An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning. Persistent offenders will be banned.
Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.
Morning everyone.
Morning Minty!
Good morning, Sue Mac.
Morning Elsie! How are things?
Yesterday I felt rather warm, but still managed to do my hour in the garden, water the plants, spend an hour cleaning the bathroom, finish a book of poems by P G Wodehouse, and send off an email to the Wrinklies’ Film Club about next Monday’s film (WHERE THE CRAWDADS SING). But by the evening I was too exhausted to watch my scheduled FANTASIA (1940). Instead I went to bed in my birthday suit and managed a couple of hours’ sleep, then up at 1.30 am to watch FANTASIA in full. After that I opened the bedroom window and slept like a baby. Today I will spend an hour in the garden, one hour finishing cleaning the bathroom, then maybe drive to Aldi for my weekly shop. A very mundane life at present, I’m afraid.
Not mundane at all! Fantasia is brilliant! I saw it way back instead of The Sound of Music! Loved it and have seen it many times. Always something new!
Very true, Sue Mac. I always remembered the host starting off by saying “How do you do (because that phrase fits with both afternoon and evening performances) my name is Deems Taylor”. But somehow I had never before listened to his words of introduction of the next piece. In particular, he mentioned that “The Dance Of The Hours” had morning, mid-day, evening and dark night dancers. Sure enough, having listened to this I recognised that they were represented by ostriches, hippos, elephants and alligators. Before it was just a mix of funny animals dancing with each other.
I’m exhausted just reading that!
Good morning, Minty.
;Morning All
Truly a Bob Moran for our times
Meanwhile the normies………
Aha !! I KNEW it,the Arctic has stolen our cold!!
Good morning, all.
IIRC a few years ago a similar report on the growing Arctic ice was met by the climate change nutters with claims that, “…the ice isn’t very thick.” Well, it’s thick enough this year to trap ships.
Here we are in the middle of July and for two days the weather systems align in such a manner that very hot summer air is drawn up from the deep South and we experience high temperatures. It’s a natural phenomenon that can occur at any time, we’ve had ‘Beasts from the East’ that have caused the opposite i.e. very cold weather. Has the Winter of 1962 – 1963, the coldest protracted spell of weather I can remember, been explained away by climate change adherents?
Did the BBC bedwetters et al. ever consider, before ramping up the fear, ask themselves why millions of people travel South all year round to holiday in warmer climates? Narrative, narrative, always the narrative: thinking critically has flown the nest of so many institutions that once used to inform us, not attempt to nanny and scare us.
A pox be upon them!
Good morning, Korky.
Morning, Elsie. Clouded over here in Kingsford, how is it two miles away?😎
Same, but a little cooler than yesterday, my friend.
Good morning, Rik.
Mmmm! Cooling down at last possums. Hot enough to bake bread. Got up about three. Catch up later when it’s cool enough to sleep.
Good morning, Aeneas.
Good morning all.
A slightly cooler 12½°C this morning. Dry and overcast.
I see we’re having some grass fires that are getting out of control. I don’t think this is behind a paywall:-
It’s been pretty obvious that there would be a lot of fires, the parks, fields and commons have been parched brown for a couple of weeks.
I’m surprised there haven’t been more fires to be fair.
Looks like they were all timed for the hottest day for maximum impact.
I seem to remember a lot of fires in 1976
354480+ up ticks,
Morning B3,
There was in 1940,
man made.
Good morning, ogga1.
I remember being on fire call out in 1971 at 3 Training Regiment, Cove, ready to deal with heathland fires in the Aldershot area.
Good morning, Bob3.
Good Morning Elsie.
I wonder how many of those fires will have disposable barbeques found at the source?
The other possibility is glass bottles – whether whole or broken doesn’t make any difference.
In 1976, in Colchester fire engines were parked at the top of Hilly Fields; a public area that is covered in grass and scrub.
It’s been pretty obvious that there would be a lot of fires, the parks, fields and commons have been parched brown for a couple of weeks.
I’m surprised there haven’t been more fires to be fair.
Looks like they were all timed for the hottest day for maximum impact.
I seem to remember a lot of fires in 1976
Not behind a paywall you say………..
Cynical Rik says…..
Of course not,they have to maximise the spread of the Greeniac fear porn as widely as possible
BTL aren’t buying it tho
Good morning, BoB.
Good morning.
I believe that this one was caused by a compost heap self igniting.
That’ll teach the neighbours not to watch Russia Today via a VPN!
Good Morning Folks,
Cloudy start here and a bit cooler.
Takes a long time for the house to cool down though.
It looks like the Conservative Woman has been removed from viewing. I wonder who’s behind that?
Nick Clegg?
Morning Bob. I think closer to home. It’s views have been running counter to official policy for some time now. They’ve shut it down by increments so as not to arouse alarm So probably Mi5 is behind it!
Now Boris has gone there is going to be a Jaciinda / Trudeau like push for restrictive measures come the Autumn.
Yes. There are no friends of Free Speech among the putative leadership!
Morning Bob. I think closer to home. It’s views have been running counter to official policy for some time now. They’ve shut it down by increments so as not to arouse alarm So probably Mi5 is behind it!
354480+ up ticks,
Morning Each,
Wednesday 20
two days of hot weather turned into project fear in favour of net zero.
Going on their past recent history you have the right boyo’s / party to do just that.
Same at the other mini extreme, wrong type of snow, then leaves on the line etc,etc.
Try, many want a five day week end, two day week is nearer the truth with the state political overseers topping up the finances.
Try, facing facts one being the hydra head selection is about due,so the continuation of dishing out monopoly money, doubled up with the Dover / Dungeness & all points NEWS illegal intake is assured,fact there ain’t NO such thing as a free lunch, and the
hotel welfare is overflowing, along with the infrastructure, medication,incarceration,education, accommodation FACT.
IMO, repress, replace, reset is in safe hands, guaranteed, with the current electorate majority.
Plenty of free lunches and dinners for the unwanted hotel guests.
‘Morning, Peeps. From a ferocious 34°C yesterday to a benign 19° this morning, aided by a brief storm and some rain at bedtime.
The leading letter:
SIR – The warnings of dire consequences if we don’t follow official “advice” amount to another Project Fear, this time to ensure that we buy into anthropogenic climate change and meekly accept the drive to net zero and its costs.
Elizabeth Prior
London SW10
You are spot on, Ms Prior! Even our regional ‘news’ was hammering away about the dire consequences of ignoring the signs. Even modest grass fires were exploited for all they were worth. The BBC in particular saw a couple of hot says as a Heaven-sent opportunity to preach their bonkers gospel…
I picked this up from a BTL poster. It’s an hour long but looks very promising when time permits:
I totally agree, Hugh J. (Good morning, btw.)
Morning, all Y’all!
Good morning, Herr Oberst.
SIR – On Monday, I attended a charity meeting in an air-conditioned office in mid-afternoon in the heat of the day. One of us had come by bus, and I asked her how it had been. She replied that it was hot and awful, the worst of it being the driver having to keep the heater on to stop the engine overheating.
It could only happen here.
Tim Hadland
Duston, Northamptonshire
It was probably either that or an even hotter walk after a breakdown…
Ditto with the early 15x series of DMUs in the ’80s.
…not to mention Triumph Heralds – so I won’t.
SIR – In allowing Boris Johnson to remain as Prime Minister, the Conservative Party has shown two fingers to its members. As Mr Johnson plays top gun, sacks ministers, removes the whip from others and has parties at Chequers, life-long members of the party are disillusioned and dismayed.
Personally, it will give me great satisfaction to vote out a party that has destroyed the moral fabric of our country, led by a man who has used all of us for his own gain.
Mark Peaker
London W1
To watch his recent rantings and yet more lies at the Despatch Box during the no-confidence motion (“We got Brexit done”…) was just rubbing salt in the wounds of those who previously supported him. We will be well rid of the Bullingdon fantasist.
Johnson believes that he was given an 80-seat majority because of his incredible ‘charisma.’ The truth is that he benefited from a unique set of circumstances. Everyone, even most Remainers were sick of the gridlock over Brexit and wanted to ‘get it done’ so we could move on to other things. And even most Labour supporters were aghast at the prospect of Prime Minister Corbyn, and were prepared to hold their noses and vote Tory just to keep the most Left-wing Labour leader since Michael Foot out of No.10.
Johnson needs to stop believing his own press releases. His ‘loveable buffoon’ act has long since worn thin, he blew the incredible opportunity that he had to re-boot this country.
He is vain, lazy, incompetent, dishonest, and no conservative. An extended period of quiet reflection would be most welcome.
Sadly, I have to agree.
However, looking at both sides of the House, I feel a deep personal depression coming on.
Absolutely no-one with any heft.
It is telling that the only two leadership candidates with traditional conservative views were from ethnic minority backgrounds. There are a vanishingly-small number of ‘small-State/low tax/individual responsibility’ conservatives in the Conservative party.
Sadly, people will continue to vote for the Lib/Lab/Con cartel, rather than getting behind a smaller party and making it a bigger one.
Well said, JK. And while we are at it, it wasn’t his majority, it is the party’s – and one that he seems quite content to have squandered.
Not voting for Corbyn was a big mistake. If “Labour ” was called the “New Tory” party the Conservatives would have been wiped out. We’d be a lot better off as as a nation and individually. How could it have been worse, well OK, Greens/Lib/Dems?
SIR – Flying cars were the original form of powered, controllable aircraft.
