Tuesday 3 August: Will boosters stop the double-jabbed counting as fully vaccinated?

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

697 thoughts on “Tuesday 3 August: Will boosters stop the double-jabbed counting as fully vaccinated?

  1. Narrative Collapse. 2 August 2021.

    What we are seeing today is narrative collapse. The miracle vaccines are proving to be far less than advertised. The majority of people turning up in hospitals with Covid are those who have been vaccinated. The whole point of a vaccine is to trigger your immune system to defeat the virus when exposed. You may get some mild symptoms, but your body is prepared to quickly kill off the intruder before it does much damage.

    Of course, no vaccine is perfect, but the regime spent months claiming it was 98% effective, so they closed off that narrative branch at the start. Worse yet, they claimed without evidence that the vaccine would work on all variants. Every contagious virus can mutate, which is why we have new flu vaccines every year. It appears that the miracle Covid vaccine is worthless against the variants.

    Morning everyone. That the original vaccines are next to useless is surely borne out by the appearance of “Booster Jabs”. Why would a successful inoculation require improvement?

    The real question here is when did the Government know? Was it at the very beginning? A conscious attempt to manufacture a Placebo to mollify the masses and retain control, or later when they began to manipulate the figures to terrify the population and allow for the introduction of repressive laws? This latter has certainly occurred; the UK is now a Police State masquerading as a Democracy where the hard won freedoms of a thousand years have been consigned to the Dustbin of History.

    Z Man, the author of this piece, (It tells you something about where you are when writers have to hide their identity) posits a narrative collapse. This is not unlikely but it does not mean that a New Dawn of Freedom is on the horizon. Much more likely is a stubborn defiance and increased repression to take up the slack!


    1. Problem is, it’s too late.
      People are waking up just as the prison gates are clanging shut.
      Vaxx passports are already here, the only argument is the extent to which they are used – and all the government has to do is engineer a simple little crisis to extend them to all areas of life.
      A short period of high inflation should do the trick, or a couple of weeks without electricity.

      1. I know a very clever chap with high tech, there is not much that he cannot do with computers, he tried to find out the personal info stored on the vaccine app, he could not do it, but he thinks there is a lot there.
        I note that he has cancelled his app now although he is double jabbed.

        1. At one point, something was published by the government, I forget where, that included a long list of social information including employment status and criminal record that was supposed to be stored on this app. So yes, I think your friend is probably correct. My guess is that the current app version doesn’t yet include this information, which is why he couldn’t find it.

    2. BBC Radio 4 News reporting this morning that China has a new Covid? virus and is taking drastic measures, test and trace and lockdowns ,to try and prevent further spread of this virus in China.
      The Chinese Medics seem to be in panic mode at the moment.

    3. All it was ever about and the conspiracy theorists had it right from the start, was to get everyone signed up to vaccine ID passports.

    4. Thanks; interesting article. I don’t see many signs of narrative collapse this side of the pond, though. I had hoped that the “need for boosters” combined with the lack of testing upon the same because they are so similar to the originals might wake a few up, but sadly that isn’t my experience.

  2. SIR – Dr Richard Budgett, the medical and science director of the International Olympic Committee, said: “Everyone agrees that trans women are women” (report, July 30).

    Who are these “everyone”?

    Alan G Barstow
    Onslunda, Skåne County, Sweden

    Teacher’s pet gets his letter published AGAIN. Makes yer sick.

    1. Not sure if you are joking or not, but this letter is a good formula for getting published in a hostile climate.

      It’s short.
      It makes exactly the point.
      It cannot be accused of stirring up hatred against a protected minority.
      It does not even give an opinion about trans women.

    2. “Teacher’s pet”, as you call him, submits many more letters than are ever published thus disproving your pejorative nickname.

    3. Yo, CV. I wish.

      That Howse dude (Letters’ Editor) only picks my efforts off the cutting room floor when there’s a spare gap in his schedule.

      1. William Barter – he of the HS2 fan club – seems to have vaporised since he was outed.

        1. However, Lord Lexden, Philip Duly, Ted Shorter, Mick Ferrie and a few more favoured concubines are still allowed to serve up their doting worship each week.

        2. “They flee from me that sometime did me seek. .”

          as Petronella’s ancestor, Sir Thomas Wyatt put it.

          The DT used to ask me to contribute letters – now all I get is an automated response!

          Incidentally, I have e-mailed a letter to the DT about the RNLI helping illegal immigrants get to UK and suggesting that they are right to save lives but wrong to help law-breaking. My suggested solution is that the RNLI should pick them out of the sea and return them to the French coast.

          Anyone give the odds as to whether or not they will publish it?

  3. SIR – Representatives of six charities urge the Government to change its stance on refugees and accuse it of failing “to provide commitments to increased numbers in the future” (Letters, July 30). They make no mention of the numbers they wish the Government to accept, nor estimate the costs of accommodation, healthcare, education and benefits.

    One has to assume that they see no limit to either the numbers of refugees or the concomitant costs.

    John Reeves
    Fairseat, Kent

    SIR – Six charities write that France, Spain and Germany each had three times more asylum claims than Britain last year. Since jointly they have a total land mass six times larger than Britain, that does not seem surprising.

    There are 83.9 million people living in Germany, 46.7 million in Spain and 67 million in France. Of those three countries only Germany is even close to the United Kingdom (68.3 million) in the ratio of population to land mass.

    D J Harrop
    Macclesfield, Cheshire

    1. Why can’t they just come out and say the truth? Charities are big business acting for the Open Society, which is a foreign funded organisation dedicated to the destruction of nation states, and its agents should be convicted of treason.

    2. Failing to commit to increased numbers?

      F off. We want fewer of these wasters, not more. If these charities want more gimmigrants they can pay for them. Let’s start deporting the ones who are here illegally. After the first millions we’ll start solving the problems this country has.

  4. SIR – My Labrador’s visits to the vet for his jabs were rewarded with a biscuit from the nurse. This worked well until the occasion he was castrated. After that no enticement would get him back through the vet’s door.

    Simon Olley
    Kemsing, Kent

    Bit late, poor hound

    1. I have experienced the same feeling after walking through the doors of the polling station in the recent past, I came away thinking someone has had me by the balls.
      I am not wrong am I?

          1. I was offered a choice between maggots and rotting sprouts. It is my constitutional right to choose between them.

          2. Sprouts ……. arrrggghhhhh …… I forgot to put them on. They’ll still be crunchy on 25/12/21.

          1. Just seen, M – a very Happy Birthday, and many more…

            Please send regards, and hope you both enjoy a lovely day!

          2. Just seen, M – a very Happy Birthday, and many more…

            Please send regards, and hope you both enjoy a lovely day!

  5. Attacking lifeboats may seem like a new low, but the right craves a ‘migrant crisis’. 3 August 2021.

    Yet it was notable that most rightwing talking heads did not join in Farage’s attack. Several ministers, perhaps wary of colleagues who ended up looking like shameless opportunists during Euro 2020 – failing to condemn England fans who booed the team for taking the knee at the start of the tournament and then draping themselves in red and white by the end – were quick to show their support for the RNLI. They were wise to: the fact that the volunteer lifeboat service has received a 3,000% boost in donations since Farage’s comments shows that it has broad public support.

    To compound this, there is a thriving media economy founded on rightwing outrage. Attacks on the “loony left” and moral panics about issues such as migration are hardly new to the rightwing press; indeed, the Daily Mail included the RNLI in a recent report on “migration madness” in the Channel. Stories about asylum seekers being accommodated in supposedly plush hotels, with the implication that British people are being short-changed, have become a tabloid staple.

    This is the usual mix of sophistry and misdirection. The “3,000 % boost in donations” (£200,000) occurred on a single day. It was in fact the day after Nigel Farage’s observations about the RNLI. There has been no sustained support. It takes no great imagination to see this as a False Flag operation. As to plush hotels, are there any others? Is the Ritz advertising as “Downmarket Accommodation?


