Wednesday 9 March: British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees

An unofficial place to discuss the Telegraph letters, established when the DT website turned off its comments facility (now reinstated, but we prefer ours),
Intelligent, polite, good-humoured debate is welcome, whether on or off topic. Differing opinions are encouraged, but rudeness or personal attacks on other posters will not be tolerated. Posts which – in the opinion of the moderators – make this a less than cordial environment, are likely to be removed, without prior warning.  Persistent offenders will be banned.

Today’s letters (visible only to DT subscribers) are here.

740 thoughts on “Wednesday 9 March: British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees

  1. Good morning Elsie and all,

    Elsie Bloodaxe commented about a solution to a fertilizer shortage – feline urine.

    I remember that taking the piss was an important national requirement for the production of many valuable domestic and military products based on urea as found in fertlizers. Indeed, it is reccomended to piss the time of day on your compost heap to improve decomposition.

    Here is a reference to this valuable resource which we usually flush down the toilet with drinking water:

    1. Morning Angie. Piss has been a requirement from the very earliest days since it is a requirement for tanning leather!

      1. If the greens were serious, they would be opening wee banks and going round collecting it from people’s houses.

        1. In Tokyo a hundred years ago or so the night soil was bought by the market gardeners supplying food to the city.

      2. Also used as a mordant to set the colour in dyed wool. I have a suit of Harris Tweed…

    2. Good morning, Angie. I may have mis-stated my solution in the post you refer to. It is an abundance of faeces not urine that the neighbourhood cats leave me with. The former forces me to remove their “gift”; the latter simply soaks away into the soil. My solution will be to buy and plant lots of flowers to cover the gaps which they reckon I have provided as a dedicated feline loo.

      1. Good morning Elsie.
        I have to cover every tiny scrap of bare soil. Cats never used to be an issue here but in recent years it seems every new household has a cat (or 3 in the case of two near neighbours). Such a stink!
        Each Spring, I save the fuchsia cuttings to try to help protect newly dug and planted areas. Doesn’t work under some shrubs though.

    3. Wasn’t that one of the reasons the French instituted outdoor pissoirs?
      The wooden shelves would be scraped periodically and the urine sodden shavings used to make explosives.

    4. I was always told that if a bitch of the canine variety peed on your lawn it killed the grass.

      1. It does. And then next year, you get a darker green excessively healthy patch..

    1. My worst to date today…in six, via DONUT and HONKY (since its now run by yer Septics)

    1. They still can put on a better turn out of tanks, than we can
      Our tanks do not have numbers, just names as we have so few

  2. Nicola Sturgeon issues apology for ‘historical injustice’ of witch hunts. 9 March 2022.

    Nicola Sturgeon has issued a posthumous apology to the thousands of people persecuted as witches in Scotland, underlining that the deep misogyny that motivated this “colossal” injustice is something women today still have to live with.

    As she responded to a petition demanding a pardon for the more than 4,000 people in Scotland – the vast majority of them women – who were accused, convicted and often executed under the Witchcraft Act of 1563, the first minister told the Scottish parliament that she was acknowledging “that egregious historic injustice” and extending a formal posthumous apology to all those who were so vilified.

    The mind boggles. What next? Apologies to Neanderthals? Monuments to the Picts? Public self-flagellation?

    There is of course a tendency; as can be seen, to mock this sort of thing by people like myself; that it is just a temporary aberration which will soon go away. One should not however discount that it is genuine and permanent. That Sturgeon really believes this. That she is in fact expressing her belief in the new State Religion, Cultural Marxism. That witches are an extract from a modern version of Foxe’s Book of Martyrs; the victims not of their Time and Place but of Misogyny. It has other entries, Lesbians, in fact the whole LGBTQ canon.

    It has its Tenets as well. That you don’t have to be a Woman to have a Cervix. That White is Bad and Black is Good. These beliefs do not have to correspond to logic or reason since they are like the Christian Trinity or Transubstantiation; Acts of Faith. In fact the more unreasonable they are the better since it allows the believers to show their true devotion.

    Welcome to the New World!

    1. They should chuck Sturgeon into the nearest loch and see if she floats. Then burn the witch.

      1. We could build a bridge out of her but, on past performance, it will be over-priced and need to close during wintery weather.

    2. I’m the great (x15) grand daughter of Spartacus. I demand compensation from the Italians.

        1. ‘I’m Spartacus.’, he said, whilst looking around for Jean Simmons.

      1. Get in line! I am a direct descendant of Great Aunt Boudicca and I have yet to get one word of apology from those Romans.

    3. Good morning Minty.
      I spotted this on farcebook last night. Sturgeon proves her lunacy every time she opens her mouth.

    4. Wasn’t it Blair who made the first very public apology for events in the past over which he had no responsibility as he had not been born then. He apologised for the Irish Potato Famine.

      This has led to a mass of other political apologies – especially white people who have to feel guilty about being white and the British, who with Wilberforce’s activities banned the international slave trade, should feel guilty for slavery.

      When will Keir Starmer apologise to the Germans for the fact that Winston Churchill humiliated Hitler?

    5. If Nikliar is executed for witch craft ….. I’m definitely not apologising.

  3. British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees

    Steady on, Boris will put a bridge over the Channel

    1. ‘British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees’.

      Yes we do. The government should use the aid budget to buy them all one way tickets to Italy. They seem to have a shortage of people in their hill top towns.

  4. Latest Breaking News – The USA is going to stop exporting all it’s moral decadence to Russia in protest over the war.

    1. Lovely photo, and what a glorious name to roll on the tongue. San Quirico d’Orcia! Thank you. I fear I shall b3 muttering that happily into my beard all day.

  5. Robert Jenrick warns the UK to brace for ‘the most difficult economic year of your lifetime’. 9 March 2022.

    Robert Jenrick has warned that the UK could face ‘the most difficult economic year that we’ve seen in our lifetime’ amid the heavy sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.

    This is a rather modest claim in my view. Even without Vlad to take the blame this will equal; in fact may well exceed, the Great Depression. The Good Times are over and the Great Reset is here.

    1. I am just going to repeat a comment I made yesterday.
      The troglodyte smidgen faced greeniac trouble maker Greta and her pal Carrie and others have one helluva lot to answer for re our energy crisis.
      The only global warming we will find out about is when Putin lets loose his nuclear arsenal .
      Boris must make a few u-turns .
      Cancel the financial bonus for MPs
      That is his Marie Antoinette moment ..
      He must cancel his vanity projects and concentrate of keeping the lights on, businesses working, transport moving , insuring our fields are used for growing food and not bio fuels .
      Fuel and food poverty is a real worry .
      The Government is an insensitive virtue signalling cabale.

  6. Robert Jenrick warns the UK to brace for ‘the most difficult economic year of your lifetime’. 9 March 2022.

    Robert Jenrick has warned that the UK could face ‘the most difficult economic year that we’ve seen in our lifetime’ amid the heavy sanctions imposed on Russia following its invasion of Ukraine.

    This is a rather modest claim in my view. Even without Vlad to take the blame this will equal; in fact may well exceed, the Great Depression. The Good Times are over and the Great Reset is here.

  7. Morning all


    British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees

    SIR – I have been trying to get a family visa for a Ukrainian family for a week, and the bureaucracy is appalling. The poor conditions under which they are now living are badly affecting the mother and children’s mental health.

    To get a visa, they need to find a visa centre (one in Poland, three in Germany and one in some other countries) and book an appointment to attend twice with required documents.

    Why can I not vouch for them from Britain and provide their passport details? I would even put up a surety.

    The family is stuck in Poland. Without this artificial delay I could fly them to Britain today.

    The PM should wake up and let the United Kingdom show its humanity.

    Dr Phil Cadman

    Borth, Cardiganshire

    SIR – Yesterday happened to be International Women’s Day, and I think most women feel like me and pray that this Government will open the gates and welcome Ukrainian women and children immediately.

    Deirdre Lay

    Cranleigh, Surrey

    A woman in a wheelchair is carried over a makeshift bridge to escape Irpin on Monday

    A woman in a wheelchair is carried over a makeshift bridge to escape Irpin on Monday

    SIR – My father was killed at Monte Cassino in 1943. The Home Office response to the refugee crisis is a disgrace. I am ashamed to be British.

    Malcolm Bailey

    Radlett, Hertfordshire

    SIR – The Home Secretary could show great leadership by taking a minibus on the Shuttle to Calais today, with several efficient staff, laptops, and the relevant forms for issuing visas to the Ukrainians who have already arrived there and are now stuck.

    Humanitarian disasters require ingenuity, lateral thinking, and a sense of purpose, not bureaucracy.

    Philippa Madgwick

    Pibsbury, Somerset

    SIR – The Ukrainian army and the will and resistance of the Ukrainian people are irreplaceable assets in this war to preserve what we hold dear. They are bulwarks against Russian expansion.

    If they succumb, millions more Ukrainians will be displaced, and Europe – from the Balkans to the Arctic – will be exposed. The threat of nuclear action will remain open to Vladimir Putin.

    The problem is in the skies of Ukraine, from which bombers can deal death and destruction. Here we need to do a lot more very quickly. That nettle needs to be grasped, otherwise we will be faced with a whole bed of similar nettles in the future.

    Dr Hilary Parker

    Holmfirth, West Yorkshire

    SIR – Allan Muirhead’s view that Russian oligarchs should be denied access to the law (Letters, March 7) would, if enacted, turn us into the sort of society he rightly deplores. It may be distasteful, but the processes of the law must remain available to all.

    Dr Joe Cobbe

    Bisley, Surrey

    1. I’m sure the last thing the French want is for more people (genuine refugees or not) turning up in Calais.

      1. As long as they can shove ’em right over to us, they won’t bother. What does the fact that Malcolm Bailey’s father was killed at Monte Casino have to do with anything?

  8. Morning again

    Russian energy bind

    SIR – At last, Germany has realised the folly of being heavily dependent on Russian gas, and plans to restart its coal-fired power plants.

