Tuesday 9 March: Harry and Meghan’s sour grapes do a public injustice to dutiful members of the Royal family

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

801 thoughts on “Tuesday 9 March: Harry and Meghan’s sour grapes do a public injustice to dutiful members of the Royal family

  1. Syrian president Bashar al-Assad and his wife test positive for coronavirus. 9 March 2021.


    Bashar al-Assad, the Syrian dictator, and his wife Asma have tested positive for coronavirus and have gone into quarantine, the regime announced on Monday.

    Morning everyone. Assad is not a Dictator nor is his government a Regime! He is in most respects a singularly unfortunate man. It was never intended that he should lead Syria; that role was meant for his brother who was killed in a car crash. It is a cruel irony that a pro-western Arab finds himself leading a secular administration trying to fend off a Jihadist insurgency that is supported, financed and armed by the intelligence agencies of the West and its proxies. The reasons for this are complex but pipelines and the politics of the Middle East play a not inconsiderable part. Does his armed forces and intelligence behave with brutality? Almost certainly; but this is not a war waged just for political influence or control but for life itself. Defeat would not bring about an outbreak of Democracy but the tyranny of an Islamic State with mass murder at the top of the agenda! So unlike the 77 Brigade Trolls on the Daily Mail version of this story I would like to wish Assad and his wife a speedy recovery and eventual Victory!


    1. The ‘Great Game’ has never stopped being played. And, sadly it is not a game.

      Morning Minty et al

      1. Children throw stones at frogs in fun,but the frogs bleed and die for real…..
        Summat like that anyway
        “Collateral Damage” another beauty of a phrase

    2. When doing her training, Dr. Daughter knew several people who’d worked alongside Dr. al-Assad who could not recognise him from his depiction in the MEEJAH.

      1. Morning Bob. His wife has been vilified as well and though being British born and playing no part in the Government has been sanctioned!

    3. Assad is probably by far the best ruler in the Middle East. And because, rather than in spite, of this our incredibly stupid, pro-anarchy politicians and the MSM have backed the wrong side as they always do.

  2. Morning, all Y’all.
    Sunny today, 12-18″ snow forecast for tomorrow…

  3. BTL, D Tel letters:
    jeremy friend
    9 Mar 2021 7:36AM
    It’s extremely disappointing that the Telegraph hasn’t allowed comments on any of the articles about H&M. Especially where these articles have disingenuously and tendentiously expanded on the woeful comments about race.

    One even recognised that Britain’s record in race relations was excellent, and far better than the USA’s. Yet then went on to suppose it was far worse if you were nationalise British rather than visiting American. It even mentioned the warmth shown to black American soldiers during the war, in contrast to the segregation they encountered at home. But somehow this was really all false.

    Many of the articles simply list out in detail the alleged hurt caused to Ginge and Whinge. Very few call out the lies or the hurt metered out to the Queen.

    At least Alison Pearson and Andrew Roberts have something sensible to say.

    The claim about the wedding 3 days before the lavish ceremony simply isn’t true. The claim that Archie was denied the title prince because of his colour simply isn’t true. (In fact it was the parents’ decision not to take any title at all.) Neither is it true that Meghan wasn’t welcomed with great enthusiasm by the people and the media, as well as by the royal family.

    I am appalled at the allegations made by Ginge and Whinge. Even if half true they would have been best kept in the family. The fact that we know several were out and out lies, makes the veracity of the other allegations highly unlikely.

    Along with Andrew Roberts I’d suggest that they do a Tony Benn and relinquish their titles. If Archie and his sister decide to return at some stage they can pick up the titles then.

    1. 330108+ up ticks,
      Priorities, I am still as strongly appalled by the JAY report regarding rotherham.

    2. The DT has removed the link to the BTL comments on the Letters page again today. It really irks me that DT cancels people for defending the country and its Monarchy.

    3. Having suspected that something like that would happen, given the tone of the BTL Comments, I saved one of the best, as I think it accurately sums up the attitude of those two twerps and identifies the racism of their hostess.

      It’s a long one but worth reading.

      MARY LOUGHLIN 9 Mar 2021 12:31AM

      The Sussex`s interview with Oprah was an assassination attempt on the Royal Family. Meticulously planned and executed. Meghan memorised her script to perfection, written by PR consultants and lawyers. Almost certainly Oprah had been told what to ask and in what order to ask.
      The biggest grenade they hurled was that on the subject of racism.
      The Queen has spent her life being Head of the Commonwealth, yet according to Lord and Lady Macbeth, she has created nothing more than a vile racist institution.
      By refusing to name anybody specifically, the couple have painted the entire monarchy as racists.
      All members of the Royal family are educated. To ask what colour their baby may appear is beyond credibility. A dirty little act that the Royal family can`t disprove. He said, she said..nothing more.
      Charles walked Meghan proudly down the aisle. Their wedding was afforded exactly the same budget as the wedding of William and Kate. Was that beautiful spectacle an act of racism? Of course not and it does not deserve further debate or discussion.
      But let’s examine the character of these two assassins.
      From almost immediately after her wedding, I was bemused and disturbed by Meghan Markel’s treatment of her father. Even before the wedding I could not understand how Harry could never have met this man. They both had jets at their disposal constantly and could have jetted off to meet him but they chose not to do so, or rather she chose not to introduce her future husband to the man who had lavished a small fortune on her. At best, appalling manners from Harry, and utterly callous treatment from his wife.
      I suspect Thomas assumed she was ashamed of him. There is no other explanation.
      Most people don`t realise that professional lighting technicians are highly skilled, gifted people involved in very sensitive, subtle work. Mr Markel has always struck me as being a sensitive, thoughtful man. Shy almost.
      But by the time Meghan met Harry she was earning millions through soaps and was upwardly mobile. Harry was the big prize, the ultimate stepping stone and nothing was going to damage that or hold her back.
      She lived in LA with her parents until they separated when she was about six years old. Then she lived primarily with her mother until her father won $750,000 on a lottery in 1990 and then she asked if she could live with him. Drawn to money at an early age it would seem. She was about nine years old.
      His funds paid for expensive private education. He was besotted with his princess and only the best was good enough. He funded her through college etc but by 2016 he had spent all the money and was $30,000 in debt. She was earning millions on her soap, but he had to file for bankruptcy. She could not possibly pay the $30,000.
      If in his mind, when she met Harry that same year, she was, he must have assumed, ashamed of him. it is totally understandable that with the imminent stress of a wedding in front of a global audience of millions, that he wanted to make her proud and work on his image. It was a mistake, but it was an understandable, naive mistake.
      Last night with Oprah, she declared that he had failed her so badly, the impression is that he is now dead and buried as far as she is concerned. This was the vulnerable man who loved her deeply and gave her everything, but once he was of no use he was thrown on the rubbish heap and trashed publicly.
      So Saint Meghan is actually no saint at all. Just a cheap, profoundly callous, ruthless opportunist.
      The gentle Royal Family stood no chance at all against such odds.
      Harry has inherited the Spencer’s instability. His anger at his family and the press is I suspect a deflected anger.
      Diana, may she rest in peace, knew that she was driving through Paris at high speed. She had two boys who needed her. Why did she not fasten her seat belt? If she had done so almost certainly she would be alive today and her sons know this.
      If she had not dismissed her state funded security team she would be alive today and her sons know this. William has come to terms with the tragedy but Harry was in turmoil until he went into therapy around 2016 and until Saint Megan came along and saved his sanity! As he said last night, he did not know he was living in a trap until Megan pointed this out to him.
      I taught for years with dedication. It was a labour of love and a privilege. But if you are inside a classroom and have no commitment, it’s a prison for any teacher, a living hell. Harry and Megan have no concept of DUTY. He understood it in relation to the military it seems but never in relation to the monarchy. Or if he did, the ruthless, self-centred, megalomaniac Meghan from LA knocked it out of him. So for both these narcissistic exhibitionists, Royal Duty became a living hell.
      As for Megan claiming she was suicidal but was not allowed to seek help. Absurd. She said she sent an email to a man in a grey suit. If you are suicidal you speak to your family, or Harry does it for you. After the tragedy of Diana, neither Charles or William would have ignored her misfortune. Kate would have stepped in instantly.
      But the Sussex’s did not want friendship with the Royal family. They wanted an excuse to make billions in LA as soon as possible.
      Meghan is a control freak. I would imagine she found pregnancy very difficult indeed. You lose control of your body and to some extent your emotions, with all those hormones flying around.
      Also by then, it sounds like she had made many enemies in the palace and they felt isolated they claimed at Frogmore Cottage.
      Harry had so many close relatives and did have so many close friends before he met Meghan. All the friends were ditch and the relatives it seems were viewed with contempt. So yes, they were isolated.
      Finally I heard Harry claim that the Royal Family was jealous of their popularity after the Australian Tour.
      But their final tour was the most expensive tour in Royal history and just before Mexit, the Queen had given them both senior roles in the running of the Commonwealth.
      Like everything else they said, none of it stands up to scrutiny and none of it make any real sense.
      An angry, destructive, toxic couple, going nowhere.

  4. and a good one:
    Sh ‘Aguar
    9 Mar 2021 7:14AM
    Mirror.mirror on the wall. Who is the least grateful and most self-entitled of them all?

    This whole vomit fest will make a great source of material for pantomime season, with wee krankie as the walk on bigot.

  5. Kayleigh McEnany says Biden has not done a solo press conference yet because his staff have NO faith he can deal with reporters like Trump did. 8 March 2021.

    In the six weeks since Biden took the oath of office, he has yet to stage a news conference on his own.

    Each of his 15 predecessors in the White House, including McEnany’s former boss, Donald Trump, held a full news conference within their first 33 days of being sworn in.

    I’m not surprised! Without directional speakers, scripted questions, screen prompts and earwigs he would be lost! The possibility of utter disaster on Prime Time TV would, unlike his paedophile clips which have been suppressed by the MSM, expose him as a Senile moron to those who voted for him!


    1. Morning, Araminta.

      You’re not a fan, obviously.

      Biden’s caught between a rock and a very hard place: if he holds a press conference then, as you say, he will be exposed as a moron and the longer he holds off holding a conference the more suspicious people will become about his [lack of] abilities to communicate. Basically, he’s a loser and sadly, so is the USA.

      1. Morning Korky. We are in a Sad State no doubt! The West hasn’t been so endangered since the Mongols were at the gates of Vienna!

    2. There is growing evidence, that moves are afoot to remove Biden using the 25th Amendment. Many have suggested this was always the plan as Kamala Harris was never going to receive the nomination and this was the best way to swerve her in.

    3. ‘Afternoon, Minty, “…expose him as a Senile moron to those who allegedly voted for him!”

      We understood from early 2020 what Dopey Joe is – dopey.

  6. Good morning, all. Another dull and grey start to the day.

    Papers empty, I note.

  7. 330108+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    “Tuesday 9 March: Harry and Meghan’s sour grapes do a public injustice to dutiful members of the Royal family”

    Surely this issue is donning the mantle of the blitz in the,to my mind, deflection attention ( chaff ) it is getting.

    All the while the political overseers are openly receiving incoming welfare units, potential troops & grateful replacement voting fodder.

    The nation’s eye should really be on the replacement hub
    DOVER, it does seem to me that the incoming force has doubled up since the “ginge/whinge trigger was tripped.

    It surely cannot be me alone that realises whole cities / large towns have been taken over, casualties of the polling booth
    to me the electorate are now offering up to the gods of mass uncontrolled immigration small towns, villages & hamlets.

    As it stands the regular lab/lib/con coalition, close shop will give the voting punter two options, manda tory boardering / using the last of the green belt for housing.

    Shortly the “whole nine yards” will take on a new meaning
    if you can claim that as garden / allotment then you will be
    considered to be a soil millionaire.

  8. Morning all

    Sussex Sussex and more Sussex….

    SIR – The Duke and Duchess of Sussex chose to lead a “private” life and should do so without inflicting their sour grapes upon us.

    It isn’t fair, either, on the members of the Royal family who carry out their duties with such unstinting devotion.

    Niki Talbot

    Saint-Jean-du-Gard, Gard, France

    SIR – The Sussexes, on their departure from the Royal family, said that part of their focus would be on helping others.

    I fail to see how this interview with Oprah Winfrey is helping anyone else. All it will do is upset the Queen and irritate the British public, who had welcomed the Duchess in the beginning.

    Hannah Hunt

    Wendover, Buckinghamshire

    SIR – Revelations reveal; accusations accuse – a very important distinction.

    Christopher Timbrell

    Kington Langley, Wiltshire

    SIR – One sad repercussion from the Oprah Winfrey interview is the long-term effect on the Sussexes’ children. Meghan came from a broken family, but in attacking Harry’s family she has prevented Archie and his sibling having the affinity that Harry had with his cousins and wider family.


    Harry describes his father and brother as “trapped”. He seems to be confusing this with them carrying out the duties that are expected of them. It was clear from seeing the wider Royal family at the Commonwealth Day programme that they take on those duties cheerfully and responsibly – something that the Sussex children, thanks to their parents, will never have the opportunity of experiencing.

    Barry Gibbs

    Wimborne, Dorset

    SIR – She’s an actress, darling!

    Jane Campbell

    Lenzie, East Dunbartonshire

    SIR – Poor little me!

    Sheena Lane

    Aston-on-Trent, Derbyshire

    SIR – If, as the Duchess claimed, the couple were already married when we watched the showcase performance, may we have a £32 million refund?

    Christine Stewart-Munro

    London SW1

    SIR – As far as we can tell, there is a good person inside the Prince. His love and affection for the Armed Forces seem entirely genuine. If he were to spend the rest of his life in the parallel universe of celebrity culture, that would be the real tragedy in this affair.



    Dermot Flaherty

    Southampton, Hampshire

    SIR – I feel sorry for Prince Harry, who has been dragged away from family, friends and Service associations, all the things he holds dear.

    I can foresee that his wife and children will not set foot in Britain again, on the grounds that she won’t feel safe. I think we can see where this is going.

    Richard Hodgkinson

    Thames Ditton, Surrey

    SIR – Certain women entering the Royal family, never men, are vilified by the press and establishment. Think of the Princess of Wales (very young), the Duchess of York (red hair), Princess Michael of Kent (“foreign” and a divorcée) and now Meghan (American, divorcée and beautiful mixed race). Were they too strong to be willingly manipulated by the courtiers who run the monarchy?

    Let’s have some kindness, please.

    Heather Thomson


    SIR – Thank God she didn’t marry William.

