160 thoughts on “Tuesday 6 August: How a wife’s income leads to fewer people owning their own homes

  1. Hey I like this new arrangement. The inbox shows in a new window, it does not overwrite the comments.

        1. Try it! Click on ‘Notifications’ on the new system. For me, it opens a new window, whereas previously I could read the ‘Notifications’ and then click top left to revert to previous page.

          1. Apple doesn’t support Safari on Windows 10 any more, so I can’t try and replicate your situation. I can report that notifications appear in the same way using Chrome, Edge and Firefox, whether logged on or anonymous. Or – to put it another way – I’ve no idea why it appears different on your tablet…

          2. It is definitely a new page on old Disqus. My concern is that when ‘old Disqus’ gets pulled that so does my ability to view comments. And, of course, anyone else using Safari/iPad .

          3. I doubt that will happen. When the old site is pulled, you’ll still be able to access your Disqus profile, and therefore, hopefully, your notifications. All of which appear in the same place, regardless of where they originated…

      1. Invisible writing Mr Viking? You’ll have Lord Walsingham
        after you if he were still alive:)

        1. Just satisfying my curiosity. It seems that we have 2 Nottler pages running side by side today. A parallel universe?

  2. Clicking on ‘notifications’ opened the old Disqus in a new window. Is this what should be happening?

    1. Morning, Harry. It sounds like the opposite of what should be happening. I’ve sent you an email.

  3. Since we are not on the disqus site, I wonder if Mrs Slocums pussy can enjoy a fag – or will this message go to moderator heaven?

      1. This will save a lot of moderation time. Some evenings I end up approving many harmless posts that have fallen foul of the US slang driven disqus automoderator.

        Is it all good though, do we now need to monitor all messages for abusive language?

        1. What would be good is a filter to remove any posts that are in a language other than English. :@)

          1. Oi! Are you suggestin’ that Peddy and Uncle Bill can’t ‘ave a conversashun anymore, like?

          2. I have an immense aversion to the German language and when I see it here it makes my flesh creep.

        2. If any Moderator monitors and blocks me for calling anyone on this site a Silly Sausage I will personally send Mr Lime round to duff them up!


          1. Wie kommste darauf?

            My mother was Welsh & I learnt to count to 10; long since forgotten.

          2. My mother wasn’t Welsh but spent her very early years there
            and spoke Welsh before English. An aunt and uncle moved
            to Coed Y Paen ( nr USK ) I have delightful childhood memories
            of that place. I hope it hasn’t changed too much.

          3. I haven’t been back there to visit for decades but it was
            very beautiful and rural. I remember taking my aunt’s
            overweight golden Labrador on a very long walk whilst
            there one year and nearly killed the dog who wasn’t used to
            long walks. It was lovely , i hope it’s the same.

  4. Moderator?

    Hi Geoff, I have a notification that you added me as a moderator. However the magic moderate button doesn’t show. Is there some new mechanism to go through?

    1. Hi Richard. No new mechanism to go through. The Moderator ‘badge’ has been somewhat intermittent for years. You’re definitely listed as one of the new site mods.

      1. Geoff, if I refresh the page I find that I have been logged out. Is this the new normal or do I have a problem? I am running Opera at present and logged in through Disqus.

        1. If you’re using an ad blocker, try setting this as a trusted site. Worked for me…

      2. Good evening boss and thank you. If you need any mods then please use me.

        Oops .. thanks Geoff.

        1. Wotcha Issy my friend , for your loyal support of my Not the Jerusalem Post channel I adding you as a Mod on my thecoconutwhisperer blog which you already follow

        2. I’ve added all the ‘old’ mods to the new site, Issy. Many thanks. All mods need to be aware that users banned on the old site are able to post here, until added to the new list. If you recognise a previously banned poster, don’t hesitate to add them to the new banned list. We’ve already acquired our first…

    2. Mod button looks like a black speech bubble top right, by the avatar.
      Nope, thats bollux.
      Moderate is an option you find by clicking on the avatar itself.

      1. Because Disqus is embedded as an add-on function. Disqus itself wasn’t going away, and it’s still going to be used on sites like Spectator, Guido Fawkes, but all the other “channels” which were set up by users are being shut down.
        Still don’t really understand why, exactly, except the mods at Disqus didn’t want to deal with trolls or whatever.

