Tuesday 25 October: For the good of the party and the country, the Tories must come together under Rishi Sunak

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

654 thoughts on “Tuesday 25 October: For the good of the party and the country, the Tories must come together under Rishi Sunak

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. No sleep last night but here’s today’s funny:

    Grandpa’s in the Hospital

    A man goes to visit his 85-year old grandpa in the hospital.

    “How are you grandpa?” he asks.

    “Feeling fine,” says the old man.

    “What’s the food like?”

    “Terrific, wonderful menus.”

    “And the nursing?”

    “Just couldn’t be better. These young nurses really take care of you.”

    “What about sleeping? Do you sleep okay?”

    “No problem at all, nine hours solid every night. At 10 o’clock they bring me a cup of hot chocolate and a Viagra tablet and that’s it. I go out like a light.”

    The grandson is puzzled and a little alarmed by this, so he rushes off to question the nurse in charge.

    “What are you people doing,” he says. “I’m told you’re giving an 85-year-old, Viagra on a daily basis. Surely that can’t be true?”

    “Oh, yes,” replies the nurse. “Every night at 10 o’clock we give him a cup of chocolate and a Viagra tablet. It works wonderfully well. The chocolate makes him sleep, and the Viagra stops him from rolling out of bed.”

  2. Penny Mordaunt fought to the bitter end, but Rishi Sunak was the last man standing. 25 October 2022.

    Pivotal switch from one of the Commons Leader’s key backers left ex-chancellor to take the spoils in a dramatic day of twists and turns.

    Mordaunt was put in to make it look like some sort of contest was taking place. In the event it wasn’t needed because Boris appeared. As soon as he withdrew so did Mordaunt!


    1. Where’s a Shakespeare when you need one?
      In terms of the wannabe PMs: “Is this a bragger I see before me?”

      Morning Minty and everyone and a Special Good morning to Sue E whose Birthday it is today!

  3. 366562+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Tuesday 25 October: For the good of the party and the country, the Tories must come together under Rishi Sunak

    It was TO LATE on the 25 / 6/ 2016 the wrong oath was taken

    Tuesday 25 October: For the good of the decent peoples and the country, the peoples must come together under a chosen leader and tear asunder that which they have put in place these last three plus decades.

    IMHO reform was brexit party hill climbers of some note,
    very quick to assist the johnson / tory (ino) party.

    Build on a fringe party first, one with no attachments to the past manipulations via an independent organiser,
    choose a leader with NO hint even of past treachery then start to reclaim that which is the peoples, starting with
    self respect.

    Or else Quit with dis grace.

    1. I see no reason to support Suna. I didn’t vote for him, didnt elect him, wasn’t given the choice *to* elect him. He has no mandate whatsoever. He is merely a proxy. A back stabbing, spiteful stooge installed by the blob.

  4. Morning.

    Headline from today’s business pages; looks like Italy will be in for the same treatment as us (and yes, they bring up the energy issue too):

    “ How the far-right turned Italy into a tick­ing eco­nomic time bomb

    As Meloni is elected PM fears grow that her coalition is too inexperienced to deal with a country in crisis”

    1. “…We have tools…”

      The EU is a cancer, a poisonous, anti democratic levithan that needs to be put down.

  5. For the good of the party and the country, the Germans must come together under the Reichskanzler. Same difference.

  6. Good morning. A fine new day, black and dismal as will be many days to come. A new leader has been foisted upon us, by chicanery and rule-changing. Nothing good will come of this as evil begets evil.

  7. Russia holds unusual calls with US, UK and France over baseless dirty bomb claims. 25 October 2022.

    Washington, London and Paris also released a rare joint statement about the contact with Russia, reiterating their “steadfast support” for Ukraine and flagging the discussions on Sunday between Russian defence minister Sergei Shoigu and Mr Austin, Mr Wallace and Sebastien Lecornu of France.

    “Our countries made clear that we all reject Russia’s transparently false allegations that Ukraine is preparing to use a dirty bomb on its own territory,” the statement said.

    “The world would see through any attempt to use this allegation as a pretext for escalation. We further reject any pretext for escalation by Russia.”

    All this over an “unsubstantiated” suspicion by the Russians that could be passed off as a Conspiracy Theory? “Methinks they doth protest too much!” For what it is worth I think the accusation against Ukraine is true. This was meant to be the next pipeline scam! If the Russians had intended such an act there would be no benefit to them in it coming out beforehand and it is not they that have published the accusation from what were confidential talks. As can be seen in the quote; this is all from the West. How did the Kremlin find out? Well the Zelensky Regime is obviously riddled with ethnic Russian sympathisers and they’ve leaked this to Moscow. The over egged response tells us that the “West” knew and were relying on it to further isolate Russia and justify additional meddling.


    1. Hands up those who trust Zelensky as an honest, truthful, and compassionate man. Well, OK then. Hands up those who trust Messrs Austin, Wallace and Lecornu? Really? Hands up those who think Putin is a man of his word? Ah, that’s better, you do have hands, then.

    2. Would Ukraine provoke Russia by setting off such a bomb? It’d be dramatica, and I don’t put it past them to galvanise the international community but it’d be insane. The death toll would be horrific.

      1. Morning Wibbles. It wouldn’t need to be large and it could be used in the Donbass which is hostile territory to Zelensky anyway. It’s value was clearly intended to be propagandistic; much as in the fake “Chemical Attacks” in Syria!

    3. Just think dusty little girl(s?) being frequently rescued in Syria, and extrapolate.

  8. 366562+ up ticks,

    Gerard Batten
    There we are, just in case anyone doubted it. CBDCs on their way to usher in total control of us peasants.

    The PM the Tory members don’t want, the country won’t want once there is an election, but Klaus & the WEF want him so there we are.

    Jack Posobiec XLV
    Here is Rishi Sunak one year ago pushing a global currency backed by central banks

    Did he think I wouldn’t have this saved?


  9. Inquiry focusing solely on safety of COVID jabs will not be opened, govt says. 25 October 2022.

    The government is not planning to open an inquiry solely into the safety of coronavirus vaccines, a health minister has said.

    Caroline Johnson added the vaccines will be reviewed as part of the wider UK COVID-19 inquiry.

    Keeping the decks clear in preparation for the next two years.


    1. I’d suggest that they all ready know the answers, but as on many other occasions, really do have to follow their orders from above and keep it to themselves as far as possible. But as so many other things and situations soon become apparently obvious. It’s not a good time to look even more stupid than they actually are.

    2. No surprise. They still have not finally dealt with the dirty blood problem that killed hundreds and ruined the lives of thousands. Cheap, irresponsible, brainless NHS, again.

      1. Buying drugs from dubious Indian factories shipped over to their friends and acquaintances for re-labelling is another one.

        1. If one checks on the background of some common drugs like aspirin, paracetamol, the results can be interesting. Companies House is a good place to search. There one finds that the address of Indochem, the name on the paracetamol packet, is a flat in Tottenham with the name of Selim Khan attached.

    3. In a nutshell, they daren’t have an inquiry that exposes the truth about what deleterious effects the jabs cause: the information appearing from around the World and especially from the USA would put those responsible in the dock.
      Therefore, they will ignore all the evidence and continue with jabbing those people who are prepared to believe anything they’re told re CV-19, with an unknown substance that has been shown not to work as advertised. Seemingly intelligent people have totally bought into the CV-19 scare and the PTB depend on these adherents along with the unthinking people to keep the project going.

      1. When we were in the UK we met someone who has had 4 jabs AND has recently recovered from their 4th bout of covid!!!

  10. Morning all 🙂
    And happy birthday Sue E. I hope you have a lovely day Sue, including a day off. 😊 🥂 cheers. X

  11. Good morning all. A bright start with 6°C outside.
    After picking up the “Turning Attachment” for t’Lad I decided that, though I was in a beautiful area, I did not fancy a B&B so drove home. However, the Shropshire Hills do merit further attention when the weather improves and I have the van kitted out for camping.

    I’m a bit late this morning, I got distracted by Tw@tter!
    1st one is thank you to Elsie and apparently the word “Globalist” is RACIST!!!!





    1. Sorry not to reply to your request on Sunday, I have only just seen it.

      I was travelling and don’t tweet

    1. Not too long ago most of the sitting labour Lords wanted it abolished and shut down. Strange how things work out for some of them.

        1. Every time I see a shot of the Lords chamber most of the old buggers are asleep on their comfy benches. They appear to use the chamber in much the same way as our poor elderly use the public libraries viz. to keep warm.