    Guy Appleby

    Alnwick, Northumberland

    SIR – Meghan Markle, complaining of the interview on her engagement, said that Mishal Husain “wasn’t warm enough”. If the Duchess felt herself a fish out of water in the royal sea, I can’t help thinking she would be a carp.


    Christopher Learmont-Hughes

    Caldy, Wirral

  9. Independence delay

    SIR – Does anyone still believe that all our freedoms will be returned to us on June 21?

    Frank Yates

    Southport, Lancashire

        1. 3330108+ up ticks,
          Morning JN,
          Unless the voting pattern changes radically lockdown controls are with us forever plus.

          1. 330108+ up ticks,
            Afternoon JN,
            But when that was the case as in the real UKIP prior to the party nEc treachery and implosion, many of the peoples treated the party with contempt & ridiculed them in lieu of supporting / voting lab/lib/con, funny old world.

  10. Royal Navy eyes ‘catapult system’ to launch drones and jets from aircraft carriers. 9 March 2021.

    The Royal Navy is seeking a catapult system to launch drones and jets from aircraft carriers as a possible “Plan B” for the F-35.

    The MoD has asked industry for ideas about future “aircraft launch and recovery systems” that could be fitted to ships in the next five years.


    The Alpine. 9 Mar 2021 5:45AM.

    After the laughter, this makes my blood boil as a taxpayer. Do I not recall this conversation being had years ago, even before the build, regarding the foolishness of relying on VTOL and the huge performance penalties that go with it??? Do I also remember something about that being interference from the RAF who wanted to handicap the carriers???

    How long does the British taxpayer have to keep shelling out for the mistakes of the extraordinarily incompetent individuals that seem attracted into government and senior military ranks? Why the hell do politicians tolerate the sort of schoolboy stupidity that sees one service hijack all air assets and related planning when the world and common sense shows us they are best separated. As ever, all involved should be fired and shamed.

    They were always White Elephants Alpine.


    1. The terrible irony is that the UK invented the steam catapult. Maybe elastic will work?

  11. It looks as if the comments on the DT Letters page have been stopped after another deluge of anti -Duchess of Sussex and Harry interview have been posted.

      1. If anyone is going to be sued, it will be Meagain for making unsubstantiated slanderous comments about the RF. Not that the latter would resort to the Courts.

  12. The gloves are off when we use fossil phrases

    SIR – How many people today actually put gloves in the glove compartment in their cars (Letters, March 6)?


    Veronica Bliss

    Compton, Hampshire

    SIR – We still “do the hoovering”, even with a Dyson.

    Andrew Grey

    Kingswood, Surrey

    SIR – Why does the Radio Times still goes by this name, when for years virtually all of its listings have been for television programmes?

    Mary Sutherland

    London SE10

    SIR – When I taught in a language school, a Swiss student said he had proof of a strange order of priorities in Britain: a bus conductor calling out “Animals first”. He had to be convinced he’d misheard “Any more fares”.

    Rod Williams

    London SE4

    1. Animals first.

      True. I’ve heard it myself. That is the beauty of our regional dialects. No one can take offense if they don’t understand each other.

      Northerners are the worst for this. Utterly incomprehensible.

      *over to you Grizz…

      1. Northerner? Our esteemed colleague is an East Midlander, and nowt wrong with that.

          1. Currently very Eastern Europe, Anne. I avoid it like the plague.

            ‘Afternoon, Anne.

  13. Megan Markle first found fame as an actress. I think all subsequent events flow from there.

      1. “so many actresses, so few movies”; girl’s gotta make a living somehow.

        What is sad about Haz is that he was quite happy in the army, and comfortable with African orphans and disabled people.
        All he had to do was participate in some charity stuff and people would have left him alone to play polo and shoot a few thousand birds.

  14. 330108+ up ticks,
    Perception v reality: What the world missed during five key Sussex revelations

    The doubling up of the DOVER replacement units successful

    1. …and remember Ogga, that the census can only be filled in by people with access to the internet.

      Which neatly excludes all the recent Dover arrivals.

      Clever eh?

      1. 330108+ up ticks,
        Afternoon J,
        I believe that you can make phone contact for a form which is the route I’m taking.

        The Dover intake will be kept incognito until such times as a
        General Election is nigh, that will trigger an amnesty of politically grateful peoples.

        That is cleverer still and ongoing.

        When you replace the shaft of your grandads axe , then the head,
        who’s axe is it ?

        Given time, we can apply the same to voting / country.

      2. I’ve got a paper copy of the census which I’m going to send back on the 21st. No internet involved.

    1. Hmmm. It looks like some form of Alien Life Korky. The latest from the Mars Rover?

      1. My heart was always set on a KitchenAid mixer. They are beautiful, in a lovely range of colours, and they cost around £350. I could never justify the eexpense as the Kenwood is perfectly functional.

        1. I have always, like you, wanted a KitchenAid;
          about twenty years ago i settled for a Magimix 5100
          and a Panasonic bread maker, both of these machines
          are still working very well….. but I still yearn for the

    2. Well done – a very good looking brioche.

      I have a 40 year old Kenwood Mixer – without which I’d be lost. The modern one is good but not half as long-lasting and sturdy.

      1. I bought my wife a Kenwood back in the mid 70s and she used it a great deal until it became too heavy for her to manage. We gave it away to a friend and it continued to give sterling service for years.

    3. I’ve found Kenwood reliable; even the ones now made in the Far East still seem better than others.

    4. I endorse the undernoted comments. Local auctions can be a good source. We inherited a Kenwood Chef but broke the glass bowl when moving it. We bought a replacement plastic bowl as a new glass bowl costs around £30. A Kenwood with glass bowl came up in a local auction and I bought it (£18)* to get the bowl. I found that the the mixer worked fine, as a bonus. I swapped bowls and gave the auction model with the new plastic bowl to a child.
      We also had a Bamix hand mixer until recently It broke internally after 40 years. I wrote to Bamix but they never replied. Luckily we have also inherited an unused Bamix (also 40 years old). it works fine. It is perfect for small jobs such as turning tinned tomatoes into passata in the tin (take the top off the tin!).
      *I suspect that it was cheap because it was quite dirty. After a wash it was perfect.

      Update. This morning Taylor’s auctions in Louth sold a Kenwood Chef XL platinum version for £260. The older white versions work just as well and are nor so expensive.

    1. One of the EU states explained the reason for a vaccine App as giving the nation the power to track that individual when in their country.

      Anyone got the link that they could download please?

  15. Priti Patel is to be handed powers to crack down on activists wreaking havoc… and rapists and thugs will serve more jail time under wide-ranging new bill. 9 March 2021.

    Protesters who bring chaos and disruption to the streets are to face tougher laws and longer jail terms.

    Home Secretary Priti Patel will be handed controversial powers to rule if a protest can be deemed a ‘serious disruption’ to the nation’s economy, political life and tradition of free speech.

    Under legislation to be unveiled today, her ruling would trigger extra police powers, allowing officers to break up protests such as the Extinction Rebellion blockades of Waterloo Bridge, Oxford Circus and Marble Arch in 2019.

    Well if it’s as successful as her Channel immigration intervention, BLM, Antifa and Extinction Rebellion have nothing whatsoever to worry about!


    1. Aye Right,those “Extra Powers” would never be used selectively against those protesting lockdown or forced vaccinations would they……..
      Oh No,No Sireeee…………

      1. Morning Rik and everyone.

        My first thought too. Lockdown protesters – not unruly, not smashing up shops – easy to quell.
        BLM, XR – rioting, monument defacing – not so easy.

    2. 330108+ up ticks,
      Morning AS,
      The seal of political consent via priti odious,
      that gives a “ticket to ride” for the
      resident / incoming criminal fraternity.

    3. Funny that. The police have plenty of powers when it comes to breaking up meetings of law abiding citizens. They only seem to fail when there is some possibility of opposition by big tough blokes and not just little old ladies.
      Judges have, according to statute, the power to send rapists to prison for life. They don’t do it because they are told not to.
      There is no truth in the rumour that the first event to be declared a “serious disruption’ to the nation’s economy, political life and tradition of free speech” is lockdown. Nor will the Prime Minister be arrested for instigating this “…”.

  16. I did not watch the ‘interview’ and have done my best to avoid lurid headlines in the UK and the US.

    However, I received an email this morning from a friend who is a retired senior member of the Queen’s household. Among other things, he says “The two involved need some psychiatric care”.

    My friend is, of course, very discreet, but he has told me many anecdotes about members of the RF, all of them positive and unreported in the voracious British press. For example, when he was with them on the Royal Yacht Britannia, he used to enjoy a stroll on the deck before retiring. Before doing so, he used to have to brief himself on the latest worldwide developments, especially the latest sports news. This is because the Duke of Edinburgh also used to enjoy a stroll on the deck before retiring. If they met each other there had to be an intense discussion on these subjects – woe to my friend if he wasn’t fully informed!

    1. The clip I saw was of Harry who looked drugged , as if he was on sedatives .

      We as a country might drop into PTSD , some one who looks like Ian Wright in a wig has given the world a 2 hour one sided hammering
      We have been subjected to mental torture by a couple who have drip fed nonsense daily to us all, in this year of Covid , crisis and loss

      She and Harry have betrayed us all.

      1. When we were training, we were shown a film of a couple of current patients at the hospital; a mother, who was on a psycho-geriatric ward and her daughter who was a schizophrenic on a different ward. The daughter would visit her mother occasionally, but her visits had to be monitored. The daughter was the dominant person in the relationship and both had been admitted for their own safety.
        The mother quite happily confirmed her daughter’s delusions (literally the good old visible radio waves from the moon etc…)

        https://www.vocabulary.com/dictionary/folie a deux

        1. The mother quite happily confirmed her daughter’s delusions (literally the good old visible radio waves from the moon etc…)

          A bit like the Doomgoblin’s ability to see CO2 in the atmosphere you mean?

  17. Good morning all from a very bright and sunny Derbyshire. Hopefully the chilly -2°C in the yard will not last for too long!

  18. Note that, as with yesterday’s Letters Page BTL comments being removed, you can still comment on them via the Letters Page of 7th March.

    1. This chap is very good value. He makes the point that I have been making for some time: the little chap is whiter than both his parents – in fact he almost looks like an albino.

      1. I came across him during the George Floyd Riots and he’s one of the black American commentators I occasionally dip into to get a black perspective on certain topics.

  19. China’s top general calls for increased military spending to prepare for ‘Thucydides trap’ that will force a war with US. 9 March 2021.

    China’s top general has called for increased military spending to prepare for a war with the United States.

    General Xu Qilian, who is second in command of the country’s armed forces after President Xi, said China needs to ready itself for the ‘Thucydides Trap’.

    The term refers to the inevitability of war when a new global power displaces an existing one.

    This is looking increasingly likely! A Hybrid War already appears to be in progress and an outbreak of conventional and then nuclear activity from some miscalculation seems more than possible. What makes it worse is that the West has contrived to alienate Russia at the same time; something that might well be described as the Idiots Manoeuvre!


    1. The Idiot’s Manoeuvre is certainly correct Araminta.

      History will record that China didn’t win the war, but the West determinedly lost it.

  20. China’s top general calls for increased military spending to prepare for ‘Thucydides trap’ that will force a war with US. 9 March 2021.

    China’s top general has called for increased military spending to prepare for a war with the United States.

    General Xu Qilian, who is second in command of the country’s armed forces after President Xi, said China needs to ready itself for the ‘Thucydides Trap’.

    The term refers to the inevitability of war when a new global power displaces an existing one.

    This is looking increasingly likely! A Hybrid War already appears to be in progress and an outbreak of conventional and then nuclear activity from some miscalculation seems more than possible. What makes it worse is that the West has contrived to alienate Russia at the same time; something that might well be described as the Idiots Manoeuvre!


  21. Good Moaning; nicely sunny and MB must be feeling better as he’s tackling the little maintenance jobs that have hung around for a few weeks.
    Well, well. Has the Tellygraff taken fright, or has the Tellygraff taken fright?
    No comments under just about every article and, of course, the Readers’ Letters.
    We’re not even allowed to comment on Cochrane’s diatribe against happy Glaswegians taking in a spot of fresh air.
    I now realise that I read the paper for the comments as much as the articles themselves.

    1. The day I had my cardiac scare I’d been planning to get a load of shiplap onto the rear wall of the shed and was chewing at the bit to get it done for the entire time I was in hospital!

      1. With hindsight, I realised that Bill was not really registering the odd jobs that were accumulating. I didn’t nag because I thought age and winter weather weren’t helping matters. I now think it was a sign that rather more was building up.

  22. I was wondering if the Sussexes have a family motto? I think that Duos Digitos is pithy and to the point and if they prefer the French version then Deux Doigts is pretty good and we can all agree that they can Foxtrot Oscar to California Dreaming and scheming until Hell Freezes Over.

    1. It’s highly contestable that Pannick was supporting the UK’s membership of the EEC but merely explaining the legal position and observing that the supremacy of EEC law over national law had been established before the UK joined.

  23. Good morning, everyone. I can’t access the comments on Letters. Has this facility been removed?

        1. 🙂
          I try to do my best.
          The Tellygraff has taken fright – and not just on the subject of the Gruesome Twosome.

          1. Indeed. Cockers was getting a proper pasting below the line in respect of the Rangers fans demo in Glasgow. The same is happening to a much lesser extent in comment on the Herald and Scotsman websites. Apparently not all of the people support lockdown and of those that do their fear is evident in their comments.

    1. Nor can I access them but here is a letter I submitted yesterday which they did not publish:


      Why does The Daily Telegraph claim to give its online readers the chance to comment on its articles only then to decide that no comments will be allowed?

      Today’s online paper has several articles about the broadcast by the Duke and Duchess of Sussex on American television but not one of these articles allows the readers to give their views. Is this because the Daily Telegraph is afraid of what its readers may think and say and is it also the reason why they will not publish this letter to prove me wrong?

