Tuesday 28 November: A dignified display of defiance against the scourge of anti-Semitism

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

629 thoughts on “Tuesday 28 November: A dignified display of defiance against the scourge of anti-Semitism

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story

    Get It Right
    Little Johnny goes to school, and the teacher says, “Today we are going to learn multi-syllable words, class. Does anybody have an example of a multi-syllable word?”
    Little Johnny waves his hand, “Me, Miss Rogers, me, me!”
    Miss Rogers, “All right little Johnny, what is your multi-syllable word?”
    Little Johnny says, “Mas-tur-bate.”
    Miss Rogers smiles uncomfortably and says, “Well, little Johnny, you’ve said quite a mouthful.”
    “No,” Little Johnny says, “you’re thinking of a blowjob.”

      1. Thats the one. I have banked with them for 56 years . They started as The Midland Bank Ltd,.Never had any problemwith them I have always had first class customer service from them.I have kept my account where I opened it at Wigan in Lancashire..

  2. 379090+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    King and Prince William ‘locked in struggle’ over future of monarchy, Scobie claims

    The Telegraph reveals key claims in royal biographer’s new book, Endgame, including Prince of Wales’s impatience for the top job

    Only one thing to say there as a patriotic far right Englishman, “give Anne a shot at the title”

    No nonce nts Anne ( ‘not on normal courtyard exercise’) would fill the bill nicely, as far as I know no WEF contamination.
    What’s not to like ?

    1. I think such a headline is designed to stir rather than any appreciable reality. Charlie’s just got the job. H’s not going to give it up.

      1. I’m unsure what actual powers he has over the Monarchy, but Charles could do a lot worse than take a hatchet to the swathes of Dukes and Duchesses and their hangers on, such as his brothers’ and sister’s children, the Royal uncles and aunts, surrounding flunkies and castles etc. If the organisations which have such Royals as patrons wish, they could continue with them.

        Now that William has an heir and a couple of spares, Harry and his entourage could be stripped of titles too.

        Charles could choose to carry on as head of a slimmed down “Firm” or even then abdicate in William’s favour and William could start afresh.

          1. Not so sure about that. Woke William is not only aloud-mouth greeniac – but is thick as shyte with it.

          2. Indeed, but one hopes he would take the apolitical side of his reign more seriously and butt out.
            He’s following his father’s public persona.

  3. Think before you attend, it might be you.

    Although I think Americans are dumber, much dumber in this context, does Tommy Robinson appearing at a rally where the organisers have asked him not to, do his cause any good if his supporters then kick off? The Pro-Jewish march was notable for its lack of large scale problems, one insignificant individual could easily have destroyed that.

    1. According to Marxists, the course of history is inevitable, and no individual is consequential. This is why Marxists are so good at predicting the future.

    2. Yes I can well see your point.

      However it cannot be denied that the way that Tommy Robinson (whose real name is Reginald Yaxley-Dwight and who founded the Benito Mussolini Appreciation Society) has been treated disgracefully by both the Police and the PTB.

      1. He certainly has, but there are far too many times when he brings it on himself.
        He comes across as reasonable and thoughtful when interviewers give him sensible questions. He should concentrate more on TV, radio and you tube presentation, rather than give trouble-makers so many opportunities to ride on his back allowing the MSM the chance to blame him for things that are not really of his doing.

        1. How many times has he been invited onto the BBC, Newsnight, Question Time etc. We have already witnessed those with a different view being cancelled on YouTube, TwitterX and other platforms.
          Besides him being harassed by the authorities in efforts to shut him up.

          1. Not enough
            Musk should make a difference and Robinson has certainly been interviewed sensibly.

          2. If GB News had not given in they would invite him to give his points of view rationally and without obscenities.

            His performance at the Oxford University Union shows him to be far more sensible and rational than many of the ignorant idiots who are regularly invited onto GB News programmes.


    3. It was clear that his supporters were the Jews on the march. His only companion was a cameraman.

      1. Whilst that might well have been the case, whether one likes it or not there are a lot of extremely unpleasant thugs who use him as an excuse.
        He has form for encouraging such supporters to attend counter-protests and the organisers in this case asked him to stay away.

        It doesn’t do the cause much good and I would argue that his physical presence is actually counter-productive when his support attracts the MSM and gives them the excuse to have him as the story rather than the real issue, which is that there is a significant level of support and sympathy for Israel and London’s Jews.

  4. Good morning all.
    A bright start with light, broken cloud and -½° on the Yard Thermometer.

  5. It’s always a source of fun to guess when the Christmas tree will appear at our house. This year, it was yesterday. It is a fine thing (I have been reading too much Hemingway recently).

    Apparently B&Q grew them in the UK this year. Ours cost £40. This is £20 cheaper than the equivalent last year.

    1. Picked up my tree for £25 at Jackson’s of Clay Cross on Friday when I called in for some fruit & veg on the way home from getting my DPF flushed.
      Hopefully it will last 4 or 5y before being retired and planted up the hill.

      1. The last two Christmas trees we planted in the garden after their time indoors never flourished. They struggled on for a couple of years and then died.

        By contrast a rather weedy Christmas tree which I replanted in the garden in my parents’ house in Keyhaven when I was 14 flourished and grew enormous.

          1. When I moved into this house there must have been two dozen smallish Christmas trees dotted around the garden. I gradually got rid of them to create an orchard (fruit trees) and veg plots. Only one is left now, in a pot, and that isn’t looking too good. It may be time to buy a new one.

    2. Mine lives in the attic all year, is zero cost, does not shed needles and will last me out. It will be put up sometime in December and has inbuilt lights which dont seem to fail. It will be returned to its place of safety soon after Christmas. Bah humbug…

      1. How many trees are cut down every year to satisfy the publics love of Xmas trees. These trees are more use if left to grow – I won’t have one in the house. I don’t have a plastic one either.

        1. They are grown specifically for that purpose. If people didn’t buy them no one would plant them.

          1. They might be but they are still cut down before they reach a decent height and even the small ones absorb CO2

      2. I have one that I bought in 1974 when I moved to Shropshire – it’s still fine. The other one is one a friend gave me a few years ago because it was surplus to requirements (his wife fills his house with Christmas trees and they had no room for this one). I only have artificial trees indoors so as not to confuse the dogs. I have three outdoor living trees in pots. Ho ho ho! Merry Christmas everybody!

  6. 379090+ up ticks,

    Be no surprise to see a call for more park public toilets.

    Richard Braine reposted
    Barrister’s Horse
    What a paradox!

    A Party with an 80 seat majority. It could have done anything it wanted, moved mountains and yet it chose Blairism – the most toxic, failed ideology of all.

    Self serving, sleaze & hubris

  7. Good morning all,

    Lovely bright start to the day in the Great Wen as I sit waiting for SWMBO to come down for breakfast.

    Another luvvie has taken herself off the Christmas card list.

    She gets suitably ridiculed in the comments. Why do these people imagine that anyone would pay attention to what they think? You’re there to entertain, Livvie love. Nothing else.

    1. Once slebs, actresses and actors start messing with politics they lose far more in terms of reputation than they will ever gain.

  8. I wonder how it would go down with the Green lobby if fossil fuel companies all started running similar advertisements on the use it or lose theme.

    For example where a happy, diverse family were driving their electric car, or were enjoying time together in their homes or were being treated in a hospital and suddenly they lost everything they had that had a fossil fuel contribution.

    They could be left naked on the road, or in a field without their home, or dying?

    It might just hammer hope to the populace people how impossible or at best how far off net zero actually is.

    1. And put the Idiot King in a thin cotton tent in the grounds of Balmoral for the whole winter so that he can expose himself to feel the effect Net Zero policies have on poor people and those sleeping rough.

      The right wrong royal buffoon needs a few sharp lessons in cause and effect.

      1. I’ve just seen the weather forecast for the next week or so. It is going to very cold soon even as far south as southern Spain.
        How on earth are the global warming ‘experts’ going to try and explain this ?
        They’ll be out of a job soon.
        Oh hang on, it’s now known as climate change.

        1. I look back over my life I see little change in the weather, same as sea levels they are no different at all . We of course need to improve many ways we do things but it is not that urgent as they make out. I would switch Net Zero to net Net Zero Immigration.

          1. A few years ago the ‘experts’ were blaming sea ice melts for rises in sea level. But it doesn’t quite work like that. As we all know when the ice melts in a gin and tonic it won’t spill over on the table.

    2. As we are reminded by the old Joani Mitchell song, “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”.
      I just dispare at the leadership of our own country. It seems that they are settling our population up to be martyrs to their pointless causes.
      When the rest of the world’s population don’t seem to have the slightest intention of giving up anything.
      And conversely the idiots in Westminster etc want to build hundreds of thousands of new homes all over our small island.
      How ‘king green is that ment to be ?

    1. Great idea.
      Let’s start the ball rolling by banning special dietary requirements such as ritual killing, or banning religion specific clothing, or the public call to prayer etc etc.

