Wednesday 1 June: Crimes are going unreported as police disconnect from the public

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

564 thoughts on “Wednesday 1 June: Crimes are going unreported as police disconnect from the public

  1. Morning everyone. Today is the anniversary of the Glorious First of June 1794 where we gave the Froggies a damned good thrashing. This was when we used to fight our enemies instead of welcoming them in!

    1. Good morning Minty and everyone.

      Tut tut, we mustn’t glorify acts of violence against la belle France. Indeed, Stanley the PM’s father is now one of them, a Frenchy.

    2. John Cor recorded the first known batch of Scotch whisky in Lindores Abbey, Fife. Whittle, English inventor who developed the jet engine was born at Earlsdon, a suburb of Coventry This statue of Sir Frank Whittle (see ©BB picture) is outside Coventry’s Transport Museum. Flight 777 was shot down over the Bay of Biscay by German Junkers Ju 88s, killing actor Leslie Howard and leading to speculation that the downing was an attempt to kill the Prime Minister, Winston Churchill. licences were issued in Britain for the first time. They cost £2. Richards became the first jockey to be knighted. Six days later he won the Derby at his 28th attempt. On This Day in 1977 and 1983, Lester Piggott won his eighth and ninth Derbys.’ERNIE’ drew the first premium bond prizes in Britain. The first prize was £1000. introduced the Clean Air Act, affecting industry as well as domestic uses of energy.

      1935 Compulsory driving tests and license plates introduced in the United Kingdom maximum speed limits on Britain’s roads was changed to 70mph. ( what was the speed limit before ?)

        1. The 70mph limit was brought in in the mid’60s.
          See my Wiki link above.

      1. All speed limits were reduced in the early 70s due to the ‘oil crisis’. This may just have been a restoration of the speed limit.

      2. Sir Gordon Richards was born in Oakengates (now part of Telford). He beat HM’s horse riding Pinza.

        1. Her Majesty’s horse rode Pinza. What colours did Her Majesty’s horse wear, Conners? Lol.

          1. I should have put a comma after “horse”, I’m afraid. 🙂 HM’s jockey wore the usual black velvet cap with gold tassel, red jacket with gold frogging and purple sleeves.

      1. Good morning Sue

        I had the nicest happiest day yesterday for about 53+ years

        I really and truly loved it and so did my companions , we had so much to talk about , I think our voices suffered , I haven’t laughed so much for ages .

        The time clock rolled back to 1965 when we first met and started our training … and we realised we hadn’t really changed , just a bit wiser , rumpled and sadly not quite so energetic as we were in the swinging sixties.

  2. Good morning, everyone. A pinch and a punch, and also White Rabbits (freshly pulled out of a Top Hat).

  3. Good Morning Folks,

    Another bright but chilly start here.
    One can never rely on climate change, it’s like the weather.

    1. Good morning, one and all.

      The first day of June, in less than three weeks the Sun will be at its highest point in the sky and here I am sitting in my south facing lounge wearing a fleece!

  4. Home Office tells first migrants they will be sent from Britain to Rwanda in TWO WEEKS. 1 June 2022.

    The Home Office has begun formally telling migrants they will be sent from Britain to Rwanda, with the first flight to the east African country due to depart in two weeks’ time.

    In the final administrative step before a new £120m scheme gets up and running, formal ‘Removal Direction’ letters are being issued to the first group of migrants who will be given a one-way ticket.

    The Home Office today announced the first flight to Rwanda is expected to take place on 14th June.

    Even they don’t believe you!

    1. Will the flight be cancelled due to shortage of staff.
      There never appears to be a shortage of human rights lawyers though, for some reason.

    2. Presumably these illegals are free to come and go from their luxury accommodation. That being so, won’t they all suddenly ‘disappear’?

  5. Morning, all! Having difficulty upvoting as my fingertips are too cold for the phone screen to react to their touch 🤣

    Back in my caravan for a week or so while I wait for my car to be fixed up in Scunthorpe. I have the car the dealer rashly gave me (it’s his) but can’t go anywhere with the van as it’s too small. If anyone is around the Kenilworth area and fancies meeting for a cup of tea, do say!

    1. ‘Culture’ Gross misspelling of correct term and is deficient a terminal ‘s’.

  6. Europe’s appalling cowardice over Ukraine has given new life to Putin. 311 May 2022.

    The whole sorry mess raises serious questions about whether an oil embargo is an effective form of sanction in the first place. Russia is the world’s largest exporter of gas, and one of the largest of oil.

    Excluding it from European and American markets is, through higher prices, doing untold damage to the economies of the West while failing to deny Putin the funding he needs to finance his war.

    In its hunt for alternative buyers, the Kremlin is being forced to offer bargain basement prices, but will still be in the money, such has been the inflationary effect on overarching international oil prices.

    It is increasingly questionable who is damaged most by the embargo — Putin or the West. Still, Europe’s suggested ban is I suppose progress of sorts.

    The sanctions are being implemented solely by NATO and its allies! Everyone else, and that is the vast majority, are simply ignoring them. Such a system cannot work! We are cutting our noses off to spite our faces!

    1. It’s just their scheme to crash the European economy in preparation for CBDCs and teach Putin a lesson for withdrawing from the WEF world order.
      People won’t accept CBDCs unless things are so bad that the government can present them as a “rescue package.”

        1. Central Bank Digital Currency

          A sort of Bitcoin, but controlled by the government. They can program restrictions into it, such as that your money’s only valid within a certain range of your home, or that it runs out by the end of the month if you don’t spend it, or that you’re only allowed to purchase certain things with it.
          I’ve seen a video on the internet of Rishi Sunak saying that it’s coming, and what a great thing it is, because the government can transfer money directly to citizens. Even he doesn’t look as though he believes it.

  7. 352941+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Wednesday 1 June: Crimes are going unreported as police disconnect from the public

    Just come to the notice of the voting public has it ? yet another casualty of the party before Country voting pattern, the electorate
    over these last three plus decades have certainly done a crippling number on old Blighty.

    By the by remember this, lots forget it around polling day, the children now adults
    won’t, ever.