    2. Just when you thought British politics couldn’t sink any lower, the odious Tom Watson is about to take his seat in the House of Lords.

      He has been nominated by Keir Starmer, someone who likes to pose as a pillar of moral rectitude. Yet Starmer has put into the Upper House one of the most malignant, malevolent individuals ever to soil public life in this country.

      This said he’s probably in the right place. It is now a haven for the corrupt!

  12. 366562+ up ticks,

    In my book we urgently need one of three options,

    A general election
    A general strike,
    A patriotic fighting general.

  13. Good morning Nottlers

    It monsooned here during the night .. in short bursts.. very fierce falling rain , noisy rain.

    This morning is calmer , huge dark cu nimbs, some lovely cloud formations , drizzling at the moment .

    1. Happy Birthday Sue E! Have a wonderful day and enjoy every minute of it! 🍾🎂🌹

      1. Happy Birthday Sue.
        I hope the weather holds in your corner of the country and you can enjoy a wonderful day.🥳🎂🥂

      1. Chicken livers … ambrosia, the food of the gods!

        I make a mean pâte with them (with lots of cognac), and I adore them in a Chinky curry.

        1. I make my pâte with Cognac, Port and sweet Sherry. Never hangs around for long.

          Not sure i would like them in a curry.

          1. They were a speciality in a Chinky take-away in my youth. The high star anise notes in a Chinky curry are made for them. I put whatever fortified wine is at hand in my pâte, be it Port, Sherry, Madeira or Marsala. Also, Armagnac and Calvados are excellent alternatives to Cognac.

  14. Parish councillors have to submit a declaration of interests. Declarations are then there in public view .

    Parish councillors are monitored by the Standards Board .. and these regulations are laid down by the Government .

    Standards apply to every one in public service .

    Sunak is a very wealthy man , a South Asian .. I see a conflict of interests arising sooner than later .

    The Indian prime minister is Shri Narendra Modi.. Sunak has family connections with him .

    I do not WANT to see us selling our soul to India or anywhere else .. dont forget what happpened to our steel industry.

    What absolute idiots this government

  15. Sorry, chums, I can’t hang on any longer – must go and get some sleep.

    Wishing you, Sue E, a very happy Birthday.

  16. Rishi Sunak came from humble beginnings , so he says .

    How did he make such a massive amount of money.

    Perhaps those rich Tories will let us into their secrets of creative accounting and business accumen?

    1. He thinks humble origins includes professional parents who could pay for his education at Winchester.

      1. He is a spoiled rich Lefty globalist. He knows it, we know it. His utterly undemocratic tenure will result in incredible poverty, inflation, debt and waste – just as the globalist Left want.

        1. No, he is not ‘spoiled rich’. His dad was a GP and his mum a pharmacist. Indians and many other cultures place an enormous emphasis on good education.

    2. One day in and he’s looking for sympathy. Sounds like things might be worse than we might expect.

    3. “While studying at Stanford, he met his future wife Akshata Murty, the daughter of N. R. Narayana Murthy, the Indian billionaire businessman who founded Infosys.”


    4. Can’t have been that humble, he went to Winchester for his education. I was walking along the path through the watermeadows earlier this year looking across to the College and wondering if any of them ever realised how priviledged they were.

    5. He has never known cold or hunger. He made a fortune on some financial wheeze, not now mentioned in his wiki bio. I wonder why?
      He knows as much about the ordinary people, the man on the Clapham omnibus, as I know about the rituals of the tribes of New Guinea.

    6. No rich woman marries a man from “humble beginnings” – women all want to marry up. So the first statement is borrox.

  17. Morning all – didn’t sleep well after a stressful evening – finally dropped off after it was getting light.

      1. No – not the rain. OH is unwell. Just phoned the gp and got an appointment at midday. We’ll have to see.

  18. Quite a few have recognised this situation growing over time. Now, many more have seen through the shenanigans of the current TINO government and realised this current shower are not at all interested in improving the lot of the people but are in fact well on the road to erasing the people’s rights and freedoms.
    A PM without a mandate from the electorate and without 100% support from his party, with the latter losing members by the minute, is not a PM that should be accepted. Sadly, the obvious replacement government is equally as odious and lusting for control as this TINO rabble.
    The sooner the people wake up and realise that the leading political parties have declared war on the people, the sooner something may get done. Apathy will not change the situation, action is the only way. At the basic level the obvious action is to vote for anyone except the major parties.


    1. 366562+ up tick

      Morning KtK,

      That is what is needed more cooking with gas,sod the expense comments
      goading even the party (ino) clingons into action.

      My belief is that the electorate majority
      has given us mass paedophilia/ mass uncontrolled immigration, mass killings, acid scarring,knifing etc, how about some mass patriotism leading to mass ditching of membership cards, mass
      supporting a chosen fringe party.

      May one say like UKIP under Gerard Battens one year leadership.

    2. Sunka is a liar and a charlatan. He spouted lot of waffle, meant none of it. In 2 years inflation will be 20%, debt ever higher, public sector waste even higher, taxes higher – and revenue falling, welfare dependence rife.

      He doesn’t care. This is what he and his masters wants.

  19. GB NEWS was discussing the lifetime expenses Liz Truss can have after her resignation. £115000 per annum for life. NF was disgusted by this, as am I, and suggested she should not take the money. I don’t know if this is normal expenses for departing PMs but it sounds like a bribe to me. LT sees our King this morning.

  20. Good morning all and many thanks for all your birthday wishes. 67 today.

    Not doing much but I’ve taken the day off work and have a ticket for a daytime concert at the Wigmore Hall. Will stay out for lunch and that’s about it. Sunny here at the mo though and warm, which is actually not that unusual. My birthday always fell in half term when I was young and the weather was often good.

    It’s also Saint Crispin’s Day. Once more unto the breach, dear friends!

    1. Grattis på födelsedagen and många kramar, Sue, on your 21st. Hope you have a triffic day! 😘👍🏻🎂🥂😊

      1. It’s a song recital. Carolyn Sampson accompanied by Joseph Middleton in a programme of Debussy, Hahn, Poldowski, Saint-Saëns and Szulc.

    2. Morning, Sue, and Happy Birthday! Hope you get many more!
      At that age, are you about to retire?

    3. Happy Birthday and many happy returns Sue.
      Was he the patron saint of crisps? (I’ll get my bag)

    4. Happy Birthday, Sue. I’ve been dipping in and out today and clearly missed R & C’s early announcement. Enjoy what’s left of your day.

  21. On Liz Truss: Politics was a poor choice of career for a woman (still a Limp Dim at heart) who would have been far better employed in a factory threading elastic into knickers. The very same applies to Angela Rayner and most of her female cohorts in the Labour Party.

      1. Without a doubt, D-Cup.

        I would not employ trust any one of them — no matter their rank, level of politics, or party they inhabit — to scrub the floors, cubicles and pans of a public bog!

        There is not a single politician, male or female (or ‘other’), at any level of politics, of any party, in any country, that I would piss on if they were on fire. It is time they were ALL exterminated (vaporised) in order to permit us to start over again with the time-honoured concept of (wise and experienced) village elders (of both recognised sexes) running the show.

        Rant comment over!😉

    1. For a lady without a private education and family connections, Ms Truss did amazingly well. Sorry to disagree with your opinion, but I respect people’s achievements in public life even if I disagree with a lot of the detail. Yes, it is possible that Ms Rayner has been promoted above her intellectual capacity, but that is both the risk and the benefit of parliamentary democracy: anyone is at liberty to have a go.

      PS are you any good at sewing for a twelve hour shift?

      1. No, I can’t sew for toffee. I’ve done many other jobs on 12-hour shifts throughout my life though (none of them involved sitting on my arse, at a desk, in an office).

    1. Our mp was first in line to congratulate him. For future reference, it’s
      good to know how he has lined up.

    2. Frank Zappa was bang on the money when he declared, “Some scientists claim that hydrogen, because it is so plentiful, is the basic building block of the universe. I dispute that. I say there is more stupidity than hydrogen, and that is the basic building block of the universe.”

      I cannot refute that logic. Mankind has become moribund in its stupidity and it shows it, incessantly, by electing more and more stupid politicians, who make more and more stupid laws, and who govern them with more and more stupid decisions.

      1. Good morning Grizzly and everyone.

        There was an interesting line in a BTL yesterday.

        “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”

        As for example in Ilford, Londonistan, in the early hours.