    1. Looking at the pictures of some of the ‘rescues’ the lives of some of the rescuées did not seem in imminent danger as the sea was calm.

      But even so, many people rightly think that the job of the RNLI is to save the lives of all those in danger at sea. However they also rightly think that the RNLI should not assist people in breaking the law by immigrating illegally.

      Surely the answer is for the RNLI to pick up the people and drop them on the coast in France whence they came? The French should not object – they are, after all, being handsomely paid to help solve the problem of illegal immigration from France into the UK..

      1. Morning Richard. The only reason the RNLI was dragged in was to give the cover of Humanitarian Concern to the operation and thus diss criticism! There was no actual need for their participation.

      2. Is there a French equivalent of the RNLI, and if so why are they not taking the migrants on board and returning them to France?

        1. Société Nationale de Sauvetage en Mer

          65% of funding comes from the private sector (donations, bequests and sponsorship) and 35% comes from the national government, the regions, the départements and the local communities.

          Beware if rescued by the French Lifeboats you will be charged. The rate used to be 275 Euros per Hour and they do not take credit cards but I expect it is far higher now!

          1. If these at risk migrants can afford to pay the people smugglers I’m sure they can afford to be “rescued”. It would be a nice little earner for the French.

          2. The RNLI calm that they only respond to distress calls. I wonder why the ‘refugees’ are never ‘in distress’ until they reach UK waters.

    2. I don’t see how the volunteer RNLI crews can get the time off work on such a regular daily basis. I also wonder if lives are being put in danger by the rescue vessels not being available for genuine maritime emergencies.

      1. Happy Birthday, molamola and many more to come, even though you might be just a baby compared to many on here – KBO.

    3. Three star hotels are being used. Three star would be a normal commercial hotel for business travellers. The Park Inn in Glasgow is owned by the Radisson Group and packed with immigrants. One of whom went wild with a machete and was shot dead by police. I suspect that the undated reviews are from some time in the past.


    4. No, no one craves anything. There is not a migrant crisis. There is an illegal immigrant crisis where the state refuses to prevent criminals from getting in to this country illegally.

      Not complicated. Keep watching your readership collapse.

    1. Happy Birthday, molamola! Hope it’s sunny and all goes swimmingly well! 🎂🍾🎉

    2. Happy birthday, molamola! You share it with that great American singer Tony Bennett, who is 95 today.

  6. Boris Johnson says Iran to face ‘consequences’ over deadly drone attack on ship. 3 August 2021.

    Boris Johnson warned on Monday that Iran would face “consequences” for a drone strike in the Gulf that killed a British citizen as the Government drew up retaliation plans.

    The Prime Minister said Iran had carried out an “unacceptable and outrageous attack” and that the regime should “face up to the consequences of what they’ve done”

    “It is absolutely vital that Iran, and every other country, respects the freedoms of navigation around the world and the UK will continue to insist on that,” he added.

    Well they’ve changed the names (Libya, Syria etc.) but I’ve heard all this before! The death of the “British Security guard” must after all be purely fortuitous! It might just as well have been the Somali cook. Would Boris be making threats then? Apart from that what would Iran have to gain from such an operation? It’s a pin prick; achieving nothing of significance and anonymity is hardly conducive to messaging. What this has is the stink of Mi6. Fake attacks and an even Faker narrative! Its Salisbury transposed to the Middle East!


    1. Sabre rattling, look at me I’m standing up for you, distraction technique. He’s a fraud.

      1. If you’re going to threaten retaliation, you need the means to do it. They, like Labour before them, have virtually destroyed the armed forces.

    2. Oh give over. Nothing will happen. At best a strongly worded – with the wording agreed by the Iranian’s – letter to the embassy.

  7. Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Dr Bryan Ardis (1 hour).

    How I hate having to link to these sources of information but everyone needs to understand what is happening.

    The revelations re developing female foetuses and the newly registered disease, Multi Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), related to the
    “vaccine” are devastating. Reiner Fuellmich has heard much but this testimony shocked him.

    Life was so much simpler eighteen months ago, what the hell has happened to our current crop of top politicians? From where I’m sitting all I imagine is the ignorant political class with their fingers in their ears chanting, “I do not want to hear you, la la la.” Top medical people, where are you?

    Reiner Fuellmich interviewing Dr Bryan Ardis

    1. 336242+ up ticks,
      Morning KtK,
      Our current politico’s are the cream of the crop that has been in construct mode for the last three decades, they are having great success as being as one, united in treachery.

  8. Message to Grizzly:

    Hey Beatnik, are you telling me Dude that if I weld a Rolls-Royce radiator grille on to my pick up truck, that it ain’t a genuine Rolls-Royce, hombre?

      1. That might be called “passing off” in legal terms if BMW did not own the R-R marque!

      1. Hey Beatnik, close down our nation, export all the manufacturing to China where they don’t give squat for trendy tree-hugging bunny-loving policies, Dude and we’ll soon make a great big fat zero out of our country, hombre. Job done!

        1. Zeroville is already here, Dean. You vote for Zombies, you get cardboard cut-out leaders, Dude.

  9. 336242+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    Tuesday 3 August: Will boosters stop the double-jabbed counting as fully vaccinated?

    That question should NOT be being asked as it is giving credence to the first jab of an experimental vaccine.

    It has links thinking on it with the peoples continuing to support / vote for the lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled immigration / paedophile, potential troop ongoing coalition, under the mindset salve of there “ain’t nothing else to support / vote for”

    As for the experimental vaccine, there are other options
    in tablet form that an individual can personally control, tried and tested, why was these NOT given the same MsM coverage for people choice?

    My personal thinking is the herd is being driven to the chute of destruction / resurrection as in repress, reset, replace.

    Would someone inform me as to what issue / issues was it regarding the political overseers that gave the herd the confidence & trust to allow these politico’s to jab them in the first place?

      1. Before the effects of Thalidomide were known were those who suggested it hadn’t been properly tested branded as negative villains who had to be silenced?

        1. 336242+ up ticks,
          Morning R,
          Well remembered by many, well forgotten by a multitude of three monkey fans within the polling booth.

  10. Good morning from a bright Derbyshire after a spot of rain overnight.
    8°c in the yard and I’ve got a retinopathy check up in Bakewell today, so it’s a walk to Cromford for the 04:45 bus.

    Well said Mr. Barstow on the Letters Page!

        1. May I post an expression of hate directed towards the BBC?

          I hate the BBC.
          I hate all its vacuous “presenters”.
          I hate the way that every programme it produces contrives to find a way to mention the idiotic concept of “climate change”.

        2. ‘Hatred’ already won. The Left keep enforcing it.

          Hate is a verb, not a noun. You can ‘hate’ something, but you cannot simply ‘hate’. Besides, there is no hatred toward transgender people. I believe they deserve support and encouragement to integrate their whole selves.

          Doesn’t mean I hate them. I don’t know any. Trans people are mentally ill, and should not be publicly lauded, praised or valued above any other individual. Nor should they be denigrated or insulted.

          Quite clearly, Hubbard has an advantage – he is a biological man competing against women. That is not ‘hatred’, as much as the Left would like it to be, it is fact. His competing is unfair on female athletes who by being women, do not have, and can never have, his muscle mass, bone density, energy reserves and so on and so on, ad nauseum.

    1. Good morning BoB (and all NoTTLers). Whilst you are in Bakewell remember to buy yourself some Tarts. (The edible type, not the others!)


          1. I wonder if this is a good time to mention that ERNIE awarded me £50 this month.

            Probably not. :@(

  11. Running Tests

    A woman went to the doctor’s office for a physical. The doctor took a blood sample and told her to return in one week for the results.