    26 August 2014
    Published on 26 August 2014, the Jay report revealed that an estimated 1,400 children, by a “conservative estimate”, had been sexually exploited in Rotherham between 1997 and 2013.

    ALL inclusive, protectors of the peoples, council members, etc,etc, umbrella holders,
    and that was 25 years ago.

    We are indeed in dire need of a reset, a decent peoples reset / restart , ditching the lab/lib/con mass uncontrolled immigration / paedophile umbrella close shop coalition & building on a opposition party currently on the fringe.

    People power works, it got us thus far into deep shite it CAN work in reverse.

    1. 352941+ up ticks,

      ,do you honestly consider the lab/lib/con vote to be a
      ” The end is nigh vote”?

      Most definite me old cocker.

  8. Good morning all.
    A bright, dry and sunny start with just under 7°C outside.
    I’ve noticed we’ve had very little wind for the past week or so and t’other day only one of the Carsington windmills was rotating, but only at a very low speed, suggesting it was actually being motored.

  9. Good Moaning (as in it’s not actually persisting down).
    Well, we learnt something yesterday; it is possible for a funeral service to be hollowed out because there is another one to follow.
    Eighty plus years condensed into less than half an hour because the crematorium car park was inconveniently filling up.
    What a way to dismiss a person’s life. It’s not often that MB and I are are surprised by human insensitivity, but that action made our blood boil.
    Oh, and even allowing for tempus fugitting, it was obvious that a number of former local movers and shakers have been thoroughly hit by the covid hysteria: the mental and physical deterioration of many attendees was a shock. Overall, an unsettling experience.

    1. The only time I lost my cool at my mother’s funeral (I conducted the ceremony so had to hold myself together) was when bagpipes outside interrupted the final notes of the recording of Mozart’s ‘Soave sia il vento” recorded specially for the occasion by friends, before our time was up.

    2. Sorry to hear that, Anne. Crematorium funerals are the worse, imo. No personal ties at all, a conveyor belt of grieving families and friends. You need a good wake afterwards to get over that!

      1. Mother-in-law’s funeral was in January 2021 when numbers were restricted to 12, and no wake permitted. We were a group of 10, our son unable to travel from Canada, and (not that he was missed by the other siblings!) one of her sons was stuck down under.
        In lieu of a wake, we stood chatting in the car park after the service until we were all frozen.
        The only saving grace was that the service was conducted by the lovely vicar from our village.

    3. I remember the reverse of that situation. I was a Rotarian, and it was a Club member’s funeral, so there was a large crowd of supporters/mourners. We were all waiting out in the car park for the previous cremation to finish, when an Ambulance swept in and stopped under the portico by the chapel entrance.

      Apparently one of the mourners at the previous service had had a heart attack and died, so we all had to wait a long time outside until the body could be respectfully brought out into the ambulance. Fortunately it was June, as most funerals/cremations seem to take place in winter. Don’t know what happened to the next cremation after ‘ours’.

  10. Can any of you remember having your tonsils removed when you were a child or adult?

    SIR – In 1966 while recovering from having my tonsils removed, I was in a mixed ward of geriatric patients and adult ear, nose and throat patients.

    A delightful nurse came round with a tray of bottles of Guinness for the oldies. Delivering the last bottle, on finding the patient had died, she turned and offered it to me.

    I will never forget the pain of the Guinness making contact with the raw wounds at the back of my throat.

    Bernard Kerrison
    London SW4

          1. So @ Cathy Newman – experimenting on children is not a new thing? Hmmm!

          2. Funny how as time goes by it’s found that medicine drops certain treatments. A bit like the tincture of mercury which was widely used as a cure-all 200 years ago.

          3. The fad seemed to go in cycles! They were very reluctant to remove mine for about 5 years! I was practically rattling with oxytetracycline!

    1. I was 25! They gave me toast to get rid of the scabby bits in my throat! I remember every awful minute of it!

    2. I was six years old and the only one who didn’t cry when they gave me the pre med. So i had to go first. There were two other kids sitting on the trolley to theatre.
      When I woke up my throat was so sore I couldn’t even eat the ice cream I was offered.

        1. I had chloroform in Chesterfield General when I developed a tooth abscess one summer. I remember the metal frame with chloroform on cotton wool they put over my nose. My Uncle and mother took me in on one of our trucks, with me sitting in the middle on the engine bit. Apparently an illegal journey since fuel was still rationed, I assume the cars were short of fuel!

        2. I had chloroform in Chesterfield General when I developed a tooth abscess one summer. I remember the metal frame with chloroform on cotton wool they put over my nose. My Uncle and mother took me in on one of our trucks, with me sitting in the middle on the engine bit. Apparently an illegal journey since fuel was still rationed, I assume the cars were short of fuel!

      1. I was just turning 6 and missed getting the sweet that school gave you on your birthday, and standing on the bench to receive it. I am bitter about that to this day. And i remember the ice-cream, too, for the same reason.

    3. I was six years old and the only one who didn’t cry when they gave me the pre med. So i had to go first. There were two other kids sitting on the trolley to theatre.
      When I woke up my throat was so sore I couldn’t even eat the ice cream I was offered.

    4. Still got mine, but I do remember translating a Latin text about tonsillectomy in class and having a classmate due for the procedure go green and run out . . .

      1. My adenoids were done at the same time and I woke with 2 nozzles in my nostrils, they used to use a syringe on them every morning, Eventually they took them out without anaesthetic, and I was astonished by the length of the tubes at the back of the nozzles! They must have protruded several feet behind my head…

    5. No. We had a surprisingly forward thinking GP for the 1950s. He told my parents that childhood tonsillitis was a sign that the tonsils were doing their job of stopping infection progressing further into the body. So unlike most of my contemporaries, my tonsils remained in situ.
      I certainly develop far fewer colds, coughs and chest infections compared to MB.

