Wednesday 10 March: The Sussexes’ interview will not diminish the British public’s support for the monarchy

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but not as good as ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here:

928 thoughts on “Wednesday 10 March: The Sussexes’ interview will not diminish the British public’s support for the monarchy

  1. Almighty then…

    There was a small church in Texas that had a very big-busted organist. Her breasts were so huge that they inadvertently bounced and jiggled the entire time she played the organ. Unfortunately, she distracted most of the congregation considerably, both male and female.

    The very proper (and not nearly so blessed) church ladies were appalled. They insisted something had to be done about this or they would have to get another organist.

    So, one of the ladies approached her, very discreetly, and told her to mash up some green persimmons and rub them on the nipples of her breasts and maybe they would shrink in size. She warned her to not eat any of the green persimmons, “…because they are so sour they will
    make your mouth pucker up and you won’t be able to talk properly for a week!”

    The perky organist agreed to try rubbing the persimmons on her nipples.

    The following Sunday morning the minister got up in the pulpit and said….
    “Dew to thir cumsthanthis bewond my contwol, we will not haff a thermon

  2. Biden’s aides stop reporters asking him questions during visit to DC hardware store on his 48th day in office without holding a solo press conference. 10 march 2021.

    President Joe Biden’s aides refused to let him answer questions from reporters as he visited a hardware store in Washington, DC, on his 48th day in office without holding a solo press conference.

    But Biden didn’t acknowledge any of the questions before his aides stepped in to escort the reporters away, telling them: ‘Come on, press, you gotta go.’

    Morning everyone. Understandable really. There were some really difficult questions that impinged on the National Security of the United States. “What day is it?” and “What’s your name.” are profoundly dangerous in a modern state!

    1. Only out for a tap washer, and mobbed by the press! Give the poor man a break!

      1. I hope he had more luck than we did trying to buy a few bog standard door hinges.
        But then he has minders to do the tricky interwebby stuff for him.

    2. Some days when I worry about becoming senile I mug up on the answers to questions I might be asked by my GP to see if I am OK. One of these is “Who is the UK’s Prime Minister?” I am pretty sure that I will pass the test, because I know that the answer is either Mr Gladstone or Mr Disraeli.

      1. Tut, Olaf’s Relict. You are soooooooo behind the times.
        It’s that nice Mr. Churchill.

  3. ‘Morning All
    The rebranding of the evil git Morgan as a “Free Speech Hero” absolutely sickens me,a frothing demented lockdown fanatic that has shouted down any opposing voices,whose lies for profit put our troops and their families in danger,do I remember a share ramping scandal as well??
    This piece of filth a liar,bully and thief should NEVER have had a public platform again after previous scandals and shame on our broadcasters for giving him a pulpit to prate from!!
    (You may gain the impression I’m not a fan”)
    I also reckon the greasy twat isn’t sincere and this is all about raising his profile and price before joining A Neil and the new show

      1. And that is what is so thoroughly depressing about this self-serving shameless opportunist. The Moron classes will still tune in.

    1. Where is Jeremy Clarkson when you need him?

      [Clarkson hates Morgan and famously punched him hard in the gob on their first meeting]

    2. I fully support freedom of speech (the only alternative being censorship) and am glad Moron saw fit to exercise his right. So many want to close down free speech but it allows us to read/watch and expose the clowns in our midst.

      I fully agree with your sentiments regarding Moron’s previous; a whiff of insider trading, phone hacking and the fake imagery which I have no doubt acted as a recruiting sergeant to those who would oppose us. We will never know how many deaths were due to that warped decision. Moron escaped with the sack, when jail time would have been more appropriate for incitement during a ‘war’.

      Instead he was rewarded with replacing Larry King, although the ratings soon took a nosedive as the US audience disliked being harangued by the moon-faced, churnalistic chancer.

      He plays the audience for clickbait, his views changing with the current, anything for headlines. As an example, his ‘banning’ of Govt ministers from ‘his’ GMB show, then spent the next year complaining that no one from HMG would appear on the breakfast couch. Again, anything for headlines/clickbait and the subsequent advertising fees.

      As to your final point; he may be a gob-on-a-stick but he’s not completely stupid and it’s not beyond him to manufacture a crisis to get out of his GMB contract and gain a prime time, rather than breakfast, slot on the new channel.

  4. Morning all. Here’s your dose of the Sussexs…..

    SIR – Following the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s interview with Oprah Winfrey, the Queen need not worry.

    The silent majority of the British public can see this affair for what it is. The monarchy is safe with Prince Charles, Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge.

    Nick Hazelton

    Wimborne, Dorset

    SIR – The monarchy has existed since 927. It has survived 1066, the Hundred Years’ War, the Spanish Armada, Oliver Cromwell, Napoleon and Hitler. It can survive this.

    David Burdon

    Ashford, Kent

    SIR – What was the point of the interview? I was always taught that washing your dirty linen in public was very bad form.

    J  L Greenwood

    London SW18

    SIR – Surely, compared with everything else going on in this pandemic-stricken world, such self-centred attention-seeking should not receive so much publicity.

    There are countless other matters more deserving of tears. Let us not forget that most people do not have the cushions of great wealth and privilege.


    Colin Thomas

    Bridgend, Glamorgan

    SIR – When I resigned from a job there was usually a cup of tea, along with a few platitudes and occasionally a gift.

    I never got to keep the company car, the company credit card, the work title or any personal assistants – not that I had any of these as a teacher.

    Harry isn’t doing too badly. It’s time for him to move on.

    Dennis Fitzgerald

    Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

    SIR – We learn that Meghan and Kate had a difference of opinion over bridesmaids. This can happen in any family. Kate subsequently took flowers to Meghan and apologised, and Meghan said she forgave her.

    Surely, if you accept an apology, the incident is over and done with – and you do not broadcast it to the whole world.

    Lynda Brown

    Calne, Wiltshire

    SIR – When I was doing my legal training in the Sixties, the senior partner had a notice in a small frame in his room, which he used to show to clients. It read: “Always remember there are three sides to every story. Yours, mine and the facts.”

    Tim Sills

    Potton, Bedfordshire


    SIR – May we have another interview, only this time with Emily Maitlis?

    Richard Atkins

    Pulborough, West Sussex

    SIR – I am appalled that Joe Biden has seen fit to endorse the Duke and Duchess’s disgraceful tirade against our Royal family. How dare he?

    Felicity Thomson

    Symington, Ayrshire

    SIR – The Sussex affair appears to be a clash of cultures, exacerbated by a serious failure of communication. It is perhaps a classic example of the adage that America and the United Kingdom are two countries divided by a common language.

    It is apparent that Meghan found it difficult to understand Royal Household English, and they certainly did not speak Californian Actress English. While Harry was possibly the person who could have acted as a translator, perhaps he did not speak either language with sufficient fluency.

    Rory Laird

    Dollar, Clackmannanshire

    SIR – The really disturbing aspect of all this is the generational polarisation, illustrated by your columnists Celia Walden and Radhika Sanghani.

    If the monarchy is to survive in any shape or form, it needs to engage with the latter’s generation. Responsibility for this should fall to Prince William.


    Charles Holden

    Micheldever, Hampshire

  5. Appalling what this Government has done and is doing to the children.

    SIR – The fear caused by the actions taken in schools over the past 12 months will prove to be among the most damaging legacies of Covid-19.

    It isn’t just coercing children to strap up their faces for five or more hours per day, or forcing them to look at covered faces. It’s the bubbles and pods; the dramatically altered lessons and timetables; the removal of the social scene and exams; ubiquitous one-way systems and barriers; a total collapse of routine, predictability and trust; the hand-sanitising stations and wiping down, and much more besides.


    Britain used to believe in free, compulsory education for all, and in school as a safe haven for millions. Let us return to those worthy principles.

    Fraser Stark

    Tenbury, Worcestershire

    SIR – Many schoolchildren now have to wear masks from when they sit down at their desks until the bell at the end of the lesson. For 35,000 deaf pupils, this will mean isolation, loneliness and a daily battle to communicate with friends and teachers.

    Safety has to be the number-one priority, but the Government has a legal duty to make sure its policies don’t destroy the education of a generation of deaf students. It must act now and do everything possible to make sure that each deaf young person is getting the support they need.

    Ian Noon

    Head of Policy

    National Deaf Children’s Society

    London EC2

      1. If safety was the number one priority for humans, we would have died out before the dinosaurs.

    1. 330150+ up ticks.
      Morning E,

      The fear caused by the actions taken in schools over the past 12 months will prove to be among the most damaging legacies of Covid-19.

      But the most ongoing damaging legacy has surely got to be mass paedophillia as revealed in the JAY report this is still catered for via potential units entering by DOVER.

  6. The royal family is in a perilous position. 10 March 2021.

    Whatever you think of the Sussex saga, it’s clear that Buckingham Palace are waking up to more uncomfortable reading this morning. The coverage of the allegations made by the Sussexes is not going to die down anytime soon and the public is now poised to see how the Palace reacts. While the Duke and Duchess of Sussex did everything in their power to twist the knife during their two-hour tell-all with Oprah, the royal family’s well-intentioned actions last week may have worsened their predicament.

    …the public is now poised to see how the Palace reacts.They are? I’m certainly not among them for one. Her Maj has undoubtedly done the right thing here and effectively refused to pander to idiot statements like this! The least said the better! The Meghanalodon will thrive on any statement whatsoever. Any denial will be met with disbelief and any admission of whatever nature with cries of Racist!

    1. HMQ is well aware that feeding the troll (the lame stream meeja) never ends well. A stoic silence – just long enough to send the bBC and Sky Newz into a froth – followed by a missive with the wonderful understatement, “Some recollections may vary.”, was a masterclass in diplomacy.

      Me-again may be confused or just making it up as she goes along, although most of her shenanigans seem to follow a script, either way this ageing, bit-part actress will soon fade away as her advertising fees drop.

  7. Arise, Sir Nigel

    SIR – The suggestion that Nigel Farage (Leading Article, March 8) should be honoured for his huge influence on Britain’s future and international standing is welcome.

    Surely no other modern politician can claim to have achieved so much. After all, Nick Clegg was given a knighthood.


    John Neimer

    Stoborough, Dorset

      1. If you were the Queen and really hated Tony Blair, but couldn’t come out and say so, was there a better way of insulting him than to give Clegg a knighthood?

      1. The ‘Honours’ system is now so degraded, that being offered a gong or a title is an insult. It implies you are a brown nosed lickspittle; preferably a rich BNL.

        1. And yet, Annie, I still aspire to the title of Lady Elsie of Rhubarbland. One can dream, can’t one?


  8. Can some clever NoTTLer help me?

    It is said that HMG can only offer the NHS staff 1% pay increase. The same HMG has – so far – squandered £32 BILLION on a track and trace system that simply does not work.

    What percentage increase in pay would that £32 BN provided?

    1. If current NHS expenditure is around say £150 billion. Approx 60-70% of the budget may be attributable to staff costs say £90 billion so 32 billion might have equalled a 30% pay rise. But too late its been spent along with the £18 billion lost on connecting for health….

      1. It would have been better as a bonus. Pay rises have to be paid out every year, bonus just the once.

    2. Assuming the pay bill is in the region of 50 bn, approximately 60-65%, but as a single year.
      Any pay rise continues ad infinitum.

      The Government would have been better advised to have considered a one-off, non pensionable bonus rather than a pay rise.

    3. There exists a small group of people somewhere who think that it was money well spent. PPE contracts also come to mind. Cv-19, the very ill wind that blows some people a lot of good!

  9. Yesterday, there was a photo in the Wail of Woke William driving his car (masked, natch – cars are SUCH dangerous infection points)) and he was said to have been “weeping”.

    Who will rid us of these frightened fools?

    1. Poor Harry. Roaming the halls of his 13 bathroom mansion weeping.

      So sad to be all alone in the world.

      Good morning, Bill.

          1. Morning Phizzee

            Ginge and Whinge are like a pair of druggies on rehab.

            I suspect she is feeding Harry the stuff , he really looked drugged up .


            MEGHAN Markle boasted to pals about how she’d serve illegal marijuana at her first wedding.

            Leaked emails reveal plans to put the dope in party bags at her nuptials to Trevor Engelson.

            The wedding plan included procuring enough marijuana to hand-roll over 200 joints, delivered to guests in gift bags left in their hotel rooms for their arrival.

            Although there was just one tote bag per room – designed for the occasion – each contained a baggie with 3-5 ready-to-smoke joints.

            Older guests received gift bags without the drugs inside.

            “Some people were lighting up all weekend, particularly Trevor’s friends. Meghan herself not so much, she was fairly constrained. She preferred to drink but I don’t think she wanted to be a party-pooper so she would take a puff from time to time to be a part of it.”