          1. It always amuses me when meeting the nice folk from SVT at work that when speaking English, they also pronounce Sveriges Television the English way, as if to indicate that they know we mispronounce it and don’t mind. I did just that when reading your post. Sorry.

          2. I’ve lived here for 11 years, Sue, and I mispronounce svensk words all the time (sometimes on purpose).😉 In fact, some words are simply impossible to pronounce correctly if you aren’t born here!

  22. Well so much for that……either she was putting on a well rehearsed brave face, or she really and truly didn’t give one.
    Is this a true reflection of the type of people we have in British politics.

  23. Just made it
    Wordle 493 6/6


    1. Another par 4. Not a hopeful start.
      Wordle 493 4/6


    2. Bogey Five for me.
      Wordle 493 5/6

      1. A miracle double bogey for me.
        Wordle 493 6/6


      1. I’ve always been of the opinion that humans make their own choices. Canines, on the other hand, eat as much as they can because it’s what dogs are evolved to do.

        1. Oscar is a real gannet. He’d eat anything – and I mean ANY thing – whether it’s safe for him to eat it or not. I have to be very careful if people have dropped sweets and chocolate bars on the floor to ensure I get him away from them before he can gulp them down.

    1. Thats a few days old, but as usual Nigel talks a good talk, but has never done anything.

      1. On the British side there were two people who created the demand for the Referendum, one was Jimmy Goldsmith, the other was Nigel.

        Of course, on the continent there were plenty of useful idiots.

    2. I wish they would restart podcasting up his programme. I used to enjoy listening to it on my way into work next day.

    1. When will they be investigating that trud for the contracts he placed during Convid? We must be a tolerant society or else he would be in prison!

    2. Hancock, you say you are ‘proud’ to live in a ‘diverse’ country. Pride is one of the seven deadly sins. You can add that to another one you have committed – Lust.

    3. ‘Tolerance’ enforced by legislation is not tolerance but coercion.

    4. Yes, and there will (probably) be a Chinese national living in the flat above 10 Downing street, an Indian national in No 11, and Lady Starmer is also de facto ‘bame’, as part of the Jewish population. Fortunately, spouses of politicians are completely irrelevant.

    1. I saw a YouTube video on Jakarta. It chronicled the rise in population from 600,000 in 1945 to over 11 million today has resulted in the city sinking under the weight into the rather soft sub-strata and in an increasing problem with flooding (walking round with the water above your ankles). A new capital is being built some distance away.

        1. I expect it’s very sweaty …. hope the sewage is dealt with more effectively than in Bombay.

      1. Some distance… on another island. The orang-utans are not amused. I watched Micheal Portillo talking about the origins of Batavia/Jakarta which was a small development along a coastal estuary. Much mutterings about climate change from some locals but no mention of the 11m who descended on an unsuitable area for such a city. They are setting up on Kalimantan sometimes known as Borneo.

    1. I once saw a headline referring to the late Queen Elizabeth and Blecthley Park codebreakers.

      ‘Twas ever thuff.

  24. Teenage migrant ‘arrived at Dover in a dinghy before running into a woman’s house and demanding to use her mobile phone’
    A teenage migrant ran into a woman’s home and demanded to use her phone
    The boy, thought to be around 16 and from Albania, ran through an open door
    He asked Sue Doyle, 59, from Aycliffe, for transport to London or Manchester
    The incident happened after an ‘uncontrolled landing ‘ on a beach near Dover

    PUBLISHED: 10:16, 25 October 2022 | UPDATED: 11:08, 25 October 2022

    A teenage migrant ran into a woman’s home and demanded to use her phone after crossing the Channel and landing in Dover on a small boat.

    Sue Doyle, 59, who lives in Aycliffe, a village near Dover, was asked for transport to either London or Manchester after the boy ran into her property through an open door on Sunday.

    The incident happened after around 80 migrants in two dinghies landed on a Dover beach that morning, reaching British shores without being intercepted by UK authorities.

    Border Force and Kent Police detained around 50 migrants after tracking them down, but around 30 have been reported missing, The Times reported.

    Ms Doyle, had opened her back door to let her dog out when the teenager, thought to be around 16, ran into her home, The Telegraph reported.

    She said that the teenager, thought to be from Albania, asked her to take him to Manchester, and when she refused, asked to use of her phone.

    After being alerted to the teenager’s presence, neighbour Louise Monger, 37, ran into Ms Doyle’s house and ‘grabbed him by the scruff of the neck’ when she found him in a bedroom, she told The Telegraph.

    She said she tried to apprehend the teenager, who she described as ‘looking scared’, before he was detained by police at the property.

    Ms Monger detailed the incident on Aycliffe Community Forum, a resident social media page.

    ‘A young lad off a boat has made his way into a residents [sic] home this morning and demanded her phones and wanted transport to Manchester or London he has been detained by the police [p]lease remain vigilant and keep doors and windows locked stay safe,’ Ms Monger wrote on Aycliffe Community Forum, The Times reported.

    The Ministry of Defence (MoD) confirmed there was one ‘uncontrolled landing’ on Sunday, which is thought to have involved the two small abandoned boats.

    In addition, 528 migrants on a further 10 dinghies were escorted to Britain by Border Force and RNLI boats on Sunday.

    French authorities also rescued 62 people crammed into one dinghy off the Calais coast after getting into difficulties as they tried head to the Kent coast in the early hours on Sunday.

    The French Navy’s support vessel Rhône was dispatched to pick up the stranded group. The ship brought them into the port at Calais where they were taken into the care of medics to be checked over.

    The latest arrivals are the first to make the perilous journey in almost a week after wet weather and choppy conditions at sea put a temporary pause on Channel crossings.


    1. Tony Parsons was part of the NME’s double act of the late 70s. His partner? Julie Burchill, his wife from 79-84. Many of the record reviews they wrote were political and sociological rather than musical. For a while they became a standing joke. They were perceived as socialistic yet he’s been a Tory party member and voted to leave the EU while Burchill later wrote complimentarily about Margaret Thatcher. Perhaps they finally grew up…

      1. I reckon that many of the (mostly fleeting) pop stars of the 60s/70s/80s have been downright shocked at their feelings of patriotism and small-c conservatism in their own 60s/70s/80s (if thhey made it that far).

  25. 366562+ up ticks,

    May one ask has he any proven treachery in his past career ?

    Farage: Sunak Has ‘No Humanity’, Will Raise Taxes, Fail on Migrants, Lose Working Class

        1. The reason for the famine in Ethiopia was war. The land there is very fecund. By Geldofs actions the population has increased to unsustainable levels virtually guaranteeing future famines.

      1. Grizzly has a strong wish to be locked in a room with Geldof. Just a few hours will do to prolong his agony.

    1. B.. who? Nonentity craves a bit more notoriety by supporting (I was going to write Philistines but the latter were far more sophisticated) moronic would-be destroyers of culture. These actions are akin to book-burnings, they are an attack on everything people hold dear, find useful, learn from etc.

    2. Arguably, his actions have caused a greater increase in the human population and therefore pollution/plant food than the rest of us put together.

      1. If you look very carefully you can probably see Bob of Bonsall lugging a few hundredweight of kerbstones up the hillside.

      1. There has been a significant resurgence in the hare population around here in the past dozen years.

        1. John Clare.

          Hares at Play

          The birds are gone to bed, the cows are still,
          And sheep lie panting on each old mole-hill;
          And underneath the willow’s gray-green bough,
          Like toil a-resting, lies the fallow plough.
          The timid hares throw daylight fears away
          On the lane’s road to dust and dance and play,
          Then dabble in the grain by naught deterred
          To lick the dew-fall from the barley’s beard;
          Then out they sturt again and round the hill
          Like happy thoughts dance, squat, and loiter still,
          Till milking maidens in the early morn
          Jingle their yokes and sturt them in the corn;
          Through well-known beaten paths each nimbling hare
          Sturts quick as fear, and seeks its hidden lair.

      2. Firstborn has a farm hare.
        Massive creature, so it is. Occasionally seen lolloping around, at a distance.

    1. Reminds me of breakfasting in Hall Farm Cafe, Stratford St. Mary a few years back.
      The sunlight highlighted a field on the opposite slope in just the same way.

  26. Afternoon All

    Funny Old World

    It appears as “waycist” is losing its power due to overuse the latest words to shut down debate is “antisemite” as in

    “the use of the word Globalist is an antisemitic trope”



    Those blithering idiots who are saying “it’s just the markets” seem to have forgotton the E in WEF stands for Economic

    Where’s this going??