    6. Yes, I was 6. I can remember being taken down to the operating theatre on a trolley, going down in the lift and the anaesthetist lifting my wrist (where my name was written on a band) and commenting what an unusual name it was. Then I woke up in a large ward with very tall windows and shiny linoleum on the floor. My parents were not allowed to visit me (I was in for three days), the food tasted vile, I didn’t manage to gargle with the pink liquid and when I finally came out of hospital I went down with an infection which needed penicillin to clear up and whooping cough (the only childhood illness I’ve ever had). There are other details that are clear, but I think that’s enough to be going on with 🙂

  11. Yo All

    Police and Crime Commissioners:

    I have always been of the opinion, that the criminals of UK did not need a Commissioner to help them organise their Crimes

    As for the Police part of the job, the public would be far happier if the Commissioners watched “Dixon of Dock Green”, “PC 49”,
    even “The Bill’ to find out what is the job of a Policeperson.

    Dancing in Pride Parades,

    driving Rainbow cars,

    watching XR protestors block roads,

    watching fuel depots being shut down

    Being 110% Woke etc

    are not what the greatest proportion of the UK population expect from their Police.

    The Tail has got to stop Wagging The Dog edited

    1. The whole of northern Europe and especially the UK is going to be in serious decline for the next 50 years. It’s so obvious exactly what needs sorting out and every day the pile gets higher.

    2. Ah, Burnside and ‘the Sarge’ getting down to the Cockcroft estate. Good times.

      Although, with all crime coming from there, you’d think you’d just blockade it.

    3. As an addendum – the Treasury seems more obsessed with hiring a proprotion of gays than reducing inflation. With that attitude it’s no wonder we’re going down the tubes.

      However, as when i replied to such a survey – “I don’t care, I don’t label people’ and was told off I’d bet you there’s a chap (probably several) thinking ‘dear life, this is going to be on the front pages tomorrow and we really just want to get on with it’ It’s those people we want to keep and the ones pushing these absurd policies we want rid of.

  12. Britain faces blackouts thanks to Vladimir Putin’s war on shale. 1 June 2022.

    Fifteen years ago, the conventional wisdom was that the world would soon reach “peak gas”, and it would begin to run out. But then came the shale gas revolution and suddenly there was enough accessible natural gas in shale to last for hundreds of years. This annoyed two groups of people in particular: the Russians and the environmentalists. So they demonised “fracking”, a decades-old technology that had recently changed to using cleaner water instead of gel to crack rocks miles underground – with spectacular results.

    A geological version of “Vlad ate my Hamster!” “Caused Global Warming” and “Elected Donald Trump.”

    1. It’s strange that there has been fracking for oil in Dorset for many years and that is perfectly acceptable.

      However fracking for gas is absolutely unacceptable.

  13. The West should call Putin’s bluff and escort Ukrainian grain ships. 1 June 2022.

    Putin’s blockade of grain and other foodstuffs leaving Ukraine by sea threatens a shortage that could cause starvation for millions around the world as well as major political upheaval. Russia attacked eight cargo vessels early in the conflict and another struck a mine, paralysing sea movement in the Black Sea. With no other feasible option to counter Moscow’s stranglehold, now is the time for a humanitarian coalition of navies to mount an operation to protect merchant shipping.

    The Black Sea is essentially a Russian Lake and nothing is going to move on it; with or without an escort, unless they say so. Except if you want to start WWIII that is!

      1. They are all riding the loonie Lynch mob wave of hysterical mindless support for the Ukraine. The process of thinking things through and considering possible consequences has been entirely absent from all Western responses since Russia started its expedition into the Ukraine.
        At least, I hope it is that. If our actions in the West have been deliberate then it can only get much worse.

    1. If a cargo ship struck a mine, why does Richard Kemp think that ships of the RN will not strike a mine?

    1. Yo minty

      The only real Free World is where the Doveristas live, after their luxury crossing from France

    1. Good morning.
      Never mind being viewed ‘negatively’, I’d view it as provocation/incitement.

        1. It’s my son I worry for. I think the one in Canada should be safe – unless Turdeau sticks his woke oar in.

    2. We are led by evil men and women (and a few who can’t make up their minds).

    3. Some one must have infiltrated the mind of that useless senile old git in the ‘what’s the house’. It wouldn’t have been difficult.

    1. Morning all.
      Further firm evidence of the warped minded dopey wokies. Including the designers signature A W⚓.

      1. And people are moaning about bits of plastic floating around in the sea……..

      1. There are enough of those on the slobs of normal tendencies without the pretendy women.

  14. There are currently worries about where our gas will come from.
    However, there’s plenty of gas in our recycling bins.

    As I’ve already shown, one get a sustainable smouldering egg carton in a used shaving foam canister:

    This got to over 200 degC without producing a flame. To get gas out of the smoke however and therefore a flame the temperature must reach about 500 degC.

    I think this could be achieved by blowing the smoke back through the smouldering biochar layer as suggested in the MkIII pyrolysis shaving foam reactor which then has a chance of producing syngas!

    What do you think will come of the exit tube?

      1. Yes I reckon so but hopefully some hydrogen – it somewhat depends on the what’s known as the feedstock.

        1. Please help my pore brane along – where does the hydrogen come from? Water vapour in the input air?

      1. Yes, if I get syngas from it there will be some CO2 but much more carrbon monoxide and hydrogen.

      1. Well I’ve got to AGA simmer plate temperature using a shaving can and an egg box from the waste bin and I didn’t even have to wait for an AGA service technician!

  15. “How could you believe me when I said I loved you when you know I’ve been a liar all my life?”

    A BTL on article about whether or not Boris Johnson will survive:

    Those who cannot keep their promises to their nearest and dearest can seldom be trusted to keep their word to anyone else. A man who can treat women in the way Mr Johnson has done would happily strangle his own grandmother.

    1. Erm, OK. Now about the bloke who will take the throne, and take the Accession Oath and the Coronation Oath. You know who I mean, a person who broke his marriage vows…

  16. I wasn’t ambushed, says Nadhim Zahawi – Yvette Cooper’s son was just using his ‘right to free speech’
    Education Secretary defends Warwick University student who interrupted a Conservative event to protest about trans policy

    So even Conservative ministers are now prepared to allow the free speech of visiting speakers to be drowned and unheard by insult -hurling yobs like Joel Cooper-Bollocks!

