993 thoughts on “Wednesday 30 October: The shameful jockeying in Parliament to secure electoral advantage

      1. ‘Morning, Paul, at least the reaction confirmed that you are alive, conscious and well.

        Have a Good day.

  1. This election is a fight for the soul of democracy. Spiked. Brendan O’Neill 29 October 2019.

    Spiked won’t be supporting a particular party. Our advice is to vote for the candidate who best represents or understands the Brexit spirit and whose victory would send the clearest possible message to the Remain establishment that their stranglehold on political progress is over. That could be a Tory candidate, a Labour candidate or a Brexit Party candidate: if they are committed to upholding the vote of 2016, consider giving them your vote in this election. The message to the establishment must be crystal clear: the people of this nation will never tolerate the usurping of a democratic vote, and we will push back against every one of you who has spent the past three years trying to do that.

    Morning everyone. Well with all due respect to Brendan this is a recipe for more of the same! To get to this General Election Corbyn and Boris have already agreed that No-Deal is a non-runner and that now leaves Brino and Remain in the government stable. So the table is set. If the Tories get in you will get Brino, if Labour win you will get Remain! A nice cosy arrangement that suits everyone in Westminster! If you should vote for the promises of an individual how can you be sure that this itself is not a lie, coined for the purposes of deception on behalf of the Party, and that even if not, that they will adhere to their private manifesto commitment once elected? We’ve just seen plenty of that in the form of the Party Swappers and of course once in Parliament they will in all likelihood fall in with the whips wishes anyway. In the Byzantine maze of Liars, Traitors and Placemen that passes for Government in the UK there is only one candidate you can be absolutely sure will carry through Brexit as it was voted for in the referendum, that is Nigel and the Brexit Party. I shall be voting for them!


    1. ‘Morning, Minty, voting for the Brexit Party, the only one that categorically will go for ‘Out with No Deal’ makes sense to me.

      1. I’d like to point out that the Brexit Party is NOT “the only one that categorically will go for ‘Out with No Deal'”. UKIP will be fielding candidates as well. In addition to being dedicated to getting us out, it will actually have a manifesto to make the most of what happens after we’ve left.

    2. If Boris campaigns on getting Withdrawal Agreement 2 through to achieve Brexit, as he seems determined to do, the Conservatives could be fatally injured by the Brexit Party voters. His ridiculous environmental policies don’t impress me at all. He has let us down on Brexit and in my opinion could lead his party into the wilderness before Christmas.

      1. A Brino manifesto could well do a better job of holing the Tories below the waterline than even May’s disasterous offering.

        1. I just hope the Brexit Party get a fair hearing on the Media but I suspect they will be sidelined and ridiculed, particularly by the BBC.

          1. You are right – they will not get a fair hearing in the Media – but this did not stop them winning the EU elections and maybe, at long last, the time has come for the true Brexiters to get proper representation in Westminster.

        2. Does Boris Johnson not realise that more and more people are beginning to understand that the Boris Johnson’s WA is very much the same as Theresa May’s abject surrender WA?

          You are right sos. No person who truly believes in Brexit should vote for BRINO.

    3. This election is a fight for the soul sole of democracy.

      Crushed underfoot by any one of Tory, Labour, LibDum or SNP.

    4. The only possible way for people who want a proper Brext is to vote for Farage’s Brexit Party.

      As Minty says: a vote for Labour = Remain; a vote for the Conservatives = BRINO.

  2. Good morning all! Play nicely today (© Bill Thomas). I personally have been awake since 2.30 am doing “this and that” since I couldn’t sleep, so am now off to bed. I’ll probably get up in time for elevenses, then there are plenty of other jobs (including some last minute gardening) awaiting me. So I might pop in late in the day to see how things are going. As I say, play nicely.

    1. ‘Morning, Elsie.

      I didn’t sleep at all until daybreak, read 4 German short stories & Missy prodded me awake at 07.30.

    1. Well, so far we have voted to leave in the referendum proper, have voted for candidates who campaigned on a leave commitment in their manifestos and overwhelmingly voted for the Brexit Party in the EU elections so they are not getting the message.

  3. Good morning, all.

    So (© TV tart) we are to have an election. Well, well. The test will be who the candidates are. Same old, same old – I reckon.

    1. Let the deselections commence. If the treacherous lying manifesto ignorers like Hammond are allowed to stand you’ll know which way the course will go.

  4. Good morning from a Saxon Queen with longbow and an Axe

    So an election on the 12th December .. just two days after my birthday,

  5. If the 17.4 million people really want to have some fun, we should all unite, regardless how you really vote, just keep telling all the pollsters, the politicians that knock on your door, the talk radio shows, any one that is interested that you intend to vote for the Brexit Party, once an election is called for a few weeks the power is in the hands of the electorate.
    Watch the mainstream politicians and mainstream media squirm, you never know it might lead to a better Brexit.
    I don’t beleive Boris’s double speak slogan ‘Getting Brexit Done’, it will only do people that want to leave the EU and get taken in by it.

  6. Others may have had a begging letter from Boris in their e-mail this morning. It said:

    There will be a general election on December 12. It is time for the people to have their say.

    We need this election to break the deadlock in parliament, and to get Brexit done once and for all. Only then will we be able to move on and focus on the people’s priorities.

    We simply can’t afford any more dither and delay, brought on by Jeremy Corbyn and Labour.

    Our success in these early stages will depend on the support of Founding Donors – supporters who donate in the first 24 hours of the campaign.

    I need you to become a Founding Donor by donating our campaign today. Thomas, click here now to chip in to the campaign.

    Donate £20

    Donate £50

    Donate £100

    Donate £250

    Donate other amount

    I am counting on your support for this general election campaign.

    On the 12th of December, the British people will vote for a new parliament. And one of two people will be Prime Minister – me or Jeremy Corbyn.

    Your donation will help keep Corbyn out of Downing Street.

    Stand with me, and together we can get Britain back on the road to a brighter future.

    I replied:

    I’m sorry to say that, as an ex-Conservative, I will make no donation, nor will I vote Conservative until and unless a pact is made with the Brexit Party, the only ones who categorically endorse a No Deal Brexit, unlike your BRINO deal.

    Please, for the sake of our United Kingdom, swallow your pride and accept the outstretched hand that will – between you – give us what we voted for in 2016.

    1. Morning Nan. There will be no alliance. Both the Tories and Labour hate Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party more than each other since they pose an existential threat to their duopoly of power. Once voted in both would be reduced to the fringes of UK politics!

        1. My message

          As a former lifelong conservative voter I write to offer my utter disgust at your betrayal of democracy,the final straw was the restoration of the whip to the rebels
          This is proof positive you have no intention of producing a real brexit but only the cup of cold sick that is May Mk4
          Hence it will be TBP for me and if this splits the vote and lets the socialists in ??
          So what,in so many areas your policies are indistinguishable.
          You are weak,where is boundary reform,immigration control,proper policing etcetcetc
          The last dose of socialist poison finally gave us Thatcher
          Either grow some balls or vanish into the obscurity that at the moment you so richly deserve
          We are sick of broken promises!!

          1. Only a proper Brexit will do.

            But Remain is a better option than BRINO which keeps us enslaved as a vassal state for a very long time.

            We can destroy the EU better from within it. For a start we can do what the French and Italians do and completely ignore any EU rules they do not like

          2. Alas, rastus, we can’t destroy the EU from within; we can’t even slow its progress to being a superstate. The reason we don’t do what the French and Italians do is because we aren’t French or Italian; we’re British. If we were French, there would have been riots long before now; the tarmac would have been burning and the streets would have been barricaded.

    2. I would not even trust him to honour the letter of a pact, let alone the spirit of such a thing.

      1. The Tories probably chose May originally as she is rather dim, would follow orders, lie as needs demanded and was dedicated to punishing the UK for voting to Leave. What she didn’t have was the ability to effectively communicate her vision by lying in a manner that people would be convinced. Ergo, she had to go.
        So now we have Johnson. Another accomplished liar, a philanderer, a bullshitter but a better communicator. Like May I do not trust him as I believe behind that front of amiability and gaff prone performance lies a hard nosed political operator now tasked by the Establishment to tie us to the EU. The Tory endgame hasn’t changed, it’s just that the journey is taking a different route with a different driver.

        1. But the ERG has folded and given in.

          Is there anyone left who can be trusted on the Conservative Party?



          (I have been robbed of my right to vote by Blair and Cameron which is why I am making my position clear in my posts).

          1. If the account is true the ERG have agreed to support Johnson’s “deal” on the strength of a promise he made about the ‘walk away’ clause due to become operative in December 2020. Surely they know Johnson well enough not to put their complete trust in him? I can foresee much disappointment in Tory ranks in a little over a year’s time.



      (I have been robbed of my right to vote by Blair and Cameron which is why I am making my position clear in my posts).

    4. I make donations to the local party.
      If it goes to CO, it gets lost in the general pot.
      A few months ago, the Conservative Party was left a substantial sum by a local worthy.
      Very little made its way to Colchester.

    1. I don’t think there will be, they will never let a true leaver party into the Westminster club

          1. Because accepting money from foreign Governments and foreign agents to bring down UK democracy is perfectly fine. Lots of organisations and people do it. The BBC does it.

  7. Rugby Word Cup: England fined for V-formation haka response

    Ya Boo sux

    The V formation will have been worth worth every penny.

    It was not the ‘V’ that caused the fine, but crossing the into the Prancing Dancing AB’s half.

    The officials must now ensure the ‘Morrisesque Dancing’ ABs do not cross into our half (once the game started England made sure that did not happen)


    1. I think the tribal war dance is an abomination.

      When the New Zealand team came to England once in eight years (by ship) it was a quaint leftover from pre-colonial times. And rugby wa an amateur game.

      Now that it is a professional multi-million business, this dance bollux should be stopped forthwith. I’d fine the AB for wasting everybody’s time.

      1. Cultural appropriation but those players not of colour as well, a shocking crime in this day and age. I’ll get m’ grass skirt.

      2. Cultural appropriation but those players not of colour as well, a shocking crime in this day and age. I’ll get m’ grass skirt.

      3. We should be more considerate. It is a hangover from old Maori culture. Modern Maori culture* is alcoholism, unemployment, and beating up women (and tattoos).
        *See film “Once Were Warriors”.
        Of course rugby is a “professional multi-million business” and investment companies own big chunks of it. Forget about sport, this is entertainment. That is why World Rugby protects this rude, disgusting primitive anachronism. (Read the words.) It puts bums on seats. The same reasons underly the trivial sanctions imposed for serious fouls. A red card brings about a 3 week ban, cut back from the laid down sanction because of “previous good behaviour”.

          1. I have suggested that elsewhere. To be accompanied by a good view of opposition backsides.

  8. The Conservative on telly this morning is saying that voting for any party other than Conservative and you will get Corbyn, the same old trick that failed last time, that is no way to encourage people to vote for you.

    1. Yo B3


      voting for any party other than Conservative and you will get Corbyn,


      voting for any party other than Conservative and you will get MuckDonnel

    2. No need for them to say that either, it’ll be Boris Johnson should win .

      But quite true that breaking the vote might get you
      a Labour government and probably with John MacDontoad
      as Prime Minister, they’d get rid of Jeremy Corbyn,
      soon after. Corbyn was just the soft face of the hard left thugs
      there to trick students into thinking of him as a guru figure.

  9. ‘Morning, Peeps.

    Awoke this morning to the sound of Toady’s Kartha Marney pretending to interview a Referendum thug and a turncoat who recently joined the Illiberal AntiDemocrats. So good of the Bloated Broadcasting Corporation to provide a platform for the left…no change there then.

    Enough, already! Radio silence in the early morning from now until the 13th of December.

    1. Morning Hugh

      A snap election costs over £140 million .. what a waste and our 2016 referendum cost £130 million .. with a 33% turn out .. I reckon no one will have the energy to turn out in any number for the December election .

      We are done for ..

      1. ‘Morning, Mags, you are one of the last I would have expected to be the voice of doom…

        …Once more unto the breach, dear friends, once more…

        1. Morning NTN

          Indifference is creeping into my marrow.
          I used to be very involved in constituency politics , and after many years I began to see the light , and railed against towing the party line .

          At local level I have enjoyed interviewing PPC’s years ago , all selected by central office .. our current sitting MP is local , means well and is a Brexiteer.

          Politicians have allowed Britain to be ruined .

          The majority of modern MP’s are narcissistic plonkers.. although some work hard and mean well .

          Yep I am being doom laden ..

          The BBC have got their way .. they are the ones who will sway the nation .

        1. 17.4 m plus 16m = 33m. Population is 60m (voters) so 33/60 = 33%. (Or, if you wish to be picky, around 55%.)

          All figures are made up from memory.

  10. Morning all

    SIR – The spectacle of parliamentarians on all sides of the House jockeying to achieve the best position to realise their own agendas is shameful.

    A majority of those who cast their votes in the 2016 referendum voted in favour of leaving the European Union, and this was the mandate the British people gave the Government and Parliament to implement.

    Despite this, the declared aim of the Liberal Democrats is to stop Brexit; the Scottish National Party would like to see Scotland’s vote on the issue as separate from that of the United Kingdom as a whole, and to vote for an election on “their terms”. Elections should be not be called on this basis.

    Sally Blythe
    Chester, Flintshire

    1. SIR – I am now convinced that Philip Hammond lives in a parallel universe. How can he possibly say that the Government, not Parliament, is responsible for blocking Brexit?

      Jeremy R G Bloomfield
      Gillingham, Dorset

      SIR – If the voting age is lowered from 18 years to 16 years, as per the demands of Labour and the SNP, then should any child aged 16 years or more be legally reclassified as an adult?

