Wednesday 3 July: Public disillusionment with politicians is the real story of this election

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its commenting facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
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Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

657 thoughts on “Wednesday 3 July: Public disillusionment with politicians is the real story of this election

  1. Good morrow, Gentlefolk, today’s (recycled) story

    That’s How The Fight Started My wife and I were watching Who Wants To Be A Millionaire while we were in bed.
    I turned to her and said, 'Do you want to have Sex?'
    'No,' she answered.
    I then said, 'Is that your final answer?'
    … She didn't even look at me this time, simply saying, 'Yes..'
    So I said, "Then I'd like to phone a friend."

    And that's when the fight started…
    I took my wife to a restaurant.
    The waiter, for some reason, took my order first.
    "I'll have the rump steak, rare, please."
    He said, "Aren't you worried about the mad cow?"
    "Nah, she can order for herself."

    And that's when the fight started.
    My wife and I were sitting at a table at her high school reunion, and she kept staring at a drunken man swigging his drink as he sat alone at a nearby table.
    I asked her, "Do you know him?"
    "Yes", she sighed, "He's my old boyfriend. I understand he took to drinking right after we split up those many years ago, and I hear he hasn't been sober since."
    "My God!" I said, "Who would think a person could go on celebrating that long?"

    And then the fight started…
    When our lawn mower broke and wouldn't run, my wife kept hinting to me that I should get it fixed. but, somehow, I always had something else to take care of first, the shed, the boat, making beer. Always something more important to me.
    Finally, she thought of a clever way to make her point.

    When I arrived home one day, I found her seated in the tall grass, busily snipping away with a tiny pair of sewing scissors. I watched silently for a short time and then went into the house. I was gone only a minute, and when I came out again I handed her a toothbrush.

    I said, "When you finish cutting the grass, you might as well sweep the driveway."
    The doctors say I will walk again, but I will always have a limp.
    My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels.
    She asked, "What's on TV?" I said, "Dust."

    And then the fight started…
    Saturday morning, I got up early, quietly dressed, made my lunch, and slipped quietly into the garage. I hooked up the boat up to the van and proceeded to back out into a torrential downpour. The wind was blowing 50 mph, so I pulled back into the garage, turned on the radio, and discovered that the weather would be bad all day.

    I went back into the house, quietly undressed, and slipped back into bed. I cuddled up to my wife's back; now with a different anticipation, and whispered, "The weather out there is terrible."

    My loving wife of 5 years replied, "And, can you believe my stupid husband is out fishing in that?"

    And that's how the fight started…
    My wife was hinting about what she wanted for our upcoming anniversary.
    She said, "I want something shiny that goes from 0 to 150 in about 3 seconds."
    I bought her a bathroom scale.
    And then the fight started……
    After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's License to verify my age. I looked in my pockets and realized I had left my wallet at home. I told the woman that I was very sorry, but I would have to go home and come back later.
    The woman said, 'Unbutton your shirt'.
    So I opened my shirt revealing my curly silver hair.
    She said, 'That silver hair on your chest is proof enough for me' and she processed my Social Security application.
    When I got home, I excitedly told my wife about my experience at the Social Security office.
    She said, 'You should have dropped your pants. You might have gotten disability too.'

    And then the fight started…
    My wife was standing nude, looking in the bedroom mirror.
    She was not happy with what she saw and said to me,
    "I feel horrible; I look old, fat and ugly. I really need you
    to pay me a compliment.'
    I replied, "Your eyesight's damn near perfect."

    And then the fight started……..
    I rear-ended a car this morning…the start of a REALLY bad day!
    The driver got out of the other car, and he was a DWARF!!
    He looked up at me and said 'I am NOT Happy!'
    So I said, 'Well, which one ARE you then?'

    That's how the fight started

  2. Public disillusionment with politicians is the real story of this election

    The choice is for more Red, Blue or Yellow themed globalism serving our supranationals, big corporations and billionaire plutocrats
    Or Reform working for the British people, hopefully.
    That is the only choice we have is seems

    1. One advantage of the Reform UK candidates is that most, if any, won't have a PPE degree.

  3. Good morning, chums, and thanks to Geoff for the Wednesday NoTTLe page.

    Wordle 1,110 5/6


    1. Good Morning, Elsie.

      Four here

      Wordle 1,110 4/6


  4. Good morning all.
    A damp and cool start after overnight rain. 7°C and still a light drizzel.

  5. 389149+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Wednesday 3 July: Public disillusionment with politicians is the real story of this election

    Come full circle, the electorate had a great deal to do with our current condition as a nation continuing to put trust and our future in the hands of the proven political untrustworthy again,again & again.

    Plus continuing to hold allegiance to a phony party name again,again,&again.

    It is a WEF / NWO front, facade, NOT genuine, NOT beneficial to these Isles in any shape or form.

    Tomorrow the big reshuffle with a veneer of hope in evidence, preceding BLACK Friday, where ALL hope is destroyed.

    The truth of the matter is to sup with what is being offered to govern these Isles via the polling stations currently you truly need one bloody long spoon and Sheffield as cutlery makers was made, as with many other British made products, defunct many moons ago
    on the altar of party before family / country.

  6. Boris Johnson warns Labour super-majority would be ‘height of insanity’ in surprise speech. 3 July 2024.

    In a surprise appearance at a Conservative Party rally on Tuesday night, the former prime minister said it was “not too late” to “draw back from the brink” and stop Labour, urging his audience to “tell everyone else” the same.

    Otherwise, he said, Sir Keir Starmer would win power because “too many good kind moderate Tories” are about to vote for other parties which would mean they get “exactly the opposite of what they really want”.

    Well they got that when they voted Tory.

    1. To be fair, Boris had his chance and sided with the forces of globalism instead

      1. In the end he totaly failed on so many things.
        He is nothing more than a super con man.t

    2. No point voting Tory, it will be as firm an opposition as a rotten tree against a wrecking ball.

      And if we strengthen tories we will end up with two opposing forces against us. Only one to vote for is Reform.

      1. 38914 up ticks,

        Morning JBF,
        Good question hope you find what you seek.
        I believe one hangs in the lords
        hall of infamy picture gallery, as images of current much needed role models.

      2. Remember the drunken Irishman who ends up in a ditch with a pig?

        You can tell a man who boozes by the company he chooses
        With that the pig got up and walked away.

    1. The Conservatives should have had that photo plastered across billboards all over the land.

      1. They were too busy slurring Farage than concentrating on Starmer's and Raynor's shortcomings.

      1. If it wasn't on a screen, I'd use it on my arse, too.
        Morning, Tom.

  7. Good morning, all. Amazingly, it is very dark, raining and more rain is on the way. Makes me boiling mad… No news today, I see.

        1. Minchinhampton common was always glorious when it rained when we lived there, so fresh . Cloudy today in East Anglia, I hope the sun does peek out .

          1. It was very little rain as the road was almost dry when I opened the curtains. Earlier in the year we had incessant rain but in the last few weeks not enough to slake the dust. Grey again. The sun did break through yesterday but not till the afternoon.

          2. It did manage it here yesterday, Audrey, here in south Cambs, late afternoon has turned out nice, but cloudy and dull here again today.

        2. Minchinhampton common was always glorious when it rained when we lived there, so fresh . Cloudy today in East Anglia, I hope the sun does peek out .

      1. Well, good for you. I spent nearly 40 years living half the time in the Aude – where summers were long and hot. I tended not to crow about it…!

        1. Here where I am the summer is mild until August when it gets hot. Much cooler than the city in the interior where I live. There the summer temperature frequently touches 40 degrees.
          I don’t like cold places. I lived in Minnesota as a kid with snow 120 days a year. The summers were warm but didn’t compensate the horrors of winter.
          I’d prefer warm weather all year round but have to make do with what I can get.

        2. It was frequently 42 – 44 C, occasionally touching 48 C in our part of the world; meteorologically speaking you were not all that far away so the temps must have been very similar. Far too hot for me. It was the actual sunshine that I liked, not the heat which I couldn't take. Most people stayed inside and drew their curtains across until late afternoon. I miss it. The heat was fierce but it gave character to the place. The winds were fierce as was the rain.

  8. Suella Braverman: It’s over, we have failed. 3 July 2024.

    She wrote: “We failed to cut immigration or tax, or to deal with the net zero and the woke policies we have presided over for 14 years.

    “I don’t agree with Mr Farage on everything, but we Tories need to reflect honestly and with humility to ask ourselves how a start-up party, with very little infrastructure, has galvanised the electorate and lured so many of our life-long supporters.

    “Millions of traditional Tory voters simply aren’t wrong. In house after house, lifelong Conservatives are furious with our party. At worst, they feel betrayed and politically homeless.

    A pity she didn’t say that while she was in Office.

      1. Morning Ndovu. I know that they are all muzzled to some extent by the convention of Collective Responsibility but they also have an obligation to the people who voted for them.

      2. Morning Ndovu. I know that they are all muzzled to some extent by the convention of Collective Responsibility but they also have an obligation to the people who voted for them.

      3. Morning Ndovu. I know that they are all muzzled to some extent by the convention of Collective Responsibility but they also have an obligation to the people who voted for them.

      4. Morning Ndovu. I know that they are all muzzled to some extent by the convention of Collective Responsibility but they also have an obligation to the people who voted for them.

      5. Braverman has the honour of being sacked as Home Secretary by both Truss and Sunak.

    1. They certainly have failed. But as usual the honest law abiding, tax paying, hard working British people are once again going pay the price for the ongoing tradition of political failures.

    2. She was battling with the Home Office Blob plus Cabinet collective responsibility is designed to muzzle.

    3. They'd have sacked her for being 'far-right'. She is of course, in the real world, just right in her surmisation.

  9. Good morning everyone, from Mercia and Olympia,
    with my handbag containing a longbow , a marmalade sandwich whilst dancing for Helios is my kitchen 😉 I hope that image made you smile amongst the suffocating political doom and gloom,. I must bring sunshine and a smile . Anyway time for a cup of English breakfast tea and avoid the newspapers. I might even start this wordle thing that is so popular .

  10. I've long tailed tits pecking on my bedroom window, blasted birds, you feed then all winter but as soon as winter is gone they wake you up at 4am with their singing which means ' we've made it through the night, we're alive ' . Good for them but I don't want to be woken up at 4am .

    1. Are they pecking at their own reflections, thinking they are seeing rival ? We used to have a blackbird who would sit on the handle of the french windows pecking away. At first I thought it was him trying to attract attention and then I realised he was being hostile to his own reflection.

  11. Orban urges Zelensky to accept Kremlin ceasefire offer. 3 July 2024.

    Viktor Orban has made a surprise visit to Kyiv where he urged Volodymyr Zelensky to accept the Kremlin’s offer of a ceasefire.

    The Hungarian leader, Vladimir Putin’s strongest EU ally, praised a Ukrainian-organised peace summit in Switzerland last month and said that a ceasefire would speed up negotiations to end the war.

    Orban is not really an ally of Putin. He simply recognises reality. The accusation is to disenfranchise his opinion.

  12. we can add EVs to this list:

    “Sir – – The terrible case of the two girls killed by a 3.5 ton Land Rover (report, June 27) highlights the dangers such vehicles pose in built-up areas.
    Compared to the average car, heavier vehicles have worse handling and less effective braking. There are no compelling reasons to own a 4×4 or SUV in towns and cities.
    Driving these juggernauts in urban areas should be deemed as irresponsible and socially unacceptable as drink-driving.”

    1. We live in the countryside with narrow lanes and are more often than not confronted by huge 4x4s coming towards us on country roads. Or often very close behind. The owner drivers are the types who seem to have weaponised their vehicles. I dread to think what actually goes through their heads as they dash here and there in their urgent states of minds.

      1. Yes, came across that on my recent Salop/Powys jaunt. Cars too big for the country lanes, it was a nightmare. I am smug in my little Corsa.