    Further down the tracks…….


    1. “the use of the word Globalist is an antisemitic trope”

      Not unexpectedly, the Guardian reported on this last week:

      It was unfortunate that Farage named Shapps amongst others but the reaction of some amongst the Jewish population is bordering on the paranoid. Are they really incapable of making the distinction or, as is probably likely, did the Guardian ignore Jews who told them to stop overreacting? Farage said:
      “The OED definition is ‘advocating the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis’. I had no idea that Mr Shapps had Jewish roots. In this confected outrage, I can only think that people are worried that I might make a political return.”

      Close the debate
      Catherine McKinnell, the Labour MP who chairs the all-party parliamentary group against antisemitism, said: “Calling a Jewish man a ‘globalist’ plays into age-old antisemitic conspiracism. Some people will know this and do so deliberately, others may be naive, but there is no excuse for it whatsoever. No one in public life should be using language that perpetuates racist anti-Jewish tropes. It’s as simple as that.”

      1. Anti semitic means a dislike of Jews. The Left wing are just annoyed that ‘waycist’ no longer has any value so are looking for other insults to throw about to shut down the fact that Sunak is a Left wing globalist stooge who’ll ruin the country.

    2. 366562+ up ticks,

      Afternoon Rik,

      In my book it started via the mass uncontrolled immigration latch lifter cum
      park toilet attending cottaging, dogga
      Bow Crown court (GUILTY)

      The Jay report was concerning a blatant eyes tight shut issue, rotherham, post rotherham the toxic trio coalition continued importing paedophiles and still finding favour with the electorate majority.

    3. That’s not true. The good people were shot, robbed, hounded out by the party. Their doors were sprayed with blood (ring any bells) and the state forces set about destroying them by installing the party favourites in positions of power.

          1. …and a far, far better temperament, He was worth countless millions whereas she is an untrammelled liability.

    4. I always remember this:
      When the Nazis came for the communists,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a communist.

      When they locked up the social democrats,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a social democrat.

      When they came for the trade unionists,
      I did not speak out;
      I was not a trade unionist.

      When they came for the Jews,
      I remained silent;
      I was not a Jew.

      When they came for me,
      there was no one left to speak out.

  27. Boss: “You’ve been late for work three times this week. Do you know what that means?”

    Me: “It’s Wednesday?”

  28. Rishi Sunak: Mum, Dad, I’m Prime Minister!

    Mr & Mrs Sunak: Very good son, but couldn’t you have done something
    more respectable like becoming a doctor, estate agent or rent boy?

    1. Notable that he was only elected to a cushy safe seat not long ago. The whole thing stinks. Far better people should be PM.

  29. Three Ladies playing golf on the 4th hole at Royal Troon when a naked well hung man with a paper bag over his head jumps out the bushes and runs across the fairway. The first lady says ,well he is definitely not my husband seeing that big thing swinging around. The second says ,i wish it was my husband. The third says he’s not even a member of the club.

    1. Channel four stoops to new lows. After the Naked attraction show their latest offering is a documentary called ‘My Massive Cock’. And they ain’t talking about roosters.

  30. I wonder how Charles reacted to meeting Sunak?

    No televised oh dear oh dears, I bet

    Will he allow Charles to go to COP27 and Davos conferences?

    1. COP27: Yes, as long as he agrees with Modi to a Net Zero target of 2070.
      Davos: No, because he will have sold all the late Queen’s horses by then.

  31. My son was flunking out of college so I told him “You will marry the girl I choose.”
    He said, “no.”
    I told him, “she is Bill Gates’s daughter.”
    He said, “yes.”
    I called Bill Gates and said, “I want your daughter to marry my son.”
    Bill Gates said, “no.”
    I told Bill Gates, “my son is the CEO of the world bank.”
    Bill Gates said, “yes.”
    I called the president of the world bank and asked him to make my son the CEO.
    He said, “no.”
    I told him, “my son is Bill Gates’s son-in-law.”
    He said, “yes.”
    And that’s exactly how politics works. And thus, began the practice of hiring morons to work in influential positions of government. This practice remains unbroken to this day.

  32. Bloody hell, I’m knackered!
    Sufficient apples crushed for three presses and 12½ litres collected.
    Crush & press cleaned up and put in the shed to dry out.

    A pity about the jugful that got knocked over.

    Now for a much needed mug of tes!

      1. No unfortunately, I dropped the bloody tommy bar from the nut that screws down onto the apples and it knocked the jug over.

  33. Energy Arbitration

    New Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE) must now by law be energy arbitration compliant which allows an energy supplier to charge electric vehicles at differing rates depending on National Grid loading.

    EVSE suppliers are vulnerable to extra overhead costs in meeting changes in Government legislation.

    One such upmarket EVSE supplier is going into administration and this video sets out the situation facing EV owners who chose to have this EV charging equipment intalled:


    1. If you cannot see a patient’s face you cannot confirm some issues such as jaundice. They should also be able to speak English fluently.They float along, soaking up tax payers money and not integrating, not learning the language. That must stop, the burka banned – and that pyjama nonsense got rid as well.

      He was right, if the muslims don’t like it, they should leave.

        1. Then they’re damned fools. However, masks protect them from you – which is more likely given GP absenteeism.

        2. We went to the surgery this morning – the only mask in sight was on the doctor we saw. Dr Hussein – no hijab, just a blue mask. She was very thorough – blood pressure, pulse rate, etc. she listened to his chest. We have to go back tomorrow morning for an ECG & blood samples.

          The waiting room was full of overweight women. Most appeared to be seeing the nurses.

    2. Hospital doctors (in particular) have always placed coded acronyms on patients’ notes in order to inform other medical staff what they are about to encounter. I’ve forgotten a lot of them but TAPS is a particular favourite.

      Thick As Pig Shit.

          1. But I am, if you believe that George, why did you stay so long in Norfolk?

            “Blast boar, you niver oughter ha’ went.”

          2. Say ‘please’!

            I’d have no problem moving back to Norfolk. I enjoyed every day I lived there. Cley-Next-The-Sea is my favourite place in the UK.

          3. So, why all the nonsense about NFN ? Just a myth to boost the ignorant North?

            That’s been my observation, having lived and worked in Yorkshire and other Northern counties including Scotland ,where I now reside (against my will) – a general prejudice against the south and anyone who hails from those parts.

            I hate the North and its silly bias.

          4. Are you having a sense of humour bypass in your dotage, Tommy? Do lighten up. The “NFN” is something that hospital doctors, from all over the country, put on certain patient’s medical notes. I get the Mick taken out of me for being Northern all the time, yet take the Mick out of a Naafuck boy and he goes all mardy and throws his teddy out of his cot! Now, go and have some nice cold, stodgy bread pudding and smile.

          5. I’ve spent more hours traipsing around that wonderful nature reserve than anywhere else, watching countless dozens of bird species.

    3. I understand that, like the rest of us, we (like doctors in the increasingly rare face-to-face consultations) need body language, especially facial expressions, to fully understand what the other person is trying to say to us.

    4. A cousin of a friend of mine is a colorectal surgeon and told me he had a Muslim patient who refused to uncover her face but was happy to let him examine her arse so at the second consultation he pretended he didn’t recognise her till she dropped her knickers.

  34. Has anyone seen this before? Professor Norman Fenton explains how the ‘efficacy’ of medications can be manipulated to make them appear the answer to the problem. Sleight of data and process produces the ‘right’ answer despite the reality being otherwise.


    1. I follow most of that, Korky, but I’m struggling to understand why a percentage of those who were vaccinated in the first two weeks were “reclassified” as being unvaccinated! How can that be and why? They were vaccinated … how can they now be “unvaccinated”?

      1. That’s one of the ‘rules’ or more correctly, fixes, that the people running this show built in to the system.
        Anyone being jabbed was not classified as “vaccinated” for 14 days post jab: if during that time they then contracted, aka, tested positive, for the bug, their infection went into the “unvaccinated” column, not the “vaccinated” column.
        This ruse covered the problem that many people did test positive within 14 days of having been jabbed, not ideal for those promoting the jab. At the same time the ruse skewed the infection figures towards the “unvaccinated” cohort.
        Fenton, and others, picked up on this early on. In one presentation (The Highwire) Fenton, using official figures, showed that the fully jabbed could be immortal, such was the presentation of the data: a nonsense of course.
        I hope that makes sense.