            The guest said: “Trevor used his charm and very easily found a member of staff at the hotel willing to supply the party.”

          2. My father told me that in the Sudan the natives smoked cannabis as tobacco.

            Of course the strains they smoked were not like the Polecat versions that are available in the West today and the effect was to make them sleepy, lazy and incapable of doing any serious work.

    2. I think he would have a security officer with him, so he would have to wear the mask to ‘protect’ the employee.
      At the moment, he probably has to be seen to be whiter than …. ah …..

          1. There us freedom and a certain peace of mind in anonymity.
            Good morning Anne, and everyone.

  10. The interview by Ginge & Minge has confirmed quite some thoughts I have had for a long time now.
    Our newspapers are really the gutter press.
    A falsehood feeds on the oxygen of publicity which the likes of ITV & BBC seems happy to supply.
    Celebrity status is a cancer which is doing untold harm.
    At least half the population in the west will believe anything you tell them, Covid being just one example.
    Susanna Reid can utter more than one sentence if allowed to speak by her co-presenting partner.
    Grizzly is right, the IQ of mankind is dropping like a stone.

    1. Our newspapers are really the gutter press.

      Morning VVOF. The MSM are actually a Fifth Column destroying the West!

      1. That is because they have been bought off by the same person, the palindrome. He who pays the piper calls the tune. I cannot understand why the media cannot see that it is ultimately destroying itself, after it has destroyed us, of course.

    2. Have a ❤ VVOF – the population has been kept captive for a year now- of course they will watch this mindnumbing rubbish.

      1. I’ve been captive for a year, but there is no way I’m bothering with that rubbish.

  11. Kremlin alarmed by report on planned US cyberattack on Russia. 10 March 2021.

    Russia has expressed its alarm after it was reported the United States was planning a series of covert counterattacks on Russian networks, saying such strikes would amount to cybercrimes.

    It said a series of clandestine actions were expected across Russian networks that were intended to be evident to President Vladimir Putin and his intelligence services and military but not to the wider world.

    I’m doubtful of this for a variety of reasons. First a cyber war is already being waged and secondly the source of this report is the New York Times which is simply an anti-Russian propaganda outlet. It hardly needs to be pointed out that the Russians are not backward when it comes to fighting of whatever nature and Clandestine War can very rapidly morph into Open Conflict!

    1. If Russia does it it is a cybercrime. If America does it it is in the interest on National Security.

      Besides, making an announcement of intention of a covert operation just sounds like grandstanding to me.

      1. Morning Phizzee. The NYT is the source of so many of these Russian Fake News Stories that one suspects they have an in house CIA team!

  12. 330150+ up ticks,
    Morning Each,
    Personally, God, King & Country from the outset and never changed unlike today, sad to say, peoples / society changed
    from being a close knit united Nation to what we witness currently.

    Wednesday 10 March: The Sussexes’ interview will not diminish the British public’s support for the monarchy

    This same peoples / society damn near handed these Isles
    over to a foreign power as dictatorial overseers so I would be wary of their support of the head of state when the whole country was up for grabs.

    These ex royal couple do NOT warrant the attention they are
    receiving via the establishment & MsM masters at spreading chaff ( countermeasures / deceit) to deflect from REAL anti
    English / GB issues.

    The illegal entry bridgehead at DOVER is morphing into being the daily norm, if it were to receive the same publicity
    these ex royals are receiving from the media & obliging fools
    something surely would be seen to be DONE.

    The 6th May will surely be a pointer to if these peoples wish to carry on supporting an ongoing political virus / regular lockdowns, and all the controlling trimmings to be used as and when politically called for.

    1. I don’t think any of these issues will be on the manifesto on 6th May ogga. People will only be asked to vote on parish pump matters.

      1. 330150+ up ticks,
        Morning N,
        I make you right, manifesto’s the fodder of party first fools.
        Manifesto’s = the deceitful manna for party members, voters, and
        gullible peoples to take to the polling booth.

        To my mind supporting these governance Mps is on par with feeding piranha, they will eventually devour you in one way or another.

  13. An obvious question is whether Govt will use data from US states which have got rid of mask mandates over the past 6 months to inform their decision.

    The answer to the “obvious” question will be in the negative even if the evidence supports de-masking. Johnson only follows “evidence” that supports his agenda and de-masking is not on his agenda, as the current fiasco in our schools clearly displays.

  14. Anyone planning to fly off to sunnier climes for a holiday in the near future?….

    As we know via the United Nations, we have a climate emergency which is why there will be no fossil fuelled cars on the road in just nine years from now. They also claim that passenger carrying planes are unsustainable and a major threat to global warming.

    It has been reported that since the lockdown 35% of passenger planes have been scrapped although I doubt many were private jets. Fewer planes would suggest that the days of cheap package holidays might be very much numbered.

    1. With capacity down, prices will have to go up and people have money in the bank to pay. The airlines that survive will also have to pay off those huge loans.

      1. With so many plebs losing their livelihoods and no doubt their houses too then the market for travellers diminishes which means the airlines will have to cut their cloth to serve the fewer numbers who can afford expensive tickets.

        But…isn’t that what the protracted lockdown is all about rather than the virus itself? It has long been promulgated that the carbon footprint will be severely reduced and if global warming is to be believed then all forms of transportation and more especially air travel needs to be culled back to almost nothing.

        1. It will be interesting to see which way it goes but I think that pensioners have a lot of financial sway and all the government workers. Something that I have not seen mentioned is the value of legacies, significant wealth must be being passed down due to property values, something that has not happened in past generations.

          1. Yes…

            I’m mostly skint but as my mortgage has only a year or two remaining my portfolio is quite good. Trouble is…they are going to make everything so expensive that it would be wiser not to spend it but rather keep it for basic survival in the coming years.

        2. All those ghastly common people infesting Fŭckit and Costa Lotta.
          Now the stuff of myth and legend.

        1. Another set of Gremlins. The forum here works fine for me via my (ageing) desktop PC, but (as per yesterday) I couldn’t post any comments (even though I was successfully logged in) via my tablet – it said I needed to add some name and email thingy – what, though, I don’t know…

      1. Morning Bill. Well it’s not Vlad we have to worry about. All the damage to the UK has been inflicted by Brussels and Westminster!

    1. Sounds very U, dahlinks, although I do have the very smallest teeny-weeny doubt over the Dianthus chintz. (Today I am self-identifying as Tazza Gabor.)

  15. I am fed up to the teeth seeing Migraine mentioned – and I didn’t watch even one second of the interview!

    So, here is that latest on Biden and related events which may have been missed.

    One of Biden’s latest gaffes is that, while he was making a speech accompanied by his Secretary of Defense and two female generals whom he had just promoted, he suddenly forgot the name of the Secretary and the name of the Pentagon. He finally said: “The guy who runs that outfit down there”. It isn’t surprising that a Rasmussen poll found that 50 percent of likely voters are “not very confident” or “not at all confident” that Biden “is physically and mentally up to the job of being President of the United States.”

    In the meantime, the most malevolent factions in the Middle East are taking advantage of Biden’s weakness and appeasement of terrorists. For example, the Houthis in Yemen have a new lease of life now that they are no longer on the list of terrorist organisations. Iran is delighted and continues to supply them with rockets, drones and other military equipment, not to mention training and funding.

    Biden has authorised the release of $3 billion to Iran, enabling them to continue supporting their proxies, including that other terrorist organisation, Hezbollah in Lebanon.

    At the beginning of February there was a disastrous oil spill which affected 100 miles of Israel’s coastline. After analyzing the movements of 35 vessels in the area (with the help of the US and the EU), it was determined that it was a deliberate act by a crude oil carrier, the Emerald, which is Libyan owned but operated by Iran. The Emerald is now in Iran. Of course Iran denies this and accuses Israel of fabricating the story. That far left organisation, Greenpeace, supports Iran and accused Israel of electioneering. So how does one get an unprejudiced analysis of what happened? Lloyd’s List is the answer, which said this: Lloyd’s List Intelligence data confirms Israel’s description of events surrounding the oil spill. Despite several instances where the Panama-flagged Emerald’s AIS is switched off, the tanker can be seen sailing past Israel at the point of the oil spill between February 1 to 2.

    Iran’s Ambassador to the UN, Ravanchi, is quoted today saying that the “Israeli regime must be held accountable for all of its crimes, brutalities and threats”. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black! But I suppose he would say that, wouldn’t he?

    In the probable event that Biden has to give up, sooner rather than later, things are likely to get even worse, with the far-left socialist Harris in charge and her expected VP, Nancy Pelosi.

    God Help Us!

      1. Good morning to you! Yes, I’m afraid that western civilisation is in dire trouble!

    1. Reminds me of a demented patient we nursed years ago.
      She had a permanent catheter which would play up at regular intervals.
      On one occasion, a black doctor came to see her and prescribed antibiotics.
      The patient was so pleased that she told her family “Black Man very good for me down there”.
      We had to do some very rapid explaining.

    2. The fact that, from what one gathers, encouraged by Biden and Ms Clinton, the majority of US citizens support Migraine reminds me of that very relevant quotation from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar) which seems to apply to Americans:

      Oh judgement thou art fled to brutish beasts
      And men have lost their reason.

  16. China could invade Taiwan by 2027, top US admiral warns. 10 March 2021.

    China could invade Taiwan within the next six years as Beijing rapidly steps up its military challenge to American forces in the Indo-Pacific, a top US commander warned on Tuesday.

    “I worry that they’re (China) accelerating their ambitions to supplant the United States and our leadership role in the rules-based international order… by 2050,” Admiral Philip Davidson, head of Indo-Pacific command, told a US Senate committee.

    “Taiwan is clearly one of their ambitions before that. And I think the threat is manifest during this decade, in fact, in the next six years,” he said.

    Unlike the World’s Political and Financial elites, as well as the last and present Prime Minister and a couple of US Presidents I have never supported the Chinese Communist Party and their rule in China. It was and is one of the nastiest regimes on the planet! This doesn’t however prevent me from saying that Taiwan is a part of China. The question here is what price is the West prepared to pay to maintain the present separation? Would the United States really go to all-out war for Chinese real estate? They better think deep! The cost could be astronomical!

    1. The indigenous Taiwanese are Austronesian people. Heavily outnumbered since Han immigration increased from the 17th century onwards. The USA is now looking at building semiconductor plants irrespective of cost (billions) because if the CCP absorbs Taiwan, we are all stuffed.

  17. OT – the MR has a small problem with the Inland Revenue which sent a PAYE Code which meant that she would overpay about £800 in the current tax year.

    She wrote on 16 December explaining the problem and asking for a different code. Silence. We know the letter was received because she enclosed a cheque which was cashed. She wrote again at the beginning of February. Silence. Two weeks ​ago, I suggested that she wrote to the Chief bod at the Board of Inland Revenue. Two days later, she had a full reply and new PAYE Code. We assumed that the letter to Head Bod had done the trick.

    No. A week later, she had an e-mail from a minion saying that the IR was far too busy to deal wit things quickly and that she might (or might not) receive a reply within 14 working days. None has arrived. The “full” reply she received was quite coincidental.

    As HMRC exist to ensure that HMG’s coffers are full – it seems very odd to me that they don’t lean over backwards to ensure excellent relations with taxpayers.

    I compared their cavalier attitude to that of the greenhouse company (which I mentioned the other day) where the excellent and helpful Tracey was working at 8 pm on a Friday night, ad her oppo in the Technical Dept was hard at it on a Sunday.

    The only useful outcome is that I now have the e-mail contact address which HMRC asks MPs to use when dealing with tax complaints by constituents….

        1. He passed it on to minion…{:¬(((

          In the past, when I had contact with the Head of the Revenue, I always had an immediate e-mail acknowledgement from the private office.

  18. Appalling

    At present it is virtually impossible to have an open and honest

    debate on these lines about the vaccines policy. The Government and

    its various arms have taken active measures – through media influence,

    intelligence services, PR contracts, huge expenditure on advertising – to suppress ‘misinformation’.

    Extraordinary though it may sound, British spies are on a cyber-mission to disrupt the spread of anti-vaccine disinformation online by hostile states and terrorist groups. The Chief

    of the Defence Staff, General Sir Nick Carter, has revealed that the

    Army’s 77 Brigade communications unit (which specialises in

    psychological warfare, including using social media) is also involved in countering ‘misinformation’ online relating to coronavirus.

    A government which publicly cracks down on ‘misinformation’ about the

    coronavirus pandemic puts anyone who questions it and these emergency

    vaccines in the wrong. So much for freedom of debate and dissent.
    Never in my worst nightmares did I envisage the British Army targeting British citizens,but here we are……………….

    1. I had a call from a NHS woman last night asking about my ‘vaccination plan in’. I told her that I had made my surgery aware of my stance and therefore the NHS already knows.