          1. The attitude is "do you know that I can't reverse?" in truth! There's a Lexus driver I meet occasionally on a narrow road. He will have just passed a passing place but will expect me to reverse to the top of the hill to let him through. He's always disappointed. I switch off the engine and wait. Eventually, he zigzags the hundred yards or so and pulls in.

        1. Those are my country lanes, Mir! I have an even smaller car. As for passing cyclists by 6'6" – there isn't that much road to allow it!

      2. And what is more, most of these 4×4 drivers seem to expect the other car to be the one that goes onto the verge to let them past!! So much for their "off road" capability!

        1. They usually practice off roading whist on grass verges, pavement and footpath parking.

        1. I thought epilepsy was something that disqualified you from holding a driving licence?

        2. Perhaps it was the first episode. Epilepsy is one of the many adverse effects of the jab and if it is contained with your genes the jab will lift the levers, as it were, to release its effect.

        3. Apparently it was a first episode that came out of the blue.
          There had been no signs beforehand.

    2. I’m a big bloke and can’t fit into small cars and. It’s exacerbated by having arthritic knees.
      One size doesn’t fit all.

  13. Interestingly, Matt Goodwin reckons Farage is posing a bigger problem for Labour than Tories.. as "charismatic" candidate Jovan Owusu-Nepaul told to shift his love to The Midlands to project Labour core values of;

    mass migration. hating white working class. DEI. woke ideology.

  14. Morning all 🙂😊
    A little rain over night no puddles.
    Disillusionment with political classes, that's about right. The problem with them all is they sit on their high horses and they think they know everything. But they never ever take into account anything that public opinion emphasise. If they had done that we wouldn't need an election tomorrow. And this is why they have wrecked our country, its culture and social structure.
    Therefore they don't deserve to be in such important positions.
    Heaven help us all if labour get in.

  15. 389149+ up ticks,

    This is a proven fact clearly brought to light via the Jay
    report regarding rotherham, party before
    family / country has always had a strong magnetic pull, the rotheham cover-up proved that.

    Our children are collateral damage’: the families at the sharp end of Labour’s tax grab

    Our children run a gauntlet created, these past decades, via the polling stations from cradle to adulthood, the 4 July will change nothing in the paedophile department, only daily add to it.

  16. Good morning, all. Wet.

    For most of Spring and early Summer my quick draining soil hasn't: it was too wet to sow and plant at the optimal times. However, the last couple of weeks of sun and drying breezes have turned the top few inches into dust. The recent rain was needed. I'm hoping for a period of 'normal' weather i.e. some warm sunny days and some warm wet days. Is that too much to ask?

    ogga1's post last evening re Rayner's promise/pledge/threat to concrete over this green and once pleasant land by building 1.5 Million homes over five years for asylum seekers set me thinking.

    Bricks, I thought: has the dopey woman considered this most basic item of house building? Taking to Google there are a few number ranges given for the number of bricks a house requires, clearly a standard 4 bedroom property would require more bricks than a standard 3 bedroom property and so I've taken the average house figure.
    Now, building 1.5 Million average homes will require:
    at least

    1,500,000 x 7,000 = 10,500,000,000 bricks = 2,100,000,000 bricks per annum

    at most

    1,500,000 x 10,000 = 15,000,000,000 bricks = 3,000,000,000 bricks per annum

    Already there's a shortfall of > half a billion bricks per annum and Rayner's plan will exacerbate the shortfall even if her housing numbers include what would have been built without her unwelcome intervention (not all of the 2.4 Billion bricks currently used in construction are for housing). However, if her plans are in addition to what would have been built then there will be a very serious shortfall year on year.

    Then there's the bricklayers, the labourers, cement, soft sand, sharp sand, fuel for the mixers (hand mixing could be a Green alternative except for the extra carbon dioxide exhaled by the labourers 😎), water…

    Will the average house suffice?

    Politicians, eh!

      1. They all seem to have something that rhymes with wit in their collective heads.

      1. Yes… where does the labour come from? Oh, silly me, all those skilled frontier jumpers.

          1. Not Marston Moretaine….the pits are filled with water surrounded by new houses etc.

      2. But who is paying for the land and the costs of building and the connections to services.
        Net zero? Green belt and agricultural land. They are calling it 'grey' now if even a passing bird might have pooed on a square inch.
        All of this once again over emphasis how stupid ignorant and blatantly arrogant all of Wastemonster and Whitehall are.

        1. Services… extensions to power generation, water supplied, sewerage capacities and pipes.
          More roads.

    1. As with roofing slates, the Chinese will happily step in and supply the building materials.
      Morning, Korky.

    2. It doesn't change the point, but the 1.5mn is over 5 years, so it's 300K PA.

    3. Most modern homes in Scotland are breeze block outside a wooden structure

    4. How does one fire bricks when the nut zeroistas want to ban gas? Answer, you make them with cement and they are not as long lasting.

      1. Of course you could make them out of mud and rely on global warming to ensure they set. What could possibly go wrong?

  17. the Alex cartoon today is excellent, if anyone knows how to post it. But essentially it’s two smug middle-class Leftards boasting that they send their kids to the local “excellent-rated” state school and now everyone who can no longer afford private education is desperate for a house in such a school catchment area. As their kids are leaving school soon they will be selling up and as house prices in the area have now rocketed, “it’s like passing “go” twice”.

    I like Alex. Many a grain of truth there.

      1. Very clever.
        People have to get off the roundabout and stop trying to work with the system.
        There's another meme going round of a tattooed, pierced lefty shouting at a man "If you home school your kids they won't fit in with society!"
        the man calmly replies "yes."

        My son left alternative private school with no qualifications, got four GCSEs from whiny state CFE where the English teacher got sacked for refusing to call a girl a boy and the kids lay on the floor sobbing when the teacher asked them a question they couldn't answer and the muslim kids bullied anyone who celebrated Christmas…son went to art college for six months…put out his own games and products..worked briefly for some games company alongside graduates who he said knew nothing…and now my son has his own company and earns nearly as much as I do (23 yrs old). He gave himself a university education from youtube.
        Kids need to think outside the box and opt out of the rotten system.

      2. Very clever.
        People have to get off the roundabout and stop trying to work with the system.
        There's another meme going round of a tattooed, pierced lefty shouting at a man "If you home school your kids they won't fit in with society!"
        the man calmly replies "yes."

        My son left alternative private school with no qualifications, got four GCSEs from whiny state CFE where the English teacher got sacked for refusing to call a girl a boy and the kids lay on the floor sobbing when the teacher asked them a question they couldn't answer and the muslim kids bullied anyone who celebrated Christmas…son went to art college for six months…put out his own games and products..worked briefly for some games company alongside graduates who he said knew nothing…and now my son has his own company and earns nearly as much as I do (23 yrs old). He gave himself a university education from youtube.
        Kids need to think outside the box and opt out of the rotten system.

  18. Good Moaning.
    I see we are heading for the hottest July on record.

    "This is the first picture of a Briton who rented the Airbnb which missing raver Jay Slater visited just before he disappeared.

    The man, using the name Ayub Abdul, booked the £40-a-night holiday rental online – and later hosted missing Jay at the holiday let in Tenerife just hours before he vanished.

    Spanish police hunting for Jay have already spoken to Mr Abdul and his unnamed friend – and both men have been described as 'irrelevant' to their investigation."


    1. He left a nightclub and went with two men. It is either sex or drugs or both.

      Good morning.

    2. I don't think they are really bothered, they've had a look and nothing obvious turned up. It's all a bit like the Madeleine McCann fiasco 2003.

      1. I would imagine the police in Spanish hot spots are sick to death of wasting their time and energy on crooks and numpties making a fast buck.

      1. I loved this song as a child. We had this version on an old 78 rpm shellac record. A couple of days ago when I turned 78 I said it was my Shellac Birthday.

        I liked the resonant sound of the Shah's man's name, Abdul Abulbul Amir, more than the name of the Tsar's man, Ivan Skavinsky Skavar, so I was on Abdul's side when Ivan trod on his toe.

        My childish affiliation was wrong – I now think that fanatically Islamic Iran is a far greater menace than the monstrously provoked Russia where Christianity is the most followed religion.

        1. A travelling brothel came down from the North,
          'Twas privately run by the Tsar.
          He wagered one hundred no one could outs••g
          Ivan Skavinsky Skavar.

      2. "Then take your last look
        At the sunshine and brook
        And send your regrets to the Tsar.
        By which I imply
        You are going to die,
        Count Ivan Skavinsky Skavar."

        My father had an old 78 of that song. I could never understand why he treated it as comedy, but then children takes things literally.

    3. It was being said on Twitt when he first disappeared that he was dealing drugs, lost some money and therefore disappeared – the gofundme is to pay the drug debt that he owes.
      The above is pure Twitt gossip.

    4. I also read somewhere, that he had recently stolen a very expensive watch. He sounds like a thoroughly bad lot.

    1. What surprised me yesterday was that when I did the vote quiz I came out Labour on the NHS.
      I suspect that may be because there was always at least one aspect in each set of choices that I hated, so I would have been a NOTA if that had been available.
      Overall Reform.

      1. I scored just the same, although on another run through the quiz, I supposedly should vote for the Welsh outfit (Plaid Cymru), despite living nowhere near Wales.

    2. This is man, Dr Karol Sikora – the cancer specialist, has more integrity and better judgement that Sunak, Starmer and Davey combined.

      That he admits that the Reform Party is far from perfect shows that he is objective rather than partisan and that he can see that change is desperately necessary and the existing parties are not capable of producing it.

      I am disgusted by the fact that Nigel Farage's political opponents are going to such underhand and nasty methods to discredit him and his party and the MSM – and especially the self-claimed impartial BBC – is largely happy to support their scurrilous activities.

      Let us hope that the words of the unsung verse of our national anthem are heeded: that their politics are confounded and their knavish tricks frustrated.

        1. English National Anthem full lyrics

          Verse 1: God save our gracious King, long live our noble King, God save the King! Send him victorious, happy and glorious, long to reign over us, God save the King.

          Verse 2: O Lord our God arise, scatter our* enemies, and make them fall! Confound their politics, frustrate their knavish tricks, on Thee our hopes we fix, God save us all.

          Verse 3: Not in this land alone, but be God's mercies known, from shore to shore. Lord make the nations see, that men should brothers be, and form one family, the wide world over.

          Verse 4: From every latent foe, from the assassins blow, God save the King. O'er his thine arm extend, For Britain's sake defend, our Father, prince, and friend, God save the King.

          Verse 5: Thy choicest gifts in store, on him be pleased to pour, long may he reign. May he defend our laws, and ever give us cause, to sing with heart and voice, God save the King.

          Verse 6: Lord grant that Marshal Wade, may by thy mighty aid, victory bring. May he sedition hush, and like a torrent rush, rebellious Scots to crush. God save the King!

          Verse 6 is often omitted. It was added as a prayer for the success of Field Marshal George Wade's army, which was assembling at Newcastle in 1745 to defend against the Scottish Uprising, led by Bonnie Prince Charlie.

  19. Morning, all Y'all.
    Weather forecast in the next few days is for SNOW on the hills around here!
    I'd love some of that global warming… July, I ask you!

      1. Comfy, thanks. Wasn't 100% sure where to get off, so set Google Maps going, and it gave me a countdown.
        Now, plastering and tiling and labouring… once I finished me coffee.

    1. Mum's birthday tomorrow, she would have been 99, she remembered it snowing on her birthday think around 4 or 5 years old.

  20. I wonder what all of you and Tom Armstrong will think on his new site –
    Fraser Nelson has put up an article knifing the Conservatives, he'd never support Reform . So clearly he's saying that he supports Labour and Starmer's manifesto even if he's not costed of revised Starmer's manifesto . The Spectator has officially gone Left .

    1. sidekick Kate Andrews is so pro-mass migration.. she's off the spectrum.

          1. I gave up on the New Statesman after they abolished public discussion of their articles. It was upsetting the professionals too much to have readers disagreeing with them too eloquently. New Labour, New Democracy.