        1. Thanks, Korky; it’s now much clearer. More obfuscation from the controllers to suit their malign agenda.

        1. Mm I always remembered my ex’s birthday being the same date and hers is the 28th, but looking at Wikipedia you are right – apologies

  35. Afternoon, all. Party first, you notice. The country is stuffed whether the Tories survive or not. Would we really notice any difference between Labour and blue Labour? High taxes, big state, wasteful spend, excessive borrowing, wokery personified, green lunacy, LGBTQWERTYUIOP promoting – they are both the same! I’ve got my chest of drawers installed now (and no, I shan’t wear them all at once). I’ve also planted yet more bulbs (tulips and hyacinths this time). I bought some more candlesticks as well. I think I’m going to need them in the darkest days of winter thanks to idiotic greenery. Shropshire is making available “warm spaces” (‘inclusive’, of course) for those who don’t feel they can afford to heat their houses (these are mainly in libraries). They may as well open soup kitchens while they are about it. What has happened to this country?

    1. Yes it’s all about Party party party self self self – wot abaht the people who pay their effin wages?
      I have tons of candles, loads of gas bottles and a generator so bollox to them

          1. On the keypad of my iPad there’s a smiley face below the letters! Google emoticons and you’ll find millions of them! 😘

          2. The hilarious thing is that the faces and hands are yellow 🖐🧒 but now you can change the colour to suit the recipient 👍🏻🤚🏾🤚🏾✋🏿👩🏻🧔🏽‍♂️! Very diverse/right on/PC/vomit-inducing! Our SiL does it all the time!

          3. All I see on my Windows 7 Office 2016, Sue, is lots of little blank squares.

            That’s the trouble with Ipad, Iphone and probably Iron – no compatibility with other operating systems – of which the majority are Windows based.

          4. You can copy and paste them from Getemoji, Tom but getting the blank squares is very frustrating!

          5. I just put up with this, Sue, as ’emojis’ don’t cause me to move my feelings on ANY topic.

          6. Thanks Sue but I don’t use my iPad for emails etc. Must have a look on my PC, non on my keypad so will see if I can copy and paste from somewhere else😘
            Ha – done it

      1. Until we have a true democracy – referism, recall and direct democracy – we are not a democracy.

        Anything any MP does should be completely controlled and removed or stopped completely by the public at any time. Imagine a world where Brown announces he’s going to rob our pensions and we say no. He then says ‘I’m going to ‘invest’ 500 billions in toilet roll to stem the tide of filth from Blair and we say no. His every decision thwarted.

        Now that’s democracy.

      2. I have candles, tea lights, camping gaz, open fires and solid fuel heating. Perhaps I should invest in a genny.

  36. The newly elected Premier of Alberta has just announced that she will have nothing to do with the WEF (nor with useless imposition from Ottawa).

    I wonder how long she will be allowed to continue with her little rebellin against the “common good”

  37. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/8a1ed80ecd09c43d04c897ec0ec1d6da9d69ebe3bab18d4ae75793cdf025f3bb.jpg I hit a snag this afternoon. In fact I hit 3 kg of them. No decent sausages here in Sweden so I have to knock up a batch of British pork bangers every now and then (like this afternoon).

    I was anxious to give a work-out to my brand new German-made butchers’ quality sausage-stuffer. It is huge and weighs a ton but it is a doddle to use and is much better than the cheapo rubbish I’ve just binned.

      1. Thanks, Wibbs. I’ve made Cumberland-style (lots of cracked black pepper) in the past as well as Lincolnshire (lots of sage). These I made today are just bog-standard English breakfast-style. My particular favourite is a Midlands’ pork and tomato, which I made last time.

        Speaking of Cumberland sausages, I visited a restaurant in Grasmere some years ago and had a small pot of a delicious Cumberland Stew. It was a thick onion gravy filled with chunks of tender lamb, hunks of black pudding and chunks of Cumberland sausage. It was a memorably delicious meal on a cold, wet and windy day.

          1. Lidls sell great Cumberland sausages but not in lengths – I think there’s 6 to a pack and very tasty

      1. Thanks, Paul. When I cleaned the stuffer out there was sufficient sausage meat left over to make three sausage patties. I shall have one tomorrow for my dinner.

    1. So what is he, then? Just plain incompetent? A Red under the bed? Or a Limp Dim? (These possibilities are, of course, not necessarily mutually exclusive).

  38. Damned pity this:

    A month after receiving one of the revamped COVID vaccines, the head of the agency in charge of disease control for the United States has tested positive for COVID-19.

    Dr. Rochelle Walensky’s infection could add another “why bother,” some immunologists and observers worry, for people sitting on the fence over the new bivalent vaccines, which target both the Omicron and original strains of SARS-CoV-2.

  39. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/bf2d84775b1c5e23dd1b174290f59583a1fa8adc67c0f85c9b815fd4bd40bc6f.jpg https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/135ec1217c289cd6dfb53930da7895ee37ce39423be4bd7dfeaf683dfe225123.jpg I had a smile on my face yesterday. A local in our village, evidently pissed off at cars exceeding the speed limit, has fastened a home-made mannequin to a lamp-post outside his house. Other locals tell me of laughing out loud as passing cars are now braking sharply when they spot this polis with his “speed gun”.

    Viewed from the side it looks more like a piss-head struggling with his can of cheap beer. I wonder how long it remains in situ before someone destroys it?

    1. Quite a number of stores now have a life size photo of a policeman in uniform on their entrance door. Apparently the thought of a polis when you walk in deters shoplifters and seems to work! Like driving along, spot a polis in the rear view and try to remember what you’ve done!

      1. One of the supermarkets near me has a cardboard cut-out of one by the entrance. It’s the nearest we’ll get to actually seeing a police person in this neck of the woods.

      2. Tip: Be careful when you have been stopped by a traffic police officer who asks you:
        “Do you know why I have stopped you?”
        Because anything you say could be interpreted as a confession to an offence.

        Have any Nottlers got any suggestions to the best reply in such a situation?

        1. Was done just the other day. As was my better half. Both of us going about our lawful business and not breaking any law.

          We both told the kids: When (not if) it happens to you, the only thing you can answer is “no”.

          Nb. My better half had set out from the sunny uplands that is Richmond upon Thamez to visit folks in Cornwall but the “mistake” was going at 3 am with the dog. Plod tried to get him for speeding (he doesn’t/ wouldn’t) or just being out and about at 3 am. Quite what they wanted me on my motorbike for, i’ve no idea. Either way, they have two ethnic hwites stopped and interrogated- go, Plod!

    2. We had a very life like one in one of the nearby villages. The first time I saw it, I slowed down – and I wasn’t going anywhere near the speed limit!

    3. Someone set up something similar near us.
      It worked to a certain extent, but of course as soon as it was realised what if was, the local habitual speeders raised the finger.
      Our police have lost the plot as far as motoring offences go.
      If they did their job properly they would bring in million in revenue. But they don’t seem to be bothered.

  40. USA, USA!

    ‘Rashee Sanook!’ Humiliating moment Joe Biden mispronounces name of the UK’s new Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in congratulatory speech
    Biden was speaking at a White House event to mark the Indian holiday of Diwali
    He congratulated Rishi Sunak who is about to become UK’s new prime minister
    But he stumbled over Sunak’s name, instead calling the new PM ‘Rashee Sanook’
    Sunak will be Britain’s first ever non-white prime minister – a feat hailed as a ‘groundbreaking milestone’ by Biden

    A sign of just how much Biden respects Britain?


    1. I’ll bet Joe Biden attracts only a fraction of the criticism Ronald Reagan got when he addressed Diana as Princess David.

    2. Biden’s clearly ill and increasingly it is cruel to keep him in office. Sadly, hhe has a fervent user base of thick, gormless fanatics who can’t distinguish between wealth creation and waste.

    1. Apparently Rhyming Slang is still chancellor and Shitts will be Business Secretary – not a good start!

    2. Hmm.
      Normally I’d say, “Good,” but in the current political atmosphere, I’m not so sure.

    1. 366562+ up ticks,

      Evening KtK,

      The reform party”s last outing was as
      the brexit party at £20 / £25 a pop proving to be very capable hill climbers
      under the grand old puke farage and in a very pro tory (ino) manner.

      The farage chap was out to destroy UKIP under the Batten leadership, along with the UKIP oarty nec
      ( still in power) achieved their goal.

