open-door policy, these folk would not be setting off on a lilo across the Channel, and the poor wee lad would not have died? So, in fact, I blame Edda Haddad and Patel, the Boarder Farce and RNLI for facilitating their death.

      1. There are fifty two Muslim states in the world.

        As nearly all Afghans are strict Muslims they would be welcomed by their co-religionists but they are being encouraged to settle here instead.


        1. Saudi won’t have a single one, nd likely their neighbours too.
          Anyhow, pretty well all muslim states are shiteholes, so given the choice of UK or them, where would you go?

  11. Good morning, Nottlers!

    Sometimes it’s a nice change from gloom and doom to read about serious matters couched in ironic irreverence:

    In his YouTube videos, Jake Davison looked like a young Rolf Harris. Davison was the 22-year-old self-proclaimed β€œincel” who went on a shooting rampage in Plymouth, England, last week, killing five, including a 3-year-old girl. Davison’s reason for the murders? He couldn’t get laid because women found him unattractive.

    β€œThe Taliban is the Ralph Kramden of extremists, if Kramden had actually followed up on every threat to beat the crap out of his wife.”
    Which brings us back to Rolf Harris. Harris, the hugely successful (in his prime) Australian singer, songwriter, comedian, actor, and inventor of the wobble board (this guy was so big, the Beatles once sang backup for him), looked like a goon. Stupid red afro, stupid red neckbeard, stupid red mustache. But hot damn the guy got laid like crazy, by singing stupid songs about kangaroos, abos, and men with an extra leg (you had to be there…it wasn’t funny then, either). Harris got so much tail they literally imprisoned him for it.

    But there was Jake Davison, stupid red afro, stupid red neckbeard, and stupid red mustache, bitching endlessly on YouTube that women didn’t like him and he was too ugly to get a girl. So he killed five innocent people.

    This is the central problem with incels: It’s never the way you look (as demonstrated by Harris). It’s the way you act (as demonstrated by Harris). Of course, like so many incels, Davison, who was too frightened to approach women in a bar, wasn’t at all frightened to shoot them. Which brings up perhaps the key mental disconnect that plagues incels: Women like bad boys. Women don’t like psychos. But incels can only do psycho.

    They need to learn the difference.

    So, as a public service, here’s a handy guide for incels everywhereβ€”the difference between β€œbad boy” and β€œpsycho”:

    Taking the girl for a ride on your chopper (bad boy). Shoving her face into the rotating blades of a chopper (psycho).

    Wearing a leather jacket (bad boy). Wearing a leather jacket made from the tanned hide of a murdered prostitute (psycho).

    Grunting and speaking in monosyllabic words (bad boy). Shrieking like a banshee and screaming, β€œWeeble-geeble-geeble-woo-woooooo!” (psycho).

    Staring down a guy in a bar who’s trying to hit on your date (bad boy). Staring down a guy in a bar who’s politely asking you to take your penis off the pool table (psycho).

    Being indifferent to the fact that she likes you (bad boy). Being indifferent to the fact that you’re standing completely naked in the middle of Target (psycho).

    Walking with the confidence of knowing that you’re the coolest man on earth (bad boy). Walking with the confidence of knowing that the talking emu that lives in your brain is keeping you safe from the evil gibbon robots that surround your bed every night (psycho).

    Starting an illegal campfire on a beach while telling your date, β€œThe laws don’t apply to us, babe” (bad boy). Grabbing your date and hurling the both of you off a cliff while telling her, β€œThe laws of gravity don’t apply to us, babe” (psycho).

    While it’s too late for Jake Davison, who went down on the barrel of his shotgun as police arrived, hopefully other incels will learn from this guide and become, if not better people, at least not as much of a societal ass-wart as they currently are.

    Worship the spirit of criticism. If reduced to itself it is not an awakener of ideas or a stimulant to great things, but, without it, everything is fallible; it always has the last word.
    Louis Pasteur
    Actual scientist

    Science science science science science science science.
    Nancy Pelosi
    Old hag

    The β€œspirit of criticism” regarding science has not only not been worshipped by politicians, health institutes, unions, corrupt government doctors, and Big Tech, it hasn’t even been respected. Indeed, it’s been launched into the air and blasted like a clay pigeon.

    Worse still, it’s literally been banned. β€œThe spirit of criticism,” when it comes to official Covid-related decrees, had its Twitter account permanently suspended and all its Facebook pages pulled.

    But of course, Pasteur was correct. Without criticism, science becomes unreliable. Hence the never-ending flow of stories about how previously β€œsound” Covid claims and policies have turned out to be unsound, and jeez why’d it take so long to find out? It’s almost like people shoulda been allowed to question this stuff when it was first presented to the public as holy writ.

    And now we learn that all those stifling pods and cubicles and shields we’ve had to live with in schools, retail establishments, grocery stores, government buildings, and officesβ€”the things we were told were necessary to keep β€œCovid death breath” from being inhaledβ€”were actually helping spread the disease the whole time!

    Who woulda thought that forcing people to live every day like they’re Eichmann in Jerusalem would be a bad thing?

    From The New York Times:

    Covid precautions have turned many parts of our world into a giant salad bar, with plastic barriers separating sales clerks from shoppers, dividing customers at nail salons and shielding students from their classmates…. Sometimes the barriers can make things worse. Research suggests that in some instances, a barrier protecting a clerk behind a checkout counter may redirect the germs to another worker or customer. Rows of clear plastic shields, like those you might find in a nail salon or classroom, can also impede normal air flow and ventilation.

    You don’t say!

    β€œErecting plastic barriers can change air flow in a room, disrupt normal ventilation and create β€˜dead zones,’ where viral aerosol particles can build up and become highly concentrated.” What’s truly astonishing is that, according to the Times, the scientific community has had full knowledge of this cause-and-effect since a landmark 2013 U.K. study of the use of partitions in hospitals.

    So our leaders knew from the get-go that these barriers would make things worse. But they also knew that the barriers would frighten, disorient, intimidate, and panic.

    After all, what symbolizes crowd β€œcontrol” better than a barrier?

    Which is why even in the face of the NYT piece, the teachers’ unions are still pushing for classroom barriers.

    Pasteur is passΓ©. Pelosi’s the way to go-si.

    Just keep repeating β€œscience” mindlessly on your way through that plastic maze at the supermarket, like a good little hamster.


  12. 337081+ up ticks,
    The ultimate in cross channel fare dodgers,

    Could he be the one with the matches that the thousand’s already in place
    within these Isles are waiting for to strike the light signalling the hostile take over ?

    Security suspect escaped to UK from Kabul
    Safety concerns as Border Force stops individual on no-fly watchlist who dodged evacuation checks

    1. We have given up as completely as Biden has given up. Boris Johnson, his wife and his cronies are without doubt as mentally feeble as Sleepy Joe is.
      (Over 800 illegal arrived by dinghy on Saturday)

      To quote Enoch Powell on immigration:

      We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre. So insane are we that we actually permit unmarried persons to immigrate for the purpose of founding a family with spouses and fiancΓ©es whom they have never seen.