      1. On what basis does she think it's good? All those doctors and qualified machine operators swarming undocumented over the Channel? Where will they be accommodated, how will they be fed & watered, where's the space and resources necessary for them? The schools, hospitals, utilities, and so on? Practical stuff like that.

      2. It’s ok for a US citizen who , whatever the ghastliness of their politics, can at least choose to retire somewhere with wide open spaces.

    2. Been 'unofficially' left for some time (good morning, btw:-)), I've posted a couple of times needs a new Editor, a few new people leaving comments possibly ones that got a good subs deal. I recently received similar, due to expire soon. It's a quick read these days.

      1. Hello KJ, good afternoon, your post didn’t appear in my replies until not so long ago, I think the Spectator has turned to the left and officially supports Starmer, its still got good authors and articles on fun stuff but the politics will turn further left on there . Sstarmer will tax savings, inheritance tax etc and more scarily will be the new influx of Muslim MPs tomorrow on the Labour benches. Starmer won’t even be there long- the hard left are already plotting . The Daily Mail reports far Left Angela Raynor has a website called ‘ Angela for Prime Minister ‘ she took it down when found out . I’m sure she’ll have union backing and that of the Muslim MPs , we’re heading towards very dangerous and scary times.
        I dread tomorrow and Friday . After then ill speak of cheery subjects .
        I hope you’ve had a good day, it’s very cold here.

        1. Good evening, Audrey…good to hear your voice, no problem, supper-time here (i.e. dinner). You are correct re: Nelson turning Spectator left-wards, some articles good but only takes a short time to scan and get its drift. I subscribe more for btl now, which I can see nttl 🙂 Yes, I await the look of the benches tomorrow – we may even hear a welcome from Mr Galloway. Guessing you saw the photo of AR speaking with Muslim men, not a female in sight burka or otherwise. Yes she has a lot of union contacts. Combined with Ms Reeves wooden top style speeches…there may be trouble ahead. Very cold evening here, too, luckily sweet peas and roses holding up but of course we can’t eat either…..See you anon, have a good evening, Kate x

          1. Hello, good afternoon. I just think Nelsons leftwards drift is because he’s expecting Starmer to be Prime Minister but there are still good articles about other things that are not politics . The Labour supporting press, they are hoping he doesn’t go after them when he makes tighter press rules – implementing what was said in the Leveson enquiry a long time ago ( I did follow that ) it’ll be a hate crime to criticise Labour . Yes I saw the photo of AR speaking to Muslim men, oh btw she’s got a website that she’s taken down ‘ Angela for Prime Minister ‘ the plotting to remove Starmer and replace him with hard left AR ( with Union backing as started ) . Im trying to stay away from the news etc and will tomorrow, the gloating will be unbearable. Your sweet peas and roses sound lovely, it’s wonderful to get such peace and tranquility in the garden, that’s what I’m doing this afternoon .

          2. Hello Audrey, good to hear your voice 🙂 Nelson has been drifting for some time, he’ll lose even more subs if he takes a leap onto Starmer’s bandwagon (myself included, currently on a special offer due to expire soon. Lots of fear circulating at the thought of a Starmer government, he’ll likely hit the ground running with his priorities and following that the boiled frog treatment. Hadn’t seen that website, Starmer must be aware of it, perhaps she’ll join Reform (just kidding), or looking to take over Ed Davey’s seat (he’s a numpty imo) Is she still with Tarry, the Union chap… conflict of interests there…Anyhow, as you say garden lovely even in the lashing rain, but no gardening for me while it does. Onward to tomorrow…have a great evening, even if glued to the results with the rest of us 🙂

  21. There is increasing worry over Biden's health… here's one for you: Until my synkope attacks are properly stopped, I'm not allowed to drive a car. But Biden, who falls asleep, is daft, and likely to drop off at any moment, is allowed to drive the USA.
    How does that work?

        1. 'Morn. Yes home again thank you and it's wonderful to be back. I've much physio to undertake as I'm just about able to teeter around on a gutter zimmer looking like an eighteen stone toddler with an inner ear infection, yesI put on 3 stones during my horizontal stage achieved not in part by the comfort eating of large quantities of Liquorice Allsorts , Werthers, boiled sweets etc etc, in my defence being told I didn't have long to live was a reasonable excuse.

          1. Ha! At least you didn’t lose your sense of humour! Now you need to lose that extra weight by cutting out the sugar.
            All the best to you and your recovery ❤ so keep it up and come here each day for a wind up. 😀

          2. It was the ability to see and share the humour with the nurses and carers that kept me going, When there's an attractive young carer delving into my nether recesses last visited by my mother in around 1954 the options were to either offer her a bottle brush to assist or descend into a bottomless well of self pity. Inexplicably I also became a sort of agony granddad to some of the carers suffering boyfriend / husband troubles even though I insisted I was not qualified in any shape or form to give council. I guess it was just nice for them to unload to a 3rd party.

          3. Lovely to see you, Datz! Delighted you’re home and settled! KBO and retain that humour!💕

          4. LotL died – a really rotten end, she had, poor thing. Hardcastle hasn't be heard of for some time. PT we fear is dead.

            The newbies are mostly refugees from The Spectator when they completely altered their BTL system.

          5. Sorry to hear that, I think LotL was unwell when I went offline. I have become even more aware of the indignities and anguish sometimes involved in life’s later years, I was in the company of elderly infirm /stroke/dementia/family lost interest and could afford the £6000 a month to make the problem go away sufferers, I felt a sort of imposter syndrome as I retained my faculties and had the support of an extended family and in later months the knowledge that I would be leaving the home vertically ( the first in 5 years apparently )

          6. Few escape God's waiting rooms except in a box – so you've bucked the system! Keep going and keep up the recovery….

          7. Welcome back.
            From what you have written there, I bet the staff will miss you.

          8. They became family and there were tears on both sides. Fortunately the home is about a mile from my home and we’ve created a WhatsApp group called Dial-a-Wipe

          9. It was the ability to see and share the humour with the nurses and carers that kept me going, When there's an attractive young carer delving into my nether recesses last visited by my mother in around 1954 the options were to either offer her a bottle brush to assist or descend into a bottomless well of self pity. Inexplicably I also became a sort of agony granddad to some of the carers suffering boyfriend / husband troubles even though I insisted I was not qualified in any shape or form to give council. I guess it was just nice for them to unload to a 3rd party.

          10. Losing weight will make a big difference to your mobility. When I was revising for A levels I comfort-ate those travel boiled sweets that come in tins. When I next visited the dentist quite a few incipient cavities were detected, more than usual.

          11. I have never been this weight before, one of the night carers, a lovely exuberant Nigerian girl called Valerie always dropped in at 11:30 pm to give my large tummy a lucky rub, not least because when sat up I looked like a pale Buddha

          12. You may recover once you're able to change your diet? Husband been Type2 for three decades and more, on many different meds, recently discovered Carnivore diet, discussed it with GP who was actually doing similar. Now off most meds, sugar levels down, weight gradually going down but slowly. IMPORTANT: discuss with your GP first, please, if you're at all interested. Good luck, whatever you choose 🙂

    1. Simple, it works because the media don't talk about it and if it doesn't happen on legacy media, it doesn't happen full stop, as any fule kno.

    2. I have that too, Oberstleutnant…another hangover from vaccine, four years and counting..

        1. Good for you to not have it 🙂 I only had it due to family pressure. Actually, it may be similar thing, evidence coming out now about strokes/heart attacks following vaccination. There’s even talk of class action against Pfizer/AZ but they’re indemnified by Gov’t any event, courtesy of taxpayers. Hope you’re doing OK, and continue to be so:-)

  22. Good article in TCW about Pakistani Rape Gangs and a very good BTL comment.

    Barry Sheridan
    An hour ago

    The grip stupidity has amongst the so called elites is something to behold. Not only are these clowns unable to define a woman, but they appear to believe that ignoring every form of reality will create conditions from which they will remain immune. Whether one talks about the sexual depravity polluting our culture or, the outright lunacy of Net Zero, everyone, irrespective of wealth or position, will suffer the consequences. That is the material point of all these policies.

    1. This has been happening for a very long time, Alf…all politicians seem to be in Three Wise Monkey mode. Steyn the only journalist I know of who's covered this, you can find him steynonline.

  23. As the rain persists, I shall indulge myself by completing my income tax return. Back later.

      1. Who the hell is scrubbing the steps while that woman is fannying around on her surf-ironboard?🏄🏻‍♀️🪖

  24. Good Morning to you all! Cloudy and cool in West Sussex but pleasant. Hope that everyone is good.
    enjoyed this video early this morning and thought I would share it. A positive outlook for the future.
    Mass-immigration and Woke culture: André Walker | The UK Election

  25. Got there in the end:
    Wordle 1,110 4/6


  26. I’ve been appalled by the assaults on traditional family values at this election. 3 July 2024.

    The “revelations” about Cates came just hours after the extraordinary treatment of a former chemistry teacher named David Kurten during an election debate on LBC Radio. In a heated exchange about gay adoption, Kurten, a Christian who now leads the Heritage Party, a small socially conservative political party, argued that it is best for children to be brought up by a man and a woman. Expressing what is hardly an outlandish opinion, he described this as “the best model of a family,” pointing out – as a great deal of evidence shows – that children brought up in such settings tend to fare better in later life on a wide range of indices. In response, LBC presenter Iain Dale ordered him to “shut up,” declaring he was “making a complete fool of himself”. When Kurten politely persisted, Dale threatened to kick him out of the studio.

    The video of this exchange is even more infuriating than the report.

    1. Ah! The ‘gentle’ politics of a gay presenter! Latent anger and bile!

      1. He certainly has anger issues…Police caution for assault

        On 24 September 2013, Dale became involved in a scuffle with Manchester pensioner Stuart Holmes, an anti-nuclear protester, on the Brighton seafront.[28] Holmes' placard had appeared on-screen behind Damian McBride, during an interview with McBride on breakfast television, coinciding with the Labour Party annual conference there.[29] McBride, a former special advisor to Gordon Brown, is one of Dale's authors at Biteback Publishing. Dale, who was not involved in the television interview, attempted to physically remove Holmes from the shot, resulting in the two men grappling on the ground. On 26 September, Dale accepted a police caution for the assault.[30] Sussex Police had interviewed both men about the incident.[31]

        1. Dale has become quite nasty as he's got older.
          Was it there before but he was better at hiding that side of his personality?

          1. Was he on TalkRadio one time? Stopped listening to that years ago, James fuzzface etc…

          2. I used to read his blog but that was about over 15 years ago before he was really well known.

    2. This was all over Twitt yesterday. Kurten got a lot of support. It's hardly fair to call him a "former chemistry teacher" – he was also a UKIP member of the London assembly for a long time.
      He is the best active politician in the UK at the moment imo.
      The brattish Dale couldn't believe that anyone was challenging his delusions.

    3. Ian Dale is a gross t*rd. His comments around Covid vaccinations were utterly deranged and a spew of spiteful authoritarianism. More of the same.

    4. Never heard of him. Turns out he is an Rse bandit married to another Rse bandit.

  27. Good day all,

    Cloudy at the McPhee's, wind in the South-West, 12℃ with 17℃ the expected 'high'. What's this about the hottest July on record?

    This is a town we know well. It's 20 miles down the A4 from us and we go there once or twice a week.

    I can tell you it is not what it was when we first came to know it right at the end of the 1980s. The traditional gents' outfitters has gone, the green grocer has gone, the hardware store has gone although there is a good DIY shop, DIY Rainbows, just off the High Street at the East end. An organic shop, Eversfields, a business which flowed from an Exmoor farm, took over the old Edinburgh Woollen Mill store a few years back but couldn't make it work long term despite being in a prime spot. The premises are now occupied by a Susie Watson interiors branch. SWMBO says the ladies shopping is good with independent boutiques as well as well-known chains and a branch of Landmark for country-wear.