On July 13 1901, in front of the largest known gathering of humans up to that time, Alberto Santos-Dumont piloted his 12 horsepower, four-cylinder air-cooled engine, propeller-driven Bis 5 lighter-than-air aircraft on a round trip from the Parc Saint-Cloud to the Eiffel Tower and back in less than 30 minutes. The media of the day was as enthusiastic as Mr de Quetteville.
So, what has happened to flying cars in the in the meantime? Not much really. They still look pretty far-fetched as a viable means of transport.
Professor Kenneth Button
Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University
Arlington, Virgina, United States
There are enough dangers on the roads of our over-crowded island without cars taking off and landing, Prof Button!
Your final sentence should say “Prof Bouton”, Hugh J, as in “Hyacinth Bouquet”. Lol.
“Laydee of the Hice speaking.”
Good moaning, Olaf’s Relict.
Good moaning, Mistress of Allan Towers. Lol.
Could you Press Prof Button on this?
I know someone that bought an electric car, he believes in climate change and is quite smug about the cost of charging it up.
He is now boasting about having air conditioning, I didn’t have the heart to say anything.
Did he tell you how much the car cost to buy, how much the cost of the electrical charging installation was. And how much the new batteries will cost. Then divide that by the per mile smugness.
354480+ up ticks,
We are surely living in a very dangerous Walt Mitty environment with many trying to
force future dreams into todays reality.
It has / will continue to cost lives this is not a fear post but a fact post.
Eco loons don’t understand the concept of truth.
UK people of colour four times more likely to live in areas ‘at higher risk from heatwaves’. 20 July 2022.
People of colour are four times more likely to live in areas at high risk from heatwaves in the UK as the climate heats up, according to experts.
Researchers at the University of Manchester and Friends of the Earth found one in three people from minority ethnic groups lived in areas most exposed to extreme heat, compared with just one in 12 white people.
Overall, almost 6 million people were found to live in neighbourhoods at risk from high temperatures, with black and brown people disproportionately represented.
The average proportion of people of colour in high-risk neighbourhoods was 28%, compared with a national average of 9.5%.
Lol! I thought they would be more at home there! This is truly unhinged stuff though I have to say the researchers results have been to some degree (get it) adjusted by the author.
BBC Look East reported that the hot spot for England was Coningsby. Now, Lincolnshire Live reports:
Reports of high temperatures also at RAF Lakenheath and RAF Mildenhall. These two have been the go-to hotspots for as long as I can recall.
If the report above is correct can we expect an exodus from our cities of brown and black people to very rural Suffolk and Lincolnshire? A dangerous question to ask with the people we currently have in authority.
‘Morning, Korky. The go-to hot spot is usually Heathrow. Has it finally lost its crown?
There’s a possibility that the ecoloons at the bBC have finally twigged that people are aware of their chicanery in using a guage from a concreted area at Heathrow adjacent to the jet wash of the numerous aircraft utilising the airport. Other concreted areas near jet engines have therefore been deployed to the front line of greenwash.
P.S. Good morning.
There’s a possibility that the ecoloons at the bBC have finally twigged that people are aware of their chicanery in using a guage from a concreted area at Heathrow adjacent to the jet wash of the numerous aircraft utilising the airport. Other concreted areas near jet engines have therefore been deployed to the front line of greenwash.
P.S. Good morning.
Over here in the East, Lakenheath and/or Mildenhall bases were mentioned frequently with regards to high temperatures. These places are in the Brecklands, sandy soils that heat up quickly and heathland.
In Scotland the hottest place was Charterhall, here in the sunny Borders. Charterhall is a former RAF airfield, sometimes now used by light aircraft.
Malecow Excretia
They live every ffffing where!
What a load of bollox.
And we pay people for this “research”?!!!!!
As has been said many times.
So called Village idiots are never likely to have caused or to be accused of causing serious problems. But give some a degree of self importance and anything can happen. And more importantly as seen, it usually does.
Good morrow, Gentlefolk. Hoping for a cooler day.
Good morning, Tom.
Good morning, everyone.
Good Morning Elsie
Good morning, everyone.
Good Morning Delboy
Morning, Bob. A lot cooler this morning.
Same here, DB, and good morning. Yesterday evening we dropped 8° in little over an hour. The breeze was utter bliss as we threw open doors and windows – only to close some of them as the rain arrived.
Good morning, Delboy36.
Good morning to you.
Good morning, all. A uncomfortable hot, sticky night – gives way to a cooler morning. Thank God.
Good morning, Bill – and the MR – and Gus and Pickle.
Morning all! Weather’s back to normal – grey and overcast. It was a bit warm in the night.
Enjoy the celebration supper?
Yes thanks! Standard pub fare but quite nice. Beautiful sunset.
I just wanted some decent rain we only had a few spots for ten minutes.
That’s all we had at tea time yesterday.
Same last night about 10.00 ish.
The change I noticed last night was the increased humidity, which meant it became sticky, and just when I’d got used to nice 20% humidity continental dryth. Humidity went from less than 40% at 4pm to 80% by 2am.
Liz Truss on course to make Tory leadership final two as she closes in on Penny Mordaunt. 20 July 2022.
On Tuesday night, the Foreign Secretary was trying to win over supporters of Kemi Badenoch, her main rival on the Right of the party, who was knocked out of the race.
In an article for The Telegraph, Ms Truss hints at possible jobs to come for newer Tory MPs such as Ms Badenoch as she promises a “government of all the talents”.
She writes: “As Prime Minister, I would unite the party and lead a government of all the talents that includes the best and brightest from across the Conservatives.”
I thought (foolishly) that with Johnson we had reached the nadir of democratic politics in the UK! Obviously I was wrong. What can one say? We’ve just had a demonstration in Ceylon of what can happen when you elect morons into power. No one should be under any illusions that we could not equal, probably even exceed their unhappy experience. Aside from the oncoming domestic catastrophe one wrong foot with Ukraine and it will be no more dinners, as the Russian minelifters, used to say during the Great Patriotic War!
Well, Minty, three weeks ago almost everyone was saying “Anyone but Boris” and now they will have their wishes come true.
Morning Elsie. Depressingly I was one of them!
The disgusting corporate media are reporting it as though it’s a serious contest.
The World Economic Forum has already “won!”
Are we about to witness the ‘Death Ride’ of the Conservative party? Johnson was the latest useful idiot to both grease and tilt the slippery slope towards the Tories’ destruction. His successor will likely oversee the end, and good riddance.
Our hope must be that a decent Phoenix arises from the ashes of the cleansing funeral pyre.
Liz Truss is too working class to last longer than six months.
Heseltine, Clark etc will stir it up and get rid of her.
Why have they not been sacked?
Good morning everyone. It is a cool 20 degrees where I am in Surrey, it appears that the Apocalypse has been postponed!
Good morning, JK.
I had to retire to the bedroom early last night as OH put the 10pm Beeb news on – couldn’t stand more than 10 seconds of that gesticulating clown Justin Rowlatt.
Yes – he just can’t stop waving his arms around. It’s a wonder he doesn’t knock the cameraman over.
Isn’t that called testiculation, waving one’s arms about in grand flourishes while talking absolute bollocks.
Bill Gates does that also. I cannot bear to watch him.
354480+ up ticks,
This is not posted as a fear fact , but as a
Keep up the same voting pattern with no serious patriotic input from outside the lab/lib/con coalition then heads will roll,
not rhetorically but physically .
Nasty, vicious creatures. While they’re all in one place, we could easily deal with them. Why don’t we?
Afraid of the backlash, but just such a backlash is a golden opportunity to train the army (shoot on sight).
Nasty, vicious creatures. While they’re all in one place, we could easily deal with them. Why don’t we?
354480+ up ticks,
Hydra head replacements do come in pairs,
Liz Truss on course to make Tory leadership final two as she closes in on Penny Mordaunt
Momentum is behind the Foreign Secretary as she pushes to win over supporters of the ousted Kemi Badenoch
All three left in the race are WEF young leaders/candidates.
It’s a farce. Starmer’s no better.
354480+ up ticks,
Morning BB2,
They are a coalition, they have equal shares of blame in the odious state of the Nation.
The electoral majority are knowingly aiding & abetting via supporting “their” party, well before “their” Country.
“Ain’t that the truth files”
It is all down to the cutting down of the Amazonian Rain Forests:
That hasn’t helped one bit. It’s infuriating to see such beautiful habitat destroyed and then burned as woodchip under the pretence of green.
I wish they’d turn this arse off!
It would not surprise me if these eco-loons are setting the fires.
I am convinced that they are. They have no scruples, and this is too good an opportunity to miss. The left will stop at nothing.
Morning all 😃
As people say about an English summer…..Two sunny/ hot days and a thunder storm. A bit hotter than normal but never the less.
And absolute madness was ensured and did actually occur.
Yesterday I was in my shorts struggling to think. I genuinely had problems. I was making mistakes and banging in to things. I’d forgotten to turn off the power when changing socket, for example. I couldn’t provide reasoning for a decision I’d made.
I was sweating continually, my vision swam in and out and I physically got bigger. I’m huge anyway, but when I got into an air conditioned room everything loosened. I must have dropped two dress sizes.
How do the remaining three contestants feel about this, I wonder? Whoever wins it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
The unelected UN discussing/agreeing policy with an unelected self proclaimed leader of a pack of voracious wolves that will impact on the World and its people is beyond belief.