      Richard Tracey

    2. It was there first thing, but Ginge & Whinge were getting hammered, so maybe the comments were then removed.

      1. I saved and have reproduced the best BTL comment, Paul. See earlier – Margaret Loughlin.

  24. On March 6th John Ward in The Slog (reproduced here without permission) reported on some of the interesting Israeli studies on the Pfizer Vaccine:

    The Israeli situation has taken me longer to get a head round, because the translations are not of the best, data is very complex…and the Ministry of Health has on at least one occasion changed the stats without any rationale. However, the bottom line there is expressed as follows:

    ‘…….vaccinations caused more deaths than the coronavirus would have during the same period….The number of COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated since the start of the vaccination action seems to explain the increased death rates from COVID-19 observed since December 2020…The table provided by the Ministry of Health on February 10 states 660 COVID-19 deaths among the vaccinated, 51.9% of the [ALL] deaths for that period – 51.9% of deaths during that period are for the 12.5% vaccinated….We conclude that the Pfizer vaccine, for the elderly, killed during the 5-week vaccination period about 40 times more people than the disease itself would have killed, and about 260 times more people than the disease among the younger age class.‘

    The one big advantage of the Israeli study is that Israel bought only the Pfizer product. In the UK, the waters are more muddied because we have two in circulation. But either way, there is clearly a problem with the Pfizer drug among older respondents….and yet, Hancock claims a causal link between “vaccination” in Britain, and the falling rates of transmission, cases and deaths. The scandal in Israel now seems to put that in doubt.

    Rather worrying if it proves to be true.

    1. Morning, rc.
      Dare I suggest that, as it was the elderly who were first vaccinated, time alone would cut a swathe through many of them? Aging liver and lights would have weakened them and many were already in God’s waiting room. It is possible that the vaccine or even the virus itself might have knocked a few weeks off their lives, but the balance is so delicate that the results either way are conjecture.
      We are sceptical about the hysterical atmosphere in which the vaccines were produced, which is why – in order to increase our grandchildren’s chance of resuming a normal young life – we plumped for the O/AZ vaccine which is based on tried and tested technology.
      The Pfizer inoculation may prove to be a huge medical advance, but we think more time is needed to discover any side effects in any age group.

      1. My mother got the Pfizer shot on January 15th- she is 92. She returned shaking quite badly, and this persisted into the next day- she was having difficulty eating due to the shaking. Later that day, she fell off her stairlift and I was called to pick her up. That was the last day she was downstairs and she remained bedridden until the 21st February when after falling again, the paramedics under pressure from my sister took her to hospital where she was tested as “Covid positive.” She stayed in hospital and last Thursday was transferred to a care home- in isolation. She kept complaining that she felt very ill but she had no Covid-19 symptoms and her doctor dismissed Covid-19 as being a cause for how she felt. We all wish she had not had the Pfizer jab as even if it was not responsible for her condition it is a consideration as a source of her symptoms. Quite frankly, it is hard to know what to think as far as this whole episode is concerned.

        1. It is well known that different ages respond differently to drugs.
          There have been children’s medicines and/or lower doses for decades.
          Even the most sugary and anodyne of cough mixtures warn about their unsuitability for children under 12.
          Why are there not more precautions being taken at the other end of life when a slower metabolism could cause drugs to accumulate in the body and cause unwonted side effects?

          1. The Pfizer drug is experimental and has been rushed through using emergency procedures. As you have written, the Oxford vaccine is using well tried and tested methodology and is on that basis a better option although there may yet be side-effects.

          2. I did catch a cold about a fortnight after my jab. It then became an appalling cough which lasted for another fortnight. Normally, I shift colds within the usual seven days with no complications. It might have been happenstance or possibly the cold bug combined with the C19 injection and complicated matters. I am now much better, except for the fact that first thing in the morning I sound as if I smoke 60 a day.
            Given our current circumstances, I was more worried about passing the lurgy on to MB, and hoped the fact that he had had his jab a week earlier meant he was more protected. Fingers very firmly crossed.

          3. I think it likely that your immune response was heightened by the vaccine and then you encountered the cold virus. I think it possible that your immune system was then challenged by this combination allowing the cold to have a more serious impact than usual. It is good to know you have seen off the worst it seems. What worries me, is the emotional blackmail associated with having the vaccination as so many people have been told they may infect a third party and cause harm – or worse still, the death of others around them.

          4. Yes. I suspect there was a right old viral Donnybrook taking place in my immune system.

          5. I had the Pfizer version on 25th.February.
            I had been told, by the village Chemist, to
            take a cocktail of vitamins etc. prior to and after
            having the vaccine, due to a reduced immune
            system. The only noticeable effect, to me, is
            a continuing niggle where the jab was
            I am sorry to read of your Mother’s experience.

          6. Thank you. What is frustrating, is that she appeared to be a bit more sprightly prior to having the jab. One somebody is old and infirm, it is a bit of a roller coaster but at that time, we were all relieved she was appearing to be reasonably well- and then we had this plunge into some form of health crisis and all the extra problems this entails. I will not bore you with the fight we have had with the doctor in the hospital- that’s another saga which goes back five years in total. We are relieved now she is in a care home and await to see if she rallies and can return home or not.

          7. I have sympathy with you.
            My Father, at nearly ninety-nine
            was sent to Hospital, by his doctor
            who insisted it was the only place
            he could be….. we had a similar fight.
            I wish you well.

          8. Yes, she was at the bottom of the stairs. She also had a bladder infection- she was one of the “lucky” recipients of a mesh. It has been a roller coaster of health challenges for quite a while. She has been the beneficiary of a whole load of less than satisfactory medical interventions.

          9. When elderly chum fell – again – and spent the night on her kitchen floor, it was discovered that she had a bladder infection. And not for the first time. Every particularly bad confused session was worsened by a bladder infection; which tied up with lower fluid intake and poor personal hygiene. It’s a vicious circle.

  25. So when is Oprah going to interview Meeagain’s first husband Trev? Or is he subject of a gagging order?

      1. Perhaps he should go back for a bigger slice of any divorce settlement and certainly he should stop paying her now if he was before.

    1. I must not respond to the word gagging ….
      I must not respond to the word gagging ….
      I must not respond …..

      1. I couldn’t quite get the joke out of the situation – tastefully. Congratulations on your superior imagination.

        1. It’s the coward’s way out. We have to keep this site suitable for family reading!

  26. BBC Radio 2 (or 4) Sport will celebrate International Women’s Week. Here is a sentence from a BBC article:
    “During her 12 years of playing at the top level, Coady recalls having 11 different coaches, only one of which was female, and believes that had an impact on her own initial approach to coaching.” Hmm, the female which was a coach. I understand that not everyone is familiar with the subordinating conjunction ‘whom’, but the BBC must have some editors on the payroll.
    A whole week; thank God for the ‘off’ switch.

    1. Who is going to be the first trans woman to win an Olympic gold medal? Doubtless the BBC will be wanting to run a series about it.

    2. Well, no they do not. They do have thousands of “journalists” who can paste links to work done by other”journalists”.

    1. 🙂
      Years ago, we went to a ‘Singalonga Sound of Music’ at the local theatre. The audience went in costume.
      I have never seen so many nuns with 5 o’clock shadow.

  27. Another WW2 veteran, Lieutenant-Colonel Aidan Sprot, aged 101, has died . His obituary is in the Daily Telegraph. Those were the days.

    1. Shock news: “C-list Soft-Porn Actress Discovers She Is Not The Centre Of The Universe”.

      1. Did she actually appear in soft-porn movies? There is a precedent as Harry’s Uncle Andy had a paramour called Koo Starkers who appeared in such films.

        1. From what we’ve seen of KS – she had more dignity in her little finger than Fergie had in her entire body.
          Unlike the current trollop, I doubt she’d slag off the RF or have a private whinge to a few billion people.

    2. Shock news: “C-list Soft-Porn Actress Discovers She Is Not The Centre Of The Universe”.

      1. Good morning Anne

        All good this morning , have replied to K below.
        Mike has showered and set off to work.
        I must say I wondered whether he had had a TIA or similar .

        I feel shattered this morning after all that worry .

        Sun is shining here ,but still very cold . I don’t mind that . Dog walk time later .

        1. Good to hear that Belle! I missed the end of the conversation last night. Thinking of you and sending best wishes to you all. Am now about to drive for the first time since the op! Will let you know how I get on!

        2. Belle, just catching up with last night’s comments.
          I had similar symptoms apart from the headache. My doctor
          sent me for a CT scan….luckily no major problems. Prescribed
          more salt for low blood pressure.Walking as much as pos get my legs going….calve muscles and ankles ache…

          1. Thank goodness you were alright .
            That could have applied to him, I wondered all sorts of things .

            I know he is on blood pressure tablets , perhaps his medication needs adjusting .

    3. I’ve never subscribed to the unfounded visceral unquestioning hatred of politicians as favoured by the left but this one joins Anthony War Criminal Judas Blair in my own personal “little list” of those I would be quite happy to see condemned to eternal damnation in Dantean levels 2-9 , I say happy but on reflection it’s entirely possible they would be quite at home there.

  28. There comes a tipping point in many situations and the wall to wall Ginge/Winge coverage in the DT coupled with censoring or ceasing of comments on anything related to them have made me say ENOUGH ALREADY. I’ve now cancelled my sub and transferred to The Spectator who seem too have no problem with comments – in one piece about trailer trash and her poodle a comment directed me to : – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mlBRYGidqPE

    It’s a good omen.

    1. I should warn you that the Spectator has become woke, left-leaning and disappointingly irritating.

      Try “The Critic” – magazine. They don’t have online comments but the contents are sensible and level headed.

      1. That’s a bit disappointing to hear but I will give it a week to two, betimes I shall follow your learned council and trundle over to The Critic.

        1. By all means give it a go – but be prepared to find stuff by lotsa lefties – Marr, Peston etc etc. And they hate Johnson and adore Carrion.

        2. By all means give it a go – but be prepared to find stuff by lotsa lefties – Marr, Peston etc etc. And they hate Johnson and adore Carrion.

        3. TBF, the Spekkie has a range of opinions. I enjoy it because confining your reading to an echo chamber narrows the mind.

          1. I do try to read media that doesn’t agree with my “Truth ©Meagain” and as much as it pains me to go there I do occasionally waft through The Socialist Worker, pause at the Guardian and laugh at the Express to name but a few, I’m not sure if this broadens my mind or just pummels it flat though.

          2. I do try to read media that doesn’t agree with my “Truth ©Meagain” and as much as it pains me to go there I do occasionally waft through The Socialist Worker, pause at the Guardian and laugh at the Express to name but a few, I’m not sure if this broadens my mind or just pummels it flat though.

          3. I think the Allan Towers television set was destroyed by a heavy projectile half way through the broadcast so he only saw a bit of it. We didn’t take the risk with ours and made a point of not watching it for one second.

          4. I made him watch it on his laptop and listen via headphones.
            I am used to shutting out the telly burbling, but, for once, I was not prepared to bugger up my evening.

          5. He was able to link the behaviour with patients we have met – and even one or two of the more problematical of our family members.
            Really, from what he says, it confirmed our opinions from the past few days.
            He was prepared to sit and watch; I, quite frankly, was not. To slightly misquote Dud and Pete: why would I watch whinging ingratitude when I can get all that at home?

      2. Good morning, Bill.

        I agree with you but I have found the Critic’s
        subscription department to be almost as useless
        as that of The Spectator….. after taking out two yearly
        subscriptions my friend’s son and I successfully
        received and enjoyed the December and January
        editions….. since then nothing, except e-mails
        requesting I pay my fees!

      3. I believe nothing I read from online media, unless they allow BTL comments to keep the authors honest. And if I see questioning comments being deleted then I infer that the article is wrong. I took that view when as a subscriber to The Times I found that their articles were riddled with falsehoods, and those who corrected them (with references) had their comments removed.

    2. The DT is following the same mirage as many companies. They are aware that they have a lower level of women subscribers and are constantly searching for ways to increase this number. For some reason they have concluded that women like to read drivel – well, the editor is ex-DM. Anyway, the wall to wall Ginge&Winge coverage is I suspect because they think women like it.

    3. I think it’s a great shame what has happened, IMO it’s them who have fanned the spark and the flicker of warmth towards her at the beginning. And between them with the help of others, they have turned something that she may well have looking for at the outset, or may have only existed in her seemingly vivid imagination, into an out of control forest fire.
      I didn’t watch the ‘interview’ but the aftermath is plain to see. and out of hundreds of people in the US who carry out interviews, yet she chose Oprah. I don’t think i’m being naive, but I can’t quite figure out why she actually needed to do that. IMO it has its own racist undertones the sort of thing she is ranting about. When she complains so vehemently about ‘established’ and establishment racism, rather more than slightly unbalanced i’d say.

    1. That is a lovely photograph, Phizzee,
      …… how happy HM looks compared to
      her, very sad, expression on Sunday’s
      pictures of her, when giving her address
      to the Commonwealth.
      I can understand her worries about the
      D o E but those two idiots have a lot to
      answer for.
      Good morning.

      1. Good morning, Garlands.

        A lesser person would have crumbled with what Her Majesty has had to put up with. The Queen is an inspiration and role model for all.

        1. Her Majesty has certainly always done and continues
          to do her duty; I have not always liked some of her
          actions but I have no doubt that she has served us
          faithfully. It is unfortunate that her example is not

          1. Lovely, Belle!

            I think one of the most charming photos was of her being
            presented with a racing trophy by the D.o E. in the year of
            her ? anniversary.

    2. Lovely picture.

      “Spearchucker” was one of the original characters in M*A*S*H but even by the ’70’s that was considered problematic by the Hollywood establishment. Of course the nickname was intended by the author to mock the attitudes that prevailed at the time. In the book, Spearchucker Jones was a highly accomplished black surgeon and all round good guy.

    3. What happened to our sense of humour?
      As I have surely mentioned before, our mostly (99%) all white rugby club had a stand-off who was not white. He was known as “Black Magic” and the members elected him as club captain several years in a row.
      A tiny blob of racism has been whipped up into a huge froth by bad people.

      1. We don’t know it was racism. They didn’t give exact wording, they didn’t give names or dates. Women love to talk about babies and are endlessly interested in babies. It could have been entirely innocent and warm speculation, interpreted as something nasty when it was not. Every woman with children remembers with great affection the first moment she gazed upon her new child, the beginning of a puzzle that never ends. Skin colour, like every other detail, is part of that puzzle.

        1. Could have been a question over which parent the baby would most resemble, misunderstood as being which parent’s skin colour.

          1. Given MB’s Scottish forbears, we did worry that the boys might inherit the Brillo pad hair that afflicted his father, his uncles and several cousins. Both sons avoided that fate.
            Were we guilty of racism towards Lowland Scots?

        2. Talking of puzzles, Rodger, that reminds me that I love jigsaw puzzles. But I have a problem with circular ones – I can never find the four corners to make a start!