      Michael Ross
      Barnet, Hertfordshire

        1. If you look t the list of things that under 18’s cannot do it is clear 18 is the minimum sensible age

      1. Some fool on the radio saying as they can pay tax & NI they should be able to vote

        Now technically they could pay tax and NI but in practice they will not as they are very restricted on the hours they can work and jobs they can do so unless someone was paying a 16 year okd about £200 an hour there is no way they could pay tax or NI

  11. Corbyn, yesterday and one of his lackeys this morning were pushing their idea to change society. I think we all know what that means, the Tories have been no slouches in that area either. Vote Labour, get Remain and open door immigration: vote Tory and get Brino and the continuation of their quarter of a million ‘new’ British arriving each year. As for the LibDums…
    Some choice offered by the usual suspects. The manifestos are going to be comedy gold.

    1. But is Boris for Brino. ? Remember he he was out voted in the commons and still had rebels in the Conservative ranks so he had to tread a difficult path

      One thing that people are overlooking is that although the commons had voted for his deal he pilled it thus making it impossible to get through. The reason given for pulling it was they wanted to take longer to review it meaning the 31st October date could not be met but pulling it also meant that date would be missed and that the Deal would not go through

      1. Are you for real? Can’t you tell when somebody is lying, badly? Tell me, why did Johnson withdraw his application to be the Tory leader in 2016, yet now he is the leader? Johnson is a remainer along with Gove, Leadsom, Fox and Hannan and any other Tories that were on Vote Leave. I’ve got it, you’re a CCHQ bot who has lost his way from Guido’s place.
        You’ve never heard the words of Vladimir Ilyitch, if we are to control the opposition we must run it ourselves, have you?

          1. Yes, what was the reason and why the same reason didn’t wreck his chances this time?
            The only contingency plan the Tories had was for May to keep a low profile during the referendum. She hid behind the sofa and they then wheeled her out as they never expected to lose. Then they had a leadership contest where the only competition was to see who could come up with the lamest excuse to withdraw.
            So Gove stabbed Johnson in the back, does Gove have a position in Johnson’s government?
            I suggest you go and watch Johnson’s passionless “victory” speech with Gove again, particularly the moment where he makes reference to UKIP and does a decidedly shifty side look.

          2. And Leadsom had to resign because, unlike May, she was not a virgin and had had some children of her own.

            As many of his former wives and mistresses will confirm, Johnson is a most unreliable bedfellow and a great disappointment.

          3. Exactly. Johnson wrote two letters and decided on a whim to join Leave. Then we had that idiotic slogan on the side of a bus just to give Remain something to attack. I saw Johnson get heckled by a 17 year old remainer brainwashed snowflake on the last day of polling and he had absolutely had no idea on how to respond, because he simply has no conviction nor passion for leaving.

      2. Bill, once the Tory election roadshow gets moving we’ll have a better chance to assess what Johnson is campaigning for. If he continues with pushing his “deal” as, “Getting Brexit done,” then we will be certain he is for Brino. If he is for a WTO exit he will have no reason to adhere to the Brino stance and will campaign accordingly: the whip being restored to 10 EUphiles is not a good sign for a WTO exit.

        1. He still has to treas a carefully path. A lot of the party is Pro Leave but there is quite a minority that want a deal. If he wins and gets a decent majority my gut feeling is he will go for no deal as I doubt the EU would want to change the deal thats on the table , It was not that well received

          With a Majority in the commons Boris would have a very much stronger hand in negotiations. There are so many twists and turns so who knows for certain. Nigel cannot decide which way Boris will go

        2. Restoring the whip to the traitors is a very grave mistake.

          It will also be a very grave mistake if their local constituencies do not deselect them.



          (I have been robbed of my right to vote by Blair and Cameron which is why I am making my position clear in my posts).

      3. “Tread a difficult path…” Who said it would be easy after the shambolic Catch 22 that Mrs May made of things?
        However, Boris did not drive steadily and firmly. the worst that could a-hav happened if he had ploughs on at top speed, recklessly and loudly, is that we would end up where we are now.
        All the dodging. back room meetings, supplications, deals, promises, optimistic verbiage and broken promises have brought us to the same place.

        1. If you have a minus 43 majority and rebels in the rank you have one almighty mountain to climb and have to rely on tactics
          It would be a bit like playing a football match with your side 2 players down

          1. Two players down? Piece of cake. We, in Old Cardinalians 3rd XV, routinely played with 3 or even 4 players fewer than the standard number. Nor did we alway lose.

          2. I used to play occasionally in an Extra B rugby side for Esher where my brother-in-law, a respectable solicitor in the City during the week , was captain.

            He had been brilliant in his day and had been in the Sherborne School First XV three years consecutively. (At that time Sherborne and Blundell’s were regularly the strongest school rugby teams in the South West). He joined Esher RFU club and played in the first team which, at that time, was pretty good. After a couple of years he systematically descended each season from !st team to 2nd, to 3rd, to 4th and finally to the Extra Bs. Michael Green’s ‘The Art of Coarse Rugby’ is a compulsory read for those who have not read it. It was very rare that either side could assemble a full fifteen players.

          3. Yep. An opposition player borrowed my spare socks once. He neglected to inform me that he had no boots either.

          4. Only three or four players? Pah! When I were at school, it were one lad in British Bulldogs against a charge led by the rest of the class, including the school fatties. I understand there is a Canadian version involving moose.

      4. Tread a difficult path? Boris’s advisor Cummings said it would be”a walk in the park”. What went wrong? Why are we not leaving the EU tomorrow night as the Article 50 stated? The EU told us that a second extension would not be granted. Why was the 29 March departure cancelled and the “botched” decision to extend not challenged legally. Why was the Supreme Court’s obvious hurried decision to stop the legal decision to prorogue Parliament not challenged? Boris has just caved in at every hurdle.

        1. Robin Tilbrook, Chairman of the English Democrats, did in fact bring a case challenging the legality of the extension. It was ruled at first instance the be without merit (!). It is, I believe, waiting to go to appeal.

          Of course, our judiciary can fast-track Gina Miller’s cases and anti-Brexit through at the rate of knots – while anything in the opposite direction has to wait, and wait, and wait…

    2. Morning KK

      All Labour have to do is show sofa adverts , KFC finger licking , old Windrush newsreel shots , mosques and fields of sheep and they are on their way to Number 10

  12. SIR – Why all this concern over a December election? It is so simple –: if you want to stay in the EU, vote for the Liberal Democrats; if you want to leave, vote Tory, and if you envy those who live in Venezuela then vote for Jeremy Corbyn’s Labour Party.

    Brian Christley
    Abergele, Conwy



        (I have been robbed of my right to vote by Blair and Cameron which is why I am making my position clear in my posts).

  13. Morning again

    SIR – The report on the Grenfell Tower fire disaster, which has condemned the London Fire Brigade (report, October 29), shows the difference between having a manager at the helm who simply implements rules and a leader who assesses a situation and knows when to break them for the benefit of clients and services – and in order to save lives.

    Diane Donnelly
    Whitley Bay, Northumberland

    1. She should have been able to see that the fire was spreading from the outside and not the inside.. She should also have know the containment was only 60 minutes. Both should have told her the Stay put advice was no longer correct and should have ordered the priority to change from fighting the fire to evacuating the building

      Yes there are risks involved in evacuating the building but the risk of stay put was far greater

      1. Unfortunately none of the LFB officers had been trained in evacuation procedures. We can add that staggering omission to her charge-sheet.

        1. Question ..

          Why is there no mention of the mysterious man with the packed suitcase .. why is there no mention of the exploding fridge.. Why have matters like that been forgotten.. What of the people who sublet their flats , where is the register of occupants .. How many occupants understood basic English ?

          1. Good morning, Lovely

            They could at least have found him and brought a case against him for stealing Peddy’s shirt.

        2. She was in my promoted way beyond her level of competence. She may have been a very good basic firefighter but she was very clearly not up to a senor management role

          A constant excuse she came out with is she did not have a procedure. Well that not a valid excuse. It is her role to ensure any required procedures are in place and to access if new ones are needed, She clearly failed totally on that front

          Trying to use an excuse of no specific procedures for High Rise fires is a fundamental failing on her part. In crowed city liker London with large number of High rise buildings having a procedure for fighting high rises fires would be essential

          Again not having appropriate equipment for high rises fires is another failing on her part. They did not even have the BA equipment need for high rise fires

        3. She was in my promoted way beyond her level of competence. She may have been a very good basic firefighter but she was very clearly not up to a senor management role

          A constant excuse she came out with is she did not have a procedure. Well that not a valid excuse. It is her role to ensure any required procedures are in place and to access if new ones are needed, She clearly failed totally on that front

          Trying to use an excuse of no specific procedures for High Rise fires is a fundamental failing on her part. In crowed city liker London with large number of High rise buildings having a procedure for fighting high rises fires would be essential

          Again not having appropriate equipment for high rises fires is another failing on her part. They did not even have the BA equipment need for high rise fires

    2. Amazing that anyone would remain in a burning building. Did everyone ring the brigade and get that advice. I would be off like a robber’s dog.

  14. SIR – A simple solution to the hard shoulder problem on smart motorways would be to remove the metal side barrier, thus allowing a vehicle to take its chances on the grass verge. This seems a good deal safer than being stuck in the lane.

    Charles Pugh
    London SW10

    1. The LHS crash barrier is a device to ensure that any dozy driver who falls asleep is bounced straight back into the traffic.
      The RHS one serves a similar purpose in case of accidents caused by careless drivers, but to protect oncoming traffic.

    2. Morning E,
      Charlie, I do believe the best idea is moving motorways
      where the car stays static.
      Or very heavily subsidised long distance public transport
      called say the bird line, cheep,cheep.

      1. Technology should improve things. It is capable of keeping vehicles a safe distance apart

        1. BJ,
          To do that would surely mean only allowing drivers alternate days on the road, along with banning red cars etc Monday, black
          cars Tuesday, etc,etc.
          Best I suppose is to continue to support / vote lab/lib/con remain in the eu and give them the problem.

          1. Don’t you remember when they tried to ban a yellow car in a pretty Cotswold village? The Yellow Car Appreciation Society rallied round on social media and mobbed the village.

          2. JM,
            If they could only apply the same logic to the lab/lib/con pro eu coalition party and westminster.

    3. That might get the speeding lunatics in their posh 4x4s out of the outside lanes. And put and end to the dangerous and habitual (do you know who I am) close quater tailgating. It’ll probably save a lot of windscreen washer as well.

  15. Just a reminder – in 2016 we were asked if we wanted to leave the EU. We voted to leave.
    In 2017 we were once again asked to vote and we returned over 500 MPs who said they would implement the vote.
    In 2019 we are being asked yet again – do we want to leave the EU?
    At least the Irish and the French only got asked twice before they were ignored.

      1. Morning B,
        Precisely, sad to say that the family tree, nose
        gripping, best of the worst, pattern is well embedded in the electorate,the legacy creators.

      2. FPTP though makes it very difficult to archive change particularly with ingrained voting habits. I think things are changing but very slowly

        1. FPTP is still not a reason for continuing to vote lab/lib/con and feeding the political party sh!te machine.

      3. Einstein said that….

        He also said: Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance you must keep moving.

      4. I’m bloody sure that ‘tribal voting’ is hyped way beyond its true prevalence as a foil to obscure the rigging of ballots.

  16. Britain First investigated by counterterror police after leader arrested while returning from Russia. 12 hours ago

    Far-right group Britain First is being investigated by counterterror police after its leader was stopped at Heathrow airport as he returned from Russia.

    Paul Golding and two other senior members of the anti-Muslim organisation were questioned under terror laws.

    Officers from London’s Metropolitan Police officers seized phones, computers and hard-drives and arrested Golding after he refused to provide access passwords.

    Thousands, probably tens of thousands of people illegally enter the UK every year without the Security Services paying the slightest attention to them but these guys receive the treatment!


    1. Well, of course! Murderers, rapists, child molesters, drug dealers, gun runners, enslavers of young women, all operate here so openly that the police occasionally comment on them, but without taking action.
      Patriots, on the other hand, are a threat to the State and must be crushed.

  17. Will the Lords attempt to Block the Election ?

    The bill is before the Lords today they could try to reintroduce the amendments that did not go though. If they manage to do this and no one seems to be certain as to whether they can then that would stop the election as it would go back to the commons to be voted on and one can be certain of the outcome of the votes

    The question is whether the Lords can re introduce amendment the Speaker disallowed. There is of course the political pressure on the Lords as if they did add the amendments they would probably be writing their own death warrant as reform of the Lords would become almost certain

  18. Poor Standard of Debate in the Commons

    I watched some of the so called debate in the commons yesterday. For much of the time the chamber was practically empty in spite of them saying they need more time to debate Brexit

    The quality of the debate was dreadful and of a very low standard, Labour and Lib-Dems were particularly bad. What the world though of this dreadful spectacle who knows

    Why do we have to have the daft situation of all the MP’s leaving the chamber to vote and then coming back. . It is archaic and wastes an endless amount of time

  19. The two top rated comments on the letters page:-

    Robert Spowart 30 Oct 2019 5:38AM
    The Grenfell Report has highlighted the damage done by the Common Purpose inspired incessant over-promotion of “Bumps to the Front” candidates for senior positions.

    As with the leadership of so many of our police forces, especially the Metropolitan Police, it seems diversity box-ticking takes preference over actual suitability for the job, including a proven foundation of EFFECTIVE operational experience.

    Common Purpose has proved to be a foul cancer which is rotting the heart of Public Service.



    Robert Spowart 30 Oct 2019 5:30AM
    With regards to Keith Vaz, before I retired from the Railway Industry 1½y ago I was subject to a fairly stringent Drug & Alcohol procedure.
    First, I was tested at every medical.