Are these sociopaths starting to worry that the people are waking up? “Vaccine” take-up is down, all cause mortality is rising and more questions are being asked and the constant rebuff to those questions, “…experts are baffled,” won’t hold back the leaking dam forever. Threats of, and possibly the creation, of ‘another’ pandemic (Marburg is being touted) would make more people start to think about what exactly is going on.
The people responsible are so far down their particular path that they know that they cannot backtrack and are therefore forcing the issue. This should be their undoing as panic will lead to mistakes.
All three candidates have connections to the WEF. Mordaunt’s book has a foreword written by Bill Gates.
Just saying ….
That alone should scupper her.
Au contraire…..unfortunately.
Nobody seems to be asking who died and made Klaus Schwab Emperor of the Universe.
I’m thinking that there is a need for a few SAS hit squads.
If Cameron was the heir to Blair, and May was the heir to Lady Macbeth was Boris Johnson the heir to Frank Spencer or Boris Karloff?
Karloff was William Henry Pratt. A great actor.
Johnson takes after his surname.
Good Moaning.
Grey skies.
Bliss it is be alive …. but to be old is bloody lucky.
From William Wordworth’s Postlude?
Is there any news so bad that the BBC will not make worse? You’d think that Britain was beneath an erupting volcano.
The BBC did not think it serious enough to have their aged senior reporter, wearing a black overcoat, to be standing in the
shadows microphone in hand, poised to spread doom and gloom about the obvious
You make him sound like the grim reaper! The BBC is an odd organisation. It could present both sides of any argument fairly and without bias. That’s why it’s funded by compulsory licence. The thing is it chooses how to present articles that suit it’s internal narrative. It’s a sad playbook – Muslim terrorism, wheel on a muslim to say how it’s all Whitey fault and demand more money.
There’s never balance. Never merely facts, however painful.
Has anyone seen Mark Steyn on GB News recently? the last time I saw him he was giving a long monologue giving his devastating opinion on the Telford Police Chief over his failure to deal with the rape of young girls over several years. he carried on ,if I remember correctly, to similarly attack more world prominent others, mentioning the people who suffered long term effects of Covid or lost a relative by NHS negligence. I thought Mark, whom I enjoy watching and usually support his opinions, was sailing close to the wind and is possibly in trouble. He has admitted on his programme that he is used to going to court.
I hope he is OK.
I think he is on GB news tonight (9.00 pm) interviewing a woman who was complaining about how the bbc edited and twisted the documentary regarding the unvaxxed (also on tonight on bbc) into something completely and utterly different to suit the political agenda.. She was expressing her views on Twitter over the weekend, where she was advised to contact Mark Steyn, which she did – he has taken this up very quickly. I think her name is Veronica Z…. (I can’t remember the rest, it was a middle Eastern name). Twitter has its uses, this would never have happened had it not been for that platform.
Twitter is a bit of a snakepit and I never stay there long – but there are so many users that things do get picked up.
Good morning, my friends
Further to my post yesterday about people now deciding they want Boris Johnson as PM after all. GB News decided to run a poll too see how Boris Johnson would fare if he were one of the candidates for the Conservative Party leadership.
There were 40,000 votes cast and the result was 50% voted for Johnson and the remaining 50% votes were divided between the other three candidates Sunak, Truss and Mordaunt with Sunak way out behind!
(My view is that the Conservative Party is over – but only David Frost could have saved it from total wipe-out.)
Does anyone remember this song by Ral Donner, the Elvis Presley impersonator? It sums up the situation very well.
You don’t know what you’ve got until you lose it
You gave me all your love but I abused it
And now I’m sorry for the things I didn’t say
‘Cause I know now I acted in a foolish way
(Oh yeah) Uh-huh-huh
(Oh yeah) Oh-oh-yeah
“Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone
They paved paradise put up a parking lot.”
(lyrics copyright Joni Mitchell c 1970.)
“Don’t it always seem to go
That you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone
They paved paradise put up a parking lot.”
(lyrics copyright Joni Mitchell c 1970.)
Morning Folks.
Rummaging through the well laid out shelves of books in the National Trust Second hand book shop at Dapdune Wharf on Sunday I couldn’t but help laugh out loud at the juxtaposition of two books next to each other. They were: ‘The Book of the Dead’ and ‘Robert Peston’…..
Now, The Sun can reveal the same AR3 — or a similar sister drone — “malfunctioned” and plunged into the English Channel.
The £420,000 Home Office drone, which was supposed to be scouring the sea for migrants, was instead discovered floating in the waves by a bemused fisherman
The skipper strapped the high-tech device — which has a 3.5meter (11ft) wingspan — to the back of his boat with ropes and hauled it back to port in Dover.
Shot down by traffickers.
Bit counterproductive, as the gimmigrants use them to alert the taxi service to pick up the latest rancid vermin to pollute the country.
Was there a reward? He could claim it as salvage.
Why is the drone out there? Why isn’t it a predator drone that when it sees gimmigrants, opens fire?
And of course – sodding MoD, incompetent as usual:
Buy the blasted drones, stop fiddling, stop getting the back handers, stop ripping off the taxpayer, start writing failure standards in and start culling the incompetent mandarins.
Yo Wibbles
A Lloyd’s Form One used to be sufficient
A Sea Harrier made an emergency landing on a Spanish container ship and the Form was ‘slapped on’ the aircraft.
Crew got 570,000 pounds out of it
Email from TCW saying their servers were down due to a Google fault rather than a targeted attack.
Morning J,
I cannot get our local newspapers on line either , bit of a nuisance .
Our local rag’s website is so clunky, I’ve given up.
Ours is so woke it’s laughable. They have a “climate news” page each week. They used to have “Green Scene” on which I had a monthly slot with the hedgehog stuff, but I gave up when they dropped that and replaced it with “Opinion” – normally about “racism”……
I remember Azure falling over every week or so. With the amount of bandwidth available and fault tolerance I’m surprised kit falls over at all.
Off to do a site survey of a Dentist’s office today. They’re replacing cat 5e with cat 7 and per floor redundant fibre. Bit overkill, but it’s split at each end of their building so redundant at each end.
Something to get your teeth into, though…
Sounds good! (?)
Could you write that in plain English please?
Thank you.
I thought it was a progress report on Gus and Pickles.
From Wibbles?
They have become NOTTL mascot cats. We can all comment on them.
I did wonder! Kathy gave instructuons for lifting the block, which I managed to do via a phone call to EE, during which I gave them a (polite) piece of my mind about blocking content for adults without asking, then couldn’t get on there this morning anyway 🤣
My phone uses EE but I usually read the articles on my laptop.
I did, too, but haven’t had WiFi for a while and am relying on phone data.
Yes, I received that as well.
“NHS likely to be overwhelmed by cases of thermal shock caused by plummeting temperatures”
True or false?
The NHS is overwhelmed by the number of people drinking water.
Frankly, the NHS is overwhelmed because it hires diversity wonks for £50K rather than 2 nurses. The NHS can remain overwhelmed. It creates it’s own problems.
The No Hope Service is just everything
Do you mean the National Illness Service? It’s al lies anyway, whatever it’s called. Doctors aren’t seeing patients so where are the hospital patients coming from? I’d be dead scared of going to hospital in case I catch … yes, you know what. But, on the brighter side, I’d probably be in a ward all on my own because I haven’t been genetically modified.
OH has a dr appt this morning – with a lady doc he’s never heard of – but he only made the appointment yesterday. He’s now coming round to my advice that playing a lot of tennis is not helping his achilles tendon to heal. He phoned the hospital triage service yesterday and the nurse told him the same as I did.
Know the feeling. I mention something once and then go quiet.
And get sons to say something; all quite spontaneous, natch.
Oh dear. Where was his common sense? Apologies for being rather blunt!
Maddening – it is raining about ten miles to the east of us…. Might get a drop here in half an hour but I doubt it…
We had our quick thunderstorm and brief deluge yesterday morning.
It came down in sheets here at 9 pm yesterday, just as I was setting off for the RAH for the late Prom. Purcell’s Dido and Aeneas, which sounded lovely but I closed my eyes often. I bought a cheapie seat in the gods but got up-graded to the stalls as there’d been a decision to fill the hall from the ground up. When I left at 11.30, everything was so dry you’d have thought the downpour had never happened.
I’m jealous!
I must see if I an get that on catch-up.
As a matter of interest, how did you get home that late?
23 bus to Hammersmith, then a 72 to Shepherds Bush. The buses run 24 hours a day, though there are fewer during the night.
Gosh – how very different from 1958!
Then, buses stopped about 11 pm. And there were a few – VERY few “night buses”.
It was always quicker to walk. As I did after a party from South Ken to Finchley Road station!!
Why Finchley Rd? Why not Baker St?
Huddie Bluddie
We are being taken over by SatNavs
Because I lived there. Goldhurst Terrace.
Ah! I had assumed that when you put ‘Finchley Rd Station’ it was to access the Bakerloo Line, as it would have been then.
And the Metropolitan..!
But – anyway – it was after midnight and there were no Tubes.
Many wasps yet?
We have two nests in the roof – chap is coming this arvo.
Who was singing Dido? I loved that role.
I think Sue said yesterday it was Alice Coote.
Alice Coote. Dressed like Marilyn Monroe! She sang Dido’s Lament beautifully though.
You did say she was a ‘fashion victim’!
Thank goodness they were able to cast a BAME singer… I was so worried that it would be hideously white…{:¬))
Ah, she would have been glorious as Dido, vocally! Jealous.