    Unfortunately, Britain does not have this option. Thanks to an amazing lack of strategic foresight, our coal-fired power stations have been razed to the ground – bar one, which operates when the wind does not blow.

    Another example of poor decision-making is the impending filling-in of Britain’s fracking wells. Unless the lights go out, or we freeze, we will be forced to continue buying Russian gas.

    Alan Belk

    Leatherhead, Surrey

    SIR – I welcome the news that the Government is “to sign off on a new round of [oil and gas] exploration licences” (report, March 8). However, any positive outcome is likely to be 10 years away.

    A better start would be to facilitate production projects for discovered resources, already engineered and ready for construction but currently held up by the Oil and Gas Agency. After regulatory approval, hydrocarbon flows are only 12-24 months away.

    Let’s think first about our most urgent and feasible priorities – including fracking.

    Robert Fisher

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    SIR – I have just received a letter from my energy supplier telling me that I can expect more than £500 extra on my next electricity bill, and more than £1,000 extra on my gas bill.

    By cancelling my membership of the British Museum, English Heritage, the National Gallery, the Royal Academy and the Tate, I can raise just enough to pay for the electricity.

    Michael Rogers

    Sevenoaks, Kent

    SIR – With gas and oil prices at an all-time high, the production of crops to feed the nation is at risk.

    The cost of producing next year’s crops is such that wheat will need to fetch £350-£400 per ton to make a small margin. Only land that can produce 10-12 tons per hectare will be planted.

    Perhaps it is time Defra’s public-good policies had food production at the top of the list, rather than rewilding.

    H J Clark

    Maidstone, Kent

    1. By cancelling my membership of the British Museum, English Heritage, the National Gallery, the Royal Academy and the Tate, I can raise just enough to pay for the electricity.

      Every cloud has a silver lining Mr. Rogers!

      1. Hang on, Minty. At least Mr Rogers already has some sense. He seems to have cancelled his subscription to the National Trust some time ago. (On second thoughts, perhaps he is still a Trustee and does not want to cancel his association with that woke body.)

    2. Common sense and need are absent from the administration. Government is run by moronic fools sharing a braincell. The civil service *wants* to punish this country for not getting what they wanted over Brexit.

      It’s as if this country is governed by squabbling toddlers.

  9. Patients still face NHS appointments scramble

    SIR – While headlines are focused on NHS waiting lists for planned surgery (report, March 8), there is little designed to address the needs of those with chronic diseases – such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis – whose care has been disrupted.

    It is also time to lay to rest the myth that people avoided care during the pandemic. Patients were unable to access care as GP surgeries adopted a siege mentality and hospital appointments were cancelled.

    Greater use of the NHS app is promised but local services are free to block the use of the app. In this area, GPs do not allow access to any online booking system for appointments and the 8am telephone scramble is firmly in place.

    Previous initiatives to enable greater patient choice foundered because local health authorities manipulated the system. Unless the Health Secretary is prepared to enshrine choice in law I fear nothing will change.

    Dr Robert Walker

    Workington, Cumbria

    1. Dear Dr Walker,

      Here we didn’t have any problems with “siege mentality”

      The surgery closed, leaving an answerphone message “if you are ill, go to your nearest A&E”

      They then all took seven weeks off.

  10. Gary Lineker 💙💛@GaryLineker · 9 Sep 2019A principled man and a difficult act to follow. Well played, John Bercow. 👏🏻👏🏻…

      1. Bercow struck me as a biased, arrogant, deeply partisan, ideologically driven, extremely petulant child.

        In Contrast to his predecessor AND successor, he’s a poisonous little dwarf. Ah, of course! Lineker liked him because bercow did everything possible to fight Brexit. I get it now. Both men are vermin.

        1. His immediate predecessor, Gorbals Mick, was not particularly impressive.

          1. Imagine Bercow and his wife wearing tights and no knickers and performing the Cancan in a chorus line up?

        2. Bercow struck me as a biased, arrogant, deeply partisan, ideologically driven, extremely petulant child.

          You have listed his good points: can we have his bad ones now please,Wibbles

    1. Rrather difficult to parse the conversation, but why would men complain about a tweet opposing rape?

      Were they muslims, these men?

      1. It is not Rape, per se, that is the point of contention, but the way rape, and other sex crimes, are increasingly being recorded as being carried out by “Women with penises”.

        The men objecting include Crispin Blunt MP, who is chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on LGBT+ rights and one of a small number of politicians within the Conservative Party who fervently supports Stonewall and their stance on gender self-identification.

        1. Would a trans person be more offended if you called him/her/it/them a prick or a c*nt?

  11. 351270+ up ticks,

    Morning Each,

    Wednesday 9 March: British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees

    What the peoples want is of NO consequence to the political overseers
    the peoples receive what the political overseers want, that being
    mass uncontrolled immigration.

    The peoples via lethargy / complacency, party before country voting pattern are heading for culling en mass with a possible side dish of mushrooms.

    Check this out & also check out comments,

      1. Oh it gets worse and its been going on for a long time
        I watched a program a couple of years ago (Nightmare tenants Slum landlords?) and a Pakistani Slumlord was evicting a whole street of long term tenants.Why?? The housing benefit cap put in place to try and control rents meant that the market rent could not be paid.
        So he’s going to replace the tenants with non HB tenants??
        No,he has a council contract to house asylum seekers and surprise surprise the HB cap doesn’t apply to Asylum seekers rents!!!
        ‘Morning BB

    1. Stapleford again. Wretched coward.

      I really do think the massive influx need to go. They have no place being here, add nothing and are just pollutant in clean water.

  12. Yo ALL

    Nobody should be allowed to agitate for more immigration, from anywhere, unless they themselves are legally bound to take in and support at least one refugee/family of from the crisis that they are promoting.

  13. 35127 + up ticks,

    •UK Pledges Military Support to Poland

    Fred & albert have been issued new uniforms and are on standby
    Andrew representing the navy is off fishing somewhere and is yet to br contacted.

    1. 351279+up ticks,,


      Old putin is laughing his russian rollocks off & it is doing the rounds of the kremlin.

      tory (ino) pledges.

  14. There’s aid and there’s refugeees. Ukrainians are refugees. Bringing them here is silly. Poland, yes, and we can support them there financially and logistically with food and medical supplies, blankets and so on.

    The gimmigrants flooding the channel should be returned to France at arrow point.

    1. We watched Al Jazeera News yesterday. They showed bus loads of refugees leaving Sumy for the West.

      Interesting how so many of the Ukrainian refugees are black or brown.

      We never knew.

    2. Many Ukrainians have family in the UK. Especially the south Asian and Nigerian ones.

    1. Then prepare for it, my good man. Reform the NHS, have it ready to respond to pandemics better. Arrange for the nation to function without lockdown. Stop wasting money on sugar taxes and HS2 and get on with the digitial infrastructure so we can continue to work.

      Talk to coffee shops about getting them out and about rather than locked in town centres. Prepare for massive tax cuts to allow more localised funding.

      1. And stop do-gooders nipping over to hearts of darkness, catching the darned lurgy and concealing a raging temperature when boarding the flight home.

    2. Oh what utter rubbish, there is no higher risk of a naturally occurring pandemic now than there has been at any time in history. If there’s an elevated risk, then it’s clearly manmade. So what does Whitty know about that?
      I cannot believe that people are ready to accept these clowns and doomsters controlling their lives again!

          1. Blair, will of course, be terminated in due time: however, it’s his perverted legacy that will live on for longer.

      1. Or maybe Bill Gates and Claus Schwab are recruiting Big Pharma to manufacture a slightly more deadly virus and then make even less efficient vaccines gene therapies to fail to wipe them out.

      1. I initially read it as the contents…perhaps the man has a sense of humour…

    1. I’m sick of it BB. I only watch a minimum amount onTV and get my news online. Even then it is so submerged by MSM propaganda that it is impossible to even guess at the truth.

      1. The truth is that Russians and Ukrainians are fighting, and some on both sides are dying.

  15. Moved 20 more boxes yesterday. Junior getting very stressed as I think I am getting stressed. Warqueen going in to the office – unhappily, as the fares are disgusting – to avoid the screech of tape.

    Junior has tried to pack most of his toys away, but wanted to sort his lego into bags of each type of brick. He’s wanted to do this for some time but hasn’t got around to it. With three big tubs of lego this is going to take some time.

    Mongo confused and flustered and taken to barking more. Even battlecat seems put out. I don’t know if we’re taking him with us or if he’ll stay behind to terrorise the new buyers. Heck, we’ve not even put it on the market yet and I’ve already had enough. £400 a month in storage costs, nights spent thinnking of logistics, shelf heights, arrangements in the storage unit to maximise space, workmen not returning calls or emails and yes, I email people. I’m too blasted busy to sit on the phone to be told they’ll visit, then waiting in for them not to turn up.

    Not done a proper shop for weeks, and we’ve actually run out of cheese, milk and the ham has gone off, so Junior has a peanut butter sandwich for breakfast and lunch. If I don’t get on with it he’ll have the same for tea. I’ve a godawful wracking cough.

    Bah, the world’s smallest violin is playing. I think I’ll take today off – bar the shopping.

      1. No, not yet. The intent is to ‘move out’ and do some maintenance, keeping a skeleton of stuff here, look for somewhere then move in. There’s a fair bit to do – flooring, walls, a bit of painting, plastering and what not.

    1. From my experience moving, twenty boxes packed and moved is a huge amount to achieve in one day. Give yourself a well-earned pat on the back, and look after the shopping and laundry.
      Things can’t get too bad as long as you’ve got food and clean clothes!

      Sorting the lego will hopefully keep your son quiet and feeling that he’s putting the world in order.

      1. Aye, he means well. It’s looking at the mountain that still needs to be moved and thinking… how the flip are we going to organise that?

        1. You’ll manage somehow! Daunting tasks seem to produce alternate waves of hopelessness and optimism – gather your strength today and it will look different tomorrow. Good luck!