  41. ~The madness of the UK’s legal system advances;

    UK: Convicted Child Rapist Allowed to go on Greek Vacation Prior to Sentencing
    A convicted pedophile was allowed to take a week-long vacation to Greece while awaiting sentencing for a slew of horrific offenses against children and animals.

    On October 19, Matthew Thompson, a 48 year old man from Barnsley, United Kingdom, pleaded guilty to ten charges at Bradford Crown Court. But despite the sickening nature of his crimes, Thompson was given the okay to take a vacation to Greece ahead of his sentencing hearing in November.

    Thompson was convicted of abusing two young girls, both of whom were under the age of 13 at the time. Five of his ten charges referenced child rape, with Thompson admitting to four separate counts of assault by penetration, and one of sexual activity with a child.

    In addition to the assaults, Thompson was convicted on five charges related to creating child sexual exploitation material, and possessing extreme pornography depicting sexual activity with animals.

    Despite pleading guilty, Thompson was allowed to embark on a week-long vacation to Greece prior to being sentenced. Barrister Gillian Batts had told the court on Wednesday that Thompson had a pre-booked trip to Kos that he wanted to go on, and that had already paid for it.

    According to Yorkshire Live, Batts said that Thompson’s vacation would go from October 20 to the 27th. She stated that Thompson would register as a sex offender prior to his departure, and that after he returned to the United Kingdom he would “sign on” with the Barnsley police.

    Despite calling Thompson’s crimes “extremely serious,” Judge Gibson declined to revoke Thompson’s bail and take him into custody, noting that Thompson “[had] entered honest pleas.”

    Gibson also assured Thompson that he would get “proper credit for [his] guilty pleas in due course” once being sentenced.

    The court made it a condition of Thompson’s continued bail to report to Barnsley police on October 28, the day after he is is scheduled to arrive back from his vacation in Greece, to prove he had returned to the UK.

    Thompson’s sentencing hearing is set for November 18.


          1. We met JRJ at a party in Dornoch in the early ‘Seventies; he was just like his character – gruff, blunt and basso profundo – but absolutely charming!

  42. Off Topic

    I’ve returned from a trip to a third world country. It is interesting to compare how France repairs roads with how Newipigshitistan does it.

    Here, they strip off (quiet LotL) the top surface and grind (quiet Phizzee) down to the solid surface and then replace the tarmac to a depth of 6-9 inches (down Sues) The whole process is done over a few days, we noted work on the way up was completed by the time we returned 10 days later.
    The traffic management is much better too. Alternate lights, sensible deviations and the traffic flows well, even if slightly more slowly.
    What the Hell has happened to the UK?

        1. (True story). A Raleigh (cycles) lorry driver was delivering bikes there and decided to park up for the night at an off-town centre car park. He had just settled down in his cab bed when there was an agitated knock on the door. He wound down the window to see the original Mr Angry (of legend) from that town snarling at him.

          Mr Angry: “I say, driver, you can’t park that lorry here!
          Driver: “Why the hell not?”
          Mr Angry: “Because we don’t allow that sort of thing here. You’ll have to go elsewhere!”
          Driver: “Oh yeah? What’s so special about Tunbridge Wells?”
          Mr Angry: “ROYAL Tunbridge Wells to you!

          I can’t recall the drivers exact reply but I do believe it ended with the word “off”.

    1. Visiting France in years past I noticed how well roads were being constructed – even the D Roads seemed to be well heeled….

    2. Visiting France in years past I noticed how well roads were being constructed – even the D Roads seemed to be well heeled….

    3. France is much larger than the UK, with plenty of mountains and room for quarries. UK is generally short of suitable material. Indeed, now that UK iron and steel production has decreased, there is a shortage of cinders (pulverised ash) for thermal blocks.

        1. …and those that haven’t? Do they also have a legal leg to stand on, having been proven right all along? I would say that it will all turn upon the probability of ‘Self-Inflicted injury” by by the dumb-clucks in society. ‘Cos the Doctors and Nurses are beyond reproach, “We just followed Orders.” Didn’t work at Nuremberg, why should it today?

          1. And there’s no-one to turn to. My right arm, again, has the red spots and today, one scabbed and bled. The doctors and nurses at the surgery do not want to know. As soon as you mention the AZ jabs they clam up and change the subject.
            I am very pleased for all those who have had the shots and boosters and are all right. The jabs have totally compromised my health and that of my husband.

          2. SWMBOs brother isn’t all right. He died. Get a meaningful answer related to the jab? Two hopes, Bob Hope & No Hope.
            You have my deepest sympathy, Ann. I’d like to be able to suggest something useful, but other than paying a shedload of money for private consultation, I can’t. Can you get referred to some kind of specialist?

          3. Go, girl!
            Bite their fcuking heads off, and make them feel bad.
            There’s a whole tribe of Nottlers got your back.

          4. Challenge the buggers. “Why won’t you discuss the possibility of an adverse reaction to a vaccine? Remember THalidomide (they probably don’t, too young)?”
            And if they don’t come with something constructive, tell them they are lying, you look forward to their trial for conspiracy and genocide, and leave.

  43. This whole business in Westminster disgusts me. We’ll be back in the EU by the end of the year.
    Sunak has no mandate from anyone! He was slithered into position and it was all a huge set up.
    They all appall me, every last one of them.

    1. The Con
      won’t do it, they will merely set up the groundwork so that when Labour take over it will be an easy slide in and they can’t be blamed, even though that’s what they want.

    2. Rishi Sunak’s Family Runs a China-linked, World Economic Forum Partner Company peddling Digital ID & Social Credit Scores.

      His family has close ties to a tech partner of the WEF that has advocated for a Chinese Communist-style economy e.g., trackable, digital IDs & currency.

      Sunak is and always was a WEF puppet. Those sycophant MPs licking his arse are grasping traitors. One of the worst traitors is Tobias Elwood.

      I pray that Sunak is soon deposed. He is a nasty piece of work.

    3. Rishi Sunak’s Family Runs a China-linked, World Economic Forum Partner Company peddling Digital ID & Social Credit Scores.

      His family has close ties to a tech partner of the WEF that has advocated for a Chinese Communist-style economy e.g., trackable, digital IDs & currency.

      Sunak is and always was a WEF puppet. Those sycophant MPs licking his arse are grasping traitors. One of the worst traitors is Tobias Elwood.

      I pray that Sunak is soon deposed. He is a nasty piece of work.

  44. Well, I don’t suppose anyone expected that to happen, did they?

    Sex Offender Identified as Woman to Access Women’s Shelter, Allegedly Raped a Female Resident

    A woman was allegedly raped by a sex offender at a women’s shelter in Ontario, Canada after the predator identified as transgender in order to gain access to the facility.

    Shane Jacob Green, 25, was arrested on August 24 by Ontario Provincial Police (OPP). At the time, the OPP issued a notice stating Green had been charged with two counts of sexual assault, four counts of failing to comply with a probation order, and one count of failing to comply with a release order.

    But new details have emerged through the Toronto Sun revealing that Green’s crimes occurred while he was staying in a women’s emergency shelter in Parry Sound.

    Green is well known to police and has multiple prior offenses — including a conviction for having sexually assaulted a woman in 2018. Green was handed 114 days in prison for the crime, and was made to provide DNA in order to catalogue him in the national offenders registry.

    According to the Sun, Green, who is homeless, had approached the Parry Sound shelter on August 22 and declared he was a woman in order to get a place to stay. While in the home, Green had allegedly been making sexually inappropriate comments to staff and residents, his behavior culminating in a sexual assault that occurred just two days later. He was arrested on August 24, the day of the assault, and is currently at Parry Sound Jail awaiting trial.

    At the time of his arrest, Green was on probation. But this was not the first time he’d committed a crime while under release conditions.

    In 2019, after being released from jail for the 2018 assault, Green was arrested in Welland, Ontario, for stalking and harassing two young girls who had been in a Tim Horton’s coffee shop.

    The teens had noticed Green leering at them through the window of the restaurant and became uncomfortable. They left the Tim Horton’s out of fear and went to a nearby mall, but Green pursued them. When the girls noticed Green had continued to follow them, they fled into a store for safety.

    After a period of time and the apparent disappearance of Green, the girls went back to the Tim Horton’s, only to have Green return and sit directly behind them. Green had a loaded BB gun on him at the time, a weapon that was visible to the girls as it was tucked in his waistband. Police were called and Green was taken into custody.

