An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning. Persistent offenders will be banned.
Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.
Good morrow, Gentlefolk. today’s story
Where Do Pets Come From
A newly discovered chapter in the Book of Genesis has provided the answer to “Where do pets come from?”
Adam said, “Lord, when I was in the garden, you walked with me every day. Now I do not see you anymore. I am lonesome here and it is difficult for me to remember how much you love me.”
And God said, “No problem! I will create a companion for you that will be with you forever and who will be a reflection of my love for you, so that you will love me even when you cannot see me.
Regardless of how selfish or childish or unlovable you may be, this new companion will accept you as you are and will love you as I do, in spite of yourself.”
And God created a new animal to be a companion for Adam. And it was a good animal. And God was pleased. And the new animal was pleased to be with Adam and he wagged his tail.
And Adam said, “Lord, I have already named all the animals in the Kingdom and I cannot think of a name for this new animal.”
And God said “No problem! Because I have created this new animal to be a reflection of my love for you, his name will be a reflection of my own name, and you will call him DOG.”
And Dog lived with Adam and was a companion to him and loved him. And Adam was comforted. And God was pleased. And Dog was content and wagged his tail.
After a while, it came to pass that Adam’s guardian angel came to the Lord and said, “Lord, Adam has become filled with pride. He struts and preens like a peacock and he believes he is worthy of adoration. Dog has indeed taught him that he is loved, but perhaps too well.”
And the Lord said, “No problem! I will create for him a companion who will be with him forever and who will see him as he is.
The companion will remind him of his limitations, so he will know that he is not always worthy of adoration.”
And God created CAT to be a companion to Adam
Good morning.
An amusing but rather gentle story this morning!
‘Morning, BoB, I’m not always ‘Bish, Bash, Bosh’.
Morning Tom. Clearly something was lost in the translation shouldn’t the ending read:
“The companion will remind him of his limitations, so he will know that he is not always worthy of adoration.”
And God createdSWMBO “?
I thought about that butSWBO is clearly NOT a pet!
But they are for life apparently!
…mine haven’t been Stephen.
Morning everyone.
Good morning all.
4½°C and dry outside with a trace of lightening in the sky as dawn approaches.
7°c and cloudy here in The Borders.
Yet another false weather warning from The Met Office.
Yes we had some rain overnight, but nothing that required a weather warning.
Its just to help the Met Office with its false climate change scam.
I noticed on this morning’s UK wx forcast on R4, they first slipped in that hurricane Otis had mad landfall and was cat 5 (most devastating). Never miss a good opportunity to push the agenda eh..
They never do. You can only compare climate change century to centuary not like the BBC do day by day.
Rainfall overnight from midnight 2.0 mm (0.08 in.) at 06:27
Russian morale has broken against the steel hearts of Ukraine. 24 October 2023.
The war in Ukraine has been shocking and distressing to a collective Western audience which has not seen industrialised warfare in at least three generations. It has seen grinding, murderous brutality in which men have gone into combat, taken heavy losses, and then the survivors – after a short break, if they are lucky – have been thrown into combat again and again until soldiers come to believe that death is certain.
This article had around twenty five comments last night just before I went to bed. Most of them judging by their content were initially Nudge Unit Trolls.and then followed by people telling the truth. It doesn’t have any at all now. Lol!
I see what you did there – ‘Nudge Unit Trolls’ – NUTs
Morning Minty and all
Doesn’t it strike you as strange that we seem to get detailed, minute by minute, reporting from all over Israel, the Gaza strip and the border towns. Satellite imagery, photographic and verbal evidence from the people affected. And from Ukraine? Very little that is remotely verifiable.
Two wars, two bases, two groups of people being protected from attack as the justification for the two invasions, the attempted removal of corrupt leaders, transfer of arms and ammunition, rockets etc, and vast amounts of aid vanishing into leaders’ pockets and yet comparing the two, which do we seem to know a lot more about?
Morning Sos. Yes it does! I very rarely comment on the Ukrainian business because there is no reliable information!
Uke is just sooooo 2022.
Pinched & Tw@ted:-
Good morning, chums.
Good morning, all. Grey and misty. Damp, too.
Happy Birthday Sue E! (My most prolific Upticker!) Have a great day. x
She’s an excellent judge of opinions. She’s my best up-ticker too!
Good Morning Folks
dull damp start here
A mathematician called Hall,
Made a curious elliptical ball
Four fifths of its weight
Plus his pecker plus eight
Was two thirds of four fifths of f*ck all!
A mathematician called Hall,
Made a curious elliptical ball
Four fifths of its weight
Plus his pecker plus eight
Was two thirds of four fifths of f*ck all!
377988+ up ticks,
Morning Each,
Why keep up the pretence,this is a hand over, that is how coalitions work.
It has been so transparent that the political trio form a party of one and have done so these last forty years.
WE have come to the termination, hand over point, once again
in the biggest duping campaign in the history of politics,
Wednesday 25 October: The Tory party is doomed – and its own MPs are hastening the demise
Evil is real, and the West is in peril for forgetting that. 25 October 2023.
The failure of too many to identify Hamas’s actions for what they are – pre-modern butchery; an anti-Semitic pogrom – speaks of the dangerous moral relativism of our age. Many like to think that our contemporary ethical setup – anything goes, etc – is a sign of civilisation. But without a firm concept of evil – that which is demonstrably and indisputably morally wrong and wicked – our society steers ever-closer to barbarism.
The destruction of Christianity was quite deliberate. It has been the policy of successive British Governments! It continues now. It’s more numinous beliefs had already been largely discarded but the loss of its moral principles has been catastrophic. It has left the West, and the UK in particular, devoid of any sense of right or wrong and at the mercy of every crackpot or perverted view promulgated by interested parties. It is indeed a world that would look very much like one from which God’s Grace had been removed.
Saw an advert tonight stating that 40% of children have mental health issues. My thought was, “no surprise”. They were subjected to project fear, their schooling was interrupted, normal family relations are being destroyed and all the old certainties have been thrown into the maelstrom of ‘anything goes’. They have no moral guidelines anymore, rather they are exposed to very dubious morals.
The Tory party is doomed – and its own MPs are hastening the demise
I don’t think they have much enthusiasm for the next stage of Net Zero, the left are more up for it.
Good morning all,
A dull, driech morning at McPhee Towers and staying that way most probably. Wind in the Nor’-East, 8℃ and it might struggle into double figures later.
“The Tory Party is Doomed and Its Own MPs are hastening the Demise”, screams the headline to the letters today. Isn’t it the case that many of them got into their positions to do precisely that? Take, for example, 31-year-old Elliot Colborn, “Tory” MP for Carshalton and Wallington and well-known covidian jab enthusiast. How in the name of everything that is Holy can this man be taken as a conservative? How did he pull the wool over the eyes of the constituency selection committee? He must have been presented to them by CCHQ which would lend credence to the contention that people at the CCHQ are actively working for the party’s destruction.
Then we have a letter today which illustrates the weaselly nature of one Michael Gove:
Properties to rent
SIR – Talking about the Renters Reform Bill, Michael Gove, the Housing Secretary, said: “There is no evidence at all that the abolition of Section 21, and at the same time the enhancement of Section 8, will lead to any reduction in the number of homes in the private rented sector” (report, October 24).
Letting agents in Guildford have reported a lack of properties for rent, which has resulted in large increases in rents. I have sold one of my properties as a direct result of the proposed removal of Section 21. I may well sell others.
Richard Duncan
Guildford, Surrey
If what he claims Gove said is true it should lead one immediately to ask the obvious question: How can there be any evidence of something which has not yet happened? Yet this is how they get away with much of what they do. I know something like the Renters Reform Bill is fairly low down the list of problems which need to be addressed but the tactic Gove has employed will no doubt be used in other areas and we should look out for it. They are weaselish fraudsters, liars and charlatans. Right up to the top. That is why they are doomed.
That is why
theywe are doomed.Mostly agreed BUT a yellow card for slandering weasels, who are noble animals and fearless hunters – nothing like the scum in Parliament!!
Gove, being, well, a moron thinks he is punishing bad landlords. Of course, he’s not, as bad landlords rent to those who have no choice. What he’s doing is punishing good tenants with higher rent fees. Bad tenants are paid by the state and the state doesn’t care. Good tenants pay their rent, keep their properties in good order and landlords want to keep them.
But by slapping ever more tax, waste and debt on the landlord he, like all businesses, passes those taxes directly on to the customer. Same as employer Ni is a tax on workers’ salaries.
Good morning all,
A dull, driech mornig at McPhee Towers and staying that way most probably. Wind in the Nor’-East, 8℃ and it might struggle into double figures later.
“The Tory Party is Doomed and Its Own MPs are hastening the Demise”, screams the headline to the letters today. Isn’t it the case that many of them got into their positions to do precisely that? Take, for example, 31-year-old Elliot Colborn, “Tory” MP for Carshalton and Wallington and well-known covidian jab enthusuiast. How in the name of everything that is Holy can this man be taken as a conservative? How did he pull the wool over the eyes of the constituency selection committee? He must have been presented to them by CCHQ which would lend credence to the contention that people at the CCHQ are actively working for the party’s destruction.