        2. We ended up with a giant mountain in the sitting room for taking to the tip. We’d been in the house for seven years without a major clear-out, so it was more than due.
          Get rid of as much as you can!
          I still can’t believe that we managed the house move ourselves – and it was in 2013!

    2. Calm down, calm down. Take a deep breath and consider this… How do you eat an elephant? One small bite at a time.

        1. Got to check they’re not hiding upside down in the custard, having painted their toenails yellow.

    3. Last time but one that we moved house, SWMBO started packing boxes months in advance. Was an effing nightmare – anything you needed was in a random box somewhere, house was chaos with part-filled boxes everywhere for bleedin’ weeks, almost unbearable.
      Last time we moved, I paid for a removals company to do the whole shebang. They arrived at 08:00 on the moving day, and everything was done and moved that day. It was worth it, I tell you. You could live normally until breakfast, get up, wash up, go to work, and come home to the new house with piles of boxes waiting to be unpacked.
      We also got the removers to pack everything, and as we unpacked, we threw stuff out / put it in a pile for charity. That way, there was less mess and buggeration, also you could see what space you had to put the stuff in as part of the keep/discard evaluation.

  16. I had a quick look at the film from Parliament and the Ukraine interventions yesterday, President and Ambassador. Most MPs seem to be wearing buttonholes, pin badges, or ribbons in the colours of the Ukrainian flag.
    They don’t show the same enthusiasm for the Union Flag of the UK. I suppose that they are telling us that they are indeed prepared to utterly destroy the economy of the UK, and impoverish us, the people of the UK, at the very least, in order to provide support to a foreign country that is nothing to do with us, and which has started what is pretty much a civil war with their next door neighbour by acting as puppets of foreign regimes.

    1. Yes, it’s wonderful how keen they are on borders all of a sudden!
      Why oh why can’t more people see the double standards??

  17. Thank God the Yanks have blocked Poland sending NATO jets to the Ukraine. There must be someone at the Pentagon who could see the likely consequence.

    1. My thoughts too when I saw the headline. Not sure what Blinken was thinken of yesterday when he appeared to confirm that they would do that.

    2. Sending seasonal gifts is legal, but I wonder how to convert a Mig fighter to look like the Easter bunny.

      1. Crash it at speed into the ground – and then at least it will be in a burrow.

    3. Yes, that was good news to wake up to this morning, after reading last night that the US was encouraging Poland to give their MiGs away last night.
      I suspect that Sleepy Joe was counter-convinced based on the likely outcome.

  18. I watched the first instalment of the fake Ipcress File. It bore little resemblance to the original – so much so that it wasn’t a bad spy play. The credits says it is “based on” Len Deighton’s book. Much of it is quite unrecognisable – especially the contest between Colonel Ross and Major Dalby – the whole reason that Palmer was brought out of gaol.

    The chap playing Palmer looks about 15 and acts accordingly – as though reading his lines from an autocue, badly. In fact, he is 33 and M Caine was 31 – but was much more mature.

    Much of the episode was completely gratuitous – Palmer’s “back story” tediously acted out for 20 minutes. In the book it is done in two sentences. Anyway, the MR liked it. We’ll prolly risk the next part.

    1. Being born in London, growing up during a world war and spending time as an evacuee tended to mature children more quickly.
      Only a degenerate, seemingly wealthy, culture can keep people infantilised well into their thirties.

  19. After reporting my LFT result yesterday, I got this message from the NHS:

    “Your recent coronavirus (COVID-19) test came back positive.

    We recently sent you a code to enter into the NHS COVID-19 app. Your code is: *********

    Select ‘Enter test result’ on the app home screen to enter your code.

    Sharing your code anonymously notifies anyone who has been in close contact with you to let them know they may have been at risk. Your privacy is protected and your personal information will not be shared.

    If you do not have the NHS COVID-19 app, download it to help protect loved ones and the NHS. Search for ‘NHS COVID-19’ in the Google Play or Apple App Store.”

    Does anyone here how to install the app onto an 8 bit Nokia 1100? Does it work with Windows 98? I saw a pigeon perched over my veg bed. Is it worth attempting to install the app there?

    What loved ones? I am not allowed them because I am male, pale and stale.

    1. Please see my comment re the Scottish Census form for further details. As a dinosaur I use technology on a “need to” basis. I do not have a smartphone. Apps and QR codes are outwith my area of operations.

    2. When someone tells me to install the app on my phone, I shall offer to let them try it!

  20. Chinese government adviser calls for law to ban ‘fake news. March 2022.

    “For example, there are often people online who, for some purpose, package a foreigner’s vicious remarks against China as the view of everyone in that country towards China in order to incite the Chinese people’s dissatisfaction and hostility towards said country and its people,” Jia said in an interview on Saturday with online news portal The Cover, which is affiliated with the state-owned Sichuan Daily.

    Just like the UK government then?

    1. …and who decides what is “Fake News” – anything the government doesn’t like?

      1. Suffering from attempted price gouging by over greedy utility firms? See this quote from MSE:

        “Under rules from regulator Ofgem, your supplier has to help you – usually by negotiating a payment plan that you can afford”.

      2. In India the government is recruiting fakirs offering them jobs in the media.

      3. Hence the 77th Brigade and the imminent ‘Online Harm Bill’. The ‘Online Harm Bill’ will penalise those deemed to have passed on ‘misinformation’, which should have the legacy media coverage of at least the past two years keeping them busy but probably means hammering anyone considered to be committing a thoughtcrime by thinking outside of TPTB narrative.

    2. …and who decides what is “Fake News” – anything the government doesn’t like?

    3. The Communist government of China complaining about fake news. Someone over there in Beijing obviously has a sense of humour. I have the feeling this is directed against people like laowhy86 and serpentza on You tube. Both of them lived in China, had Chinese wives and really go at the Communist regime and fit the profile of people who are telling the truth about China.

      1. Morning Johnathan. China is probably the only country on the planet that you don’t need to manufacture Fake News about. Lol!

        1. Good morning Araminta. Yes, quite so. Bit rich for people who practice genocide against minorities to complain about fake news, the reality is bad enough.

    4. After resounding success in its own field The Guardian is sponsoring a competition between The BBC, Sky News and ITV to establish which has produced the fakest of fake news in the broadcast media section.

      Particularly high marks will be awarded to those who have convinced people that the truth is fake news and that lies are the truth

    5. After resounding success in its own field The Guardian is sponsoring a competition between The BBC, Sky News and ITV to establish which has produced the fakest of fake news in the broadcast media section.

      Particularly high marks will be awarded to those who have convinced people that the truth is fake news and that lies are the truth

    6. For those who do not browse FB, the MoD provide regular intelligence briefings to the unwashed. The 77th doing their stuff of course.

      1. They’re very easy to spot on Twatter. Somehow they create or commandeer what apear to be old unused accounts with very few followers, usually fewer than 20.

    7. For those who do not browse FB, the MoD provide regular intelligence briefings to the unwashed. The 77th doing their stuff of course.

  21. My solution to the Russia/Ukraine affair; make a new border following the Dnieper. East of the river would be ‘East Ukraine’, containing ethnic Russians and be the new buffer state for Putin. West of the river would be West Ukraine, containing those who don’t want to live in East Ukraine.

    1. It seems the new borders will be the original borders of Donetsk and Luhansk before 2014.
      The LPR troops have already reached their objective but Mariupol lies within the Donetsk border so they still have some way to go.

    2. Hate to come with problems already, but… One hell of a migration – what about compensation for lost fixed assets such as factories, offices and homes?

        1. I used to work with a man who had had to flee northern Cyprus as a child. He still regarded their family farm as being occupied by Turks.

          1. Oh yes; not saying it’s without huge problems. Spent a lot of time in northern Cyprus wandering around deserted Turkish villages and speaking to Greek Cypriots who saif their old houses had been occupied.

      1. Talking of losses…this from yesterday.

        Finland’s biggest energy company, Fortum, said on Tuesday that it will take a loss of nearly one billion euros related to the cancelled Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

        Its German subsidiary Uniper has an outstanding loan to the project company that totals 987 million euros including accrued interest. Fortum said it will write down its receivables and forfeit expected interest income of some 100 million euros annually.

        People think NS2 was a solely Russian project….along with Uniper there are another 4 European energy companies involved in the project.

      2. All difficult, but where there’s a will…
        I think they’re quite used to packing all the kids, grandparents and all worldly belongings on the (long suffering) horse and cart.

        1. And before Bill comes along, that should read, Where there’s a will… there’s a lawer.

    3. The trouble is that long ago people like Putin, Johnson, Macron, Johnson etc, stopped giving a toss about sensible solutions and what people actually want. Biden has stopped thinking about anything at all.

      1. It seems to me that what Putin wants is perfectly rational. The Russian speaking people be incorporated into Russia, which is what thy want anyway, and the rest of Ukraine to become a neural buffer state. Which, as I say above, is what it will become anyway.

        1. The majority of people in Britain wanted a proper Brexit without the EU imposing its poison is Northern Ireland.

          But what the people want is not relevant and even less relevant if what they want is rational.

          1. Certainly true about Brexit. The typical betrayal of the people by politicians.

    1. Caroline and I are 20 years behind you. We were married on April 2nd 1988.

    2. Thank you Rastus and Caroline that’s very kind of you.
      We’ve had a charmed life together. Two wonderful children and three terrific grandchildren.
      What more could a couple ask for in life?
      Our daughter will be 53 tomorrow.

      Edit to add children

  22. I would write a letter to the Daily Telegraph, but as I am not “Dr” it would have not a H*** Hope in Hell at All of being printed

    1. Good lord; have we come to the point where we have to asterisk out “hope”, or am I (probably) missing something?

  23. Well, thank god for that. Weather is back to normal, gloomy and overcast but it’s not raining yet. So a good morning to all. May you all have a good day.

    For once the letter: “British people want to remove obstacles to humane aid for refugees.” Isn’t a load of hysterical codswallop but a valid observation of our stupid bureaucratic system. This time its total inability with an act of urgency when needed. Isn’t it true that the army has one bureaucrat for every two soldiers or something equally ludicrous?