    One week later, she and her husband returned to the doctor’s office. The doctor took the husband aside and told him,

    “Sir, I’m afraid I have some bad news. We accidentally mixed your wife’s blood sample with another patient’s, and we have no idea whose is whose. The bad news is one has Alzheimer’s disease, and the other has AIDS. I want you to come back in another week and by then I should have it all sorted out.”

    The man looked scared and said, “That’s terrible, Doc, what should I do until then?”

    “Well, when you’re driving home today, drop her off two blocks away from your home. If she makes it home, don’t have sex with her!

      1. If that type of thinking was the zeitgeist before the mid-20th century (going back millennia) then the lives of all our invaders (and potential invaders) would “matter more”.

        We would have opened our welcoming arms to the invading Celts, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Romans, Vikings, Normans, Spanish Armada, Frogs, Dutch and Nazis. What a lovely “diverse” nation we would have always been. Coffee-coloured people by the score.

        1. Coffee-coloured people by the score. – – words from a music track from years ago?

          1. Melting Pot by Blue Mink. One of the first Woke anthems from the early 1970s (horrible decade!).

          2. Prog Rock on The Old Grey Whistle Test was all that kept me sane in those dreadful years. If the dross that the BBC invariably put out on Top of the Slops was all I had to listen to, I’d probably have jumped off the roof!

      1. 336242+ up ticks,
        Morning Cs,
        As they are obviously employing them in such a manner one would think so.

  12. Two men talking in the golf club shower – one noticed the other had an enormous willie and asked how it came to be that long. The other guy replied “It was down to my mother when I was a baby – she only had one arm and it was the only way she could lift me out of the bath

    1. From the nursery school yard:

      Buffalo Billy had a ten foot willy
      He showed it to the girl next door.
      She thought it was a snake and hit it with a rake
      And now it’s only 7 foot 4.

  13. Grizzly and I both share a great enthusiasm for Jim Croce’s songs.

    Here is an excellent cover by Josh Turner and his friends. Those of you who like this sort of music should search the Web and see what Josh has put up. I think he is is exceptionally talented and a thoroughly decent young man.


    1. Croce, I think, deserved much more success than he received before his untimely death.

  14. 336242+ up ticks,
    Carrot news,
    Spokesman for the ( debatable) covid plague agreed with the shelving and will work in tandem with johnson, said the fat controller.

    Boris Johnson steps in to save holidays on the Continent
    Reprieve for popular destinations as plans for controversial new ‘amber watchlist’ are shelved following backlash

    1. DT headline Boris Johnson steps in to save holidays on the Continent.

      What they mean is he was bounced into another U turn with Cabinet members and back benchers expressing their unhappiness over the situation.
      BTW, today is Aug 3rd, most families have 4 or 5 weeks left to decide and book, go and return on said holidays. The buffoon has left it late for decisive action, he is running true to form again.

      1. 336242+ up ticks,
        Morning VVOF,
        The back-benchers are acting as an in-party opposition
        in reality ALL are of the same mind.

        I would upgrade him ( johnson) from buffoon to highly dangerous buffoon, he no longer, as was said, makes people laugh, the clowns mask is well & truly off.

        1. Morning Ogga, I have no doubt these backbenchers are bit players in an elaborate farce staged by their party.
          Of course, if I see 50 or 60 of them resign the whip and sit as independents I may consider a rethink is required.

          1. 336242+ up ticks,
            Morning VVOF,
            Precisely but my preference would be to see them join
            FOR BRITAIN,
            backing Anne Marie Waters building on a genuine real peoples reset.

      2. That W⚓ Johnson U-turns at a speed which would make a pirouetting ice-skater dizzy.

  15. https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mike-veale-former-police-chief-in-ted-heath-inquiry-faces-misconduct-hearing-79sv8rs65
    Mike Veale, police chief in Ted Heath inquiry, faces misconduct hearing
    Fiona Hamilton, Crime Editor. Tuesday August 03 2021, 12.00am BST, The Times
    Mike Veale, the former chief constable of Cleveland police, was hired as an adviser by a police and crime commissioner in June
    Mike Veale, the former chief constable of Cleveland police, was hired as an adviser by a police and crime commissioner in June
    The former chief constable who led the Sir Edward Heath abuse inquiry will face gross misconduct proceedings, The Times has learnt. An independent investigation by the police watchdog found there was sufficient evidence to indicate that Mike Veale had “breached the standards of professional behaviour”.

    Veale resigned as head of Cleveland police in February 2019, a day after misconduct allegations were referred to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC).

    The latest development raises serious questions for Rupert Matthews, the elected police and crime commissioner of Leicestershire who appointed Veale as an adviser this year even though he was still under investigation. Veale had been Cleveland’s chief for less than a year when he resigned. The IOPC investigated allegations of inappropriate behaviour towards colleagues,

    1. Veale was reckoned to be a dodgy chancer when he was chief honcho in Devizes several years ago. A classic case of passing the problem on to another authority to deal with rather than knocking the little b’stard for six.

      1. Such allegations explain why many organisations and firms have policies to move people around every few years; think of diplomats, army officers, bank managers etc. Also, a friend once explained that young detectives were straight, whereas older detectives were perhaps not quite so straight; not because they were ‘bent’, but because they had seen so much bad stuff that they had been contaminated and had become cynical etc (hope that makes sense). This tendency may exist within parts of the NHS.

        1. Agree about moving people around.

          There were stories about Veale’s personal conduct unrelated to any ‘policing duties’ or his career which suggested that he was an overambitious and twisted wrong’un.

    2. Wondering what the allegations of “inappropriate behaviour” consist of.

      Wolf-whistling or goosing one of his “plonks” à la Gene Hunt, perhaps?

    3. I wonder how many ‘D’ notices were placed when that investigation was going on. I doubt if there was enough room in the filing cabinet after Bliar had finished slapping them around.

      1. Typical ruddy Vikings – all these years later and they can’t get enough of their pillaging an’ stuff

    1. More like blind inattention. As at 11:27 the commissaires are still discussing it. Denmark should be disqualified, maybe. As the UK rider got back on his bike and finished yje race, the UK recorded time whereas Denmark did not. All good fun.

      1. I think I’ll avoid Chez Elder Son for a day or two! Things might be a little crisp between him and his beloved.

  16. Just passed one of the neighbours. She and her husband and niece and mother have been “isolating” because someone, somewhere might have come into contact with someone who might or might not have had the plague.

    Anyway, the MR said, “I expect you have been playing a lot of Scrabble.” “Oh, no,” she replied, “You can’t have people all touching the tiles….”

    That, my friends, is a sign of Full Covidians….

    1. All hail the new god, his rituals must be observed! Sad, isn’t it? Morning, Bill!

    2. NfN

      As is this DT letter

      SIR – You report (August 2) that from next month 32 million British people are to be offered booster vaccinations.

      I have had both jabs and am considered “fully vaccinated”. If I decline the offer of a booster, will I no longer be “fully vaccinated”?

      Gary Feeke

      Bloody freak.

      Mad, all mad

    3. End of the family line then – won’t touch Scrabble tiles – not much chance of anything a bit more exciting happening.

    4. They could all have worn gloves to go with their masks to play Scrabble. Then thrown the board and tiles away afterwards. Just to be sure.

    5. Sad, isn’t it? What a waste of time – and life. That’s a year and a half she won’t get back.

          1. Dolly can count all right. Pick up two biscuits. Give her one of them. Put the other one in pocket.

            Dolly then stares at pocket.

          2. In stark contrast with Phizzee when sitting at the bar.

            Put two G&Ts in front of him….[glug,glug]… and he can’t remember where the first one went.

          3. A foldable table with the cup and pea game on Oxford St. She would win every time if there was a biscuit in it for her.

          4. Oscar is the same. He knows he gets two biscuits (actually one biscuit broken in two) and there is no way he’s giving up until he’s had the second portion.