      She asked if it was alright to update my NHS records to say I didn’t want the vaccine. I refused.

      1. I was contacted and said that I would prefer the other vaccine, but would consider having the Oxford one eventually. Apparently the Biontech phials are being kept back for those people who have not yet had their second injection.

      2. I was contacted and said that I would prefer the other vaccine, but would consider having the Oxford one eventually. Apparently the Biontech phials are being kept back for those people who have not yet had their second injection.

    1. I heard on R4 this morning that the spread of HIV from animals to humans was the fault of, colonialism, inequality, slavery and other isms. The commentator is probably working on a brexit angle. Amazing these viruses.

  19. And a 2nd good morning from a bloody wet & cold Derbyshire. a smidgeon above 2°C in the yard and I’m not planning to do much outside work today!!

    And for a 2nd day in a row, the Daily Telegraph has kicked it’s paying customers in the teeth by deleting the entire comments section of the letters page!

    1. And a 2nd good morning from a bloody wet & cold Derbyshire…

      When I started reading your post Victoria Derbyshire was on the BBC news channel and I thought you were referring to her…LOL.

    2. It was still up at 7.30am, half an hour longer than yesterday! It looked like many readers got up early to vent their anger. I wonder how they’ll feel tomorrow or by the end of the week? The proverbial ‘last straw’ for many DT subscribers?

      PS. It’s actually the third day in a row of the DT mods deleting the BTL comments on the Letters Page. Last one still up is from 7th March.

        1. It was. I copied & pasted a couple of the better BTL comments on yesterday’s page when I had my insomniac’s session this morning.

          1. Was it? I’m afraid I was catching up on the Zeds after 10 nights of hacking up my lungs.

          2. More or less. I still sound like a 60 per dayer for the first hour. But, it is becoming easier and it will go.

          3. Ouch! Hope you’re feeling better.
            And that Better is enjoying it!

        2. Today’s was – I checked at 7.30am and it had more comments than usual for that time of day. As someone else said, the mods there may not start work that early! Still, the BTL area on the letters from 7th March is still going strong, with comments from today.

    1. I’ve received that one from other sources. It would seem to be really doing the rounds.

    1. Good morning, ogga

      Unless this problem is properly resolved by firm action nobody will ever trust the Conservative Party again. The trouble is that nobody trusts any of the alternatives either.

      1. 330150+ up ticks,
        Morning R,
        Really this should have been the case post major, lib dems are 100% eu assets always have been with no pretence, lab should have imploded after the JAY report.

        And I don’t trust the electorate to ” do the right thing” with the welfare of these Isles in mind, recent support / voting history shows me to be right.

        As I have prior posted IMO L fox, AM Waters, R Tilbrook are the last pit stops of decency in regards to supporting / voting.

        The only other option, is sad to say, NOTA.

        1. As you know I have argued for some time that None Of The Above votes should be counted and when these are higher in number than any other candidate gets then no candidate is returned to office.

          1. 330150+ up ticks,
            The only option to take when only those on offer as in lab/lib/con, are of an anti English / GB proven nature.

        2. As you know I have argued for some time that None Of The Above votes should be counted and when these are higher in number than any other candidate gets then no candidate is returned to office.

  20. When the Whinge mentioned she was suicidal, what did Harry do for her , or did that come as a surprise to him.

    Can I repeat what I have felt about them for ages .. I think they are indulging in drugs , excessive use causes personality problems , and the outbursts we have been treated to are probably the highs they are experiencing .. and the toxic accusations they are throwing at everyone are probably the result of smoking or snorting. .

    Harry looked spaced out .. Meghan is probably controlling him with drugs .. old habits die hard . Drug abuse shatters lives , and even babies in utero can be affected as well.

    ” MEGHAN Markle boasted to pals about how she’d serve illegal marijuana at her first wedding.

    Leaked emails reveal plans to put the dope in party bags at her nuptials to Trevor Engelson.”

    1. Not to mention that sparkle was quite able to jet to the US for a baby shower. Maybe she could have had a heart to heart with her friends there. I guess she had her passport back.

  21. Well, today’s Letters Page comments lasted longer than the previous two days! Hopefully those for 7th March (still up as of now) can continue to be the forum there for readers. Maybe some can find their way here!

    Meanwhile, woke luvvie film critic Robbie Collin is getting roasted about the virtue-signalling Bafta nominations (2/3rds BAME this year – urgh!) in the BTL comments. Well, at least (for now) they are allowed, unlike for the even more woke Anita Singh’s ‘article’ (she never allows us plebs to comment, probably knowing full well she and her daft ideology would be destroyed):

    And the DT wonders why their readers are so peed off?

  22. I gather the only non-white person on some TV cooking malarkey won. I was SOOOOO surprised.

    1. We watch the interior design competition. It is such fun. The non-white girl has escaped being kicked out by a tiny margin a couple of times. But “she has learned so much”, she has come on in leaps and bounds, etc and so forth. She is destined to win.

  23. If only the mainstream media spent as much time with Meghan’s and Harry’s lack of evidence backed accusations as they did on the Biden election fraud lack of evidence, we would all be happier here in the comments section.
    It’s almost as if someone is deciding the issues we are allowed to hear and to talk about.
    The fact that they want us to talk about the royals and race when nobody particularly does or even cares, says it all really, we are being steered and herded like sheep, not just medically but with our heads, mentally.

    1. It’s almost as if someone is deciding the issues we are allowed to hear and to talk about.

      Morning Bob. They are! It is clearly orchestrated!

    2. And the question is, what are they really up to whilst the nation is being distracted and determinedly focused on this royal calamity?

  24. Perhaps you have seen some of these before , they are quite amusing though.


    1. His men would follow him anywhere, but only out of curiosity.
    2. I would not breed from this Officer.
    3. This man is depriving a village somewhere of its idiot.
    4. This officer can be likened to a small puppy – he runs around excitedly, leaving little messes for other people to clean up.
    5. This Officer is really not so much of a has-been, more of a definitely won’t-be.
    6. When she opens her mouth, it seems only to change whichever foot was previously in there.
    7. Couldn’t organise 50% leave in a 2 man submarine
    8. He has carried out each and every one of his duties to his entire satisfaction.
    9. He would be out of his depth in a car park puddle.
    10. Technically sound, but socially impossible.
    11. The occasional flashes of adequacy are marred by an attitude of apathy and indifference.
    12. When he joined my ship, this Officer was something of a granny; since then he has aged considerably.
    13. This Medical Officer has used my ship to carry his genitals from port to port, and my officers to carry him from bar to bar.
    14. This Officer reminds me very much of a gyroscope, always spinning around at a frantic pace, but not really going anywhere.
    15. Since my last report he has reached rock bottom, and has started to dig.
    16. She sets low personal standards and then consistently fails to achieve them.
    17. He has the wisdom of youth, and the energy of old age.
    18. This Officer should go far, and the sooner he starts, the better.
    19. In my opinion this pilot should not be authorised to fly below 250 feet.
    20. The only ship I would recommend for this man is citizenship.
    21. Couldn’t organise a woodpecker’s picnic in Sherwood Forest.
    22. Works well when under constant supervision and cornered like a rat in a trap.
    23. Not the sharpest knife in the drawer.
    24. Gates are down, the lights are flashing, but the train isn’t coming.
    25. Has two brains; one is lost and the other is out looking for it.
    26. If he were any more stupid, he’d have to be watered twice a week.
    27. Got into the gene pool while the lifeguard wasn’t watching.
    28. If you stand close enough to him, you can hear the ocean.
    29. It’s hard to believe that he beat 1,000,000 other sperm.
    30. A room temperature IQ.
    31. Got a full 6-pack, but lacks the plastic thingy to hold it all together.
    32. A gross ignoramus, 143 times worse than an ordinary ignoramus.
    33. He has a photographic memory but has the lens cover glued on.
    34. He has been working with glue too long.
    35. When his IQ reaches 50, he should sell.
    36. This man hasn’t got enough grey matter to sole the flip-flop of a one legged budgie.
    37. If two people are talking, and one looks bored, he’s the other one.
    38. One-celled organisms would out score him in an IQ test.
    39. He donated his body to science before he was done using it.
    40. Fell out of the stupid tree and hit every branch on the way down.
    41. He’s so dense, light bends around him.
    42. If brains were taxed, he’d get a rebate.
    43. Some drink from the fountain of knowledge; he only gargled.
    44. Takes him 1.1/2 hours to watch 60 minutes.
    45. Wheel is turning, but the hamster is long gone

    1. My immediate thought is “how is the data collected?”
      It could be that, as blacks tend to be arrested more often for criminal acts than whites (not necessarily more guilty), then they are likely to be more often assessed for mental state as part of the legal process. Thus, they would be seen to be more schizo than the population average if the data was so extrapolated.

      1. It could be that, as blacks tend to be arrested more often for criminal acts than whites (not necessarily more guilty), then they are likely to be more often assessed for mental state as part of the legal process.

        No they’re nutters!

      2. Good point, but no. If you glance at the study via the link, you will see that they were looking at a cohort born in the 1960s. And poor pale males are also well represented in prisons. Having said that, when on trial many UK criminals use the excuse of drug addiction to justify their activities and/or to obtain medical care/rehab if convicted.

    2. socio-economic status is a significant factor. If you ignore tribal people who have no access to money, poverty is linked with
      poor health outcomes. Affluent people live longer and enjoy better health.

    3. Diane (two right shoes) Abbot springs to mind. Her son is mental as well but that is mostly self inflicted.

  25. Good morning my friends.

    Oprah Winfrey has given the ex-Duchess of Sussex the chance to give her version of the Truth but I doubt if Ms Winfrey would invite The Queen to give hers and Piers Morgan certainly would not be invited. to do so.

    It occurs to me that there is a grand opening for Mr Morgan now that he is on the lookout for another job. How about a series entitled:


    It will not matter whether his guests lie or whether they actually tell the truth as long as they are controversial and try to get the audience on side by wallowing in woke self-pity or if, on the other hand, they antagonise the audience by expressing right-of-centre, politically incorrect, sensible opinions.

    1. There is a programme called “Would I Lie to You?”. It could be revamped and taken into a whole new realm (in a manner of speaking).

      1. WILTY is very funny, especially when Bob Mortimer is a guest. He tells the most ridiculous anecdotes which more often than not turn out to be true, bewildering David Mitchell who has to guess whether the story is true.

        A fun ten mins or so can be had by watching Mortimerian Tales on You Tube.

  26. Is the Telegraph at it again?…

    I see from your comments that they have suspended some of their comment facilities. In recent times I only read their headlines and the more informative comments but now they want paying I’ve crossed them off the list. I doubt very much if today’s comments differ from those before they put up a paywall.

    But they do have form in this area. I commented on the DT some dozen years ago when UKIP was on the rise. They lost the argument and closed the comments completely. Before they did that they employed scores of trolls who infested and disrupted every thread so they made no sense at all.

    Typical Tory rag…they absolutely hate the truth.

    1. They once took one of my posts edited it, rewrote the central piece then froze it so I couldn’t change it back. Lol!

    2. They give :


      (Facts and the actual truth are irrelevant. Below I have suggested this as a title for a new TV series hosted by Piers Morgan)

      1. By restricting comment they think they control the narrative…

        But this led to these threads appearing and they can’t control … moderate…modify…delete anything you guys say.

        Closing the threads all those years ago led to me and many others jumping ship over to Breitbart.

    1. I used that quotation when speaking to my elder son Christo who studied King Lear for his IB Higher exams with a total philistine’s comprehension of it!

      No matter ……. he is now a design engineer in the aerospace industry.

  27. Good morning all. There should be a word to describe the pain you feel when having to agree with, and even cheer for, someone you find completely loathsome. ‘Morgan-itis’ perhaps?

    I type this through gritted teeth, but fair play to Piers Morgan for standing by his comments about Sparkle.

    It cannot be acceptable to spray around highly-damaging insinuations of racism, without any proof or specific details. Must we simply take everything she says as gospel, because she is mixed-race and allegedly had mental-health issues?

    1. She has played two cards which she knows cannot be trumped – the mental health card and the racism card. No proof is needed in either case – she knows that if anyone tries to question either of these statements that they will be howled down by the woke mob.

    2. Taking Migraine’s slanders as gospel defies logic. The fact that she has “mental-health” issues alone, is reason enough to doubt the veracity of her narrative.

      After all, who in his/her right mind would believe anything a mad half-nigger said?

  28. Meghangate – How is this remark racist?
    The remarks about skin colour were made – “how dark” their son Archie’s skin might be.