    Second, I was liable for compulsory testing “for cause”, i.e. if I were to be involved in an incident where my actions could have been contributory or my behaviour indicated possible intoxication.

    Third, I was liable to being selected on a random basis for a spot check.

    Positive results or a refusal to be tested would have meant instant dismissal.

    Given the alleged abuse of drugs by Mr. Vaz and, from the reports some years, ago of the amount of drug residue found on banknotes and on toilet cisterns in the Houses of Parliament, the apparent abuse of drugs our political leaders, including apparently a recent Prime Minister, I often wonder if implementing the same regime in Westminster may not have benefits for the country?

  20. Improving Sex Education in Schools

    They are considering in addition to the theory of sex to introducing practical lessons in sex

      1. Let ’em study amoeba reproduction. All the kids would enjoy the Karyokinesis and they could all sing along.

  21. Issues highlighted in the report included:

    A lack of training in how to “recognise the need for an evacuation or how to organise one”

    Incident commanders “of relatively junior rank” being unable to change strategy

    Control room officers lacking training on when to advise callers to evacuate

    An assumption that crews would reach callers, resulting in “assurances which were not well founded”

    Communication between the control room and those on the ground being “improvised, uncertain and prone to error”

    A lack of an organised way to share information within the control room, meaning officers had “no overall picture of the speed or pattern of fire spread”

    The government was committed to publishing and acting on the facts of the fire, “no matter how difficult they may be”, Mr Johnson said.

    1. Again shows governments canot run anything. What a mess. If i was in the control room my number one, would be to evacuate the peole asap. How could that not be.?????

      1. A complication was there seems to have been only one staircase to evacuate the tenants.
        However, if the firemen on the ground were allowed to make and act on their own decisions, I suspect many more would still be alive.

    2. Suspect too much time spent on diversity and equality seminars, rather than thinking about core business of best approaches to putting out fires.

    1. ‘If you do it well, a pound, my dear. One pound,’ said Corbyn Fagin, ‘And that’s what I never gave yet.’

      Oliver Twist

    2. ‘ Soon this vile Isle of the English will be Gulag and
      they will be my slaves and will work for my Marxist Utopian
      dream and wash the feet of my beloved Hamas
      people “

    3. “I’ve had a lifetime of playing schoolboy politics instead of working for a living. I never wanted to be leader and only put my name forward as a meaningless symbol. Then look what happened. If the internal polls are right, and we are crushed at the election that I did not want, then I can finally get back to my allotment.”

  22. Clutha helicopter crash: Inquiry says pilot ‘took a chance’

    Not entirely convinced. Who would ignore 5 low fuel warnings ?

    An inquiry into the Clutha helicopter crash has found that the pilot “took a chance” and ignored low fuel warnings.
    Sheriff Principal Craig Turnbull said the crash happened because Captain David Traill had ignored the five warnings he received during the flight.
    He said that was a “conscious decision” which had “fatal consequences”.
    Ten people died when a police aircraft crashed into the roof of the busy Glasgow bar on 29 November 2013.

  23. The frustration of waiting for someone to put their bag in an overhead locker may soon be over if a trial to get people on planes quicker is successful.
    Gatwick says it is working with EasyJet to try out new ways to board passengers at the London airport.
    They include boarding people in window seats first, starting at the back, followed by middle then aisle seats.
    Gatwick said different boarding methods could reduce the journey from airport gate to seat by about 10%.
    The airport operator says that the window-to-aisle seat pattern of boarding is best suited for individuals and business passengers.
    Groups of people who want to sit together such as families will be seated by row, again starting at the back of the plane.
    Gatwick said it was experimenting with flexible boarding patterns, “depending on the passenger make up on any individual flight – number of families, individual travellers etc”.

  24. Mail to Mr R……………….

    ”Elections are the ultimate democratic act”………

    If that’s true in Britain, which I don’t think it is anymore, then shouldn’t G S be on the ballot paper, and shouldn’t his globalism manifesto be published so the public can decide if they like it or not ?

    After all, that seems only fair as Brits appear to have been increasingly experiencing G S policies since 1997.

    I think the general flavor of British involvement with G S can be seen in this very interesting article in the Daily Mail on February 17 2018……….


    Imho, the numerous coincidences and weight of circumstantial evidence indicate that there is far more involvement over and beyond what is revealed in the article, which I think supports Nigel Farage’s contention that………….

    ”this is where the real international political collusion is”.

    So should G S be on the ballot paper ?

    Yes Sir, he should be on the ballot paper, with his manifesto. Most definitely.

    There’s an idea for an amusing speech !


    1. Trouble is, Pretty, there are plenty of useful idiots out there who would cheerfully vote for the globalist agenda.

      1. Just so. The only difference is that instead of having representation and some say on quotas, we won’t have any say. And probably zero quotas.

        1. That’s the thing, whatever quotas are decided we will never have the fishing capacity to reach Total Allowable Catch, entitling EU vessels to fish in our waters up to the full quota of all the different species. We’re still on the hook and it’s barbed.

          1. With no WA, we can rebuild our fishing industry; boats, men, catches, processing, and exports.

          2. How does that work, or not? I don’t follow. Does Germany have too large a car industry?

          3. Could be if they can’t sell ’em. (That’s regarding Kraut cars.)
            What happens when you don’t fish so aggressively is that the stocks grow. Unfortunately, historically, we have built increased fishing fleet size to maximize the catch, which in turn, decreases the fish stock. You end up with more boats than you need and smaller and smaller fish stocks. Post both world wars demonstrated this. Which is why a slow building up of the fishing industry is sensible.

          4. Yes, that makes sense. Actually we will allow the fish stocks to grow by keeping foreign boats out.

    1. Trade Veto? Some of us are ready for it. We will be exporting and importing freely from elsewhere.
      I am researching wines from outside of Europe. Standards are now quite high generally. So as well as Oz, NZ and the Cape, Chile, Argentina and California produce a range of wines from acceptable and cheap to sensational and expensive.
      Too bad that German and French cars are about to become so expensive we won’t buy them. It’s a shame really, all those car workers in France, Germany, Spain, Italy, Czech Republic, Rumania all being laid off.

        1. Interesting selection of English sparklers. I am not convinced by the prices though. A top NV champagne such as Deutz and Henriot can be bought for around the same price.

          1. I was passing and they had a free wine tasting. They were very nice but i get your point about price.

      1. On principle, we never buy eu wines anyway. Australia, N.Z., California, South Africa all produce decent wines at sensible prices.
        Bring it on France. We don’t need their products, plenty of excellent alternatives. Same weatHerman cars and other goods.

  25. We Are Vertigo pays boy £2.5K in trampoline access case

    A dubious decision. Trampolines are know to have risks. I wonder what would have happened if he had been allowed on and had an accident

    A boy who was not allowed to use a trampoline because he has prosthetic legs has received a £2,500 settlement in a disability discrimination case.
    Zack Gordon was seven when he visited the We Are Vertigo Trampoline Park in Newtownbreda, Belfast, in July 2017.
    His family took legal action against the firm after Zack was refused access to the trampolines on safety grounds.
    The firm said this was due to insurance restrictions and safety guidance from the trampoline manufacturer.

    1. Sounds like the stupid parents knew they’d likely get a payout either way. If the park’s insurance meant he couldn’t go on, then the parents should have accepted it was for their child’s safety.

  26. Good Morning, Gentle folk.

    Suddenly, Jeremy Corbyn wanted an election after all… and Labour MPs looked miserable

    This morning, Mr Gardiner – who otherwise serves as Labour’s spokesman on international trade – was doing his rounds of the studios, defending Mr Corbyn’s reluctance to have an election in December. The proposal, he told the BBC, was just a cynical “distraction” by Boris Johnson. Before holding an
    election, he went on, MPs had a duty to “resolve the issue of Brexit first”.

    A mere two hours after Mr Gardiner had made this righteous defence of Mr Corbyn’s position, Mr Corbyn announced that he did want an election in December after all.

    Oh what a tangled web we weave…


    …and what a bunch of no-hopers, listening (like others) to a bearded and demented old man, praying and spouting forth the doctrine he might have heard from his own God, in some deserted cave.


      1. ‘Morning, Tryers. Just rejoice in the fact that today is the penultimate day in the squalid little parasite’s reign over the House of Clowns. Deffo radio and TV silence tomorrow as the sickening tributes pour forth from a bunch of sycophantic bastards as he goes.

        1. Fingers crossed.
          I wouldn’t put it past the little rat to decide that he will nobly stay on to complete bu88er up Brexit.

    1. Could it be that Corbyn realised that there would be a majority vote for a GE despite Labour voting against it, so decided to cut his losses and pretend that he wanted an election?

      1. Who knows? I want him to remain at least until they lose. The post-election blood-letting should be a sight to behold.

        ‘Morning, A.

    2. In the few moments I listened to the ranting Referendum thug, not once was she asked if she was deliriously happy to go into an election campaign with a leader like Comrade Steptoe, with the lowest poll rating of any Liebour leader in living memory. I suppose blubbing on air at this stage would not look good…save it for the 13th December, luv.

    1. Having read the summary section of the report it is a damning indictment of the LFB senior management. It amounted to total shambles. It was further compounded by the lack of proper joint working by the Emergency services for example the MP’S declared a major emergency at 1.26 but did not inform the other services. The LFB declared a major incident at 2:06 but did not inform the other services and the LAS declared a major incident at 2.26 but did not inform the other services so there was a huge delay before the Hospitals were put on Major incident alert

      The Control room advised evacuate at 2:35 iut did not inform the Incident commander who only ordered evacuate at 2:47

      The report makes horrendous reading and list a catalogue of major failing by the LFB

      The LFB were Required to have procedures and training in place for High rise fires but appeared to have none

      2.17 Planning and preparation by the LFB for fires in high-rise buildings is examined in Chapter 27.
      National guidance requires fire and rescue services to draw up contingency evacuation plans
      for dealing with fires in high-rise buildings that spread beyond the compartment of origin
      causing a “stay put” strategy to become untenable. They should understand, for any given
      high-rise building in their area, when a partial or full evacuation might become necessary and
      provide appropriate training to incident commanders.
      2.18 The LFB’s policy for fighting fires in high-rise buildings, PN633, envisages that evacuation of a
      high-rise residential building may be necessary and suggests that during familiarisation visits
      officers consider evacuation arrangements. However, the LFB’s preparation and planning for
      a fire such as that at Grenfell Tower was gravely inadequate. In particular:
      a. The otherwise experienced incident commanders and senior officers attending the fire
      had received no training in the particular dangers associated with combustible cladding,
      even though some senior officers were aware of similar fires that had occurred in other

    1. That’s interesting. In my constituency, strongly Leave, it is recommending Brexit Party. We currently have the undemocratic, unworthy, odious, eu-brown-noser Boles.

  27. I am trying to post a picture but it continues to tell me I have to be logged in. Repeated efforts have failed.

    1. The gist of the photo is
      All EU countries except UK left the EU and created the EA because it was easier than Brexit.

      1. The only real way I can see to solve the NI problem is a free trade deal with the EU. Even that would require some checks but that’s normal with trade so for example goods going to the EU would need to comply with EU standards so as declaration will be needed that they do

  28. Bristol University hires slavery history professor to see whether it needs to apologise for colonial past. 30 October 2019.

    Bristol University has hired a professor of slavery history in an attempt to discover whether it needs to apologise for its colonial past.
    The institution has commissioned Prof Olivette Otele, an expert in the history of colonialism in Britain and France, to carry out a two year research project into the involvement of the University of Bristol and the wider city in the transatlantic slave trade.

    So she’s independent then? No prejudice about Slavery or Colonialism? I suppose one could point out that Colonialism didn’t come to West Africa until long after Slavery had been abolished by the UK though it existed under the native rulers well into the 19th century. They of course were the foundation of the Slave Trade. Without their activities there could have been no slaves at all let alone a business. They found, subjugated, transported and sold their fellow Africans to the Europeans and anyone else who dropped by. The merchants of Bristol were mere middlemen in comparison. Purveyors of cargo.


        1. ‘Morning, Bill. In terms of numbers and years of service you are probably right. However, my personal favourite was one of these, that operated on the 440 route connecting where I lived with my grandparents’ house about three miles away. The drivers used to let me stand alongside them when on the move and chat about the bus. How enlightened was that?

          1. Thanks!

            And here is a Regent Ill. It was in one of these that I managed to get my arm stuck in the handrail that was in front of the downstairs seat behind the driver. The bus pulled up at our stop, and then the conductor sent it on its way while I was still stuck fast…my mother finally managed to yank it out and the bus was stopped (three rings) so that we could finally get off and walk back. My mother gave me what-for…more bruises to add to those on my arm!

            Oops…can’t seem to paste the pic…

          2. It is interesting that these old bus had a reliable and cost effective life of almost 50 years. The new buses only last about 10 years and are not that reliable. How much CO2 constantly building new buses and scrapping old ones and the cost. A new Double deckers bus is in the region of £450,000

          3. The 440? Ah yes, I remember it well! But it was the 447 that ran up and own my road – a bus stop at each end.

      1. The tall block top right looks like the Medical Faculty. On that top floor I did dissection for a year.

        The view ovr the city ws amazing.

    1. I hate to tell them this but there is no way that Bristol Uni could hve been involved in Slavery ass it was not founded until 1909

      1. She will be looking into the funding of it from the legacies of Colston. She will find a connection there.

  29. Why Jo Swinson’s ‘white men’ jibe matters. Spiked. 30th October 2019.

    Lib Dem leader Jo Swinson last week described Boris Johnson, Jeremy Corbyn and their aides’ attempt to thrash out a new Withdrawal Agreement Bill timetable as ‘six white men stuck in the past, conspiring to wreck our future’. And although you cannot fault Swinson’s impeccable power of observation – all the men were indeed white – many have rightly noted that the ‘white’ jibe was unnecessary..