    The biggest disappointment is what has happened to the Polly Tearooms down the years. When we first went there, staying overnight in the Castle & Ball on the High Street, the Polly was a delight. A proper tearoom with everything baked on the premises from scones to waistine-busting gateaux six inches or more deep. There were table cloths and the waitresses wore matching pinafore dresses and aprons. At Christmas a huge tree would be festooned with drummer boy lights (they actually banged the drums) and there would be a rocking horse alongside. The decor was Fin de Siècle with lots of impressionist prints on the walls. It was presided over by a blousy Eastern European lady whom we christened 'Mrs Poo' after Audrey's Mother-in Law in 'To the Manor Born'. It was glorious and the queue was out of the door. It has changed hands a couple of times, starting in about 2000-2001. Today it is just a 'caff.'

    It is a town which is doing its damndest to fight off the power of the Tesco Superstore on the South side.

    1. In that era of delightful memories we used to visit the Polly Tearooms on our trips to town from Gt Bedwyn.

      1. The only problem was trying to find a parking space big enough for the Alvis.

          1. I had a ride in the back of one to see the results of a firepower demo at Fallingbostel. The dummies in trenches in the target area were ripped to pieces by the 155s, Harriers and Abbots. I also crossed the Weser on a pontoon bridge of M2 rigs during Ex Lionheart in 1984.

          2. I had a ride in the back of one to see the results of a firepower demo at Fallingbostel. The dummies in trenches in the target area were ripped to pieces by the 155s, Harriers and Abbots. I also crossed the Weser on a pontoon bridge of M2 rigs during Ex Lionheart in 1984.

          3. No, it swam with a flotation screen, which is fitted to all of them, but only used in an emergency. One of the 432s or Abbots lost a track when it touched a hidden sandbank and started going round in circles.. I can’t remember how we got it out.

    2. This underlines a point Leo Kearse made in a recent video. He was commenting on an Economist article.
      The Economist and much of the political class see the world in terms of economic growth. Which is why they huff down the gas of endless immigration, a claim which is still overall debatable.

      In essence ,no soul.

      1. Forgive me if I've said this before, A A. Many focus on the 'boat people', but those are only around 10% of the total immigration numbers including the ones who scarper up the beach. Majority of those 10% have to go through some sort of phoney interrogation, but seem to get through. Rwanda? don't make me larf….90% of the total numbers are here legally (relatives, job offers, benefit claims etc, through ECHR). There are some (weak) signs Ireland may be readying to contest this – seems unlikely imo. Therefore, imo (no legal experience) things/numbers won't change by a single jot.

      2. I read that only 15% of the 1.4 million granted visas last year, came here to work.

      3. They know the price of everything, and the value of nothing. They're just Spreadsheet Thinkers. The laughable thing is, long-term, they're cutting our (and their!) throats economically. Very few immigrants generate money for the country, and the damage that many do in other respects far outweighs any labour.

    3. Our village, about half a mile from Woking, is vibrant. We have 3 pubs, 2 serve food the other one is an old fashioned pub and has its own brewery. A butcher, greengrocer retail and wholesale, 3 cafe's all serving food, Chinese restaurant and separate take away, Indian restaurant and take away, Co-Op, 2 Charity shops, pet shop, chemist, estate agent, wine bar, launderette. Also have a village hall, scouts hut, bowls club, gift shop, post office with grocery shop, funeral director, nail bar, interior decorator.
      Hell to find a parking space at times but it doesn't stop people coming. Real community atmosphere.

  28. Got there sooner.
    Wordle 1,110 3/6


    1. Wordle 1,110 4/6


  29. You think you have it bad.. spare a thought for the good people of USA, as they discover the Biden crime family have been running a secret programme to fly previously-deported noer-do-wells back into the country, after their asylum claims were previously denied.

    At least 434,800 migrants have been flown back into the US via the Biden administration's controversial CHNV mass parole programme. This includes:

    184,600 Haitians
    101,200 Venezuelans
    91,100 Cubans
    75,700 Nicaraguans

    Top that one if you can.

    1. Did they sign up to the Democrat Party, kowloonbhoy…I think we should be told, I'm sure they'll all be very nice people.

    1. 389149+ up ticks,

      Morning JN,

      Didn't we and you try that before at £25 a pop nige, brexit party was it not?

    1. Somehow this man received a privileged education with a choral scholarship, a 2: 1 in law from the School of Oriental and African studies, followed by a Masters law degree from Harvard. Yet he comes over as thick as two short planks and his performance on Mastermind was memorable for its stupidity.
      Perhaps he's just an over-educated thicko.

      1. 389149+ up ticks,

        Morning N,
        Should fit in nicely with what we are about to receive seemingly on Friday then.

      2. A prime example of the risks you make when you impose a policy of Positive Discrimination.

        1. Perish the thought! He must have been a sweet little boy with a lovely voice.

    2. He'll likely mess up pdq, might need to find a policeman to ask his way home……

  30. Morning all. Hope you don't mind me asking again for you to pop over to Free Speech Backlash for a shufti. I'm looking for more comments, if you please, as I think that they make a magazine and are as important as the articles. Look at Paul Sutton's witty and amusing satire on the antics in academia posted yesterday. We also have articles written by readers, which is hugely encouraging to me as I hope to build a sort of right wing commune.
    I have also just finished struggling through Hayek's Road to Serfdom and will post a summary of it later. My next project is a sort of About Us article, in which your excellent site will get an honourable mention.
    Do come in for a while, we are only a click a way, and we need you!

      1. Most can get in Phiz. But thanks for letting me know. I'll ask No.2 son if he knows what's going on. What system do you use?

    1. Popped over and left a brief comment. Most of the commenters/visitors so far are well known names from other sites I normally frequent.

    2. Thanks for reminder Tom 🙂 Will take a look shortly. Are you/your son still working on an email reminder? If time not permitting, post here is fine with me.

    3. I'm looking for more comments, if you please, as I think that they make a magazine and are as important as the articles.

      Ah Tom. If only you could convince the Telegraph of that.

      1. There are lots of comments on the DT now and they don't all ft the narrative.

      2. If only. The MSM seems to actively discourage them, or make it very difficult to have a good debate.

    4. I'm looking for more comments, if you please, as I think that they make a magazine and are as important as the articles.

      Ah Tom. If only you could convince the Telegraph of that.

    1. He’s a wonder, though I so so myself. Got the best of me and his Ma. My good looks and her brains!

  31. Ed Miliband prepares to wage a wind-powered war on the shires

    Labour's shadow energy secretary is on the brink of unleashing a turbine revolution in Britain's countryside

    3 July 2024 • 7:01am

    Britain's march of the wind turbines is about to resume. Ten years after the rural backlash that forced David Cameron's government to cancel onshore wind developments, Ed Miliband is planning to do battle in the shires once again.

    If, as expected, Labour wins the election and he becomes energy secretary, one of his first acts will be to rewrite the planning rules that have blocked wind farm developments in England.

    "Our mission involves doubling onshore wind, trebling solar, quadrupling offshore wind and backing hydrogen CCS [carbon capture and storage], nuclear and other clean energy technologies," he told a recent conference of wind farm developers.

    "We need all of these technologies…That's why we would get started in our first weeks in office by overturning the Conservative onshore wind ban in England."

    In a campaign marked by criticism that Labour has failed to be clear on its plans, Miliband's directness could be seen as refreshing.

    But for many of those living in countryside areas protected by Mr Cameron's onshore wind ban, Miliband's pledge will sound more like a threat.

    Sir Keir Starmer offered a taste of what is to come in last year's Labour party conference speech. He called Britain's planning system "one barrier so big, so imposing that it blocks out all light from the other side" and promised to "bulldoze through it."

    Planning rules are to be rewritten to promote development and growth in general – and onshore wind in particular.

    Wind turbines are about to start marching across some of our most hallowed landscapes – along with electricity pylons, solar farms, battery farms and a host of other low carbon energy developments.

    Some argue that it is about time. A recent Friends of the Earth analysis suggested that lifting the planning barriers to onshore wind and solar would prompt a 13-fold increase in generation from those sources. It identified 219,800 hectares of land suitable for onshore wind, arguing that this was tiny compared with the UK's overall size.

    "Lifting the ban on onshore wind in England would give local authorities a powerful tool to strengthen our nation's energy security," says James Robottom, Renewable UK's head of policy.

    Objectors point out that this still amounts to an area larger than Herefordshire – and that the footprint of the turbines is not the point.

    The next generation of wind turbines will be so massive that they will have a huge impact on the wider landscape even if the individual towers occupy a small area of land. Their constant rotation also inevitably catches the eye – destroying once-tranquil landscapes along with generating vibrations and light "flicker" for those living nearby.

    Those were the arguments underpinning protests a decade ago that forced Cameron's about-turn.

    How many new turbines might England expect under Labour? The best clue comes from Sir Keir's comments in another 2023 speech where he pledged to more than double onshore wind from 15 gigawatts (GW) today to 35GW by 2030.

    At the moment there are 2,009 onshore wind turbines in England with nearly 5,000 in Scotland and another 1,000 or so in Wales – a total of around 8,000.

    However, most are small by modern standards of offshore turbines – averaging 200ft to 300ft in height and less than a megawatt in capacity.

    The next generation are going to be very different – massive machines standing up to 850ft tall, each producing far more power.

    The size of the planned machines does mean fewer will be needed – around 4,000 such turbines might be enough to reach Sir Keir's 2030 target.

    Most of them will be built in England because, ironically, the ban means it has the best remaining undeveloped sites.

    Where will they be built? And at what price for wildlife and the landscape?

    Perhaps the best guide comes from what's happened in Wales, where the devolved government has rewritten planning laws to get similar results to those planned by Mr Miliband. Its "Future Wales – the National Plan 2040" sets out three crucial changes to the planning regime.

    One of those changes took decision-making responsibility for larger wind farms out of the hands of local councils. Such projects are now decided instead by Labour ministers.

    Another change introduced a "presumption in favour of large scale wind energy developments" – meaning more and taller turbines – up to 850ft in height. Such massive machines were previously only deployed offshore.

    Applications for developments have surged. So too have the number of protest groups that have sprung up in towns and villages from Anglesey in the north to Powys in the south – each fighting their own battle against what they see as the onslaught of the turbines.

    Those battles could now be repeated across England. Mark Sullivan, chairman of the West Midlands group of the Campaign to Protect Rural England, said: "It's worth remembering that the current policy is not a ban. Developers who obtain community support can get permission for turbines. It is just that people living in rural England will not give that support."

    The arguments are not just about landscapes. Building wind farms means installing foundations, laying cables, building substations and often roads too. Once built, turbines can cause further disruption through "flicker" – caused by sunlight reflected off moving blades – and low level vibrations transmitted in the air or ground.

    Nor are nimbys the only species threatened with life-changing disruptions. The British Trust for Ornithology, the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) and Wildlife Trusts all support clean energy but warn that badly-sited turbines can drive birds and bats away and disrupt ecosystems.

    They have called for ecological impact assessments "at the very start of the planning process".

    The Welsh government's answer to that was zoning – creating "Pre Assessed Areas for Wind Energy" – meaning vast tracts of Welsh countryside are deemed suitable for wind farms, whatever locals might think.

    Local authorities across England have already started writing wind development areas into their local plans – awaiting Mr Miliband's promised change in planning law.

    Northumberland County Council, for example, has published a 47-page guide to the best areas for new wind farms.

    For now Mr Miliband is steering away from such "zoning", suggesting that it's just too early to go into such details. However, it is clear that he wants to get these things built one way or another.

    "We just want to lift this ban," he says. "At the moment, it's easier to build an incinerator than it is to have an onshore wind development. And that doesn't make any sense."

    1. Miliband is a total buffoon who should be with Bertram Mills Circus rather than in the HoC..

      Maybe this is a mask he wears to hide his extreme, sinister, spiteful and vindictive plans for our once lovely green and pleasant land.

      It is not for nothing that many children, and even adults, are extremely frightened of clowns.