    Is nobody other than Toby Young prepared to stick up for rational debate?

    We are beyond redemption.


    Warwick University boasts that it is a member of the prestigious “Russell Group.”

    Maybe the Russell Group ought to make a condition of membership that any university which does not do everything possible – including expulsion of offenders – to uphold free speech is expelled from the Russell Group?

    1. The Russell Group is about research oriented universities. Undergraduates and students in general are, quite correctly, ignored as a species.

    2. Such demonstrators use the right to free speech to prevent people they disagree with from exercising their right to free speech.

      1. All that house-flipping when he was a child has probably damaged his mental health.

    3. Yo mr R

      If The son of Balls does not like to being called by his surname and he is an LGBtalphabet agitator, perhaps, we should just
      send someone, like Sweeney Todd, to take his balls away

      On the way to being a woman then

    4. Yo mr R

      If The son of Balls does not like to being called by his surname and he is an LGBtalphabet agitator, perhaps, we should just
      send someone, like Sweeney Todd, to De Ball him

  17. This morning i got up at 7:30 to make us a cup of tea and opened the blind in my little ‘office’ looked out across the beautiful green and pleasant countryside viewed and some Ars* Hol* has dumped an old bed and or a mattress in a layby on the distant bypass.

    1. Which reminds me, I must go and collect the old bed and mattress I saw in that layby, there may be some wear left in them.

      1. It was filled in a few years back and earth mounded up, there are two tips open most days with in two and 3 miles away. Surely there will be some DNA on the items to trace and prosecute.

  18. This has got to stop now….
    Grant Shapps last night warned tourism firms not to over-book flights and holidays amid fears travel chaos will drag on into summer.

    The Transport Secretary said scenes over recent days of travellers being reduced to tears after dozens of flight cancellations and delays of up to seven hours ‘must not happen again’.

    1. But is it over-booking, or are they cancelling flights because of sickness rates among staff?

    2. Once you get a job as ground staff there will be the diversity, black history, critical race theory, tranny training all to be completed. And I haven’t mentioned H&S and security procedures for an air side pass which are quite comprehensive and likely to take some months to complete. Like everything in life, procedures become more complicated until the system eventually grinds to a halt. Wonderful eh!

    3. Nothing to with the government going into headless chicken mode with added repression?

  19. The pound’s ‘epic’ fall from grace – and how much further it can go. 1 June 2022.

    The pound has been thrust into the limelight by fresh claims it has turned into a far less prestigious currency, raising questions over how that might further stoke inflation.

    Sterling is one of the year’s worst currency performers, down 7.1pc against the dollar as of Tuesday afternoon at roughly $1.26. Of all its global counterparts, only Sweden’s krona and Japan’s yen have had a worse run.

    Perhaps we should sanction it? That’s worked wonders for the Rouble!

    1. Brussels is still working hard to try to destroy brexit. Encouraged by the UK civil service and the MSM.

    2. The US$ is the currency doing the upward movement, compare the Euro to Dollar trend and you will see a similar graph to the £ to $. His article is all tosh.

    3. The pound is a fiat currency. All fiat currencies fail sooner or later, because every government in history, given the possibility to over-print money, has done so. The pound is about to fail.

      They publish this kind of nonsense so that people don’t wake up to the scam and pull their money out of fiat currencies!

    4. Surely the rouble has real value, being tied to the gold standard. Our gold reserves…

      1. Plus minor details like lotsa oil and gas that the government actually allows to be extracted. And sold.

    1. Mind you isn’t it a bit sexist to call a man a c*nt when we don’t usually call a woman a pr*ck? Or is this a new vocabulary issue for the Trans brigade to feel victimised about?

      1. In the case of Khant the Kh-nt, it is of course entirely justified

      2. Tw*t, don’t forget tw*t – and I don’t mean twit.

        There is a Fanny Street in Keighley – it could be a residential weekend retreat for BBC staff from Leeds.

    1. It is, after all, the Autumn/Winter in the Southern Hemisphere, so what is all the hoo-hoo about a bit of snow?

    2. There are so many scams like climate change and global warming that it is now impossible to believe anything coming from the MSM or the political establishment.

    3. They recorded the highest ever temperature at Toronto Airport yesterday so it must be true.
      Well since 1944 that is, not ever!
      A deathly silence followed when I asked if there might be more asphalt at the airport now than 75 years ago!

    1. Plod, unable to phrase a question properly – for fear of offending someone?

    2. I once got a letter from HMRC demanding to know why I hadn’t paid NI contributions between such and such dates. I wrote back pointing out that I was still in full time education at that time. No further hassle but of course no apology either.

    3. That answerr could be given by many male ‘incomers, now living in Rochdale etc

    1. Hmm, I think you’ll find this stuff is all Chinese, and that the product you receive bears little resemblance to the pictures.

      1. Almost everything is Chinese made now. I bet all the Jubilee bric a brac is made there too. They do have payment protection so you get your money back if not satisfied.

          1. I came across some amazing outdoor gear they were selling but then read a load of reviews.

        1. The Royal Mint stuff is all hand made in the potteries at one of the few remaining factories there.

    1. Always avoid the second to last GWR carriage – there is always another one bringing up the rear.

    2. Perlice hunt down male fugitive in London
      Wanted Notice describes him as



      married to a white heterosexual female woman (who does not have a penis),
      looks after his wife and kids,

      Car taxed and insured,
      pays Tax & National Insurance
      Not a child groomer
      Gainfully empoyed
      Kind to his pets


      His way of life is perceived as a Threat To Wokist UK

      1. Apart from the humungous amount of tax he pays to keep the woke layabouts in clover.

    3. Best to draw a veil over this lauding of a minority group who wishes us to take notice and applaud their aberrations.

      1. The vast majority wish for nothing of the sort. It is an obsessed minority of a minority that causes all the trouble, not only for heterosexuals but also for their fellow homosexuals.
        The same applies to all the other vociferous groups within minorities and majorities. (Ponders on young mothers who bored me to death when I was in my twenties with their obsession over snot-nosed brats.)