    Prior to the August 22 attack, Green had allegedly attempted to access other shelters in the area, going so far as to claim he had a child to do so. He had reportedly been flagged by the shelter system in Strathroy due to his manipulative nature.

    According to the Sun, Green was known for leveraging his knowledge of gender self-identification policies both with police and women’s resource centers. Green sometimes uses the name “Stephanie” when claiming to be transgender. Staff at the women’s shelter where the rape allegedly occurred may have been too afraid to turn Green away due to the risk of running afoul of Canada’s notoriously pro-trans human rights law.

    In June, Reduxx reported that a Canadian woman had been evicted from a transitional house in British Columbia after raising concerns about gender self-identification policy.

    The woman, who spoke exclusively to Reduxx under the condition of anonymity, described multiple disturbing incidents that had occurred within the residence while she stayed there, including having been exposed to a trans-identified male posing naked outside of her bedroom.

    After raising concerns with shelter staff, the woman, who had been there in order to escape domestic violence, was told she was “transphobic” and had to find a new place to stay.


  45. The Reform Party contacted me recently to ask me to be a paper candidate – I live in Harman’s seat and I don’t suppose they would want to sink election funds into a Labour safe seat.
    If I were not a member of the your metropolitan constabulary I would have given it a go and visited every single home so disgusted I am with the incumbent scoundrels.

  46. The Reform Party contacted me recently to ask me to be a paper candidate – I live in Harman’s seat and I don’t suppose they would want to sink election funds into a Labour safe seat.
    If I were not a member of the your metropolitan constabulary I would have given it a go and visited every single home so disgusted I am with the incumbent scoundrels.

    1. Dear oh dear! The nutters on there actually believe her! Well done Oberst! A bit of common sense!

      1. I was hooked on Punch Nigeria when I read an article about someone’s misfortune, and it ended with that “… the cows were very sad.”
        How could you not love reportage like that?

    2. Megan’s mother looks mixed race. I can believe Doria might be 43% but not Megan. The Disqus thread is all “which tribe”? Is lying narcissist a tribe?

    3. Identifies as a ni55er and an uppity one at that. This we’ve always known. Harry is the ignoramus.

      1. Can you imagine sitting comfortably in your Isle seat on a plane and him coming aboard to sit in the next seat.

        1. It’s happened.
          Wedged it’s arse between the arms of the seat, pushed backwards, and splayed the arms to a huge spread (wedging me in)… bad flight (to Abu Dhabi) – Fatso was a US Serviceman on his way to Kuwait.

          1. Urgh – me too, entire flight to Nairobi. Rolls of fat spreading themselves over me… still makes me shiver.

          2. Ooo… that’s likely to lead to mental damage, that.
            My absolute sympathies…

      2. Thank you for that practical thought, OB. Fortunately I ate my evening meal a couple of hours ago.

    1. I saw them (never heard a thing for the screaming!) in Wolverhampton in the early days (when Brian Jones was still with them).

      1. I saw them at Eel Pie Island, early 60s. Before they were famous. Just another loud band.
        I saw the Beatles at Finsbury Park Astoria. Same as…..couldn’t hear the band for the screaming.

        1. They were never ‘just another loud band’. Even at their early gigs in Richmond, the locals knew they were a cut above the rest. Once they played at a wedding reception.
          (Not the Crawdaddy, I think it was at an hotel)

          1. With several huge egos involved, most if not all, new bands didn’t know how to control the sound output until they had recording contracts and were taught to balance and control the power of the output.

    2. Sorry, Grizzly, I was able to recognise neither Arthur Haynes nor Nicholas (“Arthur you’ve triumphed again!”) Parsons. Lol.

        1. Sad to say, I didn’t remember him. Am I losing my marbles? Mind you, keeping up with the new names of Government Ministers is giving my brain information overload! Lol.

  47. I note one former minister has managed to slither into office yet again…..I wonder how much grovelling he had to do?

  48. The dogs are lying together, nose to tail (although Oscar is in possession of 99% of Charlie’s blanket). Kadi is woofling and twitching in his sleep. The first time he’s dreamed since I’ve had him. I hope it means he’s feeling more relaxed and secure.

    1. You seem to have performed wonders with these two erst-while misfit doggies, Conners. All credit to you.

      Poppie had her rvisit to the vet yesterday, I thought it was for her enlarged glands but no! – a blood test to see how her kidneys are standing up to the diuretics….. £188 please! That is on top of the £1,387 we paid last week…! Or was it £1,837? They are just numbers now. Examination of the enlarged lymph glands starts Friday, 9.30 a.m.

      In France we paid at the start of the treatment, for example Poppie got a large, spikey grass seed down her ear. We paid our bill for her to be admitted to his animal hospital for the day, the general anaesthetic and sundry drops thereafter. She found she had developed an ear infection on the flap of her ear two or three days later. We returned pronto, and he absolutely would take no more cash from us, Poppie required a course of antibiotics and a follow-up appt. All included in the original fee of €120. I think it is because there does not seem to be a culture of pet insurance in France.

      Our vet here, I am pleased to say, is delighted with Poppie’s progress and has even advised we halve the diuretic dose; however I am aware we are now in the borrowed time or bonus zone.

        1. Thank you Lotl. The vet, cheerful soul that he is, said she could last two or three months or several years, she could go downhill quickly…. No-one knows. Today she was straining at the leash to be off after those squirrels, she knows where they especially hang out, no-one would have known that a week ago it was touch-and-go for her. Unfortunately where we live squirrels are all over the place wherever we walk.

      1. Apart from the pain in the wallet, it seems to be good news. I think Oscar has come a long way. Kadi is just a nervous dog with no self confidence. He’s happy for me to be pack leader and tell him what to do. He does seem to have come out of his shell and is acting more dog-like on his walks. He is even living dangerously by investigating Oscar’s food dish, but I only have to say, “ack!” and he runs off with a look on his face that says, “who? Me?”

      1. Give ’em this…
        Greta’s Green Day
        One crisp winter morning in Sweden, a cute little girl named Greta woke up to a perfect world, one where there were no petroleum products ruining the earth. She tossed aside her cotton sheet and wool blanket and stepped out onto a dirt floor covered with willow bark that had been pulverised with rocks.
        “What’s this?” she asked.
        “Pulverised willow bark,” replied her fairy godmother.
        “What happened to the carpet?” she asked.
        “The carpet was nylon, which is made from Butadiene and hydrogen cyanide, both made from petroleum,” came the response.

        Greta smiled, acknowledging that adjustments are necessary to save the planet, and moved to the sink to brush her teeth where instead of a toothbrush, she found a willow, mangled on one end to expose wood fibre bristles.
        “Your old toothbrush?” noted her godmother, “Also nylon.”
        “Where’s the water?” asked Greta.
        “Down the road in the canal,” replied her godmother, ‘Just make sure you avoid water with cholera in it”
        “Why’s there no running water?” Greta asked, becoming a little peevish.
        “Well,” said her godmother, who happened to teach engineering at MIT, “Where do we begin?”

        There followed a long monologue about how sink valves need elastomer seats and how copper pipes contain copper, which has to be mined and how it’s impossible to make all-electric earth-moving equipment with no gear lubrication or tyres and how ore has to be smelted to make metal, and that’s tough to do, with only electricity as a source of heat, and, even if you use only electricity, the wires need insulation, which is petroleum-based, and though most of Sweden’s energy is produced in an environmentally friendly way because of hydro and nuclear, if you do a mass and energy balance around the whole system, you still need lots of petroleum products like lubricants and nylon and rubber for tyres and asphalt for filling potholes and wax and iPhone plastic and elastic to hold your underwear up while operating a copper smelting furnace and . . .
        “What’s for breakfast?” interjected Greta, whose head was hurting.
        “Fresh, range-fed chicken eggs,” replied her godmother. “raw.”
        “How so, raw?” inquired Greta.
        “Well, …

        . . .” And once again, Greta was told about the need for petroleum products like transformer oil and scores of petroleum products essential for producing metals for frying pans and in the end was educated about how you can’t have a petroleum-free world and then cook eggs. Unless you rip your front fence up and start a fire and carefully cook your egg in an orange peel like you do in Boy Scouts. Not that you can find oranges in Sweden anymore.
        “But I want poached eggs like my Aunt Tilda makes,” lamented Greta.
        “Tilda died this morning,” the godmother explained. “Bacterial pneumonia.”
        “What?!” interjected Greta. “No one dies of bacterial pneumonia! We have penicillin.”
        “Not anymore,” explained godmother “The production of penicillin requires chemical extraction using isobutyl acetate, which, if you know your organic chemistry, is petroleum-based. Lots of people are dying, which is problematic because there’s not any easy way of disposing of the bodies since backhoes need hydraulic oil and crematoriums can’t really burn many bodies using as fuel Swedish fences and furniture, which are rapidly disappearing – being used on the black market for roasting eggs and staying warm.”