      But of course over half the number 50,000 which Powell quotes will be arriving illegally on the South Coast in rubber dinghies each year – not to mention all the other illegals and ‘legals’ arriving each year.

      1. 337081+ up ticks,
        Morning R,
        Lest “WE” forget I was, as with many more, long term activist now Ex member of UKIP, we wanted controlled immigration if any so have played no hand in the creation of the reset, replace campaign well into it’s ongoing being, that is sorely down to the lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled immigration / mass embarcation of potential troops at DOVER campaign coalition.

        We were tagged as fruitcakes, maybe so, BUT we were patriotic English / GB fruitcakes.

  13. Good morning my Nottler friends

    What do you think?

    Who’s greater, John Lennon or Paul McCartney?
    As a new documentary airs, our writers size up the finest songwriting duo in history



    Paul Mc Cartney’s songs and music were far more sensitive and empathetic and his melodies were haunting. But the brasher, coarser Lennon was probably the driving force which got the band started.

    1. My own opinion is that they were both formidable talents. Lennon was the more intuitive musician and composer (the term ‘genius’ is hyperbole) and I do believe that having such close proximity to him for an extended period led to some of his influence being picked up (soaked up) by McCartney.

      McCartney, with lots of encouragement and mentorship from George Martin, became a master of arrangements; however, he never matched Lennon’s intuition for composing innovative and meaningful lyrics.

    2. As musicians, probably Lennon. As people, McCartney by a country mile; Lennon was an arsh0le.

    3. Lennon was indeed the power behind getting the Beatles going, they were originally The Quarrymen and were going just prior to Lennon meeting McCartney. I played guitar with JL whilst he was forming the Quarrymen at my old school Quarry Bank High School in Liverpool. McCartney was the more musically bent of the two but Lennon, in my opinion, was the more imaginative.

      1. Gosh! That’s your claim to fame then! How come you didn’t make it big-time in the Beatles?

        1. JL was a prat, I got the cane through him a couple of times and I’d got my career mapped out from an early age – I was going to be an engineer in the RAF. I did however play in various groups and the one I was in whilst serving in Germany played all the Beatles stuff – we were considering going pro but the uncertainty for those with young families put us off. This group did manage to play on the same bill as the Fortunes at the Storyville Jazz Club in Cologne and we also broadcast on a show of Bill Crozier on British Forces network

      1. Eccles in Lancashire. Ecclesfield is in Yorkshire but they don’t bake “Ecclesfield cakes”. Eccleshall is in Staffordshire.

          1. I’ve been on it many times in the past. Can’t remember the names of the pubs but I’ve eaten in Uncle Sam’s Chuckwagon and Yankee’s.

  14. ‘Morning again.

    A comprehensive demolition of the idea that battery cars will save the planet…says it all for me. I particularly like the phrase ‘green delusion’:

    Lilli Bolero
    23 Aug 2021 3:49PM
    Elsewhere in the DT we have the relentless green propaganda in the DT about battery cars saving you money in 3 years!

    Our economy has become a green delusion based on banning real industry and subsidising unreliable polluting alternatives.

    EVs, which are typically Β£10,000 more expensive than their petrol equivalents, are mostly bought by wealthy families as second or third cars, or business tax reductions while electricity bills are paid by everyone and the subsidies.

    A third of UK motorists cannot afford even the cheapest electric car, economists at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) have warned. That means that 10 million households can’t afford switching their petrol and diesel cars for electric ones.

    Last year, the transport department spent Β£61m in grants to wealthy buyers of Tesla cars after the company launched its Β£40,000 Model 3. Since 2011 the taxpayers have handed out Β£1.1bn to subsidise well-off buyers of green cars, paying buyers up to Β£2,500 of the purchase price of electric cars.

    Tesla’s success — In just the first nine months of 2020,Elon Musk’s electric-car venture, Tesla, received a whopping $1.2 billion in regulatory credits – from California and other states in America, from the US federal government and even from the European Union. That’s $1.2 billion without making a single extra car – just for making cars that aren’t based on fossil fuels. Mr Musk sells his credits to Honda, General Motors and Fiat Chrysler (FCA) – car giants that haven’t got out of gasoline and into electric fast enough, as far as the US authorities are concerned.

    Without coercion, banning petrol cars, carbon taxes and taking money from the poor to subsidise battery cars there would be little demand. Battery cars are neither green nor clean and the electricity from unreliable windmills requires further billions in annual subsidies.


    Incidentally, the replacement of gas with hydrogen is given similar treatment in the latest episode of Science in Action, still available on BBC Sounds (yes, the BBC!).

    1. Good morning Very Big Bum

      A good post from which I quote: A third of UK motorists cannot afford even the cheapest electric car, economists at the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) have warned. That means that 10 million households can’t afford switching their petrol and diesel cars for electric ones.

      When you add in the cost of exchanging your gas boiler for heating water and keeping the house passably warm in a cold winter one can see that the environment is not what our repulsive political class wants. What it wants is to shaft us all. Covid restrictions have nothing to do with our health – they are part of the same move to control us all.

        1. You wait until the winter and new arrivals start bridging their electricity meters and by passing the gas meters. Boom town !

    2. Electric cars are only cheaper to run because they are tax dodgers. Without the biased taxes petrol and diesel cars would be cheaper to run.

      1. …and just wait for their huge reduction in value when it comes to battery replacement, assuming of course that the means to manufacture them still exist.

    3. Green is a scam from start to finish. It’s simply another desperate effort to take money from the working poor. The rich benefit, the poor pay for it.

    1. I wonder how much she is paid for spouting such rubbish? I think more youngsters are turned off by the misandry of women. Why isn’t anything being done about that? I used to have a job where there were high school seniors doing part time jobs. Not one of these kids had any intention of getting married or having a long term relationship because in their eyes it wasn’t worth it. Each of them were of the opinion that women would use them then kick them out after taking their children, wallets and homes. So what was the point in anything more than a casual relationship? It is women and their conduct with men that generated that attitude in the young men and then women have the nerve to lecture about “incels” as if they were entirely blameless for what is turning men off.

      1. no idea what she’s paid for virtue signalling propaganda. The moment any of them attempt introducing their version of woke language, I close their space down at outset. They know they’re spouting irrelevant crap in a vague attempt to feel important. They expose their own weaknesses, if they wish to do so via MSM, then expect the blowback in spades. Luckily for me, I’ve only met one of these morons here in Nairobi 2 months ago, he lasted 1 minute and left when he was told “spout this BS here, better have a will prepared, you’re already on borrowed time”. Kenyan lads marked his card immediately. Never seen again. Then he did take money under false pretences “working” for UN Family Planning Association, another gaggle of wasters

      2. ITV are complicit in inviting her (and those like her) onto their idiotic programme. Good job I don’t watch ITV. Never have!

    2. Does that vacuum-headed bitch actually know what she’s spouting? Does she really possess sufficient neurons to believe that bollocks?