    This of course is the usually unspoken foundation of all Cultural Marxism. A hatred both of whiteness and males who are a part of it with some inclusion for their beliefs and the society and civilisation that they have built. Almost anything else is preferable and can be excused, Islam, Pakistani rape gangs, LGBT, Trans, Mass immigration, whatever. One of its myths is the overarching Patriarchy that supposedly rules when it is transparently clear that western society in general and the UK in particular are Feminist oriented are indeed feminised polities. The Legal, Judicial and Social Security systems have been perverted to ensure this prejudice. No man can receive justice or even a hearing in any family court. His opinions or feelings about his children will not even enter into the calculations. As for a consideration of shared parentage on abortion you will be hounded and castigated out of existence for even suggesting such a thing!


    1. ” No man can receive justice or even a hearing in any family court.”

      Thank you Minty, you’ve sparked a thought; what happens if the benighted Father, provided he has not been violent, rolls up to court with his lawyer demanding as a ‘Transgender Female’. to be heard? Get out of that one you bigots.

    1. All this poll does is confirm that the Leave vote will be split between the Conservatives and the Brexit party.

      1. Aeneas – This is now a 4 party election. The Remainers are splitting all over the place as well. This election will come down to Remain or Leave. My Conservative MP is a Remainer, so he won’t be getting my vote. What would be the point?

        1. This election will come down to Remain or Leave – as did the last one. They promised to honour the vote. They lied, and did quite the opposite.
          Who can trust them now?



      (I have been robbed of my right to vote by Blair and Cameron which is why I am making my position crystal clear in my posts).

      1. rastusctastey – you know from my comments that I want our country to be free of the EU as do many of us. But there is a risk that if you keep repeating “Vote for the Brexit Party” then you may become Ogga and effectively drive people away from the party that you support.

        People respond to informative comments and less so to repeated slogans. This comment of mine is meant to be constructive. You know that we have the same goal of being a Sovereign Nation State again. 🙂

        1. Yes I take your point.

          But election time is always the time when simple, direct, unambiguous slogans come to the fore.

          Most people on the NoTTLers site are in agreement with our shared point of view and there is a certain amount of self-mockery and mockery of the whole electoral season in my posts.

          This of course does not in any way negate my view that BRINO is the very worst answer to the question of Brexit but if the Conservatives were to win outright without Brexit Party support this is what we would get.

          So it is vital that the Brexit Party holds a signficant number of seats so that it can influence policy on Brexit.

          1. Most people on the NoTTLers site are in agreement with our shared point of view…

            So your constant repetition is preaching to the converted.

          2. But it is good to have the reminder as a reinforcement of the collective Nottler ideal, Peddy. It keeps up morale, the point to which we are all heading. Somewhat like ‘Onward Christian Soldiers’! (A favourite at my school’s assembly before the commencement of the exam season.)

  30. Why would anyone normal want to be an MP? Spectator. Isabel Hardman. 29 October 2019

    Heidi Allen has announced she is standing down at the election, citing the culture of abuse and intimidation in politics as one of the reasons. In a letter to her constituents, she writes: ‘I am exhausted by the invasion into my privacy and the nastiness and intimidation that has become commonplace. Nobody in any job should have to put up with threats, aggressive emails, being shouted at in the street, sworn at on social media, nor have to install panic alarms at home. Of course, public scrutiny is to be expected, but lines are all too regularly crossed and the effect is utterly dehumanising. In my very first election leaflet I remember writing “I will always be a person first and a politician second” – I want to stay that way.’

    Of course she does. Her constituents of course are to accept Allen’s removal to another party (twice) and her refusal to stand down along with her lies regarding her Brexit manifesto with cheery waves of encouragement and expressions of goodwill. This betrays an ignorance of human nature that transcends mere self-delusion and passes into the realms of paranoia.


    1. Benedict Arnold:- “I’m amazed at the negative reaction by my fellow Americans to my desertion to the other side. I just can’t understand it”.

    2. She could rephrase that whiny comment of hers as:

      “When I sold my soul to the Devil I was promised a life on the gravy train, multiple pensions, expense accounts, and a ladder to get up the greasy pole. When everything came to a head and the violence came, I would have a place on the island to sit back and watch as things unfolded. All I had to do was vote for the globalist agenda at every opportunity. Nobody told me that people would not just lie down and be trodden on.”

      She was lied to by people who have no morality, honour or decency, and now she is sad for herself? These people that she serves even treat their own minions as expendable. She was a useful puppet, nothing more.


  31. Wrong to Have A December Election

    How can you expect the Snowflakes to get out of their warm beds and go to vote in the cold before Uni? . How can you expect them to go ou in the cold and dark after unit to vote. They might get lost going out in the dark

    It almost amount to cruelty to Snowflakes as in spite of their name they dont like the cold

  32. TV tonight: Putin, punch-ups and propaganda – it’s Russian TV! Wed 30 October. 2019 06.20 GMT.

    The World According to Vladimir Putin. 10pm, Channel 4.

    From karaoke to topless fishing expeditions and political punch-ups, it seems anything goes on state-controlled Russian TV; that is, anything of which Putin approves. This tongue-in-cheek documentary examines how state news controls the agenda – and Russian citizens’ perceptions of their country. While the clips of shows may be entertaining and somewhat exoticising, there is a worrying undercurrent of propaganda that seemingly fuels one of the world’s major powers and its people. Ammar Kalia.

    That anyone could write such tosh, in the Guardian of all places, and in a country that hosts the BBC and where the MSM are simply mouthpieces for the Elites makes it hardly worth the effort of criticising!


    1. I was watching some RT propaganda about some camp in the Baltic states called Salaspils and the former inmates were condemning Latvians and Ukrainians for being anti-communist. There’s a Ukrainian club in Derby I’ve been to, no doubt formed by members of the SS Galician Division.
      Putin putting the Beeb’s John Simpson to the sword.

      1. I remember this Six. That anyone could miss such an opportunity to ask such a loaded and Juvenile question was beyond belief. My faith in Simpsons neutrality and ability was destroyed. I’ve never paid any attention to his reports since!

        1. I can’t bear listening to or watching any of the media nor politicians and thankfully I don’t come across any remainers in my day to day existence. There’s quite a few videos of Putin taking the P out reporters, and not forgetting the John Kerry’s briefcase.

  33. I’m going to love you and leave you for a few days folks,over the last couple of days I have typed several comments that I have had to delete before posting lest I and this blog get into severe legal trouble
    Like the engines of the Enterprise “I canna take it any more”
    Perhaps a few days break will defuse my rage,we shall see

    1. Relax and enjoy your brief break, Rik. Living in a state of rage is no good for anyone. Take deep breaths, enjoy long autumn walks and eat some comforting warm food at meal times. (Hint: Rhubarb crumble is a good choice.) Take care of yourself; we look forward to your return.

  34. Sickening tributes to Bercow at PMQs from all sides. Bercow lapping it up. Bercow makes glowing tribute to Ken Clark stting beside Theresa May. Corbyn’s tribute to Bercow was lengthy. Boris supporting WA2 which won’t help his campaign.

    1. The Buckingham constituency Conservative Association have just announced Bercow’s welcome replacement as their parliamentary candidate. Greg Smith who, apparently, is a Brexiteer.

  35. The final paragraph of an Unherd interesting article about one of my heroes:

    “Consider this: an East Anglian, nonconformist, philosemite, suspicious of, though not fundamentally opposed to, monarchy; a unionist uncomprehending of Ireland, a courageous advocate of military action, who left considerable problems of succession to those who came after them? It appears that Margaret Thatcher was cut from similar cloth to the Protector. And it may take just as long for a statue near Parliament to be raised to her.”


      1. GG,
        May one ask are you a supporter /member / voter of one of the
        lab/lib/con pro eu coalition parties ? if so be advised it would be very unwise of you to try using sarcasm in today’s political climate.

        1. ogga1
          You couldn’t be further from the mark. I have never belonged to a political party. I am an ardent Brexit supporter, always have been, but hoodwinked in 1975, and always will be.
          I thought the Conservatives got through ‘leaders’ at a rate of knots but they have been overtaken by UKIP. How is it that you can elect a leader and within a couple of months they’re gone in a puff of smoke. I don’t know if it’s an inbuilt death wish but it certainly doesn’t show any stability that, for me, can be taken seriously. I have never be a fanatic for any political party but have, in the past, voted Conservative until the Conservative Party left me and I have voted for both UKIP and the Brexit Party. I have always voted on the basis of what I think is right for the country and for me and my family.
          I will not vote for any party who cannot deliver what I believe is right. You continually complain about those who slavishly follow the lib/lab/con but are you not the same as them by following UKIP in the same way.

        1. Never at you, ogga1, but ruefully at the state that a once great party has got itself into – a party in whose name I have stood for public office twenty-five times.

          1. JBF,
            I had to ask, We have had weevils in the good ship UKIPs biscuits before, the opposition knows, inclusive of farage the true potential of UKIP and have witnessed it before, once again we were on the success trail under Gerard Batten, farage knew that and that triggered the anti UKIP / Batten, unwarranted,
            undeserved “nige”rant.
            There is no way on Gods green earth that the odious element within was going to tolerate the Richard Braine / Gerard Batten
            combo without a fight, to say by the nec that Batten was not of good standing achieved what it was meant to do, create discontent.
            New selection of NEC members to be voted on, result this weekend.

    1. So we won’t see any UKIP candidates, spoiling Brexit candidates votes?

      Time UKIP had a cleaning of its own Augean Stables, methinks. I was a member but no more. I’m for The Brexit Party.

      1. Evening NtN,
        Keeping in mind of course that the stables contained a great deal of molesh!te.
        The brexit group choice is your prerogative, nothing wrong with the group, better hobble the leader he has form of “wanting his life back” at the crucial moment , Catherine Blaiklock the founder leader will confirm.

    1. Am I alone in finding it strange that someone was filming somebody taking money from an ATM?

  36. Daily Wail headline:

    Tories are begging Brexit Party candidates NOT to stand in their seats, chairman of Farage’s party says as they reveal they have vetted 600 candidates to fight upcoming election

    Tell you what, Tory turncoats – why don’t YOU decline to stand where there is a Brexit Party candidate?

    1. My gut feeling is they will come to an arrangement. Boris has had to tread a tricky path. It was very clearly the Opposition parties were a 100% anti no deal so prior to getting a General Election in place any link to the Brexit Party would be out but things may now change. . Boris still needs to tread carefully as a rump of the party are still anti no deal but I think saving their skins will come first

  37. Here are a few tips for Johnson to put in his manifesto and enact if he is elected:

    i) An electoral pact with the Brexit Party and an unequivocal pledge to leave the EU without any surrender to the EU:
    ii) To undo the damage and vandalism inflicted on our democracy by Nick Clegg:
    – To make it legally binding to review constituency borders every five years to account for demographic changes;
    – To do away with the Fixed Term Parliament Act which Clegg insisted on so he could stay in coalition with Cameron;
    iii) To make postal votes far more difficult to obtain – only those with closely checked reasons should be allowed them;
    iv) To make manifesto promises more binding;
    v) To make sure that those who change political party in mid-term are obliged to resign and present themselves in a by-election.
    vi)To clarify the legal definition of treason;
    vii) Make the process of deselection of MPs more transparent.
    viii) To reduce the number of seats in the House of Commons to 300;
    ix) To reduce the numer of those sittiing in the House of Lords and only install new ‘lords’ to replace those who have resigned, been retired or died.
    x) Disimpower the Supreme Court.

    I am sure my NoTTLer friends here will have some more suggestions.

    1. I most certainly have a few suggestions, as I am sure
      you can imagine. But I must eschew this place and
      take my trusty carriage into town.

      1. Powered by your own slaves, I trust. It would be appalling and cruel for you to use those beasts of burden that should roam free.

    2. Morning G,
      It has happened before that UKIP make its common sense presents felt by proxy as in the lab/lib/con coalition
      rustling the UKIP manifesto.

      1. Good morning ogga

        I wish Brexit was more important to you than UKIP.

        Sure, I now support The Brexit Party having been a Conservative supporter all my life.

        But leaving the EU totally and cleanly is more important to me than the Brexit Party, the Conservative Party or any other political party.

        Please would you answer this question: “Is it more important to get a proper Brexit even it means the demise of UKIP or is the continuation of UKIP more important to you than escaping totally from the EU?”

        1. R,
          That is a very loaded question but I will reply with honesty.
          I personally would put islamic ideology nigh on par with the brexit issue.
          UKIP gave the country the chance of freedom from serfdom after
          years of watching these Isles deteriorate on a daily basis since the mid 70s under lab/lib/con pro eu party, rubber stampers.
          All the time this anti UK coalition was building a nation fit for the
          odious tripe of the world I was knocking up mileage on foot
          UKIP leafleting, all weathers.
          I am now witnessing the outcome when the fate of these isles
          is left to the politico of the toxic trio.
          As for the brexit group their founder member / leader Catherine Blaiklock summed up “nige” very nicely.
          Plus the group in the main are the very same peoples who
          was, whilst I was was atramping were still feeding the
          lab/lib/con pro eu political beast.

          Brexit group in this exit context, good.
          The current leader a mass back stabber.
          The survival of UKIP is a dire necessity, that is why the current powers want them gone.

    3. Stop the tradition of PMs awarding Lordships at the end of each Parliament. Cut down the number of Bishops in the HoL and perhaps restrict the award of such honours to people within the 55 – 75 age range. The numbers in the HoL should be considerably fewer than the number of MPs.