    2. It’s just something else that the minorities have shoved in our faces. Not permission asked no respect given. Just a side order of diversity.
      Brits don’t go out ofctheir way to celebrate Christmas Easter and etcetera’s in the faces of others.
      It’s always been this way. Unfortunately there have been in certain areas, bans on St George’s day parades.
      I remember seeing a muslim crowd having a ‘picnic’ on the steps of the Albert Hall.last year.
      If the host country did something similar there would be a violent uprising.

    3. I strongly object to islamic “festivals” and new year being marked in my diaries and on my calendars. The first thing I do when I get new ones is to obliterate them. I wish I could do the same for the celebrations.

  9. Morning all 🙂😊
    Not too bad today it seems to be warmer.
    I can’t share on this site it doesn’t work, but take a look at the Tesco advert for Christmas 2023. Watch it to the end. It was filmed in the high street where we live.

    1. We had our heating on. It’s ok, but the fundamental problem remains the insulation (or lack of), which we are attempting to address.

      1. Could you use exterior insulation (eg EPS) and cover it with K Rend (other types are available)?

    2. Yo Eddy

      It is very racist, nowhere near enough:
      Non binary people
      Non white ones

      Non English speakers

        1. Best investment he ever made. Pension for life. It’s okay for him but the entire population has to put up with an earworm !

      1. Absolute nonsense – gave up after 1 minute.

        Dross and typical of today’s febrile advertising standards.

  10. A rude awakening.
    My neighbour went to her shed this morning and there was a fox in it. I didn’t know people could scream that loud. A rather large hole which is quite impressive as it only had its teeth to use. Now where did i leave that hacksaw….dum de dum.

    1. Do they not dig down using their paws? I thought they were classed as canines and having seen Mongo dig to bury a bone it’s like watching an industrial excavator at work.

      1. It’s on a concrete base. Though the shed is insulated the tongue and groove is not very thick. The walls in my shed are 2 inches thick. A proper shed.

          1. That’s from 2016. To clear the ground, add a retaining wall to the disused railway embankment and lay the base £3,000.
            Since then i have added a full width deck over part of the embankment starting on the retaining wall. Land thief ! Most of the neighbours have done similar because the land there can’t be developed.
            I also built a conservatory and completely refurbished my bathroom. Back to the brick.

            All on a £20,000 inheritance from my Dad.

        1. My gamekeeper relation lined his feed store shed with metal. problem solved ( old biscuit tins.)

  11. From: https://wattsupwiththat.com/2022/11/25/office-for-budget-responsibility-reveals-the-crippling-cost-of-net-zero/

    Chris Hanley
    November 25, 2022 12:38 pm
    UK government debt has jumped to ~100% of GDP up from ~30% in 2000, productivity growth has stalled the inflation rate is 11% while the GDP growth has slipped into the negative.
    Meanwhile chancellor Hunt has the impudence to tell the public to ‘change their behaviour’ — instead of the reverse.
    Mad government, mad monarch, “whom the gods would destroy they first make mad” (ancient adage).

    We truly are governed by fools, liars and thieves. They’ve got to go. All of them. Every last one.

    1. Blair decided that what we needed was more and more immigrant labour to sort the economy out and rectify the UK government debt.

      The answer is clear – we still need more immigrant labour and only the fools of the Nottlers’ Forum cannot see this!

      1. Unfortunately instead of giving out more work visas to skilled workers, they are encouraging unskilled and

        illiterate young men to enter illegally, to be housed and fed at taxpayers’ expense.

        When does it end?

        1. When there’s enough of them here for the earliest illegals to phone home and say, “Enough already! We’ve achieved the target shithole level.”

          1. Rather, when there are sufficient of them to have achieved critical mass to take over and make us submit to the caliphate.

      2. Yet we didn’t. Blair wanted a massive state to reinforce his political attitudes. This country is a low volume, high value services economy. It doesn’t need a lot of people. It needs a lot of technology and energy.

        Blair intentionally broke that link for political reasons. If Tesco are correct and there’s no reason to assume otherwise – the UK population is over 80 million. That’s 40 million too many. Forced on us by the state with no increase in service provision. It is a dilution of our culture, society, economy and values. It has done nothing except force up taxes and drive down GDP. Pretending more is good when the more are unproductive dross is moronic, but typical of the sewage Blair and this wretched bunch of statist wasters infesting office.

  12. Good morning, all. Weather-wise, bright and calm in N Essex at the moment.

    Impassioned speech from a very angry Irishman. It could be from any of the countries in the UK or Europe where the plague of mass immigration, whether legal or illegal, has been foisted on the people by stupid, weak and controlled politicians.

    The hope has to be that the politicians who have sowed this wind of evil intent reap the whirlwind that they so richly deserve. Now, those very same perpetrators want to ban speech etc. that condemns their actions.

    Very strong language towards the end.



    1. And unfortunately he’s absolutely spot on.
      But as we have seen in our own country, people who do make a stand against this invasion are arrested for sitting down and having a coffee. And hauled off in the most undignified manner in front of the hate hungry left wing media.

      1. The disappear very quickly. It is all back to front. The complaints are important and shouldn’t be silenced by the Left wing state.

        Governments should be afraid of the people, not people afraid of the government.

        1. I keep saying that to silence the expression of people’s concerns is the equivalent of shaking a pop bottle with the top screwed on. One of these days the pressure will build up to such an extent that it will blow the lid.

      2. Enforcing pre-crime.

        What I find particularly outrageous about this is that Douglas Murray or Neil Oliver say things that are just as, so called,”outrageous” but no one goes after them. It reinforces the belief that this is a class thing and not to do with what is actually said.

        1. Don’t apply for a job with the British media matey. You’ll be given a life sentence.
          Jeeez this country needs to get its self sorted out, it is absolutely pathetic.

          1. Mass revolution is the only answer.

            650 and 800+ gibbets required in Parliament Square, all the way up Whitehall and overflowing into Trafalgar Square.

            What a Glorious Day that’ll be!

      3. Enforcing pre-crime.

        What I find particularly outrageous about this is that Douglas Murray or Neil Oliver say things that are just as, so called,”outrageous” but no one goes after them. It reinforces the belief that this is a class thing and not to do with what is actually said.

    2. It is continually depressing that big government continues to demand more legislation to silence those who disagree with it rather than addressing the issues those people raise.

      This is just a hammering indictment of the utter lack of democracy in this, and other countries.

  13. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/politics/2023/11/28/rishi-sunak-latest-news-rees-mogg-tory-general-election/

    Setting the threshold would affect care worker numbers…. there are 5 million UK unemployed. 5 million. We’re constantly told by [insert name of energy or insurance company] that they are experiencing high call volumes…. well, there’s a solution to that. Hire more people to take calls. Train some locals.

    We do not need more people. We need to get the ones we have off the dole and working. The problem is, government seems to want to keep people out of work and on welfare by making hiring people more expensive and firing them harder while letting in all and sundry sewage from around the world.

  14. Hi all! Not able to post much anymore because health has deteriorated rather badly. I now require help and thus have some very kind people assisting me through my days. But I will post as much as I’m able because I enjoy being here. All the same I hope all are well.

    I came across this today and thought it very worth posting. A video well worth spreading around.

    1. Thanks for that, it’s a shame our MSM is unable to face and reveal the real facts.
      Keep as well as possible. It’s not easy.

    2. Always good to hear from you, JR and thanks for this. Sorry to hear that your health has been failing but hope your situation improves with the help that’s being given.

    3. Thank you, JR. Always worth reading/listening to your contributions. My best wishes to you.

    4. Hamas and Mugabe’s thugs have much in common.

      This reminds me of my uncle and cousins who bought arid, infertile land in Rhodesia and installed irrigation systems which transformed it into prosperous farms giving employment and housing, schooling and medical care to hundreds of Africans. They also paid for the bright young workers to go to college or university to learn how to take over the farms and run them prosperously.

      Mugabe stole their land and gave it to thugs who kicked all the workers and their families out rendering them jobless and homeless. They murdered those who were studying agriculture for being traitors. Within a decade the fertile prosperous land had returned to arid wasteland producing nothing.


    5. Oh, man, Johnathan. Sorry it’s not going well for you.
      I’ll post good thoughts with The Big Man for your speedy resumption of good health.
      Take care, you hear?

    6. Heyup Johnathon. That does not sound good. I hope you will be able to contribute here for a long time yet.

      An interesting video, it describes a situation almost identical to what occurred in Rhodesia when Black rule was imposed.

  15. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/4ba3662ce43b460a2d73d60f2b919c0741d02f2664319fc57ad91dfcdef40d48.png

    Surely even JRM must now see that it is all over for the Conservative Party?


    Come on Mr Rees-Mogg – surely you can see that the Conservative Party is fraudulent and not remotely Conservative. Is it sentimentality or infirmity of purpose which keeps you in it?

    A few weeks ago you told Nigel Farage that it was his moral duty to join the Conservative Party. It is now your moral and national duty to resign from the Conservative Party and either form a new party or join Reform. The longer you remain in the Conservative Party the more you will lose your reputation for common sense, integrity and good judgement.

    You are hesitating? Remember the aphorism: “He who hesitates is lost!”

    1. reputation for common sense, integrity and good judgement.”?? Shome mishtake, shurely.