    1. Since she’s a lying, manipulative cow, don’t believe anything that comes out of her or her doormat’s mouths.

    2. Someone I know working in the private health sector said that a colleague was kicking off about racism. He was black. She told him “but I just don’t notice the shade of your skin, Txxxx.” She said he turned on her screaming “do you realise that that is the most racist thing you could say to me?!” This racist stuff has turned into an international illness, it is a mental affliction with which we are now having to deal. And some of it is just badness.

        1. My first job, back in the 70’s, was as assistant to a designer for a clothing manufacturer. In our workroom we had two Ghanaian machinists who told me firmly that they would have no problem with their daughters marrying white men but woe betide them if they brought home a Nigerian! This was my first experience of close contact with Africans.

          1. That was late 60’s. Maybe still influenced them in ’78, though I don’t recall it being mentioned.

          2. I do remember, Sue, a jokey reminder of a take on a Heinz advert, “A million Biafrans every day, open a can of beans and say, ‘One for you, and one for you…'”

          3. That mirrors my experience. The most senior black member of staff in the laboratory in which I worked was a Zulu. Woe betide any Xhosa or Sotho that joined us – they didn’t last long. Only the Matabele were faintly acceptable but as they came from Rhodesia, we rarely encountered them.

      1. I was brought up with Trevor McDonald reading the news. It never occurred to me he was any different from anyone else.

        He said that before he became a household name he turned down a job at the BBC because they said they were looking for more black presenters.

    3. The looks and characteristics of a child are often discussed and cannot be called racism, apart from those wishing to stir up, racism. Ho hum.

      1. When I was pregnant with our first child my OH and I often discussed the happy event. Would it be a boy/girl- who would he/she look like- hair colouring, hopefully dark blonde like me ….my hubby was going grey!
        Thankfully it wasn’t ginger…..!

          1. I was a bright orange carrot top when i was 11 yrs old. It faded to a shade of darker auburn and now it’s salt and pepper. :@)

        1. Our worry was the Lowland Scot ginger Brillo pad gene. It hasn’t appeared in sons or grandchildren.

  29. Non-Meghan related news.

    Just spoke to the The Registraar. Good news. The Venousection has worked and my blood has returned to normal levels.

    All the nasties they were looking for in my blood and bone marrow have come back negative.
    They have no idea of the cause of the Polycythaemia but that is often the case. They at least know how to treat the condition.

    The reason my condition became acute was because of ‘sticky blood and narrowed arteries in my leg.

    One of those conditions has returned to normal. The other after my CT scan is at least treatable.

    Thanks to all Nottlers for your concern. I would do a little dance for joy except for the fact i still can’t walk !

    1. Looking good, Phizzee! Excellent news! Glad there’s some control now, and have a big glass of something nice – as long as it’s allowed, of course!

    2. Brilliant brilliant news .. you need a big hug Phizzee, what a terrible time you have been through .

      I do hope you will gradually improve as time goes by, have they offered you physio sessions for your legs , and they will recover, won’t they .

      1. Thanks for the virtual hug. I may need surgery for the narrowing of the artery but it is not really a serious operation.

        Yes my legs will recover and no they didn’t offer physio.

        Thank you, Belle.

      1. The blood nurse told me they don’t always know the cause but venousection has been proven to work.


    3. That is a relief Phiz. On the mend 😊.
      Do you need to have physio to get up and about again?

      1. Thanks Stormy.

        Physio wouldn’t be a help for this condition. As the blood has thinned it can now get through the narrowing arteries. The arteries are being investigated.

    4. That is a relief Phiz. On the mend 😊.
      Do you need to have physio to get up and about again?

    5. Delighted to hear it, Phizzee! And really pleased that you will be living to entertain us on these pages for years to come!

    6. Good news indeed.

      I’ve just spoken with Meghan. She says she has it worse and that it is all your fault. Harry sends a teardrop.

      1. Oberst suggested i drink water which had some barley in it with a squeezing of hops. Being a Southerner i bought 24 cans of shandy !

    1. To sit and have my coffee this morning I turned on the TV. BBC 1 and to my surprise the first person i saw was a very elegant attractive black lady who was beautifully dressed and made up. And the first words i heard her say was “a person of colour”. Well i’ll be………and nobody stormed out the the studio or had a fake cardio arrest or even a seizure of absolute disgust.
      I cant make it out, if a whitey had said that they would have been in deep, deep trouble.

          1. Funny that we should forgive Harry for the follies of his youth but Britain should never be forgiven for slavery even though Britain led the way in banning it.

          2. Looking at the base of pic “made with memtastic”, I’m pretty sure it’s a mock-up.

          3. But he did once get a bit of bolero king for dressing in a Nazi uniform for a party.

          4. But he did once get a bit of bolero king for dressing in a Nazi uniform for a party.

    1. Are Sky News in Britain and Sky News in Australia connected? They seem to have completely different approaches to the news.

      1. Australians in general have a much more realistic and rather more pragmatic approach to most things.

    1. Were there not financial incentives in the UK to admit nhs patients to the care homes? I don’t have e a link, but I seem to remember some mention of it at the time. They knew exactly what they were doing.

      1. All I know pm is that it costs in the region of a thousand pounds a week to be a resident in a UK care home.
        But of course people with their own property and very little income would have to sell their home to be able to afford this. And of course there are certain taxes to be met.

        1. Not in Scotland, property isn’t sold to provide money for care if there is a relative living in it. Any savings above £26k is taken to pay for care and any savings under (I think) £14k is ignored. They will then just take your pension less around £28 a week allowance for day to day expenses. The Personal Care portion of care costs is free.

          1. Back in the day it was a hotel Q Vic stayed there on visits to Scotland. There’s a nine hole GC across the road and fishing in the lake opposite. The walking is wonderful we had a lovely time there. It’s owned by HPB now we have holidayed in most of their British venues. But had to with draw from two over the past 18 mths due to the virus.
            We stayed in the ground floor apartment of the left hand turret.

  30. The distressing story about a police officer being arrested over the disappearance of a lady in London.

    What might the reaction be if she wasn’t white?

        1. The arrested person is a perlice man. White, shaven head (see D Mail for smiley photo…)

    1. This only came to light because he was not on duty at the time. Had he been on duty it would never have seen the light of day.

  31. Police in Myanmar were ordered to target medical staff and many have thrown in their badges and absconded.

    One wonders how long before the British police realise that many of their actions are designed to severely impact on their children…families and others in their community and do the same?

    Or has the brainwashing taken them beyond the pale?

    1. I’ve seen reports that the way to really wind up the TSG is to ask them loudly when they and their families are moving into barracks
      Why they ask??
      Because you don’t really think you’ll ever live safely among us ever again after these performances!!

    1. The Israelis have little compunction about applying what they learned from the Germans.

      1. I was reading two days ago that most people under 40 in Russia believe that Joe Stalin was a kindly old chap who wonder WW2 single-handed.

        None of them know that he was directly responsible for the slaughter of tens of millions of Russian.

        So, no, prolly young Sabras do not know much of hat happened before 1995. And are prolly a bit bored of (sic) old folk banging on about the Holocaust.

      1. With Boris over on Breitbart saying there will be covid passports it might be a case of…

        You can leave but you can’t come back.

      2. “You can stab it with your steely knife but you still can’t kill the beast” !

    1. Doris Johnson should emigrate to France and take French citizenship,just like his dad.

    2. Feck off Boris – no one with an ounce of intelligence believes a word that you say!

    3. The Third Wave is well under way in Italy. To be followed by Fourth, Fifth to the power of Infinity.

      So much for the much vaunted vaccination…

        1. No – but we have – and the next wave will STILL arrive. Read Witless’s lips….”lockdown…”

      1. “Fifth Wave”. Oh no! That’s about the arrival of aliens bringing a new variant. There is a documentary series on the Horror Channel.

          1. It’ll be interesting to see, now that nearly all the over 60s and clinically vulnerable have had at least their first jab whether the Rangers fans celebrating has any impact on infection rates or hospitalisations. Whilst I don’t really trust civil service figures, I suspect that the infection rate in the Glasgow area will either tick up or not go down as much, but the hospitalisation rate trend will continue downwards near enough to as now/the rest of Scotland/the UK.

            Hopefully this will show that, vaccine or not, relatively healthy people of working age having nothing really to fear from COVID (there will always be a tiny number of unfortunates who have some as yet unknown genetic predisposition to getting seriously ill from COVID) and thus we should be opening up most of the country, as Florida and Texas have in the US.

    4. MSM:
      5% weekly increase in cases on the Continent = surge + keep lockdowns in the UK for longer

      25-33% weekly decrease (and every week for the last month) = say nothing.

      Our infection rate is MILES lower than predictions (and that’s with the useless, inherrently false positive PCR and lateral flow tests) after both rates were falling anyway, never mind because of vaccinating the older and most clinically vulnerable members of society in the UK. Even better on the deaths per day, with both the COVID hospitalisation numbers falling significantly, including those in the ICU.

      But no opening up quicker, and the teacher unions demanding school shutdowns if kids don’t wear masks. Does anyone remember the huge numbers of deaths of school teachers? Me neither.

      1. If that is not enough, scare stories are now being spread about a crisis in Brazil.

        Plenty of ammunition to keep you locked down for months to come.

        1. And then, once nearly everyone is ‘vaccinated’, along comes a new ‘variant’ than can’t be stopped, but a new vaccine can, but only after another 3+ months of re$earch and lockdown$.

          Then come the climate lockdowns, as recently advocated in the Grauniad, after the MSM called them ‘conspiracy theories’ just 6 months ago, leading to some YouTubers having their channels deleted.

    5. Another day, another desperate claim from the CV-19 fan club that includes the daft bint from PHE and her claims of a possible CV-19 re-appearance next Autumn/Winter with the added bonus of flu doing a Lazarus and also causing mayhem; followed by Whitty’s claim of 30,000 deaths coming soon; and today, the Italian Surge from, “I’m good old Bojo, would I lie to you, Johnson.” Perhaps Johnson should remember that people can have too much of a good thing and begin to have doubts.

    6. Meanwhile, even our pro-fear local rag is reporting no “Covid deaths” for the third day running.

      1. And all the money from Halfcock’s contract with someone who allegedly had no experience in the field to supply PPE which, according to many reports, wasn’t fit for purpose.

    1. As with HS2, it’s simply about the transference of wealth. There doesn’t have to be a product or service as long as large sums of money go from the the public purse into the accounts of political cronies.

      1. Same with the foreign Aid budget. Given the billions we have poured in to Africa one would think they would have a well with clean water in every village.

        1. Not just a well, Phil – mains water to every house; mains sewage. Electricity to every mud hut.

    2. Well, some Tory bloke called Shapps says it is money well spent and mentioned a figure of 9m people. That’s £4000 per person traced.
      I’d have done it for half that. So I’d have saved the country £16bn*, traced everyone, and bought myself a Caribbean island.

      *That would have paid for the retention of the Queen’s Flight, built several warships, a fleet of fishery patrol boats and paid for the deportation of everyone here illegally.

  32. After my doze yesterday afternoon, my dog walk in and on the steep paths of the woods had it’s affect on me.
    I stayed up later than usual and watched my recoding of the 2 hour plus 1970s film All the Presidents Men, long forgotten from the the first time i saw it and after the recent scandal involving the recent US presidential election i thought it might be interesting. It was, IMHO a table turning a mirror image of what happened last year but this time to the Democrats advantage.
    Great acting by all involved.

    All the President’s Men is a 1976 American political biographical drama film about the Watergate scandal, which brought down the presidency of Richard Nixon. Directed by Alan J. Pakula with a screenplay by William Goldman, it is based on the 1974 non-fiction book of the same name by Carl Bernstein and Bob Woodward, the two journalists investigating the Watergate scandal for The Washington Post.

    1. I saw that in the cinema – the sound was so bad I could barely understand any of it. For once, I would have been glad of subtitles!

      1. Which exactly the same as i did Conner. I find it happens quite often when a film is transported to TV the sound is badly un balanced and the subtitles are very handy.
        I’ve been meaning to buy a sound bar for the TV for quite a long time but never seem to get round to it.

    1. I expect the Brussels branch have been in discussion with the real mafiosi. What shall we do the UK are disobeying our orders ?

    2. Apart from Northern Ireland, fishing, financial services and vindictive officious application of regulations at borders I can’t see what’s wrong with Johnson’s ‘brilliant’ Brexit deal!

        1. You should know me well enough by now to realise that you should not take what I say at face value.

          They call it ‘Eye on Knee’ in the country from which Migraine of the bird legs comes.

  33. 330150+up ticks,
    The johnson chap sayeth,
    “There’s been certificates for things like yellow fever and other diseases in the past, and I’m sure that that will be a feature of our life in the future.”

    Yellow fever plus have been tried & tested over a long period of time, the difference also being they were never used in such a dangerous, controlling manner as you and your gang are using them me old turk.