    1. Good news here in Finland too.The snow season “might” be over for this Winter.
      Its still about 2 foot deep on the lawns but we’re expecting plus temperatures to start on Friday.

      1. Oh that’s good, so you have sludge to look forward to. How long is snow season over there, by the way? I can’t imagine living in that. I would do a Hedda Gabler before the first winter was out.

    2. There is no ‘act of urgency’. We are full, we do not need more people, the more obstacles that are placed in applicant’s ways, the better.

      1. The complaint in the letter is about the slowness of our bureaucracy. On the issue itself, Ukrainian refugees. I don’t think a single one of them should set foot in this country. If it be anyone from the conflict, it should be the people from Donbas who have been shelled for 8 years by the Azov Battalion, the neo-Nazis of the Ukrainian army that our side likes to pretend don’t exist.

      2. Do a swap.
        Drop all the conveniently paperless Kent beach thousands into a sandy hellhole (just like mother made). As we’re broke, we can’t afford the luxury of parachutes.

        1. Bung them on a large pallet with a small drogue chute, enough to reduce the carnage but not so large as to diminish our stocks.

          1. Good point. We wouldn’t need to use aircraft with seats.
            And the starving millions would have access to fresh meat.

    1. Association with top Democrats can be very profitable. Just make sure you don’t know anything about the Clintons.

      Edit: the article actually says he was listed as being worth 1.5 million dollars in 2018, which does not seem unreasonable.

      1. Ahem
        Big mortgage on the $34 million villa on Florida??
        No,thought not…….

      2. I have no knowledge about Mr Zelensky, but successful comedians have long been high earners. Think of Bob Hope and Charles Chaplin.
        No need to pay a band, or royalties, which keeps production costs reasonable.

    2. For victims they are sure turning out to be vicious. Apparently one of the Ukrainian delegation to the peace talks by the name of Deni was suspected of being sympathetic to Russia, was removed and shot. Their are photos of the dead “traitor” so it isn’t fake.

      And of course Zelenskyy is corrupt. I have been saying that all along. A person who is doing his best to drag the West into his fight is obviously not a decent human being. In fact he could stop this right now by simply agreeing that Ukraine will be a neutral country. That is all Putin is insisting on. But Zelenskyy is dragging this out, knowing he can’t win and allowing the bodies to pile up. A psychopath if ever there was one. The reality too is that Ukraine will end up as a neutral country because it is to everyone’s benefit. This really is a fight that has an entirely predictable outcome. Regardless of his grandstanding and the bombastic blather from the EU.

    3. Putin is an evil devil.
      Zelensky is a a demi-god.

      That’s all we need to know.

    4. Good morning!

      Zelensky is a WEF stooge. His government facilitates money laundering for the likes of Biden and Pelosi and allows the US (Fauci?) to have bio labs doing “gain of function” experiments in Ukraine. I saw a report that of 11 labs, 7 have already been destroyed by Russian forces but of course there isn’t any way to verify that. The US line is now that Russia wants control of the labs – the same labs that not long ago Snopes and other “fact checkers” swore didn’t exist. Actually Putin aims to destroy the labs.

    5. @1geoffreywoollard4:disqus Same way Mandelson bought himself an £8m town house astonishingly straight after he – the commissar responsible for bringing Greece into the EU AND – in an obvious conflict of interest that underpins the deep and inherent corruption typical of the EU – sitting on the board of the bank that got the contract.

      Did you realise that, Mr Woollard? The Eurocracy is bent as a paperclip and infinitely less useful. Why was the vaccine purchasing slow? Because the buyers couldn’t find a way to cream a few million off the top for themselves, that’s why.

  24. As I wait for my loaf to bake, two questions puzzle me. Perhaps NoTTLers can help.

    (a) Was there not a “global pandemic” that was going to kill us all? Whatever happened to it?

    (b) Carrion seems to have been very silent recently. I do hope that nothing untoward has happened to her..such as strontium tea or novichok….

    1. Another global pandemic will be along shortly.

      The last one was very useful for the Great Reset.

      In Canada the law has been changed so that the Government can freeze the bank accounts of anyone who disagrees with them.

      In Britain the law is being changed so that the Government can confiscate the possessions of any foreigner whose political views

      they don’t like.

      In New Zealand anyone who disagrees with Socialism is liable to be attacked by the riot police.

      In Britain smart meters can be switched off by the Government whenever it wants.

      The Great Reset is progressing nicely–

      1. At pace!

        Morning all. Our 54th wedding anniversary today. Goodness me. 54 years! And it doesn’t seem nearly as long as it sounds.

        1. I picked up the news of your wedding anniversary from a post you made last night.

          We posted our good wishes on Nottlers at about 0900 hrs GMT for you which you will find if you scroll down.

          1. We’re off to lunch at a lovely country pub on the Surrey/Sussex border.
            Excellent food and a divine cheesecake to finish. All home made.

      2. What is it I have been hearing that there is something in the works to give the police greater powers and stop public demonstrations. Anyone know about that?

    2. Say what you mean, Mr T, or take tongue out of cheek

      I do hope that nothing something untoward has happened to her..such as strontium tea or novichok….

    3. Got a free sourdough instore bakery loaf yesterday from our M&S. I had never realised that the annoying ‘Sparks’ card, if used, does provide freebies. But you have to install the M&S app on a PC to find out what the offers are and click on them otherwise the offers expire. It’s almost as if they don’t want people to use them! Baffling…

  25. Here is an opportunity for Phizzee and other gourmet businessmen (edit: and businesswomen):
    ‘Isle of Wight NHS staff leaving over lack of halal meat’
    Dr Syed Asim Ali Mukhtar has called for a halal meat supplier to set up on the Isle of Wight
    NHS bosses are appealing to Isle of Wight businesses to stock halal meat in a bid to help retain health staff.
    Muslims make up less than 0.4% of the island’s population and no butcher sells halal meat, a cornerstone of the Islamic faith, to the public.
    Dr Syed Asim Ali Mukhtar said the NHS was “struggling” to keep staff who felt cultural needs were not catered for.
    He said Muslim staff members were having to travel to the mainland for food shopping.
    While halal meat is readily available on the mainland, there is only one wholesale stockist on the Isle of Wight, which does not sell to the general public.
    ‘Doesn’t make sense’
    The Isle of Wight NHS Trust, which carries out overseas recruitment, took on 35 international doctors in 2021, mainly from the Middle East, South Asia and North Africa.
    The trust has its own race equality network and since last August the hospital canteen labels halal food for staff.
    Halal is Arabic for permissible. Halal food is that which adheres to Islamic law, as defined in the Koran.
    Dr Mukhtar, acute medical lead at St Mary’s Hospital in Newport, said three Muslim doctors have already decided to leave the island and a further three, who are reaching the end of their fixed-term contracts, are unlikely to stay.
    “Can you imagine planning your weekend just so you can go and buy meat in Southampton or Portsmouth? It doesn’t make sense,” he said.
    “We end up losing a lot of people because we are not able to cater to their simple needs – halal food is something that should be available.
    “We need to step up and integrate these people into society and at the end of the day, understand their cultural needs.”
    © 2022 BBC.

    1. It would be a good place to move to then. So far our group practice is all white…

      1. One of our GPs is black as your hat – and is extremely good.

        Actually LISTENS to what you have to say and explains things simply and clearly. Good chap.

        1. Nothing wrong with educated black people. It’s the thickos that cause all the trouble.

      2. Most of our GPs are women and work one or 2 days a week and have foreign names.

        1. “I’d like to see a gentleman attendant please” Doesn’t work for you any more? Sad…

    2. As I posited yesterday, would making Halal illegal cause major slammer queues at the airports and ferry terminals?

      Bring it on!

    3. If we’re serving their culture, they’re not being integrated into ours, are they.

    4. If they’re that bothered about dietary ‘needs’, they can take in packed lunches. Problem solved.

    1. Puts “I, Claudius” in the shade. There is even an evil group of ‘suicide facilitators’ lurking on the fringes.

  26. ‘Morning, Peeps. Late on parade again, following builders’ meeting here first thing for work starting on Monday.

    Meanwhile, another obituary for a brave old soldier. A long life well-lived:

    Major Douglas Covill, awarded an Immediate DCM for courage in Italy – obituary

    When his tank was hit he saved his gunner’s life and took control when his troop commander was killed by a sniper

    Telegraph Obituaries
    8 March 2022 • 10:58am

    Major Douglas Covill, who has died aged 101, was awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal in 1945 at the Battle of the Argenta Gap and subsequently became Mayor of Winchester.

    In April 1945, a series of battles took place in northern Italy to secure the eastern flank of the 8th Army. The Argenta Gap, an important strategic feature, was flanked on the left by the River Reno and on the right by flooded country and Lake Commachio.

    On April 17, Covill was a troop sergeant in the 10th Royal Hussars supporting 24th Guards Brigade in an attack on the Fossa Marina, a large canal and a major obstacle in the assault on the Gap. When his tank was hit by a bazooka and caught fire, his driver was killed, his gunner had a broken leg, and the tank, now well ablaze, continued to move towards the enemy.

    Covill, a small man, hauled his gunner, a large man, out through the turret, pushed him off the tank and dragged him into a ditch where they were pinned down by machine-gun fire. Using hand signals, he called up one of his troop’s tanks and directed its fire on to the Spandau machine-gun post. He then carried the wounded gunner and placed him on the back of the tank.

    When his troop leader was killed by a sniper he ran across open ground under fire, took over the tank, and with the two remaining tanks continued to give vital support to the hard-pressed infantry. He was awarded an Immediate DCM.

    Douglas Frederick Covill was born at Croydon on November 14 1920. Known as Dougie, he was 14 when he left school, and he joined the 10th Royal Hussars in 1937. In May 1940 his Regiment was sent to Normandy to support the French army.