      1. There basic role i to peer review Commons legislation that should not need more than 300 Lords. Most though lack the skills to properly review the legislation

    4. vii) Persons registering to vote required to declare that they are not registered in another constituency.

  38. Stamp stamp. Pout. Scweam…..
    Never mind, darlin’. I’m sure Bro has a cushty post lined up for you.


    “Amber Rudd QUITS the Commons despite making peace with Boris Johnson

    Boris Johnson sparked an extraordinary public spat with Amber Rudd today after snubbing her plea to be allowed back into the Tory fold.

    The Hastings and Rye MP gave up the Conservative whip in solidarity with 21 Remainer rebels who were expelled by the PM last month.

    Ten of the MPs were brought back into the fold last night as Mr Johnson gears up for the looming election battle.

    Ms Rudd said this morning she would not be standing in the national ballot on December 12 – but made clear she was hoping to have the whip restored.

    However, in a brutal letter chief whip Mark Spencer refused her plea to be let back in. ‘You were clear that you did not support the approach of the PM and did not have confidence in him,’ he said.

    ‘I take the view that the receipt of the whip is an honour, not a right and as such it cannot be discarded or returned at will if it is to have any meaning.’

    The missive provoked a furious response from Ms Rudd, who shot back: ‘Funny thing really, as just last week the PM asked me to stand in the General Election.’

    She also delivered a thinly-veiled swipe at maverick Downing Street strategist Dominic Cummings, saying the chief whip had been briefed by the ‘wrong No10 sources’.

    It underlines the dramatic fall from grace for Ms Rudd, who was once touted as a potential future Tory leader.

    In a brutal letter, chief whip Mark Spencer refused Mr Rudd’s plea to be let back in

    The chief whip’s missive provoked a furious Twitter response from Ms Rudd

    Ms Rudd had a wafer-thin majority of just 346 in the 2017 election – meaning her seat is one of Labour’s top targets.

    However, the constituency voted 56 per cent for Leave, suggesting that a Brexiteer Conservative candidate might have better prospects.

    ‘I’m not finished with politics, I’m just not standing at this election,’ Ms Rudd told the Evening Standard.

    She added: ‘I spoke to the Prime Minister and had a good meeting with him a few days ago.

    ‘I’m really confident of my position.

    ‘I will be leaving the House of Commons on perfectly good terms with the Prime Minister and I want him to succeed.’

    Mr Johnson met with 10 of the 21 rebel MPs in his House of Commons office last night as they were offered the chance to return to the Tory fold.

    All 10 accepted the PM’s offer and will now be able to stand as Tory candidates at the forthcoming snap general election if they want to.

    The 10 who have had the Tory whip restored are: Alistair Burt, Caroline Nokes, Greg Clark, Sir Nicholas Soames, Ed Vaizey, Margot James, Richard Benyon, Stephen Hammond, Steve Brine and Richard Harrington.

    The remaining 11 rebels, including Philip Hammond and Ken Clarke, have not been welcomed back.

    However, a Tory source said that this evening’s events do not mean that the remaining 11 will be permanently deprived of the whip as they suggested there could still be a way back for the PM’s critics.

    Greg Clark, the former business secretary, and Sir Nicholas Soames, the grandson of Winston Churchill, were among the 10 rebels who had the whip restored.”

      1. Comments under the article suggests most readers think the same thing.
        I doubt that even the most subservient of Conservative Associations would have accepted her, however much CCHQ pushed.

    1. ‘You were clear that you did not support the approach of the PM and did not have confidence in him,’ he said.

      ‘I take the view that the receipt of the whip is an honour, not a right
      and as such it cannot be discarded or returned at will if it is to have
      any meaning.’

      I like that.

    2. For any of those who might be still wavering over what Boris really wants, here is the latest in a line of indicators. He had a choice to work with those who want a real Brexit, and he could have freed this country without question. With the Lib Dems and Labour going at each other for the same voters, we could have all waved goodbye to the EU with a clean break.

      Instead he has invited back into the party 10 people who were such hard-core Remainers that they needed to have the whip removed as a punishment for their betrayal. This suggests that either he is worried about his real current numbers, despite his bluster, or he only took the whip away as a Public Relations stunt to make him appear as if he wanted a real Brexit in the first place.

      The fact that the article says that the other 11 hard-line Remainers might find a way back into the party as well, strongly suggests he was just faking it for the cameras.

      1. I agree with you completely as I often do.

        However, you criticised me earlier for repeatedly producing the mantra



        The best and most relevant pithy election slogan was


        Can you think of a good one for this year which will be on everyone’s lips and in everyone’s mind?

          1. The trouble is that many people have been tricked into thinking that the Johnson Surrender WA is Brexit when it is not.

        1. Sorry, Richard, although panned, even in those distant, relaxed days, an update to:

          If you want an Imam, his Mosque and his neigbour, Vote Labour.

      2. Took a lot of guts to do that. He shook things up and got things moving. You have forgotten how bad things were.
        He had his hands tied behind his back, and decided to make the best of a bad job. He would never have been able to go for a hard Brexit – the Remainers’ legal tricks had done for him. Don’t blame the victim.

        1. “I have forgotten how bad things were.”

          Are you serious? Or are you one of those “odd people” that no-one takes much note of, other than to throw apples at? I am fairly new to this particular channel, but have been online in other places for a very long time, so I am still finding out which are not to be taken seriously here.

          If you think that Boris’s deal is a good thing for this country, then I would read something about how it hands the United Kingdom to the EU on a plate.

          Nobody who wants the best for our country could ever propose handing control of it over to the European Union.

          (Edit – I have changed one word to “odd”, as I do not know this person, and they may have just mistyped. I attempt to be polite when not taken by surprise.)

          1. There is a huge difference between thinking the deal is a good one, which it isn’t, and not recognising that the legal skulduggery had made a clean break totally impossible. Johnson’s hands were tied and even now getting a clean break after the GE is likely to prove impossible.

            If we are forced to remain we will NEVER be given another chance to get out.

            Ghastly though it is, and terrible though the long term damage might be, at least it was a small step outwards and having got the out we could then have started to fight much harder; even to the point of abrogating the treaty and letting the EU go hang with no cooperation from Britain, taking them down with us..

          2. Just to clarify my early post, which was slightly out of character for me as I was slightly surprised by someone who thinks that Boris is the victim here, and advising me that I had forgotten how bad things were.

            Sosraboc – much as I agree with almost all of your posts, and we have the same goals for our country, there is a fundamental perspective difference between us.

            Boris is not the victim, he is the criminal. He is trying to bring in almost the same deal as Theresa May and this is an utter betrayal of this country and will wreck it economically and do massive social damage to what is left of our Western way of life. Boris is FULLY AWARE that this will happen and he wants it to. He has not been mislead, he is fully on-board.

            This deal is most certainly not a “small step out” it binds us with open borders which will allow a flood of new pro-eu voters to swamp the country. They almost gave them voting rights this time, they certainly will by the next time. There would also not be any “fighting for a good deal” during the ever lengthening transition period because Boris has no intention of ever letting us leave the EU.

            So at the next election, instead of being closer to being free of the EU, we will have 1 – 2 million new voters who will vote in a referendum to keep us inside the EU. That will be the end. That is one of the game plans that this deal allows to play out.

            Boris is working for the EU in the same way that May, Cameron and Blair were. Being British Prime Minister is just a stepping stone to much bigger things. Tony Blair has done really well since he has moved on. Boris’s job is a cross between Blair’s and May’s, which is to delay our leaving the EU for as many years as possible, and to cause as much damage to the United Kingdom as he can in that time. His W/A allows him to do both.

            If Boris had ANY desire to leave then he would have been trying to push a No-Deal exit through Parliament and have made an agreement with The Brexit Party. Not this deal that he knows will wreck our country in a very short space of time. Boris is working for the enemy, he is not working for us. He is certainly not the victim.

          3. I agree, Meredith. Bojo had the opportunity to stop the Benn Surrender Act being passed into law. He could have recommended to HM that she didn’t sign it and she would have had to take his advice. He didn’t. He abandoned the HoL filibuster. He was happy to have his hands tied.

          4. ‘Evening, Sos, surely Boris, with a solid Leave Tory majority, could simply repeal the Benn (Surrender) Act, revoke Article 50 and repeal the European Communities Act 1972.

            That’s the Bill(s) he moves on December 16th (Monday after GE) and after debate and votes, on Christmas Eve he informs Barnier/Tusk of the EU that we are no longer Members and he’d better send the 73 MEPs back home as they’re not needed anymore.

          5. Where did I say that I thought the deal was a good thing ? I was merely trying to explain Boris’s thought processes.
            It is a fraudulent lousy deal, but the best he could do.
            I would not be anything other than polite to someone who has just come here from the Enid Blyton channel and found my comments different to understand……………..:-) Please read what I said again.

          6. Hmm – allow me to clarify with more precision – Boris didn’t have any guts to kick them out, it was part of his play-acting about a no-deal Brexit ever being a possibility, just so that he could get his appalling deal through. “Boris shook things up and got them moving” – they still nodded his bill though and prevented us from having the WTO Brexit we voted for. “Don’t blame the victim” – Boris is not the victim, but read my comment below a I’m not typing all that again.

            Ahh – I see that you think that I come from the Enid Blyton channel. It hard to combat such an incisive comment as that. I must hurry back to it. Have a good evening. 🙂

      3. There was talk a few weeks ago that Honours would be given to some members of the ERG group. This could mean Boris wants these troublesome ERG MPs out from under his feet. We shall see what happens.

    3. The missive provoked a furious response from Ms Rudd, who shot back: ‘Funny thing really, as just last week the PM asked me to stand in the General Election.’

      Is it possible that Johnson wanted her to stand as a successor to Screaming Lord Sutch in his party and not in the Conservative Party?
      She could join get Soubry to join as well.

      1. Soames isn’t standing again.
        Just as Soames used the Conservatives, Bozza is using Soames during his last weeks in Parliament.
        The die has been cast and I doubt Soames – whose only achievement has been as WSC’s grandson – will want to retire under the shadow of treachery to his party.

          1. So did the Ancient Britons. So another, earlier supra-national organisation came over from Europe to help them out and the rest, as they say, is history.

  39. Amber Rudd: Former Home Secretary standing down

    Well no surprise, I expect she did not want she humiliation of pretty much coming last in the poll

    All I can say is she will not be missed. She is not the sort of person we want in politics

    Former Home Secretary Amber Rudd has announced she will not be standing at the general election in December.
    The Hastings and Rye MP said she was “not finished with politics” but would not be defending her seat.
    Mrs Rudd, who had a majority of 346 at the last election, resigned from the cabinet and surrendered the Tory whip over Brexit in September.
    She was not among those Tories who had the party whip restored by the prime minister on Tuesday.

    1. Quelle surprise and hoorah!
      Joining brother’s outfit? Is that why he gave two chaps the big E?

    2. The Hastings and Rye MP said she was “not finished with politics”

      Seeking a peerage probably.
      Once a trougher always a trougher.

  40. A search on the BBC News website does not bring up the story of Paul Golding, the chap from Britain First being detained at Heathrow. He was detained under Schedule 7 of the Terrorism Act 2000. As I understand it, this Act can only be used if the subject to be detained has been convicted of terrorism or is actively involved in terrorism.
    Mr Golding was jailed for breaching a Court Order and was convicted of harassment. If contempt of court and harassment have come terrorist crimes then well and good. If not, then the detaining of Mr Golding and his two companions may have been illegal, as may have been the seizure of his electronic devices.
    Was this a “fishing expedition” by our security forces, pushing their luck?

        1. It was meant to be tongue in cheek because the SC and others seem to be a law unto themselves.
          Normal rules do not apply to plebs like us.

    1. It is hard to imagine that any red-blooded Conservative who reads that can still think that this deal should go anywhere other than the bin. It will do tremendous damage to the United Kingdom.

      1. Which begs the question that if they understand the implications of what Boris proposed, why were they so happy to let it go through?

        1. Because those M.P.s who pretend to be proper Brexiteers don’t really want to cut all ties with the eu. I suspect every single one of these undemocratic, dishonest shutters knows exactly what Johnson’s surrender deal involves.

    2. Excellent.

      Nigel Farage is always accused of lying when he seems to be considerably more truthful than most politicians.

      Can any Remaoner show that anything in this document is not completely true?

      1. R,
        Selective lying, as very much shown in regards to UKIP, can any deny that is was UKIP that via the members toil gave him support and a platform to build his image.
        On leaving the political field ” to get his life back”
        he showed his gratitude to UKIP party & members for their input by a mass rhetorical
        back stabbing.
        This is NOT an anti brexit group post, I repeat, NOT.

        1. Hello again, ogga

          The question I posed was whether anyone could identify any lies in this document: it was not about NF’s relationship with UKIP

      2. It’s depressing that we’ve reached this stage without a similarly concise assessment of what Boris would have had us sign up to.

        1. Johnson tried to bounce it through the Commons because he knows it will not bear scrutiny, let alone close scrutiny. Corbyn & Co did the right thing for the wrong reason in opposing it. The problem Leave has in this election is that the Party claiming to be delivering Brexit, is not doing so and the party that does want to do so, will not gain power.
          Farage and his people have to be seen to support Brexit but not expose Johnson as the fraud he is. They somehow have to balance their approach and hope that they gain enough seats to be able to hold Johnson to account.
          Just read that Daniel Rudd, Brexit Party PPC for Stone, has decided NOT to oppose Bill Cash. Sensible move IMHO.