      1. 330150+ up ticks,
        Morning P,
        I had that shot years ago and it done its job, the only time me and all the kids in the gang turned yellow was due to smoking dry cane, the stuff with the earwigs up the center of it.

  34. Making peace with the Taliban would be to sacrifice 20 years of blood and treasure. 10 march 2021.

    Now, with Joe Biden giving active consideration to the possibility of inviting the Taliban to form a power-sharing arrangement with the democratically-elected Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani, the terrorist movement will rightly conclude that victory is within its grasp.

    Under the terms of Mr Biden’s new peace deal, the insurgents are being offered equal representation on all the country’s key governmental bodies, providing them with a role in drafting laws and a new constitution. Mr Ghani’s ability to maintain control over this dubious process will be limited to him appointing one extra member to each body.

    All that is required of the Taliban for them to gain unfettered access to the inner sanctum of Afghanistan’s body politic is a commitment to lay down their arms and end their association with other terrorist organisations, such as al-Qaeda and Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil), both of which are actively conducting operations in the country.

    I smell a rat here! Not only does the Taliban hate the Quisling Government in Kabul but no Afghan of any description is ever going to lay down his weapons! There’s going to be a refusal and then Joe is going to say, “Well we tried but we cannot abandon our friends so we will with much sorrow have to carry on. I’m only sorry Hunter is too old to go! Sob!”

    1. Not sure you are right. This is the Biden administration, run by Democrat women who are a nasty lot but think that if you just put on a show of being nice to everyone that will solve all problems because everyone else is so stupid they can’t see through it. They are also astonishingly ignorant of history (like ex-PM St.Tone). My guess is they think that that the Taliban will go for it, at least for long enough for Biden to withdraw the US. But as you say, they won’t; them might say they will, but then attack US forces as they withdraw.

    2. Joe, you efete, bent , bribable bujjer, Just read the history if the area over the last 200 years and Rudyard Kipling

    3. Or maybe the Taliban will accept after promising to lay down their arms, on the “you go first” principle. Thereafter, when they have access to the reins of power and the government bodies they simply kill the elected representatives. The Taliban would then be in complete control. They could all keep their weapons and be immovable. (Of course it might be a little unstable as the various tribal factions would continue their feuds in or out of government.

  35. Curious story in The Grimes – headline:

    “US calls for border reinforcements to handle migrant surge”

    I thought Sleepy Joe and his groupies of colour were all in favour of unlimited invasion migration from the south….

      1. He must do – he stumbled through a “speech” in which he denounced Mr Trump for being cruel.

    1. Why are the idiots surprised?

      Migrants have been camped out in Mexico during Trumps reign, now they are just testing him.

      There had been concern over families being separated, adults to one camp and children to another with bureaucratic bungling ensuring that they never met again. All Bidens crew needed to do was krep entry restrictions in place but put an end the separations, showing a kinder face to the woke world.

        1. I believe the children are sold by families back in their homeland to those making the journey as they understand the value of the emotional blackmail a child in arms (with no shoes!) has in the west. It is a truly terrible business.

    1. Not a hope! Saw her on TV last night talking about Meg and Harry. She could hardly contain her joy!

      1. I couldn’t give a toss about the two spoilt brats.
        However I fear for their offspring growing up with such self-centred parents.
        Sadly history repeating itself…

        1. She’ll divorce within ten years him because she wont succeed in getting her own way.

          1. I feel sorry for him, he’s made a life time error it appears she has ensnared him and she’s going to wipe out any of the respect people had for him.
            I know a guy who was led down a similar ‘garden path’ after he split with his first wife he was fairly rich and she, bar staff, Latched onto him in his golf club. People warned him what might happen,………she faked an attack on her person, the police and courts were involved. But she has now taken residence in his house and he lives with a close male cousin. He is a really nice easy going sort of guy.

          2. I used to feel sorry for him – but he has shown himself to be a thoroughly nasty piece of work as well as weak and stupid.

            There comes a time when a person’s sheer stupidity and petty malice drives out any pity one once may have had for him.

          3. I understand exactly what you are saying Richard i would say it was probably the effects of his strange upbringing his parents were probably at each others throats, his old ( I’ve never been sure if it was Charles or Hewitt) man was playing around our of house. But Harry will certainly know who his father was.

          4. I was led to believe that baldness passes through the mother’s line.

            Our Henry’s godfather is billiard ball bald but his father, who is now in his 90’s, still has a fine head of hair though his maternal grandfather (whom I have never met) apparently was extremely follicly challenged. Here is a bird’s eye view of his pate which might prove an inspiration to us all.


            (Very feeble joke: As an incontinent Hamlet might say: “To pee or not toupée)

          5. Our family on both side have masses of hair.
            Would you dare ask Oprah that question ?? 😉

          6. They’re just prawns in the game while she is the hen lobster with the pincers.

            (Didn’t Jordan Peterson have ideas about lobsters?)

          7. Five years she will be mid-forties, she will have hit the truth that confronts women “there will be no more babies”, past her high point (I suspect it will be this interview) and she will think “Is this it?”. Her innate disappointment will be blamed on him, and we have seen that she really goes in for vigorously blaming everyone around her, but not herself of course.

          8. That would suit her. I hadn’t really looked at her before but her desire to impress the world around her is all wrong. Women who like sex, like to impress men (in many ways), but I don’t see any of that. I only see sly manipulation, which is easy with Harry. I think Harry has to work hard for it “I would, you know I would, but on this occasion …”. Rinse and repeat.

          9. She’ll divorce him as soon as she can get away with it. Harry was a step on the ladder, no more, and now that he has served his purpose it’s time to move on.

            Nothing personal, Harry, it’s just business. No point in getting emotional about it.

          10. He is weak. He will always give in.

            Who predicted that the David Beckham marriage would last – but it seems to have done?

          11. He has the dosh, Richard. The talentless “designer” wife owes millions. He bails her out.

        2. Archie and their as yet unborn daughter will probably turn out to be mini Ms & Hs – just like he’s followed his mother telling their private woes to millions.

          1. Luckily they want to be left in peace, away from press intrusion, so we won’t hear much more from them!!???????

  36. Not long back from having a blood test. The young lady who took my blood was, obviously, not aware of the dangers of obesity.

    1. Find virtually anyone in the NHS (apart from those in intensive/acute wards) who are not. I was appalled when in the NNUH.

      1. All the nurses i have met during my travails have been wonderful. Even nurses not treating me but just passing had a ready smile. They deserve the title of Angels.

        Being in a wheelchair certainly has its benefits. You always have a seat. People always hold or open doors for you. You go to the front of the queue. People fetch you things to eat and drink.

        I think i’ll keep the chair even when i’m better.

        Except for my very first visit where the two nurses in the blood clinic behaved with bad grace. They said if you don’t have an appointment we can’t see you. There was only one other person in the waiting room.

        I said i had been calling all weekend. They said they are on the wards at weekends and don’t answer the phone.

        I told them i was seeing the Vascular Surgeon in 30 minutes and he expected me to have a blood test done and they should explain to him why it wasn’t done.

        That shifted them.

        1. A few years ago I tore the meniscus in my knee and needed a wheelchair to get between flights at CDG (this was in the days when I was still flying to the South of France). I saw parts of the airport I’d never been to before (or since) as I was pushed to the check in desk! Once deposited in the waiting area, people leapt up and offered me their seats. I felt quite embarrassed.

          1. I had that on a trip to Berlin once. I was walking with a cane when i got on the bus and a young man got up and offered me his seat. Rather than explain it was just an affectation i nodded and smiled. :@(

    2. Find virtually anyone in the NHS (apart from those in intensive/acute wards) who are not. I was appalled when in the NNUH.

    3. Quite a few nurses struggle with their weight. Long hours, not enough breaks, vending machines. When they eventually get home they are often too tired to prepare a healthy supper.

    1. Another one of the permanently offended making a living by emoting about the perceived harms they’ve suffered.

    2. Given the monarchy’s history, Meghan’s allegations shouldn’t be surprising. 10 March 2021.

      Rejection of Meghan by the royal establishment and its public supporters is rooted in the pillage of resources and psychological conditioning of people in the global south. It is the latest in the British empire’s history of denial, gaslighting and control doled out on foreign lands for centuries. Meghan’s interactions with the institution recall the disenfranchisement of British subjects from the Caribbean, west Africa and south Asia who moved to England after the second world war only to be met with chilled air and closed doors. The colorism of questioning the potential darkness of her son Archie’s skin is the legacy of racism that flourished during the slave trade and plantation slavery, twinned bounties reaped by the British empire. Moreover, the participation of people from these same former colonies in attacking Meghan and Harry – often with racist and sexist undertones – in attempts to defend Buckingham Palace is evidence of the dissonance created under the so-called civilizing mission of colonialism.

      This is the ranting of the demented though it is interesting to note that the author (Schuyler Esprit) lives in Dominica which became an English Colony in 1805 and became self-ruling by blacks in 1838 so hardly an exemplar of Colonialism and the Slave Trade!.

      1. Yo Minty

        I was in Dominica, on a ‘War Canoe’, in the early 80’s.

        We were mde very welcome.

        The Windies Guardship, before us, put the island back together (Aid to Civil Power) after a Hurricane hit the Island

        1. My last unit, 8 Field Squadron, RE was part of the clear up in late ’79/80 when I was on my last few weeks before demob.
          One of my mates, Mick Scholey, was killed in an RTA just before I left Perham Down and a bridge built by the Squadron was named after him.

        2. My last unit, 8 Field Squadron, RE was part of the clear up in late ’79/80 when I was on my last few weeks before demob.
          One of my mates, Mick Scholey, was killed in an RTA just before I left Perham Down and a bridge built by the Squadron was named after him.

      2. Dear clucking life. The inside of their heads must be horrific. Surely they don’t believe any of that tripe?

  37. Thoughts from too much coffee.
    Sixty years ago we achieved our daily outcomes in respect of financial transactions very simply. We could walk into a shop, and speak to a shopkeeper, who probably knew you and your family. You asked for something, received it, perhaps weighed into a brown paper bag, and paid in cash. Cheques were also acceptable for larger purchases.
    Now we have to prove our existence at every turn. This started some time ago, when renting a video required household receipts for utilities and the presence of a grandparent. There are now endless complications with online bank accounts, including three layers of “security”, password, password 2, memorable information, security phone calls and secret one time codes. This also applies to any transaction. Yet we are now compelled to be online. Otherwise we would not get groceries, meat, fish, wine, parcels, or milk. Just as we may have done 60 years ago, but without the hassle as the shopkeepers were pleased to do it.
    Where is the benefit to us?

      1. So do I. I draw out an amount and shop within the contents of my purse. My window cleaner and my dairy accept cheques, and that’s what they get.

        1. I draw £300, when it gets to £100 withdraw another £300.
          Supermarket, petrol etc etc – cash accepted everywhere I go.
          Checking monthly bank / CC statement is a glance – 20+ transactions only – my sons’ bank account/CC statements resemble pages from a phonebook.

          CC used mainly on Internet. Debit card for amounts larger amounts. Cheques 2/3 per year.

        2. #metoo!
          I make a point of NOT using my debit card, even to the point of walking out if they will not take cash.

    1. It amazes me that I would have to produce several “proofs” of residence at my address before I can even open a bank account whereas them Russian oligarchs can money launder any amount of spondoolies with no problem!

    2. I think it’s related to risk – specifically the banks moving it from them on to us. The more we have to do to prove who we are, the more they can say ‘it’s your fault’ and thus won’t have to pay out.

      This is something that small companies can’t do so easily, mostly due to red tape – the Amazon buy it now button is lethal because everything is in one place.

    1. At the hand basins. Members are requested not to clean their balls with the brushes.

    2. That will get me into trouble if I post it at the golf club.

      Ah well, the prudes need to learn how to laugh.

    3. Sign in a clay target club’s toilet “The urinal does not require lead” [“Lead here being pronounced leed not led, and referring to the amount you aim in front of a moving clay target in order in order to hit it!]

        1. That is the Gents’ at a real ale pub. The recycled liquid “poured” into those containers, by the customers, is recycled and sold as lager.

  38. The rolling back of the lockdown restrictions cannot come soon enough for me. I look like someone out of a 1970s tribute band or football team, not having had a haircut since early November… 🙁

    1. I have the kind of hair that gets bigger not longer. If I were dishonest, I could maybe claim mixed heritage of the fashionable kind but it’s actually a mix of Scots and Black Sea Ashkenazim.

          1. and me – it’s easy to cut ones own now, No.1 comb all over. I think I’ve got more hair sticking out from my ears than on my head

        1. I only risk trimming my ‘beard’ and sidies. I can’t grow out my beard as it becomes itchy after about 10 days, whatever I do, so I just trim it back to very short once a week. On the plus side (including with my hair), the cold weather hasn’t affected me so much, given the extra insulative effect!