        1. You’re probably right, Anne, and the same applies, as you say, to other minorities of minority groups, Blacks, Muslims and others of that ilk, spring to mind.

    4. Go off the rails Definition:

      To go into a state of chaos, dysfunction, or disorder.
      To become crazy, eccentric, or mentally unhinged; to begin acting in an uncontrollable, inappropriate and/or socially unacceptable manner.

      Go GWR?

    5. For goodness sake. The anger at the gaycommunity is precisely because there’s this endless tripe forced on people. We don’t want it. Stop celebrating where someone puts their privates. It’s unnatural, no one cares. Leave them and us alone.

      1. Snap. Exactly my thought. That his brilliant brain saved thousands (probably millions) of lives is as nothing compared to a rogue twist on his genetic make-up.

        1. He was one of a small group of brilliant men, not a stand-out genius. Turing’s only a household name because of his sexuality and prosecution.

      2. Indeed. How to drag someone’s memory down. That he made such a contribution to winning the war and saving very many lives counts as nothing because he was gay.

  20. This brought a smile to my face and think it might to all of yours also.
    Just had an email from my friend in GA who was born in Illinois. She is sitting outside, drinking her tea from a Platinum Jubilee mug! She ended up by saying God Save the Queen.

    1. Please thank her from the British Nation in general and us in particular!

      1. Already have. She is a dear friend and was my assistant in the library in GA. She is a real Anglophile and loves the Queen.
        I bet she isn’t the only American joining in either.
        In NC when a new season of Downton Abbey was beginning, the local library hosted Downton tea parties and they were packed with ladies, of all colours, wearing picture hats and genteelly slurping tea and nibbling on delicate sarnies. Always brought a smile to my face.

      1. I bought a proof sovereign and ever since have been bombarded with letters from the seller offering all sorts of similar bulliony stuff. They’re wasting their time, expensive envelopes and note paper…
        I note they still have the five sovereign pieces , a snip at £2495 !

        1. Actual letters and not email spam? We don’t get nearly as much postal rubbish these days as we did 20 or 30 years ago.

          1. Does that work with snail mail? These are letters, I suppose it probably will…

    2. Just finished reading the Washington Post reviews of H.M’s reign, the btl comments were wonderful, felt quite proud!!

  21. 352941+ up ticks,

    We are , the decent peoples of these Isles
    being force fed shite with the majority of the electorate in their, party before Country, voting manner are seeking more of the same via the political overseers propaganda shit spreader the bBc.

  22. There are three articles on the DT website about weights and measures:

    It’s metric zealots who are living in the past
    There is some justification of convenience for uniformity, but the need to enforce this in daily life is now much diminished by modernity

    We owe the Metric Martyrs a formal pardon
    This terrible wrong needs to be righted before we move on. None of them should ever have been prosecuted

    Bring back imperial measures? For millions they never went away
    The Prime Minister’s reversal of European Union subjugation is not a reactionary spasm – this is about protecting our nation’s traditions

    Some of the antis BTL are quite extraordinarily unpleasant, dismissive, contemptuous and, yes, reactionary.

      1. Being a cynical old bat, I always thought that the introduction of decimal coinage married very neatly with the Middle East kicking off and oil and its numerous products becoming v. v. expensive.
        Suddenly, there was no way you could anchor the price increases with the products; same applies to metric measurements. People were deliberately divorced from reality so they couldn’t make any meaningful comparisons.

        1. Exactly. When a shilling became 5 pence instead of 12 denarii, it just disguised the price rises.

          1. For one thing, when an item was put up a halfpenny (old money) the smallest rise after decimalisation became half one new pence – more at a stroke. Then, of course, they made the new halfpenny so tiny people said it wasn’t worth keeping and the smallest price rise became one new penny (one hundredth of a pound as opposed to one two hundred and fortieth of a pound).

          2. Similarly, the difference between Fahrenheit and Celsius (Centigrade). Fahrenheit can be so much more accurate between whole numbers than Centigrade.

    1. My mother converts metric to imperial even now. It’s incredibly tiresome. She once asked to have metric explained to her simply, in one word as if this were impossible. I simply said ‘Ten.’

      It is such a simple system.

      Junior was born 3.8kg. The same weight as Mongo was at 1 month. Both of them got carried about on my shoulders.

      1. We’re not going to agree but your dismissal of imperial is as bad as many of the comments. Some of us are quite capable of using both and the choice of which is entirely dependent on the circumstances. What is useful and practical is that which works. I could write a 3,000 word essay on the subject.

        This is about more than numbers. It’s about the petty fascism of the EEC/EU and its supporters in the UK administration. It’s about the criminalisation of language and culture. That anyone should be fined thousands of pounds for weighing bananas in pounds and ounces rather than grams is the most monstrous bureaucratic overreach.

        Metric is claimed to be more rational. How is it more rational? Life is messy and lumpy with awkward bits that cannot be constrained by systems. Metrication is a product of the French revolution, when mad people thought everything in life could be ‘rationalised’ by the creation of the perfect system. We all know where the pursuit of perfection leads.

        1. I can (and did) work in metric, but I much prefer imperial. In order to comprehend the size and weight of metric measures I have to translate them into imperial. I have no mental concept of metric measures.

          1. I seem to remember years ago listening to Chris Tarrant he played a record sung by Pavarotti and Elton John and referred to them as the Tenor and the nine bob note.

        1. As far as I know, the only ten shilling coin was a one-off commemorative coin issued in Ireland in 1966 to mark the 50th anniversary of the Easter Rising.

      2. And the quick way to explain that to your mother, so that she can comprehend it, is?

    1. The Warqueen would know but these are the sort of ‘Picasso’ fashion things. All abstract concepts and mad ideas that will never go forward.

    2. I know it is laughable but this is supposed to be cutting edge in what you can make fabrics do. You won’t see these outfits on the high street but you will see some of the innovative thinking that produced these items… there.

    3. Reminds me of the Wogan Show years ago, when Vivienne Westwood and her designs were laughed to scorn by the audience. She was most upset!
      HA! HA! HA!

