Wednesday 15 November: Suella Braverman has exposed a PM out of step with the people he governs

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

496 thoughts on “Wednesday 15 November: Suella Braverman has exposed a PM out of step with the people he governs

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story

    Q: What do a Rubik’s cube and a penis have in common?
    A: The longer you play with it, the harder it gets.

    Q: What does Mike Tyson smell like after sex?
    A: Pepper Spray!

    Q: What’s the difference between an oral thermometer and a rectal thermometer?
    A: the taste!

    Q: What’s the difference between a circumcision and a divorce?
    A: With a divorce, you get rid of the whole prick!

  2. Braverman’s letter was written in fire – none of us can doubt what a snake Sunak is. 15 November 2023.

    Conservative Party members had their suspicions that Rishi Sunak was a disingenuous, untrustworthy opportunist who lacked Conservative instincts. That’s why they called him “snake” and chose Liz Truss instead. Well, if there was ever any doubt about the man there sure as hell isn’t now.

    There is no doubt that Sunak is utterly spineless but I suspect that he doesn’t actually understand politics either. He is a Stranger in a Strange Land! This no doubt sounds an odd thing to say about any politician, let alone a Prime Minister, but there is about him the air of someone lost. Most people, as we know, have no real understanding of the political process. They really do believe that Labour is for the Common Man and the Tories are for the Rich. This is the limit of their political comprehension; hence the ballot box results that Oggy complains about. What I think happens is that Sunak takes the line of least resistance and the suggestion of the last person to speak to him. He then sits on that hoping that nothing will happen. He initiates nothing, makes no effort to actually solve problems; in fact actually avoids them and their consequences as Braverman points out. He will always go with the herd. He is a follower not a Leader. A lemming. He is the last person you would want as Prime Minister in the present political climate.

    1. He is the last person you would want as Prime Minister in the present political climate.

      Spot on but we did not pick him. He appears to be the perfect choice for those who did the picking and continue directing. Johnson was, and remains, a loose cannon and had to go. Truss was a blot on the script, I wonder if we will we ever know what went on there, and likewise also had to go. Third time lucky for the directors but a disaster for the people and the UK.

      1. Good morning, Korky. Truss was forced out, despite having prepared a Budget which would have encouraged inward investment.

          1. Would rather have the rich entrepreneurs living here and paying some tax rather than living abroad paying none.

          1. Well, yes, but I think the real reason was because Rishi Sunak was miffed that he had lost the vote when Conservative supports preferred Liz Truss.

    2. Same with Cameron, he knew nothing about politics. Never did student politics, he was above all that.

  3. Braverman’s letter was written in fire – none of us can doubt what a snake Sunak is. 15 November 2023.

    Conservative Party members had their suspicions that Rishi Sunak was a disingenuous, untrustworthy opportunist who lacked Conservative instincts. That’s why they called him “snake” and chose Liz Truss instead. Well, if there was ever any doubt about the man there sure as hell isn’t now.

    There is no doubt that Sunak is utterly spineless but I suspect that he doesn’t actually understand politics either. He is a Stranger in a Strange Land! This no doubt sounds an odd thing to say about any politician, let alone a Prime Minister, but there is about him the air of someone lost. Most people, as we know, have no real understanding of the political process. They really do believe that Labour is for the Common Man and the Tories are for the Rich. This is the limit of their political comprehension; hence the ballot box results that Oggy complains about. What I think happens is that Sunak takes the line of least resistance and the suggestion of the last person to speak to him. He then sits on that hoping that nothing will happen. He initiates nothing, makes no effort to actually solve problems; in fact actually avoids them and their consequences as Braverman points out. He will always go with the herd. He is a follower not a Leader. A lemming. He is the last person you would want as Prime Minister in the present political climate.

  4. Good morning, chums. Sunny for most of today, therefore today is washing line day for me.

  5. Suella Braverman has exposed a PM out of step with the people he governs

    I think we have to beware of every politician that pretends to be on our side, they all sat on their hands through the pandemic and have gone along with the charade ever since, except for Bidgen, I suppose.

    1. I suspect Suella Braverman, I really do, and it is an uncomfortable thought, of acting a part in this charade of a government. They are all in it together.

        1. Oh, I agree, and from what I see of Braverman I like on the one hand – but on the other hand, if one stands well back and observes, are they all simply playing a part to the WEF script? Is this all pantomime for our benefit to underline how useless is national government, and so that we all get the message Suella spells it out… and then for Sunak to bring back Cameron when he’s not even an elected politician…!

      1. Indians and people of Indian origin & ancestry are as sensitive to ‘caste’ as Britons are to ‘class’, but it is unmentionable. The example that I read once was a leading professional UK or US firm where there were plenty of Indians employed, with no sign of any prejudice; the journalist’s informer then remarked, ‘look closely and you will see that they are all Brahmins’. (sorry if posted previously a couple of years ago).

        1. Probably America. Brahmins are less than 5% of the population in India, but they reputedly make up 25% of the Indian population in the States.

          What’s wonderful about this is that companies eagerly seek Indians as diversity hires for affirmative action purposes, and they’re selecting these, a people whose ancestors have been the heaven born for centuries. It’s like employing the Duke of Westminster’s children to show one’s commitment to class blindness !

          Unfortunately for non-Indian Americans, once installed the not so charmin’ Brahmins first act is to board the Nepotism Express and start hiring their friends and family. Take a look at Silicon Valley nowadays and
          you’ll see how this is playing out.

        2. Probably America. Brahmins are less than 5% of the population in India, but they reputedly make up 25% of the Indian population in the States.

          What’s wonderful about this is that companies eagerly seek Indians as diversity hires for affirmative action purposes, and they’re selecting these, a people whose ancestors have been the heaven born for centuries. It’s like employing the Duke of Westminster’s children to show one’s commitment to class blindness !

          Unfortunately for non-Indian Americans, once installed the not so charmin’ Brahmins first act is to board the Nepotism Express and start hiring their friends and family. Take a look at Silicon Valley nowadays and
          you’ll see how this is playing out.

        3. Probably America. Brahmins are less than 5% of the population in India, but they reputedly make up 25% of the Indian population in the States.

          What’s wonderful about this is that companies eagerly seek Indians as diversity hires for affirmative action purposes, and they’re selecting these, a people whose ancestors have been the heaven born for centuries. It’s like employing the Duke of Westminster’s children to show one’s commitment to class blindness !

          Unfortunately for non-Indian Americans, once installed the not so charmin’ Brahmins first act is to board the Nepotism Express and start hiring their friends and family. Take a look at Silicon Valley nowadays and
          you’ll see how this is playing out.