        2. My hair has almost stopped growing on my head and has all slipped down to my ears and nose.

    2. My hair is untameable bog brush at the best of times but the warqueen has had to grow her hair longer rather than the (and don’t ruddy tell her I said this) somewhat poncy close ‘designer’ chops she usually gets.

      1. The last professional haircut I had was in March 1988 before my wedding. Since then Caroline has always cut my hair for me but she does not allow me to cut hers!

        Caroline has not a single grey hair in her head and neither did her mother. I started to go grey in my early 40’s and by the time I was 60 I was completely grey and now I am completely white.

        At the age of 30 I had some hair and it hadn’t yet started to go grey!

    3. Mrs N has cut mine and i have cut hers. We are from the needs must generation.

      1. Sadly it’s just me, myself and aye. And I only trust misself to trim me sidies.

          1. I was much more sure of Ipswich than Mariner but for someone who was a football-mad kid at the time and well remember Bobby Robson’s teams of the era, I have to say the name doesn’t register at all.

          2. Early 1970s – he didn’t stay at the club long, getting a transfer to Everton.

      1. I see it’s a High Court judgment, Bill. Where do the Police go to appeal that ….. Supreme Court?

        Just wondering how the system works.

    1. I think that the RF will find a way impose some pay back. The thing that would really hurt would be the withdrawal of the Sussex titles. Then Harry would be a Prince (as per the 1917 Act), Archie an Earl, but Meeeagain would be a commoner, as well as being dead common.

      1. 330150+ up ticks,
        Afternoon M,
        cryptic clue is ” made a swiss noise
        on account of it’s travel plans”.

          1. 330150+up ticks,
            Evening M,
            In one, there is no way on God’s green earth that that amount
            of cash hasn’t been through a few creameries before covid
            test / trace / ppe etc.

    1. Meghan may think that’s her “dignified victim” face, but the phrase that springs to my mind is “hard as nails.”

  39. I understand that there is to be a statue of Diana Spencer.

    How long will it be before bames discover that the Spencers had a had in slavery – and the statue is to be “toppled”?

    BTW – why “topple”? Why not just knock over?

    1. I suppose the meejah use the word “topple” because it has a stronger meaning and suggests a casting down from on high, whereas “knock-over” might mean simply displacing something, even by accident.

  40. Crossing The Windsor Family in such a public way is probably causing Harry and Meghans life insurers some sleepless nights. The Windsors could teach The Mafia some things on omertà .

    Markle may be devious …but I don’t think she’s very clever.

    1. It would require only one “accident” and she could be Queen. I hope that William’s family never all travel together.

      1. They did travel all together on a plane to Scotland the summer before last! They should never do so again! I blenched when I realised we had been one plane crash away from Queen Meghan.

          1. Oh, I don’t know, I think both Charles and William are fully signed up to the great reset.

        1. Nice to have you both here. Mornings are the more serious time when news and letters are discussed. As the afternoon wears on it becomes a bit more frivolous. Then the evening crew come in. Often armed with wine so it can sometimes get a bit noisy. Mostly it’s like a coffee morning chat.

          1. Strong coffee,
            an equal measure of either:
            Jameson or Paddy
            double Irish cream topping .

            Sitting overlooking the Atlantic.
            while drinking this ……
            Indeed God is good!

          2. Can i have cocoa nibs on mine?

            BTW. Seeing as Royal Mail are such a calamity i will be bringing you a gift the next time we meet. Be ready to be impressed.

            You can hug and kiss me after. :@)

          1. Thank you. I have visited (lurked). I find this one takes up too much time as it is. I will pop in occasionally to make sure you are all behaving !

          2. OOH! OOH! And thrice OOH!

            It is just nice knowing there is another group of ‘us’ out there. 🙂

          3. And I thought this was a respectable blog! But no! FILTH! FILTH! And yet more FILTH! 🙂

    1. Sharp intake of breath!
      HTF do you expect us to keep
      the racists in some degree
      of order?… :-))
      By the way:…. absolutely brilliant!!!

  41. Hey everybody. I’ve just used an expression and don’t have the faintest idea where it comes from. “A life of Riley” and then said to Slf who was Riley? Any ideas?

    1. Cultural definitions for life of Riley A life of luxury: “Sheila found herself living the life of Riley after she won the lottery.” The expression comes from a popular song of the 1880s, “Is That Mr. Reilly?”, in which the title character describes what he would do if he suddenly became wealthy.

          1. Sounds delish. Alf has just made ginger cookies. Absolutely scrumptious. With crystallised ginger and ground ginger. 10 minutes to prepare, same to cook. Gorgeous they are.

          2. I used dark chocolate because i can’t stand white chocolate (which isn’t chocolate). I also chopped up dried apricots and dates rather than sickly marshmallows.

            Ginger bikkies are very good for settling the stomach.

          3. Waitrose Dark Brown Muscovado sugar is brilliant. If you’re a lover of crystallised ginger Grape Tree is a good place if you have one near you, probably the best ginger I’ve tasted and at £4.99 a kilo is a bargain. We hope you enjoy them.

            vw has asked for the Rocky road recipe if it’s not too much trouble.

            GINGER COOKIES

            PREP TIME: 10 MCOOK TIME: 10 M TOTAL TIME: 20 M

            Easy Ginger Cookies using dried ginger and crystallised ginger .


            • 120g Butter

            • 85g Light/Dark Brown Sugar

            • 2 TBSP Golden Syrup (42 grams)

            • 120g Porrige Oats

            • 120g Self Raising Flour

            • 1/2 TSP Bicarbonate of Soda

            • 2 TSP Ground Ginger

            • 50/60g Crystallised Ginger, chopped


            1 Line 2 baking trays with baking parchment and preheat the oven to 190°c (170°fan).

            2 In a large pan, melt the butter, sugar and syrup over a medium heat.

            3 Take off the heat and add the oats, flour, bicarbonate of soda, ground ginger and chopped crystallised ginger. Mix thoroughly until combined.

            4 Place heaped teaspoons of the mixture onto the baking sheets and bake in the oven for 10 minutes. Cool on a wire rack.

          4. I adapted the recipe but if the ratios stay the same it will work.

            Rocky Road/Tiffin.
            1. 200g of Chocolate.
            2. 2tbspn Golden syrup i used honey.
            3. 130g Butter.
            4. 1/4 tsp Cinnamon.
            5. 200g Biscuits digestive Ginger?.
            6. 200g chopped dried fruit and nuts of choice.
            7. 50g Raisins or Sultanas.

            Melt chocolate in a large Pyrex bowl over hot water.

            Add butter and honey.


            Allow to cool slightly.

            Bung in chopped nuts, fruit, sultanas and crumbled biscuits. I dust that mix of dried ingredients with cinnamon before bunging it in.

            Stir thoroughly.

            Pour and flatten in to a greased swiss roll tin or similar and refridgerate for 24 hours.

            Top Tips.

            After an hour or so in the fridge. Score into small cubes or bars. Mind you don’t damage the tin.

            If you are a sugar fiend you can dust with icing sugar before the final cut

            Share with friends and neighbours (it makes quite a lot).

            I think that’s all. Enjoy.

        1. A variant of the ADO16, along with the Austin/Morris/Wolseley 1100/1300, the MG 1100/1275/1300 and the Vanden Plas Princess.

          My Mum’s first car was a two-year-old 1963 Morris 1100, with a difference. It was in two tone Blue and White, which was an option on the MG, but not the Morris. It had been a special order (God knows why). She was once accosted by a mouthy local garage owner, who demanded to buy it from her. His offer was politely declined. Once, on a trip to the South coast, we drew alongside a similarly-coloured Morris at traffic lights. Much pointing at each other ensued, since neither car was officially supposed to exist.

          Her next car was a (2yo) 1969 Mk2 Morris 1100, in Snowberry White. The day after she bought it, the battery died, and as she waited for a bus home in pi55ing down rain, her old Mk1 went purring past. Which came as a surprise, since the garage had told her that it was fit only for scrap, and offered her £11 in part exchange, which she accepted.

          Once sorted, it was a good car, in it’s day. Mum was once taken to task by a colleague, who claimed she had overtaken him on the M6 and he was doing 90 mph. The car should have been good for 88 mph. I had fitted a twin Stromberg carb kit (from Kays catalogue, of all places). It became my first car. When the subframe rusted through, with the help of a mechanic neighbour, I broke it up, but retained the engine – with a view to using it in a customised Mini van project (which in fairness, I never quite finished). Because the Mini has smaller wheels, I needed to know the final drive ratio, so it would have the correct speedometer. So I opened up the final drive housing, counted the teeth, only to find that British Leyland had fitted the wrong final drive to Mum’s 1100, namely that from the Mini 1275 GT. Since the latter has smaller wheels, It’s not unreasonable to assume that 70 mph on Mum’s speedo was uncomfortably closer to 100…

          1. Top speed of 99.5 mph, according to a Motor magazine test. Which was entirely legal, if scary. 0-60 in 16.5 secs and 19.5 mpg are less impressive by modern standards. My old Discovery 2 Td5 would have beaten it from a standing start and used not much more than half the fuel in the process…

          2. Now that’s impressive, my old Austin a35 would struggle to reach 60mph in 30.1 seconds.

    2. By and large a lot of expressions are disappearing from our everyday language, they’ve gone by the board, and many of them were nautical in origin.

      1. It’s easier to make a claim against an unnamed person than a named one as you open yourself up to being sued for slander or libel.

      1. Well Garlands ,
        After pausing a while for all our male Nottlers to reveal their height , I feel slightly faint , pass me the smelling salts ..

        Don’t you just love tall men ?

        Excuse me whilst I take some deep breaths .. I had no idea I was surrounded by so much male strength !

          1. Hello Geoff,

            Did they give you a choice to be the same height as you were before , or even taller than before , and what size shoes do you wear , the same as before .. sorry to ask difficult questions .. xx

          2. They made Douglas Bader slightly shorter so that he could balance better on his tin legs. I suspect things have moved along a bit since then.

    1. We reckon you’re in your 30s and are 6’1”. You’re also a Capricorn.
      HA! HA! HA!
      Wrong… more like I’m 61 and 3′ tall.

    2. Well now, here’s my result, Maggie.

      We reckon you’re in your 40s and are 4’11”. You’re also a Pisces.

      It’s a wee bit wide of the mark – I’m in my 70s and I’m 6′ 2″. I’m also a Sagittarius. Back to the drawing board methinks!

    3. “We reckon you’re in your 40s and are 4’11”. You’re also a Pisces.”

      Oh well – they got Pisces right… Though I can see why the height may be difficult to judge…

    4. For those who know me how do you think this fits.

      We reckon you’re in your 20s and are 5’3”. You’re also a Gemini.

        1. Hello, Big Boy!

          I see from the birthday list that you are 30 days younger than I am.

          (Edit – correction Alf is on the list)

      1. Alf, I hesitate to post this ……but:

        Late 50’s.
        Dark haired.
        Clean shaven.
        Expressive eyes.
        and a huge sense of humour
        … when they meet me!!


    5. Good evening, Maggiebelle

      It came out with me as a Capricorn in my 30’s, and 6’1″. It got my height just about right – I am 6’1″ ( but used to be 6’2¼” before natural shrinkage), my star sign is Cancer and I am in my 70’s.

    6. I managed the same result.
      I would like to feel like i was in my 20s, correct(ish) , wrong.

    7. Snap, but I would have chosen “none of the above” for most of the questions…

      It would then have said:
      You’re older than Bill Thomas, you’re taller than Alf_the_Great and you’re a son of the Sun.

    8. It got my age range right (40s), but a foot too short (presumably because I don’t particularly want to play the double bass)! I think many of the questions were rather leading and didn’t have ‘none of the above’ as an option. Why it thinks my choices can guess when I was born (‘star sign’ wise) is beyond me, and besides, who cares – Classic fm isn’t a tabloid newspaper or Hello!

    1. Sky News UK is the plaything of ComCast executives who use it do their bit in eradicating wrong think. Unfortunately for them, any channel that employs Beth Rigby is not going to be taken seriously.

      1. Don’t forget their Karen-in-Chief, Kay Burley. Plus Adam Boulton, with (IMHO) his continent-sized ego and hatred of anything on the political Right.

    2. Somebody posted this earlier and I enquired whether the Sky News of Australia is part of the Sky News we have here. It certainly is far more robust than our version in the UK which has the testicular strength of a castrated doormouse.

    3. Real news reporting. IMHO Sky News UK was going left (rather like the Telegraph, but further along the road and starting from the centre) a good while ago, even before Sky UK was sold by Murdock to Comcast. I suspect it was why the excellent Jeff Randall left them in 2014 – after all, he’d left the BBC for similar reasons.