      1. Apparently there is a ‘community’ of ‘incels’ (sic). Do they wear uniforms? Do they have a website? Do they have meetings?

        Once upon a time the world was so simple…

        1. It still is, but there are now permoffended desperate to profit from truth they dislike.

  15. Each According To His Life
    Three men died and went to heaven. Heaven had a new policy that whatever good or bad things a person did in his or her life, he or she would get a car accordingly. When the first man arrived, an angel asked him, “How many years were you married?”

    The first man responded, “Twenty years.”
    “How many times did you cheat on your wife?”
    “Five times,” the man said.
    “Okay,” the angel said, “you can go in but you will only get a Fiat.”

    As the first man drove away in his Fiat, the second man arrived. “How many years were you married, young man?” the angel asked.

    “Ten years.” “How many times did you cheat on your wife?”
    “Two times,” he responded. “Well done. Here is your Volvo S40.”

    As the second man drove away, the third man arrived. He was a very old man. The angel asked him, “How many years were you married, old man?”
    “Forty years.”
    “And how many times did you cheat on your wife?”

    The angel smiled and held out a set of shining keys. “Excellent, Here is your Jaguar 2000.”
    A little later, the first and second men were driving and they came across the old man, who was crying and really depressed. They went over and asked him why he was very sad even though he had a very nice car.

    He told them that he just saw his wife and she was on rollerblades.

    1. Took a while, but got there in the end.

      I can’t imagine the warqueen cheating on me. She has every opportunity to, and is an incredibly beautiful, intelligent, witty woman.

  16. Extinction Rebellion founder admits she drives a diesel car
    Dr Gail Bradbrook says she needs it to take her children to rugby and football


    The founder of Extinction Rebellion – the climate change protest group who on Monday locked down parts of London – has admitted that she drives a diesel car.

    In a fractious interview on TalkRadio on Monday, Dr Gail Bradbrook said she drives a diesel car because she cannot afford an electric vehicle.

    The 49-year-old, who founded XR in 2018, told presenter Cristo Foufas that she needs to use the car to take her children to rugby and football matches because there are no available buses near her home on a Sunday.

    Another one for whom “Don’t do as I do – do as I say” applies.

      1. I think you’ll find that they reverse the route into the Brighton to London rally. Practice runs are already taking place.

      2. On one of the police prorams a cop stopped a Chinese man, only arrived here day before – he was riding the moped, no helmet, probably no insurance, with a small child stood in front of him and another sat behind – neither had helmet. He seemed amazed he was stopped.

        1. He would be amazed to be stopped, as it’s such a common sight to see 2 adults and two kids on a scooter in India (and I presume, other Asian countries),. as is the headline “4 members of family killed when lorry ploughed into scooter”..

          1. I have the radio on all day and have been amazed at the number of reported crashes recently. I’m wondering if a lot are caused by new arrivals just buying a cheap vehicle and driving, no UK experience, no insurace never been on a motorway, etc – and that can soon be disastrous. Heard of one earlier – motorway closed two drivers arrested for causing death/severe injury by dangerous driving.

    1. Hallo to all. I would say good morning but it is almost 11.

      Anyway. The hypocrite could use Uber to shuttle her precious ones to and fro. Surely better that adding to the pollution with a diesel car. But then these people are all hypocrites. I don’t believe for one moment she can’t afford an electric vehicle and if she can’t I’m sure her fanatical followers would only be to happy to fork out the cash for her. Wouldn’t that be, on their part, a wonderful bit of virtue signalling for their Dear Leader?

    2. Why can’t her kids just stay at home and take the knee there whilst blocking the neighbours’ vehicles in their driveways.

        1. That reminds me of an interlude many years ago. I had parked up in a very large, desolate, untended and remote field near to The Wash on the Lincs/Norfolk border. My lady friend and I were sitting quietly taking in the scenery when we noticed a large scruffy estate car driving across the field in our direction at a very fast rate.

          As it pulled alongside I wound down the window and greeted the driver with a cheery, “Good afternoon.”

          “You’re on private land”, he snarled, “You shouldn’t be here!”

          “Bollocks!” I cheerily replied, “We’re doing no harm and you only broke your neck to get here in the hope of a quick perv. Now, be a good chap and f*ck off!”

          Off he went.

          1. If only! My MP at the time was the waste-of-space Limp Dim, Norman Lamb. He never once replied to any letter I wrote to hm, not even an acknowledgement.

            Waste of space wanker!

          2. perhaps ending your correspondence with “regards” as opposed to “Now be a good chap and fcuk off” might have solicited a response. Just a thought

          3. It didn’t feature in today’s East Midlands TV lunchtime bulletin. The stories that did give an insight into modern life:
            β€’ Schoolchildren being taught how to give first-aid to knife crime victims
            β€’ The theft of two lambs and a goat kid from a city farm in Leicester
            β€’ Boots has joined the online shopping service Deliveroo
            β€’ HS2
            β€’ Online ‘grooming’ (up considerably in Notts and Leics, down slightly in Derbys and Lincs)
            β€’ Paralympics

            Last night’s late bulletin didn’t mention it either but it did lead with the heart-warming story of a young woman who has returned safely from Talibanistan.

          4. No, I no longer have any contacts living in the area. I’ll look it up in the Derbyshire Times.

          5. Just seen it, Walter. St Helen’s Street I know well, it’s just off the town centre to the north.

    3. She’s madder than a box of frogs

      “She revealed that her holiday of self-discovery included taking hallucinogenic drugs that inspired her calling β€œto get with the spirit of the otter”.
      And she said it was β€œfilled with nature and the warm sea”, cooing over lizards, iguanas, birds that β€œnick your breakfast” and monkeys that β€œsmash mangoes on the roofs”. She also gushed that she wanted to use her visit to β€œexpress my most passionate self” in β€œthe most filthiest, animal way”.
      Bradbrook said she contacted a spirit known as Grandmother Ayahuasca and got a β€œkick up the a*** on negative habits”


    4. What ‘action’ does she propose to combat ‘climate change’? An eight thousand mile wide umbrella in space to shield us from the sun’s heat? Intriguing how her sort constantly demand ‘action’ but never go anywhere near the real hot potato problem of human overpopulation.

      1. Anyone can shout “Rain”. It’s those building an ark you should pay attention to.

        (I forget who said that.)

    5. Are these people completely insane ? Do they not see what is happening all over the UK ? Do they not notice that playing fields, allotments and ex (brownfield) agricultural land, is being gobbled up by developers all over our country, who are very keen to make millions by housing millions of immigrants (with tax payers money) on government orders, the carbon footprint per acre of land will expand massively and fly through the roof of all previously known statistics. What sort of bubble of pretence do these green idiots live in ?
      And meanwhile back in the Westmonster asylum, Boros and his uncivil servants is predicting that people with gas boilers to heat the homes and hot water are going to bare the costs of conversions. Unless he’s completely stupid he would already know that ground and air source pumps are hideously expensive and totally inefficient.