    2. Force purchase land in London. Cover those with windmills. It's full of hot air anyway.

  32. Small business man, who knew. Wonder how long before SickEar mentions it….if at all..

    1. Odd, thought he was a 'fridge salesman/specialist now. Must have confused him with someone else. He'll be re-elected 🙁

      1. Every single dog I owned (a dozen or more) loved raw carrot, good teeth, excellent eyesight. Me, next life, dog (provided owner sad sap like me):-D Thanks for h/t Ndovu…:-)

      2. Every single dog I owned (a dozen or more) loved raw carrot, good teeth, excellent eyesight. Me, next life, dog (provided owner sad sap like me):-D Thanks for h/t Ndovu…:-)

  33. What a hell of a shock when the Muzzies win seats , and isn't it funny that Starmer hasn't mentioned them .

    Think about the power they will hold , and the renaming of our industrial midlands and Lancashire / Yorkshire / London areas .

    Soon to be Westminsterstan .

  34. Sorry KJ, I’m snowed under at the mo and getting forgetful. Email reminder?

  35. The trouble with washing a large kitchen floor and preparing it for washing is that all thoughts were focussed on the knowledge that South Dorset will succumb to the reds again according to the poll predictions … Some one who confesses to being local , but has spent years in socialist Camden , peddling absolute nonsense .

    I feel sick at heart .

    1. I'll vote Reform tomorrow but I'm 100% certain that the Labour candidate will be re-elected. In his favour, Andy Slaughter was born in Shepherds Bush and as far as I know has lived here for most of his live. This area is very multi-kulti come wokey wokey so in some ways it's quite amusing that they keep returning a straight white man. His main campaigning issue is keeping Charing Cross Hospital open and I know some NHS people who tell me that he has genuinely made a difference.

    2. There's nothing you can do about it, Maggie. No point in worrying yourself sick over something you can't change.

  36. Good news that you are, lots of enquiries?! I thought your son was going to set up a daily email reminder…headline, and here's the rest of todays blog know the sort of thing, bit like the one I get from Daily Sceptic? No probs if not, I'll still find you:-) Forgetful? Tell me about it 😀

    1. Ah yes, it’s coming back to me. I’ll ask him about it. I know he can do it, but I’ve been taking up a lot of his time, and he has a company to run. But I will definitely get round to it.

  37. Ok.. weedy little scumbag overpowered. Now try approach that with a pack of Croydon bruvs armed with machetes instead of a £1,99 Poundland carvery knife.

  38. Someone commented earlier about Spectator subs, I mentioned mine but couldn't remember details. I found them now, this is the deal I received if anyone interested. (I'm looking out for when the S/O starts in September and anticipate cancelling it).

    Subscription details:

    Order date: 25/06/2024
    Your plan: The Spectator Digital
    Amount paid: £3.00
    Payment plan: £3 for 3 months > increasing to £32.99 every 3 months thereafter

  39. This is an interesting tweet, but from Australia unfortunately. Apparently the covid vaxxes there had a little upside down black triangle symbol on the packaging and the inserts, which means that the testing hadn't finished so it was provisionally registered.
    Does anyone know whether UK covid vaxxes had any similar marking? The symbol is shown in the tiktok video in this tweet.

  40. Girl, 12, ‘killed by crocodile’. 3 July 2024.
    A 12-year-old girl who disappeared in remote northern Australia on Tuesday was killed by a crocodile, police believe.

    Northern Territory (NT) police were searching crocodile-infested waters near Nganmarriyanga, a small Aboriginal community 220 miles south-west of Darwin, on Wednesday in the hope of finding the child’s body.

    Brent Potter, the NT Police Minister, said officers had been authorised to “remove” a crocodile seen in Mango Creek as they entered the “recovery stage” of the search.

    Croc’s gotta eat like everybody else cobber.

    1. We went to a crocodile farm in QLD.
      When they see an opportunity for a meal they don't hold back. They are enough to scare the life out of you.

        1. Interesting but very boring info – a croc has a jaw closing force of about one and a half tonnes. Holding it's jaws apart with your arms – or legs – just wouldn't be possible!

          1. And yet, it only takes a heavy duty elastic band to keep them from opening; their opening strength being only a smell fraction of their closing power.


          The Crocodile : Hillaire Belloc

          Whatever our faults, we can always engage
          That no fancy or fable shall sully our page,
          So take note of what follows, I beg.
          This creature so grand and august in its age,
          In its youth is hatched out of an egg.

          And oft in some far Coptic town
          The Missionary sits him down
          To breakfast by the Nile:
          The heart beneath his priestly gown
          Is innocent of guile;
          When suddenly the rigid frown
          Of Panic is observed to drown
          His customary smile.
          Why does he start and leap amain,
          And scour the sandy Libyan plain
          Like one that wants to catch a train,
          Or wrestles with internal pain?
          Because he finds his egg contain –
          Green, hungry, horrible and plain –
          An Infant Crocodile.

      1. Afternoon Eddy. I wish there were a couple of dozen of them off Dover.

        1. Gucci boosting their manufacturing of handbags?

          My father never hunted – he chose to live and let live. However when he was in the Sudan he lost so many members of the native population to crocodiles that he took a rifle with him when he made a passage in a launch on the Nile.

      2. Met one whilst boating in a small rowing boat in Nigeria. Headed towards a stump in the water, turned & fled when half the stump got up and swam away!
        DO NOT mess with crocodiles or alligators. They have no pity, and no fear. And lots of teeth…

        1. I t was very scary when they held chicken carcasses over the side of the boats and the crocs appeared out of the water to grab the food.

    2. A little snack?

      A starter before the main course .

      These prehistoric creatures should be respected .. they are probably a century old .

      The biggest estuarine crocodile ever documented was 7 metres long, and over 1000 kg in weight. The average size is 5 to 6 metres. Males live to at least 70 years and possible even 100 years old. Growth generally continues throughout life, but is much slower in older animals.

    3. Woman taken, squeezed and swallowed by a python in Thailand yesterday, apparently.


    Folk don't seem to understand. Once you take the money, there won't be any more the next year and the state will be overdrawn by another 15bn – 6 days public spending..

    Also, that 15bn that would have created 25bn worth of money for the productive economy as people spend inheritances on a new bathroom, a holiday, toys or a car now won't be.

    Oh, I'm sure there's plenty of squealing Lefties demanding people stop driving, sop having new things, stop going on holiday because durrh green but the simple fact remains: government destroys wealth, people create it. At the moment government is destroying wealth faster than it can be created.

    The only route to creating growth is for the state to spend less so it borrows less and eventually, after many years of cutting waste starts to cut taxes – which are always funded, wanquer Left. It's state spending that's unfunded, you toxic, back to front fools. It is NOT the damned government's money. It's OURS. Every penny.

    1. From Coffee House, the Spectator

      What Labour gets wrong about inheritance tax
      Comments Share 3 July 2024, 11:45am
      What is the primary purpose of a tax: to raise revenue to fund public services or as a tool to help engineer society in a way which the government favours? It should disturb us that Darren Jones, the shadow chief secretary to the Treasury who is likely to be holding the real job by Friday, seems to believe the latter.

      Addressing a public meeting in Bristol in March he hinted that Labour will seek to increase inheritance tax, telling his audience ‘you need to think of the inheritance tax as a way to redistribute money’. He added that a Starmer government will seek to use the tax to tackle ‘inter-generational unfairness’.

      We will start to see punitive taxation
      This is not to say that inheritance tax is an unfair tax. As I have written here before, I favour treating inherited money in exactly the same way as money which has been earned in wages, or gained through investments. I would like to see an entirely neutral tax system which does not penalise any particular group, or reward people with clever accountants but which is focused entirely on one objective: to raise revenue in the fairest way possible.

      This would be best achieved through a two-rate flat tax which treats all income and capital gains equally. I don’t care much for the argument frequently made by opponents of inheritance tax that it amounts to ‘double taxation’. All money is taxed multiple times as it passes through the economy – I pay income tax, as does the plumber I hire to fix my sink, as does the café where he goes and buys his breakfast. In any case, a vast amount of the money being inherited at the moment is in the form of untaxed capital gains on family homes which were bought back in the days when homebuyers qualified for mortgage interest tax relief. So, no, a lot of money being inherited has never been taxed once, let alone twice.

      But where I am going to depart company with Darren Jones is on the principle of using the tax system for ulterior political objectives – even where those objectives might seem to be attractive, such as mitigating the wealth gap between generations. If you are concerned that middle-aged people are monopolising wealth, IHT is a very blunt instrument for dealing with that. Not all inheritance goes to the middle-aged children of the recently-deceased: many families are choosing to skip a generation and leave a significant slice of their estates to the young, in order to help them on the property ladder. Moreover, not everyone who dies is elderly: in some cases IHT will be paid on the estates of parents with dependent children. If you want to address the unaffordability of housing, a far better approach would be to designate much new housing such that it can only be bought by owner-occupiers – and not by investors or speculators.

      But there is a wider issue here. If an incoming Labour government is minded to see IHT as an instrument of social engineering, it will surely be likely to see other taxes in the same light. We will start to see punitive taxation – where taxes are imposed not to raise revenue but to discourage something or other.

      Arguably, VAT on school fees is already in the category – if large numbers of parents are inclined to withdraw their students and put them through the state system instead, it could end up costing the government money. It is the same with Labour’s windfall taxes on oil and gas companies, which seem to have sprung from its net zero policies rather than a desire to earn useful extra revenue, and which are already leading to the withdrawal of investment from the North Sea.

      That is no way to run a tax system. Any tax designed to dissuade people from doing something is likely ultimately to be self-defeating because it will attack the very source of revenue. True, we can’t choose not to die, but there is an awful lot of other things which punitive taxes will stop us doing.

      1. The writer misses the essential point: socialists don't like the plebs to have even the slightest control over their own financial destiny. The state knows best…

        1. And IHT is only for the scruffy middle classes.
          When you have serious money and move in the higher classes you pay nothing at all, wealth is passed from generation to generation.

          1. Rightly so. It just takes tax planning – Labour, however, moved that from 1 year to 7 because they wanted yet more money to waste.

          2. I think that's true no matter which class, if property passes to descendants (even adopted ones). The problem arises if passed to non-relatives, even if cohabiting for many years, in law regarded as strangers therefore IHT applicable. Worth getting advice from solicitor re IHT concerns.

          3. Property in excess of the nil rate band (£325K) that is passed to anybody except a spouse is taxed at 40%. The nil rate band is increased by £175K if a house is being left to descendants but that extra £175K is tapered by £1 for every £2 that an estate exceeds £2M. So an estate of £2.35M pays £810,000 IHT.
            Property passed to a spouse is not subject to IHT.

          4. Thanks, Lola. Exactly. Re: last sentence, why we married recently after almost four decades together:-)

          5. Was sure I replied yesterday, Lola – just saying thanks and yes why we married after almost 40 years. Seems like many couples in similar predicament. Government doesn't seem interested in changing IHT regs, not surprising, must be quite a sum to add to tax take. There are rumours of legal action against AZ re vaccine, who are indemnified by Government (i.e. taxpayers).

      2. Taxation exists to provide essential, shared services. It is not a method of social engineering. That it has been used as such explains why we're in the mess we are.

        If I put off spending to save money to pay off my mortgage early that's my choice. if I gift that house to Junior, paid from already heavily taxed income then that's him getting my money. It is our property. If the state thinks it can take that from him and tax it further it is simply a thief. As it is, taxes are offensively high.

        The depths of my hatred for these loathsome, useless fools is monumental. They have got to cut spending – but they won't, forcing an IMF bailout – our credit rating has already been downgraded. It's infuriating to think that a bunch of uneducated, spoiled, useless layabouts are allowed to put another bunch of uneducated, spoiled useless layabouts in office and worse, in control of my money.

      3. I would like to see money as belonging to the person who earned or acquired it rather than the government.

  42. Boris Johnson's father Stanley slams airport authorities for refusing to allow him off diverted plane when it landed at Heathrow – causing entire flight to be cancelled

    Wife-beating narcissist buggers things up for the other passengers.