      1. “Reputation, reputation, reputation! Oh, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial”

        “Good name in man and woman, dear my lord,
        Is the immediate jewel of their souls.
        Who steals my purse steals trash; ’tis something, nothing;
        ‘Twas mine, ’tis his, and has been slave to thousands;
        But he that filches from me my good name
        Robs me of that which not enriches him,
        And makes me poor indeed.

      1. It’s all he has. There are many more like him in Wastemonster.
        They are only interested in expenses claims and their own welfare. The threat of losing this brings on thinly disguised panic.

    2. Just the mass migration? Would that be the sole reason for electoral defeat? Are we to believe that a dramatic turn of events on the matter of immigration would suffice to save Tory necks? All it might do is reduce the margin of defeat from slaughter to drubbing. Once the results are in, half the opposition benches will have to be given over to Labour government backbenchers in order to accommodate all those wishing to sit.

      This will not be due to a groundswell of support for the newly governing Labour Party but a collective show of disgust for this utterly useless Conservative government, even if it means a continuation and intensification of the policies already rejected by large numbers of the populace. The lust for punishment greatly outweighs a yearning for a complete change of direction.

  16. Apropos the great problem we here know we all face – a good comment BTL in The Spectator:

    In July, when a French policeman shot dead an Algerian joy-rider, the community responded by torching 5,000 cars across the country and burning or looting a thousand buildings. More than 700 police were injured in the violence.

    But when Algerians murder a white kid?

    Nothing happens. And if it did, the people burning the cars and looting the buildings would be depicted by our high-minded journalists as far-Right thugs who should be sent to prison forever.

    1. High-minded Lefty journalists, who started to infiltrate the mainstream media decades ago.

      Just as, at the same time, similar creatures infiltrated the rest of the press, radio, television, education, the judiciary, the police, the health service, the Conservative party, the Liberal Democratic party, Plaid Cymru, the SNP, the Green party and every other institution of influence in the country. All done at the behest of, and under the influence of, the WEF, the UN, the WHO, Common Purpose, universities, and the global corporations.

      The Right still remains, to this day, sitting in a dank corner of an attic, tut-tutting and griping about the state of the world, waiting for its mother to place a pot noodle on the top of the stairs, while its thumb remains stuck up its arse.

      The Left motivated itself while the Right sipped its pink gin.

      1. You get bitten by a dog one day, tough. Your child gets bitten by a dog, then it’s time for a lethal injection; the dog owner should be allowed to choose.

      2. You get bitten by a dog one day, tough. Your child gets bitten by a dog, then it’s time for a lethal injection; the dog owner should be allowed to choose.

  17. I just had the misfortune to hear Jeremy Whine on the otherwise rather good Vernon Kaye programme on Radio 2, giving us advance warning that he [Whine] is on at 1200, so we can avoid it! His ignorance of the background to the Elgin Marbles being here is amazing, or maybe he’s just trying to stir up anti British controversy?

    1. GAM when will the idiots in charge of this country admit their dreadful mistakes. How much longer will we have to suffer their errors ?

      GAM=god all mighty !

  18. Guz Khan (me neither) will be hosting HIGNFY) this Friday. It has even led to a ‘BBC Staffer’ expressing their concern about his stance on the new war. Has Our Sue been busy recently, just askin’ …

    1. Real Name Ghulam Dustgir Kahn, obviously a hastily (but nicely timed) arranged position by the BBC.
      Good job he want too busy with his comedy and impressionist act.

  19. Good morning dear people .

    Fine weather here , no breeze , 2 huge turbines now erected , and the crane has moved to another position read to install another one , can see them in the distance from the northerly facing bedroom window , thank goodness the other b/ windows face S/W.

  20. SIR – When I learnt to drive in 1968, my instructor taught me never to dodge a puddle but to go straight through it, on the grounds that drivers who avoided puddles did so with little regard for what was coming in the opposite direction (“Swerve puddles to beat potholes, drivers told”, report, November 27). They were more concerned about avoiding the puddle.

    I have lost count of the number of times I have been met head on by drivers trying to avoid road obstacles, such as buses at a stop or parked delivery vans, who blindly overtake following the vehicle in front regardless of what is facing them.
    The AA’s advice to drive round puddles is likely to prove dangerous, with the result that drivers obeying this advice may try to claim they were in the right.

    Harry L Barker
    North Berwick, East Lothian

    Yes yes yes, no wonder my poor old car rattles .

    How do electric cars cope with deep puddles and salted roads?

    1. Interesting, I was taught the opposite. People drive through puddles far too fast, which risks loss of control through aquaplaning, and the splash could cause loss of vision for oncoming traffic. Avoid a puddle, as you don’t know how deep it is or if there are obstructions under the water. If there is oncoming traffic wait until the road is clear, and if there no alternative other than drive through it, do so slowly in first gear revving the engine to avoid water going up the exhaust pipe. Then test brakes once through. If in doubt as to the depth, turn round and find another route.

      1. In 1968 I doubt that the typical pothole, by area and depth, would have done much damage to the average car.
        Modern craters and traffic levels are a completely different kettle of fish from 1968.

        1. A ‘puddle’ could extend across the entire road, not just a pothole. By advising learners to drive through such a puddle, they may be leaving themselves open to becoming stranded if the depth of the puddle is greater than they think.

          1. That is true, but I very much doubt that that is what the instructor had in mind when referring to puddles.
            A ‘puddle’ that extended all the way across the road would more likely be regarded as a flood and to be treated with caution.

    2. One of the problems with newer cars and potholes are the low profile tyres – there’s not enough rubber in the sidewalls to absorb the impact of the pothole edge hence the ripped sidewall and possible damage to the alloys

    3. Was on an electric bus on the way to work.
      Towards the end of the journey, the bus got slower & slower, then shuddered to a halt in a tunnel.
      Traction battery was flat!

    1. JRM highlighted this blatant anti-white racsim on GB News a few weeks ago.

      He was disgusted, his flabber was completely gasted and he was not just very far from being gruntled : he was outright disgruntled.

      1. Section 159 of the Equality Act, apparently – though I’m trusting a Twitter poster there. Discrimination is fine if it’s considered “positive” in the context of the globalist agenda.

    1. Whilst my step daughter was applying for university last year, I noticed one of these ‘only blacks need apply’ grants. I politely enquired as to how black do you need to be and is any proof needed of ancestry. I was rather surprised they replied, but there was no criteria and no proof needed. “Yo Bro, I is from da ‘hood. Send me a stach for my hash, bitch “…should do the trick…

  21. Apologies if it’s been mentioned before:

    SIR – Leo Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, should tell the truth about those taken hostage by Hamas.

    Emily Hand, the nine-year-old Irish-Israeli girl who was released over the weekend, had not been “lost” at all (report, November 27). She was abducted by Palestinian terrorists to be used as a bargaining chip, and to inflict pain on Israeli and Irish communities.

    Mr Varadkar’s language was despicable.

    Bill Todd
    Whitton, Middlesex

    Living up to his name of the Bombay Bogshite.

  22. Another mad example of government-by-targets.

    SIR – Further to Matthew Lynn’s excellent article on the Green Blob (Business comment, November 25), I fear that he has missed an elephant in the room.

    On January 1 2024 – that is, in five weeks’ time – the biodiversity net gain legislation comes into force. This legislation will ultimately require all developments of any description to achieve at least a 10 per cent increase in on-site biodiversity upon completion, compared with before development.

    This is to be calculated by some magic formula developed by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The legislation applies to housebuilding as well as commercial development, and planning consent will not be forthcoming without compliance.

    I fear this will be a major obstacle to housebuilding and virtually all other development, coming on top of the disastrous nutrient neutrality requirements which are delaying the construction of up to 150,000 new homes at present.

    Clearly the Government has lost control over the Green Blob.

    Derek Limbert
    Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire

    1. Well the 86 year old building I live in has mice and ants as well as the world and his wife so plenty of biodiversity but much of the plumbing is dodgy and that apparently counts as nutrient pollution, as do the bottles of spring water in my fridge. They want to reduce nitrate and phosphate but add fluoride. Good is bad. Bad is good.

      1. Only 86 years? Firstborn’s house dates from before the United States, and has excellent plumbing & electrics (we installed them), and mice in the cellar, Daddy Longlegs in the shower…

    2. Clearly the Government has lost control over the Green Blob.

      But is there anything over which the Government has not lost control?

    3. A stop to covering the entire UK in housing for immigrants? Fantastic! Give whoever thought that one up a medal!

    4. There are already requirements to do biodiversity surveys before gaining planning consent. Forget it if there is a great crested newt or rare bat anywhere near.

        1. Par for the course (golf course now). Mind you, they have put housing and hotels up at racecourses before now – and Folkestone is now a housing estate, I believe.

  23. 379090+ up ticks,

    I really do believe that a tad more than an apology is due from these political rodents, such as long term incarceration would show that justice does still prevail.

    Covid Inquiry live: Michael Gove apologises to bereaved families over government mistakes – watch live

  24. I’ve been thinking if the Greeks want our marbles, why don’t they buy them back?
    As the saying goes, beware of Greeks waiting for free gifts.

    1. We could keep the marbles as part payment for the lives of British soldiers killed trying to stop the Germans invading in 1941.