      2. The thought did cross my mind that this is just more gaslighting – the idea that there is someone in the party who thinks the same as we do.
        I think it is a stage-managed plot, but my guess is that once Braverman realised she was going to be sacked, she threw caution to the winds and started saying what she really wanted to say, beginning with her comments on two-tier policing. She’s been so careful up to now not to say or do anything that could be held against her, but she suddenly changed last week, so there has to be a reason.
        Whether the governemtn knew in advance about Braverman’s comments on two-tier policing, I don’t think Sunak will have been prepared for THAT letter!
        Also, in the letter, she details how she wanted to get the Rwanda laws through in such a way that they couldn’t be challenged, and this was thwarted by Sunak. That’s really damning – it goes way beyond gaslighting.

        1. Cameron was allegedly seen entering No 10 last week on the Tuesday evening. Braverman’s comments on two-tier policing were made on the Wednesday. Make of that what you will – it is open to several interpretations. Curiouser and curiouser.

    1. The inflation figures are bound to have been massaged – careful choice of what’s included would be my guess.

  6. 378799+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,
    They are a bloody class act, they really are.
    I would say sunak was very much “in step”with his predecessors and current party
    member / voters these past 40 years.

    In step they have brought down many a bridge
    of decency and patriotism via, downright treachery,lies, deceit& unfulfilled vows, promises and pledges.

    As proven, any ruling PM since Mrs Thatcher
    should in all honesty start any public address with ” listen up suckers”.

    These are considered to be the party of choice for the majority voter out of the three political governing bodies, thereby giving credence to
    mental health issues being a number one concern.

    Wednesday 15 November: Suella Braverman has exposed a PM out of step with the people he governs

  7. 378799+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,
    They are a bloody class act, they really are.
    I would say sunak was very much “in step”with his predecessors and current party
    member / voters these past 40 years.

    In step they have brought down many a bridge
    of decency and patriotism via, downright treachery,lies, deceit& unfulfilled vows, promises and pledges.

    As proven, any ruling PM since Mrs Thatcher
    should in all honesty start any public address with ” listen up suckers”.

    These are considered to be the party of choice for the majority voter out of the three political governing bodies, thereby giving credence to
    mental health issues being a number one concern.

    Wednesday 15 November: Suella Braverman has exposed a PM out of step with the people he governs

  8. The West Mulls Stricter Sanctions As Russia Circumvents The Oil Price Cap. 15 November 2023.

    But Western officials are increasingly concerned that Russia is selling nearly all of its crude above the price cap.

    “Almost none” of Russia’s crude shipments in October were executed below the cap, a senior EU government official told FT.

    Good! Vlad’s enemies are our enemies!

    1. How arrogant of the EU to declare a price cap for Russian oil and expect the world to fall in with it. Rightly so, they got the bird.

      1. Good morning, BoB. Lots of sun and wind here. Two lots of washing already on the line, and a third and final lot is churning away in the washing machine.

    1. I think it is vey thoughtful and philanthropic of billionaires to buy up $multi-million sea front properties to save everyone else the angst and daily worry of not being able to afford house insurance due to the forecasted imminent rise in sea levels. If only we could achieve net zero tomorrow then anyone could buy a sea front property worry free!

      Edit: Good morning bb2 and all.

      1. Then there’s always the worry that it might get burned down if you haven’t painted the roof blue…

  9. Female pool player Lynne Pinches refuses to play transgender opponent and walks off.

    A pool player has forfeited her chance to win a top national title in protest at the sport allowing a transgender woman to compete against natal females.

    Lynne Pinches told Telegraph Sport she has turned down an invitation to turn full-time professional amid her despair at a “U-turn” in international rules.

    On Saturday, Pinches was cheered by spectators as she packed up her cue and refused to play as the final of the Ladies Champions of Champions got under way.
    Her opponent, Harriet Haynes, reacted with bemusement before later picking up the trophy by default.

    Well done Ms. Pinches. Of course all the women players should have refused to participate at the beginning. The Federation would have immediately backed down!

    1. “transgender woman”.? No, it’s a mentally deranged, inadequate cheating man who thinks he is/pretends to be a woman.

      1. No not deranged, far from it.

        An inadequate man who cannot win fairly so he pretends to be a woman so that he can win.

  10. 378799+ up ticks,

    Richard Braine
    The leader of the remain campaign is now responsible for UK foreign policy. Think about that.

    We need a Hercules to redirect the Thames through Parliament and sluice this filth into the sea forever.
    Darren Grimes

    Nov 13
    We’ll be bringing back 0.7% of GDP on foreign aid, we’ll never leave the ECHR, our borders are toast, China will have us as their poodle, Brussels will be delighted at the prospect of the leader of the Remain campaign coming back. I cannot stress what a betrayal of 2019 this is.

  11. 378799+ up ticks,

    The truth will out,

    Richard Braine
    Beware – the people in UKIP are the people who deliberately destroyed UKIP. They are not what they pretend to be. Avoid.
    Kindins 🇱🇧🇬🇧🇲🇦🇺🇸🇷🇺🇨🇳🇮🇪🇮🇱
    Replying to @LozzaFox and @SuellaBraverman
    @NeilUKIP and I are crying out to @thereclaimparty to use UKIP’s membership platform and backbone to raise something from the ashes like a phoenix. If we can scrape the cream of the @reformparty_uk Party, we could be on a winner!

    1. 378799+ up ticks,

      How can this be so ever since the treachery meted out to UKIP party leaders Batten / Braine via the ukip party NEC + farage input.

      The current ukip party is truly in the invertebrates class.

    1. re the last, I suspect the whole thing is automated. The system recognises the plate and sends the fine with no human intervention.
      It would be interesting to attach a genuine numberplate to the back of a bicycle and cycle past a camera every day for a week and see what happens.

  12. Good morning all,

    Bright and clear at the McPhee’s and staying that way, wind in the West, 8℃≫10℃. I’m window-cleaning today.

    There’ll be plenty said today about the Braverman letter, no-doubt. Personally I wish she had doen a ‘Geoffrey Howe’ and made a speech in the House to plunge in the dagger. Maybe she will.

    While the events in Gaza have taken over from Ukraine as the focus of the mainstream’s propanganda effort, UK Column News keeps us in the picture. Monday’s edition which I got around to viewing last night reported on some pretty disgusting occurrences. Women are now conscripted into the front line of the Ukrainian Army There is a video clip of Russian soldiers taking prisoner a female Ukranian soldier. She is clearly distressed but the shocking thing that the clip reveals is that she is pregnant. It is not known whether she volunteered or was pressed but that is beside the point. In their desperation, the Zelenskiyy regime now considers expectant mothers to be suitable soldiers.