          1. The fact Boris tried bouncing such a bad deal through has put him down several notches in my estimation.

          2. But BRINO is a worse answer to the Brexit question than Remain would be. The only acceptable Brexit is for Britain to leave the EU completely without surrendering anything at all to the EU. An outright Conservative victory would be a disaster.

          3. If he obtains a working majority and ratifies his Brino “deal” there’s no telling what he will agree to when the PD is negotiated. Did he and the EU agree on the ‘walk out’ clause as a ruse to soften the ERG’s stance? Is he as duplicitous as May or is the same person/cabal working his strings as he/they did May’s?

          4. Did everyone in the ERG capitulate?

            We know about Judas Grease Smogg but I really did have faith in Owen Paterson, Steve Baker and Mark Francois. In fact I had wished that they would have joined NF’s Brexit Party.

            Will they ever regain the trust they have lost or will the rest of their miserable lives be mired in shame|?


          5. Is it possible to have a conditional capitulation? The story is that Johnson made a promise with regards to the ‘walk away’ clause to get the ERG onside. Walk away at the end of next year to WTO terms? I cannot think of anything else that would entice the likes of Baker and the other Spartans to agree to Johnson’s “deal”. If it’s a false promise then the end of next year could be an interesting time for Tory Party watchers.

  41. David Lidlington the latest to go.

    Expenses (2009)

    In May 2009, The Daily Telegraph
    revealed Lidington had claimed nearly £1,300 for his dry cleaning and
    had also claimed for toothpaste, shower gel, body spray and vitamin
    supplements on his second home allowance.[13] Lidington repaid the claims.[13]
    Lidington was also criticised by local newspaper the Bucks Herald for claiming £115,891 in expenses in one year, almost double his salary

  42. Picking up on one point in the Grenfell report, I’ve lost count of the number of times I’ve seen fire doors wedged open as it is ‘inconvenient’ to keep opening these relatively heavy items. On a couple of occasions have seen them missing altogether, although not clear if they’ve been stolen or removed for some sort of maintenance. Not sure how repeated acts of human nature (idleness versus safety) can be dealt with.

    1. There are electromagnetic devices that hold the doors open which then, when the fire alarm is triggered, release the doors to close.

      1. If they couldn’t afford proper insulation, they couldn’t afford luxuries like that.

    2. There were reports at the time that several fire doors were “missing” – believed removed by the residents and apparently flogged off. Not that fire doors would have made much difference, once the fire was all over the outside.

    3. Hospital are the worse for this they continually have fire doors wedged open and corridor cluttered with beds and various equipment in direct breach of fire regulations

      1. Many years ago, as we were about to start a refurb / extension to Colchester Leisure Centre, I undertook a dilapidations survey. Several sets of fire doors had frames surrounded by that well known intumescent material: newspaper…

        1. My engineer in London, Stan Feneron of the then Lowe & Rodin, was involved in the structural appraisal of Ronan Point following the gas explosion.

          He found half eaten sandwiches in their boxes in cavities and structural joints stuffed full with newspaper where in-situ stitching should have been grouted and any number of additional shoddy and shabby practices.

          There were no prosecutions of Taylor Woodrow and their Swedish accomplices whereas Lord Taylor should have been brought to court. Taylor gave thousands to the Tory Party.

  43. Boris has been doing a good job. I think it is called ” Cleaning out the Augean Stables ”
    A few more still to go, I think.

  44. Grenfell Tower.

    Peddy’s shirt thief cleared:

    Grenfell Tower inquiry exonerates resident of flat where fire began

        1. And whose fault was it that the fire started in the first place?

          Let me guess, the evil Tories.

        2. Of course he did….. tell that to the marines. None so blind as those who have been told not to see.

    1. It’s probably part albino. Robins are members of the Thrush family, as are Blackbirds. It is not unusual for male Blackbirds to display patches of white for the same reason.

        1. Our completely white blackbird lasted a few seasons and we still see the odd ones with streaks of white, presumably descendants.

    2. As a member of the RSPB, Wildlfowl and Wetland Trust
      and English Heritage I’ll say it’s just in mid plumage camouflage .

  45. Lets hope they have a total reform of the LFB. There are clearly very serious failing in how the LfB operates at present . The London Mayor has questions to answer as well as the LFB are answerable to the Mayors office . There are also major failings in the Buildings Regulation system which is normally the responsibility of the Local Councils. Currently the Fire regulations are the responsibilities of the builders who self declarer they meet them. Landlords also have some responsibility

    It is all very fragmented amongst various organisation and no one is in overall control

    1. What I have to say will be deemed Sexist & misogynistic but I will post it anyway : Far too many incompetent women have been promoted to senior positions both in the Fire Brigade & Police and no doubt in other government / local government jobs purely because of pressure from the Feminist movement which is IMO a Marxist inspired / infiltrated movement created to disrupt our Judaeo-Christian society and its norms of male / female relationships. Political Correctness is taking a huge toll in public safety by having totally incompetent women & ethnic minorities in command positions.
      The same goes for politics – I am sorry to say that most female politicians are 2nd & 3rd rate at best, there to make up the numbers & heaven forbid they become incompetent prime ministers like Mrs. May or incompetent ministers like Greening, Rudd or May herself was and you have a recipe for national disaster like the UK has today with incompetent female harpies actually party leaders ( Lib-Dems, Greens, SNP ) and prospective future ministers !

      1. I dont think all are but many are and I have to agree that Canny Cotton was promoted far above her level of competence as the Report clearly shows

          1. Danny Cotton is in my view a pen pusher and not a leader. Her position is now untenable but she is refusing to resign. If she does not then they will have to sack her. After the Greenfell Report she cannot remain in office

          2. Did you see the farce when the female deputy speaker came in for the Committee stage. She got herself in a hopeless mess and had to call Bercow back

          3. LOL ! Good evening Geoff, what I think should happen to Bercow includes the use of a rope & a lamp post outside the HoC
            A dreadful dishonest little man with a slut wife twice his size, who has brought the position of Speaker of the HoC into disrepute & will probably end up on a BBC chat show panel with Naga Carpet-Munchetty , Polly Toynbee , Cherie Blair & Peter Tatchell !

          1. Her role on the Fire ground seemed to be saying to the Firefighters as they went in best of luck but I will wait out here

          2. WE have had a good female PM and a good female speaker but they were there on merit bot because they were female and wanted to make up the numbers

          3. Ah I must apologise to any LGBTXYZ readers perhaps I should have used apparently female

      2. I said much the same yesterday, i.e. those people in Grenfell died because the LFB put gender equality before ability.
        I won’t say women can’t do the job, but they’d be few and far between. On average, they are not physically built for it, and as for Dany Cotton, she has admitted that she was promoted only because she was a woman.
        If anyone looks at the footage of all the New York fire fighters, there wasn’t a single woman among them. A previous NY mayor said he was fine with women joining the Fire Service, as long as they could carry a 250lb mayor out of a burning building….

      3. This girlie totally agrees.
        These ‘bumps at the front’ promotions have done nothing for genuine feminism.

      4. 1,000 upticks..
        Merit no longer counts, political correctness must be adhered to and as for ballsy, aggressive female interviewers they are a turn off…

          1. Good evening, hat. I expect that you are already aware ….

            Marcelle Ninio, Israeli spy who spent 14 years in an Egyptian jail for her part in the operation that became known as ‘The Unfortunate Affair, has died aged 89.

      5. It puzzles me how there are so many lesbians in senior positions in the Police and, it seems, The London Fire Brigade.
        They are vastly over-represented.

        1. They tend not to have marriage and children to distract them from their career path.
          And many women don’t actually want a career as we understand it; they have other priorities in life.
          It hasn’t taken Ruth Davidson long to realise that a demanding career and a sprog don’t go well together.

        2. Ahem, its sometimes called “The Ripley Syndrome” and some do like those uniforms. In a world where there were lots of soft-women stereotypes, the Alien heroine was a bit of a role-model for “women in comfortable shoes” as a strong-woman. As a teenaged boy at the time I can comment on how many of us at school had a bit of a crush on her as well.


    2. Margaret Thatcher in her Prime got fed up with the large banners hung by Ken Livingstone from County Hall, critical of the Tory government. Her reaction was to abolish the GLC altogether. Thus many good public servants with a knowledge of how London works were lost to it.

      The loss of the GLC meant that the system of District Surveyors, highly qualified engineers, was dismantled and the job of critical examination of building plans and fire strategies was given over to less qualified council officers. The London Building Act, written after the Great Fire of London, was dropped and replaced by The Building Regulations.

      Whereas government buildings were governed by the Home Office Fire Inspectorate, a highly competent team, it was normal otherwise to consult the Chief Fire Officer at The London Fire Brigade. We were then told by government to deal only with Building Control officers and that they would do the liaison with the London Fire Brigade.

      The discarding of centuries of tradition and practice has been responsible for the catastrophe at Grenfell Tower. There is an almost total disconnect between the various agencies and many of the Common Purpose appointees such as the silly woman fronting the London Fire Brigade.

      Others have referred to the imposition of material standards arising from our membership of the EU. Suffice to say that nothing good has ever come out of the EU. Our original British Standards were the best in the world.

  46. Adrian Bailey MP

    After nineteen years in parliament, I am announcing my retirement as MP for West Bromwich West. I would like to thank my constituents for electing me to represent them on six occasions. It has been the privilege of my life to have served.

  47. The Saxon Queen really doesn’t like this getting dark at merely
    4.45pm late afternoon. The miasmic whiff of an early dusk isn’t
    for her .

    1. It’s about 7 weeks to the solstice – it’s gonna get darker & darker earlier & earlier.

        1. Dont worry Corbyn is suggesting that Chaperones should escort the snowflakes to the polling stations should they need to vote after dark

          1. Tell me about it. We left France on Sunday morning – and every morning since I have been up and about at 06,30 because my body (what is left of it) thinks that it is 08.30.

          2. BTW, seeing as the Greenwich Meridian runs smack through the middle of yer France, why aren’t they on GMT at least in the winter?

      1. Thats a cheery thought Mr Viking

        After my cousins late In-laws retired, they visited
        New Zealand every other November returning to England
        In March. So therefore missing winter entirely every other

        1. I used to go down to Chile in November, but I gave it up after a few years because all that flying made me tired.

          1. No, our winter is their summer & I didn’t go south of Valdivia or north of Iquique

          2. At least it wasn’t one of my wings.

            Chile extends beyond S. America well into Antarctica, where it is a bit chilly.

          3. That’s the thing really, the travelling is a pain,
            especially when more then a couple hours on a plane.

          4. It’s 12 hours from Madrid to Santiago de Chile. The flight left just after midnight & arrived after breakfast. I could never sleep, not even on one of the so-called beds up front.

          5. That sounds just too much _ flying at night
            is bad enough in itself. I am fine with up to 3
            hours or maybe 4 hours max, more then that I
            feel trapped, sounds odd, but I there you go.

          6. I don’t like the fuss and over the top security at airports
            too. I am always stopped for some reason and i
            don’t even take the long bow and axe 🙂

          1. Looks like the black cat that spends part of her time (especially at night) in our garden in France..{:¬))

      1. Even the moon sending shards of icy diamond arrows
        and stars dancing in the midnight blue heavens
        can create fondness in my breast for winter .

    2. But what did you do before British Summer Time was invented?
      You do realise that we are now on the UK’s natural time zone?

  48. So far the Bill seems to have not got through the Lords they seem to be doing a lot of waffling over a simple straightforward bill

      1. Yes it has still to pass through the Lords they could in theory put back om amendments that never made it in the commons. If they do that all hell will be let loose. The bill would probably bbe pulled as if it got to the commons those amendments would be passed

    1. That looks like a lot of gold.

      Still, you’re going to burglar proof your gold, that’s a fairly effective method.

      1. Depends how much of the natural tooth is under the crown. It would have been interesting to see a ‘before’ photo.

          1. Why?
            Almost every post you’ve made this evening to other posters has been in the form of a written sneer.

            Lighten up you miserable old dental technician.

          2. That is simply not true.
            Obviously you are either drunk or your arthritis is troubling you. I have arthritis too, but, unlike you, I don’t take it out on others.

            You criticise me for correcting/helping others & say I should contribute to discussions, when I do contribute, you attack me for that.
            Just what the fuck do you need to make you happy?

    2. I don’t often read animal minds, but I suspect that she must have bitten her tongue at least once and thought “Where the hell did that come from…”

  49. Swinson: Lib Dems will ‘look to work’ with pro-Remain parties

    Well we pretty well new that

    Liberal Democrat leader Jo Swinson has been speaking to reporters outside Parliament.
    She repeats that she will be standing in the forthcoming election as a “candidate to be prime minister”.
    Her party, she says, is going into an election with more members and more money “than ever before”.
    Asked about possible alliances with other pro-Remain parties, she says the Lib Dems will “look to work with other parties that want to stop Brexit”.

      1. Now that Boris has got the General election he no longer need to stay away from the Brexit Party. Before he needed to because the opposition parties in no way wanted a Leave with No deal and any link to the Brexit party would have got them worried

        Now the General Election is on an informal agreement on what seats each party contests would be sensible. Boris might get a bit of flack from some of the pro deal brigade but that should be manageable

        The Brexit Party would stand aside in Conservative held seats and ones they were likely to take and the Conservatives would stand aside in seats the Brexit party could take. These would be seats the Conservatives would have pretty much no hope of winning. It is a win win situation and would be daft of Boris not ro agree an informal arrangement

        The REmain parties are already talking of an arrangement. The polls for the Conservatives at present show a lead but the situation is volatile and the Conservatives are far from getting a safe win

  50. I bet not a lot of people know that George Canning was the PM that spent the least time in office

    Boris Johnson clocks up the 100th day of his premiership on Thursday – the same day the UK was originally due to leave the European Union.
    But he still has a few weeks to go until he avoids the dubious honour of being the UK’s shortest-serving prime minister.
    Mr Johnson will pass that milestone on 19 November, when the general election campaign is due to be in full swing.
    On that date, he will overtake George Canning, who managed 118 days as PM before his death in 1827, and who currently holds the record for the shortest time in office.