  25. Recently found 4.5 billion year old Bennu asteriod particles, found on earth. Are discovered by experts to be more intelligent and useful than the whole of Wastemonster and Whitehall put together.

  26. Hamas have passed hostages on to an even more bloodthirsty bunch of religious savages.
    Why on earth would they move a baby around as if it was pass the parcel?


    But hopes that Hamas could eventually return all hostages to Israel without issue were dashed last night when it emerged that as many as 40 people taken during the ruthless October 7 attacks – including ten-month-old Kfir Bibas – are no longer under the captivity of the Palestinian group.
    IDF spokesman Avichay Adraee yesterday declared Kfir, his four-year-old brother Ariel and mother Shiri had been taken to Khan Younis in southern Gaza and handed to elements of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ) – a jihadist group that seeks to destroy Israel and has historically rejected any diplomatic engagement with Tel-Aviv.

    Hamas officials acknowledged that several of the hostages were now in PIJ custody, and Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman al-Thani, who led the effort to broker the ceasefire, said they ‘may never be able to reach them’.
    Who has the ‘missing’ Israeli hostages? Palestinian Islamic Jihad – who seek the destruction of Israel – have ‘dozens’ of captives including ten-month-old baby…and it’s feared others may be held by gangsters
    And in yet another layer of complexity, some Israelis are feared to have been scooped up by civilian gangs who capitalised on the chaos of October 7 to seize hostages of their own.
    The Qatari Prime Minister said yesterday that Hamas must locate the remaining hostages whom he said were being held by ‘civilians and gangs’.
    Hamas on Monday said it had sought to revise terms under which it would free hostages beyond the women and children it has already released.

    And still there are dupes who think Israel should try to live next door to these animals.

    1. Kill them all, wherever in the world they be.
      It’s only what they want for the rest of us.

      1. Only on Fridays.
        And it would have only taken about 40 years to walk from central Africa to the UK. Presuming they lived that long and owned a map.

        1. Oh come on. Blacks invented aeroplanes and nuclear submarines. They’d have been here in a trice – while we ere still wearing skins. Credit where credit is due…

    1. The women went out hunting because there were no spuds to peel, no steps to scrub, no woolly pullies to knit, no buttons to sew, no windows to clean and no beds to make.

    2. ‘Rather than viewing it as a way of erasing or rewriting history, our studies are trying to correct the history that erased women from it,’ said Dr Cara Obocock, lead author of the study.

      What poppycock, Doc.

        1. A certain similarity with those whiskers. Does he have a cross to bear! I’m off… to see the donkeys in Marrakesh on Friday. The sanctuary is next to the hotel.

        1. Tamworths are escape artists; a couple got away from an abattoir a few years ago and led everyone a merry dance until they were finally recaptured. I think they were so famous they got a reprieve!

  27. A golf club in Enfield, on the outskirts of London, is at the centre of a national housing debate after architects unveiled proposals to build hundreds of homes on part of its course. The speculative plans by the design firm RCKa would see nine of the course’s 18 holes transformed into a landscape of lakes, allotments and wetlands interspersed with low- to mid-rise mansion blocks. The architects say the scheme would enable the construction of about 650 affordable homes and pay for additional community facilities, including a gym and an upgraded golf clubhouse.
    Enfield golf club, where full membership costs up to £1,610 a year, was originally founded in 1893 as a nine-hole course but expanded to 18 holes during the 20th century. The club leases its land from the local council at an annual sum equivalent to about £0.03p a square metre. At the same time, Enfield has one of the highest proportions of residents living in temporary accommodation in the country and, according to government data, is among the worst boroughs in London at building enough new homes to meet rising demand.
    “There are six golf courses in the borough, half of which are owned by the local authority,” Russell Curtis, the co-director of RCKa, told me. “Forty-three of the city’s courses are owned by public bodies, totalling an area greater than the borough of Hammersmith & Fulham. When we’re facing homelessness levels that have not been seen in generations, is it right that so much public land is used for the benefit of so few people?”


      1. Brown field, it’s been used.
        There are also proposals for the destruction of a nine hole attached to Aldwickbury 18 hole near Harpenden in Herts.
        I also think they have also been viewing another golf course near Luton airport. Stockwood Park. Also other sports facilities. The locals don’t use such places.

        1. Yep! He’s a pretty revolting piece of work! Haven’t watched HIGNFY since it got woke and not funny!

          1. These people have to follow the agenda if they want to keep their extremely lucrative gig with the ‘B’BC.

          2. I watched the last one with Hannah Fry presenting and thought it was very funny. Attacking both Labour and Conservatives…for balance. I went off it too when most of the prog was just anti Trump…boring.
            Still…we seem to enjoy different things…don’t mention Dr Who… :@)

          3. It’s what makes for an interesting forum, pet! It would be awfully tedious if we all thought the same!

        2. Sort of off topic…..Was the burst a surprise or did you think afterwards i should have known there was a problem? I have pressure in that area but am being told it is the gall bladder.

          1. It came on quite suddenly, and by the time the doctor arrived (a home visit! Remember those?) and the ambulance had got me to Boscombe general from the Somerford estate it had burst.

      1. I must say I can’t strike HIGNFY off my list because it is already off the list because I stopped viewing it years ago when Hislop, the pre-Woke Wokist, gave up satire. Mastermind and University Challenge are also on the off list and as soon as Diane Abbott becomes the hostess of Only Connect that will have to go too.

        They are still showing reruns of Bullseye on late night TV and I wonder if they will start a new series with the late Jim Bowen being replaced by his nephew, Jeremy, when he returns from the Middle East?

        1. I just looked up Jim Bowen and found this snippet of his early life.

          Bowen was born in Heswall, Wirral, Cheshire, to an unmarried mother and was adopted at nine months from an orphanage in Wirral, by a working-class couple, Joe Whittaker, a World War I veteran[3] and his wife, Annie Whittaker; who were both from Clayton-le-Moors, Lancashire. He grew up in Clayton-le-Moors, just outside Accrington, where Joe was a bricklayer for Accrington’s Nori brick factory and Annie worked as a weaver at Atlas Street Mill. He was educated at Accrington Grammar School, but failed all but one of his O-levels and subsequently worked as a dustman in Burnley. He later changed his name to James Whittaker.

          During his National Service, Bowen served in the Royal Army Ordnance Corps from 1955 to 1957 as an ammunition inspector with the rank of Corporal. After making a serious error during the Suez Crisis, when he sent the wrong batch of ammunition to Barry Docks, he was sent on a Physical Training course in Aldershot[1] to become an instructor, and later became a school Physical Education teacher specialising in gymnastics. He studied at Chester Diocesan Training College, eventually becoming a deputy headmaster of Caton Primary School near Lancaster.

    1. I suppose its a case of the silent majority who sit and do nothing. Much like all those who bump their gums on the DT site, but who denounce a man who actually tries to do something about the curse of islam. One TR.

      1. Do you mind ! A lot of Nottlers bump their gums because they take their dentures out when on this forum.

    2. It will get to the point where students who like a burger containing meat won’t go there. Then you will get ‘blockwardens’ checking to see if they have cows milk in their fridges.
      Stupidly enough we should be eating less dairy and more meat. Sheesh.

      1. It would be poetic justice if the canteens were forced to close because they weren’t getting sufficient business.

        1. They would be subsidised either by foreign students or the tax payer.
          I wonder how the catering colleges will react.

          1. From personal experience the catering colleges in the UK are always 10 years behind. The lecturers are rarely chefs who can or could make it in the real world. They teach technique. Like how to bone a fish or butcher a piece of meat. I doubt they will manage tofu and nuts or most French cuisine without meat and cream.

          2. Equip them for a post Islamic takeover.

            Teach the students how to forage and how to prepare and cook road kill.

          3. Is roadkill Halal or Haram?
            I can tell you. They don’t know because it is not in their stupid book.

          4. They’d better be careful about roadkill. If it’s a protected species they’ll need a “roadkill certificate” signed by a practising vet (other than the vet who picked it up, of course).

          5. Similar to Gentleman’s relish i suppose. As our Grizz would say…just splash Henderson’s relish over it to make it edible.
            Henderson’s happens to be vegetarian as it doesn’t contain lifeforms. Except of course the microscopic worms (dead) in the vinegar. But let’s not panic the blue and green hair brigade into throwing themselves off high bridges just yet. Let’s do that on a day we can all enjoy it.

          6. The Hendersons will all be there
            Late of Pablo Fanque’s Fair, what a scene
            Over men and horses hoops and garters
            Lastly through a hogshead of real fire!
            In his way Mr. K. will challenge the world!

    3. I can only imagine that the majority of the 28,600 students either didn’t know about the vote or were just too lazy to make the effort. Do you have to join the union to have a vote I wonder. Democracy at work?

      1. Using my Brexit vote logic; if people can’t be bothered to vote it means they accept the outcome, whichever way it goes, so their non-votes go to the winning side.
        And by that reasoning a huge majority accepted it.

          1. Indeed so.
            I would make voting compulsory or if that isn’t acceptable fail to vote three times lose your vote.