        3. A man we know went to the USA to work and while there he met and married a Chinese lady. The man’s parents who lived here did wonder how yellow and slanty-eyed the children might be. Just natural and not in the least “racist” in any way that matters.

          1. Why is it only yer blicks that complain of racism. Never a peep from the Chinese people in the country.

          2. Chinese in the UK tend to be hard working and industrious. Unlike Muslims and Africans.

            Besides, the Chinese know which side their fortune cookie is buttered.

  29. Both Biden and Ms Clinton have come out strongly on Migraine’s side which underlines the fact that the Americans were very wrong in their choice of candidate and party at the presidential elections and how very wrong the MSM – which includes the MSM in UK – were to vilify Trump and support his opponents.

    On the other hand Trump warned Harry that his wife was trouble. Britain would have been far better placed if Trump had continued as president.

  30. Veronica Bliss asks how many people have gloves in the glove box of their car – I do! Plus a torch and a tyre pressure gauge. Under my seat is a battery booster, a first aid kit, a high viz jacket and a bog roll

        1. Alec, “dib dib dib’ is a popular misconception. First of all it is “dyb dyb dob” meaning “Do Your Best” said by the leader to his charges. Secondly the reply came back “we’ll dob dob dob” meaning “We’ll Do Our Best”. And finally, the leader and his charges were Wolf Cubs and not Boy Scouts.

          1. Because I have read many books on Lord Baden Powell and the movements he founded, some suggested by his wife Olave.

          2. Afternoon, Spikey. Was the ATC in existence when you were at school. A group of my classmates, who all desired a career in the RAF were keen members.

          3. G’day Grizz, yes we had an ATC squadron near us but I’d already joined the scouts. I was asked why I didn’t join the ATC when I had my interview to join the RAF – I told them I’d joined the scouts instead, there then followed a discussion on the pros and cons of each, after I joined I found that a great percentage of recruits had been in the ATC. After I left the RAF I volunteered to join the ATC as an officer but they told me I’d have to get my hair cut – you can imagine my reply so I joined the ROC instead

          4. I didn’t get the opportunity to join either, Spikey. I was only allowed to become a St John’s Ambulance Brigade cadet; following a three-generation family—and colliery—tradition.

    1. Better than pressure gauge is a 12v tyre pump. They are very small, light, fit in a crevice of the boot and mean that you never have to wait in the queue for the ‘Air’ at a petrol station.

      1. Most pumps won’t fit in the glove box (which was the subject) and I have one in the boot together with essential tools, a wheelnut socket set, a breaker bar, a torque wrench and a 2 ton Hydraulic jack. My recovery vehicle is even better equipped.

        1. In the winter, we also have a snow spade, survival blanket, snow brush/ice scraper, and chains or snow socks.

          1. May we recommend that a survival blanket, which is small and cheap, should be kept in every car.

            Not only for your benefit, but for anyone else injured on the road.

          2. I have two jam jars with holes in the lids with candles inside. Light and warmth in a breakdown.

          3. May we recommend that a survival blanket, which is small and cheap, should be kept in every car.

            Not only for your benefit, but for anyone else injured on the road.

  31. Cant wait for Meghan and Harry’s interview on Ellen next week about how she was abused and bullied backstage at the Oprah Winfrey show.

  32. BBC Radio News Today programme reporting that our PM wants to have more females in his Cabinet. Is he thinking of a reshuffle ?

    1. Our Prime Minister should be looking for competent
      members of Parliament who will be an asset to the
      Cabinet …… regardless of their sex!

      1. Exactly .
        Morning Garlands..

        No one asks us , do they , we should have the ability to thumbs down them .

        These are the days of the Ides of March .

          1. Maggie, I have only just caught up on your son’s difficulty – I would have been berserk with worry. Thank goodness he seems to be on the up.

            Life is a continuous desert of trials, with a few oases of happiness to keep us going.

            D and I are currently watching the original BBC black and white Forsyte Saga – two episodes at a time. It is relaxing of an evening.

  33. About that champion of the people, Lord Sumption…

    Lord Sumption is a fearless public voice on civil liberties – but is he right on Brexit?

    The retired Supreme Court judge argues methodically in his book ‘Law in a Time of Crisis’, but his Remainer stance unbalances the later essays


    Britain is lucky to be a country in which judges write books – thoughtful, stimulating and even entertaining books, as this one is. In many countries, judges are civil servants, required to toe the line and perhaps having little of general interest to say. Here they are drawn from the top levels of a proud and sometimes eccentric liberal profession. Admittedly, they are not infrequently criticised or mocked. But on the whole they enjoy a status and independence that means that we trust their ability and integrity – hence the frequent calls for “a judge-led inquiry” into matters of concern. And a few, usually after retirement, are accepted as public sages.

    Lord Sumption has entered this category, in which he occupies a special place. Originally an Oxford history don, he moved to the law, as he disarmingly notes, to pay the grocery bills. He became a leading commercial QC, while also managing to write highly regarded works of medieval history. His brilliant career was crowned by membership of the Supreme Court.

    This book is a collection of essays. Most of them were originally talks given in fairly informal surroundings, and they maintain an agreeably conversational style. They give intellectual pleasure – at least to my donnish taste – by their clear and methodical exposition, in which the pros and cons are carefully weighed, before a rational and usually convincing conclusion is reached.

    This is less the judge pronouncing than the QC arguing. I thought of the great advocate F E Smith explaining a difficult point of law to a rather dim judge: “I’m no wiser, Mr Smith.” “Perhaps not, My Lord, but I trust rather better informed.” And so we are: I will return to this book for astringent analysis of (among other things) the value of history, the intellectual impurity of apologising for the past, vicarious victimhood, statue wrecking, freedom of information, diversity in the judiciary, the interpretation of contracts, and personal liability.

    Lord Sumption ends the book on more controversial subjects: Brexit and Covid. Perhaps inevitably, the legal wig goes slightly askew as the tone becomes more heightened, and the gestures more emphatic. He was a sceptical Remainer, and he praises the 2017 House of Commons, Speaker Bercow, and the Supreme Court for their campaigns against Boris Johnson. Were these actions constitutional? Well, the Constitution, he believes, is that Parliament is sovereign and can change its own rules. So Bercow and co are to be praised for defending Parliament’s prerogatives, the sole basis of democracy.

    This is an extraordinary argument. Legally, the sovereign is “the Crown in Parliament”, that is to say government and Parliament functioning together. The House of Commons has the right to remove governments, but not itself to govern. Sumption is silent on the Fixed-term Parliaments Act. This enabled the House of Commons to keep a government in office by pretending, as he admits, to have confidence in it, while dictating its policy. Above all – stranger for a historian than for a lawyer – he shows little sense that since we have been a democracy the government has derived legitimacy from, and been answerable to, the electorate, and not only to the House of Commons.

    As for the Supreme Court’s prorogation judgment, Sumption says that he agrees, though gives no reason why the Supreme Court was right while the High Court, in a careful judgment, was wrong. The Supreme Court itself gave no ¬reasons either, while embarking on a course that (in the words of one distinguished Oxford academic lawyer) “would unhesitatingly have been rejected by all previous ¬generations of judges back to the Bill of Rights”.

    I wish Sumption had explained his reasoning. He is, after all, noted for strong reservations about courts inventing law, and in these pages he writes sharply and amusingly about judges who “not only… choose between possible meanings of words, but…select impossible ones instead.” Is this not precisely what the Supreme Court did? It was following in the footsteps of the European Court of Justice, which has repeatedly redefined and extended its own powers without any accountability, and which EU membership once placed at the apex of our whole judicial system.

    This is something that Sumption, one must presume, deplored. And yet he deplores Brexit even more. Why? His reason is unambiguous, if depressing: “Britain will be dominated by the European Union whether we belong to it or not.” This is an opinion held by many, but it seems to me based on weak or at least contestable grounds. Yet it apparently justifies Remainers playing fast and loose with the constitution and the law. He regrets that a “shared political culture” was disrupted, but blames supporters of Brexit alone. Here the judge disappears behind the advocate.

    The books ends with a spirited criticism of the undermining of civil liberties and proper political procedures during the Covid epidemic. This is a matter on which it is important that an influential and respected legal figure is willing to speak out publicly, heedless of criticism. When the pandemic is finally under control, we shall indeed need a penetrating examination not only of the medical, but also of the political ramifications, which he characterises as “a cavalier disregard for the limits of [the Government’s] legal powers”.

    I wish I could follow Sumption all the way on this subject. But his initial assertion that during Covid “the British state has exercised coercive powers over its citizens on a scale never previously attempted” is surely absurd: the state took vastly greater powers in both world wars – and willingly gave most of them up afterwards. Moreover, he thinks that lockdown measures are “collective hysteria”. That makes the problem too easy: one can dismiss extreme measures if one thinks them unnecessary. It would be more convincing to have a critique from someone who thinks the Government’s powers are both necessary and dangerous.

    Nevertheless, Lord Sumption’s opinion is always worth listening to, even – or especially – if one disagrees with it.

    Robert Tombs’s latest book is This Sovereign Isle, published by Allen Lane


  34. What “will destroy jobs, stifle energy production, strangle America’s energy independence, suppress agriculture, deter innovation, and impoverish working families. It undermines the sovereignty of the States and tears at the fabric of liberty. And causes an enormous expansion of federal regulatory power that will intrude into every aspect of Americans’ lives”?

    Answer: Biden’s executive climate order. 12 states are suing the Biden administration “over the massive expansion of federal regulations through executive order.” “We’re fighting back against this unlawful federal overreach.”

    The suit states that setting the ‘social cost’ of greenhouse gases ($9.5 trillion according to Biden) is an inherently speculative, policy-laden, and indeterminate task, which involves attempting to predict such unknowable contingencies as future human migrations, international conflicts, and global catastrophes for hundreds of years into the future.

    The liberals voted for Biden. Result: a heavy dose of socialism, an ideology which has failed everywhere it has been tried. Ultimately, it is the poor who are reduced to coercion and poverty while the leaders live the lives of the bourgeoisie.

      1. Correction, you need access to the money and assets of other people in order to impose socialism.
        Even Karly Marx needed the British Library, whose effective founder Sir H Sloane had married into Jamaican wealth.

  35. Good morning all

    A bright sunny day here as it was in London 53 years ago when we got married.

    Still love her like crazy.

    1. She is a fortunate woman… and you are a fortunate man.
      With many congratulations and best wishes to you both.

    2. You have brought a tear to my eye……..🤩🥰
      Happy anniversary Alf, where did you get married ?

    3. Congrats to both of you………
      Damn shame you can’t celebrate with lunch at the Red Lion

          1. Thanks for the congratulations vw is slaving over a hot stove cooking salmon and prawns with creme fraiche and pesto to accompany the linguine.

            I’m such a taskmaster. We will make up for it when house arrest is finished and the pubs and restaurants are open.

          2. Sounds great. Make sure you have some white wine with that.

            I will join you faster than a speeding bullet when the Pubs/Restaurants open.

          3. Brancott Estate Sauvignon Blanc. I used to sell that when it was known as Montana.

    4. People like vw and you, Alf, are what make this forum a happy place to be.

      Hope the sun shines on you both for many years to come. Happy, happy anniversary. 🍷🍷

    5. Many congratulations, Alf.
      You must have been very good in a previous life to have that much luck in this life!

    6. Happy Anniversary to both of you. Cherish every moment that you have together, that is so very important.

      1. Thank you Korky we do that but I have given vw enough frights over the past 20+ years to last a lifetime.

    7. Very late to the party, Alf and vw! Congratulations and hope you had a wonderful day! Good wishes and blessings to you both!

  36. That interview was perfectly timed…

    Whether Markle planned it all on her own or it was orchestrated by the elite remains to be seen. However, with the rise of wokeism by the BBC and the rise of the BLM movement the timing couldn’t be better. Spring is with us and soon the days will get longer and warmer whereby the woke brigade buoyed on by the fallout all over the media which won’t die down anytime soon… the scene is now set for a very violent few months to come.

    1. Every suicide now will now be recorded on the death certificate as being excessively black rather than COVID.

      1. The lockdown will…to some degree…prevent mass meetings. Another reason to extend the lockdown so they can arrest people for covid related reasons rather than violence. There’s already an ebola crisis in Guinea which will no doubt find its way to the UK and force further lockdowns.

        1. I would guess that we have not bothered to develop a protection or cure for Ebola. So we will all die, probably still in lockdown.

    2. As long as they’re not Ranger’s supporters or female pensioners, they’ll be left to get on with it.

    3. Wokery is another word for Maoism; remember the Chinese cultural revolution, beatings, starvation, re-education, prison camps, slave labour etc. I often wonder if the CCP is behind the wokers.

      1. The little boy who stood in front of the tanks in Tianamen Square!

        We could do with millions like him now.

        1. Me too, Phil, and I think it would be a strong marketing point for the crops. If it were labelled something along the lines of “All our produce hand picked by intellectuals”, I’m sure that would go down rather well at Waitrose.

  37. The Race-Baiters are out in force today…………

    “Institutional racism holding back people of colour or destroying their lives.”

    Plenty of countries with mostly black people. They can’t be racist.
    Those countries must hum along like well oiled machines without the
    constant negative influence of racist whites.

    A bit like Zimbabwe……………
    Oh and while I’m at it just seen the WWF bewailing the slaughter of 20,000 elephants a year and wanting funds
    Tut.tut all those evil White Poachers
    Oh Wait………………..

    1. “Institutional racism holding back people of colour or destroying their lives.”

      Sounds good to me – where do I apply to join this institute?

      1. It’s not as though they could do any worse than Chris Evans…amazing that he’s lasted this long.

  38. Whitty and Vallance are predicting further upsurges in Covid cases later in the year if restrictions are lifted too soon. Illegal immigration must be treated as the law requires, The Channel crossers must be discouraged and stopped. They are only the tip of the iceberg, some are getting in on lorries and by other means. Our Borders are a sieve and the Border Force is a misnomer.
    The G7 conference in Cornwall in June is another threat with dozens of incomers congregating in West Cornwall with no evidence of Covid protocols to protect the Cornish population and the UK.
    In December the Climate Change Jamboree in Glasgow will bring hundreds of people from all over the world, including climate change vandals and demonstrators. This could be the biggest Covid threat of all .
    Whitty and Vallance don’t seem to have confidence in the efficacy of the Covid vaccines. We cannot afford another Lockdown.