      1. I think they are already touting ‘grants’ at taxpayers’ expense to encourage people to have them fitted.

      2. The “bring everyone” charities baffle me. No thought of effect at all. Every arrival instantly costs us, and costs more every day, then more arrive etc etc, and the charities want more “govt” cash and more and more. Not a thought that it is in no way sustainable. The worlds worst Ponzi scheme.

        A completely unconnected question – Having never lived in the real countryside – – if you found a rat living in your house would you get rid of it – or invite more to move in?

        1. I have quite often had problems with rats, they get into my compost bins.
          I usually catch them in a rat cage, pop the cage into a water but and after about 20 minute when I know they are dead put them on the shed roof and the red kites swoop in and take them. Upcycling as it’s now referred to.

      3. Are these people completely insane? Of course they are. They lost touch with reality and real life years ago.

        1. I bet you enjoyed flying the spitfire Conners 😎
          I always wanted to fly in a Catalina there is one at Duxford, but I found out they are extremely noisy the have trips some where in Holland and land on water as well.

          1. I loved the Spitfire. Such a lady! It’s true you only have to think where you want to go and she goes. I’ve seen the Catalina at Cosford. I flew in a float plane when I was in Sydney. That was an experience and a half (not least the door coming open just as we landed at Rose Bay!).

    1. ” the government said that the person who reached Birmingham is no longer considered to be a threat, ” – -he got to Brum and suddenly he wasn’t a threat anymore?WOW.

      1. Previous roles include “National Expert in Migration, European Commission”- say no more!

      2. Sadly a massive overhaul of our political establishment is needed. Perhaps in time the new Taliban or rubber boaters will do this. What an absolute irony that would be.

    2. There are tens of thousands of jihadis resident in the UK who are on the security “watch lists”. It in no way inhibits their freedom or ability to act.
      If raids and interrogations are being carried out, the security people are keeping them even more hushed up than the vile crimes of the muslims.

      1. I imagine there is and such a well known figure is once again ‘on the outside’ spouting his vile so called religious opposition for the general public to hear. But our useless leaders and successive governments have let this happen because they are afraid of a riot, which happened some years ago in the midlands and much damage was carried out. The longer our governments let this medieval minded nonsense fester the worse it will become. And adding to the simmering cauldron by inviting more unknowns into the UK will make the next riot far worse.

  17. Peak stupidity reached.
    I read earlier that the NZ soccer team, which unlike its rugby counterpart, plays in an all white strip, is called the All Whites. (Imaginative command of words those Kiwis). Because this offends some of a delicate constitution, the team is going to change its name.

    I will expect the same treatment for the All Blacks for the same reason.

    In another article, there was the suggestion that the haka be dropped on the grounds that no-one really knows why some Pacific (ironic) countries are allowed to perform a threatening tribal war dance towards their opponents who are expected to watch politely and let them get on with it.
    Now that I agree with.

    1. Originally, the ABs played in dark outfits. However, it was their style of play that led a journalist to call them “all backs”. This was transformed by elision, printing, thr colour of their playing outfits, mishearing, time, etc to “All Blacks”.
      One wonders by what rhyming description the not very good NZ football team might have originally been called by some uncouth Antipodean journalist?

    2. The lunatics have taken over the asylum planet.

      They are in charge and control now. Be very scared.

    3. Did you see my post yesterday about this?

      Allow the haka – but allow people to mock the All Blacks in return.

      If the NZ team is allowed to stage an intimidating war dance at the start of a rugby match surely the All Blacks should be brave enough to put up with a bit of disrespect, mockery and ridicule without behaving like petulant babies? Corporal Jones comes to mind: They don’t like it up ’em .

      1. Given that NZ voted in the sainted Jacinda who has made them all prisoners, one wonders about the mentality there.

    1. Without the vaccinated proportions of similar people (by age, medical conditions etc) anyone would be foolish to take those vaccination figures as anything but an interesting footnote.

      We know the vaccine isn’t 100% effective and most vulnerable people have been vaccinated, so it’s hardly surprising that most deaths are to vaccinated people. I wonder what the profiles of the unvaccinated deaths are, including by ethnicity.

      1. The vaccine is intramuscular and apparently the needle isn’t big enough to get through the layers of fat on The Great British Blobster.
        Vaccine sits in, or vaguely wanders around layers of adipose tissue, but doesn’t reach muscles to take it round the body.

      1. We have three spare very cluttered bedrooms rooms , trying to clear stuff, but finding it difficult .

        Everyone else is doing the same , and charity shops are overwhelmed with house clearances etc .

          1. An English person’s home is his/her castle.
            Our PM must remember that. He cannot vandalise our homes because of his failures.

        1. linkyknit
          Meanwhile millennials delay marriage, children & house buying for years – if ever – squeezed by taxes, usurious rents and poor wages. Now we must keep paying thru the nose to import other people’s massive families. What a future. Childless wage serfs propping up mass migration.

          1. Both my sons are single – the elder one (50) bought his house over 25 years ago, and the younger (47) still rents his flat in Basel.

          2. Eldest could have bought a house years ago , but he was fleeced by a girlfriend .Lives here with us , I don’t mind , he is good company .

            Younger one 47yrs rents in Worthing

          3. And don’t forget many millennials are still lumbered with interest payment of over ten times the current BofE base rate on their student loans which which will keep them enslaved for most of their working lives.

            I have often given my suggested solutions for student loans but the trouble is our politicians want us enslaved by student loans, by covid, by electricity bills we cannot afford, by scrapping our gas boilers, by cars electric we cannot afford to buy or run.

          4. I’ve long advocated that student loans be either fixed interest rates (you borrow Β£1500, interest is 5% and front loaded, not cumulative) or part funded.

            It was to normalise debt. At the time, mostly middle class folks went to university and Brown saw a way to tax them even more. It’s also dubious that you’ll ever earn high amounts due to a degree. The massive explosion in cost of living is entirely down to tax.

    1. New bed is four years old , uncomfy for me , Moh loves it . The base is solid with drawers , but fragile , guess what , it cracked on Moh’s side, and he is as light as a feather !

      Just ordered a new SPRUNG base, no drawers, but I would rather have had a new bed .

      1. We bought our ‘new’ bed about four years ago – drawers underneath made to measure to fit round the bedside lockers for opening, pocket sprung mattress – very comfortable and didn’t cost the earth, either. The old base springs were coning through and the mattess was completely knackered after more than 40 years of use.

        Next door neighbour has just spent more than we paid for our complete bed on a new mattress because she found a flea…….I told her that flea larvae can live in the carpet for years and pop up in hot weather – all she needs is a spray!

        1. My bed is ages old (it’s a Regency four-poster). I have a sprung mattress and a feather bed. Very, very comfortable.

      2. We have a pretty rigid mattress on a slatted base, and a medium-thickness over-mattress. Lovely, it is! You can feel your back muscles slowly relaxing when you lie down.