    He was a lance-corporal gunner in a light tank, and when his tank commander was killed by a sniper he took his place for the rest of the short campaign. During the evacuation from France, the 10th Hussars embarked from Brest in an Isle of Man ferry and reached Plymouth on June 17.

    In November 1941, the Regiment deployed to North Africa. Equipped with Crusader tanks, and part of 7th Armoured Division, they saw action in Operation Crusader, the Battle of Alam Halfa and the Second Battle of El Alamein. In the course of one fierce engagement, Covill’s tank was knocked out. He was wounded but soon returned to his troop.

    In April 1944 the regiment moved to Italy, and he was wounded again by shrapnel during the battle to break through the Gothic Line. It hit him in the chest, just missing a main artery, but he was back in action for the final offensive.

    After the end of the campaign in North-West Europe, the Regiment spent much of the post-war years on occupation duties in Trieste, Austria and Germany. In 1959, he was commissioned and served as a quartermaster with his regiment in Germany. He was appointed MBE in 1968.

    After retiring from the Army and settling at Alresford, Hampshire, he represented the district as a Conservative member of Winchester City Council for 10 years. In 1988 he was elected Mayor of Winchester. Among other activities, he was a leading Freemason, county president of the Royal British Legion in Hampshire and chairman of the Distinguished Conduct Medal League.

    He and his family moved to Storrington, West Sussex, in 2001. He played a good game of bridge and kept in close touch with his old regiment.

    Douglas Covill married, in 1947, Inge Jeske, a German girl whom he met when his regiment was stationed at Lübeck on the Baltic coast. She predeceased him and he is survived by their two daughters.

    Douglas Covill, born November 14 1920, died November 15 2021

    1. Without in any way being disrespectful to an ancient warrior – my eye did catch this:

      “…..was awarded a Distinguished Conduct Medal in 1945 at the Battle of the Argenta Gap and subsequently became Mayor of Winchester….”

      which suggested to my feeble funny bone that the mayoralty was dependent upon the DCM…

      I’ll get me blanco.

    2. …and a leading BTL:

      Things to Thinkabout
      14 HRS AGO
      Douglas Covill had a job to do in the army and he performed brilliantly…what’s more he survived to live another seventy seven years after the end of WWII.
      We can never imagine the situation he found himself in when attacking the Germans…but he prevailed and for that we, and democracy, will forever be grateful.
      Thank you Douglas Covill and long live people like you.

    1. Speak up, BBC, we can’t hear today’s criticism of the ASOV Brigade who you label both Far-Right and Nazi, the latter being National Socialists. Can’t be both.

    2. HA!
      Last week when this all kicked off, someone cited Putin’s claim of denazifying Ukraine as propaganda, made up by the Russians.
      I said that the Asovs had been well known for several years, and I was told that this was fake news from Russia. That was clearly got from the legacy media.

      To put this film in context, the beating up and intimidating activities on that flim attributed by the BBC to “far right” are actually standard antifa tactics on the Continent.

    1. It’s amazing that someone that thick is a politician. What is depressing is that she is far from being the only stupid one. It seems that the calibre of those who represent us is rapidly going downhill so that kindergarteners are now our MPs.

  27. 4G/5G phones and no landlines

    What happens when landlines replaced

    Apart from the effect of weather on Phone Masts etc, the problem we are going to have is lack of electricity.

    Loss of power, signal etc will be the Symptom.

    The Defect, loss of generation of electrical power which will be totally, utterly, completely, 100%, without a doubt due to
    Net Zero compliance


    Fault; A rectifiable occurence in an otherwise serviceable system/component/item etc

    Defect an error in Design which can only be rectified at source

    1. I’ve been retired since 2003 and I remember we raised this issue with Cisco, who provided most of our network kit, when they tried to sell us voice over IP systems back then. The problem remains and ‘greenery’ can only exacerbate it..

    2. More lunacy, probably pushed by bean-counters with arts degrees who think the tooth fairy installs their lavatory and keeps their lights on.

      1. They is sooooooo stoopid.
        I know it’s the house elf; he parks his pink unicorn on the lawn and it plays havoc with my aquilegias.

    3. About twenty years ago, there was a major ice storm that took out most of the electricity distributions in Eastern Canada and the north eastern US. Even though we had no power for about two weeks the phones continued to work.

      It was interesting to call work colleagues in Singapore to explain why we could not get into work.

  28. I’ve glanced through today’s comments and have found too many that consist of silly sarcasm, unwarranted criticism, unbelievable ignorance and downright nastiness. I guess some of you deserve one another. In any event, I’m minded to leave you to it – until I get tempted to join in again.

    1. Don’t go Geoffrey. You make us laugh so much it will be miserable without you.

    2. We don’t all agree with one another and perhaps you’re upset that most disagree with you.
      Always sorry to see one leave perhaps you’ll come back when you can accept that we don’t all agree with your view.

    3. If you want to see the bad, I guess you will.
      I don’t like personal attacks, including some of the stuff that has been said to you recently, but a policy of avoiding talking about contentious issues with those with whom one clearly disagrees works well, I find.

    4. As I mentioned the other day, it is a bunch of uncontrolled school kids ganging up on someone who is not part of their gang.

  29. We have just listened to “Vincent” on Mellow Magic. Such a beautiful song. I know this song has a particular poignancy for one of our fellow Nottlers.

  30. Good Morning All!

    Here is a thought. No matter wherever in the world there is some trouble, the BBC’s social media is instantly on it. Sympathetic “journalists” with heart-wrenching stories, photos and film. In depth interviews with the relatives here in the UK. My question is, how is it that there are always thousands of relatives (e.g. Ukrainians )already in the UK? How do they arrive here and get leave to remain? Is there any country in the world that does not have a large number of its people living in the UK, legally or illegally? Albanians! Turks!…

    1. How come there were 30,000 Ukes in the UK to begin with? Maybe they found the same tunnel as the Albanians use.

      1. Because they’re good workers, probably. I have a Ukrainian software developer colleague. Came across many of them in Germany and liked them.

  31. ‘Morning again.

    Nottlrs may be interested in this unusually forthright broadside from the Coalition For Marriage (C4M):

    Ben and Jerry’s: Naïve about Putin and wrong on same-sex marriage

    Dear marriage supporter,

    Sometimes the enjoyment of ice cream can leave a bitter taste if the brand gets involved in woke politics.

    Ben & Jerry’s is one of the worst offenders. One of the most activist brands around, its board takes positions on everything from not antagonising Putin to, inevitably, supporting same-sex marriage. As the Ukraine invasion shows, Ben and Jerry’s is as wrong about Putin as it was in backing redefining marriage.

    The company even made a campaign video during the Irish same-sex marriage referendum, while during the Australian equivalent it announced a gimmick banning two scoops of the same flavour.

    The brand’s owner Unilever has indicated that it might consider selling the company, along with its other food brands, to focus on personal care, home and hygiene. As prices have risen in recent months Unilever has laid off hundreds of workers, possibly signifying a company in trouble.

    However, lawyers have warned that the ice cream brand may be too controversial to find a willing buyer, owing to a clause in its 2000 takeover agreement which protects its board’s political independence.

    Yet when it comes to how it treats its own workers, Ben & Jerry’s has been criticised by the Guardian for using US suppliers which fail to uphold basic standards, housing workers in barns and unheated trailers where they sleep on straw and are reportedly asked to work 12 to 14 hour days.

    We don’t need our ice cream brands to lecture us on marriage or anything else. Brands should stick to their core commercial aims, treat their workers right, and stop antagonising existing and potential customers with divisive political messages.

    * * *

    I have never bought their ice cream, and now have no intention of ever doing so. They must be overcharging if they can afford to employ people to make endless political pronouncements!

    1. We have a very good local brand and if we want to buy ice cream that’s where we go.

      1. I make my own. Brought an ice cream maker several years ago. I have a Ben & Jerrys ice cream recipe book also from several years ago when all they did was make ice cream and were still non-political hippies. So now I don’t have to put up with any guff from them if I feel like making cookie dough ice cream or whatever I fancy.

    2. Remember the old joke from our childhood days?

      What is the difference between the ice cream van and a durex?

      The first is: STOP ME BUY ONE
      The second : BUY ME STOP ONE.

      1. When i lived in a large shared house in Wheatstone the guys were always playing tricks on each other.
        I came home late one night stepped up and opened the inner door of the lobby and there was a huge crash, someone had stacked up the left overs from Saturdays party behind the door crashed all over the hall floor. Then I fixed up a trap so when the culprit opened the doors of his wardrobe all his clothes were forced out by an expanding umbrella. Next was driving off to work and a row of old cans on a string followed on behind. One chap who often forgot his front door key use to climb in through a down stairs rear window. We plastered the inner handles with jam. Then the Pièce de résistance it had to happen. A French letter filled with a lot of water, was suspended inside the lobby and a sharpened nail inserted in the top leading edge of the outer front door. When the door was opened the nail did it’s job and Phil was soaked. He lives in Canada now.

          1. 😂😅
            After living in Oz for 4 years and finding a couple of Red Back spiders under the seats, I quite often lifted the set with my foot.

    3. Not sure I get the ban on two scoops of the same ice cream. Surely it should have been a ban on two scoops of different flavours – unless one was light and one dark?

    4. I have avoided their over-priced product since they openly campaigned for gay “marriage” in Britain.

    5. I will confess. I have bought and will continue to but B&J’s ice cream.
      Bot only when I see it ½ price in ICELAND.

      1. I watched that the other day, Starkey nailed it IMHO.
        Send it to the BBC news desk they could do with a look at the facts.

        1. Unfortunately he has already been cancelled by the MSM and politicians because he expressed the scientifically accurate view, publicly, that men cannot be changed into women, nor women into men. He is thus persona non grata.

          1. As they BBC have deleted the interview between Lord Dannatt and Queen of the news Victoria Derbyshire. They don’t like the truth,………….. “they can’t handle the truth” !