    1. Third Wave – fresh lockdown – Fourth Wave – even tougher lockdown –

      Whatever happened to the brainwave “vaccination to stop covid” then?

      1. Indeed, and I also suspect they have serious money issues. A forensic analysis of their finances might reveal quite how serious by exposing how much ‘bung’ they have taken from Big Pharma and/or ‘Open Society’ in the form of grants, consultancy fees etc.

          1. Well, the rainwater is soft water, so it shouldn’t leave any streaks like tap water can.

        1. I have sowed a row of early radish today in the expectation that it’s going to hiss down tomorrow.

        1. Morning Conners. Thanks for asking. I’m OK, that was me trying to make a joke. A bit silly really.

    1. And here, I’m off to collect my ES light bulbs from Toolstation click and collect and take doggo for a walk in the woods on the way back.
      I was up at 5:15 baking sour dough, it has to be done otherwise it could collapse. But I did go back to bed with a cuppa and slept in ’till 9:am.

  39. Very late on parade. didn’t get to sleep until about 06:00 but we still have a story to tell:

    After having dug to a depth of 10 feet last year, Canadian scientists found traces of copper wire dating back 200 years and came to the conclusion that their ancestors already had a telephone network more than 150 years ago.

    Not to be outdone by their neighbours, in the weeks that followed, an American archaeologist dug to a depth of 20 feet, and shortly after, a story published in the New York Times said; “American archaeologists, finding traces of 250-year-old copper wire, have concluded that their ancestors already had an advanced high-tech communications network 50 years earlier than the Canadians”.

    One week later, the British authorities reported the following; “After digging as deep as 30 feet in North Walsham, Giles Fuller, a self-taught archaeologist, reported that he found absolutely sod all. Giles has therefore concluded that 250 years ago, Britain had already gone wireless.”

    It just makes you bloody proud to be British doesn’t it?

  40. If the Harry and Meghan interview is repeated, as seems likely, will they be paid royalties?

    1. Oprah was at pains to say at the beginniing that M & H would not be paid for the interview.

      1. Hmm. That spoils my joke, thanks. However I do not see why they would do it unless they were paid right royally.. It’s show business and people do it for money (especially young actresses, apparently).

        1. Well they may not be paid for this one but it increases their marketability for future deals!

      2. I read that Oprah W was paid $7m. It was produced by her company – did she pay herself 7m and how did she come up with that figure? I dont imagine her expenses were huge,unless she took her private jet for a 20min journey.

      3. Of course they won’t,heaven forfend Oprah’s production company signs a sweetheart deal with M&H marketing (Cayman Ltd) in a few months………

    2. A simple question, but what did they expect to achieve from the interview except cause damage to the RF. Odd really.

      1. Revenge for imagined slights.

        Meghan is the type of woman that when told no she becomes unreasonable.

      2. I think Harry is as thick as mince but he knows exactly what he’s doing. I’m convinced that he blames Prince Charles and, by extension, the whole institution of the Monarchy for his mother’s marital unhappiness/shagathon and her subsequent unfortunate death.

        He’s determined to inflict as much damage as he can in revenge.

        1. If he were not as thick as mince he would question Meghan’s acceptance of the blood diamond earrings from Bin Salman.

          Bin Salman has accepted responsibility for the murder of the journalist Khashoggi who was related to Dodo Fayed, Diana’s love interest after the breakdown of her marriage.

          If he truly honoured his mother he should feel some conflict. Even if Diana’s choice of relationship was unwise.

          Good afternoon Mr MacVob…

          1. Well, as I’ve mentioned before, we’ve had the “Beast from the East” and the “Pest from the West” but the real threat is from the North because when “Quinn the Eskimo” gets here, everybody’s gonna want to doze.

          2. I was always bemused by the concept of ‘Quinn the Eskimo’. I pictured him rolling out of the bar igloo, rat-arsed on frozen Guinness, and wanting to “lick any sumbitch in the bar!”

    1. I don’t understand your sneering at parents raising serious concerns about their child’s education. If you have damaged hearing an important part of your understanding of speech comes from lip reading. There are people I can lip read word perfect across a room, there are others I struggle with.

      If their child partially uses lip reading to understand speech then she will not understand a teacher wearing a mask and she will derive little benefit from her classes. As a schoolboy my sight was never tested and it wasn’t until I tested reading a number plate in preparation for a driving test at late 16 that I realized I had in fact been unable to read blackboard, and other kids could. I did well at night school. My lack of performance was always blamed on lack of effort, and this little girl will likely get the same.

      PS This does sometimes mean that people ‘talking about you behind your back’, aren’t. It’s amazing what you see said on the dance floor.

      1. 330108+ up ticks,
        Afternoon Rtd,
        “I don’t understand your sneering at parents raising serious concerns”

        It is my belief in regards to your post that incarceration is beginning to tell and the symptoms of stir craziness are showing through, sneering indeed.

        1. If you don’t like being criticized for sneering, simple remedy, don’t sneer. What on earth else do you think you were doing?

          1. 330108+ up ticks,
            Well for one agreeing with Katie, for two disagreeing with the
            governance overseers, where does the “sneering content” come in ?
            May I ask and not in an unfeeling/ sneering manner I can assure you, but are you of sound mind ?

      2. Damaged hearing is so isolating. You can’t even take part in a normal conversation, and my heart goes out to the lass. My hearing is crap, background noise just destroys any understanding of speech, so social occasions are usully me sitting there trying to follow wtf is being said, and failing… If you are yound, that’s got to be awful.

        1. What people don’t understand is there are three main components. Loss of sound level which hearing aids fix, tinnitus which masks in coming sound and hearing aids can fix a bit by blasting over, and distortion which nothing fixes.

          1. Were you in the Artillery (as per Good Morning Vietnam), or are you a Rock casualty, or just unlucky and got a virus?

          2. The final blow was a shooting line-up without ear defenders… Never been the same since, although scuba diving did help quite a bit with clearing the crud out of my ears.

          3. The reason I ask is that my problem is over production of mucus in the middle ear (a light brown fluid the consistency of medium snot), which then clogs up the eardrum/bone mechanism. I found that T-tubes helped, more oxygen into the inner and C vit 3,000mg per day helps. What has made the biggest difference is the Pfizer vaccine – I can only guess that the immune system fight that it induced, the virus in my ears was collateral damage. We’ll see how long it lasts. I am enjoying my clearest hearing for 10 years.

          4. Diving cleared mine – the pressure changes blew the most horrible muck out of my ears and through my nose to accumulate in the mask… cleared the hearing nicely, though, but that was 40 years or so ago.

          5. It does sound like excess mucus. Don’t expect a useful diagnosis from ENT, they none of them do adult ears. No publishable research work in it.

    1. Afternoon all. Love that picture. We’ve just taken delivery of two Daphne Eternal Fragrance, only about a foot tall, but will be beautiful with a wonderful scent. We have a Jacqueline Postill in the back garden and the scent is gorgeous. If anyone thinks of buying one they like ericaceous compost and our soil is sandy but it’s absolutely gorgeous especially at this time of year and just right for bees etc.

      Whenever we buy for the garden it has to be bee friendly.

      btw thank you all so very much for the congratulations on our wedding anniversary. We are very lucky to have and still love each other. Can’t imagine ginge and cringe lasting even a tenth of that time.

      Anybody see the interview? I think Harry is the lowest of the low. Never thought that he’d be so disrespectful of his own family. He is unspeakable.
      Edit: ginge and cringe. Trash and brash. Flash and crash. There are so many names for them! 😃😃😃

    2. I recently bought some honey with a honeycomb in it. Acacia honey supplied by Hilltop farm in Wales. It is indescribably delicious. The comb itself is like a soft toffee. Tastes even better than Manuka.

      I never used to like honey. Obviously i was buying the wrong stuff.

      1. Funny you should mention that, Philip. I was never a fan of honey until I tried Acacia. I’m never without a supply of it, these days. It is delicious in porridge.

        Another delicious honey is Lime-tree (Linden-tree) honey.

        1. Thanks for the heads-up. I will buy some next time.

          The stuff i had as a child had a chemical or metallic aftertaste which put me off.

          Linden honey

          In the right conditions, the linden is an extremely productive honey tree. A single tree’s blossoms can produce as much as 40 pounds of high-quality honey nectar, with honeybees able to collect nearly a full ounce of nectar from each flower.16 Jan 2020

          Bzzzy Bees.

        2. I cannot find the hard set clover honey any longer which I love, I think it used to come from NZ. I can find clover honey which is thick, but it is not hard set with the fine crust on the top – one would have to really dig into the jar with a spoon to get some honey out. It had a clean, lemony taste on the palate. I think it may well be mixed with corn syrup which is why it is thick, but not set hard.

      2. Most honey, eg Rowse is a blend. Such honeys are mass produced and homogenised. Often the labels state “blend of EU and non-EU honeys”. Don’t buy it. I have carried out extensive research. Much of the non-EU honey may come from China where they dose the bees with antibiotics. Singapore is apparently one of the largest exporters of honey in Asia. They do not have a single beehive. Honey is often faked and corn syrup is sold as honey. I doubt whether much of the honey imported to the UK is actually tested for the presence of pollen which indicates real honey.
        We buy honey from Scottish beekeepers as far as possible. Some of them have the notion that it is worth far more than it is which is the downside, that and their general lack of commercial awareness such as not replying to emails, not keeping lists of customers and contacting them every year, amateur packaging, and high delivery charges.. Sainsbury’s used to sell monofloral honey from small producers in New Zealand at sensible prices, and cheaper than local apiaries. Now they don’t.
        Our local Polish shop sells Polish honey. Seems real and is sensibly priced. There are seasonal offers by Lidl of Polish and Cretan honey. I hope it is real because we stock up.

        1. Get your own hives. Bee-herding isn’t so complicated, and you get real honey as well as doing the local pollination a lot of good.

          1. You can even rent them out to farmers for orchard pollination, and you get to keep the hunny. What’s not to like?

    3. I’ve got about eight different species in flower at the moment (hellebores, crocus, snowdrops – just about – winter jasmine, euphorbia, miniature daffodils, skimmia, primroses and even one rose).

      1. We’re a month behind you here. Our snowdrops (which were hidden under snow for weeks) are now at their peak, along with the winter aconites. I’ve a couple of hellebores coming out but the crocuses are still not showing.

        1. I don’t know what’s happened to my aconites, they seem to have disappeared. I forgot that the celandines are just starting to show as well.

          1. It’s a good month too soon for the celandines (and the wood anemones). We have a beautiful wood, near here, that is carpeted in white with wood anemones every spring, just as similar woods in the UK are carpeted in the blue of bluebells (which we do not have here).

  41. As I understand it, Meg the Peg has said she felt suicidal and had no support. Why didnt she just see her doctor???

    1. As a man I would feel just as suicidal if I were married to Migraine and I suspect that Caroline would certainly want to do away with herself if she were married to a man as stupid as Harry.

    2. If I were feeling like that I certainly would not be broadcasting it to the whole world.

      1. It’s all about Me-again and garnering sympathy. Gathering her forces so she can attack and get away with, anyone she chooses. Typical traits of a ‘Gaslighter’.

    3. Like an ordinary person, you mean? Or, face it down with a half of whisky as reinforcements?

    4. She’s claiming that she felt suicidal because no one helped her. This is a snide attack on her present husband, and a useful

      weapon for the day that he is surplus to requirements.,

  42. Out with the violins!

    We sent out our mailshot to schools a couple of days ago. So far no response.

    We are still hoping to run our courses this summer but we have had to abandon our Easter courses.

    Before Covid our February courses, our Easter courses and our summer courses would be fully booked by now and we would be hoping that the October courses would be full by April,

    Our income this year to date this year is £250. A 1% rise – like that which the NHS workers are spurning – would be very welcome! This £2.50 could buy us a half-bottle of the cheapest plonk but this would only dampen rather than drown our sorrows!

    But we must remind ourselves that we must not whinge or play the victim card – we are not suffering at all like the Sussexes are suffering with only the several millions they have in the bank.

    1. Maybe consider courses in “French for Businessmen”. Travel for business is OK in England I think and training is business. Companies that trade with France need people who speak French.

      1. When I was still working I went to a Careers Convention where British Aerospace (who collaborate with Aerospatiale) had a stall. I asked them what they did about language training. The answer was that if their employees wanted to learn French in their own time they could! It seems the French engineers speak English.

        1. When I worked for a small company that exported, they hired a German tutor for me. I was fortunate to be able to attend weekend classes at the French Institute to brush up my French.

  43. The world is too much with us; late and soon

    Often I find that Shakespeare gets to the heart of what I feel … especially given the crazy wave of wokeness that has been unleashed in the wake of the stolen (landslide) election of last November. The ‘great reset’ and ‘build back better’ and the pandemic has provided a background of mass impoverishment and a huge transfer of wealth from the have not (much) group to the have more-than-they-know-what-to-do-with group (who easily bought the stolen election).

    1. It struck me when I noticed Gordon Elliott (the trainer banned because he sat on a dead horse) said that after the ban he would “build back better”. Either he’s a member of Common Purpose, or it is a phrase which has now become embedded in everyday usage.

  44. This is not just a crisis for the royal family – but for Britain itself. David Olusoga. (David Olusoga OBE.) 9 March 2021.

    Today, despite these denials, millions of people in the US and elsewhere are busy discussing Britain’s very real problems with race and racism, as never before. Yet while headlines around the world focus on the claims that questions were asked within the royal family about the skin colour of a then unborn child, parts of the British media remain committed to another project. Most black people who have worked in one of our big institutions, or stepped into the public eye, are well aware of the fundamental law of racial physics that operates in modern Britain. The terms of this law are simple and universal: they state that a white person or institution accused of racism has suffered far more than a black person who has been the victim of racism.

    They do? When was this law promulgated? Today? How is it calculated? How do you weigh individual emotions and balance them against those of someone else? How do institutions which are non-human and possess neither sentience nor empathy suffer? How did the evils of the monarchy weigh in the balance against your OBE?

    Olusoga was not born in the UK and should never have been allowed residence. He’s an inverted racist who has sucked on the teat of a country that he hates!


    1. His two programs on the BBC “Britain’s forgotten slave owners” were excellent and solved a historical mystery for me. I haven’t seen anything else from him that has been any good.

      1. He told you that it was the African chiefs who sold their own people into slavery and the go between were the Arabs.

        Did he also talk about the Barbary Pirates who regularly raided Cornwall and took and sold whites into slavery?