    2. Nope, I sleep terribly. We’ve a memory foam mattress which collapses utterly under my weight. It doesn’t help my back as I really want a block of granite, but that’d crumble.

      I also move around a lot – an awful lot. Our slats creak and the bed isn’t long enough.

      1. Our younger son and his wife bought a memory foam mattress. It soon ended up at the tip.

    1. Have fun – I obviously won’t be visiting Kenya in the forseeable future while it’s still on the red list.

  18. Taking Gus to vet after lunch. Am arranging mortgage…

    I suspect he ate something which was off – or, worse, poisoned.

    I’ll not be around much.

    1. Hope he is ok. Ours used to eat, we think, an occasional poisoned mouse – we live only yards from a farm. He would become very lethargic and sleep it off for 24 hours or so, opening an occasional eye to check on things. Fingers crossed for him.

    2. Fingers crossed Bill

      Would he have been bitten or eaten a toad .

      Licked from a dirty puddle , or even rubbed against lilies?

      We are all worried as well, hope poor Gus feels better soon , and do try to relax .

      1. Very unlikely to have scoffed a toad. Monty Donn maintains that lilies are NOT poisonous to cats.

  19. I noticed in Sainsbury’s on Monday that the Spirits [alcohol] section had yellow stickers advising shoplifters that “evidence of shoplifting would be shared with the police”. As I understand it the police had decided not to prosecute shoplifting if the stolen goods were less than Β£200 in value.
    For the Peter May fans his latest book “The Night Gate” is on sale in my local Sainsbury’s at less than half price. Set in France and combines Occupied France, Covid affected France and an old murder.

      1. I would have a guilty conscience if I did that Dale.
        I can afford to pay Β£3.50 for a book I want to read in the Winter months. I am currently reading “The Hunt for Red October” by Tom Clancy. I enjoyed the film but this book must be a delight for Military people as there is much more detail on the activities of the Russian military and the UK and USA military when facing up to their different reasons for hunting the submarine Red October. There are too many ships, aircraft and submarines from both sides to have included them in the film but the tactics are described in detail.

  20. Good afternoon all.
    That Bradbrook lady, wow. It’s creepy to google people’s addresses etc, but let’s face it, the information is out there for everyone to see on the interwebby thing.
    Dr B appears to live less than 100 metres from a bus stop, but I can’t be bothered to check the timetable. However, she has two children so if the Mail were to run an expose feature, it would be unfair on them.

  21. I have just read somewhere, that White Icing on cakes has been deemed Racist, together with

    Writing Paper
    Newspaper paper
    Effnic white Brits
    Zebra crossings (well 50% of each one)
    Road markings
    White babies


      1. “Zero Tolerance, an influential Scottish campaign group largely funded by ENGLISH taxpayers…..”

      2. I’d be more worried about the book encouraging women and girls to sit down alone with Tigers.

    1. What about black out blinds? If I write using white chalk on a blackboard, is that oppression? Am I making my white mark on the black?

      What about white wash?

      Bleaching agents?

      Blinkin’ heck! Sunlight! That’s full of colours, none of which are black!

      Stupid people.

      1. Perhaps we should go back to burning more coat and creating more soot so we can put an end to white snow

  22. I have just read somewhere, that White Icing on cakes has been deemed Racist, together with

    Writing Paper
    Newspaper paper
    Effnic white Brits
    Zebra crossings (well 50% of each one)
    Road markings
    White babies


  23. Good Moa Afternoon.
    I am at the forefront of Green technology in my use of wind and solar power. Third lot of washing out on the line.

    1. Is your washing line made of recycled hemp & poles holding up the line made from wood from a sustainable forest and naturally wooden clothes pegs & not plastic ones ?

  24. Good Moa Afternoon.
    I am at the forefront of Green technology in my use of wind and solar power. Third lot of washing out on the line.

  25. My imagination running riot here.

    Get rid of the elderly and frail by introducing a virus into a Christian country ..and then import millions of Muslims who are immune to the virus ..

      1. They are not immune to the virus but they are younger and more likely to shake it off, or indeed have scarcely any symptoms. And if they have, they seem to be allowed to spread the virus amongst the population on arrival.

        1. I seem to recall that last year a lot of the deaths were of Bame people…….. they are no more immune than anyone else.

          1. Many of last year’s bame deaths were portly, middle-aged and spent their days inside working for the nhs, not fighting fit young men who have spent time outdoors.

          2. I think young and fit are the operative words there………skin colour doesn’t seem relevant to me. Young people are at little danger from the virus, unlike the old and unfit.

    1. You have the correct imagination. As said many times, the replacements want this country and its infrastructure – why build up your own country when a foreign leader BJ, welcomes you into that country, houses you, gives cash and heathcare etc, and threatens those he taxes that they HAVE to accept the invasion – or else. Again said many times – we are being made to pay for our own extermination..
      Last night TB when you said it was time to walk the dogs around the garden – an image run into my mind – of you outside, a tear in your eye, at what is unfolding in a country that we all loved, now being changed to the point of no return.

      1. …and then there came the gun-shot.

        Just thinking and I wouldn’t harm a hair of Maggie’s head but maybe, others would.

  26. I’ve just watched a documentary that I recorded last night. It was entitled China’s Magic Weapon and detailed the activities of The United Front Work Development. An Orwellian named and Orwellian intentioned organisation that oversees anyone and anything that impacts on the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its ambitions. This includes their own dissidents and foreign individuals and organisations who might obstruct or aid their policies.

    Now I don’t like the CCP; in fact unlike the Western politicians and businessman of the last twenty five years, who have sucked up to them and actually built their economy, I have never liked them. This does not however blind me to our own shortcomings. To say that this organisation employs tens of thousands on this task does not make the Nudge Unit and 77 Brigade vanish or that it is undermining our democracy make it one. During the first Cold War against the Soviet Union though we sometimes erred, we were on the side of right. This time we are competitors in tyranny.

    1. The extra 35 million doses they have ordered – boosters for the sheep – or for the increase in immigration?

      1. I would say boosters for the sheep to weaken them. They want our replacements strong and healthy – for now. They have a job to do at our government’s behest.

    2. There was a video doing the rounds saying that in Ontario, anyone who was jabbed less than 14 days previously counts as unjabbed. So all the people who die within 14 days of getting the jab show up in the statistics as unvaccinated people dying of covid. Handy, that.

  27. An update to the government policy on Afghan refugees:

    The Home Secretary has announced the Afghan citizens’ resettlement scheme, under which we will welcome up to 5,000 vulnerable Afghans over the next year week, and up to a total of 20,000 over four years months. We will work with the UN, the EU and the French to facilitate that process. At the moment things are Priti dire. He apologised for not being able to do more – but he is working at it.

    1. They are inviting a Holy War for the future. They do not think like us. What a gift for our children and grand children

      1. Time to arm our children and Grandchildren, Johnny – and make sure that they know HOW to use those arms.

  28. Crimea summit a reminder: The West hasn’t undone Russian annexation. 24 August 2021.

    Despite seven years of economic sanctions from the EU and its allies, Moscow remains firmly in control of the peninsula, which it invaded in 2014 and absorbed following a referendum vote held with tanks and armed soldiers on the street.