          2. It’s a very convenient way of filtering out anyone with any common sense from public discourse.

    1. Such an obscure issue from a very specific group – do we hold the Brownshirts as the exemplars of all Britons? Was Hitler representative of all Austrians? Crocodile Dundee all Australians?

      If something we’ve learned from recent events is the eagerness of far, far too many people to fanatically obey authority at any cost to themselves and others.

  32. Good morning. The WEF guy who says that the 4 billion year epoch of man as a creature of free will “is over”, and that “some God above the clouds” is to be replaced by “intelligent improvement” undertaken by people who have the technology to do what Hitler failed to do (Yes, he does say that!) has, if Google is to be believed had 2.5 million hits with a YT clip explaining how Russia has already lost.

    1. Does he say the Hitler comment in that WEF talk introduced by the stupid woman from the FT?
      I only heard part of that talk, but what I heard was appalling – mostly, I was appalled that adults were sitting there apparently taking this tripe seriously!

      He appears to be a supremely malign individual, but I do not think he is as clever as he thinks he is.

      The fancy graphics in the background didn’t impress me much either – some fairly basic code presented as forbidden knowledge essentially in the clip I saw.

      1. Oddly enough the books by him that I have read, Sapiens and 21 Lessons for the 21st Century, do not appear malign at all. What he’s trying to point out is the way things have changed and as I interpret them he’s saying “mankind” must be very careful what they do with what they have created.

      2. It would not matter if he was just a passing nutter. These people have humanity in the crosshairs and they have already killed and injured thousands. They will not stop until they are stopped. Without them the virus, the climate nonsense, BLM, identity politics and what is now happening at the expense of Ukrainians to divert us from the emergence of VAIDS and a vast raft of other crap would not be happening,

        I think the old aphorism that evil always over-reaches and has no sense of humour is well demoed with these reptiles!!

        1. Well, I think your latching on to remarks about Hitler is a bit absurd. The man is Jewish after all and the remark in the article is given no context whatsoever. It is all on its own as a separate paragraph:

          “Harari states that that Hitler and Stalin failed because they did not have the technology to subdue the masses, that corporations can now leverage. As brazen as that.”

          It gives no context of any sort for the statement, whether Harari approves or not of the two people in question. I would assume judging from his own words he disapproves. It isn’t even a quote but a statement alleging he said plus it is contained in a polemic that is highly prejudiced and obviously has an axe to grind. Further it gives no reference for the remark, which makes me highly suspicious. I would like to see a footnote citing where the remark comes from. That there isn’t one leads me to believe that whatever Harari actually said does not support the author of the articles contention.

          Now, the thing I posted is Harari explaining himself and he seems entirely reasonable in his remarks. So I would rather believe what he says rather than believe someone who looks very much like they are projecting their own prejudices onto the man and who strikes me as not being entirely honest.

          As for “free will” I again, in the article I posted which again, to remind you, is Harari speaking for himself, I see nothing that suggests he dismisses it at all.

          1. Here is what the man actually said to the WEF:

            “They might enable human elites to do something even more radical than just
            build digital dictatorships by hacking organisms. Elites may gain the
            power to arrange a near the future of life itself because once you can
            hack something you can usually also engineer it only tacking organisms
            and reengineering life itself.

            In the past many tyrants and governments wanted to do it but nobody understood
            biology well enough and nobody had enough computing power and data to
            hack millions of people. Neither the Gestapo nor the KGB could do it,
            but soon at least some corporations and governments will be able to
            systematically hack all the people. And if indeed we succeed in hacking
            and engineering life this will be not just the greatest revolution in
            the history of humanity, this will be the greatest revolution in biology
            since the very beginning of life 4 billion years ago.

            For 4 billion years nothing fundamental changed. Science is replacing
            evolution by natural selection with evolution by intelligent design. Not
            the intelligent design of some God above the clouds but our intelligent
            design and the intelligent design of our clouds. The IBM cloud, the
            Microsoft cloud, these are the new driving forces of evolution. Today we
            have the technology to hack human beings on a massive scale.

            Also you could implement it in this time of crisis – you have to follow
            science. It’s often said that you should never allow a good crisis to go
            to waste. Surveillance people could look back in 100 years and identify
            the corona virus epidemic as the moment when a new regime of
            surveillance took over especially surveillance under the skin. My brain,
            my body, my life doesn’t belong to me or to some corporation orto the
            government but perhaps to the human collective. “

            Parse that, Jonathan.

    2. Thing is, these folks have never learned from history. Oppression never lasts. It doesn’t work. The globalists keep thinking that the economy will continue growing at the same rate when they control everything. It doesn’t. Then they can’t feed the poplation, unemployment soars, crime skyrockets, the black economy takes over and poverty becomes the natural state.

  33. A report released on Tuesday forecasts that UK living standards will be cut by £2,500 ($3,285) per household this year, as inflationary pressure and a slower economy hit after the West imposed a raft of economic sanctions against Russia.

    The Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) claims that living standards in Britain are set to take their biggest hit since records began 1955, as global commodity prices and inflation rise in response to the sanctions.

    The CEBR has halved its growth forecast for the UK in 2022 from 4.2% to 1.9% and predicts a more dire situation in 2023, with its growth estimate being reduced from 2% to 0%, seeing the economy grind to a standstill.

    1. Can’t you give us the good news about how living standards will be cut in Finland occasionally? 🙂

    2. TBF I don’t think anyone who thinks about what’s going on needs telling their living standards are going to fall. It’s just not all down to global commodity prices and rise in inflation. A lot, if not most, is down to past and present U.K. government.

  34. Morning all……..blimey it never rains but it pours. Heating engineer on his way to service the boiler. Phone call from Melbourne, another from an old Mate in Mill Hill. My best mate on MK hospital radio. Local Funeral later this afternoon. Coffee required………

  35. Nicked Comment,My meme

    I’m so relieved that the cost of living crisis, £2/litre fuel, a

    doubling of gas and electricity bills, >10% inflation, food

    shortages, massive hikes in council tax, pension pot raids, the highest

    ever tax take and record NHS waiting lists will not affect in any way

    shape or form the filth that blights our country after its sailed across

    the Channel.We wouldn’t want those who’ve never contributed a penny to suffer would we now. They won’t be shivering in their 5* hotels.

      1. Heavy dose of DDT required with our current parasites, George, plus the legal suspension of Halal.

  36. Cripes; is someone listening to me?
    Spartie’s repeat prescription is for 90 days, not 60. Saves some hassle.
    Now apply the same common sense to human prescriptions. If, after 12 weeks, nothing untoward has appeared, a 3 monthly repeat would be fine. Lodge the scrip with the pharmacy if there are worries about confusion or over-dosing.

    1. As I said yesterday, a (human) prescription here needs a full 5 working days between popping it into the side door letterbox and picking it up. It was 3 days BC and I wonder if it will return to 3 days. Only joking there as there’s no chance of them rescinding it.
      The vets operated a 100 times more efficiently than the NHS during the Scamdemic.

      1. My dentist didn’t let me down. My GP went AWOL. Arguably the dentists job put him more at risk than me sitting opposite a GP for 5 minutes. They should be ashamed of themselves.

      2. I’m usually able to phone in my request to the Prescriptions Hotline one day and, though they warn you it could take 2 to 3 days, I can pick it up the next working day.

      1. Spartie’s pills arrive in a box for 100 – with the required number removed.

  37. The old Cold War defence for having nuclear weapons was that neither side was prepared to exterminate the human race.

    Reading the MSM it would appear that the West – including the muddle-headed old idiot in the White House – is still not prepared to exterminate the whole human race but that Putin is quite prepared to do so.

    Does this not give Putin a clear tactical advantage?

    If Putin wants to go down in history as the man who wiped out the human race then who will be there to write that history? Maybe David Starkey has immunity against nuclear fallout and can take on the job?

    1. What the Russians actually said was that they don’t want to live in a world where there is no Russia. This is a bit extreme, but the Americans would probably feel the same way, if they felt threatened, which they don’t seem to at the moment, as they are running one of their home office wars on the other side of the world.

      Having thought it over, I think Blinken saying they would send jets yesterday, and then the White House retracting that, was deliberate, in order to keep the CRISIS!! stoked up.

      1. ‘Join Loose Women on ITV to celebrate International Women’s day’

        Yes, birds sitting on their arses drinking coffee and chatting inanely while men are at work will make a nice change…


    1. I put that up on FB yesterday and one of my female friends said it was a protest. ;D

    1. I thought every day was Women’s Day.
      Don’t tell Maggie i posted this. :-))

    1. Good afternoon jonathanrackham

      Not many upvotes on your post – but I have given you one.

      Frankly I don’t know the truth – who does?

      Think Cuba 1962..

      1. When Cuba happened the individuals ability to gather information was primitive. It isn’t anymore.

        I do not see why you would regard a colonel simply telling the truth as propaganda. What he says has a perfectly consistent narrative related by other people behind him. Those people do not exclusively come from the Western side or the Russian side. India, for example, gives out much the same narrative. Our problem, it seems to me is that we tend to be very “Eurocentric”, for want of an expression, and disregard information form elsewhere as irrelevant. In fact most people don’t even bother to seek out alternative sources for information, especially if it tends to fit the other sides account of events.

        1. Yes there is a lot more stuff out there, but how much is truth and how much is enhanced wishful thinking?

          Is that person really a US colonel, is he off his rocker, is it a simulation that put words into a real person’s mouth?

          1. He was on Fox. They rarely make such mistakes. Putting on a fake colonel is highly unlikely. He would be known to them.

          2. No it isn’t it is much more reliable. In fact I would say it is the most reliable after years of watching that and CNN in the USA.

          3. CNN almost from its inception, made ‘news’ an entertainment subject. There are now very few MSM factual non-opinionated news outlets.
            At least Fox will go against received wisdom if it thinks others opinions are wrong.
            (sorry) edit:
            Like you I’ve watch it (cnn) and others from around the world for many years of living outside UK.