Then we have a letter today which illustrates the weaselly nature of one Michael Gove:
Properties to rent
SIR – Talking about the Renters Reform Bill, Michael Gove, the Housing Secretary, said: “There is no evidence at all that the abolition of Section 21, and at the same time the enhancement of Section 8, will lead to any reduction in the number of homes in the private rented sector” (report, October 24).
Letting agents in Guildford have reported a lack of properties for rent, which has resulted in large increases in rents. I have sold one of my properties as a direct result of the proposed removal of Section 21. I may well sell others.
Richard Duncan
Guildford, Surrey
If what he claims Gove said is true it should lead one immediately to ask the obvious question: How can there be any evidence of something which has not yet happened? Yet this is how they get away with much of what they do. I know something like the Renters Reform Bill is fairly low down the list of problems which need to be addressed but the tactic Gove has employed will no doubt be used in other areas and we should look out for it. They are weaselish fraudsters, liars and charlatans. Right up to the top. That is why they are doomed.
Vladimir Putin has not suffered a heart attack, says Moscow. 25 October 2023.
Dmitry Peskov, the Kremlin spokesman, said: “Everything is fine with him, this is absolutely another fake.”
In response to further questioning about body doubles, Mr Peskov said: “This belongs to the category of absurd information hoaxes that a whole series of media discuss with enviable tenacity. This evokes nothing but a smile.”
Good! When you look around at the World’s Leaders the loss of Vlad would be catastrophic. The rest are globalist stooges, incompetents, senile or perverts. He is quite literally the only rational actor left on the stage.
TBF – Biden’s double is very convincing.
I heard Biden give a statement about something or other and I thought ‘he’s either heavily medicated or that’s someone else’. I just didn’t sound like the bumbling clearly ill man who was in Israel.
A vote against mass immigration – and Green climate nonsense
Even the Swiss are pissed off about mass immigration.
It’s not just the British who must have been mad – lierally mad – as Enoch Powell said – but virtually the whole of Europe.
But it is not immigration per se which is the problem – the problems arise when the immigrants despise their hosts and their hosts’ values and ways of life and wish to impose their own culture.
…and we despise their culture and want none of it.
Dogs return to their own vomit. Do some immigrants want to bring their vomit with them when they emigrate so that they can have easy access to it?
It’s not just the British who must have been mad – as Enoch Powell said – but virtually the whole of Europe.
But it is not immigration per se which is the problem – the problems arise when the immigrants despise their hosts and their hosts’ values and ways of life and wish to impose their own culture.
I’m surprised that they haven’t had a referendum concerning immigration, but then again not too surprised. They had a straightforward referendum back in ’75 with a yes/no question of continuing to allow Spanish/Italian migrants into the country. They voted to continue the practice.
377099+ up ticks,
Renée Hoenderkamp
Two. You will be told that the flooding is climate change.
It’s actually change in land and river management: no run offs, no dredging, poor tree management.
They will do anything to convince you that everything that happens is climate.
Sandy Tregent
Oct 23
@TalkTV @JuliaHB1 We’ve been flooded here in Suffolk. One reason is lack of river dredging on the river Deben in Therese Coffey’s own constituency! The photos below show the river Deben which broke its banks in my village on Friday.
Good Moaning.
(I think)
Deffo morning, anyhow… 🙂
Haloooo Anne!
(Reposted from last night)
Wednesday 25th October, 2023
Sue Edison
One of our Golden Girls!
With very fond wishes for a splendid day
Caroline and Rastus
Many thanks! Today looks a little brighter than yesterday anyway. St Crispin’s Day. We happy band and all that!
Happy birthday, Our Susan. Remember what happened to Henry V….. We started to watch a Globe production last night – it was simply appalling – lots of luvvies shouting and gabbling their lines. Unbelievable.
I watched James Delingpole’s interview with Alexander Waugh yesterday evening. They were discussing how actors are not taught Shakespeare now and instead of understanding the rhythmic meter of the speach, most just shout.
This was like a bad school play – so I am sure there is a lot in what you report.
Many of us remember our past exploits ‘with advantages‘ just as Henry V predicted that old men forget things but that those who fought at Agincourt would not forget the deeds they did that day.
Delighted to be reminded that you are another advantageous event to celebrate on St Crispin’s Day!
Similarly, Richard, I vividly remember the Cuba Crisis in October 1962. As an 18 year old, I confess, I was shit scared at the thought, as a prime target, we could all be nuked into oblivion.
Happy Birthday, Sue! Have a wonderful day and lots of good wishes to you! 🎉🎂🥂🍾🌹
And a happy birthday from me too.
Happy Birthday Sue – hope you have a lovely day 🥂 🍷🎂
Happy Birthday, Sue. Have a great day.
Good morning, all. Recent light rain here, remaining overcast.
Covid Inquiry: questions continue to arise about this example of the ‘great and the good’ investigating other members of that ‘elite’ sector of society.
That particular report maybe hearsay, but bitter experience has shown that public inquiries are a farce.
The Saville Inquiry was particularly egregious. What a gravy train that was, and it threw our troops right under a bus.
Morning MIR. The Iraq War inquiry was an utter farce!
I read the transcript of the interrogation of Prof. Carl Heneghan and it was more than a farce – they hardly let him answer and treated him as if he was something worse than dirt.
Any enquiry that does not have as its remit a full criminal investigation is a waste of time and our money.
It seems that the supposed inquiry has created a dense fog. And those involved are stumbling around with in it.
Its just another fix. They are an evil lot.
There is no point in having the inquiry.
Some facts, for the folk at the back:
1. No one, whatsoever, will be responsible. Absolutely no one.
2. It will take many years to report – by design.
3. Everyone will have forgotten and those responsible moved on to cushy non-jobs or retired – again, by design
4. Not a single thing will be considered for the next act of authoritarianism whatsoever. in fact, any advice would be utterly ignored.
5. It will cost hundreds of millions – many, many hundreds of millions.
So tell me. Someone. What’s the point except as an act of legalistic onanism?
Allison to the fore – again.
I’ve signed it. Have you?
Yep! Happy to see the rector of my church put his name to it. He’s English but was born in Jerusalem.
Happy birthday, Sue. Hope it’s a good ‘un. Sun shining, so a good start!
It’s your birthday Sue, not an unbirthday?😁😁😁 So happy, whatever day it is, day to you and may you have many more.×576.jpg
Many happy returns, long may the BBC continue to employ at least one sane person.
Keep the chair warm for your successor.
Chiming in a little late, sorry. Happy Birthday, dear Sue! Singing pretty loudly so’s you can hear it x
I cannot find WHERE to sign. Fick or what. That link takes me to the article but nowhere to sign as agreeing.
Try here
Edit. Right at the bottom and then keep an eye out for the email they will send which you need to click to ratify your email address (it may take a while and if you don’t get it, ceck your spam box)
I think I may have done this several days ago in a similar format.
I’m happy be on same list as Rachel Riley. 😊
Much as I respect Allison Pearson, I am wary of the expression ‘British Jews’. It is partly semantics, partly the implied racialism. I understand Sue Edison’s explanation that jewishness covers both an ethnicity and a religion. However, the next stage would be to label me as a ‘British Anglican’ or as an ‘English Mongrel’.
I’m an ‘English mongrel’: probably an unholy mix of ancient Briton, Celt, Angle, Saxon, Jute, Roman, Viking and Norman.
I am happy to come from Lancashire.
I bet that your great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great great grandmother got ravaged by a Viking.
She would have been very unlucky. On the 25 years to a generation rule of thumb, far too few greats.
They bred them young in days of yore.
Probably from Denmark. or so the genes tell us.
I’m just an expatriated bastard, and grumpy with it.
Don’t really agree. American Jews are a very different kettle of fish than English Jews in my opinion, they are distinctly American as British Jews are distinctly British. It is no more racist than distinguishing between Americans and British people in general.
But americanism or Britishness is your nationality. It defines your character and nature in a broad, stereotypical view.
Judaism is a religion. It may be a lifestyle. I don’t know but it’s not your nationality. I’m rather with Tim. You’re either British or you’re not – and the muslim isn’t.
I would agree that a Muslim isn’t British but that is because he belongs to the Umma, which is effectively a political allegiance to Islam as a state and which is intended to absorb the non-Muslim culture and make it subordinate to Islam.
Jews are more complex because there is no conflict in being of a certain nationality and being Jewish. In other words you can be a Jew and an American or British simultaneously.
I am not Jewish but two of my wives were, both of them were American first, although my first wife was very Jewish culturally. In other words Jews, for the most part integrate and are happy to do so as long as their rights with regard to religion are not impinged on. If they are then they will start to think about going to Israel, make aliyah if they need to.
I am a Russian Orthodox Christian, due to background, after 1000 years of separation from the West I barely regard Western Christianity as Christian. My nationality is English, more precisely it is the mental outlook of an ex colonialist, I believe in the superiority of the English as a nation above all others and think the loss of Empire was a tragedy for the world. On the other hand my religious sentiment have little in common with that of Catholics or Protestants. So what would that make me? And. bear in mind, there was a time when people with my sort of background and mixed allegiance were not uncommon. I would say people like me built the Empire and that most people now a days have a very limited idea of what it means to be English or British. The English/British world has shrunk and not for the good.