      Let’s hope that GB News will be similar to Sky News Australia, although I have my doubts, given that The Spectator appears to use lefty journos quite a bit.

        1. Things MUST be bad if you’re missing HIM! Though if I recall, didn’t he move from BBC to ITV?

          1. The Speccie used to republish his blog, to much derision below the line (which in itself was far more entertaining than the nonsense spouted by the Honourable RP). But he’s been absent for a few weeks…

          2. Oh you were talking him being on the Spectator. Given it is supposed to be a ‘conservtaive’ mag, I was surprised to see articles of his there, but the Jeff Randall used to work for the Beeb before going to Sky. I just find Peston and his ‘style’ really annoying, especially that voice.

    1. An article on the censoring of comments which allows no comments – that is only what you expect from the DT.

      1. Exactly. From the paper that had the gall to run their headline article bemoaning the Left for censorship of the ‘free press’ after activists blocked the entrance to their print works a few months ago.

  42. What a load of rubbish:

    Given that at most 0.4% of those developed a serious enough illness to die – i.e 221 people vs 135, how can they be sure that EVERY factor – and there a HUGE number of them has been taken into account?

    E.g. age, ethnic backround, where they live (location and type of house/condition), whether they live alone or with others and who, where they are treated and how soon after getting symptoms, infection control/quality of care, diet, general health and fitness level, mental health at the time, including relations with family or spouse, where they work and how they get there, work issues, what they do with leisure time/shopping, etc, even the weather conditions when they got ill.

    SERIOUSLY, how have they taken into account all these factors and more amongst 356 people (the rest of the 54k are outside the scope and thus can’t be included)? Even opinion polls use 1,000 people and more, and that’s just asking ONE question with a pre-determined set of answers.

    This disease has only existed for 1 year and they’ve only studied this for 4 months. Most scientific research takes years, mostly decades to come to proper conclusions. These people wouldn’t know what REAL science was if it bit them on the bum.

  43. If you think about it.. Meghan is ruining the UK’s #1 institution for the globalists, and Johnson is ruining the UK’s economy for the globalists.

    So what Meghan and Boros are doing is related, and that’s why Johnson won’t comment on Meghan.

    1. I am disgusted that Boris is sitting on the fence when the Queen is attacked. He should have come up with something appropriately diplomatic to indicate his support.

      1. He won’t because he’s the same as Meghan.

        A proxy of the globalists.

        Johnson and Markle are connected due to the people behind them.

  44. That’s me done for this dreary, wet, chilly and uninviting day. Hope tomorrow is better.

    A demain.

    1. Evening Bill – Up here in North Yorkshire it will be raining from 3 am into the mid-morning and then rain, sunshine, strong winds and gusts until Monday.
      I’ll be dodging the rain for my cycle rides. All 3 today were done in drizzling rain.

      1. Spotted dick is one of my faves too. I have that at Christmas as I don’t like Christmas pud (too rich and the booze taste [i’m tea totalled]). Sponge pud with either rasberry jam or golden syrup, jam rolly-poly. Plus custard. Lots of custard.


        1. I love Christmas pud – with brandy butter – the rich and boozy taste!

          I dislike sponge puddings, raspberry jam, golden syrup, jam rolly-poly, custard and most sweet carbohydrates.

          How’s yer BMI ?

          1. Fine – I’m (still) as skinny as a rake! I burn it all off quickly – I still get lots of exercise, even during lockdown (on average 3-4 miles of walking per day), even if I’m not as fit as I used to be. Besides, those puds are a rare treat. Mostly its fresh fruit with my meals.

        2. I make my Christmas puddings in Christmas week, and they are very mild flavoured, but have all the spices and mixed fruit, beer and orange juice in. No sugar though, the fruit is sweet enough.

  45. I completed my 2021 Census form on line this morning. It was early but, unless I kick the bucket before 21 March, nothing will change in my house.
    The questions asked are in some cases, more of interest for researchers, who will probably be allowed to study the information despite the census details being with held for 100 years.
    I was asked if I had the same gender as I had when I was born I was allowed to claim I was British and Scottish
    How many bedrooms I had available in my house. How many lived in the house. Only myself [and it will stay that way so don’t get ideas I should have added]
    Details of my education and last job details.
    Some questions were voluntary.
    Details of the 1921 census will be available soon and won’t have the superfluous questions which the Government want.

    1. What are they after , and what will they do with their information , will they kick us out of our homes or order us to take in refugees.

      We have a five bedroom home ..We should have dumbed down years ago , but all the spare space is taken up with stuff, so no space for refugees or foster a child/ homeless person/ migrant/ student etc

      1. How many of those rooms do you use as bedrooms Maggie? We have a small room at the top of the house – basically a box room, used as a workshop – so we never count it as a bedroom.

        1. We use 3 bedrooms .. one for son , then us , and a spare if one of us needs to escape snoring .

          They are all doubles in modern terms ! the remaining two are full stuff that we haven’t had a chance to remove and sort out due to Covid

          1. When we bought our house all the rooms upstairs were in use as bedrooms, plus the downstairs reception room – but it was never a five bedroom house.

      2. My predicament is similar to yours Belle. I have 4 bedrooms but only 3 have beds in them and the other is an extension of my wardrobe of ragged comfortable clothes which I hang onto. I therefore put 3 bedrooms down on the form. There is a large fine for putting in false information.
        I do not think that the authorities would dare to house homeless people against people’s wishes. Squatters, however, could be a problem especially if you had gone off on holiday and left your house empty. We will have to look out for each other these days

    2. We did ours at the weekend.
      The 1921 census should be released early next year I think – it will be the last one for for family historians as the 1931 one was destroyed in the war and there wasn’t one in 1941 though the 1939 register is a good substitute.

      1. I should be on the 1939 register but I would be 101 when the 1941 census is carried out.
        I don’t know what all the recent arrivals will make of the Census. I suspect a large number of them will ignore the Census making it unreliable.

        1. If you’re on the 1939 register your line will be redacted. But your parents should be there. There wasn’t one in 1941 so the next one was 1951.

    3. I just did my part of the census, Alf had done his bit and general ?s. It then asked for feedback. So I put nothing ever changes in provision of services, education, housing. I did it too quickly. I should have complained about the tyranny of the state and the explosion in the number of bureaucrats. Missed a big opportunity. Drat.

        1. You’re right Phizzee. I’m really cross with myself for firing off such a lame comment. Doubt there’ll be a next time – I’ll have committed suicide if I haven’t been killed off by the state!

          1. If it gets much worse in the coming tears we could all get together for a mass rave and party, then end it all a la Jim Jones mass suicide.
            Edit; I keep misspelling years with tears.

          2. Don’t know Phizzee. He’s zooming at the mo with former colleagues. I’ll ask him when he’s back. Did you get the cookies one.

          3. Yes thanks. I’ve been Nottling all day and updates are failing. Time to go. If it doesn’t appear let me know and i will repost tomoz.

          4. Hey Phil, would you mind if I asked you about cryptocurrency via email? If you’re OK with that, hertslass has my address. Cheers!

          5. Will see what I can do……… it comes from a little recipe book from our local cat rescue. He has probably modified the quantities over the years.

          6. Rocky Road/Tiffin.
            1. 200g of Chocolate.
            2. 2tbspn Golden syrup i used honey.
            3. 130g Butter.
            4. 1/4 tsp Cinnamon.
            5. 200g Biscuits digestive Ginger?.
            6. 200g chopped dried fruit and nuts of choice.
            7. 50g Raisins or Sultanas.

            Melt chocolate in a large Pyrex bowl over hot water.

            Add butter and honey.


            Allow to cool slightly.

            in chopped nuts, fruit, sultanas and crumbled biscuits. I dust that
            mix of dried ingredients with cinnamon before bunging it in.

            Stir thoroughly.

            Pour and flatten in to a greased swiss roll tin or similar and refridgerate for 24 hours.

            Top Tips.

            After an hour or so in the fridge. Score into small cubes or bars. Mind you don’t damage the tin.

            If you are a sugar fiend you can dust with icing sugar before the final cut

            Share with friends and neighbours (it makes quite a lot).

            I think that’s all. Enjoy.

            ***not a carry on. :@)

          7. Thanks so much, I have made a copy for future ref and will make at the weekend. It sounds yummily delicious.

          8. It’s quite healthy with all the fruit and nuts. Only 50,000 calories a slice. :@(

          9. Just to say, definitely wise to wait until you have the time to dive in properly, because you’ll not want to put the books down once started. Enjoy!

          10. I made it and it turned out nice. One problem. The honey crystalised and was quite hard. Probably best to stick with golden syrup or dissolved brown sugar.

          11. Thanks for the tip. I used to make flapjacks with just brown sugar (I followed the recipe) and wondered why they turned out tooth breakingly rock hard. I really like the flavour of muscavado brown sugar. Then I used another recipe which also included the addition of golden syrup. Then, I realised.

          12. Muscovado is good but for most things i like the lighter brown sugar. Depends what you are making i suppose.

            Now Rum Punch def needs Muscavado !. :@)

    4. I just did my part of the census, Alf had done his bit and general ?s. It then asked for feedback. So I put nothing ever changes in provision of services, education, housing. I did it too quickly. I should have complained about the tyranny of the state and the explosion in the number of bureaucrats. Missed a big opportunity. Drat.

          1. But you have to ask to have a hard copy version. At least that’s what today’s letter said.

          2. molamola – My letter says “Every census completed on-line saves paper and taxpayer’s money.”

          3. Ours just came as a hard copy. I didn’t request it. Perhaps they know we’re technologically challenged.

        1. Dammit !. I had a letter in the post telling me about it. That’s what i set fire to unopened. Sheesh !

          1. Hi Phizee -Tell them the dog or cat got hold of the letter before you and destroyed it , and ask for a replacement.
            The letter has Census 2021 and “your response is required by law” emblazened on the front. The letter contains an 8 letter code which you require to Start the online form.
            You can request a paper form at or call 08001412021

    5. “The 2021 census in Scotland was moved to 2022 due to the impact of the COVID-19”.

      The Dynamic Krankie rules …

    6. Just did ours. Seems more intrusive than before. At least the gender shite was ‘voluntary’. FFS, what will people think of next. How many of us will see the next census?

    7. That bedrooms question is a bit sinister. Are they trying to smoke out all those house-blocking pensioners? I would have put “1” even if I had five! Or perhaps “0” just to annoy them.

  46. Just seen a revolting and idiotic ad on TV from the Highways Agency about what to do if you have a problem with your car while driving on the motorway. It says “Go Left” with an image of a fat bloke driving a 15 reg car in the outside lane easing his way into a conveniently located emergency refuge place. I wonder what planet these cretins actually live on.

    1. I didnt think they read or watched any of the media articles about themselves.

    2. My money?

      If it happened at all, then one of her army of professional offence takers complained on her behalf.

  47. From the Spekkie:

    “The conservative appeal of drug gangs | The Spectator

    Toby Young

    According to the Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick, the easing of lock-down will be accompanied by a rise in crime in the capital, including the violent type associated with drug gangs. Just last week, the police recovered two zombie knives, two Rambo-style blades and a kitchen knife at the scene of an attack on a 16-year-old boy in Brixton. But it would be wrong to view this coming crimewave as a problem that just affects London’s underclass. According to Sheldon Thomas, the chief executive of an outreach organisation called Gangsline, a rising number of middle-class teenagers are being sucked into the gangster lifestyle in the wake of Covid.

    Thomas rather uncharitably attributes this to ‘the phenomenon of loveless middle-class homes’. The teenage children of white-collar workers, he says, having been confined to barracks for the best part of a year, now realise their parents ‘tolerate rather than like them’. In an interview with the Telegraph, he suggested the tight-knit communities of county lines drug gangs become surrogate families for these love-starved teens.

    For free-range kids brought up by liberal parents, the gangs’ clear boundaries may be part of the appeal

    I’ve often puzzled over why it is that drug dealers and assorted minor underworld figures are considered so irresistibly glamorous by middle-class London children. This has come up in conversation with teachers at the secondary school I co-founded in west London, as well as with other dads of teenagers. For boys brought up on the local council estates, becoming a county lines drug mule may be their quickest route out of poverty, albeit a risky one. But their middle-class counterparts have no such excuse. They could be lawyers, accountants, management consultants, yet they’ve decided to pursue a career in the marijuana business instead. Much less money in the long run, and if you screw up you don’t end up looking for another job but entangled in the criminal justice system. Plus, you might get stabbed with a zombie knife. Why?