    6. Sad, isn’t it? What a waste of time – and life. That’s a year and a half she won’t get back.

    7. Oh my goodness. It’s going to take a long time for them to realise they’ve been fooled. Maybe for ever.

  17. Morning all.
    Oh dear i’m not feeling good again today, but i’m trying to avoid A&E again, I have an appointment with cardiology tomorrow afternoon almost 5 months since I made my visit to A&E in April, but only by phone, but they are going to get the Gist of everything, both barrels. I feel totally let down by the NHS. And from past expereince it would not have helped al all contacting my GP surgery, they would only refer me to 111 and so on and so forth.

      1. Thanks I wont, as were we were yesterday Nil illegitimi carborundum.
        My GP will get a copy of the conversation as well.

    1. Good luck but you might want to consider writing to the CEO of the Trust. Find their name and direct email address from ceoemail.com every NHS trust CEO on there.
      It usually works wonders.

    2. None of my business, but could you persuade someone to listen in on the conversation tomorrow with Cardiology?

      Perhaps a retired nurse, or someone who could play advocate, and who happens to have a BS antenna and a good listener.

      1. My next door Neighbour is a retired sister in the NHS and neighbour opposite is a GP practice receptionist. I’ll make enquires. I can easily record the call.

        1. 336242+ up ticks,
          Morning RE,
          Everything to gain by doing just as T advised, all the best Og.

      2. 336242+ up ticks,
        Morning T,
        ” We are recording this call for training purposes”

        Good advice via you only let the call progress prior to announcing,
        ” We have recorded this call for our own records, health & safety”

          1. 336242+ up ticks,
            Afternoon Anne,
            Precisely, more so now as in, any anti / panky will be reported to the fat controllers on duty minion.

    3. Hope you soon get sorted positively, Eddy. Don’t ever forget, you have some good mates on here who wish you well.

      1. As I mentioned Grizz I have sent an email to the Sec at the cardiology dept, hopefully she will makes sure he has it to hand for the phone call.
        Thanks to all for the good wishes. It does brighten things up a tad. Sadly I missed out on a prearranged outing with my eldest grand son today, he’s nearly 6 and he loves leggo.

      1. I have a very kind neighbour who i think might be able to send my email directly to Local NHS this morning.

    1. 336242+ up ticks.
      Owing to the fact that the ball and chain were in short supply he is considered to have got treated lightly.

    2. What a mob of absolutely stupid Dick Heads.
      Only in Australia, where you can be arrested and fined for taking an apple across a state border.

      1. 336242+ up ticks,
        Morning again RE,
        Only picked up from the United Kingdom where once you could have got topped for stealing an apple, or sent to Auss, and currently you could get a criminal record for scrumping.

        On scrumping felonies & by today’s reckoning I would NEVER have seen daylight due to doing heavy time, my apple stretched jumpers were passed on to pregnant mums.

          1. 336242+ up ticks,
            Afternoon RE,
            The price of pests: Australia’s $390 billion invasive species bill,
            We suffer much the same in England / GB with much the same financial costs, and mounting daily.

            Our pests, three in number, have been IDeed as the
            lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled immigration coalition found to be a fear spreading, truth eating political ogre of favourable standing with many of the electorate although being as trustworthy as an Indian Krait.

    3. Those police officers should be interviewed on tv – maskless – let everyone see them explain their actions.

    4. They seem to have lost all reason in Oz & NZ. Is it because they are so isolated from the rest of the world?

      1. Long ago they adopted the mindset of Nevil Schute’s ‘On the Beach’ – a good writer but he was a weirdo. Parents knew him and his sister before he moved to Australia.

  18. Biles has won a bronze on the beam. The BBC commentator described her as “being willed on by the entire gymnastics community”, or words to that effect.
    It must be silly old me, the cynic. Biles makes lots of money from her leotard brand. I suppose that she has sponsorship. She no doubt has a social media following that can be “monetised”. I see the farrago of the last week as brazen attempt to raise her profile and thereby raise her income.
    Gosh, a coincidence;

    1. Didn’t realise that you could sort out mental issues in a few days. Amazing really.

    2. B-b-but think of the pressure she was under poor lass. How brave she was. Of course, if the ‘pressure’ were that great it might be better if she were to stop it and go to work in a shop instead.

  19. Yesterday I was chatting to a friend/acquaintance who is much younger, family minded, sensible, church going but who leans to the Left.
    She is deeply upset because she feels betrayed by Labour over mask wearing & general control freakery, and cannot comprehend why so many healthy ‘normal’ people still believe the Govt psy-ops propaganda. I explained that for anyone who can WFH on full salary there was an incentive to continue as a True Believer.

    (NB Covid is still potentially a nasty bug, and 18 months ago everyone was wise to be cautious.)

    1. Yes – it’s potentially nasty – but then so are other things, like cancer, which are far more lethal.

      Working from home obviously has its attractions for many, but equally there many, such as the retired, who have not had that bonus as they’re at home anyway, and the people who have to go to work to maintain the life-style of others – supermarket staff, delivery people, transport workers, etc. Then there are the others who have lost their jobs, which won’t be coming back.

      1. Covid has really emphasised the social gap: the middle classes have largely sat at home while the working classes pander to their needs.

      2. And come September many more jobs and businesses will go under when furlough ends U less of course it is extended yet again just to really make sure GB sinks like a stone.

  20. Ahem

    “The time for people to “wake up” is over. At this point, you either

    join the fight to preserve what is left of those rights, and that

    sovereignty, or you surrender to the “New Normal,” to global-capitalist

    totalitarianism. I couldn’t care less what you believe about the virus,

    or its mutant variants, or the experimental “vaccines.” This isn’t an

    abstract argument over “the science.” It is a fight … a political,

    ideological fight. On one side is democracy, on the other is

    totalitarianism. Pick a fucking side, and live with it.

    Anyway, here’s where we are at the moment, and how we got here, just the broad strokes.”


    Sturmtruppen in action……….


      1. She could have ha a bone stuck in her throat, of course, and the helpful Stasi were just giving her a hand….

      2. Anti panpanic demo. Germans are suckers for wanting to be good members of the community, and not being vaccinated is being presented as being a bad member of the community, which makes you a worse person than in the UK.
        German politicians are going very softly for obvious reasons, but they don’t have to say much.

    1. 336242+ up ticks.
      Morning Rik,
      Left / right politics took a hike long ago
      along with self respect / common decency as company.
      It is now down to RIGHT / WRONG the choice WILL upset many lab/lib/con
      member / followers who mind salving
      mantra is ” but there is nothing else to vote for”

      My side was picked long ago.

    1. I have encountered Nickelgsb before and I don’t think he is as wise, well informed, or clever as he seems to think he is

      1. Well, I do agree that Fishi Rishi is an ideal replacement.

        A mega wealthy hindoo banker seems just the chap to resonate with common white voters.

          1. We spoke at the weekend. She’s plodding on. Not complaining about too much. Likes watching the gee-gees on the telly.

          2. Talking of Wykehamists (of whom we have had several on our courses over the years) reminds me of John Betjeman rather than of the former head boy.

            Broad of Church and broad of mind,
            Broad before and broad behind,
            A keen ecclesiologist,
            A rather dirty Wykehamist.
            ‘Tis not for us to wonder why
            He wears that curious knitted tie;
            We should not cast reflections on
            The very slightest kind of don.
            We should not giggle as we like
            At his appearance on his bike;
            It’s something to become a bore,
            And more than that, at twenty-four.
            It’s something too to know your wants
            And go full pelt for Norman fonts.
            Just now the chestnut trees are dark
            And full with shadow in the park,
            And ‘ six o’clock! ‘ St. Mary calls
            Above the mellow college walls.
            The evening stretches arms to twist
            And captivate her Wykehamist.
            But not for him these autumn days,
            He shuts them out with heavy baize;
            He gives his Ovaltine a stir
            And nibbles at a petit beurre,
            And, satisfying fleshy wants,
            He settles down to Norman fonts.