I think Jewishness is a racial characteristic. You can convert to Christianity, but you’ll still be ethnically a Jew. I don’t have a problem with Jews being “British”. They fit in much better to Western culture than muslims.
They are. During my time as a BA pilot on occasions I flew the LHR – Tel Aviv route. We usually had a lot of Noo Yoick J’s on board who had come off one of the trans-Atlantic flights. They were the rudest people on the planet and left their seats in an unholy mess. More to do with their urban American character than anythng else, I think.
Yes. My first wife was Jewish New Yorker but shrunk from such people like a vampire to a cross or rather, star of David. Her mother actually took me to the old Fontainebleau to laugh at the lower class Jews and their taste, or lack thereof. There was an elaborate harpsichord in the lobby that was fake and the women were dressed like drag queens with little idea how to apply make up.
My mother in law looked every inch the French model and my wife was unmistakably a Jewish Princess. Mother in law, whom I ended up loving almost as much as my wife was a Gucci maniac. Every time she would get upset she would disappear and come back after several hours with a handbag which promptly went in a special closet full of the things never to see the light of day again. Always greeted me at the airport with a bloody Mary and Valium, we had a wonderful time each visit. Once my wife and I were waiting for our car which was parked in one of those elevator garages. Cadillac comes down, he promptly turns to my wife starts to ask if it is her car, stops himself and hands her the keys with the remark: “Obviously yours, princess.” Wonderful time of my life, lots of fun.
Do you remember this
My wife’s uncle made this, used to go partying with him and his partner in Manhattan. Got to see the Manhattan of millionaires and celebrities. The magic Manhattan most people don’t get to see. This advert made him a multimillionaire promptly retired to Palm Springs and perpetual golfing.
Have to say I miss it and all the people I knew, all dead now.
Heinz 57 captures our family’s partly semetic origins.
Opps, sorry! I posted this above just now before I looked at todays postings. I will leave mine up but with apologies to you Fiscal.
Allison to the fore – again.
I’ve signed it. Have you?
(From today’s The Conservative Woman)
Here’s a BTL comment from someone who used to post on the Nottlers’ forum:
The Net Zero and woke nonsense is Soros nonsense. Soros bribed Blair to do it and every subsequent administration followed suit.
For example, the Climate Change Act 2008 is a multi million dollar Soros financed stitch up with huge payoffs for compliant politicians.
The legislation was desired by Soros, supplied by Blair and Brown and arranged by David Miliband. Soros also part financed the Net Zero report by Conservative think tank, Bright Blue.
Blair received highly paid consultancy work from Soros since he stepped down amounting to at least $50 million.
David Miliband received a highly paid CEO position in a New York organisation heavily financed by Soros.
Lord Adair Turner, the first Chairman of the Climate Change Committee, was later made Chairman of Soros’ Institute for New Economic Thinking.
Chris Stark, who worked with Soros’ friend Brown for five years at the Treasury, became CEO of the Climate Change Committee. Brown
signed off the Climate Change Act 2008!
So the Climate Change Act is a very clever stitch up going to the heart of what’s gone wrong for Britain.
Hmmmm. The poster is quite correct, of course. I think we can all guess who.
She used to parrot on a bit.
But she did make some good points.
Don’t wind me up on Bliar and how he sold his soul (and our country) for filthy lucre. I hope he and his acolytes burn in hell.
The entire green agenda is a tax scam. Nothing else. It is designed to make and keep people poor. To extract as much as possible from individuals and move it to the state. The more unreliables are forced on us the more energy costs, the more subsidy they need and so the spiral continues and the only beneficiary are select members of the climate change committee, big state, and chosen wasters troughing on the subsidy.
They are ‘avin’ a larf
I did, then forgot to cancel and am paying £9.99 per month at the moment.
Can you not cancel on demand? £24 might be reasonable and I’ve thought about it, but mainly I just block martech at the top level so the javascript getting in to the site at all (that’s what blocks the articles off).
At last renewal I threatened to leave and got a year for £26. I’m still shadow-banned in the comments, though.
Morning all 🙂😊
Usual grey I Guess it’s better than rain.
🎶HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU🎶 Sue have a lovely day, don’t work too hard 🥂🍾 cheers.
A truly excellent rant from a poster on TCW yesterday in response to Matt Hancock’s request for immunity from prosecution.
13 hours ago
I emailed this to Matt Hancock this morning, blood boiling over his immunity request.
Dear Mr. Hancock,
I note with horror reports today that you are requesting immunity from prosecution to testify at the COVID inquiry. Why would you need that if you never did anything wrong?
• You followed ‘the science’, you issued regulations ‘to protect’ people, you gave ‘instructions’ to everyone of how to behave, you ordered people not to ‘sit together’ at funerals and stopped people from ‘close contact’ when visiting relatives and friends in care home. For what?
• You stopped people from attending funerals or saying goodbye to dying relatives. For what?
• You stopped children from visiting grandparents who were left alone and isolated in their homes with only the daily fear propaganda on the TV to keep them company. For what?
• You closed schools, ruining the education, well being and mental health of an entire generation, based on ‘the science’ which actually recommended the exact opposite.
• You had sick, elderly people cast out from hospitals into poorly resourced care homes where they were basically locked up and left to die, due to lack of (unnecessary) PPE, as they were not ill with the virus. You knew what would happen but still did it.
• You ordered huge quantities of Midozolam to be given to these elderly, frail people. A breathing suppressant, for people who were likely to acquire COVID in there ‘prison cells’. This caused more deaths than COVID. You knew what would happen but still did it.
• You ordered and had hospitals use ventilators, which effectively were a death sentence to those unfortunate enough to be treated like this, when what was required was vitamins, some oxygen and antibiotics to suppress pneumonia, because of the ‘science’. Flu patients have never been treated like this, so why was covid different?
• You spent billions of pounds on vaccines against a corona virus, something that real scientists have been trying to develop for 60 years, with no success whatsoever, yet magically you produced not one but three different vaccines in a matter of months from up your sleeve. You pronounced these vaccines safe an effective when their trials showed exactly the opposite, killing more of the test group and giving them all kinds of harmful side effects. You still pronounce them safe and effective as the death toll rises from this terrible imposition you applied to compulsorily healthcare workers, and others. They are still killing people.
• You sent ridiculous messages suggesting the new variant ‘be released’ and other such nonsense, mocking the public. Why?
• You gave your mate a massive contract for PPE, a field in which he had no experience. Why?
• You closed my businesses with your ‘health’ regulations and used the Police as an enforcement mafia to make sure we stayed closed, and indebted the country with hundreds of billions of pounds of furlough payments. This has caused the massive inflation we see now, not Putin. We were closed for 20 months and I got £600 a month to live on. For what gain? Where were the calculations that showed this would be safe and effective? Who asked that this be includedin your ‘regulations’?
• And while doing all this you found time to have an amorous affair with ONE OF YOUR ASSISTANTS. Against the rules in the Parliament work space and another mickey take out of the public. Another example of your power hungry character
• There are hundreds of other examples of your behaviour. Not the behaviour of rational, caring, responsible minister, but more like a power crazed 13 year old given the keys to the store and allowed to run riot.
• You presided over the greatest wealth transfer from poor to rich ever, and left the country saddled with debt from such useless ideas as track and traces £37 billion, including a nice number for your chum Dido Harding.
A lesser charge sheet than this saw many Nazis sentenced to death after WWII, yet you have the brass neck to ask for immunity from prosecution for what I have outlined above and much more, and play the victim in this? They were all conscious decisions made by you, they show your inner character, your lack of compassion, your greed, your lust for power, all of your personal faults amplified a million times by you happening to be in charge of health when the crisis struck. You are the lowest of the low, unfit for anything anywhere near the levers of power.
Yet after all this behaviour you are asking for immunity? I watched the film Eichmann last week. He denied everything too, claimed he was just following orders. Well unfortunately for you, you weren’t following orders you were giving them, so the buck stops right at your door, along with the cabinet, Johnson, Cummings and the whole of parliament who voted for all of your evil schemes.
I do not know how you can sleep at night, never mind have the brass neck to ask for immunity. The inquiry does not have the power to offer immunity, it is not a court of law. Any silence by you will be taken as an admission of guilt, so you like Eichmann, will be found guilty if you remain silent. The reason you want immunity is that you do not have the mental competence to argue or justify any of your decisions. You were a puppet like all the rest, only you signed the paperwork.
I have no other words of contempt for you.
You are finished as a human being, you deserve nothing from anyone but contempt equal to or exceeding mine.
A brutal comment on Hancock. However, the writer continues to use the word ‘virus’ when it is clearly a bio-weapon as described by Dr David Martin et al.
IMO Dr Martin’s description of the pathogen as, “an infectious replication deficient weapon,” is more credible than that of an air-borne entity that would be uncontrollable and could infect those responsible. Basically, if you came into contact with it you would very likely become infected but you couldn’t infect others. The ‘cases’ scam i.e. high numbers of infections reported daily, was to provide cover for the fact that the entity could not run amok. As for PCR testing…
Powerful stuff
He’ll swan into a globalist non-job paying a cushy six figure sum to force policy on gormless ministers in other countries. He won’t face any penalty whatsoever.
Good morning chums! This is our new garden visitor! The birds are a bit confused!