    At least she will probably be well treated by the Russians. It is has been reported that some Ukrainian units have surrenderd to the Russians, particularly when they were unable to evacuate their wounded, and that they received fair treatment. Presumably they were not surrendering to the Wagner Group which has a reputatioin for brutality. We know that in the WW2 the Red Army went into battle with political commissars behind the troops who shot those who were a little less than enthusiastic about advancing on the Wehrmacht. This is being done in the Ukrainian ranks. A second video clip shows two Ukrainian soldiers, presumably reluctant conscripts, being summarily executed as they left their trenches to move in the ‘wrong’ direction. What the clip reveals is that the men doing the executing were American mercenaries.

        1. Mine need cleaning as well, I task that I hate , because no matter what there is always a streak or two.

          Will you clean mine , or give me a few easy tips ?

          1. I pay my ‘windies’ £12 every 5 weeks to do mine. One time i even got them to do the interior of my conservatory for an extra tenner. :@)

          2. Vinegar in the water is supposed to help stop streaks – and rubbing over with newspaper. Don’t know if they work, but they were old wives’ tales.

  13. Email from Nigel.

    Dear Minty. As I write this letter, I am travelling at 30,000 ft from London Heathrow to Brisbane, Australia. By the time you receive it, you will know the rumours are true and I will indeed appear on ITV’s I’m a Celebrity… Get Me Out of Here!

    Whilst it’s an offer that’s been made to me many times over the years, this year I gave it real consideration.

    The Brexit referendum was now a long time ago, and a lot of younger voters don’t know who I am or what I stand for. This is an opportunity to reach them.

    It will also be a big test for me personally, away from the news, mobile phones and the internet for the first time in 20 years.

    The offer is also a very good one, and what’s wrong with that? It looks like Coutts might even want to take me back after all!

    The thought of doing certain bush tucker trials doesn’t thrill me, but I am used to dealing with snakes and other horrible reptiles both in the European Parliament in Brussels and at Westminster over the years…

    In order to connect with a new audience and win, I will need your support. When the voting begins, please keep me in the jungle by calling the number, or download the I’m a Celeb app for 5 free votes.

    Nigel Farage

    Reform UK Honorary President.

    I shall not of course be doing anything of the kind and not only because I don’t watch this ridiculous tosh!l

    1. This tasteless reality TV show will give Farage an audience of millions. It will be interesting to see what he does with that or, to be more accurate, what he is allowed to do with it by the show’s producers. I don’t watch this sort of thing as a rule but I may be tempted to switch on the idiot-box to see what he gets up to.

      1. Morning Fiscal. My view at the moment is that Nigel has shown lamentable judgement in agreeing to do this show.

          1. Well he was banking at Coutts and he’s never shown any signs of financial distress. I think greed has overwhelmed his Common Sense!

          2. I do think he has a point about reaching a younger audience. They loved Matt Hancock after all.
            I won’t be watching it either.

  14. Tim Stanley drops a bollock:

    Stanley’s memory must be a bit dim. Cameron wasn’t sacked. He walked off the job whistling and humming after he had promised to implement whatever the electorate decided in the Brexit referendum. He had failed to gain any meaningful concession from the EU, which ran rings around him. Concessions of the sort he was asking for would almost certainly have resulted in a win for ‘Remain’. It’s just as well he wasn’t around to lead the Brexit negotiations. Lord alone knows what he would have agreed to.

    This man, Lord Greensill, is now Foreign Secretary.

    1. I thought the UK had decided to cease aiding India, but this extract from a government document shows how circumscribed that commitment was.

      There was no commitment to end multilateral aid as a participant in multinational programmes, nor was bilateral aid in India to cease other than that given directly to the Indian government.

      the Government decided in 2015 to end direct bilateral financial assistance to the Indian government. This continues to be the position. The decision recognised that India has made substantial development gains and was increasingly able to invest in its own development. Since then, we have concentrated on investments to help secure sustainable private sector growth and to tackle climate change, reflecting the importance of continued economic growth to meet the Sustainable Development Goals in India (average income per head is less than $2,500), and that India is one of a handful of countries whose development choices will determine global climate outcomes.

    1. Good luck Bill.
      I was told by my eye surgeon not to be too rigorous in trying to read the smallest letters.

        1. That’s increasingly the case with packaging labels and wrappers. The growing obligation on manufacturers to provide purchasers with information means the print size has had to shrink to squeeze it all in.

          1. I thought it was just my eyesight getting worse!
            The ones I particularly hate are light coloured print on a light coloured background, all minute.

          2. One of our local cafés has a menu with black print on a deep green background – very tricky to read!

          3. Years ago, I remember designing labels to fit in the increased details about ingredients, allergens etc…
            Export was interesting; a crash course in a variety of Scandi and other European languages (fitted into the same amount of space).
            The only thing I can remember now is that the Norwegian word for potato was like the English, but the Danes used a word of German derivation.

          4. Years ago, I remember designing labels to fit in the increased details about ingredients, allergens etc…
            Export was interesting; a crash course in a variety of Scandi and other European languages (fitted into the same amount of space).
            The only thing I can remember now is that the Norwegian word for potato was like the English, but the Danes used a word of German derivation.

        2. Microscopes are given to all solicitors as a matter of course as soon as they pass all their exams and qualify.

    2. Good morning Bill

      I have just been de-cataracted in both eyes, with Laser treatment alsoon the left one

      It is just a case of lying down, looking at the 60’s Disco light and thinking good thoughts,, asthe waterruns overy our eye

      At the end, you just get up and walk away.

      No problems at all

      PS I faint when given injections

      Good luck

      1. I used to be a bit squeamish about injections and needles in general. I remember my head feeling “swimmy” on one occasion when a teenager after having an injection. Nowadays I can comfortably watch as needles or tubes are inserted to inject or extract be they syringes, cannulas or whatever other contraptions they use.

      2. Can they get rid of floaters? I tried to have one fixed 30 years ago but it is still there.

          1. It is usually I rather than you who lowers the tone!

            This is the sort of floater to which I was referring!

            Floaters or eye floaters are sometimes visible deposits (e.g., the shadows of tiny structures of protein or other cell debris projected onto the retina) within the eye’s vitreous humour (“the vitreous”), which is normally transparent, or between the vitreous and retina.

          2. I had those at one time. Injections to help with macula degeneration put them down. Nothing helps the squeamish like an injection into the eye.