        1. I quite like him, but am perfectly aware that he is just another likeable dishonest globalist shill. Boris is probably too lazy to carry on, and just wants his money now.

    1. Out at sea, open deck and fresh breeze, and there’s still some stupid sod with a mask on.

      1. Great if he was sea sick eh !
        King Gary is on board as well by the look of it. along die the life saving ring.
        My wife and I celebrated our silver wedding by going to New England and had a similar experience as shown. It was wonderful.

      2. Are you certain it isn’t a gull flying towards the camera?

        When I expanded the picture it looked as if it might be a gull, taken head on.

          1. Perspective can distort sizes quite markedly.
            Blow it up to the maximum and one can make out wings and eyes/beak. It might well be a mask but if it is it’s a strange shape.

          2. “one can make out wings and eyes/beak” I reckon that’s a flight of imagination. I’m going with Occam’s Razorbill.

          3. If I had to bet on it I would go with the mask too, but it just seemed so improbable, given the setting.

          4. Sorry, can’t agree, if we are talking about the same bloke – the one in a grey top, 7th from the stern.

          5. That’s the one.

            At first glance I thought the one in the purple top was too, but then saw it appears to be a phone-camera.

          6. ..or a drinking mug, but more likely a phone. There’s another suspect squatting two to the right of our original subject.

      1. 336242+ up ticks,
        Afternoon AoE,
        I believe they had a prototype tried out in Hima Uganda
        under the label warige, 2/- a shot, cured everything from harelip to piles.
        I truly believe that it was a steady tipple of baboons
        Hence the bald @rse.

  21. What a peculiar ‘revelation’. A case of “Not me, Guv!”?

    Why has the National Archive released this now, 24 years on? Isn’t it normally 30 years before such documents are made public?

    Tony Blair did not write or approve government’s Irish Famine message, documents reveal


    Tony Blair’s apology for Irish famine written by aides, papers reveal


    1. Has the slimy bastard retracted the apology then?

      If not, why not? It would suggest that he approved.

    2. Oh dear. Noticed it was unpopular and doing a reverse ferret?
      Now why would Charles Lynton suddenly worry about his reputation in Blighty?
      Is he hoping to do a Handycock and resurrect his political career?

    1. Good article. When I left some 10 years ago it was obvious to me that things were deteriorating rapidly. I am not confident that it will get better. I think the USA is on a downward trajectory and will self destruct if a counter revolution does not take place soon. The place needs a succession of Trump like individuals to get back on track and I am not confident at all that will happen. It’s problem is that it is over rich and over privileged and thus like molly coddled children fancy their tantrums born out of luxury, to be far more important than what rational people would call real oppression. Simply put they are decadent and thus immerse themselves in trivia with no idea what real adversity is. They suffer from the oppression of freedom with no understanding of what to do with it other than rebel.

      1. Can’t help you. Some aspect of my browser changed about a month ago and what used to be a simple copy/paste operation has now become a pain in the neck

    1. Population transfer required first, all Scotts loyal to the crown to be re-settled in England & receive fair compensation, all Blacks, Muslims , Gypsies & Irish Travelers to be re-settled in Scotland before a mined & machinegun lined border wall 10 times the height of the old Berlin wall built plus mines laid at sea on both coasts !

      1. Will the Scots and English be in agreement over exactly where the wall should be?

    2. Will Postal Voting be available to the 200+ million ex-pat Jocks (Mr Rashid’s exteneded Family) living in Pakistan?

    3. She is just a small minded dopey wokey tribalist, her thinking is based in the 15th century. She’s just run out of Blue paint.

      1. My Core i5 7th Gen HP laptop with Win10 factory installed is 6 years old ( bought in early Jan.2016 ) I think its showing signs of age, my previous Core i3 HP laptop clapped out after 5 years, originally it came with Win7 & later I installed Win10 on it but it wont be possible to install the upcoming Win11 software on my laptop as that requires a minimum of Core i7 so sooner or later I will have to buy a new laptop, which is for me a tech illiterate a big hassle & will take me at least 6 months to get used to.

        1. Mine older than yours – bought off HP store site ( turns out a phone call to an English number gets you to a call centre in Spain.) Service was great. Staff English. I don’t reckon i’ll reach Win 11.

          1. Had chaos when mine upgraded itself to Win 10.No choice it just “announced” that it was upgrading. Hours later I gave up, left it to whatever – and went to bed. I think it was 3 days later before I even got an ounce of sense out of it. Whover came up with it wants looking at.

          2. Too late, now, Walter but at that time you should have run a ‘Restore Point that takes your system back to what it was. There is a programme that will overlay a lookalike WIN 7 on your awful WIN10.

      1. Good morning & happy Tuesday my dear Laura in the USA. Its a blazing hot 34’C & humid here in Tel Aviv at 4PM locally . Apart from my minor aches & pains the Covid-19 Plague Delta variant is spreading here in Israel & we have gone from less than a 100 new infections daily just 3 months ago to 3K in the last 24 hours, 20K active infections / quarantines & 250 in hospital up from 20+ 3 months ago although very few ( thank God ) new deaths . I hope all is well by you & your son is well.

          1. Against the UK Covid-19 strain which was the dominant strain in 2020 yes but Pfizer vaccine which was 97% effective against the UK 2020 strain is only about 80% effective against the new Indian Delta 2021 variant and we still have 1.5million people mostly Arabs & Ultra-Orthodox who have refused to get vaccinated & are once again the bulk of folks infected & seriously ill . A lot of kids under 12 are now among the mildly infected as some have returned from holidays abroad & picked up the Delta strain & spread it to their classmates ( after we fully reopened all schools 3 months ago & dropped the mask indoors & testing for kids ) and from the kids its spread to their elderly relatives who despite being vaccinated are susceptible to a mild infection from the Delta strain. The death rate is sharply down & hospitalization is less than 300 ( of which 50 or so intubated – mostly elderly folk ) compared with over 1200 a day back in mid-2020. Its a case of getting more of the unvaccinated to get at least on jab before we will see an improvement. I will get a 3rd jab in late September as they are only giving it now to over 60’s & younger folks who are immune compromised who had their 2nd Pfizer dose 6 months ago.
            The Vaccine works & definitely saved lots of lives including the many deaths of the elderly infirm from winter Flu strains

    1. Hi E&S, did you find the answer to your PC problems?
      I have taken out a RAM module and all seems to be working now for the minute, I will have to wait and see if it stays that way. I still think Billy Gates is having a laugh!

      1. Hi v v o f – no joy my end & yes I believe that Microbe-soft ( as I call it ) are screwing up Win10 users who have older model computers like me as they will soon be launching Win 11 & pre-announced that computers with less than Core i7 will not work with Win11 . My laptop is Corei5 & 6 years old and its in Bill Gates interest that we consumers buy a new computer with his new Win11 factory installed

  22. Crowdfunders raise more than £40,000 for RNLI hovercraft named the Flying Farage after ex-Ukip leader slammed lifesaving charity as ‘a taxi service for illegal immigration’
    Thousands of donations flood in for RNLI after a GoFundMe page is set up
    Simon Harris, of Southend-on-Sea, Essex, organised the crowdfunding efforts that take a sarcastic swipe at ex-UKIP leader’s disparaging comments on charity
    Nigel Farage had tweeted that the RNLI operated a ‘taxi service for migrants’
    RNLI donations have gone from around £7,000 a day to £200,000 last week


    1. If the young relatives of the RNLI staff feel the “gratitude” of those “saved” – – i will have sympathy for the victims – – but not for those who “saved” the freeloaders. This is clearly now a govt approved invasion.

      1. It has been approved for ages! Why do you think coastguard & border service vessels have been going to French waters to collect them?

    2. Wonder if any of the donations come from people-smugglers willing to lose a small amount of their profits in order to keep the ‘taxi service’ running smoothly?

          1. Notice the first item on sale is scale model of the Titanic. Wonder if a full-size version could be built to aid certain rescues?