Oh Dear! Morning Sue 😘
Sorry for coppice-
Thanks pet! I got quite a surprise! It seems to like the apples!😘
Better look out be hind as well..
Roe? We had our vegetable patch “sampled” by those buggers!
Roe, Roe and thrice Roe is you!
Trying to make a Muntjac out of you.
Wade in did they?
Oh dear.
I’m not keen on venison! OH is!
We have a supply of Red Deer from Scotland. The best of the best in our opinion for much less than good fillet steak.
D’oh! A Deer! A female deer!
Very good!!
Nicked from the Simpsons, I’m afraid!
Nicked from the Simpsons, I’m afraid!
🎵 “Anyone who’s had a hart
Could look at me
And know that I love them “- 🎶
I haven’t seen our Mr Roebuck this year – and nothing has eaten my geraniums so I think he must have gone.
It’s amazing what you learn from Google! The male has kidney shaped white rump patches, and the female has heart shaped ones! I think this one is female and she’s now asleep between the shed and the fence, having eaten several apples from the trees, and some carrots I put out! I suspect she may have been here last night, as Phoebe got scared by something outside, and shot in pretty quickly! Also early this morning she was keen to go out and look!
The males also have little spikey antlers, except when they have shed them. Then they start to grow again as little conical lumps covered in velvet.
I haven’t seen our Mr Roebuck this year – and nothing has eaten my geraniums so I think he must have gone.
Ah! Venison on the hoof!
Do you want to roe back on that?
Love it with Port Wine sauce – tasty, very tasty.
And yes the tory party has destroyed any previous respect they had. The government knows and knew from the first day, that the people were against the illegal immigrants. But they lied as all politicians do and completely failed the people of Britain by allowing it to continue.
It has been and will be for decades as if the doors of every single prison in the whole of Britain have been opened and the authorities are and will be completely out of control. As we have seen on many recent occasions.
And I can’t imagine what will happen if labour alone get back in. They hate anyone who’s British ancestry goes back only 80 years.
Massive uncontrolled criminal welfare shopping is simply revenge for Brexit. The state knows this, it doesn’t care. MPs could resolve it by withdrawing from the agreements that force them on us but refuse to consider that.
The invasion will only get worse until they are driven back and deported at gunpoint – MPs, that is.
From this morning’s newspaper headlines it looks as though Jeremy Corbyn is the UK’s UN representative.
Oh dear I expect he’s taking home a decent salary and expenses. And has of course topped his pension up.
It’s the equivalent of trying to build a pyramid from dust and fossils.
Occasionally I am reminded that my dogs are not… normal.
I took them to Tesco and as Mongo slouched outside a yappy little thing was beside him. He looked from it to me, and from me to it as if to say ‘what on Earth is that! It’s smaller than my head!’
They do say that dogs resemble their owners 🙂 [runs away and hides!]
Right – off to dentist and ladder shop. Play nicely while I am away.
Don’t dice with death and beware of serpents!
Fake Ozempic jabs used for weight loss put several people in hospital. 25 October 2023.
The patients were said to have been given access to the counterfeit drug by a doctor in Austria.
They suffered hypoglycemia and seizures, serious side effects that indicate the product contained insulin – used to treat diabetes – rather than Ozempic’s active ingredient, semaglutide, the Ministry of Medical Security (BASG) said in a warning issued on Monday.
I’m safe. Covid has cured me of any yearning to be injected for anything!
et moi!
Ich auch
Good morning to all. Hope everyone is well today.
Here is an extract from Allison Pearson’s column in the Telegraph today. I would urge those who missed it yesterday to sign the ‘October Declaration, if you are willing. Only takes as minute of your time:
“As I wrote earlier this week, one reason a group of us drew up The October Declaration was to take an unequivocal stand against anti-Semitism in our country, to show solidarity with our Jewish brothers and sisters, and to support the right of Israel to defend herself against those who are hellbent on her destruction.
There was an absolutely extraordinary response from Telegraph readers. I always feel incredibly proud of the community we have created here – you are the best, but never more so than now. Thousands of you have signed the October Declaration. The response is as overwhelming as it is heartwarming. After two days, we have more than 51,000 signatures, with 13,913 still pending validation. (If you have signed the declaration and not yet received an email requesting you to validate your address, please do check your Spam or Junk folders.)
Unfortunately, it looks like British Friends of Israel is suffering a co-ordinated attempt to hack the website. IP addresses from Muslim and Arab countries seem to be overrepresented, but it is hard to pinpoint at this stage. We are not going to give up. Not when we get messages like, “Israel continues to cash in on the Holocaust and think they can get away with murder.” Some 1,400 Israelis – men, women and children – murdered, maimed and raped in cold blood on October 7 would beg to differ.
More famous names are signing all the time – two former prime ministers, Boris Johnson and Liz Truss, have added their names as well as beloved stars like the actor Tom Conti.
“Now is the time for those of us who are not Jewish to stand beside our Jewish friends in absolute solidarity. There must be no ifs or buts, no qualifications or references to context: anti-Semitism has once again shown itself to be the evil that it is. It has no place in our world and it is our moral duty to defeat it,” wrote the Reverend Giles Fraser.
“I really wanted to share with you how completely empowered I felt signing the October Declaration,” wrote one reader. “Both the Declaration and Allison Pearson’s article in the Telegraph made me stand a little taller and steadier. Everyone I spoke to felt the same way. So many of us feel like the rug has been ripped from under our feet.”
And this: “As a British Jew, I wanted to thank you sincerely. It means a lot to me and my family to know that at least some of our compatriots ‘have our back’. It goes some way towards neutralising the shock I have experienced at the reaction of many of my fellow colleagues, many of whom have never once called for the Israeli hostages to be released – which has shaken me to my core.”
It is no good to say that it “goes without saying”. It needs to be said, and loudly if necessary. We do have your backs.
Please do take a moment and sign the October Declaration today at You will be in good company. Righteous amongst the nations, indeed. Shalom!
One suggestion. If you could send the petition to everyone in your email list that would be excellent. Simply press ‘all’ when you send.
Good morning, Jonathan.
Please would you let me know if your birthday was yesterday or tomorrow?
Rastus, good morning, just! My Birthday is tomorrow 26 October 1948.
Too late then if it’s the 6th!! I think you missed off the 2.
Thank you Ndovu.
Thank you.
I shall adjust my records straight away
À Demain
I may be in the minority here but horrified by the continued bombardment on both sides and the rhetoric coming out of the Israeli and Western governments who seem hell bent on provoking military action and just want peace I cannot sign this. This doesn’t mean I have anything against the Jewish or Israeli people, I treat everyone the same. But I can never promote war whatever its causes.
Unfortunately, knowing the history of the place, the alternative is perpetual violence or the annihilation of the Jews. It is naive to pretend that peace can be made with such people as Hamas. What practical alternative can you offer Israel once you have read the Hamas Charter and know their intent? They differ in their mentality to NAZIS not at all.
This is part of Hamas’s charter
‘Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will
obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.’ (Preamble)
‘The Day of Judgment will not come about until Moslems fight Jews and
kill them. Then, the Jews will hide behind rocks and trees, and the
rocks and trees will cry out: ‘O Moslem, there is a Jew hiding behind
me, come and kill him.’ (Article 7)
‘The enemies have been scheming for a long time … and have
accumulated huge and influential material wealth. With their money,
they took control of the world media… With their money they stirred
revolutions in various parts of the globe… They stood behind the
French Revolution, the Communist Revolution and most of the
revolutions we hear about… With their money they formed secret
organizations – such as the Freemasons, Rotary Clubs and the Lions –
which are spreading around the world, in order to destroy societies
and carry out Zionist interests… They stood behind World War I …
and formed the League of Nations through which they could rule the
world. They were behind World War II, through which they made huge
financial gains… There is no war going on anywhere without them
having their finger in it.’ (Article 22)
‘Zionism scheming has no end, and after Palestine, they will covet
expansion from the Nile to the Euphrates River. When they have
finished digesting the area on which they have laid their hand, they
will look forward to more expansion. Their scheme has been laid out
in the ‘Protocols of the Elders of Zion’.’ (Article 32)
‘The HAMAS regards itself the spearhead and the vanguard of the
circle of struggle against World Zionism… Islamic groups all over
the Arab world should also do the same, since they are best equipped
for their future role in the fight against the warmongering Jews.’
(Article 32)
I don’t think the petition is promoting war. But “standing with the Jews” to show that not everybody in this country is marching with Hamas.
I may be in the minority here but horrified by the continued bombardment on both sides and the rhetoric coming out of the Israeli and Western governments who seem hell bent on provoking military action and just want peace I cannot sign this. This doesn’t mean I have anything against the Jewish or Israeli people, I treat everyone the same. But I can never promote war whatever its causes.
EU Citizenship.
Yesterday, it appeared that I elicited quite a degree of approbation from some NoTTLers, who told me that I could not be a ‘citizen’ of the EU. I think most have forgotten the 47 years (between 1973 and 2020) during which they actually held that status. Since the EU is a union of several formerly sovereign states, to be a citizen of one of them means, under their charter, that you are a citizen of all of them, despite the personal views of those who rail against this definition.