    As the tree grows crooked so grows the branch.

    Anybody who thinks that Boris is not just as great a sh*t as his father needs to educate him or herself!

    1. Arrange the words "shit" and "arrogant" to form a well-know phrase or saying.

    2. Not the whole truth. Someone opened the doors and allowed three passengers with no luggage in the hold to leave the aeroplane. Then some authority changed its mind before the three were inside the terminal.

    1. It happened in Alberta some years ago. The father ended up being found guilty of murder, the judge sentenced him to ten years house arrest for manslaughter.

      There was a lot of discussion and public sympathy for the father who had only been trying to spare his daughter further suffering.

      I think they approved mercy killing before his sentence wax completed. However, I guess it is OK when the government do it.

  43. SIR – The Construction Industry Training Board has forecast a need for a substantial increase in the number of professional construction workers.

    Without such workers, it is inevitable that any plans to expand housebuilding will be hampered by a skills shortage. During the severe recession of the early 1990s there was a collapse in construction skills training because many large contractors had to reduce or abandon their programmes. Consequently, training colleges closed down their courses, although it was clear that it would lead to future skills shortages.

    This situation could have been ameliorated had temporary government support been implemented. However, under a system whereby MPs are subject to an election every five years, political planning tends to be short-term.

    Peter Grose
    Crowborough, East Sussex

    Somebody tell him how the modern UK works and who will be building the millions of new homes that will wipe out the English countryside.

  44. OT

    I have heard of Li-Ion batteries swelling as a sign of premature failue but recently I found such a battery stuck inside my old Samsung camera. Here it is after I followed YouTube tips about removing it from a camera:
    Fortunately I extracted it without puncturing and here ard some tips about what to do with it:… .
    The battery swelling was sufficient to jam both itself and the SD card inside the camera but fortunately after extracting the battery I was able to get the SD card out and read its contents.

    Here is a picture from the card that I took in 2012 to see if I could resolve the hais on a fly's legs.

    It does now look as though I need a degree in bricked Li-Ion battery disposal!

    1. That's … amazing. Take the battery to a proper recycling centre. Re-use or attempt to charge could cause an explosion.

  45. OT

    I have heard of Li-Ion batteries swelling as a sign of premature failue but recently I found such a battery stuck inside my old Samsung camera. Here it is after I followed YouTube tips about removing it from a camera:
    Fortunately I extracted it without puncturing and here ard some tips about what to do with it:… .
    The battery swelling was sufficient to jam both itself and the SD card inside the camera but fortunately after extracting the battery I was able to get the SD card out and read its contents.

    Here is a picture from the card that I took in 2012 to see if I could resolve the hais on a fly's legs.

    It does now look as though I need a degree in bricked Li-Ion battery disposal!

  46. OT

    I have heard of Li-Ion batteries swelling as a sign of premature failue but recently I found such a battery stuck inside my old Samsung camera. Here it is after I followed YouTube tips about removing it from a camera:
    Fortunately I extracted it without puncturing and here ard some tips about what to do with it:… .
    The battery swelling was sufficient to jam both itself and the SD card inside the camera but fortunately after extracting the battery I was able to get the SD card out and read its contents.

    Here is a picture from the card that I took in 2012 to see if I could resolve the hais on a fly's legs.

    It does now look as though I need a degree in bricked Li-Ion battery disposal!

    1. Drug debts to pay off.
      Nicked Rolex plus services rendered to settle immediate financial problems?
      Peeing off an 'East European" – and especially boasting about – suggests the lad would never become a brain surgeon.

  47. 389149+ up ticks,

    We are forced in many cases to adhere to the old adage "better the devil you know" I would hazard a guess that taking the tory (ino)party, members, etc to the very edge of complete erasure will maybe enough
    for even a slight change of their attitude of governing arrogance.

    1. Support for the Labour party may well collapse quickly after the GE, but if they have a huge majority they can do what they like for the next five years.

    2. Interesting how little understanding there is for the policies. Lefties just hate people who are different to them.

      1. Socialists want to eradicate, destroy, those who don’t agree with them.
        Capitalists only want to show socialists the error of their ways.

  48. Human EV olution?

    "Over the past 12 months, thieves in the Seattle metro area have stolen over 100 electric vehicle charging cables, driven mostly by soaring copper scrap prices. This is incredibly frustrating for EV owners who arrive at these charging stations only to find severed cords and unable to charge"

    Won't belong before the little scrotes in the UK target home charging points most conveniently located on an outside wall!!!

    1. On the upside, I hope many of them get electrocuted. 7kw passing through the body would leave a smelly mess.

      1. It's the current (amps) rather than the voltage that does the damage. As it was drummed into me, "it's the volts that jolts, but it's the mills (milliamps) that kills.

    2. I think quite a bit of fentanyl problems in Seattle? Generally quite a bit of it many US cities/towns, comes over the (fairly open) southern border, from China, laced with other stuff….


      Turkish on Father's side. Being honest, knowing the commitment required to getting children to classes, clubs and so on this si the sort of parent and immigrant we want in the UK.

      I wish her all the best. To be playing for the UK is jolly impressive.

      1. Well, if I have upset you Wibbling re my observations , so be it .

        Whether she is half Turkish or not , of course I hope she does well, but she? might have an unfair advantage .

        1. You've not upset me at all Belle. You're right to note the name as it isn't British.

          I have to admit 'she' does look a bit like a bloke compared to a n other female tennis player.

    2. Just looked her up. Must say the photo showing arm muscles looks very manly. The physique suggests male to me. Who knows.

  49. Further to my comments about the Reform leaflets yesterday and the lack of information in them I did a Google search on our Reform candidate, Malcolm Tullett. He has an interesting history. He was a Conservative councillor on our council for some years but in 2021 he had a row with the rest of the council claiming he was being harassed and other things and resigned, staying on the council for a while as an Independent. In 2022 he resigned his seat entirely and joined Reform. He is now standing as our candidate. Seems quite a character, whether with his background he would fit into Westminster who knows but he is most definitely a local candidate and worth ticking his box even though he has no change of winning. He certainly seems far more local than the retired Sandhurst colonel who is our sitting Conservative.

    1. North Shropshire's Reform candidate was a former Con mayor who resigned the party and joined Reform. He, too, is local (but then, so is the sitting LD MP).

  50. What a surprise, I thought Zelensky had solved all such corruption problems through the good auspices of Hunter and Joe Biden.
    I'm shocked I tell you, shocked.

    Ukraine is too CORRUPT to join NATO, US says, in major blow to Zelensky… and boost for Putin
    Ukraine is currently too corrupt to join NATO, the US has warned
    The defence bloc is making Ukraine take 'additional steps'
    Corruption has held Ukraine back from deepened ties with the West for years

    1. I thought there was a rule that you couldn't join if you were currently in a war.

    1. "Joe, Joe, Joe, have you forgotten that I rigged it last time?
      The deal now is that you get assassinated so Harris takes over before the convention."

    2. Being reported Biden told a 'close colleague' he's ready to resign in a few days. Believe it when we see it.

  51. Well, I'm not in the bast of health, just feel totally washed out today, so I'm off to bed.
    Might be back later.

      1. Well, Welder Son was chucking his guts up on Sunday and Grad.Son felt rough yesterday.

        1. You have my sympathy.

          I hate being sick, my whole body rebels against it and it hurts like Hell.

        2. Oh-oh. You'll just have to go with the flow. Rest up. Hope you're feeling better soon.

    1. Sorry to hear that, Bob. Hope you'll be restored to full vigour soon. Those trees won't fell themselves!

  52. Latest C4M email. What the media never mentions, is that a huge group of Anglicans from all over the world no longer recognises Welby as their leader, and a group is in talks with Rome about a closer relationship, again, excluding the AoC.
    Welby really only has power over church buildings in Britain.

    Dear marriage supporter,

    The Church of England has published its latest proposals to introduce standalone services of same-sex blessings. The plans face a backlash ahead of this week’s General Synod session.

    Our supporters come from all faiths and none but we deeply regret that England’s established Church seems set on undermining its historic commitment to real marriage.

    Eleven bishops have broken ranks and called on their colleagues to admit that what they are doing departs from the Church’s doctrine of marriage. (Link:

    An alliance of 27 Church of England leaders representing 2,000 clergy has also objected. They warned the Archbishops of Canterbury and York that, should the plans go ahead, they will set up a “parallel Province” within the Church.

    At C4M, we applaud those fighting to keep the gold standard of man-woman marriage at the heart of the Church’s teaching. We join them in calling on Church leaders to turn back from this path, which seems set not only to split the C of E, but also to deprive future generations of a Church that confidently sets out why the true meaning of marriage is best for humanity.

    If you would like to support us financially via regular or one-off gifts, you can do so using the button below.
    Yours faithfully,
    Dr Tony Rucinski
    Director of Supporter Strategy
    Coalition for Marriage (C4M)

    1. I cannot decide who is the runner up to Blair as far as EVIL is concerned. Is it Blair, Cameron, Theresa May or Welby.

      Who is Beelzebub to Blair's Satan?

      1. Welby I think. He lost all legitimacy as a Christian leader when he closed the churches in 2020 and then went on a "sabbatical".

    2. There was a piece by Damian Thompson on Unherd a while ago re: The Pope, Vatican. Sounded quite dysfunctional. Not exactly good omens for Christianity, perhaps, although to be hoped not.

    3. Hear hear. Sadly the Methodist Church, of which I am a member, has already decided to have same sex weddings on their premises. My brother, a Methodist local preacher, resigned the Methodist church over the issue and I understand he is not alone.

    4. Hear hear. Sadly the Methodist Church, of which I am a member, has already decided to have same sex weddings on their premises. My brother, a Methodist local preacher, resigned the Methodist church over the issue and I understand he is not alone.

    5. The churches of the Global South have been talking about this for some time but as I understand it, they've yet to decide on a new "first among equals". I've been following the saga via Anglican Unscripted on YouTube.

    6. Our church plans to have "a blessing" on same sex unions within the main service, but it will be flagged up. If it happens I shall not attend. If it crops up at Diocesan Synod I shall point out that allowing this in the main service will exclude people who feel that marriage is for one man and one woman. It won't be inclusive at all.

      1. Tour de France 2024: Cavendish takes historic 35th stage victory – latest reaction

      2. Broken the unbreakable record of stage wins in the Tour de France.
        He moves one clear of Eddie Merckx to 35

    1. To put his 35 stage wins in the Tour de France into context, the next highest number of wins by any of the other current active riders is 12

    1. A giant of a man in more ways than one – the Bath ‘machine’, England Grand Slams and a World Cup semi-final. RIP….

  53. An execrable Double Bogie Six!

    Wordle 1,110 6/6

    1. Eek! Par for me.

      Wordle 1,110 4/6


      1. And here

        Wordle 1,110 4/6


      2. 3 for me.
        Wordle 1,110 3/6


    2. Been to a nice early pub session.
      Bit lucky here to make par. (this morning)

      Wordle 1,110 4/6


    3. Unlucky Rene, another boring for me….

      Wordle 1,110 4/6


  54. From the Beeb: "The Sun backs Labour saying it's 'time for change'

    The Sun is a tabloid daily newspaper published in the United Kingdom and Ireland. By circulation it is the eighth largest newspaper in any language in the world. It is published by News Group Newspapers of News International, itself a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation. Fuck him!!

        1. Works for you does it?
          How are the beasties this year?
          Presumably the beautiful summer we're having is keeping them at bay a little.

          1. There are fewer – mainly because they hate rain and cold nights. The temp is still – in JULY – in single figures in the night.

            A sunny day brings them back, of course.

    1. Everybody loves the Scum! The paper you don't need to be able to read……..

  55. "Labour to win biggest majority of any party since 1832, final YouGov poll shows"

    YouGov – the poll that always gives you the result YOU want.