  51. Lib Dems could win hundreds of seats in election, says Swinson. Wed 30 Oct 2019 09.13 GMT.

    The Liberal Democrats are “within a small swing of winning hundreds of seats”, Jo Swinson has claimed, as the main parties began pushing out key messages before what is billed as the most volatile general election in living memory.

    Of course they could! Sigh!


    1. Their party will be cut in half when they lose all of the quisling defectors that they have picked up. That will be a good start for them.

  52. According to Michael Burke, that business with Guy Fawkes took place half a millennium ago. (Discuss.)

  53. I liked this comment:

    Rob in Cheshire
    October 30, 2019 at 2:18 pm
    I punished myself by listening to some of Princess Nikki Campbell’s show this morning.

    Several of the pro-Labour callers sounded more than a little demented, but the worst was a man from the North East who wound himself into a psychotic fury about the ruin the Conservatives had brought upon Britain (economic growth, low unemployment, that sort of thing).

    By the end of his impassioned tirade, he was reduced to repeating “the Conservatives are evil” over and over.

    “Evil”. What a word. The Nazis were evil. Pol Pot was evil. A mainstream British political party (and by implication the people who vote for it) is not “evil”.

    If someone had said that about Labour, I think Princess Nikki would have shut them down. But he must have been busy with a sudoku or something, because the man was allowed to rant without interruption.

    Is it just possible that, after a career in the BBC, Nikki is so used to hearing the Conservatives called “evil” that it just didn’t register?

    I say replace Nikki with Samira Ahmed, she’ll be just as bad, but a lot cheaper.

    Vote 16 likes


    1. Which is why the Conservatives need Farage’s people to put Labour to the sword in the North and North-East. There are a large number of people there who would throw themselves and their entire families off a bridge before they would dream of voting Tory. It’s pathological. That’s part of the reason why Yvette Cooper and company got voted in in 2017 in Leave constituencies.

    2. i’ve never bothered listening to his programmes but he is a good speaker at pro-wildlife marches.

  54. Millennium Mills, London

    A remnant of the U.K. capital’s industrial past and one of the few major factories in London that hasn’t yet met the wrecking ball or been redeveloped, Millennium Mills in Silvertown dates from the turn of the century but the main building was destroyed in World War II and rebuilt during the 1950s. At its height, the facility had a workforce of 100,000.


      1. t is incredible how many people factories and warehouses and docks employed at one time. How an earth do you even fit a 100,000 people in that building

  55. Rape trial row Tory candidate suspended

    A Tory assembly candidate who was accused by a crown court judge of deliberately sabotaging a rape trial has been suspended by his party.
    Ross England was selected eight months after the trial collapsed.
    While giving evidence, he claimed he had a casual sexual relationship with the victim, which she denied.
    Welsh Conservative chairman Byron Davies said: “Ross England has been suspended pending this matter being presented to the candidates committee.”
    The prime minister refused to answer a call to sack the Vale of Glamorgan candidate at prime minister’s questions on Wednesday.

  56. Samira Ahmed gives evidence in BBC tribunal

    Total daft she appears om a minor channel on a minor program that no one watches

  57. That’s me for this very pleasant day. The builder came and sorted the leaking roof (well, he said he did, we’ll have to wait until there is a downpour). And he has promised to return in three weeks to do the job we originally wanted him to do.

    We dug up a box hedge and half the sage plants in readiness for the 20 new rose plants that will arrive in a week or so.. Finished lifting the potatoes.

    Tonight, our chums in Laure are having a soirée to fête the chestnuts and the (awful) vin primeur – this year’s newly made and bottled vino. It is truly dire! We were given a bottle which we are getting through quickly. We have two Spanish chestnut trees – and all the nuts have been plundered by tree rats. We managed to find half a dozen to include in a snap to send the pals.

    A demain – prolly after going to Fakenham market. Have a jolly evening making wax models of the “Tories” you want to disappear.

    1. ‘Evening, Bill,

      If the vin primeur is what we call(ed) Beaulolais Nouvelle, I remember in the early 70s offering a glass to a well-known wine buff and commentator. Having sampled it he wrinkled his nose and said, “Hmm, all very well but it’s rather like going to bed with a 16-year-old.”

    1. Workington. I remember a council house revitalisation project there in the late seventies / early eighties. Woodhouse Estate. The site compound was fortified beyond reason. One tenant, upon being told his bath was being replaced, asked where he was supposed to store his coal. The local milkman had a rear gunner.

      1. The local milkman had a rear gunner.

        Arse end Charlie on a milk float? Whatever next?😎

  58. Alison Prince, who has died aged 88, was an award-winning poet, prolific writer of novels for children and adults, and the author of biographies of Kenneth Grahame and Hans Christian Andersen.

    She was best known, however, as the scriptwriter of the much-loved BBC children’s stop-motion animated television series Trumpton (1967) and author of the immortal line “Pugh, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub!”, the roll call for Trumpton’s fire brigade.


          1. Cripes. I can feel my inner Jacobin coming to the surface.
            Now where did we park the tumbril? Behind the dustbins … or did I lend it to my brother?

        1. Belle, I’m sure that she will surface somewhere with an excellent remuneration package. It’s what people like her do.

          1. Good to hear from you, Hatman. Are you still in Tel Aviv? Keep safe.
            These people are like cockroaches; great survivors but of no use at all.

      1. “Pugh, absent sir

        Pugh absent sir
        Barney McGrew, absent sir
        Cuthbert, Dibble, Grub!”,away on diversity training sir”

      1. I have seen Sebastian Payne on the newspaper reviews on Sky News. He is a slimy little Remainer who talks utter shi-ite, which is no surprise from someone who is pro-eu.

        I hope that this story is not true as 30 seats might not be enough to stop Boris’s deal getting through. If it does then its time to leave the cities and start becoming experts in unarmed combat. As someone with a fake Conservative as my MP I want a Brexit Party candidate to vote for.

    1. Ah, fill the Cup – what boots it to repeat

      How Time is slipping underneath our Feet

      Unborn tomorrow and dead Yesterday

      Why fret about them if Today be sweet!

          1. Bugler, that’s twice you’ve beaten me to the theme.

            I think I’ll need you to remove a foot, to give me a chance of competing.

      1. Evening GG,
        Every PM needs a willy, ( Thatcher).

        Harold Wilson is going round the country stirring up apathy, WW.
        Like it.

    1. I hope he is as successful in his attempt to be mayor as he was in his attempt to be Prime Minister.

    2. I hope he is as successful in his attempt to be mayor as he was in his attempt to be Prime Minister.

    1. Only certain inhalers, unfortunately the most common.

      When I was practising & taking medical histories I was often amazed at the number of adult patients who were using inhalers but still sucking on at least 40 ciggies a day.

      1. Par for the course. I never cease to be surprised by the number of wheelchair users sitting outside hospital entrances puffing away after losing one of more legs due to vascular diseases caused by smoking.

    2. Only certain inhalers, unfortunately the most common.

      When I was practising & taking medical histories I was often amazed at the number of adult patients who were using inhalers but still sucking on at least 40 ciggies a day.

  59. Jo Swinson on the Andrew Neil show.

    If she was born & bred in her Scottish constituency, as she claimed recently, why does she speak like a West Country yokel?

    Something very false here.

    1. I supplied the probable answer to that yesterday having noticed the change the other day. I reckon she has had elocution lessons which have gone wrong. She speaks with the accent of the posher part of Somerset, the Queen of the West viz. Bath. I am a Bathonian and retain some of the essential timbre. My wife noticed it too.

        1. Yup Peddy the Bath accent is much posher than the Bristolian and discernibly different.

          I am a student of architectural history and notice the same difference in the buildings built by Bristolians and those built by Bathonian masons in the C18.

          The best building in Bristol was designed by a Bath architect and built by Bath masons. It is the Corn Exchange by John Wood the Elder. Those buildings built by the Bristolian builders are mostly Jerry built. The freemasons had a lot to do with it in Bristol.

          Today Bristol has gone to pot, literally.

          1. I haven’t been back for years. I boycotted the last alumni meeting. £1000 for a weekend? I should co-co!

          2. Bristol University is one of the best Redbricks still. I attended Sheffield University for my first degree and UCL for the post grad qualification. I thought seriously about Bristol but it was too close to home and I wished to get as far away as possible from my family.

            I chose well. In 1970 the Architectural School of Bath University was operating from Kings Weston Manor, a very cold and stark building designed by Sir John Vanbrugh (Architect of Blenheim).

            I visited when a student (bus from centre to Sea Mills then walk) and many years later as my investment advisors operated from there. They have since moved. The place was cold and damp.

            On a Summer’s day I would walk from Kings Weston to Blaise Hamlet (Architect John Nash a style known as cottage ornee) and Blaise Castle (Architect Charles Cockerel) through fields of grass and wild flowers.

          3. I don’t want to wish you ill health, Peddy, but had you been rushed into Addenbrookes again yesterday you could have had an interesting conversation with Boris at your bedside today!


      1. I am Sparkytus

        I am Sparkytus

        I am Sparkytus

        Once at Longleat, where the ‘concert ‘ organisers had one Nine Gallon Barrel of cider available, for consumption (at a price) by 400 + attendees

      1. Two short planks bolted together. Swinson and her husband are both in the pay of Soros.

        Curiously quite a few of those standing down at the forthcoming election are also funded by Soros through his various political movements and sham associations.

        Jo Johnson is another and Ken Clarke, the latter the authentic Bilderberger.

        1. They have helped to block Brexit for 3 years now. Time for their rewards and to be replaced by a new set of faces that can start fooling people all over again.

        2. I can’t fathom how an Englishman can openly make such a statement. He’s clearly a hypocrite because he’s been quite happy to take his salary and expenses from something he clearly despises. Perhaps being a Bilderberger helps.

          I look forward to the day when the Westminster Parliament is just a council chamber in Europe

          1. I look forward to the day when Ken Clarke is no more, when he has ceased to be, when, bereft of life, he rests in peace, when he is an ex-councillor in the EU’s Westminster Council Chamber. To that day when his metabolic processes are history, he’s off the twig, kicked the bucket, to when he’s shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin’ Bilderbergers in the sky.

          2. I don’t think the Bilderbergers will be up in the sky. They will be far down underground with the rest of the globalists.

        1. I was looking for the “Death of Rats” from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld, and that was one of the pictures that came up. I was not going to waste one of the finer ones on the likes of Bercow.

          1. I remember reading Doctor Rat by (from memory) William Kotzwinkle, an American author. The paperback is absent from my library. Pissed with laughter. I feel the same now that Bercow is a thing of the past.

          1. A beautiful post, Maggie. Reminds me of both Listen With Mother and University Challenge.


          2. Indeed, Maggie. These days I surround myself with Nostalgia: old films, old songs (the Great American Song Book and singers like Frank Sinatra and Doris Day), old copies of EAGLE and friends who remember all of these and share my enthusiasm for them. This NoTTL site is another place I feel happier in. Courtesy, humour, and interesting posts and opinions.

          3. Surely in your case it was GIRL instead of EAGLE, Maggie? Remember Wendy and Jinx? And Lettuce Leafe – the greenest girl in school?

  60. I see that Nicky Morgan is standing down

    They are all running for cover .. taking super pensions .. and perks I expect and probably escaping from the prospect of a Corbyn government .

    Many fine country houses and estates are being sold .. farms etc .. landowners are even selling off parcels of land.. either to developers or for small holdings!

    1. Their work is done, Brexit trashed time to get out before the people realise what they have done.

      1. We will remember them……………More for their treachery than for any Service. Bastards.

    2. I cannot stand Nicky Morgan and her creepy cloned
      Cherie Blair toothless wide grin and thick neck.
      Don’t much like her politics or much else about her
      anyway. I agree, probably looking forward to a fat payoff .

      1. When the neck is as thick as the head then you have an example of crass stupidity. My Irish landlord in Clapham Common, many years ago, had those qualities, a Mr Murphy.

        1. As long as they go, I’m not too worried about the reason.
          Draining swamp or rat run. Good riddance.

  61. Something went wrong in the commons today. It was late in the day and a debate on the NI budget. It was all sensible and only the people with an interest with it were there and none of the normal disruptive rabble

      1. he stands on the chair, otherwise it is presumed empty.

        The cushion has a big pile (of Karpp on it usually)

  62. Some bright spark was rattling away about ” the UK leaving Europe ”
    Nope ! We are not leaving Europe, we are in the continent of Europe
    there are 44 nations in Europe. We are leaving the EU which has
    merely 27 nations.. strangely the others cope without being in the
    EU. The EU doesn’t speak for Europe or even those 27 countries
    that make up the European Union, it’s a protectionist elitist
    club whuch speaks only for its self.

  63. Something went wrong in the commons today. It was late in the day and a debate on the NI budget. It was all sensible and only the people with an interest with it were there and none of the normal disruptive rabble

    1. The worst day of my life. I just unsubscribed to Waitrose. I think my life might be ruined forever. What am i to do without their chocolate caramel profiteroles !