Little misguided in dress sense sometimes. Her Carmen was a mistake.
Rather shrill – on playback, anyway.
Jake Wightman wins gold in 1500 metres. Oregon USA.
Well done Jake.
Not sure the bbc will like that.
Just say it was a ladies event and the BBC will lap it up.
The bbc are panicking because the England ladies have to play Spain.
And two of the England ladies have covid. How on earth did that
happen ?
Sharing spit?
Hair spray ? But seriously how could two players in a close knit team become exposed to covid whilst the rest didn’t catch it ??
It’s not easy to understand.
Could it be that they were the only two vaccinated?
It’s those pony tails…
The hot weather is an example of why we need small government, a lower population and more energy. It was a clear demonstration of everything wrong with the country: too many people, too few resources. Few people would mean houses built further apart with more green space. Cheaper, abundant energy would permit air conditioning and easier working environments. Fewer competition for green space would mean cooler areas.
The Left wing socialist green agenda is a failure. We need the exact opposite policies the demented state is pushing.
Well, well, well. What to make of this? Holy intervention, prescience by all concerned or pin the tail on the donkey luck?
But saying it was planned all along is only a conspiracy theory.
Morning all.
Sorry Korky but I cannot read these documents without great difficulty. Are you able to give the gist p,ease?
Apologies, vw. The original on the tweet is not very clear and my screen shot hasn’t helped. It’s about ‘material transfer’ between Moderna and other parties, including Ralph Baric at the University of North Carolina, and that the transfer took place before the “virus” was known about. I’ve copied in Dr Peter McCullough’s tweet for you. MTA is ‘Material Transfer…
We conspiracy theorists weren’t wrong, were we!
Getting caught with one’s fingers in the till is the new honest, it seems. Heads will not roll.
I thought Moderna was only formed to exploit the coronavirus anyway.
The virus itself contains sequences that Moderna patented in February 2016. AFAIK Moderna haven’t commented on how this happened.
Well, as the road was closed last night due to road works further up, I took the chance of doing the bloke who owns the mill a favour and dropped the 12″ dia. ash that’s been stricken by die-back.
Successful in that it did not fall into the road, but a failure in that it fell in a totally different direction to the one I intended!
So this morning I began with running the file along the chain saw teeth and in under an hour had dismantled the crown of the tree and taken a couple of decent cuts off the main trunk. I now have a heap of branches to clean up, get sorted & stacked for later cutting for the fire.
The main trunk, a good 15′ of it, will wait until later!
However, off to Chesterfield this lunchtime for the Dearly Tolerant to have her insides videoed. Poor lass is on the preparatory laxatives and not allowed anything to eat.
Now off to sharpen up the chain on me little battery saw.
“Poor lass is on the preparatory laxatives and not allowed anything to eat.
Now off to sharpen up the chain on me little battery saw.”
Hope you realise that these words could betaken to mean something completely different!!
Not leaving home until 12:30 so I have to fill the time in somehow!
And could be taken down and used in evidence……… 😂
Poor lass is on the preparatory laxatives and not allowed anything to eat.
I had to do that late last year, but when you lay on the bed you can watch all the action on video TV screen !!
Pretty shitty job for the bloke with the tube…!!
It’s the bends in the pipe work that are difficult to negotiate.
He said to me right Mr E we will see you in two years time. Sorry I replied I’m washing my hair that day.
What sort of battery saw do you use? Top handle or rear handle?
One I bought from Aldi!
Rear handle.
It looks really good value on their website, but then I ‘d have to invest in some Aldi Ferrex batteries.
Their 20v/40v batteries fit a range of hand tools.
Just Stop Oil protesters
A simple slogan should be
There will be (net) Zero tolerance of these criminals.
If they fall from the gantries, no medical aid will be sent (blocked in traffic jams)
They will have their vehicles impounded (Hypocracy)
They should be banned from all Public Transport
The Road Traffic Act should be examined i detail and they should be prosecuted for each and every law that they have broken… each time they do it
Their immunity seems to be on a par with that of the ‘untoushable’ child groomers/molesters who are allowed to operate freely in their locations is Telford
Bring back the stocks.
Yeah. And hollyhocks too.
Delphiniums, too.
Sweet Williams!
Also known as Stinking Billy (depending on your political allegiance).
There are plenty of old-fashioned punishments that might be re-introduced.
Hanging – for rape as well as murder.
Just a few to start you thinking.
You softie! What about the Rack, Scavenger’s Daughter and Little Ease? ;-))
Stick ’em on the list, Ann and maybe we can cause a little mayhem throughout the woke and criminal classes.
I’m rather inclined towards the Brazen Bull
(and shares)
We had heavy rain last night, thrashing down. It may have rained all night. A normal day today, pleasant, sunny, cloudy, slight breeze.
A gentle drizzle here, now and pleasantly cool.
When the UK instigated the Industrial Revolution, explored and conquered the world, and founded a great Empire, there was no social security, no State pensions, no old folks homes, no NHS.
These benefits are where our money goes. A real Tory government would cut back on these, and be able to build up our defences (not cyber nonsense) and cut taxes.
The average longevity then was 40 years. People died from very treatable diseases. Smallpox and cholera were killing many. At the start we still had slaves. Homelessness was very common. Rivers were open sewers, it’s almost another 100 years for sewers. Starvation was commonplace. Child labour was commonplace. Education literally didn’t exist for most. 25% of the population lived in absolute poverty.
The Tories have nearly brought much of this back. They are trying. Be careful what you wish for!
A nice bit of drizzle here now – the first time the ground’s been wet for weeks.
As i often heard said in Oz……..give us another beer mate, i’m as dry as a Pommie towel, as is the main part of our garden.
They had the notion that the English didn’t wash often enough.
I suppose as their ancestors were English convicts – they probably didn’t!!
Don’t forget the other lot were the prison warders.
“Hosts” I think they are called nowadays – for their “guests”…..
There is a novel called Sara Dane by Catherine Gaskin which is about a young woman wrongly convicted and deported to Oz. It’s a bit cheesy but is based on a real woman who became successful and was featured on an OZ bank note at one point. I read it years ago so can’t recall all that much.
It is quite interesting though in its descriptions of the journey and the original settlements.
Robert Hughes’ “The Fatal Shore” is an excellent account of the transportation and convict life.
Missed the rain completely, dagnabbit. None in sight.
Meanwhile – nice lot of rain falling in the North Sea…..
It happened to us last night i had just finished watering the plants and a clap of thunder resounded above and followed by a few spots of rain, then nothing.
Just done the morning watering. I’d left it because the rain radar looked promising…
The forecasters just like dressing up for the occasions.
My grand father use to say Nail a piece of sea weed to the out (which is important) side of the she door, if it’s wet it’s raining.
Having said which, we were walking in the Valle Maira a few years ago – in the first Agritourismo we stayed in the grandfather had a dried flower nailed to a sheltered spot outside – his forecasts, based on the way the flower looked, were at least as good as the online forecasts and better regarding short term storms!
Mind you, maybe he went online first??
“If you can see Fife it is going to rain. If you cannot see Fife it is raining.” Village advice.
When climbing at Baggy Point we substituted Lundy for Fife!
Won’t she object to having a piece of seaweed nailed there, and besides, I am sure she will be aware she’s having a pee.
Tch tch, you misunderstand how it works. The heavens wait until you have finished your watering before they open.
I’ve been caught out so often, I just water anyway now.
God has a sense of humour :-))
He certainly does. I offer in incontrovertible evidence, the giraffe, the duck-billed platypus, and the Huia.
Rain Radar shews it is raining – in the North Sea.
Few spluttering drops here around 10.00 pm.
Stop calling them ‘Asian’ grooming gangs. Spiked. 20 July 2022.
This is just another way of obscuring the truth about the ethnicity of most of the perpetrators.
Last week’s landmark report into grooming gangs in Telford made for truly horrifying reading. It revealed that 1,000 mainly white girls had been subjected to horrific sexual abuse by groups of men of mainly Pakistani heritage since at least the 1980s.
Tom Crowther QC, who chaired the Telford inquiry, said that ‘the overwhelming theme of the evidence has been the appalling suffering of generations of children caused by the utter cruelty of those who committed child sexual exploitation’. He then went on to say that the failure of the authorities to intervene was in part driven by ‘a nervousness that investigating concerns against Asian men, in particular, would inflame racial tensions’.
This was of course all well-known at the time but as it contravened the mind-set of the Political Elites it was, as it is now, hushed up! Still it’s nice to read it, though one could point out that it’s not in the MSM yet!
Which Asians are the good guys?
Probably a large number of Indians and Chinese and other South-East and North-East Asians. The terminology is lazy at best, no?
Lazy at best, and also insulting to the innocent. I doubt it is accidental, or we might see headlines such as “More moslem rapists arrested.” If we lived in a country where such was possible, there would actually be many more arrests, more quickly.
The police might even choose to believe a wee white girl who claimed to have been raped and not the ugly middle-aged man who said it was her idea.
I have met and worked alongside of India people and always found them polite honestly and pleasant to be with.
I don’t believe Indian people as a whole particularly like Islamic culture. Hence the partition of the countries.
The Chinese persecute the Uighurs, the Japs were wicked back in WWII, the Hindoos and Sikhs would never miss an opportunity to do some limb chopping. At the end of a bloodstained day, the tribesmen of Borneo are likely to be good guys, that is when they are not plotting against their near neighbours.