    1. Oh good grief! The media includes ‘potentially sensitive content’!!😱 How pathetic!
      Cartoon is brilliant!

  23. Some people appear to be under the impression that some politicians are honest and others are habitual liars, how daft is that?

  24. A confidence vote on Boris Johnson as party leader is now inevitable. 1 June 2022.

    A vote of confidence in Johnson as party leader is inevitable. It could come next week; if it doesn’t, it will probably happen after the two by-elections on 23 June in Wakefield, and Tiverton and Honiton. If, as I expect, the Tories lose both, the momentum against the PM could become unstoppable.

    A double defeat in the north and the southwest would illustrate Johnson’s problem: the remarkable coalition of voters he forged in 2019 is breaking apart. I’ve been looking at the regional breakdown of the latest opinion polls. The Tories trail badly to Labour in the north and are in trouble in their southern heartlands. Johnson’s personal ratings have bombed across the country.

    Hmmm/. Even if true I can’t get excited about it! Who is going to replace him?

  25. A confidence vote on Boris Johnson as party leader is now inevitable. 1 June 2022.

    A vote of confidence in Johnson as party leader is inevitable. It could come next week; if it doesn’t, it will probably happen after the two by-elections on 23 June in Wakefield, and Tiverton and Honiton. If, as I expect, the Tories lose both, the momentum against the PM could become unstoppable.

    A double defeat in the north and the southwest would illustrate Johnson’s problem: the remarkable coalition of voters he forged in 2019 is breaking apart. I’ve been looking at the regional breakdown of the latest opinion polls. The Tories trail badly to Labour in the north and are in trouble in their southern heartlands. Johnson’s personal ratings have bombed across the country.

    Hmmm/. Even if true I can’t get excited about it! Who is going to replace him?

    1. We all know that it will be someone the is pro the EU, pro world government and far more autocratic than Boris.

    2. This is the problem. It’ll be the same mentality, the same character type. The same policies. Unless there is a radical u turn away from big state, high tax, socialist policies then why bother? Hell, why bother with elections *AT ALL* when the people change sides, but the exact same policies are carried out.

      Oh! I see! That was the point all along? Did you think we didn’t know?

    3. In the same way that the only acceptable leader of the Conservative party would have been a Leaver, the only acceptable candidate to replace Johnson should be someone who will scrap Net Zero.

      1. He was kicked ‘upstairs’ to the Lords to get him out of the way. I’d vote for him.

  26. EU Unity you say……………

    oil and gas conglomerate OMV has said its payment for Russian gas under
    the new ruble settlement mechanism was successful, TASS news agency
    reported on Wednesday.

    “We paid in May according to the new
    payment method. There were no problems at all,” an OMV representative
    said, as quoted by the agency.
    What a farce these “sanctions” are

    1. A birdie wordle.

      Wordle 347 3/6


    2. Five for me also; should have got it in Two! …
      Wordle 347 5/6


  27. Some pillocks want to reintroduce Imperial weights and measures to the UK. I am not against companies and traders offering their good in Imperial but I don’t want it to be made compulsory. I use both when necessary.

    Let’s start:

    4 (or 5) poppyseeds = one barleycorn. One line = 1/4 barleycorn = 1/12th of an inch). One digit = 3/4 inch. Three barleycorns = one inch. After the finger, 7/8th inch there is the nail, palm and hand before you get to the shaftment at 6 1/2 half inches (where did they get that one from?) and on to 12 inches = one foot.

    I hope you are keeping up, there is the span, cubit, ell, fathom and chain yet to come.

      1. You deserve a peck on the cheek for that. I’ll have a word with some lady Nottlers.

          1. “Now add the milk. ”

            Bloody Delia! If you mean a bit at a time, say so! So many scones have been ruined by that throwaway phrase.

          2. “Now add the milk. ”

            Bloody Delia! If you mean a bit at a time, say so! So many scones have been ruined by that throwaway phrase.

          1. There is a bun fight at the community hall here in Death Valley but we will have our own party. Our recycling bin is the one that makes the most noise on emptying day 🙁
            Have a terrific weekend Plum. X

          2. We won’t be attending- we’ll stay at home and drink HM’s health;-)))

          3. We’ll be going to our neighbourly celebration on the “village green” aka the rough patch of grass & stones ‘up the hill’. Lots of food and bunting being prepared.

          4. I raised the union flag on the pole this afternoon and put up the rest of the bunting. Tomorrow I’ll be attending a beacon lighting (health and safety be damned!).

          5. When I walked Oscar this morning, I was surprised at the number of owner-occupied houses that were decorated compared with the very few in the council estate. I thought the working class was supposed to be more patriotic.

          6. I can see (cataract op two weeks ago) the Helensburgh Civic Centre from my bedroom window.

            I will be intrigued to see which flag it flies tomorrow?

            The Saltire?
            The National flag of Ukraine ?
            Or, the United Kingdom Flag – aka the Union Jack?

            Wee Grumpy Krankie will decide …

      1. Sorry, Plum, I religiously cut out ‘cups’ as a measure for all my recipes.

    1. Fathoms are still used for Depth Sounding, as length is Imperial in UK

      A Chain is the length of a Cricket Pitch.
      Let us retain some of our history
      GMT Has gone. as has the Greenwich Meridian: it is now the Prime meridian

      1. GMT Has gone. as has the Greenwich Meridian: it is now the Prime meridian
        Not in Britain it hasn’t.

        1. Mine, too. I managed to find out how to change the time today, but I just put the minutes correct and left the hour on GMT. It will be right again in October.

      1. And therefore tbsps. As a tsps is ⅓ of a tbsps it cannot be written in decimal format to the same degree of accuracy.

    2. I am one of those pillocks. Imperial is a far more sophisticated system than Metric. Most of our buildings were built in Imperial measurements and the Americans, the greatest manufacturing country in the world, still use the system and for good reason.

      The Megalithic stone monuments found in Ireland, Britain (such as Stonehenge, Avebury etc.,) and parts of Northern France were all built using a standard system of measurement now called the ‘Megalithic Foot’.