To be pedantic (not to mention semantic) in real terms a ‘Citizen’ is simply a denizen of a City! However, it now has a much wider usage.
Orright Citizen Grizzly
Isn’t there a Nottler who uses an image of Robert Lindsay’s Citizen Smith as his avatar?
There is! It’s Citizen Still Bleau.
T’is I, Bleausard, not Leclerc!
Wonderful how the EU can effectively strip its citizenship from the British yet is incapable of ridding itself of the parasitical gimmegrants that are pouring in.
I must confess that can be a bit pedantic about the misuse or omission of the apostrophe!
I can be a bit pedantic about the misuse or omission of the apostrophe!
I can be a bit pedantic about the misuse or omission of the apostrophe!
Once admits to being a citizen one stands under all legislation at the bottom of the triangle of the Hierarchy of Jurisdiction. It’s better to be a sovereign living man or woman, not a citizen.
How come police are shown at 2 different levels?
Constables are superior to officers?
His constabulary duties to be done, to be done
Oh a policeman’s lot is not an ‘appy one
(Nappy one)
The current lot need nappies. Show them a mohammedan baying for blood and they sh*t themselves.
Happy Birthday Sue! no emojis on my laptop!
When I was a court usher in a trial and had to call a police witness I always referred to the as Constable. Only had one Inspector inform me of his rank. I asked him if that was above or below the Chief Constable. Silence as I showed him to the witness box.
While the UK was part of the EU, EU citizens could only vote in local elections, not Parliamentary ones, nor in referenda. So EU citizens did not have the same rights as a UK national.
Also, when we were in the EU why did I have to show my passport when going to France but then could go anywhere. Seems to me the schengen thing was bull designed just to vex the British, preliminary spite before Brexit.
The background to this photo is a video clip that is doing the rounds on t’internet this morning. Remember the policewoman who arrested an autistic girl for saying that she reminder her of her lesbian Nanna?
There was some disturbance to which a bunch of police were called, and the one who is not a lesbian nanna went crazy and started spraying pepper spray at the people and yelling her head off. Meanwhile her colleagues stood around posing for a Sits Vacant column.
This one should be de-uniformed asap, she appears to have no judgement.
I think she’s a psy-op. They keep her (it?) on the front-line purely to provoke us and send us into paroxisms of incredulous rage.
Not Quite My Type Dear.
Just another Dopey Wokey in the wrong place at the wrong time.
It’s becoming fairly common.
Yes, they wheel her out for entertainment purposes only. LOL.
She’s going to have the youth of Yorkshire trying to see what they can provoke her to do…
It’s a great pity that they don’t transfer her to deal with Hamas loving marchers.
It would lance the boil and all the pus could run amok and we would see what these people are really like beneath the surface.
Clearly Chief Cunstable material (sic)
Of course, silly me. A worthy successor to Cressida Dick.
Cressida Dick-Envy.
As the melancholy Jacques observed in his account of the seven ages of man when one reaches the justice’s age one can become rather sententious and spout wise saws and modern instances.
My head is still full of the things I knew by heart when I was a schoolmaster and it never fails to occur to me that an observation made centuries ago is just as relevant today as it was then.
With unfettered immigration we have – as a country – allowed the enemy to enter and that enemy, like the serpent in our bosom or a fire in our bedding, will destroy us from within.
Chaucer’s Merchant in The Canterbury Tales says
O perilous fyr, that in the bedstraw bredeth!
O famulier foo, that his servyce bedeth!
O servant traytour, false hoomly hewe,
Lyk to the naddre in bosom sly untrewe,
God shilde us alle from youre aqueyntaunce!
Ratty’s BTL
I am a man. I may be 77 years old but I still have all the man-defining appendages which are still functioning.
Too much information!
I don’t know. I could do with my 20 year old bladder.
Ratty’s BTL
I am a man. I may be 77 years old but I still have all the man-defining appendages which are still functioning.
For those who use BT Internet, here’s a scam email doing the rounds which I received this morning. Under no circumstances click on any part of it.
The address should flag up the problem. Forward any emails like this to
The address should flag up the problem. Forward any emails like this to
Gmail is usually quite good at filtering that kind of thing into the spam folder.
Thank you, I let my mum and aunty know.
Hear hear.
Only four??
Four people could have UK visas revoked because of anti-Semitic behaviour (DT headline)
It now up to 6 and I’ve suggested below/above it should be closer to 600,000.
Gentlemen, gentlemen – if everyone worked, obeyed the law and didn’t cause any problems or need handouts what would the state do? What would the endless ranks of pointless bureaucrats filling in endless forms no one ever reads for reasons no one cares about actually be for?
No no. It must *create* strife and chaos to justify it’s own existence.
St. Crispin’s Day today.
Westmoreland: O that we now had here
But one ten thousand of those men in England
That do no work to-day!
King: What’s he that wishes so?
My cousin, Westmoreland? No, my fair cousin;
If we are mark’d to die, we are enow
To do our country loss; and if to live,
The fewer men, the greater share of honour.
God’s will! I pray thee, wish not one man more.
By Jove, I am not covetous for gold,
Nor care I who doth feed upon my cost;
It yearns me not if men my garments wear;
Such outward things dwell not in my desires.
But if it be a sin to covet honour,
I am the most offending soul alive.
No, faith, my coz, wish not a man from England.
God’s peace! I would not lose so great an honour
As one man more methinks would share from me
For the best hope I have. O, do not wish one more!
Rather proclaim it, Westmoreland , through my host,
That he which hath no stomach to this fight,
Let him depart; his passport shall be made,
And crowns for convoy put into his purse;
We would not die in that man’s company
That fears his fellowship to die with us.
This day is call’d the feast of Crispian.
He that outlives this day, and comes safe home,
Will stand a tip-toe when this day is nam’d,
And rouse him at the name of Crispian.
He that shall live this day, and see old age,
Will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours,
And say “To-morrow is Saint Crispian.”
Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars,
And say “These wounds I had on Crispin’s day.”
Old men forget; yet all shall be forgot,
But he’ll remember, with advantages,
What feats he did that day. Then shall our names,
Familiar in his mouth as household words—
Harry the King, Bedford and Exeter,
Warwick and Talbot, Salisbury and Gloucester—
Be in their flowing cups freshly rememb’red.
This story shall the good man teach his son;
And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by,
From this day to the ending of the world,
But we in it shall be rememberèd—
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers;
For he to-day that sheds his blood with me
Shall be my brother; be he ne’er so vile,
This day shall gentle his condition;
And gentlemen in England now a-bed
Shall think themselves accurs’d they were not here,
And hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Saint Crispin’s day.
Ahh!! Those were the days my friends!
It’s also Balaclava Day – does anybody remember that now?
I used to wear a balaclava when I was about 8. I think I also used to wear wellington boots as well, playing in the streets of Battersea.
Like Paddington Bear?
I never came across him in Battersea Park!
I had a balaclava as a child. It was itchy and I didn’t like it.
I do:
It’s a layered pastry dessert made of filo pastry, filled with chopped nuts, and sweetened with syrup or honey.
Uh huh…..
Isn’t that baclava, rather than balaclava?
He knows.
And it’s Baklava. :@)
Joke wibbling, joke.
Nearly, Sos.
Only the IRA and the hunt sabs.
A petty little oik auditioning for the role as Henry V described that as ‘a wall of text’. Illiterate wasters need beating.
Headline in DT
Six people could have UK visas revoked because of anti-Semitic behaviour.
Home Office issues warning to foreign nationals as Robert Jenrick says: ‘If you come to this country, you abide by British values.
It should be closer to 600,000
Could being the operative word. Given that we cannot get rid of rapists and murders, its all hot air.
The Home office probably fought to release identification.
“Could” is the weasel (sorry Bleau) word. Nothing will happen.
Would of, should of, could of – you’ll even hear it on the BBC.
Tomorrow he’ll set up another one. It doesn’t stop the scammers.
Indeed, but it was a dig at the BBC and its licence fee and its verify project, rather than a comment on the scammer.
I changed the headline.
Oh goody goody, kick and chase yet again.
England team: M Smith; F Steward, J Marchant, M Tuilagi, H Arundell; O Farrell (capt), B Youngs; E Genge,T Dan, W Stuart; M Itoje, O Chessum; T Curry, S Underhill, B Earl. Replacements: J George, B Rodd, D Cole, D Ribbans, L Ludlam, D Care, G Ford, O Lawrence.
Poor old George Ford. Always the bridesmaid. How fantastic that Youngs will be giving his 250th match-losing performance.
A walk down Memory Lane.
The tap penalty seems a thing of the past. Twice I have seen a player try it only for the ref to blow his whistle and tell him to wait.
Farrell is not a captain.
True, he’s a major
Some would say that his petulance with the ref allowing S Africa to advance a penalty 10 metres to within kickable range cost England the match.
On the one hand he kicked a drop goal and kicked all of England’s points.
On the other hand Ford is as reliable a place kicker and drop kicker as Farrell and does not have Beckham moments as Farrell does.
BTL Ratty
If you’re young and bright and right there are parties such Reform which are brighter, younger and righter than either the Conservatives or Labour.
Sunak not calling an election until the absolute last minute possible. Either he thinks Conservative voters will come around to him once his ‘grand vision’ begin working (which it never will, because there isn’t one) or he’s just spinning it out for as long as possible to do as much damage as possible for the pension.