The most disturbing thing for me is that I am convinced that Telford is no different from, and possibly not even as bad as many other towns throughout the UK.
The police kept this secret. Note that “disruption” (whatever that is) seems to be preferred to arrest, prosecution, imprisonment, and deportation. Of course it is still going on, the criminals are at very little risk of being “disrupted”. Moreover they are pillars of their “community”. No one in the “community” is going to give them up to the police.
Yes, the press does so like that term. They’re pakistani muslims in the majority.
From Horace Pendleton’s post belowOperation Cerrar – Suspects
The rest waiting to feel the blade on their neck before it all goes dark
Bastards. I’d do it myself.
I would strongly suggest that the Islamic community would have made it quite clear to the authorities that there will be hell to pay if strong action is taken against these despicable filthy animals.
It’s part of their culture. At the Alhambra Palace in the 11th and 12th century they had thousands of stolen white children lock away in caves for the use of. And fed them to the caged pet lions when they were finished with them.
Here lies the problem.
See my earlier comment about letting them try hell to pay – good army training (shoot on sight).
Out to lunch today with my friends and former colleagues “ladies who lunch”. Catch you later.
Just Stop Oil protestors BLOCK the M25 in both directions near Heathrow and promise to disrupt the motorway ALL WEEK because it is ‘a site of civil resistance’ as they predict record temperatures mean ‘society will collapse within 20 years’
Just Stop Oil has said it is declaring the motorway ‘a site of civil resistance’
Group has asked that ‘no one travels on motorway from Wednesday to Friday’
Activists have scaled gantries over the M25 around Junction 10 near Guildford
Two protestors say they have tied banner to gantry, with a third taking a selfie
Similar demonstration is taking place at Poyle Interchange between J14 and J15
BTL With which I do not entirely disagree!
Shouldn’t the police deal with these criminals quickly and harshly so the lives of ordinary people are not disrupted??
How about organising peaceful civil disturbances and demonstrations around all of the PoW’s residences to stop him moving anywhere and show this senile old meddling idiot just how much he is loathed and just how much we do not want him or either of his useless sons ever to be king.
They have also blocked the QE2 Bridge, stopping traffic moving from Essex to Kent.
Plod should be moving them. That they don’t clearly shows the bias from the state machine. They’re vandals who should be in jail, not rewarded. If the police won’t enforce the law, and enforce it equally; what’s the point of them?
Need some hefty vigilantes to take them to pieces. Just be sure that there are far more vigilantes than plod can muster.
I hope there has been a run on baseball bats.
They should be stripped naked and have their phones confiscated. If they don’t want oil then they should be denied all oil derivatives such as plastics and synthetic textiles. Even wool and cotton garments will have plastic zips and buttons. Get rid of the lot and tell them, this is what you asked for.
Protests should be allowed, but not at any price. I think Johnson turned a blindeye to press forward his, not our agenda.
His wife’s agenda, JN.
Just Stop Oil Protestors on the M25 Gantries
I don’t understand. Why are motorways like M25 closed just because some daft protestors are climbing into the gantries? Who is closing them?
It looks perfectly safe up there, made so for the workers who service, remove and replace the speed cameras.
So why not just LEAVE the protestors there, having their jolly protest as JN says, until they need to pee or worse. Nice and warm in this sunny weather. They’d probably get fed up after 24 hours with the constant traffic noise and air pollution, plus no mattresses.
Surely, stopping 3-lane traffic for an hour or more (with engines running to keep their air conditioners going) produces much more pollution, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and increased temperature than letting them go through.
Great idea. Hoist with their own petard.
Just Stop Oil Protestors on the M25 Gantries
I don’t understand. Why are motorways like M25 closed just because some daft protestors are climbing into the gantries? Who is closing them?
It looks perfectly safe up there, made so for the workers who service, remove and replace the speed cameras.
So why not just LEAVE the protestors there, having their jolly protest as JN says, until they need to pee or worse. Nice and warm in this sunny weather. They’d probably get fed up after 24 hours with the constant traffic noise and air pollution, plus no mattresses.
Surely, stopping 3-lane traffic for an hour or more (with engines running to keep their air conditioners going) produces much more pollution, Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides and increased temperature than letting them go through.
They brought the M25 to a halt? Would anybody notice any difference?
Two weeks ago I found four dead house martin chicks on the ground below the nest. A few days after that I found an adult house martin dead in the same place. I feel that this is the work of the sparrows. Each year, after the martins have left, the sparrows destroy the nests. Each year the sparrows have become bolder in their harassment and attacks. This is the worst ever.
Thinking about this, I am now convinced that the planet is falling into the grip of evil, not just at the hands of humans. Whereas there were protests in the 60s, they were generally good-natured, finger bells and flowers, the current spate of protests are nasty and malicious. The Adversary is gaining the upper hand.
We want a vote to keep Boris Johnson as PM, demand Tory members. 20 July 2022.
More than 2,000 sign petition calling for premier to be added to leadership ballot, so members can have a say on if he should carry on.
More than 2,000 Conservative members have written to the party’s chairman to demand a vote on whether Boris Johnson should carry on as leader.
The party members want Mr Johnson’s name to be added to the ballot when 160,000 members vote for a new leader next month.
The members – all of whom have to give their membership numbers when they sign up – are backing a petition organised by Lord Cruddas of Shoreditch, the Tory donor, and David Campbell Bannerman, a former Conservative Euro MP.
Well I have to say looking at the others there’s good chance he could win. Lol!
Small item that has not made it into the MSM yet (or at all): a silver and gold dealer in the US got an order for fifty million dollars’ worth of bullion, including a million dollars’ worth (iirc) of pre-1964(?) coins that are 90% silver.
A Texan billionaire apparently decided to spend a bit of pocket change on precious metals…
Straws in the wind or merely speculation.
The time to worry is when he orders that amount money’s worth of serious weaponry and ammunition!!
He is getting that from the Ukraine…
She. It’s a girl…
Not Jane Fonda?? {:¬)))
No idea, you’ll have to ask her!
Has it already – to secure the bullion.
I’m afraid that was me, bb2, I was looking for a present for someone on Amazon and got carried away.
A common problem on by the sound of it!
And it’s not even my birthday! How sweet;-)))
Wordle 396 3/6
Par 4 today.
Wordle 396 4/6
A miserable Bogey Five for me today.
Wordle 396 5/6
Wordle 396 3/6
#metoo. Wordle 396 3/6
Quite hot- cloudy but terribly humid. Most unpleasant. Yesterday, when it was very hot – it was dry heat which made if (for me, anyway) bearable.
It’s quite nice here in ‘ampsheer. I think the breeze helps. Certainly by this time yesterday it was an oven inside.
This morning, unlike on Sunday, it was warmer IN church than outside!
Yes, no rain here but after the pleasant low humidity period, we’re stuck here with 75% humidity, nasty.
Attracts the flies too. Ugh.
Overcast, light breeze and cool up here
One for Pistol Paul to comment on as well
“The Greenwood Park Mall shooter began firing at 5:56:48PM.
15 SECONDS LATER, at 5:57:03, 22-year-old Eli Dicken carrying under
the new NRA-Backed Constitutional Carry law, fired 10 rounds from 40
yards, hitting the shooter 8 times. The shooter collapsed & died”
8 out of ten hits?? from 40 yards?? In 15seconds?? under stress not just plinking at targets??
That’s not just good shooting it’s almost bloody miraculous!!
Certainly extremely proficient.
I wonder how many of the shots were fired after the shooter was downed.
It’s also more difficult to hit a target that is lying on the ground than one standing upright.
He is really Jack Reacher, using a
psud pseudoni sudonfalse nmaeHe is really Jack Reacher, using apsud pseudoni sudon false nmae
I remember a policeman in New York being asked why they fired 48 shots at this black guy who was caught burglaring (he died). He replied “That’s all the amo we had”
Takes some training, so it does. My club has folk like that – it’s scary!
You will recall that on Sunday it was very warm. Navigating the river upstream as I left one Lock, two gorgeous young women, wearing bikinis and sunbathing on the grassed lock landing stage stood up. One pulled on her shorts the other pulled on her top. I don’t know why but my brain replayed the video backwards. So vivid was the vision I blurted out: “Are you trying to give me a heart attack!” They both laughed!
Well at least Hercules could be used to pull the barge!
The BBC. Refuge of paedo’s.
I thought he was dead….
He is.
That’s a relief. Never found him funny when he was alive.
Nor me.
Revolting little man.
Stumbled on this just before reading this thread. I thought it referred to Savile but maybe not in the light of your link.
Jimmy Savile
Garry Glitter
Wilfred Brambell
Rolf Harris
And Esther Rantzen knew nothing.
Dame Esther Rancid, if you please.
She ain’t nuffin’ like a dame.
For both you and Nottlers wishing to relive a heart stopping reverse video clip here’s a mammary jogger:
Ah, Puppy training…..
Down boy!
Justin Rowlatt has just been on BBC News at One and his fear promoting message of global warming (enhanced by news of devastating UK fires in the recent heatwave) has been been ameliorated by his assertion that such heat extremes are just something we are going to have to deal with in the future.
Well seeing as one of the most serious fires yesterday was caused by the heat from a compost heap it’s time Goverment added Compost Wheelie Bin boilers to the Boiler Upgrade Scheme. They can heat water up to 70 degC which is even hotter than an air source heat pump and also reduce the risk of summer conflagrations as bad WW2 as the planet warms up.
“It may be rubbish Jim – but not as we know it!”