    One suspects that it will last as long as the US annexation of its southern states from Mexico and the Kingdom of Hawaii which was overthrown by an armed coup d’Γ©tat organised by the United States.


    1. Crimea has always been Russian ever since the overthrow of the Crimean Khanate in 17 plonkety plonk (forgot exact date). It was Khrushchev in one of those hollow communist gestures that the Communists were found of who “gave” it to Ukraine. It was never meant that Ukraine would be an independent country to claim it. It to was part of the eternal empire of Communism. Besides that, even by Communist Russian standards, Khrushchev’s gesture was illegal.

      1. I think Kruschev’s Mummy was Ukrainian, so he probably did it to please her.
        Nikita a Mummy’s boy; who knew?

    2. Crimea has always been Russian ever since the overthrow of the Crimean Khanate in 17 plonkety plonk (forgot exact date). It was Khrushchev in one of those hollow communist gestures that the Communists were found of who “gave” it to Ukraine. It was never meant that Ukraine would be an independent country to claim it. It to was part of the eternal empire of Communism. Besides that, even by Communist Russian standards, Khrushchev’s gesture was illegal.

    1. Very pretty – the newly arrived fanatical slammers would like to introduce her to the ways of their religion no doubt.

          1. Ditch the baked beans and the ‘hash browns’ and you have a proper full English breakfast.

            [Baked beans and ‘hash browns*‘ are American imports that have no place on a full English. *‘Hash browns are an American approximation (abomination) of a traditional Swiss rΓΆsti.]

          2. On the rare occasion i have tries a hash brown they failed the
            rΓΆsti standard. Tasted like raw potato.

            Those sausages look cheap too.

    2. Lovely girl, but – if she leant forward, she’d be in danger of falling flat on her face.

  29. Gus news.

    Vet says definitely “food” related. Injected him against nausea; a bottle of “palatable” jollop to counter his dehydration. No temperature. In good condition otherwise. When the vet turned her back to get a thermometer, Gus opened the cat carrier and walked back him…! Change out of Β£100 – just.

    Bed rest prescribed for 24 hours. No going out…(he is NOT pleased about that).

    No further bulletins will be issued. Thank you for your many kind comments.

    1. Bless ‘im. Glad he’s OK. Pickles will be relieved at his brother’s safe return too.

    1. Ah Methanol,the “Green” fuel responsible for the destruction of vast swathes of rainforest in its production………
      Green fuckwits,fuckwits everywhere

  30. Qatar air base holding Afghan refugees is a ‘sweltering living hell’ covered in ‘rats, faeces and urine’, leaked US Central Command memo reveals. D Fail

    To be fair, they claim they were preparing them for life in Bradford and Birmingham. They also said that it wasn’t their fault there was a shortage of under age girls for them to practice on,but they would soon get the hang of it from their new neighbours in the UK.

    1. On radio other day a refugee who had come here years ago from Africa was being interviewed . . “What did you first notice on your arrival in England?” . . .How cold it was . . . moan moan – never satisfied are they? To be fair he did say how grateful he was for getting a new life, he’d learned a good trade and was working full time etc, Actually seemed a nice genuine chap – he hadn’t brought 143 relatives over and wasn;t on benefits. That sort I can welcome. Even the lady who runs the minimart shop told me she married a man from Mauritius, who has worked since he got here – OK. She is white, originally from London , moved up here 19 yr ago – and said she has NO intention of ever going back to London.

      1. Mauritians in UK tend to be part of the Indian Hindu diaspora, IMHO. Educated & aspirational.

  31. Does hate crime no longer matter? Spiked. 24 August 2021.

    Two shocking attacks allegedly carried out by Muslims have not caused a storm. We need to talk about why.

    The explanation for why, this time, these things haven’t happened is as clear as it is disturbing. It’s because the victims were Jewish and the suspect seems to be a man of Muslim appearance. And this just doesn’t compute in the minds of the identitarian elites who neatly organise people according to whether they are oppressed or privileged, and for whom Muslims are most definitely oppressed and Jews are most definitely privileged. Someone of Muslim appearance seemingly assaulting Jews? This is awkward racism for the woke. It messes with their narrative. And so, shamefully, they largely ignore it. Suddenly hate crime ain’t that important.

    Brendan is being a little naΓ―ve here. All Nottlers know that Muslim offenders get a free MSM pass. Bombs. Stabbings. Rape. Fiddling the Social Security. Crossing the Channel. Least said the better. This is primarily due to their numbers and the profound Cowardice of the Elites. They dare not challenge them! It would precipitate a crisis that regardless of the result they would not survive.


      1. It could have been worse, they could have kept slaves…ah, wait. Forget I said that.

    1. Good evening, Minty

      I quote from your post:

      “…………..This is primarily due to their numbers.”

      But until the middle of the 20th century these numbers were not significant until a certain Mr Powell warned us of what was happening and a certain Mr Blair had the arrogance to think he could ignore what Mr Powell had said:

      We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population.

      Mr Blair has the blood of many in the Middle East on his hands. They will soon be covered in the blood of many in Britain too.

    2. Good evening, Minty

      I quote from your post:

      “…………..This is primarily due to their numbers.”

      But until the middle of the 20th century these numbers were not significant until a certain Mr Powell warned us of what was happening and a certain Mr Blair had the arrogance to think he could ignore what Mr Powell had said:

      We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependents, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant descended population.

      Mr Blair has the blood of many in the Middle East on his hands. They will soon be covered in the blood of many in Britain too.

  32. If you’re ever feeling useless and there’s no point to your life.
    Just remember, it took 20 years, 4 Presidents and trillions of dollars to replace the Taliban with the Taliban.

    Smile !

        1. Corniche Convertible? Sorry Phil but according to our records here at Santa’s toy shop you are down for a Walls Cornetto & Dolly is down for a box of Whisky flavored dogs biscuits

          1. There must be some mistake, Shirley. I have been a very good boy all year. I only once threw a piss filled balloon at a Politician !

    1. To all ikkle children, Xmas may be cancelled as Santa will not be able to get his sleigh going as all the snow has melted. Luv XR.

    1. That’s best. From little clips, such as the one shown 10 minutes ago on Reporting Scotland, teenagers who otherwise know little or nothing are happy to get vaccinated because it makes them safe.
      Such voxpop interviews suggest to me that the young have been very thoroughly brainwashed by the MSM etc.

      1. Went to the beach today and listened to Wave FM. The propaganda aimed at youngsters was non-stop.

          1. Er…no. Cocktail bar after Eggs Benedict. Besides…Dolly isn’t allowed on the beach.

  33. Loving the people on Twitter calling Afghans β€œcowards” for not standing up to the Taliban.
    Mate,… you can’t even tell 12 year olds to turn their music down on the bus.