            Just jump up and down and watch the little floaters bounce around.

    3. Had my test yesterday. I need a new prescription but my eyes are healthy except for the minute sign of cataract in my left eye. I hope everything is OK for you.

    4. Gloucester:

      I have no way, and therefore want no eyes;
      I stumbled when I saw.

      The King

      A man may see how this world goes with no eyes.
      Look with thine ears: see how yond justice rails upon yon simple thief.
      Hark, in thine ear: change places; and, handy-dandy, which is the justice, which is the thief?

      [King Lear]

      Edited : When I first posted this I wrongly attributed the King’s words to the Fool. Quite an understandable error nowadays!

  15. He was never supposed to go back – how the Camerons’ career pact exploded
    When David Cameron left office in 2016, Samantha launched her own fashion brand. Will his return to government tip their working balance?

    Amidst the Daily Telegraph’s journalistic froth we must not forget that Sir Reginald Sheffield (Bart.), the father of the foreign secretary’s wife, Samantha, receives an enormous income from the wind turbines on his land.

    The Idiot King will doubtless be delighted that there is still a high level of green vested influence at the very heart of government.

    Another point that strikes me – will the Camerons now hurriedly have to take their children out of private schools and put them back into state schools?

    1. Maybe Sam’s frocks are not flying off the shelves and, unlike the other Dave (Beckham), Lord Dave can’t afford to keep subbing his wife’s fancy?

    2. I recall their closely photographed “holidays” in Southwold followed by an unpublicised Fortnight at a private luxury villa in Italy.

  16. He was never supposed to go back – how the Camerons’ career pact exploded
    When David Cameron left office in 2016, Samantha launched her own fashion brand. Will his return to government tip their working balance?

    Amidst the Daily Telegraph’s journalistic froth we must not forget that Sir Reginald Sheffield (Bart.), the father of the foreign secretary’s wife, Samantha, receives an enormous income from the wind turbines on his land.

    The Idiot King will doubtless be delighted that there is still a high level of green vested influence at the very heart of government.

    Another point that strikes me – will the Camerons now hurriedly have to take their children out of private schools and put them back into state schools?

      1. And then send his relatives the bill for dismembering and cremating the remains. As ever, China thought of it first, but then it still believes in capital punishment. (Funny our bien pensant class never baulk at capital punishment as long as it is carried out by country a few thousand miles away.)

    1. So glad i have spent the last 35 years working 9-12 hours a day, 242 days a year and paying at least £1 million in PAYE so these poor oppressed illegal immigrants can have a nice life

    2. Imprison him consecutively under each of his five indentities. Or, alternatively, ask Theresa May (her with the dodgy vicar father) why she and other politicians are scared of introducing a biometric ID scheme? What do they have to hide?

      1. My recollection is that the introduction of identity cards has been opposed vociferously by left-wingers certainly and some right-wingers. Personally, I think that they would be worthwhile. I lived for a number of years in the USA and, although they do not have identity cards for the population at large, driving licences are used as de facto identity cards to such an extent that the Motor Vehicle Administration (MVA) would issue driving licences that would allow you to drive nothing.

        1. In the past there has been considerable hand wringing and teeth gnashing on these pages at the very concept of needing ID when it came to voter verification.

          Comments along the line of “My parents did not fight the germans so that I would have to carry ID cards”. It is not just the left that oppose it.

          1. The irony is that those who died fighting the Germans (or Japanese or just about any other enemy) would have been obliged to carry an identity card and it was a military offence not to do so at all times.

          2. I was not aware that war had broken out (I had a wartime ID card – a paper one) or that we had collectively signed up to the military.

          3. It is relevant inasmuch as those two situations (needing IDs because we were at war and carrying an ID as member of the armed forces – which I had no objection to) were pertinent to the comment.

        2. I use my driving licence as photo ID, but I strongly oppose the govt imposing ID cards on the nation, largely because I no longer trust the bastards. There would be mission creep and you’d end up having to use ID to pay for groceries – it they thought you weren’t eating the right things you couldn’t buy what you want!

    1. Here is a hypothetical Police Bias Test:

      Imagine two sets of demonstrators

      a) A group of pro-Palestine activists calling for the extermination of Jews and the eradication of the State of Israel – i.e. clearing all the land between the River Jordan and the Mediterranean;

      b) A group of ethnic indigenous Britons calling for the humane transportation of all Muslims from Britain and taken to countries practising Sharia Law.

      Would the Police side with either group – or would they be strictly impartial? Would one group be considered more racist than the other? Would one group be considered more hate-filled than the other?

  17. Isn’t it against the human rights act for France to propel asylum seekers across the Channel in fragile boats , taking a chance with their lives .

    1. I’m sure the French would claim that they do not assist in launching these fragile boats but that their coastal patrols cannot stop all of them.

      1. Not even when a whole flotilla is launched and more than 600 arrive on Remembrance Sunday morning?

  18. Now what you arrogant pillock?
    Will you get your new Foreign Secretary to negotiate return agreements?

    Rishi Sunak’s Rwanda migrants plan is against the law, Supreme Court rules in unanimous 5-0 decision that is massive blow to PM after ousted Home Secretary Suella Braverman said he had no Plan B to stop the boats

      1. If we made it crystal clear that there would be, no money, no housing, no food and drink, unless you can get independent, non publicly funded charities to provide them.

        Health care and education etc they can organise amongst themselves, after all we are constantly told how skilled they all are.

        The “draw” would disappear.

        1. Exactly; they could operate on each other, teach each other, build their own cars and houses. All that wasted talent.

      1. The Supreme Court was Blair’s baby specially designed to help facilitate the Arrival of The New World Order.

        1. Eh!? All that legislative effort was simply to allow Mr Blair a few nanoseconds of peace in the evenings after the children were abed, and when it was just him and Cruella.

          1. I thought the Chicken Supreme Court and the Human Rights Act were to magicked up provide Cherry with pin money.

      2. That would merely make human rights lawyers even richer.
        As a starter they could remove all legal aid for such cases.

        1. Those lawyers have proven to be dodgy. Stick them on the plane too.
          I don’t see why as a sovereign country we can’t do as we please.
          Pakistan is deporting 2 million Afghans. I don’t hear of much hand wringing over that.

        2. Removing legal aid would be a start. It would put a stop to lawyers fighting the country. But it won’t happen, so there’s no point fighting.

    1. From the moment it was announced it was clear that Rwanda was nothing more than an expensive PR stunt.

      1. ………….. was nothing more than an expensive PR stunt . Like the Covid enquiry that’s disappeared from the news. Another good time to bury bad news?