Was Justin Rowlatt doing his usual arm-waving presentation, like this?
Good afternoon. This piece by Dr Emanuel Garcia, about the experience under the Jacinth jackboot, holds the same threat for every one of us.
After you’ve read this article by a New Zealand doctor, you will no doubt be surprised to know that Jacinda Ardern was the (very young) leader
of the Communist Party before coming to Britain to work for Tony Blair for two years.
She has history.
It is only the very amiable and rather naive Kiwis who are surprised at her actions.
Quite right. She is one of the WEF gauleiters, like Trudeau, Macron and Mutti Merkel – remember how we were surprised at the way she opened the doors to wholesale immigration – and we naively wondered why….
Quite right. She is one of the WEF gauleiters, like Trudeau, Macron and Mutti Merkel – remember how we were surprised at the way she opened the doors to wholesale immigration – and we naively wondered why….
Spending the rest of the week at Firstborn’s farm.
The fridge-freezer just died. Plenty whirring, no cold. Bugger. 😡
Bad luck!
Order another freezer. As things defrost, cook them. Then put in new freezer.
Fetch it one with a spanner. Seriously – our FF died about three years ago and I did that to whatever it is underneath the back – and it sprang back into life.
Have you been defrosting it regularly?
If it’s totally iced up it just whirrs using expensive electricity without any cooling action.
The narrow drain at the back of the freezer may have iced up. Try a defrost.
It defrosted itself, and now isn’t making cool at all. New one ordered.
It defrosted itself, and now isn’t making cool at all. New one ordered.
Bugger. I gave a fridge freezer to former neighbours, who put it in their garage. When the ambient tempertaure neared zero, it stopped working. Obviously, this doesn’t explain Paul’s problem…
We suspect a refridgerant leak. It’ll cost more to find the leak, let alone recharge the fridge, than a new fridge. Let alone getting somebody out during holiday time…
Ahhh! Put is down to climate change and over working!
Sunak has pledged that if he gets into Downing Street he will be open for business 24/7.
He has also agreed to not sell multipack cans individually .
The media just lie and lie.
354480+ up ticks,
Gerard Batten
Harry is a Prize Prick.
He should either give up all his inherited wealth, make his own way, & say what he likes, or enjoy his wealth & privilege & keep his trap shut.
When the Great Reset shit hits the fan Harry & his ilk won’t be going without anything. Deprivation is for the peasants.
Jul 19
Prince Harry: “Climate change wreaking havoc on our planet”.
Also Prince Harry, reportedly flown on 21 private jet trips in two years
“Also Prince Harry, reportedly flown on 21 private jet trips in two years”
As few as that?
Must have been locked down for Covid /sarc
Apologies if this has already been posted – interesting stuff! For some reason the actual page isn’t showing – worth clicking on the link though!
Hope Bill is okay…
Thank you – yes. Watton is about 30 miles away. The fire yesterday – which was only three miles away was put out by firemen.
We heard from friends today that the smoke from the Arcachon area had reached as far as Paris.
Last night’s rain seems to have solved the problem, but there lots of small black particles at the bottom of the pool, luckily easily vacuumed up.
Yikes. Glad you had rain. I wish we did. None for days to come.
There’s a yellow warning for thunderstorms here today. Not a drop of rain to be seen. There was a brief shower yesterday, which cooled things down slightly from 38°C (100.4°F). Like being on holiday without all the travel hassle…
Wet Office Project Fear continues..
I used to be stationed there in the mid 60s
I lived in Thetford for ten years. I’m better now.
I lived in Thetford 74 to 80 in Woodlands Drive, played darts for The Bridge Inn. I commuted to B St Eds where I worked at the time. Was a nice place but I believe it’s a shithole now
Incredible pictures, my heart goes out to those who have lost their homes
Devastating, isn’t it.
I’m thinking of all the pets which have perished too
I’m trying not to.
And other wildlife.
Bill’s a long way from Watton. But it’s interesting to note that multiple house fires outside the M25 get much less coverage in the media (spit…).
Good afternoon all .
Lovely cool weather here , 21 c . I got on with a pile of house work , vacuumed the car .. what a palavar that was , pile of towels etc drying on the line , fed the dogs , watched PMQs and helped Moh cut the the hedge , kept my eye on him, and assisted in the tidy up .. now some peace and quiet , gathering strength for the next task..
Look at this , climate bods are arsonists ..
See an earlier post of mine to Poppy!!!
Rather than that – could you repeat it? Pretty please…I can’t be doing with scrolling back through hours….
I said that it would not surprise me if the eco-loons were setting fires to make a stupid point.
Ah – very likely, in my view.
And thank you for re-posting.
Through a glass, darkly.
Why am I not surprised?
I thought they were speaking Russian. Possibly Ukrainian? Are there climate change activists in either country?
Maybe Conway can enlighten us.
I no longer have any contact with Russia, so I can’t help, I’m afraid.
Was it really that long ago .
When you consider the lack of computing power available at the time, it’s one of the most remarkable events of my lifetime. Seat of your pants stuff.
Not just the spacecraft itself, but the myriad tools and ideas that were developed for it . To name just one, the concept of Project Management leapt forward with the assistance of the Apollo Programme because of its vastness and the multiple contractors involved.
and CNN* were they to take the fotties and the Coca Cola* franchise was already in place
The US military are not allowed to enter a foreign place, unless the two organistions maked * are already there.
The invasion of Grenada proves the point
I remember being saddened that a great mystery – source of so much conjecture and story weaving – had been debased.
The Moon?
That it’s not made of cheese?
When we criticise Adultera Truss for voting to stay in the EU and then changing her mind we must not forget that Tony Blair campaigned strongly in the general election campaign of 1992 to leave the EU only to become a fanatical enthusiast for the EU which stays with him to this day.
To be frank most politicians nail their colours to the mast that will best serve their interests and have no firm beliefs in anything.
They are all straws that bend with the wind
I thought straws were banned.
only plastic ones
To be honest I doubt any of them even understand the nailing of colours to the mast, they just run up and down any colours that suit them.
I doubt, if they know ‘which way is Up’ for our Union Flag
Nailing? They use Velcro.
Bliar had hoped to be President of the eUSSR
Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss to face off in final round of Tory leadership race. 20 July 2022.
Liz Truss will face Rishi Sunak in the final round of the Conservative leadership, after a dramatic final day of voting by MPs when Penny Mordaunt was knocked out of the race.
Both Truss and Mordaunt were fighting for the final votes up to the last minutes of the race, which will now go to voting by Conservative party members.
Sunak topped the poll of MPs but the final round of the race is expected to be tight, with the former chancellor polling as one of the least popular candidates.
Truss will probably win this. Time to write your Will!
I have been suffering from that well known Welsh ailment of Dai S(l)exier.
I thought his name was Ricky Sunhat, which seems to suit him
I thought you were going to mention the Welsh boxer Sugar Dai Betes
Phew… I’m not enamoured with Truss, but Mordaunt is an utter waste of space. My problem with Truss (apart from being a LibDem Remainer) is that once you’ve heard Dead Ringers’ take on her, it’s impossible to take her seriously. But we are where we are. I confidently predict that PM will still be PM. All she has to do is cross the floor. Starmer would have no chance…
I think Mordaunt was put up to this to fail, so that the preferred candidate would go through. She was clearly a lightweight, with no relevant experience for high office, and economical with the truth. Her popularity, and then the coordinated briefing against her, all led me to think it was a put-up job, with someone like Gove behind it.
She was the equivalent of a stalking horse – or mare or whatever.
I’m well aware that we are manipulated and lied to on a more than daily basis, but there did seem to be opinions from a mix of people that PM was lazy and unduly influenced by her brother.
The greatest worry is that 105 MPs are so shallow as to be taken in by her – or though she might be easier to manage.
We have been left with the two candidates that the Conservative MPs wanted all along. Not exactly an inspiring choice.
Quelle surprise.
I’ve voted Tory for most of my adult life. Originally, my MP was the Willy that ‘every PM needs’. I confess that I fell for Bliar’s shtick following Major, but we can all make mistakes. But the current Tory shower are worse than the ‘useless eaters’ that they seem to be determined to erase. There are vanishingly few ‘small c’; conservatives in the so-called Conservative Party.
I was a committed UKIP member, and stood for them in the Borough elections. No chance of winning in Guildford, but I beat the Lib Dem. But UKIP imploded locally. The local branch was dependent on elderly officers, who sadly shuffled off this mortal coil. No-one replaced them. I would have voted Reform in 2019, had there been a candidate. Wasn’t to be.
I’ve had enough. I’ve spent around seven years following ‘interesting’ politics. Since moving in late 2020, from being a two minute walk from the polling station at the Village Hall, it’s now a round trip of four miles. No public transport. It’s a three hour walk there and back.The poliicians will have to manage without my support.
I’m disengaging from politics. I’ve a virtual pipe organ project which has been on the back burner for several years. I’ll still put up the daily page, but the DT and Speccie subscriptions are about to be cancelled. Life’s too short.
Don’t forsake us, Geoff. Do keep us in touch with your organ.
I’;m going nowhere, Bill. The site will continue as before. But I resent paying for subscriptions to the BillGatesOGraph, and the
Oi! Hands off his Organ!
I don’t like any of them….my voting days are over.
Good evening, little Bro’.
I concur, Big Sis.. See posts elsewhere.
I have!
Let’s hope Putin doesn’t decide to get his retaliation in first.