        This represents only a fraction of Greta’s day, a day without microphones to exclaim into and a day without much food, and a day without carbon-fibre boats to sail in, but a day that will save the planet.

        Tune in tomorrow when Greta needs a root canal and learns how Novocain is synthesised.

    1. “New Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson is not heeding to the Green agenda. He promptly eliminated the entire Ministry of Climate and Environment, marking the first time in 35 years that Sweden does not have a specific climate ministry. People are crying that the world will crumble without funding bureaucrats who pretend they have the ability to alter the weather cycle with enough funding.

      Klaus Schwab’s plans for Agenda 2030 are in jeopardy. “Environmental issues are going to be given a disadvantage at the same time when we have a huge challenge in Sweden when it comes to biodiversity and forestry,” stated Stockholm University professor Karin Bäckstrand. “We won’t meet the Agenda 2030 goals on biodiversity.”

      Democratic leader Ebba Busch will serve as the new Minister for Energy, and 26-year-old Liberal Romina Pourmokhtari will serve as the Minister of Climate and Environment, The Nationalist Sweden Democrats do not support the goal of achieving net zero emissions.

      Instead, the new government is prioritizing nuclear power initiatives that will make it increasingly difficult to shut down existing plants while using €36 billion to build new nuclear power stations. The new government is also considering reopening two nuclear power plants that discontinued operations in recent years. Yet another example of how Agenda 2030 and Schwab’s plan to alter the world will fail.”

      The only problem with that piece is the fact that Sweden does not have the Euro [“… make it increasingly difficult to shut down existing plants while using €36 billion to build new nuclear power stations.”] Sweden has always retained the Krona as its national currency.

    1. I’ve never understood the point in vegan meat substitutes. What are they trying to achieve ?

    2. The canteen at work does a very good cooked breakfast but the vegan alternative to the yummy Cumberland sausages looks so like turds it amazes me that anyone eats them.

        1. Yes, thank you. The concert was lovely. Settings by different composers of poems by Paul Verlaine.

    1. It all started to go pear-shaped when they did away with “Madchen” and “Knabe”.

        1. Indeed they are, Jeremy, but little girls are neuter until their teens, when they slowly turn into female, aren’t they? Lol.

          1. Well, the transition from das Mädchen into die Frau is rather sudden. It shows rather well the idiocy of confusing gender (which can indeed be on a whim) and sex, which is biological, set at conception and transitions in its own time through various phases throughout life.

  49. This evening I caught a part of Radio 4’s ‘PM’ programme and became even more depressed. It started encouragingly, including part of an interview from a couple of months ago with Craig McKinley, chairman of the mostly backbench Net-Zero Scrutiny Group. He pointed out that whatever the long-term plans, in the short to medium term the country needs cheap energy – that’s gas and we have a lot of it, so use it, especially when many ‘green’ technologies are still at the experimental stage.

    The presenter then spoke to Philip Dunn, chairman of the Environmental Audit Committee. He was all for NZ and praised the new PM who has already (as chancellor) backed it enthusiastically. He talked of ‘a web of behaviours [sic] needing to change’. He then demonstrated a complete failure to understand the scale of the problem in switching over when he referred to prices (in response to having heard the earlier interview): “In terms of renewables v. gas, because of Putin, renewables are significantly cheaper than gas in providing energy to our homes and our businesses. The idea that onshore gas is going to be cheaper than renewables is completely untested.”

    The presenter then said: “What about onshore wind? That’s very cheap, isn’t it?”. Dunn: “Only if it’s accessible to the grid and not remote.” !!!!!!!! Subsidies anyone? He also told us that the many wind turbines he had seen in France and Belgium didn’t spoil the view much.

    This idiot appears to think that renewables, which generate electricity, can be used to replace gas, which is the largest single portion of all energy currently used in the UK (about 40%). It’s also the largest portion of electricity generation (about 35%, down from 40% before the pandemic). Wind turbines provide about 24-28% of all electricity, about 4-5% of all power consumed.

    20 million homes use gas for hot water and heating, many also for cooking. How do the NZ idiots think even a small part of this enormous energy requirement can be turned over to electricity, however that electricity is generated? I cannot remember any advocate referring to the load on the national grid.

    God save us from these people…

      1. Thank goodness for technology. A click of a small button and all this current political nonsense is gone from view.
        Along with more than anything ever before in my life.

    1. Based on Googled numbers, I calculated roughly that the UK would need to add twice the generating capacity as exists already to switch to non-gas for domestic energy. Then the grid needs expanded, right down to the wire between the pole and the house.
      And where does the generation come from? Wind… yeah, right. Tide, the same, and solar… bah! Oil, gas & coal are the only reasonable sources, given that the UK has dithered about nuclear for so long (my first job at age 28 was safety case work for Hinkley C, it ain’t generating yet, and I’m 61 now…)

      1. Energy capacity is beyond the morons in Westminster. They don’t understand it. Or, they just don’t care, which I think is most likely. The idea was always to make energy scarce to allow the wasters a non job after office.

      2. On Saturday I met a chap who is 80+ who told me he was once involved in the miniaturisation of Geiger Counters some of which were used post skin-graft surgery to detect whether blood vessels were working ok. Prior to this advance patients would have to wait 8 weeks before the dressing came off and learn whether or not the graft had taken. He ended his career as a Nuclear Installations Instrument Calibration / Auditor (?) visiting the UK’s Power stations.

    2. Did Dunn mention contracts for difference, the reason why we’re paying so much for the useful energy sources?

      Ah, they don’t call them subsidy now. CFDs ensure that all energy is sold at the price of the highest. That’s always wind until recently. it means that if we had a sensible energy mix of coal, gas and nuclear we could ramp up the coal and nuclear and keep cheap energy going. Wasters could buy wind if they wanted, but at full market price of hundreds per MW.

    3. As noted below, UK needs 3x the current number of power stations just to switch out gas. Then the grid and wire to the house upgrades…

    4. I’ve watched Dave Walsh, ex-President of Mitsubishi Power Systems in the USA, explain a number of times why renewables aren’t the answer. Walsh is an expert in his field, unlike Philip Dunne MP, old Etonian and Bullingdon Club member who has a PPE degree. Ideology over expertise and understanding has got us to this point and people like Dunne and Johnson etc. are responsible.

      Dave Walsh:

      “This myth of renewables saving us in the next 20-30 years, it is a myth. Mathematically it doesn’t work, it can’t work.”


  50. Right, the DT has returned from t’Lad’s, now back home from hospital, where she went to wash his hair for him!
    Just done her a mug of cocoa and now off for a bath.

    Good night all.

  51. Well it’s been a longish day, I spent a few hours in one of our loft spaces. Discovered a wasp nest. And stacks of old photographs. I spent an hour looking at them all. I’d forgotten our eldest had been to New York with a previous girlfriend. Snow boarding young men weddings elderly relatives who actually look younger than I sometimes feel. Working in out, some of them were younger than I am now. But I still have plenty of hair.
    Oh well and its good night from me.

      1. There were a few of a family lunch on a long table in the garden alongside the river at my elder sisters house. My mother was in the picture it must have been 25 years ago. Some people I didn’t recognise at all.

  52. Our Internet has been down all day – this is the first time I have been able to get through to it.

    Last night I posted Birthday Best Wishes to our lovely Sue Edison – I hope she saw this and I apologise for the fact that I was unable to re-post it this morning. Anyway here is another try and a repeated best wishes from CAroline and me.

    Tuesday 25th October 2022

    Sue Edison


    and many more happy birthdays for our lovely Sue

    With very best wishes,

    Caroline and Rastus

  53. Up early, tickly cough woke me up. It’s been developing for a couple of days and joined the running nose I’ve had for a while but I do not feel ill at all. In fact I’ve spent most of the time this week moving a heap of soil into a new raised bed I’m having built. Not quite in BoB’s class but hard work nevertheless.
    Vits and minerals will be taken after my morning porridge.
    Back wrought iron gate has just been struck three times and the cooing – best I can describe the sound – of most likely a vixen calling her cub.

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