      When I survey a pre-metric building I revert to feet and inches otherwise it would be impossible to accurately describe mouldings and detail. Just as with the disaster of our membership of the EU so too our adoption of the Metric system has proven enormously expensive and backward. It has meant the dismantling of much of our established industries and binning of millions of items of specialist equipment and parts.

    3. Anything compulsory is not good. No, but it’s a shame not to have at least some awareness of our past measurement system. Give ’em an inch…

    1. Learn English. It’s more widely spoken than Arabic.
      Man’s a shitforbrains.

      1. Yo Ol

        5H1T is useful stuff, if you did not do it (or have a Colostomy bag) you would die

        Sad Dick Khant is just a Waste Of


        If wants to speak Arabic, let us put him on a plane to Saudi, or similar

    2. The first one made me chuckle. It’s the first phrase in Arabic I have ever understood.

    3. I really do think that not speaking English everywhere should be made illegal. You’re in this country. You’ll speak the language, or you leave.

  28. That’s me for the day. Car had service and MOT – so I am Three Hundred Pounds lighter….. Rain and sun – again.

    Trooping tomorrow – funny it being on a Thursday….hope it stays fine.

    Have a jolly evening.

    A demain

    1. They can’t overshadow anything, surely? They are out of the picture, except to a few rabid Mail readers.

        1. I’m sure you don’t post the kind of stuff that people say in the Mail comments!

    2. They cannot stay out of the limelight it seems. I used to like Harry but he’s a total wimp now. Sod them both and stay away from HM’s special events.

      1. The parallels between Trash and Wallis Simpson are extraordinary. Bossy, domineering, rude, thoughtless, offensive/arselicking, self-obsessed… (to name but a few).

  29. London ITV news….a couple of women from NC- told you it wasn’t only my mate in GA!

  30. Love him or loathe him….

    If the rebels don’t support Boris they may as well chuck the keys of No.10 to Labour.

    1. I cannot vote for Con/Lab/Lib Dem.
      I have standards even if politicians don’t.

        1. They’re the only ones who’d get my vote- at least they admit they are loonies!!

    2. Elwood confirms the rather sad conclusion that recent ex military men are thickos.

    3. Elwood confirms the rather sad conclusion that recent ex military men are thickos.

        1. Meh. That sounds like superstition to keep to Tories in 10 Downing St to do their masters’ bidding! Got to do better than that.

          1. If voting made any difference they wouldn’t allow it….

            I probably won’t bother to vote again,

          2. Last time I voted in a general election was around 20 years ago. Never seemed worth it since then!

        2. The devil that’s given us 14 (by election) years of total dross, falling living standards, a bad brexit, and still not solved any of the problems they were going to solve in four years. They’ve got a lot going for them. 14 years of complete ineptitude. Should guarantee 5 more years as the electorate is officially stupid.

          1. We’ve moved to…… Peterborough. I’m looking for work. We’re decorating the kid’s room. Getting the damp problem fixed we hope in 3 weeks. Things are looking up.

  31. Love him or loathe him….

    If the rebels don’t support Boris they may as well chuck the keys of No.10 to Labour.

    1. There was a temporary break in the space time continuum and suddenly there was no plane.

    2. Yesterday, upon the stair,
      I saw a plane that wasn’t there!
      it wasn’t there again today,
      Oh how I wish I could fly away!

    3. I’ve seen the aircraft leave Port Harcourt with people queueing like that. They’d come round the plane looking for locals who weren’t booked on the flight, kick them and their chickens and boxed televisions off.

      1. MM

        I flew to PH from Lagos at palm tree height virtually , in an Air Nigeria Boeing .. the pressurisation had broken down .. 1978.. and tthe cabin had broken seats , belts didn’t work , the loos had overflowed and the Mammies had baskets of live chickens and guinnea fowl , it was chaos on board , son no 2 was 4 years old sitting next to me , no 1 son was at b/school in UK, Moh was based in PH, flying Shell bods around .

    1. Judging from the shadows, they could get their revenge by planting leylandii along that fence. Of course, they would lose their rural view, but it would hide the lorries and cause possible annoyance to the inmates.

          1. Looks idyllic. I had to contend with a thunderstorm in Newmarket and a cloudburst on the way home!

      1. I hope he can’t, that looks dreadful. A cruel and selfish thing to do to neighbours.

  32. My first wordle
    Wordle 347 4/6

    1. Well done, Alf. Don’t listen to any of the ‘naysayers’, it’s a few minutes of fun and brain exercise every day.

      1. When you say naysayers do you mean those who can’t work it out? :-))

          1. I don’t think he actually ‘posted a link to a website’, but it ruined the game for him. Just knowing it’s there doesn’t matter as long as you don’t go there.

        1. There are some who don’t like it. There’s luck involved for sure, but I enjoy it.

      2. Wordle 347 5/6


        Agreed. Since Grizz’s post, I know where I can find the answer, but no-one would believe me (least of all me) if I got it in one every day…

    2. I got a lucky 3.
      Wordle 347 3/6



    “…This was no time for playing. This was no time for fun. This was no time for games. There was work to be done… which is our motto in Number 10….”

    Well, that’s hogwash. Your only policy is tax and waste, spend and tax. So much could have been done and so little is being done. It’s just stagnation – in fact, stagflation. The right thing to do is radical tax reform. Getting rid of the immgrants. Cutting taxes and scrapping legislation but what do you do? Nothing.

    1. 352941+ up ticks,

      Evening W,
      I do beg to differ, they do plenty, treachery is their main bag but give credit where due they put in full days being ANTI indigenous / UK.

      1. I agree. The politicos of all shades and persuasions spend most of their time filing prodigious expenses claims and otherwise grifting off the taxpayers. The Covid scam saw them stealing billions of borrowed money on dud PPE, multi-million pound contracts awarded to friends, neighbours and relatives.

        The bastards make me sick when I watch their callous attitude to the indigenous population and their embrace of the evil.

    1. The Monarchy is the only government department that makes money. While that continues, it can do what it likes.

      1. Makes money from stuff their ancestors stole from our ancestors, wibbling!
        I was absolutely pro-monarchy until they showed their hand as active supporters of the great reset, which means, disloyal to the British people.