  19. The conflagration that will be WW3 is a matchstick away.

    Turkey PM Erdogan says Israel is a ‘terror state’ committing war crimes
    Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Wednesday Israel was a ‘terror state’ committing war crimes and violating international law in Gaza, while repeating his view that Palestinian militant group Hamas was not a terrorist organisation.

    Speaking to lawmakers in parliament, Erdogan also called on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to announce whether Israel had nuclear bombs or not, and added that the Israeli premier was a ‘goner’ from his post.

    He said Hamas was a political party that had been elected by Palestinians

    1. He said Hamas was a political party that had been elected by Palestinians.

      He means by Palestinian men. Women don’t get to vote.

      1. Was there electoral commission or similar oversight of said elections? Sounds dubious to me.
        And the government in Israel were elected too.
        The Hamas attack on 7th October cannot be described as anything other than terror or act of war. Which does Erdogan prefer?

      2. When Israel effectively left I would have thought they did, was the right removed once Hamas got elected?

      3. Lol didn’t know that. Makes you wonder if all the idiot feminists marching in support of Hammas over here know that either.

      4. Palestinian Authority laws do allow women to vote but no elections have been held since 2006. As to how many women actually did vote – before elections were cancelled – I have no idea.

        Participation of Women and Members of Minority Groups: No PA laws limit participation of women or members of minority groups in the political process, and they did participate. Legally women and minorities may vote and participate in political life, although women faced significant social and cultural barriers in both the West Bank and Gaza. There was a 20 percent quota for women on the Palestinian Legislative Council, but no legislative elections have been held since 2006, and the council’s activity has been suspended since 2007. There were three women and four members of the Christian minority in the 22-member PA cabinet.

        Hamas generally excluded women from leadership positions in Gaza; however, there were two women on the organization’s 20-member political bureau in Gaza, one was elected and the other became a member ex officio as president of the Hamas women’s movement.

    2. If Erdogan states that Hamas is not a terrorist group, then surely someone must point out to him that, by the same standard, neither is the Kurdish PKK?

    3. Erdowan (that’s how he pronounces it) is shirley feigning ignorance here? The Ottoman Turks ruled that region from 1517 to 1917 and while they mostly made a lousy job of it, they didn’t dispute who the natives were yet now they pretend to believe something entirely different?

    4. It is worth recalling David Cameron’s words to the Turkish parliament in Ankara in 2010:

      “I am here to make the case for Turkey’s membership of the European Union and to fight for it”.

      “I will remain your strongest possible advocate for EU membership and for greater influence at the top table of European diplomacy. This is something I feel very strongly and very passionately about. Together I want us to pave the road from Ankara to Brussels.”


      1. Let us not forget Camoron’s stated objective to have the EU stretch from “the Atlantic to the Urals”. Bear in mind, also, that the Urals are in Western Russia.

        1. Regarding the Urals, if one were to stand on Alport Heights on the Chevin Ridge between the Ecclesbourne and Derwent Valleys near Wirksworth and look East, the Urals will be the first range of uplands higher than where you are stood.

  20. 378799+ up ticks,

    May one ask,

    Why not, if one thousand morally illegal land at Dover deduct that number from the so called legal elements, at least the numbers will not increase neither will the hotel bills, or indigenous BP.

      1. I always wondered if it was a precursor to a presidential style system to align more comfortably with the hated EU. That group has never liked adversarial democracy.

        1. I’m sure you’re right. Seems everything has been/is being done to align totally with the EU. After all, what has been changed since we “left”? Sod all except that Northern Ireland has been annexed to the EU.

  21. I’m committed to stopping boats, insists Sunak . 15 november 2023.

    Rishi Sunak has insisted he remains “completely committed” to stopping the boats after the Supreme Court ruled his Rwanda deportation policy is unlawful.

    The Prime Minister said that while the verdict was “not the outcome we wanted”, the Government had spent the past few months “planning for all eventualities”.

    Lol! There is absolutely no intention, anywhere in Westminster, of stopping Mass Migration

    1. He lies.
      Boats could easily have been stopped ages ago, if he wanted it. See the Australian model for an example.

    2. Yes Sunak is serious about stopping the boats. Drownings don’t look good for any party in power. The will all be given free eurostar tickets instead.

      1. They could buy a ticket for around £250 yet they’re given thousands of pounds to pay the ferryman. Of course passengers arriving at St Pancras normally have to show their papers.

    3. I’m committed to stopping boats, insists Sunak deluded liar.

      Sunak’s commitment to anything beneficial to the people is as believable as the ‘Safe and Effective’ mantra is now. The latter took in many frightened people at the outset but the truth could not be hidden and certainly not hidden for 75 years.

    4. “Planning for all eventualities”, he says, yet Suella said he doesnt even have a Plan B.

    5. “Matilda told such Dreadful Lies,
      It made one Gasp and Stretch one’s Eyes;
      Her Aunt, who, from her Earliest Youth,
      Had kept a Strict Regard for Truth,
      Attempted to Believe Matilda:
      The effort very nearly killed her,
      And would have done so, had not She
      Discovered this Infirmity.
      For once, towards the Close of Day,
      Matilda, growing tired of play,
      And finding she was left alone,
      Went tiptoe to the Telephone
      And summoned the Immediate Aid
      Of London’s Noble Fire-Brigade.
      Within an hour the Gallant Band
      Were pouring in on every hand,
      From Putney, Hackney Downs, and Bow
      With Courage high and Hearts a-glow
      They galloped, roaring through the Town
      ‘Matilda’s House is Burning Down!’
      Inspired by British Cheers and Loud
      Proceeding from the Frenzied Crowd,
      They ran their ladders through a score
      Of windows on the Ball Room Floor;
      And took Peculiar Pains to Souse
      The Pictures up and down the House,
      Until Matilda’s Aunt succeeded
      In showing them they were not needed;
      And even then she had to pay
      To get the Men to go away!
      It happened that a few Weeks later
      Her Aunt was off to the Theatre
      To see that Interesting Play
      The Second Mrs Tanqueray.
      She had refused to take her Niece
      To hear this Entertaining Piece:
      A Deprivation Just and Wise
      To Punish her for Telling Lies.
      That Night a Fire did break out-
      You should have heard Matilda Shout!
      You should have heard her Scream and Bawl,
      And throw the window up and call
      To People passing in the Street-
      (The rapidly increasing Heat
      Encouraging her to obtain
      Their confidence)-but all in vain!
      For every time She shouted ‘Fire!’
      They only answered ‘Little Liar’!
      And therefore when her Aunt returned,
      Matilda, and the House, were Burned.”