        1. The folks at Disqus simply wanted to monetize our addiction to posting using their software on free to use channels by forcing use to set up web blogs that have to pay a monthly rental fee starting at $9 for the standard package ( although I through setting up a Google owned Blogger website was able to opt for installing the very basic free package version without all the bangs & whistles the paid versions have )

    1. I can only assume Disqus will make all the others vanish
      on 1st September . The History Channel can’t even access their
      archives to keep, but They’ve made other arrangements now
      too. It seems everyone is getting them selves sorted as quickly
      as possible

  5. Brilliant, well done Geoff and many thanks (and to anyone else who was involved). I haven’t posted much for a while, and I was never up to the levels of the regular crew, so must make a better effort!

    1. My brother lived in San Francisco for a while and then left it for Reno, Nevada. Friends asked him if he knew something they didn’t and was setting himself up for Beach-front property when the San Andreas Fault finally went and California slid into the Pacific.

      Whenever it happens, I doubt it’ll be a loss to the World.

        1. Oh, dear, that means I have to block you here as well.

          Heigh ho – no peace for the wicked.

  6. Oh joy – hopefully we are back in business – many (very sincere) thanks to all concerned!

  7. New board – I am going to attempt to change my name to a previous incarnation. Will this work?

    No – name already taken. Oh, well.

        1. Well, neither do I, but a few years ao when I posted a critical comment on The Grimes, some smartarris replied saying, “Oh, easy to say when you hide behind anonymity,” so I immediately made a decision and ever since – no matter where – use my real name.

      1. DM
        It seems to me that in order to be a woman black author, a Nobel prize winner, that sheer misery of one’s life experience wins the day , and the prize. Do they all live in utter misery by dwelling on their past ..

        We had a past in this country as well, and we remember the sacrifices made by people who had difficult challenges in life . We also have a stiff upper lip .. and make light of our achievements and our very long history ..

        The BBC and the Guardian dwell on emptiness and misery of character … and dare I say race.

        What on earth do I know..

  8. Goodnight everyone.

    I have to login each time I visit here via Safari on my phone but it seems to be just a case of tapping the D symbol, which does some kind of jiggery pokery and I’m in!

      1. Belle, I’m playing with colours for links etc as I do not like the default red.

  9. I’m in😉
    There have been a lot of versions mooted – is THE one?

    Are any £ contributions needed?

        1. I like a REAL woman, me…. Something to hold on to … So few of them about…

  10. I’m in for the second time to find out if everything is Ok for me.
    Had some odd happenings but appears Ok now.
    Edit: Odd happening – if I refresh the page I am logged out.

    1. Hi KTK. Are you running some kind of ad-blocker? That was happening to me (I use Ghostery), until I told it to trust the site..

      1. Geoff, I’ve tried to reply to you but the replies disappear if I:
        1. set blocker to trusted
        2. go to notifications
        3. refresh the page

        I am logged out after any of those actions.

        1. Hmmm… I suspect the blocker is causing this – you may need to play around with the settings, otherwise I’ve no idea…

          1. Moved back to Firefox and I am seeing the same actions. When I login I click on the Disqus option and a small window opens and closes and I am logged in; is this correct?

          2. It’s certainly how my Chrome browser behaved with Disqus on the Spectator site, until I added it as a trusted site.

          3. Geoff, I’ve refreshed Firefox and on login I received a login window that I had to add the password to open the site. I’ve refreshed the page a few times and all seems ok and the notifications also appear to work without logging me out. I have to reset my cookies, adblocker etc and I will check at each step. Thanks for your help.

  11. Whey hey! Have found the new Nottl home. Thank you very much to Geoff and everyone involved for getting this set up. I am so glad we have not been left homeless.

  12. British Muslims should not be forced to ‘assimilate’, says senior counter terrorism officer

    British Muslims should not be forced to “assimilate” the country’s most seniorcounter terrorism officer has said, as he called for greater understanding of marginalised communities.

    Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu, who is the country’s highest ranking Asian officer, said that in a successful, integrated society, people should be free to practise their religion and culture openly rather than having to hide away.

    Perhaps Dick Head has made a mistake in giving him that job, or is it all part of the plan


    1. We are being radicalised by Muslim stealth .

      I wouldn’t be surprised if certain members of the Royal family entertain those ideas!

  13. This is very nice, but I’ve tried to block what I’m sure is a very unwelcome troll and it’s still there – why are the names red, rather than blue, I wonder! And why do I have to log in every time I refresh – not moaning, I appreciate the efforts to keep this page alive, but I seek advice!!

    1. Bleausard, I had that problem and Geoff pointed me to my Ad Blocker. I was using the Opera browser that has a blocker built in and although I could disable the blocker the original problem remained. I switched to Firefox and refreshed the browser, removed my orignal blocker and loaded uBlock. Setting the option to allow ads has cured my problem. I imagine it will depend on your browser and ad blocker combination. Have a play and see what happens.

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