          4. CNN almost from its inception, made ‘news’ an entertainment subject. There are now very few MSM factual non-opinionated news outlets.
            At least Fox will go against received wisdom if it thinks others opinions are wrong.
            (sorry) edit:
            Like you I’ve watch it (cnn) and others from around the world for many years of living outside UK.

          5. He’s real (but) quite highly respected by Donald Tump so in some eyes, tainted by association.

          6. Yes, despite all that has happened since Biden was installed at the White House, Trump Derangement Syndrome is still as strong as ever.

        2. As I said I don’t know the truth about many things – but it is important to hear different points of view. As Paul Simon rightly observed in his song The Boxer:

          A man hears what he wants to hear and disregards the rest

          1. That is what I do Rastus. Which is why I mentioned India. I read a lot of Asian sources for news.

  38. I have a question. Why are comments closed after two days for each days posting?

      1. Yes, but I wondered why. Rose asked me a question and I am unable to answer because the conversation started on Monday, I think it was. But everything started on that day is now locked.

      1. Just did my order too. Arrives Friday. Trouble is with M & S is I end up ordering a lot of self indulgent foods such as pate’s, smoked salmon, melba toast etc, and today, kimchee.

        1. You only live once. They have a very good range of fishes. I was tempted by the steamed octopus but it was rather expensive.

    1. It’s been so for a long time now as a means to stop the spammers posting on old pages. They come in waves and currently seem to be in abeyance. But they will be back.

  39. A note to put in your diary

    Submit meter reading to you energy supplier on 31st March otherwise any energy you use in March will be billed at the new April charges.

    1. Not is you have a fixed price contract. Mine does not change till November.

        1. I’m on a fixed term contract til late next year. I intend to spend what i have saved on Russian Vodka and Caviar.

  40. That wasn’t a bad run in the van.
    Bonsall to Ossett to pick up an auction purchase, left home at 9 and was back home before 12, and that includes a stop for a mug of tea in the business park the auctioneer in located in!

  41. Damn, damn and thrice damn.
    I filled up with diesel today without looking carefully as I drove in. I used ordinary diesel rather than Premium, thinking I would save a few cents a litre.
    Hell’s teeth, as I drove out I noted that the Premium was 15c a litre cheaper!
    Presumably they must price in accordance with the delivery costs and the ordinary was the most recent supply.

    1. My first 3 . So far three 4s and now my first 3! The alcohol must help, along with the first word.


    Austria has abandoned mandatory vaccination ! ! !
    This is an object lesson for other countries where vaxx mandates are proposed; there is a large rump of Austrians (about 25% of the population, I think) who are not vaxxed, and did not get vaxxed even when the proposed penalties were set.

    The penalties were due to come into place on 15th March.
    It was a game of chicken between the government and the unvaxxed, and as many people expected, the government backed down at the last minute.

    I wonder if this was because of the number of vaxx injuries reported, because clearly if the government forces you to get vaxxed, then they are liable.

    1. I think it is more likely that you can’t ban 25% of your population from functioning. In the end you would destroy your society and the economy.

    2. I believe there will be a lawerfest after a while. PPI will be chicken feed to future payouts. Unfortunately, it will be long suffering taxpayer who will be on the hook.

  43. The latest addition to the self-serving narcissists lounging on leather benches in Westminster and lining their pockets with cash taken from the poorest in society. Paulette Adassa Hamilton, Labour MP for Birmingham Erdington, who said she was torn between a democratic vote and an uprising to enable black people to get what “we really deserve in this country”. And they say turds can’t talk – well, I disagree.

    1. She is utterly sickening, but the Labour party has crammed the Commons and Lords with people like her.

      1. I’m sure there are plenty of black people who are just getting on with life without shouting their “victim status” to the rooftops. She can’t be doing them any favours.

    2. What you deserve, Madam, is fast transportation back to the roots that slavery saved your ancestors from. That’s ALL you deserve, otherwise shut your cackling hole.

    3. “…an uprising to enable black people to get what “we really deserve in this country”.

      Be careful what you wish for.

    4. If she goes ‘out on the town’ and overdrinks, could she be classed as 5HlT faced (times 2)

    1. The headline is too confusing. Are the labs false, was the claim false, or are the labs real and the Russians lied about them?

    1. It is simply an extension of the woke policy of cancellation of anyone who says or does something which the woke person objects to.

    2. Sheer, ignorant stupidity.

      You’d better ban William the Bastard while you’re at it – fools – and Welsh Fools at that.

    3. I wonder if it is taught that Hitler invaded Poland and the Poles were doing ok – until Russia attacked from the other end, forcing a war on two fronts.

      It was only when Hitler got greedy that the Soviets kicked back and became allies.

    4. This anti-Russian behaviour against innocent Russian people seems to me to be very like the way Jews were treated in WW2 and it diminishes us just as antisemitism diminished the Germans and now those in the West who practise it.

      However, no matter how many rapes and bombings and other horrific acts the Muslims commit they are protected by the state and the MSM from Islamophobia!

    5. I have some home made borscht in the freezer ………
      Ooops … thah goes my front door.

  44. ‘Your gas guzzler kills’
    CLIMATE ACTIVISTS have deflated tyres of hundreds of “gas guzzler” cars across London in what is believed to be a splinter group of Extinction Rebellion, reports claim.
    They left only a note stating they wanted to “make it impossible to own an SUV in the UK’s urban areas”. The group targeted cars in Chelsea, Chiswick, Notting Hill and Belgravia.

    Watch out Chelsea tractors…..

    1. If they need to get the beasts towed somewhere, Trudeau has a nice line in tow trucks that are no longer (well never really) needed.

      Who knows wy anyone needs a Chelsea tractor in Chelsea, but their choice surely.

      Anyone up to a counter demonstration? We could go round and plug toasters into EVs to run their batteries down.

        1. Well it bloody cold here, a few exposed toasters might help melt some of the snow.

          1. A couple of weeks ago, my younger grandchild in Toronto threw a massive tantrum when she heard we had crocuses blooming and daffodils budding. Apart from at school recess time, they never get to play with other children, very sad. I know the ‘mental health’ line is often over-used but I really think the situation there is adversely affecting their mental health and general development. No play dates, even in the park, constant reminders to sanitise their hands, fear of the ‘germs’ which might kill daddy and mummy, masks for little children and so on.

          2. Is it still like that in Canada? Criminal. Why don’t they all rebel and ignore what seem like utterly draconian rules? After all Trudeau was over here recently meeting our Queen. Without a mask.

          3. Son and DiL have fully bought into the fear. Older one jabbed as soon as eligible (6) with 2nd Jan just 5 weeks later. They can’t wait until the younger one turns 5 to get jabbed.
            Back in September when school started, I was horrified to find out both would be muzzled – the younger one starting junior kindergarten was still 3!
            I got my head severely bitten off for pointing out that when secondary school kids here were muzzled but primary never were, there was no difference in proportion of classes/pupils being sent home. They all but accused me of wishing harm on my grandchildren.

          4. Oh dear I’m so sorry. It’s awful isn’t it. Our granddaughters were both jabbed in Dubai, aged 20 and 17, and our 18 year old grandson in Guildford was jabbed because, he said, he wanted to be able to go to night clubs (he’s at Birmingham University, 1st year). The psychological damage will be the worst for younger children. We don’t bring the subject up with our U.K. son but he was critically ill with double pneumonia and only just pulled through. He hadn’t had the jab but had it afterwards, which I think was a big mistake, but that’s another story. He wanted us to have the jab but we’re not going to. DIL works for care homes and is a fully paid up believer. Our son came out of hospital on 30th December and has just begun his 4th week back at work, reduced days and reduced hours. His lungs are not back to full capacity yet but he’s been working hard exercise wise. I am very sorry to hear about your grandchildren. I hope Trudeau will relax very soon and that your grandchildren will forget in time how they had to wear muzzles. KBO Mibby.

          5. Thank you.
            We just have to hope for our grandchildren that the jabs won’t have any longer-term adverse effects on fertility or general health. Yours will find out sooner than ours!
            A difficult decision for your 18 year old grandson but, given he will only get one crack at being a student, probably the right one for his circumstances (and sanity!).
            Although your son has a way to go yet, at least he is making good progress. After being so seriously ill, he has made great strides in a relatively short time.
            Goodnight vw.

          6. I daren’t ask if the children are still muzzled though I suspect they are. Given the instilled fear in the children, even if when they can show their faces again in class, I think the 6 year old will be extremely anxious, poor child.
            The younger one has a speech problem and really needs to see the teacher’s mouth ….. but they are muzzled too 🙁
            The other day, I posted the picture of smarmy turdeau at close quarters with the Queen. What a hypocrite he is, still mandating masks in his own country but not showing any respect to our very frail Queen by going bare-faced.

          7. It’s wicked. Trudeau really shouldn’t get away with this.

            Heard a funny story today talking to a friend – masks are mandatory at their school, but nobody wears them, the teachers don’t enforce it.
            They had some inspectors from the local school board today – double quick masking up of all teachers and children!

          8. According to research by the Guide Dogs Association, about 80% of pet dogs are suffering from depression and anxiety. Maybe they’re catching it from their pet parents. I think Oscar is recovering from his anxiety and depression. He’s chilled out and generally far better tempered these days.

          9. Pets certainly seem to pick up on their owners’ mood. There are plenty of reports about dogs sensing when their owners are sad, and offering extra affection and comfort.

  45. You stupid, stupid, fucking bastards.
    Why don’t you just declare war on Russia and have done with it?

    Ukraine-Russia latest news LIVE: UK delivers 3,600 anti-tank missiles to Ukraine as Chernobyl ‘cut off from grid’
    Defence secretary Ben Wallace pledged a further delivery of anti-air missiles to bolster Ukraine’s defence

    That bloody cretin Woollard will be delighted I’m sure.

    1. Just prolonging the inevitable. Pity there is no push for diplomacy rather than adding fuel to the fire.

    2. Supplying anti-tank missiles and anti-air missiles to bolster Ukraine’s defence: is that not an act of war:?

      What say the lawyers?