      For Matilda and The House, read Great Britain.

  22. We are lucky to live in a democracy where the police can show their skill, dedication and, above all, their independence – and I
    hope they realise that the public are extremely grateful.

    Dame Esther Rantzen


    1. That’s Life!

      When did she say that? Was it on the series broadcast on BBC1 for 21 years, from 26 May 1973 until 19 June 1994.

      If so her observation must be about 30 years or more out of date!

    2. Old Dame Rancid really has lost touch with reality! I see in her letter she also refers to right wing violence, incited by the Home Secretary!

      1. Deep joy. She’s just painted a target (Star of David?) on her forehead.
        I suspect it’s not difficult to spot the only Jew in the village.

  23. My Home Office colleagues are secretly overjoyed by Rwanda ruling. Anonymous. 15 November 2023.

    This week has left my Home Office colleagues celebrating. The Supreme Court’s ruling against the Rwanda plan, Suella Braverman’s exit and the appointment of a new untested minister have all uplifted the mood in Marsham Street.

    Despite our change in boss, when it comes to controlling Britain’s borders nothing will change. I know this because I have worked for some time as a civil servant on immigration policy, and – in my experience – no priority is further from the Home Office in 2023 than stopping the boats or cutting net migration.

    For all her strident bearing, Suella was cringingly apologetic in speeches to Home Office staff. Instead of instilling much needed discipline, she would tell us what a great job we were doing, not that this got her any kind of loyalty. She was mocked and insulted by London-based staff furious at the refusal to extend safe routes to an ever growing number of countries.

    Oddly enough for me I don’t have the slightest doubt that this is true!

    1. I’m sure Braverman was polite, as fundamentally policy is set by government.

      If officials refuse to implement it then they should be sacked but it was Sunak’s masters telling him what would happen.

    2. Braverman has never been strident in government until last week, when she let fly with what she really thought – as my son says, “Years of lying wasted!”
      If she had been less than cringingly apologetic to the civil servants, they would have had her for “bullying” – they are the bullies.
      She did the best she could with everything stacked against her.

  24. My Home Office colleagues are secretly overjoyed by Rwanda ruling. Anonymous. 15 November 2023.

    This week has left my Home Office colleagues celebrating. The Supreme Court’s ruling against the Rwanda plan, Suella Braverman’s exit and the appointment of a new untested minister have all uplifted the mood in Marsham Street.

    Despite our change in boss, when it comes to controlling Britain’s borders nothing will change. I know this because I have worked for some time as a civil servant on immigration policy, and – in my experience – no priority is further from the Home Office in 2023 than stopping the boats or cutting net migration.

    For all her strident bearing, Suella was cringingly apologetic in speeches to Home Office staff. Instead of instilling much needed discipline, she would tell us what a great job we were doing, not that this got her any kind of loyalty. She was mocked and insulted by London-based staff furious at the refusal to extend safe routes to an ever growing number of countries.

    Oddly enough for me I don’t have the slightest doubt that this is true!

  25. Well – back from the eye business. Cursing all the way to hell and back. All tests done; acid in eyes etc; more tests. Final consultation with eye doctor who told me they could NOT do the operation as my BP was too high (190/80). Immediate referral to GP. BP tested there 166/77. Sort of OK.

    Given that I was anxious about the procedure and that driving in to town there were bloody roadworks meaning an extra couple of miles as time was running out….no wonder the BP was up.

    Waiting to hear from GP about next move.

    Feeling thoroughly pissed off – so I’ll keep away for a bit…

    1. My dearly beloved got that one too, followed by a prescription for blood pressure tablets, followed by gout as a known side effect.
      Would a sedative work to keep your blood pressure down for the eye op?

    2. That’s awful Bill. Should have said you had been diagnosed with ‘white coat syndrome’.

    3. White Coat Syndrome. Your BP goes up when faced with medic.
      For £20-25 you can get your own BP machine. They are foolproof compared with the old sphygmomanometers that we had to train on.
      You can either check yourself or get MR to do it. The readings are more accurate when you do them in your own home.

      1. My cardiologist put WCH in my medical notes after my annual checkup.
        He agreed with me that trying to reach 120/80 which I did under medication on the cardiac ward was unrealistic.
        Afterwards, that night, the ecg alarm went off and woke me up – must have been adrenaline inducing.
        On the other hand I have just seen a recent Pfizer publication promoting the new downward targets for blood pressure limit targets – now why would that be?

        1. The drive to impose ‘ideal’ BP readings suitable for a 25 year old on pensioners means a nice little earner for drug companies.

          1. Just refuse their goddamn pills.
            My Dr was pi$$ed when I said I’d stopped taking her statisn. “Who decided that?” she demanded aggressively. “Me!” I said, and that was it.

          2. My doctor was unhappy with my BP. I asked why. “It’s the sort of reading I would expect from a 17-yr-old” she said! And that is bad, why, exactly? No more was said, but I suspect the answer was “we can’t prescribe statins”.

    4. Did they take your BP properly.

      You didn’t have anything to eat or drink for 30 minutes before the test.
      You sat relaxed in a comfortable chair for 5 minutes with your feet flat on the ground.
      You should have your arm straight and resting on a table of pillow.
      You should be tested at least twice and preferably 3 times with nobody talking to you.

      I demand that if I have may BP tested at the surgery or hospital and do that when I test myself at home.
      This might help.

  26. Evening, all. Just a dip in and dip out this morning; I had to put the computer on for something else and I thought I’d look in, but I have a stack of things to do, so hopefully will be back later with more time.

    Words fail me about the state of the nation 🙁

    1. Please stop Spikey. Before you burn that lot please think about all the poor billionaires who’ve selflessly bought ocean front mansions so the rest of us would be spared the worry of owning a sea front property with the sort of sea level rise a burn such as yours will cause!

    2. The twins have just been ‘elpin Grandpa to stack the delivery of logs we got today! For all they’re only 3 past, they really were a big help, and are very pleased with the ‘walls’ they built! 😘

      1. I like your style. Children should always be used as unpaid labour. Teaches them what their real working life will be.

        1. Absolutely! And they learn about bark, trees, sawdust and splinters, all out in the fresh air!
          OT in Scotland a splinter is known as a skelf!

    3. The twins have just been ‘elpin Grandpa to stack the delivery of logs we got today! For all they’re only 3 past, they really were a big help, and are very pleased with the ‘walls’ they built! 😘

    1. The first – and last – time the Warqueen came to a Muay Thai tournament she commented – “someone as big as you shouldn’t be able to move that fast.” She followed it up with – “how come you can’t bally well dance?”