377988+ up ticks,
Afternoon W,
The latter.
My money (should I be a gambler, which I am not) would be on the latter proposition.
I made the same mistake when I voted Labour for the first and only time in 1997.
I was totally cheesed off with Tory sleaze, but I spoiled my ballot paper. I couldn’t bring myself to vote for Blair. That demon eyes poster was spot on.
Thus demonstrating that she’s neither ‘right’ nor bright.
Oh dear oh dear…that is how Labour always rope them in. Catch them while they’re young and stupid, a fresh crop will be along by the next election time.
Eventually they grow up and realise the facts of life are conservative.
Another BTL comment I enjoyed:
As they say, “Labour is a broad Mosque”.
I see that Sir Beer is getting a carpeting by our islamic brothers in Cardiff, seems he’s been a little ham fisted…
Telling porkies won’t bring home the bacon and he risks getting the chop if he antagonises Labour’s Islamic following.
Are you surah about that..
377988+ up ticks,
Afternoon R
The reform party = tory MK2
Maybe it will be the Tory Party with the Tory values many of us approve of and as it used to be rather than the miserable sleazy incompetent mess the Tory Party has become.
377988+ up ticks,
Evening R
At this dire stage of the game I honestly don’t believe “maybe ” will hack it.
After one asks oneself just how did the tory party sink so low over these last decades post Mrs M Thatcher, could, party before Country have anything to do with it ?
ogga1 a few seconds ago
377988+ up ticks,
Evening R
At this dire stage of the game I honestly don’t believe “maybe ” will hack it.
After one asks oneself just how did the tory party sink so low over these last decades post Mrs M Thatcher, could, party before Country have anything to do with it ?
BTL Ratty
If you’re young and bright and right there are parties such Reform which are brighter, younger and righter than either the Conservatives or Labour.
Diane Abbott – Educated at Newnham College, Cambridge. Educated!!! Ha, ha, ha!
Diane Abbott – Educated at Newnham College, Cambridge. Educated!!! Ha, ha, ha!
Diane Abbott – Educated at Newnham College, Cambridge. Educated!!! Ha, ha, ha!
Pope Francis accepts resignation of Polish bishop after
his diocese was rocked by priest’s gay orgy sex party that saw man
overdose on erectile dysfunction pills.
Sy nod’s so good, eh ?
Sy nod is as good as a wank to a spunk monk?
Oh dear oh dear oh dear….
Going up in the world?
Oh dear – are they trying to destroy the Parish again?
This is the Vatican Synod but yes, they’re following much the same path to oblivion.
“Time hath, my lord, a wallet at his back,
Wherein he puts alms for Oblivion,
A great-siz’d monster of ingratitudes.”
[Shakespeare: Troilus and Cressida]
Many happy returns of the day, Sue!
377988+ up ticks,
Andrew Bridgen
Yesterday, I brought forward a 10 Minute Rule Bill – The Parliamentary Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill to prohibit Ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament, unless it has been approved by a referendum; and for connected purposes. #Save Our Sovereignty
Oh yes, they won’t like that.
A succinct email from a good friend of mine who used to teach Chemistry at Sherborne School.
“… used to teach Chemistry at Sherborne School.”
Boys or girls?
Both my sisters went to Sherborne Girls’ School. Coincidentally, at the age of 20 each one met and married former boys from Sherborne School whom they had not met during their schooldays.
Belinda and her husband Christopher are now 87 and have been very happily married for 67 years!
So that stupid people won’t be shown up for how stupid they are.
Email from the Campaign for Marriage (C4M):
Dear marriage supporter,
India’s Supreme Court has refused to legalise same-sex marriage as it is not its job to make the law – preventing what the BBC clearly hoped would be an LGBT triumph. In his judgment, Chief Justice Dhananjaya Yeshwant Chandrachud wrote that it “lies within the domain of parliament and state legislatures to enact laws recognising and regulating queer marriage”.
This welcome ruling is in contrast to other jurisdictions, such as the United States, where in 2015 the Supreme Court claimed to discover a right to same-sex marriage in the Constitution. The Indian ruling regarding marriage was unanimous. However, two of the five judges held that the state was obliged to recognise same-sex civil unions and permit adoptions by same-sex couples. They were overruled by their three colleagues.
There had been hope among LGBT activists that the judgment would be a historic moment for LGBT rights. The BBC sent 14 reporters to cover the story, with an additional three editors in London, and gave live updates throughout the day. The BBC News UK website boasted of its “comprehensive” coverage of the issue. What does it say about the skewed state of the BBC’s priorities that it chose to devote so many resources to this story, particularly in a week where so much else was going on?
Most other notable socio-political issues happening in the world last week – such as the Australian referendum on aboriginal rights – were only assigned one reporter to write up the BBC story. The public service broadcaster must have been very disappointed with the ruling after spending so much money and time to bring its “comprehensive” coverage to the nation.
But far from disappointing, the decision was the right one – not just legally but also ethically.
Country after country has shown that when you open up marriage to same-sex couples you undermine it. Marriage between one man and one woman is the cornerstone of a successful, stable society that honours men and women and cares for the next generation. At C4M we commend the Indian court for sticking to the law and upholding real marriage. We will continue to speak out to ensure real marriage is never lost among the confusions of modern society.”
Fourteen reporters! What were they thinking about?
So few…
Those who are acquainted with The Merchant of Venice will remember that part of Shylock’s punishment for trying to use the law to kill Antonio was not only that he should lose all his possessions but also that he should become a Christian.
Maybe Shamima Begum’s only chance should be to renounce Islam completely and, as Shylock was, be forced to become a Christian.
People don’t want her back, but they will keep wheeling her out as a distraction, and one day they will restore her citizenship just to annoy us.
Islam is a religion which imposes a way of life which is completely incompatible with the Judeo Christian philosophy.
If the density of Muslims in Britain is not reduced significantly and very soon then our culture and way of life will be overwhelmed.
The trouble is that we prize a tolerant way of looking at those from other cultures but we must make no mistake nor be in any doubt that once Islam is dominant we shall not get any tolerance from the ruling Islam state but we shall be wiped out.
The Idiot King witters on about the environment and the world we shall leave our children and grandchildren but far more pressing is the sort of Britain we shall have to leave our children and grandchildren when Islam is in control. Britain will not be worth inhabiting for them.
Only terrorism or civil war has any prospect of reducing Muslim density. It will never happen through the ballot box.
I think their terrorism is more like to reduce indigenous density. The prospect of Civil War is not a good one.
To spite us, rather than annoy us, I think.
I wouldn’t believe a word she says on any subject and we’ve got enough islamic liars and cheats in this country already.
Tell you what, ask her for her views about Hamas….
And get her to burn a Quran in public.
But how could you tell whether her action was sincere and not Taqiya?
I’m fairly sure that the ones who behead her for so doing will answer that…
So there IS a use for Jihadis.
She doesn’t even have to do that; putting it on the ground and standing on it would do.
Now everything she’s inflicted on her self, is everyone else’s fault.
Since she’s a muslim, nothing she says can be trusted (taqiyya and kitman).
In what way can one be forced to become a Christian?
Today there is no way, but in Shylock’s day Jews had few, if any, rights. Converting to Christianity had many advantages back then.
What does conversion mean? If you mean parroting words and copying rituals, merely to fit in, to avoid persecution, but not believing a word of it in your mind, how does that make you a Christian, other than being declared so by an authority figure? If I lived in a fundamentalist Christian society which would not tolerate any other beliefs, I’d just pretend to be a Christian.
Well that would certainly be the case when islam takes over, only you’d be muslim!
I’d pretend to be if it meant not being persecuted. I don’t think.pretending to be what you’re not makes you what you’re only pretending to be.
It depends on whether faking it becomes internalised, I suppose.
I had never seen the Frog of Shame on Twitt before, but it seems to work…
I have no idea what or who it’s all about and neither do I care.
I’m with you except i’m very mildly curious.
Rivvit! Rivvit!
While we are distracted with young muslim men rioting and idiots tearing down pictures of kidnap victims, the great powers are getting ready for the war they’ve decided they’re going to have.
China are sending their navy.
This is getting very bloody sketchy.
Labours love affair with Islam is coming back to haunt them, it seems
Islam is the crocodile which will eat Labour first.
It’s already started the capture north of the border.
Is that before or after it shoves Queers for Palestine off a high roof?
They deserve being haunted.
With any luck it will annihilate them (before it blows the rest of us up).
Devil and long spoon.
Way to go, Daily Mail.
Would the tragedy have been worse if the house had been valued at £295,000 or £305,000?
“Tragedy as sister of woman is the subject of Scotland Yard’s oldest missing person case is found dead a t £300,000 semi-detached home with her husband – meaning she never found out what happened to her sibling who vanished in 1959.”
When I tragically die, will the fact that I live in a retirement bungalow belonging to the very last – volunteer-managed charitable housing society, make a difference?
Hope you die, when the time comes, comfortably, Geoff, not tragically.
I hope he sets the page up for that day before he shuffles off. {:¬))
Should already be training a youngster to take over – just being practical.
My children and grandchildren, ad infinitum, are my life after death.