        1. A friend of mine who used to work for them has invited me to lunch there next time I’m in Poole.

          1. The mulberry tree near the swimming pool used to be in the grounds of Seldown House, which was part of the old Boys’ Grammar School. I remember it well, also the mulberry in the Hawkes’ garden in Longfleet Road. My father’s business partner was their tenant for about 5 years.

          2. Hi again, Maggie.

            The only thing I know about Poole is the Sunseeker Company with very expensive boats. I was part of a team to convince them to improve productivity. Never happened, especially when you see the bottom line for their super dinghies.

            Apart from that, my Great Great Grandfather was the Landlord of the Angel Inn, 28, Market Street, until 1836 when he fell off his horse while trying to stop his hat blowing away and died. He’s buried in St James’ Churchyard but, unfortunately, all the gravestones have been laid flat and the info’ scrubbed off them – bloody vandals.

          3. OMG, Tom

            That is a terrible story , really tragic .

            There are so many changes in Poole , we were there this evening and when we drove over there , we were shcked by all the new buildings .

            Sunseeker is a huge employer .. I think their motor boats appeal to vulgar toffs!

          4. When we were there, we were shewn Eccleston’s new £6,000,000 boat – he was trading in his £5,000,000 boat.

            Nice work if you can get it!

        2. …and full of idiots ‘taking the knee’. One wonders if that was voluntary, dictated or just done to facilitate the photograph. Hmm.

    3. They have donated for the wrong reasons. Nigel was correct. They will be remainers out to prove a point just sad bar stewards.

  23. Well folks, further to my attempt to contact the secretary of the cardiologist the Email bounced. I rang the number provided and the answer was THIS MESSAGE BOX IS FULL GOODBYE ! I rang the the Out Patient ‘helpline’ it took ten minutes to get an answer and I was abruptly told I could not contact anyone by email and I would have to wait to speak to the cardiologist or who ever might be available tomorrow. I was also told the person I emailed apparently left years ago, but the info was up on the website. Wadda loda bolero the NHS is now, It Is Effing useless ! So I wont be holding my breath …..I suppose I was naive and should have realised this was just another one of their lines of management lies, fakery and complete BS they seem to be pumping out to every one. So one has to ask, What actually is the point of the NHS ?? If I wake tomorrow up feeling as I did this the morning (I’ll set my alarm for 5 am) i’m going to ring 111 or 999. But in reality that will only take me full circle from last April. Back to the future……………..

      1. If we were black, that would be different .. us whiteys of a certain age are destined for the heap .

        Changing the subject Plum , are you still looking for a new doggie /puppy?

        1. doggie….Yes Belle with reservations. Not sure if it’s the right thing to do. I’ve never felt so lost….

      1. When you can come here illegally, get priority treatment, with translators and as much time as you want, while those who pay for it all get ignored – – it probably is !!!!

        1. You come from somewhere you would have had to pay but Britain gives you the care for nothing and ahead of the native British.

          You use it (apart from in times of dire emergency)

          You experience somewhere else.

          I hope you are feeling a little better and that you finally get through to someone who can help.

      1. When I rang 111 for OH it took them two hours to call back and say take him to A & E immediately………..
        I should have called 999 but you live and learn.

        1. When I rang 111 to ask advice about MOH’s completely doolally episode they were very good. They asked some questions, then sent out the paramedics (on 999).

        2. I am trying to avoid A&E this is why i am where i am now. I might have found a way round it through my lovely caring NHS worker neighbour.
          We will see later.

    1. Translation: The President of Belarus doesn’t go along with the covid scam, he must be got rid of and a globalist puppet installed in his place.

  24. Lunch out today was very nice.

    Baked figs, Parma and Dolcellatte. On a bed of rocket and drizzled with Basalmic reduction. A Vodka Martini, big.

    Beef Carpaccio. And to keep it company…a Pornstar Martini.

    That’s my five a day sorted.

    In the car park standing out from the Bentley was a V12 BiTurbo Mercedes AMG S65.
    Reg plate GS666.

    I think the waiters are paid far too much.

    1. That’s it Boris! An ideal way to deal with the immigrant invasion. It’s worked throughout history, let’s do it again.

    2. Thought this was Latin, but Google Translate reported an error. Perhaps it is simply ‘Boris Speak’!

      1. Google Translate is useless with Latin, VOM, so here you go ……

        And they have bent their tongue, as a bow, for lies, and not for truth: they have strengthened themselves upon the earth, for they have proceeded from evil to evil, and me they have not known, saith the Lord.

        1. Scorchio!!! We have had nothing but endless oppressive clouds of varying shades of dark grey for days and days on end.

    1. I hope they come soon. Have you played the “poor weak woman” card (“woman alone” is the phrase – implemented after some maniac killed a woman who had broken down)?

    1. Yep, we oldies have great knowledge about the stupid and nefarious ways of PMs, Ministers and skulking MPs. We are very happy to pass it on but, will they listen? No chance.

      1. They have a duty to line their pockets and an obligation to lie about it.
        They fulfil that contract to the letter. What more do you want?

  25. Wowsers. It’s rare for me to regret spending money on my teeth, but I am majorly p!ssed off and won’t be bothering again.
    Dental hygienist – £97.00.
    I can remember the days when dentists did a scale and polish as part of the routine examination.
    I only had the work done because it had been a couple if years since the last time (because of Cooooovid); I thought £72 was quite enough then.
    From now on, it’s good old brush ‘n’ toothpaste plus floss/toothpicks (I have posh ones with a little brush at one end).

    1. That is more than double what i pay. Cheaper still for me with Denplan. Any other Dentists round your way?

      1. I have contributed to Denplan ever since it first arrived .. I used to pay about £15 per month , but it has rocketed now I am older , and I have had to pay huge sums for rootcanal work , which isn’t covered , neither are crowns ..

        We are all being held to ransom, and don’t talk to me about Vet bills for the dogs !

        1. Denplan is graded by the Dentist. If your teeth are in reasonable condition you pay monthly at the lower end of the scale.

          My root canal treatments and crowns are included. The only extra cost i incur is Lab work.

          1. I think there may be different policy options that a Dentist can provide. Yours is obviously the high end because of your post code.

            I’m a young 57. Heinz varieties, me.

        2. I did too Belle, but hardly used Denplan as my teeth were in good nick so cancelled it.
          Now they need more attention I have to pay…… privately. AARRGGHHH

      2. Like Belle, I found Denplan expensive, though I believe they now do a cheaper insurance for a limited range of the commonplace treatments.

    2. You are not alone …my pocket is considerably lighter after my last visit.
      NHS dentists are as rare as hens teeth. Cough up or suffer if you cannot afford to pay.

    3. I pay monthly for mine – I haven’t been getting good value over the last 18 months.

      I have an appointment with the hygenist in a couple of weeks’ time. I hope she’s back to normal with the normal equipment – I didn’t think much of the last effort, before Christmas. Not that I enjoy going – it’s 20 minutes of torture.

    4. I pay monthly for mine – I haven’t been getting good value over the last 18 months.

      I have an appointment with the hygenist in a couple of weeks’ time. I hope she’s back to normal with the normal equipment – I didn’t think much of the last effort, before Christmas. Not that I enjoy going – it’s 20 minutes of torture.

    5. ‘Evening, Anne.

      Best Beloved has just had hers done at a cost of £80 on top of the deposit she paid of £20 and now they want £30 deposit for a November deposit. Scammers the lot of ’em.

      Personally, I say f***k ’em; at 77 I don’t need a Hollywood smile (and I don’t have the teeth for it) so I’ll rely upon my natural charm and good humour to keep you ladies sighing!