        1. Not just Cornwall, Alf. They ranged as far as Scotland on both East and West coasts. The reason why the Royal Navy was created.

          Rule Britannia !

        2. White Gold – Giles Milton
          In the summer of 1716, a Cornish cabin boy named Thomas Pellow and fifty-one of his comrades were captured at sea by the Barbary corsairs. Their captors–Ali Hakem and his network of Islamic slave traders–had declared war on the whole of Christendom. France, Spain, England and Italy had suffered a series of devastating attacks. Thousands of Europeans had been snatched from their homes and taken in chains to the great slave markets of Algiers, Tunis and Salé in Morocco.

          Pellow and his shipmates were bought by the tyrannical sultan of Morocco, Moulay Ismail, who was constructing an imperial palace of such scale and grandeur that it would surpass every other building in the world, a palace built entirely by Christian slave labor.

      2. I saw some of it and realised the programme was based on false monetary values he put on compensation payments to slave owners.
        One owner (with his mother’s surname) in Jamaica, was compensated £302, which he said equated to a quarter of a million pounds. In fact, £302 in 1832 equates to £34,000 in today’s terms. He’s out by a factor of more than 7. The episode was made in 2015 and the error factor then was 9. That was enough to make me think he’s a twat and I stopped watching.

        1. Yes, but the distribution of ownership was the interesting point. I had always assumed that the plantations owned their own slaves, which would have meant they were largely owned by the aristocracy; that made the abolition of slavery completely incomprehensible, the aristocracy are remarkably bone headed. The fact that ownership was in fact largely vested in the middle classes with plantations renting their slaves resolved that conundrum. It also helps to explain why Jamaica was so brutally cruel. That and drinking rum out of pewter cups.

          1. Did it not occur to you that the number of aristocrats in the Americas was tiny and that the principal owners were mainly middle class farmers “made good”?

          2. Not many owners would have wanted to live in Jamaica, a pestilent disease ridden hellhole.

          3. There certainly would have been an horrendous mix of Old World and New World diseases.

      3. If you start out from a negative premise, as Olusoga always has, there is nowhere else to go.

    2. He was one of the three stooges on R4 this morning which made me fume. They all made it sound as though the whole country went out in the morning with the prime purpose of upsetting blacks. Strange how they never return to their country of ancestry where life is good, if you have money.

    3. 330108+ up ticks,
      Afternoon AS,
      The Dover campaign is a magnet in regards to England / UK and puts the racism charge to rest, who in their right mind would struggle so to enter a burning building.

  45. I had a bit of spare time today so I thought I would brush up on my racism lectures – trouble is I couldn’t find anything in the news.

    Any got a link they can share? I really am struggling to find something.

  46. I think i will have to adjust my pain medication. Last night i was supposed to make three phone calls. I forgot. I didn’t forget to go on Amazon and buy lots of stuff i don’t need though.

    Codeine is a great leveller but it makes me dozy. ***(dozier). :@(

      1. It does have that effect but i am also supposed to be drinking 3 liters of water a day so it somewhat mitigates it.

          1. I’m not being admitted yet. CT scan first in a mobile unit 18th March then the Consultant will make a diagnosis.

            Leg and foot still pains me but not enough to stop me from sleeping. Thank goodness. It was horrible being kept awake most of the night.

  47. BREAKING NEWS: Meghan Markle has been offered the role of a Trans Jesus Christ.

    She’s gonna get crucified !

    1. Meghan Markle would be a shoo-in for the role of Diana in a film about her showy life and tribulations. Meghan has clearly imitated Diana even adopting several identical outfits, the green one with a cap, the black one with a wide rim and wearing a red poppy, the white head shawl.

      I am just waiting for her to march across a field of defused land mines or to sit lonely on the white marble bench beside the Taj Majal.

      How the hell did that awful wedding cost £32 million?

      Corrected ‘shoo-in’.

      1. Diana isn’t the only one she has been imitating. Wallis Simpson with the dress and Cartier bangle and Sarah Fergusson in deportment. All bad apples.

        And then she has the Chutzpah to say she didn’t google Harry or the Royal Family. Liar!

        How are things working out with the O’Keefe’s?

        1. Interesting. I see that the dress she wore at the Oprah, black with pigeon dropping splatting on one side is almost identical to one worn by Wallis Simpson as is that hairstyle with a parting down the middle.

          I think Meghan Markle is obsessed with Royalty despite her claims otherwise.

          The rash has quietened down. I reckon it was an allergic reaction to the flu jab. The O’Keefes has helped enormously. I also use Sudocrem on the psoriatic bits on my legs and Aloe Vera cream on my neck. I still have what appears to be slight bruising where the worst concentrations occurred.

          Glad to see that you are getting sorted.

          1. There has been some improvement. CT scan coming up and then i will know what is going on.

            Glad the O’Keefe’s is a help.

        2. Interesting. I see that the dress she wore at the Oprah, black with pigeon dropping splatting on one side is almost identical to one worn by Wallis Simpson as is that hairstyle with a parting down the middle.

          I think Meghan Markle is obsessed with Royalty despite her claims otherwise.

          The rash has quietened down. I reckon it was an allergic reaction to the flu jab. The O’Keefes has helped enormously. I also use Sudocrem on the psoriatic bits on my legs and Aloe Vera cream on my neck. I still have what appears to be slight bruising where the worst concentrations occurred.

          Glad to see that you are getting sorted.

  48. March 9th 1904

    My dear old Mum would be 117 years old today if she were still alive.

    Happy Birthday, Mum, wherever you are!

    (Does any Nottler have a mother born before Eileen Mary Tracey (née Bowen-Cooke) was born in 1904 in Crewe, the youngest daughter of the railway engineer and steam locomotive designer Charles Bowen-Cooke?)

    1. My Mama, Margaret, Elizabeth Barrett, born 8th February 1903 at Iver, Bucks, died March 10th 1980.
      My Papa, Kenneth William Hunn, born 11th July 1895, at Highbury, London, died 18th September 1955.

      Ah, memories – more information in my autobiography – 1944 to 2014 on Kindle as Not A Bad Life.

      The sequel, Passing Three Score Years and Ten is still being written and may have to be published posthumously.

      1. Hurry up the scribe, Tom.
        I enjoyed Vol 1, look forward to Vol 2 and would like to express my enjoyment to the author!

        1. Thank you so much for that endorsement, Paul but, as I’ve said, Vol 2 may have to published posthumously and I have no current intention of hastening my demise.

          I enjoy life and, at last, being with a woman who I really love and, most important, loves me, warts and all.

          1. Important to have a good and kind person to love, and be loved by, Tom.
            I used a whole lifetime of luck (and am overdrawn from future existence) when SWMBO agreed to marry me – over 40 years ago.

    2. My father was born in 1905, my mother was born in 1908. My four grandparents were born in (I can’t believe I am writing this) 1870, 1871 and two in 1872. All but one had died before I was born. I just ‘made contact’ with my paternal grandfather who died when I was three. I remember feeling very sad when it was explained to me that I would not see him again.

      1. One of my sadnesses is that my lovely wife and sons never knew my father who was born in 1898 and died at the age of nearly 86 in 1984. I met Caroline in 1986, we married in 1988, Christo was born in 1993 and Henry in 1995.

        Three of my grandparents died before I was born.

    1. Woke whingeing tosspots never realise that, with modern technology, the lie can very quickly be given to their comments, tweets, blogs etc.

      1. That’s because they are as intellectually challenged as porcine excrement.

      1. Any country that can elect Justin Trudeau as Prime Minister would deserve exactly that.

  49. Why do they keep on and on about racism .
    We are a predominantly white country and have only really been overwhelmed with the arrival of a huge volume of dark population shift in the past forty years .

    Why can’t we tell woke types to shut up .

    Why are they trying culturally wipe us out .

    Why do we have to put up with all this nonsense , do the powers that be think that if we protest , that we will be slaughtered by those who hate us and who want to bring us down .

    If our Royal family are vilified and eventually fade away , and democracy and fairness vanish , we all know that church leadership is non existent .. we should be feeling very worried… because our so called best pal , the USA will probably hold us to account and make life very difficult .

    I feel so scared that we may be due for a very nasty shock .

    1. “Why are they trying culturally wipe us out ?”

      Because the greedy, idle scabs want what we have spent generations building – but without lifting a finger.

    2. Welby needs a roasting – preferably at the stake.

      Of course there is a precedent in that Archbishop Cranmer was executed in this way on 21st. March 1556. We should celebrate the 465th anniversary in just 12 days time with an authentic re-enactment.

    3. 330108+ up ticks,
      Afternoon TB,
      Not ALL imams are as frightening as current lab/lib/con voters, once shortly, the initial take over is complete.

      1. 330108+ up ticks,
        If you survived lagos on a saturday night you can face up to anything.

        1. No, not really but I was present in the Suez crisis as a child and one of many evacuated and I remember the gunfire and people who turned against the Brits out there , people who were our nannies, people who tended our gardens , and cooked delicious birthday cakes and surprised us with lovely iced treats .. turned viciously against us all , trashed our belongings and took our dogs , captured our fathers and made life very very difficult .

          I was also in Nigeria and the Sudan , and I have seen build ups to Independence .. the chanting mobs with long pangas and sticks , the change in attitude is like a cloud covering the sun .. and one realises that no one with a white skin is welcome .. people who grinned and smiled and teased gently and taught me Arabic .. just altered .

          Sorry oh , but I know how people change , and what happens violently and very quickly .

          1. Hello Sue , Moh and I had a fretful restless night. We spoke to him this morning and he said he felt alot better and assumed it was all to do with muscle cramp in both legs , and probably a bit dehydrated after exercise.

            He is too worried about hospitals and the possibility of catching Covid!

            I thought the very worst , as Mums do. Cross fingers , hope that never happens again .

          2. Hi Plum

            Yes I read your post, had to search for it ‘cos you are private .. Wow , what a terrible scare , weren’t you lucky in the long run .

          3. Civil war in Nigeria was interesting.
            Massive riots on the University campus, all the local staff ran away, including the Vice Chancellor. My Father, the Deputy-VC, faced down the local army chief who wanted to come onto the campus and shoot the students.
            I recall flying home to the UK, through Lagos. Hours sitting in the aeroplane (the Nigeria Airways VC-10), filled with fuel for the flight to London, whilst the Army and their armoured cars fought the rebels on the airport, and we sat there nervously…

          4. Apart from Germans bombing us and sending V1s and V2s – which landed close – I had a quiet War…

          5. 330108+up ticks,
            Evening TB,
            We had messages written in red paint ( I think it was paint) on wood left in the tea hut on a cement works project in Uganda,

            black on black, I was down the police station to get my Ghanaian
            driver back via dash monies, Ikeja, Nigeria, taken off the road by
            the ……police,

            The same is happening here in different forms as seen clearly these last couple decades, hardly concealed blackmail plays a big part in the UK.


          6. I am certain we could all write a book about certain things.

            I can remember the daily early TV prog in Port Harcourt that televised live executions in the midlate 1970s when Moh was flying the line for Shell out there , and Benny Hill progs.

            Hausa and Cross river Ibo hated each other , not forgetting the disorder with all the other tribes ..

            Just seen too many skirmishes all over the place , and no wonder I feel the way I feel .

    4. I notice nobody goes round saying Nigeria is “hideously black” or complaining that not enough white people are employed by the Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation. Wonder why that is?

      1. I’m often tempted to ask at work why they believe it’s rational to demand that 15% of the population have 50% on screen representation on account of them not having had it 60 years ago because most of them weren’t actually here then anyway. I expect it would be met with some garbage about empire.

    5. I am tired of the use of the term “racist” to shut down debate. Facts are not racist. The indigenous peoples of these islands are white. The indigenous peoples of Africa are black, or at least dark brown. Those who decry white people going to Africa don’t seem to agree that the same comments could be made about Africans (and other non-indigenous) coming to the UK.

    1. “I knew there was a problem when my sister-in-law sent Archie a golliwog instead of a teddy-bear.”

  50. Will Welby tell all about that ‘secret wedding’ in the ‘back yard’? It is, as I understand it, illegal to have a wedding in the garden in the UK, this is not the US, and any wedding needs two witnesses. That would make the big splashy wedding on the Saturday null and void if it turned out the secret wedding was under cover and had two witnesses. One cannot get married twice without having first divorced, even if it is to the same person. Will Welby step up to the plate? She has really dropped him in it with her tawdry romantic imaginings. Or will he stay silent? He stayed silent over the Archie Christening that he was supposed to have performed when he was actually 300 miles away at that time at the Synod in York.

    1. I wonder if that’s behind his ‘sabbatical’ (?). I think he’s retreating from the world for six months.
      Perhaps he knew this was coming up and by the autumn he hopes it will have blown over.

      1. It could well be. I thought that was odd when I read about it. His answers to these questions would then point the way on how to view the remainder of the interview. It seems, so the story went, they simply phoned up the archbish on the spur of the moment, that morning, and he just popped round (popped round where?) to do the biz. The kindest thing I can say is that she lives some sort of imaginary life in her head for the benefit of her fans. I do not think there is an Archie, at least not in the way she wants us to think there is. The pregnancy was almost 11 months !!! The bump kept dramatically changing size and she nearly lost it at Birkenhead.

        1. Hi pm. I’ve been thinking about this huge anomaly on and off all day. I can’t help but think that she is a delusional fantasist. Nothing she has said or done seems to be rational. People keep saying she’s smart and buttoned-up, but all I have ever seen from her is a spoilt, petulant brat completely out of her depth. She didn’t do her homework and has fallen in to her own trap.

          1. She doesn’t think things through and she is not hot on detail and that is what catches her out. And like all people who tell untruths, she cannot remember her lies so her inconsistency shows through.

        2. Given the way she inexpertly carts the sprog around like a sack of potatoes, I think, to put it tactfully, he is used as stage prop and rarely sees her at any other time.

          1. I have heard she used a Reborn doll in the early days and that she rented a child when visiting S Africa for the visit to the archbishop there. A surrogate was used for the pregnancy hence it was longer than usual – her big mistake being to announce it at Eugenie’s wedding, her overwhelming sense of entitlement required the attention to be on her. All this of course increases the mystery, is it Harry’s child or not? The notice of his arrival outside Buckingham Palace was very different from that of previous royal birth announcements. I am not usually a royal watcher but I sensed there was something very off right from the word go, so I decided all this needed a beady eye kept upon it.

          2. Perhaps there was some woman nursing a slightly darker child than she expected and there was a mix-up

          3. Is the child an African albino that they have saved from being used for medicinal ingredients?
            After all, they are a very caring couple.