      1. Many years ago, asked my parents to teach me Bridge – they refused. Was rather disappointed.

      2. I’ve tried learning a few time- even went to classes – but never had anyone to practise with so have never progressed

        1. We used to have a regular four with friends but I was never any good at it, try as I might, we used to play but I was hopeless.

      3. You don’t have to count the points in bridge (except when you’re deciding whether you have enough strength to bid).

  27. The Conservative Party has betrayed its voters for the last time. 15 November 2023.

    Consider as well that our financial and economic options have been limited by our commitment to the target of net zero by 2050. Our already devastated industries, especially steel, are unlikely to survive the higher energy costs, taxes and regulation which it promises. Fracking, which has given America cheaper prices and energy security, has been consistently rejected by our craven leaders, who cared more about green protestors than national prosperity.

    The latest insult from our government is the return of David Cameron. Quite apart from the disastrous failure of austerity, Cameron was reason 1, 2 and 3 for how Conservative voters were betrayed, with a string of flagrantly broken promises and a radical socially progressive agenda pushed through on his watch.

    Enough is enough. If this Government refuses to govern – refuses, two unelected leaders in, to carry out its manifesto commitments – then it has no business hanging about. Call a general election, and let us put it out of its misery.

    This guy admits to not being a Tory so one assumes he’s Labour in disguise. Nevertheless I have some sympathy for the idea of having the election now!

    1. One of Cameron’s final broken promises was to British nationals living and working in the EU.

      One would have thought that such people had a greater interest than most voters in whether or not the UK remained in or left the EU. And indeed, Cameron promised us that we would have a vote in the referendum – but he then decided to break his promise.

      I had already lost my vote in UK general elections because Blair removed the right of British nationals to do so. I can see the logic in saying that those who do not pay their taxes in the UK should not be able to vote in general elections that do not affect them – but why did he not make sure that those disenfranchised were not given reciprocal voting rights in the fellow EU countries in which they worked and paid their taxes – after all such people were good European citizens doing what the EU claimed it was all about.

      Cameron and Blair – both Europhiles – both don’t give a toss about British people living and working in the EU.

      1. Cameron and Blair – both Europhiles – both don’t give a toss about British people living and working in the EU.

    1. Create a department for asylum seekers and immigration taking all the decisions away from all other departments to one that can stop the funding of them, the housing of them the legal aid for them the healthcare of them etc etc.
      Cut ALL benefits to zero.
      If they knew they would starve and freeze unless charities provided they would not come.

          1. HA! HA! HA!
            Sorry, but that might take balls, and the only one with even a vestige of a testicle has just been fired.

  28. That’s me gone for this extremely depressing day. Tomorrow out all day at a funeral (no, not my own). Will look in on Friday. Probably.

    Look after yourselves.

    1. Absolutely hate funerals. Always hated goodbyes, still do, and that’s an adieu! not au revoir.

      1. I was at a quite lovely funeral yesterday near Hartlepool. It was a woodland burial with a wicker coffin and a very good celebrant who actually knew dear Brian. It was a beautiful day (the very heavy rain which had dogged our journey down the M74 and across the A69 stopped as we got out of the car) and, apart from the mud, it was very peaceful. The funeral directors provided overshoes for those without wellies or walking boots, so we weren’t exactly a very elegant bunch! Average age about 78! Very moving and very different.

        1. Nice!
          Spoken with a Geordie-like accent? Not sure I can differentiate from Hartlepool and generic Geordie…

          1. Definitely Geordie-like, but a bit further South! There were even 2 beautiful black Setters amongst the 60 or so elderly people (I’m not including me or my younger daughter) and the celebrant, Ian was quick to say how appropriate it was as Brian had been a vet!

          2. When Kadi’s owner was buried, I took him to the funeral (along with Oscar who fell asleep under the pew). He came with me to the lectern when I read a poem written by the deceased. Both dogs know how to behave in church (which is more, sadly, than some children do).

        2. My youngest cousin, who died aged 57 on Christmas Day 2016, had a woodland burial and a wicker coffin. Her service was in the little chapel there with standing room only.

          The last funeral we attended was last month, for a 97 year old, long term member of the table tennis league. That was a very traditional service in the village church, followed by burial. Most these days are at the crem, which is fine but a bit impersonal.

  29. Afternoon, all!

    Just watched this rather fascinating presentation about mind control; I thought I knew what they’d done to us during the covid cr*p, but it turns out I hadn’t realised how deep it went.

    Kudos to all of you (us) stubborn buggers who didn’t go along with the herd!


    1. Very interesting – and chillling! No wonder they want to destroy Christianity; spiritual strength helps negate their efforts. Thank goodness for Nottl!

    1. Well done. You can see what happened to me. Fortunately it didn’t go to the seventh option.
      Wordle 879 6/6


    2. Not good for me today.
      Wordle 879 5/6


    3. A other so sodas

      Wordle 879 4/6


  30. Thought for the day
    If the RNLI, Border force et al took the gimmegrants straight back to French ports and kicked them off, presumably the ECHR that hamstrings us would also hamstring the French so they would be forced to accept them.

    1. Just popping in.
      If they’d done that years ago the illegal invasion will never have happened.

    2. Good joke. When did the French ever take note of anything the EU put out that didn’t suit them?

      1. That’s the reason why the EU works for France but not for the UK.

        If an EU ruling goes against France they ignore it; if an EU ruling goes against Britain we observe and follow it even if we are no longer in the EU!

        Remember Mad Cow? The French still have not paid the fine for continuing to ban UK beef after the EU had ruled that it was safe. And everybody knows very well that France had just as much Mad Cow as Britain did!

      1. There was an Irish Wolfhound chewing a bone, when it had finished it it got up – and fell over

    1. Love the dogs, but if they are anything like my wolfhound (or deerhound, we were never sure) cross, they’ll be as soft as a hairbrush. Leaving the door open is hardly secure.

  31. It’s early, but I’m due to join a ZOOM meeting shortly, so will wish you all a Good Night, chums. Sleep well, and I’ll see you all tomorrow.

  32. Just what you need in a supermarket!

    SIR – I live in Midhurst, a small Sussex town, and we have a local Sainsbury’s with both manned checkout counters and self-checkout stations.

    The other day, I watched an elderly couple shopping there. The lady was clearly suffering from dementia and was becoming increasingly distressed. Her husband, trying to cope with her and manage a large trolley, struggled with the task in hand. From nowhere a member of staff went up to the lady and, addressing her by name, chatted to until she was calmer, then helped her find her husband. They were obviously known in the shop.