      1. I gave up our dental insurance a couple of years ago; just as well, as one year’s payments would have been completely unused (altogether now … “because of Cooooooovid” ….) and the insurers were becoming mingler and mingier over what they would cover, and by how much.
        We only go annually because our teeth will not change much at our age. Apart from that, we are perfectly capable of realising if something is going wrong during the intervening 12 months.
        The hygienist and the receptionists suggested booking my next visit (3 months time). I told them I would make the next appointment when I wanted to do so. (Sort of like …. never.)

    6. Because of Covid I booked a dental check-up as a new patient, for 57 euros.

      Best tooth cleaning I’ve ever experienced. All done by the dentist and the inspection was included in the price. I was in for just over half an hour. I don’t know with certainty but I think I might even get some of the money back from the French healthcare system too.

          1. Just look at the ameli.fr website.

            Good training for your French. It is really quite a useful point of reference.

  26. Taliban on brink of taking key Afghan city as residents told to flee. 3 August 2021.

    Gen Sami Sadat, an Afghan commander leading the military efforts in Helmand, told residents to flee. “Please leave as soon as possible so that we can start our operation,” he said in a message to the city of 200,000 people.

    “I know it is very difficult for you to leave your houses – it is hard for us too – but if you are displaced for a few days, please forgive us. We are fighting the Taliban wherever they are … We will not leave a single Taliban alive.”

    Judging by the amount of Bullsh!t it will all be over by the end of September!


  27. Afternoon, all. Just popping in to see how things are going before I head off again to prepare for un apéro avec les voisins à la terrasse. Been a good day so far; chilled, relaxed, garden produce for lunch and Oscar is asleep in his basket.

      1. It’s been very good. I hadn’t realised how good life could be, in fact! I don’t want to go back to how it was, if I’m honest.

        1. As long as your OH is being well looked after, she is better off where she is and you certainly are.

          1. I know you were very reluctant, but now your hand has been forced, it’s best for both of you.

          2. Nope. I am working on getting a Continuing Health Care package in place. I’ve downloaded the criteria (and MOH seems to have about 6 As – the most severe – 4 Bs and one C). That should qualify under their criteria, but everybody is telling me it won’t. I shall just have to fight it (and appeal if necessary).

          3. Do you have a link for that, Conway? Upgrading Mother’s care and it looks like I’ll have to sell my a-hole down at the central station to pay for it… :-((

          4. “Staff are not permitted to make overseas calls”
            “The person you need to speak to is working from home”
            “Please be mindful that Covid-19 is making life difficult for our staff”
            “Just eff off and die”

          5. I must have missed earlier posts. Has you found a suitable home for your OH? Or are you enjoying the inaptly named “respite “time?

          6. MOH was initially admitted to hospital after a fall downstairs, then sent to a local care home for assessment. They quarantine all new arrivals for a fortnight, so there’s about a week left to run. I’m trying to get a CHC in place so the NHS funds care (and I’m not bankrupted due to their stupid rules because I can’t get the conservatory built, and therefore paid for, until October).

          7. They are; I took out enough money to get repair work done on the house and got everything bar the conservatory done (due to Covid and the difficulty of finding anyone who would undertake the work). That’s now ordered and a deposit has been paid, but it’s being built and won’t be finished until the end of October. Consequently, we are deemed still to have the money and it puts MOH’s savings just over the limit to qualify for free care. Once it’s been paid for, it will be well under. That’s why I refer to “stupid rules” because they still count money that has been earmarked for a particular purpose as being available. They insist on receipts (rather than invoices) for expenditure so it’s no use providing the quote. I should never have applied for the Financial Assessment until I had actually spent the money, but I didn’t know and my useless social worker didn’t tell me when she (preferred pronoun) asked me if I wanted to start the process. If I’d waited six months the withdrawal wouldn’t even have shown up on the bank statements and there would have been no problem.

          8. Hopefully you will only have to pay for two months, then, but that will still be a sizeable chunk.

          9. At least 5k. What galls me is that I shouldn’t have to pay at all. It’s the principle of the thing. I am considering paying for the conservatory upfront, much as it goes against the grain.

          10. If you do that, they might still sting you for “deprivation of funds” – that’s what happened to people who claimed Income support or other needs-based benefits in the days when I was working.

          11. They are currently stinging me for deprivation of funds! Even though it’s for essential repairs. I’ve started emptying the conservatory ready for replacement and found a great gap between the panes where the frame has rotted. It’s a wonder it’s still standing.

          12. Buy the materials, at least. That way, if it goes tuts-up, you at least have a conservatory kit.

          13. Tell them you spent the money on lottery tickets. After all, it’s OK for people on benefits to do so.

          1. That, Bill, is why we natives describe the winter winds as lazy winds, they can’t be bothered going round but cut right through you!

          2. South coast wind isn’t really bracing , it doesn’t get into your marrow, nor can you really taste the salty air .
            East coast very invigorating , and the SW coast of Cornwall and Ireland really shows the gigantic Atlantic is a powerful force to be reckoned with .

          3. When we went to my uncle’s funeral (January ’96) the wind in Essex (not far from Harwich) was more than bracing – it was like a knife through the guts.

          4. When I lived in Colchester, older people used to say that Essex got the short straw when it came to the coal allowance during the war; it was considered to be “south” and so got a lesser amount, but nobody in authority took account of the fact that that there was effectively nothing but the North Sea between Essex and Siberia 🙂 Certainly when I used to go racing in Newmarket, the wind cut through you no matter how well you were rugged up.

          5. I was told by horse folk that Fakenham is the coldest racecourse in England! The Pimpernel (aka Thistle) confirmed it!

          6. I’ve only been there once (it’s in the back of beyond!). I remember Newmarket as being colder.

          7. If I recall correctly, didn’t you complete the full set of racecourses not so many years ago?

          8. I have one left to visit (outside Scotland). I hope to complete the England and Wales set (Taunton) this autumn. They only race (it’s a NH course) in the colder months so I couldn’t get away with MOH at home (I needed to keep the heating stoked). Now I can.

          9. That’s why we live here, Connors, quite apart from having been born here and spent our youth rambling the woods on foot and the whole East Coast on our bikes – happy childhood.

          10. I nearly moved to Lincolnshire decades ago, but I had family commitments at the time so I decided against it.

    1. Good evening Plum.

      Jim Croce wrote some beautiful songs. Quite a few have been posted already today including an excellent cover of Operator by Josh Turner and his friends. I am sure you would love Josh Turner – he is exceptionally talented young man who plays the sort of music of which I am fond.

      Try this one;


      1. Operator (That’s Not The Way It Feels) and I Got A Name are my favourites (among many others).

  28. Given the current vogue for transitioning, have decided I wish to have artistic abilities
    and so am identifying as left-handed. Will call upon the NHS to provide total assistance in my transitioning so I can draw, paint, sculpt and design grand buildings. First, though, they will need to aid me in producing a legible signature and undoing bottle tops. I know they
    will give everything required, although draw the line at surgically swopping my hands.

    Intend to form an organisation called ‘Bright Left-handers Matter’. Affiliate organisations, of which I anticipate many, could adapt the first word, better to suit their needs – ‘Bulky’ for example, for those on the plump side. Am hopeful that football teams and others will give the salute (left arm raised with a thumbs up) to show solidarity with this important cause. It can, conveniently, be given while kneeling.

    Also hopeful that crowd-funding might start so that when, say, a million pounds is
    reached I can disappear into comfortable obscurity.

    Am I on to a winner?

  29. Another Rip Off…..
    A note was left on my garden waste bin informing me payment was due so I coughed up. Two weeks later the bin has not been emptied.
    I phoned the council and they advised me due to Covid the collection has been delayed and they couldn’t guarantee a date any time soon.

    Pity they didn’t tell me before I made the payment!

  30. Another Rip Off…..
    A note was left on my garden waste bin informing me payment was due so I coughed up. Two weeks later the bin has not been emptied.
    I phoned the council and they advised me due to Covid the collection has been delayed and they couldn’t guarantee a date any time soon.

    Pity they didn’t tell me before I made the payment!