  28. Howdy, all Y’all.
    Dark. Chilly.
    Just put up the Christmas tree – lights etc at the weekend.
    For the first time, we have a half-cone tree, so it can stand against the wall. Looks marvellous! Even better when we’ve got some decorations on it.
    Now, time for s stiff (rigid?) G&T.

          1. I had a vision of a small Christmas tree hanging upside down from the vaulted ceiling in your baronial Hall….

        1. Personally. I refuse to put the tree up before Christmas Eve. Which sometimes means I don’t put one up at all., since I have been known to be rather busy on “12/24″…

          1. I’m just a big kid at heart. I’ve always loved Christmas; trees, lights, decorations, cards, presents, Midnight Mass, mince pies and a Christmas lunch. Even though I’m on my own (really, because I’m now on my own – I think MOH gave Dickens the idea for Scrooge!) I go to town and love every minute.

          2. Thanks, I shall. Have already got all the ingredients for the Christmas meal and the freezer and drinks cupboard are full.

          3. Might end up being short commons for food (I do live on my own), but the drinks should be enough to go round 🙂

          4. It’s so dark, we like to be ready on Advent. Not sure when we’ll be back at Firstborn’s to cut a tree, so we got it at the weekend, and it needs to stand in water to slow the drying-out. So, put it in the tree foot, water it, and decorate shortly – and put the other cheerful lights up.
            It’s so effing dark without snow, it really gets to folk.

          5. Understood, Paul. A couple of years ago, I spotted a nice 8′ tree in Waitrose, Guildford, severely discounted. Summoned an Uber. The driver took one look at it and told me to fuck off. And Uber charged me a few quid for the privilege. Dragged it to a taxi rank, where it was accepted with good grace. The driver got his own back when I needed to get to Seale for Midnight Mass, but that’s another story. I’ve purchased cars for less than that fare.

      1. Even with your right hand out of action you still type far better than I do!

        If one of our sons had married a black girl we would have wondered what colour their progeny was going to be – there is surely nothing remotely racist in this?

        One of our nephews married a Malaysian girl – they have very good looking children whose features are a mixture of European and Oriental.

        The Idiot King may be a complete nincompoop but I very much doubt that he is a racist.

        1. A young friend of mine married a Persian woman. Not only is she exceptionally well qualified she is stunning looking….

      2. Let’s see if we can squeeze him in here somewhere, from Wiki.

        High Treason in the UK:

        Under the law of the United Kingdom, high treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Crown. Offences constituting high treason include plotting the murder of the sovereign; committing adultery with the sovereign’s consort, with the sovereign’s eldest unmarried daughter, or with the wife of the heir to the throne; levying war against the sovereign and adhering to the sovereign’s enemies, giving them aid or comfort; and attempting to undermine the lawfully established line of succession. Several other crimes have historically been categorised as high treason, including counterfeiting money and being a Catholic priest.

        My bold, that rings a bell from a few years ago.

        1. I thought the Blair creature had Treason struck off the Law of the Land (get out of jail free cad [sic])

          1. including counterfeiting money

            Could have had a few recent Chancers of the Exchequer dancing the Tyburn jig.

      3. It’s a great pity if it’s who the article suggests, I doubt there is any circumstance under which that individual would sue

      4. Sorry, Caroline, because he knew he could be charged, B Liar removed the treason Act from British Law.

        1. Why does this error keep being repeated? Treason is still a crime in the UK, it’s just no longer a capital offence, a sentence which no British judge would impose if it were still on the books because a superior court would always strike it down as illegal.

          1. “Taken from this place to a place of execution” – all done in ten minutes. No time for other courts to intervene.

          2. In the almost impossible circumstances in which that might conceivably happen, higher laws will have been contravened. Ultimately, if the Supreme Court didn’t rule the execution illegal, the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg would do so. The last capital sentences that remained on statute books were obsolete. The only purpose they could possibly have served was an indication of how serious those crimes were thought to be. The majority of them were antiquated and represented values which few would ascribe to today.

          3. Some deserve death.

            We have one deranged mass murderer / rapist who deserves a very painful death. With assistance from his wife, he raped then killed his sister in law and then proceeded to commit more depraved rapes and murders before he was finally caught. After twenty years in maximum security he has recently been moved to a medium security prison, we can only hope that some other prisoner Carrie out a just reprisal.

          4. No. Not a single court in the land would have him beheaded, hanged, garotted, drowned or any other form of execution. Although a remote possibility, it’s more likely he would be executed by a mob. I’m more likely to die in a volcanic eruption.

      1. An utter arsehole who claims to be a mouthpiece and confidant for Brash and Trash.
        He’s making a lot of money from the Ginger whinger and his anagram wife.
        And when I say anagram wife it means that’s how she regards herself whenever and wherever she thinks it will be advantageous.

      2. Never heard of him. Whether a member of the Royal household speculated about the skin tone of the then forthcoming baby is a trifling matter. Some people do not have enough troubling them.

  29. Tut, tut a BTL Comment: Could be from any one of 100 Nottlers-

    “Gavin Thomas
    3 HRS AGO
    Why is it that governments and the media never seem to know what’s obvious and known by the vast majority of the population.
    Of course the Covid virus was man-made…
    Men cannot menstruate
    Racism is rare in the UK
    Islam is not a peaceful religion
    EV’s are destroying the environment
    Immigration is driving a housing, welfare and crime crisis, and
    CO2 does not drive climate change!”

  30. That’s me done for today. The Sun shone this afternoon and briefly warmed the south facing part of the house. It will be chilly tomorrow I expect a touch of ground frost (or what the beeboid weather people now call “grass frost” for some reason known only to themselves).

    Have a spiffing evening. Stay warm.

    A demain.

    1. It was clear when I was driving home – sun in my eyes as I came out of Gloucester, and 3c as I came down the lane to home.

      1. The local rag has given a snow warning! If you read it all through, though, the only place that is more or less sure to get it is the Highlands of Scotland.

  31. 379090+ up ticks,

    Lest we forget this must be remembered when common sense returns and the blindfolded politico’s back is against the post, “for the common good.”

    See new posts
    “We are restricting freedom for the common good”: Irish Green Party Senator Pauline O’Reilly says that her government’s hate speech bill is about “restricting freedom,” and censoring views on gender identity if those views create “discomfort.”


  32. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/174b361f0b31f4595746d392cc023343cd7e0c2b8bce59b538a76b37b8e61211.png

    One feels desperately sorry for innocent people caught up in these miserable terrorists atrocities. What can the UK do other than give loads of money to pay a ransom and this ransom money will then go to Hamas’s tunnel rebuilding fund?


    Wasn’t there a rather grasping unpleasant woman of Iranian/British dual nationality?

    She was advised by the UK Home Office NOT to go to Iran to visit her parents and was then taken prisoner and held hostage when she got there.

    Boris Johnson coughed up £400million in ransom to get her released from Iran and she did not say one word of thanks but just gave abuse and insults to the British and the taxpayers who footed the bill.

    If you ask me it was all a put up job with the woman working with the Iranians to see how much she could take the stupid, gullible British for!

    1. I heard that sum was a deposit for tanks that was never delivered. A decision to repay was vetoed by the Americans. Britain has an interest free loan for years.

      1. Thank you, Paul. I did get here in the early hours of the morning for yesterday’s page, but, sensibly, everybody else had gone to bed 🙂

        1. Urgh.
          I sleep from 22:00 through to alarm time at 05:45 these dark, dull days. Some say I sleep through the day, too.

          1. 🙂

            I have an issue in the early hours. Since jettison of the prostheses on retiring, my nocturnal visits to the loo are often thwarted by severe cramp. Daytime, I can happily wander around on my knees. Night-time? Forget it…

          2. Seriously, get a “bottle”.
            When I was young and lived with my grandmother I had a urine bottle for night use, and it meant no middle of the night trip to the outside loo.

          3. I remember those from horse spittle, and could proudly fill them to the brim (when I wasn’t catheterisd). You prolly have a point… 🙂

            I’ll see what Jeff Bezos has on offer…

  33. What a lot of utter bollocks.
    Does anyone seriously believe that these aliens keep crashing?
    Hells teeth, if they are that advanced that they can get here I very much doubt they will then crash the car.


    ‘There’s at least nine vehicles. There were different circumstances for different ones,’ one source briefed by UFO program insiders told DailyMail.com. ‘It has to do with the physical condition they’re in. If it crashes, there’s a lot of damage done. Others, two of them, are completely intact.’
    The source said the CIA has a ‘system in place that can discern UFOs while they’re still cloaked,’ and that if the ‘non-human’ craft land, crash or are brought down to earth, special military units are sent to try to salvage the wreckage.
    Another source with knowledge of the OGA’s role said that they specialize in allowing the US military to secretly access areas around the world where they would usually be ‘denied’ – for example behind enemy lines.

    1. I do hope one of those Alien species likes my pies. I can de-bone a hole a chicken in 5 minutes and stuff it. One of those men in beige would take a little longer. Not much longer.

        1. You don’t know what you are missing. You do realise why they are called ‘Brain faggots’….

    2. Oi ! Sos. It’s me that reports that sort of nonsense.

      The most massive tech is pointing down not out…

      1. You stupid sod ! You can’t have a situation without gravy….erm …what were we talking about?

    3. They are a species that is made up of only females and reproduce by parthenogenesis. Crashing UFOs and land based vehicular transport is not unusual.