      1. A fun author of children’s stories with an eye for adults is Daniel Pinkwater. “The Snarkout Boys and the Avocado of Death and the glorious, “Fat Men from Space”. he wrote over 100 books. Here is the plot for Fat men:
        “Another silly story from Daniel Pinkwater, this one about a boy whose new dental filling enables to receive radio signals in his mouth, resulting in his unwitting discovery of an invasion of earth by Fat Men from Space who want all of our snack foods – especially potato pancakes. Great fun, as always.”
        Pinkwater does not regard children as delicate petals.

        His books are a quick real and available on Kindle. Cheap!

      1. Oh no! RIP Charlie, jazz drummer (known as ‘the metronome’) and my favourite Stone. Charlie was coveted by many bands for his steady excellence. Another major part of my growing up now gone. Thanks for the memories.

  34. Parently the population of Af doubled under Nato occupation. Can’t have been that bad, then.

  35. That is me gone for this worrying day. Anyone who lives with animals know that they can cause great anxiety – without meaning to or knowing that they are.

    I managed a sort of bonfire – got rid of about half the stuff – most of it very wet after this gorgeous, hot summer… Time for a glass of medicine. Fortunately, like Gus’s potion, mine is also “palatable”.

    A demain

    PS I thought Trinity did well last night. I think Durham chose the wrong person as captain…

      1. When I was a boy the weir was a straight line running diagonally with a straight drop. We would fish for eels from the weir ledge.

        The parabolic stepped weir was designed by the architect Neville Conder (Casson and Conder) whose offices were on Alfred Place in South Kensington, opposite ours.

        The weir scheme was part of the flood protection measures put in place during the late sixties and early seventies. We lost the Old Bridge at that time and the river became a sort of canal with driven steel piling sides and a concrete top, very disappointing and hardline.

        1. If I remember correctly the Navy Lark team were visiting HMS Troubridge for this photo.

  36. RIP Charlie Watts

    “One anecdote relates that in the mid-1980s, an intoxicated Jagger phoned
    Watts’s hotel room in the middle of the night, asking, “Where’s my
    drummer?” Watts reportedly got up, shaved, dressed in a suit, put on a
    tie and freshly shined shoes, descended the stairs, and punched Jagger
    in the face, saying: “Don’t ever call me your drummer again. You’re my
    fucking singer!”


  37. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/uknews/councils-will-be-given-grants-to-buy-family-homes-to-house-refugees/ar-AANFBdO?ocid=msedgntp

    The average size of the families coming to the UK is thought to be seven, but at least one family is believed to be made up of 12 people.

    So far local authorities have offered to host up to 2,500 people, but the numbers seeking refuge under the scheme for Afghans who helped British forces could reach five times that level.

    Thousands more are expected to come to the UK under a separate longer-term resettlement scheme for those vulnerable to persecution by the Taliban.

    Now we see how the 20k will be many MANY more – have another scheme.

    1. Good luck with with fairness and Farage Anne Marie. You aren’t going to get it.

      1. 337081+ up ticks,
        Evening Jr,
        I do believe she can hold her own, lets see his answer, if any.

          1. 338102+ up ticks,
            Some of the herd are wising up, silence & evasion tell there own story I think as much as I would like to see it
            he will not won’t a confrontation.

          2. 338102+ up ticks,
            One question from me would be ” why did you split the vote when Batten was doing so well, then stand down a good percentage of your candidates in a pro johnson manner ?

          3. He was jealous of Batten. I think it was as simple as that. Farage was the mouth while Batten did the donkey work. In my opinion Gerard was UKIP. Without him Farage would have had no platform. And Farage’s implications that Gerard was a “racist” because of Tommy Robinson, who has been painted with that brush although there is no proof of that he is, is evidence that Farage is the sort of person who will go as low as he needs to. And that is why Ann Marie is wasting her breath.

          4. 338102+ up ticks,
            I do totally agree up until “”Ann Marie is wasting her breath.”
            I do not believe so, she is very outspoken about the dangers of islamic ideology as Batten was, farage fights shy of it, and that is one hell of an important issue.


    The MR is seeking sponsors for the Church Sponsored Bike Ride next month…. If you would all be kind enough to send me your bank details, she’ll withdraw a modest sum….

    1. I would be happy to sponsor a bike ride for the Church. You do already have my bank details. One proviso…you have to do it naked.

      1. I’ll pass that on.

        Like a fool I deleted your bank details…. I have your e-mail (unless you have changed yet again). Might the MR contact you?

          1. Yes.

            How much is this going to cost me and is there a preferential list for lemon curd? :@)

          2. Β£1,000 – that’s the usual modest donation… The MR will touch you tomorrow….!

          3. I see. In that case you can bugger off !

            Solicitous solicitors.

            And half of it goes on diversity officers for the bishops entourages.

            Tell the MR Β£50 is available. Preferably by Paypal. Though i wouldn’t expect Hobbits such as yourselves in Norfolk to even know what that is. Sheesh.

            And i still want the lemon curd !!! :@)

      1. Half to our church. Half to the diocese (I know, I know…but it is OUR half that is important).

      2. CORRECTION – Half to our church – half to the Norfolk Churches Trust – which helps maintain our historic church buildings.

        1. That’s better, Bill, given the diocese performance in defending the church, I’m up for withholding the Parish Share – currently Β£5,000.00

  39. Gave Dolly a lamb knuckle as a treat. She showed her appreciation by digging up my marigolds and burying it. :@(

  40. Migrants in limbo at Poland-Belarus border as Polish legalise pushbacks

    Yesterday it was Belarussians forcing them into Poland at gunpoint . . and today Poland legalises pushbacks – – and we have PP waving in the world – she should be sacked and made to repay evey penny she has had. Poland can do it – why not us.

      1. When Trump took over the Capitol and his men murdered thousands of Democrats.

        Err just a second.

          1. 6th of January.
            They’re still clearing up where the Democrat pantywaists crapped and wet themselves.

    1. Not forgetting that American forces taught the Afghans how to fly modern jets. Now where have i heard that before. Happy 9/11 everyone.

  41. Thought for the day.

    If every Afghan woman “married” by force to a Taliban soldier slit his throat as he slept the Taliban would be wiped out almost overnight.

      1. The fact it doesn’t happen rather suggests that all the tales of woe are not genuine. They’re all quite happy with their lot.

        When you’re wounded and left on Afghanistan’s plains, and the women come
        out to cut up what remains, jest roll to your rifle and blow out your
        brains and go to your gawd like a soldier.

    1. After one such widow has been burned alive in public, the others tend to have second thoughts.

  42. The Taliban have blocked the road to Kabul airport for Afghans though those with Western credentials may still pass. Thank you Mr Taliban!

    1. When will that daft bint from the UK Slammer Sharia come on to say how awful that is?

      Don;t hold your breath.

      1. She let slip, what we all know, that true and active islam lays in the vicious ideology of the Taliban. Not a lot to be gained in talking up nice slammers if the maniacs rule the roost. Better not mention the war, but not dissimilar to our German friends.