      1. I’m not a lawyer, but I would have thought so.

        AND it doesn’t matter what the lawyers say, it’s what Putin thinks.

      2. I seem to recall we got fairly pi$$ed off with some of our European “partners” supplying Exocets to Argentina and sea mines to Iraq to give just a couple examples!

      3. You would think so wouldn’t you.
        Not in my name. When will our government learn?

    1. Meh. Looks like an office. What’s the point of being in the Cotswolds if you can’t have a yellow stone house with mullioned windows?

      1. Typical modern architect creation. The terminal building of a small provincial airport.

    2. One each for Gus and Pickles. One for me and the MR; a dressing room each – and a jigsaw room. Very straightforward!

    3. Already have the 6 bedrooms.
      Garden, thank goodness, is considerably smaller.

    1. If they want metal water bottles, why don’t the PARENTS buy them? In reality, there will be very few families who genuinely couldn’t afford to but their own, especially if they didn’t buy any cigarettes, takeaways or alcohol for a week.

      1. This is idiotic. A tough thick plastic water bottle isn’t expensive. Junior has 2. He’s had about 5 because he loses them – the latest one is on a bit of chain to his bag, so he can’t lose it.

        The thing I find somewhat patronising is the adult interrupting the lad. What I don’t find surprising is the MSP being mathematically inept.

    1. Commentary

      “Woakes replaces Wood from the Sir Curtly Ambrose end – can he find his zip that has been so missing (in the Lord Lucan sense of the word) all winter?”

  46. Trudeau the deluded is now talking about canada focusing on national defense, leaving others to take a bigger international role.

    The idiot really doesn’t understand the idea of mutual defense does he? With Russian expansion in the air, all it takes is Vlad to look North and pretty boy will be screaming for help.

  47. It may seem harsh but i feel the officials made the correct decision. A large Ukrainian family has been refused entry to the UK on the grounds of them having zero connection to anyone here. Rather than stopping in one of the numerous safe countries they have travelled through en-route to Calais, they turned up in the expectation of being allowed to travel to the UK. Or had they heard about the generous benefits, free accommodation and free health care handed out to all and sundry without needing to contribute.
    The UKgovernment tax-payers are sending millions in aid, both money and goods, to neighbouring countries such as Poland.

    1. Tell them that the new extinction rebellion off shoot will deflate their tyres?

      1. Tyre Extinction – they’ve been letting down the tyres of ELECTRIC SUVs as well! Duh.

    2. Yes, but the same applies to the sewage from Eritrea and Sundan spouring in to this country. None have any right to be here, yet the state doesn’t get rid of them, does it?

      1. Except they want to bring over their vehicle (and all its contents). If they were genuinely needing (as opposed to wanting) to get to the UK they would happily abandon the van.

        1. I still think they are being punished for doing things the legal way. Poland is refusing all the non-white refugees from Ukraine (mostly young middle eastern and African men), in case they are those ones that were shipped to Belarus and used to attack the Polish border. Guess who will probably take them in?
          But our government is pretending to have a border by refusing a white family that doesn’t break the law to enter Britain.

  48. That’s me for today. Nice and sunny most of the afternoon. Same tomorrow.

    Slight panic. The MR was running an international webinar at 4 pm. At 3.50 her laptop failed…. Luckily she had to time to get out her backup lappie and so the day was saved. G & P and I kept a very low profile for those ten minutes..!!

    I hope to join you tomorrow after Fakenham Market.. Have a jolly evening.

    A demain.

      1. Nothing here 🙁
        Still trying to lose the kilos I put on eating like a horse in dark, cold, stressy January.
        I’m only a little bit hungry…

        1. It can be hard work… Cutting out all added sugar and only eating low-carbohydrate & complex carbs helped me lose weight, slowly and surely. So, sourdough bread, cornflakes (no sugar) and so on.
          Read all the contents labels & only choose the ones with low % sugars. Protein & fat no problem. And try to eat stuff you like – no point in being thin and miserable.

          1. My job is worse at the moment.

            I have an AndroidActivity. It has an associated Helper object.
            Activity.OnCreate calls Helper.InitAsync which calls Activity.Start() which calls Helper.DoStartOnAnotherThread which calls Activity.DoStartOnYetAnotherThread….which actually starts the task!!!
            This is production code!
            He’s lucky I am not a violent person.

          2. Goto is a vastly underrated instruction.

            Just think complexity improves job security.

          3. I haven’t used goto since I was programming VAX Basic as a student. Am definitely in the Never GoTo camp.
            Complexity improves my dear colleague’s job security, not mine!

        2. Grizz seems to have had success with a diet that lets him still eat tasty nosh – ping him for advice.

          1. He does fasting, which is the same as I’m doing, though in a slightly less extreme way – I only stop eating at 5pm.

          2. I don’t eat breakfast unless there’s plenty of time (have coffee, though), and often miss lunch due to work, so dinner is the only reasonably regular meal I get.

          3. I found I was getting less hungry in the evenings, so I went with the flow and cancelled dinner. I’d be too ratty to get anything done if I missed breakfast. Lunch is the high point of my day 🙂

    1. I wouldn’t want him cancelled. Done is done. We all make mistakes in supporting causes. Mr Lineker has poor judgement at the best of times so maybe this is the first such [that word that means realised he’s wrong].

      (and no, I can’t think of it – help me out!)

      1. No, I disagree. Lineker jumps on every bandwagon going and uses his position to bully others.
        He should suffer what he has sown.
        To Hell with him.

        1. He is a particularly nasty man. Doesn’t like being criticised, cannot see anyone else’s point of view and had a revolting smug face that I would never tire of punching. And he gets paid for being that!

      2. Nah! I cannot agree. He has made a very good living being in the public eye, and gets away with being an illiterate moron, ‘cos he is on the beeb!

      3. “I wouldn’t want him cancelled. Done is done. We all make mistakes in supporting causes.”
        He’s admitting nothing. He’s a serial twat to be blunt. You must have the forgiveness factor of a saint.

  49. My 66 year old Wife , our 76 year old ex-wren neighbour and my 45 year old daughter are downstairs clutching variously bottles of red, rose and white and a variety of salty snacks while watching Calamity Jane. Thank goodness for a bit of normality.

          1. I only sing in church these days. Mind you, I usually did sing in church (I was in the choir), but also in the university choir.

          1. And line…and sinker! Bravo! Nice to see you! Beware the fish puns…we do a very good line in them!🦈

          2. I was floundering about to try & find a fishy pun, then I saw yours… fins ain’t what they used to be!

          3. Are you new to the site DTF?
            Looking at your name, I hope you don’t take personally our tendency to erupt into a barrage of fish puns, as we are wont to do at the drop of a hat.

            See the evidence below 🙂

          4. Are you new to the site DTF?
            Looking at your name, I hope you don’t take personally our tendency to erupt into a barrage of fish puns, as we are wont to do at the drop of a hat.

            See the evidence below 🙂

      1. took a little while to track that back to the non-nottl post re: the booze addled with cognitive deterioration reference but as it was a Daily Express article I took it with a pinch of Rioja . PS 1 pinch Datz = 50cl

  50. My 66 year old Wife , our 76 year old ex-wren neighbour and my 45 year old daughter are downstairs clutching variously bottles of red, rose and white and a variety of salty snacks while watching Calamity Jane. Thank goodness for a bit of normality.

  51. Evening, all. How many “British people” did they ask to come up with that headline? On a personal note, the Connemara excelled himself today. We were practising counter canter (where you are cantering with, say, the left leg leading, but going right). He did the exercise really well, then the next time we did it, he did a flying change! That’s where the horse “leaps” from one canter lead to the other without breaking stride. The irony is, if I had been doing a canter serpentine and asked for a flying change at the change of direction, chances are he would have given me counter canter!

        1. I could tell you in words how to tie an Albright knot, but you would be none the wiser as to its manufacture.
          Forgive me if I’m wrong. Took Oscar to the pub early doors this evening. He was very well behaved, but I was always ready to excuse him by saying he was a rescue dog (we’ve had him for 6½ years).

          1. Good Oscar. I love hearing all the doggy tales here because I would so love a pooch but am not allowed where we are.

          2. He can do a ‘They starve me at home.’ look that I could make lots of money from on street corners, if I could play any sort of instrument that is.

          3. Make a cardboard sign….”Please donate, dog is starving.” My idea- share the proceeds;-)

    1. We drink in moderation. Like the Port producer who was asked about his drinking. “About average”, he replied.
      “What’s average?’ asked the doctor.
      “About two bottles”, was the response, “a day”.

    2. It does seem a little odd that this is the first we’ve heard of alcohol shrinking the brain. It’s not as though this subject hasn’t been studied in the past. But maybe it has been known by experts for years?

      1. Each time i ma confronted by NHS workers they ask how much alcohol in drink. The last time was last August i was kept in one night for observation due to another reaction from a covid jab. I asked the nurse if people in hospital in Italy, Spain, France, Germany etc were also asked the same question, she didn’t like it……….. I’m just ticking the boxes was her terse reply.

  52. In case anyone is worried about the remains of the chocky fudge cake from last night….I had it for breakfast. Don’t tell my son! I used to tell him off for eating cold pizza for brekker.

        1. There are few pleasures in life better than feeding the soul. If that means fudge cake or cold pizza for breakfast, why not! at least it’s not a G&T🙄

          1. Now there I would disagree, G&T with a slice of cucummber, lots of ice on a hot day, yummy.
            But then again, probably like me when offered America or Australian beer, yukk it’s like nats pee.

          2. In the US I did enjoy the occasional Sam Adams beer, the only US beer I liked. Simply can’t stand the smell of gin.

          3. I’m the same with bacardi rum.
            PS. reading Sunne & Splendour again, this time without Encyclopædia Britanica.

          4. Don’t like that either. About the only spirit I can take a little of is Scotch. And only a little.

          5. No slice of cucumber for me, has to be a slice of lime, Tanqueray and good tonic, and plenty of ice!

Comments are closed.