    4. They try and keep it all under wraps, in case the aliens insist on being taken to their leader.
      It would then signal a serious problem.

      1. I tried to find the story.
        There are so many different incidences of gang rape by migrants that it was impossible to tell which one this referred to.
        Utterly sickening.

        1. I’ve found one which refers to this particular case. It reads as if translated into English but it’s a quite good one.

          While eight of the nine have suspended sentences for now it seems that a final decision will be made in six months’ time as to whether or not they will serve prison sentences. It says that the eight, 20-23 now but about 17-20 then, received juvenile sentences. Does Germany’s criminal justice system really consider young men as old as 20 to be juveniles? Curiously, the one who must serve a prison sentence is the youngest of the nine.

          Because these sentences seem shockingly lenient, I keep thinking that important mitigating factors lie behind them, but nothing in this report indicates what they might be other than the suggestion that the 15-year-old was a willing participant and that she was intoxicated. In the UK, a 15-year-old cannot be legally consenting and intoxication at that age would be ignored. Maybe German law takes account of perceived consent depending on the age of the victim and perhaps intoxication is regarded as partial culpability on the victim’s part. Does anyone here know German law and attitudes?


          1. But they do! to the point of oppression.
            To fail to do so is a huge sign of weakness, and failing one’s women at every level.
            Who can imagine that it’s OK to commit rape, whether for seconds or hours? That rapist should be shot, like the animal it is.

  34. Don’t worry, they said, those wind turbines would see us through the winter , they said, don’t listen to the tin foil hat conspiracy theorists they said, those smart meters are there for your benefit they said

        1. Watt’s (ho ho) really needed is a 10 day spell of no wind at all, calm seas, and heavily overcast skies and record low temperatures.

        2. Glad we have a lot of wood stored, and we don’t have a smartmeter thank gawd.

          “It does not mean electricity supplies are at risk and people should not be worried.”

          Thank goodness for that.

  35. https://news.sky.com/story/spider-lays-eggs-in-mans-toe-during-cruise-holiday-13017943

    Spider lays eggs in man’s toe during cruise holiday
    Colin Blake and his wife had spent the evening in Marseille in the south of France when his toe swelled up and turned purple. He later discovered he had been bitten by a Peruvian wolf spider which had laid eggs inside his toe – and despite having treatment to remove them, one hatched.

    A cruise ship passenger has told of his horror after discovering a spider had laid eggs inside his toe – including one that hatched.

    Colin Blake and his wife were spending the evening in Marseille, in the south of France, after the ship had docked on their 35th wedding anniversary trip – when his toe swelled up and turned purple.

    The following day, he visited the on-board doctor who told him a Peruvian wolf spider had bitten him and laid eggs inside his toe.

    Wolf spiders, which are not poisonous, are often found in the French port city after arriving on cargo ships.

    Mr Blake, who lives in Cramlington, Northumberland, told BBC Radio Scotland: “My wife thought it may be because I had new sandals and they were rubbing on my big toe and that was causing it to be red.”

    The doctor cut his toe open, causing the spider’s eggs to pour out.

    After the holiday, Mr Blake went to hospital in the UK where doctors prescribed antibiotics – but four weeks later, he noticed something else unusual in his toe.

    On another visit to the doctors, they discovered one of the eggs had hatched into a small spider, which was stuck underneath his skin.

    He said: “They believe the spider was making its way out – eating its way out of my toe.”

    Mr Blake chose not to keep the dead spider when asked by medics.

    YOW and OUCH

  36. Not sure if I should post this, but some pushback is needed. Arseholes.

    Just had a request from the RAF Benevolent Fund for a donation.
    After some wrestling, here’s my response to an email that immediately rejected me: news@enews.rafbf.org

    Hi Suzie

    I tried to donate: Had to “Select pictures of animals with 4 legs”, agree that I was human, went through all kinds of security questions and sms & app check on my card, and then my card was declined – together with the £50 I was trying to give you fine folks in support of my mate, Tom Hunn, who you are accommodating in Moffat right now.

    Sorry, but I don’t know what else to do to help out with his costs. The credit card security is too much, I cannot actually pass money to you all, so I’m afraid I can’t help. Over to you, to wrestle with the banks and all those other shady types who run international finance.

    Happy Christmas.

    Best regards / Med vennlig Hilsen

    1. When I get that I am reminded of my 92-yr-old ex RAF veteran friend who says he should be on the receiving end, not being asked for money!

        1. I was thinking this evening that being honest was definitely a disadvantage. You paid for everything and for those who weren’t honest as well. If you were better off scamming the system (and other people) why on earth wouldn’t you? Unless, of course, you were a Christian with a conscience and knew Thou Shalt Not Steal and Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness.

        1. That’s why I tried to give them some dosh, Tom, but it wasn’t possible.
          Not in a position to owt useful myslef, but if they can, so much the better.

          1. Wherever possible, I would cut out the ‘charidee’ middle men, and I include the Church of England in that description. I do all the printing for the local parish. Compared to leasing a machine, we prolly have the cheapest printing costs in the C of E, by buying end-of-lease machines from eBay. The current one cost us (actualluy, me) less than £200 four years ago. It’s now dying. It will still print in B&W, but colour prints spread yellow toner over each page. It’s probably fixable, but YouTube and Copytechnet offer no solutions, and the callout fee for an engineer, plus parts,would prolly exceed the original purchase price.

            So I’ve mentioned that we need to replace the machine. Quelle horreur! After we pay the Parish Share to the Diocese, there’s nothing left. The last Treasurer failed to pay my salary on time, and handed everything to her replacement. Not to pay me, but just to familiarise herself with ‘the system’. So basically, I could go hang myself.

            So, I’ve decided. I need a machine that works. There’s a ‘low mileage’ machine on eBay right now. If I buy it, I can adjust my giving accordingly. The Parish may lose out on Gift Aid, but the Diocese can’t exactly enter my home and take away all or part of the machine…

      1. They could all do with better funding, but making it so difficult doesn’t help.
        It worked 6 months ago…
        and why is the email address blocked for incoming? (Palestinian hospitals, please note)

      2. Told it was a voluntary contribution which you were forced to make. It was a days pay per year if I remember right

          1. The firm I used to work for had a similar benevolent fund which most employees joined, the difference being there was a monthly draw and you could win £300, £150 or £50 (I won £150 one month). I continue to pay my monthly £1.20 into this after 30 years retirement knowing if I get into difficulty they will help and also I might win another prize

          2. I stopped paying in to the RAFBF as soon as I left Halton, The company I worked for BNFL passed over the running of the scheme to the AEA as they ran the pensions scheme – all now under Equinity

    2. The ‘select picture’ is likely to be from a subsidiary of Google, whose role is to improve the functioning of AI and to avoid ‘bots which could otherwise attack the website. IIRC.

    3. Thank you, Paul, but actually I’m in RAFA (Royal Air Forces Association) housing here in Moffat. It’s called Dowding House after Air Marshal (Stuffy) Dowding who was born in this house.

  37. Right, that’s me for this irritating evening.
    Been working too hard, need a break, getting too irritated by modern arseholes that make life too difficult.
    A glass of Averna d’Amaro, and bed.
    Schlaf gut, Kameraten!
    (as as few pee breaks as possible wished upon you!)

    1. The latest fashion to hit the corporate world is Time Tracking, I note from my job search. Lawyer-style billing for everyone – whoopee.

          1. I read your personal health posts and every time I do, I hope that it’s jocular and that you are actually much better than you report.

            Either way, look after yourself.

            Who else could I bait

            Seriously: look after yourself.

          2. I wonder if the BBC bosses have any idea that ‘Meep’ is a homophone of the diminutive ‘Miep’?

            Miep Gies (1909 – 2010) helped the Frank family in WWII when they were in hiding, and who saved Anne Frank’s papers and diary. An extraordinarily brave lady, and Righteous Among the Nations. It will be interesting to hear how The Meep character develops.

        1. You have a little app on your corporate phone in which you schedule time for every task you do in the day.

    2. I choose to piss my pants whenever i want. How about fucking them. They might enjoy it. Give them a good stiffing and get them to sign in blood or saliva. …..so someone who once knew someone who knew someone

  38. I think I’ll follow suit Obs. I hate this gloomy dull time of year.
    Made a decent chicken curry tonight just the right flavour and strength. Delicious home made nann breads, compliments appreciated.
    Early to bed, late to rise. I’ve got a small tiling job tomorrow and some painting. Christmas is coming and we might have guests. Can’t have them noticing jobs that should have been done. Eh ☺️😉
    Bed by nine and the current book out. I usually manage 5 pages. Think of the money I’m saving.
    Night all. 😴

    1. Don’t you find that Currying chicken, causes it to shred.

      That’s why I would always use Turkey breast for curry rather than chicken.

    2. Not gloomy today. Bright sunshine by day and a crisp, clear night is in progress, ideal for looking at the night sky. I’m no astronomer but looking at the sky on nights such as this has me a little awe struck when I contemplate the immensity of the universe visible to the naked eye.