  51. Mike Pompeo recently said that the world is watching Biden: “You’ll see. When the United States exhibits weakness it creates real risk for our soldiers,
    sailors, airmen, and marines all across the world. And weakness begets wars. And strength determines whether an adversary is going to be deterred or whether our allies really want to toss in with us when times get difficult.”

    However, the White House announced yesterday, which happened to be International Women’s Day, that the US military is focusing on suitable clothing and hairstyles for women in the military, including “maternity flight suits” for pregnant women. “Because it’s important that pregnant women are able to drop into enemy territory during wartime.”

    Biden made the statement right before he forgot where he was and the name of the general standing behind him.

    This lapse of rational leadership would be very funny in a comedy video, but it is getting very serious – and Joe has only been ‘POTUS’ for six weeks!

    1. Plus he didn’t know who his Defence Secretary was or the name of the 5-sided building they work in down the road. No wonder he has yet to do a full press conference or give an address to Congress/the nation as all new US presidents do.

  52. When Donald Trump was complaining about the stolen election the mainstream media kept parroting that there was no evidence, every bit of evidence he put up it was labelled as fake news or just ignored completely, so why are the rules different with Meghan and Harry, why aren’t they asking Meghan for evidence, why are they just happy to roll with hearsay and repeat it 24/7 as the gospel truth and then kick off a witch hunt ?

      1. If Vernon is right is life going to be worth living for those of us survivors that do not have the vaxx?

        1. Err…. what does Vernon say? That those not vaxxed will be the last ones standing? Or we will be marooned inside our homes eating grass and leaves?

          1. Apologies if you have been before and I did not recollect, but welcome to a new poster.
            Enjoy Nottle.

          2. Vernon is critical of the Queen and Prince Philip promoting vaccinations for Covid and suggesting that those declining the jabs are placing others in harms way.

            I agree with him simply because the Queen and Prince Philip have no medical knowledge and should not spout the same propaganda as possibly the most incompetent government and medical advisors in our history.

            Vernon recognises that many accepting vaccinations and other injections will die as a result. I have to agree with him given what we already know and the latest evidence about the Pfizer jabs from Israel.

          3. I agree, HM and Prince Philip should not have been encouraged nor allowed to venture into the vaccine arena. If they did indeed have the vaccination, how are we to know it is identical to the one offered to the public? The Queen’s natural instinct is towards reticence, I am sure she was persuaded to go public by Johnson being pressurised by Hancock. She certainly should not have suggested those declining the jabs are putting others in harm’s way; from what I have been reading it is possible the reverse may be true in that the virus may create a disaster virus in the vaccinated as it does not prevent them from catching it nor passing it on to the unvaccinated. Or other vaccinated persons.

            The Queen would have been well advised to steer clear rather than giving the experimental, largely untested, vaccines the Royal seal of approval.

          4. I think that our poor dear Queen took her eye of the ball with all this horrible business with the Mongrel Migraine. She should never have let Boris Johnson bully her into endorsing the vaccine.

        1. Not sure. What is her shoe size?

          Edit: Carol says Dolly has previously admitted to breast enlargements.

          Dolly is quoted as saying: “It took a lot of money to look as cheap as this.”

    1. I await news that YouTube has banned the Oprah video because those espousing said allegations cannot back them up with any proof. God help them if they ask Bryony Gordon to come along as a witness.

  53. Thought for the day.

    If everyone on the planet was asked to name the three Heads of State that they most admire, I strongly suspect that HM the Queen would feature more than any other, probably by a significant factor.

    I think and hope that Markle and the poodle have bitten off a lot more than they can chew.

      1. I think that that narcissistic individual doesn’t have a clue, and would quite happily return, to shed crocodile tears at the DoE’s and the Queen’s funerals.

        “Supporting” Harry.

        1. If she doesn’t realise it now, I’m sure someone will have a quiet word with her warning her not to come back to Britain. But I am of the opinion that this was her intention right from the moment she decided to move back to California (if not before).

          1. She had no intention of settling here.
            She is about to produce her extra insurance cover. Once it’s arrived, Ginge is on notice.

        2. If she doesn’t realise it now, I’m sure someone will have a quiet word with her warning her not to come back to Britain. But I am of the opinion that this was her intention right from the moment she decided to move back to California (if not before).

        3. I don’t think there is a chance that the tramp will ever return to the UK. She’ll use the sprogs security as her excuse.

          1. I disagree.
            If the tramp thinks her profile is dropping, the UK will be her first port of call.

            On the basis that all publicity is good publicity.

          2. She is only interested in her profile in the USA. She would be in for a rough time if she sets foot here – unless the streets are lined with woke 18 year olds cheering her. Which is, of course, a possibility.

    1. My thought on the question of the colour of Archie’s skin is that he is whiter than Harry, almost an albino and thankfully not ginger even.

      It is strange how those bleating on and identifying as black when they are Caramel colour at best are found out as in this ‘Royal’ instance. Give it a few years and a descendant will likely produce an approvingly chocolate coloured baby.

      The whole colour thing is nonsense. The Sussexes should be privately promoting the wellbeing of their offspring devoid of publicity. The children need to be allowed to grow independently of parental ambition.

      I doubt these two idiots have ever seen a real black person, the colour of lignite.

    2. Is Cringe following in Saintess Di’s footsteps

      Never mind (who is) the father, feel the wallet

    3. Apparently Palace insiders refer to him as ‘The Hostage’.

      And although I abhor everything he is doing, the guy is sitting on a downward spiral. It will be interesting to see how long it takes him to bite the bullet and get off. Because he will.

      If she doesn’t push him off first.

      1. Were it not for the way he has treated HM the Queen I would feel sorry for him.

        Now? To Hell with him.

  54. That’s me gone for the day. I see Buck House has issued a measured statement. Let’s hope they leave it at that – given that Brash and Trash (to avoid publicity) are bound to respond.

    Trevor the painter did his stuff and finished two small rooms. Two more starting tomorrow. He is one of those tradesmen that it is a delight to employ. Silent; very skilled; meticulously clean worker.

    Have a jolly evening.

    A demain

    1. If they had to make a response, that was about as good as it gets.
      Short, sharp and clear.

      “We won’t wash our dirty laundry in public, it’s a pity you felt it necessary.

  55. Big news in the Telegraph – Angus Steakhouse may be about to go under!

    Given (if I recall correctly) the number of times I read in newspapers over the years about many of their establishments not being up to scratch, both from a hygiene and food quality perspective, and remembering never seeing many customers inside when I passed them, it’s a blimmin’ miracle that they survived this long.

    Perhaps a good number other ‘eateries’ of the same calibre adorning our high streets and retail/leisure parks could go the same way.

    1. In all the years we’ve been visiting London, I don’t think we’ve ever seen diners in an Angus Steakhouse.
      Many other chains – like Frankie and Benny’s – have either gone or are in deep trouble.

      1. You probably walked passed the same ones as me (Oxford Street and surrounds). F&B are rather hit and miss in my experience – I found some to be fine, others poor. Another one that opened in my parents’ home lasted all of 18 months before closing. I suppose that’s the vaguaries of the franchise business model.

        I’ve mainly found the Bella Italias to be fine, though about a couple of years ago they started to scrimp on the portions. Hopefully if things properly open up, some real independent (quality but not expensive) restaurants can fill the void.

        I think many rely too heavily on ‘easy marks’ – i.e. customers from nearby shopping centres, cinemas and theatres, but a combination of not keeping the quality of food/service up and more people using the interweb for shopping and entertainment (even before the pandemic) meant that there was always going to be a purge of many ‘branded’ restaurant chains.

        I suspect that when the government assistance is finally wound down, we’ll get a flurry of bankruptcies and the like. The same will go across the service and entertainment sector – in my view, at least one of the nationwide cinema chains will go under within the next year.

        1. I just hope that Miller and Carter survive. For a chain, best steaks ever.

          1. The best fillet steak I had in England was at Valchera’s in Richmond on Thames, near the railway station. That was in 1974/5.

            After that the Tate Gallery Restaurant came closest during the seventies. Then the White Horse in Stoke by Nayland, run for a time by ex employees of the Roux Brothers, did a wonderful Steak Tartare.

            In France at credible establishments I order my steak ‘blue’ to be on the safe side.

            Over the past ten or so years I have designed commercial kitchens for Middletons Steak House in Leicester, Peterborough and Chelmsford and worked on their other establishments in Colchester, Cambridge and Norwich.

            They offer very affordable good quality steaks from a single source in all venues.

      2. You probably walked passed the same ones as me (Oxford Street and surrounds). F&B are rather hit and miss in my experience – I found some to be fine, others poor. Another one that opened in my parents’ home lasted all of 18 months before closing. I suppose that’s the vaguaries of the franchise business model.

        I’ve mainly found the Bella Italias to be fine, though about a couple of years ago they started to scrimp on the portions. Hopefully if things properly open up, some real independent (quality but not expensive) restaurants can fill the void.

        I think many rely too heavily on ‘easy marks’ – i.e. customers from nearby shopping centres, cinemas and theatres, but a combination of not keeping the quality of food/service up and more people using the interweb for shopping and entertainment (even before the pandemic) meant that there was always going to be a purge of many ‘branded’ restaurant chains.

        I suspect that when the government assistance is finally wound down, we’ll get a flurry of bankruptcies and the like. The same will go across the service and entertainment sector – in my view, at least one of the nationwide cinema chains will go under within the next year.

    1. It’s fleece was black as soot,
      and everywhere that Mary went
      it’s sooty foot it put.

      1. It’s only a question of time until we can identify as:

        Mary had a little sheep
        With it she always used to sleep.
        The sheep turned out to be a ram,
        Now Mary has a little lamb.

          1. Thank you Belle. I drove my car for the first time since the op today! Didn’t hit anything so that was a bonus! Went to the Kelpies with a friend and walked a mile or so along the canal! It was wonderful to be independent and, although I had my stick, it’s just for confidence! How is your son? Michael is it?

          2. Keep carrying the stick for a while after you don’t need it. It can’t do any harm and it might do some good.

            It warns others to steer clear.

            My wife always advised patients to carry one, even if they felt they didn’t need it, until they were totally confident.

          3. The only time I feel a bit dubious is coming down our spiral staircase but I did want to take it today!

          4. It doesn’t do any harm.

            When I had my hip done and my knee done I carried a stick long after it was needed. It ensured that people kept a slight distance and were less likely to jostle in queues. And more important, it meant cyclists gave me a slightly wider berth.

          5. Thank you Belle. I drove my car for the first time since the op today! Didn’t hit anything so that was a bonus! Went to the Kelpies with a friend and walked a mile or so along the canal! It was wonderful to be independent and, although I had my stick, it’s just for confidence! How is your son? Michael is it?

      1. The local parc has a few sheep.

        Mostly black, and one black ram, but one white sheep produced a lamb first and it is probably twice as large as the other lambs.

    1. I see Morgan has quit or been fired over something he said. Haven’t watched any of it all.

      1. He said he didn’t believe a word of Markle’s interview. And so say all of us.

        1. I find it so difficult to believe that anyone would have believed a word she said .

          They are both mad and bad , and probably take drugs .. Harry looked spaced out .

          1. All kinds of people are pretending to believe it just to push the BLM agenda forwards, I think.
            All these years of life experience, and we still get sad when the bad guys come out on top.

          2. All kinds of people are pretending to believe it just to push the BLM agenda forwards, I think.
            All these years of life experience, and we still get sad when the bad guys come out on top.

  56. I’ll have a whinge before I get back to my bargello work.
    Everything is so bloody complicated and time wasting.
    MB needed a couple of hinges for a shed door; our nearest DIY shed looked like a soviet era supermarket. No hinges, and a queue of masked zombies trying to pay for what was available. I bought a pot of mini-daffs for elderly chum’s birthday; I had to step away from the bloody pot while the assistant zapped the bar code. Hinges have now been ordered on the interwebby. (This is the second visit to a sparse Homebase; given that one Colchester branch has closed, I wonder if there are serious troubles in the firm.)
    Granddaughter will be 17 this month. Her father and I are sorting out information on insurance cover so she can get the feel of driving until actual lessons start again. Thank goodness for Ryan Insurance who can come up with facts and understood how the uncertainty is making how difficult it is to give facts when we have no idea of what the hull our government is doing.
    An afternoon wasted on two small facets of life.

    1. Toolstation, Unit 3, Smeaton Close, Severalls Industrial Estate, Colchester, CO4 9QY ? Not perfect, but helpful and they used to offer free hot beverages until the Chinese virus arrived.

      1. Why would anyone order Chinese virus if it meant waiting? Do they not deliver?

        1. I will not deal with any organisation that won’t take cash. Tell them to get lost.

      2. It’s the other side of town from us and many of those companies only take orders for collection, not for the casual popper inner.
        It sounds whimpish, but we’d had enough; so we went home and I ordered online. While this nonsense continues, it’ something we’re doing a lot.

    2. Hinges (and loads of other stuff) probably now subject to import scrutiny/duty, so preventing ‘free movement of goods’. Isn’t the EU a fabulous entity?

    3. Our son got insurance for our 17 year old grandson for about £200 as a learner. It will zoom up when he passes his test and can drive solo.

  57. Seems that Piers Morgan has quit from Good Morning Britain due to complaints.
    It’s only allowed to hold a positive opinion about whining snowflakes, it seems.

    1. As I posted below the twitter link to his resignation ..

      “Born and bread in Uk and it is not my country anymore ! Piers had the guts to say what a lot was thinking but are scared to upset the woke nation we have become”

    2. He fell out with a person of colour this morning and walked off the set!

    3. Whatever one may think of Piers Morgan (and I make no comment) he is entitled to his (usually informed) opinions. He has expressed his views on Markle in a forthright, unambiguous manner and I applaud him for that.

      Others are entitled to disagree, and that’s fine. But disagreeing with him is no reason to call for his sacking. In fact that’s ridiculous, ultimately it will make him stronger. Perhaps he’ll team up with Laurence Fox…. ;@)

          1. Sorry Mr Beans! Have just done what I hate others doing! It’s Toby Young and he set up the Free Speech Union to stand up to people being cancelled, no platformed and, in some cases, sacked for speaking the “wrong” words

          2. Thanks Sue. Clearly I’m not up to speed on these things. Perhaps I should move back to England?

          3. I’m sure you’d be welcomed back! It may seem a bit foreign at first but it’s fine…

          4. It was most encouraging to find that last summer, when we were still able to run our French courses, a Sixth Former at Winchester who came to us was a keen supporter of Toby Young’s Free Speech Union.