    2. My sentiment after reading the Jubilee Honours List. Clare Balding, TV cook people and a load of footballers FFS.

      So depressing.

      1. Once one stops reading/watching the corporate media, one sees the stuff they publish for the triviality it is.
        I also get depressed by the gulf between what’s really going on (eg financial news) and what most people think is important.
        All that blue pill stuff is not fiction!

  34. I went to the dreaded Asda today- it was a nightmare in the parking lot. In the store they had no block butter- only tub stuff. I did get a lot of fresh veg and salad.
    Weather a mixed bag but seems it will be nice tomorrow.
    Going to call it an early night as I am, again, exhausted, and my face is hurting like hell again.
    Goodnight Y’all.

  35. Here’s one man who won’t be running for the Tory party leadership.

    Britain should rejoin EU single market to ease cost of living crisis, says Tobias Ellwood

    Tory MP, and Boris Johnson critic, suggests ‘radical thinking’ to fight rising inflation, even if it means accepting the bloc’s rules

    By Tony Diver, WHITEHALL CORRESPONDENT1 June 2022 • 5:21pm

    A senior Conservative backbencher has suggested Britain should rejoin the single market to ease the cost of living crisis.

    Tobias Ellwood, the chairman of the Commons defence select committee, said that “radical thinking” is required to tackle rising inflation, even if it means accepting EU regulations and freedom of movement.

    The MP, who has been a vocal critic of Boris Johnson, said politicians “must dare to assess how Brexit, the biggest geopolitical decision in a generation, is faring”.

    In an article published by the PoliticsHome website, Mr Ellwood said that the decision to leave the single market, which was “not on the ballot paper” in the 2016 Brexit referendum, has had adverse consequences including a £20 billion shrink in exports and difficulty on the Irish border.

    “In a nutshell, all these challenges would disappear if we dare to advance our Brexit model by rejoining the EU single market [the Norway model],” he wrote.

    Mr Ellwood said that the plan would “require acceptance of some EU regulations”, which he believed would be popular with businesses which would be “better off working with one common standard rather than having to follow two”.

    “There remain understandable reservations about the free movement of people in relation to benefit claims which would need addressing, but this is not insurmountable,” he said.

    “Let’s not forget, both Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher endorsed this model, with the view that the potential economic benefits outweigh the drawbacks.

    “If joining the single market (with conditions) results in strengthening our economy, easing the cost of living crisis, settling the Irish problem at a stroke and promoting our European credentials as we take an ever greater lead in Ukraine, would it not be churlish to face this reality?”

    The argument is likely to go down poorly among Mr Ellwood’s Conservative colleagues, who have largely accepted Britain’s decision to leave the EU even if, like him, they voted Remain in the referendum.

    Simon Clarke, the Chief Secretary to the Treasury, said he was “pleased to reassure” Mr Ellwood that his plan would not happen, adding: “Single market membership would extinguish half the freedoms that make Brexit so important and Boris is the principal reason we were able to escape it.”

    Labour has also abandoned its Jeremy Corbyn-era policy of support for a second referendum on Brexit.

    Sir Keir Starmer, Mr Corbyn’s successor, has explicitly ruled out the idea of the UK rejoining the EU under a Labour government.

    1. Perhaps we should rejoin the EU, then we could get rid of all MPs and most of the Civil Service.

    2. Brexit is not faring as well as it should, largely because we haven’t yet got it! Any difficulty on the Irish border is down to May, then Bojo, and the ludicrous protocol, which should have been ditched ages ago.

        1. Yes, thanks, but I wasn’t here when the quake hit! I was in Newmarket, Suffolk (or Cambridgeshire the first night).

    3. If the ‘con’servatives want a new Leader, I can do Mondays and Wednesdays

      Points in my favour

      1. I do not know anyone called Carrrie

      2 I do not know anyone called Carrrie

      3. I do not know anyone called Carrrie

      Infinity I do not know anyone called Carrrie

      1. My lovely wife is Caroline.

        Her name is never abbreviated into Carrie or Caro.

        1. Sorry, Rastus, but I think you know who I mean.

          Could you do Tuesdays and Thursdays?

  36. Evening, all. Happy first of the month (pinch and a punch and all that). Crimes are going unreported because it’s a waste of time. You’re lucky if the police turn up, let alone solve the case. You’ll be given a crime number (for your insurance) and occasionally (as happened to me) you’ll be told they know who did it, but they can’t prove it. Well, it would be useful in that case, I thought, if you bothered to take fingerprints off the door they tried to force, but no.

    1. That’s one way. Trudeau and co just change the laws to legalize crimes.
      Starting next year in BC, it becomes legal to posses up to 2.5 grams of hard drugs such as heroin. For some reason this will decrease the number of addicts resorting to the hospital emergency departments.

  37. Just had a walk over Bonsall Moor with daughter and, having completed my 3 score and ten and begun my 8th decade, am now logging off after a pleasant but not over the top day.

    I do not celebrate birthdays, I quietly and contemplatively commemorate them.

    Good night one and all.

    1. A few more weeks for me but I agree with your sentiment. I like to think that I merely become a year wiser, well that is the hope.

    2. Same here. After I turned 30, I failed to get excited about them any more. And New Year.

  38. The case for an immediate Tory leadership contest is strong
    Would backbenchers rather stand behind a wounded Prime Minister limping from one crisis to the next?

    Henry Hill :


    If Boris Johnnson is forced to resign then a caretaker (John Redwood?) is needed to give David Frost a chance to step down from the House of Lords and run as an MP and enter the leadership race.

    No one else is up to the job.

  39. I am reading Fossil Future by Alex Epstein. I recommend this title to anyone seriously doubting the efficacy of the Great Reset and Net Zero bollocks. It is the best and most erudite antidote to the green shite that I have yet found.

    We need fossil fuels, without exploitation of which we would never have achieved the Industrial Revolution and just about every other advance made by man in the past several hundred years, and without which we would be back in the Dark Ages.

    A must read.

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