    I think Sheldon Thomas is half right, and that these children are looking for something they can’t find in their semi-detached Victorian homes. But it’s not love — it’s order. A common misconception about this particular criminal subculture is that it’s chaotic and amoral — a dog-eat-dog world in which the fittest survive and the weakest are preyed upon. But that’s not completely true. In my own limited contact with this milieu — seen through the eyes of local charities and community organisers — it is less like a cage-fighting tournament than a patchwork quilt of rival para-military guerrilla groups. Far from being chaotic, the drug gangs operate according to a strict set of rules and the penalty for breaking them is severe. For free-range kids brought up by liberal parents, these clear boundaries may be part of the appeal.

    This subculture may not attach much value to the rule of law, but in some respects it’s ultra-conservative. For instance, gender roles are very traditional, with men expected to be good providers and women devoted stay-at-home mums. If you’ve been brought up in homes where gender roles are confused, because both Mum and Dad work, this throwback to the 1950s must be strangely attractive. Of course there are exceptions — teenage girls employed as drug couriers — but they rarely have leadership roles.

    The gangs are also blessedly free of the culture of victimhood. I don’t mean the drug dealers aren’t prone to bouts of self-pity and fatalism, but they don’t exaggerate how marginalised and disempowered they are to earn pity points from their peers. Rather, this is a strong-man culture in which the top dog — the gangland equivalent of the prime minister — is usually feared and respected. In fact, seen from a distance, this whole macho subculture seems to have more in common with Boris Johnson’s Conservative party than it does with Keir Starmer’s Labour party.

    This, then, is my theory about why middle-class teens are drawn to the people they refer to as ‘road men’. Yes, it’s the drugs and the music and the thrill of being in a real-life videogame. But above all it’s the old-fashioned conservative values of the drug-dealers that make them so attractive. In a world in which the liberal order is on the verge of collapse and the people and institutions that used to possess authority are engaged in endless bouts of self-flagellation, there’s something weirdly compelling about these unapologetically masculine warlords. They are the traditional father figures that my friends and I have failed to be.”

    1. I’m trying to be considering in my response but I’ve been drinking so I’ll keep it short
      Bollocks,indeed ,self indulgent white guilt bollocks

  48. Wayne Couzens is the police officer arrested on suspicion of murdering Sarah Everard .He is baldish, white and with a ginger beard. He was a garage mechanic before he became a policeman and his brother is also a copper. Daily Telegraph.

    1. Now, if he had not been a Caucasian, no name or description would have been given out

  49. There’s been a major attack of the spammers again the last couple of hours……….. I’ll be knocking off shortly to see to the dinner – so someone else can take over on spam patrol! They seem to be more frequent on Wednesdays for some reason.

    1. You lot either must be really good at quickly getting rid of them or I’m blind to them – I keep missing them.

      1. We’ve set them so the ones with links (which they all have) go straight to moderation. We’ve had dozens today. I’ve zapped all the ones so far.

        1. I hope that none were mine (inadvertant ones – photos for jokes)! Nice to see things being done so seemlessly in the background, which is far more than can be said for the DT’s system or the one used by Guido, amongst other forums I frequent.

          1. Nah – I meant a link to a photo (I do all such searches on Google – the look safe enough to me) on something like pininterest or other known site that seems legit. Hopefully that sort ain’t dodgy…

          1. Put both legs through one hole and claim you’re Phizzee, super-hero vin ordinaire.

    2. It’s strange how a few new names, with apparently reasonable + votes and high comment numbers appear and suddenly an attack of the spammers happens.

      Almost always those new names are “private”.

      1. Not sure they are connected. The spammers are old accounts with very few posts which have obviously been hacked and taken over. They are always coordinated.

        1. The spammers appear to be, but I wonder whether the spammers follow some older, successful posters around, if they go to different sites.

  50. Right…….time to go and see to the dinner!

    Have a fun evening all – don’t let the spammers bite!

    1. I like spam – in salads and fritters (takes me back to my school days). Not on the interwebs though.

          1. It’s a splendid vegetable.

            I like it raw when it’s fresh, I love it pickled, it’s great as a soup and even when boiled it can be sweet and tasty.
            The exception is when it gets boiled to flavourless, and then it’s as you describe.

          2. I love Borscht or Barscz(?) when in Poland.

            Most Polish cities had both Polish and German names. The first time I visited Poland I bought paper maps from Stanford’s and they gave both names. Examples of places I visited were Thorn for Toruń, Posun for Poznań and there were many others.

            I will still have the maps, somewhere.

          3. When I was travelling with my job, I always made a point of eating in local cheap restaurants.
            Most of the time I was alone, so I didn’t have to consider work colleagues, and usually the food was excellent.
            I generally asked what the waiter recommended as “typical” for the region/country and 99/100 I ate really well.
            One exception was in Munich, when I had wandered off the beaten track and having no German and arriving in a restaurant where nobody had any English I just chose one dish from each of the starter, main and dessert. The waiter looked slightly surprised by my choices.

            I then discovered why!

            First up: Three suet-type balls, roughly the size, texture and weight of cricket balls, slightly flavoured.
            Second up: Three suet-type balls, roughly the size, texture and weight of hockey balls, slightly flavoured.
            Third up: Three suet-type balls, roughly the size of tennis balls, slightly softer and slightly sweeter.

            Dreadful, no wonder Germans are big boys…

          4. Should have orderd Stramer Max ~ ham & eggs or Himmel ands Erd ~ black pudding with fried apple. In norfolk the dumplings are either floaters or sinkers the Germans would have loved the sinkers.

          5. Same when I was in Poland. In a hotel in Krakov I chose several inedible traditional Polish dishes. The worst was a clear jelly pudding shape with boney carp and carrots trapped within it

            The worst by far was moorhen which arrived atop a mountain of greasy chips. There was no flesh, just bones again. That was in a forest near Pusczchykowo outside Poznań.

          6. Try it roasted. Cut in half unless small, wrap loosely in foil with a little chopped garlic, couple of thyme sprigs and a splash of balsamic vinegar. Yum.

          7. I love beetroot sandwich made with brown bread .. hate beetroot in vinegar though .

            I remember having cooked hot beet root and cooked celery accompanied by roast lamb and new potatoes , , with a mustardy sauce , my mother used to enjoy preparing that, never heard nor seen that again .

          8. My kind of food.

            But I also love fresh from the garden beetroot, pickled overnight.

            Ambrosia, and not the rice version!

      1. Fried Spam (the one with bacon) with baked beans and mashed potato. We still eat it today. You can substitue the mash with chips. Fried Spam for breakfast with eggs and tomatoe.

    2. It’s a badge of honour when the trolls turn up in numbers…

      Proves you are right and an important threat to their weird practices.

    1. 6, by always answering A
      I would have done better had I answered those I knew and then A for the rest

      1. He’s an ING?

        No wonder you are as you are.

        I married one, and she hates the ING moniker, can’t think why.

        Ignorant Northern Git.

        1. I am from even further north (slightly) and from the other side of the Pennines. I am a Yorkshire woman.

          1. You should be very proud of that , I was born in County Durham , the land of the Prince Bishops , but my relatives are in North Yorkshire

          2. I am indeed, Belle. And congratulations on being born in co. Durham, a badge also to be worn with pride.

          3. I always thought there was something remarkably attractive about you, PM!
            Ilkley, bah’t ‘at, me.

          4. Well. I am from just down the road. Leeds. Ilkley an’ t’moors were my adventure playground (bah’t ‘at) when I was a child. I had rellies who lived in Ilkley.

    1. Man U stopped their 21 consecutive winning matches on Sunday. Southampton just suffering for it.

    2. It could be a lot worse.

      Soton qualify for the EUFA League and then get knocked out in a group containing Andorra Boys, San Marino Girls and Malta Athletic.

      1. I sincerely hope Belle shows your post to ‘wannafight’. She will have to be ready to run away fast though. :@)

          1. Those were the first words our elder son said at eight months, he was copying the words I had just said. I couldn’t believe my ears and I looked at him in amazement. I thought we had a genius on our hands. He then stayed mute for another 14 months.

    1. Oh God, that means that China loving Trudeau has probably signed us up already.

      Thanks to his ineptitude we have not seen any vaccinations so the only ones that would qualify for the passport are nursing home residents that wouldn’t be going anywhere.

      I will let you know when I get summonsed for my mandatory QR code tattoo.

  51. Oh bugger. I was afraid this would happen. Poor bloody lass and her family:-

    Sarah Everard: Human remains found in search for missing woman after police officer arrested

    Wayne Couzens, who works in the Diplomatic Protection Command based in Westminster, is being questioned on suspicion of kidnap and murder

        1. That’s because he is white. Does anyone seriously believe we would have been given so much information if he had been BAME rather than white?

        2. That’s because he is white. Does anyone seriously believe we would have been given so much information if he had been BAME rather than white?

    1. 330150+ up ticks,
      Any chance the down voter could qualify the down tick with a reason in reply ?

      1. I think the downvoter is an error, ogga, seeing who has downvoted you. It is very easy to do by mistake.

        1. 330150+ up ticks,
          Evening PM,
          I took it to be so myself
          being surprised at the ID of the down ticker.
          Done it myself crossing over the down symbol.

        2. I got a down vote from one of our most revered Nottlers a couple of days ago. I am sure it was a mistake.

          1. I have on occasion downvoted then rectified when disqus is playing up. Not always intended.

  52. Evening, all. Does the writer of the headline letter have a crystal ball to be so confident? There have always been republicans and only sensible monarchs have kept them at bay.

  53. Meghan lodged formal complaint with ITV over Piers Morgan’s dismissal of mental health problems
    Duchess of Sussex was concerned presenter’s comments could affect others experiencing issues of their own

    DT Headline.

    Of course she did – it would have been out of character for her not to have done so.

    The sad thing is that her husband is now just as nasty, spiteful and treacherous as she is.

    1. He is starting to look very uncomfortable. It was one thing when she was gazing adoringly into his eyes and they were planning to fight the world, but he now finds he is mainly a prop for her publicity venture.

    2. I wonder what time it was in Cally when she was watching Good Morning Britain.

      1. She probably had one of her minions taking offense on her behalf. She is a Duchess don’t y’all know !

  54. I remain very concerned that vast numbers of people have taken the experimental Astra Zeneca vaccine and others including the Pfizer and Moderna genetic implant injections.

    This is potentially giving a free pass to and allowing governments and their dud medico advisers to escape the scrutiny they deserve for wrecking economies around the world and killing many more than they purport to save.

    As with HIV literally every viral malady was back then attributed to HIV by the self same people, irrespective of the wider circumstances. So it is with Covid where every respiratory disease is attributed to Covid so as to eliminate seasonal flu and pneumonia which generally kills the very elderly in the Autumn and Winter months.

    Likewise our NHS hospitals are always in crisis during these months and short of available bed spaces.

    The Nightingales were never used so yet more hysteria and millions flushed down the toilet.

    I expect to see this government and its compromised advisors prosecuted for their misinformation and misdeeds.

    1. Morning Cori. Forgive me if you were the Nottlers who posted this originally, but you may be interested in this article about HIV/aids.

      Why are our PTB not at all interested in other scientists’ opinions? I know really – the Great Reset, green agenda, and impoverishing as many as possible so we’re reliant on the state for Universal Wage. It sickens me that we have little or no defence.

  55. I remain very concerned that vast numbers of people have taken the experimental Astra Zeneca vaccine and others including the Pfizer and Moderna genetic implant injections.

    This is potentially giving a free pass to and allowing governments and their dud medico advisers to escape the scrutiny they deserve for wrecking economies around the world and killing many more than they purport to save.

    As with HIV literally every viral malady was back then attributed to HIV by the self same people, irrespective of the wider circumstances. So it is with Covid where every respiratory disease is attributed to Covid so as to eliminate seasonal flu and pneumonia which generally kills the very elderly in the Autumn and Winter months.

    Likewise our NHS hospitals are always in crisis during these months and short of available bed spaces.

    The Nightingales were never used so yet more hysteria and millions flushed down the toilet.

    I expect to see this government and its compromised advisors prosecuted for their misinformation and misdeeds.

    1. Good night, Conway. I’m off too. Re-reading a favourite book by Iain M Banks. Excession. Don’t know if you are in to ‘space opera’.

      1. No, I’ve never read any Iain M Banks. I tend only to read non-fiction (apart from my childhood Biggles books).

  56. I’ve just been to the Telegraph Letters for today 11th March – many still chuntering on about Ginge and Cringe but…

    …no comments, even at 02:14.

    Hardly worth a visit, never mind a subscription.

    Good night (or Good morning) fellow NoTTLers.

  57. Markle, Johnson and ITV look part of a globalist plot and all linked.

    Meghan to destroy the RF.

    Johnson to destroy the economy.

    That’s why Johnson won’t defend HMQ.

    ITV had to reverse Morgan. No choice there.

    It’s all part of the same thing.

    Lockdown, mass vaccination and passports are population control.

    Consequently it’s all destruction of the status quo and the Great Reset !

Comments are closed.