    While I was unloading my trolley at the checkout the couple came up behind me in the queue. The cashier on the till rang a bell and another member of staff came and helped the couple to unload the trolley, chatting to them all the while, then packing their shopping, carrying it to the car and unloading it into their boot. The kindness of the entire staff was exemplary.

    No machine could ever replicate the spontaneous acts of kindness, performed with grace and charm, that I witnessed in the shop that day.

    Jane Taylor
    Midhurst, West Sussex

    How lovely! Not cussing and blinding because they are slow and in the way, but help from the supermarket.

    1. I struggle with a large trolley sometimes. Especially when the bloody wheels all want to go in different directions.

          1. They have priced themselves out of the market as far as I’m concerned. That it means less revenue is their problem.

  33. First fire in the fireplace this season. Surprisingly chilly. Got to get some wood in tomorrow.

      1. Are you suggesting that as long as his pecker’s got wood it doesn’t matter how much wood a woodchuck could chuck wood?

  34. I must be missing something here.

    The CEO hit back: ‘I look at woman, but also look at the issue of trans men and non-binary people. There’s something like 5,000 trans men who have endometriosis who probably feel absolutely rather left out. There’s also non-binary people’.
    Ms Barnett cut in ‘but the vast majority are women’, before Ms Richards then insisted ‘yes of course the vast majority are women, does that mean we should leave behind trans men Emma?

    Presumably all those “trans men” were born female, so having endometriosis isn’t all that unusual.?

    Gawd I HATE these people.

    1. Me too. When we were young they’d have been in the local loony bin. Still the best place for them.

    1. Given some of the monstrosities we have to put up with i would like to see how black women could do better.
      Some thatching looks quite nice…

        1. As Goldemier said “If the Arabs gave up their weapons there’d be no more wars, if Israel gave up their weapons there’d be no more Israel”

  35. Auction pics of my new van:-

    I’ve already removed the shelves from the back and made a start on dismantling the internal partition round the rear seats which I also plan getting rid of.
    The it’s remove the ply paneling so I can fit insulation and start fitting it out with a folding bunk to sleep on when camping, but fold up when load carrying.

    Off to Statfold Barn near Tamworth to help t’Lad go through the Industrial Locomotive Society’s archive of narrow gauge battery electric loco drawings.

  36. Bloody hell! clicked on a Tw@ter link I posted a while ago to copy the URL to repost elsewhere and, as in my custom, deleted the extra characters that Disqusting adds to the end of them.
    This is the surplus character string that I deleted:-


  37. O/T but I borrowed Horace McCoy’s Novella “They Shoot Horses Don’t They” from this library this evening and have waltzed through its 124 pages in one sitting.

      1. Better than modern novels, that’s for sure. It seems he wrote it originally as a film script. I think it’s the type of book you read once quickly but probably need to read again for the depth… but actually yes i would say it was good. I did see the film probably 40 years ago; but had forgotten the “ending” – though the way the book is constructed, we know up front the narrator is going to swing.

      2. Better than modern novels, that’s for sure. It seems he wrote it originally as a film script. I think it’s the type of book you read once quickly but probably need to read again for the depth… but actually yes i would say it was good. I did see the film probably 40 years ago; but had forgotten the “ending” – though the way the book is constructed, we know up front the narrator is going to swing.

      3. Better than modern novels, that’s for sure. It seems he wrote it originally as a film script. I think it’s the type of book you read once quickly but probably need to read again for the depth… but actually yes i would say it was good. I did see the film probably 40 years ago; but had forgotten the “ending” – though the way the book is constructed, we know up front the narrator is going to swing.

      1. You’ve just reminded me; I had a text from the chemist saying my prescription was ready. I don’t recall ordering more medicine and I’ve just picked up my latest prescription. I wonder if, although I refused, I’ve got a load of statins waiting for me.

        1. Mine is on auto and i get reminders. Just pick them up next time and if you don’t want them throw them in the bin.

          1. Mine isn’t on auto; I have to request them – last time I was refused because the doctor had doubled the dose and they complained that I was asking for them too soon! I got them in the end.

          2. My meds were out of sync so i ordered my ramipril to bring them together and it was refused. The following day i had a reminder to order ramipril. If i had been able to speak to a human it could have been sorted straight away. AI stands for Artificial Idiot.

    1. I don’t know why people complain about the price. It is Harrods ! In fact i do know why they complain…they can’t afford it.

          1. Hi Phizzee

            Michelin stars , what are they, how are they assessed?

            I have fine dined , a few times , but fiddling with food irritates me .

            My expectations are sadly zilched .

          2. I don’t believe you. Your husband would never have paid £££’s. Must have been a secret lover !

    1. Reminds me of shit for some reason………….speaking of…………

      We got our dogs some glow in the dark dog treats.

      You should see their little faeces light up.

          1. I have every faith in you to do so….
            We really need to stop meeting like this, people will talk….

    Metropolitan Police
    It’s deeply disrespectful to climb on a war memorial, but there’s no law making it illegal.

    In the absence of a law officers cannot automatically arrest, but they can intervene & make it clear the behaviour isn’t acceptable.

    That’s what they are seen doing here in this video.
    10:41 PM · Nov 15, 2023

    Steven Barrett
    It’s called Outraging Public Decency

    You are performatively powerless – once again
    Exactly this
    Show replies
    Emily Hewertson 🇬🇧
    Problem is… we all know this isn’t how your officers would have acted had these been football hooligans.

    1. Both my grandfathers were in the RA in WW1 both were awarded the DCM both were killed their families left in poverty by an ungrateful state
      For what exactly…………………
      Further words would get this blog banned
      I am feeling literally murderous

      1. My deepest thoughts to all of us/ you for all grandfathers and uncles who were either slaughtered or badly injured during WW1.

        We are culturally divided from Muslims and their ilk..

        Why are the police acting in a Woke fashion ?

        Not the same men are they, who batttled the miners/ Grunwick or the Beanfield etc.

    2. Both my grandfathers were in the RA in WW1 both were awarded the DCM both were killed their families left in poverty by an ungrateful state
      For what exactly…………………
      Further words would get this blog banned
      I am feeling literally murderous

  39. Why Rwanda in particular? Try somewhere else if Rwanda is the specific problem. Is it that Rwanda offered the cheapest deal for accommodating those claiming asylum while their applications are being processed?

        1. The majority of gimmegrunts cannot swim!

          …and we have plenty of offshore islands – Australian solution?

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