IF Truss is telling the truth about changing her mind over Brexit, a big IF, there is hope yet.
IF that change of heart is because the actions of the EU since the referendum made her see the light and she actually starts to do something about it, we may yet survive.
IF she sends hi risk anus to the back benches to reconsider his disloyalty it would be an excellent first move.
Incredible archaeological discovery!
One of the original 30 pieces of silver found by the Vatican
Come on – that is showing the famous ceremony of Euthanising the Holy Father.
Apparently it depicts a Young Person receiving the vaxx…a campaign said to be close to the Pope’s heart….
In completely unrelated news
That’s “only” 16,000 people – drop in the ocean…
Tip of the iceberg, more like!
I was joking…..{:¬((
But her comment is probably acute/accurate, nonetheless.
Jokes no longer allowed?
Of course they are, but so is “take offence when none was intended”
yes, I know! I may have mentioned in the past that I don’t fancy Russian Roulette with those odds, which is the same thing.
I was just thinking about the recurrence of previously beaten illnesses, and the unlikelihood of these being ascribed to the vaxx.
Shouldn’t that be EUthanising ?
Shouldn’t that be EUthanising ?
Pope Inoculation the First (and Last?)
Now she has seen off Penny Dreadful it looks as if Adultera Truss will be defeating Sunak in the decider and replacing Adulterer Johnson in the top job.
This must mean the end for the Conservative Party.
But as the Labour Party is so weak this may lead to the same total upheaval as there has been in France in the last few years. The candidate of The Socialist Party (the equivalent of the Labour Party in the UK), Mme Hidalgo, won only 1.7% of the votes in the recent presidential elections and the candidate of Les Républicains (the equivalent of the Conservative Party in the UK), Mme Pécresse, won only 4.8%. Although Macron became president again his new party seems on the verge of disintegration.
So if the likes of Lionel Jospin, Edouard Balladur, Jacques Chirac, François Hollande, and Nicolas Sarkozy can so quickly disappear to be replaced by the likes of extremists such as Jean-Luc Mélenchon and Marine Le Pen what and who are likely to replace the redundant Conservative and Labour Parties in Britain?
Here comes another one, same as the other one (but slightly more, er, beige…)
Still, looking on the bright side. At least I won’t have to go through that tiresome business of schlepping down to the polling station every few years, those days are behind me, praise the Lord.
Much as I detest and distrust Fishi Rishi – he is infinitely less appalling that Untrusswrthy.
I gather from skimming newspapers that the Tory party members who will decide this isshoo are likely to put Fishi in by a landslide. You read it here first – and I am usually completely wrong…
Looks like the Penny has (been) dropped.
For the life of me, I could NOT see what it was that everyone (apparently) found so wonderful about her.
Let’s hope so.
Looks like the Penny has (been) dropped.
My only concern is his propensity to splurge ££Squillions leaving the PBI to pick up the tab….
Agreed – but HER???
Send not to ask for whom the belle toils, it’s not for thee!
I think you’re right Bill. It was always going to be Sunak. The man is verminous in his thought and deed.
The ideal Plaice man for the WEF, obviously.
The bookies have Truss to win.
Didn’t they have Remain to win the referendum?
Can’t remember.
Big blobby block on the original plan so spent the afternoon pottering and putting things in draws – medicines, packing tapes, cleaning materials, wrapping paper, hot water bottles.
Was a reminder that when we move – hah! – I want at least 8 more wide, deep draws. I just wish the Ivars had a way of stabilising them vertically. The bracing bars are nice enough, but when you can’t get the draws to run smooth it’s an utter bugger.
So – you were “filling” in time…
(Other dental puns may follow)…..
Bill on the Floss?
Clearly you know the drill.
Just like current politics ‘Rinse and repeat!’
Wonder how Peddy is getting on without us?
I expect he’s managing. He didn’t reply to my email I sent in January.
Nor mine.
Hve you heard from Garlands? How is she?
About 3 weeks ago. Said she was feeling a bit better.
Give her my best next time you’re in touch. I don’t suppose she enjoyed the hot days much.
I will. I told her if it got too hot to go hide in the crypt.
Can we be sure he isn’t deceased, he wasn’t well and was quite old.
I suspect, sadly, that that might be so. I emailed on July 7 and no response. He didn’t have Missy to care for and that can make a huge difference.
Hopefully he is OK and he knows where we are if he wants to talk.
Fingers crossed.
How are we getting on without Peddy?
Me, I miss his posts.
I do believe that the parliamentary party have thrown in the towel,
I really cannot see robotic Liz keeping all those seats Boris won and the Party membership are unlikely to support Sunak . It’ll be utterly brutal between those two in the coming months. Penny wasn’t suitable but it’d not have been so brutal and she isn’t a Remainer fake Conservative like Liz . Bring back Boris .
Penny was a WEF plant. Put up to fail so that the preferred candidates would go through.
Boris’ wife is the problem.
His previous one kept him relatively stable, but after so many betrayals, I don’t blame her for throwing in the towel.
The current princess just encourages the worst side of him.
The WEF has won the election and that is all they care about. Starmer, Truss or Sunak, any one of them can deliver the WEF agenda.
354480+ up ticks,
Is this the end of the Archers ? have they run out of hotels, Dover, Dungeness ongoing intake need to be serviced, mass uncontrolled immigration needs land to expand, how else is the replace, reset to succeed.
Many believe farmland is obsolete ALL edibles come via tesco’s.
Why? The state is desperate to stop farmers farming. It insists on letting farmland revert to natural habitat. It’s an EU policy for rewilding. That is is idiotic and impractical is beyond them.
Civil servants are mendacious. They’ve no concept of how the world works, they don’t build anything, make anything, sell anything. They just dictate how other people must live to suit their bonkers agenda.
354480+ up ticks,
Afternoon W,
I thought ALL the rewilding had been done,seeds sown ,so to speak in london and other major cities.
Neither a rewilding nor house building scheme, apparently.
Didn’t millions die on Tuesday, the shops must be full of unsold food…
354480+ up ticks,
Evening KP,
The politico’s know the electorate majority will have forgotten by Wednesday.
Nasa new image from the Webb telescope….
Sadly true. The state forces us to pay for pakistai muslim paedophiles- whther it’s their welfare dependency or prison cells.
This is only one fo the reasons why blanket welfare must end. The scum get it.
That’s me done for. The humidity here is very unpleasant… Still, the wasp man came and sprayed two nests – so that is one thing not to worry about.
No sign of rain – though tomorrow will be much cooler. Allegedly.
Have a jolly evening planning your cabinet. I’ll bet you a bawbee that if Untrussworthy wins – there will be NO place for Badenoch…..
A demain – market day.
I read an article in the Times that there was a plot to commit a political coup against Harold Wilson .. Earl Mounbatten was going to be persuaded to lead the country , and boot Wilson out ..
Seems incredible , doesn’t it
Incredible but true Belle!
Was there at the time. Remember it well
I thought it was secret and now only revealed .. So please , how did you know about it , and I also read that it could have got very violent .and Cecil King gov of the BoE , who denied he was part of the plot .
It was all over the media, the man in the street. Everyone who could read and write was expecting a “coup”.
It’s in the Spycatcher book.
“Hasta la vista, baby”!
Boris’s parting shot – somewhat Schwarzeneggerian?
“Hasta LA vista, baby”!
I corrected mine before yer intervention.
After a cataract op o 17 May, I cannot read/ type; my new reading glasses have the wrong lens fitted – to be replaced in a few days.
Noted and refreshed.
My profoundest apologies.
I hope your distance vision is much improved after the op.
My favourite Arnie quote
Refresh, Bill and see the difference.
“I’ll be back”.
“I’ll be back”.
I hope he [Boris] does; British politics will be deadly dull without him!
He will spend a little while on the naughty step and then…
Plum has Covid and is feeling rotten; not doing any computer stuff.
I emailed and telephoned her after her four-day absence ..
How horrid – hope she gets well soon!
I wondered where she was. If you are in touch again, give her my best!
Yes indeed, Lotty.
And me please.
Virtual hugs from Norway.
Please send a big ‘Get Well Soon’ Hug from me
Well done lacoste. You can tell her from me I suspect her immune system was down following Wimbledone (sic)….but like everyone one else here I hope she is feeling better soon…
Oh no , poor Plum .
Please send her my bestest..
Doctors have been prescribing a drug which is useful for the cough and horrible nasal stuff , lots of people who have suffered with Covid swear by it ..
Carbocisteine .. it is used for other things , but GPs are pushing out this one .,chronic%20obstructive%20pulmonary%20disease%20(COPD)
Oh how rotten for her! Please pass on my good wishes! 🌹
Poor Plum!
Hope she’s being looked after…
I’ve missed her.
Please pass on my good wishes for a speedy recovery.
Please send her my sherry amour and best wishes for a swift recovery.
Mrs D tested positive yesterday so I am isolating.😩
Good luck to you both! Hang in there.
Hope it goes well, with minimal symptoms. Keep hydrated, Delboy & Mrs D.
So sorry to hear that DB..
This virus just keeps ahead of the game
I hope Mrs D isn’t suffering to much , bad luck , best wishes to you both .
And it’s your birthday next week1
Our very best wishes to Delgirl – if it’s no worse than what we got she’ll be fine.
Evening Delboy. Sorry to hear about Mrs D. What made her take a test?
Hope Mrs D recovers soon, although a friend (70 plus) was very poorly with Asian Coughing last week. The latest variant seems to be a bit meaner than Oh!Micron.