          1. Then make them an offer they can’t refuse! (A horse’s head in the CEO’s bed, perhaps?)

  64. As Britain heads for a general election, MPs are making decisions about their own future career plans. So as the day-to-day politics unfurls, Guido brings you the comprehensive and continually-updating list of MPs who have announced they will be stepping down at the next election. Get in touch with any updates…


    John Bercow, Buckingham

    Nicky Morgan, Loughborough
    Alan Duncan, Rutland and Melton
    Alastair Burt, North East Bedfordshire
    Bill Grant, Ayr, Carrick and Cumnock
    Caroline Spelman, Meriden
    Claire Perry, Devizes
    David Lidington, Aylesbury
    David Tredinnick, Bosworth
    Glyn Davies, Montgomeryshire
    Hugo Swire, East Devon
    Jeremy Lefroy, Stafford
    Jo Johnson, Orpington
    Keith Simpson, Broadland
    Mark Field, Cities of London and Westminster
    Mark Prisk, Hertford & Stortford
    Michael Fallon, Sevenoaks
    Mims Davies, Eastleigh
    Nicholas Soames, Mid Sussex
    Nick Hurd, Ruislip, Northwood and Pinner
    Nicky Morgan, Loughborough
    Patrick McLoughlin, Derbyshire Dales
    Peter Heaton-Jones, North Devon
    Richard Benyon, Newbury
    Richard Harrington, Watford
    Sarah Newton, Truro and Falmouth
    Seema Kennedy, South Ribble

    Adrian Bailey, West Bromwich West
    Albert Owen, Ynys Mon
    Ann Clwyd, Cynon Valley
    Geoffrey Robinson, Coventry North West
    Gloria De Piero, Ashfield
    Helen Jones, Warrington North
    Ian Lucas, Wrexham
    Jim Cunningham, Coventry South
    Jim Fitzpatrick, Poplar and Limehouse
    John Mann, Bassetlaw
    Kate Hoey, Vauxhall
    Kevin Barron, Rother Valley
    Louise Ellman, Liverpool Riverside
    Owen Smith, Pontypridd
    Paul Farrelly, Newcastle-under-Lyme
    Roberta Blackman-Woods, City of Durham
    Ronnie Campbell, Blyth Valley
    Stephen Pound, Ealing North
    Stephen Twigg, Liverpool West Derby
    Teresa Pearce, Erith and Thamesmead
    Lib Dem

    Norman Lamb, North Norfolk
    Vince Cable, Twickenham
    Former-Tory, Former-Change UK, Former-Independent, Former ‘The Independents’, Now Lib Dem

    Heidi Allen, South Cambridgeshire
    Conservative Independents

    Guto Bebb, Aberconwy
    Oliver Letwin, West Dorset
    Justine Greening, Putney
    Ken Clarke, Rushcliffe
    Nick Boles, Grantham

    Amber Rudd, Hastings and Rye
    Joan Ryan, Enfield North
    Rory Stewart, Penrith and the Border
    The Independent Group for Change

    Ann Coffey, Stockport
    The totemic 2010 election saw 149 MPs announce they wouldn’t contest the election, 2015 saw 90, and 2017 saw 30. The 2019 tally stands at 57…

    Photo h/t to Tracey Crouch.
    Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window)Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window)


      1. They really are that shallow. They probably think they stand a chance in the next round of voting. Then the next.

    1. Evening TB,
      For many on the list what exactly does this stepping down comprise off ? could it be through a trapdoor ?

    2. Thanks for that, Mags.

      Shame that Kate Hoey is going but is Grieve still hoping to cling onto his seat?

  65. If Carlsberg did succinct appraisals of what being a member of the EU entailed, this would be it.

    BTL Daily Telegraph.

    glob Chellyabinsk 30 Oct 2019 6:13PM
    @Yves Ferrer

    *the UK economy would be weakened if it left*

    Thank you for the trouble —- however, as with all conversations with EU citizens they focus entirely on economic % points here & there.

    They miss the whole point: self-governance.

    Surely, it’s not that difficult to grasp? —- handing over your judiciary & legal system, your borders, your fishing grounds, your army, your currency, your currency & your socio-economic policy making to a foreign powerhouse based in Brussels & centred in Berlin that doesnt have your interests at heart is not that good an idea.

    Mention of the Carlsberg brand is not to be taken as an endorsement for their products.😎

  66. PM pays tribute to bercow, an uncontrollable tennis machine as in “may your balls never touch the ground shorty” followed by a mighty kick up the Khyber pass.

          1. I believe Boris is a lot better than his portrayal in the media and in the slandering by opposition MPs under the protection of the House of Commons.

            The discourteous remarks earlier today by such as Jess Phillips, a typically stupid Labour slag, is disgraceful and outside of their precious protectionist Chamber would be actionable.

      1. Boris is the master of speech making. He managed to put down Bercow in a few sentences whilst seemingly otherwise applauding the rascal. I particularly appreciated the Wimbledon references and that to a High Chair. Dwarves and babies have resort to High Chairs.

        The subtle inferences to the promotion of the interests of backbenchers and his prolongation of debates was hilarious. If Boris can reconcile his statements on Brexit with The Brexit Party, and gains election we will be in for a lot of fun in the years to come.

        Ever the optimist, me.

          1. Yup. I am still hoping that Boris will deliver as promised. If he fails to embrace The Brexit Party you and I both know that the Tory Party is toast.

            Thereafter we are in uncertain waters.

  67. Another one the DT will not publish.


    Is it not the duty of the Daily Telegraph to warn people that Boris Johnson’s ‘deal’ with the EU is hardly even BRINO (Brexit In Name Only) it is more like RAVS (Remain A Vassal State).

    Richard Tracey

    1. According to a post on GF, the SI extending the leave date to 31st Jan has been signed. If true, Brexit party for me, I shall never vote Conservative again.

      1. The letters editor prolly got sick & tired of seeing the same message repeated over & over again, so he dumped the lot.

          1. It’s the constant repetition on your part. It’s enough to drive anyone up the wall.

            Still, you’re not the only one.

          2. You are sounding almost as intolerant as most Remainers do. Ah well, we can all be curmudgeonly from time to time – you will doubtless cheer up after a drink or two which is what I am off to have now. Cheers.

    2. According to a post on GF, the SI extending the leave date to 31st Jan has been signed. If true, Brexit party for me, I shall never vote Conservative again.

      1. Well the deal has not been passed and potentially we could get passed the 31st January and default to No Deal

  68. The Amazon delivery man probably thinks me very
    odd just now. I was reluctant to open the door to him
    because it’s now dark. I was thinking of the situation when
    the creepy woman with the torch knocked at 10pm
    Yet it was only 5.30pm –
    a few days ago when it was still light at 5.30pm I wouldn’t
    have reacted like that. Another reason why i don’t like
    the darker months, it makes you less relaxed and
    And more on your guard .

    1. Very true, but why not install outside lights?

      I don’t open the door after dark to anyone I don’t recognise.

      1. There is a lamp outside the door but the light is dim.
        There are no actual street lights around here,
        people walk around with torches.
        I am more careful now and will talk through the glass panel
        In the door,,it’s frosted but you can see a rough outline of the person .

          1. If your front door is close to the road, those can be more trouble than they are worth.

  69. Two recent polls just after the General election poll give the Conservatives a small majority

  70. The most recent polls give the Conservatives a small majority. I just hope the Conservatives come to an arrangement with the Brexit Party without that the Conservatives are at risk of not winning or having another hung parliament

    1. BJ,
      It is my belief that the brexit group is the tory party ,just that a great many do not realise it yet.

      I do find a hung parliament most appealing ,,,,
      Tyburn style.

  71. I am pleased that effnic integration is happening at speed in UK, but wonder about the impending divorces.

    I see very few ‘all whitey’ or all ‘BAME’ families in any adverts

    Any ‘he and she white’ couple always seem to have Guy Gibson’s dog in the woodpile, which seem to indicate, that the white ‘she’ has been playing away.

    He seems to be happy about it though

      1. That’s the old, ignorant Leave voting whiteys who will soon be dead.
        Probably catch their death of colds by bathing in a swim suit and leaving it on to dry.

    1. Every family will have to have a BAME member under a new Diversity program. If you do not already have one one will be allocated to you

      1. Will one be able to elect one member of the family to transition to BAME – they could black up if need be. Will a black cat count?

      2. It was bad enough when One in Five children born were Chinese……..

        Really cocked up the infant schools in UK

    2. That’s what they did in South Africa after Mandela got in ..

      Seems that sort of advertising is gathering pace here.

      The patois and coarseness of our beautiful language is so evident now , and in particular … parliament.. especially listening the shrewish shouting and bad manners from certain members of the Labour and SNP members .. and of course grimacing faces of all colours tell a story.

      1. Blackford (SNP) doesn’t seem to have anything BAME about him but that doesn’t stop him being a loudmouthed git.

  72. Wandered into my dental surgery a few months ago,
    and glanced at one of the posters ( no idea why usually ignore them)
    It was for children’s toothpaste etc .Quite few children were in the
    poster, all of them were little Indian children or African children
    I don’t have a problem with that but it was for the NHS.
    Afew ginger haired children from Cornwall could’ve been placed
    In the NHS poster, just for balance and diversity.
    Unless diversity doesn’t include ginger haired children from Cornwall .

      1. I might look at the Hindustan children and think there are lots
        of you here but I don’t look at them in terror as I would with
        with those wearing head scarfs or Burkas .

  73. Edenbridge Bonfire Society announces this year’s guy to be burnt on the bonfire is ……. John Bercow!

      1. Hmm – decapitation or burning – which is best for Bercow. There’s only one way to find out – FIGHT!!!

    1. It will only need to be a very small fire, just a packet of firelighter should see him on his way

  74. The parties have now set off on the campaign trail.
    Horribly, as expected, we now have candidates saying that there are other issues, and other policies to consider…

    But there are not. Brexit and only Brexit. Without Brexit there will not be a UK so any other issues are as irrelevant as tomorrow’s lunch menu on the Titanic.

      1. Hmmm. I might say that I’ve never been so insulted in all my life, but I don’t get out much.
        I am venal, money-grubbing, shameless, amoral, lubricious, a plausible and proficient liar, reckless, uncaring, hard-nosed, self-centred, entitled, arrogant, narcissistic, egotistical, hard-hearted and wide open to bribery.
        You know, you just might be right.

          1. My first expenses claim! Hire of special assistant to make blog entires while I am attending photo opportunities.

  75. Ok denizens of Nottlingham I have a genuine and heartfelt enquiry for your expert and diverse opinions : – is the “charity” fullfact.org truly apolitical and non-partisan or is it just another peddler of half truths and obfuscation funded by some shady organisation/person with an agenda? . I’ve trundled through a few of the articles and they don’t seem seem to be biased and seem to question both pro and anti Brexit subjects ( amongst others) fairly but I’ve been caught out so many times by seemingly genuine sources I’m reluctant to put my faith in it. Truth is I’ve never really recovered from the debunking of Father Christmas and the Toenail Fairy.

    1. The cheque is in the post
      Course I will luvs ya in the morning

      No I wont… not in the mouth

      Trust me. I’ a politician

  76. 12.15 am 31/10/2019
    “Take these chains from my heart”
    What’s that big white ball, acomming ?
    Come in ogga1

  77. Is it just me? I am greatly encouraged by the numbers of traitorous turncoats announcing that they will desert their seats at the coming election. Some of the nastiest members of the Contemptible Parliament are scarpering, presumably because they have read the writing on the wall and have chosen more rewarding sinecures in the EU, Charities and International NGOs.

    Good riddance to this scum. I will be interested to see the next Honours List. If Bercow is on it I will lose the will to live and become very angry. Hopefully Her Majesty will see fit to block such an abomination. Abomination. Then I woke up.

    1. Evening C,
      More is the pity that a great multitude of peoples did not wake up to your musings years ago.

      1. We are obviously on the same side ogga1. We simply have differing ways of expressing ourselves. It takes all sorts. I respect your opinions repetitive as they needs must be.

    2. Not necessarily.
      These creeps are worming their way into positions of influence where they can continue to cause the most harm possible.
      They are the daesh-watch beetles (sic) in the structure of Britain, they need insecticide.

    3. Evening, Cori, “…nastiest members of the Contemptible Parliament…”

      I’m glad to see the correct name for this current pile of onanistic debris is slowly being adopted, it’s what they are – contemptible!

      Thank you – let’s keep spreading the word(s).

      1. We are evidently dropping a whole host of the worst offenders according to reports. We live in hope. We trust the British people to hold these bastards to their word. I believe that things have changed. I voted Tory the last time around having previously voted UKIP. I trusted the story and promise to deliver the clean break we had voted for. James Cleverley and his chums abused my trust.

        I will be voting Brexit Party this time unless Boris announces a compact or a deal with Nigel Farage to promise a clean break from the EU on WTO terms.

        I remain utterly incredulous that others believe in the EU. That manufactured undemocratic civil service care nothing whatever for the British. They have demonstrated their ill will during those faux negotiations and the French and Germans seem to harbour a vindictive hatred of our country.

        I liken this to the tramp (George Orwell) in Down and Out in Paris and London who despises the priest who only lets him have a sticky bun and cup of tea after subjecting the poor wretch to one of his sermons, stomach rumbling throughout.

  78. Croydon tram crash driver Alfred Dorris will not be prosecuted

    How? He must at the very least be guilty of the railway equivalent of careless or dangerous driviing as he took the bend at a very excessive speed and there was a speed limit on that bend

    Dropping the corporate manslaughter charge against TfL is probably correct though

    The driver of a tram that crashed in Croydon and killed seven people will not face prosecution for manslaughter.
    More than 50 people were injured when the tram derailed near Sandilands tram stop in south London in November 2016.
    Driver Alfred Dorris will not face action due to a lack of evidence, the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) said.
    Corporate manslaughter charges will also not be brought against Transport for London (TfL) or the operator Tram Operations Ltd.
    Prosecutors said the available evidence “does not support a prosecution”.

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