No grandchildren, me. Unfortunately.
Would love a little grand-daughter to worry about!
My mum and dad are having to come down south for a funeral and they are going to meet up with my 20-year old daughter for breakfast on Saturday before she starts her waitressing shift. I was sooooo tempted to say I could join them, but i realise they would love just to have her all to themselves.
There is a great old song from Crosby Stills Nash Young. Early 70s Teach Your Children Well.
It’s so fitting to life in general.
Pretty obvious now it didn’t catch on everywhere.
Just seen on C5 news that the amount of parental abuse has shot up over the past years. Worse at half term and school holidays.
Probably the mothers that can’t cope alone.
Back in the late 80s early 90s labour made a promise to find and make the absent fathers make contributions to the upbringing of their offspring.
They gave it up ad a bad job. Couldn’t handle it. They hadn’t realised they needed names and addresses.
D Abbott, House of Commons, London SW1
Dab bott sounds ab out right.
Written by Nash when he was still in the Hollies, who didn’t record it.
I was working in Hampstead a number of years ago and use to see Alan Clarke taking his dog for a walk.
Thank you, Paul. While diabetes and its complications (including amputation of the extremities) can all be associated with morbidity, I’m increasingly of the view that my departure will be swift – either due to a thermonuclear blast, or whilst resisting the Muslim hordes (whose 4-star board and lodging I’m already paying for)…
Forgotten in the wake of the reporting of the Polish general election result were the four referendums, two on immigration. There was a huge majority in each but because the turnout was only 40% (minimum required 50), the results are non-binding.
Rigged? 10% of voting papers “disappeared”?
It wouldn’t surprise me in the slightest, but I read that it was Soros that put Kahnt in place to wreck our capital city.
The disappeared would be 20%…
As did most of the ballot papers in the London Jewish communities in the last mayoral election.
‘Administration error’!
I was correcting Bill’s arithmetic rather than supporting the accusation of fraud!
Crooked political classes in Poland as well. I can’t see the people accepting that.
Poles apart.
They’ll be war sore.
Did you know a lot of our toothpaste is made in Poland now. And Germany.
Water gate….and now coal gate.
Kohl gate, surely?
That’s not English Bill.
Neither was the German Helmut Kohl…
I’ll get me lederhosen.
Don’t get bitter.
Well, Bill’s so skinny he’ll never be seen as stout!
He’ll just stick around.
Are you suggesting he’s a cock tail stick?
You are………😉🤗😁
Correct, accurate, on the nail,
Bloody rude?
Is that a black Jewish teacher?
German turnip.
Colgate is made in China.
Not the version we have in our bathroom. Definitely Poland.
Tusk, tusk ….
I Vorie.
Little birdie three today
Wordle 858 3/6
Well done. A four today and that surprised me. Worked out where the vowel went and stared for ages at the remaining consonants.
Wordle 858 4/6
I had a completely lame 6!
Did it have crutches or a mobility scooter? 🙂
Hi, Sue. Did you get my birthday greeting to you this morning? I think it may be hidden away (following a similar greeting given by Damask Rose). In any case, hope you are enjoying a very special day. 😊
Thank you Grizz! Birthday greetings much appreciated. Three cards from my siblings arrived on the day, even the one from the US. The post office excelled themselves!
Par here too, it can take a while some days.
Wordle 858 4/6
Cheeky three for me too.
Wordle 858 3/6
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 Dr Peterson is a very intelligent chap (on a number of topics) whose thinking mirrors mine on so many subjects. I am enjoying the same rise in health as he is, and for the same reason.
“Perterson” suggests your diet may have adverse side effects…
“Perterson” was proof-read and amended nine minutes before you made your comment.
Edits only show to readers if they refresh the page.
I had a bit of a spat with Peddy when he accused me of lying.
I had posted something on this forum with a grammatical error in it. I saw it straight away and corrected it..
Peddy was so delighted to say that I, an English teacher, had not corrected it immediately, that he accused me of lying when I explained it. Clearly he had not refreshed before I had corrected.
I was extremely pissed off with him!
Whilst I support your view re edits and lying, the fact that you made the mistake will always come back to bite you!
It’s a shame in some ways that it isn’t instantaneous, it’s one of the reasons I tend to write “edit” when I’m correcting an error spotted later.
My spelling and grammar are generally sound – it is my typing which is extremely erratic. Typo Tastey by nature.
When somebody corrects a fault I have made I always say ‘thank you’ and amend it because I would rather get it right. What pissed me off was being told I was liar when I was telling the truth.
So was I, but nothing to do with my spelling or grammar 🙂
It’s a rather annoying feature of disqus. I, in common with many others, am too quick to press the button and only then spot my typos, so I then correct them, but only I see the corrected version.
You don’t say.
I did.
That doesn’t change the fact that your comment was doolally at the time.
A typo makes a comment ‘doolally’ does it? I’ll remember that for your next ‘typo’.
Makes people assertive? {:¬))
or grizzly.
A grizzly baby or child is crying continuously but not very loudly, or complaining all the time:
If your baby is grizzly or cranky, consider what might be making them uncomfortable.
She needed the money to buy medicine for a grizzly child.
Bad wind.
That’s me gone for this jolly day. Sunny morning. Dank afternoon – then sun suddenly came out again. Picked two large buckets of apples. Bought a ladder.
Market tomorrow – rain expected – such fun…. Will try to get there early….
Have a splendid evening pretending you are Cur Ikea Slammer…..and pondering whom to upset next.
A demain.
Thought for the day:
Between them, the peace loving Palestinians living there will know where the entrance to every single tunnel in the whole of Gaza is placed.
With Google Earth, or similar, they could provide the Israelis with the EXACT co-ordinates.
Those entrances could be bombed shut, the IDF could almost walk in, and as the rats dig their way out they can be shot.
Hostages would die, but it would eliminate Hamas in Gaza almost overnight.
They won’t, which suggests the majority actually support Hamas.
Any chance of diverting the eastern Mediterranean?
I’ve been commenting to that effect, huge pumps and lots of sea water.
BBC plaque celebrating earliest black Briton removed because she ‘was from Cyprus’. 25 October 2023.
A BBC plaque celebrating the “first black Briton” has been removed because scientific evidence shows she was not African in origin.
The sign honouring the 1,800-year-old remains of “Beachy Head Lady”, a female said to be of African origin, was erected in an east Sussex village as part of the 2016 Black and British series fronted by the historian Prof David Olusoga.
The Telegraph can reveal that the plaque celebrating what a BBC documentary billed as the earliest “black Briton” has now been removed.
Surprise. Surprise. Mind you they still have Cheddar Man. Another fantasy. .
AND the “FACT” effricoons builded de stone hinge.
So THAT’S why there’s no roof.
Couldn’t find the banana leaves.
But it did have mud walls.
Surely he is the Black historian.
Partly black historian.
But nonetheless a ‘black history’ historian?
Isn’t that …er … a smidge racist?
You is blek wherever you is born.
There is no way any African could ever have travelled to the British Isles more than 2000 years ago. Rubber boats weren’t even invented.
Olusoga is making it up to fit in with his obvious adgenda.
Ha ha ha ha bluddy ha ha.
Deep breath
Ha ha ha.
Oh dear, Sir Keir,
Your base coming to bite your arse is it?
Why doesn’t somebody call for a ceasefire in Ukraine?
‘coz there’s still lots more money to be made?
Oh how
Precisely. The major US arms manufacturers, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, Boeing and so on clearly prosper from wars whilst Vanguard, Blackrock, the globalist bankers and so on exploit the land grabbed for development.
These vultures have apparently miscalculated in Ukraine for the reason that Ukraine as a viable state is much diminished by the impending Russian victory.
The war should never have started and, had Trump been president, it never would have done.
Don’t ask me to remove the splinters from his backside.
Oh, come on, using a red hot poker might be amusing?
Why would anyone possibly consider your statement:
Biased? Surely not /sarc
Praise ye the Lord.
Argentina v England: Ben Youngs to retire from Test rugby after World Cup third-place play-off.
Apart from giving him thanks for long service why are they playing him at all, when giving experience to the next generation might have been better?
Evening, all. Lazy day today; just walked the dogs, watched some recordings and lit a fire, which is bright and cheerful in the dog grate at the moment. As for the headline; the Conservative Party died some time ago. What is being killed off is the CINO (Con In Name Only) Party.
Well, never before have I seen Joe Cool so thoroughly discombobulated.
I took Spartie for a walk round different fields. There we met genuine chihuahuas – you could hear them from the far side of the site.
Spartie wished to meet them. After several minutes of them running round him, barking at the top of their shrill little voice and bouncing over him rather like a couple hyper-active Tiggers, he simply sat down and pleaded with his eyes to be taken away.
We retreated to a quieter route and pottered on.
Anne, meet Phizzee
Phizzee, meet Anne.
Oscar, in his short-sighted way, went to greet a collie bitch and she ran backwards and hid behind her owner. Oscar looked a bit surprised. “She likes her own space,” explained the owner.
Mongo tends to tolerate over excitable (badly trained!) small dogs. He doens’t so much run about as ‘roll falling forward’. When he sits there quietly and calmly, looking like the bovine womble he is folk always ask how I got him to be so well trained and obedient.