            Maybe young Wykehamists are a cut above Old Etonians such as Boris Johnson, Jacob Rees Mogg and David Cameron and Old Paulines such as Gideon Osborne.

  58. Something terribly shocking has happened, and I find myself really quite distressed.

    I have read Piers Morgan’s remarks on GMB about Meeeagain and find myself in agreement with him. I am agreeing with Piers Morgan? How low can a man sink?

      1. I’ll be interested to see if he replies. I suspect that you may have been blocked.
        RTD doesn’t appreciate anyone who dissents from his world view.

        1. How sad.

          Edit: I think we have crossed swords previously and most recently over the England Wales Rugby game where I opined that the French referee was biased. The wretched Frog referee blew the whistle frequently, penalising England for the most minor infringements, so as to disrupt the game and favour Wales. What else to expect from a French referee as we have all seen it before.

          The French, the best team of the tournament, will in any event defeat the Welsh without the assistance of a bent French referee.

          Rugby as far as I know was a game invented in England just as was Cricket. Quite why Dodger took exception to my reference to English Rugby will remain a total mystery to me.

    1. Listen baldy, I don’t comment on the weather, just you keep your woke opinions out of the issues of the day.

    2. Piers…Do you know anything about meteorology?

      Piers…Jeremy Paxman was right.

      Alex…Yeah but no but ……………

      Fucking twonk !

        1. Still doing it. In between the Dry Martini’s. I now have to take piss bottle to bed because walking at 2am, 2.30 am and 3am is making my feet hurt.

          1. Get some barley squeezings and hops in it, and it’s difficult to stop at “only” 3 litres.
            It’s available in all kinds of flavour variants, too.

      1. I used to go out with a red head, no hair, just a red head.
        Funny girl, just had one boob, right in the middle of her back.
        Terrible to look at but great to dance with!😂😂

      1. My comment was not for HM, Conway, who has been stalwart throughout. It was for the miscreants.

        1. I didn’t mean to imply it was; I just feel sorry for HM that she has to put up with this pair and their shenanigans. She’s spent her whole life carrying out her duties without complaint.

      2. Our elderly Queen, who has spent a long lifetime of duty and service to our Nation, certainly doesn’t deserve to be subjected to unsubstantiated slurs and accusations, made by her grandson. Harry should be deeply ashamed of himself…………. always supposing that he is, in fact, her grandson.

        Harry should treat his father with more respect too …….. that is, assuming that Prince Charles is his father.

        1. On the bright side the Family will be far better off without those two very nasty, sadistic and bullying monsters.

          Bugger the title of Duke of Sussex – Harry deserves to be stripped of all his military medals which probably meant far more to him before he became sub-human.

      3. Nobody deserves this treatment, it’s a despicable way to treat your own family.

        According to the Daily Express cringe says the Palace removed her passport, driving licence and keys. What a lot of tosh. If she didn’t have her passport how did she get into USA for her “baby shower?”.

        It seems the Queen has made a very measured response, as I expected, the last thing we need is a public “discussion” between the two sides. And it serves them right if their titles have been dropped without fanfare. They wanted out of the RF, then that’s the consequence.

        1. I think when you’re younger, you’re more resilient. Now, after a lifetime’s service, she doesn’t deserve such ingratitude, particularly when the Duke is unwell.

    1. “It seems as though the titles may have gone …”

      It is not at all clear, ppm; removal of the titles would be drastic – and probably irrecoverable ?

      1. The RF has been known to play hardball in the past. Harry will always be Prince under the 1917 act, so taking away the Sussex title just leaves Meeeagain without a title, which seems appropriate to me. She has sought to do as much damage as possible, so why should she enjoy any form of royal patronage?

          1. Too soon I would have thought. If they do it, I think they will let this all calm down, and then some months hence very quietly formally remove them. If the Queen feels they are no longer appropriate, as well she might, she might just avoid using them except when protocol requires it. The Palace doesn’t do ‘rash’.

      2. This may well be the case, and isn’t Parliament involved at some point in this procedure ultimately.

  59. I am not a fan of Piers Morgan but he does not merit the sacking he has received for thinking and saying what most of us think.

    1. Sadly, unless you are a member of the vociferous twateati, your voice will not be heard. Corporations are terrified of the baying crowd.

      1. And how do the Wokists get away with having people who disagree with them no-platformed?

        No wonder Johnson and Gove agreed to a very bad Brexit deal!

    2. He doesn’t need it, he has lots of income. He has nearly walked in the past and I think that the attempt by his CEO to hang him out to dry made up his mind.

      As part of that, Holly Willoughby has parked herself firmly in the ‘Meeagain for Queen’ camp. Cute but none too bright evidently.

    1. I think I asked this question earlier in the day on here. The only possible motive is to cause damage to the Monarchy for not allowing sparkles to be gobby and woke on the royal platform.

    1. Hopefully. I cant turn the radio on these days to get back to sleep as the small hours of R4 are full of sparkles/ wimmin/ blacks/ trannies ……. et al

      1. Good morning.
        03:23 & Béla Bartók’s Suite for Two Pianos, Op 4b is on at the moment.

  60. Another early good morning to my fellow insomniacs.
    After tossing & turning for 2 hours, I’ve come down stairs for an hour or so.

    I see the DT has graciously allowed comments on the letters page.
    How kind and generous of them to allow the people who pay the their rag to have a say!

    Two comments:-

    Robert Spowart
    10 Mar 2021 3:30AM
    Staggers back in amazement! The Daily Telegraph is actually allowing comments on it’s letters page after deleting them all yesterday.

    Will they allow this to post and, if they do, how long before it gets deleted?

    Edit () DeleteLikeReply

    Pauline Coleman
    10 Mar 2021 3:33AM
    @Robert Spowart
    Not long I’m afraid. You have to be a night owl to post anything. Telegraph are not keen on you supporting the monarchy. Apparently it implies racism.

    1. I had a health scare tonight, feeling very wobbly after a nightmare and numb toes and constant going to the loo. The BBC doesn’t help – I turn off whenever they use the word “women”, which is most of the time. How I miss John Peel and his 3am world music sessions, and ‘From Our Own Correspondent’ in the days when it wasn’t all about women. In the Bush House days, they actually employed people who could say lots of things about foreigners that wasn’t all about women, race and gay rights.

      The NHS is primarily a milch cow for corporations to make billions from
      public borrowing, and patients just get in the way. They have three
      times as many administrators in my local surgery than doctors now, and
      the doctors only work part-time. Of course, I am no longer allowed by the NHS to see a doctor – coronavirus, you know. I can book in a telephone consultation, but really they’re only good for something tangible like a septic finger I can send in a photograph of. 111 says I can always go to the A&E death trap ten miles away, but I will have to pay to park my car or book a taxi. Private operators say it is not company policy to treat anything not covered by the NHS, and I’d best ring 111. They’re happy to take my money though, if I sign up to a package deal with easy monthly terms.

      I have lived alone for 30 years, with just my elderly mother who rings up every day. Mention anything to her and I get “well I get it too, you know”. Sometimes, it’s just overwhelming and I go into hibernation mode. I usually feel pretty sick after eating anything, but that’s normal. I should eat less, or preferably nothing at all to get the weight down. Post viral fatigue makes me feel pretty rotten a day after exercise, but I am trying to do a bit more in the garden, because there is so much to do in between daytime naps.

      Just a part of getting old, I suppose. Stiff upper lip! We’re all in it together, I believe.

      1. That does not sound good.
        If you’re prepared to risk the C-19 Wuhan Virus, it might be an idea to dial 999 and exaggerate the symptoms to get an ambulance.

        1. It’s tempting, but usually this just means sitting in Triage for a minimum six hours alongside a lot of sick, spluttering people. I’d rather lie in my own bed and moan at nottlers! There’s no room for anything medical, since they have to pay the PFI contract after they sold off the old hospital sites to developers.

          I have a glass of Malvern water from the hills beside me, which usually makes me feel better. It was good enough for Darwin, and even the Queen drank it until Coca-Cola knocked down the bottling plant to sell the site off to developers.

          Some U.S. quack site that keeps emailing me said though that drinking water at night was one of four things that could do me real harm, but wouldn’t go into any more details until I agreed to their terms and conditions.

          My goodness, I am feeling grumpy this morning!

      2. Morning Jeremy. Is your urine dark? Are you thirsty? “Constant going to the loo..” sounds like dehydration.. Could be diabetes! Check blood sugar levels to be sure.

      3. Oh dear Jeremy I feel very sorry for you. Work in the garden is a great fillip to the soul, as I found yesterday, clearing just a small area of millions of grape hyacinths. They’ve taken over a little herbaceous bed in the front of the house. It takes your mind off everything. And, on the bright side, it gives you back ache! No, no – just joking! 🌸🌸🌸. KBO as they say and it does sound as if you may be dehydrated. Much sympathy to you.

  61. This is becoming a bad habit,went for an hours nap at 3 and woke up at midnight…….
    Bored of reading,TV is a joke…….what to do??
    Batch cooking,Pork Dhansak and Thai Green Curry,just scoffed a portion of the Thai washed down with a Jail Ale
    Does that count as supper or breakfast????
    ‘Morning BoB

    1. Good morning, Sir.
      Here’s another very good BTL Comment from DT Letters:-

      Clarissa Reilly
      10 Mar 2021 1:10AM
      The Duke of Sussex’ awkwardness during the interview was palpable. Apparently over an hour of footage remains on the cutting room floor (Oprah may produce it to torture us in the future in dribs and drabs). I’m so hoping it contains more footage of Harry complaining at further length about the tabloids, which ongoing hatred of his I like to think he naively imagined would be the theme of the interview.

      The edit instead produced a spectacular action-packed hatchet job by his wife on his entire family; Harry choosing only his father as a target. Oprah having gone for just the juicy bits. As a media professional perhaps full frontal attacks on the press might not be her thing, and she preferred just the soap opera and score settling.

      The finished television product may have taken the Duke aback; an hour or so before it aired in the US, a statement from “a source close to” the Prince was released, in which Harry declared he would make it a priority to return to fufill engagements this summer; he and his wife having now drawn a line under things and wished to “move on”. It referenced the explosive revelations to come. Perhaps they had an advance screening and he had seen how his unwise decision to leave his wife to perform alone for an hour plus, had unleashed carnage.

      I found the early palpable falsehoods, and twisting of her “truth”, meant that I was able very easily to disbelieve many of the later assertions by the Duchess. Social media is now busy unraveling and disproving so many of them with ease. The weaponising of mental health and racism is very tricky indeed. Nothing can be proved or disproved, and “cancellation” awaits any doubters. A supine media is loath to risk that, so scrutiny of those topics is less likely. If things were as bad as they maintain, then of course one is deeply sympathetic, but I cannot grasp why the Duke didn’t seek help for his wife from the serried rank of mental health experts and professional contacts he has made through his charity work, or recommendations from the therapist he consulted himself.

      In the closing moments they were asked if they were happy and had any regrets. A painful display followed; nervous saccharine from her, incoherence and little joy from him. He was once a great communicator; not articulate, but able to connect with people. I was reminded of his parents’ awful engagement interview, and his father’s awkward “whatever love means” remark. We were also in Edward and Wallis territory, brittle and weedily defiant. A “fairytale”.

      By contrast tonight, a masterful communication from Her Majesty. Beautifully crafted, sparsely but perfectly worded. Let us hope she has headed this wretched business off at the pass, and the family can privately sort out their differences, and keep her grandson happier and on a more even keel, without further damage to the institution of the monarchy and our reputation overseas. The racism charges must be looked into properly. The enquiry on that within the household should be pursued with the same energy that must be used to follow up on the many charges of the bullying of staff by the Duchess. In marked contrast to Royal household staff, many of whom stay for decades, too many of the Sussexes’ staff have raced for the exit. Now it’s California’s turn.


    2. 1.3 billion Indians have curry for breakfast every day. They can’t all be wrong. Just sayin’.

  62. Working on the basis that the Letters Page comments are liable to be deleted, here’s another good one on Penis Organ:-

    Colin Harrow
    10 Mar 2021 12:27AM
    The last thing in the world I would ever want to do is support Piers Morgan.

    But when it comes to him, or anybody for that matter facing the sack or disciplinary action for saying that some people, in his case a certain Duchess, may claim to have been “suicidal” purely and simply in order to gain public sympathy and not because she has any real mental health problems, is “woke” taken to Olympian proportions.

    I originally heard this nonsense on BBC Radio 4’s “World at One” – so no surprise there as our national broadcaster’s coverage of the Duchess’s story has been as balanced as a flea and an elephant on a see-saw, with the flea in this case being the UK and its Royal Family – when the head of some mental health charity was being encouraged by the interviewer to lambast Morgan for daring not to take every single person who might make such a claim with the utmost seriousness whether there was any evidence of a mental health issue or not.

    I then read later that the head of ITV for whom Morgan works, wide awoke and virtue signalling like a windmill, insisted that the network was “totally committed to mental health” adding that “everyone has to listen and believe (yes ‘believe’) those who are facing challenges” and that appeared to include the Duchess.

    In other words providing a perfect get out for every chancer to try and get sympathy from the public and for them to believe whatever stories said chancer was trying to spin, by claiming they’d been suicidal, even if, as in this case they had been living a privileged and cosseted existence most people would give not just their right, but both, arms for.

    What a farce, particularly as I now read Morgan has been to all intents and purposes sacked. I can think of any number of reasons why he should have been but not for this.

    1. I suspect the Supershite Morgan has taken the opportunity to raise his profile before joining A Neil on his new channel
      This frothing lockdown hysteric has done untold damage to our country,he should never EVER have been given a public forum after his appalling lies about our troops

  63. I don’t know if this has been picked up on earlier, but a very disturbing development:-

    Sarah Everard disappearance: Met Police officer arrested
    Published2 hours ago

    A Metropolitan Police officer has been arrested over the disappearance of Sarah Everard in south London.

    Ms Everard, 33, was last seen via a doorbell camera in Clapham at about 21:30 GMT on 3 March.

    Police said they had arrested a man in Kent on Tuesday evening in connection with her disappearance, adding that the fact he was a serving officer was “shocking and deeply disturbing”.

    A woman was also arrested on suspicion of assisting an offender.

    Police said Ms Everard’s family was being kept updated.

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