    2. Numpty Joe Biden has withdrawn US troops and air cover from Bagram; the only safe and defensible departure point for refugees and qualifying migrants.

      He should be tried for war crimes.

      1. He has simultaneously pi**ed all over:

        1. NATO
        2. The principle of ‘One for all; All for One’; and
        3. The erstwhile ‘Special Relationship’ between the USA and the United Kingdom.

        This is a lunatic change in world Politics: it favours the enemies of he United Kingdom – and will have unforeseen consequences for Joe – and the USA.

      2. Joe already has a deal in place with China. He probably doesn’t remember that though.

    1. Pal of mine used to watch them play at the Crawdaddy in Richmond in about 1963.
      First time he and his mates actually heard them was when the Stones were performing at a private function (wedding?) in another nearby pub, but security wouldn’t let them in. In those days they were just a bunch of local lads.

      1. They were the best ever , and I saw them round about that time , my mother was furious that I followed such a scruffy unwashed band , the were , well, WOW.

      1. Those reports just sounded so stupid. Much like ‘you need the vaccine so you don’t kill grandmothers’… (We’ll do that for you. No charge).

  43. On a shallower note and needing distraction , Moh and I took a trip out this afternoon, no dogs, we had to dispose of a large bag of spectacles that Moh and I had accumulated over over the years courtesy of all the eye tests we have have had , and when the prescriptions go up a notch or so. Part of our great tidy up, which hasn’t really started yet

    Do you know that the popular opticians aren’t collecting old specs any more , neither are Boots , nor Vision Aid Overseas .

    Any way we cleared off up to North Dorset via Blandford , and headed for Compton Abbas airfield for a cup of tea .. The coastline around here is packed out with tourists , so a country drive was glorious .. different rolling countryside , high undulations and the heart and soul of proper rural life .

    The air field is small but was busy , lots of engine sounds and small aircraft taxiing or flying in .. there was also an advert for brave bods to go wing walking , people enoying their hobbies..

    The edge of the airfield had tables and benches and chairs where lots of enthusists were watching the aircraft activity , and we found a space to sit and enjoyed an icecream .. The view was just charming , normality , children , parents, elderlies, and bods with binoculars.. and in the near distance sat the town of Shaftesbury sitting on a far hill .

    The clubhouse was closed , but there were portaloos etc and a mobile popup eatery , where bods could order food .. all looked delicious .

    If any of you are out this way .. they do trips and wing walking , and have a Tiger Moth to enjoy a trip in

    The weather was breezy, warm and sunny , but with clouds scudding across the sky.

    We headed back home via Blandford .. and I took the bag of specs into a charity shop where they were gratefully recieved .


    1. My best birthday present when I was 80 and I flew the Harvard. I will always remember that.

      1. One of my best days was flying the Spitfire out of Headcorn over the White Cliffs of Dover. Next best was flying another Spitfire out of Biggin Hill over the Weald of Kent πŸ™‚

        1. Moh wanted to do that.

          Costs a fortune. Moh.s father built them during the war at the RJ Mitchell site in Woolston .

          His father had an old metal wheel barrow .. er with a SPITFIRE wheel he had used to replace an old one … He cleared out his shed and bought a lighter wheel barrow , and dumped the old one , Spitfire wheel and all, my husband almost cried when his father told him!

          1. I have no one to leave my money to, so I intend to enjoy my time while I can. There are no pockets in a shroud. I am planning another flight from Goodwood maybe next year when the lunacy has abated somewhat.

          2. I think that is where the Boultbee Spit is based. I also know the guy who owns “Ultimate High” down there, he has done well since leaving the RAF.

          3. The greedy, rapacious government to waste on things that are of no use to this country. I have made a will and people who have been good to me will receive something. Then I have made some bequests to charity. It’s all accounted for, but I intend to enjoy myself and not leave a lot.

        2. Strangely, I had a trip in the Mk9 (with D-Day markings) from Biggin Hill yesterday. Boy, will that be a day that I will never forget.

  44. Evening, all. Blair is responsible for much that is wrong in the world today, but I don’t think even he is responsible for the ideology of islam (except, maybe, it’s predominance in Britain).

    1. Spot on Conners, that POS did more irreparable and underlying damage to the UK than WW2.

      1. Blair was always a grifting money grubbing monster. Along with his masters he is a Freemasonic satanist and accordingly in the pay of the globalist elites.

        Blair is pure evil, the devil incarnate, and as such will surely rot in hell.

        1. Around 12 years ago my wife and I had just arrived at Stigliano (HPB) Tuscany. We were told of an incident the evening before when the Bliar’s arrived out of the blue and almost (do you know who we are) style demanded to be accommodated over night. Thye were sent on their way as it’s a private company. The theory was they had been staying with Berlusconi and had a ‘difference of opinion’. And had to leave earlier than expected. They also went to a restaurant (as we did a few days later) in the next village for a meal, I guess they were on their way to the airport at Pizza.
          It was also rumoured that his daughter had walked in on him and Mandy in the PMs office (probably caught playing the cottage upright) and then attempted suicide, that was one of his many ‘D’ notice coverups. He also suffered from atrial fibrillation during his PM ship and that was not made public. I may have even been on the same operating table for an ablation as he had, in Hammersmith hospital.
          Not long after he and her settled into their country pile in Buckinghamshire he had a huge brick wall built around it. Why would any one who has 24/7/365 armed protection need to do this and still paid for by the UK tax payers. It’s been blanked out on google earth. Have you seen the film the Ghost Writer ?
          The name is not mentioned but there are many inferences.

    2. Blair appointed Justin Welby as Archbishop of Canterbury.

      Welby has – through a policy of closed doors – virtually extinguished practice of his C of E flock during the ‘COVID crisis’.

      I think that Blair – and his appointee – are effing hypocrites …

      1. I thought Cameron appointed fellow Etonian Welby and Blair appointed Williams?

          1. Hapless suggests he doesn’t know what he is doing.

            Correct me if i am wrong but one of the most basic tenets of Christianity is to give hope and succour to your flock in time of need. Not to fuck off on a three month sabbatical to stare at your own feet.

  45. Speechless me (and Biden)

    ” An average of seven major polls from RealClear Politics found Biden’s approval rating at 46.6%” I thought it would be below 10% ….

    1. Who knows what damage Kennedy would have done if left to wreak it??
      The rot in the Democrats goes back a long way!

    1. Hallo Jonathan – unfortunately your comment was held in pending as you posted links. I’ve now approved it.

      1. Thank you Connors but, I was taught, by the French, that one only says, “Bon nuit” to one’s wife or mistress and then, generally, in bed. Otherwise it’s bonsoir.

        1. I’ve been saying bonne nuit before I go to bed for years when I was in France. Nobody has ever told me that (and no, I was going to bed alone).

          1. Maybe it’s a local thing, I’ve lived in Paris for 3 months and then another year just outside Rambouillet with friends just outside Montpelier and they were, I think, the ones who advised me on bon nuit etc.

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