    1. Get your hard working Cornish Independence Party local councillor on the case, PT – and ask him/her/them to get a refund….

    2. Dump it on the council steps with a note:

      “You took my payment, here’s the rubbish I paid for you to take.”

    3. I was informed our garden waste has been suspended for 6 weeks but the subscription end date has been extended for 8 weeks. Not a lot of good to me as this is the growing season, not bloody Feb into March and April.
      And the recycling has been missed yesterday, Mendip you are useless!

      1. Evening VVOF. Probably because half the binmen have been pinged and, in spite of being completely healthy, must stay at home. What a shambles. Pinging is the excuse Heathrow give for not adequately staffing passport control. Then hundreds of people are forced to queue for hours, all packed together.

        1. Evening Mum,
          I know it makes no sense, still Wee Krankie has all the answers I hear.

          1. She’s a liability for sure. I have a cousin who hangs on her every demented announcement, rabidly pro independence for Scotland and a visceral hatred for England. He really believed Scotland could not just survive but actually thrive if it became independent, and that they could rejoin the eussr.

          2. If a future referendum is ever granted and the rest of the UK is allowed to vote, they would be on their way.

            Sometimes I think if the Scots keep voting them in then they deserve what would follow, such a crying shame for those who know better.

            Democracy, not always cracked up to what is expected of it.

          3. Ah – the good old Soyer Stove in that clip. In service from the 1850s until the 1980s.

          4. scubbo?

            Edit: Perpetual stew. By the time I joined in the early 70s, Soyer stoves were used only for hot water and the chefs used Hydra petrol burners for field cooking, thought they were used in conjunction with the Soyers.

    4. We had a bank holiday on Monday, rubbish went as normal.

      It is amazing what happens when it is in the hands of private industry where they don’t get paid if they don’t do the work.

      1. The Bank Holiday in England is on 30th August. Only Scotland retained the first Monday in the month – quaint.

  31. 336242+ up ticks,
    Great Reset: World Economic Forum Declares the ‘Age of Human Robots Is Over’

    If human robots are alike to current lab/lib/con member / voters with their “must vote con keep out lab // must vote lab keep out con” mantra, with a united chorus
    ” 🎵
    There ain’t nothing else to vote for”

    If they be inclusive then where do I sign.

  32. That’s me for the day. Finished the bodging. No blood. Made a partial clear out of one of the garden sheds. The stuff you find you never knew you had….!! There was a backpack sprayer which I knew wasn’t mine. I asked the chap who cuts the grass – he confirmed that it was his, but that he hadn’t seen it since 2011!

    Anyway – have a smooth evening.

    A demain. In the rain.

    1. To you it may look like a humble shed, but for a refugee blackpack sprayer, it was home.

  33. 336242+ up ticks,

    Free climber jailed for scaling Shard climbs 36-storey London tower in new stunt
    Residents watch out of their windows in disbelief as George King scales the tower in Stratford undetected by the building’s security

    When he comes out of chokey offer him the PMship
    then form a party in his wake, he has shown more bollocks than the combined 650.

    1. I might be more impressed if they ALL gave 95% of their earnings to Africa.

      And while they are at it, they should go there to see how the money is spent wasted.

    2. …and take all the boos.

      ‘Twould be better if the fans didn’t turn up for the matches – that would really hurt!

    3. 336242+ up ticks,
      Evening A,
      Mental health issues among the fans must be high,
      To pay a fee to watch the knee… being taken when THEY have the perfect ram horn to bring the whole overpriced issue to heel.
      No fees = No knees 2 months would suffice to start with then realism will kick in.

  34. Atheist train conductor, 63, who celebrated pubs reopening by declaring he didn’t want to live in a ‘Muslim alcohol-free caliphate’, can sue employer for unfair dismissal, after judge rules his OPINION is equivalent of a religious belief
    Conductor Jeremy Sleath is a ‘secular atheist’ employed by West Midlands Trains
    He was sacked after a controversial Facebook post on the reopening of pubs
    The July 2020 post said he didn’t want to live in a ‘Muslim alcohol-free caliphate’
    Mr Sleath took his employer to court to sue for unfair dismissal after he was fired
    Employment ruled ‘Mr Sleath’s beliefs are protected by the Equality Act 2010’


    1. If he had said he didn’t want to live in a Christian tee-total monarchy, he wouldn’t have been sacked in the first place. We all know that the reason for his dismissal is because he criticised Islam – a protected religion. Well done to the judge for ruling that he was unfairly dismissed.

          1. No of course not silly. Not only will he get a pay rise he will also receive free airline tickets to Pakiland to take his 12 year old niece to be married to his first cousin’s 90 year old uncle.

            Sheesh. Where have you been? Living in a cave or sumthin’?

          2. In the dining car on the Bradford – Karachi line do they serve the prophets favorite meal ” Allah Beef Braised ” ( AKA in its take-away form as “Braised Beef to Allah ” ) . You hear the Wogs shouting all the time ” Allah be-ef praised “

          3. 336242+ up ticks,
            Evening E&S,
            A speciality on Wednesday & Friday
            parliamentary canteen
            halal section of menu

    1. The queues will be so much shorter when your covid passport is implanted under your skin….

      1. That was about the size some “friend” set me up on a blind date with.
        No – I didn’t see her after the pub meal – but did see her wedding photo about 9 month later in the local paper !!!!! – -and the chap was way smaller than her.

    1. My wife is a size 10 – funnily enough she’s an entirely different body shape from the “size 10” woman in the headlines!

    1. Not only has Savid not experienced our beloved NHS he also hasn’t tried the coffee.

    2. It’s not so much transwomen on women’s wards as convicted m->f rapists on women’s wards.

  35. 336242+ up ticks,


    The Truth Is Coming Out’, Farage Tells Breitbart as Lifeboats Allegedly Prioritise Ferrying Migrants,

    A black pot calling out another black pot,
    He destroyed 30000 peoples trust in one hit, a proven ally to both the tory (ino) party & johnson shown by his past odious actions.

    He helped savage one true patriotic party whilst ensuring
    & boosting the johnson win.

    Treat “nige” with great caution.

    1. Both you and I were members of UKIP, isn’t that right Ogga? And supporters of Gerard Batten. After that betrayal I quit. I belive that Farage resented Batten because although Farage was the mouth, Gerard was the real backbone of UKIP

      1. 336242+ up ticks,
        Evening JR,
        Correct, Myself & lady went to Birmingham on the
        17 /2 / 2018 to vote OUT the farage conduit, bolton and succeeded giving Gerard the leadership he done more in a year than any other leader, asked the members for
        £ 100,000 received in reply £ 300,000, party in the black, financially sound, membership mounting daily.

        THE farage recognised the Batten success so did others & that triggered the nec ,with farage input, treachery.

        The “nige” built up a brexit group only to stand many down in lieu of johnson, on reflection farage has been a tory (ino) coxswain from the outset.

      2. I like Batten a lot, but Farage was better at the publicity and the strategy. Batten made only one mistake, but it was a big one; taking the focus off Brexit before it was completed. I don’t blame him for that, any more than I blame Farage for having had enough after twenty years.
        Give Farage credit for considerable personal courage, putting himself up to be a hate figure for the globalists.

      1. Those – and many more – will be blatantly helped tomorrow – and the day after and the day after

  36. Thank you to everyone who sent messages of encouragement during my earlier heure de crise.

    Happy to report I got home safely under my own steam about 9.30pm.
    I stopped because there was smoke coming from the engine and when I lifted the bonnet I found the engine oil cap was missing and there was burning oil all over the engine.
    I don’t know how long I had been driving like that before I stopped but miraculously there was still enough oil in the system to have prevented any serious damage.

    The irony is that I was on my way to the Car Shop to look at cars because I decided a few days ago I want to replace mine.

  37. Good night and God bless my friends – see you all again in the morning’s light.

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