So who are Nottlers backing
Truss or Rishi?
Neither. I’ve had enough of this BS. Won’t make an iota of difference anyway.
It won’t make an iota of difference until WE kick off.
I’m right behind you Poppy;-) How tall are you?
🤣🤣🤣 I’m 5’5″. See you at the barricades. Don’t forget your thermos….
Aha, I’m only 5’4″ – after you ;-))
I’ve shrunk to 5′ 3.5″ so I’ll be hiding behind both of you! 🙂
Bring your horse- we can sit on her (?) and be taller than anyone.
Him. He did a nice dressage test this afternoon.
I’m 6’3 and a bit with my shoes on. And I’ve got an axe. A ruddy big axe. You can wave it about while I carry the banner.
The Warqueen’d come along but she’s liable to establish a coup de’tat while we’re all complaining and start running the country her way – and bless her, no.
No, after you, be my guest… ! 🤣🤣🤣 Beauty before age….🤣🤣🤣
Don’t worry, ladies at 6’2″ I’ll be beside you!,
Trushi. Both bad news for the country.
If Rishi succeeds , the Muzzies will kick off!
They always kick off.
#Me Neither!
Why do we need Muslim Police? Everyone should be policed without fear or favour so what are the Muslim Police going to do that BRITISH police don’t already do?
To enforce Sharia Law.
Who knows, maybe they’ll police Muslims? After all, they commit proportionally vastly more crime than any other demographic.
Somehow, I’d feel safer if we were recruiting Jewish police. Oy vey, oy vey, oy vey, evening all.
Better still, recruit some Israeli police, aka Jews with attitude.
That was what I meant, but wanted to stay with the religious angle.
To police Muslims.
Ideally under our laws, but with their penalties for transgressions by Muslims.
Beheading, stoning, amputations etc etc etc.
Well, I got my gardening, toilet cleaning and shopping done today, as well as visiting the garden centre and buying a few plants from the SALE section. Now I shall change into my birthday suit and have another early night. Good night, everyone. Sleep well.
Yo Elsie
I hope your suit does not need pressing…
No, OLT, it was the late Mr Bloodaxe who pressed his suit all those years ago after we had been going out for quite a long time.
I think you are trying to lazy shame us, Elsie. Just reading your posts wears me out.
Who will be the first politician to champion this utterly loony idea? I’m still not sure if it’s a spoof.
Thy will suck money out of our pockets
Professor Geoffrey Ozin from the University of Toronto and co-author of the study, said the technique was “a win-win in every respect and a save humanity technology”.
And the Moon is made of green cheese ….
“which separates the carbon dioxide from the air,”
Now if we could only do that for all of the Earth’s atmosphere… we’d (along with all plant life) be dead.
Mitigate the worst effects of cliamte change… which are? Plants and animals need CO2 to live. Stop wasting money on fiction!
Now if they stuck a great big jet engine in the carriage, it might make sense.
I see one of the design cuckoos is from Toronto so I imagine that the national embarrassment who pretends to be our PM will jump on the idea.
Now if they stuck a great big jet engine in the carriage, it might make sense.
I see one of the design cuckoos is from Toronto so I imagine that the national embarrassment who pretends to be our PM will jump on the idea.
So much BS, when the atmosphere is made up of Nitrogen 78%, Oxygen 21% and CO² 0.04%
Where’s the ‘science’?
Who will be the first politician to champion this utterly loony idea? I’m still not sure if it’s a spoof.
Evening, all. Much cooler here today. No doubt they’ll be telling us the falling temperatures will kill us next.
Must look out the woolly long johns….
I found mine in the bottom drawer when I was looking for something else!
It’s always the same, innit?
Winter drawers on.
Hell’s teeth, two mad tracts from the DT in little more than two hours. Stick to science, Matt – and stay away from the soda-syphon train.
Used when bollocks ain’t where they ought to be.
However, better a truss than a hi-risk-anus…
Or else it holds the roof up (roof truss).
Don’t explain puns, Conway, they should be there to test people’s minds.
I spent 25 years trying to teach languages. It’s ingrained in me not to expect people to understand!
I thought his response was suggesting that the roof was about to fall in on the Conservatives!
I smiled at the thought.
It’s odd how we all interpret individual Nottle comments differently…
Now that we live in her constituency, I am still deciding whether or nor she can count on my support.
If you’re ambidextrous, I’m sure she will welcome it!
You bein’ vulgar? :@)
“ As Foreign Secretary, meanwhile, she has not only not put a foot wrong, but has led the West’s charge against Vladimir Putin’s aggression in Ukraine from the front. That Russian state television devoted an entire programme to condemning her is a sign she is doing a good job.”
She is crazy to be urging WW3. War is the last thing we need. Neither of the two candidates is going to be any use to the U.K.
We have multiple issues facing this country: Oppressive taxes, an absurd deficit, a growing debt, soaring inflation (see the previous), the idiotic green agenda and underpinning a lot of this, a huge problem with the tide of sewage pouring in from France.
All these things need to be addressed and until they are the country remains stuck. Deport the dross – all of them, start building ten gas power stations and restore the Rough storage plant. Get fracking, get building coal and nuclear power stations. Announce a 5% reduction for every department immediately and shut down climate change immediately. As soon as mandarins start cutting services, sack them.
So many taxes need scrapping and abolishing it’s almost laughable.
Optimist. None of the logical stuff will happen. Nuclear power might be the solution but you can be damned sure that the green profiteers will stop it happening. They are not going to allow you to drill a fracking great hole and stick a gas powered generator on top?
You should see the way that our left of conservatives are working together to thwart the real conservative standing for party leadership – they are even supporting a crossed the floor liberal in all but name candidate. Its just an example of how the status quo is going to be manipulated by those backroom boys (and girls).
Now, why would that be?
Erect 25X the current number of windmills, a ghastly thought, and we may get 100% of our energy needs if the wind is blowing within the parameters that the windmills can function effectively at every ‘farm’ at the same moment. That is so very unlikely to happen and that is the reason wind power will always remain an intermittent source of energy. You cannot build, nor maintain a modern economy, using wind or solar power in the UK. It’s about time that the people supposedly running this Country for us come clean and tell the truth – as likely as the scenario about all the ‘farms’ producing max energy at the same time everywhere – about energy generation and the nonsense of ‘Net Zero’. The latter is the Holy Grail for the green loons and just as mythical.
What a clown. I wish we had Sergei Lavrov on our side!
MR is good on science and the environment. I was surprised by this excursion into party politics.
Went for a cool off outside and it started raining
Right, it’s a sacrifice, but I’m prepared for you to make it. Bob, stand outside. We need rain.
Hell no. If it rains I need to cut the grass. As a heathen colonial, I am quite happy with three acres of dormant brown lawns.
Are you sure it wasn’t the neighbours from above?
Did you dance a little? Is your middle name Sioux?
Apropos of nothing (I just felt like a moan): I watched an episode of Murder in Provence today (I recorded it earlier). It’s set in Aix-en-Provence, a town I know well and where I have spent a lot of time over the years. I recognised the buildings, but, apart from the judge, the police force seemed to be black or tinted and there were a lot of bleks in the background. Now, I know I haven’t been since before Covid, but (apart from the Arab quarter and the occasional small shopkeeper on the outskirts – oh and the muslim bint begging before she was picked up in a Merc by her keeper) I can’t recall seeing any dindus about the streets.
Daily Quordle 177
Guessed one word correctly, never done that before in wordle or quordle.
I did it today, but first time for quite a while.
Daily Quordle 177
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I think that there must be a way to combine the clues from each puzzle to guide me towards an answer but I still very much look at each puzzle individually.
I can’t look at it any other way Richard.
I just concentrate on the word with most guessed letters and always bear in mind the ‘dead’ letters.
Going to be a party pooper again- worn out. Off to bed. I did brave the wilds of Sainsbury’s today- urk.
Sleep well y’all.
just arrived – bye!
Bye richard…. sorry. Can’t keep going much these days. See you tomorrow.
Good night.
Pfft, Sainsbury’s, that bunch of left-wing poofters. I won’t shop there.
Let’s hope the smug bastard gets a hurricane
rather I hope some nasty dirt is dug up and he finds himself exposed and losing. This beeeep was planning this while supposedly serving in the Treasury at a time of significant crisis.
Bit of a long afternoon in Chesterfield so I’m off for a cold bath then to bed.
Dropped the DT off st the hospital about 13:20 and picked her up again at 17:50.
Did a bit of wandering round Chesterfield town centre and then drove back to the large lay-by that was formed by part of the old road being cut off from the new one, and put my feet up across the seats of the van for half an hour whilst listening to R3.
A cool 15½° just now and the rain forecast for the small hours has been put back to mid-morning.
Please reassure me that yesterdays heat hasn’t straightened out the Chesterfield spire!
It will need another virgin to get married there for that to happen.
I always understood that it would need an honest lawyer to pass by before the spire straightened up.
It’s still crooked!
My home town: born, bred and worked there for 37 years.
Yer a bit of a lounger then, Griz?
Whatever that means?
Goodnight, folks!
354480+ up ticks,
See the route they are taking, is it going to
receive your kiss X of consent ?
It looks dubbed to me.
Woo woo.
Daily Quordle 177
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Goodnight and Godbless, Gentlefolk. We shall meet again in the morning’s light.
Good morning all – Thursday’s new page is here.
Good morning and thank you.