Although I did have to have the ‘great power/great responsibility’ talk with Junior. He was having Mongo jump about and at nearly 5 that’s not ideal for him. Junior needs to realise that just because Mongo will do anything he asks, he shouldn’t ask him to do it.
Heck, Mongo just ignores me these days. So does Oscar. And the Warqueen. And Junior, for that matter.
BBC Look East
Just reported that a lady of 107 years attributes her longevity to eating Weetabix and abstaining from alcohol and smoking.
Nothing about climbing ladders.
Obvs plenty of sex!
No wonder Alf always posts with a smile…
As the joke goes:
A 99 year old man says the day before his birthday: I don’t smoke, drink, I’m a vegan and I’ve sworn off women and I am celebrating my 100th birthday tomorrow.
Another bloke beside him says : How?
Oi! That’s my wife!
Golly gosh, I wonder why…
Does anyone else, (apart from you, Araminta: I know you and I are close to one mind over this) believe that this is getting totally out of control?
Why would protecting American troops in the region be particularly significant, unless one expects escalation?
It’s rapidly going from bad to worse
WW1 and WW2 didn’t start overnight. Events preceded them.
Russia/Ukraine, Israel/Iran, China/Taiwan.
Give it a year and you’ll be picking up your gas mask.
I fear so.
Hello, Iffy. WW1 largely started because everybody was expecting war. WW2 largely started because everybody was trying to avoid war (except the Natsis) and so gave in until it wasn’t possible to give in any more.
Yet we didn’t help Germany with crushing sanctions. It was a powder keg we kept kicking about while the fuse was lit, intent on humiliating the German people and getting as much cash as we could.
Palestine, in contrast, has been given billions in aid. It spends the money on buying guns. Water pipe? Nahh. Missiles… waaagh, we’ve no water… waaaggh! Sod off slammers. You’ve had your chance. You wasted it on death.
They won’t learn. They won’t change. The only way to make them change, to make them grow up is overwhelming force.
The Germans joined the US and the western governments in sanctioning Russia over Ukraine.
This folly has led to the rupture of the gas pipeline and otherwise restricted their supply of cheap energy. This is tantamount to cutting off your nose to spite your face and the result is the visible deindustrialisation of Germany aided and abetted by the foolish Greens.
It remains to be seen whether the dramatic loss in living standards about to be visited on Germans will be peaceful. I suspect when the Deutschmark finally drops heads will roll, literally.
The Germans joined the US and the western governments in sanctioning Russia over Ukraine.
This folly has led to the rupture of the gas pipeline and otherwise restricted their supply of cheap energy. This is tantamount to cutting off your nose to spite your face and the result is the visible deindustrialisation of Germany aided and abetted by the foolish Greens.
It remains to be seen whether the dramatic loss in living standards about to be visited on Germans will be peaceful. I suspect when the Deutschmark finally drops heads will roll, literally.
And PS, I think it might well be less than a year before things turn very nazty.
I thought going from bad to worse was the plan?
I fear so…
Oh well time to shut down for today.
I found it very difficult late afternoon driving home after a visit to Wickes at WGC. The powerful sun being quite low in the sky making it difficult to see ahead.
Good night all. 🤗😴
Glow ball warning?
MP Peter Bone suspended from Commons for bullying
Brexiteers are all being purged×0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/022222-Geri-Halliwell-lead-2000-0a652473a61042fcae434e444a698064.jpg
While over the top, I appreciate the sentiment.
I think Philip Hollobone is the only honest man in parliament.
Peter Bone is a victim of sticking one to the state. As soon as he started asking difficult questions they got rid of him.
What happened to those 45 MPs who ‘sent letters’ to the PM?
One might disagree with her, but the last thing one can say is that Jordan doesn’t have it’s share of Palestinians.
They probably have 4 times as many Palestinian refugees living there as there were Palestinians in total in the whole of Israel and “Palestine” in 1948.
For a people that claim genocide, the Palestinians’ breeding suggests exceptional fecundity. There are millions of them, all over the world, probably far more than there there are Israeli Jews and Jews in Europe.
Ha bluddy ha
Serves you right, you socialist wankers
Perhaps the UK should do similarly in St James’s Park.
Close enough to Westminster for the stink of politicians to compete with the stink of gimmegrants.
‘Scuse me pet! We do not want dirty migrants at SJP!
We don’t want them anywhere Sue 😘
Tents in a New York winter?
Why not?
They would soon move south and cease to be NY’s problem.
Time for me to say goodnight and God bless, Gentlefolk, until the morning’s light.
‘Night, Tom.
Sov godt!
Who gives a moo? They’re not muslims in parliament. They are members OF parliament, who’s job is to represent their constituents. If their constituents support muslim terrorism then they shouldn’t be blasted constituents, should they?
If muslims MPs do not realise their disgusting stone age religion has no place in this country then they should consider their position. If they got elected on a slammer vote, then that constituency needs jet washing.
They are Muslims first, last and always. Their first allegiance is to Islam and other Muslims. Islam is totally, completely incompatible with Western Democracy.
That can’t be pointed out too often.
Genocide you say?
Persecuted Palestinians you say?
In 1939 there were roughly 17 million Jews in the world.
Today there are roughly 15 million.
There are roughly 14 million Palestinians in the world.,Bureau%20of%20Statistics%20(PCBS).
That’s 10 times, yes 10 times the number from 1948
Muslims, breed like pigs, act like pigs, are pigs.
Sorry pigs!
That is unfair on piggies, who are lovely animals. My Dad always wanted a pig for a pet.
Sorry wibbling, open goal, irresistible:
So once he had you he was happy!
Dad went nearly bald when we were born! I wasn’t tubby until I got a job!
One of my brother’s neighbours has a pet pig which he takes for walks along the road.
Sounds like a road hog.
That’s me for tonight, chums, so I’m off to bed. Hope we all sleep well and meet again tomorrow.
Stop being nice and round him and his gang up and deport them. Get these vermin out of this country.
Too true, sadly.
Simple. When you come across people dressed like that, deliberately rejecting the norms and values of this country, deport them. Just get rid of them.
Thursday 26th, 2023
Jonathan Rackham
(Congratulations of Three Quarters of a Century)
and very many Happy Returns
With best wishes,
Caroline and Rastus
Keep searching and you will find your ancestor’s treasure that Hergé’s Tintin and Captain Haddock were looking for!
Happy birthday Jonathan! Wishing you many more.
Goodnight, all. Got a busy day tomorrow; a funeral in the morning and racing again in the evening.
Goodnight, Sir. hope you sleep well.
Thank you, Tom. I did.
Goodnight, Sir. hope you sleep well.
Cripes, I’m way behind you on the socialising circuit..
I hope you are way behind me in the funeral attendance stakes, KP! I am of that age where most reunions take place over a coffin, unfortunately. This was the third runner (and by far the best) I had at Wolverhampton this week. Not as busy as Corbin (James Fanshaw’s travelling head lad) who’d been racing at Woollybags four times in five days!
Life phases, eh! I remember the days where it was everyone getting married, things quietened down and then news of a trickle of divorces. Eventually, the odd contemporary falls from their perch earlier than expected. I’m in a lull at the moment but my estate has quite a few oldie residents who drop off now and again. My father is in his last days in hospital, he is 90 and fading. He is the last of his family generation, he was the youngest bar one brother who was killed at Arnhem, so we will have a big family meet when the time comes. Runners and riders, most get to the finish line although a few fall along the way!
Right that’s me off to bed.
Eldest daughter is up from Basingstoke and we’ve just had a couple of pints in the Barley Mow and a pint in the King’s head.
Off to Stoke tomorrow so she can see her brother, (Stepson) who I hope will be in because he’s permanently got his phone on voice mail.
Good night all – if there is anyone left……
There are always the late-nighters looking in, after hours..
Usually Corimmobile is there at late hours.
377988+ up ticks,
Pillow ponder,
Wide Awake Media
Geologist, Professor Ian Plimer, utterly demolishes the human-induced “climate emergency” fairy tale, in three and a half minutes:
“[Six of the six] great ice ages started when we had more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere than now. We have 0.04% of that gas in the atmosphere… Well that means nothing to me, because the atmosphere has changed in its carbon dioxide content from over 20% to now, which is really low in geological time. If we halved it, all plant life would die, and animals would die.”
20% CO₂ in the atmosphere must have been a long long time ago. Not sure that life existed at that time. He is talking about billions of years ago, very much before our known glacial periods
But it has been much higher during most of history when plant and animal life has flourished. We are currently a long way below the optimum level for plants – that’s why they add CO2 to greenhouses to make plants grow bigger.
Optimum levels (they vary with different plants) are higher than current levels. When greenhouse growers add CO₂ they go up to about 1800 ppm I think, but they also have to adjust temperature and humidity to achieve optimality.
20% CO₂ in the atmosphere means 200,000ppm.
378108+up ticks,
Morning M,
In my book we were given the world to see which way we swung, the answer to ALL ailments lies within the gift.
One of the great mysteries currently that defies an answer is why do peoples continue to support / vote
That’s a question that ranks up there with religion.
378108+ up ticks,
Good morning, all – Thursday’s new page is here.
‘Morning, Geoff, and thank you.
Good morning Geoff and again, thank you.