    1. I may be wrong but it doesn't feel like the run up the the Blair landslide in 97
      Okay the Conservatives are more disliked than the Major Government.
      But Blair was very popular, when he won people were up partying all night and out on the roads tooting and making a general nuisance of themselves.
      But I don't see that with cold fish Starmer.
      Lets hope people come to their sense and vote for Reform.

      1. There is something distinctly odd about Starmer's hair.

        There's a firm belief in this constituency that the totally useless eco-freak limp dumb posing as a Tory – with a huge majority – will be unseated. One lives in hopes.

          1. Army drill instructors used to refer to recruits who had poor coordination when marching as spottydogging.

          2. Yes , like a puppet . Or like a stuffed animal after the taxidermist visit.

      2. From Coffee House, the Spectator

        Last YouGov election poll points to Tory wipeout
        Katy Balls3 July 2024, 6:08pm
        The final polls are rolling in ahead of voters going to the polls tomorrow. On Tuesday night, Survation published its last MRP poll of the campaign, suggesting the Tories could be left with a mere 64 Tory MPs – and Labour on 484. So, perhaps by comparison tonight’s YouGov poll will make for plesant reading in Conservative Campaign Headquarters.

        It has the Tories on their worst ever result – but still triple figures – with 102 MPs. Meanwhile, Labour win 431 seats, the Lib Dems a record 72 and Reform three seats, including Nigel Farage’s seat of Clacton. Taken together, Labour would win a majority of 212 – the biggest for any political party since 1832. Meanwhile, the Tories would suffer their worst ever election result.

        Who would go? Senior Tories to face the axe in this scenario include Jeremy Hunt, Penny Mordaunt, Grant Shapps, Gillian Keegan, Lucy Frazer, Greg Hands, Steve Baker and Johnny Mercer. When it comes to Scotland, the SNP would be reduced to 18 seats and the Scottish Labour resurgence would see them the largest party on 32.

        The poll is far from an outlier. If anything, it is more favourable than many. Of course MRP polls take time so the Tories will hope that Reform’s recent stalling in the polls might mean the result tomorrow is more favourable. But ultimately no-one knows. As one Tory aide puts it: ‘The result could be 50 it could be 150 it could be more – the margins are so tight.’ Plenty of campaigners say the feeling on the ground does not reflect the polls. In a day’s time we will find out who is right.

        1. Our elder son has been out and about.
          Your penultimate sentence confirms what he has said.

      3. Obviously the result will be different, but there is a feeling of 1992.
        I think voters with daughters and granddaughters will think long and carefully.

  56. Good evening from Audrey and myself floating in from Mercia and Olympia .
    tomorrow will be the end of indigenous democracy with the new influx of Labour Muslim MPs to fill the government benches . Don't expect Starmer to last long .
    The plotting has begun . Hard Left Raynor has a website ' Angela for Prime Minister ' shes taken it down but she'll have the full support of the unions, and certainly the new influx of Muslim politicians. And do it begins ….or ends !

  57. I had no idea that Kemi Badenoch was that bad at reading the room..

    He surprises me by singling out Badenoch, a hotly tipped contender to be post-rout Tory leader, for criticism. “She’s very unpleasant,” he says. “[Hotelier] Rocco Forte threw a party at Brown’s [Forte’s Mayfair hotel] and I was looking forward to talking to her, but we had a really unpleasant exchange. It was a social event, a happy evening, but Kemi was really aggressive towards me. She was like, ‘How dare you? If you come back, you’re going to split the vote, you’ve got to realise that you’re going to let us down very, very badly’.

    “I said to her, ‘You’ve got no divine right to this, Kemi. The Conservatives have no God-given right to rule. That was what Charles I thought and look what happened to him!’”

    Ouch. Did she take the point? “No, she was adamant. We didn’t even part on a pleasant note, which was hard. And I thought her attitude, well, in a way, that’s very revealing – and I won’t forget it in a hurry.”

    A Pearson DT

  58. Will a Labour government clamp down on social media leaving people too afraid to express an opinion

        1. I wonder what became of Boris's brother that stood down as an MP when Boris took over.

  59. Claim

    President Joe Biden told a close ally that he doesn't think he can salvage his campaign after his train wreck debate with Donald Trump last week.

    It is the first real sign that the president is considering dropping out of the race amid calls for a new candidate.

    The deciding factor, a key ally told The New York Times, could be Biden's campaign stops in Pennsylvania and Wisconsin this weekend. They said of the president's thinking:

    He knows if he has two more events like that, we’re in a different place.
    Another report states the Biden ally said it's 'only a matter of time' until he drops out.


    That claim is absolutely false. If the New York Times had provided us with more than 7 minutes to comment we would have told them so.

    Even at Biden speed I can't imagine why they would need more than 10 seconds to say:
    "That claim is absolutely false"

          1. Good film.

            Carried deception to great lengths. The "completely authentic Norfolk village" was Mapledurham in Berkshire!!

  60. A Labour adviser has urged Keir Starmer to target well-off pensioners on the eve of the general election.

    Edward Troup, a former HM Revenue & Customs chief who has been advising shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves, said the older generation must 'contribute'.
    In an interview with LBC Radio, Sir Edward also insisted inheritance tax rises must be 'on the agenda' even though they were 'unpopular'.

    So when one's home is sold to fund nursing home care , what then?

      1. Even the poorest pensioner pays tax. Every time they buy cigarettes, petrol, a bar of chocolate, clothing or even a packet of salted nuts.

        1. I'm mortgage free, too. In addition to the taxes (inc VAT) on my fuel, lighting, internet provision, food, insurance, house repairs etc, I am also paying income tax and tax on my savings. I am about to go on a serious spending spree to reduce my savings.though. There are improvements I want done to the house and then I'll tackle the garden.

    1. When my neighbour in our road with a similar house came over to see the redecoration work we were undertaking on out home he said that the only way he would be coming out of his home would be in a box.

    2. This is another example of the use of the nasty idea of 'intergenerational theft', as though anyone over the age of 60 'stole' from the young and must be punished for it.

    3. That's Mother's position. Home sold to fund care home at approx. £ 5 500 a month.

  61. Excellent rant regarding Johnson's bouncing into the eve of the eIection. I wonder how much they had to offer him to do so.

    David Blakeman
    I don’t suppose I was the only one, who opened up their DT this morning to read Boris had attended an election rally to support Sunak, and felt like vomiting. How dare you, was my first reaction. My age allowing me to talk directly to a person through the pages of an electronically delivered newspaper. I’m sure that’s how my daughter explained my iPad to me. You buggered off into the sunset months ago, leaving the rest of us to defend you and your record as best as we can, without a word from you. Then, can you believe it, you turn up at an event, at the end of the election campaign to support the little shite who knifed you in the back, then went on to destroy the party itself.

    Well, Boris, I have to tell you, and it’s great talking directly to you, you have gone too far, too far in your attacks on the man who gave you your premiership in the first place, too late in your failure in hitting back at those who prevented you delivering what you promised, too late in your childish fantasy, of the good hero riding back into town on a white horse to save the the day at the last minute. Boris, to spell it out in words you will understand, you buggered up, old chap, now fuck off and let us and Reform win this election for real conservatives and sort out this mess caused by you and your friends.

    Join the Surge: Vote Reform to Win.

  62. That's me for today. Despite the rain, we managed a three mile walk. Market tomorrow – it is supposed to be sunny. I doubt it.

    Have a spiffing evening cursing your missing postal vote.

    A demain.

    1. Goodnight, Bill. I am taking Kadi down to the polling station to cast my vote in person clutching my driving licence in my hot little hand.

  63. Evening, all. Thank goodness it will be all over bar the shooting – sorry, shouting – by 10pm tomorrow.

    1. Good evening, yes at least we'll know and it'll be the end of all the noise.

    2. May be shooting if the. Leftards don't get their way, look at Paris as an example.

  64. Can anyone explain how there has been a six week election campaign with absolutely no mention or scrutiny of the pandemic, or any of the measures taken to combat it, or any of the mandatory authoritarian laws that people were bullied into complying?
    It's almost as if it never happened.

    How would they handle it differently next time?

    Or have they surrendered those powers to a supranational authority?

    1. It's like when I asked one of the members of the coffee morning this morning when he was was sounding off about "rich farmers", "when you've got rid of the farmers, where will the food come from?" He changed the subject.

      1. The farmer might be asset rich but generally they are income poor, particularly when one looks at it from the perspective of their hourly rate.
        Many will effectively be working for well under the national minimum hourly rate.

        1. Farmers are excused inheritance tax for good reasons but that won't stop Labour applying it. The inevitable result will be that many will end up in the hands of mega-farming groups with questionable environmental standards or will disappear under housing – or solar panels.

          1. If they threaten and then go through with their proposals, if I were a farmer I'd sell up for housing and then move out of the UK taking my money with me.

            What are the odds on exchange controls for individuals to prevent tax flight?

          2. I can't remember exactly when they stopped, but I do remember them causing very careful budgeting to go abroad for a holiday.

          3. That’s presumably the aim. Money will have changed hands on this.

      2. I cannot believe that something so serious on a par with the black death that is still being talked about 800 years later has been forgotten in just four years

        1. Perhaps because we all know it was nowhere near on a par with the Black Death.

    2. There may have been questions from the public but the MSM wouldn’t other printing anything.

    3. Same reason the two parties agreed not to talk about immigration, taxation or anything that really matters.

  65. The country must have turned so far left for these polls to be correct.
    I do think it basically the end for the Conservauve party, maybe a scattering of MPs keeping their seats, I hope mine is there. I do wish Reform well, I'd imagine Lee Anderson and Nigel Farage will have seats, more I hope. Their will be a scattering of MPs of whatever party making up the opposition. Labour and will be a powerful force that shan't let go again and there will be a huge influx of Muslim Labour MPs on the Labour benches. Beginning of the end.

    1. I doubt the country has turned Left at all.
      What we are seeing is blind revenge on the Tories.
      The vote of the right/centre is utterly divided but keen to get rid of Sunak and co., unfortunately lots of those votes will go away from the Tories and all Labour will need to have is their voters just to vote as usual.
      The price we all pay will be Cursed Harmer.

        1. His speech is so garbled and dull it is almost incoherent.

          STARMER – replace the R with another M and then you have it.

      1. I doubt the country has turned Left at all.

        You are completely right. The poor sods are in for a shock when Labour is in power.

    1. They missed the 5th station, RAF Geilenkirchen which earlier in the 60s had 2 Squadrons of Javelins and a Squadron of Canberra B(I)8s

  66. And sod it.
    I'm feeling like death warmed up and as rough as a badger's arsehole.
    I'm off back to bed.

  67. 389149+ up ticks,

    Pillow ponder,

    We'll ave em, what an opportune moment for them to come onto the transfer market just as the initial mass paedophile umbrella party under the "miranda" leadership seem about to take up the political overseers (kapos) reigns.

    200 paedophiles who paid to see ‘rape by proxy’ of children in Philippines identified in data blitz
    Offenders pinpointed by advanced technology now face investigation by police in their home countries

    Come on over to our place, vaz is having a party.

  68. Given that several councils have failed to send out postal votes won't that delay results?

    1. Why do they send out postal votes in local areas ?
      Or is that too obvious.

      1. Good question.
        However, all councils can go by is the address on the application form. They are not there to make judgements.
        Many are to the infirm..
        Some are proxy votes.

  69. Cursed Harmer has decided that the Labour front bench will use Lammynated short planks as the table holding the dispatch the UK boxes.

    It will be interesting to see how many new MPs swear on a Koran and whether the total number is theoretically sufficient to hold a balance of power if used as a block vote on such things as blasphemy legislation, or prayer spaces and religious attire in schools.

    1. Infiltration then appropriation (unless they change the law to permit the establishment of an Islamic Party).

  70. The White House has issued a blunt message!

    "White House says Biden 'as sharp as ever'
    published at 19:52

  71. Maybe it is just me, but I think I could have done a better election campaign for the Conservatives and I only have a few O-levels and CSE's from the 1970s

    1. A deaf, dumb and blind man could have run a better campaign than the Conservatives. Conclusion – they wanted to lose.

    1. I've skimmed through it.

      No wonder the gimmegrants are flooding in, it will be home from home but with free benefits from the day they arrive.