      1. I use to enjoy sitting out side at night in the middle of nowhere (the bush) in Oz looking up at the expanse of the universe.

  39. Not seeing any other wordle solutions, I offer my humble attempt:

    Wordle 892 2/6


    1. Very good, mine is far more ‘umble than that.

      Wordle 892 4/6


      1. Par for me too.

        Wordle 892 4/6


        1. I got 4 as well; a great improvement on yesterday’s dismal fail, when I ran out of turns trying to guess word after word that fitted!

    2. By the skin of my teeth…

      Wordle 892 6/6


  40. The Darkling Thrush

    I leant upon a coppice gate
    When Frost was spectre-grey,
    And Winter’s dregs made desolate
    The weakening eye of day.
    The tangled bine-stems scored the sky
    Like strings of broken lyres,
    And all mankind that haunted nigh
    Had sought their household fires.

    The land’s sharp features seemed to be
    The Century’s corpse outleant,
    His crypt the cloudy canopy,
    The wind his death-lament.
    The ancient pulse of germ and birth
    Was shrunken hard and dry,
    And every spirit upon earth
    Seemed fervourless as I.

    At once a voice arose among
    The bleak twigs overhead
    In a full-hearted evensong
    Of joy illimited;
    An aged thrush, frail, gaunt, and small,
    In blast-beruffled plume,
    Had chosen thus to fling his soul
    Upon the growing gloom.

    So little cause for carolings
    Of such ecstatic sound
    Was written on terrestrial things
    Afar or nigh around,
    That I could think there trembled through
    His happy good-night air
    Some blessed Hope, whereof he knew
    And I was unaware.

    1. The boy’s a fool.
      It’s “racist scum” like Tommy Robinson and his mates who might just be the bulwark that Jews in London need to protect them from Islam.

      Be careful who you reject when there are so many more that hate you.

    1. I imagine the sales of those will now go through the roof with Nottlers and like-thinking extreme right-wingers. Take that, Allah!
      That’ll wipe the smile off his face.

        1. Yours gave a better overall view.

          Or under their overalls view, depending upon how they approach it…

        1. Why do you think they invented mathematics?

          To work it out with a pencil, of course

          1. I’ve never drunk Iranian vodka (only the Russian variety), but I am currently taking iron tablets.

          2. German lavatory bowls often have a ledge above the water line, allowing for examination of one’s stools before flushing. Perhaps we ought to be less squeamish about our bodily functions and follow their example.

    2. I fail to see the problem. I’m boycotting Andrex from now on. I shall write ‘الله’ on every sheet of my remaining stock, and delight in wiping my posterior on them.

      It’s M&S for me, from now on. Of course, the above is nothing to do with the Jewish background of M&S. Absolutely not – that would be anti-semitic.

      1. When I started my first ‘job’, on every sheet of toilet paper, on every roll, were the printed words “GOVERNMENT PROPERTY”

    3. I saw a poster at Heathrow with arabic lettering and an image of how to use the toilets and what toilet paper was for. If they need that, they shouldn’t be in this country.

      1. After The Great Patriotic Revolution, no language other than English will be used for any official business or public notice anywhere in Great Britain (for historic reasons, exceptions will be made for Scottish Gaelic and Wlsh).

          1. I’ve used this before but it’s worth another airing. It’s from the Daily Telegraph, Saturday 16th August 2005. The author of the piece was Christopher Howse and he wrote in response to the announcement that Blair’s Government had awarded £80,000 to fund the Cornish Language Strategy.

            One Cornishman and his cat – that was it

            Handing over £80,000 of our money the other day, Phil Woolas, the local government minister, said: “It is right we should nurture the Cornish language.”

            Nurture away, old boy (or maw coth, as they used to say, west of the Tamar). Wrap Cornish in swaddling-clothes of fivers and feed it on clotted cream. But please spare a few bundles of nourishing cash for other dead languages – Pictish or Mercian, say – which need it as much or more.

            The government grant to promote Cornish was apparently made in pursuance of the “Cornish Language Strategy”, which was quietly given ‘official recognition’ in 2002. But the fact remains that there is not a single native speaker of Cornish alive. Dolly Pentreath, capable of speaking the language, died in 1777 with no one to talk it to. A man called John Davey was credited with talking in Cornish to his cat up to his death in 1891, but no one really knew whether he was speaking it properly, and the cat was saying nothing.

            Today, a jolly band of 400 or so enthusiasts want to revive it. Their language community is so artificial that about 12 per cent of them live not in Cornwall, but in London. I’m all in favour of buying them tape-recorders, notebooks, tea and pasties, but Cornwall County Council far prefers to spend money on ‘bilingual’ road signs.

            So now as you drive on your holidays into the town of Hayle (population 8,317; Cornish speakers seven) you will find a shiny metal sign also reading ‘Heyl’. Very strategic.


            Maybe we could have a campaign to nurture English. There’s not much spoken in large parts of England.

          2. Walking up to the village I turn left onto Kings Road with it’s quite recent new sign in English and Cornish. Utter bollocks, and the proper Cornish think so too.

        1. IF the govt wanted to save money stopping translating stuff into dozens of other languages would be an easy and painless way to start. Translation costs a fortune (I know, I used to do it). Ditto interpreters (which I also used to do) – they provide their own at their own expense as in France.

    4. I don’t know about boycotting them, wiping your faeces on allah seems entirely appropriate in a Christian country. No doubt M&S will have a fatwa issued against them (wasn’t Marks Jewish?).

    5. Me boycotting M&S would be futile, an empty gesture, as I never shop there anyway. The nearest store’s location is not particular convenient and its prices are not low enough.

    6. I should have known better than to take this at face value. This is old news. Marks and Spencer explained nearly five years ago that the motif is not the Arabic script for Allah. It’s an aloe vera leaf.

      Social media is an effing menace at times. It wastes countless hours of human.time on unadulterated bollocks. Has Rob Boyd got nothing better to do?


      1. It’s whatever you want to make it, really. The mathematics of loo roll printing is quite interesting.
        I bet m&s panicked when the Allah comparison was made (visions of hordes of muslims accusing a Jewish company’s customers of wiping their butts with Allah symbols, and invented the aloe vera story on the spot, because it doesn’t look much like aloe vera either.

  41. Off topic.

    To one of our delightful Sues:
    You know to whom I speak.
    Now that the season is over, was it the car or the driver?

    1. Good grief man! I stopped watching when the FIA started making up rules ‘on the hoof’, and the sport became a complete joke! But hey, let’s pretend the sulky Belgian has 3 world titles! 🙄🤣

  42. Right. Stepson must be on his meds and not misusing them as he was a lot better than last time I saw him.

    And I’m off to bed.
    G’night all.

    1. You do have to wonder what prompts the bouts of not caring for himself. If only there were a magic wand which made him care for his own self-being as much as you’ve shown him over the years, Bob. Whatever has brought about this improvement in his circumstances – not taking his medication is as much a symptom as a cause of his troubles – I hope it can be sustained. Well done, though, Bob. It was clear you were reaching the end of your tether, yet you didn’t quite give up on him. For now, at least, he’s taken the better path this time.

  43. Politicians have created a multicultural monster beyond control. Who gets the blame? We do.

    The political elite are branding riots in Dublin last week as violently ‘far-Right’ – but it’s mass migration that presents the real danger

    ALLISON PEARSON • 28 November 2023 • 8:25pm

    Back in July, around the time of my birthday, I happened to clock a protest by women my age in south Dublin. Several splendid Irish mammies with crossly-crossed arms and ‘don’t-mess-with-me-mister’ expressions were blocking roads in their neighbourhood after rumours circulated on social media that 60 undocumented male asylum seekers were to be housed there. “We come out and stand here and protest to keep our children and grandchildren safe and we are called ‘racist,’ ” one woman said defiantly. “People are afraid. There is no one coming to speak to us. All the political parties do is use Facebook to call frightened women racists and bullies.”

    What struck me about those women in their 40s, 50s and 60s – women with daughters and granddaughters to worry about – was that a major part of their anger arose from the fact that, not only were they not being heard, they were being treated as the problem. They weren’t the problem, and they knew they weren’t.

    The problem was that their government was allowing men from God-knows-where into their community. Mainly young men who would want sex (how rarely that basic fact is mentioned) and who came from countries where girls with their heads uncovered, their flesh exposed, are viewed by some as fair game.

    It was perfectly clear to the Irish women that the safety of their children should come first, above any other consideration. In any previous generation, it would have. But Western governments like theirs are so wedded to a multicultural experiment that they have failed to prevent a large number of illegal migrants (and far too many legal immigrants in the UK’s case) into their countries, often without adequate checks.

    This is such a vast, epochal mistake, the consequences so volatile and hard to control, that governments are now running scared and cannot own up to their mistake. Instead, the people must be blamed for their “hateful” reaction to the mistake.

    The very thing those south Dublin mammies were supposedly “fearmongering” about happened last week in – oh, look! – Dublin. Three tiny children and a teacher were stabbed in a crazed knife attack. The chief suspect is a man who arrived from Algeria two decades ago; who has come to Garda attention for possession of a knife, and who was scheduled for deportation years ago, but won the right to remain in Ireland in the high court.

    Shocking riots broke out on the streets of the city. Irish Garda commissioner Drew Harris condemned the “disgraceful scenes in Dublin”, claiming that “a hooligan faction driven by far-Right ideology” was behind the violence on the streets. But that wasn’t the whole story. It’s true that a lot of opportunistic yobs piled in, looting shops and setting fire to vehicles. But it’s also true that peaceful protests came to a head in that blazing eruption of public anger.

    As the political commentator John McGuirk, editor of the Gript website, tweeted: “When thousands of people protested peacefully in East Wall, and in other communities across Dublin, their reward was not to be recognised or engaged with for their peaceful political participation. Their reward was rather to be called far Right, deplorable, and the dregs of Irish society. Every single effort has been made to silence people. Today, they made themselves heard. I wish they had chosen another way. And then I remember. They did. And you all refused to listen.”

    The appalling attack on the children came just a few days after a Slovak Romany migrant was jailed for the murder of a teacher, 23-year-old Ashling Murphy. The brutal killing shocked Ireland. Last year, an Iranian migrant murdered two Irish gay men, decapitating one of them. What were those appalling, primitive brutes even doing in the country?

    Prime Minister Leo Varadkar and his woke commissars act swiftly to suppress such unhelpful thoughts, branding them “far Right” (the new phrase for patriotism and defending your culture). There is mounting evidence, however, that left-leaning Irish people are also concerned about the damaging impact of rapid demographic change. (One fifth of Ireland’s five million population are now foreign-born.) Polled on the question, “I think the number of refugees Ireland is now taking in is too many”, 75 per cent agreed. And 76 per cent backed, “I can appreciate some of the anger people feel about asylum seekers being moved into their local area.”

    Yet, the only problem the Irish authorities were prepared to admit had been caused by vast numbers of incomers is “a rise in anti-immigrant sentiment”. See what they did there? It’s your fault you’re scared, you bigots!

    Repulsively, Varadkar devoted less than 10% of his post-riots press conference to the attempted slaughter of tiny children, preferring to denigrate the white working class for their racism. However, it’s getting harder and harder for globalists like him to suppress inconvenient facts about nationality and religion in order to maintain public order.

    In a devastating victim impact statement, Ashling Murphy’s boyfriend Ryan Casey demanded: “How can someone come to this country, get social housing, social welfare, not hold down a job of any description and never contribute to society for 10 years? This is not the country that Ashling and I grew up in and once loved. It has officially lost its innocence. This country needs to wake up. This time things have got to change. This country is simply not safe anymore. I’m afraid our country is heading down a very dangerous path.”

    Ryan’s impassioned speech was omitted from every report of the trial, but they can’t stop it resonating in the hearts of millions.

    Surely, by now, it is clear that the Irish and, indeed, the population here in the UK, are being gaslit on a grand scale. Undocumented males from the war-torn Middle East and North Africa arriving in our neighbourhoods are not the problem, they say smoothly. It’s prejudiced people like us, who don’t want young foreign men with no concept of Western values around our daughters and granddaughters, that are the problem.

    So why do I keep being sent stories about British women being terrorised on the streets of their towns? Here is just one email I got last week from a Telegraph reader in Staffordshire. “The situation with the migrants in Cannock is dire,” writes Jenny, “Women cannot go out on the streets alone, especially at night. The males gather around school gates and follow the girls and they follow the women around in gangs. They do not speak English which makes their behaviour all the more alarming. When the police are called, they arrive in their cars, place the men in them then drive them back to where the illegal migrants are living.

    “This happens daily. Locals have written to the council and MPs and the outcome is that anyone who is worried about this is invited to sessions with police who tell them there is nothing to be done and that the indigenous population have to alter their behaviour so as not to cause upset among the migrant population. Women are advised not to go out alone in the evening and be mindful of the way they are dressed.”

    You’ll have to forgive me, but learning about women in my own country being advised to adjust their behaviour and their clothing to avoid inflaming men who arrived here uninvited makes me mad as hell. Multiculturalism only works if – and it’s a big if – newcomers are obliged to integrate with the host culture; not the other way around.

    The British political class needs to look urgently across the Irish Sea to glimpse what dangers lie ahead. As grief-stricken Ryan Casey urged us, we need to wake up as a country. Major public support is emerging for an immediate, five-year freeze on all further immigration into the UK so we can absorb the huge numbers already here – 53 per cent of all voters agree; 78 per cent of Conservative voters and even 33 per cent of Labour voters. [Freeze – yes, permanently. Absorb – no, deport as many as possible.] Instead, the Prime Minister this week gaily urged yet more foreign students to come and his Suella-less Cabinet shut their eyes and look the other way. Laura Farris, newly appointed Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Victims and Safeguarding, said “the arrival of hundreds of thousands of immigrants could embolden political extremists”.

    Yeah, right, Laura, that’s obviously the main threat posed by the out-of-control mass immigration presided over by your hapless government. Seriously, where do they find these people?

    I don’t know about you, but I stand with the Irish mammies guarding their communities like lionesses. “The likes of the toerags coming into this country – they’re not vetted and are causing havoc. When we do things peacefully we get ignored,” one mother said after the Dublin riots that an Irish government, which has recklessly endangered its own citizens, tried to blame on far-Right thugs. Here’s the thing: all of us are “far-Right” when our loved ones are at risk of being stabbed by someone who shouldn’t be in our country.


    1. … who came from countries where girls with their heads uncovered, their flesh exposed, are viewed by some all as fair game.

    2. Politicians from all parties are intimidating us , and this has dripped down to the police , schools , workplaces , the law , local councils .

      I have been admonished for using the term WOKE..

      There is a fearful feeling amongst all of us of a certain age that were are all being silenced into submission with threats , penalties , I am now part of an older age group , now post war baby boomers , who have thrived through difficult times ..

      Moh says he was one of fifty + children in his school class at his primary and grammar school .

      We coped as young married parents in our 20’s with high interest rates and and a make do attitude.

      We shivered and worried ourselves rigid with the extra money we had to find for mortgage and higher bills in the early 70’s .

      We saved and scrimped and had NO help from parents ..

      We did it .. and the politicians have ruined everything .

      Society rewards footballers , celebs , newsreaders etc etc .

      When we first got married , Moh was away at sea, flying , we didn’t have a TV for five years.. I listened to the radio, and read , and the children knew no different , we were naively protected from outside influences . We eventually capitulated and rented a TV/ black and white .

      I watched the moon landing on a friends TV..

      Yah boo to everything .

      1. It was called:


        Being in the ‘services”

        Working for a living

        Being an average Brit

        Looking after your (whole) family


        as for the “the moon landing” I was there

      2. Society or market forces? I don’t know about newsreaders but footballers and celebs are rewarded by millions, even billions, of people willing to pay individually modest amounts to see these people in action. Competing employers and businesses are willing to part with vast sums to give themselves or their companies a competitive advantage by attracting these people.

        When Manchester City spends a fortune on purchasing and retaining the services of Erling Haaland, similarly with Harry Kane at Bayern Munich, the goals they score can secure their clubs millions of pounds in extra revenue from broadcasters, sponsors, advertisers, spectat and merchandise sales, through winning trophies and playing football at the highest levels, both nationally and internationally. They absolutely do not want to end up as ordinary sides such as Wolves and Everton in England or Hamburger SV and Schalke 04 in Germany, clubs with rich histories but without trophies or challenging for titles for many years.

    3. The little girl who is in a critical condition in hospital is (according to reports) the daughter of an Eastern European father and a mother from Latin America.

        1. Good question other than, perhaps, a sense of irony or that she ought not to have been living in Ireland, given the utter absence of Irish antecedents. Nonetheless, when it comes to the background of children, nothing can excuse treating them with brutality.

      1. I’m a pleb.
        In fast food terms, I think the original KFC meal was one of the better ones.
        Tasty and good value.

          1. Slumming it? The best was Wimpy and they got rid of most of those. Cutlery you see. Very bourgeois.

      2. You would be so inclined if you ‘dined’ at KFC in Gosport. Slime under batter. I only went once and i felt like burning the place to the ground. Besides…what sort of idiot takes a knife to a KFC?

    1. You are right, that commenter has lost the plot. The return of the death penalty, trial and a swift hanging would suffice for all mass murdering criminals.

  44. Right, I’m off to bed now, chums. Good night, and I hope we all have a good night’s sleep. See you all tomorrow.

      1. They’re going to need a very large powder extinguisher, I should think…

        The smoke does look very oily, do electric vehicles really burn with that dark smoke?

          1. In Norway, the fire brigades get a skip full of water & put the car in it. Not sure how they’d handle a bus…

      2. Plenty in the Thames?🤔

        The stupidity of ‘electrification’ isn’t just a UK problem: I’m putting up an article, on tomorrow’s page, part of which exposes the same political stupidity is prevalent in both California and Florida.

      1. Thanks – I did wonder about the colour of the smoke for an electric vehicle.
        The “clean air zones” are destined for every city once established though, so I suppose it is still relevant to the bladerunners (see logo on photo).

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