      1. And the bloody filthy mess they are use to everywhere they've come from.

    Look up you dopey idiot its not cars they are causing your alleged pollution problems. You and every one else in London have a jet liner flying across the London areas every 3 minutes spewing exhaust gasses on all below. Even you sad dick, even you.

    1. Khan seems confused. Does he think he lives in a giant open field? London is one of the most densely populated cities in the world. There are a vast number of vehicles in a small space – cars, trains, metro trains, buses, aircraft. It's under the flight path of 4 airports.

      The day Khan walks to work instead of being driven in his tanks is the day he can comment. He won't of course, as he's special – and would likely be beaten to a pulp.

      1. Some thing else he never seems to be able to accept and take into account so the weather patterns we have huge amounts of wind and gales blowing across our small island. Does he really and honestly think it has no effect of the atmosphere above our towns and cities. or is he just another lazy useless money grabbing hypocrite in the wrong place at the wrong time ?

      2. His 20mph zones don't help, either. They keep cars crawling along and the pollution with them.

        1. The evidence that stupid policy was pushed under is nigh 40 years old – from 1983. It was rubbished by opposition to the idiocy and completely ignored – as was the fact that, as you say, forcing slower, higher gears is far less efficient.

          The state does not care. It simply want control.

      3. He is a great imposter , of the same pedigree as Vaz and the Sussex wench and all the other pretenders and narcissists, too many to mention . ( Dare I mention beefy Boris, that Miliband , the ginger haired wench who is no 2 in Labour )

        Poor old Sunak, in 6 months time he will be screaming , I told you so.

      1. What is notable is despite clear cigarette stains on his hands and teeth he's never pictured with the no doubt ubiquitous cigarette in hand. Nor the gang expression his – now curated – social media presents.

      1. But the question is, what is behind this? Why have the press been instructed to hide the facts from the public? What importance does this case have?
        The British police wanted to investigate, but the Spanish authorities didn’t let them collaborate. Until today we weren’t told that the men he met were drug dealers. Obviously there is some conspiracy here, the p9lice know what it is about and certainly don’t want to make their suspicions public.
        The mother had to raise a large sum of money. A past victim in England was persuaded to make a plea for help finding this man.
        They’ve muzzled the press.
        What is the real story?

    1. The police obviously have a special interest in this case hence all the media attention.
      From the beginning it was clear that this man was not just a young wayward holiday maker.
      One imagines that his family connections and activities on the island had already attracted attention.
      Information to the general public will be revealed only as becomes necessary.
      It’s always surprising the willingness of the press to withhold information from the public.
      And should anyone dare to speculate on social platforms they are quickly reprimanded and told to mind their own business.

  73. Had a good day today. A chat with the venue manager about our golden wedding anniversary lunch. And a surprise visit from one of my favourite nephews, who lives in the north Pennies but is down this way on business. Staying with his parents. Despite our 20 year age difference, we have so much in common.
    Some good larffs had.
    So i'm soon 40 mins, making my way off to sleep.
    And it's good night from me…..
    It's days like tomorrow when its going to very difficult for any one with any sense to believe in a god.

      1. 45 plus guests Tom.
        Costa plenty, but were only here once eh.
        Good night.

        1. Congratulations on reaching such a momentous milestone.
          Don't worry about the CostaLot – with the impending disaster that is about to hit this country tomorrow, we might as well spend as much as possible before that thieving, vicious, spiteful, greedy red rosette bunch get their hands on our already taxed and hard-earned savings.

  74. Will be going to Wimby tomorrow after voting so won't be thinking about the election, strawberries and much alcohol will be on the agenda

    1. If reports are to be believed, they are ripping off the customers for consumables even more than in previous years.


    Well worth a read. Normally LSO is very darkly comic but this one reads almost in a tone of frustration. He's right. A Labour government will be appalling. They simply are incapable of doing what must be done – whether a lack of intelligence, competence or simple understanding of economics it doesn't matter. They're ideologically psychotic.

    Worse are their voters bein so blinkered and backward, some driven by envy and greed, others from spite and malice depending which end of the demographic you look.

    The really sad thing is the Tories have utterly failed this country. They've done nothing and, in most cases, have accelerated decline.

    1. Major started undermining conservative values and then Cameron moved the Conservative party to the liberal left. May managed to obliterate a 25 point lead in the polls generated by Brexit by the exposure that she was lying when she pretended she thought Brexit means Brexit and No deal is better than a bad deal. This ledto being dependent on the support of the DUP, who were then betrayed, in order to form a government. Johnson was a buffoon and Sunak a non entity.

      Decent Consevrative voters have been completely betrayed ever since they stabbed Margaret Thatcher in the back.

  76. Whilst I've heard about Rishi's life of poverty without a Sky TV dish and Sir Kier's 9 to 6 premiership prefence to defending the UK whilst Sir Ed performs death defying stunts on land, sea and air, here's Nigel's take on the state of the major political parties in this GB News interview as leader of the Reform Party:

    1. As a human being Farage knocks Starmer, Sunak and Davey into a cocked hat. He is warmer, he is more coherent, he has more sense of humour, more competence, a better ability to communicate and he has a far greater understanding of the problems facing the United Kingdom.

  77. I don’t think that in 1997 there was a sense that Labour would win quite in the way it did. The shock of it was buffeted somewhat by the fact that the economy was in good shape (thanks to Ken Clarke of all people), Britain was still British and England English (well, most of it) and even if Blair was a girning, grinning creep with his emoting and glad-handing (that funeral in 1997 and the Millennium celebration were particular low points), we all hoped that it would just be a passing phase and that we'd come out of it within a decade relatively intact.

    I certainly didn't have the sense of dread then that I have now. Age might make us all a bit gloomier about the future, whatever our current circumstances, but I fear for us all, young and old, white or not, believer or agnostic. The fact that Labour are so tight-lipped about their tax plans tells us all we need to know. That and their embrace of cultural Marxism, for that is what 'woke' is, should frighten the life out the nation – but it won't. Millions are either not listening or don't understand. When it all goes bad, as it most certainly will, it will be easy to say to them "Serve you right" but there won't be any satisfaction in it as we'll be suffering.

    Is there any hope? Perhaps it might come from a public realisation of what has happened and that however bad the faux Tories were, the ensuing misery is a direct result of Labour's choices. It might seem unlikely that a party with a majority of 100+ can be unseated before its term is finished but such is the volatility of the country – indeed, the world – perhaps even the apathetic British might turn on their masters.

    This is a party that would see nothing wrong in taxing pensioners out of their homes and into care, seizing their houses and giving them to illegal immigrants, and jailing anyone who dares to complain.

    The lights are about to go out, metaphorically and literally.

    1. In 1997 we didn't have any experience of just how bad it could be – okay, so the seventies were awful, but we had a naive faith that lessons would be learned. We soon found out the error of that. Now, we KNOW from past experience and that is why the prospect is awful to contemplate.

    2. "that funeral in 1997"

      A couple of lines from the song :The Populist Prime Minister From A Minor Public School:

      Pragmatic opportunisn has given me success
      A sad girl died and so I dubbed her The People's Princess.

    1. She is potting on a flat metal plate which is similar to a platen on a printing press, and of course a banana is a 'platano' in Spanish. The other link took a while, because only part of the video was visible on my viewing device.

  78. One of Farage's ancestors introduced the Black Death into Europe in 1352.
    Still voting Reform.

  79. Remember Foot and Mouth during the last Labour government ?

    My family in North Yorkshire have a huge farm , they lost all their livestock , in that so called death triangle .

    Foot and mouth was badly handled , and my God, didn't it spread because of bad practises .

    1. I believe Starmer and Sunak have foot and mouth. Well, foot in their mouth at the very least.

    1. Carol and I will be voting for an excellent Reform candidate in Braintree District. Hopefully we might just depose and dispose of the idiot James Cleverly. Braintree District has however undergone boundary changes so nothing is certain.

      One of the issues which has alarmed us all is the placement of hundreds of illegals on the former Wethersfield Airfield and Ministry of Defence Establishment lands. The illegals are being given credit cards and being bussed into Braintree for relaxation and shopping trips.

      You may imagine a shed load of comparatively poor and persecuted pensioners such as me and my wife are not particularly forgiving of this assault on our already difficult lifestyles.

      We live in an ancient thatched cottage in this blighted constituency and have been subjected to all manner of assaults by local Braintree planners. For example a complaint about a perfectly innocuous satellite dish attached to a TV aerial. The more prominent TV aerial was acceptable but the dish not so because our home is listed Grade II.

      Fucking Freemasons on the District Council were inevitably involved but that is another story. ( I stopped one of the bastards from developing a field behind my property, outwith the village development boundary which he conveniently arranged to be moved to facilitate his development).

      I was unable to attend but there was a well attended Reform event at nearby Sturmer Hall. Sturmer was festooned with UKIP and pro-Brexit posters the last time around so who knows. The principal political issues remain he same it is just the name of the party which has changed.

      VOTE REFORM. Save our England!

    2. Carol and I will be voting for an excellent Reform candidate in Braintree District. Hopefully we might just depose and dispose of the idiot James Cleverly. Braintree District has however undergone boundary changes so nothing is certain.

      One of the issues which has alarmed us all is the placement of hundreds of illegals on the former Wethersfield Airfield and Ministry of Defence Establishment lands. The illegals are being given credit cards and being bussed into Braintree for relaxation and shopping trips.

      You may imagine a shed load of comparatively poor and persecuted pensioners such as me and my wife are not particularly forgiving of this assault on our already difficult lifestyles.

      We live in an ancient thatched cottage in this blighted constituency and have been subjected to all manner of assaults by local Braintree planners. For example a complaint about a perfectly innocuous satellite dish attached to a TV aerial. The more prominent TV aerial was acceptable but the dish not so because our home is listed Grade II.

      Fucking Freemasons on the District Council were inevitably involved but that is another story. ( I stopped one of the bastards from developing a field behind my property, outwith the village development boundary which he conveniently arranged to be moved to facilitate his development).

      I was unable to attend but there was a well attended Reform event at nearby Sturmer Hall. Sturmer was festooned with UKIP and pro-Brexit posters the last time around so who knows. The principal political issues remain he same it is just the name of the party which has changed.

      VOTE REFORM. Save our England!

  80. Good night, chums. Sleep well, awaken refreshed, and don't forget to vote tomorrow.

    1. 'Morning, Geoff and thank you for all the hard work and extra effort you have put in to keep us all going. Well done!

      1. Thanks, Tom. You wouldn’t believe the amount of hard work and extra effort involved. It goes like this:
        05:30 – Alarm goes off. Swiftly cancelled
        05:32 – (Because Alexa has a delay) Listen to News Briefing on Radio 4 (the only BBC content I ever listen to intentionally).
        06:00 – Fill and boil kettle. Place tea bag in large mug. Pour boiling water on tea bag.
        06:05 – Dispense morning’s tablets. One needs to be taken half an hour before eating.
        06:07 – Open Word document “Good Morning All” – copy three paragraphs into clipboard.
        06:07½ – Open Letters page (I have a bookmark). Copy title and URL.
        06:08 – Open yesterday’s NTTL page. Assuming I’m logged on to WordPress, click on “New”, then righ click on “post” – select “open in new window”. This is the slowest bit – it can take 30 seconds or more to open the page. Meanwhile, add milk to tea, and take pills.
        06:09 – Paste date, title, daily blurb from clipboard. Paste DT link into the latter. Select “open in new tab”, change last paragraph to “Medium size”, hit “publish”, then click on “View post”.
        06:10 – Copy new page URL, drag it into bookmarks bar, delete yesterday’s link then close tab.
        06:11 – Paste “Good morning all…” from clipboard. Insert link to new page.
        06:11½ – Drink tea.

        It’s a hard life… 😁

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